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z v » f'.-. :.'o’ .* / THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 198r FACE EIGHTEEN Arenge Dally Net .PrcM Run iltanrl]ffBter lEnmittg ll^ralb The Weather For the Week Ended Eereeeet of O. S. WMtiMV I - June S, IBSl / CBeodf, foggy M d eeel tm About Town 13,3.30 lew In lew SSm, Bntnriny, i COME TO PINEHCRST FOR Member of the Audit wnmior, elMwan Into In dny or nt The ?lipser Club will hold a pub­ Bureeu of ObwnlatloB night. High M-f6. lic setback party Saturday night Manchester— A City of Village Charm GOOD/rS'EAR SCRATCH n at 8 o'clock. FRESH BLOCK ISLAND SWORDFISH

The Manchester Junior Square VOL. LXXX, NO. 259 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 (CbMsIfled AdvertlelBg en Page U ) 'Dance Club will hold a dance to­ PRICE FIVE CENTS morrow from 7 to 10 p.m. at the DENT SALE We.«il Side tenni.e court.e. In the event or rain, the dance will be Aim at Pocketbooks SOME ONE OF A KIND-SOME FLOOR /UODELS- held in the recreation building. State News The Rev, Percy F. Smith of ALL BRANDNEW AND FULLY G''*RANTEED - ; New London, former aaeiatant paa- I tor otf South Methodiat Church In Roundup HUGE SAVINGS! Mancheeter, ie aecretary of the East Reds Add Soviet Ready to Negotiate annual four-day Methodiat aaaem- hly acheduled for Aug. 28 to Sept. 1 at Geneva Point' Camp Lake Winnepeaaukee, N.H. The Rev. Prospect Gets Harvey K. Motisley of Bolton, au- Worker Curbs perintendent of the Norwich Dia- trict of the Methodiat Church ia aa- Legal Licpior .■«:.«tant dean. Berlin, Aug. 4 (A*>—Com-TP°“ l l»y Berlin Mayor Frlod- rich Ebert for talks about the com­ Prospect, Aug. 4 (fl*)— Vot­ On Settling Berlin Dispute munist authorities in East Members of Manchester Bar- ■ muters. Berlin announced new meas­ ers have decided to legalize rack.s. Veterans of World War 1. ; Brandt said yesterday that if the liquor sales in Prospect, long and the Ladies Auxiliary will meet 1 ures today to harass Germans Communists respect the right of at the Holmes Funeral Home to- ' who live in the Red East but Berliners to move freely and choose a dry stronghold. morrow at 7;30 p.m. ^ pay their their own jobs, there would be When the question of legalizing Senate Votes work in West Berlin. the sale of alcohol came up last, in Spark Furor in Congress Notes Warn respects to Wells Pitkin, junior ’The Communist city govern­ nothing to talk about. vice comr^ander of the barracks j In recent weeks the commuters 1957, it was beaten down 675 to ment decreed that from Aug. 1 258. $46 Billion in M- and ohaftlain of Nathan Hale auch commuters must pay their have been subjected to many re­ District No. 1. strictions by the Communists. ’They Yesterday, 558 voted in favor West Allies bills for rent, electricity, gas, wa­ of allowing the sale of all types of ter and other public services in (Continued on Page Three) alcoholic beverages, 59 favored Defense Funds western German marks on a mark legalizing only beer, and 323 voted for mark basis. to continue the complete ban. 2 Hijackers Held On Threats Western money on the West Less than half of the town’s reg­ , Aug. 4 (TP)— L T. WOOD CO. Berlin free market is worth near- istered voters took part in the ref­ ’The Senate today voted a Moscow, Aug. 4 (TP)— The ; ly five times u much as the bills French«Silent erendum. peacetime record-size 846,- ICE PLANT ■ the Communist print. Soviet government told the Violators were threatened with 848,292,000 for defense. United States and other big .11 BISSELL STREET jail sentences and fines. On Tunis Offer Indicted in Slaying Americans The rollcall waa a unanimous 85 Turn East From .Main St. Middletown, Aug. 4 — How­ to 0, western powers in a note to­ Commuters were again ordered day that it was ready to nego­ At State Theater to register with the Communist ard F. Parmelee, 27, has been in­ The huge appropriation bill em­ HAMS and CORNED BEEF authorities, whether they hold reg­ To Cut UN Call dicted for second degree murder in braces President Kennedy's recent tiate a settlement of the Ber­ ular Jobs or just do occasional the July 23 slaying of ,tte woman NotLinked urgent request for nearly $3.5 bil­ lin question, but warned work. Some 62,000 are registered Paris, Aug. 4 (/F)—French offici­ with whom he had been living. lion to expand and equip the na­ A grand jury returned the in­ tion's conventional fighting force.s. again.st military threats. in West Berlin, but many of these als were silent today on ’Tunisian The note made no specific men­ —perhaps as many as 20,000—are dictment ye.sterday after hearing And It includes nearly $I billion President Habib Bourgulba’s offer testimony from eight witnesses To Castro that Kennedy did not a.sk — and tion of calling a conference to Notice not registered with the Commu­ reach a German agreement al­ ARE SO GOOD nists. An estimated 20.000 to 30,- to call off his drive for a U.N. As­ about the fatal beating of Mrs. may not spend — to continue pro­ sembly session to condemn France. Jeanne Lunden Hage, 34. duction and development to power­ though there were nimora in Moa- WE HAVE DAILY 000 more "Work black,” without El Paso, Tex., Aug. 4 (ilP)— cow that the Ruasiana hope to aes registering at all. Officials in the Foreign and Al­ Parmelee and Mrs. Hage, who An itinerant car salesman ful jet bombers and maintain and called herself Mrs. Parmelee, had equip reserve and National Guard auch a conference before the Ger­ Many of the latter group be­ gerian Ministries were closely DELIVERY TO THE studying the text of Bourguiba’s been out together the night before and his son who hijacked a forces. man elections and perhapa within long to the "wash-rag aquadron,” her body was found In their jet airliner caused a national The bill now goes )>ack to the two or three weeka. The German women from the East who do remarks to a news conference yes­ election cornea In mid-September. So many, many ways... terday. He said he would drop his apartment. Parmelee Is to be ar­ furore that reached into the House for con.slderatlon of Senate housework for the more prosper­ The notes, delivered yesterday complaint at the U.N. if the raigned in September. increases of more than $4 billion. BOLTON ous West Berliners. White House and Congress. The House had approved the an­ to the embassies of the 'United French government agreed to dis­ There were demands today that States, Britain, France and West The new Communist measures cuss a timetable for evacuation of nual defense money bill June 28, looked in West Berlin like the Red Showers Saturday such crimes be punished as stifly well ahead of the mounting crisis Germany, reiterated the repeated Thei« two meats . . . Morrell's easy cut or canned hams French forces from the big naval as piracy on the high seas. atatoment of Premlw Khrushchev AREA reply to a protest yesterday from and air base at Bizerte. Windsor Locks, Aug. 4 W —The over West Berlin and before Ken­ the U.S., British and French com­ U.S. Weather Bureau today Issued Leon Bearden, 38, a convicted nedy’s appeala last week to the na­ that unless an agreement ia reach­ bnd Pinehurst lean TENDERCURE corned beef are great At U.N. headquarters in New robber, and his 16-year-oId son, ed a Soviet peace treaty will bs mandants in West Berlin against York,, Asian and African diplo­ the following extended forecast for tion and the Congress to toughen other recent restrictions on travel Connecticut for the next five days: Cody, who held 10 hostages at gun­ the combat forces. signed with East Germamy without Summer favorites . . . cook them in the cool part of the between East and West Berlin, mats, with Soviet support, con­ Temperatures are expected to point for nearly nine hours yester­ American or other western par­ LENOX tinued collecting the 50 signatures The money is for the government which is supposed to be guaran­ average 2 to 6 degrees below nor­ day In a Boeing 707, were "bound fiscal year which began July 1. ticipation. teed by the four occupation pow­ needed to call a special assembly over to a federal grand Jury under The note waa a reply to parallel PHARMACY day and serve hot or cold . . . in casseroles . . . salads session. It was obvious that the mal. Cool except for seasonal Biggest Senate addition to the ers. temperaturea Saturday and agnin bonds totaling $200,000. Bearden House bill was $525 million to notes delivered to Russia by the In announcing the new measures, Tunisiana were using the threat of had served time in California and three Allied powers and West <3er- 299 E. CENTER ^T. . . . sandwiches . . . hash. U.N. condemnation at such a ses­ Wednesday. The normal mean maintain production of heavy long- the East Berlin city government temperature in the Hartford area Arizona prisons. range jet bombers, the latest model many on July 17. TEL. M l 9-0896 made no comment on the protest, sion to force France to the negotla After getting orders from Presi­ The western nations in t h s 1 r ting table. during this period is 73 degrees, of the B52. which was delivered to the Soviet ranging^ from a daily high of 85 dent Kennedy not to deal with the notes insisted that a peace treaty OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9:00 One sign that President Charles hijackers, border patrol men shot It also earmarked $448 million to PINEHURST TENDERCURE commandant in East Berlin. The to a low of 61. Rainfall during the preqa development of the huge Jet could be signed with a U n 11 ^d Red announcement noted, however, de Gaulle may be readying his the tires from the $5 million Con­ Germany only after free alliGerr period will on the average total tinental Airlines plane as it rolled B70, designed to fly three times that Mayor Willy Brandt of West six-tenths of an inch or more, the speed of sound and be an man electiona and declared they MORRELL’S HAMS Berlin had not replied to a pro­ (Continued on Page Nine) toward another takeoff. It had will remain in West Berlin under occurring as showers Saturday landed here when the pilot told eventual successor to the B53. Ready to Eat CORNED BEEF night or Sunday. The administration, through Sec­ their war-won rights. the hijackers he did not have In addition to warning the enough -fuel to take it to Havana retary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ NO MONEY DOWN Namara, had asked only $230 mil­ Kremlin of the dangers presented Bomber bunds Opposed as directed. SAFETY-TESTED 5 Lb. CAN $3.99 .59'' - "’79* Religious Leader Seized lion to continue research and de­ by Moscow’s proposals on Berlin >Wa#hlngton, Aug. 4 ijP)—Sen. Leonard Gilman, an Immigration velopment of the-B70 as an aKperi- and Germany, the weetkrn' notes Wif-h Your Old Appliance Preecott Bush', R-Oonn., was one This week, we offer at special prices, carefully se­ Service agent who formerly was a mental aircraft. pronounced Britain, France and USED CARS 8 Lb. CAN $6.39 ^ of only four Senators who voted college boxer, finally knocked McNamara said no additional lected government graded and inspected lean to eliminate $525 million for long- the United Statei ready to con­ Police Use Armored Car down Bearden and an FBI agent production of B52 or other present sider "a freely negotiated settle­ brisket.s and chucks, corned in our own vats, with range heavy bombere from th« Subdued the son. bombers wa* needed because-past '60 T-BIRD $3495 Morrell's ea.ey cut ready to eat ham . .. defense appropriation bill yeeter- Bearden had allowed FBI men ment of the unresolved problems 2-Doof Hardtop. Pinehurst .special tendercure... funds would maintain deliveries of Germany.” JUST LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS! day. "ITie move, spearheaded by aboard as the 'hoetage* Idft the through next tall. Butt Portion ...... lb. 69c Sen. WlllieLm PToxmire, D-Wie., plane, Gilman, a paasenger hos­ Moscow Radio said Russia's '60 OLDS. $2795 Pinehurst brisket coi’iied beef is very lean, care­ To Get Marine Deserter The House had voted $448 million three notea urged the western was beaten down 87-4, tage, remained behind. When for both B70 development and addi­ ‘'88 ' 4-Door Sedan. Whole Skinles.s, Shankle.ss, Hockles.t...... lb. 8oc fully trimrned of excess fat and rolled to make Bearden dropped his eyes for a powers to conclude a German tional bomber production. peace treaty "on the baSis of 12-POUND GE .slicing easy. Priced at 79c. Brisket corned beef Louisville, ni., Aug. 4 )—:Moref-'FBI said he had a direct message 142 to 143 moment Gilman with one bone- Both the Senate and House re­ Boneles.s Butts or Daisy Ham.s from God ordering him not to sur­ breaking wallop knocked him to agreement." '56 CHEVROLET cuts offer wonderful value as do the lean chuck than 100 policemen and FBI agents Hartford, Aug. 4 (/P)—The ^tate jected earlier administration re­ Thla treaty, the notes said, poured onto the estate of religious render David. the plane deck, his cheek spurting quests for a 10 per cent cutback in V-8 Station Wagon, FAAC Slices of Ham cuts of tendercure corned beef at 59c lb. Motor Vehicle Department's daily blood. Gilman's broken hand waa "should lead to the normalization FILTER-FLO WASHER leader^ John R. Harrell today and Harrell, unsuccessful candidate record of automobile fatalities as the 400,000 Army N a 11 o n a I 4-door. ' «M»v seized^ Harrell, 16 followers and a for the Republican nomination for placed in a cast later. of the situation in West Berlin.” BOILED HAM Serve coined beef hot or cold...use a little for of last midnight and the total on Guardsmen and 300,000 Army Re­ The 15-page note addressed to 1961 M o o a Marine, charged with desertion. the U.S. senate, founded the Incited by the Wild West act, the serves on' drill pay status. Lean im^rtcd, not all but mostly center slices hash.. .Corned l>eef wafer thin sandwicltcs on rye (Christian Conservative Church and the same date last year. Senate opened a hearing in Wash­ the United States stated that a* 2 Weekly or g Q O Monthl.' An armored car crashed through 1960 1961 The Senate, however, added sev­ '57 BUICK $1895 1.19 1b. or whole wheat bread are delicious.. .be sure to a heavy wooden gate defended by an anU-Communlst school on the ington on legislation to make air­ separate Soviet treaty with East Super 2-Door Hardtop. Killed ...... 142 143 plane hijacking punishable by life eral millions above the House in­ 159 young men carrying rifles. estate. creases for equipment and main­ Germany will be signed "provided Fully Automatic have some mustard around. imprisonment, the penslty for On Our Own Budget Plan. Two FBI agents had pleaded un­ His church movement has tenance of reservists of all forces. that the United States and other piracy. '59 FORD $1895 successfully yesterday through the caused much controversy in Louis­ Alcohol and Fatigue Another new Senate item was western powers do not cease im­ Country Sedan Station PINEHURST RIB gate with Marine Dion Davis, 18, ville in the last two years. Prank­ Hartford, Aug. 4 (A’) — Alcohol Many Congressmen at first In­ $207,600,000 for Civil Defense ac­ peding the solution of the ques­ Wagon. Radio and heater. SMALL LEGS OF OVEN ROASTS to return to Camp Lejeune, N. C. sters nave burned crosses on his, and fatigue added up to death in correctly believed the latest hi­ tivities recently shifted to the de- tion of a peace treaty on an 12-POUND GE Standard Trans., Over­ GENLTNE SPRING t h e f in e s t CONNECTICUT ’The Clay County Jail in Louis­ well-groomed lawn, and authorities a traffic accident recently for Mil- jacking was another work of Cu­ Hijackers of a Continental Airliner at El Paso, Texas, are shown agreed basis." drive. LAMB U. S. GRADE A CHICKENS ville was filled to capacity with once had to quell a small riot ton K. Stoddard, 47, Rose Haven ban agents of the Castro govern­ leaving the Federal Building headed for the County Jail following (Continued On Page Seven) The note was delivered only a Delicious tender oven roast Harrell and his followers, all there. ment. That led to a protest today few hours after Khrushchev told LEAN CUTS OI’ Rd., Somers, according to a re­ their arraignment Thursday afternoon. Cody Leon Bearden, 16, FILTER-FLO WASHER charged with harboring a deserter Harrell and five followers were from Premier Fidel Cwtro to the left, and his father, Leon Bearden, 38. (AP Photofax). Premier Amlntore Fanfanl of SHOULDER CLOD EX-LARGE CHIX LEGS . . lb. 49c beef, yet priced way down convicted in March of truancy port today by Coroner Louis W. '58 OPEL from the Marine Corps. Schaefer. Italy in a conference here yester­ 1961 MODEL— 2 SFEED, 2 CYCLE FOR POT ROAST to meet your sense of charges stemming from their re­ (Conttnaed en Page Nine) 2-door sedan for the fjOJC WINGS 25c POUND FBI Agent Manley Hawks of The coroner held that Stoddard's day that he felt a solution was 2 2 5 Weekly or economy minded. I thrift, 49c to 79c lb, Centralia, who tried for two days fusal'to send their youngsters to possible without a war but ad­ 00 ,.,Y)R' ^ N D O N BROIL approved schools. death was "caused solely by his HEARTS AND to get Davie to leave Harrell’s own conduct." Stoddard was in­ Bulletins vised the United States and others Fully Automatic SIRLOIN •TIP GIZZARDS, lb. 25c well-guarded, 100-acre estate, said Among the 16 followers arrest­ against making a mistake about On Our Own Budget Plan. the group would be arraigned to­ ed was Harrell’s 18-yeor-oId son, stantly killed May 16 wheni the Culled from AP Wires '59 CHEV. $1795 car he was driving collided with Rusalan firmness. Bel Air "V -8 ’ 4-Door. AND CHUCK ROASTS FRESH LEVERS, lb. 89c Block Chuck Bone-in day before a U. S. commissioner in Tod. His grandmother, Mrs. Ava 4 Harrell, aaid he was struck on the another car on Route 191, east of News Tidbits "Of course the Soviet govsrn- Pot Roast East St. Louis. nwnt would prefer not to proceed '59 CHEV. $2095 BONELESS RUMPS ROASTERS Harrell said ho gave sanctuary head during the raid. An elderly the Route 91 overpass. East 'Wind­ from the AP Wires BONN BOOSTS ARMS 9 CUBIC FT. THAT ARE VERT FTtYERS to Davis after the youth told tales woman was also injured, she said. sor. Bonn, Gernriaay, Aug. 4 (A>— to ootMlude a peace treaty without Impala "V-8 ' 4-Door Hard­ LEAN AND TENDER BROn^ERS 33c and 45c lb. participation, of the western pow­ top. of immorality, debauchery and Hawks said most of the 100 "It appears." said the coroner, Went Oermany la boontlng Its atheism in the corps. Davis, of persons living in cabins and trail- "that Stoddard had awakeneid at military strength to meet the ers," Moscow’s note said. Robert Welch, founder of the Berlin crisis by Increasing arms "It wopkl sincarely welcome a REFRIGERATOR Greenville, Pa., was classified a de­ controversial u 11 r a-conservative serter May 29. (Oontinued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Nine) purchases abroad. Defense Min­ change in the position of the west­ 2 0 0 Weekly 0 5 0 '55 BU ICK WHOLE LEAN BUDGET TENDERLOINS. John Birch Society, says "Fidel ern powers in the direction of con­ Super 2-door Several FBI agents, state police­ Castro is such a threat to the Unit­ ister Franz Josef - Strauss said men and Clay County law enforce­ structive joint action wHh the hardtop. v v O 6 to 8 lbs...... '.lb. $1.35 ed States and to - civilization,. his today. Strauss said plans are On Our Own Budget Plan. ment officials plunged through the being readied aieo either to raise 167 The Fruits of Progress regime should be destroyed,” during (Continiied On Page Seven) IT'S THE ATTENTION TO THE gate as the armored car scattered Tulea, Okla., talk . , . Successful draft quotas or call up reoervists more than a dozen young men de­ 5.000-mile test flight of Titan mis­ to implement the expected de­ '58 FORD $1395 fending the entrance. No shots were 1 Year Factory "F-.100" 2-Door Hardtop. LIHLE THINGS THAT MAKES PINEHURST sile edges interoontinental range cision that thin country’s eight fired. weapon a step {clcMier to combot- North Atlantic Treaty Organ­ DELIVERY Service on Radio. Heater, Standard Davis was found in a cabin, at Transmission. Steel Production at 70% readlnm, authorities at Cape ization divisions be brought np Rusk in Paris ANYWHERE All Ports and FAMOUS FOR QUALITY the rear of-the estate. Hawks said Canaveral report . . . Soviet a.stro- to full warttnie strength. the.youth stnlggled violently and naut Yuri Gagarin leaves Curacao, Free Labor '57 MERC. $895 There are many “ unseen extras’’ in service when yioti was restrained with handcuffs and Preparing ior Free Netherlands West Indies, for Ha­ REBELLION REPORTED 4-Door Sedan. shop at Pinehur.st that .vou may be completely unaware leg irons. But Thousands Jobless vana en route to Halifax, Nova Oairo, Aug. 4 (/P) — The dally of. . .yet they make such a difference in quality. ' I*IAWAIIAN PUNCH Harrell was found in the base­ Soptla, to meet with Cleveland in­ ment of the mansion he modeled newspaper Al Ahrsm reported ' Golden or Red dustrialist Cyrus Eaton . . . today a rebellion In the Britizh Talk on Berlin '55 OLDSMOBILE Strickland’s eggs, double checked fcr freshness, are after George Washington’s Mount Pittsburgh, Aug. 4 (/P) — The • "This is the way it has to be," Deluxe “ 98" Holiday Coupe. 3 46-07,. cans 1.00 observes a spokesman for U.S. I General Electric Co. is using protectorate of Hadrainut, on the 18 CUBIC FT. i Vernon. nation's steel mills are operating Paris, Aug.^ i "(/P)—Secretary of ){.a>Rded. Beautiful ^ROK received every other day and always kept under re­ Hawks said Harrell was hiding Steel Cjorp., -the nation's biggest various policing methods to guard Arab Peninsula east of Aden. turquoise and white. frigeration : Chickens, seafood, produce selected by our In a tunnel that apparently had at a pretty good pace. But thou­ steel producer. against further price-fixing inci­ Nationalists, rising against the State Dean Rusk arrived in Paris own buyer is delivered daily.. .not ju.st a few times a BlIVIBU; BKE TUNA been designed to withstand a sands of steelworkers are out of "Efficiency has to go up be­ dents but still Isn’t sure further pro-British sultan of Hsdramut, today-' to lay ths groundwork for FREEZER violations won’t occur, according killed 28 and injured $9 scoldlers military siege. work. cause employment costs are go­ negotiations with the Soviet Union 2 Weekly or 7 5 '55 PLYM. $395 week; Hamburg is ground fresh hourly and all meats A'our favoritp .solid pack white tuna which sells at ing up all the time.” he remarks. to New York report from Ralph of the sultan’s troops In recent 39c can. Buy it through Saturday at Pinehurst at Harrell did not offer resistance, Production in the second quarter Plaza 2-Door. Radio. Heat­ and vegetables are displayed in small quantities to Hawks said. About 100 rifles and of the year hovered around 70 per R. Conrad ' Ckroper, executive Cordiner, chairman . . . Wife of battles, the paper said. Al Ab­ on lYest Berlin and Germany. I On Our Own Budget Plan er. Standard Transmission. maintain freshness. 3 cans $1.00 several thousand rounds of am­ cent of capacity—a so-called "nor­ vice president of U.S. Steel, be­ convicted U2 spy pilot Francis ram said the rebels opposed The American secretary will 239 munition were confiscated. mal’’ level. Yet some 100,000 mill- lieves technological advances have Gary Powers says she hopes to British 'attempts to establish a meet with his British and French '55 PONT. $495 This y/eek trv Pinehurst Chuck ground. Hamburg or In Washington, FBI headquar­ workers were idle, according to the created no loiig-term unemploy­ visit husband Imprisoned In Russia federation of Aden and the east­ counterparts. Rusk told newsmen 4-Door. Radio. Heater, (iRve a few bean pots on hand for your barbecue. ters said Harrell previously had United Steelworkers Union. ment in the steel Industry. when he is transferred to work ern and western protectorates in S t the airport that the western Big Round Ground— GET SOME OF OUR DELICIOUSLY He says loss^Of jbbs must occur camp, probably in three months the Arab peninsula. GE PORTABLE DISHWASHER Standard Transmission. FRESH BLOCK ISLAND SWORDFISH— or buy cu­ B&M BAKED BEANS told FBI agents he realized he was What is happening in this basic Three are in Berlin by their rights defying the authority of the Unit­ industry? Statistics tell part of the in any progressive enterprise. . . . American freighter Janet won in World War II. cumbers,- Native 'Tomatoes, beets or spinach right out In the Large Pots ed States government and. in ef­ story. However, he adds, increased ef­ Quinn and Cuban-bouncl Soviet DIVER SEES BODIES He pointed out that western oc­ with POWER SHOWER '55 OLDSMOBILE of Becker’s garden in nearby Windsor... 4 POTS 1.00 fect, was in a state of armed in­ The American Iron and Steel In­ ficiency will create more jobs in tanker collide in thick fog west of HergIswII, Switserland, Aug, 4 cupation arrangements in Berlin surrection against the United stitute reports the nation’s mills the long run. British naval base . t Gibraltar, ac­ urv— A diver feeling his way also governed the Allied withdraw­ "The really tragic technological cording to base authorities. through the murky depths 1 Weekly or 5 0 "88" Holiday Sedan. *395 Y m ,, we repeat, thetje are some of the silent or un­ Buy COTT CANNED SODA in rase lots of States. He further claimed, the turned out 38.5 million tons of steel al from East 'Germany after the In the second half of 1960 with an employment occurs, not in the Thirty-one Africans killed In In- Lake Lucerne today found some war. seen extrAs jT»u get at Pinehurst I 2 DOZEN straight or assorted for only $2.00. companies making technologrical of the bodlM of 15 American 9 cans 87c avertga employment of 400,000 ter-trlbal or inter-party clashes in "We are in Berlin under ths On Our Own Budget Plan YOI R CHOICE FOR hourly workers. Improvements, but in those that first week of election campaign tourists trappe'd when their bus same arrangements which govern­ 149 Four diffrent new Keebler Summer Cookies now on New Political Party do not, thereby losing the ability plunged oft a scenic highway. "1 ' I- •' Production rose 16.4 per cent in near Kigali, capital of Ruanda . . . ed the withdrawal of Allied foroee S100 sale along-'With Nabi.scos Special Feature of Oreo'.s, Sale continues on to compete and sustain more and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in New >saw several bodies Jammed In the from parts of East Germany fol­ Formed in Canada the first half of this year — to 44.8 ishiid'^ Inside the bus,’’ the diver, larj$. l^ckaife S9c. \ SOFT-WEVE TISSUE million tons — while the average better jobs,” Cooper asserts. York City announce grants total­ lowing World War II,” he said. 30-INCH GE ELECTRIC '54 NASH—4-Door with Beds Siegfried Naumann,’’ told news­ . ' anv color nuber of jobs dropped to an esti­ "nie USW says it is not fighting ing $18.4’ mUlion to various educa­ "If the SOriet Union is tUstushed ’54 PO.NT.—4-Dr. Chieftain "8’’ 8 for $1.00 Ottawa, Aug. 4 (/P) —: Thomas C. automation as such. “It’s pro­ tional anil research institutions in men. "It waa quite Impossible to CUCUMBERSE . - ...... each 3c mated 381,000. count bow many there were. over West Germany it should not ’64 FORD-^-Dr. Custom'"V-8 ’ Douglas, 56-year-old premier of In other words, more steel was gress," remarks one union official. 1969-60 biennial report . . . Sabo­ RANGE with OVEN TIMER teurs blow up water pipeline serv­ Everything was covered in mud, forget that Wmt Germany began ’53 BUICK—Hardtop Special NATIVE SLICING TOMATOES— Scott Large Saskatchewan, has been chosen produced in fewer man hours. "And we have to have progress.” ai'ming only after East Gsnnnny leader of Canada's socialistic New He adds, "But everyone ought ing British naval base area at and the visibility bi the plater was 2-Door BARTLETT PEARS ARE IN TOWELS 3 for 95c • Government figures reveal a barely more than three feet —r cbd so. NATO was bom in direct 2 00 "*®*‘*y ®*' 0 00 ^®"****y Democratic party. His election had similar trend. The Department of to be able to share in the fruits of Dkekelia, in South Cyprus, for '52 DeSOTO —4-Door Deluxe LAXfB PA’TTIES lb. 35c progress.” eighth time in nine days, according even with my lamp.” response to pressures agaUnst been expected. ' Labor aays steel production climb­ western Europe.” j ’52 FORD—"\V8 ” 4-Door Douglas beat out Hazen Argue, Steelworkers president David J, to British report. On Our Own Budget Plan GREAT LARGE BLUEBERRIES — CANTALOUPES Sealte.st French Ice Cream...... qt. 79c ed 31 per cent from January to H’BIJ'ARB PLAN QUESTIONED The meetings of the western 159 ’49 FORD —’ j-Ton Pickup. long-time leader of the new party’s June of this year while employment McDonald says tjie answer lies in Prime Minister Norman Manley AND WATERMELONS ARE AT THEIR BEST Newburgh, N.Y., Aug. 4 (fl’) foreign ministers will continus dying parent organization the Co­ rose only 11 per cent. reduction of the work-week with­ o( Jamaica says referendum will through Monday. On Tuesday, ths operative Commonwealth Federa­ out a pay cut,. —^.A State Supreme Court.judge What’s the reason? ■ be held Sept. 10 to decide whether today questioned the need tor ministers will meet with the full tion (CCF). Delegates at the new For one thing, many worker's The trend toward higher effici­ MANCHESTER Jamaica will join independent West Newburgh’s new plsii ‘to .limit permanent, council of the North party’s founding convention last get more job time when produc­ ency has been going on for years, Indies Federation .1 . . Thunder­ Atlantic JTrenty C^pganlsntion OLDSMOBILE night gave Douglas 1,397 votes to tion goes up. This doesn’t show in According to the union, it took storms and showers hit broad sec­ M’elfare relief, but reserved de- “ Selling and Serxielng 25.7 m ^ hours to turn out a ton oision OB’ a state move for a (NATO). ' 880 for Argue. total employment figures. tions of nation from arid regions On (Wednesday, Rusk, will eon- Oldsmobllea for Over 25 Teara” Inc. The eXJF, founded as a Socialist But a bigger factor ia automa­ of steel in 1937. By 1969, it had of Southwest to Virginia, (Chicago temporal^ Injunction ngalnst It. fer with U,9. nmbassedore svho GOODYEAR 612 WEST CEX’TER ST, party 28 yearb ago, presently rules tion. This is where the union puts dropped to 11.6 man (loiirs. weather bureau says . . . Atlanta "In what reapeot are our preaent Ml 3-1511—Ml 8-2411 302 MAIN AT CORNER OF MAIN and TURNPIKE in Saskatchewan but is folding up. most of the blame. The companies Another union statistic: In 1953 Municipal Ctourt Judge Luke Leonard W. .Gilman, associate deputy regidnal con^missioner of the state laws Inadequate to achieve have been summoned to Paris OPE-N EVEXlNflS It never won-more than 28 of the agree, but with qualifications. there were 1.2 billion m^n hours Arnold dismisses charges against U.S. Border Patrol, glances at his cast-covered hand as he talks your purposesT” Justice John P. from both aides of the Iron Cur­ RAY DWYER, U»ed Car Mgr. OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TILL 6 P.M.— THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 265 seats in Commons. Steel production is becoming worked in the industry. By 1960, Negro -arrested on charger of to newsmen- Thursdays Gilman ended the abortive kidnaping at­ Donohoe asked a lasryer for the tain. SERVICE STORE-^713 MAIN ST.— Ml 9-9523 An offshoot of the CCTF, the new streamlined. Not as much man­ this had dropped to 900 million. finding that he wits victim of bru­ tempt of a Continental Airiiner nine hours later with a bone-shat- city. Ha gave oppoatng aitor- The's|)irit a t nigiBiinii|BR in power Is needed In the giant in- The equivalent of 156,000 full-time tal beating by two white Atlanta / taring wallop to the ch e ^ of Leon Bearden, the paroled robber s. .(OoBHaoed oaPagm Fonr) duat»7 . Job* was wiped out. polleeraen. whose son joined him in4he adventure. (AP Photofax). .(Om UmhA aa *% . ^ w '--;

FAOITWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST* 4, 1961 PAGE THREE Hebron will serve as a reminder to the people o t Fre^ China, to the mil- Religibus Leader Seized ^ liohs on the msitniaml o f China, FOR RENT l^iefugees Provide Grange Officers and to those who have fled Com- m m Sheinwold on Bridge Stam ps j;; rirtmiist tyranny of the continuing Senior Scouts Enjoy 8 and 16 mm. |Movl« Pra^solan To Be Installed interest and friendehlp of the —sound or alleat. alM By LOUIS MANDELL Aiherican government and people." Pdice Use Armored Gar slide projeetora. TOO MANY FINESSES i Moithdsalsr ^ .^Tour of GAy Paree ’ Berlin Crisis Fuel Grange officers elected at the an­ RUIN yOUB DIGESTION NWtMaafii Vila WELDON DRUG CO. More on Commems 9fil Main Sb Tel. MI 8-8891 nual meeting will be installed In By Alfred Sheinwold NOKIH The Post Office Department, un­ « Q 2 To-Get Marine Deserter September In time for thenew der Postmaster General Day, is Youth la the time for finessing. There are now 21 Manchesterites who agree with the 8en- KOTB: H m •peotaclo of people^but nowhere near the much great- grange year which starts In <7 A K 2 ^ DenwcnUlc R»- er count claimed by the East Ger­ continuing the policy of automat­ You have a lifetime ahead of you, G t « $ (Continued from Pago ^ e ) timent.s of tlie song l.vrics, “ I love Paris every moment," ac­ October. • ically supplying all first and sec­ Q IO 4 9 cording to Debbie Miller of Senior Girl. Scout TVoop 1. ' poMIc the Conununlata have mans. Officers elected are master Ken­ and If you take one finesse too ♦ A ^rrriated la Eaat Oenaaay U one Sortie of those who return find ond class poet offle^ with com- 7U JT era on the estate were excited, but R u s k in P a r is The Manchester group ,is scheduled to spend today in Co­ neth A. Porter; overseer, Frank memorativea when issiwd, a policy many, a good night’s rest and a did not interfere with the raid. -that galla the Betfa, a drain they life in' East Germany even more Leibler; lecturer, Genevieve Boy- 4 I 10 » « S 4 K 7 « logne. leaving by night train for*" both FAIRWAYS ; tronld like to d o f. It alao’ add* fael Unpleasant than they remembered set up about two years a ^ by little chicken broth will repair the V 5 ^ 7 4 FBI agent.s went to the Harrell Copenhaggn where they are to especially the lights from Notre- ington; assistant steward, Arthur fornser Postmaster General'Sum- G K I 5 2 G 10 » t 4^ estate yesterday and talked with spend tomorrow before going l-to the Are which keepa the pot of and flee for a second time. An of- Keefe; lady assistant, Phyllis damage. When you reach the age Preparing for Dame and the Eiffel Tower. ^ OPEN every FRI. ~«ri»la altoil la Berlin. la this last of flcial at Berlin’s Maricnfelde Refu­ merfleld. of maturity, however, you must 4 7 5 2 4 X 1 9 • both Harrell and Davis. The young camping with' thfe Danish acoiits "Modern Paris was viewed in Rapkl; chaplain, Lydia Simons; Until the automatic distribution MUTB Marine told the agents: who visited Manchester last .sum­ • a series of artirles In the back- gee Camp figured as much as one treasurer, Olive Warner; secretary, tVorld-Famous Oemiam pick and choose among the another bus tour the next day. ' ground o f the crisis, AP reporter to 2 per cent of the daily flow plan was established, postmasters finesses a s ' though they were 4 A ? 4 "I can't fight for God and coun­ Talk on Berlin mer. The Eaffel Tower, Arc de Tii- NfTE till 9; and Carol Lcibler; assistant, Maralyn West Germany and Berlin con­ were required to file requests for ^ Q J 10 9109 try' with the Marines.- I have to Debbie, daughter of Mr. and John Bausntan tells the story of might be second timers. Porter; Flora, Elaine Hale; Ceres, mushrooms. omphe. Church of !3fecr«-Coeur, the refugees. And what happens back home tinued their new definitive series commems. Many postmasters, alas, Take this slam hand, for ex­ G A Q stay here with Mr. Harrell where Mrs. Bruce Miller, 56 ,rt. Haw- Napoleon's tomb and the Made­ F a\[ l l DAY MONDA^ Evelyn Blow; Pomona, Jean * 6 (Conttnufid from Page One) when a refugee family flee.s7 featuring portraits of world- didn’t'find 4t convenient to take ample. A youngster would win there's an excuse for being shot." tliornc St., wrote the following let­ leine, to mention a few-, were tak­ Simons; gatekeeper, Paul Blow; care of the trade in commeme and By JOHN BAU8MAN "The W'ord gets around quickly." famous Germans, with stamps hon­ the first spade trick, draw two , Davis talked through a wood and the air —- both in the weBtem cap- ter which arrived today: en in. steward, Richard Lelbler; executive there were many, many complaints Iron gate o f the retreat. He*wa.s "After a ver.v calm channel Berlin, Aug. 4 Ft)r the past said a young father who had come committee for three years, Rob­ oring Johann Gutenberg and Eliza­ trumps and.wonder whether to try ital-s and in' Moscow with- e«c)i "ManJyn Kaefer's 19th birth­ r. 12 years, People’s Police of Com- from Halle with his wife and two from collectors that their of­ the diamond or the club finesse to backed up by Harrell and a)>out a cro.s.sing on .Inly 19, we arrived in day was celebrated that evening ert Links; home economics com­ beth Von Thuringen, ^ntfoduced fices did not have the new issues. dozen of Harrell’s followers carry­ aide apparently waiting for the Paris. A friendl.v greeting vras ex­ followed by a tnp to Ver.sailles. f munist East Germany have been children. "The police come to seal mittee, Marjorie Porter, Beatrice avoid the loss of a diamond trick. f tramping up to abandoned homes, up the house and then the word Aug. 3. They appear on the 8 The automatic distribution to ing rifles. Other member.s of his other to make the first direct dip­ tended at La N’ef, a scout hostel, where the Festival of Light and Andrews, Viola Warner, Nellie first and second class post offices Add Sheinwold on Bridge church peered from behind trees which we .soon discovered much fo Dependable i lixing a seal on the door And pre- spreads. It-is a good feeling to hear Griffin; youth committee. Mary pfennig and 7 pfennig denomina­ Friday Aug. 8, 1961 lomatic move to set up talks. Sound waa presented. t paring to auction the household someone has left. You say, 'Fine, tions, respectively. eliminated the complaints, PO at the agents pleaded with the Rusk and the foi-eign ministers oiir delight wa.s situated right .in "During the first half of the Boyington; legislative, Clarence wheels In Washington- claim. / As you can see, either finesse youth. the center of Pari.sian acUvitv. A ‘ goods. there's someone else who doesn’t Rathbun; publicity, Amy Hooker Johann Gutenberg, the revered would fall. Our youngster would What If tha cluba fall to break T of Britain, France and West Ger­ performance, the gardens and Used Refrigeraiore { They are the homes of people like Ulbricht (the East German printing genius, wais born at Third and fourth claiM post of­ You will find out pretty early. You 'The young Marine told the many begin thiee davs of secret long awaited meal followed, but ^ fountains were Illuminated and and . Florence-Jones: Blue Cross fices, however, still must file req- give the opponents 100 points and agents he would return to the I who left just about everything be- political chief) any more than I Mainz in 1398 of well-to-do par­ go on to the next hand with only can fall back on the diamond fi­ co-nferences tomorrow to put to­ after the fi.sh and chips, steak and I the storj- behind them was relal- Overhauled and Tested J hind to flee to the West. do." collector, Doris Fish; refreshment uiaitiona for commems. / nesse In that ca8b. If that flnaasa North Carolina base if he could be ^hip.s. and roast beef and chips in ! ^ -phe second half of the per- reminder and committee, ents. Later h* changed his orig­ a slight headache to show for It. gether a united Allied front Englami. the chicken and chips- , Since 1949, when the Commu- One secret of successful escape inal name, Gensfleisch, to Guten­ And that's why. lads and lass­ If you or I took such a finesse loses, you may have a had taste discharged, even dishonorably. He against tlie Soviet challenge. formance was devoted to Uie pal­ f nist regime was set up In Soviet- Della Hills and Helen Keefe. ies, you have to get in line early In the mouth, but your head will said he was afraid "the'Marines otherwi.se knovvp a.s F’rcnch fried ace itself. A resume of the his­ is to carry little. In spot checking Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Porter berg, after his mother's birthplace. It would be years before we heard The U. S. .secretary was moving potatoe.s were not fully appreci­ t occupied Germany, more than 2,- trains, police are always suspicious for the new issues. still be clear. literally would work me to death cautiously. Leaving Washington torical background was given while placed second in the State young In 1438; after settling in Stras- the end of It. I don’t know about If the.v got hold of me."' ated. Potterton's £ 600,000 persons have come to the it one carries-much luggage or big your spouse, but mine would have Dally QuealioB laat night, he warned the Ru.saiana various lighting effects were used 130 Center St.—Cor. of Ohiurek couple of the year contest, a result burg, Johann becan-ie a partner in Harrell said yesterday he ex­ "The following dav. Tip and West. They give continued evi­ packages. / a printing business. a fit of the giggles every time she Partner opens with one notrump and Western Allies alike again.st to illu.strate the events. dence of discontent with Commu­ of which Hebron grangers are pected authoritie.s to send an arm- Emilv took their 'cosmopolitan Girl This means a refugee leaves be­ Many years of hardship and saw the ace of clubs. (16 to 18 points) and the next any "rei-klessness in words or in "Inasmuch as the enttre prP)— Answer: Pass. The combined tions from President Kennedy opinion seemed to be that the dis­ the years. Usually he cannot even Cooler -weather the laat day or two ed from movable type, and today the ace of clubs and ruff a club. "With the morning left free, the trying to crosa the tightly guarded The U.S. Weather Bureau issued Get to dummy with the ace of count Is only 23 to 26 points, with Rusk extended what amounted to play waa the best part of our stay Iron Curtain border that divides try to sell before flight, since this caused shivers and donning of is extremely l-are. Only 49 copies girls double-timed it to the stbre.s. would arouse suspicion. hearts and ruff another club. By 26 points usually needed for game. an invitation to the Russians foi- in Paris. l L East and West Gertnany. sweaters and coats, alao sleeping are known to be In existence, 13 the following marine weather / Notrump Is as good a spot as any talks on the crisis. Until that moment, no thought had ■What happens to the possessions this time you know the suit Is go­ East Reds Add been given to the Ir.ngviage barrier. "Parisian drivers we'will never West Berlin, still occupied by the blankets. Quite a change from the in the United States, six of them package for Connecticut today: / for the part score. "Tliere is no reason vvh.v this left behind? cmWwa'iaaaafaaaA / ing to break. understand. They Slow their horns AUanUc Allies of World War n. sizzling weather recently suffered. complete. Tides will be high aldng the Ver.v .soon, the girls po.ssessing * They are auctioned off and the Get to dummy with the king of For Sheinwold’s SS-Mge booklet, problem cannot be solved by peace­ Skid marks show the path of the car driven by Lawrence H. even the slightest amount of high and continue on at the same rate Is an island of western territory ChuBch Services Gutenberg was honored in 1962 ’’A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” e«nd Worker Curbs ful mean.s if those others bc.vond proceeds are put in a special bank There will be separate services Connecticut shore between 6 and hearts, and ruff another club. This Machica that left the road and sma.shed through a rail fence on school French, fo:ind their knowl­ of speed no matter how man.v 110 miles inside that barbed-wniis by the United States with a stamp sets up dummy’s last club. Give SOc to Bridge Book, Manchester the Iron Curtain are willing to ap­ account under the refugee’s name. at the Hebron and Gilead Congre­ '6:30 p.m. this afternoon and be­ L.vnes.s St. yesterda.v'. (Photo by ScOtt). edge, inconstant demand. pedestrians are In the street. At barrier. The refugee who makes his on the 500th Anniversary of the up a spade, take the diamond re­ Evening Herald, Box 3318, Grand proach it in the same spirit," he last count there were still 21 in way to East Berlin has little trou­ "That's what they say they do gational Churches Sunday. printing of the Gutenberg Bible. tween 5:30 and 7:30 tomorrow (Continued from Page One) told newsmen. Car Damages "The first ta'tte of open air with the money an>'way," the young Deaths Last Night turn with the ace. ruff a spade In Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. the party. ble getting to the western side via The Hebron service will be at Elizabeth Von Thuringen, bom morning. Low tide at Old Say- (Copyright 1961, tleneral Featores Rusk emphasized that the West­ cafes came that afternoon when father said. "I don’t know whether dummy and lead dummy's last club have been told that they can not vve gathered atop the Galeries "Frenchmen we found precisel.v subway or elevated train. From 10 a.m., and there will be a pulpit in 1207, was the daughter of King brook is at 11:30 a.m. this morn­ to discard the queen of diamonds. Corp.) ern Allies will art firmlv — but there he is flown to West Germany, they do or not and I'm not going supply in the absence of the Rev. ing and 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS have new apartments, that they L o a n B a n k s to E a se Mortpi^a^e, Felice^ House Lafayette, one of the largest de­ as forewarned. Even the police­ Andrew II. She married Louis IV .sensiblv - and are still readv to men, who are supposed to be pro­ shaping border controls on the back to find out.” Jphn N. Cross, pastor, who is on of Thuringia and devoted herself Sunset today is at 8:05 p.m. B udap«t Zoltsui Tildy, 72, may not buy such things as motor­ negotiate. partment/ Btoreis in Paris, for limeli. tectors, we found closing in on us. land route. his vacation of a month. The Rev. to religion and charity. After Sunrise tortiorrow is at 5:50 a.m. former president of Hungary who cycles and washing machines, and A few hours earlier, Soviet For­ Down Paym en t on Some Homes A ear driven by Lawrence H. Affects Ooontry’s Economy Nelson Cheney, who is on vacation eign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko "The tour that afternoon re­ "Two hours before departure. Louis' death she was deprived of Boating weather for Long Is­ was jailed for his part in Hun­ that Uieir children do not have the Macliica, 19, of 26 Ckittage St., Fran Nylin left her camera in the Tlie Communists would love to Idle Claims Dip from his parish in Massachusetts, the regency and persecuted. Eliza­ land Sound to Montauk Point and handed the Moscow amba.ssadors vealed such things aa the Latin gary's 1966 anti-Soviet revolt, same rights to schooling as others. wont out of control last niglil and Quarter, some of the marvels at subway station. After going close this escape route. For years win preach at the Gilead Church, beth spent much time ministering Block Island: of the western Big Four the Rus­ Washington. Aug. 4 i/T’i — A-rates were eased earlier in the the Blast Germans, wdth Soviet at 11:15. Winds variable In direction to­ died Thursday, the national news RESTAURANT - There has been a campaign sian replv to their warning on Julv’ year. caused exlen.sive damage to the the Louvre, the Seine River,,,the through miles of red tape, ar­ In Town, State to the poor. She died in 1231 and .subtantial easing of mortgage and Cathedral of Notre-Da me. the rangements w-ere made to send It backing, have been seeking control There will be a communion serv­ was canonized in 1235. day and Saturday but mostly agency MTT announoed. Tildy, a against them in the Communist 17 that they would stand firm in "In effect, the board i.s sa.ving car and private property. o f all routes to and from Berlin. ice at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church northerly today. Speeds about 10 former reform church minister, press, and their names have been West Berlin. down-payment terms for higher- that the federal associations can Conciergerie. Place de la Bastille to Denmark. The flight of refugees makes Jobless Claims filed in Manches­ at 9 a.m., the only service for the The Gutenberg and Saint Eliza­ posted publicl.v. priced homes was authorized today Machica. on leave from the ^(a- and much more. "At 10:30 p.m. on July 22, the beth (Von Thuringen) stamps were knots. ’Visibility occasionally one was named president in 1946 but RT. 6 and 44A—BOLTON MI 9-9849 make a total of $8 billion hi the rine Corps and stationed at Camp Ekut Germany the only modem In­ ter for the week ended July 29 day. The Rev. Gordon W. Weeman, mile or less in fog earl.v this morn­ was forced to resign In 1948 when Communist police seized the by the Federal Home laian Bank new-t.vpe loans," the indii.strvy ...... "A trip down the .Seine was 19 scouts bid a tearful farewell to dustrial nation In the wrorld with designed by Michel and Kieser Identity cards yesterday of some Lejeune, N.C., was traveling west takem Itie .same night. It proved to Gay Paree and turned their numbered 1,764, a 6.1 per- cent de­ rector will officiate. ing Improving to 5 miles or better the Communists grabbed power. Board. spokesman said. "This will have a ; on Lvness St.. 200 feet from Mc- a declining population. Cemetery Officers Offenbach (Main) and are printed ROAST BERf commuters from the suburbs. The be very peaceM and picturesque, thoughts toward Switzerland." cline from the previous week's total this afternoon. Grace, — Fred M. Cooper, Public Records tremenrious potential in the conUKee St. Police .said he failed to It haa aerioua effects on the Re-elected at the 22nd annual by the Bundesdruckerei, Weat Ber­ commuters received a new paper, In an action that can ea.se the lin. Each is seen in a frame in­ Marine weather observations: 69, a veteran Idaho reclamation JUMBO BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP ventlonaJ (non-FTlA) mortgage ' make a curve to the right and the ' country's economy. More than half of 1,879, it was reported today. meeting of the Jones Street Ceme­ leader and authority, died Thurs­ which barred them from the city. vva.v to home owner.ship for middle market." scribed with Antique capital let­ Block Island, R. I., 7 a.m Warrantee Deeds income families, the board an- car skidded 81 feet and junipcd the refugees are between 18 and State unemployment compensa­ tery Association, are president, day of canrter. He was president LOBSTER • STEAKS The Communists have also been ■ I ters, The German stamps will be cloudy, temperature 63, northeast Alfred W, and Ida B. Rousseau the curb. 45, the most active and productive tion claims also dropped by 5,536 to Sirreno A. Scranton; vice-presi­ 8. of the Idaho Reclamation Associ­ e WEDDINGS • BANQUETS trying to stop the flow of refugees I -noiinced that Federal Sav ings and i years of a wrorker's life. Another printed on ordinary as well as fuo- to the Weat \1a West Berlin. To to Glenn R. and Grace Jones Gibbs Loan A.s.sociations mav make .30- I 11 continued across the .sidewalk 53,460 (includes 4,702 factory vaca­ dent, Mrs. John Loomis; secretary New Haven—Cloudy, tempera­ ation and was awwing his fifth on the .south i^ide of the .street and 20 per cent are In the itUl Impor­ tion shutdown claims) during the and treasurer, Mrs. Sirreno A rescent paper. West Berlin stamps Saturday Night Dancing o Radio Broadcast on WINF day they contemptuou.sly rejected ‘ "f Toledo, Ohio, property .off Barry year mortgage loans with a 10 per -will' appear on fluorescent paper ture 64, northeast 5. term as state senator. traveled 84 feet acro.ss the lawn tant productive years of 45 to 65. same week from 58,996 (includes Scranton. 'Fire - IsWBld—Cloudy, northeast U. S. objections to this effort. I cent down, payment on the home Local Stocks Children and people over 65 ac­ only, and will carry the inset, "Ber­ and a maximum loan.of $26.5010. in front of 166 Lyness SI. 8,566 factory vacation shutdown Fifty-eight members of the as­ 10 to 12 m.p.h., visibility t, miles Neues Deutschland, the official | to the Town The car knocked oii{ a rail fence count for the remainder, with the lin.” All are watermarked DBF. party daily, advised the State ! preppies o^^ Previously, Federal Ixian As­ claims) the previous week. Rensto sociation were present. The men moderate. Quotattoni ParnlstiMi by In two places and a patio fence, older group amounting to less than E. Ricciuti, state labor commission­ worked in the forenoon, mowing Montauk Point—Cloudy, sea 3 sociations could make 10 per cent 10 per cent. Footnote to History K 1 . • . N rv ^partm ent not to plav^ Don Quix-.l '" C q u I s r d ’'EdnalS5awTo Edwin down payment loan.s for no more Cobuni & Mlddlebrook, Inc. police said. It al.so knocked down er said. g ra «, straightening grave stones, feet, east-southeast 12 knotSc^'vlsl- Banb Slocks a 12-foot maple tree, three shrubs, The refugees are a cross-section During the same two weeks of cutting bushes and fixing the stone The United States will issue on bility 7 miles. OURNSIDE than 25 years and only up to a of life, with industrial workers and BUWNSIIK AVI . I HTri) lpanishTnighrwho%ried t maximum loan of $ , . Bid Asked a tricycle, and a kiddy car be­ 1960, the claims total dropped 5,- walls -where needed. Oct. 10 a postage stam p' com- Ambrose Light Ship— Cloudy, over windmills with his lance. ' Attachment' 22 000 laborers forming the biggest group. merporating the 50th anniversary The 10 per cent down payment Conn. Bank and Trust fore coming to a stop' two feet 958 to 39,506 from 45,464, It was The women set out a pot-luck sea one foot, northeast 10 knots, The editorial recommended at- Hayden L.‘ Griswold Jr,, doing Co...... 55 from tlie home of Ronato Nicola. n There are farmers, tradesmen, of the revolution which set up the applies on the first $25,000 of the &JQ ^ reported. If It were not for the volunteer visibility 10 miles. tention instead to Sen. J. W. h ul- business as Grisw-old Engineering Haittord National housewives, students and such Bridgeport reported the most Republic of China. home'.s value; 20 per cent is re­ Mrs. Nicola said Uie diildren A w‘ork of such citizens as these, this bright's suggestion that the We.st-; Co., against Bracewood Acres, Bank and Trust Co. 51 were mdoons )>ecause of tlie rainy highly trained people as doctors, claims with 8,199. Hartford waa and other cemeteries of the town President Kennedy so informed quired on the value in exce.s.s of engineers and teachers. Vice President Chen Cheng of the ern Allies close West Berlin to ; Inc,. »J.000 damages, attachment of $25,000. Under the old regulation Ftre Insurance CniiinanlM weather. Usuall.v tliere aiv a num­ aecond with 7,550 and Manchester would be in a state of gross ne­ refugees in exchange for giiaran- , certain parcels of land off Union Aetna l<1re ...... 123 130 This last group of intellectuals ranked eleventh in the state. Republic of China during their con­ the mortgage could cover 90 per ...... ber of neighborhood i hildren in glect. The Jones St. section takes AIR-CONDITIONED tees of the western po.sition in .St. and Kenwood Dr. under title 75 and experts is a small part of the Manchester had 1,024 claims its name from Samuel Jones, one versations at the White House rent of the value up to $20,000 plii.s ! Ns-THo™ Fife ...... i l the yard at the time plating, .she total refugee flood, but one that early this week. Berlin. The Arkansa.s Democrat, , Fore.st Enterprizes, Inc, 80 per cent of the value above $20,- ; ^^'^■enal I- ire ...... IS.-l; 144 .>ja id, HARYPORD from women, 21 more than the pre­ of the earliest settlers. chairman of the .Senate Foreign hurts the Communists. In the 6- vious week and 58.5 per cent of the The stamp also will honor Dr. DANCE 8:10 6:30-9:50 Marriage Licenses f>nn. I Phoenix Fire ...... 114 120 Patrolmen Janie.s Martin and Acting Postmaster EVERY 'raURS.-FRI.-SAT. Relations Committee, .said that Clau.s Valfrid Olson of En.sinitis. year period from 1954 to 1960, total claims load here. Since the coming in of the new Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Kora $30,000 hou.se. for instance, i . Jolin McClelland investigated the East Germany lost 35,000 intel­ Chinese Republic. .Sheer DBUSriri would not lie much of a concession Calif., and Edith Sofia Anderson of the new regulation meaas that « , -^etna C asually...... 133 14' accident. They said tlic Nicola Unemployment benefits paid by administration Henry Pomprowicz for the West since the Commu­ 746 Parker St, lectuals, including 14,000 engi­ has held the acting postmaster- The White House said: WALNUT SUN.: "Wild In The Country’* $3,500 cash down payemnt would j , ...... home was damaged by fiying fence the Mandieeter Office in June w u r nists have the power to stop the Paul Thomas McKay .Ir.. of 47 posts. neers and technicians and 4,000 amounted to $199,739, It was an­ ship at the Amston postoffice, sue- "Tihe President expressed the 7 Walnut St., Manchester •‘All Hands On Deck" be required with the mortgage i ...... 257 refugees anj-wav. White St. and Barbara Jean Ken­ loan at the $26.,500 limit. Under Boiler 115 Machica was arre.sled and doctors and dentists. Western nounced today by John J. Loomis, ceding P. John Perham. who had hope that Issuance of this stamp nedy of Autumn St.. Aug. , St. U 86 12 the old regulation, an $8,000 down f6'’elers ...... ,139 cha.rged with dilving wliile" under sources estimate the number of manager of the unemplo>Tnent been acting postmaster for a few DiSNGir Fulhright said Neues Deutsch­ Marv's Chtirch. r . . tlie influence of liquor or dnigs. a KING-SIZE VALUE! patients per doctor in East Ger­ compensation office here. years prevlo-jsly. Warren Hol­ land. is seeing things rcalislicall.v. payment wa.*? required on .such , , *i*'*L^ tllltiep eemjmj There were reports that Walter linuso with the loan maximum at F.^l’i’ ' Pow-cr 28 He will appear in Circuit Court many is up to about 1,400, com­ Checks disbursed during the brook continues for the present as $22,000. Hftd. P.lectric Light 7.3'ii pared to 700 in West Germany. assistant, having also served in EAST Ulbricht, leader of the East Ger­ 12. Manchester, on Aug. 7. month compensated 6,001 weeks MANSFIELD ENDS TUESDAY! The new regulation also permits ll^rtford Gas Co. . . 56 Vote with Their Feet of unemployment -with an average that capacity under Perham. man Communists, has been tryrng Machica i.s due to report hack Buy Now at King’s Low, Low Prices Perham Is now employed at the to get Soviet stjpport for more Police 4 rre.sts loans to be made for the first time j Southern New England to Camp LeJeime on Aiig. 8. And many a skilled worker ref­ weekly check of $33.28, Loomis A LL IN CO LO R! to home owners themselves to fi- Telephone ...... 49'4 52'i ugee has amused himself writh the Amston General Store. drastic action on Berlin's East- said. A WONDERFUL SHOW! BRING THE KIDS! nance constniction. Ttie amount o f , . Manufacturing Companlea thought of how tough it will be TONITE o "PARENT TRAP" SHOWN FIRST EVERY NIGHT e West borders. So far, however, the Stanley Little. 47. of 243 Fern Arrow, Hart, Heg. . 61'j 65 First Mass Scheduled Manchester Evening Herald He­ ’3 for hla old Communist bosses to Hi Speed Actlea vast majority of the estimated I gt charged with intoxication A.s.sociated Spring . 16 bron correspondent Susan Pendle­ araiCTiY a cent of the valiie will be held back 18 find a replacement Besides being Ae 80.000 easterners who work in yevslerday. He posted a $25 bond until construction is completed. Bristol Brass ...... 12 14 Norwalk, Aug. 4 i/Pi- -The Rev. an economic brain, the refugee District Rejects ton, telephone ACademy 8-3454. Kirk Doaclaa uuoH APrami West Berlin have been getting to Stare In for his appearance In Circuit Court Loans to builders to finance con­ Dunlinm Bush . . . . . 5U 6U J. Garvan Cavanagh, formerly ■tream is an embarrassment to "THE BACEBS" their jobs, and refugees are com­ 12. Manchester, on Aug. 21. struction of dwelling.s for sale still Em-Hart ...... S l'i 86'i vice president and a director of the the Rods. It leaves no doubt that Offer for Land Swedcfl Chart Drive Flaa ing in at the rate of more than William C. Ulm, 30. of Bolton, Fafnir Bearing 56 t'acle Sam'e are permitted, with the amount in 60 Hat Corporation of America, will Conditiobed people are dissatisfied with com­ Underwater Comraandes <• 1.000 a day. was charged with failure to carry excess of 80 per cent of value held N. B. M achine...... 21 23 celebrate his first public Mass in munism. The 8th District Directors voted Stockholm — Disturbed by an • THE FBOGMEN" Apparently concerned about the a license yesterda.v a.s result of a back until construction i.s complet­ North and Judd . . . . 15 17 his hometown. "These people can't vote in a at an executive session last night increase in juvenile delinquency, With Biehard Wldmark V.KEI storm that has blown up. the Past routine check on E, Center St. He ed and the property sold to a qiiali- Stanley Works ___ 17 19 Father Cavanagh, who was or­ free election, so they are voting not to accept the $8,500 offer for the Swedish Government this fall German Communists were plug­ will appear In Circuit Court 12. fied purchaser who assumes the Veeder Root ...... 52 >5 .56'2 dained in Rome in March, will with their feet," commented a Ber­ district owned land at N. Main St. will open a nationwide educational ging hard at Soviet Premier Manchester, on Aug, 21. loan. I'he above quotations are not to celebrate the Ma.ss at the church lin refugee official, using a pop­ and Stock PI. Ho\vever, the board campaign aimed at "promoting the p a r e n t Khrushchev's line that there will Gerald F. Cribbs, 20, of 29 Cor­ The new rule maintains the re­ Be construed as actual markets. of St. Thomas the Apostle. East ular German phrase. did vote that it will continue to constructive social adjustment of be no war over Berlin. A banner nell St., was charged with passing quirement that the property be oc­ Norwalk, on Sunday at 11 a.m. He Heartening as this is to the offer the property for sale, but at young people.” One of the main ^ T R A P ] head pn Neues DeuUchland'.s front in a no passing zone yesterday on cupied by the borrower-buyer to Radio Studies Slatetl will leave Monda.v for his assign­ W est official West German policy not less than $15,000. aims will be to stir up parents' in­ page said Center St. He will appear in Cir- whom the loan is made er by whom ; ment in the diocese of Alexandria. la not to encourage flight. President Phillip Burgess said terest in educational problems. "There will be peace, becau.se we ' f '''! Court 12. Manchester, on Atig. it is assumed. | Tyngaboro. Maas. A $3,800,000 La. "We csmnot Strip that part of the board- also voted to have the 5^ fight for it." 21. The. . . bank board , provided- ..this | , radio-research --dio-research setup for global Father Cavanagh. a former Germany of its best people. We Bowe Albertsons Engineering firm m um Information Bureati West, a pri­ Martin H. Miller Jr.. 28. of 194 Illustration of the comparative communications and space studies member of the Connecticut House say, "Stay as long as you can. If of Hartford make application to Held Over KMLlMm vate West Berlin intelligence Bidwell St„ was taken into cua- monthly payments of principal and i, being built for the Air Force in of Repre.sentatives and prominent STARTS WEDNESDAY: "BY LOVE POSSESSED" In Color! tody yesterday by Del. Thomas R. you can't stand it any longer, then the Housing and Home Finance PHONE MI 8-7832 Trey Doasksc agency, reported the Communist intere.st on a $25.0()0 home fi­ Tyngsbqro. The installation’s chief Catholic la.vnian. decided to study we'll do all we can to help you," Corp., a government agency, for a Ae polled! had received orders to tight­ Graham on a charge of being a nanced at 5 '- per cent interest: feature is a 120-foot-wide, saucer- for the priesthood after the death A !R CONOITIONtn "PABBIRH” fugitive from Justice. West German Chancellor Adenau­ loan to draw plans and specifica­ en their rules on East Germans ■ Old regulation - Monthly pay­ shaped antenna. .of his parents in 1957. Filmed <■ Wladeer Miller, fonnerly of Virginia. Is er once declared. tions for expansion of the sewer Eael Windier Area visiting Weal German.v. The agency ment $135.21 for 25 years, on a Thus far, prospering West Ger­ system and sewer plant. said the police were ordered to is­ charged with non-support in a $22,000 loan: new regulation STATE Plae many has easily absorbed the ref­ The loan has tb be paid back sue permits "only in especially warrant issued for his arrest by $127.70 a month for 30. years on a ugees. Each community earmarks "when and If construction is start­ LIVE AWMIC ME AOmiWK Blaiias Weetera urgent cases ’ and to give no per­ the Commonwealth of Virginia. $22 ,506 loan. ’ a certain amount of new housing ed." President Burgess said. ‘Freatler Uprliias" mits to relatives of refugees. Police lol PAYMiur 6.88 only 4,45 m m l SERVICE only 2.44 rabi. JAXI'ARI 1962 Filip weather proof, quilt lined poplin with elastic wri.sllets knd ank­ 500 FREE (Covera 5,000 HO 7-6396 I S mumm tm n umm (Covers .I.Oflfl I’anx.v Seeil .S^fH*ial (Our Own) lets. Roys’ .sty'.e.s with knit collar and zip-off hood-in solids and Square Feel) .Square Feet) 25c generous packet. .plaifLs'. ;

IT n L ( '

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4;- 1961 #AOE n V E PAGE fOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 Bolton at the event which pro'videa funds Cotumhia Andover for maintaining' the department. (JlocUviUe~}^ertion HEALTH CAPSULES G>lorado Boy Whirlpoor Junior Dance Tonight hr Miekael A. Petti, M.D. The junior entertainment com­ Covls Give Party E. and flasR aasti Grange Sets mittee of the Andover Lake Prop­ Road-e-oKing TV-Radio Tonight Education Board Asks , erty Owners’ Association will hold jCulvert for Hockanum For Schoolmates WIU. ' trvjth wwcs' ALWAVS Prices ot Low a rectird hop from 8 to 11 p.m. to­ . PROOUCE T»« TRUTH 1 Service Thot's Better Annual Picnic day ip the l^d Bam. Music will be Of 48 Years Ago Waahington, Aug. 4 (iP)—Young Third Meeting Sept. 8 provided by disc jockey Chucky David W’ood w:aa helping earn tui­ Skoog of Andover Lake. : ]\^ht Cost $151,000 tion money for the fall by wash­ Television The Andover Grange will hold Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Coyl Persona! Mention ing dishes at the University of t:00 Big a Theater (In progreei) The board of educaUon aentOdren on fall-out and esnorgency its annual summer picnic at the 77 Suniel Sinp 10 Potterton's h home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Yeo­ Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Yeo­ were hosts to a get-toge'than of his Colorado where his father teaches. Plrtt Show (IB proneae) 180 Oent«r St.— Cor. of Church ; Th« cost of piping tho'Hockanum Rivef for 925 feet under He can quit now if he likes be­ icarly Show itn oroareae) 10. HarrifAn k Son . lettera today to First Selectman proceduree, according to the state mans, Rt. 6, at 6:30 p.m. Monday. mans and their two sons from former classmates at Norwich Beet ot tha Poet Olose-up jj. 40 Charles ' Robbins, to the - public officials. Die children sr« the ones Hatsboro, Pa., are gne.sts of his 'Rockville's urban renewal tract has been estimated at $151,- cause David, a lean 18-year-old News On« Happy Family ^ 32. 30 In the event of rain the potluck Free Academy recently. In 1918—' from Boulder, Colo., won the Na­ Rocky ani Hie Frtenda The Fllnntones 8. 40. 63 planning commission and the who are going t have to live with picnic will be held at the nearby parents. Mr. and Mr.s. John Yeo­ :800. 48 years ago—more than half of tional Teen-age Safe Driving Con­ nippy tha Clown Route 66 1. 12 atomic hazards and they should be Town Hall. Mrs. Yeomans i.-i mans of Rt. 6. Till 10 Superman Tcn-Pln Bowlinf 22 board of finance asking that a fully Informed, Avery said. Library Iloura 1 The Rockville Redevelopment Agency’s consulting engi- the 4.5 present at the gathering test last night and a 32,0m col­ 4:11 American Newareat master-elect of the subordinate ;ne«r BubmJtteS th* «aUm*te yes-^ Five Star Jubilee 30 town meeting be held to jrlve Heads Kids Program The Andover Public Library will 1960T.B1RD $3496 graduated a.s classmates, and Coy\ lege scholar^ip. . Manhiuit aSileiits Please 10 and will be installed, together • teroay In a 10-p«ge report on the He was a self-assured, calm 4:16 Weather. Newa A Bporta 4. Toenevlllo Friday NiKht Hop 18 TV OR RADIO townspeople an opporunity , to Anthony Armentano has been with other incoming officers, at be open ftom 7 to 9 p.rn. today and l-Door Hardtop. No. 75-A. '.said last night. " A s we' looked Behind Cloaed Doora from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. ’ illty o f the plan. winner when he stepped up to re­ 4:au nim The Lawlees Yeaia 10. 22. 30 vote on school facilities. named chairman of children's ac­ the September meeting. It will ba aufamltted to the State around we were not the same peo­ ceive his trophy before a banquet New* a Weather 77 Sunert Strip 8. 40. 63 PLAYING tivities for St. Maurice annual 1950 OLDS, $2795 ple at all who appeared in our Robin Houd Million Dollar Movie * 18 In the letter from John Harris, The annual picnic is one of the Manchester Evening Herald ‘ Water Reaourcee CommtAsion ae audience of 300, Including 49 other The Foreign Aid Uetie 3 Country Fair to be held Aug. 28. ” 88” Holiday Sedan. 4-Door. classbook." „ Sport* New* A Weather POORLY chairman of the board of educa­ Armentano has planned a "Kldd- most popular Grange events, An^lovcr correspondent, Cindy ' the baaia for obtaining a permit to contestants. Club House Xewe. Sport? A Weeiher 12 usually drawing between 50 and No. 42-B. . realign the stream bed and enclose It was 48 years since a good NO. BARBITURATES USED AS "I hope you’ll go back home and 6:46 Doug eidward* A Preview Theater I0. 22. 30 4RINO TOUl TUtfS M VOt tion, it ia reported that at the E-ltllle” with an outdoor bowling Pfanstiehl, telephone Coventry many had seen each other- and a 'TRUTH DRUGS' (AN HELP Evening Report 1 10:00 Michael Shayne 10. 22 30 July 17 board meeting, It was vot­ alley, pony rides, a go-cart and a 100 adults and children. Pilgrim 2-68.56. It In a reinforced concrete culvert. be real safe drivers,” he suggested. Huntlev Brinkley Newa 10, 33. All-Star Football fJanie Guest Preacher 1959 OLDS. $2495 George Copana, executive direc- few made. good. guesses, as. to who REMOVE .EMOTIONAL BtilJCKS In the past four days, David 7:00 Lock Op I , 8 . 12. 40. 63 ed to request the board of select­ miniature fire engine. Deluxe 98 Holiday Sedan. was who. but mostly they didn't AND ENCOURAGE- ONE TO Twilight Zona ^3 m i L men to call a town meet­ The Rev. James M. Gage will be Dr. Philip Rose of Glastonbury, • tor of the agency, said if the per- has been sweating over tough Sport*. New* A Weather a retired Congregational minister, Austrian Paper Up No. 1028. mit ie granted, the city will do attempt to u.se names until they TALK MORE, BUT YOU STILL exams testing his reactions, atti­ Film 10:30 Manhunt 40 ing. The education board sug- the guest preacher at the worship looked at the name cards -whicri CAN'T BE SURE ITt ALWAYS Million Dollar Movla ! Person to person ^3 .gests Friday, Sept. 8, as the earli­ service Sunday at the United conducts the 10 a.m. service Sun­ - the work as part of preparing the tudes and skill fit driving. He won Brava Sulllon ll:0U Big News day in the First Congregational Vienna—Au.strian paper manu­ renewal site for eventual Icaae or liad been provided by the hosts. TRUE, the contest, sponsored by the U.S. Death Valley Days 3. 10. 30. est date when the greatest num­ Methodist Church. facturers lifted their 1960 output 1953 BUICK $G9 New London County Coroner Shotgun Slade 3. 8, Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 Church. He will substitute for the • Bale to private developers. Junior Chambers of Commerce, New* A Weather 11:15 Rest of Jack Paar 10, no ber ot townspeople might partici­ Rev. Willard E. Thomen, who is to 532,880 metric tons. 10 per cent 2-Door Hardtop. No. 198-B. The agency has placed increas­ Edward G. .McKay, who had been Ca93uI«i fiv«3 with a score of 880 points out of a 7:16 Evening Report America s Greatest Moviea pate. tonight in St. Maurice Church and above the 1959 total. They sold president of the cla.ss was among | , H •• net tnteeded neitK n«hife. Sport* New., World’s Be.si Mnvtes at 8 a.m. tomorrow vacationing in Nova Scotia. The 1955 OLDS. $389 in g importance on the need for possible 1,000. REPIACEMENT TUBES The purpose o f ' the town meet­ service was conducted last Sunday more .than half the paper abroad. those piescnt as was Mrs. How-j Champion driver David, who Social Security in Action . 11.25 News Super 88 Holiday Sedan. ‘ piping the river under the 16-acre 7:30 bat Masterson 11:30 The Rest of Paar ing is to vote on the following by Winston Abbott, of Hebron Rd. Woodpulp output climbed nearly No. 163-B. l i : “renewal tract. , ard Benjamin, of Quaker Hill, who ' wears glasses and doesn’t own a Rawhide X. ' 11:46 Premiere FOR EVERY SET' four alternatives for school facil­ Manchester Evening Herald 9 per cent, to STg.ll.l tons, and was U.S secretary. car, admitted he felt as if he lost Funday Funnie* 12:3«» News. Sf«»rts. Weather Bolton correspondent, Grace Mc­ Camibar Notes Bverett Lord-Wood, consulting { Public Defender 12:60 World s Best Movies ities, "with each citizen having 212,843 tons of it were exported. Olliers came from Wethersfield. 