: ' THE WATEBFOBD NEWS." ^ninpinn .'j{/iu^mvifyj^u jftatels PRINTING ! PRINTING. ESTA2LI8HXD—1847. IRISH F^^Z=t3!w{£E3£l.S ! LIVOIST CIECDLATION IN TEX SOOTH OF IBILAND QUEEN'S HOTEL Effective arrangements exist at THE NEWS Office Waterford Steamahlp Comp&ny ' •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »rry FRIDAY, '¦ ¦ ' - ' ¦ for PRINTING of every description, including PallitlUd and Second KtUtion o» SiTDHDir ;-¦ ' ¦ -; ¦ • • . -:i y'j . :. ,. • • • . ; us* (Opposite the General Post OfSce), LONDON Xorntnf H at No: 49 and 50 , • • - ' (UMECZD). - - : v^t . ¦ ¦ , Xing-Strut, POSTERS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Headings, (0»08in THl TBOVlkoIAT. BAXX). ilNTENDED¦ OBDEB OF BAILING-APBIL, 1883...... - •• ;; ' .HTKAHEBSt. «.: — , H Oll/I -E M ANUFACTURED MANURES XjlOR Families and Gentlemen, Situated in the Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices, TJKICE—TWO PENCE ; Yearly (in Advanoe), 8s. 6aV 1 Memorandums, Rent Receipts, Rental*, Coursing, By PosMYearly). 10a.,6a. REGINALD, CO1TERAGH, LARA, ZEPHYB, GAL- • . :''x . : -L central and moat ait; part of the city. All XT TEE IDA, TINTEBN, ROSA, and DAUNTLESa 7t$$£i;xW°- " (id Private Hunt, Race, and Invitation Cards, and all the ; Cg" All Cheques and P.,0. Order*, made payable , - ¦ ¦, Bedrooms (200), including attondanco, 3a. ; :: (or StoanierCEEADKN, Bundlii«). " ! v v | ^J DOTLIKr AND •yVIOKLOW MANURE COMPANY, LIMITED, Sitting rooms, including gas, S3. 6d. General tariff Forms used in Poor Law Uuions. to CO»NILIUB REDMOND, at this Office ¦ i "\rOTIOEf. - ThS .Watqrfprd XT IN V^i-V X III ;THEIR MANUEES , at tbeir oxtensive Works, equally moderate. Smoking, Reeding, and Billiard lE3f E YE-LET LADELS to any size or pattern v <-men^> t SteamshipCompany (Limited MANUFA ^ITEB IEELA3JD situate The NBWS (Liberal in politics) circnlnteg *nm^STTV> H BBIDQE Rooms for Gentlemen. Ladies' Coffee and Drawing- Machine-Ruling, Book-Binding, and, in fact, everyi extensively i fi lifcA lVni raodTe floods and UvtBtook for. 8hlp- > ftt; j&]||»|ilfB0?O , DUBLIN, and the MURROUGH, WJCKLOW. where they use, rooms frco of ohargo. Night Porte rs and Firemen. amongst thn merchants, traders and nobility, sentry, ^riB*i^HBM&^ on tbe nonditioas nwnUonadln bi the Manures, Thousands of TODS of IRISH Sul hur Ore, and all other materials thing that can be done in a first-class Printing ' IJ»t» - ; i in. the ManoJae|il((* p [mh23.1y] gaming olassea Ao.,in AVaterfbrd, ^¦ "TST¦¦ ^^^T^WUn * , Ao.,¦ to be ltad at ttdr ' Establishment. . Elkenhy.TJpperaryY , u . ..,:¦,. .: , ¦ -nffloea. i ¦ - •. - . : • "-'" ; "i ipttAP"iVi i.K cr»!';i;: " .-]¦ • ;¦: . that can bo Wd-fa the Country, such as Raw Bones, Sulphate of Ammonia, aiC ^Kj ryn ial-tgo south oflroUnd generally.' The Niwa has -WATBBFOBD AHD BBISTOL 1 Bagsin whioKifcil; Manure to packed, and they give employment to a large number of Workmen. Imperial Hotel, attained a ciroolation never equalled by-any paper, ) ¦ Important to Farmers. noir WATSBIOU to aaisrot¦ : ¦r¦ sox ¦BSISTOI. to WATBSTOSS, CAHADA. " x formed' LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, DUBLIN. puslutad in Waterford, and is admittedly the leading I : ': ^ Direct) ; .< "-!• , '- Dbeeti" '* - , UNITED STATES & The Con«SB^was, for the purpose of supplying the Irish Farmers with Genuine Honest ' : ' hest Quality, (Oppositothe Goneral Poat-Offico and Telograph Office) BY ROTAL APPOINTMENT jourms.1in this important oity, with whichthere is direo Tuetday, April 8... 4 affnoon/Hranday,April 5 .. 4 morn r : Manures ofiiKJBig in the Best Condition, and at Moderate Price. d*Uy.ocjninnnioafaon from London. -... . ¦-• ¦. ' ; '•» FrUar,- •„ 6... 4 aft'noon Satoda r, „ T ...Uinight PotTO«nAfci:For^iiai ^w^l^ro:..M a!r- . 29 The most central in the City. To Her Majesty, by Special Warrant , dated December 11' and Po . TheyiJKjSlore, confidently appeal to tho Farmers of Ireland to support this NATIVE INDUSTRY., TaMdV, „ : 10...10J rnorh" Wednidiy,¦" „ .: 8jrf Va PlBirrtAK,...t...n?oif^Hanfax rtland ...Anril S . at COMPLETELY remodelled and re-fumished. 27th, 1865. Particular attention paid to obmmorcial and agrieul- Frid**,. „ 13..^ 1 att'BMa Saturday, „ 14 ...10;nlght •• • - '- Frto' QMiehttown . -| ¦ and keup5il>.$^(oney home, arid vo assist in the employment of Irish Workmen, and in the uianu- To the Prince of Wales dated .. ¦ ¦ ' , . . Magnificent Ladies' Coffeo-Koom, Dining-Eoom, , by Special Warrant, orolaatters.._'.;. . .:. v- . :< . ; ¦ - - :; . Toudar, „ I7.u 4 affaoon Thonday, : „ 19 ... i 'moro * ' ¦ iff noon Saturday, 'VHUMIAK.::..'. ...For -HaUfakatd'Bpston.;'...... April G faclure of thMRroduoeof their own Coantry. Smoking-Room, Billiard-room. Charges moderate. February 10th, 1806. Friday, ,. ^20»* „ 31 .ULmgnf ' " ' : - AdTertisements receivedior the Niwa by all respect-' HrB»BunAK..;...'.For .Halifal d BalUniorB..:Ai)rU 11 ,, j ,.t: * ^^ ,." • • . - [m9.3m] CHARLES LAWLER rietor. f8.tf Tuesday, -..V^ »-morn"-"¦ Wednesday „»... 8! «&n *n , i'rop DAT, SON, & HEWITT, able Newspaper Agents in the United Kingdom.-, Pre- Fridtj, ... "„ f tti.M Bom1 Siturday. - SB .:; 9,nl«ht GBBOIAN...... :.FOT -Quebec .'...... ;.April.20 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦»• ¦ ¦ • •«•« -'¦¦!' *» ' • ' • ¦¦• "" • .. ' ' Inventors and Sole Proprietors of the . . - payment requisite from parUos not known at the office. ' ». ». .? . -:- v. - . .j - THE , » , ;. AD8TBiAi^..,:.;..;F9r :Bosbm r~:r...... ,; ...April 20 Age;|j^DAVID HALLY, BaUybricken, Waterford. The Burlington Beetanrant, tarOasatlr.JCotBbig-Sam>, Cabins of the stecmen will HANOViBiAW..i'.For'Halifax dud'Baltimore.r.April 25 " Original" STOCK BREEDER'S MEPICINI 27, CHEST for all Disorders in HOESES ATTLE ALVKS OKKTS AIB •; U;opaa4o-Wo«. . ' WATERFORD—Mr, YT.-Xmvx, IdtUe.GeorgeVsi;. . , • ¦ • , J9*. ,^ ' : NE W S E DS (next door to Hibernian Bank). from diseaso, and in fine healthv condition, viz :— ; ¦ r;-:--- v & _;¦¦ - • • . • . . . ' . f'W.Ydo •' York I Deeij's. aindwii; 4s. •. ' Paisengirs for Netr or Philadelphia by the ||p " _ " DUNGARVAN—BKKNAN & Co., Devonshire Sqnare. and Dinners, Soup, Pish, DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " CHEMICAL EXTBACT" ' LANCT ':' :Ba4Un»re S^mera are . Tiotetoi} ThrQugh^hout LUNCHEONS En- TSAMORE—Miss O , Refreshment Booms. '¦ < -'*fe»ttiuzroosD i -: ¦"- . " rmnt Lrmtrooti¦. • - L tiees, and joints, prevents paining and heaving in bad lambing, cures CARRIfiK-ON-SPIB—Mr J. M-MnBPar;New»AifBat. - ; r &c, Suppers, Fish and Meat. " Monori Game always ready. . .. swollen and broken udders in Ewea and Cows, and all JCILKENNT—Mr. WOODLOOK, , Railway Book BUnd. l' i I I UJII . ii i II gangrenous wounds cnta, and sores in all animals. ¦ ; ' ...! J|. , Jliiii ! jtliLJIJai—ijjV f IBL'fcii waty -xeinioryv Hia WIU JTOTOIBine ,YKC»iernoia ies Ks reeeivfed^his Supply of New Vegetable Seeds, .The BIL'LARP'KOOM-is _elezarltly appointed.' ' . •- CiLHXB^-TsincAr SAHFBON,'News lAgenfc> ' . \ .' '.-,-;ib 1>AY, SON; B L D" ' and Canadaat loweat Bates. c- . .:.;. . 8®- OTNe&EejfS'gt the elega"i#fitKa Fish ; * HEWITT'S " GA SOUS F UI stops LCWJDONr-J^D^Kii«a, ' TROK WA»XRF0RD. Mrs. RICHARD COFFEY, Proprietress (widow of the his Cattle Diseases. • - TRACTS OH WRCT PATS, STWPATS. " 80LX AGENTS FOB WATERFOED : WATEBFOBD AND YOTTGHAL . | j . PERFECT late RICHARD COFFEYJ. CA UTION.—Beware of low priced Imitations, and THOMAS. S. HABTXT 4 8ON , 12, Little Georeo's-st. As Cargo offers. see that the name of DAY ON EWITT IJ o{ WATEBFOBD AND NEW BOSS . 8IAII0BS. . 124314 3 1243GoocV128| 128 FITTING" , S , & H on , • •• WiJ»rford ; . : Central ; immediate neighbourhood bottles and packets. JEBEMIAH MURPHY, 3arronatrand-street. Fao* Nxw Boss—Daily, Sondayseicepted , at 845 n,m. . Class. Class Clans. Class, Class. Class, COSTUMES MOST ¦R FBOK WiTBxroan—Daily, Sundays exoeptod, at 3^0 p.m. A.x. I r.M. r.x. 1 r.M noon : p.x. of Law Courts and Telegraph Offices ; a few PRIZE MEDALS AWAEDED. ICHARD LANDT, Carrick-on-Suir ; ED. PHELAN, WATEBFOBD ASD D VKC ANNO N ." MADE TO ORDER. doors from King's Bridge. Tramway Line ; five to ten DAY, SON, $ HEWITT, Portlaw ; WILLIAM FOBEISTAL, Grocer, New Boss; FBOX DracuntoH—Daily, Sondays exeepted, at 8.30 ajn. . I h m h. m.'. h. m. h. m. h. m.' p. m. minutes' drivo to any City Railway ; newly decorated 22, Dorset-street. Baker-street. London, W. PATRICK L VNOAN , Bonmahon ; J OSEPH MEANT, Gro- FBOK WATSKFORB—Daily, Sundays exoeptad, at 3^5 pjm. ' Watarford, departnre 7 15 1 0 ;? 0 6 15 — 4 15 and supplied with every modern improve- Established 18&. Nori—TheWaterford Steamship Company, Limited, Insure Kilmaoow.... 725 110 410 635 — 225 PATTERNS, DESIGNS, AND PRICES POST FREE. re-furnished, cer, Dungarvan or to ment requisite for tho comfort of visitors, under the AGENTS : N. and J. CUMMINS and BROS., Qaeenstown. all Goods Shipped by these Lines of Steamen at 3». 4d. per Mullimitat 735 — 420 645 — 435 Cent, to Traders having Yearly Agreements, and Ss. per Bollyhale 755 135 440 715 — 455 personal supervision of MrB. COFFET and family. Walerford—P ORCELL , T., Barronstrand-Street. Cent, to OccasionalShippe ra Talues to be declared at time o Thomastown 8 10 I 1 SO 4 55 ,80 ¦— 5 10 Eggs Butter, Cream, and Vegetables from tno Farm ., —WHITE, G. & SONS, Thomas-Street. , ' ' ' , THE IRISH BOATS Shipment. Forms and : all Information to be had at . Bennetsbridge ...:.... . 825 2 S 55 V 45— 520 825"Experienced assistants, qualified to take daily. Notwithstanding presont hi h rates, terms are Clonmel—HIOOINS , D. H.; PELLISSIER. R. offices. Kilkjpany...... ;arrival 8 45 220 525 83(7 — 6 40 ^ Xtsmore—NOONAN , J OHN. ^Do .:....;..departurel 8 55 2 30 5 35 — — 5 50 most moderate. Breakfasts from Is. 3d. Beds, from LINE. Berths securedand every information glren by Agents at t Orders, are despatched, on tne shortest notice, (id. oach. Tnblo d'Hote daily, three o'clock ; Sun- A"«to Ross—AUMSTRONQ & Co. ja26-13t WHITE STAR BRISTOL—Waterford Steamship Company's Office (Limited) Ballyragget. 9 20 2 (60 — '— 615 Is ROTAL AND MAIL STKAMIB8. 68,IQnsens Square AttsnagW 935 80.6 10— ' - 625 to all parts of the City and surrounding Counties days, five o'clock. Soup, Two Joints, Vegetables and _. » NOTICE.—The Steamers of this Livxarooi/—Waterford Steamship Company (Limited), 20, Abbeyleix ...... :.. 950 315 625 — — 640 Cheese, 2s. only. Free Grants of Land in Canada. *ke and Clarence Dock. Karyboro' ...... arrival 10 15 34570— — 70 (Free of Expense), carrying Selections and Pat- A Night Porter in attondanco. AH Servants paid b ne e I*ne Boutes, recom- Water-etreet, ' ' y «rarawia»%lfe\ ^ > ^^by ' NxwrOBT—Thomas & Co., Dock-street. Maryborough dep. up 10 52 4 2 — tho Proprietress. All communications to bo addressed 160 ACRES in MANITOBA and the NORTH- VjfBtWAjVgV mended Lieut. MAUBT, on both Pbrfafington Jane-11 11 4 17 " terns of all Materials suitable for , ^ DosoiavAX —Mr. 1. Downey, Maln-«treet — — — Mrs. COFFEY, Great Globo Hotel, WEST. 100 to 200 Acres in other parts. «Jpp5LHHBWOntward and Homeward Passages. YocosAb—W. N. TJssher, Nelson-plaoe. DuhU>. arrival 115 540 — — — —- magnificentSteamers , all construct- ' Athlone June, arriv. 4 45 I 8 30 — ' — • Family and Complimentary mourning. Lower Bridge-street, Dublin. Further quanties of New Land and improved Tbeea weU-Jmown At the Offioea, New Boas and Dnnoannon. ' ¦— ed by Messrs.. HABLAND ! & WOLPI, ot Belfast, art And at tha Company's Head Offices, THI w«i.i WATSSTORS Uaryboro' dep: down 10 30 — 7 11! — — —9 52 No communication with any other house. f2G.ly Farms to be purchased on easy terms. appbiated to Bail weekly as under,carryingher Majest y'l Ballybroony „... 10 56 — 7 46 — — I 10 25 ^ ASSISTED PASSAGES are granted to Quebec ' " ' Bcfcvwa 1134 — 83— — — D U B LIN. aad the United States Mails;— . . . CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY Panosstown 12 4 — 9 0 , to Mechanics, Navvies, General Labourers, • ' From LIVERPOOL :— APEIL, 1883. Nenagh ..; 12 23 — ! 9 20 ! — — — Commercial and Private Lodging House, and their Families at £i per adult ; Children under ' ' BALTIC - ... Tuesday, ... 3rd April Templemtie 118 — ; 817 — — 10 54 1 & 2, rCTELJSS JSt£j &JL *,Ij. 49, MAELBOROUGH STREET. 12 years Half-price. Agricultural Labourers and Thursday, ... 5th April Thurlea arrival 1S6 — ; 8 35 — — — GERMANIC ... : Regular Steam Communication between . PARTIES Visiting Dublin can bo accommodated, their Families and Female Domestic Servants, for ADRIATIC ... Tuesday ... 10th April WATERFORD I with or without Board, and all tho comforts of a which the demand is large, £3 per adult. Thursday, ... 19th April. 2) TO WATBBTO1P BRITANNIC ... WATERFOB.D and L O IT O XT , . (f 23-ly) home,' on Moderate Terms. [p25-tf Information and Pamphlets (supplied post free), REPUBLIC ... Tuesday, „. 24th April. Via Southampton and London, and South Western : TRAiss on wm Dirs. smroATi ja"Situation central, closo to Sockvillo-strcot. Calling at Qaeenstown, Cork, tho following day " containing the testimony of English and Canadian ¦ I, . Bailway. . Farmers as to the advantages FBOM NEW YOBK : . ., , PLYMOUTH AHD SOUTHAMPTON, ABD SOUTH or ENO- STATIOBS. 12 8| 12Sil42il 4 2 ' 1 THE ANGEL HOTEL of the Country, and ADRIATIC , .. Thursday, ... 22nd Maroh. ~ : LAND, COBK, DUBLIN, BELFAST ABD GLASGOW. jCIaaa. Clou. Clau.,Clan. 1248:124d other particulars. I A.K.•' A.K. I A.M. *jt Class.'CIass. REPUBLIC ... Satnrday. ... 17th Msrah. •: -vi "tk FITHE New and powerful Screw Largo, Comfortablo, and convoniontly sitnated THOMAS CONNOLLY, Canadian Government Agent, Taese splendid vessols REDUCE the PASSAGK to JL-Steuu«n ABA»MOUX, BAUiY. THIS Northumberland House, Dnblin fll.6m. •B ^ri ^ \ . h m ! u m h'Bi*ifc *in ¦¦h m pi HOTEL, has recently been thoroughly painted •he shortest possible time, and afford to Passengers the 7K^K\jrc< COTTON, COPELAND, (CUMBBf, I ivJ3 ».«:< ¦ and renovated by the preaont Proprietor, Mr. HEALY. ^¦¦Hlg i^.PASTNET, POBTLAND/BATHLIN, ¦: highest degreeof comfort hithertoattainable at sea. Thurles • dep. — 17 10 ZiiJ :~U- For Gentlemen and families coining to Dnblia on ALFRED PARSER, .^^ ( ¦^^^ ^^ BOCKABILL, TOWABD.WICKLOW, 7 29 ,"£+-; 8j 8 . Average .Passage, 81 days in Slimmer;: 9t days in ¦ r, . ¦¦ J- BEEBRYVOBE, BKELLIQS, • Templemorc • • — : — — legal business, it will bo found rnaat convenient, being , . ' ' •• '- Ballybrpphy. - - — ! 7 59; , - jj-Vj 3 £9 — — WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND SILVER Winter. Each Vessel is - constructed in 7 water-tight an intended to Sail as under, weather permitting(unless pre« " sitnated next to the Four Courts :; and for Wedding - . . , ¦ Ifanagli , • • — 6 30;:.^. 10 — — SMITH, bas REMOVED from 29 QUAY, compartments. ! vented * by unforeseen circumstances/,' with liberty to Tow Panwnstown - - - 6 40' ?- 120 - - Parties and Visitors to Dublin, tho accommodation is - The STEIEAOK8 are unusnally spacious, well lighted, Vessels, and to call at any Port or Ports in any order, in or ¦ HODGINS & DCflSSON , Boaorea - • • — 1 7 IS '^- 163 - - ' secoud to nona in the Kingdom. - and Billiard Rooms. Cooked Medical comforts ' roitarBngtoaJano 6i. — 8 S 9 48 8 45 . — — lies and onricbes the Blood, ssgKf**^ Provisions. free Wednesdaj-, 4th :„ Via Cork ' 1 pja::-i 10 1S "» 8 - ir52 MCaohine and Implezuent Establishment, TBALEE John Jamcsoii and Sons' Seven years' old Malt ; strengthens the NerrM ' in Steerage to attend' the via, Cork ft Dublin 1 pjn. Ksry&W?¦¦ srrl dwn - (825 The fferry Airrictfltaral, Seed, and MuscularSystem ; promotes Appetite and improves Di- ef obarge. Stewardesses Friday, 6th „ . -¦ - ' DOWJI TRAIBS.' : ' goods' MaU 1, 2, 3 — Gainness's Stout Bass's Alo. Wines, Brandies, Women and Children. , latarday. 7th „ ' direct. U noon gjstiou ; animates the Spirits aud Mental Faculties ; the . Karyboro' 1 dep. — 8 40 10 35 S 80 — 12 0 Friends and Castomera to our MIXTURE of GRASSES and Champagnes, Liqucurcs, Ac. roughly recruits the general bodily health, and induces a Passengersbooked throngh,at low rates, to all parts of Tneaday, lOtli „ via Belfast 1 pan. 1 Abbayleotr . - '— ' 9 O ilO 85 8 50 — 12 20 1 )|>E beg to call tho attention of our , Proprietor. jal3.1y Wednesday, 11th „ via Cork. ' 1 p.m. ¦1 T CLOVERS for Laying Down Laud for Permanent Pasture or Meadowing, also for one, two, or RICHARD HEALT proper healthy condition of the Nervous and Physical Forces. the Umitod States and Canada. APPLT TO : . AtUnagh - - — 9 15 i — 45 — 12 35 Bottles containing 32 measured doses, 4 B . 6(1. Friday, 13th „ via Cork 1 p.m. BoUyroggct • . • — 19 25 U 15 4 15 - 12 45 * we dovote special attention. T. 8. HARVEY, LitUo George's-stroet.-Waterford, latarday 14th „ direct. 13 noon' ' - . three years Lay. 1o this branch of our Trade SOUTH KENSINGTON In the pro[ < •> 7 45 !l0 12 :il 55 5 5 — . 180 rcflned trustworthy preparation of Iron, produced in a form JOHN H0L0HAN, CasUeoomer. Friday - 20th „ . via Cork 4 Dublin 1 p.m. Thbmastown ' -I 8 5 HO 25 12 5 5 20 —, 145 Our Stocks of TURNIPS, MANGOLDS, and CARROTS have all been grown for us by special con- " GLENDOWER MANSION," 21st . „ , direct- ¦ 12 noon Ii/. iiaitlkllltf J.V1T itl/AX' KJ.tf. which the experience of many years has proved the best. Satdrday . Ballyhale - -j 8 25 ;i0 40 12 IS 5 30 — 2 0 10113, 15JLDt, 17i./., andUJIU* 10, HARRINGTON ROAD, S.W t JAMES WATT8. Bonmahon. Tuesday, . 24th „ - vU Belfast 1 p.m. tract from Transplanted EOOIB, and will, aa heretofore, give our Customers the utmost satisfaction. This Tonic ollore a ready means of gaining the Btrength and T0B1N, senr., farmer Ballyduff. MullinaT.lt . .! 8 50 11 0 ! - 6 0 — 2 25 LONDON. other benefits afforded by Quinine and Iron, without any JOHN Wodnesday, 25th „ via Corl. 1 p.m. Knmacow - -| 9 0 11 10 .12 45 6 10 — 2 SS From gentlemen who have not yet proved our Seeds, we respectfully solicit a trial order. We depend position in Town). fear JAMES SCOTT & Co. Queenstown ; or to Friday. 27th „ via Cork 1 p.m. ; (The best and most convenient of ill consequences, as its composition is that approved of by Waterford ' -nrrivall 9 30 Hi 30 ll 0 6 30 — SO more on the superior quality of our Seeds than we do on Low Prices ; at the same time, our Prices will be Ono minute from South Kensington Station ; ten the great majority of medical men throughout the country ISMAY, IMBXE A Co 10, Water-street, Liverpool. Satnrday, 28th „ . direct 13 noon.. ¦ noM nusaow TO WAUBTORD . 81TOBDAT BXTDRB TICZBTSITO 'DOLIK—First and Second found, on comparison, to be as moderate as any respectable HOUBO in the Trade. minutes to Westminster ; eighteen minutes to the ¦ ¦ ¦ : PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC— Every MONDAY direct ~ -. . ... 2 p;m. Class Beturn Tickets an .lstned on Saturdays at a Single • We deliver all Seeds, except Grain, Carriage Free to the nearest Railway Station. City—Mansion Honso Station ; near Parks, Gardens, Bottles containing 32 tnsasnred doses AMERICAN LINK. . . ¦ BaIl. toGroenock...6J0p.m. Fare and as .Eighthfrom ,Waterford,Tbomaatown, Kilkenny. , 4a. 6d. Tonio _ • UNITED STATES MAIL Our Hlu$tratei Seed and Implement Catalogue pott free on app lication. iuO.2m Albert Hall , and Museums. treatment will remove Indigestion, Flatulence, Constant * Every WEDNESDAY, via Dublin ...... 3 p.m. Ballyngget/Attanagti, and Abbeyleix, to Dnblln, by the 1-0 Families wishing to avoid expense of House- Heartburn, Weakness of tho Stomach, Sinking Sensations in . Bail, to Greenocx...6.30p.m. and 4JO p.m; Up Trains,* available for returnon Sunday, and FOR .—a ^t>m. STEAMEKS, ; keeping, Visitors to Town, or Gontlomen desiring toat Orxon, Nausea, &c. The whole digestive functions &ro Every THUBSDAY direct ...... : 1 pjn. by tb»(M)¦" a,mand 94 a,m. Down Trainson llonday. 1 powerfully assisted by Quinine and Irun to Ball to Greenook...4 p.m- ' - " , . . . , . W. WTTiTiIAWa, Secretary. tho advantago of a Club, combined with tho privaoy . 2B^BHB»lRD,.VIA FlTSOUXS, . ., ¦ .. . - PASSAOI as low as by any other fast line, JJmerick dep... . —' 7 0 11 0 135 40<10 60 10 60 Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture." Flatulence, Pains between the Shoulders, Bad • PASSAGE.MONEY. , ; unction arriv. — 8 10 12 , 5 2 15 5 10 ;11 55 11 65 and CLEARING tho BLOOD Appetite, Indigestion, Acidity, Beadache, Heartburn, and ndnding an ample supply of good Provisions.. Steer- ' JLUJSUSTEIJEVS FOR CLEANSING - , , . Cabin. Betnrn. Deck !drk' ¦ .„ ... ¦ — 1 SO 2 0 .4 35 8 15 J 2 0 2 0: iFiR/.A.israis from all Impurities, cannot bo too highly recom- all otber Symptoms of Disordered Liver, and DyBpupti*. age Passengers are forwarded to New York or Boston ¦'¦ ¦ ' 5 5 40 10 0 4 10 4 10 ^ Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to be the safest ' Waterfordto Glasgowand Belfast ; 17s. 6d. 25o. 10s. roblin :, ::. ... 111 5' Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and without additional charge. • - . • . _ Li . i Dublin i dep... — — 9 0 10 15 -l! 0 7*5 7 45, mended. For and mildest pills for every coustitutioo. In boxes at Is. lid. Beds, Bedding, < ¦^^¦: ¦ 24500 6 10.6' Sores of all kinds it is a nevor-failing and permanent 2s. 0d., and 4s. Gd., at all chemist*. - iBTmimiDiATB PASSAOK, including ¦ :, z &. ^ ^: . ^ Sork- :. „ : ... . . — : 6 0 6 0 12 80 , and all necessary Utensils and separate Table, £8 0a. „ '¦[ Plymouth 4 Southamptoa.SOs. .^SOo. • 10a: : Jonotlon , ... — 8 35 12 15 8 25 5 85 -13 23 13 23 ouro. mARAXACUM & PODOPHTLLIN, a Stimulant London, «...... *¦ -)¦; ¦' loa» : * Ipperary.!...- ' —' • 8 65 12 80 2 35 5 60 02 60 12 60 CELEBRAT' OBTAINED THE ONLY GOLD ED MEDAL DUBLIN AWARDED FOB EXCELLENC WHISKEYE OF QUALITY Sores ; WWOHT 4 SONB, „ SSs.^, - 'i *—- ..- ¦ . It Cures Old M to the Liver.—A dose of this combination is r«com> Apply in PhidelpUa to P*TXB ^ . ll' ... 4 20 -.;;-p..'