Ontario Energy Board Energy East Consultation Council of Canadians Written Submission, Part Two of OEB Energy East Consultations 300-251 rue Bank St, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1X3 Tel./Tel.: (613) 233-2773, Fax/Telec.: (613) 233-6776 www.canadians.orG
[email protected] The Council of Canadians has welcoMed the opportunity presented by the Ontario EnerGy Board’s (OEB) consultation to share our views on TransCanada’s proposed EnerGy East pipeline. We have participated throuGhout this process, includinG organizational representation at the stakeholder and consultation sessions, as well as encouraGinG the participation of our supporters and volunteer chapters. The Council of Canadians is one of Canada’s leadinG proGressive advocacy orGanizations with More than 100,000 Grassroots supporters, includinG More than 40,000 in Ontario, and local volunteer chapters across the country, includinG 16 in Ontario. Through our caMpaiGns we advocate for clean water, fair trade, sustainable energy, public health care, and a vibrant deMocracy. The Council of Canadians believes the EnerGy East pipeline presents Many risks and little reward for Ontario. We are urGinG the Ontario governMent to publicly oppose the project. We Maintain that the risks identified in our first subMission to the OEB reMain relevant. These include the risk of a diluted bituMen spill in Ontario waterways, TransCanada’s pipeline safety record, the cliMate pollution iMplications of fillinG the pipeline, and increased reliance on fracked Gas iMports froM the U.S. We continue to question proposed benefits, Given that Energy East is priMarily an export pipeline that will provide few long-term jobs. Building on our previous submission, the below content provides feedback on the final technical reports prepared for the Ontario EnerGy Board and additional evidence supporting our position.