0. A. C. Alumnus
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Tli OiEtelVATEJ ALUMNIMACIAZINII 14814ZIP11^1. UNION104 1,0MVAL4til, OREGON 0. A. C. Alumnus Directory Issue 1 92 5 L COMPILED BY GENERAL SECRETARY O.A.C. Alumni Asbociatio ALUMNI DIRECTORY Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon November, 1925 (INCLUDES 1925 SUMMER SESSION GRADUATES) VOL. 5. NO. 3. Entered as second-class matter September 23, 1921, at the post office at Corvallis, Oregon, under the Act of August 24, 1912.Acceptance for mailing at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 10, 1921. ; ALUMNI BOARD OP DIRECTORS P. A. Cupper, 1904, Saldm, Oregon Term expires 1926 Claude Buchanan, 1903, Corvallis Term expires 1927 J. Douglas McKay, 1917, Portland. Term expires 1928 Chas. F. McKnight, 1898, Marshfield Term expires 1929 C. G. Brownell, 1907, Portland Term expires 1930 Zelta Feike Rodenwold, General Secretary Alumni Office, 112 Commerce Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 0. A. C. CLUBS Oregon Baker County Club-President, Woodson am White, ex-'25), Chamber of Com- L.Patterson,'99.Baker. Secretary, ' merce, Eugene. Mrs. Kenneth Robb (nee Delia Purves, Lebanon Club-President, Harry C. Mil- '23),Baker. ler,ex-'22,Lebanon. Secretary,Mrs. BentonCountyClub-President,Floyd Dennis Cromier, Lebanon. E. Rowland, '07, 409 Science Hall, 0.Linn County Club-President, Herman J. A.C.,Campus. Secretary, Alice Mc- Abraham, '16, Rt. No. 4, Albany.Sec- ginnis, '09, 205 N. 7th St., Corvallis. retary, Gladys Reynolds, '20, Apt. No. CentralOregon Club-President.S.L. 7. K. P. Bldg., Albany. Bennett,'07,105 Drake Road. Bend. Polk County Club-President, Paul Rob- Secretary, Carol Boyd, ex-'24, Box 66, inson, '23. Independence. Bend. PortlandClub-Permanent Office, 611 Clatson County Club-President, Toseph Oregon Bldg. President.A.G.Sie- M. Dyer, '23, 493 15th St., Astoria. berts,ex-'17,careof Edwards Furni- Coos BayClub-President,CharlesF. ture Co., 5th and Oak Sts., Portland. McKnight, '98,Coos Bay Nat'l Bank Secretary. Mrs. T. S. Wieman (nee Alice Bldg.,Marshfield. Secretary,E.R. Feike, '22), 611 Oregon Bldg., or 1009 Peterson, '21, North Bend. E. 16th St., N., Portland. Crater Lake Club-President, Leland A. Salem Club-President, Vivian Marsters, Mentzer, '19, 703 West 2nd St., Med- '23, 1140 Centet St., Salem.Secretary, ford.Secretary, Mrs. C. D. Thompson, Mrs. R. D. Slater (nee Bernice Bright, 829 W. 11th St., Medford. '23), 241 N. High St., Salem. Estacada Club-President, Gerald Wilcox, Silverton Club-President, Theodore Ho- ex-'12,Estacada. Secretary, JuliusC. bart,'25,Silverton.Secretary, Louise Moreland. ex-'16, Estacada. Fischer,Sr., OAC, Alpha Rho house, Gresham Club-President, R. E. Cannon, Corvallis. '21, Supt. Union High School, Gresham. Umatilla County Club-President, Berke- Klamath County Club-President, Percy leyDavis,'22,Inland Empire Bank, Murray, '24, Box 332, or Klamath Falls Pendleton. Creamery,KlamathFalls. Secretary, Wasco County Club-President,George Mrs. Lynn Sabin (nee Irene Robinson, Couper, ex-'25. "The Dalles Chronicle," '21), 226 N. 3rd St., Klamath Falls. The Dalles.Secretary, Dorothea Cord- La Grande Club-President, Jesse V. An- ley, '24, Court Apts., The Dalles. drews,ex-'23, La Grande. Secretary, Washington County Club-President, R. Earl C. Reynolds, '20, Chamber of Com- B. Denney, ex-'11, Beaverton. merce, La Grande. WoodburnClub-President,Mrs.Fred Lane County Club-President, Charles M. Baird (nee Esther Sweek, '22), Wood- Emery, ex-'08, 37 9th Ave., W., