
School Newspaper ssue olume untingtonDispatchigh chool akwood and c ay oads untington I II, V 45 H H S O M K R H , NY 11743

the new condom challenge proves a point

Lastly, Have fun doing Amy Poehler at the Emmys this for the next Month The Dispatch The Dispatch 2 Jan16 Jan16 3 Cultural Appropriation— Dispatch Another look 2015-2016 Las espinas An increasingly controversial topic appropriation, is not the meaning of ‘cultural ap- Staff among conversation seems to be the preserva- propriation’. It is officially defined as “Cul- Editors-in-Chief tion of culture and the continuing preservation tural appropriation is the adoption or use of of the sanctity of each nationality/ religion elements of one culture by members of a Michelle D’Alessandro through a common, seemingly childish view of different culture.” Sarah James “it’s mine, you can’t have it”. Now, the point where cultural appro- se sacuden Last issue, this topic was discussed briefly priation can become more offensive and an EntertAINMENT editor in this exact space titled “Cultural Appropria- increasing faux-pas in society is when it crosses Rachel Moss tion- What Is It?”. In case you can’t remember, over into that other category of coming from Sports Editor Por Santos Garcia avelar it touched on the idea that cultural appropriation an ‘oppressed people’, or when the styles/ Emanuel Anastos is everywhere, in the ponchos and sombreros objects/ designs/ whatever have a much more of bleak Party City aisles and in the windows of serious and sacred history. For example, Native Copy Editors LUZ, recorrió 3343.77 kilómet- con su inocencia pensó que era su padre. Luz como un relámpago giro la incense- filled henna shops. Given, cultural ap- American war headdresses. They are, indisput- Sabrina Floro & Steve Yeh ros, tres países, tres culturas, muchas Le tomó por sorpresa que también la cabeza 90 grados centígrados pero la propriation *is* seemingly everywhere, especially ably, very alluring and beautiful, they have an Music Editor ciudades y vio miles de imágenes pero delincuencia y la pobreza le extrajera imagen ya estaba tatuada en su memoria given the country we live in- America’s known incredibly sensitive past, with the most com- Page Montecalvo solo una de ellas hasta hoy en día sim- su corazón patriótico y lo enviara por y pronto la utilizó para alcanzar la dis- for being the cultural melting pot of the world, monly known feather headdresses’ including a plemente le pone la piel de gallina. tierra hacia el famoso norte, en el cual ciplina que se debe tener cuando se llega where people from every sort of background can ceremony of earning the and each feather Technology Editor Luz como puedes ver es otra de las anécdotas cuentan que la plata Christopher Giordano a los Estados Unidos. ¿Ustedes, qué es come to live, right next to someone of a com- awarded for a brave or courageous act. This is nosotros, al primer año de vida le ar- de los arboles. pletely different culture. This is a generally really only one example and it’s extremely common, la memoria y la imagen que les deja ese good thing. It’s what we’re known for. It’s one of but it makes the point. These have sacred roots Contributing staff rancaron a su padre en un homicidio que Luz pudo soportar el asesinato de inolvidable viaje? ¿Vale la pena sacri- the major redeeming qualities about America. and to disregard the horrors their culture was put Oscar Aguilar, Emanuel Anastos, envolvió un puñal y una lluvia de go- su padre, experimento la separación de ficar todo y comenzar de nuevo? ¿por This constant exposure to other cultures through in order to look cool at your next music Nicole Arenth, Alyssa Bailey, Emma tas de sangre que hasta la vez invaden su madre, trabajo fuerte y aceptó la der- qué nos arriesgamos el pellejo, y cuando is perhaps one of the main reasons we experi- festival is borderline ignorant. Black,Will Bonilla, Isabella Cahill, sus sueños dorados, en los cuales ella rota en que su tierra no era fértil para tenemos la oportunidad entre ceja y ceja Katy Dara, Ursula DeRosa, Jahi Doug- ence so much cultural appropriation. Keep in However, there are some things that yes, alcanza el éxito de la mano de su padre. poderse plantar, pero jamás pensó que la dejamos escapar? Luz encontró la mind, America is not by *any* means the only are adopted from others, but to forbid others las, Sarah Fernandez, Sabrina Floro, Enseguida un remolino la despojo de su Janelle Fore, Vincent Fredericks, Jacob una simple imagen todavía la trasnoche respuesta y concluyo que si no vas ar- country with appropriation. We aren’t that spe- from also partaking in said ‘whatever’ is some- madre que viajo hacia el norte, y triste- y este tan viva que durante cinco años, cial. Moving on, cultural appropriation is indeed what overbearing. How can we ever expect to Fuller, Santos Garcia, Chris Giordano, riesgar mejor no te muevas, que si caes , Katharine Giordano, Taylor Haberkern, mente su mente no reconocía 11 años durante más de dos mil días y miles de everywhere. Alongside this constant “borrowing” be able to rid ourselves of social stigmas and te levantes, que si piensas que la vida te Anjali Kapur, Chloe Liepa, Page Monte- of others’ traditions is the other American qual- prejudice of other cultures and nationalities if más tarde cuando la abrazó por primera horas todavía haga palpitar su corazón. da duro le pongas una sonrisa burlona y calvo, Rachel Moss, Elly Mustafa, Alex ity: political correction. So often, we are mocked we continually draw lines separating each other? vez, en un abrazo vacío fingiendo un Esta imagen es mas fuerte que la moti- salgas adelante. Como dijeron por ahí Muller, Mia Nitekman, Darya Odeabas, amor que no sentía pero que lo había for the acute sensitivity to others’ actions and This continuous claiming of “ours, not yours” Ingrid Oliva, Emma Pandolphi, Nolan vación, porque cuando a luz se le nubla “nadie muere virgen la vida nos jode a words, finding a constant need to soften the only encourages the grouping of others. “Oh, Piccola, Naomi Ponce, Massie Rinere, soñado tanto que al igual que un bebe el futuro, entra en acción como perro todos”. Entonces entendamos el ver- world’s edges with euphemisms and to forbid all you can’t have dreads, you’re ___”. How can this Max Robins, Rachel Roday, Cindy comenzó a pasitos y con el tiempo creció en completa cacería con cualidades de dadero motivo por el cual vinimos aquí that may be offensive. encourage people to live together and accept Rodriguez, Lindsay Saginaw, Ariana saludable y más fuerte que mil cadenas. monje, y le sopla al oído “espero que os y pongámonos a pensar en aquellos que When these two meet, it’s clear to see each other if they can’t even express their appre- Strieb, Alex Tacopena, Hanae Wada, Luz también creció y vivió su infancia recordéis porque habéis venido a esta where some people can take things too far. ciation for another’s styles and ideas? cayeron y sus restos fueron devorados Colette Wagner, Ally Wohl en su pueblo natal al cual ama tanto Pasta in Italy was taken from the noodles of the Furthermore, saying things like “if you tierra”. por los carroñeros, tenemos suerte de s imee ntorino and r dward lorea Chinese. Shall we assume that a scarce few might do that, you’re taking credit for it” is incredibly M . A A M . E F que hasta la vez, como una brújula pu- Luz a los 13 años entre la maleza haber pasado esa fase ahora es tiempo de take offense to this “unprecedented imitation of hypersensitive- by wearing a poncho, I am not The Dispatch is Huntington High School’s official student ede encontrar en su mente la escuelita, y la madrugada con una luna impecable honrar esos caídos y seguir sus sueños y another’s culture”? screaming out that is the ‘rightful publication. Written for over 1200 students attending HHS, la iglesia, el parque pero sobretodo la que alumbraba desde el norte hacia al The Dispatch is distributed to all students, staff and school los nuestros sin importar cuantas veces The previous article states that cultural owner’ of the poncho. Drawing geometric de- community members at the school free of charge. casa de su abuelo con el cual creció, y sur y desde el este al oeste en el desi- caigas y tengas que levantarte. appropriation is the, and I quote, “When mem- signs on a piece of paper is not a declaration for The Editorial Board is the newspaper’s decision-making erto de Arizona, observo huesos y crá- bers of a dominant culture take elements from a oppression of ancient civilization. Braiding hair body, organizing and directing its operation. The Dispatch neos de aquellos que cayeron durante culture of people who have been systematically is not a way to slap an entire race in the face with staff has adopted the following editorial policy to express the rights, responsibilities and philosophy of the newspaper for su batalla tratando de alcanzar su sueño oppressed by the dominant culture this is called a hairstyle choice. the 2012-2013 school year. y fueron devorados por los gusanos y cultural appropriation. It’s a power dynamic that Bottom line? Respect the culture, know The Dispatch of Huntington High School is a public forum, praises a dominant culture for things they pilfer its past and history before using it or taking part with its student editorial board making all decisions concern- otras bestias. Una simple cerca es capaz ing its content. Unsigned editorials express the views of the from an oppressed culture.” This, in fact, despite in it, and try to be more generous when it comes majority of the editorial board. de destrozar familias, de eliminar vidas, being the first sentences to an article whose title to sharing your own culture. de romper pueblos porque como socie- Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be published as specifically asks for the definition of cultural space allows. Letters are preferred signed, but may be pub- dad nos encanta tener barreras que nos lished by request. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and clarity, and all letters are subject impiden alcanzar la unión. to laws governing obscenity, libel, privacy, and disruption of the school process, as are all contents of the paper. Questions, comments, and letters to the editor should be sent electroni- Are You Feeling Some Kinda Way cally to [email protected] or submitted to The Dispatch mailbox located in the main office. Brújula Opinions in letters are not necessarily those of the staff, nor Las agujas del reloj About A Topic? Write About It! should any opinion expressed in a public forum be construed as the opinion of the administration, unless so attributed. Pantalones largos, Pólvora- ineptitud. The Dispatch is always looking for writers and photog- The Dispatch’s goal is to provide readers with interesting con- tent in a wide variety of areas. Such areas include the news Las palomas en éxodo, con una venda sobre los ojos coverage of school and community events, as well as features raphers to submit articles. on relevent topics. In addition, The Dispatch will provide Acechan a Alba! a las doce pm. opinionated editorials on controversial topics, as well as pro- vide previews and reviews for upcoming school and profes- La espuma mulata, el bulevar tinto! Con urgencia Drop in during one of our Weekly Wednesday sional sports seasons and other forms of entertainment. Sin pensar la muchedumbre plagia la aves, The Dispatch accepts advertisements from local businesses por los restos cotidianos. Las agujas del reloj gritan! las Meetings or Thursday Workshops after school in and student organizations. The basic rate for advertisements Room 252 can be provided on request to any interested organization. doce, los cementerios se agotan. ¿Entretanto los panta- Requests for specific pricing, and examples of past advertis- See back for Contact Info ing may be requested via e-mail through hhsdispatch@gmail. lones largos? Rígidos, fantasmas desconocen el clamor de com. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse any advertisement deemed inappropriate, specifically those that las aves, que vuelan hacia Alba. Join our Remind: text @hdisp to 81010 reference illegal or controlled substances, products, services and/or paraphernalia. -Santos Garcia Avelar. The Dispatch The Dispatch 4 Jan16 Jan16 Ambiance and Learning by emanuel anastos 5 Most teachers’ primary focus is the teach- ing that goes on in their classroom, not their decorations. However, a creative few choose to give some spe- Appreciating cial life to their classroom. Yes, the spaciousness and desk arrange- Locked ment of a classroom important, yet there is more that can be added to a classroom to make it an even better learning environment and a place students love stepping into every day. So, why is creating an extra ambiance in a classroom ben- eficial? Well, decorations around a classroom can make the envi- Out. HHS’s food ronment feel friendlier and makes learning less intimidating for many students, easing the anxiety some can feel in a difficult class. Ambiance and By emanuel anastos A welcoming classroom might not be a big concern of the many By Sydney Jean-Baptiste, here may be various opinions students, but it can truly help some get through tough courses, and Janelle Fore, Max Robins If we want to ask for more has never hurt anyone. In addition, a classroom that appeals to the Learning If you are a student at Huntington High School, Tabout school lunch at Hun- choices, we must look to the NSLA senses and feels good to be in can enhance the focus of a student. you’ll notice that in-between periods, in the first tington, but everyone should be (National School Lunch Program), By Emanuel Anastos aware of the effort that the nutrition- a new government lunch program This makes it more likely that they are learning relaxed, rather illuminate the walls, giving the room a feel of happiness, while candles minutes and the last 10 minutes of class, the (“velas”) make the room feel more homely and an even cooler place for al services make before a judgement which offers low-cost meals (2.75 for than sitting restlessly in boredom. Beside the calming effect of a bathrooms are closed. warm atmosphere, classroom decorations can spur creativity and learning. “Señora” takes it even further, hanging student constructed is made with the circumstances and a full lunch in Huntington) that are in- Most students can say that the idea of the bath- focus in students, provoking thought on the subject matter. snowflakes, or “copos de nieve”, and spraying a fall-smelling perfume regulations put in place by authorities. tended to decrease obesity in youth in rooms being closed is ridiculous. For example, Senior This can be particularly helpful in foreign language class- around the room to give extra ambiance to the classroom. It may seem There are a wide variety of choices the U.S. For example, the high school Joselyn Granados says that, “It’s annoying that I have es. The variety of decorations can be labeled with their names in like a lot, but it goes a long way. The last big benefit of decorating a provided to students, convenient eat- nutritionist orders every single avail- to wait until five minutes into the next period to go to either Spanish, Italian, French, Latin, or Chinese in Huntington classroom is the true care the students know that the teacher has for ing provisions, and a very reasonable able cereal provided, which include the bathroom and miss class time.” Why are the bath- High classrooms. This makes learning vocabulary more natural learning and their job. This encourages students to trust their teacher price offered to students on a daily Frosted Flakes, Whole Grain Trix, rooms closed? What if you drink two bottles of wa- and fun than textbook teaching. Mrs. Mammone, an 11th grade more, and put more faith in being able to learn a language, or any sub- basis. The nutritional services do Cocoa Puffs, Fruit Loops, Cinna- ter before your next period? What if it is an extreme honors Spanish teacher, takes her classroom decoration to the next ject for that matter. their best to put a healthy and tasty mon Toast Crunch, and Apple Jacks, emergency but the students must wait on the monitors level. In fall, decorations like friendly-looking ghosts Taking some time to decorate classrooms can not only make meal on student’s trays. While we and even orders from the only other who aren’t always on time? and creatures, jack-o-lanterns, and spider webs can make a class- the environment more welcoming, inspiring, and happy for students, can try to vouch for improvements provider, Cisco, for extra items, like With the bathrooms being closed, one tends to room feel more welcoming and festive. Students certainly agreed but for teachers as well. A feeling of fulfillment is mutual in those who in meals on a government level, we Cheerios and Rice Krispies (which focus more on using the bathroom rather than the les- that her class atmosphere affects the experience. “…Decorations decorate their classrooms and the students who take these classes. “It can also have a sense of pride in the one should request at the cafeteria son in class. Senior, Sydney Jean-Baptiste, said “It is provide for a happy learning environment” says student Grace makes me feel like I’m being the best teacher I can be, and taking food offered each day at Huntington for breakfast) for kids who like un- really hard to focus in class when you really have to use Curran, and “brings a happy spirit into the room,” says another teaching from a job to a lifestyle”, says Ms. Mammone, the master of High. flavored cereals. Still, we have three the bathroom.” 11th grader, Ryan Gaffney. classroom decoration. It is clear to see that the decorations of a class- Above all, the food provid- different sides for lunch; a cold wrap The students want this issue to be solved by re-open- As fall morphs into winter, and the holiday season ap- room can make a huge positive impact on both students and teachers, ed at Huntington is made to be the and salad side, a hot wrap, nacho, and ing the bathrooms all day, so that students don’t have proaches, Mrs. Mammone’s white Christmas-style lights (“luces”) enhancing the learning experience of all who attend. healthiest possible. For example, all pizza side, and a hot entrée side that to wait to use the bathroom and miss class time. Although it seems that opening the bathrooms of the cereals, which are provided has daily patty and burger options of- by Emma Black, Sarah Fernandez, all day is the most logical solution, there are reasons for breakfast (before school from fered as well. I think that we can all Naomi Ponce, Maddie Rinere, Alex as to why the bathrooms were closed in the first place. 7:00 to 7:25) are both reduced sugar agree that there is not much more we When asked, Mr. Coleca, one of the deans at Hunting- and reduced fat. Though the choices can ask for in terms of options, con- Tacopina and Ally Wohl ton High school, he explained to us the reasons the may leave a little to be desired in taste sidering we are a public school. bathrooms were closed in the first place. These rea- for some, we must realize that we are Huntington food services care Superlatives have been an exciting sons included, “preventing students from fighting in not getting crap for breakfast, but about their students; instead of bar- part of every senior’s high school the bathrooms… [and that] when the bathrooms were something that will not be part of ring students who have had experience for as long as we can open, students would crowd the hallways and the bath- leading to obesity and health slip out of their pocket or forgotten remember. So why is it that stu- room area.” Mr. Coleca concluded our conversation by problems, and will give us a nour- cash at home (in addition to offer- dents are recently beginning to telling us that “closing the bathrooms was a decision ishing start to our day. Sodium, car- ing free meals to students who live in become less interested or even to end future problems before they begin.” bohydrate, and sugar levels are just low-income families), a peanut-but- annoyed by the thought of them in Both arguments have valid points; there is an some of the regulated things for our ter and jelly sandwich is offered as an ’s yearbooks? understanding that although most students object to school food. option to students who agree to pay the idea of bathrooms being closed, there are reasons In fact, there is nothing to hide back the next day. In addition, conve- { as to why they are closed: to prevent chaos. By inves- about the health facts for our food: niently packed lunches in plastic con- Students are starting superlatives can also be super- gesting that their bodies are out as it can potentially harm tigating both perspectives of the story, we believe that to access lunch items’ nutritional tainers are available to students who to realize that superlatives ficial as examples include most not as good or worse. This the self-esteem of high school the bathrooms should remain open; however we do un- values in both English and Spanish, would like to eat at another time, or are exceedingly superficial attractive, nicest car, most can have a huge impact on not students,” said Naomi Ponce, derstand the reasons of why it stays closed. log on to hufsd.edu, click on “Re- have to go to Wilson Tech. We can and demeaning to others. For adorable, nicest hair, etc. only male students but largely a Huntington High School sources”, then “Food Sources”, and also make the most of what is pro- example, superlatives can As we looked at this on females who may be self- Sophomore. then “Menus, Forms, and Files”. You vided in more complicated instanc- make others feel less special if issue more closely, we discov- conscious. This could lead to a We are not saying that will then see a full lunch menu for es, for