Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand Professor of German and Global Studies Appalachian State University


Contact Information L.S. Dougherty 206 285 Buckeye Estates Box 32063 Boone, North Carolina 28607 Appalachian State University Tel. 828-265-0679 (landline) Boone, North Carolina 28608 Tel. 828-719-6713 (mobile) Tel. 828-26-7225 (office) Email: [email protected]


Appalachian State University 2017- Joint appointment, Professor of German and Global Studies 2013-17 Director of Global Studies, Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies (direct report to chair of newly created department) 2008-13 Director of Global Studies, University College (direct report to the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education) 2010 Professor of German (promotion) 2003-08 Chair and Associate Professor of German, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (later renamed Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures)

Goshen College 2001-03 Chair, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures 2001 (Summer) Director of Goshen College Study-Service-Term (SST) in Jena, Germany 1999-2003 Associate Professor of German (tenured 1999) 1995-99 Assistant Professor of German, Goshen College, Goshen IN


1995 Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (German) 1992-1993 Dissertation Fellowship (DAAD/German Academic Exchange): Universität Köln Dissertation: “The Topography of Gender in Middle High German Arthurian Romance” Directed by Dr. Francis G. Gentry, Professor of German

1989 M.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI (German) 1987-1988 Fulbright Study Grant: Universität Köln

1987 B.A. University of Rochester, Rochester NY: magna cum laude/ Phi Beta Kappa Major: English (with highest distinction) Thesis: “Georg Büchner’s Shakespeare” Minor: Biology

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE My administrative style is collaborative, creative, and interdisciplinary; in decision-making, I strive to balance attention to individual faculty or programs with attention to departmental/college/university needs Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 2 and mission in a way that demonstrates integrity and clarity.

Program Director, Appalachian State University, Global Studies Program 2013-17 Managed program in the Department of Cultural, Gender, and Global Studies; chair of re-designed Global Studies advisory committee with core faculty in addition to 3 affiliate faculty; curriculum development, program assessment, faculty recruitment and development Global Connections certificate; created scholarship fund for study abroad. Report to chair of department; allocated budget in collaboration with chair and other departmental programs (Interdisciplinary Studies and Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies. 2008-13 Organized advisory, personnel and curriculum committees for Global Studies program; chair of Global Studies advisory committee; supervised growth over 9 years from to 100-120 majors; curriculum implementation and development, program assessment, faculty recruitment (60 faculty in 5 colleges), federal grant funding (UISFL). Direct report to Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education; worked with Vice Provost on resource allocation.

Chair, Appalachian State University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures (now Languages, Literatures and Cultures) 2003-08 Supervised approximately 15 full-time faculty as well as 17-20 adjunct faculty and two staff members; major programs in French and Spanish, minors in those languages as well as Chinese and German and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), and a range of beginning and intermediate courses in both Japanese and Russian. • During my tenure we added courses in Arabic and Portuguese; minors in Japanese and Russian; a general education required course in Literature in Translation. The department also ran searches for 6-7 new faculty. 2003- 08 Council of Chairs 2003- 08 Council of Arts and Sciences 2004-2006 Member, Curriculum subcommittee for the Council of Arts and Sciences 2005-2006 Chair, Curriculum subcommittee for the Council of Arts and Sciences 2003-08 Advising in all FLL departmental program areas for undergraduate and graduate students: including all departmental language areas (majors and minors) at need, German minors, education (B.S. degrees in French and Spanish), core curriculum, study abroad, international business, Interdisciplinary (IDS) area studies (particularly with respect to language needs) 2006-08 Supervisor for Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistants in Arabic: 2006-07 Ghada Gherwash (Libya); 2007-08 Salim Al Ibia (Jordan) 2006 Co-author, with Dr. Michael Lane (FRE), of final NCATE report for successful accreditation of programs in French and Spanish at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the department 2006-07 Global Studies curriculum committee: New B.A. degree in Global Studies 2005-07 General Education Task Force Committee: the committee was charged by the Provost to overhaul the Core Curriculum from the early 1990’s; the two-year process involved stakeholders from constituent communities (faculty, students, alumni, employers) across the campus and the region Subcommittee on relationships between community colleges, high schools and ASU; Subcommittee to review and summarize departmental statements; Subcommittee to develop guidelines for literary studies courses; Subcommittee to develop guidelines for Local to Global Perspectives Themes; Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 3

Subcommittee to write report section on Global learning outcomes

Chair: Goshen College, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures 2001-03 5 full-time faculty in 4 languages (French, Spanish, German, American Sign Language) and majors; curriculum development; Study-Service Term


Appalachian State University

Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, formerly Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies *Note: The Global Studies program was an independent program from 2008-2012 until the department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies was created in 2012-2013; that department changed its name effective fall 2019 to the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies)

2019 Spring Global Studies Curriculum Mapping project (with Mark Nunes and Jeanne Dubino in Global Studies), supported by a Curriculum Mapping Assessment grant sponsored by the University Academic Assessment Council. 2018- Global Studies, Curriculum Committee (member) 2018 A Panel Discussion Celebrating the Global Studies Program 2008-2018: 10 Years On. Where Are They Now? An Afternoon of Alumni Conversations with Recent Grads, 26 October 2018. 2013- present Global Connections Certificate: Advisor and Coordinator. This certificate has migrated to the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures as of fall 2019 with the support of both departments. 2014-15 Member, Search Committee for Director of Interdisciplinary Studies 2013-17 Member, Departmental Personnel Committee 2013-17 Member, Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee

Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

2018-present Chair, DLLC Strategic Planning Sub-committee on Strategic Direction #4 “Support and Enhance Research”; member of Sub-committee on Strategic Direction #5 “Telling our Story” 2018-19 Chair, Departmental advisory committee 2018 Fall Member, Sanford Hall LLC Core Group (building renovation planning with LS3P); 2017 Fall Chair, Strategic Planning Committee 2015- Organizer: Language Out Loud (November International Education Week) 2015- Delta Phi Alpha Advisor (National German Honor Society; German faculty at Appalachian applied for and the program was approved for a new chapter: Tau Xi) 2016- German Club Advisor (the German Club is not a new club, rather it was re-constituted in fall 2016) 2004-15 Faculty Advisor: Language and Culture Community (Undergraduate Residential Learning Community) 2014-17 DLLC curriculum committee; special project to design majors in German and East Asian Languages and Cultures 2014-15 Member, search committee for position in French 2012-13 Member, departmental curriculum committee 2011 Fall Member, search committee for position in Asian Cultures and Thought 2009-10 Chair, Curriculum and Assessment Committe

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Goshen College Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures (MCLL)

2000-03 Editor of MCLL Department Newsletter 1999-03 Sponsor and organizer of German Club 1998-99 New Faculty Mentor 1998- 2003 Designated Technology Consultant and Working Web Designer for the MCLL department 1997 Organizer of the first Goshen College German Day in October 1997. 1995-2003 Member of the Goshen College Orchestra 1995-2003 Organizer of Kaffeestunde and Stammtisch for speakers of German on campus


Appalachian State University: Advisory Boards/Councils 2016-present Global Engagement Council: Subcommittee for International Research and Creative Endeavors 2015-present Faculty Advisory Board for the Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies 2015-present Core Faculty, Medieval Studies Program 2006-16 University Service-Learning Council

