Annual Repo Rt 2010
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TUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL 2010 TUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL TG4 2010 03/06/2011 11:52 TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 REPORT ANNUAL TG4 2010 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL Cludach 2010 FINAL.indd 1 SÚIL EILE ContEntS Mission, Vision & Core Values 3 TG4’s CoMMiTMenTs for 2010 5 Key TG4 PerforManCe HiGHliGHTs of 2010 8 THe Board of Teilifís na GaeilGe and oTHer inforMaTion 15 CHairMan’s rePorT 18 direCTor General’s rePorT 21 CorPoraTe GoVernanCe 26 finanCe reView 2010 28 finanCial sTaTeMenTs 30 TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 1 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 1 03/06/2011 11:41 1916 Seachtar na CásCa 2 TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 2 03/06/2011 11:41 SÚIL EILE “I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary series on the 1916 leaders from tG4, the best of the home based channels” Tuam Herald MISSIon, VISIon & CorE VaLuES 1916 SeaCHtar na CÁSCa Winner of 9 awards including: IFta Best Language Celtic Media: Best Documentary Series TG4’s mission is to provide an it works with its key stakeholders and Quality and Value-for-Money: attractive and innovative television overall reflect the principles which are and content service in Irish, that the founding characteristics of the To provide a high quality programme celebrates Irish creativity and identity organisation. The culture of the TG4 schedule. – language, culture, music and sport, organisation is built on these values. packaged and presented to be It is expected that each TG4 employee To operate a cost effective and accessible and appealing in order to lives these values day-to-day and uses efficient structure. connect to audiences in Ireland and them as their guiding principles to worldwide. inform and direct their on-the-job CreatiVity: behaviours. TG4’s vision is “to continue to promote tG4 CorE VaLuES To be creative in our output and successfully the Irish language and everything we do. culture using television and web ConneCtion: content so as to ensure a central place To continue to deliver innovative in Irish people’s lives, both in Ireland To provide a daily link for the Irish and unique programmes. and abroad”. language to every household in the country. ProaCtiVe: While TG4’s vision and mission set out what the organisation will achieve To put our audiences at the centre of To maintain the can do attitude and the strategies it will use to deliver everything we do. cultivated and now established on its public service objectives, TG4’s within our organisation and staff. values influence the way in which they To offer an alternative viewpoint on will be achieved, the manner in which national and international affairs. TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 3 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 3 03/06/2011 11:41 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 4 03/06/2011 11:41 SÚIL EILE “I love everything on tG4, and it’s so diverse. You never know what’s next. From donkeys, to Honda 50s to who knows what” Comment from viewer tG4’S CoMMItMEntS For 2010 garraÍ glaS TG4’s key priorities for 2010 were Progress towards a 35 week core and other indigenous broadcasters outlined in its Statement of schedule and broadcast 4.1 hours of and initiatives such as BBC Alba and Commitments. Irish language content per day. the Celtic Media Festival etc. TG4’s 36 corporate commitments can Maintain current cost per hour and SerViCe deVeloPMent be grouped into six broad “themes” ensure value-for-money. or areas as follows: Achieve overall national audience Maximise additional financial share of 2.3-2.5% and improve TG4 1. Programming outputs; support for programme projects shares if possible, in key targeted from external sources including demographic sectors including kids, 2. Promotion & Development of the striving to secure co-funding from young adults and adults. Irish Language & Culture; the Irish Film Board for two TG4 projects. Deliver a “world Irish language 3. Service Development; service” by further developing its ProMotion & deVeloPMent of tHe web and WebTV services, achieving 4. Development of the Irish iriSH language & Culture 450k unique visitors and 3.4m Language Production Sector & page impressions online and 2m Broader national Economy; Continue to engage proactively programme streams on TG4 BEO with Government on the new 20 over 2010. 