example, if we do not have they don’t get voted for “most ered through old Huntington lack of self-confidence. High superlatives are a bad thing the month. Click on one day’s menu, a lunch period. One idea for eating attractive” or “most popular High School yearbooks that school students have enough for the high school commu- and you will see a list of almost every (because we are not permitted to go on social media”. Are Super- superlatives have always had issues in their everyday lives nity. In fact, superlatives can food item provided for lunch on the get lunch in a non-lunch or study hall latives fun and harmless or superficial undertones. An to be stressed over and by cre- be really fun and brings the left. By selecting the plus sign next to class without passes) is purchasing superficial and shallow? Let’s example of this is in the 1998 ating an award based off of student body together. How- an entrée, you can see the amount of two cereals and milk (less than $2.75 take a closer look. HHS yearbook, we found a looks or body image can create ever, we think that there needs 15 different values, such as total calo- lunch price together) in the morn- You may be asking superlative that was dedicated negative effects and is largely to be a call to change certain ries, fat, carbs, fiber, cholesterol, and ing, keeping it in a locker, and eat- yourself: what is a superlative? to the student with the “Best underestimated. superficial topics on appear- many other component’s amounts. ing it at any class you please. This is A superlative is defined as ex- Body.” “While I look forward ances. Superlatives, in all, are a This option will be available for a cool and efficient way to make the pressing the highest or a very The “Best Body” super- to the superlatives in my good thing, but we believe that breakfast items by next school year. most of food provided, and while it high degree of a quality. Some lative is not only degrading senior year, I think that cat- a change is necessary for the With this information, just know that may not be as nice as a lunch from a examples of this include class but can also be viewed as an egories such as most attractive tradition to hold its value... you are eating the right thing when restaurant brought in, it is definitely clown, best artist, however, insult to other students sug- and best body need to be taken you eat something at the high school. much more affordable. The Dispatch The Dispatch 6 Jan16 Jan16 7 Hhs welcomes great new additions roma migrants face Dam Failure Spurs Mr. Smith Brings new energy | By Sarah James prejudice, poverty, and Talks of Reform Everyone knows by this from home for mixtapes from of going to med school where he es. He also told me about cool ideas by Elyzia Mustafa point that there are some new fac- his cousins in the Caribbean. He was accepted, he doesn’t regret it. to potentially incorporate into n November 5th, 2015, a large dam in Brazil es at Huntington High School this chuckled remembering how much This family oriented trait of his is Battle of Classes: each class hav- acid attacks in sweden o year besides the freshmen. One of of an effort it was sharing mu- yet another reason he says he loves ing a theme and a hallway to deco- By Lindsay Saginaw failed and released huge amounts of toxic chemicals these new faces is our Assistant sic, making mixtapes and burn- Huntington, seeing as it enables rate, as well as other tasks that all Immigration has been a trou- could feel the skin peeling, I jumped in hundreds of Brazil’s rivers. The catastrophe direct- Principal Mr. Gamal Smith. You’ve ing CD’s and waiting until Friday him to be closer to home and is amount to points in an elaborate bling problem that continues to plague up, I closed my eyes,” while pointing ly killed 15 people, and at least 19 more are miss- probably seen him standing in the nights from 8 to 10 just to listen to very family oriented at its core. points system. He observes, that at the world, and several nations are han- to the park location where someone ing. However, the hundreds of thousands of people hallway greeting students in the some hip-hop when he was a kid. Prior to coming to Hun- the end of the day, events like pep dling the influx of migrants in differ- doused him with a corrosive fluid that who are dependent on the rivers are now without morning or chatting with security When I asked him more tington in September, he was an rallies and class battles have been ent ways. the police suspected contained chlorine. clean water. Governador Valadares, who is 200 miles guards during passing time. Al- about his country of origin he Assistant Principal in inner city so all encompassing and enjoy- Thousands of travelers from “I thought I was going to die,” Rancu away from the site of the accident, has been without though we’ve seen him around, a lot told me that the main differences schools. He moved in order to able because it includes the entire added. drinking water since the accident turned their river of us don’t know much about him. between America and Canada for be closer to home and he hap- school, the student body and the varying countries in the European orange with toxic waste. This event is said to be the I was lucky enough to him are the atmosphere and the pily claims that he doesn’t mind faculty and ultimately that’s what Union are flooding Sweden, specifically, Unfortunately, activists in Swe- be a part of a group of students mindset. Canada’s a little more the change. In fact, he quite en- Mr. Smith is about-- bringing ev- Romanian/”Roma” migrants. They are den who support the migrants claim biggest environmental disaster in Brazil to date. that had the great opportunity to relaxed than America. They have joys the sense of community eryone in the school closer to- not considered true immigrants be- that police give low priority to attacks Critics argue that the government’s reaction get to know Mr. Smith a couple culture-based festivals where all our school boasts and the close- gether, faculty and students alike. cause Romania is within the EU, and on the beggars that riddle the city to this catastrophe has been slow. In response to this, months ago when he arranged cultures are acknowledged and cel- knit feeling one gets walking “You can’t make decisions citizens within the EU may travel freely streets and neighboring towns. Impor- President Dilma Rousseff announced that the com- and chaperoned a field trip. Dur- ebrated and tolerance is facilitated. through the halls of Huntington. about a school if you don’t have inside of its borders. Sweden has been tant themes that endanger the Swed- panies held accountable for the disaster—Samarco ing the trip, we learned a lot about These festivals are so big and so Although Mr. Smith’s plan your finger on the pulse,” says Mr. ish toleration policy include bigotry, Mineçãro (owned by Brazil’s Vale SA) and Australia’s him, things like where he’s from, important that in the cities where wasn’t to be an AP, he can’t deny Smith. He’s right- you can’t make known for its toleration and openness as some Swedes scorn the homeless BHP Billiton—will be fined $66 million for break- what his view of our school is, they take place, public transpor- that he enjoys coming to work ev- important decisions for some- to foreigners, however, what used to be people that crowd the streets of Stock- ing several federal laws. Rousseff herself stated that what he’d like to change to en- tation is free for the time being. ery day. “It’s rare having this fresh one’s well being if you don’t pay a trickle of Roma migrants has turned holm, and believe that they should re- these three companies are responsible for what she hance our high school experience, From his home in Canada, start,” he told me in reference to the attention to them. However, Mr. into a flood as they hurry to escape pov- turn to Romania. Threatening the tol- called “the biggest environmental disaster to affect and even his music preference. he went to Potsdam, New York to brand new slate (that is the trio of Smith fully intends to keep his erty-stricken Romania. These migrants Mr. Smith hails from Can- attend Clarkson University on a Mr. Cusack, Mr. DiTroia and him- “finger on the pulse” by getting eration policy in Sweden the most are large regions of the country.” Sandra Cureau, a fed- come from Romania with nothing and ada and proudly told me that he full D3 scholarship to self), “It’s good for the community, to know the people he’s the Sweden Democrats, a politically an- eral prosecutor who deals with environmental is- are forced to beg in the urban streets. was, “born and raised in the six.” major in biology. When I asked the stability and longevity it will with faculty and students alike, ti-immigration party. “In Sweden, the sues, says that there has been a “total indifference Sven Hovmoller, a professor of He spent his childhood in be- him why he became an Assistant facilitate.” He is excited about the and he’s already making headway. lack of an anti-immigrant party was among all parties about the plight of the victims, tween Canada and Jamaica, where Principal instead of going to med chemistry between him and his For the short time he’s been here, chemistry at University part of Swedish identity,” says Andreas the people who didn’t receive aid, the children who his family is from. He briefly re- school, he openly told me that a new coworkers, the great charac- Mr. Smith and his enthusiastic and vice chairman of an organization Johansson Heino, a publishing director have died, and the rivers that have been destroyed.” hashed some of the memories wrench was thrown into his plans ter he sees exhibited in the student and bright disposition has already created to support homeless migrants, for Timbro, a research institute. The The sludge released has enough volume to fill from his childhood like sum- when he became a father junior body and all the opportunities he made an impact, where many of known as HEM, said, “Anywhere in the mers in Jamaica trading music year of college . He decided that he has to make Huntington better. the students I’ve talked to know Swedish Democrats want to criminal- the Dallas Cowboys’ Stadium 20 times over and has country, as long as there is a food store, didn’t want to leave his daughter Among some of the things exactly who he is. Junior Michael ize begging –which would brand the flooded villages 45 miles away from the accident site. by continuing in medical school Mr. Smith would like to do to make Harris said, “He’s a great guy who there will be someone sitting outside it almost 4,000 beggars in Sweden as fel- The sludge has since reached the Doce River, a river where he had been accepted. Huntington better and enhance bonds with students superbly begging.” That is due to the fact that, ons. Sweden continues to look for a so- essential to fishing towns, and the Atlantic Ocean. According to him though, our