. ' '..V- - to H 4 J JSeturn TickaU avattiblefor two mpo>h*~-nottemsf erabl . Honmel ..v.;;,.. '710 60'O .2 V" ' Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck laining of Liver Derangement 0«MralAgente , 307.Walnut.st ; Queenstown, . of 0 4 t 8 746 ISJ0 8 0 . AT THE ABOVE EXHIBITION. mended to any one comp , more f omt.*Bo^a; ChildrmaboveS ij^undorlyeaijS i ase, Half Fare.. Janiek.-^...f:. .9..0.10 Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs particularly when arising* from slight congestion. By sently COTtSnre * BBOS ; in BeUast, W. . •a-NoTJt-Tbe.ClyiUBhijipmfCompany InsuM all Goods .wSarfortMrrfy9 60 U 35 2 85 4 401 880 I 8 45 8 45 BIOHABDSON, BPKNOE 4 Co., bytbAs«lbWc4 8^acm jMcent.b>Tradars Cures Blackheads or Pimples on tho Face ; stimulating the Liver and slightly moving the Bowels, tha i»d ta Iiverpoool, sUp^ at^ir4d Suiglenoket, 14«;6d|8«»P 'I>fWBON-8TJ«SJST.DAWSON-STREET. | ' ' Cures Cancorona Ulcers AKAXACUX AHO JOHN DEVEBEUX j j ¦ -¦ ¦• ¦• - l«s. «d.' .' ,' ."¦; '-. '" ^M ^ K^fNEDT, Seorrtary, . - l'3?f ., . . (f23^m) T FoporaTLUif is much safer £1 its action than WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, Keyier-st, 10^, salallinfonn»tlohtoSehad»ttheofac©s. . .'.: r 1 . C'uros Blood and Skin Diseases ; Calomel or Bine Pill, and certainly quite equal in power In uayl Waterforcl.' '- .. i . . For Bates,ot¦ Fndrht,:*a, »_ppW, to—J. C.DjBMKnr, Cures Glandular Swellings ; removing the often distressing' inconvenience and Pain atten- • Custom-house '^ ARCTB Co PUmouthi THOMAS Oarriek-on-Smr. Belfast i Bmi J/W *f ^ ' ' ' Clears tho Blood from all Impure Matter, from dant on Dyspepsia. Bottles, 2s. 9d. eaoh. The Name of RICHABD LANDY,' t'OARBrr, Tondon aM Sonth-WetternBaaway Company. r v-W- .,: • i ,U'DB. i 8MITH'8 tiu«\i\i:jif < i\ ' J. PEPPEB, LondpB," mast be on the Label. and at &> li W. >¦ ¦ ' whatever causo arising. EttUr Braiaings. ArtnnrStrsct , Wsst, London *J. P O SITIVE JtBMEDIEfl, . > ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES, AOT IHJ aflwa> : ;B6o»rrta»;i xtoosesj^ Mw^out. t i tovji ; iffiElBOiniNE EXHIBITION As thismixturo is pleasant to thetuste, and warranted DELLAE'S CORN PLASTER.—Boxes Is. ljd SnrnVa Co.;OUMO ^OCTWOok.li«ThEBILrrY-^G*iTTs'ii&?ntby poit '; , C0P7 Telegram Agent, stitution of either sex, tho Proprietor solicits sufferers hard er soft corns, they completely dry np anil eradicatepain- • -!¦-'•. - .:...... CLTDE EHtoOTOXOMPAXY ; ^-..! - °^ ful corna ; tho Bonlon Plasters a proved remedy for Bmuona Western ¦i *„•., . ¦¦¦¦ '. • . - \ to all parti ot the World on receiptof Twd"8tamps, e. ' :^ AS; (FOLLOWS:- ; , ,, .. , . to give it a trial to test its value. Altarai and additional Serrice by Great ¦ , ,;•:OAmWSMQqay..vTatariord. ' ' . * i : ^: ^: ^^> . . FttOM ALL PAKTS. ' and enlarged toe joints. Sold by all Cheminta. B» careful i >izalps«M-.v;;i^ !>*<^v|v:;. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS ¦Raairay Compftny'e Trains a^Ste «unboa*«, via •> Special Corw. ol]EUKMSS&twq uired by th« Clyd. PTepay>ost«a^, ^X .*=* ¦ Dollar's Plastersare supplied. . - t»Wlof t}i»A«« |it».¦:•<¦•; :-¦ - y-i 7 The BOOK o» Pdsitw* Bnnouuj ^M somt extra-' Sold in Bottles 2s. 6d. each, and' in Cases, containing V' , id[ connection >lthV.tlie: 8h(pi*n«;Compajiy,;t^ _ t [ _ , apermanont oure CRACROFT'S AKECA NUT TOOTH PA8TE. MSHaveh 2 *££F\; orAinai»,0BW»iOl'JM»tM»«.oIlU JTWnary Org»M.Tf( 6 Bottles, 11s. oaoh.sufficiontto offeot —By luring-thin Aromatic Dentifricethe enamel of tha 1 ¦ <: ',«nd- LntzBicr, WATMTOBD ; 4; CMTSAI ffA YE n long-standing coses, by all Chemists and Patent , - iokD Weakness, Grave^BaAw.hein,^«^ aad. X ^j ^JPojil., ^, , •yyirJ7h{^JC>mi^3VBOBB) \ AWABDED ' YOVB ' PSOlkrOTB teeth becomes white, sonnd, and pollihoa like ivory. It is , and . WATBRTOBB, DtncoAjtyAJr , , ,:; ::; - y '* " ' ' ¦' Debility. The Ham*of thslUdlotoS-f ivai\ ¦ Medicine Vendors throughout tho world ; or sent to exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful for removing in- ' ' iitttiiro , ^ .7.. .U-iuray-^e i**i!W , • !' . . of Nwvous ns^ («B««fcTlM by WmitutiUr , and n Enriish wWok^a» iw , any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps crustationsof tartar on neglected teeth. Sold by all Chera- ' ' , TrtuuaUantie, ,\{ttMUUrrun4a* - ' The Lincoln $ Midland Counties' Drug Company, sts. Pots. la. and 2s. CO. each. (Get Cracroft's). . ¦ J ¦ ¦ B^nc^a ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ¦ • ¦¦ ¦ - ^*£, :. ¦ ¦ ¦ and ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ • ¦ •- • ' ' ¦ - :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• .¦v . ->-. -:« .,. -t ¦ >:¦ . . :i-»i'- Oi!:v. <> , :\ .: tS^^^S ¦£¦ ,>. vi . ¦^¦i*Tim . . "*» ' ;.» . . B.. - :!> • '>: ' WlS^' SOBDER ^MEIMT -Xir^'K^Saii-SE^ioBv- ?> ' r<\ EOCKTER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER ¦ - ' ^.wSith.'oa4W»Uat5n*;S•<>^^^ «a>U« tMIfevSSWBIS tfofolwM,* tb ^^., |:) ¦ ¦ .:. V_-T(o 'Vr;"TTyiTBD , 811ATE8 MAIL B^ ooWtin, will darken Grey Hair, and in in a foir dayi restore " •' • '/•jria «e«*»f«; . . : - Huw MedidnTandCurtIhini ^, w«^t . f.' completely the natural ooleur. While keeping the Hair it» ^H ^ 1 ^ : ' rl: DAY. ; . BPOOL Yoai. stlrpKltaOUtos ^rjfa*^^ KEN NANS' , ' SllHyik> zrBBT WBBK \ 2^BHUP^-iXTii to on tailing oalJIao/^Si ttaJtw proper colour it ia nseful tor removing scarf. Lockyer'a Be- '' T5^JST*IOHD0J (F^ingM^Wp. MJ. ¦^¦¦¦¦ P sV7*1 Qaeenstown thesedate t.t •torer has powerful cleansing properties, rendering- it a desir- W ^FBsuqB»^->^;.,.,..,...^,u.Tl«rsda7,:Maj l0. able HairFluid. : large Bottles, Ia. Cd. ato v T'-OCKyER'S . STJLPHUR HAIR RE8TOEEE . fai|«]toU j» B^BaT^iIr..-«..J..u;i.m«rtav^ M»y31..r; : ; : |AK| iTES LJ will darken, to the former shads, Hair that ia abso- : ffiSv^ jumenca>>«uw»£ »**>»- V -^i«B« ' ; ; lutely white, in about ton day*; bnt where gieyneaa is oom' the Wateriort and ^» &Jtova§Mui&:~l', < ....;.....;;....'..Tfc««4iy, U. . ' ' : :- • 1 evexy wbiere.: 2.. . >v TTsect 0 and templsa the Sulphur Wash promp '' . . mencingat the f rout , t- '.,¦ :i,' ¦>$> png l P•V-«>'>-P". r . . •v'®iS ^ v.^- i^r/Wfewtij i;,7®, 8;iAHp!Wll€som.33,; GREAT GBOEQB'SJ3T., WATERFORD. andlismoreLines. ., r nI i^vtw^v' "ti .- crrx OF uouM.j... ^.:... ^..mm ^Jm^• /a.BATIS, * Ktf ltmiOAIj WrOW^tyi ' ly colours, renderingit undiatlngniahable from that wbfeb ^^ » «TW h0^i^S^^flsW» M»^gOTS« , of hoi not changed.'' Large Bottlea, IJ; 6d. each. myU I i» ,-K* sTj ^iiid ColUotion I^d«>n iw,d %VX© C>^ ; IIOCKYEK'S-SUL PHUK; HAIR: RESTORER. ^- •fx^':M««yo o»««5l»i:i a Boston, or ^35Ar^«!mI -Trainv^S e^^gg»^ i*'V£aiik±&loontoiVew Tcrk, -tWiaa^ phiay Wt*25 :G«lnaM iTatomsdiate(lncl «dinj all ] Health; ,Tone, ; aadv, Vigour '*«4^ nSS*S^r«itt5 'TO7afe);-^.liSte«r«te1. t>» sV.Our STOQK of PE8$EET S)BRyiOE6! are all of-ithe Wiweat arid inost artistic PatternB nutang) atlO.«».ia ,the. rollo»j»»W' ,- OMldren;X2 aaTnteti, Atl*.-¦ - ' ne- ¦ I^BR B) ^^H ' ' * amBSsUnBBBBB BA ' \*¦ ^¦SPVHS^^Bs^BV^^Vfc^ J^H^^pBW^S*(^BT f r *i •^Hp^PP^***"BW* ^JAMt^SJcW, 13GuinsMto 16OuIneMV;|nter . ^^ - > ; n- ' :M -I i- *syi >«i^tZ*>rtt,!i^(jfy ^vfarr-:—^l-¦;ffl.-J w;.io;V->jWS«-"*4?.'"J >^* ^<4: ¦ "^^iiuiibt ** ILii J'jitiiltfiiri Tonnrflrti r* "—-f »» :^.d'i:'*^.^ifett7^AOB»!re.\*EpB5^Mn^ ]• ': ,. /:.

- Craftson kmnioiioT nmRatMf1 wtd upward*Us led ¦ 4' Vo^iDir and Evediwr, <»oa. th« !•>«»• Wffl 4MB !»• 8|iiiiPilHHii|i -^Tne^-mB the ntrongestGatesmthernartct, ;, , K'i - • -3-» Sio^toenabteth«St««me«toa«p««FU»^w*J ^j mmmI being oonstrnotedjonsound mechanical p rinciples, ^. ' ^U wMrtkirttooualldl^ seh^sfromtheUrin^ ' * T ;fwtd^il»ida.^liigk'' 4i#itMM;/'!iitt*'>Mttppy:.w ,U'¦j :. Or^,In ei*HtB^rapplymg ill;tho e»- WafP ^ ¦ ¦ ¦si W LOCAL KAIL WAY TRAFFh'. business jtotues. THEATRE ROYAL. WATERFORD IPaterford JttatRcts Traffic Receipts for vceek ending MARCH 23rd. lssa SttUS Wutcrfom Atbisiiry Kilkonnr 1S83 IMPOETANT SiLE. FOR SIS NIOHTB , Waterj ord, March 30th, and unil Wttc-.i-.r., Ju :lcti0"a 1 Limorick finnis aud Kil- Auction of Furniture, ata decline of 2J- It.iilnciy GENERAL- DRAPERY WAREHOUSE COMMENCING MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1883 1ILACK OATS-Large salesto^ny. (141 m;ii!ri {M milos kenuj- ;Ji (.Simile MILXE& 'S PIR2-PROOF SAFE. DESD 0ABE8, oi»;u/. nj.unj. miles open) WATSBFORD. J.IAIZE Cd. lower. open) Parcels, ic, 187 \i 2 109 0 Q from R. LOCKK and Co., will Sell by Auction COMPANY. Goods.rattle 571 12 11 219 13 1 on tbo Premises, on TUESDAY, A PEIL 10th, 1883, at NEW 8PRING _ GOODS ! WATERFORD, the entire Household Furniture, and Total 2614 0 0 ; 210 n 0 7-SD 5 1 353 13 4 12 o'Clock, ALL DEPARTMENTS HAVING PURCHASED FROM THE TRUSTEE THE ENTIRE STOCK-IN-TRADE ARTISTES: Correap'ding Dwelling Uonse, Work Rooms, " Old. , "«*• ' other effects of the or Soprano: IU1SH. week last yr. 2552 0 0 . 155 0 0 Oii 0 1 318 9 0 Offices, Shops, &c., consisting of :—In the Sitting NOW FULLY STOCKED and ready MADAME VOG RI VTItEAT, por barrol of iiSOlbs". ; V d. s. Us. d. ». d. ~ ARE Messrs, JOHN CONNOLLY h BOTH, Oeorge's-Street, Limerick, 0 to uu "22 0 t« SB 6 WATEBFOED, DUNGARVAS, AND I.ISMOHE Rooms and Bed Rooms : Chairs, Tables, Presses, for Inspection. AND — Whito - - - ft) (43 Blilos.) — Uca - - - - 00 U U0 U'2l U 21 6 Books, Fenders and Irons ; 30 Iron Bedsteads and MDLLE. AGNES DE LAPORTE » u 00j 0 00 C For Week ending Fiifl>,ll\ HARC U iUd , 1«83 , WILL OFFER THE SAME FOR SALE , Contralto : — Shipping- do - - W Posaenxers, Purcels, Jl.iils, 4c , ...... £175 Palliasses ; 30 Good Curled Hair .Mattresses MILLINERY, MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, Ao. * BAULEY , i«r barrel of . 1 0 Toilet" Tables and MISS LEONT1F F. 012 6 U 0 Goods, Coals, und Cuttle ...... IS) 2 0 Blankets and Counterpanes ; ¦ — UrioduiK - - - 00 0 W : Com- Metto Soprano¦ — Jlulting - - OO U uo U16 u 17 0 ~ ~ Glasses : Toilet Stands and Sets of Ware 75, QUAY, WATERFORD. Total...... A-:»8 3 o modes, Wardrobes, Cheval Glasses, Carpeting, OH MOND AY , APRIL 2, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. MDLLE. REVELLI. OATS, i>«r barrel of 19«lba . ' March 16th. 1883. ml6 Tenori ; — Ubck - - 00 "0 00 OH 3 11 * jCIothes Backs, Glass Counter, Show Cases, Large _ Sroy, . .IU « UU 000 0 00 0 Corresponding week , 1881 ...... iiftl 8 0 Mirrors ' Cocoa Matting, Kitchen SIGNOR ARTURO BYRON, F1.OUK, per suck of 2S01b9. : , Millinery Boxes, NOTICE . 0 rj u 0 " and Culinary Utensils ; Four Dozen Cane and SIGNOR SALVINI, — Ex-Superfiues - - 36 6 37 '0 MOON'S CHANGES. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF — Fines - - - • 33 0 11 0 hl •"' 0 Wood Chairs ; Mahogany and Painted Office Desks; TED, immediately, six or peven more AND 000 0" 00 O WAN SIGNOR BOLLI. — 3ris - - - - 21 0 25 New Moon Friday , 9(h March ... 4.31 a.m. Alphabets, Copying Presses, Milner's Fire Proof good COOPERS.. Apply to J. K IDN«T, 2, OATMEAL, por Sack . - , W 0 a »OJ > *» 0 First Quarter...Thursday, 15th Baritones ¦ 0 7 6 :. u O" 0 „ ... 8.31 p.m. M with Drawers j Iron Do. ; Cash Beresford-Street, WnUrford. m30 Woollens Dresses Silks, Flannels, . UitAN, perUwt . - - - - 7 Safe 36 27 K 2G, , Hats and Caps, , Shawls, SIQNOR PJXiLAUDdo 8 0 8 e o o it 0 Full Moon Thursday, 23rd „ ... 6. 5 a.m. Boxes, , Store Fittings, Sew- BELLATI VITTORIO Last Quarter... Saturday, 31st ,, ... 1.21 Pour Wheeled Truck AND p.m. ing Machines, Fibre, Cabinet Makers' Benches, Porter Boy wanted. EOSIEBT, GLOVES, &c, FOKEIGN. : inns. D, si small BOT to act as Porter, (tost MR. BOLTON. ' ~ Grinding Stone, Cramp Mahogany, Furniture WANTE Bass : fl'irEivT. per barrel of iSWbs. k •'• 8- d Frames Tailors' Tables and be well recommended. Apply at WATBB- And will be OFFERED at LITTLE MORE than " HALF" the ORIGINAL COST. - American SpruiK - - • - .H» 0 to 00 0 , Clothes Show Stands, SIGNOR BEGHARDI . .. 126 6 27 IronB, &c., &c. roBD NEWS Office. . m30 - Ked Wi..t«r, New 6 AND - Eed Sprine - • • " **\ 0 00 0 & Wxtidmb THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers, 0 "0 0 " BE JDST, AND FEAR NOT." EQTJIRE a respectable, Btnart, intelligent Lad, Conductor and Pianist : - - lbroil aud Fosonluu - -00 0 0J 0 CITY OF WATERFORD—IRELAND r> with \EW and ATTRACTIVE GOODS at equally Moderate Prices. . SIGNOR. A. DE. GABRIELE. - — American New - -17 0 17 0 XL between 15 and 16 years of age, as Apprentice -W U U) Fishing Cotter for Sale. - - ])o. New . . - 0 in their Counting-house. It - — Galatz - - -18 0 18 3 FRIDAY EVENING, BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by directions of Hours of Business during the Sale—Ten to Five. FULL CHORUS. - - Salooica ... -W) 0 00 0 MARCH 30. 1883 Tbe Orchestra will consist of 1st and 2nd Violins FLOUU - -00 0 00 0 TO R. W. PKNBOSB, Esq., oa THCESDAT, APRIL BULKING MACHINE Terms—CASH. No Goods sent on approval or Patterns Cut. , American, per barrel of 1961U8. Viola, Double Bass, Clarionet, Cornet, and Piano - French, per 8»ck, of 2801bs. - - 00 O 00 0 12th, 1833, (it 12 o'Clock, at the Graving Bank, March 28, 1883. • [m30] INDIAN MEAL, American, per sack - -00 0 00 0 Celebrated Self-acting COW MILKING forte. Manufacture, per 1 , Quay, Waterford, where she now lies for Examina- TBE ~ ~ f Home 18 6 g gn LATEST NEWS. tion, the Fast Sailing Fishing Cutter " HERON," MACHINE supersedes the laborious and On MONDA Y Evening, APRIL 2nd. . I aack, of tfJOlbn. J '° ° of Waterford, 35-25/10 Tons Regi»ter ; has under- tedious process of band-milking, and can be applied by any one Milking each Cow in Three to Five LUCREZIA BORGIA (by Donnizetti). CAPTURE OF A SUPPOSED SKIRMISHEU. gone a thorough overhauling at confiderable ex- . MANTLE AND COSTUME VOOBI . Imports and Exports for week ending Thursday, 29th Minutes. No Cow-keeper should be without this Lucrezia Borgia Mdme. IMPOIil'S. JEXPOBTd. On Wednesday ni(?bt, after tbe arrival at penEe, is now in full working order, and very well Maffio Orsini (her first appearance) Signora LEONTIFF Liver- valuable and labour-saving Dairy Implement. DEPARTMENT, Indian Corn....21,176 Quarters. Indian Com —(Quarters found. For inventory and all particulars, please Duca Alfonso Signor BBNOHAEDI . Wheat 29 do. , Wheat — Barrels pool of the steamer from Cork , tbe attentios of Price, 6B. 6d. each only, delivered. apply to Rustichello Signor BOLLI. Oats — do. Oats 2330 do. the detectives on duty was attracted b THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers. Too New Milking Machine Company, 3, Fargate, 2 , per do. — — 0 0 0 0 hands on board.. Corporation of Waterford FOB THE OSE OF fession at (f23) A S SUPPLIED TO DUKES, EARLS, Uscieri Sijnor MABCHETTI WHISKEY. Years, at the Low Rent of .£22 per annum. T71AMILIES and INVALIDS, infinitely superior D OBLIK , i>er gallon — — 19s. Oil. lo 2i>s. Oil premises, by direc- 7 and 8, BKEKBFOED -ST., WATEBFOHD. Paggio and Dnca Signor SALVINI THE HOME OF THE FREE Sale at 10 o'Clock, on the JO to any other offered to the Public. BARONS, Ladies. Cavaliers, Soldiers, &c. CORK , puncheon — — 16 0 16 6 tions Of Mrs. LIND8AT. Man and Wife Wanted. FISH. A telegram from New York, dated Wednesday,' TUESDAY, 17th APRIL AND FOLLOWING DAYS— iiEwroVHDUXD CoJDs)], per cwt. — 20s. Od. to 2(Jj. Od announces the arrival there,b,y the steamer Ameri que] Tho entire Valuable Farnituro and Effects of OBTAINED THE FIRST PRIZE—DUBLIN (US' And the County Families of Great Britain WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, Hsunixos, Bound Norwegian, por barrel 27 0 00 0 from Havre, of Mr. Frank Byrne, with hia EXHIBITION , 1862. WANTED, by a Gentleman Farmer, a STEADT 1)0. Split Labrador — — 20 0 23 0 wifeand tbo Bay Hotel, Dnumore East, by directions IL TROVATORE (by Verdi). family, with the intent of making their home there. MAN, used to country work, who should be Mdme. Voaai. SALHOX , por lb. (wholesale) — 10 0 0 of Misa FLAHAVAN, who has Sold her Interest Leonora I'EAL, por do. — — 0 0 0 0 While he favours extreme measures against May be obtained of sll Grocers and Wine able to Milk, and understand the rearing of Calves, EONTIFF. Eng- in the Premises. Salo eaoh day at 12 o'Clock Azncona Signora L SOLK, per do. — — 1 :>J 0 0 land when they cause a direct benefit to Ireland Merchants throughout tbe Country, and Mow ; his wife to act as Dairy Maid and Laun- Miss MELLrsoN. TUBOO f, i>erdo — 0 0 , he sharp. Samplea gratis and Post Free Inez — 10 can see no advantage of this nature in the d On a day to bo named at Coolfin House, Portlaw, In- And Wholesale (in Wood and Bottle) from the dress. Apply at once at Mrs. WALLIS' Registry Conte di Luna Signor BELLATI . FOWL AND EGOS. ynamite HICKENS All door and Out-door Effects, for tho Rer. Canon Manufacturers, Office, 2, Bank Place, Waterford. in9 Forrando Signor BENQHAEDI . C , each — — 2i. 41. to 2<. G I . proceedings. guesses about "Number One's" Enitz Signor BOLLI . Turkeys, do. — — 3 8 4 0 identity are absurd. He never will be identified NBVILLB , who is going to England. IMITED DOCKS , do. ^ , BEWLEY & DRAPER (L ), Un Ringaro Signor BEVIONANI. — — a d 2 4 be says. SATURDAY, 21st APRIL—At onr SALEROOMS, Boyal Agricultural Society of Ireland. COOPER COOPER & CO GSI.SE, per pair — — SO 5 4 at Two o'Clock, the Dwelling-Honse, Ont- £28. DUBLIN. tf AND EOOB, per 12y The extradition received here up to the 50, King William-Street, — — 6 3 6 6 present . Offices , Demesne Lands, and Homo Farm of GREAT NATIONAL SHOW AT LIMERICK. London Bridge ; Manrico Signor BYRON . FOWL, per pair — — 4 8 5 0 for the arrest of Irish " Suspects" are four in num- Mount Ida, containing 103 Acres, at the yearly 63, Bishopsgate-Street Within, E.C. ; Cavaliers, Soldiers, Gipsvs, etc. SOAP AND CANDLES. ber—riz, for Edward Fahey, P. J. Tyimn, F. J. Rent of .£105 5s. Od. Messrs. N ONN & DE- PATRICK KEILT & SONS W HITE, per cwt. — — 26s. 0d to Mi. fi.l TO BUILDERS. 268, Regent-Circus, W. ; fiitowa, do. — — 18 0 -.5 (i Sheridan, and Regan. The last-named is accused LANDBE, Solicitors. Plan of Theatre to bs seen and S?ats socarod at i*r prepared to make special terms with rpiHE Local Executive Committee will, at their MOULD, por dozen lbs. — — 4 u i a of an agrarian murder, aud the others of the con- Fall particulars vide posters and advertiseEents. ARE 35, Strand (near Charing-Cross), W.C. ; HOWARD'S Musio Warehouse. Quay. Dirr, per ilo. BOTTLERS for their X MEETING on SATURDAY, the 21st day of Notwithstanding tho enormous expense in bringing — — 4 C 4 9 spiracy in the Phoenix P\rk murders. Tynan is WILLIAM SMITH & SON, Auctioneers and , 7, Westbourne-Grove, London, W. (f24) WOOL AND HIDES. Valuators. SAMPSON, XX, and MEDIUM STOUT. APRIL next receive the above Company, the prioes will bo as follows :— Hogitet Wool , per lb. — — Os.OJ 1. O0. .I01 1 . believed to be the redoubted No. I. In Tynan's Michael-street and Lady-lane, Waterford. TENDERS FOR THE Dress Circle, 4.; Stalls, 3s. ; Pit, Is. 6J. ; Gallery, Wether aud Ewe, do. — — 00 8 M 10 case the documents are prepared by Mr. Curran, OF ERECTION Is. ; Private Boxes, £2 2s. Skin Wool, do. — — 00 5 00 8 Having an abundant supply of the finest lilDKS, per cwt. und tbe affidavits are by the two Careys and JIullett, 5 BRIDGE-STREET, WATERFORD TEMPORAR Y SHEDS AND OTHER WORKS Free list suspended. Special Trains, if desired. — — 22 0 26 0 and are prepared by a man named M' Elroy. . Hops, they are enabled to meet the require- K IPS, per cwt. — — 22 0 26 0 IN THE CALF, per dozen — — 18 0 36 V HighlyImportant Auction of Leasehold ments of tbe Trade liberally. SHOW YARD, LIMERICK, GOULDING'S MANURES THE MOUNT SION BAFFLE TIMBER. GRAND NATIONAL—THIS DAT. In accordance with Plans and K KD PISE per ton, — — 70s. Od. to 80B. Od , (Special Telegram INTEREST. Tbe New Season's ALES are new deliver- Specifications to be WILL be held in the SCHOOLS on TUESDAY, YKI.LOW PI .VB por do. — — HO 0 110 0 from Aintree.J seen at the Royal Agricultural Society' Zoedone, 6st. lllbs. (Count Kinsk WILLIAM SMITH & SON havo teoeiTed instruc- ing in sparkling condition. s Offices, 40, 24th APRIL, 1883. STAVES, per 10O0 — — 70 0 8u 0 y) ... 1 tions from Mrs. LINDSAT, to Sellby AUCTION DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN, and at the Office LATHS, per de. — — 13 0 IS 0 Black Prince,.», lOat. lllbs. (D. Canavan) 2 on WEDNESDAY, 11th APRIL, of J. FOGERTY & SON, Henry-Street, Limerick, GOOD FOR ALL CROPS. UO ALS . Mohican, G yrs., 123t, Gibs. (Mr. H. Beasley) 3 on the PREMISES TUB BBBWEBT, WATIBFOBD. THE Christian Brothers gratefully acknowledge COALS, per ton — — 18d. 61 to 00s. 0J. 1883, tho Tory valuable INTEREST in the large and i26.tf between tbe hours of 11 and 3 o'clock daily (Sun- the following Prizes :— COKE, per do. — — u t 00 0 Eleven ran. Betting—Zoedoue, 100 to G ; Black YARDS, and PREMISES, 5, commodions HOUSE, days excepted), from and after the 26th INST. A magnificent Table Cover, green and gold, and a FODDER AND GREEN CROPS. Prince, 20 to 1 ; Mohican, 6 to 1. BRIDGE STREET, held nnder leaso from the Corpo- The Turkish. Baths, Waterford. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept Cosoy—Mr. W. Kelly, Qnay. H AT . per ton — — 60s. Od. to 70*. Od ration of Wuterford, for a term of 75 years, from 1877. ' STRAW, wheaton, por do. — — £0 0 55 0 the Lowest or any Tender. A Sewing Machiro, No. 3, Howe (tailor s)—Mr. W. Do., oaten, — — 35 0 40 0 at tho very low rent of .