The French Diplomatic Corps, 1789-1799
““PPrroovveenn PPaattrriioottss””:: tthhee FFrreenncchh DDiipplloommaattiicc CCoorrppss,, 11778899--11779999 Linda S. Frey and Marsha L. Frey St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture ST ANDREWS STUDIES IN FRENCH HISTORY AND CULTURE The history and historical culture of the French-speaking world is a major field of interest among English-speaking scholars. The purpose of this series is to publish a range of shorter monographs and studies, between 25,000 and 50,000 words long, which illuminate the history of this community of peoples between the end of the Middle Ages and the late twentieth century. The series covers the full span of historical themes relating to France: from political history, through military/naval, diplomatic, religious, social, financial, cultural and intellectual history, art and architectural history, to literary culture. Titles in the series are rigorously peer-reviewed through the editorial board and external assessors, and are published as both e-books and paperbacks. Editorial Board Dr Guy Rowlands, University of St Andrews (Editor-in-Chief) Professor Andrew Pettegree, University of St Andrews Professor Andrew Williams, University of St Andrews Dr David Culpin, University of St Andrews Dr David Evans, University of St Andrews Dr Justine Firnhaber-Baker, University of St Andrews Dr Linda Goddard, University of St Andrews Dr Bernhard Struck, University of St Andrews Dr Stephen Tyre, University of St Andrews Dr Malcolm Walsby, University of St Andrews Dr David Parrott, University of Oxford Professor Alexander Marr, University of St Andrews/University of Southern California Dr Sandy Wilkinson, University College Dublin Professor Rafe Blaufarb, Florida State University Professor Darrin McMahon, Florida State University Dr Simon Kitson, University of London Institute in Paris Professor Eric Nelson, Missouri State University “Proven Patriots”: the French Diplomatic Corps, 1789-1799 by LINDA S.
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