high school experience is and has become a great assistant as Professor Hovmoller put it, “poor lution, but every possible answer seems The mudslides caused by the release had so much the responsibility and sacrifice that hosting more engaging and lively principal.” His sentiments were people have noticed that they, too, can to end with only relocation, and not a force that nearby villages were decimated. While came with becoming a father at that events for the student body. “I like echoed by senior Giulia Gourgue move around Europe to try to find a full solution. rescue crews are doing their best to find and provide age marked an important turn- to do fun things,” he stated simply. who avowed, “I love how he inter- better future.” resources to those affected by or lost to the mud- ing point in his life. He went from If his plans are any hint, his decla- acts with us, he made an effort to Conflicts remain because “Opin- The waves of migration are pos- being the “big fish” on campus to ration is true. Mr. Smith wants to get to know us his first year here.” ion among Swedes is polarized by those slides, there are still many unaccounted and uncared learning humility and a different explore the possibility of many ex- All in all, Mr. Smith is ing important social, political, and eco- hostile to begging, and those who see for. Clean-up of the Doce basin alone is expected to sense of responsibility. It gave his citing things like a senior field trip, quite a genuine guy and if you nomic challenges across Europe. Refu- beggars as people in need of help,” said take at least 30 years, costing the companies at large life perspective, and even though a pep rally for every season and a haven’t had the chance to meet gees from outside of Europe gained Lisa Staaf, head of the intelligence divi- at least $606 million. he had to give up on his dream more inclusive Battle of the Class- him, you should really get to it. asylum, but these Roma migrants get sion at the Swedish Police Department. Samarco has taken steps to atone for the di- little or no help from the government. To conclude, the Swedish tolera- saster caused by their dam failure. They are offering By Alex Tacopina Many unprecedented attacks on Roma tion policy has been a source of con- $250 million as compensation for the people whose Welcoming Maddie Rinere| homeless migrants have been recorded, troversy as an influx of Roma migrants homes have been lost and providing food, water, She may be the new kid at Huntington High a liking to Rinere’s attitude and love having her as Island, along with some other colleges, but URI such as the acid assault on Roma mi- crowds the city streets in an attempt to shelter, and emergency rescue services to over 600 School, but Maddie Rinere isn’t letting that stop part of the school, “I met Maddie in my journalism is the goal.” When she isn’t spending her time ap- grant Gheorghe Rancu. He stated: “I find a new life. people. The aftermath of the tragic accident has her. The Huntington High School senior has had no class this year,” says Tunji Ikuomenisan, a Hunting- plying for college or doing her homework, Rinere spurred many debates over the storage of mining trouble getting to know all of the new people in her ton High School senior, “She’s always considerate loves being outdoors. “I love hiking along with go- waste and for stricter regulations. senior class. of other students and is willing to talk to anybody ing swimming and paddle boarding with friends at “Everyone at the high school is so accepting and about anything. She always has something to add in the beach, it’s a time for me to kick back and have a friendly,” Ms. Rinere said, “It really has been an awe- our discussions in class.” Ms. Rinere contributes a good time and not stress out about senior year.” “I could feel some first couple of months at the high school.” lot of her qualities to her sister and looks up to her. As the school year begins to wind down at Hun- the skin peel- Coming from a catholic school environment, where “She’s great at balancing business and pleasure. She tington High School, Ms. Rinere is grateful of hav- she was from Kindergarten till the end of junior knows when it’s time to get stuff done and when it’s ing the experience at the high school in her senior ing, I jumped year, Rinere does miss the environment she’s been alright to go and hang out with friends,” Ms. Rinere year. “If there’s one thing I could tell an incoming up, I closed my used to for so many years. “Obviously it’s hard leav- says, “She’s very mature and I want to be as mature freshman to the high school, it is that you should eyes... I thought ing the many relationships I’ve made with my friends as she is when I graduate high school and college.” do what will make you happy at the end of the day. from catholic school, however, I thought the high In looking towards the future after high school, Cherish your high school experience, it’s one of the I was going to school could provide an environment where I could Rinere is setting out to do what she wants to do. “I most challenging and exciting times of your life and die” excel and be myself,” Rinere says. hope to study either psychology or nutrition in col- always be ready for each challenge that comes your Many of the high school students have taken lege. I’m looking towards the University of Rhode way,” Ms. Rinere said. The Dispatch The Dispatch 8 Jan16 Jan16 9 written by Nicole Arenth Taking a page from .Let’s talk about GUNS. thoreau’s book: spurred by recent violence, the issue of Gun Control In america has become an increasingly urgent topic in media the issue on gun control remains ever-present in Amer- the lessons he learned away from society ica as the number of mass shootings sprouting up across America has increased. From Sandy Hook, to Oregon, and by Peter Ciccone Virginia Tech (and many more), the issue has been brought Why on Earth would any- Thoreau is trying to encourage us to cially life. If one was poor, but was self-suf- take that risk and put down our cell phones ficient and honest and kind and trustworthy to the attention of the mainstream public. one want to live alone in the wil- and stop watching (in a modern-day and happy, and he could find the positive in The controversy surrounding gun Blacks and Hispanics are also likely than derness, secluded from society, setting), so we can enjoy life in its purest all the negatives, Thoreau believed that he control is usually brought to light fol- whites to be victims of gun homicide. In unaware of what is going on in state. In the city, where there were facto- would be much better off than the snobby lowing mass shootings. This is clearly 2010, PEW Research found that blacks the world? ries and light pollution, the air is terrible to rich kid who hated his life because he didn’t breathe in and the stars can never be seen. have enough material items that really had a problem considering that since 2006, were 55% of shooting homicide victims, Maybe that is exactly why Henry But, in the wilderness, he was able to see no sentimental value to him. there have been 146 mass shootings kill- but 13% of the population. Hispanics David Thoreau spent two years in a cabin all of the stars and breathe in fresh air. So, On that note, in today’s times, no ing at least four people. This means that, were 17% of the victims, being 16% of at Walden Pond, to be secluded from soci- that means we should be having more fun matter how rich or poor we are or how good according to USA Today, more than 900 the population. While whites were 25% ety and all of the distractions it poses. This outside playing tag or hide-and-go-seek or or bad we think our lives are, let’s appreci- people have died since then. However, victims, but 65% of the population. experiment helped him discover the true Werewolf tag than inside playing that new ate what we have and that we get a life and meaning of life, and while we should take mass shootings aren’t the only problem Although it might seem that these game, in a modern sense. try to find more positives than negatives, or the time to appreciate all that modern tech- that has to do with gun violence. Robber- percentages relate directly to the owner- Another point Thoreau tries to make rather, think only about the positives. By nology has to offer, we must not forget to ies, homicides, gang rivalries, and poor ship of firearms, this seems not to be the thinking only of the good things in life, we simplify every once in a while and live life, mental health can all contribute to gun case. Blacks are less than half as likely can enjoy life even more without having to not waste it. violence. In the same report by USA To- as whites to own firearms (49% vs. 19%) S23x worry about the bad things. Thoreau says that, “I went to the day, they found that around 30 people and Hispanics are half as likely as whites “He found that people were Thoreau believed that by living in woods because I wished to live deliberately, each day are victims to these and that 60 to own guns (20%). One could conclude the wilderness, simplifying, setting goals to to front only the essential facts of life, and more interested in the news achieve, and loving our lives, he would be people a day kill themselves with guns. from this data that whites are more likely see if I could not learn what it had to teach, than in what he felt mat- able to live life to its fullest. By simplify- Since records have been kept, it to be opposed to gun control laws. This and not, when I came to die, discover that tered, like human interaction ing, we can cut technology out of our daily seems that active shooting situations can often be unfair since whites make up I had not lived.” What he is trying to tell lives (to a comfortable extent, not neces- from 2000-2014 have increased. A report a large part of the population who vote, us is that instead of living his daily rou- and living life fully.” sarily every minute of every day) and focus by the FBI shows that in the first sev- even though blacks are by far the most tine in Concord and listening to the same k32 on pure life and enjoy nature. By setting en years of their research (2000-2007), affected by it. old and news and becoming secluded F goals and believing we can achieve our goals to other aspects of life, he decided to take there were around 6.4 active shootings Laws on gun control will always is that if we set a goal for ourselves and be- and working hard to achieve them, we can a risk and face a lifestyle he did not know. per year. In the last seven years (2007- remain a controversial issue. Although lieve that we can achieve said goal, we “will achieve our goals and cut all of the stress He found that people were more interested 2014), the number went up drastically laws that completely ban guns are still meet with a success unexpected in common from our lives in worrying about what we in the news than in what he