Bitumen Partial Upgrading 2018 Whitepaper AM0401A Alberta Innovates Prepared By Bill Keesom, Jacobs Consultancy – Technical Lead John Gieseman, Jacobs Consultancy – Project Manager March 2018 Document Title Bitumen Partial Upgrading 2018 Whitepaper - AM0401A Study No: JC158400 Document Title: Bitumen Partial Upgrading 2018 Whitepaper - AM0401A Client Name: Alberta Innovates Date: March 2018 Study Manager: John Gieseman Approved by: Robert S. Brasier Jacobs Consultancy Inc. 525 W. Monroe, Suite 1600 Chicago, IL 60661 United States
[email protected] This study or report was prepared by Jacobs Consultancy Canada Inc., (“Jacobs”) for the sole benefit of ALBERTA INNOVATES. There are no third party beneficiaries intended, and none of Jacobs and its affiliates, Alberta Innovates or any of their respective officers, directors, partners, employees, agents shall have any liability whatsoever to third parties for any defect, deficiency, error, or omission in any statement contained in or any way related to the study or report or any related documents. Neither Jacobs nor any person acting on Jacobs’ behalf make any warranty, express or implies, or assumes any liability with respect to use or reliance on any information, technology, engineering or methods disclosed or discussed in the study or report. Any forecasts, estimates, projections, opinions or conclusions reached in the study or report are dependent upon numerous technical and economic conditions over which Jacobs has no control, and which are or may not occur. Reliance upon such opinions or conclusions by any person or entity is at the sole risk of the person relying thereon. The data, information and assumptions used to develop the report or study were obtained or derived from documents or information furnished by others.