10 pounds during the grueling only one vote; 1. Yes, we want a Dermott, telephone Mitchell Miss Dorothea Raymond will • engineer, said it is essential that i SEE SATCRDAT’S XV IVEEH FOR COMPLETE LISTING ARTHUR'S again conduct the cake sale at the 1959 FORD $1795 Norwich. Willimantic and New Ha- Wedding driving test over an obstacle Junior high school; 2. Yes, we 8-6566. • the river he enclosed. |ven: Jamestown, Pawtucket and' 942 filaln St., Manohentcr. Volunteer Fire Department’s an­ Country Sedan Station Wagon. course at the Natioiial Guard Ar­ Corner of S t JaniM S t want a junior-senior high school; No. 297-A. • "It would provide comparstively Westerly. . R.I.; Palmer. Mass.; ; mory Wednesday. The son of K. nual Carnibar Aug. 12 in Andover .level usable land throughout the New York; and oilier sections o t, 3. Yes, we want an addition to Center. She is asking for a variety Wolf - Kaskowitr D. Wood, a professor of aeronauti­ ouB present elemetary school; 4. •project area," he said. “It would Connecticut. j cal engineering at Colorado Uni­ Radio Fire Alarms of cakes from townspeople for sale 1959 CH6V, $1795 ; tla various parts of the project to- -j.;’ The one who traveled the great- Miss Carole Lenore Kaskowitz No, we d(j not need any additional Bel Air V-8 4-Door. No. 1022 versity, David said he plans to (This Uattng Includes only tho*e newt broademst* of 10 or 15-mlnnte school facilities.” ■ gather and land would be made I est distance came from Shaker; of Columbia and David Martin study electrical engineering. length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) i available for the relatfid commer- I Heights. Ohio. Wolf of West Hartford were mar­ The letter continues, "In ad­ Up in Year 1959 CH€V. $2095 I Coyl .said iliat one guest had re-, vninc—ifss :00 News EN JO Y YO U R dition we would suggest a vote to 'dal facilities.'’ Gets Promotion ried July 30 at Beth David Syna­ Gariy Sutliffe, 18. of 47 Clinton 6:00 New* :10 Ray Somers ^amk Impala V-8 4-Door Hardtop. turned from a European trip only | St., Connecticut representative for ;00 Del Raycee Show secure a 55,000 appropriation to No. 1023. • Tha proposed culvert would go Dr. Ann Beck. 146 Park St., has gogue in West Hartford. 6:06 Today on Wail Street VACATION WITH During the fiscal year of July 1, ’'from the eastern boundary of the I the day before the re-union. He i The bride ia the daughter of Mr. this year’s National Driving Road- 6:10 Sport Newa 1336 the public building commission ELECTRONICS been advanced in' faculty rank to I telephoned from his home in New 6:16 Art Johnson Show 6;(K) News 1960, to June 30, 1961, the Town -renaijyal tract west to connect with and Mrs. Milton Kaskowita of e-o, was not among the top final­ 8:05 Crystal Lake Hop ;10 Wall Street AN AMERICAN MADE authorizing them to select an ‘ the culver under the Centre Shop- associate professor, of historv and I Haven to ask if he was too late Chestnut Hill, Columbia. The ists announced in Washington last 1:00 News A Sign Off. :15 Bob Bacon Sports architect, secure preliminary plans Fire Department responded to 306 LABORATORIES 1952 D«SO TO ‘ping Plaza. government, it was aiinounced to­ I to make arrangements to come bridegroom is the son of Mr. and night. WnAV-.»16 :2b Showcase and obtain cost estimates for a alarms for various types of fires 4-Door. N0..152-B. I and was told he was not, to come 6:00 Sound Stage :45 Lowell Thomas-Phil Risutto new school building; to see If the l i would be able to handle 2.200 day by Chancellor Vincent B. Cof­ Mrs. Peter Wolf of West Hartford. ^No word was available today of 7:00 Edward P. Morgan .00 News TRANSISTOR and emergencies, 'William C. eublc feat o f water a second when , along. He and his wife wer» only town will authorize the board o’f 2 7 7 BROAD 1955 FONT. 1 fin of the Universit.v of Hartford Rabbi I. Weissfogel of Spring- hpw' Garry made out in the compe­ 8:30 Night Flight :10 CBS-In Person Mason, fire chief, said in his an- rtwo-thlrds full, more than capac- I a half hour later in arriving than field, Mass., performed the after­ tition with the 50 other champion 11:66 News ;.30 Pulton Lewl.s education to apply to the state in one handy honie-pac 4-Door. No. 118-B. I the others. 12:00 Sign Off •45 Showi'nse pual report. •Ity enough for the moat severe Dr. Beck joined the U of H noon ceremony. Soloist was Sara teen-age drivers from the other board, of education for a state This was an incretise of 38 School of Arts and Sciences last j Coyl said the idea was one he WTIC—1066 :00 Minneapolis at Yankees 1955 OLDS. 1 Iflood conditions, Lord-Wood esti- Wolf of West Hartford, uncle of states and the District of Colum­ 6:00 News. Weather A* Sports :30 Showcase and News grant and to accept or reject such alarms from 1959-1960. WEXL BE “88” 4-Door. No. 106-A. ; mated. September as an assistant profes­ I and Mrs. Benjamin had talked the bridegroom. The couple's par­ bia. 6:30 Supperfime Serenade ;15 Sign Off grant in the name of the town." j over and tliey made contact with Damage to properties Involved in ■ The worst flood on record hit sor. A specialist in European his­ ents ga\’e them in marriage. But he did not place among the 6:46 Three Star Extra. "We request your earnest co­ fires was estimated at 571,192. This tory, she teaches advanced courses, I about 75 former classmates. They 7:05 Conversation Piece These com silos were erected In 4x8 foot sections—about 170 of them—and were assembled-after CLOSED ‘the Hockanum River In September Miss Elizabeth Mae Kaskowitz lop ten, sinc,e immediate word of 7:30 News of the World. Feeder Seleels Birds RADIO operation in giving effect to the was an increase of 515,487 from they arrived in town on two railroad freight cars from the Butler Manufacturing Co. of Kansas 1958 CHEV. $1395 conducts a liberal arts seminar, j felt the response was very good those winners is wired from Road- 7:46 Grandstand Bandstand board’s decision." •19S8 when 1,500 cubic feet of wa­ ' and indicated an interest ■which of Columbia was maid of honor damage to properties in 1959-1961. (Jity, Mo. The 16-foot high construction atop the silo on the left houses a Carter “ Scalperator" FOR VACATION Biscayne “6” 2-Door. No. 172-A ter a second churned downstream and gives a graduate course on e-o headquarters in Washington. 8:00 Kan.saA Citv at Red Sux "Europe Since 1914.” ...... I will make their 50th anniversary for her sister. Miss Beverly Fidel 11:00 News ' Wa.shlnglon—A patent has been ZENITH, MOTOROLA, If the town meeting is held, it In the past fiscal year there were machine which separates foreign particles— such as com cobs—and cleans com before storage. AUGUST 7 to 14 -from the Shenipsit Lake headwa­ of Boston, Maas., and Miss Paul­ Garo-'won the right to attend the 11:15 Sporta Final 34 single box alarms and 272 local The new additions to the poultry feed mill were recently completed at a cost of 5110,000. (Herald , Her aon. Dr. Curt Beck, is as­ I in 1963 one long to be remem- 11:30 Starlight Screnads I Lssued to a Baltimore man, George j will be the third since February 1958 FORD $1395 ters. The normal flow is an aver­ ette Wolf of West Hartford, sis­ national contest w'hen he placed i Myrick, for*, bird feeder that feeda RCA, EMERSON, on the subject. alarms (by telephones), compared photo by Pinto). age 430 cubic feet sistant professor of political sci­ I bered. Coyl, a retired railroad first in the State Road-e-o compe­ 1:00 Sign Off RE-OPENING Falrlane 500 2-Door Hardtop. ence at the University of Connecti­ man,, bought his present home on ter of the bridegroom, were brides­ wrdP-1416 .small .songbirds, biit ahiiLs out big- | n ie Bolton Property Owners As­ to 41 single box alarms and 227 ______«■------>------— _____ No. 1042. In comparison with the 317-foot maids. tition in June, coming in several 6:00 Today In Hartford GENERAL ELECTRIC local alarms In the 59-60 fiscal MONDAY, AUG. 14 cut. West St. about 35 years ago, but points above the nearest contend­ gpr bird.s. A lever on the perch sociation has opposed the plans located at the rear of the mill. culvert under the top p in g plaza, Michael Wolf of West Hartford $:16 Connecticut Ballroom clo.se.s the door to the feeding com­ proposed at both meetings. The as­ year. the proposed culvert will cost about Dr. Beck received a master of came here to live permanently er. Previously, he had been runner- ‘?:00 Bob Scott The new bulk feed loading station was his brother's best man, and 9:00 Ray Somers partment when a big bird lands. ' sociation says it is in favor of im­ Chief Mason said in his report 1958 OPEL $795 334 more a lineal foot science degree from the University only since his retirement. In the up In tlie Manchester contest in will be under con.struction by the •|'\ Kxmo, s\ii.,s s m ;\|( Record 2-Door. No. 145-C. of Berlin, and master of arts and interim he has lived in Pennsyl­ six of his friends ushered. Real Quality proving the school situation, but that more permanent full-time fire­ Co-op Will Get Corn end of the year, it was reported. Brewed only April. men must be added to the depart­ Lord-Wood said the cost differ­ doctor of philosoph.v degrees from vania and Chicago, III. A reception was held in the so­ not by the methods proposed so Hirth said he held high esteem in Milwaukee... Naturally! ence will be due to reshaping the cial rooma of the synagogue after This marks Uie second year in a far. ment. membership due to additional the University of Illinois. She has Cooperative Kindergarten rmv that Manchester has had a Low Prices for the Manchester Chamber of stream bed for the culvert and in- the ceremony. The couple left for The association said it would risks from the expansion of the 1953 CHCV. $289 taught at six other American in­ Columbia Cooperative Kinder­ teen-ager in the National Road-e-o. Commerce in helping to keep our Read H erald Ad vs. 210 2-Door. No. 90-B.'^ 'stallatlon of a headwall and debris a wedding trip to Miami Beach, 16 OLIVER ROAD present a proposal of its o'wn "in a town. By Barge from Ohio business here—when just a few stitutions of higher learning. garten mothers have set Sept. 11 Last year's state winner. Gary Mason said instruction and catcher, non-existent in the shop­ Dr. Beck has done research work as the opening date for the school Fla. When they return, they will SAM PLE BUY... short while" in February. No pro- years ago we were contemplating ping center culvert. live at 9 Williard St., Hartford. Lehrman of 105 Garth Rd., won training in all phases of fire fight­ 1951 OLDS. $28 at Columbia University’s War Doc­ this fall. There -will be the usual 31st place. posal has been made to date. moving out of town. They’re won­ Super “ 88” 4-Door. No. 81-A Paganl Bros. Construction Co., umentation Project in Alexandria Both Mr. and Mrs. Wolf are stu­ ing is a continuing program under derful people.” two,„qlase5. for which there is al­ Civil Defense department assistant chiefs. Barges will soon be coming up the Ckinnecticut River to which installed the shopping plaza VaSi and at the British MtliSeum' in ready a full enrollment of 15 each. dents at the University of Hart­ Bolton’s Civil Defense Director, East Hartford carrying between 90,000 and 100,000 bushels The unique plant is operated by culvert estimated its cost at 1100 London. Last summer .she attended ford, and work part-time. Mrs. GENERAL ELECTRIC He cited that during the past Because the regular meeting date John D. Avery, who also serves as year a new short trave radio base an IBM board which mixes grain 1958 OLDS. $1595 > foot the International Congress of His­ Wolf, a graduate of Windham High of com for delivery to Manchester’s Central Connecticut Co­ formulas by pushing buttons. “ 88” 4-Door Sedan. No. 1044. Lord-Wo(^ estimates' the new of the group’s business session is deputy director and chief of admin­ station facilities and a new anten­ torical Sciences at Stockholm. Sept. 5, the night before public School in Willimantic, is a sec­ ALL TRANSISTOR istration for the State CD, reports operative Farmers Association automated bulk poultry feed Animal fats and proteins are mixed one at $164^ a foot Dr. Beck is a member rrf the retary at Travelers Insurance Co. na and tower was added. "This mill at 10 Apel PI. school opens, the meeting hss been that Bolton’s CD control center at combination has increased the ef­ with the grain during the mixing Funds for the project would American Historical Assn., the Her husband, a graduate of The shipments, first of their from June 1960 to June 1961 and 1958 CHEV. $1396 come through federal grants under postponed until Sept. 11. Bloomfield High School, served the Bolton Elementary School is ficiency o f the fire radio system," process and the plant can produce BlscayneiS 2-Door. No. 188-A. Mississippi Valley Historical As.sn., Tuition money, which Is to he being made ready for any emer­ kind to Connecticut, will come present expansion at the mill has 60 tons of feed an hour. the present renewal program. Fed­ and the Arkansas Academ.v of Sci­ four years with the U.S. Air Force gency. Chief Mason said. from Ohio via Lake Erie, the Erie brought poultry feed production eral appro'val of the plan will be paid two weeks in advance, should and is employed by Veeder-Root Mason said there were several Although the new plant Itself, ence. She was elected to Phi Beta be mailed to Mrs. Joseph Arm­ A base station for the new radio Canal. Hudson River, Long Is­ this year to about 80,000 tons, dou­ which opened last October, was 1958 CH€V. $1596 required. Kappa. in Hartford. improvements in the fire alarm land Sound, and up the Connecti­ ble that of the old plant. Impala 6 Convertible. No. 224-A strong, according to Mrs., William system has been installed at the system, repairs to the four depart­ constructed by U. E. Fitzpatrick Reshaping the winding river bed S. Burnham. She said the fee has school with a remote control at the cut River, and will provide a great The present plant was dedicated & Co., feed mill engineers of will provide better flow charac­ ment buildings were minor, and a savings over land transportation been set for 33.50 a week and asks Selectmen’s office in the Commun­ program of apparatus preventa­ last October and, its automation Burket, Inc., and installation of the teristics to the stream, Lord-Wood that mothers send a check for J7.00 ■ ity Hall. The radio can be operated of corn shipments from the Mid­ process has brought operation time automation equipment was done by SPECIAL NOTE! said, and will cut down danger to Munsie Leaving tive maintenance and replace­ west, Emanuel Hirth, general so that it may be received the week either from the school CD shelter ment continued. to an 8-hour day compared to two the Richardson Scale Co. of New human safety. For Duly Abroad before kindergarten opens. HOUSE Or from the Selectmen's office: A manager of the feed mill, said to­ and one-ha(f shifts and a 20-hour Jersey, the three new 80-foot Silos WE HA'VE 22 1955 MOD­ "The major reason for damage Plans are being completed for a radio has been Installed in First day. day in the old plant which pro­ were constructed locally under the ELS IN STOCK. AH, makea to life and limb in the 1938 hurri­ Selectman Charles Robbins’ car, on The com shipments coincide with duced only 50,000 tons of feed a and models, rang;ing in price booth at the Columbia Fair. Here supervision of Hirth. from cane," he said, “was the presence Dr. William Munsie. S8 Adelaide members will offer "white ele­ 6‘ room Cape, baths, full shed dormer, fireplace, hot water oil P.S. Wc have a fresh the town dump truck, the pick-up the firm’s overall expansion plan year. Contractors for the job Include of man-made structures which Rd., will fly Tue.sday from Mc­ phants' and home made cookies heat, combination windows and doors, amesite drive. Near truck and the tractor so that any Hospital Notes to provide more poultry feed and . Present and future expansion Aceto & Sylvester (foundation)-;- $99 to $700. PAINTS school, shopping center. In excellent condition. Priced at only stock of radio batteries crowded the river’s natural chan­ Guire Air Force Base, N.J.. for a and candy for aale. of those units can be contacted im­ better service for Connecticut’s plans at the mill also Include a -Andrew Ansaldi (excavation and nel.” at low discount prices. mediately. chicken egg farmers. "The mill recent purchase, from the Hart­ two-year tour of duty at a U.S. Another money raising feature Interior and.Exterior 'Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. concrete): John Bonino (electri­ SEE THEM TODAY! Because of severe flood damage for the fall will be the sponsoring The radio system will be invalu­ for all areas ex(»pt maternity provides poultry feed formulas for ford Electric Light Co., of prop­ cal) ; Crandall & Sons of New Lon­ In 1938, the legislature passed laws Army hospital in Neubrucke, Ger­ of the. Columbia Community Play­ All Colors $4% i t C $16,800 able in any emergency, Avery said, where they are 2 to 4:30 and 6:30 52 per cent of the producers of erty directly abreast of a present don and Farmers Co-op workers many. table eggs in the state,” Hirth said. railroad siding at the rear of the regulating river bank . develop­ ers’ fall production. Gallon Assumable mortgage. in helping the fire department, po­ to 8 p.m.; and private rooms (silo erection) and Roger Sher­ ment. Commissioned a eaptain. Dr. Archeni Score Again lice, rescue work, or in situations where they are 10 ajn. to 8 p.m. The barges will take about six or mill, where, within six weeks, a man of East Hartford (cranes). 1957 BUICK $889 Encroachment lines along the Munsie has just returned from a Ten members of the Columbia where roads must be cleared or Visitors are requested not to seven days to come to East Hart­ new 630-foot track siding will be Blueprints and planning for the 2-Door Hardtop. No. 63-B. ^ river were surveyed by Everett O. month’s basic training at Ft. Sam Lake Bowmen participated in the GAADEH SALES CHARLES LESPERANCE NORMAN’S debris removed. smoke in patients’ rooms. No more ford, varying on the size of the laid, and a proposed “ new” load­ silos was done by Philip Hopkins Gardner In February 1960 and Houston in San Antonio, Tex. recent Nonotuck Archers Field 812 Oakland St.—MI 9-9406 Avery plans to have an instruc­ than riVo vlsltoni at one time, per barge! he said. The barges will be ing structure at an estimated cost of Oxford, Mass., consulting en­ 1953 OLDS. $169 were adopted by the Water Re- He finished a two-year resi­ Archery Tournament held in TEL. M l 9-7620 443 HARTFORD RD. tional meeting next week for Mrs. patient, J the equivalent of 45 to 50 railroad of from $175,000 to $200,000, to be gineer. Super 88 4-Door. No. 296-B. jiources Commission late in the dency in surgery at the New Eng­ Belchertown, Mass. Mrs. Marcia Shirley Riley, clerk for the lioard car loads, he added. ■year. land Center Hospital in Boston re­ Hall was the high scoring woman of selectmen, and all those who Patients Today: 168 In advance of the corn ship­ 1955 FORD $289 cently. He was graduated magna The propoeed course of the cul­ of the day and took the trophy for may use the radio, ADMITTED YESTERDAY: ments, .the firm recently completed Country Sedan Station Wag­ vert runs from east to west in a cum laude from Tufts Univer­ this as well as for placing first in Bolton's cost for the entire sys­ three, 80-foot high, com storage on. No. 1038. sity's pre-medical school. He Mrs. Oretta Rogefs, 1163 E., Mid­ nearly straight line. j the womens’ 27.5 division. There 'NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY' tem will be $1200, Avery said since dle Tpke.; Mrs. Bernice Cox, 27 silos at a cost of 5110,000. The silos, • The pipe will take four slight 1 received a medical degree from the CD will pay half of the cost. the college of Physicians and were more tharf 300 archers shoot­ View St.; Miss Jacqueline Clark, two being 26-feet in diameter and left t l i ^ going downstream. i ing in this meet. Elaine Rogers The radio system was obtained at 66 Chestnut St,; Mrs. Abbie Zele- one being 21 feet in diameter, 1958 RAMBLER $1095 ; The total fall over the length of Surgeons, Presbyterian Medical a wholesale price, for further sav­ 2-Door. No. 2^2-A. Center, in New York. took first place in the women's 225 lb nak, 34 W. Center St.; Mrs. Julia will hold an aggregate total of pipe Is 34 feet. division and William F. Smith was Native TOMATOES ings on what would ordinarily cost Lemek, 43 Hammond St., Rock­ 100,000 bushels or 50 railroad car­ CHENEY HALL Mrs. Munsie will join her hus­ 19 54,900, he said. Hartford Rd., Manchester ! One problem foreseen by Lord- band In Germany in September. first in the men’s 100 division. AI.SO THE FOLLOWING NATIVE PRODUCE ville; Mrs. Lillian White, Willi­ loads of corn. 1957 OLDSi $1296 W ood Is the effect of construction Babe Ruth League Game AMESITE Avery said it Is planned to build mantic; Richard Theriault, Ando­ The mill’s total storage capacity “88” Holiday Sedan. No. 116-B. on the river flow. The Babe Ruth baseball league a brick addition on a concrete base ver; Mrs. Lena Relchenbach. RFD, for com is 130,000 bushels, which 4 bedroom colonial ranch Work should be done in the sum­ NeM^ Political Parly ,boye trimmed the Old Timere CUKES, SQUASH, outside the school control center for Wapping: Mrs. Lillian Gerow, is equivalent to 65 Car loads or • W O O L E N S mer months, he said, with the river Tuesday night, 10-8, in a game Installation of a generator for Hartford: Victor Adamson, He­ 3,640 tons of com. 1957 MERC. $895 •flow shut down at the Shenipsit Formed in Canada played on the Recreation Council BEANS, LETTUCE, CABBAGE DRIVES emergency use which would take bron; Gregory Lessard, 74 W. Mid­ A final phase for bringing the • FAU COTTONS ESTERBROOK $i 4-Door Sedan. No. 812. X>ake dam, making for a relatively field at Katzman’.s Corner. Pitch­ care of the needs of the CD shelter dle 'Tpke.; Mrs. Margaret Trahan, com from East Hartford to Man­ The Garrison colonial home is designed for 78 dry stream bed. ing for the winners were George ^ FIRST IN QUALITY Experience and the school cafeteria. East Hartford; Mrs. Helen Stozus, will soon be completed. • DKAPCRY FABRICS large family li'ring . . . loads and loads of If that is impractical, he said, (Continued from Page One) Johnson, John Card. Leelie Lewis. H O M C BAKGD ALL MSAT and GRAVY Other new equipment for Bolton East Windsor Hill; Liouls Palshaw, Four electrically driven "Vac-U- 1955 PLYM. $289 Is Our room . . . plenty of living space. The Gross- 2-Door. No. lOOl-A. additional expense may have to be John Sadlon and Charlee Fischer BEANS TURKEY POT PIE ^ FAIREST IN PRICE CD lise Includes mx destks which Ellingi^on; Mrs. Ann Kaye, 109 W. Vator” machines will be used in a OPEN man Esterbrook has ail this plus more. . . incurr^ by diverting the river party was set lip to provide a suc­ with Gerry Bergercm catching. Best have been installed In the CD Center St. "vacuum cleaner” type operation •SGWING NOTIONS Three big bedrooms . . . with plenty of run­ PIR MO. .around the construction site. cessor Socialist movement with the The Old Timers had Len and Ike shelter at the school and two new to take the com from the barges 1957 CHEV. $589 ^ FASTEST SERVICE Guarantee ADMI'TTED TODAY: Mrs. Isa­ ning room . . . 1 and ^ batlis, huge 20’ liv­ 150—2-Door. No. 296-B. • Lord-Wood recommended taking help of trade unionists and other German and Dean Tibbits pitch­ Steel cabinets to hold medical sup­ belle' Nevers, 24 Hilltop Dr. and blew it into a huge hepper TONIGHT • MoCAU PATTERNS ing room with handsome end wall brick fire­ test borings of the stream bed for groups. - ing, and Ike. Adam Kowalski, and Connecticut’s Leading Paving Contractor plies and blankets. Fall-out proof BIRTH YESTERDAY: A son to (will hold tw(0 truck lo ^ s ) which place. Front to back hallway xvlth second 1955 MERC. $389 possible ledge rock, although it In other actions yesterdav the Jim Cobb, oatciung. A second FOUNTAIN TURKEY FARM doors are to be Installed at each Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freedman, 62 wil' serve as a funnel to load floor stairway. . .It’s perfect for the large 2-Door Hardtop. No. 806. 'appears that gravel and earth ex­ convention; match is scheduled for Tuesday end of the CD shelter, replacing Grant Rd. trucks as they drive under it. The TILL 9 OPEN -f A A and gprowing family. . .Send for full color cavation will be all that is neces­ 1— Chose the name New Demo­same time and place. and VEGETABLE MART the present glass doors which DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; unloading operation will take SATURDAY lU A.M. to V PJil. illustrated catalogue. Low as cratic party instead of simply Avery said would be of no use in about 24 hours, Hirth said. sary, he said. ROUTE 6 — BOLTON — Across From Candy Kitchen Mrs. Jennie Lata. East Hartford; 1955 OLDS. $596 He said a headwall and debris "New Party," which had been Manchester Evening Herald Co- an emergency. Mrs. Mena Lange, 140 W. Middle 'Truck Com from Barge picked earlier. The THOMAS COLLA Co. “ 88” 4-Door Sedan. No. 42-C. .catcher, possibly combined in one iumbia rnrrmpondent Mrs. Donald JA 2-9121 Avery tios requested the board Tpke.; William Breen, 25 Foxcroft Some 16 trucks, owned by the structure at the culvert entrance, is 2— Elected Michael Oliver, Mc-R. Tutlle, telephone AOademv 8- PAVING CONTRACTORS M l 9-5224 of education to move the school Dr.; Mrs. Elizabeth Whitney, Had- poultry feed firm, and others to compare those reasons why 1955 CHEV. $895 essential. GUl University professor, aA' the 3435. lltrrary out of the CD room as soon damr infant son of Mr. and Mrs. be hired locally, will transport the party's national president and V-8 4-Door Hardtop. • The present channel is 1,045 feet as possible since it interferes with William Stratton, 805 Hartford corn to the Apel St. mill, and dump Jong through the renewral tract and chose as co-president Gerard Pi­ 'Not AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER PAVING COMPANY' the purpose for which the room Rd. you should own your own home! card. head of the printing trades their loads into Silo dump sinks 1955 CHEV. $596 follows a winding course. was built he said. DISCHARGED TODAY: Sandra for conveyance by elevator con­ section of the confederation of Na­ ★ TOP NOTCH WEEKENO SPECIALS ★ Booklets with information on 150—4-Door Sedan. No. 1017-A. tional Trade Unions, Chapin, 20 Clyde Rd.; Mrs. Dolores veyors into the huge silo storage no monoy down Jefferson^s Jacket emergency belters may now be Maher, Vine Dr., 'Vernon; Mrs. bins. Getting Married? 3— Approved a plalforrn urging All Wedneaday Speolala Are Good thru Saturday Night obtained at the Bolton Public Li- Marie Hennequin, 32 Cottage St.; "Com is two-thirds of our total Not even a red cent money is no problem . . . Just choose higher corporate taxes, lower in­ h both FAIRWAYS i brarj' or at the selectmen’s of­ 1955 CHEV. $996 , The classic Thomas Jefferson come taxes for low income ^oups Jeffrey Mattson, Glastonbury: grain' formula for bulk poultry the home and start owning it . with low monthly payments v-8 Station Wagon. 4-Door. -Memorial on the Tidal Basin is Ranch House Heavy Western Steer Beef fice at the Community Hall, Avery Phillip Roy, Talcottville; Mrs. Al­ feea,” Hirth said. 1“'^ . . . no more waiting IT’S REALLY TRUE AT GROSS- and an end to federal sales and r OPEN every FRI. j said. No. 1039. ia magnet for many viaitors to special excise taxes on necessity ► bina Lucic, Broad Brook; Emil “■We are using between,. 18 and MAN’S. ■Waahtngton, D.C. Jefferson, in his items. A handbook on OD procedures Hollay, Stafford Springs; Mrs. 20 carloads of corn a weCk*}vhich Rent Formal Wear In emergencies has been forward­ 1954 PONT. $189 standing statue is clothed in a 4— Debated what view the party'F NITE till 9; and j SIRLOIN YOUR CHOICE BUV~ THE BEST Jeanne Person, Andover; Mrs. is'equal to. 36,000 to 42,000'bush­ O'CONNOR ed to the local lioard of education. Dorothy Thomas, 29 High Vie\^ els," he added. Grossman home is complete 2-Door Sedan. No. 104CtA. jgreatcoat, llkenen of the coat giv­ At Regal should take on Canada's presence ► Rd., Wapping; Mr.s. Mary Snyder en him by General Thaddeus, Po- in NATO. The convention will try kALL DAY MONDAY^ STEAK DIRECT At least 15 minutes per day ’ ’ •He said that the volume of busi­ Not just half the house . . . but all the house . . . everything FOR LESS should be spent Instructing chil- and daughter, 121 E. Middle Tpke.’ ness has increased by 32 per cent 1954 NASH $189 liah patrM of the Axoerican revo­ to reach a decision before adjourn­ OR One Of Connecticut’s Largest you need . . . the lumber, plumbing,' heating, hardware, electri­ Statesman 4-Dr. No. 1032-A. cal . . . eveiything you need. lution. ment this weekend. L ROUND Formal Rental Stores GARAGES component engineered 1955 CHEV^ $996 NEWEST STYLES T o “ Bel Air 6 4-Door. r ROAST A staff of highly trained experts . . . working day and night FIT ALL MEN TOP OR BOTTOM perfected the nation’s most complete and qualified component t '•N BELIEVE IT OR NOT!! 1955 FORD $595 L 4 - home. . .It saves you money and time. . .Learn more about AUGUST SPECIAL GUARANTEED TENDER AND TASTY • TUXEDOS • CUTAW AYS this sensational new building method today . . . fill in the cou- Country Squire Station Wagon, pon. , No. 1019-A. • STROLLERS AU MAKES being given away at ADVERTISED IN 1955 DODGE $595 DRESSES LOOK MAOAZINE ALL MODELS EVERYTHING IN STOCK Coronet 4-Door. No. 87-A. ALIGNMENT and NO EXCEPTIONS CUBE See this one If you want a $ 2 - 0 0 . $ ^ . 0 0 Values to $19.95 NOTHING TO SEND AWAY FOR VERY CLEAN convertible! lb Cottons, Linens, Bembergs, Crepes 1955 OLDSl, $1295 BRAKE SPECIAL W s ► STEA K Super “88’i convertible. Ra­ MM HUM NOttH, IM UUMTl ITtir. dio, heater, Hydramatic, U hether it a a one car, two car or three car garage you want, attached or unattached, COCKTAIL DRESSES Values I ttiinf M, llM*a«kM*tti Nsl. power steering, power ► or one with a breezeway,. O’Connor builds exactly as you wish. And you can be sura I ■i«l <• tisrt MHilat mf mm Smm liiM brakes. Black with red in­ fo ***. n*iM u *4 M.rMir Ml-Mltr VMt terior. Many other extras. We do all this... ^ 974 your garage matches your home in styling, contour and color. QIMtIUN NOM MMMNIP eSTUOl. • Correct Caster, Camber, Toet-ln • Inspect Wheel Cylinders and Greasa EVENING GOWNS $39.95 I ItMiMtUt ► M TOU OWN U M t Tit HO • Balance Front Wheels Seals MAIN » . |F YOU HAVE NEVER BOUGHT A REAL BARGAIN—HERE IS YOUR CHOICE!! I NAME...... • inspect Front Brake Lining (front • Inspect and Lubricate Emergency ST. OUTDOOR DISPLAY 3190 MANCHESTER bnites wear fastest) Brake Linkage ! . ! I STREET...... 'Manchester f 145 EnfieM St, TiiompMniville RI S-N64 ! OLOSMOBILE • Add Needed Brake Fluid • Adjust Steering Mechanism R CITYZONESTATE I OPEN DAILY & SAT. 9-5 J Please tend me without obligation your • "SeUing and Sandoiitt I free illuatrated catalogue of Garagee □ j OOdBnoUIea fmr Over M y a a n ’' LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES 5M W E ST COENTER S T . AMPLE 145 Enfield St., ThompsonviHe 8 KAME j Hat B ox EDWARD SILVERMAN MICHAEL CRAVES MI S-1611—s a S-MU Hertford General Tire Co. P ^ K FREE IN PURNELL PARKING [ a d d r e ss ...... ' IRENE’S 647 Main S t 902 Main S t OP E N EV EN IKO S FREE Va Mile From State Line 777 m a in s t r e e t , MANCHESTER CORNER OF BIRCH STREET IM CENTEK 8T. MJ 9-282S MLANCHESTCR I CITY...... PHONE...... I JUST A STEP AWAY FROM REGAL Hartford, Conn. , Willlmantio, Conn. B A T D W n a . Hm G OWr IS PARKING TeL GHapel 7-17^0 TeL HArrison 8-6201 OPEN IHOBSOAT NIGHTS TO t

■ '<5 \ /

pAqiggc iUNCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 ■v MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 P A G E SEVEN Ittmrlrfitpr Pranicr AdoaU ‘ffal Boyle' Building Ciosts A Thought for Today 45% of the nation’i demand for gypsum and gyp­ Soviet Ready to Negotiate Rockville-Venion Early teats in the quarantined SpoaaoiraO hy the Maaeheitw Merchants Lay Flood Blame aassion of the Congolese Parlia­ Stnming JfpraUi OouaoU ef Okonhea sum products Is supplied by U. S. Gypsum.. .The ment the United Nations mission Word to the Wives D o ^ in July On Settling Berlin Question me. has been aponsorlng and gently To Parking Lot Construction Park Proposal Needs Study The human aplrit la a raatlaaa company has 58 operating properties in the United guiding showred that the followers Manchester's estimated balding (Odeitlnned from Page One) thing. How often we wiah that it West Germany would not survive Wood Carver of Antoine Giaenga, political heir Usually Suffieient costs for July totaled $448,870, States, 8 in Canada, and one in the British West “even a few hours' of tha Third ‘Two Ma4n St. tnarchaniU and'^plalnt, filed by Atty. Paul R. District Commission Decides were not ao, that wa might find an USSR in the enater of a German World War if it is unlease4.” the owner of a private parking lot Marte, stated the flooding of its to the late Patrice launumba, had some $128,070 less than the $576,- Indies.. .The long-range demand for its products have notified tbe ‘Town of Man­ basement caused “great damage to New York i.P)—Do you yearn to We're stepping out. It’s no fun for absolute contentment at the base peace treaty.” It charged that West Germany Rudy Hopfner ukUab«d Etw7 tfranlng Bscapt a surprise majority there. 040 figure for the same month in ‘HM note, which ivae eigned per- and the Western powers were will­ chester that they Intend to seek records and stock stored in the Vernon Fire District Commissioners will meet with the be a hero in your own home ? yoii to stay home night after of life. But peitiapa we make a damages as the result of liase- basement.” Bolmya. Botarad at tM One can imagine the further night.” 1980, according to the monthly appears to be excellent.. .So continued sales and eonally yeeterday by Khrushchev, ing to sacrifice the hope of re­ town recreation commission to study further a proposal to .Jica at Manebaatar. Ooan.. aa Many a husband does, but he great mistake in our failure to ments flooded during Mondeyfs Levine, reporting "serious water daaa Mail Mattar. surprise, therefore, when this "You con go-back to sleep. All building report from Town Build­ welcome our own reatlesanese. By reoedled that the German problem uniting Germany in .order , to D ea d a t 80 purchaae 186 acres off Valley Falls Rd. for a public recreation doesn't know how to go.about it. ing Inspector Thomas C. Monahim. earnings growth is anticipated... Ask us for more waa up for discuaaion at the ill- "arm, arm and arm" the W’est storm. ^ damage” to the prepalses and mer­ SUB8CRIFTION RATES same P'arllament, on Wednesday, he's probably yowling about is he it we are goaded to search, to All claim the flooding and dam­ chandise at his store, stilted the area. ’ Payabla In Adjaooa Actually, there isn't any great wants a diaper change. I'll get up Although estimated costs were fated Bummlt conference in Parte Germans. The commissioners last night Rady and Oo. printing firm. A gqve a nearly unanimous vote of down, the report shows that five strive, and, even in our stumbling, on U. S. Gypsum. May 16, 1660. J TThe note to the United States Rudolf. W. Hopfner, 80, of 35 age results from the town's con­ damage was caused "through poor Carrier secret to it. A word to the wives and fix him." to grow,-It is our restlessness that struction of the Birch St. parkfilg heard Stanley J. Bates, a member single report contains 88 pages. Oaa Taar ...... SIAbO approval to the nomination of one more dwelling over last year’8 24 ‘H i e conference could not take^ reiterated the Soviet line that the Chestnut St., who worked through­ planning ,and negligence on the of the recreation commission, out­ Hospital Notes Sia Moatba ...... <>7S Cyrllle Adoula, a moderate, to the is usually sufficient—provided it is "Don’t worry about that dent in and four more alterations and ad­ turns us toward dod where we may place, it aaid, “oa a result of the question of German unification out hia life turning out handiwork area. part of the town when a new, town Tbraa Montba ...... t.M the fender, dear. After ail. we’vd find confidence in His grace, faith Open Thun. 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. and ^^untU noon, Notices of damegee were filed line the proposal, hut they decided Admitted 'Thursday: Harry Ona Hontb ...... I.N post bf premier, for which Gizen- the right word. ditions units over the correspond­ in His justice and power and provocative action of the former was solely a problem for the East ranging from an invention for parking area on the north aide of on further exploration before Holmes Jr., 155 El Main St.; R^aakbr ...... 