felt mattered, to 16.4 per year. If this trend continues, out of reach, there should at least be hours.” By setting a goal and working to have to do tomorrow, because we did it to- like human interaction and living life fully. the amount of active shootings per year laws that establish limits. There should achieve it, we can achieve that goal and have day. Finally, by loving our lives and focus- “Hardly a man takes a half-hour’s nap after might continue to rise. In a report done be a more comprehensive system for buy- no worries when we go to sleep at night, no ing on the good things, we will cut the bad dinner, but when he wakes he holds up his by Harvard University, research shows ing a gun. Additionally, the government stress in the morning that we have to finish things from our conscience and not have to head and asks, ‘What’s the news?’” that states with stricter laws for gun should also support small measures such all of our homework or that Spanish extra worry about those bad things. ownership have fewer deaths from gun as limiting the amount of magazine clips credit project because ha-ha, we did it all al- violence. Is it not clear to people that to ten rounds or less. Small efforts such ready. having stricter laws will help keep more as this can greatly reduce the amount of Once this stress is relieved, we can people alive? casualties in mass shootings. Laws on enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy new expe- riences without distractions from technol- It seems that certain groups are gun control are made to protect people’s’ ogy and work we haven’t done yet. By set- opposing gun control laws. PEW Re- lives, and should not be held back by ting a goal, and going on a “digital detox”, search center finds that whites, specifical- those who have their own selfish inter- Infographic courtesy of care2.com we can truly live life, and not waste it doing ly white men, are more against gun con- ests in mind. what we should have done yesterday or do- trol, compared to blacks and Hispanics. ing frivolous things like watching Netflix or playing video games. Mass Shootings: Killers and Victims Courtesy of http://datavizblog.com/ from Richard Johnson One final point Henry David Tho- reau makes is to love our lives. “You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glori- ous hours, even in a poorhouse.” Thoreau felt someone with the right attitude could turn any bad situation into a good one, espe- Thoreau’s Cabin in Walden Famous “Go confidently in the "This world is “How vain it is Words direction of your but a canvas to sit down to from write when you dreams. Live the life to our have not stood Thoreau: you have imagined.” imagination" up to live." The Dispatch The Dispatch 10 Jan16 Jan16 11 A New Mural comes to hton -BY RACHEL MOSS- This year, an ambitious and eye- the process of creating this daunting catching project is well underway, cen- piece of art had only . Both tered on the renovation of the previously Mr. Cusack and Mr. Whitcher were able unfinished wall located just outside our “It is really awesome that to draft a plan after thorough delibera- school’s entrance. I’m sure you have seen tions, constructing a complex and art- the steady progress, as the Art Honor we, are able to contribute to ful design. Within the idea were silhou- Society worked tirelessly alongside the our community and create ettes of students studying, dancing and artistic leader of the project, Mr. David graduating, as well as participating in Whitcher. something beautiful.” the Blue Devil Marching Band and Blue Our new principal, Mr. Cusack, Devil sports. With the help of Ms. Mo- initially thought of the idea for the mu- hanty, Art Honor Society members were ral. Though he began to think about the enlisted to help grid and paint the mural. potential of the wall before, this year Mr. Whitcher’s great appreciation for was his first opportunity to ask ques- the student’s help was clearly shown, as tions and follow through with the proj- he welcomed the members and eagerly ect. Mr. Cusack reached out to Mr. David taught them new techniques. He praised Whitcher, acknowledging that he was and thanked them for their assistance, “very enthusiastic about the project and noting “particularly Aaron Feldman who brought a number of design ideas, all of has been terrific” both after school and which were fantastic.” on weekends. Mia Idler has also been To set the project in motion, a pop- willing and eager to assist Mr. Whitcher 2016 ular club here at the high school, Habitat in painting the mural saying “the wall see page for Humanity, was first recruited to pre- seems to be a great idea for the school; ( 16) pare the wall for the mural. Mr. Gilmor it will last for years to come and can dis- and members of the club were able to scrape and power wash the play the talents of the Art Honor Society.” wall so it could then be primed and painted. With this project, Chloe Liepa has also dedicated her free time to help paint these students were able to continue to contribute to the commu- the mural and thinks “It is really awesome that we are able to con- nity’s beautification on top of their work of fixing and building tribute to our community and create something beautiful.” homes. Both students and faculty alike hope the artwork will instill Though the wall had been thoroughly cleaned and prepped, pride in our school and the town for many years to come.

If you would like to submit a piece, contact Ms. Mohanty and email the PDF file to [email protected], along with a brief artist statement that features your name, grade, and inspiration for the piece. Hi, my name is Brianna Jones and I am in 12th grade. I am currently taking AP Studio Art with Mrs. and Computer Graphics with Mrs. Mohanty. I love this Brianna Jones year’s class with Mrs. Singer because AP art | is not only challenging, but fun, as I’m with AP Studio Art and a bunch of other talented artists. Previous- ly, I had taken Studio Art in 8th grade with Computer Graphics Mr. Belton. When I reached high school, I had taken Drawing and Painting 1, Pre-AP Studio Art, and Portfolio development with Grade 12 Mrs. Singer. In AP, I have to choose a topic for my concentration section, which will include 12 pieces in total. My theme focuses on a com- bination of skulls or skeletons with living things, like animals and plants. This piece is a color pencil drawing of a cow wearing a cow skull on its head with acrylic paint as the background. This piece can also show the correlation between life and death, which is what I was going for. This was the first piece I made dur- ing my senior year, and probably one of my favorites. It took a little more than a month to finish, but it was worth it. Creating this piece also boosted my love for color pencils, which I have only used one other time last year for the Art Honor Society’s Project Memory drawing. The Dispatch The Dispatch 12 Jan16 Jan16 13 THE NEW MULLET? ARTICLE MAN BUNS- WRITTEN By Grace Rowley FASHION WEEK I’m not talking about the bread we put our hamburgers on. I’m talking BY GRACE about a new hipster hairstyle that be- came popular in recent months, the man bun. A true man bun is when a guy has ROWLEY his head buzzed from the nape of the RECAPPED neck to the crown area, and the hair on This year’s fashion month was truly a the top of the head is kept long and tied hit, with the most popular shows hap- in a bun. However, many people confuse pening in New York and Paris. Talent a man bun with someone who has long ranged from Alexander Wang, to Elie hair all over and ties it back. Saab, to Valentino, and all collections This year, there is a new Eng- were absolutely fantastic. In case you lish teacher at Huntington High School missed fashion month, here’s a recap. named Mr. Kroll. He’s gained attention from his hairstyle, which is long hair To start off, transparency was a huge hit. Transparent and which he keeps tied back in a bun. I dresses, shirts, and skirts were seen from many designers. The asked Mr. Kroll why he chose the hair- THIS is not a Man Bun, Just a Man’s Bun sheer material with a slight shape was seen from both Toga and style he has. In response, he told me, (More Properly Known as a Topknot) Barbara Casasola. With such transparent fabrics, the choice of wearing a slip underneath is totally up to you. “I’ve always wanted to grow long hair, cleansing the world of this horrific, yet Polos are back…. and no, not the type of polo you see so when I turned thirty I decided to do trendy hairstyle. your dad wearing. Although Ralph Lauren still monopolizes this it. I don’t consider it a man bun because One famous hairstyle from the look, new brands are starting to take ownership of it too. Swap my hair is long so I put it up because it 80’s, called a mullet, is seen as one of the THIS is what A true man bun looks like, your normal polo tee for one that is looser and says “edgy” and gets annoying when I’m teaching. On the worst hairstyles in men’s history. It was in all of its shameful, shaved glory ” weekends, I don’t wear it up.” I agree Mr. tragiT h e c Mull e t “vintage” instead of “I’m heading to the nearest country club”. “Transparency Was A Huge Hit incredibly popular in its heyday, but is One question that echoed after fashion week was “Will off Kroll, contrary to the popular belief of now is the regret of many. I’m confident many students; you do NOT have a man the shoulder tops be the new crop top?” Well, from the amount that one day the man bun will be viewed of them seen in fashion week, I wouldn’t be surprised. They bun. the same way, hopefully sooner rather were featured in looks ranging from sleek to playful, grungy and In my opinion, one many seem to than later. So ask yourself this: in twenty urban to clean and classy. Show off your collarbones with a so- share, true man buns are unattractive. years, do you want to reminisce your phisticated off the shoulder top paired with a skirt or trousers, a There’s no other way to put it. In fact, high school years through social media, pair of pumps and you’ll be good to go. some people are so against man buns, a and in between pictures of yourself and Another tip from fashion week? Swap the 90s for the 70s. group of 20-something year old men de- your “boys” holding cheap beer cans, to 70s style was seen all over the runway this fall. Dior, Diane Von cided to drive around and find man buns see yourself with a man bun? Do you re- Ferguson, and Roberto Cavalli all incorporated retro pieces into to snip off with a pair of scissors. A sur- ally want to cringe when you think about their shows. Bits of suede, bold prints, long dresses, fringe, and prise haircut is not the way to go about how you wore your hair? I know I don’t. layers are necessary to perfect the look. You don’t even need to Less 90s More 70s

buy this new fad- you can just dig something up out of your Polos Make a Rerun mom’s closet or go to the thrift shop!

