CLASS-7 HISTORY CHAPTER-1 Tracing Changes in Medieval Period -by Vineet Kaur


Q1. What do literary resources include? Ans. Literary sources include autobiographies, biographies, chronicles and travelogues. Q2. Into how many periods can the medieval period be divided? Ans. Medieval period can be divided into 2 periods: - 1) Early medieval period (8th -13th century). 2) Late medieval period (13th-18th century). Q3. Who wrote Prithviraj Raso? What does it describe? Ans. Prithviraj Raso was written by Chandbardai. It describes the life and adventures of Prithvi Raj , ruler of and . Q4. Why was Bhakti Movement considered a major development in India? Ans. One of the major developments of this period was the Bhakti movement. This was a form of prayer in which the devotees would worship God without the help of priests and elaborate rituals.


Q1. Briefly describe the archaeological resources. Ans. The description of archaeological resources are as follows: - 1) Inscriptions - Inscriptions are found on the coins, pillars, monuments and seals. These provide short but important information on various aspects. 2) Monuments - Monuments like tomb, Forts, mosques and temples provide a lot of information about the period. 3) Paintings - In the medieval period two kinds of paintings emerged. They were the mural and miniature paintings. 4) Coins - Coins provide information about the names and dates or different rulers. They also give us an idea of the economic conditions prevailing during that time. Q2. How do travelogues help in reconstruction of history? Ans. Travelogues play a very important role in reconstructing history as many Muslim and European travelers visited India and wrote an account of the travels. It is the firsthand account of the period as it includes experiences of the traveller. It gives a detailed account of the conditions of people of that period. Some of the well-known foreign travellers who wrote the travelogues in medieval periods were: a) Ibn Battuta wrote about the reign of Muhammad bin- Tughlaq. b) Abdul Razzak gave an account of Vijayanagar empire.