: ' THE WATEBFOBD NEWS." ^ninpinn .'j{/iu^mvifyj^u jftatels PRINTING ! PRINTING. ESTA2LI8HXD—1847. IRISH F^^Z=t3!w{£E3£l.S ! LIVOIST CIECDLATION IN TEX SOOTH OF IBILAND QUEEN'S HOTEL Effective arrangements exist at THE NEWS Office Waterford Steamahlp Comp&ny ' •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ »rry FRIDAY, '¦ ¦ ' - ' ¦ for PRINTING of every description, including PallitlUd and Second KtUtion o» SiTDHDir ;-¦ ' ¦ -; ¦ • • . -:i y'j . :. ,. • • • . ; us* (Opposite the General Post OfSce), LONDON Xorntnf H at No: 49 and 50 , • • - ' (UMECZD). - - : v^t . ¦ ¦ , Xing-Strut, POSTERS, Bill-heads, Circulars, Note Headings, (0»08in THl TBOVlkoIAT. BAXX). ilNTENDED¦ OBDEB OF BAILING-APBIL, 1883. .. .- •• ;; ' .HTKAHEBSt. «.: — , H Oll/I -E M ANUFACTURED MANURES XjlOR Families and Gentlemen, Situated in the Pamphlets, Shop-bills, Hand-bills, Invoices, TJKICE—TWO PENCE ; Yearly (in Advanoe), 8s. 6aV 1 Memorandums, Rent Receipts, Rental*, Coursing, By PosMYearly).10a.,6a. REGINALD, CO1TERAGH, LARA, ZEPHYB, GAL- • . :''x . : -L central and moat ait; part of the city. All XT TEE IDA, TINTEBN, ROSA, and DAUNTLESa 7t$$£i;xW°- " (id Private Hunt, Race, and Invitation Cards, and all the ; Cg" All Cheques and P.,0. Order*, made payable , - ¦ ¦, Bedrooms (200), including attondanco, 3a. ; :: (or StoanierCEEADKN, Bundlii«). " ! v v | ^J DOTLIKr AND •yVIOKLOW MANURE COMPANY, LIMITED, Sitting rooms, including gas, S3. 6d. General tariff Forms used in Poor Law Uuions. to CO»NILIUB REDMOND, at this Office ¦ i "\rOTIOEf. - ThS .Watqrfprd XT IN V^i-V X III ;THEIR MANUEES , at tbeir oxtensive Works, equally moderate. Smoking, Reeding, and Billiard lE3f E YE-LET LADELS to any size or pattern v <-men^> t SteamshipCompany (Limited MANUFA ^ITEB IEELA3JD situate The NBWS (Liberal in politics) circnlnteg *nm^STTV> H BBIDQE Rooms for Gentlemen.
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