£22 per annum. It oontaina 3 tfor HEALTH CLEANLINE38, and HAPPINE88 OLS GENT TOB ATKBFOBD HarrisoD, Barrack-street. THE UNION RATING QUESTIOJi , large , All Tenders to be sealed and addressed, " Chair- S A W : TUS-VIPS, per do. — — 26 0 28 0 Sitting Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, 2 Dressing Rooms U6B TBE A Silber Reading Lamp and Fair of Vases—Mrs. AMOOLDS Sculleries 2 flagged man, Local Committee, Boyal Agricultural Show, M , per do. — — 28 0 30 0 Kitchon with Range ; Pantries, , BATH, situate at PARK-ROAD, Johnson, Manor-street. CARROTS, per do. „ — — 00 0 CO 0 Yards, Gas and Water, ia in excellent order, presenting TURKISH Limerick," and endorsed "Tender for Show Yard," We regret to have to notice the fact that a WATERFORD, now entirely renovated and and be lod PHILIP MURPHY, 5, MICHAEL-STBEET A Lady's exquisitely-wrought Fret-work Box and a a rare opportunity, to those desirons of procuring a ged in the Office not later than 12 o'clock Smoking Cap- -Miss Knox, King-street. most useful and attentive member of our Board improved, and open froir 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. each on tbe 21st day of April, WATEEFOED BUTTER MARKET. co.nforfciblo and convenient residenco ia a most respec- 18S3. A Lady's Silver Watch—Mrs. Roderick Ryan. of Guardians, living on a border of the city, tiil'lo locality. Week Day, and on Sunday mornings. By Order, ASSISTANT SECRETARY. An Electro-plated Tea Tray—Mrs. Campion, Quay. Number of f irkins weighed at the Public Butter Market Sab at one o'clock, sharp. For (nrthor partionlars Single Baths, Is. to 2s. each, and one dozen at Local Committee Offices, mh30 [m30.8tl A large Oleograph, in rich gold framo (Moonrise on for week ending Friday (this dayj, and prices . enjoying all its advantages and privileges, but apply to 83. On Saturday Evenings, 5 to 8 p.m., 6d. Chamber of Commerce, Limerick, March 26th. the Nile)—Miss Nolan, Patrick-street. Saturday, — 140 — I35s. Od. to 1458. Od. with immunity from its taxation WILLIAM SMITH & SON. Auctioneers. NEW ROSS UNION Monday, — 4 — 1359. Od. to 000s. Od. , has thought Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, Is. An Enamellod Toilet Set—Mrs. Hanrahan, Thomas-st. proper to g Micha/i-st. and Lady-lano, Watorford, Mar. 29, IS83. " One of the most remarkable properties of the Bath WATSBTOBD AND CEKTBAL IBFLAND & KltKENBT A Lady's Arm Chair—Mrs. Power, Barronstrand-st. Tuesday. — 0 — 000». Od. to 000B. Od. ive a notice of motion to have the BOARD of GUARDIANS of the above Wednesday — 5fi — 135a. Od. to 140s. Od. Board take action again6t a too-long delayed is its ability to destroy tho sense of fatigue and exham- J UNCTION RAILWATB. THE A Cow, with Calf at foot (Italian Marblo) nn£er glass Thureday, — 77 — 135i. Od. to 140a. Od. WEEKLY AUCTIONS Ution."—Mr. ERASMUS WILSON. Union will , at their meeting to be held on shade, and a Pair of Crystal Vases—Mrs. P. Kenny, measure of justice, such as that contemplated AT THE Frday, — 0 ,. — 000a. Od. to 000a. Od. " Habitual Bathers seldom take cold, and those who PUNCHESTOWN EACES, 3rd and 4tb Arni L Saturday, the 7th April, 1883, receive and consider King's Meadow. No. of Firlcins corresponding' week last year. 473 in the Bill introduced by tbe Government for KING-STREET AUCTION MART, on every have got a chill, and feel Catarrh is imminent, can a!- Tenders for the Supply to the Workhouse ot A largo Sdtin-Embroidcrod Cushion—Mis3 M oKay, Price per cwt 140i. Od. to 150s. Od. Oil Paintings —Extension of Return Tickets—First Second Union Rating. The notice of motion wae for SATURDAY, of Furniture, wars catitehort by a good long bath.—Dr. MADDEN." and Tbjrd Class Return Tickets PRIME BEEF and MUTTON, freo of Bone before King-street. Wednesday last, but was then , Plated Ware, Delpb, Glass, and issued from Water- , postponed for a and Engravings ONDAY delivery, for Prime. •Pieces-.viz i—Ribs, Sbouiderp A Wax Bride (three feet) in flowing Satin and Tall 'clock. HUGH Me LEAN , ford and all other Stations to Dublin on M , wiith two Bride's Maids; also an excellent Meerschaum week, when a large board will probably be every description of Property. Sale at 12 o tbe 2nd - ArsiL, will be available for return b anj Rounds without Laps. Also, for Coarse pieces $kt\v>, Jttarrlafltt, nnd tenths, JOHN PJSNDER, Auctioneer. PLUMBER, BRASS FOUNDER, GAS-FITTER y the ' Pipe—Mrs. Canlfit-ld, Ghn. assembled for the election of chairmen, and LEAD MERCHANT, &c., Ordinary Trains, according to class, up I o and in- viz :—Necks, Le>f8Und Houghs, at per lb. To be A Lady's Rosewood Writing Desk—Miss Ethoridge, Announctmer.laofBirlh tf Marriage ^anilDeaUitiniut be pre -paid when we hope the motion will be rejected, if it delivered in good order at tbe Workhouse, fi-ee of held at the Horse, Carnage, and 3, LITTLE QEORGE'8 STREET , cluding THUB8DAT, tbe 12th APBIL.—By order. Micbael-street. ia not withdrawn. Auctions are WILLIAM WILLIAMS, carriage, in such quantities and at such times its the , B1ETHS Furniture Repository, Morgan-street, Waterford, WATERFORD. Secretary. A Walnut What-not (5 feet high)—Tho MiBses Firth It IB scarcely to be wondered at that tbe Having purchased the Interest and Plant of the late Waterford Terminus, March 20lh, 1883. Board of Guardians may direct, and muEt be de- Lady-lane. On 25th inat., at South Mall, Lismore, county Waterford, on the first MONDAY in every Month (the Fair livered without the aid of tbe inmates. A Cushioned Kneeler—Mrs. Brown , New-street. tho wife of Cbiirles L. Galloway, of a sou. landlords—but moreparticulayly the " patriotic" of Horses, Cat tle, and every kind of Firm of On Easter Sunday, 25th March, the wife of Mr. Blcbard possessors of small lantations Days), ADD , Sealed Tenders, properly endorsed, in which are A Set of beautiful Sea Shells—Mrs. D, Kenncally, p , such as Mr. advanced on Property sent for Me LEAN MclNTOSH Waterford and Limerick Railway. J. Hajden, Cathedral-square, of a daughter. , Property. Money Enables me to execute all Orders entrusted to me as to be inse ted the names and addresses of two sol- Newrath. Miirch 22, at Baronne Court, Paraonstown, tha wife of Win. M CJDLABKEY MA RUII . one of the members that Horses, Houses, Land, and every absolute Sale. PLUMBER, BRASS FOUNDER, and GAS-FIT- WATBBFOBD AND LIMEEICK RAILWAT COM - veut persons willing to join in a bond for tho due Kennedy Monliall, Esq., of a daughter. the county Kilkenny has sent to Parliament— Property, bonght and sold on Commission, THE March 24, at Togher House, Maryborough.the wife of Jonu kind of ' TER ; also Heating of Green-houses, Conserva- PANT are prepared to receive Tonders for the fulfilment of the Contract, should be lodged in tbe Notice of Charitable Bequests, should be up in arms against a measure which having Property of any kind for , Trench Pigott, of a son. daily. Persons tories, and Pnblio Buildings on the mest improved Supply of Tender box at the Entrance Hall of the Workhouse, Pnrsuant to 3Olh and 31st Vic , Cap. 54, Sec. 19. On V!2nd inat., at Churlemont Villa, Monkstown CO. Cork, enables them to remove the " congested" this Agency desirable, as a prompt principle, by the circulation of Kpt water. , Sale will find 300 TONS of CAST IKON RAILWAY CBAIBB. before 12 o'clock noon, on SATUBDAT, 7th APBII,, '83, the wife of Pierce A. Uoold, of a son. population from their districts, and by the force is made iinmWiately after Sale. flow and Ship Water Closets; Baths ; Lift and On 1Mb inat., at Surrey, the wife of Captain Eedinond Cosh settlement Conditions and Forou of Tender to be considered at a Meeting of tbe Board to bo held EIRSE ONNKLL , of " ," Property valued for Probate and the Force Pumps ; Hy draulic Rams ; Oasaliers, Qas Heat- , with all Par- TAKE NOTICE that P O'D , of 3ud Bat. Boyal Irish, of a daughter. starving out get them, in their exhausted All kinds of ticulars, can be bad on application from the under- on that day. Forms of Tenders can be obtained at the Carrick-on-Suir, in the County of Tipperary, Oa the 27tb inBt., 5, Upper Mouut-streot manhood to seek refuge Courts. ; si ing, and Coolsing Btovei always on hands. [mh'2.W , Dublin, the wife , in the cities and towns, Land signed. The Directors do not bind themselves to Board-room. The Guardians do not bind tbcmnelves Merchant, deceased (who died on the 26th Dtc, of Jeremiah Parry, solicitor, of a SOD. and after a time, ' " has JOHN PEXDER, Auctioneer. HUGH MoLEAN , March 21, at Ferinoy House, Fcrmoy, tho wife of Captain when " life s labour 3, Little Qtorge' s-street , Walerford accept the lowest, or any Tender. to accept the lowest or any tonder. All Tenders to 1882) by his Will, bearing date the 20th day of W. F. Spaight, Bojal Engineers, of a daughter. been wasted in tilling the soil for ungrateful COUNTY KILKENNY Sealed Tenders, endorsed " Tender for Metal be in strict codforniity with the Advertisement. NOVKMBI'.E. 1882, bequeathed and devised the fol- and heartless employers, become burthens upon Chairs," will be received by me up to noon oS Parties whoBe Tender may be accepted, will be lowing legacies and bequests :—£2,000 to the Pre- MARRIAGES those ratepayers who have never had the ESTABLISHED 1847. WBDNBSDAY, 4th APBIL next. required to have their bonds signed by themselves Castle Annaghs Demesne Lands, —By order, sident or Rector, at tic time cf tbe death of O» the 2Cth inat., at St. Peter's Church, Dublin. David opportunity of reaping the reward of their toil. M. J. KENNEDY, Secretary. and securities within ten days from J.ite of accept- 's wife (still alive), of All Hallows College, Henry Crcighton, Principal Kilkenny Civil Serriee Institute (One Mile from New Boss). Testator , I- 'MAEUM " Head Offices,Waterford Terminus, March 16. '83. ance of Tender, or otherwise the contract will be , to Haunah, second daughter of E. Hughes, Kilkenny. M . has taken to " the stump for the BE LET, for Grazing purposes only, the near Drumcondra, in the County of DuHin for the March 21, at Chris'. Cnurcb TO cancelled.—By order, , Leeaon turk, Dublin, Henry class to which he ambitions to belong—the above well-known Fattening LANDS, in suit- WATEBFOKD AND LIMEBrCK BAILWAY education of tbo students in Buid college ; £2,000 Lee Clar, Fuiraiount, Minnesota, U.S.A., third son of Wm. , O1FFOK D CARE, Keating- Clay, Esq., 45 landlords—and accordingly appealed to a con- , from 1st APBIL, 1883, to 1st of AND 8OUTHIBN BRANCH. Clerk ol the Union. to tbe Souiso Catbolir. Archbishop ot Dublin, at , Entland-tqaure, to Anna Maude able divisions CASSELL'S New-Ross Union, 26th March (Birdie), second daughter of George Beale, Esq., Waterloo genial body—the County .Kilkenny Grand Jurj 1884. The Land is stripped all winter, , 1883. It tbe time of the death of Testator's wife, for tbe FEBBUABT, rhce, Dublin. —to throw in their weight against Union consequently an abundant anpply of Grass at pre- CELEBRATED Fanchestown Races, support of the Mater Mieericoidim Hospital in the March 22, at St. George's Church, Dublin, Thomas Craw- | April 3rd and 4t&. Xilmacthomas Union. Rating, which , of course, they willingly did, sent. Tbe Herd, H. JOHNSTONS, will show eacb City of Dublin ; .£500 for tbe purchase of an organ ford.Royal Irish Constabalary.Cappoquiu, to Sarah Greylisb, CHEAP EXCURSIONS to DUBLIN and for tbe Roman Catholic Church in tbe Parish of Grcnville-atreot, Dnblin. but as Grand Juries are estimated in a proper division. back, on MONDA Y, 2nd APBIL, 1883.—First and SUPPLIES WANTED.—Tbe Guardians of tbe li ^3 " Proposals, per Acre, inside measurement, will COFFEES. Third Class Return Tickets will be issuod at the follow- Saint Nicholas, Carrick-on-Suir ; the interest of DEATHS. ght by the Government, as a worthless imposi- above Union will, at their Meeting to be held £180 ior an annual High Mass for tbe repose of tion on the ratepayers, tbeir veto on an import- be received from solvent oar ties by ing Low Fares between undermentioned Station* nod on TUESDAY, the 3rd March 24, at 18, Beresford-street. Wuterford, Mary Anne Sold retail everywhere at Is. to 2s. per lb. Dnblin, by the Trains Uaving Watorford, at 6.0 a.m ; day of APRIL, 1883, receive tho soul of the late Rev. EDWARD O'DONNELL : Phelan, aged E8 years, wile of the ant measure will value as feather-weight. P. NUGENT FITZGEARLD, Soho House, Proposals for Supplying tbe Workbouso with the lute Michaol Phelan, Eaq., Multifarnhaui, Co. Weutmeatb, "Sole Proprietors, Cossell, Smith & Co., London. Fiddown, 6.23: Carriok, 6.33 ; Clonmel, 7.10 ; fethard, the profit rent arising out of tbe Testator s pre- merchant.—E.I.P. After long deliberation, the Government hare Sold by Wholesale Grocers and Druggists through- 7.30 ; FarranaUen, 7.40 ; Laffan's-Bridge, 7.5S;Horsc- following Articles, to be delivered Carriage Free : mises in Lough-street, Carrick-on-Suir, subject to At Scrahan, Kilmncthomas, on March 24th, Mr. James Who will answer immediately, and appoint a day FOB HIX MONTHS. Shanahan, in his S9lh year. On Tuesday, after the Eeqaiem at kngtli deemed it advisable to equalise the , out Ireland. nlO6.m and-jockey, 8.5. tbe life estate therein of one BRIDGET REILLT, for Office and High Mass, ut which , for Letting, at P. BOLGER'S, Auctioneer Return Fares. -First Class, 20s 6d j Third Best Beef, in Hind and Forn Quarters, as ordored, twenty-aii pi tests officiated, laws, so far as the poor-law system is concerned New Ross. , 12s. 6d. the Education and Clothing of the Poor Boys hia remains wore interred in the family burial place at New- 2t Passengers to leave Thnrles for Dublin by the Train Necks, Laps, Houghs, and Shoulders, to be excluded, town, amidst the tears and blessings of the many in Ireland to tbat of England, where the justice THE SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICE. tho SlioaMi-rs bein^ taken off at the joint, nnd the con- attending the Schools of the Christian Brothers in hundreds by leaving there at 9.26 a.m., and from Caher, at 7.35 a.m ; Currick-on-Suir ; £100 for the purpose of Clothing asaembled to pay tbeir last respact> to the deceased and efficacy of tbe eyatem had been proved EXECUTORS' SALE Bansha, 7.55 ; tipperary, 8.10. tractor to allow 10 lbs. per owt. off the gross weight March 24, at an advanced ag», the Uer. John Cooney, for ' MABUM MES. WALLIS' OFFICE removed from Lady tbe Poor Boys attending said School ; £100 to the over twenty years the esteemedpastor long years experience. To this Mr. Return Fares.—First Class, 20s. Oil. ; Third Class, for bone, at pur lb ; best Pork, Fresh and Corned, at of Banana co Tip objects future, IMPORTANT AUCTION of Souse Furniture, - Lane to No. 2 , BANK PLACE , 12s. 6d. . . ; per lb. ; bent Mattou, ia Hind Quarters, at por lb. ; Superioress of tue Presentation Convent, Currick- deserrtdly respocted by all classes and creeds f«r his strict , on the ground that in the • adherence to Ids religiJon dutun, and to the , Feallier Beds, Hair Mattrastes, Horse, Side [Opposite City Hall], where all Orders for Servants Passengers to travel by Train leaving Limerick Juno, bast Beef Heads and Hongbs, heads not let* than 20 on-Suir, for the benefit of the suid Commnity ; £50 care of his flock " pauperism is to be supported f rom the land On Monnay lost, after High Mas», his remains were interred be Car, Phceton, Two Sets oj Harness, Live Stock, will, as usual, receive prompt and careful attention. for Dnbhn at 8.33 a.m. Tickets available for Return lbs each, and Houghs nut less than 16 lbs., (it e&ch. to the Superioress of the Sisters of Mercy in Car- in the cemetery adjolnlngthe church.—K.I.P. and the land alone, " a principle to which Mra. WALLIS avails of this opportunity to return YOU TWKLVK MONTHS. March 24, at 41 Merrion-gquure Agricultural Produce, &c. by any Train ( except Mail Trains) according to class, rick-on-Suir, to defray the expenses of building the . , Monica, the beloved wife would at once give his adhesion if he believed her best thanks for the large patronage received by her np to and including Thursday, the 12th April. Pussen- Now Mi'lc, at per Imperial Gallon (tonders for cither new SchoolB attached to their Convent ; £100 to of Lord Justice Deosy. in the on which he was elected—'' Tue of the late Rev. EDWAED FAEBIL, ;¦ March 21 at his MBldenco. Ballycarney House Tbo Executors since the transfer of the SEBVAHTS' HOME to her, and gers allowed 56 lbs. of Personal Luggage, irrespective part or tau tutiro Supply) Salt (in sqnarcs or lump) the Treasurer of Saint Vincent de Paul, , Tramore, still ., Gleninore, have favoured subscriber with in- trusts to mnrit a contintmncj. per cwt ; Rice, per cwt ; Cocoa, shell per owt ; Whole Carrick- Mr. W. Parkinson, age 1 58, after a abort illness land for the people." Mr. MARUM . P. I' of class. Fares will not be refundod for Ticket lost, , for tbe benefit of tbe Poor ; £200 to the On Ea«ter Kondoy, at the National ilank, to SELL by AUCTION, at the PARO- BST No Servant recommended before tbo strictest nor any extension of time granted. Pepper, per lb ; Arrow-root, per lb. ; Port Wine, per on-Suir Carlow, Cathcr- further adopting the landlords' view of this structions Parish Priest of the Parish of Saint Nicholas, iue, relict of !P. O'l£ourko, E«q., M.D.. EnnUcortby, in her CHIAL OUSE, GLENMOftE, on WEDNESDAY, scrutiny is made regarding character. There are at JOHN-ROBERTS, Traffio Manager. dozen ; Sherry Wine, por dozen ; Kelly's Albtc Wine ojtn year. equitable question,'declares :—" 'We have over H Currick-on-Suir, and the Roman Catholic Bishop of tbe 4th of APRIL, and following Days, present disengaged, Cooks, Thorough Servants, Parlour Traffio Manager's Office, Limerick Terminus, per dozen ; Whiskey por gallon ; iirandy, per dozen ; At uer resilience, lxmirn street, Carrici-on-Snir, at the " one million sterling taxation for grand jnrj aud Housemaids, Butlers, Coachmen, &o. [s28-6m March, 1883. Gin, per dozen ; Bass' Alo and Guinness s XX. Porter tbe Diocese of Waterford and Lismore, to invest 8 M 0 bel0TBd e Ot Mioh 1 cess j we have over one million sterling for ri-H E ENTIRE of the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- at p«r doz. or quarter Cask ; Tea T^We?pW r^Ui ^&. "" *' " " , at per lb., to be sap- and have the Dividends applied in having an " poor rates, besides £600,000 for towns' tara- I TURE which comprises a variety of Drawing- Improved white Son Soap, TRAMORE liod in Chests ; Soft Sngar, per lb ; Lnmp 8ugar, per Annual High Moss for the repose of the souls of Rooui, Dining-Room, Bedroom, and other Re- S> ; Dipt Candles, per lb ; Wax and Paraffin Candles, ^} ^ 0f ^ot^^!S^l^^^'oyed" tion, in addition to constabulary tax, blood FREE from smell, for the Laundry and House Testator and his wife. March 23, nt Castle-Ellbj, Oowran, co. Kilkenny, Ellen have a quisites, amongst which may be specified com- hold purposes. It renders linen beautifullywhite mo SOLD, by PRIVATE TREATY, a HOUSE per lb. One Contractor : Soap, per owt ; Starch, per Probate of said Will was granted on the 20th eldest daughter of the lat« Patrick Kennedy In the 29th " tax, locally and exceptionally. We Sofa and Loun- stone ; Washing Soda por cwt ; Ball Bine, por lb ; year of her age. "" uiodions Mahogany Dining-Table*, cleanses better and is oheoper than any other Soap.' It -L situate on tbe TKBBACE, February, 1873, by tbe Wntfcrford District Registry " judicial diminution of rental by about 25 per and half a , Tratnore, containing Tobacco, perlb. OneContraotor : Blaok Lead, per lb; At Watorford, on the 22nd inst.. Kathleen Mary, oldest ger, half a Dozen Balloon-back Chairs, possesses detergent qualities, and is a disinfectantwhen seven Bed and four Sitting-Rooms, and of tbe Probate and Matrimonial Division of the daughter of Surgeon-Major John " cent., and finally we are suffering under great with Arm Kitchen, Blacking, per box ; Bath Brick, per doz. Shoe ¦ P. Brodie, A.M.D., aged Dozen Mahogany Hair-bottom Chairs, nsed for cleansing-and purifying WaUs.Floor,sBedding, Out-Offices, held under Lease, at a very low rent. High Court of Justice in Ireland, to the Very Rev. five years. " agricultural depression , owing to universal , Brushes, per set (3) ; Wire Brashes, per doz. ; Stair March 17, at Cannes, France and Easy Chairs to match-;, spacious Sideboard &o., and is reoomended as a Vermin Killer. The Snds For paiticulara as to price, RIOHAKD FITZOKBALD, D.D., P.P., Carrick-on-Suir, , Mr. Eichard lewis, B.L., the " free trade conditions, with our home farmers, &o., apply to Brushes, per doz. ; Sweeping Brushes and Handles, widely known Secretary of the National Lifeboat Institution elaljorately Carved ; some beautiful Glass Csses, disinfect Drains, Ac Manufacturersand sole Patentees SAMUEL C. ALLINGHAM per dor. ; Scrubbing Brushes,per doz. ; Lime Brushes one of the Executors of will, saving hts for tbe long poriod of 33 years. " whether landlord or tenant, handicapped by Drawing- PIKE and CO., by appointment to the Military and , Solicitor, au%} the rig with Cabinet and Secretaire, Cast-iron 24.tf 3, uer doz. ; Paint Brashes, in sizes ; BUok Lesx ICHOLAS HKLAN ' atu«'MW ce Brooklands machinery NavalLanndries ,CarltonWorks,Peokham,London,8.E. Kine-Btreet, Watorfotd. of the Rer. N P , tbe other Executor • ^"Si??' e; . , county Limorick, " soil, climate, and inapplicability of Eoom and Parlour Fenders, Polished Steel Fire Brashes, per doz. ; Mop Heads, at oaoh ; Tin Pints, therein named. in hta OSnd year, Percy Jocelyn Poo, Esq., yonDirest eon of the • Agent for Waterford—Mr. THOMIS PanciLi.Bar- the late Eer Jame. Hill Poe, Eector of Sena|b ^. " in substitution of manual labour over Irons, with beautifully enamelled Coal Boxes to ' " ¦ , per doz. ; Tin Quarts, per doz. ; Tin Platters, per doz. ; Dated this 28th day of March, Feb. 25, , 1>? of ronstrand-street. . «3° To LET front 2nd January next, , per gross j Combs large-and small per 1883. at Demerara80n, Eobert V. H. BoltonTN. ^sq., Inapec- " free soil farmer." How can the opponents suit ; Carpets, Bugs, Door Mats, and Window . . (For such time as inay be agreed on), Iron Spoons , PEIRSE KELLY, Solicitor for said Very r tb8 Ute E , doz. ; Colours, in variety, per lb. ; Oils i Eaw, Boiled, M.D.,iJ r?' I^"S "*£ & - Boltra, E^.. Union Rating meet one instance of the injus- Hau<*inijB ; some elegantly Electro-Plated Ware JAKES O'COITNSLL, Auctioneer, MOUNT NEILL, tbe present Residence of ReV. RlCHAED FlTZOBRALD. ProvidenceHouse , Queen's Coauty Desks, Table Lamps, Cot-GlMa ' Colza,' Sweet, and Spirits' Turpentine, per gal. j „ el>- *> at 8oohelesi0 0t 8t oHon, South Africa, Thomas Vernon tice of electoral division rating ? We refer to Inlaid Writing Mart and Office— 41, BAOWELL.8T., '0LO}fiIEL THOMAS E. STBANOK, Esq., who is about Paraffin and Benzoline at per barrel ; Varninh, por Cathedral Square, Waterford. m30.3t f 8 «h« l»t« Edwin Wiue Glasses, Fruit Plates ; Morning 7" • -• ^ 'Vi ? Sadlelr., ^~jEsq.,, of»< Oak-u»» the case of the divisions next immediately adjoin- T)eeanterB, leaving for Waterford. gal.; lime, per barrei,y;WbitiBJftper stone'; 'Window wood• , King/a^County, and Clonmel of Evening Services of China j two Eight-Day ACH'INEBY UBWWUBE ' V ' CHARLES MclNTOSH On tbo 2Ut lmrt./H8lon», the wihi, and on the 23.a ing the towns. They reap all the advantages and TTJBHIOLES, M , F , and MOUNT NEILL lies upon about six acren of QIasa,-per square foot ; Eggs,,per doz. ; Batter tUo Infunt aoaof Dr. , Thos., for Clocks, Barometer, Table Linen, Data Covers. T Goodsof every description Warehousedand Sold land, is most healthfully situated, commanding a (fresh) per lb. ; Portland Cement, per cask ; Wooden FLTTMBEB, BBASS-FOTJITDEB A. MaoAuHfte, KilgmrreD, Keumaxer a town, and they escape all the burdens, Service, Knives, Forks, Spoons, and various by Private Sale, or by AnoUon, on the>most reasonable fine extensive prospect. Buckets, with bandies : eaoh i Galvanized Iron Dishes, investigation will prove they are, generally, the Dining • ~ ...... ' GAS-FITTER, and LEAD MERCHANT, other articles too numerous to be given ia detail. terms. I a29.1y " The House contains Drawing-room, Parlour, and each ; Galvanized Iron BuokoU, eaoh ; Cooo» fibre - ! lightest rated of all the divisions of the union. lete)— and Hemp Door Mats, eaoh j Coal Riddles, pe? dot.