80 had the car for a full month. And ing period’s 32 was noted. Total government of the USA toward and West Germans to settle. at the general manager’s office by Birch St. was built.” ga hlmaelf had been an aspirant. The failure of most husbands to as for the garage door — I prob­ knowledge of His truth: We -may finishing velvet to models and carv­ the Optical Style Bar, Inc., 863 recomrnending that the district (Charles Polansky, Cassidy Hill estimated cost for dwellings was the Soviet Union.” "The four powers cannot change Before construction of the new help buy it. Rd.,' Coventry: Mark Elderkin. MBMBKR or But it seems to have been a attain the stature of a .household ably can fix it myself. The whole never he completely content, but is P T O N A M ' & C a ings, died la.st night at Laurel Man­ Main St.; Saul Levine of Lervine parking area, rain and storm THE ASSOCUTBDASSOCUT ^PRUMS God is a failure of communloation. $342,050 (included one two-family this so Important? At least wc Thie referred to the incident of anything iry'the situation which If the commi.ssioners approve Doyle Rd.: John Shaughnessy, 110 Tha Aaaoclatad Preu la cxclualTaly happy surprise, for the members thing isn’t worth fretting about. house) as compared to the July Mombort Naw York Stock Exchono# the U2 recoimoiaaance plane of has developed," the document or Convalescent Home after a long Fashions, 757 Main St., and the water had a natural run-off and antltlad to tbe uae of rapubUcatioe of They don't know' the right way to It could happen to anybe^y." shall know some of the fullness 'of ri IASI CINnR 8T. • MANCWSTiR • Hli Ml 84181 the idea, it will be put to the W. Main St. 1960 total of $310,060 (all single U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers said. "Even if they reached agree­ illness. Purnell Oonp., Biieaial Axeney — Haw "There'S: ona thing I can say $211,100 for July 1960; and per­ Washington, Aug. 4 —Oppo- The note to the British contain­ "immediate s t^ to abate a nui­ lot, had “created a water block­ sidered the prime attraction for TorA Cblcaxo. Detroit and Bwon. Adoula, it seems, had been the ■'I know you've had a hard day, mits for two swimming pools over (/F> ment of the United States, never various machines. He retired Oct. sance so storm and surface water age" b.v the higher elevation of the Hartford to William R. Goes of MEMBER AUDIT BUI^U OS dear. You go in and curl up with a about your family. They don’t try Mtton to proposed increases in the considered the idea of a discussion ed an Invitation for them to offer 3, 1957. Andover is announced by her par­ the area as a public park. CIRCUI.ATIONB. real hope of many observers and to interferi in our personal affairs the one in July 1960 show an es­ go-vemraent’s purchaae price of proposals for discussion. No simi­ will not flood the Purnell prem­ new parking lot surface. Bates said the George Dudley good book. I'll cook dinner and do timated cost of $22,100 compared of the problem of a peaceful set­ Mr. Hopfner operated a small ises.” "We have employed the Man­ ents, Mrs. William Lattanzio of participants in Congolese affairs the dishes." # « rly as much as my family does.” Mlver has been voiced in the Sen­ tlement with Germany as a dead lar offer appeared in the note to business sharpening lawnmowera Seymour Fund, established for The Herald Printbix Company, Inc., to 1960's $2,500. SAVINGS America. The complaint stated that a chester Window Cleaning Co. to re­ Bast ^artford and John W. recreational purposes, will con­ assumes no financial reaponslbUity for for some time past. He takes of­ "Put dow'n that pail this very "If the boss asks me to go on ate by Son. Thomas J. Dodd, D- issue. The Soviet government de­ and garden tools in his home dur­ Bnmdage of Wolcott. typotrapbicM errors appearlnp in ad- One permit for Earl White al­ Conn. The Soviet reply to West Ger­ basement at 26 Birch Street, lo­ move the remaining water from tribute some of tbe purchase rertisemenis and other readiM mattar fice with what would seem to be moment. No wife of mine is ever the road next week; I think I’ll lows construction of a $16*,000 clares anew that It Is ready for ing his later years, but his main cation of the Butchers Showcase, our premises, and are now in the Her fiance is the son of Mr. and in The Manchester Brenlna Herald. going to carry out the garbage." quit. A week away from you seen\s Dodd said yesrterday federal negoUatlona which have as their many was consldei'ably sharper in interest was in his workshop, price, possibly $15,000 or $20,000. the maximum amount of good will swimming pool off Buckland St. tone than the notes to the other was flooded Monday evening. proce.ss of drying all merchapdise Mrs. Earl H. Goss of West St. like six months.” to be used (or public swimming subsidies in the form of high goal the Conclusion of a German where he created handiwork for Ext., Andover. A request frorn a representative Display adrerUslnR cloatns hours; and" Initial support open to any­ "You're absolutely right, dear. Allied powers. In a letter from Atty. Paul which waa wa^er soaked," Levine 6f the As.semblies of God to use For Monday—1 p.m. Friday. I'm going to ask the bo.as for a "No wonder Brigitte Bardot's lessons. prices are already threatening the peace treaty." townspeople and for his own enjoy­ Groobert, repreaenting the Pur­ repoi'ted. He.(§,dded that he expect­ The bride-elect attended Rock­ For Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday. body in the talent and leadership- husband had a nervous breakdown. existence of silver products indus­ The Soviet note said, however, "The Soviet government regards ment. the old Dob.sonville Schoolhou.se raise today, and if he says no — Other July building permits note the aforementioned reply of the nell Corp., the attorney stated ed reimbursement for damage. ville High School and is employed Pause Before Blaming For Wednesday—1 pim. Tuesday. starved new nation. He is deter­ then I'll ask him again tomorrow." She can’t cook the way you do.” one garage at $1,8(>0, four fences tries, including those in Meriden that the American reply "gives rise Surviving are hLs wife, Mrs. by the Iona Manufacturing Co. in for bible classes was tabled until For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday. "So why do I have to play golf to serious doubt as to whether the Federal Government (of West Anna Ford Hopfner; a son, Harold that on July 25 he had notifl^ Russell E. Prentice, 21 Lynch after a .special town meeting has .VII Ills on Menopause For Friday—1 p.m. nursday. mined to keep the Congo out of "Write your mother back right at $725; three signs at $1,600, and and Wallingford, Cjonn. Germany) as one more example of Chester Langtry, deputy director Dr., has filed with the town a no­ Manchester. Mr, Goss att^ded By HAROLD T. HYMAN. ,M.D. For Saturdayt—1—1 p.m. ~ Friday, ‘ now, and tell her we'll be glad to just because it’s Saturday? You one relocation at $25. New England senators met U.S. government strives for such Hopfner of Worcester, Mas.s.; two East Hartford High Schol and Ls been held. ■ " Classifieddeadline;_____ 10:80 am___ each the cold war; he believes in a stay home and rest, and I’ll take talks.” its unrealistic policies and firm daughters, Mrs. Edwin Palmer and of public works, about the drain tice of claim in which he charges In the upcoming town meeting Written for Newspaper Enterprise day of pnbllcatloa except Batnrday— have her come for a visit anytime A North End firehouse addition Wednesday end supported a bill Intentions to oppose any regula­ pipe treepassing on privately the "defective" condition of Lud­ employed by the Metropolitan Dis­ Assn, 9 a.m. strong, centralized government; —and stay as long as she can.” the kids to the zoo." ($17,000); coin-o-matic laundry at Rather, it said, the American Mrs. Wiliam Maxwell, both of Man­ trict Water Bureau in Hartford. voters ■will )» asked to quitclaim which would repeal the federal W ITH O U R government apparently "prefers to tion which could lead to a chester; two sisters, Mrs. Frieda owned land. low Rd. was responsible for dam­ the schoolhouso property to the Although moist well-informed he doesn't spend himself in loose "I took out another $10,000 worth "Why should you take off 30 Main and Lllley Sts. ($5,000); and silver purchase act. strengthening of peace in Europe," Langtry today acknowledged ages to hia car and himself Mon­ A spring wedding is planned. physicians (ui-d -writers continue to FriiJay, August 4 of life insura,.ce. If anything hap­ pounds just to please those biddies new pumping station on New put off Indefinitely a peace settle Scheiner of Rockville and Mrs. fire district. talk; he is supposed to have cour­ ment with Germany.” the Soviet note said. Mabel Thornfeldt of St. Petersburg, the trespass on one foot of private day evening during the storm. Members of Ftre Co. 2 which emphasize the normality of the age. pens to me, I want you and the you play bridge with? I like you State Rd. ($5,000), were Included land, end said the drain pipe lead­ The hard surface "portion of the menopause, and decry overempha­ A Day For Heroes kids fully protected." just the way you are," in permits issued under altera­ The .tone was far more argu Fla.; 12 grandchildren and 7 great­ Rockville-V ernon ha.s maintained the building since It remains to be seen whether BIG Dm pENPf mentative than threatening. To grandchildren. ing to a culvert would moved. road had become "washed and un­ 1045 under a special provision sis on the "change" aa a cause for A number of distinguished "Gee, I can't stand it when most "Other women look funny when tions and additions, the report He declined comment on the ■water dermined,” according to a letter distress or disease, almost every such qualities will be enough to women talk baseball. But you're they wear their hair in curlers at noted. American insistence that a separate Tax Collections Funeral services will be held to­ granted by the town, objected 4 members of the United States peace treaty with East Germany morrow at 2 p.m. in the chapel of damage complaints. from Atty. Paul R. Marte, repre­ District R e n e m s last night to letting the religious mall brings letters attributing al­ give him mastery over what still different. You really understand breakfast — but you look cute." New construction estimates dur­ The Purnell Corp. complaint senting Prentice. The car was most every known complaint or Congress had themselves moments the game.” "I’ll never understand why a ing the month included $5,000 tax would have no basis in law, the the Church of the Kazarene. Buri­ groups use it. , remains just about the most hope­ Russians replied that the United Reach $3,528,887 al will be in East Cemetery. .charges that the town has created towed away by a wrecker, it was The Rev. John J. Zanelia of disturbance to this significant of glory yesterday, during the less political situation in the ‘" ^ e new dress looks swell on wonderful kid like you — who had exempt construction for an addi­ a condition whereby storm water reported. The complaint stated Dump Site Option event in the life of every woman. you, but don't you think you ought her pick of the field — ever married tion to St. Bartholomew's Church. And Grow and Grow and Grow! . States had made separate treaties Friends may call at the Holmes Rockville said the group would hours 'When an ex-con'vict and his world. As from the beginning of for rearmament of West Germany A total of $3,528,887.33 was Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to­ will flood the Purnell premises as that the car. Us alignment and spend about $1,000 to replace the Perhaps it is an oversimplifi­ to have a new coat and a new hat a heel like me." Some 161 permits and licenses, Not only do you keep building your savings and had even made a peace treaty collected on real and personal a result of the town's construction frame were damaged and that he The Vernon Fire District will re­ cation to define the menopause aa son were hi-jacking a jet paasen- the crisis In the Congo, the key to kind of set it oft?" "Turn off the TV set, Honey, and' were also Issued by the building night from 7 to 9 o’clock. furnace and do other repair work g«r plane at El Paao. A few of through regular additions . . . we regularly with Japan without Russian ap­ property taxes before Tuesday's of the hard-paved parking lot. was "suffering from weakness and new an option on a proposed dump in return for four or five years’ nature’s method of announcing problem remains that of Katanga ‘So what if it expensive, dear? let’s just talk. I love the sound department. The records show 54 deadline for payment without pen­ The Optical Style Bar, Inc. com- nervousness." them bothered to qualify their After ail, it's only money. The of your voice." electrical, 18 plumbing, 16 heating proval. Mrs. Vernabell Hilliard site off of Rt. 30 In the hope that use of the building. that the period of a ■woman’s fer­ Province, where President add to them, too! Savings grow extra big, The note, however, attacked bit­ alty, it was reported today by Paul • Mrs. Vernabell Cihayer Hilliard, the Vernon town government will The unsafe condition of the tility has come to an end. Just herolam. main thing is — does it please permits: 53 certificates of oc­ terly the rearmament of West Ger­ Cervini, collector of revenue. that and. with some exceptions, Tshombe is still resisting any cen­ you?" Farm land in New York state cupancy; 8 licenses and 2 building extra fast when you save at Manchester's 39, of ‘Tunkhannock, Pa., and for­ exercise the option and establish a building. lack of minimum facili­ Senator C ^ r Bhigle, California tral governmental authority. The many without the NATO accord, The collection represents 55.2 merly of the Haj-tford area, slater ties in it, and the need for parking nothing more. "Put your glad rags on, Doll. totals 17.6 million acres. codes. oldest financial Institution. and blamed the western powers for per cent of the total levy of $6,- Liability Rests with Trustee refuse area for towh wide use. It is not, in and of itself, re­ Democrat, f ^ instance, did want present events in Parliament, and of Mrs. Charles Straight of Man­ area for firemen in an emergency it to be established that the hi- the worsening of relations with Rus­ 391,589.65, compared to a 64.9 per chester, died Wednesday at her Fire District Commissioners de­ were listed as reasons against let­ sponsible for other conditions and the make-up of the Adoula cabi­ sia after 1949. cent collection last year. jaclcing was the result of a con­ home after a long illness. cided on the move last night, ting it. complaints that may occur on or net, amount to open defiance of CURRENT ANNUAL It omitted any mention of the Most of the tax collection rep­ Also surviving, besides her sister, Of Wickham Park^ Not Town i |i iThe initial option expired in E'iremen use Lhat area for park­ about the same time. Specifically, spiracy with Cuba's Castro before Ibhombe, and yet Adoula prom­ DIVIOEND western complaint that Russia kept resents one-half payment of taxes are her parents of Pennsylvanlaj ■ 11^ !■ Ml » -if-J '' ■June. District Counsel Robert D. ing when they answer a fire alai-m. J refer to arthritis, hypertension, we ooncluded that ‘i t la an act of 935 MAIN ST. MI 3-5171 — OPEN 9 TO 5 :30 — THURS. AND FRIS; TO 9 P.M. — CLOSED MONDAYS its army Intact after the war while levied. 'The second installment is another sister of Baltimore, Md.l King suggested a six month re­ emotional instability, 'mental 111- ises to bring him into line, almost The Town of Manchester l)ears'|>man, superintendent of recreation. ‘ITie Oo. 2 firehouse is next door. war and should be dealt with ac­ the Western Allies demobilized. Nor payable before Jan. 1, 1962. and several nieces and nephews. newal period, David R. Dougan said he wished nesaes. obesity and the like. as If that wera going to be easy. did it mention the launching of the in an annual report released to­ no legal liability for injury to per­ During the month, the park cordingly." ------‘(ane/ie^'doh. ■* V) A Funeral services will be held to­ •The decision was made on to oppose the church’s I'equest and If these conditions accompany But of all the turns of the North Korean attack in 1950, the day, Cervini reported a new sys‘- morrow in Tunkhannock. son or property at Wickham Park averaged about 10 paid picnic per- grounds that refuse disposal is a the menopau.se they . are coinci­ But Congresaman Emanuel O i­ aggression which precipitated a because the park is not owned, mit.s n day. A small regulatory fee Chief Constable Eklmund Dwyer wheel, of all the momentary pos- tem has been put into operation town wide problem, and the City said the building had been con­ dental. They do not bear a casual ler, the Democratic super-liberal massive rearming of western na­ for 7,000 water and sewer consum­ Mrs. Grace A. Klerstead operated, controlled or maintained Ls chagred in areaa where there of Rockville as well as the fire relationship and hence will not be slblUtles which have featured the tions and the building of emergen­ by the town, according to an are flreplace.s. A free area is main­ demned by the fire marshal about from New York CUy, didn't see er accounts during the past year. Mrs. Grace A. Kierstead, 62, of district Is in need of dump facili­ three yeai's ego. responsive to the administration chaotic pblltical life of the Congo cy air bases around the Soviet 'These records will give a complete 22 Church St., died last evening opinion rendered today by Town tained for those who do not wish to ties. of sex hormones whether given by ' much need for wialting. He said ■ aaceeiTRi-e eteitT neaaeiac l^^THsT^ee perimeter. Counsel Arthur LeClaire. reser\’e a fireplace. A map showing firs hydrant in recent months, this present mo­ picture of each account for a five- at Manchester Memorial Hospital The pro)rerty, about 25 acres, is locations in the new Ifemon Hills mouth or injection or rubbed into the United States "should quaran­ ment, with a clear and legal ma­ Attacking We.st German rearm­ year period and will enable the after a short illness. Any legal liability rests with the A cabin, located at the higheat owned by Frank and Bernice Ches- the akin In experwl've coemetic tine Cuba and throw a naval and ament, the notp said: office to give more complete in­ She had lived in Manchester for trustee, the town counsel advised elevation In the park, was rented housing development off Skinner jority of the Parliament Itself en­ WATKINS BRANCH OFFICE—ROUTE 81, OOVENTTRT sey, and wa.s zoned for industrial Rd. will be requested from the preparations. air blockade around her until brings yo\ the latest "Before the eyes of everyone formation when requested. the past six months, moving here after consultation with Atty. J. by several groups for use for a use. which permits refuse disposal trusting leadership to someone Western Germany is being turned Harold Williams of the law firm of Rockville Water and Aqueduct Co. An authorized report, prepared Castro purges himself and gives Nineteen delinquent accounts from South Windsor, where .she family reunion and for a church by the district zoning commission for the Council on Drugs, has giv­ both quiet and moderate, would into a hearth of war danger in have been turned over to the town had been a resident for 10 years. Gross, Hyde and Williams of Hart­ group meeting last month. in May. , Commissioner John Lehan said proof that he ■will not permit re- Europe. Here a regular army has he thought one of the six new en support to the -viewB of those seem the moat hopeful. SEMI-ANNUAL counsel for legal action, Cervini She was Vxjm in Orono, Maine, ford, attorneys for the Wickham Many visitors have toured the The town selectmen recently vot­ of us who stress the normality of cnrreaoe of such excesses." fashion n sofas.., arisen headed by former Hitlerite reported. Feb. 16, 1899. She was the widow estate. oriental gardens and teahouse. ed to advertise for public participa­ hydrants may be in South Wind­ generals and officers . . . Under provisions of the trust, sor. the menopause. Writing in the Senator Everett McKinley Dirk- Tliere wa.s a 99.4 per cent collec­ of James E. Kierstead. Freeman reports, while others tion in choosing a dump site. Any Journal of the American Medical FURNITURE "The West German military tion of taxes on the Oct. 1, 1959 Mrs. Kierstead was a member the care, maintenance and upkeep nave stopped cars to enjoy the suggested tract would be optioned, Lehan and Commissioner How­ seu, the Republican floor leader, Not Much Politics Involved clique is straining to pos.sess of Talfottvllle (Congregational of Wickham Park is up to the view. On a clear day. it is possible ard Huelsmann have been ap­ Association, Dr. Joseph Rogers of list, leaving $34,493 outstanding, the.-v aaid, and the different sites Tufts University School of Medi­ waa equally definite. The fact that, in one place in PLANNING TO INSULATE? weapons of mass destruction. The (in June 30 this year, 41 liens were Church, Wapping Grange, and trustee and not upon the towns of to see many homes in Bolton and pointed to meet with representa­ Bundeswehr is being created and submitted to vote at a town meet­ cine assferts that only 10 to 15 "There comes a time,” he said, the world, people with a free placed against real estate, com­ Temple Chapter, Order of East­ Manchester and East Hartford. Rockledge to the east and familiar ing. tives of the Rockville Water and “when we cannot afford to delay trained as an army de.stined for pared with 74 for the preceding ern Star of Manchester. The legal owner of the property is landmarks in the Hartford area to Aqueduct Oo. and the Vernon per cent of women present them­ choice are deliberately chooaing conducting rocket-nuclear war." Since the beginning of the year selves for adviie concerning meno­ any longer in dealing with Castro year. Surviving are two daughters, the Hartford National Bank and the west. the town and the district have Water Co. to say lhat the district to go Into an area dominated by The note continued: Cervini also reported 14 delin­ Mrs. Reginald E. Allen of Man­ Trust Co., tfuatee.. Public liability It is expected that thetpark will will not" a^jeept hydrants until ap­ pausal symiptoms. anf his government. The time for SALE “Actually the government ‘of the been authorized to maintain and “With some notable exceptions," Communism, in direct contrast quent motor vehicle accounts were chester and Mrs. Roger H. Spen­ Insurance is carried by the trustee be closed on Labor Day. A road­ operate dumps and trash service, proved by fire underwriters. kidding is over.” Federal German Republic sland.s paid, and 84 personal property ac­ cer of South Windsor; two broth­ with the Aetna Casualty Insurance building program is schedule for he slates, "the only symptom of with the way the people of East forth in Europe as the most zeal- an authority previously lacking. Paator Visiting the menopause due to deficiency Congressman Bruce Alger, Tex­ counts were collected by tax war­ ers, Irving Cochrane of Raynham, Co. early fall. A number of meetings between Pastor Donald J. Sandstrom, a Germany, for instance, vote with idus leader of the policy of 'from rants served by a constable dur­ Mass., and Arthur Cochrane of LeClaire recommended, h o w- The park Is open to the public of female eex hormone is the hot as Republican, was equally forth­ a position of stren^h’ and herald officials of the various town gov­ Seventh-Day Adventist missionary flash. The numerous other symp­ U their feet, is something the Com- ing the year. Manchester: three sisters, Mrs. ever, that to provide for any un­ daily from sunrise to sunset, and ernments in the winter were set up in the Brazil North Coast Mission, right. He wranted to give Castro munlsts find it essy to chortle the ‘Cold War.’ Earl Campbell of Raynham, Mrs. foreseen contingency, it would be the teahouse stoi-e ts open from 11 toms such as palpitation, insta­ "Now it is already prepared to to explore the dump problem, but will be in Rockville tomorrow to “the rest of this day to return the about and something the West Pearl Guptill of Berwick, Maine, desirable to talk with Gordon H, a.m. to 7 p.m. Softball and horse­ bility, insomnia, fatigue and emo­ take matters to the brink, but in Co.ral R eef in Keys and Mrs. George Greenwood of no action was taken after any of speak at the 9:15 a.m. worship tional instability seem clearly to American plane he now holds and finds it difficult to analyze or un­ Bezanson, vice president and shoe pitching equipment is avail­ them. hour. He will also speak at the 11 ■■ c , such a way lhat West Germany, Somersworth. N.H.; and four trust officer of the Hartford Na­ able at the teahou.se store with a be manifestations of the. anxiety prevent further acta of piracy derstand. „ for the time being, remains on the Miami- -The only living coral I ------a.m. worship hour in Hartford grandchildren. tional Bank and Trust Co., regard­ nominal deposit required. Water Pastor Sandstrom of Vernon has and depression that occur rather such aa took place this morning in This ngainst-the-trend* thing is 1. sideline. It would please it most reef in the continental United Funeral, services will be held for drinking or cooking la not yet freqviently in mid-life but wlilch of all if the United States were States is reached by boat from ing Inclusion of the town as an in­ just completed a five-year term in El Paso.” If Castro did not comply happening in Japan, where nearly Monday at 2 p.m. at the Hay and sured- under the trustee's policy, available. Dogs must be kept on a are related to the menopause only to defend the interests of the Bonn Key Largo. It is one of the main Peabody Funeral Home, , Trio to Face Fortaleza, Brazil, where he as­ temporarily.” with this demand within the day, 70,000 Koreans have' already or adding the park property to the leash, and horses and other animals sumed the responsibility of presi- Revanchists (revenge seekers) to attractions of a 100-square-mile Maine. Burial will be in Portland. are not permitted. Wading and And Dr. Rogers attributes these Cbogressman Alger said, the Unit­ elected to go back to the northern. the last American soldier.’’ underwater park in the Florida contingent liability provi.sion.s of deht in three states with a popula­ Friends may call at the Holmes the tow'n's policy with Travelers swimming in ponds on the property tion of over seven million. Under psychological conflicts of midlife ed States Should occupy Cuba im­ Communist-operated half of their The Soviet Union warned that keys. Funeral Home, 400 Main St.. Man­ Court AuQa 10 primarily to "a change in a wom­ mediately. Insurance Co. Is prohibited. adverse conditions the growth in country. There are perhaps I5,0(X) chester, tomorrow from 3 to 5 and Approximately 45,000 persons Wickham Park was provided membership has doubled in the an’s position in the family circle. Nor were such heroics limited to more expected to make the same 7 to 9 p.m. have visited Wickham Park on the through the generosity of Clarence ‘The three Manchpf^ter young Sabbath School during his stay. The children develop interns out­ We’re ready to help Horace Wickham and his wife, side the home and create in the the members of Congress. The choice and the same journey. East Hartford-Manchester town men charged with four counts of Now on furlough Pastor Saind- White House 'was alerted to the Anniversary Mass line during July, the first month it Edith McGraft Wickham, both late strom will enter Andrews Univer­ middle-aged woman a fueling tliat One explanation is said to be A 20th anniversary Mass will be larceny, three counts of breaking she is no longer needed.” Also, situation on the assumption that with expert advice waa opened to the public, it was of Manchester, for the uae and sity in the fall and complete his that Communist agents worked said tomorrow at 9 a.m. at the reported today by 'W'llliam Free- enjoyment of residents of the area. and entering and two counts of master's degree. Next summer due to misconceptions about the this wma another showdown with assiduously among these Koreans Church of-the Assumption for the burglary, have: been released un­ Pastor Sandstrom, his wife and effect of ths menopause on her Castro, and it was proudly assert­ Bring your insulation questions to us for repose of the soul of the late Mar­ der $1,200 bonds. three children will return to Bra­ personal appearance, she inay while they were in Japan. Another expert advice.. We've studied in.s\ilation tin Peila. were dressed the same as the maid think "she will be a leas attractive ed, yesterday, that the top order explanation could be still more ■<44P- ^ '. I ' ’"- IF of honor, and they carried bou­ Det. Sgt. Joseph Sartor said to­ zil where he has been called to di­ for years and vote Balsam-Wool our Senate Votes rect the youth and education ac­ person to her husband." wiilch mjade sure the plane would simple; it could be that originally quets of white carnations with day that the trio will appear in first choice for lifetime comfort .md fuel yellow ribbons. Circuit Court 12. Manche.ster, on tivities in the entire Amazon re­ iFrom these views, “it logically be kept on the ground by bullets they came from North Korea, and YOU WANT TO SELL MORE EUinfiton gion with offices at Belem, follows that the most important If need be came from President savings! We choose Balsam-Wool alwve Richard Reale of Los Angeles, $46 Billion in Aug. 10, since the Manchester po­ that they have homes and rela­ ail others for insulating our own homes. Calif., was his cousin's best man. lice were first to make arrests. AU friends and visitors alike are and effecUve pottloh of the man­ Kennedy himself. Fortunately this Ushers were David Lux and Ray The trio, who made damaging invited to the service to hear Pas­ agement of y»s menopause is ex­ tives there. GOODS TO MORE PEOPLE- Harding; Passes tor Sandstrom who served as pas­ planation, rSasaurance and simple order wraa larried out with such But there has to be another ex­ > W ell show you the tough, permanent cov­ Lux, both of Rio Linda, Calif., Defense Funds adml.ssions to Manche.ster. Wind­ ering that entirely surrounds the Bal.sam- sor and Windsor Locks police tor in Southern New England for psychotherapy. And, In the major­ discretion, expertness, courage planation, too. It is that the Com­ Bar Examination brothers of the bride. Wool insulating mat . . . protects you from within the past two days, are Wil­ 8 years. He is the son of Siegfried ity of patients, such on approach and good luck that the two air munists do not wear horns or seem The bride’s mother wore a light (Continued from Page One) liam A. Person, 20, of 122 Sum­ Sandstrom and the late Mrs. Sand­ provides notable relief of anxiety.” chilly winds. We’ll show you the continu­ blue lace sheath, and the bandits were captured without any particularly menacing characters Preston Francis Harding, of silk mit St.; Erwin E. Lereh, 20. of strom, Lake St. "rhis does not mean to say that ous, important vapor harrier ... a Balsam- Pinnacle Rd. Ellington, has pass­ bridegroom’s mother, a turquoise Softball * the occasional woman may not injuries or, fatalities to the inno­ for everj'body. fense Department by presidential 95 Benton St., and Jon Hugh Mor- cent. Afterwards, it was empha­ . f ? : . Wool plus feature at no extra cost. ed his Connecticut State Bar Ehc- Bilk organza atieath. Both wore order. The President asked these hardt, 19. of 33 Hollister St. A softball game between boys need gland treatments to help re­ As should be quite clear by this aminatlon. orchid corsages. lieve disturbing hot flakes. But sised that the President had taken fund.s. The.v will be charged with from Henry Park and the West time, we are the one nation and We’ll show you how Bal-sam-Wool's mat is He has been associated with the A reception in the parish hall breaking and entering and lar­ End Playground, po.stponed be­ glandular therapy must be only a hand only because he had as­ the one people with the most high­ bonded to its covering . . . and the special law firm of Ribicoff and Kotkin in was held for 150 guests after the Also included in the Senate bill ceny. cause of rain yesterday, will be a single factor in'an over-all pro­ sumed that Castro was involved. ly developed fear and dislike of flanges for securely fastening it in place. Hartford since his graduation in ceremony. For a motor trip along is broad authority for the secre­ They will be charged with three Monday at 9:30 a.m. at Henry gram that inemdes explanation June from the University of Con­ the West Coast to Los Angeles, counts 6f larceny, tWo counts of and reassurance.'It must be inter­ But the point Involved is that Communism. The reason for that Balsam-Wool can’t .settle or .shake down tary of defense to transfer as much Park. all those who were trigger-happy within your walls. See us to get the most necticut Law School. Calif., the bride wore a beige breaking : and entering, and two In the first inter-playground rupted one week in each month or is simple. We have more wealth sheath and brown accessories. The as 3 per cent between the numer­ counts of burglary in Circuit so and discontinued as soon as yesterday, on the basis of certain comfort and fuel savings for jrour insulating He was an associate editor of ous multibillion dollar items pro­ game, the West Enders defeated thaui any other nation. And we the "Connecticut Bar Journal" couple xvlll live in Rancho Cor­ Court 13 for the offenses commit­ the Henrys 8-7. the hot flashes appear to be con­ aasumptions as to what the facts dollar. viding this does not increase any have more power than any other during his study at the university. dova, Calif. single item by more than 6 per ted in Windsor and Windsor On Tuesday, the Henry. Park trolled. sooner if it causes a re­ were likely to be, do not feel much nation. He did his undergraduate work The bride is a graduate of cent. Locks. girls’ team defeated the West End turn of bleeding. differently today, even though the at the University of Connecticut Highlands High School. Her hus- girls’ team. Pat Little coached the If we had no wealth, we should in Storrs from 1955 to 1968. He Authority also is included for facts appear to be less, justifica­ bimd, a second lieutei^ant sta- the President to spend the billion.s India Plana Soil Center winners and Lois Otka the losing aasurance areI niorernor time-consum­ not be afraid of having it taken waa a member of the armed serv­ squad. ing than the administration of a tion for resort to the trigger. The Quilted Sofa 198* ice during the Korean conflict. He tibned at Mather Air Force Base, without regard to usual restric­ away from us in some new social BALSAM-WOOL' Calif., is i 1958 graduate of Man­ tions, if he or the tJongtess later New Delhi—India is planning to Town Report* Out "shot.” And neither oontrihutes M Wo have been warned. In the j was graduated from Hartford establish, probably at Nagppr, an .Copies of the annual Vernon to the revenue of pharmaceutical order. If we were not the world's SKALBD BLANKET INSULATION Public High School.’ chester H^gh School. declares a national emergency. past, of what a tragedy it would greatest military power, we would' GENEROUS MODEL The Senate struck from the bill All-India Institute of Soil Science. town report are at the town manufacturers. But they're good He was born in .Law'rence, clerk’s office today, available to medicine, nonetheless. 'And I ad­ be if the world found itself in to­ not bf tensely conscious of who­ r numeroua ■restrtcllbhs ' the House ■The United Nations is expected to tal w v because of some mistake, Mass., the son of Mr.iand Mrs. had approved, including limits on make $600,000 available to help citizens who want them. They are vise those of you who need them ever happened to be the world’s Frank P. Harding, and has lived free. to cherish their effects and give some-miscalculation. Picture this down-to-l|ic-floor luxury in modern settings ■with AS UTTIE AS $10.00 PER MONTK travel funds, on flight pay for found the center, which will survey 4 second greatest military power. in a number of towns in this area, About Town military pilots, and on hire of ve­ and appraise India’s soil resources Town Clerk Henry F. Butler full honor to the physician who But, if you get yourself trigger- If we were poor and weak, we Danish furniture, or, in your traditional mahogany room! It including Mandliester, Willlman- hicles. j as a basis for agricultural-develop­ said 470 copies are available. The dispenses them at the expense o f Matching Lawson tic, West Hartford, Rockville, There will be a meeting of the * liappy, and stay that way long might not feel ourselves threaten­ fits either perfectly. Adds a gay, colorful accent and the rich­ The Senate bill would permit ment projects. reports were printed by the T. F. hia time and energies. dnoug^ you also get so you don't Lounge Chair, specinl Hartford and Ellington. South Windsor Heights Homeown­ 2,743,227 officers and enlisted per­ ed- by Communism at all. We ers As.sociation Tuesday at 7:30 care too much wiiether the final $ 8 9 . ness only quilted fabrics can lend. Here is truly quality furni­ Keep Cool With sonnel in all the armed services might be Indifferent to It. Or we ture, boasting much more than the outward beauty of finely p.m. at the park site on Griffin and 1,072,965 in the reserves in excuse happens to be a mistake might look toward it with hope. REMEMBER Rd., just past the Grenier home. pay status by next July 1. T b e Bank that give; you PLANNED SECURITY Or A miscalculation. You flgure tailored, eye-arresting quilted fabrics, .and at Semi-Annual Sale All those Interested are invited to The funds would be split this TTie Korean who is emerging from Attic Fans and Louvres attend. you had to get it over with sooner a career of forced labor in Japan .savings. Ypu get frames of rock-hard solid white ash, each piece way among the armed .sen'ices: or later, and that It is a sentimen Army $11,868,152,000 an lncrea.se has nothing material to lose. He is kiln dried and fitted with super-soft springs in both foundation , got to advertise ADLAI, SUM SEE DAO of $1,508,93^,000 qver the House .tal nicety to keep on forever de­ not conscious of being involved in most people start Reale - Lux United Nations, N.Y., Aug. 4 total: Navy $14,529,680,000 an in­ bating ‘wdiether one occasion is ■and front edges, .solid moulded and crowned foam rubber cush­ The marriage of Mias Marie Do­ (ffl—Adloi E. Stevenson of the isny power struggle about who la their shopping - - - in the crease of $1,071,278,000; Air Force better than another. You reason going to nm the world. Aa for the ions, each with zippered closing, .cushiony soft spring backs, cre- lores Lux of Rio Linda, Calif., and United State# and Mongl Slim of $18,932,415,000 an increase of $1,- that, even if Castro had nothing to jj^ting a superb and unparalleled comfort.. self-covered decks, of­ pages of this newspaper. 