Appalachian State University: Honors 2018 Participant in NCHC City as Text Seminar: Boston, 4-8 November 2010-present Member, Honors College Faculty; as a member of the Honors College faculty I have taught the length and breadth of the University Honors curriculum at Appalachian; sections below highlight curriculum development including course-embedded study abroad initiatives and interdisciplinary short-term study abroad programs; thesis advising and student research mentorship. As a department chair and program director, I spearheaded the development of Honors programs in my areas; I recruited and supported faculty to teach in them. 2008-16 University Honors Council 2016-17 Search Committee, Dean of the Honors College 2016-17 Campus Fulbright Selection Committee 2010-17 Honors College, Chancellor’s Scholarship Committee 2006-14 Member, Appalachian Honors Association, International Grants Committee 2009-10 Development of (spring 2009) and implementation of (fall 2009-spring 2010) and Honors Program in Global Studies. 2008 Acting Honors Director, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Appalachian State University: Internationalization 2016-2017 Global Engagement Council: Committee on International Research and Creative Endeavors 2015-present OIED and Academic Affairs: Study Abroad Transfer Credit Committee 2014-present Coordinator, Cultures and Languages across the Curriculum (QEP) 2014-15 Sabbatical replacement, Appalachian Overseas Education Program Committee 2014 Spring Office of International Education and Development, Search committee for coordinator of International Student and Scholar Services 2013 Spring Globalization subcommittee of the University Planning Committee 2012 Spring QEP Proposal Development Team 2009-13 Member, Appalachian Overseas Education Program Committee 2008-10 Member, Faculty Coordinating Committee, Local to Global Perspective (General Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 5

Education) 2006-07 Global Studies curriculum committee: Design new B.A. degree in Global Studies

Appalachian State University: Other College/University Committees 2019- University Forum Committee (appointed to a 3 year term) 2017 Fall Donald Sink Family Outstanding Scholar Award Committee 2016-present Faculty Transfer Mentor 2015-16 Faculty Reviewer for Peer Assisted Review Enterprise (PARE) 2015 Fall College of Arts and Sciences Humanities committee (strategic plan) 2013-14 Chair, Chair search committee, Department of Cultural, Gender and Global Studies 2012-13 University Undergraduate Program Prioritization Review Committee 2008-10 Interdisciplinary Degree Program representative at the College of Arts and Sciences Council 2008-09 Member, Women’s Studies Curriculum Committee 2008 Spring Member, Search committee for Director of Housing and Residential Life 2007-08 Member, Chair Workload and Evaluation Committee (Council of Chairs) 2007-08 Member, Watauga College Task Force 2005-14 Member, Graduate Faculty 2004-15 Member, Women’s Studies Faculty 2003-18 Common Reading Discussion/Orientation Leader. Books have included: Moises Kauffman The Laramie Project; Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni One Amazing Thing; Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed; Paul Cuadros Home on the Field

Goshen College: Committee work and other administration 2002 (summer) Member of English Dept. Search Committee 1997-2003 Women’s Studies Advisory Committee (Co-chair of committee 1997-2000) 2000-02 Humanities Task Force 1996-2003 Member of the International Education Committee

Service to Profession beyond Institution (State, Regional, National) 2018-present Member of the LLC German pre-1750 Organizing Committee, Modern Language Association 2018-present International Congress on Medieval Studies (Western Michigan) session organizer for 2019 Congress for the following organizations: the Society for Medieval German Studies, the International Arthurian Society, the International Courtly Literature Society 2017- present Germanic Area Representative for Executive Council: International Arthurian Society—North American Branch 2016- present Member of ACTFL/AATG Committee for Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 2015 Conference Organizer, University of North Carolina Conference on Global Certificate Programs, 28 August 2015, Chapel Hill NC 2015 Spring NC-AATG Awards Committee 2003- present Member and participant, UNC German Consortium, University of North Carolina

CONSULTING Chair of external review committee for the Modern Language Department at Hope College, Holland MI (11-14 September 2012) Consultant for the Foreign Language Department at Stetson University on area studies/Global Studies programs and interdisciplinary opportunities for connecting foreign languages across the curriculum. (12-13 April 2012) Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 6


Appalachian State University 2019-20 Fulbright-Karl Franzens University of Graz Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies; Fulbright project: Medieval Literature in the Modern Landscape. Heritage, Culture, and Identity in Contemporary 2018 Appalachian Research Development Travel grant to meet with Dr. Susanne Hamscha, Dr. Ylva Schwinghammer, and Dr. Wernfried Hofmeister at Fulbright Austria and the University of Graz 2017 American Council on Education Faculty Fellows Semi-Finalist 2016 Appalachian Global Leadership Award in recognition of extraordinary service to internationalize Appalachian State University 2015 University Research Council grant for project entitled: “Medieval Literature on Display: Memory, History, and Re-imagining Germany in the Nibelungenmuseum.” 2014 Outstanding Faculty Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences 2012 University College Academic Advising and Mentoring Award 2011 North Carolina Housing Officers Faculty Partnership Award, Language and Culture Community (Appalachian State University) 2010 Honors College Faculty of the Year (student elected) 2008 University Research Council grant for project entitled: “Performing Literature and/as History: The Stadtmuseum of Wolframs Eschenbach” 2008 (spring) Award for service as a Community Contributor from Watauga High School (shared with Jack Hellenbrand, Watauga Schools) in appreciation of work on the WHS exchange with the Georg-Büchner-Schule in Darmstadt (Germany). 2006 (summer) OIED Travel Grant for program development to visit the Georg-Büchner-Schule in Darmstadt (Germany) and pursue conversations with the school administration for an exchange with Watauga High School, Office of International Education and Development (formerly Office of International Programs)

Goshen College 2002 Faculty Research Grant 2001 Women’s Studies Summer Research Grant 1996 Departmental Award from the Fund for Academic Excellence for Internet Project with colleagues in Spanish 1996 Faculty Research Grant 1996 Individual Faculty Development Award


2020 Workshop Participant (upcoming): “Become an Accredited External Reviewer for ADFL,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, January 9, 2020. 2018 Facilitator training, Appalachian Faculty Learning Communities, Center for Academic Excellence, January 25. 2015 Participant with team from Appalachian State University in the Institute for Curriculum and Campus Internationalization, Indiana University, May 17-20 2013 Participant with QEP team from Appalachian at the conference on “Growing and Sustaining CLAC Programs” at the University of Richmond, 19-20 September 2013. 2013-14 Participant in Hubbard Center for Academic Excellence seminar (8 meetings) on Global Service Learning, led by Lynn Gregory and Robert Bringle. 2012 Participant in Hubbard Center for Faculty Development program on ”Global Learning: A Primer for Faculty-Led Study Abroad“ 24 February 2012. Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 7

2009 Attended North Carolina Campus Compact PACE (Pathways to Achieving Community Engagement) conference. Elon University, 11 February 2009 2008 Participated in the ACT Faculty Fellows program in fall 2008. 2007 Annual Meeting of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) in Washington DC, 17-20 February 2007. Participant in two pre-conference workshops (with colleagues Renee Scherlen, Government and Justice Studies, and Cynthia Wood, Sustainable Development) on Global Learning Outcomes and Cultures and Languages across the Curriculum 2006 North Carolina Campus Compact Conference on Service-Learning, February 15, 2006. 2005 IPSL (International Partnership on Service Learning and Leadership) Annual Conference on Story-Telling and Story-Hearing, October 18-21, 2005 in Rapid City, South Dakota. 2005 Service Learning Faculty Forum, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development Workshop, September 8 2005 Workshop by Judith Katz: Focus on Leadership. Assessing critical competencies needed to assure success; planning the steps necessary to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in a leadership role. Sponsored by Women in Administration, October 6. 2005 Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences Chair Seminar, Denver CO, July 14-16 2005 Chair workshop, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, April 1 2004 Conducive Environment for Women in Administration, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, November 4 2004 Legal Issues: A Workshop for Chairs, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, July 19 2004 Understanding and Working with Staff, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, July 14 2004 New Chair Development Workshop, UNC-Chapel Hill, June 7-8


2019 Humanities Research Group: Gaming the Classroom: Games and Gamification in Humanities Pedagogy and Research. Co-Organizer with Mary Valante (HIS); members: Craig Caldwell (HIS), Laura Ammon (REL), Jason Osborn (MAT), Allison Fredette (HIS) 2019 Attended the “Global Medievalisms” conference and annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Medievalism at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in Atlanta 20- 21 September, 2019. 2017 Participation in various colloquia sponsored by the Center for Judaic, Holocaust and Peace Studies at Appalachian: John K. Roth (spring 2017), Till van Rahden (fall 2017), Dan Michman (fall 2017) 2015 AATG Seminar on Kinder-und Jugendliteratur und MINT (STEM) July 7-11 2009 Participant in Humanities Research Group (organized by Mary Valante HIS) on Old Norse Language and Literature 2008 Attended the annual meeting of the Consortium for Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill 15-17 October 2008. 2008 Co-organizer of Workshop on “Going Local to Global in General Education. A workshop for faculty who teach in related areas (from anthropology to religion) in general education courses.” Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, 19 March 2008 2007 Workshop on “Teaching the Arts in General Education. A workshop for faculty who teach music, theater, dance, visual art, literature, film, and other subjects related to the arts in general education courses.” Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, 19 November 2007 2007 Attended 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 8-11 Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 8

May 2007 2007 Attended Visuality and Materiality in the Story of Tristan and Isolde, Duke University/UNC Chapel Hill, 30 March – 01 April 2007 2003- present NC-AATG conference and workshops (regular attendance). Fall 2003 (UNC-Greensboro), Spring 2004 (Duke University), Fall 2004 (Winston-Salem), Spring 2004 (SCOLT in Charlotte), Fall 2006 (Chapel Hill/Duke University); Fall 2007 (Elon University); Fall 2014 UNC Greensboro 2005 Portfolio development, Hubbard Center, Ed Neal presenter, June 21 2005 Large enrollment course workshop, UNC General Administration, Chapel Hill, June 6. 2005 International Programs Colloquium, Appalachian State University, April 4 2005 Conversations about Learning, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, March 25 2004 Writing and Publishing in Scholarly Journals, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University, November 3 2004 Working Group on Foreign Language Placement, UNC-GA (led by Dr. Betsy Brown) 2004 Roundtable Discussion: Feminist Pedagogy, Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development, Appalachian State University 2002 Summer Workshop: Training and Practice with TPR-Storytelling. Led by Julie Baird (German Teacher, Wawasee High School, Syracuse IN) at Valparaiso University, 1-2 August 2002. 2002 Workshop: Active and Interactive Learning Strategies and Techniques in the Language Class. Led by Dr. Robert DiDonato (Miami University of Ohio) at the , 9 May 2002. 2002 Graduate Student Mentor: Society for Medieval Feminist Studies (37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo)

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PROGRAMS CREATED Regular panels organized on behalf of departments or programs to showcase faculty and student research/experience, to facilitate dialogue across disciplines; regular workshops through Center for Faculty and Academic Excellence: Global Issues, Global Learning, Cultures/Languages Across the Curriculum, Internationalizing the Curriculum.

2019- Organizer, A Workshop on “The Cultures of Yiddish” with Dr. Miriam Isaacs, professor emerita of Yiddish Language and Culture, University of Maryland College Park. Dr. Isaacs will be a guest of the Center for Judaic, Holocaust, and Peace Studies at Appalachian. She will give a public lecture on October 17 entitled "The role of poetry and song in reckoning with the aftermath of WWII."

2017-2018 Organizer, Reformation(s) 1517-2017: A Roundtable Discussion, 06 November 2017. With Laura Ammon (REL), Victor Mansure (MUS), Jeanne Dubino (GLS), Jason White (HIS), Clark Maddux (IDS/Watauga) “Why Ragnarok was Never the End of the World” Thor Ragnarok: Roundtable Discussion, 9 November 2017. With Craig Fischer (ENG) and Mary Valante (HIS) as part of Medieval Studies Week 2017 Moderator, "The Russian Revolution: 100 Years After" (September 27). With Nancy Love, Federiga Bindi and Aleksander Lust (Political Science), Anatoly Isaenko (HIS), Olga Monacell (COM)

2016-2017 Moderator for Global Studies panel: After Brexit. Panel with Michael Behrent (HIS), Federiga Bindi (GJS), Anatoly Isaenko (HIS), Aleksander Lust (GJS), and Georgia Rhoades (English). 14 September 2016, 7-8:30pm Belk Library 114, Appalachian State Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 9


2015-2016 Moderator for Global Studies panel: The Empire Strikes Back? Resurgent Russia in World Affairs. The panel will include Michael Behrent (HIS), Anatoly Isaenko (HIS), organizer Aleksander Lust (GJS), and Curt Ryan (GJS), Renee Scherlen (GJS). 19 November 2015, 7-8:30pm, Price Lake Room, Plemmons Union, Appalachian State University CLAC Workshop I: Global Learning and Student Research: Creating CLAC assignments to enhance student engagement and research. 17 September 2015 CLAC Workshop II: GLO and CLAC: Using CLAC to achieve Global Learning Outcomes (GLO). 08 October 2015 Organizer and moderator, Global panel “Europe's Current Migration Crisis.” The panel will include Jim Barnes (GJS), Michael Behrent (HIS), Jean-Francois Fournier (LLC/FRE), Aleksander Lust (GJS), and Curt Ryan (GJS). 16 September 2015, 5-7pm in Belk Library 114, Appalachian State University.

2014-2015 Organizer and moderator, Global Studies Roundtable “What’s Europe Worried About?”. Participants included Michael Behrent (HIS), Darci Gardner (LLC/FRE), Jean-Francois Fournier (LLC/FRE), Jim Barnes (GJS). Appalachian State University, 17 March 2015.

Organizer and moderator, Global Studies Roundtable “Understanding Events in Paris: A Conversation about the Issues”. Participants included Michael Behrent (HIS), Darci Gardner (LLC), Jean- Francois Fournier (LLC/FRE), Craig Fischer (ENG), Jim Barnes (GJS). 26 January 2015. Organizer, Global Studies Roundtable “1989-2014.” Participants included Jeremy Best (HIS), Greg Reck (ANT), Jeanne Dubino (GLS) and Jim Toub (ART). 06 November 2014.

2012-2013 Co-Facilitator, Global Learning Across the Curriculum. Hubbard Center Workshop, 05 February 2013 Facilitators: Alexandra Hellenbrand, GLS; Shawn Arthur, Philosophy and Religion (P&R); Jeanne Dubino, GLS; Bill Anderson, GLY; and Terence Milstead, GHY

Facilitator: Global Service-Learning at Home. Hubbard Center Workshop (co-sponsored with ACT, Appalachian and the Community Together) and the Office of International Education and Development). 20 February 2013.

Fin de Siècle Vienna Short Term Study Abroad Program: Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Victor Mansure (MUS), Jim Toub (ART) and Students. Appalachian Global Symposium, 14 November 2012

Experiments in Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum at Appalachian. Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Renee Scherlen (GJS), Ed Brewer (MGT) and Jeanne Dubino (GLS). Appalachian Global Symposium, 14 November 2012.

2011-2012 Organizer, CLAC Faculty Fellows Workshops: A series of 5 workshops from September through November with 11 faculty fellows from various departments across the university designed to explore Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum. Appalachian State University Faculty Facilitator for panel discussion “Learning Matters: Global Learning” sponsored by the Hubbard Center for Faculty Development. Appalachian State University, 16 August 2011. Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 10

2010-2011 Organizer, Hubbard Center workshop on “What’s Language Got to do with it?” Presenters included: James Fogelquist (LLC/SNH), Marty Meznar (College of Business), Laurie Semmes (School of Music). October 18, 2010 Organizer, Hubbard Center workshop on Internationalizing the Curriculum. Presenters included: Jeanne Dubino (ENG), Martial Frindethie (LLC/FRE), Bob Goddard (College of Business). September 29, 2010.

2009-2010 Organizer, Hubbard Center Workshop on Internationalizing Courses. Presenters included: James Anderson (School of Music), Garner Dewey (Fine and Applied Arts), Linda Veltze (LES). February 8, 2010. Organizer, Global Studies Roundtable Series and Special Lecture series “20 Years after the Wall” (Fall 2009) Participant in Humanities Research Group on medieval studies (Old Icelandic) at Appalachian State University for 2009-2010. Faculty members included: Alexandra Hellenbrand (Foreign Languages/German), Mary Valante (History), Scott Jessee (History).

2008-2009 Organizer, Global Studies Roundtable Series. This series is organized and sponsored by the Global Studies Program at Appalachian September 2008: “Russia and Georgia: Are we in the next Cold War?!" November 2008: “Sustainability of Asia's Economic Leverage and Development” February 2009: “Soccer and the Hispanic Community in North Carolina” March 2009: A Reading by Chilean poet Raul Zurita

2007-2008 Co-presenter, “Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum.” (with Renee Scherlen, GJS, and Cynthia Wood, IDS/Global Studies) Workshop sponsored by the Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development at Appalachian State University, 17 October 2007. Organizer of panels for the Humanities Thematic series at Appalachian State University (Fall 2007-Spring 2008): “Von Donnersmarck’s The Lives of Others” ASU Humanities Thematic Series: The Lives of Others: Navigating the Public and the Private and the Past in Modern Europe.” With faculty members Peter Petschauer and Irina Barclay as well as undergraduate German exchange student Katrin Deil (PH-Karlsruhe), 15 November 2007. “Antigone’s Legacy: Dictatorship and Women’s Identity” with Rick Spencer, REL; Renee Scherlen, GJS; Rene Horst, HIS; Patricia Napiorski, LLC/SNH (March 2008) “The private becomes public? Madame Bovary and Friends at 150” with Michael Lane, LLC/FRE; Jill Ehenenn, ENG; and diverse faculty (April 2008)

2006-2007 Co-presenter, “International Service-Learning: On- and Off-Campus Resources for Getting Started,” Workshop co-sponsored by the Hubbard Center for Faculty and Academic Development and the ACT Office at Appalachian State University, 11 October 2006. Organizer of and discussion facilitator for Humanities Research Group on medieval studies (Mixed Media and the Middle Ages) at Appalachian State University for 2006-07. Faculty members included: Alexandra Hellenbrand (LLC/GER), James Ivory (ENG), Judith Rice Rothschild (LLC/FRE), Andrew Smyth (ENG), Mary Valante (HIS).

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GRANT INITIATIVES Grant collaborations support the initiatives faculty wish to institute; my work with Appalachian’s programs such as EDIT and PARE help target grant opportunities that are suited to faculty and program needs.

Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages

• Fall 2014: Award of UISFL Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages grant from US Department of Education “From the South to the Global South: Language and Area Studies for a Changing World” Co-principal investigator with Dr. Beverly Moser, Professor of German and Dr. Tracy Smith, Professor of Curriculum and Instruction. Grant period: 2014-2016. Grant total: $317,708.

• April 2010. Award of UISFL Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages grant from US Department of Education: Making Local to Global Connections: Strengthening Foreign Languages across the Curriculum at Appalachian State University. Co-principal investigator with Dr. Beverly Moser, Associate Professor of German. Grant period: 2010-2012. Grant total: $302,253. Continuing initiatives include the Global Connections Certificate ( as well as CLAC discussion courses in smaller languages such as Japanese, Chinese, and German.

Other Grant Proposals/Initiatives: • Funded: Appalachian Global Learning Grant (with Kendra Souza and Beverly Moser) “Language Immersion Weekend Faculty Workshop.” Grant was received in April to prepare workshop held on 10 June 2014. • Funded: FLAP Foreign Language Assistance Program (principal investigator Dr. Beverly Moser). Submitted in June 2006; funded Fall 2007 for three years, collaboration between ASU and Burke County Schools to support K-12 foreign language teachers in French, German, and Spanish. Federal award approximately $500,000 that was matched by Appalachian State University and Burke County Schools. • Funded: Kinder lernen Deutsch materials grant from the American Association of Teachers of German. Co-written with Dr. Beverly Moser. Submitted in January 2004. $500 in materials awarded to Watauga County Schools. • Not funded: Reich College of Education proposal for the Appalachian State University International Educators Program (IEP). Submitted by Dean Charles Duke, RCOE, June 2006. I was involved in development discussions and listed as one of the proposed faculty mentors. • Not funded: UISFL Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Languages. Making Local to Global Connections: Establishing an Integrated Middle East Studies Program at Appalachian State University. Co-principal investigator with Dr. Jesse Lutabingwa, Associate Vice Chancellor for International Education and Development. Submitted November 2006. • Not funded: FIPSE Preliminary proposal The Appalachian Language Experience (AppLE) Proposal to increase language acquisition skills and transcultural awareness for students in their first year of college through instruction that would be both content-based and language-based. Co-written with Dr. Kay Smith (IDS, now at College of Charleston) and Ms. Joni Petschauer (First-year experience/Freshman Seminar). Submitted November 2003.

TEACHING: My teaching encompasses the length and breadth of undergraduate curriculum. It includes first-year through capstone courses, beginning and intermediate language courses, general education electives, seminars and discussion-based, distance education, study abroad (course-embedded and self-contained), interdisciplinary and Honors. Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 12

• Courses in German Language and Literature

Märchen heute (Fairy Tales today), Davidson College Summer Institute for German Teachers, July 2005

GER 1000 Beginning Conversational German (Trier, summer 2006) GER 1010 and GER 1020 Beginning German I and II GER 1030 Accelerated Beginning German I and II GER 1040 Intermediate German I GER 1060 Accelerated Intermediate German I and II GER 2010 and GER 2015 Composition and Conversation I and II GER 2050 Great German Cities I: Settlement through the Middle Ages (on site in Trier 2010; also summer 2017 Jena/Weimar) GER 2055 Great German Cities II: The Modern City in Cultural Context (on site in Trier 2010; also summer 2017 Jena/Weimar) GER 3021 Märchen GER 3050 German Culture and Civilization before 1900 (also as a German Studies Consortium course spring 2009); also summer 2014 (focus on Medievalism and German Romanticism) GER 3500 Parzival and Nibelungenlied (Summer 2014) GER 3530 Quests: Medieval and Modern (German Studies Consortium course fall 2005) GER 3530 Germany Today GER 3531 Modern German Drama: Brecht and Beyond GER 3545 German Media (FLL Summer Graduate Institute July 2008) GER 3546 German Children’s and Adolescent Literature (FLL Summer Graduate Institute July 2009)

• Courses taught in English (Honors, Global Studies, Literature in Translation)

Honors GH 1515/HON 1515 Arthurian Legends First Year Seminar GH 2515 Folklore and Fairy Tales. General Honors (GH) course taught with Dr. Lynn Moss Sanders (English) in spring 2006; this course is subsequently offered as an Honors course in Languages and Literatures as F L 2025 IDS 2205/ GH 1150 Lords and Rings: Medieval Epic and Modern Fantasy (cross-listed Fall 2005) HON 1515 Wolves: Facts and Fictions (Fall 2016) HON 2515 Fin de siecle Vienna (Spring 2008) HON 2515 The Blue Danube: A River in Cultural Context (cross-listed with GLS 2535 in Spring 2012; cross-listed with German 3530 in Fall 2014 and Fall 2018) HON 3530 Great Cities: Vienna (May 2008, Appalachian Overseas Education Program). Taught with Dr. Jim Toub (Art) and with Dr. Joan Woodworth (Psychology) HON 2515 Great Cities Vienna and HON 3515 Fin de siecle Vienna. (Summer 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019) Taught with Dr. Jim Toub (Art) and Dr. Victor Mansure (Music) HON 3515 King Arthur (spring 2013, spring 2015 and spring 2017 with study abroad component to England)