* : . WATEBFORD. - f ort Jftcwg—% assage. THREE BED-ROOMS (Famished Comp AEMY 8EB.VI0E Breakfast Room, 6 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Pantries, (LIT* Or LlTTLB GlOEQE8'8 STBHT), What is the chief objection put forward, to , Iron, and: French Bedstead*, Feather Beds, Scullery, Dairy, Coal-Depot Delph Chambers,- plain, per dot. ;;Fire Irons and ; evils of Albert , Servants' Booms, w.c. Iron Fenders,, per doz. ; Leather and Shoe findings, ' A R R 1 v K 1>^M :: repairing the manifest and manifold Hair Mattrasses. Bed Linen, Counterpanes. &c. ; The Garden (all walled in) is of fair extent, hav- ' . ' .Offices and Show. Room : No. 10 'LADT LANS. 28th-E«TdCNewp sJa^iifg^^S for poverty ; if it be not. the system of which Dtnutifu:ly framed and glared. Ac., Ac. _ . r for three horses, coach-house, fowl-house, pig-sties, street the'entire Stock of Brass, Wood, and Lead Pat- . and varied supply of Kitchen and five in Reserve, or «ight yean wt'i theColours and Bleached C»Uoo, 1 yard wide, at per yard ; Shrouding, the workhouse is the test and the safeguard bit KiTCHEN—Large tbo Reserve, if the Soldier comp his seven barn, cow-bouse, and other small bouses. Blay and Brown at per yard : Linsey, 1 yard vide Urnsconnected with the Foundry, for Brass Castings, Tube, Water Barrels, , HCUM four in lete*¦ , , at I »m.en»bl»dto oxeoute all orders for Casing wholly broken down. Of all the mistakes in Requisites, Wash tears while tarring abroad. 1-3 :.;• -.; '. - .- ]$ ¦:•; { A pump supplies nater.of.purest quality. . per yard r Winisy, 1 yard- wide,' at per yard- s' Cotton at the SA ILKD , Pans, Metal . Kettles and Saucepans, ' ; .¦ For further informations and terms apply to shortest notice, and-on reasonable terms. . ' poor-law legislation, of alTtho miscaniages. "> Buckets, Pots ¦ ¦ > PE0MOTI0N IK; THE ABUT : Chcok, wide breath, at per yard! Linen Towels, at par 24th-AUce, Cardiff . Elba, Culinary.Utensils. ;- . -¦! '¦ LAUBINO BBBHABD BOBM Esq., J.P., 1 - , Entranoe to Works from Peter street. Imh Cardiff, ballast j TemM.1 poor-law administration, the towns have been with tbe OSIM I _ The following potiUons.with the regular Army and * , doz. s Dark Tweed-(Irish) at per y»rd ; Dark Frieze " ''. Doblta, borlet ; Eiral, Traro, «ti , EdltbTcIrdlff PROPERTY includes 8 Dairy Auxiliary Forces are held exclusively by >deserving - . ¦'.{.: ' ':' Knookmitben, Clondaikin : or to (Irish) at per yard ; Dark' Corduroy; { yard wide,' I. . ;. . . IMPORTANT,: NOTICE. . . BathUn, fllasgow g rttwSodI ! the victims ; individual responsibility in rural Tmc OUT-DOOR , j ¦ at 1 about to Supply their Houses with ths ;. oj Combwa, s,. CoA anJ gusSoV Olds, and 2 Yearlings j- 2 Store ef BTHDE IALX par. yard.; Flannel, white and blue, at por yard ^'Parties new wa Cows. 2 Two Year Ki. '' y A N OfNxiLL, Glenbower, ! IPI ATIR own interests by districts has thrown off tbe poverty which works weain Hl^riMif UiUrt af X^P SaU,,/Pal,in ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ? ' ; - ' Woollen Shawls, l yrrd square, at each i Ccfonrtd P -W will oonsult their calling Jowi sWc^iftfetSTcf- Pigs ; lF.iurm B^rse/agoodroaaster. "•XpMiotmnU.• Jnoifdnni: aidUiin • ; ;- : Passage East. •' atthrabove Establishment; where estimates can _SBth-^S>mxaeroe, Wexford, ^'^^ iU own, and often its own creation ; the urban »¦(«, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ lo /ru ¦ Cotton Bandkerohiefs, at eaoh ; Bias and BU;r Knit- ¦ boh* barter . Fannr. OUUROW dar • harness , Oat Bio bavntiful four-wheeled ' .J ' ':¦ ' :' . ~ - . •¦ . ¦!.¦- <:¦ ]oiji»g,tt. October, 1882. ; \- << . . . . n8.tf ' :! ..; ¦ . .: no ^ Ung Cotton, per lb. ( White, and BLtok Housewi/e free;/ districts lay open to receive it, and had" lately built by tyons. ClonmeV fully furnished with 800 Commissioned}'Q oart«r-miut«rs»jid"la "A. tK . •* All work will be guaranteed of the best material and " ^ : ' iUdiof. )*••« *° •"-¦• •. "•.. / Thread, at per lb. j Tape, wide and narrow,tysadth,' and 28th—BnohielAnn , Bridawell. n_ „. individual responsibility U> throw the undue Cushions, iamps/ftc; cost £50 ; two 8|deA Ca» an6s, to'6*. ',, ; r:-7>' I Fta HOLTHEAD, ! Stud, and Shixt Bnttons (strong) : per gross t' Kaittlng 8OFABUI TlBXB. , 8hovels, Kakes, and Wber . ^ A trial-wipeotfnlly.soUcited. • .- - - 1 the oppressed taxpayers have shaped themwln* Barrow, 8proog, Porks, ' i ' t ' Undsr the Auspices at the Sorth-Western Clerical Pino, In SISM, por gross; Sewing Nwdles, per gross; . ISffls»r 5r.3r^ -1S?1Sart ' ""w™ * as" 0ifiB 1 rAnn.""«'CardiffV?Sf«?i.lt*wooO Sittwnnd*j, Kick best Horse 33,000 Non^wnmto-r; Bl *B8*Ttiu.*'°iis''\ '' < ' ' - ^ -, ¦/• ¦ ¦ 10, Lilly Lsoe; Waterford, Aug. 27, '81. New Deahrn, Bridwewotar.stODe t . into a demand for Union Bating, Every fw* Agricultural Implements-roncf of ¦ ' - ¦ ¦-1 MachinsCotton Spools, per doz. i Coffiast^lu.sfs««i M - . ,; . , ¦} ¦> ' .: , stonoaOfflMri^;8«*»MU,.«»aCor--4a.M. to5« .: , i -MM^MMM™-^ • . • . ..>. . ^j.jlj.' . - . ,^:>: , ., in the circumstance of Ireland, evei7 &$"? Bay Churning Machine, Pots, Pans, Keelers. .Tabs may bs »qnir«l, :lst and tn&Wtn,' il« Ihohs* detp. ^ "" Dairy Utensfls j HMp of 8table Manqre, ' pjOntodJBooks.j 'FortBS and Stationary » Moaldswfor .;; • cbuOTY 'OF WATEEFOBD TO WIT. tbat can be gathered as to population, reMi and other uTh,«i«^de.siv^lvai! ^ tamtlAn fl nnn nrf omji of fills! u9 an^ ¦ «A*mfkan . . P2tp«aMriMi .. ..%» VHVI w- J - - A' '¦" ' Workfco««,'i«flrmary, »nd i j'TtaJmrs .n-— i.^— «r—, ww H M««\A I, |M I/4JU »— ^*» . ^ t»o Ladders, *e.; 4o^. ,Y;£ .;,X;«•, ,u_r . .¦w>^,- to Soldiers in India. The tBflyilEas-bieeri.j^Kjil' .JLt'Te if Ai on the Protestant, and Evangelicalj irin-; ths ; Adrs ts; in the Parochial House imme- worUdf.Pay. -: . ' - r;' of the Churob'bfEns-land at tbe lowest SM also4 aVitsd^«rrtfiMtiag 8w«plnfrtissana of ¦ Appointnsuitof JProoea* Officer. mand, After , long consideration, tbe Govern- . Sain to commence fl™oeoial Katesof .>/• .!; ¦dpi** sate*? lv^.Mo^hi^ - the Offioe. and High Ms«sat Hajf.pasfc AJanriBESBByB-^J ;v ;3?»- nmokstSOw.jipeniiSfc;;^^^^ tU Urio.fo rT^ WotkhoM. NO 10 jnent now ask the Legislature to do wnat ;« - diately after ^ PA^^THB^ tb« K>« Vy:^*^-^ Ii-HEBBBY^QIVE T E, that -JOHN » " Soldiers transferredto thi fiftsorve reoslve-payat!j! ii gar Sckolawblpsisj e open^ for- oompotltlou j at RYAKJ5of ^TALLOW, has been auoointed an right to the poor as wefl as to the ratepayers « /; *iT^SS " ' : niMH—t 'o< ittiSTol . 'the ThreeiJTerms. tho cities and towns "V;- ..• lenns-v G^^ ^S^^)S2 ^ ' ji - , and with full coniuSaM** . ¦ .U0QZB?JuMmuin&&p l ^ irTil^ pdHi j |r nniiVliiii ill ^¦TB II ST oMAiLOW/ ic the 'Div slo^of Lismorejin the" rJL^the6hra«ing;r^»^nt:»;'AcrM'fronrehBiit the determination of a Government which j6a* ^ , : ;- .. . . -r. : ^^, ¦;• .. . ^MsM>«Thiftsssj'wmMi trt"'itwtoMfiirjfliii"f>dhWm'.' ¦" '' , " t . ' and ' ' " '. ' ' ' .relax in it* endeavours 'jdotice^dona.W;1 . Limetick ; to get ¦ *,^;;* tractwut^^s«»sssVa^%C-^is^ @PiM»^.4' Th^Wa^rford B^nwayt' inbabitaht8^ ;,¦ ! ^. v ,. ;; .. -. .>/ i , ¦ • .¦,-. ;±«&¦¦?**$$&' of ^Ms^mm ^^m^iim^mmrm^MiM^ : •«mm^^imm^4^mm^ar9*^mm.*«•>•* ***** t»»s»w>«onioaves, and ordejedoa eV1 IJJ?;' .• iffei-A:¦;* ¦ ' ' ' ' , f-n-..-y^jl ^M ^Oii^^^i^WB^T^&i^i»M' ^^r i^m ^^^mmiUJ ^^niaktkj ^mtiBh ms^'^tntsWJs^wsaons.vTBoCompiiywas 1 f3Bp ^c ^ ^fflj.wwf8': I ibW¦¦ IK Timin¦ g cat** *?i £pp f m^mmmmm^m froo 4iLur ;" ho said he would persons removed to hospital whilst laboring under Brigade in the House of Commons (cheers). Mr. average coat, 2a. 10}d. ; in in- Donnell ; Fonoagh : John D. Power ; Fiddown : acknowledged when she arrives in our port. When we see tbe £165 15s. 7d. ; general M'Donnell ; Garraugibbon : John JSgan ; compliment, tell Mr. Milling (the sub-inspector) in tho morning ; ho infectious diseases, 6. O'Donnell, I am proud to say, waa one, of the ; in fover hospital , 83. 2d. ; hospital Edmond and a vote of thanks to Mr. Price and unanimity elsewhere to support Irish enterprise, firmary, 2a. 7Jd. Edmond Hcarn ; Kilmeaden : John Kirwan ; • then said ho heard that a lighted candle, rras placed TNAMITE FOR WATIBKOBD.—At the Cork Police hall, la. 9d. ; No. on ont-door re- Glen : Dr. W. L. Jliickesy followed ' ' - •we would take this opportunity of pointing out D original fighting seven in that house. He was one nuraea, 3a. : dinina Kilmurry : John Wallace ; Mothel : Michael Flynn ; against Mr. Coi s door on tho Mall, and that ho went Mr. Cooke appeared before the 140 ; costl daring week £56 IK . SELECT V EBTRY.—Messrs. John Strangman, J. office, on Monday, of the men who, in no small measure, was the means lief , 1,263 ; last year, 1, , Muckaleo : Thomas Butler ; Nowtowu : John Shea ; there to se-j after it; I asked him if ho got the candlo that this company is also purely Irish, and has Od. ; last year, .£50 14s. 7d. B. Cherry, W. C. Carden, and C. P. Bolton, were lighting at the door bench to ask permission for the removal of some of forming and encouraging the party, who, at Piltown : John Hearne ; Portlitiv : William , and ho roplied " not," but that he peculiar claims on the trading public. The share- STIMULANTS ISSDED —ifale Side : 20 frkasos of wine , appointed scrutineers. Mr. JU'Cartb jected to cases of dynamite from Cork to Waterford. He said present, represents tbe true interests of this country, Malcomsoii William M aloomaon, jun ; ttathgormack : y ob saw Mr. Cox ; I asked him who told him about the holders are all in this country, and the directors— 51 of whiskey, G5 of beer. Female Side : 61 glasses of , the voting papers issued ly to Mr. Mitchell, E.M., it would be removed and I am certain that with these few words, he will Kirwan ; Ross : Micbaul Terry ; Tcmplooruin : , as the names ot the out- candlo boing placed against the door, and ho aaid Dr. D.L., White, J.I'., Murphy, J.P., in rep winu 41 of whUkey, 63 of beer. John Cutlar ; I then broupht him down to tha Mall Messrs. Denny, , and would be in charge of hip man. At this receive from you that kindly welcome, which so good , Richard Phelan ; Tnbrid : Thomas Bowers ; Tulla- going vestry were on the back. He proposed tbat , and I and Goff—are local gentlemen, and large and by car they be taken up, visited Mr. Cox'a door myself, and I brought him back point the resident magistrate, addressing Mr. Cooke an Irishman deserves at your h»nds (cheers). haught: Wm Morcor ; Whitochuroh : Edmund Larkin. and that blank papers be issued. generous employers of labour. Tbe steamers are TIPPEEARY UNION—TUESDAY. The result of this yeur's contest is as follows, aud it Mr. Armour seconded the motion. Mr. Cherry again, aud arrived at Blackfriars at half-past twclvo in an undertone, rebuked him for making tbe ap- Mr. F. H. O'DONNKLL, M.P., then came forward, o' first-class vessels, excellently fitted out, and well ICHABD ONDON -, is only just to say that the able and courteous olerk of proposed, and Mr. W clock ; 1 directed him to put on paper for ma in tho plication in public <»utt—before " these people and was received with much enthusiasm. He said Mr. R C in the char. and subse- . R. Ward seconded, that they morning adapted to the trade, and ve observe that goods the union , Mr. J. Mullins, waa nnspariug in his ex- be used, which ultimatel tbo circumstances connected with tho caudlo there" (meaning the reporters), and said he would it was with great pleasure, as well as much diffi- quently Mr. M. DALTON, chairuinn of tbe union. y passed, and the out- being placed on Mr. Cox'a door. can be booked from the principal towns and cities now. Also present : Messrs. Hunt, O'Brien, Quillinan, ertions to afford nil satisfaction : going ruum ljers were re-elected aa follows :—Messrs not grant any permisBion dence, tbat he found himself in presence of this 'lydurn : Michael Oullinan, 1C ; Patrick Phelan, . Cross-examined by Constable Walah—Ii tho Mall in England, via this company, to all parts of the Finnin. Conway, Martin Dwyer, Kirby, O'Neill. Ba J. Strangman, W. G. D. Ooff, C. N. Bolton, J. B. part of my sub-district ? It is LISHOBB DISPIN8ABT.—At the late election for a audience. He thought recently that his duties for 48, elected, lloolyglass : Patk. Hahcasy, ( resigned), , when you are called South and West of Ireland at exceedingly low efflcer, in room of Dr. O'Eeilly, Ryan, Crowe, Duggan, Allia, Michuel Dwyer, Choiry, R. S. Blee, J. Clainpett, J. P. Graves, thoro for duty ; I asked you what brought you there, , dispensary medical some time would be confined to the House of Com- Juhn Richardson, 16 ; William White, 36, olected. rates. Another important matter is that the city the result of which we published laBt , , who were Cullinane, and Carey. 32 j Edward Walah. 98, G. I. Mackesy, J. Allinghain, W. C. Carden, A. and you aaid you would go if you liked to Peter's , resigned, mons along with tbe Irish Brigade there UarrickbCjj : Wm. Power, J Lane district has the benefit of all tbe sums spent in repairs wan tha voting, tbe candidates and with different STATE OF HotrBK,—In house, 665 j last year, oloctcd. Cuvrick-on-Suir—{elected), Cliarloa Power, Nelson, O. i . bolton. Supplemental : Messrs. , or even to Mary-street district. Was week, the following fighting in a different arena, my demeanour or language to you disrespectfnl ? I stores, ix., for tbe order of the directors is to keep being—Dr. Denneby. medical officer of tho work- weapons, but with much tho ^ame spirit us to fight- 655 ; increase, 10 ; balance. Against the guurdianB, 211 ; Patrick Phelan, 2-W ; .Michl. Fitzgerald, 248 ; Sa-ujuel Striuiginan, und R. G. Ridgway. While borne. This is a great contrast to , when 253 ; (not elected), Peter Wall 223, the votes were being counted, Mr. Uraves entered considered overy answer you gxvo mo disroapcctful the money at house ; Dr. Baylor, at Fertnoy ; aud Dr. Hartland, ing, as tbo men wbose history he bad to relate £2,634 ; outstanding rates, £17,000 which , Thomas Kookett, , and evasive. companies, and irives them further claims for John Cullitiauo, 222 ; KJmond O'iirion, 42 ; John the meeting und requested that he should not bo other ot Villierstown. The rotinu was—For Dr. Baylor : to them to-night It was witn pride and pleasure collected, will cover everything. The demand for Dr. Cutlar, for tho defence, deposod that on the support. The management by C. Morley, Esq., , labour, we are happy to state, ia veiy great, and Kii wan, 238 ; George Howell. 21U. Clonoa : Wm re-elented, 113 hn did uut regard the vestry as a oti II Rev Cunon Broughan, D.D ; Sir Richard Murgrave that he found himself called upon to address his 36 j Patk. O'Dounell elected. Fenoagh : night of tho 21th of February , ho saw tho li^'iit r. J.P., asssisted by tbo officers, is all tbat could be the payment unusually high. Mahony, , 63, parochial vestry at all. for wnenever aDy business Cox's Bart ; C H Currey, Thomas Foley, Major GyleB, audience, because this audience had assembled in Patrick D. Power, unopposed. Fiddown : Edmond do'ir, when he was passing, uad he mot Constable desired. We congratulate our local company on its THE SEED RATE AGAIN.—Mr. Reurdon, clerk, was to be done of a, certuiu kind, toe cleigy were Walsh in Lady-lauc o; Arthur E. Ussher, Benjamin Deane, E. Foley—3. toe name of tbe cause, and in support of the cause Jl'Donnell nnopposed. Garrangibbon : Francis Hoga n, and told him it; 1 was waiting success, and wish it continue! prosperity. , sent fur iu ordvr to out-vote .> others, it waR « at my own door for the patrjl. Constable Walsh : Did For Dr. Dennehy: Very Rev Monsignor Byrne, P.P : upon wbose success depends the existence of tbe read the correspondence, including a letter from the Tl; Egan 149, elected. Glva : Thoa. Hakaasy, 7G8 ; th' , J. Local Government Boatd, pressing for the balance Cathedral vestry instead of a paiochial vestry, and you report anything to ino ? Yes, I roport-jii tnat 1 dad F. Phelan, Mr. Casey, Mr. Heylan, J. O'Brien national undertaking. This meeting was called in Ed. Hearne, 893, elected. Kilmeaden : Edward F. seen a li ' of tbe seed rate due by the union, £1,075. Tbe John Kirwan olected. Kilmurry : as sucii ho did not wish to be connected witii it. ghlud caudle, or noin-.:tliiuj; o. uut kind, RO5TAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC Hickie—6. For Dr. Hariland : 0. Mr. Pyne did connection with the National and Literary Club, Gulviu , 56 ; , 61, fastened to a guutlemau' board agreed tbat the money would be paid with John Wallace, unopposed. Mothel : Aliclmol Flynn, Tbe De.in observed that tue Cutieunil waa a parish s hall door aomo uiiuutos pre- On Wednesday last, pursuant to announcement, not vote. Dr. Baylor was declared duly elected by a which had been started in Waterford—an institution viously. Did you know JU all due despatch, and that one. instalment should unopposed. Mnckaloo : Honry Briscoo, 48 ; Thonm? church »s well as u Catuedial. Rev. ilr. Ijutler chu gentleman wnoso door Messrs. J. F. Fitzgerald, Joseph Bilton, and J. majority of two. intended to develop tbe intellectual instincts of tho it was ? I did, but 1 did not like t> go n.iar it , as thust ' Dot overtake another. Butler, 05, elected. Ncwtown : John Shea, unopposed. thought tbe meeting should request Mr. Graves to Moreland, the examiners appointed for Waterford SUPPOSED INCENDIARISM .—At about two o clock members. Tbe lecturer then, at considerable 08 ; are queer times (luughtiir). Mr. . : ng^ins .- JJy.-i.unitt 1 NEW BONDS.—The Local Government Board Piltown : Thoa. Shea, resigned ; John Richardson, re-consider his decision, as his absence fioui the (laug 1 by the Royal College of Music, of which the Prince on Tuesday morning, Mr. William Brown, farmer, length, traced the course of the Irish Brigades from . , hter). But did y.m t-11 cht: consfiDl. whji - door , stating that new bonds were leady for union John Hearne, 99, olucted. Jfortlaw ; Wm. Malcomson Select Vestry would be a serious loss, for Mr. it was ? Sfes ' of Walesis tbe founder and President, attended in Eathpatrick, discovered a cow sbed on fire. The the year 1652 to 1793. He mentioned the chief wrote , junr., 151) (both elected). , 1 did ; it was on Mr. 0 >x s «l-iu;-, ou tin officers. Tbe clerk Btated that these bonds could 161 ; William Malcomson Graves «us a thoroughly practical gentleman. Air. Mall. ' Couatablo WaUh : Wnat did I do ? Council Chamber, Town Hall, for the purpoBe building was thatched, and contained four cows , battles in which tbe Irish exiles played a prominent James Doyle, 51 ; Denis Power 47. Kathgor- You weat the Price, Aid Clampett, and Mr. Bolton, also urged down at onco and took aome constables with you. of examining candidates to go forward to London which wore, however, removed without injury. part, and in which, in many in instances, they not bs made available ut present. mac : James Power, 47 ; John Kirwan, 05, elected. OUT-DOOB RELIEF.—Mr. Quillinan suggested uponJIr. Gravos to re-consider uis discision, and The result of tho investigation, in which a great deal to compete in tbe forthcoming examinations for Caretaker Murphy called on the constabulary at turned tho tide against their old oppressors, the Kosa : Michael Terry, elected , Patk. Skelian's nomi- that tho out-door relief should be reduced. He Patrick Brophy, he consented to yield to their wishes. of ovidence was taken, was that the Inspector Genoral fifty scholarships in tbo Koyal College of Music, Slieverue, and Constable Michael Keating and Sub- English. He enumerated tbe names of many of nation being invalid. Tompleorum : approved of the finding of tho court * said that every workman in the country is getting 33 ; Richard Pholan, 60, sleeted. Tubbrid : Thomas M EETINGS OF THE VESTRY.—On motion of Mr. , which acquitittd the success in which means three years education coustablee Frawley, Young, and Bell, all of that the Irishmen who distinguished themselves in con- Constable Walah of charge 1, and found him guilty of con- from 12s. to 14s. pet- week. The feeling of the BoweiH , unopposed. Tullahaught : David Coghlan, Carden, seconded by Mr. Graves, it was resolved, in the Academy. Tbe examination was in a pre station, at once proceeded to the scene of tbe tinental battles, and pointed out that if they elected. Whitochurch : charge 2, as it appeared from a perusal of the uvidenco board seemed to coincide with Mr. Quillinnn'a views 57 ; William Mercer, 6t>, after discussion, that select vestry meetings should that Conatablo Walsh' scribed form in the theory and practice of music, flagration, and materially assisted in. extinguishing followed the coarse of tbe Irishmen abroad, they Richardson 07 ; i'doiond Larkiii, y7 elected. s bearing and manner towards on this point. William , , be hold every two uiouttis, the number fast year, the Head-constable were not as subordinate and the result here ii>, that one young lady. Miss the flamvB. It is presumed tbat tho amount of would become acquainted with the history of most expected to be an initial trial ot strength us they TENDERS A CCEPTED.