3teven Allen Reale of Rancho-Cor­ Tunisia paid succ^osive calls on 349,377,000; Office of the Secre­ EARN DIVIDENDS from the 1st intangible thing cidled freedom, dova, Calif., and formerly of Man­ U.N. Secretary-General Dag tary of Defense $1,310,455,000 or do wrlth thle particular incident, what has he ev6r known of that, fering not only the ultimate in fine tailoring but a matching You can test this for your­ chester, was solemnized July 15 at Homnutrskjold today to discuss the same as House; and Civil De­ DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEE'ORE AUGUST 7th It is stiU the kind of thing he WILt EARN DIVIDENDS FROM AUGUST 1st or who could swear to him, for fabric reserve against future needs, .and fully lined skirts. Here, self. Ask any ten women. At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic the French ■ Tunisian deadlock fense $207,600,000 not considered would do. And ■very far ,ln the that matter, that he would find Church in Del Paso Heights, Calif. over Bizertc, U.S. Chief Delegate by House. Oversize 92" long Lawson sofa to oidc; in a word, is a dream come true, .available in glorious quilted [east nine will tell you that The bride is the daughter of Mr. Stevenson, with Hammarskjold background, ao far it would slip more of it in South Korea than in entirely out of sig^t and memory, they carefully scan the ad­ and Mrs. Christopher Lux, Rio Lin­ an hour and a half, afterward CON.VICTlbN UPHU.D North Korea? . i f ...... $209. p rin ts..at unbelievably low prices. See them tomorrow. . sure! da, Calif. The bridegroom is the told re|>orters he ^Vaa ‘‘Hopeful New Haven, Aug. 4 tdP)—The PROTECTS TOUR HOME FOR AS lITTlE AS $10! Do it yourself! Avoid thousandi of vertising columns of "The would be the fact that the hl-Jack- To say that thei^a Koreans are son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse there will be some 4eveIopmenta conviction of Salvatore (Midge .... dollirs in repiiri. Simply mix new TERMITE-BAN with water and pour around ' Current annual dividend Ing of planes Ckriginated, not with “choosing Communism" la an ex­ Herald" before they go Reale of Manchester. In the next few days ao that it Renault) Annunzlato for vio­ Castro, but wKh his opposition. foundation as directed. Wipes out termites and prevents future e ttK U for yearti Etecorted by her father, the bride will be entirely unnecessary to lating labor laws has been up­ aggeration. ‘They do' not even be­ Contiini Aldrin, developed by one of America s foremost chemical companies ' forth to buy. This is the kind bold a special session of the Gen­ Washington was full of heroes wore a gown of lace and organza, held by the U.S. Court of Ap­ Member of Federal . gin to see Communism in the same of interested, responsive styled with an underskirt of peau eral Assembly on the issue.’’ peals for the Second Circuit. pasterday. But the rsal heroes Deposit iBsoriuiee Corp. terms am} perspective we do. They coverage that really means de sole. Her headpiece was a crown Annunzlato, 42, ICast Haven, ttwrs were unsung, and unnoticed. are choosing not a political align­ Pictured at left: 49” Right or Left one- of orange blossoms and illusion ADMITS UNK TO NAZIS has been free under a $7,500 They ware the people who decUred ment but place to live. arm love seats $119 each.- To order; 32” business for you! veil. She carried a bouquet of Washington, Aug. 4 (/P)--An appeal' bond pending the deci­ i|0 waiE iMRied no ultimatums, Armless chair $79, and 59” Corner unit orchida and atephanotis. anny map service employe, un­ sion. A federal court convicted Misa Elizabeth Ingeraoll of Rio der fire from 3a oongresstnan, him last November on a efaargs avings anchester.. pBom ^to ted no drastic oeders. H £U ) IN $«,0M Bond ~ " $109. Choice of two quiltod patterns., IJnda, Calif., waa niald of honor. .aohnosvledged today that he be­ of acceptiag a $300 payment Mid tfm admitted, softies that Springfield. Aug. 4 (JP»—A Hart­ nfne glorious colors in all I She wore a mint g^en dress oi longs to nn organization associ­ • from a contracting company MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH wnt, that tbip would wrant ford man pleaded guilty yeoterday chiffon over taffeta, and green ated tvltli the American Nazi . while serving as business agent 9 2 J Alain St. 285 fait Cent, r St A1ont • f < ( P(ir I ni*. lad soms foal In- to cashing two phray disoks here bow and matching-veil headpiece. )>arty. At the asms time the for the latemntionai Union of Cor. tenox St. W I >f A1if/ci' for aboqt $184. Real Oacnoo, 84, 336 NORTH MAJN ST. — PHONE MI 9-5253 ^anrlfMtfr lEttTnittg i|pralii Brldesmhids were Mlae Patricia wall, Sc)iiqrler D. Ferris, Indl- Operating Engineers., OPfN THURSDAY la bMag hald in 18,000 hood Malone of Auk# Boy, Alaska, cous­ eated ha way charge the Army BOTH BRANCHfS OPfN fRIuAY', f. ib CVTNINCS 6 to 8 'win ba Mtaooad Aug. U . OOMFUmC HOME HEAX1NO RATJBRI A nBYIOB in of the Mile, and Mlse Judith wHh “pameeathic” hhn (or/lite Tbs “panultimate" day of tbs Raver of Bocramento, Calif. ‘Thay ||o^lleal bMleta. month in the next to tbe font day. iALWAYS PUNTT OP flBB rA |K M a i ■■ ' . r . - V ' ■ . , - ' h g b t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 d a i l y c r o s s w o r d PUZ'/XB BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ER.BU5S LL ONLV TAKE ARE Jl THINK AAAINUTEL State News French Silent VOU ' I C N (wr tjMPrjjfldj Spark Furor in Congress s u it e m v A TELL /Mt, DONfTRiNS A u vou UP PER TvAIGGS.HOVs/ DOWN t h e cur­ Biblical Quiz | ■ On Tunis Offer PONT TH A r . COULD >43U PCR/MIT THAT t a in , MA30R-*~ 1 A R oundup OFEM m ry jrni. J HAVE A KINPOP BARBARIAN OF A RECORD DEALER TO SULLY, 4HAKESPEARG ACROSS SHtcliera W THE FAIR n a m e OF HOOPLE ? X MIOHT ‘ HIMSELF WROTE i To Cut UN Gall TABLE\BLE ^P006H!y (Continued from Page One) REMIND VOO THAT GENERATIONS OF HOOPLES FOR MONEY 1 Son o f Ad«m 7 Before MTE tilt lilaiid 1 9 Mother o f C iin 8 Ointment MANE b e e n /VOTED SHAKESPEAREAN ACTORS a n d *100 SLeeh’f foil approxlma'tely 6 a.m. on May IB, (Pobtlnued from Page One) — HAR-RU/WPH.^THE thought OPOSVVALO., THE BEST 8 Son of Setb Held ^AIIDAYMW AYI 13 Operatic folo HUMM MARKETING MV COLLECTION OF KIND OF . 10 Green (her.) had driven to Connecticut from 13 Combat 11 Egyptian response came when he summoned SPEECHES AS A SLEGP-PRDDUCING APPLAUSB.' MUniU Gloucester, Mass., and had reported goddeaa Foreign Minister Maurice Couve (ConHnuMj from Page One) IS A N INSULT.' IS I i lucoeisful 19 Superlative I I for work at the Bradley Flying 797 for a DC6. The company o f­ reports of the hijacking to sen­ 18 Compesi point ■uSix M de Murvllle for a report on the in­ fered a DC7. Service, Bradley Field, Windsor United Nations Security Council. ators and representatives, k 17 Convex 20 Lauderdale, ternational situation. This could But from Washington, mean­ I t wasn’t until Sen. A. S. (Mike) moldinsf for instance I Locks, at 4 p.m. oh May 15. Include Bizerte as well as this The Cuban note accused the U.S. 18 Hunting dogi 32 Sound quality SlAnaniu 41NUnb06 while, came the message from Monroney, D-Okla., told the Sen­ 34 Salver ' 42AbOV8 "Because of weather condltiops, v^eekend's Big Three foreign min­ government of using the incident Kennedy. Stand firm, the measage ate of the capture of the Beardens 20 Clenched handt-gS Lawless grdup he was on duty until 4 a.m. on May W A L K n S a-H VPTtwg - r - 31 Worm 24 Arrow poison SSHUitaiV' 43 Zero isters’ meeting In Paris to discuss as a pretext for preparing military said. ' that senators generally decided 22 Also 25 Soon formation 44 Painful 18 insead of going off duy a 1 a.m. the Berlin crisis. Cuba might not be Involved. BY V. T. HAM LIN 45 "Holy a y * aggression against Cuba. Im ide the big jet, the young A L L Y OOP 28 Golistb 26 Monk’s room37 Altera ------as he customarily did. He was seen The official French position on 26 Trees 57 Jacob’s brother 38 D evoid 48Gre«lettin sleeping in a chair at his place of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover Bearden suddenly accused every­ Monroney. made his- announce­ IHAJS RIGHT, OOOLA, ARE VOU SURE) YEH.BLIT IN lOTSA .IF WE CAN GET 47 Earth Bizerte has long been that the body of BtaJling. Hds father agreed. ment after "conferring with Na- rr WDNT TAKE 30 Misses Sothem 28 Repose 40 Heating employment at 6 a.m. on that date said in Washington that the elder ®UTTHE raNNYS ON /PLACES HES HAD THERE'SX INSIDE IT, FRAHKLiM and Harding 29 Cloy devices 49 Indian m igh t base is part of Tunisia and that Suddenly they ordered the take­ jeeb E. Halaby, FAA administra­ TM LONG TO ^ OUKX LITTLE THE RIGHT f TO GO AROUND VODIAMA and finally left there about 7 a.m. Bearden in January had visited OiJR OLD ) THEYIL HAVE 81 Church fast France will one day relinquish it off. The big plane rolled d^wn the tor. Halaby’s Federal Aviation PICK UP TH' MBJ FROM THE .■nwcK? WHERE THEY'D SHIP.' / TO STARVE season 5" r r i r - 1 r lA r r alone and drove his car along to the Tunisians, preferably for the Cuban embassy in Mexico City 'MOONMENS TRAIL! MOON AREA GONE STRAIGHT 1 5” Route 191 to go to his home. runway, border patrol cars in pur­ Agency authorized commercial US OUT/ 32 Red or Dead Leonard 1. Shankman Irwin P. Weiner use by both nations. and indicated a desire to go to airline pilots and crews to carry DIFFICULT THROUGH.' 33 Beginner i r 12 U "He had obviously consumed Cuba. But the general feeling In suit. QUARRY RJR 34 Ceradiic piece Fraaioe has also publicly sought Submachine grun and rifle fire guns to prevent any future hi­ some alcoholic liquor since'it sam­ Washington appeared to be that jackings. THEIR MORE 35 Direction IB IT ple of his blood, when tested, negotiations with Bourguiba on could be heard dimly in the noise 36 Army officer IT Pass Bar Exams the future of the base. But that the Cuban jgovemment had no part The F A A action drew critical PONDEROUS showed alcohol present in the in the latest of U.S. plane hijack­ of the jet engines. The plane came PURSUER... 38 Sharp was before last month’s Tunisian response from the Air Line Pilots 39 Damage w Ii amount of .15 per cent by weight of laws degree from the university ings. ^ to a halt, its landing gear and an Three Mlanchea'ter men have blockade of the base, touched off engine damaged. Its pressurized Association and airline spokesmen _ME A1A30R 40 Anglo-Saxon 21 of blood. l ^ t June. In his junior year, he The hijacking of Coqtinental letter "W ith this background it is ap­ passed the Connecticut State bar by Bourguiba's demand that the cabin punctured by the gpinfire. displayed little enthusiasm for the FOX SHI NASA LA(?G& 41 Bee product was treasurer of his law school Airline’s Lo.s Angeles-to-Houston plan. w !T SB s r !B parent, and I so find, that Stoddard exams, it was announced today. class, and also on the executive French - stop dragging their feet flight came soon after the aircraft Quickly, ambulances, baggage NESTE66T\Nl6y*** >*A ^ N. ^ 0**- 52 Age Why Put Man on Moon? 43 Crosby Rd., received a bachelor Googins is a graduate of the behind two stewardesses. "W e’re A t the same time, however, FBI JOWW.FmMK,8.I. yi.l-4148 53 Persian poet University of Cc^necticut L a w France’s position in the talks with A t 12;55 p.m., a back door to Washington, Aug. 4 (/P)— Sen. of laws degree from Boston Uni­ going to take this plane to Cuba," Director Hoover announced In 54 Mineral rocks School, having attended on an A t­ the Algerian rebels. the' plane opened and the steward­ PRISCILLA’S POP ______1^ AL VERMEER 55 Legal matters d d Prescott Bush, R-Conn., has called versity in June and a bachelor of the elder Bearden told Capt. B. T). Washington that Bearden had been IT d d d De Gaulle is moving cautiously. esses, Miss Tony Besset and Miss 56 Bin's home for "solid evidence” to support the arts degree from the University lantic Law Book Co. scholarship. Rickards, the plane’s commander. identified as a January visitor to There are rumors that the presi­ Lois Carnagy alighted. Robert DOWN 0" U need for aending a man to the of Cbnnecticut in 1958. Weiner is He graduated in June as the vale­ "Alter your course 45 degrees to the Cuban embassy in Mexico City. presently stationed at Ft. Dix, dictorian of his class. Googins is dent's right - wing opponents, the south." Six, Continental president, em­ icuts moon. In a radio-TV broadcast heartened by the deadlock in the The top G-Man said Bearden, a 8T B2 B2 N.J., where he is undergxjing basic a Bristol native. He is married to Rickards, a veteran of 34 years braced them joyfully. 2 City in yesterday. Bush said the project peace talks w ith . the Algerians, paroled robber. Indicated a desire Pennsylvania training In the Army six-month’s the former Miss Sonya Forbes, of flying, alerted El Paso Inter­ Minutes later, the other four to go to Cuba when he visited the ' 3 Color 5T B5 U would ultimately cost $20 billion, may try again to overthrow the $545 million of It to be appropriat­ enlistment program. His plans for who has been on the English French government and reverse national Airport, with a code word crewmen alighted as FBI agent- embassy in Mexico City. 4 Speeds the practice of law are indefinite, faculty of Manchester High School. that the plane was hijacked. Tlien ed this year. its policy, of negotiating with the in-chargq Francis Crosby went Hoover said Bearden's arrest Shankman is the eon of Mr. and he persuaded Beardeh that the Bush said this is one expendi­ Googin^ last week was promot­ rebels. aboard to negotiate with the gun- record dated back to August 1941 Mrs. Benjamin Shankman, 78 Mil­ plane had too little fuel for the ture which President Kennedy ed to first lieutenant in the Army Outside governmental circles, wielding Beardens, growing more including arrests and convictions ^ E T . . L J A rsi T ford Rd. A 1953 graduate of Man­ Cuban flight and that they must might have reconsidered in view Reserves. He will enter the regular Frenchmen see no difficulty in en­ nervous and more dangerous as for grand theft, forgery and first BY FRANK O’N E M chester High School, he was land at El Paso to refuel. SHORT RIBS of increased military spending in Army In October at Ft. Knox, Ky. tering negotiations with Bourgui the minute's passed. degree robbery. He was on parole r — awarded a BS degree in account­ Rickards said Bearden told him the Berlin crisis. He is now employed In the legal ba. As one newspaper put it, Aboard with Crosby were the for a 5-year to life sentence for EVERYWHERE IT’S JUST ^Vr * cinated by school politics and soon Keeping closely to her last rule, for the commissioners since the Air Distribution Institute. Ar*4«f tf Im. ^Empacu— Thomas'J. Hankard to term it "a annual election last month. Then, as Continental’s ground Clifton. Cody nodded affirmative­ became active In various campus Mrs. Hansen takes a special in­ crewmen stalled with refueling the *‘l did not «ay I'd quit Jimmy! I said I'd told him I had!” suspicious death." elections. New commissioners are Howard ly to the commissioner s question terest in education. In her role on plane, the j^im g Bearden and his if that went for him, too.' JUOD SAXON BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD There -w-ere w'hat appeared to Nine years after her graduation H. Huelsmann and Raymond C. the House Education and Labor Berube. father became nervous. They Tempers flared and words grew be scald marks on Miss Smith’s in 1930, she decided to make her Committee, she pres-ses home her : DON'T SUPPOSE PESSy WILL N ANY EVENT, I The commissioners reappointed wanted to exchange the big Boeing bitter in Congress as clerks rushed OBJECT- TOO CAN'T let this ■ face, although the w-ater in the college pastime a lifetime career. main points — alleviate crowded OP MANCYjiESTER strenuously- JEOPARDIZE A tub was cold -when her body -w-as all district officers for another FLETCHER CUSS GO. So she successfully ran for the classrooms, improve the quality of year. ______. SadeheU Jif ESPECIALLY MILLION-DOLLAR found, pwlice said. The water had state legislature, primarily to help teachei's, modernize school cur­ . f SINCE THALIA'S LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Leslie A. Kittle was named fire PEAL... been turned oft before the body the public schools. ricula. She believes President Ken­ 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE ^ WILLIN& TO ■wns found, they said. ohlef for his sixth term, Edmund , BVy FULL 'tPfiJ/SfS'SIl fS(3@C3<5^ " I received a good education,” nedy’s aid to college and public F. Dwyer was named fire mar­ CORN D U I^ ^ T 8T. VALUE The assistant medical examiner. she says. "I felt that I had a re- ■school programs are important shal. Dr. Donald Hazen, said the symp­ 'PUDG sponsibilit.v to the state that'''fen- steps in those directions. Deputy chiefs are William M. toms were "consistent with drown­ LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOUR N|iEDS! K4NC//. abled me to get it," Mrs. Hansen's husband, who Johnson, Co. 1; David R. Dougan,' ing," but tha,t the cause of death 'VJITRip Her husband, Henry Han.^en, was a lumber compan.v foreman Co. 2; and Richard E. Clark, Co. 3. PLE N T Y OF FRO NT AND R E A R PARTOl^’ jG^i j could not be Immediately deter­ whom she met during her first when they met, now is retired. Assistant fire chief is Joseph Duf- mined. No evidence of assault vras legislative term, approved of her But the Hansens, including their AUTO GLASS If^TAjlpiED disclosed by early autoipey reports, political life, so she ran and won 15-year-oId son, keep busy. She Fire wardens are William Nowsch he said. again. Even the birth of her son particularly devotes much of her and Fremont A. Wilson. CaBf<-'4l Cm'iFMhnmCifp. in 1946 did not deter Mrs. Han.sen free time to writing; her other in­ GLASS PURNirURE t;QPS V S - ^ TM-World Ufliti Rfvd. Miss Smith would have been 21 next Wednesday. She -was a gradu­ from paying her "debt." although terests include hiking, swimming, ate of Centenary College for wom­ she did consider leaving the leg­ gardening, golf and tennis. 7,060,133 in Austria MIRRORS (Pir*pl's finds B. C. BY JOHNNY HART* "But then I thought that ihe ■Vienna — Austria’s population a job as a receptionist in a medical time to pay that debt of hers. has passed 7,000,000 for the first PICTURE FRAMING (e H 'f^ ) BUZZ SAWYER office and formerly had worked welfare of my child was tied up BY RbY CRANE T A FBWAAORE in the welfare of all the children time. An official census in March yUERE ALAAOST M A D E i t ! for the Institute of Living, a men­ Rebuilt on Same Sites showed 7,060,133, an increase of WINDOW end P L A T S G l^ S _ ic n '. Me. 40H6, T W WC WERE t« ABLE HAVING nmMIDAIEO THIS vnUAE^ F E B T N e w ! tal institution. ■ In the state, so I decided to stay in the legislature. nearly 2 per cent in the past 10 )nBl«iT'n)CAS$A5$l»MT10HS. 3AM THE aiERRIU AS WILL MOVE ON ID SAFE Funeral services will be held to­ "Then, as I got more experience, Land was not at a premium but years. In the first half of this cen­ CONTRAOTORS: lA'E H AVE IN STOCK • J jnapR/iwtNB iK<-nexiF!s. AMOTHER VIUAGE. THArS THE — ^ morrow in Litchfield. AND LEAVE U5_ a &a i n I I decided that I owed the : state Mesopotamians and other ancient tury the population was nearly ONraOTBCTCP? WAV THEY OPERATE, MR, SONG.„ l a t e x h o u s e p a in t MEDICINE CABINETS end SHOWER DOiQRS HOWEVER, VOU HAVE A RADIO the benefit of that knowledge I people built hew cities on the sites stagnant. '‘Dutch Boy” TRANSMITTER. IF YOU SHOULD Checkers Editor Dies never wanted to be rich or 'am- of settlements de.stroyed by fire; The last w w d in exterior paint—« revolutionary 6at finish OPEN SATURDAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENl)|rGS ] NEED fts AGAIN,YOU HAVE ONLV Hartford, Aug. 4 (/P) — James ous. I just wanted to serve as flood or war. because it was eas.v for wood siding, trim, shakes and masonry surfaces. ESTIMATES GLADLY Givi^l 1 fl V TO COMMUNICATE. ,, ^ Moir Sr., 81, well known checkers ably and intelligently as I could.'’ to level a place built of sunbaked player and checkers editor for «<. In*. T ji a «. ua. PM. on. Hall Chief, William (Boss) Tweed, died yesterday at 66. Tweed had BOLAND MOTORS coqrfort/ low Fm I bills and trowbIt-frM parfennanca CAPTAIN EASY been manager of the airport here BY LESLIE TURNER since 1930. On June 25 the ter­ ABERNATHY BY K Y L n ION JUNES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 369 UENTEB s t r e e t —Ml 8-4079 Comfort 0N6 COMFOtmUG TH0U6HT, 315 MILES ITS TWO HOURS X..STILL NO NEWS FROM minal was named the Tweed-New LATER,JUST OVER 25 I'EARS IN THE SAME LOCA'nON l?AAGOtNG7DTAKE PUT THEY MIGHT BE QUINM.IF WE RUN OUT O' SINCE THE REPORT \0UR INTERCEPTORS W Haven Municipal Airport in his With the Iron Fireman CUSTOM l,VES,7HEyte SHORT OP YOUR QUALITY LARK DEALER Mark II furnace you use a iuper- AVCARTDTHE PUSM-PO VOU HAVE EXPECriNGME. FUEL, M06T e-mis WATER OP RNDINS THEIR LEFT IN PURSUIT OP fionor. IS ABOUT 4 FEET DEEP! THE airport; PLANE NEAR MtCAHO.j TWO YANIJUI SPIES IN lensitive thermostat which operates GARAGETDHAIVE ANAPPOlWTMEHT? THE ENGINES' If you edit hammor o ! THENNOTHINS / ^ ^ ^ A STOLEN PLANE, -4 - so’s home heating th^ furnace with the slightest varia­ i 'i. *' ' -- ‘J. SOME WORK SPUTTER A » . MOREl WONDER/l-'5TW tion o f room temperature. This ' you con build this DONEONrr. OIE«. IP easy A N D -i RITA', gives you remarkably uniform f ■ ( ■ . h our w ay! indoor temperature. No matter Sunrtmer H oute w/fh j xx'. . how often the furnace starts there SPECIAL FROM SAT., AUG. 5 THRU AUG. 72 You get premium iquallty ii no smoke, no soot, no fouled m MoUlheat with RT-98 . .. the combustion chamber, no wasted oil. most completely effective fuel Jehns-Manville i oil additive in use today. And Claanlinaaa , you get premium aervice. Au­ With the instant clean flame there f r . BANANA RSGULAR tomatic deliveriea . a bal­ are no ^ k s of soot blowing from I C s m t U o p i :l PRICE anced payment plan and many your chimney or eecaping into your o VV home. Hondrads o f tests made with SHATTERPROOF TRANSLU(iENT each 50c other extras designed to make Q.IM wj-W irnt.. |l.l,.l.f Su m Uiirf. f-4 home heating really «aay. imoke-detecting instrumenta show uM. Mswtw.k raw. fu kw fwllMl T.M. Rat. U.S. Nit. Of(| ROYAL a flame that's absolutely clean from itisM t« (Umpna tQm Hob aad ig>1Ht hy WtA Iwe.l See for yourself how easy it is to THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS MADE PROM BEROREN'S NEW the very moment it’s turned on. •iaW for ur§n enptdty nt 16w, qvkt 4 ^ make home improvements with DAVY JONES M obilheot F t. DIRK,WV we'll be back at the hotel iu BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS SMOOTHER!. . . CREAMIER!RIClijm!• Down go fuel bllli Oporotoa without Johns-Manville Corrulux. These aEST IS WLUue a minute, mkhakper.'- HAc/ wddHif Owners report remarkible fuel uv- chimnoy draft colorful building sheets are easy to handlb;v(;|A be ings. There is no smoky wann-up The CUSTOM Mark U furnace q^iled, sawed or drilled and come in a Wfde .twge period to foul the fimaoe and providn Itt own poiltivt induetd waste oil. Service calls are cut to draft with precision control. No of colors. Drop in for all the details,we’ve..pUiuiAnd WE GIVE SirK the vanishing point. natural chimney draft required. suggestions to help you tackle any jo b . GREEN STAMPS ICE CREAM IRON PIRiMAN S m fiu te u d HIATINO AND COpUNg MORIARTY FOGARTY BROS, Inc. ' \ BERGREN'S DAIRY BAR BROTHERS 319 BROAD ST.-:M I 9-4539 1100 BURNSIDE AVE, EAST HARTfORD OR AT YOUR LOCAL STORE , FUEL OIL,-RANGE OIL, CONNECTICUT COKE •4 Ml 3-5135 ' 301.315 pcntti; St. JEDO HIGHLAND COAL

\ . i


LaGace Boy to Watch in District Eight Championship Game Tonight THE Herald Angle Rabbit Out of Baseball in Aiperican League Americans Dowti Thompsonville, E A R L Y O S T Sports Editor Good Pitching Major teague By FRANK CLINE $>from District Bight Commissloner^Manchester shortstoiip IKinel. Soma Don Berger that Little League felt ‘ "it should have been two balls Major Factor = L e a d e r s = If Mike Nimerowski and Mike Cappa, coaches of Manches­ Saturday Foe Abandon District .Com petition rules stated all tcHlimament games and one strike but no one was A.MERICAN LEAGUE ter’s American Little League All-Stars, live to be 101 they’ll called because of darkness would really sure and all hands agreed Mark this corner man down as one who opposes Manches­ probably never forget their team’s 9-5 victory over the Winner of tonight’s District b e , picked up at the exact point Kinel should step up there with ter .s Little League All-Star baseball teams from competing In Latest Play Batting (Baaed on 228 or mors Eight ohamplonship gsme be­ it was termlMted. Whew! At least "no count” on him. at hats)—Cash, Detroit, .863: Thompsonville All-Stars in their District Eight semi-final in any district, state or national baseball competition. From Howard,, .New York, .846; Piersall, tween the IMinnohester Amcil- they wouldn’t lose the two runs And “no count” it remained on contest. And should they come up with a repeat perform­ scored in the eighth. this observer’s viewpoint, taken from on-the-scene observa­ New York, Aug. 4 (/P)— Cleveland, .844; Mantle, New York, onns sad Manchester Nationals little Mr. Poker Face. For Kinel i .328; Gentile, Baltimore, .827. ance, the two mentors will probably wind up with a pair of will meet Waterford North In its tions at three District Eight Tournament attractions this M ho yanked the rabbit out of A.MEBICAN LEAGUE W ednesday night everyone stepped into the first pitch thrown, G.B. I Runs— Mantle, New 5’ork, 98; collective cardiacs! first State Tournament test season, the Silk Town Little Leaguers would be far better off the baseball ? YV. I,. P et. showed up again in Thompsonville plokled it and drove it into the New York .. . .67 .87 .644 — i .Maris, New York, 90; Colavito. De­ No matter what happen's In td- ning and a half seemingly to play, Saturday afternoon. The game but found, a late afternoon rain high grass behind the rlghtfleld playing out their regular ached-t' If the batters are swinging D etroit ...... 66 .89 .639 I ' l - troit. 84; Kallne, Detroit, 82; Cash, night’s District Eight title game the Manchester team held a sub­ will be played at Bates-Woods had soaked the field. Commission­ fence for his second homer of the ule' followed by a round-robin at livelier baseballs this year, ] Detroit, 81. against the Manchester National Park In New liondon starting championship Involving the three Baltimore .. . .60 47 ..561 stantial 4-0 lead following a pair er Berger decided to postpone the game. . ..i« 51 .53.8 131, i Runs Batted In — .Maris, New League All-Stars at Buckley Field at 4. game another night for the safety league pennant winners for the as some experts contend, you Cleyeland .. of two-run homers by Ray La­ Yoimg Khiel carved himself a couldn't prove It by the American Chicago ...... IS <495 151, |'5ork, 98; Gentile. Baltimore, 96; which has been moved up to a Waterford, District 10 cham­ .of the youngsters. Back to Man­ mythical town championship. Gace and Gary Kinel. Thompson­ niche in Manchester Little League League hitters yesterday. B oston ...... 50 - S8 .463 19 Mantle, New York, 95; Cash an(l 5:30 starting time, or from here pions, ellmiuted the Norwich chester to sweat it out” another Principal rea.son for my feelings ville got two back in the last of history. Without a doubt, it was Three of the five games failed Yfinnesota . . .-.4 6 58 .443 21 Colavito, Detroit, 92. on out despite how far the Amer­ Nationals, District 11 kings; in 24 hours. on the matter is due to the be­ the fifth as a result of a two-run the first time a Silk City Uttle 10 produce a single home run. A U ashingtMi' . .16 58 .442 21 Hit* .— B. Robinson, Baltimore, icans should be fortunate enough their first State Tournament Thursday was overcast all day havior of advilts, parents and four master of their own but Man­ Leaguer ever hit two home runs solitary four-bagger was hit in A n g e le s . .45 60 .429 231, 1.20i Cash, Detroit and Kiibek, New to advance in State, regional, or test last night, 7-4. In march­ but word from Thompsonville was coaches In particular. York, 126; Franrona and PlersaU, chester erased one of these with ing to its own district title in a single game—TWO NIGHTS For many parents, it's win, win, another. 'The only game in which Kansas City . .88 65* ..869 281, national competition if they get a tally in the top of the seventh. that it hadn’t rained since morn­ APART. Thursday’s RewiiKs I Cleveland. 121. Waterford defeated the follow­ ing and everyone arrived and was win. at any coal, for the team me jackrabbit was evident war by their own Silk Town rivals. It the one between Cihicago^and Detroit 2. Washington 1 Doubles— Kiihek, New York. .22; will all be strictly anti-climatic Now the Silk CSty crew was, ing teams: Old Saybrook 7-1, ready to go at 6 sharp. But To give them their due, the dead their offspring performs with. Lit­ i Kallne, Detroit. 26; B. RoMnson, only three outs away from victory. Cleveland. Five balls cleared the Kansas Uit.v 6, New 5'ork 1 following the harrowing 8-inning, Groton Americans 9-3, Groton whoops! Where are the umpires? game ’Thoraipeonville' crew atlll tle League basball to many, is not I Baltimore and Romanb and Power, But a base on balls, a single and Nationals S-2, and New London wouldn’t quit. They managed two a two-way street, shared by both fences and the fact that such Baltimore 3, Minnesota 0 BY THE NUMBERS— This is the toughest time for professional football players drill­ extra frame contest that took Clouds Gather Boston 4, Los .Angeles 0 j Cleveland, 25. a three - run homer and boom • Americans, 5-1. base hits off 'Viera in the last of parties, hut one way arid in plain flingers as Don ' Larsen, Bobby 1 Triples — Wood, Detroit. 9; ing and exercising under the hot summer sun. Some of the New York Giants on the three nights to complete. A quick call by Berger brings Locke and Russ Kemmerer were Chicago 8, rieveiand 6 things were ali deadlocked 5-5. the info that they’ve had a car the eighth but a marveloiw throw English, all for me and the heck I Landis, Chicago, Piersall, Cleve­ Fairfield, Conn., University field don’t yet seem to be in quite the condition they’d want All eyes will be on Ray LaGace, Dave Viara, Manchester pitcher from Gary Gott nailed a base run­ with you. serving them up, might have had Today’s Games the finest pitcher in the history of the umpires decided to call the breakdown but are on their way. Ix>s .Angeles (Bowsfleld 7-3 and land and Keoiigh. Washington, 7; to be in. settled down and prevented ner at the plate for the final out. When decisions are rendered in something to do with it. The i Cash, Detroit and Ltimpke, Kansan Manchester Little League play. game because of darkness at this Both teams take infield drill at Grba 5-10) at BalUniore (Kislier ■ ^ .2' . Thompson\'llle from pushing an­ point. After almost 48 hours of "sweat­ favor of Johnny or his team, a While Sox won, 8-6. ' City. 6. The red headed southpaw is slated 6:15 trying to relax a little as 4-10 and Barber l'2-8), (2), 6 p.m. other run, which could have been 'Sweating Out’ Period ing it out” Manchester had its cheer goes up for the umpire’s ac­ Baltimore's Hal (Skinny) i Home Rims— Yfantle and Yfaris, ‘ to pitch tonight for the Amer­ ominous clouds start to gather. Minnesota (Pasenal 8-1'2) at the winning one, in the rest of the Then came the first “ sweating Umpires finally appear on scene first all-SUk City district final in tion, But when the man in blue Brown, nne of the moat vehement i New Y ork, 40; Killebrew, Mlnne- icans against Marc Schardt. La­ sixth inning and neither team was Little League history. calls a pitch or play that goes claimers than the ball has been New A'ork (Stafford 9-5), 8 p.m. i sota, 82; Ckilavito, Detroit, SO; Gen­ out” period. Would the game be at 6:30 smd, after a short dis­ Kansa.s Uit.v (Walker 4-7) at Gace has authored three no-hit, able to score in the first extra picked up exactly Where it was cussion at home plate over g^round As one fan was heard muttering again.at Johnny, or his team, the jacked up this year, threw a 3-0 tile, Baltimore, 29. no-run games in regular season frame, the seventh. left off? Would the score revert to himself as he headed for his unip is a h:im. shutout at Minnesota. The long­ Boston (.Monhoiiqiielte 8-9), 8 p.m. Stolen Bases— Apricio. Chicago, rules and game situation, play re­ Cleveland (Ijitman 9-2) at ^ - Favor Pro play. With darkne'ss falling rapidly, to the previous inning? Or would sumes finally at 6:40, almost 48 oar end another trip down Route Manchester Little League sup­ est hit he allowed wa-s a two- .25: Howser, Kansan City, 28; The game was started Tuesday Manchester rallied twice in the the game have to be played all hours after it was first called. 5-A, "You don’t have to bo nuts porters are no different than in bagger by Ted Lepcio. 11 was the trolt (I.ary 14-6), 9 p.m. Wood. Detroit, 19; Bruton. Detroit, other tewns, I am sure. Boosters Onl.i’ Games Scheduled night and after four and a half In­ top of the eighth but, with a run­ over again? Only point of discussion not agreed to get involved in Lltlle League DON BERGER third straight shutout for the 36- 16: Landis, Chlrago and Y'ersalles, ning of play and only an in­ ner on second base and two out. Late Tuesday night word came upon was count on the batter, —but ft sure helps.” of one local team were out of line year-old righthander and extend­ Saturday's Sche Lema lashed a three-iron shot fans, plus the coaches, were dis­ that he was opposed to district p.m. Bride, Ixm .Angeles, 113. Great Honor INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Haven Joiirnai Oourier, (and Red Sox May 21. ------Overlooked in MVP ^60 Voting------come one of the biggest "The game means a lot to me, 10-Polnt Favorite New York Titans may find out ing Mike and Ike, Ken Venturi and to the edge ot the green and he graceful. As long as their teem tourney play, b>it was Overruled by Cleveland at Detroit (2) Trailing by two runs going Into Tony Lema, waited to tee off today chairman of the Connecticut u-aa ahead, e^’erything was cream Bob Shaw of Kansas City heroes of the midsummer says the 23-year-old Bellino. “It's The Eagles have been installed tonight whether they have suc­ chipped into the hole from 35 feet the managing personnel. throttled the power-hitting New Washington at Chicago (2) NATIONAL LEAGUE cessfully patched their leaky de­ the last of the sixth Inning, Pa- as leaders of the $35,000 Eastern away. Sport Writers’ Gold Key Din­ end strawberries, but when the ♦ » • football classic in Soldier a great honor to be selected an All- a 10-point favorite although they ner, announced today that the York Yankees with six hits—all Batting (Based on 225 or moro Field that sends a squad of pick­ Star. 'When I'm 50, I would like fense and become a major con­ gani’a pulled out a 7-5 victory over Open wondered what another other side, in this case Manches­ NATIONAL LEAGUE must face one of the better All- This par advantage was wiped 1962 event will be held Jan. 22 singles - as he pitched the Ath­ at bats) — Clemente, Pittsburgh, ed graduated collegians against to see an All-Star game and be Star groups without the leadership tender in the American Football Californian, Gene Llttler, might do out by bogey fives on thq 13tli and ter, rallied, tied the ecore and then rnipiriiig Not Good W. U Pet. G.B. .366; Robinson. Cincinnati, 842; Aceto Sc' Sylvester at VetTlanck to the Pine Ridge course. at the Longshore Club In West- went ahead, and a disputed play letics to a 6-1 victory. Mickey Clement Aids Cause the Philadelphia Eagles. able to tell my kids: 'I played in and aerial power provided by Norm League. Field last night w’hen Joe Dimlnlco 16th, but the 27-year-^d Lema Umpiring conditions, for the Cincinnati .'.,..66 4t) .6-23 Hoak, Pittsburgh, .338; Pinson, They meet the Dallas Texan.s as Although Venturi and Lema with port. situation took place, the di.