: ' THE WATEBFOBD NEWS." ^ninpinn .'j{/iu^mvifyj^u jftatels PRINTING ! PRINTING. ESTA2LI8HXD—1847. IRISH F^^Z=t3!w{£E3£l.S ! LIVOIST CIECDLATION IN TEX SOOTH OF IBILAND QUEEN'S HOTEL Effective arrangements exist at THE NEWS Office Waterford Steamahlp Comp&ny ' •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »rry FRIDAY, '¦ ¦ ' - ' ¦ for PRINTING of every description, including PallitlUd and Second KtUtion o» SiTDHDir ;-¦ ' ¦ -; ¦ • • . -:i y'j . :. ,. • • • . ; us* (Opposite the General Post OfSce), LONDON Xorntnf H at No: 49 and 50 , • • - ' (UMECZD). - - : v^t . ¦ ¦ , Xing-Strut, POSTERS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Headings, (0»08in THl TBOVlkoIAT. BAXX). ilNTENDED¦ OBDEB OF BAILING-APBIL, 1883. .. .- •• ;; ' .HTKAHEBSt. «.: — , H Oll/I -E M ANUFACTURED MANURES XjlOR Families and Gentlemen, Situated in the Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices, TJKICE—TWO PENCE ; Yearly (in Advanoe), 8s. 6aV 1 Memorandums, Rent Receipts, Rental*, Coursing, By PosMYearly).10a.,6a. REGINALD, CO1TERAGH, LARA, ZEPHYB, GAL- • . :''x . : -L central and moat ait; part of the city. All XT TEE IDA, TINTEBN, ROSA, and DAUNTLESa 7t$$£i;xW°- " (id Private Hunt, Race, and Invitation Cards, and all the ; Cg" All Cheques and P.,0. Order*, made payable , - ¦ ¦, Bedrooms (200), including attondanco, 3a. ; :: (or StoanierCEEADKN, Bundlii«). " ! v v | ^J DOTLIKr AND •yVIOKLOW MANURE COMPANY, LIMITED, Sitting rooms, including gas, S3. 6d. General tariff Forms used in Poor Law Uuions. to CO»NILIUB REDMOND, at this Office ¦ i "\rOTIOEf. - ThS .Watqrfprd XT IN V^i-V X III ;THEIR MANUEES , at tbeir oxtensive Works, equally moderate. Smoking, Reeding, and Billiard lE3f E YE-LET LADELS to any size or pattern v <-men^> t SteamshipCompany (Limited MANUFA ^ITEB IEELA3JD situate The NBWS (Liberal in politics) circnlnteg *nm^STTV> H BBIDQE Rooms for Gentlemen. Ladies' Coffee and Drawing- Machine-Ruling, Book-Binding, and, in fact, everyi extensively i fi lifcA lVni raodTe floods and UvtBtook for. 8hlp- > ftt; j&]||»|ilfB0?O , DUBLIN, and the MURROUGH, WJCKLOW. where they use, rooms frco of ohargo. Night Porte rs and Firemen. amongst thn merchants, traders and nobility, sentry, ^riB*i^HBM&^ on tbe nonditioas nwnUonadln bi the Manures, Thousands of TODS of IRISH Sul hur Ore, and all other materials thing that can be done in a first-class Printing ' IJ»t» - ; i in. the ManoJae|il((* p [mh23.1y] gaming olassea Ao.,in AVaterfbrd, ^¦ "TST¦¦ ^^^T^WUn * , Ao.,¦ to be ltad at ttdr ' Establishment. Elkenhy.TJpperaryY , u . ..,:¦,. .: , ¦ -nffloea. i ¦ - •. - . : • "-'" ; "i ipttAP"iVi i.K cr»!';i;: " .-]¦ • ;¦: . that can bo Wd-fa the Country, such as Raw Bones, Sulphate of Ammonia, <tc., as well as all the • . r . > aiC ^Kj ryn ial-tgo south oflroUnd generally.' The Niwa has -WATBBFOBD AHD BBISTOL 1 Bagsin whioKifcil; Manure to packed, and they give employment to a large number of Workmen. Imperial Hotel, attained a ciroolation never equalled by-any paper, ) ¦ Important to Farmers. noir WATSBIOU to aaisrot¦ : ¦r¦ sox ¦BSISTOI. to WATBSTOSS, CAHADA. " x formed' LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET, DUBLIN. puslutad in Waterford, and is admittedly the leading I : ': ^ Direct) ; .< "-!