Soviet Ready to Negotiate on Settling Berlin Dispute
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r - ’ z v » f'.-. :.'o’ .* / THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 198r FACE EIGHTEEN Arenge Dally Net .PrcM Run iltanrl]ffBter lEnmittg ll^ralb The Weather For the Week Ended Eereeeet of O. S. WMtiMV I - June S, IBSl / CBeodf, foggy M d eeel tm About Town 13,3.30 lew In lew SSm, Bntnriny, i COME TO PINEHCRST FOR Member of the Audit wnmior, elMwan Into In dny or nt The ?lipser Club will hold a pub Bureeu of ObwnlatloB night. High M-f6. lic setback party Saturday night Manchester— A City of Village Charm GOOD/rS'EAR SCRATCH n at 8 o'clock. FRESH BLOCK ISLAND SWORDFISH The Manchester Junior Square VOL. LXXX, NO. 259 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1961 (CbMsIfled AdvertlelBg en Page U ) 'Dance Club will hold a dance to PRICE FIVE CENTS morrow from 7 to 10 p.m. at the DENT SALE We.«il Side tenni.e court.e. In the event or rain, the dance will be Aim at Pocketbooks SOME ONE OF A KIND-SOME FLOOR /UODELS- held in the recreation building. State News The Rev, Percy F. Smith of ALL BRANDNEW AND FULLY G''*RANTEED - ; New London, former aaeiatant paa- I tor otf South Methodiat Church In Roundup HUGE SAVINGS! Mancheeter, ie aecretary of the East Reds Add Soviet Ready to Negotiate annual four-day Methodiat aaaem- hly acheduled for Aug. 28 to Sept. 1 at Geneva Point' Camp Lake Winnepeaaukee, N.H. The Rev. Prospect Gets Harvey K. Motisley of Bolton, au- Worker Curbs perintendent of the Norwich Dia- trict of the Methodiat Church ia aa- Legal Licpior .■«:.«tant dean. Berlin, Aug. 4 (A*>—Com-TP°“ l l»y Berlin Mayor Frlod- rich Ebert for talks about the com Prospect, Aug. 4 (fl*)— Vot On Settling Berlin Dispute munist authorities in East Members of Manchester Bar- ■ muters. Berlin announced new meas ers have decided to legalize rack.s. Veterans of World War 1. ; Brandt said yesterday that if the liquor sales in Prospect, long and the Ladies Auxiliary will meet 1 ures today to harass Germans Communists respect the right of at the Holmes Funeral Home to- ' who live in the Red East but Berliners to move freely and choose a dry stronghold. morrow at 7;30 p.m. ^ pay their their own jobs, there would be When the question of legalizing Senate Votes work in West Berlin. the sale of alcohol came up last, in Spark Furor in Congress Notes Warn respects to Wells Pitkin, junior ’The Communist city govern nothing to talk about. vice comr^ander of the barracks j In recent weeks the commuters 1957, it was beaten down 675 to ment decreed that from Aug. 1 258. $46 Billion in M- and ohaftlain of Nathan Hale auch commuters must pay their have been subjected to many re District No. 1. strictions by the Communists. ’They Yesterday, 558 voted in favor West Allies bills for rent, electricity, gas, wa of allowing the sale of all types of ter and other public services in (Continued on Page Three) alcoholic beverages, 59 favored Defense Funds western German marks on a mark legalizing only beer, and 323 voted for mark basis. to continue the complete ban. 2 Hijackers Held On Threats Western money on the West Less than half of the town’s reg Washington, Aug. 4 (TP)— L T. WOOD CO. Berlin free market is worth near- istered voters took part in the ref ’The Senate today voted a Moscow, Aug. 4 (TP)— The ; ly five times u much as the bills French«Silent erendum. peacetime record-size 846,- ICE PLANT ■ the Communist print. Soviet government told the Violators were threatened with 848,292,000 for defense. United States and other big .11 BISSELL STREET The rollcall waa a unanimous 85 jail sentences and fines. On Tunis Offer Indicted in Slaying Americans Turn East From .Main St. Middletown, Aug. 4 — How to 0, western powers in a note to Commuters were again ordered day that it was ready to nego At State Theater to register with the Communist ard F. Parmelee, 27, has been in The huge appropriation bill em HAMS and CORNED BEEF authorities, whether they hold reg To Cut UN Call dicted for second degree murder in braces President Kennedy's recent tiate a settlement of the Ber ular Jobs or just do occasional the July 23 slaying of ,tte woman NotLinked urgent request for nearly $3.5 bil lin question, but warned work. Some 62,000 are registered Paris, Aug. 4 (/F)—French offici with whom he had been living. lion to expand and equip the na A grand jury returned the in tion's conventional fighting force.s. military threats. in West Berlin, but many of these als