NAMMCO SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON THE ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MARINE MAMMAL - FISHERIES INTERACTIONS 16-17 February 2000, Copenhagen North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission Søndre Tollbodgate 9, Postal address: University of Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway Tel.: +47 77 64 59 08, Fax: +47 77 64 59 05 Email:
[email protected] 2. REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON THE ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF MARINE MAMMAL - FISHERIES INTERACTIONS The Working Group on the Economic Aspects of Marine Mammal – Fisheries Interactions met in Copenhagen 16-17 February, 2000. The participants in the Working Group are listed in Appendix 1. 1. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS Aqqalu Rosing-Asvid welcomed the members to the meeting (Appendix 1), and noted his pleasure at the wide array of expertise brought to the meeting. He suggested that, since he was an ecologist and felt himself less than qualified to chair some portions of the meeting, a co-chair should be elected. This suggestion was accepted and Trond Bjørndal was selected as co-chair for the Working Group. 2. REVISION AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA The draft agenda (Appendix 2) was adopted without change. Appendix 3 provides the list of documents for the meeting. 3. APPOINTMENT OF RAPPORTEUR Daniel Pike, Scientific Secretary of NAMMCO, was appointed Rapporteur for the meeting. 4. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND AND THE REQUEST FROM NAMMCO COUNCIL Grete Hovesrud-Broda, General Secretary of NAMMCO, presented SC/8/EC/19, which outlined the background and context of the present request before the Working Group. The precursor to this Working Group was the Working Group on the Role of Minke Whales, Harp Seals and Hooded Seals in the North Atlantic Ecosystem, which met in 1996.