Emergency! *Convenient Drive-Thru10 Available
T1 New Year’s RESOLUTION #1 January 6 - 12, 2018 Mowing, Edging, Pruning, Mulching AJW LANDSCAPING FREE ESTIMATES - Licensed, Bonded 910-277-3777 Connie Britton, Angela Bassett and Peter Krause star in “9-1-1” MANAGER’S SPECIAL LARGE 3-TOPPING PIZZA 99 $ Limited Time Offer Emergency! *Convenient Drive-Thru10 Available Laurinburg, NC 28352 1227 South Main Street • 910-276-6565 Joy Jacobs, Store Manager 234 E. Church Street Laurinburg, NC 910-277-8588 www.kimbrells.com T2 Page 2 — Saturday, January 6, 2018 — Laurinburg Exchange Under pressure: First responders struggle to save the day and themselves in Fox’s ‘9-1-1’ By Kyla Brewer mer “Nashville” star Connie Brit- ogy series “American Horror Story.” TV Media ton co-stars as a 9-1-1 operator, “9-1-1” marks the pair’s third while supporting cast members in- straight-to-season order for Fox hen the heat is on, it helps to clude Aisha Hinds (“Under- network, and their combined suc- Wkeep a cool head. In an emer- ground”) and Rockmond Dunbar cesses in prime time have earned gency situation, first responders (“Prison Break”). them a lucrative development deal must keep it together and rely on Even with the talented ensem- with 20th Century Fox Studios. Ex- their training to help those in need. ble cast, Murphy and Falchuk have ecutive producer Tim Minear has However, that doesn’t mean first their work cut out for them if they written for various television se- responders don’t need help them- want to do justice to the subject ries, including “The X-Files,” “An- selves.
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