Global Studies GLS 2535 The Blue Danube: A River in Cultural Context (see above) GLS 4100 Borders and Walls (Fall 2017 and Fall 2019; taught originally as GLS 4000 Seminar: Borders and Walls in 2015) GLS 4510 Thesis/Project GLS 4550 Capstone

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Literature in Translation F L 2025 Fairy Tales (Honors sections taught in Spring 2007 and Spring 2008). This course became LLC 2025 (taught also in summer 2012 and summer 2013 and spring 2016) LLC 1210 Language and Culture: Selves and Others (mentor course for Language and Culture RLC) LLC 3430 Arthurian Legends (Spring 2019; this is a Gen Ed course modeled on the Arthurian courses I have taught for Honors) LLC 4575 German and East Asian Capstone (for majors in German and in East Asian Languages/Cultures) UCO 1200 Arthurian Legends (First-year Seminar, University College)

Goshen College

• Courses in German Language and Literature

Germ 101 and 102 Elementary German Germ 201 and 202 Intermediate German Germ 201A Dual-Credit Course for Goshen High School Students (with James L. Graves, Goshen High School) Germ 301 Age of Goethe Germ 302 Conversation Germ 303 19th Century German Literature Germ 305 German Literature after 1945 Germ 306 Advanced Composition; Special focus: Writing about Culture through Film (Spring 2001) Germ 307 Special Topics German Literature Through the Reformation (Fall 1996) German Women Writers (Fall 1999) Germ 400 Special Projects/Independent Study; Mennonite Almanacs in late 19th and early 20th century German-speaking communities; Readings in Middle High German (Fall 2001); Holocaust Literature (Fall 2001); Recent German Literature in Translation (Fall 2000); German Film in Review (Fall 1999; Fall 2001); Mauerliteratur/ Literature of the Berlin Wall (Fall 1999); Translation of Historical Documents: Mennonites in Zürich (16th c.) and the Palatinate (18th c.) (Fall 1999); Goethe and Schiller (Spring 1998); German and the Internet (Fall 1998); The Literary Sources of Richard Wagner (Fall 1998); Wolf Biermann and the Lyrics of East Germany (Fall 1997); International Classics (Fall 1996)

• Courses in German Studies and the Humanities (taught in English)

Hum 421: Literature and Music. Embodying the Word. Spring 2003 Hon 310A: Modern Medievalism: Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Eco’s The Name of the Rose (Fall 2002) Germ 307/Peace Studies 310 Speaking the Unspeakable: Imagining the Holocaust and its History in Literature and Film (Fall 2002) Germ 303 The Path to Modernity: German Literature, Music, and Philosophy in 19th Century Europe. Team-taught with Department of Music. (Spring 2002) MCLL 125 Discovering the Other: Explorations in Language and Culture MCLL 300 International Classics. Selected works of French, German and Spanish literature in translation (1996-1998) MCLL 300 Arthurian Literature (Spring 1999 and 2001) MCLL 300 Creative Mythology (Spring 2000 and 2002) MCLL 410 Foreign Language Senior Integrating Seminar


2019-20 Fulbright-Karl Franzens University of Graz Visiting Professor of Cultural Studies (March-June); scheduled to teach two courses for the summer semester 2020 in the Center for Inter-American Studies: “Borders and Walls” and “The American Middle Ages”. Invited to be guest instructor at Graz International Summer School Seggau in July 2020 (“Borders and Walls”) 2018 Guest professor, Institute for American Studies, University of Innsbruck (Austria), May-June 2018 • Teaching: Proseminar Critical Studies “Wolves: Facts and Fictions,” team taught in English with Appalachian colleague Dr. Kristan Cockerill (Interdisciplinary Studies) • Mentoring: Mentored and evaluated 3 Bachelorarbeiten (BA theses) for third-year students in the American Studies program at the University of Innsbruck 2011 Guest professor, Department of English, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe (January – June 2011); Cultural Studies “Folklore and Fairytales,” taught in English.

SELECTED STUDENT MENTORING AND ACHIEVEMENT: As chair and as program director, I served as secondary advisor for all majors. In Languages and Literatures, as chair, I was also called upon to mentor graduate students. I regularly assist undergraduate students in preparing research projects for conference or symposium presentation. As an active musician, I am often called upon as a second reader for Honors theses by students in the Hayes School of Music.

Honors Theses 2019 (in progress) Honors thesis, second reader, Michelle Jaluvka (Music Performance: Clarinet) “Questioning the Western Canon” 2019 Honors thesis second reader, Emma Lassiter (Music Performance: Voice) Exploration of Vocal Repertoire in Performance; Honors thesis, second reader, Emma Hammond (Music Performance: Flute) Taking up Space: A Pedagogical History of Flutists’ Perspectives on Breath and Support. 2018 Honors thesis second reader, Connor Watts (History) Conquest From Behind These Walls: The Role of Castles and Fortified Towns in the Anglo-Norman Occupation of Wales 2017 Honors thesis second reader, Katie Howell (Global Studies/French) Fostering the Local: Facilitating a Shift Away from a Global Agri-food Industry; Honors thesis, second reader, Ramsey Wyles (Global Studies/French) What’s in a Word? Intersectionalilty and the Identity of Muslim Women in France Today 2015 Honors thesis committee, second reader. Elizabeth Shanahan (Art): HUMANITĀS. Showing the Non-Personhood and Abortion of Unborn Humans to be the Latest in the History of Dehumanization 2015 Honors thesis committees: Second reader. Graham Shelton (History) The Norman Conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily:The d’Hauteville Family and the Creation of the Norman Kingdom Second reader: Joshua Draper (Global Studies/Chinese; Director Wendy Xie) The Cool Japan Project and the Globalization of Anime and Manga in the . 2016 Honors thesis committee, second reader. Hunter Cox (Music): Piano Masterworks through the Ages 2016 Honors thesis committee, second reader. Ian Smith (Political Science): Savagery on the Eastern Front: Hitler’s Policy of Annihilation in Russia 2014 Honors thesis committee, second reader, Molly Reid Dramatic Expression in Piano Music: A Senior Recital Program of Works Spanning Three Centuries (May 2014) 2014 Honors thesis committee, second reader, David Marvel “Gustav Mahler’s Lieder Eines Fahrenden Gesellen as Brass Chamber Music” (December 2014) 2007 Reader, Honors Thesis by Samantha Benson (MUS): Masonic or Feminist: Inner Conflict in Mozart’s Magic Flute Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 15