5. Continued Pursuit of Enhanced year strategy for Irish. Strategic & operational Continue to augment the quality Performance; and, Spend at least 70% of Exchequer and distribution platform availability current funding on Irish language of TG4 content, thereby enhancing 6. Excellence in Governance, risk & content, a further 15% on its the channel’s cross-platform content Compliance. broadcast & 15% on overheads proposition overall. PrograMMing outPutS Invest in new Irish language Continue to make TG4 available on programme development across all an all-island basis, by ensuring its Commission and broadcast a wide genre ensuring a distinctive “súil availability across all broadcast range of new high quality, eile” perspective platforms in the North and through innovative Irish language content in this, developing a viable audience 2010. Continue to proactively engage share in addition to exploring with the “World Indigenous possible means to measure it. Television Broadcasters Network” TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 5 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 5 03/06/2011 11:41 SÚIL EILE tG4’S CoMMItMEntS For 2010 Continue to work with RTÉNL to to commissioning content from Enhance critical TG4 systems and facilitate the distribution of TG4 on Gaeltacht-based companies. processes through completing the MUX 1 on the R.O.I. DTT network implementation of Phase 2 of the and with the relevant UK authorities Strengthen the Irish language Digital Asset Management system to ensure TG4 is positioned on MUX production sector by ensuring a and through ongoing development 2 in advance of analogue switch-off minimum of €3.75m is secured by of the Finance, HR and key broadcast in 2012. the sector from the BAI and £2m systems. from the ILBF for TG4 commissioned Develop TG4 strategies and content in 2010. Continue to operate as cost initiatives to support the transition effectively as it has been and to DTT and to ensure availability In conjunction with Údarás na to maintain minimum levels of of DTT for its audience base and Gaeltachta and other relevant overhead costs across all TG4 throughout Ireland overall. agencies, identify and deliver new Departments in 2010. production development initiatives Continue to support RTÉ in its to advance the creative talent Continue to further enhance the establishment of the Irish Diaspora within the sector. efficiency of TG4 work practices channel. in conjunction with new system Work with the ILBF to further implementations. Develop a 2010 Marketing & develop the Irish language Branding Plan to deliver four high production sector in the North Deliver TG4’s Five Year Strategic quality, high impact campaigns by targeting a small number Plan for 2010-2014. across radio, TV and print, to retain of companies for joint project existing audiences and attract new development over 2010. exCellenCe in goVernanCe, riSk audiences to TG4. & CoMPlianCe Continued PurSuit of enHanCed Strengthen the TG4 brand across all StrategiC & oPerational Work closely with its two key its communications including PerforManCe stakeholders, DCENR and BAI, delivery of two new Idents in 2010 to support broadcasting policy and commence the development of Strive over 2010 to achieve an development and to deliver on brand strategies for the 2010 / 2011 increase in Exchequer funding of governance and compliance year. €2.8m for 2011 as per TG4’s 2010- requirements 2014 Corporate Strategic Plan. deVeloPMent of tHe iriSH Engage in ongoing dialogue with language ProduCtion SeCtor & Revise TG4’s Funding plan to key industry stakeholders, Broader national eConoMy position the case with Government regulators, broadcasters, policy- for longer-term increases in funding makers and other key bodies on all Provide some 100 jobs directly and and a multi-annual funding aspects of broadcasting operations, support approximately 300 jobs approach. codes and regulations. in the independent production sector, thereby enhancing Ireland’s Generate airtime sales and Work closely with the TG4 Board to capability in the knowledge-based sponsorship revenue of €2.6m on comply with all relevant and binding creative sectors. a targeted audience share of 2.3- codes and regulations under which 2.5% and evaluate the potential to it functions. Build on the previous year’s raise additional revenue from other contribution to the national sources such as the TG4 website Establish an Audience Council & economy by adding approximately and new content distribution deliver TG4’s Customer Charter, €58m to national earnings and mechanisms. Public Service Statement , Code of having an employment impact of Fair Trading and Code of Practice for approximately 1000 jobs. Persist in driving a culture the Handling of Complaints. of continuous improvement Commit a share of Irish throughout TG4 by investing in Deliver two Internal Audits and a language programming spend talent and HR management and Risk Management review of TG4 development. over 2010. 6 TG4 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 6 03/06/2011 11:41 Tuarascáil Béarla 2010 FINAL Singles.indd 7 03/06/2011 11:41 SÚIL EILE KEY tG4 PErForManCE HIGHLIGHtS oF 2010 key tg4 PerforManCe HigHligHtS of 2010 are: TG4 performed strongly in fulfilling its commitments in 2010 despite a very challenging financial environment and the requirement to implement significant expenditure and cost reductions throughout its operations during the year: • Overall, TG4 “fully achieved” 33 of its 36 commitments for 2010. Of these, 20 commitments exceeded their targets for the 2010 year. • Three commitments were “substantially achieved”. These were heavily dependent on funding levels and with the reduction in TG4’s Exchequer funding for 2010, TG4 had to implement expenditure reductions across all areas of its operations which impacted full delivery of the three targets in 2010.