• , '- Dbeeti" '* - , UNITED STATES & The Con«SB^was, for the purpose of supplying the Irish Farmers with Genuine Honest ' : ' hest Quality, (Oppositothe Goneral Poat-Offico and Telograph Office) BY ROTAL APPOINTMENT jourms.1in this important oity, with whichthere is direo Tuetday, April 8... 4 affnoon/Hranday,April 5 .. 4 morn r : Manures ofiiKJBig in the Best Condition, and at Moderate Price. d*Uy.ocjninnnioafaon from London. -... ¦-• ¦. ' ; '•» FrUar,- •„ 6... 4 aft'noon Satoda r, „ T ...Uinight PotTO«nAfci:For^iiai ^w^l^ro:..M a!r- . 29 The most central in the City. To Her Majesty, by Special Warrant , dated December 11' and Po . TheyiJKjSlore, confidently appeal to tho Farmers of Ireland to support this NATIVE INDUSTRY., TaMdV, „ : 10...10J rnorh" Wednidiy,¦" „ .: 8jrf Va PlBirrtAK,...t...n?oif^Hanfax rtland ...Anril S . at COMPLETELY remodelled and re-fumished. 27th, 1865. Particular attention paid to obmmorcial and agrieul- Frid**,. „ 13..^ 1 att'BMa Saturday, „ 14 ...10;nlght •• • - '- Frto' QMiehttown . -| ¦ and keup5il>.$^(oney home, arid vo assist in the employment of Irish Workmen, and in the uianu- To the Prince of Wales dated .. ¦ ¦ ' , . Magnificent Ladies' Coffeo-Koom, Dining-Eoom, , by Special Warrant, orolaatters.._'.;. .:. v- . :< . ; ¦ - - :; . Toudar, „ I7.u 4 affaoon Thonday, : „ 19 ... i 'moro * ' ¦ iff noon Saturday, 'VHUMIAK.::..'. ...For -HaUfakatd'Bpston.;'.......April G faclure of thMRroduoeof their own Coantry. Smoking-Room, Billiard-room. Charges moderate. February 10th, 1806. Friday, ,. ^20»* „ 31 .ULmgnf ' " ' : - AdTertisements receivedior the Niwa by all respect-' HrB»BunAK..;...'.For .Halifal d BalUniorB..:Ai)rU 11 ,, j ,.t: * ^^ ,." • • . - [m9.3m] CHARLES LAWLER rietor. f8.tf Tuesday, -..V^ »-morn"-"¦ Wednesday „»... 8! «&n *n , i'rop DAT, SON, & HEWITT, able Newspaper Agents in the United Kingdom.-, Pre- Fridtj, ... "„ f tti.M Bom1 Siturday. - SB .:; 9,nl«ht GBBOIAN........:.FOT -Quebec .'.............. ..;.April.20 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦»• ¦ ¦ • •«•« -'¦¦!' *» ' • ' • ¦¦• "" • .. ' ' Inventors and Sole Proprietors of the . - payment requisite from parUos not known at the office. ' ». ». .? . -:- v. - . .j - THE , » , ;. AD8TBiAi^..,:.;..;F9r :Bosbm r~:r......,; ...April 20 Age;|j^DAVID HALLY, BaUybricken, Waterford. The Burlington Beetanrant, tarOasatlr.JCotBbig-Sam&gt, Cabins of the stecmen will HANOViBiAW..i'.For'Halifax dud'Baltimore.r.April 25 " Original" STOCK BREEDER'S MEPICINI 27, CHEST for all Disorders in HOESES ATTLE ALVKS OKKTS AIB •; U;opaa4o-Wo«<T«fMs eagais irlrtng bj-;thcHl«litUaU ST. ANDREW STREET', DUBLIN, , , C , C , A »oa S 07 THE NEWS, AND OB * " "" '' *7 ' ¦ ¦ ' *l ¦ \ *jj:p .<'<l •» *,TMlOy.iqo.»AHl.PABaACiJB !.: 1 ' *¦ ¦ IJSUIIT vj ^'^' v ' ' " ' - ' ' - ' . ' .v f Oyster and Shell-Fish, Luncheon, Dinner and Supper SHEEP, and LAMBS . This matchless Chest contains ...;, ; . -. ASYB&TISBUXMTSI.O J • - . .; \ raiw "OahtB, lit. j do. Eetnml (arallall«for Onemonth) •f CliKn, £W; £15, and. ,£12 ; Intermediate,' £8 ; ' ' ' ' !;¦ " ¦ ' Rooms, CRVfR.CH-LA.NE, all that a Farmer can require to keop his Stock fret i 23a. ; do CkOdnn awl SorronU trareUlngwith Families ,-,V .,T'g (• . • 1.-Steeragis,jj6*4s- •'?••(/' •¦ >. ' WATERFORD—Mr, YT.