Second Powerhouse, Bonneville Lock and Dam, Columbia River, Oregon and Washington
FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT 15 NOVEMBER 1971 s* »21 SECONDi t r 4 mA EM, ISa E * BONNEVILLE LOCK ANB DALI COLUnOlVEB, O ’ OREGON AND D fiS K T ON 11 f n U ;S ARMY; ENGINEER DISTRICT * ' > r* 4 S J- . * ' ' 'PORTLAND/OREGON k - ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT SECOND POWERHOUSE, BONNEVILLE LOCK AND DAM, COLUMBIA RIVER, OREGON AND WASHINGTON Prepared by U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, PORTLAND, OREGON 15 November 1971 Second Powerhouse, Bonneville Lock and Dam, Columbia River, Oregon and Washington ( ) Draft ( X ) Final Environmental Statement Responsible Office; U. S. Army Engineer District, Portland, Oregon. 1. Name of Action: ( X ) Administrative ( ) Legislative 2. tenance of an eig existing Bonnevil County, Washingto 3a. Environmental Impacts Highway and railroad relocations, removal of existing town of North Bonneville, excavation and disposal of about 18 million cubic yards of material, loss of about 25 acres of wetlands, increased mortality of downstream migrant fish, elimination of a popular sport fishing site, reduction of nitrogen supersaturation downstream from Bonneville, increased dependable capacity and electrical energy production for the Pacific Northwest power system. b. Adverse Environmental Effects: Relocation of the citizens of North Bonneville, filling of 400 to 600 acres of low elevation area downstream of the project with 18 million cubic yards of rock and soil, temporary turbidity during construction, noise and air pollution associated with construction activities. 4. Alternatives: No action, different powerhouse size, different power house location, addition of new navigation lock. 5. Comments Received: Federal Environmental Protection Agency Bureau of Reclamation Forest Service Bureau of Sport Fisheries & Wildlife Nat'l Oceanic & Atmospheric Admin. Geological Survey National Marine Fisheries Service National Park Service Bonneville Power Administration U.S.
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