Arthur L. Garford: a Biography of an Ohio Industrialist and Politician
This dissertation has been 64—7023 microfilmed exactly as received HOFFNAGIÆ, Warren Miles, 1934- ARTHUR L. GARFORD; A BIOGRAPHY OF AN OHIO INDUSTRIALIST AND POLITICIAN, 1858-1933. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1963 History, general University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan ARTHUR L. GARFORD: A BIOGRAPHY OP AN OHIO INDUSTRIALIST AND POLITICIAN, 1858 - 1933 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate . School of The Ohio State University By Warren Miles Hoffnagle, A.B,, M.A, The Ohio State University 1963 Approved by A d v ise r Department of History PREFACE Th« author Is Indebted and grateful to many individuals who made possible this biography. By far the most important has been his wife, Carol, a constant source of encouragement and assistance. My adviser. Professor Eugene H, Roseboom, deserves particular mention and praise for heroics beyond the call of duty, for it was he who bore the brunt of the burden of textual criticism . Other individuals whom I cannot overlook are Professors Francis P, Weisenburger and Harry L, Coles, who suggested corrections and Improvements throughout the manuscript. Kenneth W. Duckett, Curator of Manuscripts and Elizabeth R, Martin, Librarian of the Ohio Historical Society, were more than helpful. It would hardly be fair to forget Professor David M, Pletcher, of Hamline University, a persistent prodder with a friendly h an d , Mrs, James B, Thomas of Elyria, daughter of Garford, was most generous with her time and aid in an effort to provide the proper perspective from which to view and to write about the many faceted career of her father.
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