<»play Mantle and Roger Maris, the 4()- .29 .618 T h e 5-foot-9-inch, 173-poimd one of those once.' Van Brocklln last season. He Is stroked a grandslam homer. recouped with birdies on the 16th most part, in the above mentioned homer twins, didn't come close to I..OS .Angcips . .63 Cincinnati. .324; Moon, Los now coach of the Minnesota 'Vik­ the AFL's exhibition season gets scores of 68, four under par, were and last holes. This is the first time the from the bench and third base games this season have been bad. San Francisco 55 47 .5.29 .Angeles, .823. All-America halfback will be play­ Such dedication and high spirit Getting tw'o hits for the winners Connecticut Sports Writers’ hitting one out of the park. They ing in his last geme and would is felt throughout Head C lx»s Angeles 4, San Francisco 8 fielder, think's the baseball rates won 19-0, the league's most delphia 7-1 for their 15th victory j Hits — Clemente, Pittsburgh, tors and will be televised and The New York team, coached led the Eastern Open. He lost by a 600 dkiers. by passers Norm Snead of Wake In the last two years, the Balti­ as a golfer since their days at the year for the program. The district tent umpiring i.times the run was produced by Rocky Cola-’ ( 10 ) writers en-ed when they vot­ lopsided shutout since the Chicago m as many meetings with the 138; Pinson. Cincinnati, 137; Rob­ broad cast by ABC starting at 10 Forest, Bill Kilmer of UCLA and more Colts humbled them 29-0 and by pass-minded Sammy Baugh, stroke on the final 18 holes in 1959 San Francisco Oouh-try Club. Many sports personalities difference between a good and a Vito who drove in the other Tiger Cubs thrashed the New' York Phillies this season. The triumph p.m. couldn't have a more competent Today's Games ed his teammate, Dick Groat, inson, Cincinnati, 129; Cepeda, Tom Matte of Ohio State seems 27-7. beat the Dallas Texans twice last and held on last year to prevail Not Starving plan to attend which sees the and capable man than the school­ bad ball game, win or lose. run with a single. It was Cola- Giants by the same score in 1907. enabled the Reds to maintain their Bellino la the type of break­ year, the only team to do so. The Pitkin Fine Hnrler Philadelphia (Ferrarese 2-7) at Over him m the National League's San Francisco, 127; Aaron, Mil­ likely, the All-Stars are well pre­ The weatherman predicted a hu­ with a score of ^ 3 , 15 under par. Neither has won a tournament writers’ honor three outstand­ teacher running the show. But he Fortunately, Manchester's staff vito's 30th homer of the season. St. I»iiis (Broglie 7-10), 9 p.m. most valuable player in 1960. Whether Clemente wins the game lead over Los Angeles, which waukee. 126. away runner and adept pass catch­ pared to run against the pros. mid warm night following a Titans’ victories came largely He didn’t show up this year until ing sportsmen. of umpire.i! are well trained, well • « • MVP title or not, he should, bar­ nipped San Francisco. 4-3, in lO through the efforts of quarterback this year, but they haven't been can't control all parents individu­ Pittsburgh (Gibbon 8-6) at Cin­ Imagine the screa)iis of anguish Doubles — Aaron, Milwaukee er that the National Football ’Hie Eagles have a defensive sec­ chance of afternoon thundershow­ During His Youth shortly before he teed off and he \miformed and carry a lot of re­ ORIOLBS-TWINS — Broij'n of ring a catastrophe, capture the innings. Milwaukee defeated Ch)- Lieague champion E a g 1 e a know A1 Dorow, who threw six touch­ starving. Venturi has earned $21,- ally. cinnati (Piirkey 1.2-5), 9:05 p.m. Roberto will let out If he's over­ and Ma>ii, San Francisco, 25; Cole­ ondary that could be tough against ers. admitted the lack of renewed ac­ 432 and Lema $9,553. * * • spect when handing down deci­ Baltimore and Jim Kaat of Min- CTiicago (Anderson 4-7) at I>os looked again this year. batting title. His mark of .3'66 is cago 5-2. man, Cincinnati, 24; Santo, Chi­ down passes and crossed the goal quaintance with the 6,820-yard sions. Out-of-town arbiters are as­ stripe twice personally in the two Death Wednesday of Wells Pit­ In addition to Llttler, they had noBota were locked in a scoreless Angeles (Koiifax 1,2-6), II p.m. The larniping Latin did much to 24 point* higher than Ihs^ of his i cago, 28; Robinson, Pinson and course left him uncertain about Planned Appeal signed to all tourney action. A duel until the eighth when the Milwaukee (S|mhn 10-12) at San i PIRATES CABD5—Harvev Had- j Freeze, Cincinnati, 22. games. kin revived memories when he was what club to use. After the first to keep a wary eye on the veteran Soltys Named good umpired game is usually an The Dallas Texans are expect­ a standout baseball pitcher in Con­ Doug Ford of Creatwood, N.Y., Wednesday night. Berger Oriolew scored three nms on two Francisco (McCormick 9-9), JI:I5 dix was the beneficiary of the P i-; Triples — Altman, Chicago, 6; nine holes he felt he had shot him­ planned to appeal to 'the spec­ interesting and exciting one. hits and a pair of Minneaota er­ p.m. rates’ avalanche of runs against | Wilis, Los Angeles, Clemente, ed to go with practically the sanrtq necticut. A righthander, Pitkin self out of contention with a two- and a young dark horse, Tex Bax­ Chicago, Aug. 4 ifp)—A former Weather permitting, by dark to­ Skeptics to Contrary, offensive thrust as last year,’ ter Jr. of Amarillo, Tex. Ford and tators, before the start of the rors. Dick WilUame walked to Satiirda.v's Schedule Mclntosh-Kloter Tandem TopsjiAl Cicotte, Bob Miller and Llndy i Pittsburgh and White, St. Louis, pitched for a number of local over par 38. sports publicity director at the night Manchester Little I.«ague McDaniel. This is the same fellow I 8; Amaro, Philadelphia and Stuart when they ranked second in the Four Straight Birds Baxter started the second round scheduled District Eight final open the inning and Ron Hajisen Pittsburgh at Cincinnati teams. Including the North End University of Connecticut, Frank game - which was twice post­ fans will know' what All-Star team singled. Marv Bredding scored Philadelphia at St. I»uis j who went begging for one run tw o; and Vlrdon, Pittsburgh, 7. Western Division. But on the 11th, Littler's recol­ of the tourney—which ends Sun­ representing two of the town's two Cotton Davidson will be at quar­ Businessmen, whose lineup includ­ day—only a stroke behind the San Soltys, was elected president of the poned—to observe the rules of William* with a single. Hanaen Yfihvaiikee at San Francisco As Summer Pin League Closes years ago when he pitched 12 per Home Runs — Robinson, Cin­ Fullmer Still Favored ed Karl Keller and Doc Moran as lection of Pine Ridge returned and leagpies will emerge as district cinnati, 83; Cepeda, and Majra, ter with Abner Haynes and John­ Franciscans at 69. College Sports Information Direc­ sportsmanship expected of adults. and Breeding scored when first Chicago at Ixm .Angeles feci innings against Milwaukee well as Sam Massey's All-Stars, he reeled off four straight birdies. king. The International League All- Sunda.v’s Schedule 1 only to lose 1-0 in the 13th. San Francisco, 29; Aaron, Mil­ ny Robinson at the halfback posts His second shot on the 400-yard The 138 golfers who started the This i-equest shouldn't be neces­ Slars were sidelined a week ago baseman Joe Altobelli fielded a and Jack Spikes as fullback. the Eagles and the Norwalk Carp­ tors Association yesterday. Soltyz sary, but it is. bunt threw over catcher Hal Nar- Pittsburgh at Cincinnati (2) Capturing first place honors Uii ■K. Byrnes and Every starting Pirate participat- waukee, 27; Mathews, Milwaukee, Ogden, Utah, Aug. 4 {/P)— Utah’s brawling Gene Fullmer enters. 13th curled in and out of the cup, tourney found that Pine Ridge, is now with the University of Ari­ b\it the cream of the crop from the the A Division of lha Twilight A. Hebert ...... , .15 12 .556 e,j jf, (he slaughter. Smoky Bur- 22. Coach Hank Stram has added a m Using an eagle. which was opened only two years I^ast summer in the finals at American League and the out­ agon's head and Kaat, backing uip Philadelphia at St. Ixiiils (2) has fought off five successive attempts to relieve him of the REC SOFTB.ALL new twist this year. Both Haynes Pitkin, Moran said, was offered zona. Charley Loftus, sports infor­ the play, threw the ball into cen- Chicago at Los Angeles Bowling League this summer was S. Burger and ; gess had a couple of homers and Stolen Bases — Wilis, Los It was an eagle three on the 607- ago, had grown tougher. Last year, mation director at Yale, was hon­ Windsor Locks for the district standing performers from the Na­ National Boxing Association share of the world middle­ Standings and Robln.son are expected to add a contract in the Eastern League title, the spectators of the losing terAeldi Milwaukee at San Franrisrn the tandem of Ruth McIntosh and T. Hinson ...... 15 12 .656 I drove in six runs. Dick Stuart had Angeles, 18; RoMnson, ClnMnnati, W. L. Pet. yard 12th hole that provided Lema 49 broke par on the first round. ored at the annual meeting for tional League are still in the run­ • • • Flo Kloter. This was the same D. Gaston and . a grand slammer and batted in 17; Aaron, Milwaukee, 16; Pinson, weight championship passing to their running, thus but prefered to play semi-pro ball with his big lift Into a tie with This time, only 27 finUhed under team, whiiA happened to be the ning and will cross bats at 6 Teachers ...... 11 3 .786 loosening up the defense. In the early 1920s. "He was a good helping put out an award-winning , pair which won last year loo while M. Bonham ...... 15 12 .556 five runs. Bill Mazeroskl had four Cincinnati, 15; Mays, San Fran­ The surprising thought today on Venturi. 72. Ivy League brochure. home club, put on an exhibition o'clock at Buckley Field in the TIOBRB-8ENATDR.S — De­ the eve of his sixth title defense is Bolajtd Motors ...... 8 6 .571 The game will be at Cobb Sta­ pitcher and always a perfect gen­ worse than either of the two I troit’s Jim Buaning pitched a four- Mrs. Kloter teamed with Maude S. Larkin and hits, and Bill Virdon. Don Hoak cisco, 12. List of E n t r i e 8 Gue’ Grinders* . ___ 7 final.s. . .14 13 .519 and Bob Skinner had three hits Pitching (Based on 10 or more that Fullmer is only a mild favor­ 6 .538 dium, the principal high school tleman. He was even tempered and personally wnlnessed in Manches­ Meanwhile, here's hoping the hitter against the Senatois. Tlie; Carpenter to win the title when J. Winther ...... ite to retain the crown in his 15- Army A Navy ...... 7 7 .500 football field. A crowd of 17,000 is never got rattled In tight situa­ ter in the past 10 days. tall righthander famed six for his the league was first organized D. Darwent and apiece. decisions) — Podres, Lo* Angelea, For ^Oth ICO Field parents stay in line and let the 13-8, .818, Miller, San Franciaco, |tnuid fight with Florentlno Fer­ Pagani's Berbers . . . 7 7 .500 expected. tions. There's nothing apparently 12th victory, seventh in his last three yeais ago. A. Fortunate . .. . .14 13 .519 The modem major league rec­ Egg ’N You ..., boys play ball and accept the ord for the biggest shutout is 21-0, 8-8, .727; Purkey, Cincinnati, 13- nandez of Cuba, , a novice in cham­ ___ 7 7 .500 WTong with the Little Leaguers decisions. Good sportsmanship, nine decisions. High average honors belong to F. Davin and pionship circles. Has Doug Sanders Telso ...... ___ 7 7 .500 * * * Hejeii McCann with a 107.8 mark. D. Healy ...... 13 14 .481 ' set by Detroit against Cleveland- 5. .722; Jay. Ctncinstl, 15-6, .714; themselves, its the coaches, man­ taught in the home, should be dis­ in 1910, and tieid by the Yankees Koufax, Los Angelea, lS-6, .684, The two meet in Ogden Stadium Brititdi-American’B . . 1 12 .077 Pitchers Fxpect Help agers and most of all, the adults. played in public by those playing A’s-Y.ANKS - • Second baseman This is the third year in a row M. Lucas and before Gene’s home state follow- Add the name of Doug Sanders •Makeup game Monday at Mt. Jerrj' Lumpe. who once played f6r that .Mrs. McCann has taken this G. Murray ...... 13 14 .481 against Philadelphia in 19.19. Strikeouts — Koufax, Los True, Little League is a program the game as well as those in the .Angeles, 174; Williams, Lbs a n —many of whom . are openly to the list of golfers released by Nebo. Griffith Has All Potentialities Batting — Smoky Burgess, Rob­ the Yankeee. led the A's nine hit honor. • E. 'McMuIIin and which .stresses volunteer workers bleachers. I REDS-PHILS - Ken Johnson, Angeles; 135; Dryzdaie, Los skeptical of their champion—and the Greater Hartford Jaycees plan­ erto Clemente, Pirates — Burgess assault against loser Bud Daley, Alba Sobiski had high triple J. Kanehl ...... 10 17 .370 a nationally televised audience— ning to compete at the Wethers­ Exploding for 16 base knocks, Due to Lively Baseball with a 383 while Ruth McIntosh's E. Kilpatrick and ' who joined the Reds July 21, Angeles, 120; Mahaffey, Philadel­ hit two home runs and drove in C former Kansas City pitcher. phia, 113; Jay, Cincinnati and Gib­ (NBQ, 10 p.m. EDT). field (Country Club in the 10th an­ Telso trounced Pagan i Bar)>ers, Of Being All-Time Ring Great six runs and Clemente had five hits 142 was high single. i D. T urcotte...... 6 21 .222 pitched his second victory, spac­ Lumt>e had a double and triple, ing nine -hits as Cincinnati - beat son, St. Ix>uls, 108. The pattern of impressions of nual Insurance City Open golf 17-4, lasltmight at Mt. Nebo. Both as the Pirates inflicted 19-0 -shut­ scored twice and drove in a nm. A DIVISIO.N tournament. This outstanding teams now have identical 7-7 rec­ • • * I Philly righthander John Buzhardt the Fqlimer down-graders remains New York— (N EA)—Even dis-Osays Clancy, In charge of Grif- out on St. Louis Cardinals. ... Slick Young Pitchers Final Standing* Triumphing In a rolloff, Dolore.s as it has been since the then-young sporting event will be held from ords and these is at least a four- Fregin and Inez Babinesii captured for the fifth time this .season. gruntled old-timers—present com­ flth's activitie.s within the ring. Pitching — Hal (Skinny) Brown, New York — (NEA) — Stu BED 80X-.ANGBLS The Reti W. L. Pci. Shortstop Leo (Jardenas led the Mormon first put on a glove. Augj 10 through 13, with a Pro- way tie for fourth place in the Orioles — The 36-year-old right­ Sox broke up a scoreleas pitching ! team honors in the C ' lion. Kay Jaycee Golf Play Am on Aug. 9, and features prize standings with a five-way deadlock pany included—who doubt' there •'He’s only 23 and has had just Millef in the second All-Star R. McIntosh and Reds’ 16-hit .vttack with a double In essence it is: Gene is awk­ has been a great welteriv^eight 27 fights. Most kids haven’t even hander shut out Minnesota 4-0. It Game further stressed the duel beta'sen Schwall and Ken Mc­ F. Kloter . . . .17 10. «;j(i ‘ MacWilliams’ 90.22 ip aver-. . . , , ward, unorthodox and can’t box. money totaling $30,000 plus $3,000 a possibility. •’I'hus, a preliminary was his third straight shutout and Likely Saturday Foes Bride of the Angels, scoring all ■“ “ ,sge with Gerrv- Pi. 109 (he | in awards for the Pro-Am. playoff for the final berth will be since Mysteriou.s Billy Smith, are found themselves as fighters at Importance of the. relief pitch­ J. Austin and Slated Wednesday All three are correct. this stage. extended his scoreless string to 32 er. thoir runs in tlie Vic Wertz iQ., 1 beat individual gam Esther, • « • necessary before the playoffs get beginning to concede that Howard D. Cowles . .. .16 11 Armstrong's 302 the h-gn triple. | DODGERS-GIANTS — An error Not in fie^aty Contest Sanders, from Cedartown, Ga., is Albert and Gil Clancy have been consecutive innings. "Starting pitchers no long­ ignited the rally ^%dLh a double. 28 years old and turned pro in underway. Social Graces By f r a n k CLINE E. Tedford and ' j by infielder Joe Amalfitano with Sclieduled Wednesday, Aug. 16 But the defeiue summation is right all along. Griffith is self-possessed and er consider it a disgrace to be Frank Malzone, Ruse Nixon and V. .Morton ...... 15 12 .556 C DIYTSION at the Manchester Conutry Club ia equally basic: p e can fight and 1956. He won the Western Open in Joe Donahue, with a homer and Two of the slickest young twlrl- Carroll Handy followed with sin­ { t\so out and the ba.aes full in the Albert and Clancy have stead­ has all the social graces. After taken out," commented Alvin Radio, TV Sports A. Johnson and Final Standings 10th inning permitted pitcher the annual Jaycee Golf Touma- he wins. 1958 and the Coral Gables Open in two singles, and Bob McKinney, Dark in Philadelphia. ^ •rs In upstate American Legion gle*. W. with a homer and triple, were the fastly maintained that their cham­ the Bahama bout he had a gab- Building Program B. Munroe ...... 14 18 .519 L. Pet. Larrv Sherry to score with the ment sponsored by the Manchester Fullmer is remindful of a state­ 1959. In 1960 he was runner-up at Dark, freshman manager of circles are expected to match » • • D. Fregin and the Pensacola Open, tied for sec­ big guns for Telso. Bill Shields pion. Emile Griffith, has all the fest with Dr. Ralph Bunche of pitches tomorrow afternoon at Mt, Friday—^ S. Borello and Dodgers' winning run. The hitter Junior Chamber of Commerce. It ment by Detroit sportsman C. W. potentialities of an all-time fistic the United Nations. If you hadn’t At Buckland Oval the Giants, scanned the club’s WHITE SOX-1NDLAN8 — Bub- A. .Sobiski ...... 14 13 .5 1 9 ' I. Babinesu ...... 20 7 ,741 was John Ro:seboro. whose home will be open to residents of Man- Smith, whose race hOrse Hillsdale ond at the Baton Rouge Open and had three singles and winning pitching statistics and pointed Nebo when Manchester and 'West 8 p.m. .athletics vs. Bed Sox, ba Phillip* got the Indians off. to tied for third at the Greater New great. known which was thei diplomat, E. Nowak and I I. Pisch and run in tlie ninth had tied the score. Chester only between the ages of was somewhat ungainly but a tre­ pitcher Row'e Wheeler, who tossed to the modicum of completed, Hartford open their best of three WTH’ 1080. a 4-0 lead with a grand slam-hdm- I L. Thomas ...... 20 .741 Orleans Open, the "500 ’ Festival a seven-hitter, stroked a bases When he had fewer than 20 you would have had difficulty dis­ Scheduled Sunday 8 p.ni. — Twins vs. Yanks, R. Bean ...... 14 13 .519 at 3-3. It wa.s an error by Rose­ 12 and 17. mendous money winner. tinguishing them. games. San Francisco pitchers semi-final series in the State Le­ er in the first inning but the While j L. Kshler and Open, the Western Open and the loaded three-bagger. fights to his credit, the co-man­ gion TournamenL Game time will WINF 1230. B. Lamoreaux,and boro, earlier, that enabled the A troph.v will be awarded the “Maybe he’s not pretty but he’s A devoted son, “Momma’s the finished what they started Sox came back w'ith two runs in LOOKS PART— A ; K. MacWiiliam ....18 9 .667 PGA Championship. Doug tied for Ken Monroe and Art Patton agers insisted Griffith would beat An old fashioned building bee, be 2 o'clock. 10 p.m.—Eagles vs. .\I1-Star», J. Irish ...... 13 14 .481 ..Giants to break a 2-2 deadlock medalist and prizes for winners in not in a beauty contest,” said Florentino Fernandez, Jorge Fer­ big boss," Griffith obeys his man­ only 23 times in the first 100 each of the second, third, fourth jaunty hat on his head, i C. Willelte and ...... Smith. second at the PGA Championship had two hits apiece for the losers. complete with community picnic, outings. Channel 8. N. Goodin and with an unearned run. tlie various age brackets. Prizes nandez, Denny Mbyer and Luis agers, "After momma, Gil and All-winning Dick Caley, who has and ninth innings. The last twp E. Mayer ...... 17 10 .630 will be donated by the Gil Hardon Gene isn't a pretty fighter, eith­ in 1959 and came in third at the Tel.so...... 020 605 4 -17-16-0 Will be held m Manchester Sun­ This sent the phenomenal notched a half dozen victories for Satiirda.v— Ilobert the Roue gives I. Constantine ....11 16 .407 Havana Invitational in 1958. Rodriquez, who blocked Emile's Howard come first.” tallies, which proved to be the M. Lotas and BRAY E S-CUBS — Milwaukee Insurance Agency and Manchester er. But he hammers and bludgeons Pagani s ...... 101 002 0— 4- 7-2 day—but the men, women and Miller to the firing line no West Hartford’s undefeated Zone 2 p.m. — Twins vs. I’ a n k s, winning runs, resulted from relief his equine opinion of the B. Knit and E. Armstrong...... 13 14 .481 Third Man In $ $ $ ■Wheeler and McDowell; Zeman- path to the 147-pound title. ^ did. Griffith is always in training. H. McCann ...... 11 16 .407 righthander Lew Burden had a Country Club Pro Alex Hackney. away and soon such fellows as Albert, who manages Emile’s children will construct bleachers, fewer than 39 times. One title holders, is the likely Channel 8; WKNB 840. pitcher Frank Funk's wild throw opposition at Saratoga B. Foodv and Sugar Ray Robinson and Carmen Although Sanders did not play ek and Whipple. When Griffith was matched not the u.sual house or a barn. “ Until more recently.” said 2 p.m. — .athletics vs. B e d A. Beebe and one-hit shutout until the ninth All wishing to participate must with the then practically Inde- financial affairs, once suggested starling hui'ler for the visitors. The on a bunt. Luis Aparicio, with a Springs. The colt is a J. Turchtik ...... 13 14 .481 .when Al Hei.st singled and Ernie register with Hackney at the pro Basilio, Spider Webb and Joey Gi- in t)ie 1960 ICO, his game this year Scene of the activity will be the Dark, “ starting pitchers gave host club will counter with its own Sox, Channel 3; WTIO 1080. B. Phillips ...... 10 17 .370 G. Picaut and proves that he will bear W'atching •structible Benny Kid Paret for the the champion might like to have home run and two singles, led the fine two-.vear-old. ! Banks follog’ed with his 19th home ; shop by Aug. 1111. Starting times ardello are not around much any­ CHURCH SOFTBAU. an automobile, now that he is Connecticut Valley Quarter Midg­ the manager an argument ace righthander, Tommy Kelley, 2:80 — Senators vs. White Sox' 13-hit attack. M. Picaut ...... 11 16 more. as a strong contender to finish first Five runs in the last of the sev­ title, Albert—a milliner by pro­ et arena where quarter midget when he moved to take them .Sox, Channel SO. Winning the title in the B Di­ run to acc'ount for both Chicago! will be assigned. No entry fee or fession-told everybody the Vir­ In the money. who also has won six decisions this B. Totten and runs. Frank Bolling had three hits ; green fees will be required, Neither Fullmer nor his man­ at Wethersfield. His 1961 official enth frame still was one short of racing for boys and girls Is held out. Now they give up too summer and lost one in helping 4:80 — T5' B a c e of Week,, es • vision Vision was thetne teamleaiii -oi-of rmniuiiSharon Jl. N.vlin ...... 10 17 money winnings trail only Gary gin Islander would knock out "Thanks, Howard,” said Griffith, and fra n k Thomas had a home j Sid'Nuzum is chairman for thS ager, Marv Jensen, are taking 4 tie as Moriarty Bros, bowed to “ but I don’t think I should ha'Ve every Wednesday night. easily. It is as if they expect­ pitch Manchester ti the Zone Four Channel 18. 089 riP lllors l^ iian ip Weinstein and Sarah Lupacchino. , I. Hankingson and Fernandez lightly. Player and Arnold Palmer. Last Liberty Mutual, 17-16, in a battle Paret. Nobody believed Albert but Club' members have been shop­ ed to bo taken out. 'The lively 6 p.m. — Racing from Mon­ Kitty Byrnes' 96 was best average run for the Braves. ' .Taveees. his cohorts In New York’s garment one. I like to walk, and it’s good crown. 19th Hole E. Mott ...... 8 19 .296 year he ranked 10th in official to avert the cellar last night at ping for bleachers since the rac­ ball has something to do with The defending state champions mouth, Channel SO. New Britain. Aug. 4 (.Ti — Frank while Dot Darwent hit high triple M. Thompson and Trio of Knockouts money winnings with a total of district which entered a new eranf for my legs.” Charer Oak Park. Between them ing .season opened May 6, but it, of course, but the urge to from West Hartford own a perfect 5 p.m.—Big Time Wrestling, Ross of Wampanoag Country’ Club with a 336 and Ann Hebert's 125 B. H bgan ...... 5 22 .185 They know the 25-year-old Cu­ $26,470:99. the two teams collected 39 hits and prosperity when Griffith stopped K none could be found. Meanwhile, came up a winner again yesterday ban in his three fights since g;ra- stick in there and fight has in 21-0 record for the year. Manches­ CTiannels 8, 18. Kollowiiig art..(be starting tlm ea am i ' was best individual single. Among the other leading golfers committed eight errors. the Cuban gamester. the large crowd of spectators who many cases disappeared.” liandicapr lur tli- Four Ball, Beet Ball in' the State Seniors Golf Tourna­ (hiating from the welterweight di- ter posted an 11-3 mark for the 10 p.m.— Fight of Week, Full­ T oui iiaiiifiu at ili.' 1'iium r.v C lu h tuiiicu- B DIVISION MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL who have signed up for the 10th Every man in the Insurance line­ Did It Again Bowling attend the programs have had to Gene Mauch, the young mer vs. Fernande*. Channel 8. ment- at Shuttle Meadow, Ross viaion has scored knockouts in the ICO are Julius Boros, Ray Botts, up got at least one hit with Jack campaign. In a pre-.season exhibi­ row. K ach roiiteatam will ))■■ piaving Final Standings Eastern League They laughed when Albert and stand or lean against the fence to Phillies’ pilot in the other tion contest, Manchester came - Siinda.v— W illi u ihiee quarter handicap. I carded a 38-38—76 in the second 150-pound division. Joe Campbell. Jack Ellis, Jini Per­ Edward hitting a homer and three a ai.e .V. D aley 6, T. Hicks 13. R . i W. L. Pet Williamsport 5-0. Johnstown 1-2. Clancy — a school teacher — said FLOWERETTE LEAGUE watch the little cars race. dugout, seconded the motion. away with a 3-2 triurnph over the 1 :S0— Red Sox vs. Athletics,. half of the tourney for a 36-hole They were, in order, Phil Moyer, rier, Bob Goetz, Harold Hneece, singlas, Don Cook getting a triple The decision to build bleachers O beilander 11, T, Stanford 18. total of 143 and his third cham­ S. Weinstein and Lancaster 10, Reading 0. Rory Calhoun and France’s Marcel Griffith would knock out Caspar W. “W i^ a middle relief man title holders. Channel 8; WTIC 1080. 8 : 33- J. .M iinger 6.'O. A nnulll; 14, F . 1 T onight Jerry Priddy, Bob Shave, Jerry L. Pet. ■ S. Lupacchino ....20 7 .741 Binghamton 7, Springfield 4. and two singles and Jim Perry a Ortega, a Mexican Indian who was themselves was voted uport unani­ ready practically from ths 2 p.m. — Twins vs. Yanks, C oiiuorion Ik. .1. Madore U. I pionship. Pigou. Their championship caliber Steelsmith, Jim Tumesa and Ken triple. The winners paraded 13 bat­ Iris ...... 30 14 .682 Proable Lineups 8 : 37— P. M acNaniara 6. M . Sibrinaz considered puncture proof. Emile mously by the club members at a start, being yanked has be­ Channel 8; WKNB 840. , may be suspect but the FVllmer Venturi. ters to the plate when, they scored did It again. Marigolds . ... 29 15 .659 meeting two weeks ago. Lumber Probable batting order for West 13. M . l.aK ranrl> U). F. Juhnalon 16. on camp has no reason to doubt the Blue Bells ...... 28 28 16 .635 come habit fonning on the 2:80 — Senators.VI. White 8 : 44— J .. G ordon 3. T. Perry 14, R . ' Ed Kuna, who shot a 209 to take nine times. The consensus was that Albert for the bleachers will be pre-cut Hartford is Paul Gibson, 3b; Doug A r m s t r o n g 13, J. C rockett 30. t potency of Fernandez’ left hook, Roses ...... 28 16 .635 part of many starting pitch­ Keeler, 2b; Jim Dixon, lb: Bob Sox, Channel SO. the Connecticut State Open cham­ Getting four hits for Moriarty’s and Clancy had become completely and assembled at the track by the ers,” he said. 8 : 6 1 -J. Sweene.v 8. A. Ayera 18, F . ! Which must be tremendous. pionship, also plans to play at was Jasper Turner with a triple and Bleeding Hearts .. 26 18 .591 Rohrs, rf; Rick Meisner, cf; Dick Spilerkl IJ. J. Zanneiti 18. befuddled by the sport that was parents starting at 8 a.m. Sunday. ■Well, Dark, Mauch and t^e 8:58--H . M alhiasun 6. (}. Kelly IS, Said Jenaen today; Wethersfield next week. three singles. Jerry Snyder hom- Orchids ...... 23 21 .523 Afterwards, there will be a spe­ Slabnick, if; Paul McGuire, c; Jim "There ia no question Fernan­ strange to them when Griffith was Violets...... 22 22 .500 other managers had better get F. O brem ski 13. C. Sprague 24. ered and Steve Martin and Carl matched with Yama Bahama, a cial race for children whose par­ used to it. Baseball has be­ Hickey, ss and Caley. Shrine Golf Day 9 t )6— J. Beaulieu 6. W. Dittm an 14. dez’ left hook ii dangerous. But Carlson’ each stroked two-baggers Daisies^...... 22 . 22 .500 STU MILLER Manchester will likely counter R . N a e h 11. ti. F oster 16. Quarter Midget ents worked so hard to erect the he’s got to land it.” middleweight unbeaten in, his last Lilacs ...... 20 24 .442 come a game of specialists. 9:13 W . D e a s y 6. II. C arvey 14. . H . Thii^day’e Homers for theilosers also. seven fights. Griffith , once again bleachers. At 3 p.m. following a with Mike Reardon, rf; George Slated Wednesday G r y k J 3. J. M cC arrick 22. WINF Lilies ...... 16 28 .354 The Dodgers, for example, layer of red rubber was wrap­ Mutual ...... 090 050 3—17 16 6 vindicated his management by de­ family picnic, there will be two fea­ May, ss; Dennis Dailey, 3b; Bill " ! 9 . 19--R. Fahey 7. M . .M artocchlo 15, h Moriarty’s ...311 160 5—16 20 2 Mums ...... 8 36 .182 platoon all but three regfulars ped around the black. From Maneggia, C; Dave White, cf; ------. R. DeilaFera 11. P. Dulelle 16 AMERICAN LEAGUE feating Bahama and extending his Petunias • ... 8 36 ture races with bicycles, transistor —the double play duo and the Returning to defend his cham-| 9:26- a. Gayaun 5 G. McLafferiy 16, Rusher Loses Colavito, Tigers (80). Denllng, Dickson (5) and Cook; .182 radios and wrist watches awaiting that time on the home run fig­ Buddy Minor, lb; Roger Macaione, SUNDAY at 3 own streak to eight. High sing catcher. pionahip when the second annual A.'V; P?'”!? P- Eadie 16 x-Phillips, Indisuts (16). Damaschi and Sorrano. • Phyllis Tomalonis the winners, instead of the usual ures have skyrocketed. 2b; Ray Dotchln or Johnny Lucas, 9 :33—S Homans 7. W. Phelan 16. F. Tr.ick r.ocated At Intersection of Hilliard Street and New State Highway Now ears perk up and nobody 124, Helen Gutzmer 117, Lois Cole­ While superior pitching con­ Plrpo Marberry of Washing­ Shrine Golf Day ie held at the Carney U. C. Daley 22. i IthacA, N. Y.. Aug. 4 (A7 — FranconU, Indians (12). smiles when Albert and Clancy trophies. Also, there will be mer­ If and Kelley. L(yfonl Smith, Conway, N. H., and man 117, Maryanne PizzancIIo 1^4, tinues to get the big hitters ton's first pennant-winnlhg The second game of the series Manchester Cmmtry Club Wednes­ Prindle 9. M, Willey 13, P. , Piersall, Indians (6). say their battler will whip any Barbara Doyon 114, Flo Niles 113, chandise awards to every boy and Grooohert 11. K. Anderson 20. ; Ffforuring Top Now Enqkmcl Quortor Mldqot Drivors out, there is vastly more work and world championship club day will be John Babin of Water- 9 :47—8 Tarca 6. D Robison 14. J. YANKEE Randall Fox, Needham, Maas., Carreon, White Sox (S). man in the house who doesn’t out­ Pat Annum 113, Peg Tracy 112. girl who participates. is scheduled for Sunday after!noon I were the only New England en- Sport Schedule attached to it. The Jackrabbit , of 1924 was the first of the f*or Stealing Field in 'West Hart­ bury- Babin took top honors when 11. K. Flark 26. Aparicio, White Sox (2). weigh him by more than 10 pounds The merchandise will be donated 9 :fi4 K. Sauri 7. R. D4*Martin 13. G. ' trants to survive first round play in the ball forces the pitcher ' modem fireman. There ' has ford. A couple bf southpaws. Jim the" first such event was held at — induding — NATIONAL LEAGUE and there isn’t even a snicker GREEK MIXED IJCAQUE by House & Hale, Shoor Jewelers to bear down on every pitch. the Waterbury Golf d u b a year Pm/. 12. F. Giay 32. yesterday in the 14tb annual.. U.S. Robinson, Reds (33). Today and Marlow’s. been a long list since who have Mistretta for Manchester and Ted IU:01 D, St. Johii 7. C. Davis 14, B. ; when the milliner and the school Vickie Burchards 110-112, Es-’ Otis Crandall acquired the ago. Burralotti 12. F. UcLauahlin 18. i Golf Aaaociation Junior champion^ Thomas, Braves (17). ' American vs. Spruce, 8:1.5, The public is invited to attend helped starting pitchers to Kryznowek for West Hartford, are f S«isan OrriH and B«iteh Solonio, 1?41 Dirt Troek Chompienf teacher solemnly assert "Emile telle GIrouard 116, Tony Roberto nickname Doc as early as 1908 keep early dates downtown. So far over 50 entries have been 10:t)6--H. Rockwell 7. K. MacNamara ! v 1 BASEBALL Charter Oak. expected to get the mound assign­ ships. Smith defeated T. J. Brack McMillaii, Braves (4). will make ’em forget Ray Robin­ the races - and use the newly-con­ because the Indiana farm boy IS. \\\ Butler 9. H. Angel 17. 1 en, Waterbuiy, Conn., 2-up, while High School vs. Moriarty’s, 9:15, 137. structed bleachers which will give As for Miller of the Giants, ments in that one. received and more are expected. 10:15—B. MacKay 4, D. Dowd 14, J. i Banks. Cubs (19). son.” doctored up seriously sick Lavlnio 9. P. Hunt 18. i THIS IS A SPECIAL RACE TO CELEBRATE OUR Fox blasted Richard Pearce, S t Burgess, Pirates 2 (9). Charter Oak. GREEN MEN’S DOUBLES spectators their first chance this he’s remindful of the movie of If a third game is necessary, it Already last'year’s total of 47 has Griffith, has one of the most au­ Jerry Wilson 146-149— 426, games for the N e w York been passed. One o< the top con­ .10:22—R. McOiirkin 8. J. Melley 15. | Louis, 6 and 5,'James Rusher, El x-Stuart, Pirates (16). American All-Stars vs. Nation­ thoritative left jabs since Gene season to sit down while watching some years back, "It Happens will be played Tuesday at Sterling H. JaiviK 9. G Whalley 23. George Barber 136-137—364, A1 Giants. Every Spring.” The story had tenders from the Manchester 10:29—L. Giglio 6. R. Owens 15. R. MINNESOTA AT NEW YORK lingtoa. Conn,, lost to Robert Hal Roseboro, Dodgers (16). al Al-Stars, 5:30, Buckley Field. Tunney. He 'picks punches out of the fim. Field. That would probably be a re­ Saturday, Aug. S Falcetta 135-364, Sam Uttle 365, Robert Erdin Jr., of East Hart­ What Joe McCarthy of the to do with a young chemist match of" Caley vs. Kelley. Country Club is Einar Lorentzen. McNamara 12. M. Heinian 16. i dean. SterUng, Colo., 6 and 5. A. X—Bases Full. the air or blocks them. He is a Cubs and Yankees later de­ 10:36—R Bovee 9. V. Agostinelll 16. NEW BLEACHERS D. Romano, Beverly, Maas., was Legion vs. West Hartford, 2, Mt. Bob Olough 350. ford is chairman of the Zpecial who developed a formula The day will start with a buffet W- Freebuni 12. P. Zerio li. CONSTRUCTED BY THE P.\RENTS OF THE DRIVERS Gome Time 8 P.M. counter-puncher who can' carry scribed as the pitching spe­ : —G. Wilnon . Y. Johnson . L. ■ out by?Tlm Flood, Phoenix, Nebo. the fight. . I bleacher raising committee. ■* which made a baseball aller^o liuich between 11:30 a.m. and 2 10 43 6 15 4 GREEN JR. BOYS cialist really did not arrive un­ Wood 12, G. Slossberg 24. 1-up ia 19 holes. / HOME GROWN District' E ight. Charhps vs. Emile has a devastating left to bats. You say that this € ^ lf (e r a o n TV p.m. to be foMow^ by an after­ 10;60^T. Faulkner 5. C. Whelan 15. a s til the mid 1920s, however, and could happen only In pictures. noon of golf. Dinner, at which THIS GALA EVENT SPONSORFJD BY ’THE Waterford. 4, New London. hook and con tear the other guy’s Winners: Gary Winter A Milt Dallas — Ourtiz Cokes, 147, Dai- w. Leggett 11. M. Perry 22. East Lansing, Mich.— (N EA)— Sunday, Aug. 6 this could be traced to ths Well, Miller, wrlth a slow prizes will be awarded, will be 10:57—R. CappaUi 6. J. Chanda 13. FOLLOWING PUBI.IC-SPIRITED MERCHANTS; Wrlgtoy Iteld, horns diamond head off with a right. Although he Plouff. 1, outpointed Lois Rodriguez, layer of black rubber being Miami, Fla. (jP) — Most of the 8 . Porterfield 11. E. Wadaa 17. HEAR ALL YANKEE NIGHT GAMES. The fathers and mothers o f Spar­ Legion at West Hartford, 2, spinner and then another eervOd at 8. Alternatee: O. AnnulU ahd T, Connor- f t tha aaw Los Aagelaa Angals, is a fine boxer, he takes such de­ High Average — Gary Winter 148, Havana, 10. put around the cork of the golfere who play Arnold Palmer’s tan football players Art Brand- Sterling Field. light in standing toe-to-toe and 103 22 even slower, made the Ameri­ new Country Club of Miami course H al. ’Turkington is chaii man lon. 5 HOUSE and HALE # MARLOW'S • SHOOR JEWRERS to tto ■BsUaat pa)?k in tha Loa Angeles — Oriando De La oork center ball patentM in can L e ^ e strong men look with Walt Ferguson co-chairman. HOME ond AWAY—DIAL 1230 stattsr, John OoUlns, Gerald Jellis Monday, Aug. 7 slugging that he has to be gentled High Tripla — Ernie WooUatt Enente^ 145, Los Angeles, out­ will be on television. Closed cir­ i p It aaaU aoiy 1609, like ohanusters deliberately Area golfers planning to attend The Cincinnati Red* won their W. T. GRANT (Parkoda) • STRAND THEATER (HorHord) and Doug Miller attended Michi­ CMndera vs. B. A.'k 5:16, M t down. 846. pointed B o ^ Moorsk 189, Los cuit tel«vi«i(m will be ahowm gan State. N«bo. . Ths eushlonsd sork ^ t a r makihg a movie hero out of a may make raesrvatlona with either first II games against Philadelphia "All he needs is SKperisnes,’’ High Biogla -u- T «n y Xlotar 180. Aafetoo, 10, IntroOuotd in 1638. A ttiroughout tha clufehouM when- a 4 2 pqvrder puff plteher. •vor gclfani tea off at the flrat hole. TufMngton or EerKv*o*Y this apring.