ce Brown, army green, and orange were huge color palettes designers loved on the runway for the upcoming season. Some- thing new and something different. If paired and picked in the

e y owl : right hue, these colors can make for amazing outfits, just make B y G ra R Fashion COlumn pt.1 Hair sure not to fit them all into one outfit. Look to Prada, Anthony

Q: How do I make my hair grow thicker and longer faster? –Anonymous T h ic k ening Tonic fr o m Aved a Vaccarello, and Opening Ceremony’s shows for inspiration. Hair grows at a rate of about ½ inch per temporary clip-in extensions to wear on days Although these looks won’t be hitting the stores until A: you just need a little extra oomph. month, or about 6 inches per year. If you feel spring, you can take matters into your own hands and find these like your hair doesn’t grow longer as fast, it’s As far as getting thicker hair, that usu- yourself. Stepping into these simple pieces of fashion will make most likely because of breakage. Bleaching ally just depends on genetics. If your hair your hair, straightening your hair frequently, is naturally very fine, you can try the Invati you the one wearing clothes everyone envies. And don’t forget etc., can lead to breakage. Damaged hair will system from Aveda. This includes an exfoli- the words of Anna Winter, editor-in-chief of Vogue, “Create still grow, however it continues to break, which ating shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treat- your own style… let it be unique for yourself, yet identifiable for prevents it from growing longer. Unfortunate- ment spray. If you use this consistently for at others.” ly, hair damaged to this extent is beyond the least one month, they claim you will see re- point of fixing (despite claims by hair prod- sults. Additionally, you can use products such ucts), and the only way to get your hair to con- as mousse, or volumizing sprays such as the Off-The- tinue to get longer is to cut off the damaged Thickening Tonic from Aveda (which I per- hair. I know it sounds scary, but think of it sonally love). Additionally, after blow-drying as an investment. Trim off the damaged ends your hair you can tease/backcomb a few small Shoulder now, and your hair will look and feel so much sections towards the top to provide a cushion healthier and you’ll reach your desired length and make your hair look fuller. Furthermore, Tops: in no time. If you can’t wait, I would still rec- a haircut that establishes a weight line in the ommend a haircut, but you could always get back can also give your hair a fuller, thicker ap- The New extensions. Extensions can be “permanent” pearance. Consult with your hairdresser about Submit anonymous which generally last about three months be- a hairstyle that can do this for you. questions to room 252 fore they need to be redone, or you can get Best of luck! { Crop Top? The Dispatch The Dispatch 14 Jan16 Jan16 15 By dylan delguidice It is a good time to be alive for music. This past year alone we’ve seen a slew of great releases in a variety of genres, all of which were different and couldn’t have been made in previous eras. With the internet, music is more readily accessible and music that is chal- lenging, thought-provoking and experimen- tal has an immediate and powerful audience. Deafheaven is one band that has benefited Deafheaven- (9/10) from this exposure. return Deafheaven is a San-Francisco based A long- awaited reboot in the works at netflix experimental band whose 2013 “Sunbather” fused , black by Katy Dara ‘New bermuda’ metal and post-rock to much critical acclaim. On October 5th, 2000, a new show negotiations to revive the beloved mother- be possible without (Lorelai least Favorite track: “gifts for the earth” “Sunbather” is one of my favorite recent metal , so naturally I was extremely excited called Gilmore Girls premiered on the WB daughter drama as a limited series of four Gilmore) and (). Favorite tracks: “Luna”, “Come Back” (Warner Bros.) network. This feel-good se- 90-minute movies. According to TV Line, But what other characters will reappear? to hear their latest release, “New Bermuda.” ries following the lives of a dynamic mother/ each “episode” will take place during a differ- The other stars seem game to get First of all, if you have not heard “Sunbather” or much daughter duo garnered major popularity and ent season, totalling as one calendar year. back to their tiny Connecticut town. Scott black metal in general, there are a few things you should know. became the network’s most popular show. In October of 2014, the existing sev- Patterson (Luke Danes) said it was “kind of Black metal is not for everybody and if you don’t like it you are , a witty, wonderfully en seasons of the series was made available to time,” while (Emily Gilmore) certainly not alone. Musical characteristics include fast, tremolo disorganized former teen mom, helps her stream on Netflix, sparking a rabid, renewed said the show needed a proper “wrap and a fi- picked , blast beats, atonal harmony, and completely un- 15-year-old daughter Rory navigate a interest in the show. The cast — minus the nale.” Jared Padalecki (Dean Forester) stated, intelligible screams, however that leads me to my next point. path through life in the fictional town of late (Richard Gilmore), “If possible, I would love to be a part of the Just because you don’t like Mayhem, Burzum, or Darkthrone , CT. The tagline, “Life’s short. who passed away on New Year’s Eve 2014 reboot. I’d totally jump at the opportunity.” (some popular Scandanavian Black Metal groups) doesn’t neces- Talk fast”, says it all. Complete with a quirky — reunited at the ATX Television Festival THR says many of the series’ original cast sarily mean you won’t like Deafheaven. In fact, they are a differ- cast of characters, idyllic settings, and relat- last June, and addressed the possibility of members are in talks to return. Not among ent form of black metal all together. Their music is much more able conflicts, the coming-of-age series was a reunion. “There is nothing in the works,” them, however, is Melissa McCarthy, who uplifting than most bands in this style. Their chord progres- especially popular with women. How- Sherman-Palladino said at the time. “But the played Lorelai’s best friend Sookie St. James. sions are epic, the songs are long but have clear development, ever, Gilmore Girls was cancelled and aired good news is, nobody here hates each other.” The show will begin production later this and the way the vocals mix with the wall of sound created by its final episode in May of 2007 after the She added, too, that if they ever did decide to year. the guitars is tear- jerking. So, even if you are skeptical of the creators couldn’t come to an agreement with do a reboot, they’d “do it correctly.” Gilmore Girls isn’t the only show on genre, give Deafheaven a try. the new CW Network. Fans were left heart- Now that Netflix has confirmed the Netflix’s reboot list. The company is also Finally, to talk about the album. This album shows Deaf- Now, for the few negatives of the album. The biggest com- broken, having grown up with Rory Gilmore revival, another question hangs in the air; producing Fuller House, a spinoff of the ‘90s heaven getting way darker and diving way more into their metal plaint I have with this album is that the songs seem to end prema- from her sophomore year of high school to which stars will return? While it hasn’t been sitcom Full House, starring Candace Cam- roots than they ever did on “Sunbather.” The first track, ““Brought turely, especially ““Brought to the Water”.” The song just came out her college graduation. Now, Netflix is in confirmed, it’s obvious that the series won’t eron Bure reprising her role as DJ Tanner. to the Water””, opens with a strong almost style riff of a beautiful softer section and climaxes into another great black Pictures that lead vocalist George Clarke sounds perfect over. Even though metal section when, all of a sudden, it fades out and goes into this on page it is a more traditional style metal riff, Deafheaven manage to make cheesy interlude. ““Brought to the Water”” is already eight 10 (some) 2016 Grammy Nominations it sound blood pumping. The track then moves into a slower, more minutes long, what harm would two more minutes for a proper end Compiled by michelle d’alessandro Song Of The Year Album Of The Year Best Best Rock Album Best Rap Album indie/ sort of build, a formula that most of these do? ““Baby Blue”” also fades out, and while this one isn’t as disap- tracks follow. These songs start heavy, devolve into a beautiful rock pointing, it still fades a great metal riff out too soon and brings in a • Alright • Sound & Color • LSD • Chaos And The Calm • instrumental and then end heavy or leave you waiting for the next field recording over ambient electronics that sounds like it could’ve , Mark Alabama Shakes ASAP Rocky James