Student Mentoring and Research 2018 University of Innsbruck Bachelorarbeiten (BA Theses) in the Institute for American Studies: Clara Dechant “The Big Bad Wolf- The Usage of Wolf-Imagery in Second World War American and German Media”; Chiara Vanessa Krenn, “Wolf Attacks- Fact and Fiction: How Literature Influences Attitudes Towards Real Life Wolves”; Karl Knotz, “From Human to Werewolf: An Analysis of the Transformation from Humans to Werewolves Based on Four Films” 2017 Appalachian Global Symposium: Presentation organizer, “The Honors College Abroad”: Joe Gonzalez (Global Studies), Emily Daughtridge (Dance), Victor Mansure (Music), Jim Toub (Art) and students from Honors College programs summer 2016/2017; “Local to Local: Mapping Neighborhoods and Reading Cities during Short-term Study Abroad Projects” (students from German summer study abroad program 2017) 2017 Appalachian Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor: Winston Moore (Global Studies): The Road to Empowerment: Food Sovereignty as a Response to Neoliberal Abandonment. The Case of Greensboro NC; Ryan Hellenbrand (Global Studies/ Sustainable Development): Imagining Stewardship: Roots of a Poetic Eco-Politics 2016 Appalachian Global Symposium: “Integrated Global Learning in Action: Global Studies and Study Abroad” This panel presentation featured presentations by the Global Studies program at Appalachian, specifically by 2 Global Studies students who recently returned from study abroad programs at Appalachian partner institutions in Asia and in Europe: Eri Cahill (Global Inequalities/Japanese and Chinese) studied in Taiwan, Ryan Hellenbrand (German Studies/German; double major in Sustainable Development) studied in Germany. 2014 Recommender and advisor on Fulbright proposal and application for Emily Long in German/Intellectual History “Heidegger’s Aesthetics: The Performance Politics of Wagner’s Parsifal”; 2008 Member, MA committee for graduate student Amanda Wilson 2007-08 Advisor on campus (in collaboration with Dr. Catherine Fountain, who was the 2007-08 Director of the UNC-Charlotte program in Santander, Spain) for Spanish Education majors. 2006 Mentor (with colleague Judith Rice Rothschild) for graduate student Nancy Greiner Savage (French) presented a poster at the April 2006 Research Day on The Transformative Experience of Study Abroad; Consulting faculty member for Erika Wuerzner (undergraduate, MUS/SNH) on her project and honors thesis entitled The Feminine Voice in the Cancioneros presented at the April 2006 Research Day. Dr. Benito del Pliego (SNH) was Erika’s second reader. 2005 Member of Product of Learning committees for the following graduate students: Sally Periconi Tamara Collins, Anne Penley (Spanish). Tamara Collins (and colleague Amy Neaves Todd) both received National Board Certification as teachers of Spanish in 2005 as they completed the M.A. in Romance Languages (Spanish K-12). 2005 Mentor for undergraduate student presentations at poster session for the ASU Undergraduate Research Day. Students Jessica Haywood and Heidi Hatcher presented a project entitled Modern Medievalism, involving medieval and modern art (done or recreated by the two students); the project was done for the course IDS 2205 Lords and Rings in spring semester 2005.

PUBLICATIONS My scholarship has focused on medieval German literature, on medievalism and the reception of the middle ages today, with an occasional foray into other areas of German culture and literature (such as 19th century music). My work in Honors has allowed me to remain active as a scholar at an institution known primarily for its teaching. My scholarship consistently informs my teaching and vice versa, whether my focus is language, literature, or culture. Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 16

Work in progress Article: sî jehent, er lebe noch hiute Places of Imagination in/and Medieval German Courtly Literature. Conference Proceedings of the International Courtly Literature Society (24-29 July 2016) Article: "'Adventure? What is that?' Arthurian Ethics in/and the Games We Play." For edited volume on Arthurian Ethics by Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University) and Melissa Ridley Elmes (Lindenwood University)

Work in press Book: Medieval Literature on Display: Heritage and Culture in Modern Germany (I.B. Tauris/Bloomesbury Press. Forthcoming, scheduled publication date 23 January 2020. Article: “East meets West? Heritage, Medievalism, and the Nibelungenlied on the Danube” for This Year’s Work in Medievalism (YWiM) eds. Valerie Johnson (Univ. of Montevallo) and Reneé Ward (University of Lincoln UK). Forthcoming Spring 2020. Book Chapter: “Past Present, Future Present? Visualizing Arthurian Romance and The Beholder’s Share in a World that Refuses to End” In The End-Times in Medieval German Literature: Sin, Evil and the Apocalyse. Ed. Scott Pincikowski and Ernst Hintz (Camden House). Forthcoming December 2019.

Peer-reviewed Publications: Book Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. Topographies of Gender in Middle High German Arthurian Romance. Studies in Medieval History and Culture. New York: Garland, 2001.

Peer-reviewed Publications: Articles Meyer, Evelyn and Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand. sine mugens nicht erdenken: wand ez kan vor in wenken rechte alsam ein schellec hase: Women’s German Medieval-Arthurian Scholarship. Journal of the International Arthurian Society (JIAS) 7.1 (2019): 61-90. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “Siegfried, Dornröschen und Luke Skywalker: Die Inszenierung eines deutschen Mittelalters für ein globales Publikum im Wormser Nibelungenmuseum.” Abhandlungen zum Rahmenthema ,Die Auslandsgermanisten und ihr Mittelalter‘. Ed. Nathaniel Busch, et al. Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik, Vol. L/2 (2018): 195-208. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “From Bystander to Upstander: Reading the Nibelungenlied to Resist Rape Culture.” In Teaching Rape in the Medieval Literature Classroom: Approaches to Difficult Texts. Ed. Alison Gulley. Leeds UK: ARC Humanities Press, 2018, 63-77. Hellenbrand, Jack and Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand. “Welcoming the Stranger: Global Learning, International Education, and the Pedagogy of Gastfreundschaft.” karlsruher pädagogische beiträge (kpb). Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft und Fachdidaktik. (78/2011) 95-110. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “Performing Medieval Literature and/as History: The Museum of Wolframs-Eschenbach.” In Defining Neo Medievalisms (II). Studies in Medievalism XX. Ed. Karl Fugelso. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2011, 147-170. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “Excalibur’s Siegfried and the Music of Myth.” Yearbook for the Society of Medieval German Studies Vol. 1. (Spring 2009): 34-49.

Publications in Conference Proceedings Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “The Nibelungenlied and Its Interfigures: Old Texts on the Museal Stage. The Machinery of Myth at the Nibelungen Museum in Worms.” In Sibylle Jefferis, ed. Studies and New Texts of the Nibelungenlied, Walther, Neidhart, and Other Works in Medieval German Literature: In Memory of Ulrich Müller II (Kalamazoo Papers 2014). Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 17

Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik 780. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2015. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “daz hat diu harpfe getan”: Music and the Performance of Courtly Culture in Middle High German Courtly Literature. Courtly Arts and the Art of Courtliness. International Courtly Literature Society 2004. Ed. Keith Busby and Christopher Kleinhenz. Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 2006, 635-651. Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra. “Uta and Isolde: Designing the Perfect Woman.” The Politics and Aesthetics of Gender in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Illinois Medieval Association. In Essays in Medieval Studies. Vol 19. Morgantown: West Virginia Press, 2002, 70-89.

Book reviews Alistair Matthews. The Medieval Lohengrin: Narrative Poetics in the Story of the Swan Night. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Rochester NY: Camden House, 2016. For German Quarterly (Autumn/Winter 2018) Sandra Lindemann Sommer, Ogling Ladies: Scopophilia in Medieval German Literature. Journal of English and Germanic Philology JEGP, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, University of Illinois Press Volume 114, Number 2, April 2015, pp. 305-308 Maria Dobozy. Re-Membering the Present. The Medieval German Poet-Minstrel in Cultural Context. Brepols: Turnhout, Belgium, 2005. In The Medieval Review, published online at July 2007. Kathryn Starkey. Reading the Medieval Book: Word, Image, and Performance in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Willehalm, University of Notre Dame, 2004. In SMGS (Society for Medieval German Studies) News and Reviews. Nr. 24, Spring 2007. William E. Jackson. Ardent Complaints and Equivocal Piety. The Portrayal of the Crusader in Medieval German Poetry. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2003. In The German Quarterly 78.3 (Summer 2005) 379-380. Nigel Bryant. The Legend of the Grail. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2004. In The Medieval Review, published online at March 2005. Rosemarie Deist. Gender and Power. Counsellors and their Masters in Antiquity and Medieval Courtly Romance. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2003. In Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies. 79.1 (Winter 2004) Hartmann von Aue. Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry: The Complete Works of Hartmann von Aue. Trans. Frank Tobin, Kim Vivian, and Richard H. Lawson. University Park, Pa. Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001. In Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies. 78.1 (Winter 2003).