HottOhold Goods 51 Rooma Without Board 59 Summer Homes For Rent 67 H oosm for Sal*. 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Resort Propertr For 8al*->74 Articles For Sale 45 Trailers 6-A THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN flilttriTT** Wanted 36-A MARI/)W'8 HA'VB aluminum roll- ROCKVUXiE—Furnished room for COVENTRY LAKE—4 room fur­ in —SIX ROOM Cape 315,200, In ex* 126 NORTH ELM ST.—7 room Co­ NORTH COVENTRY 44A— Large BOLTON LAKE—A S room cottage, f l a t w a l l Stone, nreplace and COVENTRY Llyfiwood Drive, wtatcrlntl, has |100 DOWN on older one bedroom. •PART-TIME BALES51KN — Earn away cota' with foam mattreai rent on first Boor at 13 School St. nished cottages on waterfront. six room Cape, 3 unfinished, rec cellent location, aluminum aiding, lonial, 1*^ baths, den, 24 foot liv­ lot 6 room ranch, garden, 368 50x10 new 2 bedroom; double sink, $200 or more per week commisalcm veneer stone, five slzea to select only 317-38. Others to 334.88. E-Z Lady preftrred. Osll Ml S-4S81 or Boats, 345 and 355 per week. Call redecorated Inside, 3600 down (or ing and master bedroom, 12x14 monthly payments. PI 2-7211. company water, located near the rAGNBDEir.WT', ^vMmVALnncviioeid from. Bolton Notch Quarry. Tel. terms, M7 Main St. room, oil heat, garage, large lot, beach. Immediate occupancy. Ap­ CLASSIFIED bath in color, $4.*95 complete. at your own convenience. Leads MI 9-aaoe. PI 2-8198 Or PI 2-7380. several fruit trees, lake privileges, G.I. or FHA mortgage. Call the R. screened porch, aluminum siding, fvOlPTTHMBeAlOrJ rMioqdpFTAiN- furnished. No experience needed. Ml 9-0617. F. Dimock Co., MI 9-5245. Barbara 1-par garage, G.E. hot water heat, MANCHESTER— Just completed ply Edward J. Holi or your own New deluxe, built-in radio, wall-to- ;pPVlDRlt.CUMQUm?/ 7VM>f:iiinPAumr CHANCE OF A LIFETIME prieed at 313,800 with a low, low custom built 6 room ranch with 2 wall carpeting, special appliances, Aggressive man only. Top quality PLEASANT largo room for gentle­ BLACK POINT — 3 bedroom cot­ Woods, MI 9-T702, Johanna Evans, double lot. 4*/4% mortgage may be broker. Tel. MI 8-5117. ^ MMUM.lAf0 R10 HOUSE PAINT—White and colon TO GO HOUSEKEEPmo man, ^ear bath, parking. 54 High down payment. ceramic tile baths, center hall on big shaded lot. High Manor prwlucts manufactured by old es­ *4.95 per gallon. Driveway coating tage, all electrip. kitchen August MI 9-6653. . assumed or FHA Insured loan to TOWB MCUP.'~ tablished firm. CsJl lor appoint­ CUSTOMER MOVmO TO St, 12 over Labor Day, Call MI 3-4859, CHARLES W. LATHROF 319,900. Phllbrick Agency, MI layout, large formal dining room, Wanted— Real Estate 77 Park. Route 30, Rockville, TR ' Awp n s ip c a is.50 per 5 gallon can, Morrison "picture bMk" kitchen with stain­ ADVERTISING 5-1423. ment. MI 8-4865. LOS ANGELES. CAIJFORNIA M l 9-0384 IV—BOLTON — 316,400. 8 room 9-8464.. Paint Store, 386 Center St. SO THEY CAlilT USE THIS home, 4 bedrooms, large modern less built-ins, 3 twin sized bed­ WISH SOMEONE to handle your ROOM FOR rent near Center. Free rooms, 2-car garage, city utilities, 1954 PRAIRIE Schooner trailer, I9FUM.' EIGflT INCH High Fidelity speak- TAKE 8 YEARS TO PAY! Wanted To Rent 68 kitchen, modem bath, dining Bolton real estate? Call ma at Ml 9-0830 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS parking. MI 9-4401. AA zone. C^all (or appointment at for prompt .and courtaous aervice, completely equipped, 34 foot, 3 f»htT»L»" Help Wanted— WANTED room, 20 foot living room, plus 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. f er in large enclosure. Excellent DESPERA’TELY needed—4-6 room WOW! den, 3 bedrooms and living room MI 9-6524 or come to inspect be­ Joaepb Barth, Broker. ^ iooms, reasonable. Phone TR /Male or Female 37 quality, 330. 511 9-4396 after 6 p.m, Reliable, Honest Person FURNISHED Room for gentleman, 6-6067 after 6 p.m. TO TAKE OVER apartmient by mother and 4 chll- comjpletely redecorated, hot water LAKE tween 7 and 8 each evening at 90 all utilitiee. Quiet. Inquire 224 dr«n by August 8. Up to 3110 Ludlow Road. CASH WAITING for property own­ EXPERIENCED double «ntry FOR SALE—Two tube testers, one UNPAID BALANCE Look What baseboard radiation throughout, COPY CLOSING TIME l-X)R CLASSIFIED ADVT. Charter Oak. Tel. MI 3-8868, CH monthly. Call MI 3-8330. artesian well, one acre lot with ers. Please call us before you buy bookkeeper to work in local re­ battery eliminator, one Paco MONTHLY PAYMENTS 6-4187. PRIVILEGES SIX ROOM Cape, fireplace, garage Or sell. Speedy aerOlce. J. D. MUNDAir Tlira FKIDA? 10:S0 AJL—AATURDAT • AJM. Auto OriTtne School 7-A tail store. Reply lit yoUr owh vacuum tube v.m., one small v.m. 318.79 large trees and a j magnificent WANTED—4 or 5 room apartment We’ve Got view. Shown by appointment only...... included with this 3 bedroom near to stores, schools and bus. Realty. Ml 1-5129. handwriting stating experience, Call MI 9-6624. - ' .. 3 COMPLETE FURNISHED ROOMS- -complete with stove and refrigerator. Two Marion E. Robertson Broker MI PREPARE FOR • driver's te«t Call the R. F. Dimock Co., Ml Cape Cod. Featuring living room PLEASE READ YOUR AD availability, etc. Your reply will ROOMS OP FURNITURE light housekeeping faclliUes. Cen­ adults and two small children. MI You won’t believe your ears when with fireplace, kitchen with inlaid 3-5953. DO IT NOW—List your home for Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class be kept confidential. Write Box O, trally located. Children' accepted 9-6245 Or Richard Dimpek, MI All ol this merchandise Is in our 0-4061. you hear the price of this custom 9-6003. counters, new waterlines • 3md quick sale. If you are buying, we CUm IIM sr Ads” ta k n ever the pbone u e eoe> room. Three instructors. No wait­ Herald., Boats and Accessories 46 warehouse. It has never left our —limited. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch BUSINESS ZONE—8 room home In are sure to have It. Call Bob teaienor. Ihe adverttaer should reed his ed the FIR81 DAT IT ing Manchester Driving Acade­ I I GOTTA GO AWAV AGAN OH A tuilt 8 or 4 bedroom colonial in pump. A Blue Ribbon Value at store and is fully guaranteed. St., Manchester. unfurnished house for couple choice West Side location In Man­ MANCHESTER—6 room ranch 313.500. Call George Reimei’, MI excellent condition off fast Center Wolverton, broker, MI 3-1914, 9 APPEARS end RE^PORT ERRORS la time for the nest laser- my PI 2-7249. BUSINESS trip: mavbe a month this - 12 FOOT speed boat, 25 h.p, motor, with no children. Preferably older Street. Good location for doctor, I till 9. U TIME.’ DON'T TORSET.’ HOE THE CORN, .Tohnson Mastercraft trailer and Some in original factory crates and chester. m baths, spacious sun- with attached garage, - 331,900. 9-5306, JA 8-4641. lion. The HeraJd Is responsible for onl; ONE Incorrect or omitted Situations Wanted— cartons with original fictory MIDDLE-AGED woman, reason­ and in country. Call E. Sellgman, hairdresser, etc. 325,000, For fur­ LARdUN'S Connectlcut'a first li­ FERTILIZE THE BEANS, AHO’ accessories, skis, aquaplane. Boat able, kitchen privileges, quiet, porch, attached garage. Close to all Spring St. area, % acre wooded insertion for uaj advertisement and then oalj to the extent of a Female 38 aerial numbers. Oak Lodge Motel, MI 9-4578.' facilities. Reduced for quick sale to lot, 16x24 living room with fire ther information call the' Phllbrick “moke jcood” Insertion. Errors which do aot lessen the veins of censed driving school trained - SPRAT THE TOMAlOES.'y completely resealed Call MI beautiful view, car necessary, Agency, MI 9-8464, Certified and approved is now of­ 3-1263, Beautiful Westlnghouse Electric 317,300. Call Doris Smith for de­ place, walkout basement, alum the adrertlsemeat will not be corrected b j “make good” Insertion. Refrigerator suburban. MI 4-0844, BARROWS and fering classroom and behind business Property For Sale 70 tails, inum combination windows MANCHESTER—If you are look­ Police Arrest \7heel instruction tor teenagers. PRACTICAL NURSE available for FOR SALE—One 12-foot Penn Yah Beautiful Bedroom Suite throughout, amesile drive, Gam- work. Tel, 5H 9-8485. ing for an excellent 3 bedroom, 2- vorR COOPERATION «vnx 50 9-6075. boat. 6 h.p. Johnson motor, Mas- Beautiful Living Room Suite Apartments— ^Flats— VERNON—5 room ranch commer­ bolati built. This home is In as per­ WALLACE (amily with two new hot water Beautiful Dinette Set fect condition as any house we BR APPRRtTATED Diol Ml 3-2711 tercraft trailer. Complete rig with Tenements 63 cial zone, large building in rear. lARVIS REALTY 55 E. Center St. MI 9;S306 heating Systems, oversized park­ Five, Recover MORTLOCK'S DrivingiLSchool—Of­ life preservers, etc. TR 5-8612. Beautiful "De Luxe’’ Range Other listings. Tongren Agency, have ever listed, 'Die R. F. RAaltors (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) like lot, beautiful recreation room. fice. 443 Main St., Manchester. Situations Wanted — Male 39 Instead of Westlnghouse Electric GENERAL RENTAL agency J. D. MI 3-6321. Dlmock Co., MI 9-5245. Barbara Learning correctly "May Save MI 3-4112 MI 9-2519 S-car garage, plus roof patio, In Refrigerator If you prefer Realty. 470 Mata (KraeL Ml Woods, MI 9-7702, Johanna Evans, one of Manchester’s nicest loca­ $10,000 in W Your Life." Driver education Building Materials 47 Ruga, LJimpi, Tablea, Unoleum, >-8130. MI 9-5653. BEST BUYS tions, call Us for full information. classe.s. Member, Connecticut Pin- LAWNS MOWED. MI 9-3481. and a Few other Articles. Farm and Land For Sale 71 ASSORTED USED lumber, build­ VI — TERRIFIC INVESTMENT BY BELFIORE The Ellsworth Mitten Agenev, Hartford, Aug. 4 tJPi—Loot ’val­ fessional Driving School Assn. Ml S' EVERYTHINO F^IRST OFFERING Realtors, MI 8-8980, PI 2-7412, or FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE 9-7398. ing and plumbing supplies, radia­ THREE ROOM apartment, 113 THREE ACRES, 150 ft. frontage, property—12 room duplex, one ued et between $10,000 and $15,000 tors, pipes and fire bricks, doors THE UNPAID OWNER TRANSFERRED A burst of mid-summer ac­ MI 9-5524. wa.s recovered today by State Po­ BALANCE PRICE Main St„ MI 9-5229, 9-6. 3800, 7 acres, 5 clear. 425 ft. front­ side a rooming house, completely Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 and windows. Open dally 3:80-8 age, Andover-Coventry'line, 32,000. furnished. Income on roomer's tivity had recently depleted lice invealigator.s who arrwtcd p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock ONLY 3418.28 Oversized 7-room O p e, 3 large 107 LUDLOW ROAD — 6 room A 24-HOUR WANT AD ANSWERING Moforcycleft*—Bicycles -11 7 Free storage until wanted. Free THREE ROOM apartment. Includ­ Call PI 2-8090. bedrooms, 12x24 family room, fire­ side $2,184 per year. Owner’s side our listings, sooooo— we went ranch. Beautiful views of Hart­ three men and two women in con­ Place off North Main St. Choman’a ing heat, hot water and gas for available. Separate oil burners. out and got some more. Any nection with a series of burglariea . RooDns— Siding 16 Painting—Papering 21 Help Wanted— Female 35 PUPPIES—Part German Shepherd, Housewrecking, 5tl 9-2392. delivery. Fr8e eet-up by our own COVENTRY, CONN.—100 acres of place, garage, combtaationu win­ ford. Manchester sind So. W-lndsor. males 35„.fem,ale8. 33. PI 2-8096. reliabln mtn. cooking, electric refrigerator and dows and doors, hot water oil heat, Excellent condition. Good location. thing here to please you? Priced In low thirties. Careful con­ that took place in Eastern Con- . I960 CUST051 TRIUMPH A. A. ulON, INC. Roofing, siding, EXTERIOR and Interior "alnting, stove. Call MI 9-7737 from 4-6 p.m. high land suitable for residential Selling below market price at neolicut during the past year. SERVICE FREE TO HERALD READERS SALESLADY, hours 9-5, also sales­ Phon* for appointment development. Selling for 3400 per city water and sewerage, shade sideration given all offers. Phone able. MI 9-7516, painting. Carpentry. Alterations decorating, ceilings, floors. Clean lady for Saturdays and Sunda.vs. POODLES — 2 black miniature 318.000. Call the R. F. Dlmock One of the burglarie.s was at Diamondk— Watches— SAMUEL ALBERT THREE ROOM apartment, heated, acre. For further information or trees, good location. House in ex­ Two Families John H. Lappen, Inc. MI 9-5261, MI Want information on one of our clsssifled advertisements? So and additions. Ceilings. Workman­ workmanship. Free estmates. No Apply in person mornings 5tun- males, AKC, 13 weeks, shots, 375. Company, MI 9-5245 or Barbara 3-5219, MI 9-7445. the hvinting lodge of Mende Al- J e w elry 48 Hartford CH 7-0858 unfurnished, available now. Plus appointment to see call the R. F. cellent condition throughout. Quick Woods, MI 9-7702 or Johanna A brand new one, just built In ansner at the teiophone listed? Simply call the 1959 HARLEY DAVISON. XI>CH, ship guaranteed. 2f>9 Autumn St. job too sraall', John Verfaille, MI Bon'g Candy Kitchen, Bolton, Call MEdford 3-7993. occupancy.!' March. One block from Main St com, of Suffleld, former Hartford 511 3-4860. 3-2521. See It Day or Night 3 garages available now. Call MI Dimock Co., MI 9-5245. Richard Evans, MI 9-5653. GLASTONBURY—Beautiful ranch, County .9ta-le’.s attorney and for­ excellent condition. MI 0-5R,30 LEONARD W. YOST, Jewelers — If you have no means of trinspor- 3-6441 between 5-8, F. Dimock MI 9-6003. Louis C Owners want a fast sale, therefore MANCHESTER ANSWERING SERVICE CHARLES LESPERANCE priced to sell now. breezeway, garage, large lot. ex­ mer Republican national chair­ BIDWELL HOME Improvement PAINTINO AND paperhanging. WANTED--Good home for cute kit­ Repairs, adjusts watches expert­ tation. I’ll send by suto for you. Dimock. MI 9-9823. cellent location, 319.500, Joseph man. laat May in Chaplin - where Mi 9.0500 Company—all types of .sidmg and Good clean workmanship at rea ' AUTOGRAPH tens. MI 9-9613. ly. Reasonable prices ’Dies- No obligation. TWO ROOM apartment. Stove, re­ MI 9-7620 Excellent buy In desirable Barth, Broker, MI 9-0320. FOR SALE--Bicvcle built for two. day through Saturday, Thursday frigerator, hot water and heat. OWNER TRANSFERRED Bowers area. Good income, nice $1,000 worth of guns, fishing Call PI 2-8034 after 5. roofinc. Aluminum clapboards a sonabls rates. 3b years in Man­ A—L—B— E—R—T— equipment, radios and household and leave your message. You'll bear from our advertiser tai Jig speciaTty. Unexcelled workman­ chester. Raymond FUke. 50 AKC PUPPIES dachshund, shel- evenings, 129 Spruce St. 5H 9-4387, Utilities supplied. Bath. Apply Booses for Sale 72 setting. Let Us show you this one. (COVENTRY—Only $10,800. Five 4 OPERATOR, Wetherell St.—Built by Ansaldl. 5- articles were stolen. time without spending all evening at the telephone. ship. 5n 9-6495. 9-9237. ties, poodles, schnsuzer, German 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD Marlow’s, 867 Main St. room ranch, only 6 years old, 3 Open Nights till 8 p.m. . Sst. 6 p.m. BOWERS SCHOOL AREA—6 room 25 WESTMINSTER RD. — 3 room room Ranch, 5 years old, full base­ Held were Cheater Smart. 37, Business Services Offered 1.3 Immediate opening for qualified Shepherds. Boarding all breeds. colonial, VA baths, fireplace, hot ment, tile bath, fireplace, plastered Ranches large bedrooms, living room with COUGHLIN ROOFING. Co. - AU EXTERIOR PAINnNG. We spe­ Fuel and Feed , 49-A FOUR ROOM ground floor apart' home, fireplace, large cabinet of 90 Heath St., Hartford; William transcriptlonist. High School gradu­ Petacres Kennel, Andover, PI COMPLETE maple twin bedroom kitchen, formal dUilng room, 2-car water oil heat, attached garage, walls, full insulation, large kitchen Genuine 4 bedroom ranch up In heatalator fireplace, picture win­ types of roofs and roof repairing, cialize in commercial, residential. 2-7800. ment, central location, adequate Rockledge, 1*4 baths, dining room, dow, nice size kitchen with cabi­ ■Whitney, 26, formerly of Willi­ ; C05IPLETE REPAIRS - By Stu- ate-well established Hartford set. chest of drawers and bureau, parking, adults preferred. Call MI garage, beautifully landsc^ed wall to wall carpeting, plastered with many cabinets, hot water oil art R. Wolcott on automatic specializing In Twenty Year Bond­ Industrial, and trim jobs. Big or company. 5-day week—complete full cellar. Sudden transfer makes, nets, hot water radiant heat, tile mantic and now of Bunker Hill Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 STANDING CORN silage PA602. walnut coflee table. 0x12 gray and •3-1678. 'ard. Marlon E. Robertson, Bro- walls, city water and sewerage, heat, cast Iron radiators, amesite Rd., South Coventry; Mrs. Joan ____. washers dryers anq electric ed Roofs. CaU 50 8-7707. small we do them all. Joseph benefit program. Write giving edu­ Vacant, immediate occupancy. the price real right. Custom built bath, carport. Urge lot with trees. Dionne, contractor. Cal) 50 8-0494. TINY ADORABLE puppy, part Phone Willimantic. HA 3-S264 green rug. MI 3-5677. :er, MI 8-5953. drive, shade trees, excellent condi­ Whitney. 23, his wife; Walter J. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that 11960 CORVAIR MONZA fully ' ranges. '50 9-6878 cation and experience to Box R, ROCKVILLE—14 Laurel. Well fur­ Charles Lesperance, MI 9-7620. tion throughout. Quick occupancy. by Ritchie. Repeat, 4 full bed­ 160 ft. frontage. A real nice buy Pass Book No. E 926, issued by! equipped, automatic, going over-1 rrj— rr------— Herald. Chihuahua. 315. PI 2-7249, 312,600—3 Bedroom ranch, fire­ rooms ! with September 1 occupancy. Whitney, 33, Amenia Union Rd., Three Rooms or Furniture nished 3 room apartment, 322 Sharon, his brother, and Mrs. Nel­ The Sarags Bank of Manchester! seas. Any reasonable offer, ju i'- hauv haw work “•neea cut. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Flowers— Nursery Stock 50-B weekly. Also 3 room furnished place. storms. Small cash assumes BOLTON—Femwood Drive—Large Want to move out a little? We Small down payment. Will con­ Reasonable rates. Call PI 2-7558 Electrical Services 22 ADORABLE MINIATURE poodle FROM MODEL HOME 5*/4 room Ranch on lo t' 150-200, CHARLES LESPERANCE lie Pekarovic, 35, Orchard St., ha« been lost and application...... has ' 9-6063. puppies, AKC registered. Phone apartment, 318 weekly. TR 5-9594, 398.50 monthly. Carlton W. Hutch have a gorgeoua two bedroom sider renting with option to buy. between i;30-4:S0 or any time ROOFING—Specializing repairing CLERK FOR SALE — Gladioli, cut while ins, MI 9-5132. full basement, excellent condition Call owner, MI 3-0000, MI 8-4348. Rocky Hill. been made to said bank for pay FREE ESTIMATB3S—Prompt serv­ MI 3-4010. Cost Over $700 iTt 5-7871. MI 9-7620 ranch on Shoddy Mill Road In An ment of the amount of deposit. 1954 PLYMOUTH Savoy, radio, Saturday or Sunday. roofs of all kinds, new roofs, gut­ you wait. Emerald Farm, 509 317,900. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, MI dover. Large lot 247x200. Early oc Capt. Samuel S. Rome, head of ice on all types of electrical wir­ Intere.sting position for woman MANCHESTER—7-room house, VA heater, fair condition Reasonable. ' ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ GERMAN SHEPHERD. 7 months, Keeney Street. MI 9-7376. THREE ROOM apartment, central, RANCH—5% rooms, 8 years old 3-1577. cupancy. the detective division, said that m 9-1423. AMESITE DRIVEWAYS construct­ paired. Aluminum siding. 30 ing Licensed and Insured. Wilson with aptitude for figure work. NEVER BEEN USED Bowers School area, family size baths. 4 bedrooms, garage, near the inve.stigation would continue ed—resurfaced—sealed. Superior Electrical Co., Manchester. 511 AKC, male stud, schooled. Pleas­ Ideal for newlyweds or working Immaculate Green Manor ranch Personals years’ experience Free estimates. Sale Price $388 couple, stove and refrigerator, 380 kitchen, plastered walls, cast Iron SlJc ROOM Colonial in the Porter BRICK HOME—6 large rooms, 2 schools and bus. Owner, MI and that further arre.sts were ex­ 1952 OLDSMOBILE 88. radio and pavers. 511 36515 9-4817. Glastonbury, ME 8-7876. COMPTOMETER ant with children. H Gauthier, 264 Household Goods 51 St. section, bar and rec room in full baths, 2-csr garage, excellent Should sell at 315,900, owner may 3-1927. Call Howley, 5fl 8-5381. 5H 3-0763. W. Center St., Mancheater. per month. Call MI 9-8836 '•etween baseboard heat, 1-car garage. This pected. RIDE, WANTED from Manchester heater, good condition, 3250. OPER,ATOR Pay Only $4 Week 6:30-7:30 p.m. house offers you those little extras basement, breezeway, one-car ga condition. Between one and two sacrifice for fast sale, ftot of house Those under arrest, according to COSMA APPLIANCE Service—Re­ BEAUTIFUL dining room set, for the money. Center to Cove Restaurant, Coven­ Clarke Motor Sales, MI 9-2012. Opening for skilled comptometer that make a house a home. 313,500. rage, wooded lot, 322.900, Phil acres of land. Fruit trees. High Bolton the captain, have confessed to a pairs all makes refrigerators, Bonds— Stocks Mortgages 31 blond mahogany, table, 6 chairs, brick Agency, MI 9-8464. elevation. Six miles from Man­ Executive Ranch In double A try between 3:30-4 p.m. daily. PI freezers, washing machines, dry­ Heating and Plumbing 17 operator doing interesting work. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Sacrificing complete bedroom, Phllbrick Agency. Ml 9-8464.. total of eight burglaries of homes, 2-8335. 1953 BUICK 2-door hardtop, good i buffet, china closet, e.xcelleni con­ complete living room and kitchen THREE ROOM apartment, steam chester. Phllbrick Agency, MI zone. This has everything—every* summer cottages, a garage and a shape, 2-tone green. Call Ronald ers ranges, oil and gas burners. PLUMBING AND heating — re­ SECOND MORTGAGE money-We Company offers, good wages, ex­ dition, Reasonable. .MI 9-62T3 be­ 387.73 MONTHLY, immaculate BOWERS SCHOOL—beautiful 9-8464 thing. Young or 5II 9-0055. All work guaranteed. cellent benefit program, modem air WANTED—Good home for hay decorator furniture Irom model dis­ heat, adults only. MI S-8tfS3. summer camp in Windham. They ELSXnrtOLUX Sale« and Servloe, Ironfield, 5U 3-8580, modeling Installations, repairs. can supply any amount of money gelding. Gentle, safe around chil­ tween 6-8 p.m. play home. We will give you free split, recreattoh room. Garage room Cape, vestibule, fireplace — were In Chaplin. Hampton, Co­ for mortgages. Terms to fit your conditioned office. Apply a home to be proud of—only VERNON—Care and detail have Split Levels bonded representative, Alfred All work guaranteed 25 years ex­ dren 15 hands high. 511 3-6319. delivery and free storage up to one ROCKVILLE—24 Grove Street — huge lot, 4*4% mortgage. Carlton Four big bedrooms, 3*4 baths lumbia, Lebanon, Windham and 1952 ENGLISH Ford Compact, new LAWN^ MOWERS sharpened and : needs. Construction mortgages LARGE SIZE Ethan Allen drpplcaf 314^900. Carlton W. Hutchins. 30 been lavished on this custom 2 Retired Couple _ Amell, a06 Henry St, Tel. 5Q repaired, sales and service, pick j, perience. 24-hoUk’ service. Call FIRST NATIONAL STORES. yen’. Single -light housekeeping - room W. Hutchins. MI 9-5132. 235 ft. lot, all in a prestige section Manafield. 6-0450. tires, good condition.' 3175. Clarke, ‘ Earl VanCamp, 50 9-4749. - also available. J. T). Realty, 470 WELL BROKE, well mannered, solid maple e.xtension table, seats 310 weekly. Well furnished 2-room 9-5132. bedroom ranch, situated on a The perfect home for you is this Motor Sales. 511 9-2012 up and delivery. Complete line of Main St,. 5U 3-5129. INC. 12 Sale price $99.95. Reg $134'.,50. BOWERS SCHOOL—a room Eng' of town. Call (Or an appointment beautiful CAPE COD featuring cen- A complaint to Lt. Vincent J. Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, sound Palomino gelding. Good for NORMAN’S apartment 320 weekly. Tel. TR 100x180 high, dry and wooded lot any time. O’Brien, commander of Troop K, Park and Oakland Aves. beginner or experienced rider. Cali E-Z term!!, .Marlow’s Fumiturs 5-9594 lish Colonial, 1*4 baths, large FOUR ROOM expandable Cape, with panoramic view—attached ga­ ter hall, large living room with 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor under i garden and lawn supplies. L 4 .M 443 HARTFORD ROAD ceramic bath, hot water heat Colchester, recently touched off MRS. M A Y Radio-TT^ Repair E. Hartford, Conn. MI 3-6367, Dept., 867 Main St, Ml 8-1634 kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, large rage. enclosed 12x12 patio, exhaust Colonials fireplace, knotty pine kitchen with 50JK)0 miles, verv good condition, i ^uipm ent Corporation, Route 83. Business Opportunities 32 FOUR ROOM apartment, partly wooded lot, 25x50’ outdoor swim wall-to-wall rug, garage, fenced in fan, disposal and double sink in 17 dining area, 2 bedrooms, ceramic the investigation. 312S>PaII 5H 9-7686, Vernon, Conn. TR 6-760P. Services 18 Before you buy furniture any­ Big and nicely located In Man Smart, Mr. and Mr.s. William Readings, advice on all problems. AMBITIOUS person to work in A GOOD SELECTION of sterilized, furnished, with refrigerator, auto ming pool, tennis court, barbeque rear yard, all city utilities, side­ foot kitchen, glass enclosed bath Chester Green area, 1*4 baths, air tile bath. Close to school and Her vast knowledge of everyday where—shop at Norman’s. walks. Only 314,900. MI 4-1139. Whitney , and Mrs. Pekarovic were 1957 CHEVROLET convertible. V-8, SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - R etired ' CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, ROCKVILLE Credit Department of leading local Articles For Sale 45 reconditiqned used fumitiire for matic washipg machine, gas and 1-car garage, 328,900. Phllbrick —fully stormed and maintenance conditioned living room, patio, 2-car church. 2-car garage. One acre problems has helped many. A sin­ retail store. Credit experience pre­ every room, including appliances. oil stove, ga* water heater, oil Agency, MI 9-8484. level lot. A Blue Ribbon Value at arrested a week ago today on automatic transmission. radio, from the shop, p a r/ take care of j available all hours. Satisfaction Bar and grill—Ownera are retir­ TAPE RECORDERS for rent. Call 607 WOODBRIDGE ST. — 5-room free, 1*4 years old. Call (or details garage. Immediate occupancy. burglary charges in connection gle .visit w'ill convince you. 700 ing. Excellent opportunity for hus­ ferred but not necessary. Tj-ping H05IK 51ADE rs'vtoll, fresh or 30% off on hew dinette, kitchen Marlow’s Furniture Department, furhace. MI 3-4751. and appointment Robert Wolverton 317,900. More Information by call­ Par* street. Hartford, JA 4-5739, heater, brand hew tires, good top. all yoUr upholstering needs at | guaranteed. Call 511 9-1315. 312,600—SIX ROOM colonia', nice Ranch, 2 bedrooms, combination Another big one, also In the Green with a break in Windham. Call TR 5-7915. after 5 p.m. great savings. Call CH 2-2378, band and wife operation. Present essential, 40 hour week, paid va­ frozen, SOc dot. H Pasqualinl 246 ■Sets, mallresse.s. Credit terms. I.e- MI 9.5221. Agency, Ml 3-1914, 9 till 9, area. 1*4 baths, nice porch, pro­ ing Fran Wagner, MI 9-5306, MI 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Avery Street. Wapping, Blanc Furniture Hospital, 195 ANDOVER —3 room apartment, condition, picturebook kitchen living room-dining room, den The lieutenant called on the de­ A I TV SERVICE—AIJ makes. Honest, location ha.s been In existence for cation. Many fringe benefits. For fessionally shrubbed, under 320,000, 3-1023. 1955 CHELTiOLET V-S 'standard! STEPS, sidewalks. . stone walls, I Economical. High quality parts, fhe past 25 years. Easily financed. appointment for inteniew call 5fr. .lOUth Street. Rockville, TR 5-2174. CHAMBER’S heat, hot water, stove, refrigera­ very central. Carlton W. Hutchins large scree'rted porch, kitchen and tective division for assistance and ATTENTION — Hackmatack-Kee- 5Iatthew. MI 3-1589. LOAM SALE!—Rich, clean 314 loam Open 9-9. Saturday,s till 6, We also tor, and garage. P ! 2-6043. MI 9-5132. • garage. 130-foot adjoining lot beau the Investigators included Trooper ney Street residents—wanted ride shift. .1250: CTarke Motor Sales -MI fireplaces, flagstone terraces.! Guaranteed 90 days Famous for WHEN YOU Capes g.2oi2 ^ . ' Work done at reasonable prices. : service since 1931. Phone Ml i J. D. REALTY for 312.60. Also fill, grtvel, sand buy house lota of furniture, FURNITURE SALES tifully landscaped. Brook runs Edward Counter of Troop K, Dels. from Bidwell Street to State Office and stone. Miller Sand A Gravel. BIX ROOM CAPE, breezeway and through property. Tel. MI 8-6685 Four room cape on Devon Drive. BARROWS and Harold Greenberg and Orlando 511 3-0796. I 9-4537. Potterton’s. 130 Center St. 470 Main St. 5fl 3-5129 garage, full shed dormer, 2 full What's your offer? Building and out, MI 9-6253. 5U 3-8603. MAHOGANY ful] .size bed. spring 603 E. Middle Turnpike FOUR ROOMS to rent, no heat. MI Rigazzi, Mrs. Kathryn Hagerty, Help Wanted— Male 36 and matlreas, in excellent condi­ 9-9257, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. . , baths, wooded lot, easy walking BOLTON—312,500 will buy this HEAR Extremely clean four room cape Headquarters, and Mrs. Virginia ^feett^'^a'^lina^^requJpS I Manchester Green clean 4 room ranch with breeze WALLACE Contact systems installed and repaired Help Wanted— Female 35 La w n m o w e r s —Toro Jacobsen, tion, $25. MI 9-7846. distance to schools, bus, and shop­ near Broad Street. Nice location, Butler, Troop B, Canaan, police­ low mileage, originally sold (or 1 ..T'clge pruning Bolens, Goodall. Ariens. Riding MODERN 5 ROOM unfurnished ping. Don’t miss this outstanding way and oversized garage. Beauti of a custom built Colonial located Automobiles for Sale 4 John E. Whitham, 5U 9-7090. I Serving Manchester and sur­ LICENSED real estate salesman, SPECIALS—9x12 linoleum 34.95; all city utilities, easily financed. 55 E. Center St. XU 9-5306 women; Trooper Gerald Penning­ over 36.000. Reluctantly selling (nr rounding areas.Modem TV Serv­ better than average commission. mowers. Bolens 7 h.p. Rldamatic TORO LAWNMOWERS at new low baby cribs from 329.95 up; strollers apartment, second floor. Heat, hot value, 315,900. Phllbrick Agency, ful yard, big trees, artesian well on a choice lot on Stephen Street, Let us show you thru this 6ne. ton of Troop B and Trooper Wil­ water and storm window.s includ­ that’s complete in every detail and (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) OLDER CARS mechanics *P«-1 $4,900. Call for appointment, MI AIJ> KINDS of clock,"! repaired, an-1 ice, 405 Center St., Ml 3-2205. CONNECTICUT licensed nurse, any Call PI 2-7031. tractors with over 21 attachments. prices. 21’’ self-propelled Toro from 314.95 up, tPlaypens, bath- Ml 9-8464. Will VA Or FHA with minimum Six room Cape on Maple St. liam Pelzer, Troop D, Danielson. cials, Qxlt yourself can , always ' 3-2813. ed. 3110 monthly. MI 9-4265. down. T. J. Crockett, Realtor MI under 321,000, you can be sure it Houses For Sale 72 tiques included, work giiarantecd. I shift, private hospital. TR 5-9121. Used mowers and traders Parts rotary, reg. price $139.95. special Inettes, etc. Furniture for the en­ Owners anxious to sell. Nice loca­ Smart, and Mr. and Mrs. William H MANCHESTER —531 Vernon St a good selection. Look behind our I MI 9-1962. RADIO-XV REPAmS, any make, PAINTER, experienced, interior and service. Capitol Equipment $99.9.5. Marlow's, Inc., 867 Main, tire home at 20% cash discount. 3-1577. .. won't be on the market long. Thia TWO ROOM furnished apartment, New 7 room Colonial, 12x23 honey of a home has 3 bedrooms, tion. A reasonable offer should buy VERNON—Attractive 5 room ranch ■Whitney were rearreated Thurs­ office. Douglas Motors. 338 51aiij. j. 1956 OLDSMOBILE hardtop. Has! free picjtup anti delivery on -small FASHION demonstrators 320-340 and exterior work, steady employ­ Co.. 38 5Ialn. 511 3-7958. Ml 9-5221 Visitors welcome. this. profit commission. No delivering ment, Write or call Green 5Ianor nice residential area. J. D. Realty, paneled family room, VA baths, 3 MANCHESTER — Kenwood Rd 1*4 baths, 14x24 living room with 13 bedroom*) on large wooded lot, day and Walter Whitney was ar­ r.'——'3 , ______:------T" power steering, brakes and auto-! H ousehold S pi'v *C6B radio.s, phonographs. Hotir.s 6-10 rested, also. NEED A CAR and had your credit | matic transmission Must sacrifice Or collecting. Beeline Style Shows. Construction Company, MI .3-1181. LADIES—New shipment of woolens REFRIGERATOR, electric range, MI 3-5129. large bedrooms, built-in G.E. oven New oversized 5*4 room ranches fireplace, spacious dining room, Nice Clape on I,.enox Street. Alum­ recreation room, breezeway, and p.m H 4 E Radio and TV. MI Open Daily 10-5 The three 'Whitneys are being turned d ^ T Short on down pay-1 for 3550. 220 Spruce Street anv O ffered 1,3-A 9-5.582, MI 3-1479. Party Plan Sensation. Samples for rug making just arrived at Pil-1 two-plate stove, tables. 3-piece liv. and range, dishwasher, disposal ceramic tile bath, 3 bedrooms and roomy kitchen. Full attic, base­ inum siding, roll-up awnings, wall- garage. Close to bus and shopping. ment? Bankrupt? Repossession? | time. Ask for Bill MALE HELP wanted—experienced grim Mills, Hartford Road, Man ing room set. bedroom set. chairs. Evenings 7:30-9 garage, acare, beautifully land kitchens with formica counters to-wall carpeting, aluminum Immediate occupancy. Owner held under bonds of 35.000 each and furnished free. MUdford 8-7477, FOUR ROOM duplex, gaj, heat, 375. ment garage. Newly redecorated. Don t give up! See Honest Doug- ______FLAT FINISH Holland window j MU 8-9006. polisher engraving. Apply Stafford j Chester. Open every day noon till Call at 23 Academy Street between scaped, targe ahade trees, porch birch cabinets, exhaust fan, dining Aytllable for September 1 occupan­ storms, screens, and doors. Five anxious to make his move to Cali­ Smart and Mrs. Pekarovic under shades made to measure. All MI 3-5187 Adults preferred. Call MI 9-1478. fornia. Call Us today. Alice Clam- bonds of $2,500 each. las, get the lowdown on the lowest' Millinery Dressmaking 19 Printers. Stafford Springs, Conn, 9 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. 5 and 8. many extras. 324,900. By appoint area. Picture window, full cellar cy. Call Mr, Werbner for details. finished rooms, one unfinished. down and smallest payments any' 1954 OLDSMOBILE convertible. metal Venetian blinds at s new SEWING 5IACHINE operators 8 overland 4-2711. ment, Irving Bayer, Builder, MI with hatchway or walkout base Could be four bedrooms. Parklike pet, Realtor, MI 9-4543 or MI ’The charges; Smart, burglary low price. Keys made while you | FOUR ROOM apartment, first 3-7357. and larceny: William Whitney, two where. Not a small loan or finance 3110 Call after 6. 5H 3-1716. FOR DRESSMAKING and altera­ a.m.-4:30 p.m;, experienced pre­ floor, Wells Street. Automatic gas 3-6398. ment. Amesite drive. Oil hot air yard. company plan. Douglas Motors, wait. Marlow's. j ferred. Apply Kaklar Toy Com­ 5IAN NEEDED (or established MAYTAG WRINGER washer, good heat. Large lots, fully landscaped counts of burglary; Mrs. Whitney, tions. call Lyn Kratzke 511 3-0682 condition, 325. 22 Doane St. water heater no furnace. Tel. MI THE JARVIS Big, eight room, very oversized, MANCHESTER— Business zone, 3- 333 Main St. any time. pany, 60 Hilliard St. • service route, 395 weekly commis­ BOLTON LAKEFRONT- Contem­ with shrubs! Sidewalk^ and curbs all brick cape with two-car garage, burglary: Mrs. Pekarovic, burglary TstS^l^^^o^ c"^n'dh?r i KADIO-TV REPAIRS all makes. sion guaranteed while training, ad­ • SEPTIC TANKS 3-4751. porary ranch, 7 rooms, 2 fireplaces, Price, 314,490. Down payment 3500 family. Shown by appointment and larceny, and Walter Whitney, CALL OR SEE me for a good deal Cars, phonographs, changers. CLEANED and INSTALLED LIVING ROOM seating sectionals two full baths, on a beautifully only. Phone MI 3-6278, Brae-Bum tires. 3575. Tel. 5tl 3-2879. Experienced vance to 3140 plus expenses after WILL BUILD TO AVAILABLE immediately, second ultra modern kitchen, 3 large bed­ Schwartz Real Estate, MLS Real landscaped 120x150 lot. Priced to breaking and entering with crimi­ on a 1961 Ford or Falcon and A-i Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 training. Phone CH 2-1406 or PI are not only lovely but practical. rooms, IM baths, 2-zone heating, tor. AD 6-1241, CH 2-2865. REALTY CO. Realty. Moving— Trucking— SEWING MACHINE Marlow’s Invites your inspection floor, 5 rooms, garage, central lo­ sell at considerably LESS than nal intent and larceny. used cars. Walter G. Parker. L. P. days. Famous for service for 30 2-6488, for personal Interview ap­ • SEWERS thermopane windows, garage REALTORS The four origrlnally arrested were Fitzgerald. Inc., 73 Brookljm St., years. Phone MI 9-4537. Potter- Storage 20 OPERATORS and of five groups now offered at low cation, children accepted, 395. MI MI 3-4112 MI 8-7847 320,000. EAST HARTFORD — Excellent 1952 2-DOOR Chevrolet, 375. Good' pointment. SUIT TENANT -''MACHINE CLEA.VED 3-1751. space for 2 cars. Marion E. Rob­ COVENTRY—$4,500 presented Monday in the 11th Cir­ Rockville. MI 9-5324. for some one to fix up. MI 3-4312. ' ton’s. TRAINEES clearance prices. E-Z terms. Mar­ ertson, Broker, MI 3-5953. Also seven year old, 6 room Cape Cod, MANCHESTER Moving and Truck- Retirement or beginner’s special OUT COVENTRY WAY—6 room convenient location, hot water oil cuit Court, Willimantic, where EXPERIENCED paintera wanted. On West Middle Tpke., low’s F^imlture Department, 867 NEW DUPLEX 5 rooma. large liv- Modem 3 room horns, full base­ Big, Wg * room home. Ideal for a 1953 PONTIAC, radio and heater, WASHER - REFRIGERATOR re­ uig Company. Local and long dis­ • INSTALLATION Main St. SEVEN ROOM Cape—on bus line, ranch on lot approximately large family. Easily changed to a heat. 2 full baths. Fireplace. their cases were continued for two Apply Willis Schultz, Glastonbury, Conn. Ing room, picture window, birch ment, near Route 81. Owners will weeks. good condition. $250. Clarke Motor pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, tance moving, packing and. stor­ MANCHESTER MODES, Inc. MEdford 3-7765. Call between 6-7 Near Broad St. Contact SPECIALIST large family room, modem kitch­ 200x500, living room 14x24. Yours two-family, If desired. Usable as 3 or 4 bedrooms. Easily Sales, 5n 9-2012. Auto Accessories— Tires 6: guaranteed. Phone 5U 9-4537, Pot­ age. Regular service throughout MOVING—Hotpbint electric ran; cabinet kitchen, plenty of closet finance. All five today were presented In .______;______^______j Pine St. p.m. en, dining room, 3 or 4 bedrooms, for only 38,500. Madeline Smith, Older home, on East Side with finced. Quick occupancy. Phone terton’s, 130 Center St. New England States and Florida. verv good condition. Call space, ceramic tile bath, heat, hot basement finished in knotty pine, LAWRENCE FIANO Realtotr, MI 9-1642. MI 3-6273. Brae-Bum Realty. the 11th Circuit Court branch at 1956 BLACK AND white Chevrolet, 5U 3-6563. 