Bay J. Cole track’s bang. Even when Clarke’s vocals come in over the more tra- come from a Godspeed You! Black Emperor album. Not that I dis- Anthony Spears & Pharrell • • I (Every • Kintsugi • Compton ditional rock style instrumentals, it is still like this, it’s just I feel like that metal riff Williams Kendrick Lamar Million Miles) Death Cab For Cutie Dr. Dre intense and they manage to still sound fit- wasn’t done developing by the time they • • Traveller • Mister Asylum • If You’re Reading ting even when using fairly typical chord “Their chord progressions are epic, cut it off. Also, the closer ““Gifts for the The Dead Weather This It’s Too Late Max Martin, Shell- Chris Stapleton • Alright progressions. The track ““Luna”” is prob- the songs are long but have clear Earth”” feels a little anti-climactic to me back & • 1989 • Drones ably the heaviest and fastest song they’ve (it relies heavily on alternative rock chord • Girl Crush Kendrick Lamar • To Pimp A Butterfly ever done. Unlike the other tracks here, progressions in a way that feels a little Taylor Swift • Bad Blood Muse development and the way the vo- , Lori • Beauty Behind The • .5: The Gray Chapter Kendrick Lamar it barely lets up for its entire ten minute clichéd), but I think it improves when you Taylor Swift Ft. length and it opens with a super thrashy, cals mix with the soundcreated by read the lyrics to it which have to do with McKenna & Rose Madness • • See You Again Kendrick Lamar Slipknot almost -style riff that is broken death closing in and the way they write it • Freedom the guitars is tear-jerking” up by Deafheaven’s trademark version of is very poetic. Andrew Cedar, Jus- Pharrell William Best Rock Song Best Recording black metal styles. Even though The lyrics here need demand to be tin Franks, Charles Puth Best Alternative Best Pop Vocal Album • Don’t Wanna Fight • We’re All We Need & Cameron Thomaz the song doesn’t really slow down until the very end, it doesn’t get read because you will not be able to understand them from Clarke’s • Music Album • Piece By Piece Alabama Shakes Above & Beyond Ft. boring and it keeps your blood pumping for the whole song. The screaming. This isn’t a bad thing at all because lots of metal is like • Sound & Color • Ex’s & Oh’s Zoë Johnston influence of Metallica shows even more on the third track ““Baby this, but I would recommend you google the lyrics while listening & • Go Amy Wadge Alabama Shakes • How Big, How Blue, Dave Bassett & Elle Blue,”” another 10 minute epic. This track opens with mysterious, to this album- it may give you a new perspective on songs the way it • How Beautiful King The Chemical Brothers chorus infused guitars that sound like they could’ve come off an did for me on the closing track. • Hold Back The River • ““Ok Computer”” era song, and in the middle of the Despite these minor complaints, overall I loved “New Ber- Best New Artist Björk Florence + The Machine • The Waterfall • Uptown Special Iain Archer & James Bay Ft. song, a feature we haven’t really heard on a Deafheaven song comes muda.” I don’t want to say at this point that I like it more than • Courtney Barnett • Lydia up- a guitar solo that is super Kirk Hammett influenced and yet “Sunbather”, because I do think “Sunbather” was in some ways more Kendrick Lamar • James Bay My Morning Jacket • 1989 • Runaway (U & I) sounds more tasteful than anything Metallica has done since 1990. unique than “New Bermuda”, but with this new album I think they • Currents Richard Meyer, Ryan The track ““Come Back”” is one of my favorite songs on here and really perfected their formula while still adding more metal tech- • Sam Hunt Taylor Swift Meyer & Johnny Stevens Galantis features one of the most beautiful sections on the whole album with niques to their already unique blend of shoegaze and black metal. • • Star Wars • Before This World • What Kind Of Man • Where Are Ü Now • Meghan Trainor a long alternative rock outro featuring a gut-wrenching This album is highly recommended for any fans of metal, alterna- John Hill, Tom Hull Skrillex And Diplo melody. tive rock or just good new experimental music. Wilco & Florence Welch With The Dispatch The Dispatch 16 Jan16 Jan16 17 Dylan Delguidice’s Dylan Delguidice’s best albums of 2015 best albums of 2015 - lil’ ugly mane- Kendrick Lamar- rudresh mahanthappa- 12.“Third side of the tape” “To Pimp a Butterfly” “The Epic” A great compilation of Lil Ugly Mane’s ideas for the past decade. Simply1. put, this album is a masterpiece. I can understand 2. “bird calls” On this tape is some rap, some , , someone not liking the jazzier instrumentation, or the Kamasi Washington makes an extremely ambitious 11.Mahanthappa makes one of the best jazz sample based instrumentals and even some points of noise and very personal yet broad concept, or the complex lyricism, and powerful jazz album here. The compositions albums of 2015 with this Charlie Parker black metal. One of the strangest compilations of music all year. but if you don’t at least appreciate it I recommend you aren’t really the most innovative that have come out inspired project. This album proves that jeff rosenstock- keep listening. To me this album does what the great- this year, but the performances convey a level of you can be influenced by something and in- est albums do, they make broad claims about the emotion and intensity that makes this album unde- spired by an artist and still making some- 13. “we cool?” world and the state of humanity while remaining fun, niably beautiful. It’s a relatively accessible modern thing that sounds nothing like your influ- Coming from a guy who is not a big fan of pop punk, this album catchy and tough. Kendrick has now established himself jazz project that you should really pick up and even ences. This music takes elements of Bird’s was great. Full of anthems on getting older, dealing with death, as easily the most talented artist in mainstream hip hop though it’s 3 hours long don’t feel like you have to music and goes well beyond it and makes it and dealing with friendships and relationships, I loved this album and, with this album, he’s seriously making a mark on hip listen to it all in one sitting. It is one of the most into something distinctly modern. front to back. The songs are catchy, and it never feels annoying the hop history. powerful musical experiences you’ll have all year. way some other pop punk albums can feel. Jack dejohnette- - prurient- 3. “made in chicago” 4.“” 14. My favorite Death Grips project yet and this is coming from “frozen 5 master jazz musicians out of Chicago come to- a huge fan of the oddballs. The first half, gether for this concert and perform originals by “Ni***s on the Moon”, is a super glitchy, abstract album with 4 out of the 5 members of the group. The music falls” weird Bjork samples flying between each other speaker and they make together is unlike music I’ve heard each MC Ride whispering some of his most unsettling lyrics yet. One of the most wistful and romantic of these artists. It isn’t the most accessible project The second half, “Jenny Death”, is loud, abrasive, chaotic noise albums I’ve ever heard. The scream- (a lot of the music is very soft and atonal), but it and still catchy just like Death Grips did with “The Money ing is harrowing and the sounds are ear also isn’t the most chaotic and bizarre that these Store.” Themes of suicide and the digital age are addressed shattering at times but they are mixed in guys have put out. The compositions are really in Death Grips’ most frightening way yet. This is the one with beautiful synths that make this proj- strong and the improvisation is incredibly inter- Death Grips release you should pick up if you can only have ect more accessible than Prurient’s previ- active. It’s fun just listening to these guys finish one and if you’re trying to get into experimental hip hop this ous work and that of most other artists each other’s musical ideas. is one you should check out. making this type of music. liturgy- - - 5.“the art work” 15.“” 16. “i don’t like s***, This album got some very mixed reviews when it Even though I liked “Benji” more (and you should really dropped because it is not friendly to metal purists what- start with that album) I like the direction soever. Strange glitchy electronics, synthesized horns chose to take Sun Kil Moon on this project. Essentially, i Don’t go outside” and chimes come head to head with blast beats, trem- Kozelek goes through all of life’s mundane details and cre- Earl makes his most depressing and darkest project yet. olo picked guitars and droning vocals. A lot of people ates a project that is unlike many others. He basically tells His flow is still slow as hell, his lyricism is still complex thought it sounded like a mess, but not to me. I love hear- long winding stories that don’t seem to have any particu- and imagery heavy, but he dives into his own drug addic- ing all of Liturgy’s influences thrown into this pile and lar theme and your enjoyment of this record will depend tion and friendships in a super depressing and personal I’m excited by bands like Liturgy doing something new on your willingness to hear the stories. Personally I was way. With this album, and his great wordplay that he dis- with black metal. Definitely one of the most interesting captivated by what he was saying and with patience I think plays on verse after verse, it’s clear why Earl is the Odd listens I’ve had all year. you will be too. Future member creating the most buzz at the moment. Merzbow, Jim O’Rourke, Chikamorachi, Akira Sakata- Deafheaven- joanna newsom- “Flying Basket” 7.