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Virus All Is Full of Love Björk jörk is an Icelandic singer and songwrit- names” are patronymics that typically change Ber who has shown remarkable staying with each generation to reflect the name of a power since gaining widespread attention in person’s father. Björk’s full name with pat- the late 1980s as lead singer of the alterna- ronymic is Björk Guðmundsdóttir, denoting tive rock band The Sugarcubes. The Icelan- “Björk daughter of Guðmund.” Growing up, dic group was short-lived — it was formed she completed the full 10-year course of the in 1986, released its first acclaimed album Barnamúsíkskóli Reykjavíkur, the oldest and in 1988, and disbanded in 1992 — but it in- most distinguished music school in her coun- spired international enthusiasm in those try (which boasts an unusual density of music few years, thanks in no small part to Björk’s schools). As a student she studied piano and extraordinary vocal variety and expressive- flute, and by the time she graduated, in 1980, ness. She continued as a solo artist, and in she had developed strong interests in jazz, 1993 she released her first solo recording, ap- minimalism, and avant-garde experimental- propriately titled Debut. It would be the first ism, in addition to classical music. But asked of nine albums to date, the most recent being to pinpoint influences in her musical style, Utopia, from 2017. Björk insists that her inspiration is not limit- Her discography has met with extraordi- ed to the work of earlier musicians. She told a nary success. Several of her albums have fig- Brazilian reporter in 1996: ured within the Top 20 in the Billboard charts, more than 30 of her singles have qualified for I’m influenced by everything, by books, international best-seller lists, and in 2015 it by the weather, by the water, by my shoes, was reported that her total record sales to date if they’re comfortable or not.
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