Upper Columbia River
47TII CONGRESS, SENATE. Ex. Doc. 1st Session. 1 No. 186. REPORT OF AN EXAMINATION OF THE UPPER COLUMBIA RIVER AND THE TERRITORY IN ITS VICINITY IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, 1881, TO DETERMINE ITS NAVIGABILITY, AND ADAPTABILITY TO STEAMBOAT TRANSPORTATION. MADE BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE COLUMBIA, BY Lieut. THOMAS W. SYMONS, CORPS OH ENGINt ERS, U. S. ARMY, CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1882. 47TH CONGRESS, j SENATE. J Ex. Doc. 186. ist Session. f i No. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING In response to Senate Resolution of April 5, 1882, a letter from the Chief of Engineers of yesterday's date, and the accompanying copy of a report from Lieut. T. W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, embracing all the infor- mation in this Department respecting the navigable waters of the Upper Columbia River and its tributaries, and of the country adjacent thereto. APRIL 24, 1882. -Referred to the Committee on Printing. WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, April 21, 1882. The Secretary of War has the honor to transmit to the United States Senate, in response to the resolution of that body of the 5th instant, calling for information ou the subject, a letter from the Chief of Engi- neers of yesterday's date, and the accompanying copy of a report from Lient. T. W. Symons, Corps of Engineers, embracing all the informa- tion in this department respecting the navigable waters of the Upper Columbia River and its tributaries, and of the resources of the country adjacent thereto.
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