—The board accepted a Thero is as reported by Dr. W. L. Aluukesy, being only should have been, Dawaon, goes forth to win, we trust, an honor for damage done is about .£20. Cause unknown. of tbe nations of tbe old world, and they would, by over tho election of chairman at tho firs t meeting 01 and ovinccd a disposition to question number of tenders—keeping shoots in repair, kc., four. A warm vote' of thanks wa8 then passed to the Head-constablo's orders rather than to obey them. Waterford. It is to be regretted tbat out of nearly ACKABEL ISHXSY—Tb» take of msckarel this meanti, learn what was worth learning in the tbe now board on to-morrow (Saturday). £ THK M F . £13 ; cleaning chimneys, £8, and tin work, £5—for Messrs llosley and Ridgeway for their exertions in Constable Walsh was ordered to bo admonished and 1,600 candidates, Ireland has contributed only coast has, we are glad to learn, con- bistory of Europe. They should study until they Mr. Kency, solr., attended the scrutiny on bohalf of off the Western the year. Tbe tea contract, at 2B. 3d. per lb., was and Kirwan. [Tho collecting the Sustentation contributions to the cautioned and transferred to another station, irhicli but still enough, we hope, to win credit for portion would become possessed of that knowledge which Messrs. Power, Phelan, Howell , has since been carried out foity, tinued immense during the week tbe larger divided between Messrs. Darcy and Condon, of above referred to wcro paid at tho nito organist and choir, and to tho Reverend Chairman , by his transfer to Ballyma- Dub- would enable them to strike down the enemies of vice-guardians , carbery, near Clonmol thoro to take charge. Coostablo Ireland. of them being sent to tbe London market by Tipperary, two excellent contractors. of J625O each per year, for the nino monnha they aervod for his dijinitied conduct while presiding, after , lin and Waterford ; but we are informed, if the the progress of their race. Knowledge would guide Walsh had long beon known and highly regarded in them from joining any wrong, foolish, oc criminal ADVERTISING.—After a warm discussion, the in Carrick]. which the proceedings closed with benediction. this city , where for many years he had ocean-going accommodation from Waterford were IIISMOBE UNION .—Theso elections, which were vory discharged advertising of the union was given to THE WATKE- special duties with great intelligence, zoal ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS better than it is, the greater portion of tbe fish movement, and when they bad an Ireland tbat vigorously contested at both sides, are over, and have ST. OLAVE'S , and effi- It in our gratifying duty to record fresh triumphs con- knows, before long they would have an Ireland that FOKD NEWS, tbe leader. People (Tipperary), und ciency. would be sent through this port, as tbe 80 ton the Munster Newt (Limerick), at £6 each for the lefc mutters in connection with tho Lismoro Uniou in 'I he Very Rev. DIAN MOKOAN presided here, at for Wexford in the person of our young and promis- by will be able (applause). The lecture was well re- much tbe samo State as of old. Tho property votes, signment, mentioned lost week aa despatched year. The Clonmcl Chronicle was thiown out of 11 o'clock , and thero were also present—The Kuv ATHLETIC SPORTS AT KILMACTH0MA9 ing friend, Mr. George E. Greene, grandson of Aid. Bpeoidl boat, was in tbe English metropolis a day ceived, and on its conclusion Mr. O'Donnell was which aro necessarily vory numerous, tondeij, of course, W. T. Butler, Thejo the running with United Ireland. voting was aa fol- Messrs. N. SI. Allen, Samuel sports, which had baon looked forward to with John Greene, J.P., our old and valued friend. Last sent via Dublin. The largest cap- greeted with loud and continued cheers. much to the satisfactory result. Tho such pleasant anticipations earlier than if BOOKS AND FOBMS.—The books and forms were East Division—ono guardian—Heolan, Bennott, B. Graham, Joseph Boucher, Alderman , wore hold on Easter year he carriedoff the First Prize awarded to first coist during Aid. SMITH then proposed a vote of thanks to lows :—Ballyin Monday, at Kilmacthomas. Tho weather tures, we believe on the south-west iven unanimously 10 the WATEBFOBD NEWS, 86 Foloy, 08. Cappoqnin, Bast Division—two guar- Olampett, T. Andrews, T. Koss, R. W. Ward, T. waa piorcingly year students by the Royal College of Surgeons, waters Mr. O'Donnell for tbe eloquent lecture they had g ; cold, anow falling at intervals, but this did not this season, were effected off the Baltimore the work with dianB—Deane, 161 ; Uurke, 136 ; Fitzgerald, 03 ; Casey, O'Hara, etc. Tne Secretary (Mr. N. M. Allen) deter the subjects being anatomy, physiology, surgery , the just heard. It was a matter of deep cengratulation Beverol guardians stating that it did largo numbers from attending the aport». The field on Saturday, ono boat belonging to Cape Clear great satisfaction for years past. Mr. Carrigan, 60. Lismore, East Division—3 guardians—Baldwin, read the minutes and tbe annual statement, from in and chemistry. At the examinations just con- Burke, publican, to tbe members of tbe Waterford National and which the meeting was held was as bad a ono as could Roving Swan, owned by Mr. Patt Tipperary, got the small printing, and be was also 252 j Foley, 183 ; O'Brien, 152 ; Callaghan, 142. Bally- which it appe.irel tbat ther<; ia a balance on hands be selected for the purpose eluded, for Becond year students, he has achieved tbe and Literary Club tbat they had succeeded in getting Division—one guardian—Quinlan, 61 ; , and the stand oreeted waa of that Island, having netted between seven iven much satisfaction. Tbe hane Electoral of JE38 2s 2Jd. a very primitive structure. Tho First Class Honor in Anatomy. He also won Dr. profit such an eloquent and talented gentleman to give represented to have g 23. arrangements as to eight thousand mackarel, which realised a net , Fljnn, CHOSCHWARDEXS .—On the motion of Mr. W. keeping the course clear, etc., wero of a very 's Senior Surgical Prize, with honorary cer- the first public lecture on behalf of tbe club. He board was occupied with tbe tenders till a late hour TiPrBBART UNION.—Thero wore contests in fout good Stake cf £130 by the one baul. . Ward, seconded by Mr. Andrews, Mr. description, and roflectod much credit on the the first timo it was open to hoped that at somo future time Mr. O'Donnell and in all cases tbny selected tbe best articles tbat divisions only—»iz., Tipperary, Drumwood, Doon Sooth Boucher was committeo, tificate—this being ' Loei OF A YOUQHAI VEBBBL ON WBXTOBD re-elected na Churchwaiden who are to be congratulated on the success which and a first-class Honor in the f.onj would be able to come and . detail to them the could be got for tbe money. and Tomplebreden. In all tho o'hor divisions tho for t be parishioners, competition ; COAST.—The 8herwood, of Yougbal, with nil hands, and conaeutod to act. attended their efforts to provido sport. Details :— test for Dr. Hughes' Prize in Surgery. It has sel- doings of another Irish Brigade in America, in former guardians wero ro-electod without opposition. ¦ han been lost on the Wexford coaBt. Tbe crew tho result of tho voting in tho dupntod The Dean.nominated Mr. Allen again as his 100 yards Open Handicap—First heat . J. Larkin dom been the good fortune of the aspirant to which their illustrious fellow citizen, Thoinus NEW EOSS UNION—SATUBDAT. The following in numbered ten bands and tbe master, Captain divisions :—Ti pperary : Thomaa Cross, 569 ; John churchwarden. Mr. Allen said he would do all he 10 yards, 1 j Jf. Konny, 7J yards, 2; P. J. Kennedy medical distinction to gain so many intellectual Francis Meagber, played such a conspicuous part Iu the chair: Mr. E. JOYCE, and subsequently Mr M'Carthy. She was on a voyage from Troon to O'Connor, 429 ; Miohl. Dalton, chairman, 396 ; John could for the interests of the Church and congre- Gi yards, 0 ; J. F. Quirko (scr.), 0. Won by about victories at a single session. Among the first year (applause). J. O.DOOLEY. Also present : Messrs John CbeeverB, six inches. 2niZ heat : P. Barron Youghal with coals, when driven ashore on the coast liyan, 380 : Matthew QaiUinan , 367, and Edward gation. It was then decided to ballot for tbe new , 8 yards, 1 ; P. students we are happy to see another Wexfordujan, Tbe M AYOR seconded the motion, which was Thomas Mullina, John Clooney, W. H. Bolger, Glocson, 9 yards, 2 ; L. Power, 10 yards, 0 of Wexford in the easterly gale. Both the veosel Grant, 233. Messrs. Cross, O'Connor, and Dalton, old vestry, when the old members were re-elected with ; M. Power! Mr. James Bogau, of Tinnactirra, obtain a second supported by Thomas Qalavan, James Neill (Arthurstown), J. with Mr. Kvan , who beat Mr. 7 yarda, 0. Won by three yards. Finalheat; Barron and cargo aro said to be insured. guardians, wero elected, on., or two exceptions. The following form tbe honor.—Independent. Mr. P. J. POWER, J.P., who said it was unne- Meeban, and William Gorman. Quillinan, the old guardian, i'.- jojrfood : Thorn** 1; Kenny, 2 ; Gleoson, 0 ; Larkin, 0. Won easily by EADLY FFECTS or DBINK .—On yesterday, ic.^ot vestry for the coming year :—Messrs T. about two yarda. D E cessary for him to dwell on the abilities of Mr. STATE OF THE HOUSE.—Number in tbe bouse, Crowe , old guardian , 115 ; Patt Dwyer, 42. Mr. Crowe at tbe Andrews, T. Ross, T. O'Hara 120 yards Hut die.—J. Nolan Mr. E. N. Power, coroner, held an inquest O'Donnell, as they were acknowledged all over tbe last year, 474 ; out-door relief, £65 17s. per elected. Doon South : Morgan Crowe, 111 ; Ml. Con- , S. Bennett, W. , 10 yards, 1 ; L. H ME. VILLIEES STUAET, M.P., ON EGYPT ytruekle on the 516 ; Bennett, O. Smith, H. L. Ward Pearo (scr.), 0. Nolan won easily, Pearo falling at licensed house of Mrs. Butts, .Ball world by friend and foe. Wherever the cry of week. In bunk in favour of tbe unioD , £701 5*. noil, 51; Mr. Crowe elected ; Mr. D. Ryan, old guar- , W.. R. Ward, the On yesterday, the following communication was work- O'Neill 129 A. M. Ross, B. Graham, W. Smith last hurdle. body of Daniel Phel&n, who had died in the oppression came from, there the oppressed might 10d. Under tho new and intelligent master, Mr. dian, bad retired. Tomplebreden : John , ; , J. D. Peare. made to Mr. Villiers Stuart, M.P., who is at present appeared Mylus Ryan 47. Mr. O'Neill, old guardian, elected. TUB Caoru.—Kev. Mr. Butler said the newl Labourers' Race—4-10 yards.—J. Whelan, 1 ; J bouse hospital on the previous day. It reckon on an able and fearless. champion in Mr. William Harrington, the nuns, and matron, Miss , y attending to bis duties in the House of Commons :— the deceased In the caao of the Tipperary Town Division, Mr. M. appointed organist (Miss Ward) had Conway, 2 ; W. Meara, 3. Nino ran. Won aftor % from the evidence that on the 21st inst. O'Donnell (bear, hear). Mr. O'DonneU was entitled Stafford, the bouse is now carefully and very well given every good race by a couple of yards. SIB—I am directed by Earl Granville to convey to drunkenness and con- Quillinan , who had demanded a scrutiny as between satisfaction : but there wero somo music books wantod was arrested on the charge of to the confidence of all patriotic Irishmen as a But there are two thinya, at least, Two miles Walkiny Race.—h. O'Connor (acr.) 1 • yon the thanks of Her Msjeivtv'a Government for jonr where, in some conducted. him and Mr. Croaao, said in tho course of tho board's for the choir and organist, ar,-l he moved that these bo veyed to the Lady-lane lock-up, distinguished member of tbat Parliamentary party essentially required, and which arc in the Water- be would withdraw all opposition, and hac R. Skehan, 110 yards, 2 ; J. WaUh, 120 yards, 0 ; T! valuable and interesting reports on the condition of he became eo bad, that Dr. Cutlar, proceedings, provided by tho treasurer. Mr. S. Bennott seconded Egypt, which have been time after, led by Mr. Parnell. A VOICE—It won't bo long ford and most other workhouses—Duuivly, an office great pleasaro in allowing Ma friend, Mr. Crosso, to tho motion, Humphry, 130 yards, 0. The two last named were dis. the agricaltnral population of , bad to be called in, and which was passed. qualified early for breaking, p through the Earl of Dafferin. dispensary medical officer until you are one of them (hear, bear). wiite up and keep his books in, rotain his seat unquestioned, as they had always beon TUB GtuLETTE EMORIAL aud O'Connor taking the received by his Lordshi be bad biin re- for tbe master to M .—Tho Secretary was lead, soon af cur won by over forty yarda. I am, at the same time, to inform yon that printed after administering restoratives, Mr. POWEB said in Mr. O'Donnell the oppressed as also a small kitcheu tor the use both of master on the best of terms (hear). Mr. Croase said ho waa requested to summon the coramitteo to carry ont the , where, High Jump.—J. Larkin, 5 feet, 3} inches, 1 ; W copies of those doenments will be forwarded to yon as moved as soon as possible to the hospital had always a champion ready to meet with any and matron. At all times, und in summer es- thankful to Mr. QaiUinan for his personal kindness. wiahe8 of tho vestry with regard to this matter. A Dr. Bnrkitt, Mr. Quillinan : Mr. Crosso thanks me, and I givo him Fraher, 5 feet, 2J in., 2 ; J. Whitty, 5 feet, 1 inoh, 0. soon aa possible.—Signed, J. PANNCBFOTS. notwithstanding the best attention of truculence and chicanery. it is both disagreeable and unhealthy to . cordial voto of thanka to tho Dean and tho Rov. Mr. March 26th, 1883. from congestion of the lungs, pecially, my sincere thanks, too, and beat wishos for tha future. Butler wa« then Half-mile Race.—h. O'Connor, 25 yards, 1 ; J Foreign office, he died on Wednesday, - The CHAIRMAN put tbe motion; which was carried food, as they must under present arrange- pas8ed on tho motion of Mr. R0S8, Nolan 40 yards, 2 ' Tbe verdict was accordingly cook thei r 1 wanted to retire for a while, aa I have been attending seconded by Aid Ulampott, , ; W. Nash, 40 yards, 0. Won by superinduced by drink. by acclamation. - ments, in each of abeir-srrflng-rooms: We" would after whioh the proceedings four yards. SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION returned. here for 26years (applauso). closed with tho Bonedfotion. LITEEARY AND Mr. O'DONNKLL then returned thanks for the suggest a committee of the^guardians be appointed MALLOW U NION.—The scrutiny for tho election of 440 yards—James Walah, 27 vds, 1; J. Hill, 30 yds. A very interesting literary lecture was delivered A WOHAN'S RBVKNOE.—At the Carrick-on-Suir " , 2 j P. Morrisay, 28 yards, 0 ; L. O'Connor, 15 yards Henry vote passed and the kind reception accorded to to make these necessary" alterations which they four guardians for the Mallow Electoral Division took ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH , in the- Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, by W. B. Petty Sessions, on yesterday, before Messrs. , placo on Friduy. Three of the outgoing guardians— Tho vestry meeting was held at threo o'clock. 0 ; J. R. Dwyer, 10 yards, 0 ; Brown, 20 yards, 0 • Eliza Hamet was him by .tbe audience. He would always feel the will find will cost but little, and which when done, Guinee, Esq., of London, entitled " Side Lights of Smith, E.M., and J. H. Power, greatest interest in the progress of the National will last for no one know bow long. Messrs. Arthur tieehan Creagh, John Fitzgerald, and Present : Tho Kcv. tlENKr LINE, M.A., iu tho chair ; Lynch, 20 yards, 0 ; Nash, 20 yards, 0. Won by two Mary Walsh, of Wide-lane, for an Dr. Ringroso Atkir.8 yards. Politics." Tho chair was occupied by tbe president, prosecuted by and Literary Club and commended tbe developing ONTESTS —There were four contests in tbe union Michael Nunan , songbt re-cloction. Tho fourth, Mr. , A.M ; Aid Clampett, Messrs. 's feud. It appeared , C . Henry Danny, GOO yards Hurdle Race.—R. A. Powor, 1 ; J. R, John N. WHITB, Esq., T.C. The attendance was assault, tbe result of a woman and promotion' of suoh .institutions. Ho hoped he and to-day tbe intelligent clerk, Mr. Kingawell 13. Williams, did not seek ie-election. Tho hon. treaanror ; B. G. Ridgway, F. some time since, this year, were—Messrs O'Meara Richard Klwin , A. Sutherland, S. Strangman R. A. Newenhom Dwyer, 2 ; L. O'Connor, 3. Power led from start oud large and respectable. The lecturer gave a very that defendant (Hamet) bad been, would ere long have the pleasure of listening to a Gifford Carr, and the collectors were engaged in new candidates . John , , , Parliament and its members, an inmate of tbe union workhouse, where tbe gave Lombard, Wm. O'Brien, Ed war J O'Riordan, and Capt J. Todd, K. Clampott. won cosily. attractive sketch of lecture delivered by one ot their members of tbe scrutinizing tbt> votes in tbe master's parlour. In Mr. Donny, Messrs. Parnell, Major O'Gorman, Mr. birth to an illegitimate child, and after leaving the Johnstono. Tlie aortitiny occupied three hours. Thj treasurer, produced tho accounts, which including club. his absence, Mr. Barron, the assistant clerk, con- result was : Mr. Arthur G, Creagh, 471 ; Captain showod that, after paying all expenses, there was a , Mr. Gladstone, and all tbe other great hospital, complainant took her into her house,wben KILMACOW PETTr SESSIONS-YESTEBDAT. Sexton Mr. E. LEAHY, who was loudly called for, said ducted the business of a portion of the board's Johnstono, 399 ; Miohaol Nunan, 351 ; Edward balance in nanda of .£10 (is. Id. The painting of tho (Before Capt. Gyles, with Sub-InapeotorMorrell guns on both sides of tbe House. At the conclusion 8be could find no other shelter, but in some time in man was in the as they bad passed a vote of thanks to Mr. O'Don- proceedings. O'Riordan, 296 ; John Fitzgorald, 287 ; John O'AIeira. chancel and other parts of tho walla waa roferred to attendance). a warm vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Guinee, after, Mrs. Walsh, finding that a nell, be should confess be did not know what they BEBCLT OF THE ELECTIONS. 206 ; Richard Lombard, 180 ; William O'Brien, 141. tho veatry. Mr. M. Barron rate collector , Hamet was ordered to leave ; , , summoned Jamea on motion of Dr. Scott, J.P., seconded by Mr. habit of visiting' ber wanted him to talk about (laughter). When he There were four contests in the union, namely, Several of the rotes entered for Mr. Fitzgerald woro Mr. H. Donuy waa nominated by tho chairman, in Fitzgerald, of Luffney ; Michael Morrissy, Bally, , pair met at the WeBt Basselt. on tbe 24th of March tbe was asked by tbe club to invite Mr. O'Donnell to in tbe New Ross division, tbere voted for William informal, for, though the initials wero put opposite his the name of the Archdeacon, as churchwarden for tho nooney East ; Margaret Aylward, Richard Aylward, Gate, where, after abuse, Hamet assaulted Walsh name, the voter did not sign his name to tad voting ensuing year. On tbo motion of Mr. Ridgtray, secon- Patrick Conaoll, of Farnogno Wost ; Ed. Hsnnessy, witness named come over, be was fully aware tbat if Mr. O'Donnell Gorman, 287 ; John Meeban, 264 ; John Cbeevers, ded by Mr. Strangman, Mr. Elwin was re-appointed on for aspersing her " Kerrecter." A Connoll 219. Tne tiree old guar- paper. Patrick Hennessy, and Michael Maher, of RaharJ , for CURRAGHMORE HUNT STEEPLECHASES not appearing, did come it would be at considerable inconvenience. 251 ; Thomas y, tho part of the parishioners. various amounts for poor rate and seed Power, summoned for the defence, but be thought to himself as tho club was formed diuns were elected. rate. In all Tbe committee of the Carraghmore Hunt intended to fortnight Mr. Davin Mr. Robert A. Newenham was unanimously elected the caaea decrees wero given. annual races, as advertised, on 3rd of the case was adjourned for a in the county of Waterford, and as they bad some The electoral district, comprising the divisions of CATHOLIC CHVUCH a member of the sslcct vestry, have held their and Mr. O'Sulhvan for on the motion of Mr. TRESPASS.—Mary Nolan, of Bollynamona, autn- May, but in consequence of the opposition given to appeared for complainant, claim on him, Mr. O'Donnell beio>j the member for Brownsford, Jerpoint West, and Listerlin—For DEATH OF THE REV. WALTKB CANTWELL, P.P.— l'odd, accjnded by Mr. Ridgway, in placo of Mr. Jeffars defendant . moned Ellon Power, of same place, for allowing two hooting in some districts, culminating in the attempted tho borough of Dungarvan, ha would not object to Kicbard Forresta), 94 ; Eicburd Murphy, 84. Ma- On Monday, 19th inak, there died at the paroubiul who has left Waterford. The outgoing veatry, with pigs to trespass on her yard aud destroy nor fowl. the Kilmacthomas country, was this exception, poisoning of tho bounds in NATIONAL AND LITEBABT CWJB.—A paper give tbe lecture. Mr. O'DonneU expressed tbe jority for tbe old guardian, 10. residence, Ardfinnan, tbe f Rev. Wulter c'antwell, wero re-electad as follow8 :—Dr. Atkinaj The defendant said tho fowl which was killed was her they ha»o abandoned the meeting for this season. read on "The future of the Club" by Mr. John pleasure it would give bim to lecture, and be con- Electoral divisions of Dyeertmoon, Eosbercon, P.P., at the patriarchal age of 84. Tbe deceased Measrs. 