“new bermuda” 17. “divers” 6. Deafheaven returns with another fantastic black metal Joanna Newsom is back with her medieval melodies and in- Japanese noise producer Merzbow, /guitar- album that fuses shoegaze and post rock with typical strumentation on this album where she becomes infatuated ist/outsider Jim O’Rourke and Japanese jazz musicians black metal features. This album is much darker than with the concept of love. For me, most impressive on this Chikamorachi and Akira Sakata come together for this “Sunbather” was, but they remain true to their sound and album was the wide variety of instrumentation including her one track, all improvised, 70 minute album that is almost make yet another great project. own harp, keyboards and a variety of guitar sounds, every as impenetrable as it sounds. But not quite the laboring bjork- track had ear grabbing sounds. listen it seems because these artists all bring their larg- FKA TWIGS- est tool kit to the project with soft and drum “vulnicura” duos all the way up to roaring noise and guitar. This is Bjork8 .comes out with one of my favorite “breakup al- 18.“apex predator-easy meat” one of the most cohesive and varied free improvisation bums” of all time. The production is beautiful with A great brutal death metal album from one of my favorite projects I’ve heard in a while and if you’re trying to get strings and electronics covering the mix and Bjork’s vo- bands in the genre. This album is everything I look for in into the weirdest side of jazz and improvised music this cals soar over it talking in a very honest and blunt way an album and this is one of ’s one might be for you. about relationships, heartbreak and emotions. best projects since the 1990s. Ash Koosha- number 10. - and finally... FKA TWIGS- 9.“GUUD” “beat the algiers- One of the stranger elec- “M3LL155X” 19. tronic music albums to come FKA Twigs’s approach to “algiers” out this year with beautifully R&B and pop gets even more champ” 20. done compositions that even Gospel and post-punk are fused here in a way better experimental here with tons remind me of electronic clas- The Mountain Goats take their ambitious song- than I ever could’ve thought. Super socially conscious of synthetic drums and syn- writing to this project and create an interesting sical music (a genre I don’t thesizers that bring out the and creative, a great release all around. get enough of today). Drum concept album about the life of a profession- beauty in her voice. My fa- al wrestler. I know it sounds a little silly, but and bass, noise and sound col- vorite release from Twigs in all reviews written by lages all collide here in a su- a career full of great proj- the stories they put together are actually very per unique way. ects. thought provoking and emotional. Dylan Delguidice 89 cells diameter theta maze

The Dispatch The Dispatch 18 Jan16 H Jan16 19 a rOUND mAZE. IT MIGHT BE A CHEESE New Coach, by Dong Han, Olatunji Ikuomenisan, Melissa Ingle, Alex Tacopina, and WHEEL. IT MIGHT BE A Ally Wohl PIZZA. EITHER WAY, IT'S New year, What to Expect A COMPLICATED CIRCLE. from Huntington ENJOY! new team H Fencing in 2016 Last year could have been consid- Walt Whitman High School and CUNY ered a rebuilding year for Huntington Hunter graduate, is well versed in fenc- fencing. With the loss of beloved and ing. Melnick was part of the U-20 World longtime coach Alan Kuver to cancer, the Cup national team, as well as being a Ju- Huntington team struggled to deal with nior Olympian, and champion in Summer the loss both on and off the mat. Nationals Division II and Empire State “We felt very motivated,” said Sydney games. Jean-Baptiste, a Huntington High School “With our new coach, we have begun fencing member. a new workout style,” says Jack O’Heir, a senior on the Huntington fencing team. “After the death of Mr. “It seems it will provide great results and when we start fencing, I think we will sUDOKU Kuver, we were all very show great improvement,” Mr. O’Heir sad, but very motivated says. to do well for him.” Huntington fencing plans on turning the tide by looking to- wards a better season and creating a Huntington obviously felt the foundation for future fencers to excel effects of losing their longtime coach; Interested In in the sport. they compiled a record of 11 wins Drawing Comics? “We are looking for Copyright © 2016 JGB Service, http://www.mazegenerator.net/ and 17 losses combined, with the girls winning 8 and losing 6, while the The Dispatch is Looking a better year”, O’Heir boys won 3 and lost 11. However, the says, “with more of to Add a Comics Section team did show signs of promise for this year’s team. “We tried an emphasis on If you are interested, drop by Florea’s our best, that’s all that mat- work ethic.” room Thursdays after school to submit ters,” said Annalise Mozer, Huntington will com- ideas and comic strips a senior on the Huntington pete against Brentwood/ Fencing Team. Hauppauge, Newfield, Com- Trying to carry on mack, Sayville, Half Hollow the legacy of Mr. Kuver, Hills, Centereach/SWR, Walt Huntington’s new fencing Whitman and Ward Melville The ‘If You head coach Jillian Melnick, a High Schools. Stare At It Long Enough, It’ll Start Looking Like An Optical Illusion’ Maze Solution FROM LAST ISSUE Sports Girl’s Winter Track Making a Comeback By Nicole Arenth As the winter sports season be- though all of these girls did exception- grader). All of the girls went to coun- gins, a variety of sports become options ally well in their last season and helped ties last year. A few of them attended for the student-athlete to choose from. the team out tremendously, the coaches Penn Relays, states, and nationals. Among these choices are wrestling, are preparing to do just as well this year. The girls are ecstatic for the season and fencing, basketball, and track. Track, Seniors this year are all expected to do expect to do amazing this year.. Sopho- deemed one of the more popular sports, extraordinarily well. Nina Cartwright, more hurdler, Mardnie Mentor said, “I takes place in both the winter and Kelsey Jaminson, Alex Koumas, Lexi can’t wait for this winter season, I’m spring, so there is guaranteed to be a Mills, Latoya Shand, and Savannah hoping for big things will happen for new face every season. Richardson all are ready to dominate both myself and the team.” Girl’s track is as successful as it in this farewell season of theirs. Cart- The girls are training hard to get is popular at our high school. Last year, wright and Jaminson both represent ready for their first meet. They had a the team won the Suffolk Indoor cham- Huntington in shot put. Koumas is a scrimmage the first week of December pionship, and went undefeated. Many mid-distance runner who also competes against Whitman. Their first official of the girls headed to division, state, in the 55m hurdles and relays, usually meet is just days after that. Assistant and national championships.The team is running the 800m. Mills is a sprinter, coach Shawn Anderson said in an article determined to do just as well this year. but also participates in triple, long, and on Huntington’s website, “So far, from As the team begins to prepare for the high jump. Richardson competes in re- the few days of tryouts, we have seen first meet, they attempt to try to fill in lays and high jump. some excellent progress from the veter- the spots of the seniors they lost from The spotlight isn’t just on the se- ans and newcomers alike. There is some last year. Some of these girls are Tara niors, however. In fact, many of the top huge excitement on the team.” and Ellyn Brynes, Kayla Eidle, and Suzie performers are sophomores and juniors, The team is expecting great Petryk. The Brynes twins both partici- like Nicole Abondondalo (10th grader), things to come. Even with the loss of pated in shot put, Eidle returned with Ryan Gaffney (11th grader), Louise some of their top performers, they’re the 1500m racewalk, and Petryk partici- Koepele (11th grader), Alexis Pastorelli ready to step it up and work together to pated in the 1000m run and relays. Al- (11th grader), and Marina Ruzic (11th make this season an amazing one!

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