Fungi, I, by ¹) § 1. Given Preliminary Study Organisms Responsible (§ 2

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Fungi, I, by ¹) § 1. Given Preliminary Study Organisms Responsible (§ 2 Observations on the Luminescence in Fungi, I, including a Critical Review of the Species mentioned as luminescent in Literature by E.C. Wassink ¹) (Utrecht - Delft Biophysical Research Group, under the Direction of A. J. Kluyver, Delft, and of J. M. W. Milatz, Utrecht). With Tab. I and II. (Received 28. 12. 1946.) § 1. Introduction. Since 1935 the Utrecht - Delft Biophysical Research Group has devoted several studies to the problem of light emission in luminous bacteria e. - Various reasons had led to the (cf., g. [1 8]). special choice of these organisms for the study of the phenomenon of bio- luminescence, one of the chief considerations being that they can readily be cultivated under standard laboratory conditions, in which they are preferent over most other types of luminous organisms. lu- In 1940, we incidentally were brought into contact with the minescence of fungi (c/.§ 2). Since a general analysis of biolumines- cence will have to consider luminescent organisms other than bac- teria as well, it was deemed useful to collect if possible additional experiences with fungi. Therefore, the present writer has spent some time on the cultivation of luminous fungi, and on some bio- logical problems concerned with the luminescence of fungi. In the is of present paper a survey given a preliminary study carried out in this field. We started with attempts to isolate the organisms responsible for luminescence of wood (§ 2). In all cases examined so far, a luminous fungus was found to be the cause of the luminescence. lumines- Besides this, some attention was given to the occasional of discussed in cence decaying leaves, which subject will be § 3. We then attempted to survey the occurrence of luminescence in cultures fungi with a view to collect of luminous species and to select those which lumi- might prove to possess a relatively strong and thus be suitable for nescent power, might especially physiolo- work. It gical soon appeared that only a rather limited number of 1) Present address: Laboratorium voor Plantenphysiologisch Onderzoek der Landbouw- hogeschool, Wageningen, Netherlands. 151 species has been recorded as luminescent in literature. In order to obtain a clear survey of the actual distribution of luminescence in the critical examination of the avaibable fungi, a data was since on closer consideration observations necessary, many ap- peared to have been uncritically interpreted. Moreover, according to outstanding mycologists, a number of luminescent fungi, des- cribed as “new species”, will have to be incorporated into earlier described species. A rather comprehensive discussion of these mat- ters in combination with related personal observations has led to new critical list of luminous as will be in a fungi, expounded § 4. Meanwhile, a number of species indicated as luminescent had been As obtained in pure culture. a rule, species of common occurrence in the Netherlands cultivated from bodies were spores of fruit collec- ted in nature. I am indebted especially to Mr. E. T. Nannenga, and to Dr. A. J. P. Oort, for their aid with the determinations, and also for the of material. From some exotic supply species pure cultures could be procured from the “Centraalbureau voor Schim- melcultures”, at Baarn. Thanks to thekind cooperation ofthe director, Prof. Joha. Westerdijk, additional observations and informations obtained. because of the restrictions were Chiefly owing to the war, we have not yet been able to obtain cultures of all fungi which might be of interest from the viewpoint of luminescence. As far as our own observations have a bearing upon the distribution of luminescence in the fungi they will be mentioned along with the discussion in enumeration of the have § 4. In § 5 we give an species we got in cul- ture so far, and we present some general observations concerning their luminescence. Based on these observations a few species were selected which seemed especially suitable for physiological work. With these species some preliminary investigations were made, in collaboration with Miss A. van der Burg. These studies include the quantitative determination of the emission spectra, and some physiological experiments. The results will be communicated in a forthcoming paper. § 2. Luminescent wood. In the in June 1940, following communication occurred a news- thunderstorm in the the paper. During a heavy evening, lightning had struck the garden of an inhabitant of Krommenie, near Zaan- dam, Mr. M. Schots, who, inspecting the damage done, had found the shrub emitted nothing particular except that stump of a dead a distinct and relatively intense light, a phenomenon which was brought into connection with the striking of the thunder. Since this explanation was not very likely, the light more probably resul- 152 from ting an organism present in the stump, and the appreciable intensity of the light might render a further investigation promising, written Mr. ask of a letter was to Schots, to for some pieces the luminous wood. Mr. Schots was so kind to send us a few samples, which, however, on receipt were only faintly luminescent. After splitting of the wood and preserving it in a moist atmosphere at about 0 the luminescence increased again. Inoculations from the 23 , luminescent spots were made upon cherry-extract agar, lumines- cent pieces of wood taken from the interior of the small luminescent blocs laid the being upon agar. Initially, chiefly yeasts developed; rise the formation of some isolations, however, gave to a still contaminated luminescent mycelium. From the centre of the the non-contami- mycelium rhizomorphs grew out, from which nated tips could be transferred to fresh cherry-agar in tubes. By its of the formation of way growing, especially by rhizomorphs, the fungus could be identified, at