1. Thornton, J. Wright. E. W. Carette, A. proporty. Thero was also a summons by the com- Curran, on Thursday evening last, beforo a large sequently came here that night. Mr. Leamy then and Shambough, forming one district—For James was the oldeap and one of tbe most widely respected M'Coy, J. P. Blines, S. Strangaian, It. G. Eidffway, A. plainant against the dutnadant [or having oscd threaten- WATEEFOED MAEKET REVIEW , including Mr. Powtr, M.P., and Mr. Sutherland. ing language by swearing at hur. Capt. Gyles diamiased audience made some remarks in reference to the lecturer's G. Deoley, 113 j Koiert Knox, 84. Mrjority for priests in the diocese of Waterford and Lismore. On the motion of Dr. Atkins, seconded b FOB THE CUBBKNT WEEK. Leamy, M.P., Aid. Smith in the Chair. A vote of yearn since he entered the sacred ministry, y Mr. Denny, bcth cases, obsomng tnat a civil actiou should havo discourse, and alluded to the reasons which com- old guardian, 29. It is 55 1 cordial vote of thanka was passod to the organist and been taken for tho loss of the fowl. BACON.—Messn. Mattorson, Glen Bacon Works, thanks to Mr. Curran, proposed by Father W. P. pelled the Irish to emigrate in such numbers to And for the two united divions of Ball back and and during a. singularly lengthened service iu tbe Bacon at GGs. to 74s. ; demand slow. y choir for their val uable sor?ices. Wm. Power, of Gnrtecn , was suinmoi.ed by John onot« Waterford Power, and seconded by Mr. O'Shea, waa passed by America, and the attempt made b forcing- the Kilanjkea, tbere roted for tbe old guardian, James priesthood, no man could have discharged the duties Votes of thanka to Mr. Moaloy and Mr. ' 61s. to 69s. ; demand quiet. Figs, 68a. per y Ridgway, Doherty, 01 same place, for having on various occasions Hambro , acclamation. . Irish to adopt the English language, and for the new candidate hen of his hi h oface with more zeal and devotion. He collectors of the patochal fund ; to the church wardens, ewt to destroy the Neill, 63, , Step g allowed goats and cows to trespass 82 times on his EABTXB CHEER AT THE WATEBPOED WORK- Nationalist spirit within .them. This measure he Colfer, 160, who won by a majority of 97. was a most effective preacher of the word of God, and a very cordial expression of good feeling towards pasture land and shrubbery. Tha dot'endant'a cousin SALMON.—The prioes during tho week were at were the Rev. Mr. Lino Is. 7d. and Is. 7Jd. per lb. ; HOUSE.—An excellent breakfast and dinner maintained bad not only failed, but had been tbe Tbere was no voting in any of the divisions iu his sermons always carrying conviction to the minds , curate, concluded the proceeding^. said that the complainant's land is a regular common. follows : Saturday, Sun- Tho petition to Parliament against tho admission of Monday,Is. 7d. ; Tuesday, Is. 6}d. and Is. 7d. ; Wed. given to the iumates of this house on Easter means of preserving that spirit, which was as fresh respect of proxies or claims. of tbe humblest, as well as to tbe most intellectual. The defendant was ordered to piy 28s. tid. curapensi- and , tbe matron, Miss C. Atheists to Parliament was adopted at this veatry aa tion, with 2s. costs and costs oi warrant. The com- neiday, Is. Sd. and Is. Sid. ; Thursday, Is. 4Jd- day. Mr. Eeidy, master _ to-day as ever (applause). TENDERS ACCEPTED.—Oatmeal, £13 15s. per This sacred function of his office he continued to well aa at all tho otheta. Is. 5d. ; this day, when tboro was a vory large supply, O'Brien, and the other officers, were very active The proceedings then terminated. Is. Od. per cwt. ; linseed meal Is. 6d. discharge almost to tbe end, and when infirmities plainant aaid he would not -ask any money until thu ton; salt, . cattle trespassed again ou his land. the pries was Is. per lb. and careful iu their attention to the poor under per stone, Mary Doyle (Rosa) ; Indian meal, £8 3s. pressed heavily upon him, it was bis custom to change in the CLOGHEEN UNION—TUESDAY. DRUNK.—Philip McGrath, of Ourluddy, was aum- their charge. We noticed a marked , JSDNWDAT 4d. per ton, Win. Howlett (Jttoss) ; best port wine, have a chair brought to the altar, and, seated, he P. O'DONNELL, Esq., Chairman TirrEBART BUTTEB MABKET—THIS DAT.—100 fir- BOARD OF GUARDIANS—W . . , presiding. Alao moued by Sub-':OD8table Doyle for being drunk ou tho general improvement ef the house. P. J. FOWZB, Esq., J.P., in the cbair. ! 27s. per doz. j white - soap, 21s. per cwt. ; vrax would preach to bis people with an earnestness and present : Messrs. J. Shcehy, M. Cashin, M. Brazil , publio road. Defendant : I waa nevor caught kin« in market. Good ordinary, 80s. to 86s. ; mediom, son of Michael before firkin of 3 qra., 151bs. tare. A good PBOMOTION.—John J. Anthony, Also present—Aid. Redmond, Aid. Clampett, Capt. candles, 8d. per lb., Walsh Brothers ; loaf sugar, vigour tbat nover failed to make a deep impression f. Ryan , and L. Koluy. Mr. Hamilton, L.G.I., was (laughtor). Capt. Gyles : But you might have been 70s. to 75s. per county, has been alao prc8unt. demand fur all qualities, and quotations firmly main- A. Anthony, of Eingville in this Power, Aid. L. A. Ryan, Dr. Scott, J.P., R. T. Carew, 3Jd. per lb. ; soap, 26s. per cwt. ; dipt cindles, 5d. on his hearei-B. His last public appearance at the drunk. Fined Is. and costs. John McDonnell , of Munster ADVERTISING.—Tho Clonmel Chronicle was awarded Kilmacavogue, tained. appointed manager of the Cahir Branch of D.L., C. Eogers, J.P., A. Farrell, T.C, J. Fitzgerald, per doz. ; rice, 3d. per lb. ; arrow root, lOd. per altar was oh Ash Wednesday, wben he blessed and was summoned by Constable Keating Bank. He has been for years accountant in Clon- J. C. Elliott, J.P., V.O., P. Kenny, T.C, M. O'Meara, lb. ; washing soda, ii. Gd. per cwt., Thojias Hunt distributed tbe ashes, but was obliged, through the contract for advortiainu; for the. ensuing year. for being drunk on the publio road. Fined 5a. and tnel, where he waa greatly esteemed and respected, T.C, J. Leamy, T.C, E. Bronnan, J. Aylward, B. (Boss); bread, white, 41b. loaf, 6Jd. ; wholemeal, weakness, to return from tho sanctuary without Thero was but the one tender. costs. PETTY SESSIONS—THIS DAT. THE RBLIBVINO OwiCiRsaiP—Mr. John Morrissy, FlOHTHfti —John Larrissy CITY so much so tbat a deputation from there of most Morrissy, T.C. D.V.C.. J. Costelloe, T. Delabunty, do., 71b. loaf, 4£d., Ellen Connors (Ross). being^able to' carry out bis intention to celebrate . and Jamos Prendorgsat, Before the Mayor. Messrs. J. Ryan, M. J. Cox, T. Hearne, P. O'Keeffe, D. Hally. . R.O., wrote , resigning his position as relieving officer. of Kilmnrry, were summoned by Sub-constablo influential inhabitants waited on managers in Cork. BOOKS 'AND FORMS.—The books and forms were Mass. To the people of Tramore, whose spiritual Aid. L. A. Ryan, and J. Slattery. A NSW OtnCI JOB TBS MA6TKB, He reminded tho guardians of his long service, and of Frawley for committing a breaoh of tho proce bj this unanimously given to THE WATEBFOBD NEWS, tbe interests be served for over thirty years, tbe in- AN INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL CASE. THE TIPPMABV HornDS.—On Saturday Mr. K BNNT, visiting guardian for the week, tho fact that he lost his health in that service. Tho fighting on the publio road. The fi ght took placo residence of Clerk and other officers having leported that THE telligence of bis death will come with genuine QueaJy applied for an order for tbe famous pack met at Tbomastown, the suggested that a new office be provided for the clork (Mr. Kettlowell) said if they proposed to change opposite tho doctor's gate on tho 25th inst. Whon tha £«v. Father large NEWS office gave much satisfaction the previous regret. How highly they appreciated bis ministra- the salary they would havo to give a fortnight's notice constable arrived on tho scene there was a third children, Mary and Margaret the late Csunt de Jarnac, There was ft very accommodation of the master ; it would only cost poraon admission of two minutes was ¦ year. Bollard and Falconer also tendered. tions amongst them, they testified on tbe occasion beforo proceeding to the election of a. new officer. Mr. present, trying to make , peace between the two. into tho Industrial School. It appeared attendance, and a capital run of 80 a few pounds. . ' Donnelly, Newport, and BEEF.—Tho beef;, tender , was postponed, tbe of his elevation to the pastoral charge of ArdQnnan, Hamilton : What is the salary now ? Clark : JB56 5S. Prondorgast admitted having a hold of Larrissy and deserted the children and bad had from Meldrum, through Dualla, Aid. R EDMOND moved tbat the suggestion bo that the father had 'a giore and on to tender 8d. being looked upon as too high. Adver- when they presented him with a most substantial Mr. Hamilton : That inoludea everything ? Clerk : tearing his shirt, but he aaid he had no intention to America. Tbe mother had four children, Ratbdougb, and thence to Price adopted, the.coat of tbe office not to exceed £4. Tea. Ho was tho only officer in the union that got the fight. Larrisay also disclaimed all iutnntion of fi gone to ground. A few tisements are to be inserted for new tenders in THS token of their esteem and regret. Tiie people oi ghting. and sho would try to support two of then. Evidence Silverfort, where tbe varmint got to Mr. ELLIOTT seconded tbe motion, 'which passed. , highest rate of sanitary allowance. Mr. Hamilton Finod 2a. Gd. each and coats. Thero being only one beautifully,considering WATEBFOBD NXWS and Wexford papers. Ardfinnan have lost in him a good pastor, a wise having been given that the children were begging griefs. Tbe bounds hunted The Local Government forwarded £30 6s. 3d;, What is Lubj's salary ? Clork -. £35 5a. Chairman : magiatrato present, several caaoa wera adjournud until the cold sharp air. . Mr. Carr read the minutes, &c., which contained counsellor, and a sincere friend. They are deeply Really Mr. Morrissy was in receipt of a salary of about next court day. and receiving alms, v aro pleased being half tbe amount paid by the guardians during a letter from the Local Government Board sensible of tbe lose they have sustained by bis ht this was a easf LARGE DBAPKBT HOOBB, QUAT.—We the past half year under the Contagious' Diseases , pressing .£70 per annum. Clerk : Ho gets a considerable Dr. Scott said be thoug has for the seed rate which a spirited death. They may. meet as good a parish priest, amount of money by prosecuting defaulters under the this to bear thot Mr. William Kelly, draper, Quay, Animals' Aot. •¦ for payment , SALE OF CATTLE FOR RENT. altogether for tbe poorbouse. If children like ' establish- government would have wiped out of , their books but they never expect to have one that will surpass Compulsory Vaccination Aot. Mr. Hamilton : I sup- Industrial School, it would be purchased the interest in the epaeioas ¦ ¦ tin. Telford wrote to say tbat tbe pauper girl, TiPPBBAEtr, MABCH 24.—On thi8 day, 20 head were allowed into the , Quay, near Commins B long ago. The guardians postponedthe considera- him in unselfish devotion to the spiritual in- pose you will not givo your new relieving officer more of encouraging fathers to desert their ment of Mr. Robert Locke Ma'ry Brien, would be received into tbe Blind Asy- ? catt.e tho property of a tenant of General Dicksons tbe means of the drapery business, tion of tbe question to,a larger future meeting. tereterestsste of bis flock. Father Cunt well's remains «>thMi?? LubynJyJ bosla\? In . repl*reply to a guardian,,,,the the master . , Ryan : If you send these children Hotel, specially erected for lum at; Merrion whenever .the guardians wish to said thatJ£ Mr. Lnby got a salary of .£25 a year first, children. Aid. by Messrs. John Ryan & Son O| y " ¦ ' ELECTION or TAILOR.—For tbii office , at £26 were interred in the Church of. Grange, on Wed- to tho Industrial School, you will be keeping others some.years ago. >- dend ber. ; - .' . : - . : :. . : . " : .; • .. . . ' but it waa afterwards raisad by .£15. . Clork : Thero is and Watorford. i ' • , " per year, there were tin» tho «mn,,nf / honaf idecase I would not have come here. I think tot the contracted!whilst out.on night work during tbe ^ th u° ° l ~ e5* ® " Ott^ One of progressat the rere of the general and . Gorman. Tbe'successful. candidate returned donmel, presided at the saored ceremonies, whioh mentmentsa being madeinaJe for the permanent performance ofof' t°.' .. ^fj t n ,} ,2' I !, u those children are destitute and ought to be certified. now in course past sevore-weatber.-and a*kiBjrrwhat steps are to ¦ ' ; v,.,- .,? * . f ; balf-year s rent and costs due by him The°J form , post office on the quay. It will be like ft small thanki to tho IxaudT ABjqnrned. . .: immediately preceded the interment. The Rev. them.: . .; ... . .- • Major—These children will not be allowed into be taken about a substitute?, The board desired A. notico of motion appointing thii day.five weeks as ,**»oh >8 P?°r ™y IaD*- consists of 170 Irish acit-s, railway terminus. : Mr. M. Hunt is the contractor. Thomaa Finn, P.P.;Newcastle, was celebrant of the the valuation , being Xii 15a. Ihe the poorhouse, unless the whole family go in. Tbe that— a • special. meeting. of the . Woodstown Dispen. ' by' Ker; William Maher, tho time for fixing tho amount of suporanuation to Mr. present tenant only The parcels' workworK will come'into into operation min «•»this to the mattoi. " . . NEW- ROSS • COERESPONDENCE. : Hiirh Mass/ asswUid the ' , . ¦ . ' . purchased 'about 20 years since ; application was refused, the Mayor being the ' ' ": ; ; ¦ Comsjittoe be cafled - nr' nnrl fhn Hi>* Kpren WJ RH C f na rfminnn Morrieay, was than handed in. . 1* tbe rent WM citydtv about midsummer.midsummer, ;i • : •. : ..- ,! ;..;: ' - , . ! " EW -Few magistratein favour of granting it. V . . _„, _ ., ,; . ,; J ,; iti^tn wi. Nita Rbss, SATifBDAT. , towns in IreUnd ... ASSAULTS. i , V IKPOBTS o»..G»Ani.-^wo . ^teatners-we LW that ,Mr< M> Banon attended .held own, through the bad fime«{ bettet than Ross. ^e qr»., ana. ^ C ^ Ellen Furlong, an unfortunate. snmmoned^Mary Turquoui, hlhe, kom Baltimore, 18,000 fe order to dote bii poor rate acotnht. - Tbo^ K» merchants,- tradespeople,, and shopkeepers, areTin- assaulted her on ()00 qr. ., " n.trioa. and very Gabriel.' of the same class, for having th. Autocrat, from 8jlon^.9. v»««*-£» ^^w ^l ^ V^^ B«S jaly^oSi%**tot d «W:in' the^de%.:i.: still deposed that the to the Messrs. Wi'to. Broth«»,. . £'" v.-- :'- "' - ; - 0 1 trom it8 B ^eep Ter «nd good posiUon ought «: MJ Patrick's night. The complainant now discharging . . 487il >a wWhSch *Boant liclnd«l -the ' ««ed P ? u^ 4. sm^^tm^s^RS S hars sg« defendantgave her a blow on tbe eye. tore her hair, one at the Market-houie, Quay, and tbo otbtr at *^*' f-^:, »ui °i:jJ„„» 2i«i*7kL! a? hS, to bs abn more bnsy plaoo.'i For insUnoe,on at the quay I t^stz her on the forehead and tb. wil-, ^ £% *"» °F three l ^l ?1 b» at the the «»S *V~ "«iSK'SJS knockedher down, and kieked North Bide of the river, at which pla<* ^M ^^^ & ^t Jiuii^h 8d.^^ tHmU f I>"i*° : SS ? i ^ £S :S -SrKSEHR ". T^^.f ""^ bay t0 enable him to use some of or 48 hours' imprisonment. III advantage! collected,, learing a . balance pl £l6O-J»._ i ^the very least ti'soore of them here.t.^ One.nob e ship; 'J' Fli'vini'Adm ASt.'Peier:in i Paul's, Clonmel j ¦ Tbo guardians here took , up: the oonsidorafever tion of a . "^^« the farm for •very bit of her. Fined S«. «aVexi*n«tonwill afford this firm area*™ : C 1 proposaljelativo housuig Krowng purposes, and he complains bitterl Miry A.cGUliouddy unmmoned her sister-in-law, 3 «TnnfcnT 1 ¦ ^ i due, paft of ,wh&h ;Muld>,,carried, into ,tbe. new Mm with Indian corn, from Baltimore,; Ues along*iu« ReV.' T. Mbarfttb A^m^Cl6iheen.;.Bev8.J. Walsh to of patients, y of tbe appeared for7 cheapll ^ traMitlJ ^Yhnp thei country. V - ' '. jg,. Od. of tbat amount .was ior.nn. the very spacIoua-itoreB.yard, and concerns of Messrs; f : > ' on 1"> board soon afterwards adjonined. , dealings of the agent, Mr. Robert Hunt, . Hlen McQiUionddy, for assaulting her. It, •-^^_ f -^ «>t £& an'd j :' M6rari;'C.C'*.f'C«BiriiRevg.MJBurke and ^ _ of Liuie,- defendant knocked «»• ¦com- ¦: Vj* 0 J e J * /oj»ftctaWe oeed rate.KCoinp«raUTely BpenklngVMr. .Abraham Stephan» »nd Soni«abov»,bridgo. ';WUWng > i 1 ¦ ~rr~*~I~~: ¦ . nc* n 1879, on abatement of 10 per cent. WBa from the evidence that tbe , ,*? ?*,£*? i of. oats> ', by?1 Mr.ST A.A FarrellKW11 ,'•- ' T»: ri*Herain. C.C'i''fiunMrtfta rRavs. J. 0 Connor —.;. . . . il" > : ? plainant against the wall, spit on her several tame* kirk, with l,160>irrel»¦ ^^ . g ,^Su oB- --W-ibW^.!«de^fnfono - to see .what Sort oU a pl»oe tbU:i», whioh formerly 'DUNGARVAN POQRTLAW ^LECTIONS. • made the tenant, besid.s a promise that building seandal. Fined 5s. or 48 T.C. ' <¦ ; "" •. . , „, . . ... : ! ¦ ! belonged to the.Iate Mr.UC'Cormiok,-1 paid it a'visit, ^SimwttjBS ^t attmmk B. and gave her all sort* of p i . . ' 1 '419 447 via i tha'whole amount of the :rate. -Of ^ r'Hoi^-Ww/'^rany^BVBflra "B™"™! IBIMDW.7"She, Board of Guar- would be erected for him. 10 per cent, vfaa ailo - Doo Li«K8M^-8aturday next, the SW^fa , j J ^. ^^ ^nd found,;asil-entered^M^A.;;8tePljeai;^.P^ O^hnBMl^r^ dians did not meetvthui Tbursday h.s allowed in; 1880, and a promise that boors' imprisonment. . , .1 ^^^^ • J ^^ ' ; teWrMii iii th« - I-Ml(f' ^& ^a ^Vm!^ .;day: :. Next, compentt^ Eliiabeth Cashin, of Milk Lane, summoned EUen the last day for:registering dog« te.M .V . ^ ' ^nVWrbtr-jeSOO mori <«H«W (J«»«J. wriHng o«oi».-:' J 'S^&^^mm ? been fixod^ »r the m'eetlnj of the'riew board. . I wbnld be allowed for wmesorioui losaes Ms&nlting her. . I be 1 *** n^Ue^'^a** S ^ S iy-KK«^fe«S irdS i tbe of mue HcGnth. of Jahn-stmet. for - ' ;! Tb« 'oUowing U the reatl^of elections.in Neither , of ^besejpromises, it is said, were cTrriS «mplain*nt deposed that the defendant knocked her l^pc^^l^^n I^.U^y OU ^aff B ^^m ' S^mm . :^.?& xss£^tizAtti^i3& ' this union :— ' - , - .. : .. . : out. In 1881; 20 per cent, was alloired ' down and kicked her j whilst eae was on the ground 2i&*»^^r4rr' ^eV'>Otf'"rounuieeM''rofcr "P Lbneriran C Ci , and 224 and tooB m per 1888. Mr. Ryan , offered . " the defendatt's daughter caoia inta her shop Pf -^^mm^^m^^; ^u ^^ ioiffl^S^S^ffiiM^j ffi^WffiS cen^in to S^* ¦ ' makingft o.{»Ste^^^~n»We M.r£^ffU, ^ ; 'CoB««Pto?l*!iillid'»tt^i>TK«w',JiVj*awitrt 'in'the early partS^t^fHhen' +eek^.^nlalthirWaterfd^ 'rd'and ¦i%H ^ < ¦ ' ' iaBa"»JT»«W*} iiP a 0 Talloii^'i Rew ^Z , said" that these her- imposing baildiDK on tbe Cork *P^> . »£?%: >hat the:gnar«Uani^ would:b«:aboutaid not;X800 ^ In debtat 'l uBeHokBauWolBpe jit.Ferrybank^wherfbe; *eem.. ,Mr, Delandre, for the defence MiJi ,baU nf o .BulnHsJa. : nnji were the mother's property, and she went in to It will Hhottir hjll-MoM^ ejjW;"? cloM^Ttao ,y*ar;>be iaiagioe^hat ,toinnouaV6t> »to uacol-' , ' ' "¦ ¦ w ief io Wfterj.^ - *^'nere,a«^n:l»:ls:in >I«;bflo« inTfio»i on> * ' Wi* neccsiary. . - , > . • .. •• ' . ,\ OtrrDOOB R«u«r.-Tbe outdoor C^^TNow^B^lk»*MSattW^^U^^ldv f^. j Maurice Haokett ThomM ' fI **? add. «• »««* » an luJiwtnutw, iiard-wovk. was any ««•<•'' » Jdbn'i CoUei-BiJBeVl'P.' BjfSie;C.tf./Ppweritown . O-NsUViamond Corran.: Kate MoQrath denied that there iCoia6tt?H7.'C:Jf'S&dbaH/ ' 'i^rr"Jaaje8 XX "™*. i ,?^ekxm3»h.l : iSru>dMunbrandaia^i' ing taan. of whom any country, migat be proud." ; ' h« mother went into the shop and took hold of tlw ^E««^"Ai. 5 < — ¦ '¦ baml which contained the herrings; and the com- , fell back. Uw 1 plainant, who was sitting on them ;®s£^SBSspgss§i , ¦ ; " ¦ ' • ¦ ' '•¦ ¦ * : mMm^i . / • aitsad. - . . . a*nrr ABT. _ : ^&&m . Wm. Moloney " &mrn®mmsm&®WMm mz^X m m,^ *^a^^. V/ . HighConstable -Mahony snmmoned m^s^^^is€ . •forhvringaome bouse* in Alexander-street in an nn- 'gotyaw^bld (ct nok, ouApril 26tb, -^t 1 f. ' do- v THi W«lTHt^^l«'-eluw of weailw/j^to.j^^^^^^ biiM ; l^^, f' ' ' •1*oUoiS '"» dirW*mmM. •^h»i '.f ^^'^i^ff' ^^J&^fW'^^^ f.*, - .. •:¦;¦^ P^ ¦ MSfc^wSjidafof J : OMd that the house* i l iKmeriUly;r>''V>!»?W'«;.i. ri^A^jSH^IPy ^WT^WW ^^^?^^ VWWi dff i^if &wWmZiirnrMated that't*\$MiOr$WliivaukA«Htlpi ibei' ^..^i l-.-/^, . -f ^ * + '.. . ^ l^;; * K-i 'U) '- 'every^month. ' Cappbqoia^nwnthlv fku I : . ' evtral caws of fever occurred in them lately, ana it K^l««d«i tt**ooalw . ^'rtWrtf^H, ¦;' ataw t' ' M spreading tbero. Fined 2d. ii day for 39 dayi ¦ -'*¦" w conxttnadean oVderto put these hou»e» in repair. ' :¦ - '; ¦' I nothing I*done to tho houses within the next few f' lthey are to be oloiea.v ; . . . , , .,, ;• ; , t*-7 •vfj ¦ ¦ * .. ., . . „ , ' BBV.; ;; s:>' .?•• ."SERMON.ON THE PAS8P.P.I0N BY 1 } iV: ':j ^S^FA-THER MOONEY; CAJBIB, ,:,;. V- £%¦'.¦'¦¦•r STrowTwa*U iiie ' we'ioalf publish>; OTeat Md J on. of S^^PMpl?#i-i v.'; IoipotUot «ermon tbe Passion our , Lord; de- £ ^ ijligf ^^ptjtta ?to^tbe?fittirtr 'jChurshrdr CaWr-Oiic.Good ' *«ea hMflitt , tor »*ant ot for ^le^loott-booi'bcl^^^3 tafaMi1^frpi^ftiiii|h^|irf 'l^^WwiwhPwfe'l^^^;^^^ >?Mm}v ::§JW!^^ «J*^^«aUSh01iwi12t^^?fc^S^^I^ ^M^SiXf ^*ivmi "in*i * - ^^mM ^ * - -WATBBPOBD AND L1MEEICK BAILWAY. Institute des Dames de Mane, Belgium "' WEXPOBD ASSIZES THE NEWS of the buildings aU-wiatut, and aama out- fuU-ot- half -of-tho- sabicoustable-Dttmedr^ta'-'th'e-Carintjr When-h6~ea«-hiIUT'l'irIne»;tKS"-time'' he" wasTtt.ithe TO THE EDITOR OP (Before the Bight Hon. Baron Dowss). with very great attention The Dames dc Marie, oflhe well-knox.i. Educational J^lwted JJoctri) life with tbe first warm Spnpg^day. Fumigation Inspector. Mr. Gardner said be would be happy hotel he prescribed principally for sleeplessness ; FOB DEA SXB.-I have read CONVICTION OP A NEW BOSS PUBLICAN * lengthy report of tao half-ycaily Establishments of Colomn, near Marines, iJrujitl, is ineffectual and dangerQUBVwr .the fowls. The to carry out the views ot the magistrates in the tbere waa also vomiting'; ^witness examined plain- , New Boss, was and interest jour the 2rt.i ult. ' PEJMOEI.