were silent today on ’Tunisian The note made no specific men —perhaps as many as 20,000—are dictment ye.sterday after hearing And It includes nearly $I billion President Habib Bourgulba’s offer testimony from eight witnesses To Castro that Kennedy did not — and tion of calling a conference to Notice not registered with the Commu reach a German agreement al ARE SO GOOD nists. An estimated 20.000 to 30,- to call off his drive for a U.N. As about the fatal beating of Mrs. may not spend — to continue pro sembly session to condemn France. Jeanne Lunden Hage, 34. duction and development to power though there were nimora in Moa- WE HAVE DAILY 000 more "Work black,” without El Paso, Tex., Aug. 4 (ilP)— cow that the Ruasiana hope to aes registering at all. Officials in the Foreign and Al Parmelee and Mrs. Hage, who An itinerant car salesman ful jet bombers and maintain and called herself Mrs. Parmelee, had equip reserve and National Guard auch a conference before the Ger Many of the latter group be gerian Ministries were closely DELIVERY TO THE studying the text of Bourguiba’s been out together the night before and his son who hijacked a forces. man elections and perhapa within long to the "wash-rag aquadron,” her body was found In their jet airliner caused a national The bill now goes )>ack to the two or three weeka. The German women from the East who do remarks to a news conference yes election cornea In mid-September. So many, many ways... terday. He said he would drop his apartment. Parmelee Is to be ar furore that reached into the House for con.slderatlon of Senate housework for the more prosper The notes, delivered yesterday complaint at the U.N. if the raigned in September. increases of more than $4 billion. BOLTON ous West Berliners. White House and Congress. The House had approved the an to the embassies of the 'United French government agreed to dis There were demands today that States, Britain, France and West The new Communist measures cuss a timetable for evacuation of nual defense money bill June 28, looked in West Berlin like the Red Showers Saturday such crimes be punished as stifly well ahead of the mounting crisis Germany, reiterated the repeated Thei« two meats . Morrell's easy cut or canned hams French forces from the big naval as piracy on the high seas. atatoment of Premlw Khrushchev AREA reply to a protest yesterday from and air base at Bizerte. Windsor Locks, Aug. 4 W —The over West Berlin and before Ken the U.S., British and French com U.S. Weather Bureau today Issued Leon Bearden, 38, a convicted nedy’s appeala last week to the na that unless an agreement ia reach bnd Pinehurst lean TENDERCURE corned beef are great At U.N. headquarters in New robber, and his 16-year-oId son, ed a Soviet peace treaty will bs mandants in West Berlin against York,, Asian and African diplo the following extended forecast for tion and the Congress to toughen other recent restrictions on travel Connecticut for the next five days: Cody, who held 10 hostages at gun the combat forces. signed with East Germamy without Summer favorites . cook them in the cool part of the between East and West Berlin, mats, with Soviet support, con Temperatures are expected to point for nearly nine hours yester American or other western par LENOX tinued collecting the 50 signatures The money is for the government which is supposed to be guaran average 2 to 6 degrees below nor day In a Boeing 707, were "bound fiscal year which began July 1. ticipation. teed by the four occupation pow needed to call a special assembly over to a federal grand Jury under The note waa a reply to parallel PHARMACY day and serve hot or cold . in casseroles . salads session. It was obvious that the mal. Cool except for seasonal Biggest Senate addition to the ers. temperaturea Saturday and agnin bonds totaling $200,000. Bearden House bill was $525 million to notes delivered to Russia by the In announcing the new measures, Tunisiana were using the threat of had served time in California and three Allied powers and West <3er- 299 E. CENTER ^T. sandwiches . hash. U.N. condemnation at such a ses Wednesday. The normal mean maintain production of heavy long- the East Berlin city government temperature in the Hartford area Arizona prisons. range jet bombers, the latest model many on July 17. TEL. M l 9-0896 made no comment on the protest, sion to force France to the negotla After getting orders from Presi The western nations in t h s 1 r ting table. during this period is 73 degrees, of the B52.