-Xmvx, IdtUe.GeorgeVsi;. , • ¦ • , J9*. ,^ ' : NE W S E DS (next door to Hibernian Bank). from diseaso, and in fine healthv condition, viz :— ; ¦ r;-:--- v & _;¦¦ - • • . • . ' . f'W.Ydo •' York I Deeij's. aindwii; 4s. •. ' Paisengirs for Netr or Philadelphia by the ||p " _ " DUNGARVAN—BKKNAN & Co., Devonshire Sqnare. and Dinners, Soup, Pish, DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " CHEMICAL EXTBACT" ' LANCT ':' :Ba4Un»re S^mera are . Tiotetoi} ThrQugh^hout LUNCHEONS En- TSAMORE—Miss O , Refreshment Booms. '¦ < -'*fe»ttiuzroosD i -: ¦"- . " rmnt Lrmtrooti¦. • - L tiees, and joints, prevents paining and heaving in bad lambing, cures CARRIfiK-ON-SPIB—Mr J. M-MnBPar;New»AifBat. - ; r &c, Suppers, Fish and Meat. " Mon<J«jr^AjdJ£»-«. 4 atf B W«toe«i»y;A jrit* :.V7|n>ori Game always ready. .. swollen and broken udders in Ewea and Cows, and all JCILKENNT—Mr. WOODLOOK, , Railway Book BUnd. l' i I I UJII . ii i II gangrenous wounds cnta, and sores in all animals. ¦ ; ' ...! J|. , Jliiii ! jtliLJIJai—ijjV f IBL'fcii waty -xeinioryv Hia WIU JTOTOIBine ,YKC»iernoia ies Ks reeeivfed^his Supply of New Vegetable Seeds, .The BIL'LARP'KOOM-is _elezarltly appointed.' ' . •- CiLHXB^-TsincAr SAHFBON,'News lAgenfc> ' . \ .' '.-,-;ib 1>AY, SON; B L D" ' and Canadaat loweat Bates. c- . .:.;. 8®- OTNe&EejfS'gt the elega"i#fitKa Fish ; * HEWITT'S " GA SOUS F UI stops LCWJDONr-J^D^Kii«a,<t,8owr Boltftmrt, Tl0«Ut.i' 18¦•'" • '' '" " ' ' ENGLISH and GERMAN FLOWER SEEDS, in Illustrated Seed Pockets. internal pain, colic, scour, or diarrhoea, debility, colds, _ Friday - . •«- it t ttVo Mondiy ' ,. 18 . .6 sit' , , GeneralLaboure rs booked to Halifax fox £4; Agri- Buffet , consist of OvBtors, Lobsters, Crabs, and J5lSLINi-Mfts*M:\ WAH. SHWH k SON. Abbey-rt. Monday, -„ Iff ..; i aft'n Wednesday „ 18 ... 8 morn Savoury Fish, and a variety of Meat and other Sand- shivering, fits, and exhaustion in Horses, Oxen, " ' .,, " ' —HwiaY R. 83, Summer Hill. eultuHsts/AgTioalturalLabourers ,and Female Domes- Calves , . , Eccx*s, Wednesday, „ 18 ..11 morn Friday, „ SO ... 9 morn tic Servants, for £3. CLOVERS, SPUING VETCHES. FIELD PARSNIP, wiches. Wines and Spirits of the finest quality. , Sheep, and Lambs, imparting rare strength, Friday, „ 20 ...11 morn Hooday, „ 23 ...11 , morn " Pamphlets—scoond . serios—" Boports of Tenant Jameson's Seven Years' Old Malt. Martell's Brandy. vigonr, and appotito. Monday, „ 23 ... 2 alt'n Wednesday ,. 25 ...12 noon DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S " BED DRENCH ," the al- 2TATIOCTAI. X.INE to NEW YOBK. Wednesdyy, „ 25 ... 3t aft'n Friday, ,, 27 ... 1 att'n Farmers' Delegates on . Dominion of Caunda ;" also, MANGELS. GRASSES, IMPORTED OATS, 14 years old. Ales and Stout from (he best Breweries, recent issues of . Pamphlets on Western States of and in perfect condition. Finest Red Bank Barren most marvellous cleansing drench ; is of immense value from LTVIBPOOL to N BW YOBK, via Qaeenstown, Friday, „ 27 ... 34 alfn Monday, ., SO ... 3: aft'n . checking all fovcrish symptoms after calving and lamb ¦ Monday, , t 30 ._ 4 aft'n Americoi,Ao.('sent :frce, Writb for, the Little Book, TURNIPS SEED BARLEY, &o Oysters- Over 1,000 Boies of very old Cigars in Stook, • : . every WEDNESDAY. CARROTS, , ing, rendering tho
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