—JbJm Byrne, publican meeting of tho above company, hold on Hue dn Marai!, 23, ami Chauisit d' i/aecU, 58. ' A LTKCLB GIFT FilOM IRELAND. use of coal oil cannot be depended on. The rooste matter. ' tiff yesterday, and found that, with the exception of placed in the dock, charged ,w«h Ijavin? on the ^Oth history has tne Dub ha Not for the first time in its rJlUK constan t aim of the DAMES, DE MASH is Here, gr.iu'nis.nero'aa Jircseuij, it haJeome » distance, too, should be ample, so that tbe.'fowls may. not sit There wera 37 cases of drunkenness and dis- a little enlargement of the liver, hia haalth waB very Decembor, wilfully pSrjured himsolf at the New Koss to •Tin shamrocks, and if .comes addressed to B. -L give to their Pupils such a careful reli u .little pot of crowded. . . orderly conduct, resulting from ' the late fair of good ; those were symptoms which would naturally Petty Sessions. • '"' • "' „ m -or gions Dnngarvan, and the follow from such as had been des- The following jnry tried the oase-^Iesers. W. training as shall make them good and ' pious Yesfau'tba war from Ireland, and the ardksremention held on.; ^ednjjjjd ay. last, a concussion ; DUNQARVAN CORRESPONDENCE honoured shamrock on St. cribed. Warren, Clonherett (foreman) ; Peter Folay, Fethard Christians, and such intellectual culture as Bhall ' cUBtcm_oL.drojUUiig_the Knmsoorthy ; They were .gathered at /our birthplace on the .tianka of Patrick's dayr- the court Mr. O'Brien—If the plaintiff James Boggan, Tinoorra ; P. W. Casey, " d dishonorable mannor, and a meet the requirements of modern Education. ' ¦ After diirxSsing of these' ,. Cross-examined by m de in such a meai.ap ¦ " ' " ' '¦ ' ''! Keegan, Crohan ; Avopmore."' ' ¦ ' ¦> • ¦ •• '' • • ' ' Thaddeus O'Shaaghnessyj. Biohard ieoe wasicadJy fonnd Pension, X32 in each of tbe abop Institutions v . , . ,,.- ... ,.„' ;> ,; ,.:; , • BOABD 0?' GUABDrANS-THDBBDAT. rose. ' ' ' had a bad liver from other causes it might account , fitttg^ instrumont andlnoutb-p , ' L. Hayes, Newtown Cottage ; James -Power , I"bga«i "Mainst the staff was both , apply to the " From Irefindl do you tell me? O darlinr, isit .troe f Guardians presenc—Messrs. P. O'Keeffe, D.V.C. for his being fatigued at present ; the only -thing Walfcins J. Mitoh That individual's charge ^ For further particulars respective Acukblfi, let .up feel than—aud . yo|i,;»ajr,.>w*j,,tbiew tb.ej ' TnfKLT BBSCUK.—AS Mr. Loug, junior, of Cash- G. H. Lett, Rnnisoorthy ; Henry , and unmerited. I have known the traffic Mother, Superior of the F.atablishmente (in the chair), P. Walsh and B. Greene. witness beard him' complain of MOB a. pain in the Ardoavan. P. Meohan, Bed malevolent' ' secratary Eeverend . ™ ' cam, waa driving a spirited young horse along the ' ' Laroh HU1 ; P.eter Hayes, managerrenjrinoer, secretary; and assistan ' Reference is kindly permitted to the Why, COT searco bellove it; la itTwUjrwiVt jrod aaj 1 1 A. SoEOlCii OpKRAlioN.—The Local Govern- head. : Crown. , that Reverend . quay, on Tuesday last, the ariimid took fright and House, ,was chaHenged by tho for many yelrs, and can say, with coufidonco , Colouin House, Bedford From niy birtbplson in-old Ireland'I .poor Irelandtar away. ment ' Board wrote sanctioning ' payment of two ; Patrick Borne deposed he is a telegraph clerk ; Mr. Byan, Q Q., and Mr. M. Barton represented the painstaking officiate could not Mother Superior Park darted towards tbe water. The tide was' full in at Junction on tbe day (instructed by Mr. more conscientious or Croydon 'W., Surrey. Tin «M sud .rtifl ¦ aud. feeble, and in,.darkness, .Sod be Slineaa .to Dr, GraveB for assistance afforded jby, was employed . at the Limerick Crown, and Mr. Dunbar Barton company, in the United Kingdom. . ¦ * . - ' ' '¦ the tini*/ and, in all probability, the.hq^e would be found in any prsised, ' . p . ui to the . m'edicaljofficer of tbe workhouse in a . in question when the accident took place ; tbe train CharleB Taylor) defended the prisoner. extravagant oulogium, but spook- Yet. u i , how. It starts me, how my poor old heart it v have , gone over tbejjraay, ba4.i;no$. Sub-constables the Potty Sessions , New Bosa, This may sound like H YAM'S Stock of General Clothing, ' ... florgiiia]' operation. -. ' . . . : came into the station wito such force tbat it Mr. Munroa, Clerk of. - somewhat intimate knowledge of tho raised, • ' '. Mc'Loughlin' and Mahor 'observing .the perilous 29th Mr. Byrne jiras ing as I oo with a lo Hosiery, (c>u (o , theaw them, when a girl like 70a I stoodi 1 beer in them. In cross- Dublin minority clique W- Amid thu fnna and heather ; .there' , 'biO and ''SlK—The Local Gqrornment Board for Ireland have tims of tbe ligenco of tbe Great Southern and mngs on the counter with freah the great bnlk of tbo traffic now passing HTAM'S COATS in Black Worsted CoatiuBs, s the ¦ch&pel; , neg , tho board, .vk • . : ...... ,- .. - - ...I ' ' ASSIZES. examination, he said he had no ill-will against- Byrne ; tho Bound EilgoB, wM WOOd | . . . received a resolution; of the Board of Gaardiahs of COUNTY . CORK Western .Railway Company, and they should now . throngh Watorford would be diverted to Dublin in Superior Coatings, burni- ' > T*f >- - 100 abbey clad with iiy, and the river's wlodlitc DaugarranUrJioo of the 15th inst:; propoinDg to' ex- (Before Lord Justice Fitzgibbon). and had not an eye afUr bis servant. • , Line wonld becotno a mere HYAJI'S COATS ' bear the blame. But he would here appeal to tbe sho saw Cashen and Waterford and Limurick tifully Trimmed, 25, ,u shore, ' . ; , , tend tho pariod for olosinr the present rat« until; the THE ACCIDENT ¦' AT THB HMBEI0K JDNCTION Maryanno Murphy doposed Sonthern and Western, and And me uoj-s and girU all pUyins on the bants of Aronaore. jury, ns honest, honourable, and intelligent men, occasion ; Mr. Byrna tramway for the Great COATS and VESTS. COATS and ' il«t of May next | .and, with regard; to this proposal, J BPKOIAL JCBT CASK. Molloy ask for drink on this steamers bolongiag to tho Great VESTS when they were assessing damages to deal with the said he had no Sunday license ; they said, " let us in the splendid fleet of UYAM'S COATS and VESTS, Black Diagonal '^ 0 eloMturlb* collection, on the distinct understandipg manufactures bad not yet altogether disappeared himself to swear to it ? Why did not he produce engines aro not at all sufficient to work 260 miles of HYAM'S TROUSERS in Fancy Stripes, Black ^ the oollectloa of the did rato truth to the magistrates. If ho had any quibbln in his Down deep in the heart, many fathoms-below ¦ that if; on the 1st of'May, from Ireland. The plaintiff visited all the towns seme cne from Muir and Thompson to prove that he , railway as it ought to bo worked, ovon if all the engines Worsteds, 4c , 12« BH be;not satisfactorily olosed,' and tho ooUeotionof the own mind as to the hall not beinj his drinking premises HYAM'S TROUSERS in I'ancy Tweeds, An- ^ Theaortace of billows thatcomeaDd.thatgo, in the South of Ireland, and established a very lost £160 a year by it ? And as to a loss of £200 Tho question then was— were vory powerful ones, which they certainly are not. Is a cave lit with.mere.'than the «talaotit«> glow ; qew.nte , commenced and energetically carried on, the that docs not avail him hore. , I would like to ask those shareholders irclas. Doeskins, 4c , 14s (M ¦ high connection ao a business man. Early in the no independent witneaa was magistrates to believe ? Ho load In conclusion HYAM'S TROUSEUS in all the N8w Pattcru» ' ^ Its floor is mosaic, most qnalntly inlaid . : ' oollectora will b«': required to .Taoate their offices, aj a year on-the profits, What did he lead tho who have an interest in tho welfaro of tho ancinnt With gems of deep feeling, which nerer ttay/ad*. month of December last, his business "avocations OBS charge against him was based of tbo SeaBon, 17a> the Local Gorernmpnt Board cannotallow the financial produced to show what I he bos sustained. The them to believe that the and who wonld not like to see their " ^ While tbe visions of fancy are wronght on its wall took him to Limerick. The same evening he com- give drink to any " Urba Intaota," r ¦ '¦ ¦ affairs of .the union to oontiano .in their present.nn- . jury would not fleece a company on such evidence npon falsity. Ho sworo he did not degenerate intj a mero tramway, to SPRING AND SUMMEa OVEUCOAT.S AT HYAJl S. la strange, startlingfigures , yetbtantlfnl all. ' pleted bis business in ' that line allowed to HYAM'S OVERCOATS in variety of Ha- * It lit thronged with tbe dead , satinaotory condition. Notice of the eitenaioa sbonld .town «nd. appointed as that of the plaintiff, unsupported by one shadow person and distinctly before their minds, , with the absent for years ' Mr. Byrne had in- keep one fact clearly terials and Colours 15^ M Xher are instinct with life—ther have srolles—therhave be givento the collectors' «ecdritie».—By order of tha to go to Tipperary. Accordingly, he went to the What was the case ? The plaintiff Mr. Barton hero annouced that such attacks as that •¦ ¦ of testimony. structed his solicitor to admit having givoa tho drink, and that is, that whatever shape HYAM'S OVERCOATS in The Covert ami board; " TV. Ji'WODSwoBTH, Seo." Limerick! , terminus, and purchased a first-clasa and when be was seen by Dr. Nudin at made at the lose meeting may take, thu Groat Southern other Styles, 20a Od Tbemare whispers of friendship and catches 01. song, : got a cut, but that it was not paid for, nor waa it given on his ' An,order was made in compliance with tbe sug- ticket to go to Tipperory by the train which left station in Tipperury, he was given in and Western is in all probability bho prime mover in HYAM'S OVEUCOATS in oil the Newest While tbeir solt bieuded roioes are echoed along. ¦ ¦ tbe tailwoy drinking premises. Materials, Kind memory her magical pietoresbasr bang ' gestion contained in tbe hitter part of the letter. Limsriok at eleven o'clock. -He took bis aeat at charge to the boots at the hotel and the doctor all them. That company would be benefitted by the 2J§. ti ¦ His Lordship said ho mnst admit he was not at of the vVaterford and Limerick CHILDRENS' SUITS-BOY'S SUITS AT AU round; and the Ills tctheir tracer* olang: ' The members present went into consideration of the end of the train in .the first-class carriage walked away. Dr. Mon-issey saw him noxt, but ha satisfied' at the way in which this cast) had been con- practical downfall HYAM^I There steads ttie old.fcomntmd olooc by the hlll-«M», ' the-brake : ' The train Company, wliilo on the other hand the Great Western 0X the samples for the supply of the half year s pro-¦ nearest van. proceeded to the said he only earr him once. Tbe plaintiff swd in dqotod in the lower cenrt for the Crown, when a littlo HYAM'S SUITS for Children in various " With tbe elm-tree that sheltered-it onUtreteUns wide ; visions. [' " ' "¦ ' Limerick Junction.' - It' is interested in its BucoesB. While the fresh mountain, torwnt.-.with murmuring.song, —Adjourned. : . . appears that when the reply to Mr. Atkinson that up to the time this acci- oross-examination might havo had the effect of exposing Designs and Materials, 3D M Limerick Bailway train arrives at the Limerick they wore not to The Great Western is , therefore, from that most HYAM'S SUITS for Boys, Strong and ' O'er a thoosand smooth pebble* .the shed, - knocked against tjbe tality of Capt. \Varburton, in the Show Booms, and an inspection of same il res- Aad iu the cbnrcbjara'»soUtade*V¦' " ' the plaintiff a very small amount of damages. such satisfaction could not be secured. • tb« tbreo men put his band into iny. carriages in the *hed; which were driven against (he Wexford¦ ." pectfully solicited. Carriages of the Newest Design I mark tall manj a new mademound. trousers pocket Dr. N. J. Hobart was then produced, and deposed A HOBBIBLE CASE OP INFANTICIDE.—Julia " + HOOH CONWAT, Bishop of Killala, Ballina." and took' «ne sovereign, a penknife, 2a., nnd two telegraph office , in wbioh the property was shattered. and Finish, combining elegance, lightnees, and dors- Oh 1 of tea otrtbe stranger's strand, ' ' he examined tbu plaintiff , witu three othfr medical Ollison was put forward charged with having, on the (From Moat Rev. Dr. DUOOAN, Lord Bishop of Clonfert). bility. A variety of Pbcetons, Sido Can, Dog and Polo I deemed my fortune barsh and drear j keys; he put his hand into, my waistcoat pocket, Mr. M^Swiney, as . -be had said, ' was in' the list men, the previous day:; at preaent tbe plaintiff is 20th Juno, wrongfully and maliciously murdered her " I have to express my entire satisfaction with the my ' qf ' Carts, Croydens, &c, will bo sold reasonably. Car- I wished to greet my native land)- got hold 0^ watch; snapped the silver cbain. aud carriage- ^he ' train, and, of course was the first in a very indifferent state of houltb arising from a female child, whose name is unknown. The Crown Spectacles yon supplied, and which I have used with . And hoped to Snd contentment here; to experience the shock. He was' riages Stored, Bought, or Sold on Commission.. Old took the watch away; the prisoners gave me several sittinsr with bis diseased liver, which must be of old standing,' and proseonted, and Dr. Falconer (inetruoted by Mr. J.-S. great comfort for many years. I hare not changed tho Carriages thoroughly repaired, and made equal to ner. But when tbe friends of 700th are gone, blows of their fists, which blackened my faccj to the'engine, and, with" hia back, ,therefore.'to Scott) defendod. Ellen Kano deposed : I live at Bally- degree of power I procured originally from you. Tbe brightest apot on earth's fair faoe, eyes ; I ' " could not have developed since the 7th December ; First-class Workmanship and best Seasoned Mate- Unto tbe lone, surrlrinr one bad soine drink taken, hut was not drunk ; I asked the telegraph;, loffice, . .When the sudden shock ' duff ; I rememher tbe 20th Jnne last ; when going to " t PATBIOK DuoaAN.Bishop of Clonfort,Longhrea. rial guaranteed. Charges moderate. An assortment . it is known to medical men ana " bob-nailed liver ;" milk in the morning I saw a child on tbe road ; tho " To Mr. Solomons, Optician, Dublin." Is but an exile's dwelliug.place. ' them for my watch, and one of (hem said, " Yon occurred. he ,-was precipitated, forward witb. tbo witness saw the mark over the eyebrow of plaintiff ; of New and Second-hand Carriages for hire, \Hlh may look for it tbeie ;" the maker' greatest\ violence ; -his- head was projectedagainst logs and arms were off it; tho dogs had eaten part of (Prom the Very Eov. Dean O'B RIEN, Founder of tho option to purchase s .name on.tbe it appeared to him to have been a bruised wound, its stomach ; it waa naked ; I called Mr. Staooy and a Catholic Young Men's Societies). watch is James Hinton, Liverpool ; it is a double the window , of-the'carriage, inflicting a deep JONES AND COMPANY. eow. giBticuIttive.- ; ' ' : but may have gone into the bonu ; the other rymp- fanner named Peter Connors, who wont for ths police " I feel ploa8ure in bearing testimony to the excel- case, value £6 16s. . : . • lacerated'wound on - hi« forehead." He was imuje- toms noticeable would arise from the shite of the It was just ab tho wall of ths churchyard ; I did not lence of tho Glasses with which I havo been supplied by diately -bathed with-tlcod' and ' when 'the railway FRIEND OF ALL ! MILKINO.—The quantity cf milt tbat a cow Cross-examined by Mr. Hoduett—The prisoners . liver, but would also arise from a conx-ussionsuch seo the dogs, bat from the marks, I think it was dogs Mr. Solomons. Having had occasion to employ them officials came up he was bardly able to exp ives depends much upon the mode, time correspond to the three men that took my watch ; lain that as had taken place...... ; that had torn out the entrails of the ohild. both by day and night for some years, I can say with EOILOWAY'S PILLS g do .^nd.rega- be was golni to Tipperary. TV^en the train Charlotte Stocoy doposed—I know tho prisoner, which thoy afford and the as- Sirity of uiilViu^. Cows berf that bive ; ope I.cpala tell how many public houses I was in; on reached ,. Dr. P. J. Cremen deposed be entirely agreed with certainty that tho relief Monday morning when the three men Tipr^rarv, XortunatelvPr i Nidin/wMon 'the plat- Julia Ollison ; tboro was a ohild of hor's brought up sistance which thoy givo are quite boons to a reader of PDBITT OF BLOOD ESSENTIAL TO LIFE, HEALTH regualr milker, and tbe time of usilkiOK - should jbcf were brought . tbe last ; witness -88.10 the state of plaintiff's liver. AND STRENGTH. . before me form.'a^d he foupd ICr.-iM'Bwiney,bathedin bfcod. with onr family ; tho prisoner wept to England and writer. —These Pills surpass all other known carefully subjected to Tatiatioa from day io •dayi' . they reminded me of the three cen thRt . To Mr. Atkinson t .jV.BUaKhaving a bob-nailed livor Medicines for Purifying tho BLOOD ; being and there was also a.rpooUof.blood on the floor of came back on tbe first of June, and remained at oar " E. B. O'BRIEN, D.D., Dean of Limerick, eofo and ia- The bug should be brushed of any loose'bsira, i) robbed rue ; I know tbeir sice, shape, and form ; I would be likely ,to ba;r«i7ss oohiujorodby a out on the Nowcastle, " effective thoy are available for all an a Domestio sid iap the carriage. The pJsintitWM earned to an hotel houso till the 20th ; I oconpied the samo room as Bhu Co. Limorick. saw tiro cf those men on that day before ; they , bead,: and,the effects wftyid be more likoly to bs per- O'SHEA, P.P., Honsebold remedy. Incongestionsandobstructioni of in cose of any dirt on the ndder it abould beoleanaed and De^-Nadln washed the ; manent than if a; sound' did ; sho was always complaining of illnoss ; I never " Archdeacon is happy to inform Mr. by washing with a cloth and fresh water'¦; brought me into Keily's public house to take a ' wound and stitched it. man had been injured ; sleep- enspeoted her being enciente ; tho bed in which the E. Solomons that the Spectacles snpplied to him some the LUNOS and LIVER, thoy quickly remove tbe csnieaf iqt\if Dti Morrisiy was *Joo"'called in, and' tbey reoom- lessness, Ac.,. ore- saoh results as would follow from a the cow' has been driren tbioagh any muddy jjjacerdrink. To Mr. -Hudson : I have no doubt at aQ ¦ prisoner used to sleep waa not touched by me from ten years since havo been eminontly successful in afford- tho disease, and in constipation ana disordered conditiot about mended that Mr.' M'8winey shouJd be put to'bed, shook in a> traio.' ' v of tho BOWELS, they act as a cleansing aperient, and thus becomea beemeared, any airt accidentally, thos* three mep. Mr. Hodnett :• Which of ' tbe 1st to tbe 21th ; on the Zith I went to make the ing him sago and comfort, which ho had not experienced reoor- the three men took :the watch from and in bod'be remained froui the 7th Decembecto . This* oloeod the case, and Mr. O'Hea then addressed bed, and fonnd that the tick had been sewed with from the glasses and pebbles ho had been nsing pre- ing irritant matter from the intestinal canal, snd relier- falling in the pail will pooimunicateit* tamt.tb^tba yoaf;: I could l the jury on-behalf-of the defendants, contending that not any ; they came in front of me; I was knocked the 18tU';i)ecember. rForlVseven days after bis blaok thread ;, I found clothes stained with blood and viously. Archdeacon O'Shca has now enjoyment in read- ing spasms, cramps, and painful gripings. - milk. . The practice of js/ettingitVebarjdfl .and teata. the doctors' bills should not b« allowed, they having iiiLiODS H EADACHES , NAUSEAAND FODL ' senseless, and how could I tell' which of them took re rival at the hotel he was.sleepless, so great was a knife when I opened the tick ; I did not seo tbe ing and writing by day or night, and his sight appears STOKACH, with milk before milking is a Tery vioioaa practice. done nothing more than attended three times a day to knife till Constable Garland found it; tho knife be- strengthened and improved. He considers Loss OF APPETITE, AND LOWNESS OP SPIRITS.—Tin the watch ? . . '. - : . . : . , .-.: : . thj shock which hia .nervous system sustained. Who romore a-bit of sticking plaater, and he challenged as to have beon This should be always avoided, both for the com* jblame longed to onr house ; there was one of my petticoats that he is indebted to Mr. Solomon's Spectacles mneh for oleansing properties of theso Pills soon prodnce t 'James Morau deposed that he and last witness was to . for-that collision, in the view which false and preposterous toe . statement of the plaintiff ' wondorfnl change in tho constitution, removing silei- fort of tbe animal and the cleanliness of tha milk. he took of tha case/would not be for them among tho clothes; I saw the prisoner s travelliog-bag, of tho benefit derived.—Ballyhalo, Co. Kilkenny." should ba,»e short met two 61 the prisoners on. that night; wanted to ' to inquire. that he was worth JCIQO a year. bat did not examine it. DMD. O'FABHELL, P.P., is mnch pleassd ooss of bile, headache, palpitation, painsaf ter eating, sod The milker fintfer-na.il*, for long Dr. Webb thought the' jury should find that his Mr. Atkinson, Q.C, on tbe part of tho plaintiH, said The Kov. E will be sure to hurt the ' teat and cause irri« get dridk/aud..could not get.it j saw no person in Constable Garland deposed—I arrested tho prisoner with tho spectacles he purchased from Mr. Solomons. giddiness. They restore tho appetite, clear the .coo- nails client suffered great piin of body, great nervous tbat Mr. O'Brlen had stated'taat this would not be the loxion, and improve the general health. tation to the cow. There are two methodsof ¦ milk> the strvet except the prieonere; saw the prisoners . on the 20th Jane in an outhouses at Staoey's ; found Thoy afford him the utmost pleasure and comfort, and p shock, and/that he waa ' ' lost case that would be brooght against a railway oom- THE MOTHEB'S FRIEND. —FEMALES PECIFICS jng—the one may be called (tripping or catobiog following M'Gratti on this night. ' Crosa-exaoiined: prevented from pursuing 1 marks of blood on tho bdd in wbioh I was told shs are such a striking contrast to the pebbles and glasses ' S .