Medieval Studies and Medievalism “Writing, Mentoring, Collaborating: Feminist Endeavors in Medieval German Studies,” “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby?”: Feminist Medieval Scholarship, an Un-Panel. Southeastern Medieval Association Annual Meeting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, November 14-16, 2019. “Medieval Literature on Display: Culture and Heritage in Modern Germany,” Presentation at the inaugural RECAPP (Research and Creative Activities at Appalachian) Event, Appalachian State University, 25 October 2019. “wan bî den liuten ist sô guot: Configuring Community in Medieval German Courtly Literature,” International Courtly Literature Society, Triennial Congress. University of Exeter (UK) July 20- 25, 2019. “des weters nôt: Weathering Storms in Medieval German Romance,” International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 9-12, 2019. Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 18

“Tabletop Camelot: Arthurian Afterlives in Recent Cooperative Games (Arthur’s Realm, Albion’s Legacy, Shadows over Camelot),” Popular Culture Association, Washington DC, April 17-20, 2019 “East meets West? Heritage and the Nibelungenlied on the Danube,” International Society for the Study of Medievalism, Brock University (St. Catharine’s, Ontario), October 12-14, 2018. “Setting the Hall on Fire: Kriemhild’s Revenge in Game of Thrones?” Popular Culture Association, Indianapolis IN 28-31 March 2018. Seminar Paper/Presentation: “Presencing the Narrative Past: Medieval German Literature at Modern Intersections of Memory, Heritage and History,” Seminar on “The Future of the Past” at German Studies Association, October 3-5, 2017 “The Afterlives of Iwein: Presencing the Past(s) in/of German Arthurian Romance,” International Arthurian Society Triennial Conference University of Würzburg, Germany 24-29 July 2017 “Old Structure, New Story? Presencing a Narrative Past at the Nibelungenmuseum in Worms,” International Society for the Study of Medievalism. University of Salzburg, 16-19 July 2017. “Medieval Literature on Display: Presencing a Narrative Past at the Nibelungenmuseum in Worms.” MAMO 2017 Middle Ages in the Modern World. University of Manchester (UK) 28 June- 1 July 2017. “Medieval Literature on Display: Presencing a Narrative Past at the Nibelungenmuseum in Worms,” LLC Symposium “Pastiche: Playing with the Canon”, Appalachian State University, 21 April 2017. “The Place(s) of Text: The Nibelungenlied and the Power of Memory.” Southeastern Medieval Association. Knoxville, TN. 6-8 October 2016. “sî jehent, er lebe noch hiute Places of Imagination in/and Medieval German Courtly Literature,” International Courtly Literature Society, Triennial Conference, Lexington KY, 24-29 July 2016. “Keeping Time at Court Or: Presencing the Past(s),” 51st International Congress on Medieval Studies Western Michigan University, 12 May 2016. “Reading Places: Arthurian Interfigures and A Pedagogy of Engagement,” Modern Language Association, 7-10 January 2016, Austin TX, session #512. “Kräftig bewegt. Performing German Identity in Nineteenth Century Orchestral Repertoire.” German Studies Association, Washington DC, 1-4 October 2015, session #110. “Looking for the Join: Memory and the Interfigures of Hartmann von Aue’s Iwein” 50th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 14-17 May 2015. “Re-imagining Communities in The Dark Kingdom and Merlin.” Annual Meeting of the Popular Culture Association. New Orleans, 1-4 April 2015. “The Nibelungenlied and Its Interfigures: Old Texts on the Museal Stage: The Machinery of Myth at the Nibelung-Museum Worms.” 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 8-11 May 2014. “The Nibelungenlied on Display: The Machinery of Myth at the Nibelungen Museum in Worms.” Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston MA, 23 March 2013 “Old Wine in New Wineskins” Moderator for panel on new research in medieval German studies. German Studies Association, Milwaukee WI, 05 October 2012. “Performing Medieval German Literature and/as History: The Museum Wolfram von Eschenbach in Wolframs-Eschenbach and the Nibelungen Museum in Worms.” German Studies Association, Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY, 23 September 2011 “Knight at the Museum: Envisioning Medieval Romance in the Modern Narrative of Wolframs- Eschenbach.” XXIIIrd Triennial Congress of the International Arthurian Society. University of Bristol (UK) 25-30 July 2011 Guest lecture: “Literatur und/als Geschichte. Das Museum Wolfram von Eschenbach” in the “Hauptseminar Wolfram von Eschenbach” of Prof. Dr. Mathias Herweg at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, 24 May 2011. “Why the Middle Ages Matter in 2009: Literature, History, and the Stadtmuseum of Wolframs- Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 19

Eschenbach,” Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, Furman University, 09 October 2009. “The Music of Myth: Wagner’s Siegfried as King Arthur in John Boorman’s Excalibur,” Colloquium presentation, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, 13 November 2007. “Music Matters in Arthurian Interpretation: John Boorman’s Excalibur and Wagnerian Medievalism,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, GA, 9-11 November 2007. “Crafting the Performance of Middle High German Courtly Literature,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Charlotte NC, 10-12 November 2006. “daz hat diu harpfe getan”: Music and the Performance of Courtly Culture in Gottfried’s Tristan. 40th “lebende bilde: Crafting the Performance of Middle High German Courtly Literature.” Modern Language Association, Philadelphia, PA, 27-30 December 2004. “daz hat diu harpfe getan”: Music and the Performance of Courtly Culture in Middle High German Courtly Literature. 11th Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI), 29 July-4 August 2004. “Nachhallen and (Re)composition: On Bach as an Interpreter of the Rhineland Mystics.” With David Mosley, Bellarmine University. 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 6-9 May 2004. "Walking with the Ents: Tolkien and Marketing Medieval Studies in the Modern Curriculum" AATG Annual Meeting. American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Philadelphia, 21-23 November 2003. "Images of Romance." Guest Lecture in GE 486/586 – MI 486/585 ("Artusroman") at the University of Notre Dame. 05 December 2002. “Sight and the Transformation of Psyche in Konrad von Würzburg’s Partonopier und Meliur.” Novus et Antiquus: The Thirty-Third Annual Interdisciplinary CAES Conference. Ball State University (Muncie, IN) 11-12 October 2002. “Uta and Isolde: Poetry in Stone.” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, 2-5 May 2002. “Uta and Isolde: Designing the Perfect Woman.” The Politics and Aesthetics of Gender in the Middle Ages. The 19th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Medieval Association, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, 22-23 February 2002. “Camelot through the Brandenburg Gate: Christoph Hein’s Ritter der Tafelrunde.” Presentation at the Humanities Roundtable. Goshen College, February 2001. “Negotiating Gender and Space in the Works of Hartmann von Aue”. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky, Lexington, 22-24 April 1999. “Places to Play in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan”. Out of Bounds: 16th Annual Meeting of the Illinois Medieval Association, De Paul University, Chicago, 19-20 February 1999. Paper discussant of “Ancillary Women in Medieval German Literature” by Ruth Firestone in section on “Germanic Literature before 1700.” Midwest Modern Language Association Conference in Chicago, 6-8 November 1997. “A Place to Play: A Topography of Gender in Gottfried von Strassburg’s Tristan.” 38th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association. Minneapolis, 7-9 November 1996. “Tiuvel and Valândinne: Epic Topography and Gender in the Nibelungenlied.” 31st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 9-12 May 1996. “The Gendered Topography of Wolfram Eschenbach’s Parzival.” German Studies Association Conference. Chicago, 21-24 September 1995.

