Ellsworth American, a Newspa- Wife, of Boston, Arrived at Their Cottage June 20
CJ)e American.' LVi. €Usmorfl| you )r,c;yp^oj,,^ecV^a,”‘ ellsworth, maine. Wednesday afternoon, june 29, 1910. !( No. 26 rnmnuumcnta. < £bbrttt«(mnui. _ LOCAL AFFAIRS. worth, president; Fred O. Smith, ot Ells- worth vice-president; Miss Lacy M. of and i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. Smith, Ellsworth, secretary treas- NATIONAL urer. BAN IX Admr notice—Est Harriet N Grindle. - ME. E G Moore—Apothecary. Miss Charlotte S. Hopkins, of Bangor, ELLSWORTH, -1\ Parker Clothing Co—Bargains. Burrill who is a guest of Mrs. A. P. Wiaweli, Money found. Pocket book lost. leaves July 6 for Seal Harbor to spend Luchini’s frnit store—Fruit and confection- THE PROVERBIAL RAINY DAY several weeks at the Seaside Inn. INTEREST Union Trust Co. ha* Mrs. O. G. Barnard and two children no terrors for the man with • East Subby, Mb: have gone to Lamoine to spend the sum- savings bank account. Mrs E C Lord—Cottage for rent. mer with her Mrs. Thomas Groet- THE SEMI-ANNUAL 8pbingpibld, Mass: sister, INTEREST zinger, of Philadelphia, who has taken a SAVE VOUR MONEY; First-class salesmen wanted. Boston cottage there. Coat lost. Mies Leah B. that will be credited to put your surplus earnings in our sav- Friend, who has been depositors’ accouqts in the It teaching high school in Natick, in our Savings Department on ings department. will work Sun- SCHEDULE OF MAILS July 1, Mass., daring tbe past year, is home day and holidays and and AT BLLSWOBTH POSTOPPICB. 1910, will amount to more than $10,000. all, results for the summer with her parents, David /n effect June 20, 1810.
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