least with a high degree of probability, withArmillaria mellea, which thus may have caused the remarkable phenomenon in Mr. Schots’ garden. Since that time, I have tried to obtain more pieces of luminescent wood and tried to cultivate the organism responsible for the lumines- x cence. Various colleagues and friends ) were so kind to furnish pieces ofluminescent wood, belonging to various trees, so that speci- various in the mens originating from places Netherlands, so from Apeldoorn, Baarn, Delft, Maarn, Utrecht, Wageningen, Warnsveld, could be studied. of and others, Up to the end 1944 isolations from made. In Ar- ten pieces of luminescent wood have been all cases — in all miliaria mellea at least cultures which respects were similar obtained from to those spores or pieces of the pileus of Armillaria mellea could be isolated from the luminescent wood. So we may well conclude that Armillaria mellea is by far the most common, if not the only cause of the luminescence of wood in the Nether- lands. This is in view of the of not very surprising high frequency this in woods inthis wood-destroying fungus all types of country, especially soils. on poor, sandy, In most cases the wood obtained was slight- ly rotten, whilst the centre still was solid; mostly the luminescence was still apparent by receipt or it revived in a moist atmosphere. In the a few cases luminescence was no more to be observed. Con- the in contaminations trary to first case, which had caused conside- trouble rable (cf. above), in the following cases the isolation of Ar- *) Among others the names of Miss Dr. Spierenburg, Miss Dr. Koning, Mr. Dr. Zinderen Florschutz, v. Barker, Mr. Hogeweg, Mr. Stegeman, E. Dr. Meeuse be tMr. J. Wassink, may mentioned in this connection. 153 miliaria mellea succeeded when I had learned very easily not to the take beautifully luminescent parts of wood but solid pieces the from not yet obviously invaded part of the bloc, directly under the apparently decayed zone. The decayed parts were remo- ved with a flamed knife; then, small rectangular blocs were cutted from the underlying hard wood. With a needle, these blocks were brought separately into culture tubes with an oblique layer of cherry- The isolation into tubes agar. directly appeared preferable over the use of PETRi-dishes, more commonly used for primary isola- tions. The tubes afford less space and condiserably less nutrient and offer less chance for contamination which material, was a spe- cial advantage in view of the slow growth of the Basidiomycetes. Once a dead fir-tree was found, which showed a beautifully lumi- nescent white mycelium between the bark and the wood, adhering to the inner side of the bark. A large piece of bark was removed, and transported as aseptically as possible, quadrangular pieces of Also in the mycelium layer transferred to cherry-agar. this case typical cultures of Armillaria mellea resulted. It be deemed detailed of may superfluous to give a description the Some remarks be made. pure cultures of Armillaria mellea. may On cherries in cherry-agar (extract of i kg. ripe iL. water, diluted with but still much better bread- i: 2, 2% agar) they grow well, on agar (to% dried and crushed ordinary wheat bread, 1,8% agar). So far, I have not tried other media. Contrary to what is found in the many other luminescent fungi, the luminescence of Armiliaria mellea-cultures is confined to a number of separate spots, corres- its ponding with the growing white parts of the mycelium: borders and the ends of the rhizomorphs. A continuous, white, luminescent mycelium develops in many cases between the glass and the some- what dried agar. In his has of obser- well-known study, Molisch (9) given a survey previous vations the luminescence of he has on wood, and expressed as his opinion that in central Europe in most cases the luminescence of wood is due to Armillaria mellea. It is that Molisch has isolated cultures very probable pure of A. mellea from wood, though he only describes the cultivation of the fungus from spores.
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    f I VO LUM E 52 I / I [ 1— 1 DECEMBER 1999 M y c o l o g y l CZECH SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY FOR MYCOLOGY PRAHA J\AYCn nI .O §r%u v J -< M ^/\YC/-\ ISSN 0009-°476 n | .O r%o v J -< Vol. 52, No. 1, December 1999 CZECH MYCOLOGY ! formerly Česká mykologie published quarterly by the Czech Scientific Society for Mycology EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Cliief ; ZDENĚK POUZAR (Praha) ; Managing editor JAROSLAV KLÁN (Praha) j VLADIMÍR ANTONÍN (Brno) JIŘÍ KUNERT (Olomouc) ! OLGA FASSATIOVÁ (Praha) LUDMILA MARVANOVÁ (Brno) | ROSTISLAV FELLNER (Praha) PETR PIKÁLEK (Praha) ; ALEŠ LEBEDA (Olomouc) MIRKO SVRČEK (Praha) i Czech Mycology is an international scientific journal publishing papers in all aspects of 1 mycology. Publication in the journal is open to members of the Czech Scientific Society i for Mycology and non-members. | Contributions to: Czech Mycology, National Museum, Department of Mycology, Václavské 1 nám. 68, 115 79 Praha 1, Czech Republic. Phone: 02/24497259 or 96151284 j SUBSCRIPTION. Annual subscription is Kč 350,- (including postage). The annual sub­ scription for abroad is US $86,- or DM 136,- (including postage). The annual member­ ship fee of the Czech Scientific Society for Mycology (Kč 270,- or US $60,- for foreigners) includes the journal without any other additional payment. For subscriptions, address changes, payment and further information please contact The Czech Scientific Society for ! Mycology, P.O.Box 106, 11121 Praha 1, Czech Republic. This journal is indexed or abstracted in: i Biological Abstracts, Abstracts of Mycology, Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica, Bib­ liography of Systematic Mycology, Index of Fungi, Review of Plant Pathology, Veterinary Bulletin, CAB Abstracts, Rewicw of Medical and Veterinary Mycology.
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