Teaching and Pedagogy “German and the Global Studies Advantage” in Session German as Tool, German as Key: Raising the Relevance of College German. ACTFL (American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages) Nashville TN, 16-19 November 2017. “Cornelia Funke: A German J.K. Rowling?” Session co-presenter. ACTFL (American Council on Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 20

Teaching Foreign Languages) Nashville TN, 16-19 November 2017. “Designing and Sustaining Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs” with Beverly Moser. NCAIE (North Carolina Association of International Educators )Conference, High Point University, 9 March 2017 “Curriculum Re-Design and Gertrud Pausewang’s Die Wolke” ACTFL, Annual Meeting in Boston, 19 November 2016 (session 510) "The Language of Engagement: Turning Global Learning Stakeholders into CLAC Partners at Appalachian," with Jefferson B. Bowers, Graduate student, Spanish-College Teaching Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Appalachian State University. 2015 CLAC Conference, Denison University, 16-17 April 2015. “Languages, Literatures and Cultures and Living-Learning Communities: The Language and Culture Community at Appalachian State University,” ACTFL, Orlando FL, 23 November 2013 (session 647) “Connecting Culture and Literature in the (German) Classroom: Cross-Listing the Blue Danube or ‘Can I Take this Course for German Credit?’” ACTFL, Orlando FL, 23 November 2013 (session 413) “Heroes from History: Revisiting the Brothers Grimm,” Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC) 2013, Winston-Salem, 12 October 2013 “King Arthur in Britain! Taking your Honors Seminar Abroad” with Appalachian students Brian Clee (Global Studies and Computer Science) and Olivia Fitts (English), North Carolina Honors Association (NCHA) Annual Meeting, Appalachian State University, 05 October 2013 “Fin de Siècle Vienna Short Term Study Abroad Program” Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Victor Mansure, Jim Toub and Students. Appalachian Global Symposium, 13 November 2012. “Experiments in Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum” at Appalachian Alexandra Sterling- Hellenbrand, Renee Scherlen, Ed Brewer and Jeanne Dubino. Appalachian Global Symposium, 15 November 2012 "Collaborative Distance Learning: The Civ Class and They Lived Happily Ever After..." with Olga Trokhimenko (University of North Carolina-Wilmington). Session on "Out of the Box: Adventures in Learning German Outside the Classroom" at the annual meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Boston MA, 18-21 November 2010 "Cross-Campus, Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations with German" for the session “In a Jam? Add Cultural Innovation to Your German Program “ sponsored by the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Small Undergraduate German Programs at the annual meeting of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Orlando FL, 20-23 November 2008. Co-presenter “Making Assessment be your Advocate—for Students and Smaller Programs” (with Beverly Moser) at FLANC (Foreign Language Association of North Carolina), Winston-Salem NC, 11 October 2008. Session co-organizer and presider, “Service Learning in German Serves Students and Communities” with Beverly Moser (Appalachian State University, NC), Nancy Decker (Rollins College, FL), and Isolde Mueller (St. Cloud State University, MN), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Nashville TN, 16-19 November 2006. “A Proposal for Language-Based Learning Communities and General Education at Appalachian State University.” Southern Conference on Language Teaching (SCOLT), Charlotte NC, 26 February 2005. “Goethe 101: Doing German Studies from the Ground Up.” Foreign Language Association of North Carolina (FLANC), Raleigh NC, 30 October 2004. “Bach’s Bible: History and Language” and “Looking at the Past through the Present: Eighteenth- Century Germany and Anti-Semitism.” Two lectures as part of the Goshen College Bach Festival. 26 March – 7 April 2003. “Welcoming the Stranger: The Voice(s) and Vision of the Modern Languages Today”. Presentation to the faculty of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Appalachian State University, Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 21

28 February 2003. "Grad School didn't quite prepare me for this or If I had only known what life would really be like" (with Jack Hellenbrand, German teacher, Mishawaka High School, Mishawaka IN). Perspectives on the Profession. A conference sponsored by the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures. Washington University, St. Louis, 10-12 May 2002. “Creating Connections in Northern Indiana: A Cooperative Venture in Intermediate German,” with James L. Graves. Session on Advocacy/Recruitment of Students for the Small German Programs Special Interest Group (SIG) at the annual convention of the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language (ACTFL), Boston, 17-19 November 2000. “Women in Today’s Academy: A Perspective from Two Generations.” Discussion leader with Judith Davis, Goshen College Professor of French and Humanities, at the Second Intercollegiate Women’s Conference. Goshen College, 23 October 1999.


ACTFL (American Council of Teachers of Foreign Language) AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) German Studies Association International Courtly Literature Society (ICLS-North American Branch) International Arthurian Society (IAS-North American Branch) International Society for the Study of Medievalism The Medieval Academy MLA (Modern Language Association) Popular Culture Association Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship (SMFS) Society for Medieval German Studies (SMGS) Southeastern Medieval Association Women in German (WiG)


Music 2018- Advisory Board, Appalachian Community Music School 2003-present Appalachian Symphony Orchestra (violin I/II) 2000-03 Elkhart County Symphony (principal second violin) 1997-2003 Maple City Chamber Orchestra: Founding member and concertmaster 1995-2003 Goshen College Orchestra (violin I/II)

Miscellaneous 2017- Global Studies Study Abroad Scholarship Fund 2009 Co-organizer of “The World in Words: Exploring Cultures through Languages” working with Sarah Bergstedt, Outreach coordinator for Appalachian’s Office of International Education and Development, and the Watauga County Schools. 2006 Organizer, High School German exchange between Watauga High School and Georg- Büchner-Schule, Darmstadt (Germany); the first group of German students visited in October 2007 2006 Faculty guide and participant, Appalachian Chamber Orchestra program in Salzburg, Vienna, and Prague with the Hayes School of Music (May) 2005 Teacher, Exploratory German, 4th grade, Hardin Park Elementary School (Jan.-May) 2003-19 Music ministry team, St. Elizabeth of the Hill Country Catholic Church, Boone, North Carolina Sterling-Hellenbrand/ p. 22

1999-2003 Cooperative venture with Goshen College kindergarten teacher and early childhood professor Barbara Stahly to develop an exploratory German unit for the GC lab kindergarten, in which GC students of German provided most of the instruction over a 3 week period in March 1999. 1999-2003 Co-organizer of cooperative dual credit college/high school Intermediate German course with Goshen High School, taught jointly at Goshen High School and Goshen College with teacher James L. Graves for high school seniors. The first group began in August 1999. 1997-98 Co-organizer of high school exchange between Bethany Christian High School and the Paul-Klee- Gymnasium in Overrath near Cologne, Germany. 1996-2002 Director and Organizer of the Germany exhibit for the annual Goshen College Ethnic Fair 1995-97 Co-sponsor, youth group, St. John’s Catholic Church (Goshen)


Dr. Michael W. Mayfield Professor of Geography Dr. Jefford B. Vahlbusch Vice-Provost for Undergraduate Education from 2010-2017 Dean, the Honors College Department of Geography and Planning Professor of German 365 Rankin Science West Box 32073 Appalachian State University Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28608 Boone, NC 28608 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (828) 262-6864 Phone: (828) 262-7573

Dr. Beverly Moser Professor of German Dr. Michael E. Lane, Director Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Honors Program Box 32063 2055 Richard Hazel Hall Appalachian State University University of Maryland Eastern Shore Boone, NC 28608 Princess Anne, Maryland 21853 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (828) 262-2303 Phone: (410) 651-6023

Dr. Leslie Sargent Jones Professor of Biology (retired) Director of Appalachian Honors Program (later Honors

College) 2008-2016 Appalachian State University 2207 George Hayes Road Boone, NC 28607 Phone (home): (828) 355-9219 Email: [email protected]