— ' his ordinary,a vocations^ ' during the" pany, bat he (Mh Atkinson)'hopedit would be the slept ; I visited the house again on the 24th, and on Every Mother of aFamilyshonldknowtheralaeofthut between the finger and tbnmb and strip- I got a month in this court, but that should not be most important ' bo bad been previously nsing. He is only sorry he did the teat mentioned by you, and lucrative portion of tfae'y'ear. He will state last time that a respectable plaintiff would bo charged searohing, found a oheraiae, two pair of drawers, a not visit Mr. Solomons soonor.—Glonmore, Waterford. Pills in removing all accumulations and restoring inj. ping down the whole length of the teat.' .This plan Mr. Hodnett ; I saw the watch \o with perjury and malignering, and that sham appeals with M'Qrath that Bight; when I wept home tbere you what average income he earns in the pursuit of petticoat ; I aUo foand a large table knifo ; I produced Mr. E. SoLOMONB'ISpect&clcs have-beon used by emi- penJed or perverted secretions ; nt varioas criticsl is not lo be recommended. The better wny It (to would not be made again on behalf of widows and the knifo to Dr. Lippier ; tha dress which the prisoner nent Members of the Faculty, Nobility, Clergy, &c, in- poriods of femalo life they aro useful beyond m&uart; was no .one in the house but his profesaiop, and be will also state to you the loss ' .;¦; • • ¦ ¦ ' ¦:¦ ¦¦¦ grasp tbe teats, one in each hand, diagonally across ..my . brother and . Others. . . :. : . . woro when I arroated her was marked with blojd. elndingthclate Chiof Jnstice of Ireland thoy can be taken safely by females of aU a,ges, sad sn mother ; I did not come out of the house again that he bas*suffe red ' through ^being laid up during the Lordship, in oharging the jury, ,the late Marquis the bag and press.out tbe milk, the second; third ¦' ' 1 His said the calou- Dr.' Weldon, Gorey, doposed—I examined Julia of Clanricardo, lato Earl of Eoden, Lord'Vans of Har-' invaluable in all children's complaints. ¦> : . .: . ' . • ..;:• ¦:. . :¦ ¦: , i ' • • •- months of :Janaary/February, " night! ,. , jind Morsb. There lation they would havo to make in tbe case would bo Olluon on the 20th June ; she presented the appearance u SCIATICA, LDMBAOO , AND OBSTRUCTIONS ot THI and fourth fingers doing the main work, while the wore persons Who ' licated rowden, Clonbruck, Dnnboync, >Athlumney,'his Graca- .. The benoh having:decided to send the case for , when;they get an action of this rather comp , tput still it was one for which, they of having boon reonntly confined—within a week ; 1 tho Most Bcv. Dr. M'Gottdgan -Axohbishop of Armagh, KIDNEYS.—If these Pillabo taken regularly every night, upper portion of tho band and first finger presents kind, think:1 that a 'rail way' wore eminently well qualified.' They should comb to a . the milk from returning to tbe udder-; the trial, Mr. Hodnett pressed to have.the prisoners company is-fair game, examined the body of a fomale child at tho pollco hix Groco tho Most Bov Dr McCabe, Arohbmhop of Dub- in strict aceordanco with the printed directions, tha milk ' that ib is a ipere spoiling 'of; the- E , moderate conolnnion,-giving the plaintiff what he was should be drawn rapidly and tbe udder completely sduiittedto bail, but the: chairman said it was too gyptians but barrnok ; tho legs appeared to bo oat off below tho lin ; his Grace tbo late Most Bov. Dr Leahy, Archbishop moat obstinate cases will soon yield ; the secretion from ugly' they did not;ask for-excessive damages.' justly entitled -to, and taking-care not to be making a knees by a sharp instrnment; tho arms appeared to ; Moat Bov. Dr. Leah tho kidneys will become clear and limpid ; no function of ita contents. ID the flash of a charge; assault and highway robbery, to ad- They of Caahol y, Bishop of Dromore emptied ,t(ie ' ¦ merely'asked'for 'fair, presont to tbe plaintiff of the money of tbe railway have been torn oat of the trunk ; tbe chest and all the Most Rev. Dr. Dorian, Bishop of Down and Connor ; of the body sbonld be more carefully watched j next season, or when cows are yielding' the moit mit to bail,, which was accordingly refused, . • , reasonable damages to cbui- company for damages which ho had : not sustained. . mil^, ' pensate tbe plaintiff for thelostand injury he had intestines saomed to havo been taken away from tbo Mont Bov. Dr. Dnggan, Bishop of Clonfert ; Most Bev. sorions consequences ousuo from neglect in this re- from 11 to 12 cowa per hour will be about the' rate Mr. Hodnett—Two ,of the pnwnera are in the While the counsel for the plaintiff pat down one : employment of Messrs. sustainedby 'reason of the defendants' negligenco. : trnnk ; I found a wonnd on tho skull ; between the Dr. Byon, Bishop of Killaloe ; Most Bov. Dr Power, Bpect. competent hand. A alow.diktory milker Dowel and Co., Brewers; ¦ ¦ thousand pounds, as the damages to which the plaintiff SORE THROATS IPTKERIA OUOIIS OLDS AKB for a make* '.. Tbe plaintiff , examined, -' ' sosjp tboro was a clot of blood ; I formed opinion from Bishop of Watorford j Most Bov. Dr. Moran, Bishop , D , C , C in tbe yield of milk^and it- and up to this, there has been .nutbing against stuted, in reply to Mr. was entitled, counsel for the defendant pat down twenty the clot of blood that the child was born nlive ; it was ALL BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS should be immedUteh a great loss .possible AtkiQBoa.that of Oasory, &c, &o. ht nerer be allowed to milk, except, pvrbaps them.' We have a theory in connection with this, heis acomBiercialtravoller for a long pounds, but without expressing any opinion, as to what fully developed ; tbe ohild might have boon brought in- • Persons in the conrttry can be snpplied with treated by theso Pills, which will , when combined wit* oug , , tiroe post, and has 'represented, damage* should bo awarded—for that' would be in- •» when cons are going dry at the and of the aeaaon'. which we will go into when the ease comes on at since he began.tbe to the world witLout due care, and the out on tho top Spoctaoles, Ac , by Post. Repairs promptly attendod tho effectual use of tho Ointment to the part sffi>d«3, 1 tne seuu>as. x wouia tnererore asr your worsaip* profession,- several very-respectablefiriu s both in trnding on tho province of the jury—he might say that of tho head might have caused death. Telescops, Opera afford snch a measure of relief as is scarcely credlblt; As the last-drawn milk is the richest in butter, ¦ ' ^ the real figure , ought' to be 'nearer to one of tbnsums to. Improved , Bace, and Field to admit the prisonersto bail f /;' ,. ' , ' . . < this country - and in. England ;' at the ' time of tbe ' To Dr. Falconer—Tbe opinion I formed was that tbo Glasses ; also Microscopes at most moderate prices the joint agoncy of the two remedies is so potent tint great care should be taken that all the milk in tbe ' than tbe other. In the present'action tbe plaintiff was ohild might have been dolicate when born, and tho out every formidable pulmonaryaffection bccomessm»ub[< 'drawn,1 and this is important, ' . Chairman—We would be glad to comply With ' accident he represented a Manchester firm, but Barometers, Thermometers, Magio Lanterns, And such fences, 'I about -X700 without provocation - committed tbje conscious; and':wok* 'up "it 'Kppefary station, omnstar-oesor othorwise.^ a di-magos pointed out that there was no evidence to prove that |~hB. DE EOOS' COMPOUND BENAL PILLS tbat.his profits from the dairy will be in a great ,' J , ' : and in as' I V _ are celebrated all orer the world, as the most safe and the Skin Liver Com- Ulcers assault complained of. >v Mr. O"Connell:i' Were' was- subsequently -removed to JJobbyu's hotel j'be' they shdpld be measuredthe In' the same way against the this woman ms the mother of the child fonnd upon tho Bowel Com- plaints Venereal Affection! meature regulated; one blow on the spine within, i . yqa ; richest company "world • they would s jainst speedy remedy for the ahove dtmsoroas complaints, Dis* Wrnnk that night f ' ¦Jip, H , not.~";&a&you are' remainpd in be? for - mrpral da^-vinrfn¦ ,,' M oharzes of any kind; Stone in tbe BUdder, and Diseases of plaints Lumbago Worms of all kinds milking stool in the hands of a passionate, Ul-tenv *aa , ble ¦ U>« pooresti bi»«M(. it it were riohso mnoh the Better ; 1 sure/,John Cotter a'asaultedjrou f ,J Eh-/n^^»«^'/«I *w TVn8IM r ? -W :. 'JL'he Judge, in the course of his charge, said thore the Kidneys iu>a Urinary Organs generally. Possessingtonio Debility Piles Weakness, from ' man, or a kick on tbe udder, may ruin a con ,pm,Jor. ^e ? P ' ide. ?£*}• for £e company, bat U U were poor it would be worse , with ,the pered told me bi» name was'JphnTCotter' beh7l«ft left TippT?nWeWwry-on. - Vthbw?i 17thw? for,^ 1 ^" to were three points which shonld be made dear to the j properties, they agree .most delicate stomach, Dropsy Rheumatism whatever c&nse, for ever. ' . ' .. . :, ...... -. ; - , and.beforehe :EnniBtymqn^ ,;bis; tot pUtatK who perhaps woold notbs able* re- jury bsforo they could bring in a verdict of guilty. Did; strengthen tbo digestive organs, increase the appetite, im- : assaulted me hs native place; Md on'tbe way ^ ,.¦¦ . ; . general health, Female Irregu- Retention of Ac, &o. COKBTEUCTION or HXM BooBTs.—Any one obser-1 saicb 1'io. hell:with:tbe Qoeanj" stopped at Lioiericlt,^^ cover the damages. . . , . tbe prisoner give birth to a ohild ? Was the ohild found' prore tho and in threedsys will effect a core, "aa^thAtiheicooldbeat anyj man^tbat >ver servod through ' fatigue ahd-weakness ; he ' remained ' when copaiba, cutoebs, and all dangerous medicines of that larities Urine Ting fowls when going to roost nay. bare had af , The idrTr. after a short deliberatbn. found Corthe on the road her ohild ? And did tho prisoner inflict thej y tailed. Price Tho Pills and Ointment aroSold at Professor Houo- iber Iiwas .in the army nnd ; be.ihew me'ij ' home "for ieverT'-weeks;daring which ' ' plalatiff, JK270 'damages, and . judgment given f olass have utterl Is. lid., 2s. ML, 4a. 6d., 11s occasion, perhaps,.to notice.that 'each one htts,(i ^ I Mo t 1 i a -headtchB ..was wonnds.'deposed to upon . the child The jury, after and 33a. per box. . WAY 'a establishment, * sure John Cotter is' theimah' prevailedj at tinje Q aocordun{ly.: ;:. ¦.: , .¦. ¦: . , ; particular or a chosen place oh the perch. . TherW ; who sseaulted me. the end; oblfged to"take three:days doing the !."' •' , , i-T ——,, , . i -r, rr—r SJ BO by nearly every rospoctable Vendor of Medicow' are . spent the entire of Wedttesiday' . ' inlytompocary "; be'dos*. ^ot nowlfeel ' ' ' 2Ah,. »ro supplied- , us. bv ,8tubbs meat, he should mark his sense of the enormity of' her the extraordinary demand for them eressinoe their flrst in- smallost Box of Pills contains four doxen ; ind Ul branches of trees, rarely sitting one above another.' ablo to ing March to ' by sentencing bar to fire years' penal servitude. ¦ Kilgobluett deposed that : be was 1 in. the. compwiy' •do «s muchbutineisashe, was before the accidantV :*&' rS ^.O^ .] ^m^>hvai, crime troduction la without preoedentIni no instance:have they smallestPot of Ointment one ounce. • ' ' g It is tbe ambition of fowls to roost at the very top 1 " • i^j aj ^^^0. ¦ ; ;- T -J -- - ever been known to fail, ox produoe those, dangeroussymp- ' Fall printed directions are affixed to each'-Box of,.the man,wbo smnlted: Wsish^oa;the night in :bifor« /tbe .bcidenf he; never was 'a day ill i>r •*Uj(Ut iM«^^*^«*!»%?.kS » ! f' tn9 * .:. •":; i* ' - 7 — —. I toms so otten reraltinrCrom copsibo, oabebs, turpentine, sna of their limits, especially the smaller breed*. The ; a ~ i . " TM TEETH and BBEATH J Pot,, and can be had in any language, even in ToinA question, and Cotter, the priaoncr, WM Bot'tBo ''Up> Uw« : mbBtlia'~AiW^.«biob*ii* w«ti,Ia{d;np; b0 ? ^ . - /' vrS" ;r« ** Pw>BninfH.-rFoB-, other medicine*tonall y resorted to; They require neither ¦ ¦ construction of perches, therefore, is an important ; . 1883 MM sprinkled on a wet confinementnor change of diet, and may Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. ¦ :{/ _ man.. Mr. O'Connellstid this'was obout the oalonlatedtbe ¦¦ —A few drop* of the liquid JFlotiUne, Justlybe considered the arrangementof the inside of, the build- most lo*s/nt«800in the ordart be would jadnamU «ztrMUd w«*k •aihig Mar. 2i, theonly safo, efficacious remedy,for all stages of N.B.—Advice can be obtained froo of charge, OJ »P! item in exttmotdiriaryillustration of drink that ever, came have g«t ths doctor's bills amounted-to about .MO. at& oomtjKmdinfperiod Urtjsar ... S3 ... Ill toothbrush,produoesa pleasantlather,whioh thoroughly! those dis- , ing. Many are constructed ladder fashion, inclined > Teeth.from all'.parasites or impuriti&s orders for whioh they axe recommended. plying at the above address, daily, botween the boon ol into court. -You aro not, I i believe ^Cr^iailn^bT Mr. ' 041 oleansos the luoniCT None*TO TSJ PDBUO. lower.sills to tbe'roof or «aireS|en the op- , riioteatcet- O'BrJen-^He was pr^ty '^SSSSSS^Siod^^' '' ' ; tbo guma,.prevents tartar, stops decay, givei , —Erery peokageof Dr 11 and 4, or by letter . ' .. ! from the | totaller;: than''. myself,;.Walsh:t ' am'tapt. well** 'thwe/was!a'Ocre*got" against ... 1W3 .... *27« hardens Do Booe" prtporattonsbears the OotsmmentStamp, with the to side, and so situated as to oommsiid;tW» fuji . ^VpPp m$\ ^^S ^SFnSSBS ^mi ^^^-^: "t *' to the Teeth a peoulUrpearly whitonoss .and a deUghtfu , .Waat«r da Boos London," in. .white pos Mr;''Eedmond rBy' that statement' , yon mean ,to ^sn named'Patricx'Xslly 'lfSr '^O ln Septeciber h ^U;T££nSg^3TuS ^ a si ¦ word* " , letters oa a red wonderfal for the Hair. •- ,; ravs of the sun as it enters the buUding. , In this - f ragranooto the breath, it remoyesallunpleasantodoni ground, by orderof her Majesty's Honourable Commission- admit thatyou ta)te ailittle.iinore.tban you.onght fcs^s^te otf*^M^ikle for thepftymJatbf,it **' "** to arising from decayed teeth,or tobacco smoke. The iW< ers, wiuont which nooa-cair poofbly be gennine. Dr. De- YOUB HAIE FALL OFF, OB l£Blf position the fo wls are /oroed. to roost in the .dBjr- ' ' ^. '^, f iH!f^r?nii?*• 401 g« . ' DOES toJake,(l*j)ghter);.vMr».0:OonneU:i;j; « m :npt (a AcV7before-the ^ -¦¦ QTCMtPloillin *;being composedpart of honey and sweet Boar worldAmedMedlciDes are sold bTKr.Kenner," Water OEEy. use BOSAWB OOU- time, in order to catch any.benefit from.the sun's ? ^^ !??S^iL*S ,^to f< 'j^gggg lSgSSFil * ^h ; ""i 1 td e1 " d : o^n^ "I'Wy *«te»t JJedi- Ac. ? If so, ' teetoUUer, Mver .wan,,and sever,will'be (reoewsd 4oeld«*t U hkd sutered from liver complaint, but ;. andlsams»Mdta« period ; ••• — 3 herbs; is 'delioibuii to^tho taste and the greate't Toilet *? 5 7 'ffS?' •" Sf *• PELLE'8 CBINUXBUB, noted all over ths«crl4rwS» ray», which is very ,'baneficial'during the , wjntetv ¦ to dau> and ^• .,, - • 1 ' ts- da*Vendor m the world, and of most Chemistsi or, should tMtajJ" laughter}. In the .fsce^qf *the- 'evideae»,i,Mr. «n«V»rf*v»him any trouble j liQTrent'toV^otot : .^MW>*«g«» ^^ discovery of the. age. Price 2s. Cd. of all Chemis and theleut diflcnlty ocour, will be forwardedto say port miraoolons properties, and as the only remedy Their standing . room is underneath this, perch. and ; ;; »on»>»>s4lat,»setoi ;, . ;:..:...,-, ,.,,>;,; v, «. .v- . M^; - Wholesale depot removed to 83, Farringdon of the depended upon. . It is guaranteed to prodooei «PjJ a'ConMllsubmittedthe manshoold bedischarirod. iK-eoimnmbmi^ ^oomio ^tiito^ : , perfumer*. |; TJaitedKingio mJoajrlag »fr*j),per i«tam, on receipt of the scaffolding, in tbe shade. . All tbe perches that tl hY ' t ¦ «: f« :•: "! :¦> - I-*- - ;"' l -' - »< :d29.1y : . b/Dr. De Boos, 43, Bo&oxd Bonsie moostaohiof , io., in a fow weeks, and will t» 'fSS-tS whtch.Wasdone ieoeMigij ^ v 'j& . Vw.w.-K •^•U«dVor:tbld bJmltjp«w«dM'fromtb«Kverl v^tr.rwif+. -i •m., . .. . 1 ¦—:—- " ':': ': rBoad, .London. tmoan*» , Iiondon. W C nentlysncocssrninl nonrlihlng, curling, sad boa have seen of this 'sort . were . constructeUtwithJ bs :^ ^'i HBOATAM*n0TIONBAND H.OAB3INE8S.—-Al ffl pf r! " i>;T, ' hair i olieoklng;greyna«sl strengtl>enisrweakhsir,ptsr^^ TIAW of saving tho droppings, and cleenlnz' the irritation of the throat and hoarsenoss ADVI CE TO MOTHSBS !—Are yon broken t» tilling off and restoring (I In boMnoa (rbtewWfT" MajiiflelddrapsrjJ»*fyrt, who^did nptawpear. •ufforins;-from in , building with tbe least trouble. ;Thff rosy ail be ^ (wiHbe*»rre«ably»urpri»edatthealmostinunedlate ralie yourrestbyasiclc ohild •ufferingwiihthepainofonttin ff oauso. Upwards of 100physicians have reooMmejBW'ti" war chfcrgAl Twithibsjtag'drnn* a»:O^ nUiwsy ,¦•• Brown's;BronohialTroohes. l«oth? Go at onoe to S ohemist tne nonory, for promotuig a Use, healthy htaaoltaa,v very well, but the comfort JjadfconveD(cnc«;ofthe ;^SSi^ip^; afforded by th« uoe of by ' sad get»bottle olllrn. S»,s*»B. ths lStol'JanuarVif th«wMs^UssitWd not OMVVA i s|ssiK,»t.lM.. a*tCof ss»*i*;ts-)^ossl«*,»/. ^« *«•»ssrws.¦ an- now. sold most re •VTiHSLOW'd 8ooTHrK8StBOT ' averting baldnensln alter rears. In bottles pri«e. fowls should be oonpod^red i.wben confined in, J;h« to throw SI SSSS ^S^SS^ Xbmfamou s/'loieni*** '. It willreUeve:thepoo» "lwas bald sine Tears bnt I nnd newbiir-*»S»»Jr ^ ^pt Mr.'Jobn' |t.'ftrry^BMit« Bank) " Ohsmlii#«jftnyj WftaMar^sWsl,h«>«a«ias4,^«, #,pp«Hredto W S' ^^^ Brown Sons, Btwtoo, United States. EuropeanDepot ¦ ^ ^ S^mSm^i^m^it^mwSri- * isoa«, iionaon.. :rw». oreasing sale of 60 years. ' j - . also should be arrangedon the groond^Kj ^ha^i^, 1 BBt^ST ¦¦P*- i*BMva4to M, *arrt»fdon iyg. - ^rrnun ^oy;»Mi«nelJeatorsev ¦ ¦ JB : ¦ erywhere; ¦¦¦ 0BBB BBBBBBBB ¦¦¦ ^BBBBBUsilBriA VlBBBtfA > AsBBsil • SBBSBptJIA fjBTMBBT " 1 ' . ^_ -J at ls Id ¦: B ^1^ ^^ [^¦V ^^^ ¦ iMUttslr4M lJ*aBaS"1• ^SSBB^BBBBS|^w SBBBs> SBBBPBS'S BBJ sft ' sVafW^I SIV BBBU - ' f * ^Bs1^uA£^^B^(sBlBBB^BlBBBBBMli'BtaBS SB^BBBBkBBrsUBSBV 'lBBjBbBbaiS ; . COUGH LOZENGB^Tne.|jrt!J»f,. &*«*tk>ti< ^v>#BBBB>SJy, IVSBBSBSV^BjBSr^B>^BWSB* JSB/S a* SBk^^^^^SF, VJSSBBB 1 ?- KEATING'S '\lkio*ih*m*Viitil .^ . "B^P a^BspSslSj ^B' ^f BPS* 'S^Sja^BSBBBSBaS*S tsSp 4VSVS) VPSLV£*S^BS i ' D0We.:; "" ';- ' ::¦ " ¦ ¦ ; ^^W^B^SSspSs'SSSe^^^^SBBsslsjBlS'S 'SSS^t L *SBS V_ ' -8UWaEING' .pa* ".; hflos may walk off ana onj and notj \J9py \lg4AtioA M< U ^^ BMsi f^ ktsssi ' Tilf^aWSB^^Ssj - >4^AkJAIlD. -JTO.AlL'; W^O'jA»B.. -riaJf'3R'..^- YdOT-ly 1 SU SBBBBVSDB B^SBBBBBBB SBBstflfc?/! llbflilllfaTBB^A * |^^^ L i l Safest Bemedy for Con«hs • - ' lsisras¦ fc»asra»klM,W 1 i mSk i^lS rjBWjiond inaiseMtJons of^ontb^Mrvour ^:TmBs«r. of\Woiiian; the Prldeof Man- and Tlokling In the Throat. ' • - V' tt ' tWlsj^sWHT^'Hsib OtMttJ\Ari "tii"AfMiti '£' Mto rl w^tw^wrlyj wiU6>e»y.lo»s of manhood,;*o., I will —It qonUlnj; the ;deUn»te lines of beauty;' .- .-.ii^: .- • eggs la the nett; whloh hit taPWIWifltPl " ^' 4 Sa> ¦AjBkgBgHflpslaA^^^EdHHg Wmi- cBre and wn- 91 JBB^BB*BBB^JBBS9BBBBBHBBl JBkS^BBBBL•?* SSSlfi SsBBSBBBBBBl' BBBBBl BBBBBBBB ^BBBBSSB ^SSh¦ 1 ' BBBB)a. BS> ' tti I BBB ' Bs\sn' SBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBnRBW' | V^asBjiah^BJ 1 - ^ \3BBBSV^BBS>BJBSBVY^^' BBB' t BBBSBBBBBBFV ^BrnC^BBBBBBBM sfitBtw KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGBS-OoiHW* "' IBBB pES: ¦ 5^i%r^ you, FSEB QJ 0HABOE,' *U thUwore^'Xoyeliae«», y^i,o whether tbe fowl be sitting or laying. Aftertb 1 IM^BF ^ Tn^ry , , il •-"' ¦ ¦ BBBBBH W BBBBBBBBBBBBB MW BBBBBBBBWT« V B keep Donay in tho pockot. : -:- BBBBBBBBJBBBH BBBBBB BBBB BB 'Hfe ^^^BPB ^^SSBf - syssjBsy t*SBBBBSB\ >*' Ba^4-SBy^jBBS VlB if"J^-S V ) ^ SBVaflsttBA '^D SBBIA ^13BBBBBBBBI - ^^¦ J<¦ ^ * * ^ ¦V^B^B^B^BBli BSBB i¦J^W i oluionajy hartitbsir .Wn^Wwgssd . - -' _ ^S^BfSlBBBBBBa^SjfB^S^F > f , ' ^^^S ^^T^^m ^^^^^^^^fIBBM in t WVjn^aj*Bla> p#SJ*WB\ *BBPi^BBl T byiiniWksoVps ^f t m ^Vp tJ— '^- ^ft jjLWSt-^CL^^fc y K^tt m IS'^"1 &8wSrwB w*Um>mT *b/» .'Catffi : era is broken.tbe btn.eatslt, and in many oas« ^^^^^^^^^ M^T^^^^^^i ^BM^H|^L J { • fof 1 ^^ME^BT ioHmfAim ' io''*'Sm. ^ a" self-aadrossed" envelopo Coal .Taj, ;^ QlToerinyl^toad* potrid fats ^ "THB KEATING'8 COUGH LOZENGES-^Aw M«f i ; this bad babitU formed in thtsoanur. 'i'lt hP no ¦ - '^BBBBBBBB^BBft-JiBBBBBBBr 'Hv sally rcoommendedby the Faculty.. - 'i ' SBBBBBBBBBBBa st ' sVBBBBBt JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflOA jVstt sHBBBB49 0Dl«90B BBftB' BB I E ' -g^igj ^'^^^^^ lT ^^i^l^^^BBBrfjBB ^I^jBB ^^^B^BB^BBBI . . - ^^fjB ^^^^MIf^^BBBft4lBBBr B ^y ^i]- necewonr-tbatthe roortsbottldTeejeith*vs «Ual(gMt M I ^BBBBBBHI I BBBBa1^asJ* 5' : ;i x thii wjjitssfi^njtJBO ¦ l IWM' Otttfri r/.gU.-R-i4 (»tf« ; , ;, slB.ly i*«••«< H purifying of all sows -It •' ¦'¦ ' ' ' " ¦ also b^haWtfo» tb»'fowU t<>Je*rri:»<»*Sij ¦ ¦ Testimonial (Original may li ue*). &&&, It is «' gOsaljjtwsyj.'.'lt M : ^R^^f PMtg^t4^jtWn lM0yiIttt^t ' ' DEAR SIR—HaTing tried yooi Conirh^IU they n>wfcfc»»e toomM mmilf c* I»^M^ and bronohial affections. , So good ft median);«' IVjIJf^v be known to bo appreciated: I liv'enwa«nliiMl»CfHjS?T ? 1 B. , u;j»tWng..lUw^«j«s»tt«fj«l * S»BX»SM^S»^T 9r*i* with the best results.—W. B. G., Ar^theoary * ^ , Ui»r« iM ^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW^BBBBBBr^BBBBBBBBBkSBBBBBaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBlBaBt^^'^L ' l^if«^ ^^ ^^BBBBBBbD InaianrMedlcsl Seevtoe. ¦r^>- -. < ¦'. fr<0i23*ES^ : sola ikmi.; !•. m aid: # M. iuil-tr-Sj ^^ ^

.'¦ P^tlrifl;',' :B 'B-.'R|n yvW««rBalgB5WBS« ^ aTtfaM m