3-4803. water, venetian’blinds, storm win­ extra lot of record. Owners anx­ Danielson. FOUR 760x15 tires and tubes | SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired RECEPnONIST-tjtpist for Govern­ CARPENTERS — Must be exper­ Wfnider Aut« Ports Town and Country dows. attic and cellar. Lovely garage, wooded lot, close to Realtor MI 3-2766 ious, let’s hear your offer. excellent condition. Cali 5U 9-5425 mounted on Oldsmobile wheels. MI schools and shopping, 318,900. Phil- SPECIAL COVENTRY— Small farm, old after 6 p.m. from the shop. Can take care of TRUCKING—14 foot heairy plat­ ment in Mancliester. Good at pub­ ienced. 33.75 per hour. 222 Hebron large vard. Centrally located. MI Ed Crawford MI 9-4410 Eight room four bedroom home 9-4128. ; lic contact. High School graduate Avenue. Glastonbury. 651 Park St.. Hartford brick Agency, MI 9-8464. On sparkling lake front, only homestead, 10 acres more or leas, all your upholstering needs at form truck with one-ton power lift DRAINAGE CO. MARLOW’S 9-7885." on Benton street. Fast sale desired, 39,500. Joseph Barth, Broker, MI , I ■ plus one year experience or MANCHESTER—6 year old 6 room seven milee out of town, this (our First Census great savings. Call CH 2-2378. gate. Call 511 9-0613. JA 7-1811 MANCHESTER — Ansaldl built Cape. 1*4 baths, fireplace, large can be purchased at bank apprais­ 9-0320. England’s “Domesday B o o k ’’ equivalent education. Good salary, Ml 9.4143 BOLTON — Brand new 4 room bedroom home with 1*4 baths has al. i FOUR BARREL cArburetor for , vvfaVTNG nf Rtima mnrh BEST BEDDING BUYS Ranch. 3 twin sized bedrooms, cabinet kitchen, full cellar, copper year 'round appeal. was the first official census of the For Little Sctiool Bell es I 1956 Chevrolet V-8, Call 5U 3-8464 'HAVING of Bums, moth nolea AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- 35-hour week. Martv..frlnge bene- ranch available In about 4 weeks, 3 BRENT ROAD, Manchester — 4 and tom clothing, hosiery runs, fit.s. Apply Conn. State Employ­ large cabinet kitchen, disposal, plumbing, city utilities, good loca­ Living room 15x29 with fireplace, THE English people and their posses­ moving, packing, storage. Low Maple twin bed outfit Call MI 3-0862. exhaust fan. ceramic tile bath 2 bedroom ranch with attic fan, hsmdbags repaired, zipper re­ rate on long distance moves to ment Sendee, 806 Main Street, SEPTIC TANKS tion. Asking 316,900. ’n e Elsie modem kifehen, beautiful sunporch WILLIAM E. BELFIORE awnings, wrought Iron railing, sions, recorded in two large vol­ fireplaces, hot water oil heat, Mever Agency, Realtors, MI umes, collected and published at placements. umbrellas- repaired, 48 states. Personalized sendee. Ml 5Ianchester. A public employment AND Oiotce of 4 poeter or spool FOR RENT—4 room apartment. with ever changing view. Garage. AGENCY aluminum storms and screens. men’s shin collars reversed and 3-5187, CH 7-1423. sen-ice—no fee charged. bed 324.88 383. Include.s heat, hot water, gas aluminum combinations, amesile 9-5524, MI S-69'30. Owner transferred. the command of William the Con­ Kitchen Cross-stitch! drive, shade trees, excellent V. A. Bogginio, W. E. Belfiore Main floor has living room with replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ PLUGGED SEWERS Inneraprlng mattress 324.88 and electricity. New stove and re For an investment in health call fireplace, dining room with 2 cor­ queror in 1086. ing Shop. .’MANCHESTER Package Delivery. WANTED—Neat appearing wom­ Box spring 324.88 frigeralor. Available September 1. housekeeping, quick ' ‘occupancy, BIGELOW STREET — Large 9 an Or High S^ool graduate to VERNON... 316,100. Escott, agent, MI 9-7683. room house, four bedrooms. Real MI 3-5121 ner cabinets, kitchen with break­ V Light trucking and package deliv­ Regular total value 396.95 Adults only. Tel. MI 3-5694, MADELINE SMITH, Realtor fast bar and 1961 dishwasher, 3 f e j 'l I-IAROLD 4 SONS, Rubbish remov­ ery Refrigerators, washers and work in retail store. Knowledge of Machine Gleaned it big deep lot. Walk-out. basement, MI 9-1642 PORTER STREET — Center en­ ' garage, tool sheds. Ide'al for large TWO-FAMILY, 6 and 8, on large bedrooms, bath, and garage. al, cellars, and attics gleaned. stove moving specialty. Folding bookkeeping preferred. Box , P. Septic ’Tallin, Dry Wells. Sewer "U and R BUILT E-Z terms 867 Main St. 5078 trance Colonial Cape, 5 generous family. T. J, Crockett, Realtor MI IN TOWN—We)l built and well lot (150x1501. House in good shape, Walk-out basement has laundry Ashes, paners all rubbish. Harold chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752. Herald. Lines Installed—Cellar Water­ SIX ROOM rent. Inquire 182 Irving Hoar. 5t7 9-4084. Street., size rooms, screened porch, large 3-1577. cared for 5 room Cape with expan­ new heat, aluminum siding, porch, room, workshop and furnace room, BOOKKEEPER, experienced and proofing Done. 7-ROOM e x e c u t iv e RANCH MAGIC CHEF gaa range, very living rootn with fireplace, formal sion space. Quiet street. Conven­ garage. Lota of extras. Owners family room, recreation room with ; RUBBISH REMOVAL-cellar.s and • PaintiiiB— Paperini? 21 rcspon.sible, for daily part-time clean, 3 ovens. 340. PI 2-7211. jJa n Uh ESTER - 6 room duplex, dining room, one-car garage, MANCHESTER ient bus and shopping. Asking anxious to hear your offer. T, J. bar, half bath and bedroom. One I attics, incinerator, ami lommcr- work State experience and avail­ Featuring: 2-car garage- 2 full baths—formal dining ro o m - central oil heat, 385 monthly. Resi­ parklike yard. This property in top Crockett. Realtor. MI 3-1577, acre of land nicely shrubbed with HOWLAND’S McKin n e y b r o s . 315,000, Madeline Smith, Realtor, i’i;i;ri:i!i;i:i) u m ’i \!.- , rial light tnicking MI 9 0.3.39, ' EXTERIOR and Interior painting. ability. Mancheater P. O. Box 735. living room, family room with large glass sliding doors, leading WE WILL BE at 288 Oak St.. Sat- dential area, near buses, schools condition throughout, 317,800. MI 9-1642. 13x26 patio. 320,900. Tel. MI 9-9902. Papci hanging. Wallpaper books. Sewerage Disposal Co. to' an outdoor patio—stone fireplace—lovely kitchen with urday and Sunday to sell 4 rooms and shopping. Adult.s and teen Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. VALUES UNDER Wallpaper rem ov^ Ceilings. HELP WANTED—Part-time book­ plenty of cabinets and built-ins! This beautiful brick veneer of furniture. .Many useful -Items agers only. Call MI 9-2621. Tues BENTON .STREET— 4 bedrooms, Biuldlnj^-Contrac'.ing 14: keeper. 3Phe W, H. England Lum­ 1300.32 Pearl S t—MI S-S808 WASHINGTON St.—Four-room ex­ Lots For Sale 7.3 Floors. Good clean workmanship, home is situated on a large wooded lot. in a neighborhood for your home or camp. Every­ day, 8-12 noon. $ 15,000 heated sunporch, living room 5 YEAR OLD $18,900 WEST SIDE—Spocloua CARPENTRY— Roofing, remodel-1 hhilly insured. Reasonable rates. ber Company. MT 9-5201., of fine homes. Owner transferred. thing must go. pandable Cape with garage. House with fireplace, formal dining 6- ROO.M COLONIAL, plus fin­ ha.i aluminum siding. Beautiful 7*4 ACRES, high elevation, beauti­ I ing, repam.s. No joji too small. Ed j Leo Pelletier, MI 9-6326 or Ml T Priced at onl.v ...... $29,900 SUMMIT S T .-6 room Cape. 8 bed­ room, 2-car garage, 316.200, Quick ful view, minutes o*it, trees, qnly ished recreation room, !■/] r Slasiak. Ifl 2-7564,'' ^ 9-5082. SIX ROOM duplex, adults pre­ yard, choice location. Only 314.900 rooms, VA baths, redecorated in- occupancy. Belfiore Agency, MI furnished Ranch home, 3 bedroom*, baths, fireplace, separate lann* M NORGE hot water heater, 53 gal­ ferred. Ridge Street. MI 3-5460 —and the present mortgage Is 32,5P0. Carlton W. Hutchins, iM3 CAU. ROBERT D. MURDOCK AT THE . side, nicely landscaped, extra 3-5121. ■ . ---- 9-5132. dry area, aluminum siding. lons, one year old, 330. MI 9-4343. 310,500. T. J. Crockett, ■ Realtor. • ' deep lot of 380 feet, garage, no well located In large Industrial city EXTRA SIZE LOT. A REAL OPPORTUNITY THitEE ROOM' apartment, com­ MI 3-1577. time like the present to buy thia MANCHESTER—6 room Cape, nice- - r ■ — pletely furnished, heat, gas , elec- in Florida, Sell or trade (or coun­ TWO B ZONE lots with eity home. condition. I 'j baths, fireplace, water. Union 8t. Mancheater. U and R REALTY CO., Inc. Musical Instrunents 53 tricitv funiished. 224 Charter Oak VERNON — Beautiful 3 bedroom aluminum storms, plastered walls, $18,900 CLOSE TO CENTER— HIGH ON A HILLTOP try home near Manchester or Ea»t 32,350 each. MI 8-64M. i L SELLING CAREER High Kincome MI .3-2692 St. MI 3-8368, CH 6-4738. ranch, well shrubbed, 90x160 lot, HENDERSON RD.—A true co­ full basement with finished play­ 7- ROOM HO.ME in spariaing Job Satisfaction PIANO AND organ sale—save 80% full cellar, formica counter, knot­ lonial with many extras such as room, large lot Asking 314,700. Hartford. Write'OWNER Richard condition, Verplanck' School this week; Ward Music Co., 99 ty pine bookcase full width of t9’ you would only find in a builder's MI 3-0889, THREE LOTS for sale. Inquire 713 area, .8 sizable bedrooms, for­ * own home. 4 bedrooms, fully in­ One of the largest and most respected companies in its field has Summer. 'Open evenings. Free Business Locations living room, aluminum storms. Warner, 1 Defense Court, New N. Main St. MI 9-6623. mal dining room,' living room, parking at our door. Minutes to schools and shopping sulated roof, 2-car garage, nice FIVE ROOM ranch, must be seen fireplace, all city facilities, bus an opportunity for two college trained men. Men selected will For Rent 6 / yard with barbecue pit, extra lot Britain, Conn. Robert Wolverton Agency, MI to appreciate, near school and Resort Property For Sale 74 half block away. be thoroughly trained, income while learning up to 3600 month- 3-1914. 9 till 9. available. Exceptional fnancing bus. Call owner, MI 9-6211. l,v. All replies handled in strict confidence, and no investigation UPRIGHT PIANO, medium size, e x c e l l e n t spot for any business with very little down. 158 AUTUMN STREET for sale, 350. MI 8-7116. or office. Center of town, plenty MANCHESTER—6 room cape, fire­ ASHFORD LAKE 312,900 IMAGINE—Attractive or contact with present employera will be made without appli­ SERVER ST.—5 room Cape-ranch, OUT EAST of Shady Glen, but In MANCHESTER 4-ROO.M RANCH with new of parking Ml 9-5229 9-5 place, plastered walls, full ceram­ town—a trtie miniature estate. Shorefront cottage, 3 bedrooms, cant's consent. Give full details of pre.sent employment, experi­ HAINES UPRIGHT piano, reason- ic bath, upstairs completely fin­ lovely kitchen with birch cabinets aluminum siding, new furnace, MAIN STREET—4 room offifce on and formica counters, storm win'- Landscaped acre lot. House has family room, screened porch, fur­ ence, and qualifications. Write Box N, Herald. able. Can be seen most any time ished in knotty pine with built-ins, two bedrooms. I 'j baths, formal storms, screens, garage, lovely at 54 Bigelow Street. ground floor, plenty of parking. T. roomy kitchen, aluminum storms dowa, garage, amesite drive, High"With"V lew nished. TV Set, domestic hot water shaded fenced In yard. CALL J. Crockett, realtor, MI 3-16'77. extra lot included at 313,900. dining room, large living room., heater, one motor boat, canoe, and permanent siding. Ideal for plus porches and air conditioning. NOW—owners are on the young family. Spotle.ss. Robert pram. Permanent dock, floating move! FREE OFFICE space available to A RARE FIND—'This 6 room home This house has to jsell and i* Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 Wolverton Agency, MI 3-1914, 9 till dock. Nice lawn, excellent beach. salesmen in Manchester. Sales on a high elevation in good con­ priced well below tnaS)tet. T. J. CUSTOM BUILT Properly priced. must coincide with present busi­ dition throughout asbestos tid­ Crockett. Realtor, MI 4-1577. ' )■ 321,000 6 and 8 D U P L E X - ness. MI 9-5833. ing, many possibilities for Us 5 Very clean, vfry neat, very TWO KNIT suits, aqua and rose, WALKER STREET—6 room Cape, acres. Delay may mean dis MANCHESTER-^Special. 6 and 6 SPLIT ARTHUR A. KNOFLA 8215 ■ize 10-12. Call MI 3-6159.. screened porch, fireplace, 1-car good condition,' 2-car garage, Thi.s Arnold l^jiwicncc dc.signi'd home on landscaped plot AMESITE PAVING STORE, 26x54, at .108 Main St.* Ideal appointment. See this unusual duplex, 2-car attached garage, Exceptional two year old, 3 bed­ located ‘1 block from P^Jet Of­ 1-6 yn. garage, shaded lot, 316,000. Phil- offer today. central, full price, 317,500, 4 room MI 3-5440 MI 9-5938 97x108 is in a neighhoihood where many of the homes aie in a MATERNITY TOP and 2-plece location for any business. Good lo­ britek Agency, MI 9-8l64. . room, 6 room split level. Custom fice, AtiP, Town Hall, ex­ Plan to have this adorable col­ higher hrarkcl. \Vil4i the moving date of owners fast approach- dress, size 14, never worn. Both cation for laundromat. Can be IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY — home, nice lot, excellent location, built-in features, plus Its baths, cellent Investment! v • URIVEW.AYS • WALKS • PARKING LOTS 39.4S0'. Short way out—nice 5 room BOLTON—First lake —waterfront lared dress ready for 'your little ng. however, the price has just hem lowcted to $19,200 for some 315. MI 4-8982 altered for jofflces. Call MI 3-5094. 81 GOODWIN STREET—6 room For the value seeker, priced un­ picture book kitchen with double S-room cottage which can be scholar. Tiny bows top the softly Pretty and practical in your | .’orliinate buyer who ‘can act quickly. There are 3 bedrooms, .MACHI.N'K GRADED • PAVED and ROLLED Cape, newly remodeled kitchen, der 315,000 per unit. Property home, full cellar, oil heat, 37,800. oven, dining room, full plaster kitchen — the.se colorful towels easily winterized. Marion E, Rob­ pleated skirt. I Pella steel casement Windows except the three picture windows. hot water oil heat, 1*4 car garage, consists of a new custom 6 room 3 bedroom ranch and 3 bedroom house, rec room with fireplace, 2- are worked In ea.sy-to-do silhouette ■pllt, both in excellent condition. ertson, broker. Ml 3.-S953. No. 8215 with Patt-O-Rama Is In ihe living room are an attractive corner fireplace, flagstone Wanted— To Buy 58 Houses For Rent 65 trees, private backyard, nt»,r bus. ranch, recessed cast Iron oil heat, car garage. Beautiful high eleva­ WARRBK ! cross-stitch.’ entrance, bookcases anil [u aclicallv new wall-to-wall carpeting. FREE ESTIMATES • CALL ANYTIME Philbrick Agency. MI 9-8464.. fantastic recreation room, over­ 312,900. Many more from 34.600 tion, Large shade trees. Also new ROCKWOOD LAKE, Fitzwllllam, in sizes, 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 years. Size WE BUT, 'SELL or trade antique up. Call the' Ellsworth Mitten 8. 2?4 yards of 35-inch; yard Pattern No. 5078 ha.s hot-iron Full basement with small office room. 1';. baths, fire alann con­ t FOR RENT with option to buy —I sized 2-car garago and a new 4 storage shed. House vacant. New Hampshire —Approximately traltsfer for 7 de^ign-s; mateiial re- nection in everv loom. Thcie’s an ISxlH .semi-covered patio at the and used fumiturs, chins, glsss, STERLING PLA(3b (next to our room ranch-cape, redwood panel­ Agency, Realtors. MI 3-6930, MI Priced to sell. 2*4 hours from Manchester. Both oontrast. Bllver. picture frames and old room ranch, full basement. Owner 9-5524. To order, sent 35c in coins to: qi)irements: stitch illu.sti-ations. real-overlooking a delightful view from tlic high elevation. About THE PRICE IS RIGHT transferred. Vacant. Tongrin office)—Oversized custom' built ing, custom kitchen cabinets, shorefronts and back lots now i m 7 rooms. • Hot water oil heat, fireplace, Kai ajfe amesite coins, old dolls and Ktina. bobby available.: Call MI 4-1138. fikie Burpett, Manchester Evening To order, send 25c in coins to;— ; three miles from .Manche.ster Post Office, ji few feet over the Agency, MI 3-6321. Cape. Four latg^ rooms, full base­ built-in range and oven, base­ ' Phone MI 3-6273 line in Wapping section-of-SoiiIh Wind.sor. An appointment is coUscUons, attic contents or whole ment, big upstairs. Level lot, quiet ment garaga',. nearby Bolton, LAKEWOOD CIRCLE Herald. 1150 AVE. OF A M E ^ Anne Cabot. The Manchester Eve­ TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED drive. Lar|ge family room. City utilities. Shade trees. estatas. Fumitura Repair Servlet, LAKE HAYWOOD, Colchester — M L 5— K C A a c ; ning Herald, 1150 A\T3. OF: necessary but will be a pleasure. HAZARDVIIXE—Convenient loca­ location and still ta the center of ,.^i;i)jitically reduced to Mil at Charming 6 room single with at­ ICAfi, NEW YOBK 88, N. Y .' Good condition throughout. Immediate occupancy. Taleettvma, Oonn. Tel. Ml «-TU9. tached breezeway and garager Furnished 5 room cottage, fire­ .AMERICA-S, NEW YORK 86. N.Y. tion to Hamilton Standard'. 6 room town, T. J. Crockett/ Realtor. once. Brae-Burn Realty 555 WAiN S'l For lat-claas mailing add I8c, Cape, l|*/4 .baths, nice location, 3135 MI 3-1577. Large lot excelle'ntly landscaped. place, large screened in porch, for each pattern. Print name, a^- For Ist-class mailing add lOc for j Priced way below replacement cost. Exclusive with . . . . Properly priced. near sandy beach and clubhouse, monthly^ j; D. Realty, Ml 8-5129. Mi 3-1 i C / dren with Zone, Style No. and each pattem. Print Name, Address ' WALTON W. GRANT AGENCY Rooms Without Board 59 COZY CORNER—6 room Catipe, VERNON-*-? room split, fireplace, $4,500. Only 3500 cash. Owner will 8iM. with Zone and Pattem Number. IJLLIAX G. GRANT, Realtor DE M a IO BROS. MANCHESTER—7( rbroom house, unfinished, many desirable3le fea­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA den, full cellar, Ikrce beautiful lot finance. LAwrence F. Fiano, Real- ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen privl. ]. D. REALTY CO. V REALTOR extending to woodK' Owner MI tor MI 8-2738, Ed Crawford, MI SuooaM in Serving—a complete Have you the '61 Album con­ • . ' 1 .o CHARLES LESPERANCE Iyw^mldgs-a|^ lady. Its Birch bedrooms, 2 biths, garage,Ifarage, near tures, 314,1(M). Owner Ml 9-87t2. wartag manual for the beginner, taining many lovely deaigni and 22 CAMBRIDGE 8-1163 TEL. Ml 3-7691 gchools, flTO monthly, MI 9-9171. Immsdlata occupgney. 4T0 M ata a t m M 139 MI S-M40 'M I I-W88 8-2672. •-4410. for your copy. Ita* patterns? Only 35o a oopyl TEL Ml 9-7620 . ' 1 I :

PAGI fOUBTESN FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, IWl Avartge Daily,Net Press Ran Ths Wssthsr lE o A ln g For the Weak Ended FeNkhet e< D. B. Weathan Bm Jana S. IM l NIaiMn, Mika Zamka, David dandy with feg toalsht, pri About Town Sartor Appointed Waoktar, Suaan Rlngroaa. LT.WOOD CO. 1 3 ,3 .S 0 aMy aome driaale. Lew near Parker-Tongren * First Series mtarmedlata awlm claaa at Sunday, ahewen, thuadei'shawl Cadet Captain in Globa Hollow: John Turidngton. Member of the Audit wartnei' hi afteriMioa. High W Tbs VMday night dsnoes held Marilyn Hutton, Thonuw TralU, ICE PLANT Bureau of Cbraolatf on m. weekly by the reoreaUon depart- Civil Air Patrol Itte marriage of Mias Margaret Of Swimming Joanna Eichmaif, Francla Plach, «1 BI88ELL SlBElH? Manche$ter— A City of,Village Charm nsnt srtU be held tonight at the Bruce Derrick, Mlchelana Morin, Robertaon Park tennis courts EJvelyn Toogren of TaloottviHe and Marcia Borello, Michael Ander­ Tom Eaat From Haila S t w stathar parmltting. Children’s Cadet 1st Lt. Richard Sartor of David M. Parker of Manchester, Lessons JEnds son, Joseph Simmons, Joey Dl- At State Theater VOL. LXXX, NO. 260 (TEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1961 (ClaaaUled Adrartlataig ea Faga S) PRICE FIVE CENTS daaosSOS for U and under Is from the Manchester Cadet Squadron of mock. 7;M to 8:80, and the Teen-age Hop the dvU Air Patrol has been pro­ and formerly of Buffalo, N.Y., for ths IS and over age group la moter to cadet ’ captain and will was a—The "This might me the best Insur­ was "n ot‘too concerned” about a pathic behavior” than their prede­ The American. British and said he will sign a separate peace sador W. Averell Harrimftn had A medical examiner said all treaty with East Gernmny by the MANCHESTER 115 WETHERELL STREET PAINTING and black founder of the ultra-conflervaJtlve ance We could buy,” said Sen. A. S. bullet ripping a hole .In the pree- cessors. She blamed this on "in­ French ministers met for 2‘/j Mike Monroney, D-Okla^ chairman disciuisions on Laos with British three died from broken necks and end of the year unless the western John Birch Society yeeteaxlay de­ surized cabins of high-flying air­ creased tensions and uncertainties hours and It was understood they and French represetnative. • sizea 8 to 18 — 12V^ to 22i/^ of the subcommittee. Ren. Clair liners,. He said that planes already devoted much of their time to a other injuries. powers agree to a general peace clared war on Earl Weurein, chief In the adult world.” A group of allied experts on Ber­ State Police said the vehicle waa UBLIC MARKE Engle, D-Calif., author of the pro­ are equipped with oxygen masks Many of the teen-agers are too line-by-line analy.sis„of the late treaty with all Germany. The 803 - 805 MAIN STREET Justice of the, U.S. Supreme Court, posed legislation, agreed with Mon­ lin has been quietly carrying out traveling westward on the high Plasti-Kote • bet you couldn’t guess it’s just 6.99 then pointed to U.S. foreign aid that automatically fall into the severely disturbed to benefit from Soviet note on Germany and Ber­ its task in Paris for at least a West insists such a treaty is poe- roney that "It probably would be laps of passengers if necessary. speed turnpike near Exit 19 in the rible only with a Germany united ■« a tool of communism. the school’s program of channel­ lin. week. These men have drafted a Southport section of Faitifield the most constructive thing we Experts accompanied them. Foy by free elections. WEEKEND Fast Drying, Highest Qual­ Robert Welch, Belmont, Mass., could do.” Miller testified he did not be­ ing energy and talent Into con­ working paper for presentation to when it hit a guard pole near an lieve the FBI would be able to structive activities. Miss Mecum Kohler, a.ssLstant U. S. secretary the ministers. ity Spray Paint. Lasts for •aid in a panel discussion at the The hijackers who took over- a overhead light. It skidded 69 feet furnish agents to ride the air­ said. of state, and Paul Nitze, as.sistant The start of the 3-day con­ (Ooatlnaed on Page Three) VI » QUJ%I Years. Tulsa IVesB Club that the society Boing 707 Thursday said they further before hitting another lines, but he said he thought the Long Lane School averaged 179 secretary of defense, sat beside ference Coincided with intelligence pole. After bouheing off that pole, LAY-A-WAY will sponsor this foil a nationwide wanted to force the pilot to fly Into Secretary of State Dean Rusk. essay contest for college under­ Cuba. attorney general has authority un­ inmates over the past year, and reports of mounting anti-Commu- police laid, the car skidded another Hundreds of Colors to der present law to appoint special will be able to accommodate 220 Two other meetings went on nist unrest in Red-ruled East Ger­ 336 feet and then hit a divider, M e a t b u y s graduates on the topic: “Why On July 24, an Electra plane was simultaneously. Match Original Car Color— Chief Justice Earl Warren should hijacked after talkeoff from Miami, U.S. marshals who could do so. on completion of a new building many. continuing on for 193 additional \N> Government press officers of The theory was gaining ground Including Black and Gray be impeached.’* Fla., and flown to Chiba. The pas­ At the subcommittee’s request, now under construction. Miss feet and then crashed headon into Bulletins FRESH DRESSED sengers and crew were returned, he said that if he found after Meeupi reported. in western circles that Soviet Pre­ a rocky ledge at the exit ramp. Undercoat. He said a top prize of $1,000 will be offered for the best eaaay. but the plane was held. further research there was any mier Khrushchev,-whose threats to The force of the collision drove CulM from AP Wires sign a peace treaty with East Ger­ the motor Into the front seat. Later Welch spoke befme the On May 1, a twin-engined Con- Named Trustee NATIVE ▼alr was hijacked between Miami (Oontiaiied on Page niree) News Tidbits many touched off the current crisis, The medical examiner said It was opening session o f the ansiual na- Washington, Aug. 5 (4^ — H. now Is in some danger of running impossible, to tell what caused the tionki Convention of the Christian NOTE OF URGENGY ■“POULTRY MANCHESTER AUTO PARTS fT'T Dudley Mills, president of the from the AP Wires into trouble In the puppet state. acrident. He said Ozias could have Punta del Eete, Urugtsty, Ousaide, a/t which he told about First Savings and Loan Associa­ Intelligence reix>rts indicate fallen asleep or he could have suf­ ♦ '/, to 5-LB. 5-room ranch, full basement, plastered walls, hot water oil heat, 1,000 peraons that the “wlwle Aug. 5 (g’i—^Ihe Inter-Amertean fireplace, tile bath, extra large kitchen. Nicely landscaped, ahade 270 BROAD ST. Ml 9^4528 Lady Ckidiva Couldn’t Do It tion of Meriden, Conn., has been fered a heart attack, adding there Economic and Social Conference S SPECIAL eign aid program la an exoellent re-elected as a reg^ional trustee to (Continued on Page Three) was no way of telling. opened today on a note of nr- trees Excellent condition. 30-day occupancy. Assumable mort­ example’’ of atepa by which the Belmont geologist who died in gage. Built by Ansaldi. help supervise the smnual adver­ Cambridge last week was victim genoy. Uruguayan PreaMent 39e United States has been led toward tising and educational campaign Eduardo Victor Haedb'^>-aald in cangnunlsm through the years. of blood poisoning and bubonie of the Savings and Loan Founda­ plague, the Massachusetts Depart­ an opening address that “ Ws ROASTING CHICKENS The comment was used to tUus- Eisenhotber Distracts tion, Inc. Violent Attack on De Gaulle cannot waste an Instant to re­ $16,500 W O O L AND trate whajt he called a "principle ment of Public Health announces. He is one of nine trustees elect­ . .Doctors say little Mary Dolores solve what may unite us. Amer­ CHICKEN PARTS of reversal” by which'Ooo^unists ed or re-elected to oversee the an­ ica Is facing one of the nravest seek to change w-eakneweca to Quinanes. who was so tiny at birth CHARLES LESPERANCE OPCN DAILY 10 to 10 Title Bridge Players nual $2 million project, It was an­ that 4-lnch-square gauze was used moments of Its history.” Ihe ...... lb. 45c' CAMEL HAIR 'nis principle can be aeon at nounced here yesterday. Organization of American States work, he said. In the inflltrfttion of as diaper, can go home from hos­ Extremists in Algeria Meaty Breosts . . H). S5c ______TEL. Ml 9-7620 He was chosen to hold the post pital in Torrance, Calif., Monday. to implement President Ken­ the Protestant ministry, almost By ARDEN COOPER '^tournament officials said they did for two more years by savings and nedy’s long-range allianee for the last place ^ n ordinary citizen United Air Lines DCS I jet re­ Wings...... ib. 5c IVaahington, Aug. 5 (P)—It not know of the visit to the hotel Ron associations In the New Eng­ progress proposal' to better the would axpect 'to find a (Jommunlst. turns safely to O’Hare (interna­ life of 300 million pftople fat the usually takes a roof cave-ln or a until a f(rw minutes before hts ar­ land states that are members of tional Alrport.'JChicago, after ex­ Hook into Broadcast Ha said about 8-per cent of rival. Americas. BOY Protestant minlatera are Commu­ similar distraction to separate, a the foundation. tinguishing engine fire aloft, and tournament bridge player from his . Elsenhower seemed absorbed In SMOKED SHOULDERS nist sympathizers, and "the other 121 passengers and crew of seven Algiers. Aug. h iJP) — Under-f> A special military tribunal in U.N. Of f e r 1 : 0 t s h o m b s 97 per cent cannot be blamed for cards-^ven momehtarily. , the game as he kept up a running arc evacuated. .Alcoholism Is ground right-wing extremists to­ Paris sentenced Gardy to death in "Lady G o d 1 v a could walk comment with Landy. Most of the l-eb'poldvUle, The Congo, Aog« Matrtin Rosol's or Colonial WEEK-END AJRuCONDlTIONED anything but the same gullibility Increasing among women, says of­ day hooked into the cable of Radio absentia on July 11. 5 Tha United Nattona to­ B nod—^ to 5 Iba., your choice with which Americans as a whole through here and nobody would the time ,he leaned forward in Ms Religious Cult ficial of National Woman’s Tem­ Algiers on a midday newa broad­ Sentenced to death at the same look up,” said an official of the chair, gesturing and talking. His day offered full security guar- . »t r ’ 3 9 ft GOAT are afflicted." perance Union in San Franci.sco. cast and launched a violent attack time were two, other principal lead­ antees to Katanga Prealdant American Contract Bridge League comments drew laughs several He claimed Sqyiet strategy was South Korea’s military govern­ on French President Oiarles de ers, Gen. Raoiil Salan, former su­ Moise Tshombe If he should who was helping supervise the times. Leader Spends ment In Seoul decides to ahnUsh preme military commander In Al­ Our Own Make, Small, Pure Pork tleatgnad to produce the recent Gaulle. come to Leopoldville for talks CLEANERS buildup of American m i IJ t ft r ) knockout masters of four cham­ He seemed the happiest man at ^‘.Syngman .Rhee Timr.’’ which ‘The .startling broadcast, which geria, and Gen. Edmond Jouhaud, CASH CARRY with the new Central Govern- strength to meet the BefUb crais pionship, the blue ribbon event in the table at the conclusion of the was one hour behind Japanese came into the sets of Hsteners a former Air Force chief. (L oeatxl ill King's Lower Stortl ‘ regularly 29.99 the league's 33rd annual summer round as Landy and his partner, ment of Premier Cyrille Adoula., LINK SAUSAGE "W^at could lead anyone to be­ N ight'i itT J a i 1 time. . .Elmer Brown, president here, led . many to believe that the All three were reported in hid­ Adoula told UJS, Congo Chiefi., lieve they would want to do by tournament. Jeff Glick, Miami Beach, Fla., de­ Qf Internationa! Typographical extremists had seized the station ing in Algeria at the time of the However, someone did look up feated David Maim. New York, Store Linner last night ha REG. 79c Lb. force what they can do by sub­ St. Louis, Aug. 6 (iD—Cult lead­ Union, says in Dallas that exist- itself. But they,made no appear­ sentencing. They are believed lead­ would be willing to eonior with when Gen Dwight D. Elsenhower and William Passell, Riverside, encejof several unions in printing ing a right-wing underground version?" he asked. er John R. Harrell, whose "Chris­ ance. Tshombe on measures to rein­ s r a c iA L lib entered last night. National cham­ Corfn. industry “ is a luxury none of us movement known as "the Secret Other convention speakers will ^ Officials said the secret hook-in tegrate the mineral - wesUthy taclude Clarence Manion, South pionships were forgotten for the Play was interrupted for another tian Conservative (Jhurch” colony can afford these days.” Army Organization”' (OAS) which SALE moment as everyone stood and ovation when Eisenhower started was done in such a maimer as to province with the Central Goy- Bend, Ind., attorney and former was stormed to capture a Marine Two veteran Cuban con.siil.s, wi{,h has sought to spread terror with gave the former President a lusty to leave. He was stopped for auto­ throw two of the regular trans­ eminent—but only If Tshotnbs TOP GRADE SPECIAL! dean of the University of Notre deserter, was in jail overnight, un­ nearly 100 years’ diplomatic serv­ plastic bombs. comes to Leopoldville tor Ois • CHOICE BEEF CUTS mitters temporarily off the air, cheer. This happened five times— graphs and handshakes. The for­ able to post bond. ice between, them, quit In protest . The movement has vowed a BONELESS PORTLAND CEMENT ONE WE€Kp-AUG. 4 Hini AUG. 11 Dame Law college, and Gen. C. A. mer President gave his famous and permitting the extremists to meeting. ASPHALT SHINGLES Willoughby (Ret.), Washington, ill ea ch of the five rooms of the Eighteen of his followers were against Catsro regime and take "fight unto death" against De (BLACK) plush downtown hotel where vari­ there too. All are charged with political asylum in Argentina.... give the impressiem they were SIRLOIN STEAK Lb. 94 Lbs. $M9 jformer chief of Intelligence talking from the radio station Gaulle’s policy off self-deCermlna- 7 RODIBS RBOOVISUBD $1.29 ous divisions of the tournament (Continued on Page Nine) harboring a deserter. British charter airline discovers tion for Algeria. $6.74 Per Square a 8 5 % wool — 1 6 % camel Douglas MacArthur. were under way. building Itself. HergiswII, Switzerland, Aug. BONELESS SIRLOIN The Marine, Dion Davis, slight- plot to smuggle arms to African . 5 (JP)—Seven bodies were re­ T I In the room where some 300 per­ ly-bullt 18-year-old son of a Green­ trouble spots in air-freight boxes The broadcast, backgrounded sons were playing in the main with milltarv marches, continued covered today from a bus' that double breasted front Kibitzer. Arrested, ville, Pa., grocery chain manager, labled nuts. TIP ROAST L. $1.09 TROUSERS a Poispn' Smog event, Eiseilhower aat down at the was to be turned over to the Ma­ for about half an hour and ceased Latin Leaders Set plunged Into Lake Lneamo 1x5— 1 x6 NOVELTY CLEAR SUGAR PINE Men's H its Six Negroes are among 85 candl- abruptly. Wednesday, carrying 16 Ameri­ back of the room and watched rine Corps today. date.s who qualify for Atlanta city SIDING ^ 1x10—1x12 oVer the shoulder of Alvin Landy Wins Clean Record Harrell once said his religious Official French sources said- Al­ can tourists to their deaths. a cuffed, set-in sleeves Part of Dixie Town primary Sept. 13...Bill is intro­ To Block Guevara wtjjro Identliled. Eight Ameri-' CLUB STEAK $1.59 of; New York, league executive sec­ ------•. colony at nearby Louisville, 111., giers u’Bs quiet. But Europeans Out to order any thickneiw you wish. 12c Board Feet 45c Board Feet Cleaned and Pressed retary, Los Angeles, Aug. 5 (yp)-J-Louls had “ supplies to hold out for duced in Senate to permit gover­ who heard the broadcast in thfeir cons still are missing and poUca Inman, S. C. Aug. 5 (iP) — The nors to make emergency apopint- Punta del Eete, Uruguay, Aug, said their bodies may never bo •------a flap pockets The former President, Himself a Patoff, 50. sipped a cup of coffee weeks.” But the armed defenders homes were excited, thinking an­ LEAN, FRESH—IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF Complaints of nausea, dizziness bridge player, was not content to and watched a penny ante card fired no shots In the pre-dawn raid ments of congressmen if more than other uprising was at hand. 5 (>P)—The Latin American Eco­ recovered from the 1,000-toot and abdominal pains sent 50 to 75 watch. For more than an hour and game ,in a public park. by police and federal agents yes­ one-third of House is wiped out tn The rightist broadcast broke nomic Conference opens today depths. One body was recovered atomic attack or other disaster. GROUND HAMBURG 10% DISCOUNT SHELVING BOARDS a Y2 belt back people to a hospital for examina­ a half he discussed virtually every Minutes later he was in jail, ac­ terday. The FBI said only those into a reg^ular news broadcast on with the major participants deter­ the day of the accident. Twenty- tions in the wftke of a chemical play with Landy, the three other cused of vlolfttlng a city ordinance who were armed or offered re­ Two plastic bombs — favorite Radio Algiers: The speaker said mined to beat back any Cuban at' two otoers aboard the bus sorw plant fire that spread poisonous 5 9 e “ ^ 2 “ • $ 1 . 1 0 ON DHAWBR SETS 1x12, 15c Pe^ Un. Ft. players at the table and several by being present at the site of sistance were arrested. weapon of 'President de Galille’s he was broadcasting from Radio tempt to wreck the meeting. vived. 1.00 • orlon pile lining smog over part of this small town. enemies — explode In Paris early $ among those yrho crowded around. gambling. Harrell. 38, his silvqry hair al­ Algiers. The United States and 20 other At least six persons were hos­ GROUND III E E C Such eminent kibitzing seemed to "Since when Is ‘watching’ a most to his shoulders, sale at their today... New Rochelle board of In the name of Gen. Paul Gardy, members of the Organization of KENNEDY, ADLAI CONFER CHUCK D E B r pitalized yesterday at Spartan­ crime ’’ the uneniployed furniture arraignment in East St. Louis, education, twice ordered by federal a fugitive army officer, the broad­ American States (OAS) are tak­ Hyannis Port, Mass.. A M - 8 patients. None was believed In seri­ If this waa a violation of the Court. strategy In the hsoogilng Gen­ HORMEL BUTTER rules, nobody seemed to mind. liams he was just an innocent eled after George Washington’s ret army by the European setUera affect the lives of millions in ous condition. But exsunlnations kibitzer seated about six feet from Latin America for years to come. eral AeeemMy of the United Na­ • c Bo v e r b l o o m Eisenhower waa accompanied by Mount 'Vernon. Guillermo Bolivar, Cuban Con­ who want to keep Algeria a part of a petites 5 to 13 Listen to Kathy were expected (o continue. the ,game last July 11 In MacAr­ But U.S. (jommiMioner Elvira France. The United States and Brazil, tions. Their eonlertnes, liM[ht SPAM • SWEET LIFE a longtime bridge buddy» Gen. Al­ sul to Tampa, Fla., for 15 years’, Godfrey, WINF- On the south side of Inman to­ thur Park. Fellner said deeds, title papers says he is turned down by U.S. A retired general, Gardy, aided the two giants of the conference, nlng la the moralag alter u jr. • HILLDALE CB8, Manches­ day! garbage cans were piled with fred M. Gruenther,' foamer coni- ’T really didn’t know what they and tax receipts were required to Army in attempts to enlist and by 60 paratroopers, took over con­ have reached an agreement on the Ambasoador StoreaeMi’s arrival AT THE NOTCH, BOLTON—MI S-2U1. • with acrylic ter, 10:10 a.m>, contaminated food as 30 to 40 fam­ mander of Allied Forcei In B im ^ were playing,” - he said, ” I don’t goals to be aehleviMi, It waa reli­ by plaae frem New Yqrtl Is YOUR arrange bond. Mrs. Harrell could fight his old foe, Fidel Castro . . . trol of Oran in westeto Algeria plaid linings ^ Monday through ilies cleaned up the homes they had and now preeideht of the Amer­ want any kind of a record and produce none of these. Bond was Display case In fashionable Col­ last April from the ctpnmander, ably learned. sahaiistad Car msny h s«rh CHOICE ican Red Croes. Ekaenhower came lb. 69c gUAUTY CLEANING COSTS YOU LESS HERE! Saturday. Ck»> •vaeuated. that's why I’m .fii^ttaf this case.” set at $7,500 for Harrell, $2,000 ony ‘ Club Restaurant, New York, Gen. Henri de Poullly, after other Beeretieey a t thm Tk'Mimiy C. w U OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY test lOvery Day.' to town In the aftem oov as a Is looted of gema variously valued right-wing military leaders had I (OsBtiiraed on Fags Two). / weekend guest ot Gruentl;^, but (OoBtlBiied OB Fags Two). (Coottaned sn Page Two). Irom $72JM)0 to $1M,IKM. •sized control ot Xlg)efs. (OeaBtoWd’ M l^ e Thns) Codi \ ■ - « Jto.ISSSK- $e»..v-w .•»• •1 f. r