CIVIL - MILITARY FUSION CEN TRE Anti-Piracy Review Week 02 11 January 2012 Comprehensive Information on Complex Crises INSIDE THIS ISSUE This document provides an overview of developments in Anti-Piracy from 06 December 2011—10 January 2012. Further information on the topics covered is available at Hyper- Economics links to source material are highlighted in blue and underlined in the text. We encourage you to con- International Response tact the Anti-Piracy Team Leader or our Subject-Matter Experts for more detailed information. Justice Economics Erin Foster ► Security Humanitarian Affairs—Somalia
[email protected] Regional Issues—Somalia n 30 December, Sunrise Communi- malia. Fifteen hawalas suspended services ty Banks, the last remaining bank in to Somalia last week, however, one money ABOUT THE CFC 1 O the US State of Minnesota to allow transfer business in Minnesota, Tawakal The Civil-Military Fusion Centre the use of money transfer services or ha- Money Express, with bank accounts in other (CFC) is an information and walas to Somalia, closed those accounts due states told AP that it will continue to allow knowledge management to fears of unintentionally financing terror- emergency transfers of up to USD 500. organisation focused on improving ism, reports the Associated Press. The arti- civil-military interaction, facilitating cle further notes that Somalis who send re- A recent report released by the British information sharing and enhancing mittances home to support their families in House of Commons Foreign Affairs Com- situational awareness through the Somalia, are struggling to find alternative mittee, claims that not enough is being done CimicWeb portal and our weekly means of money transfers.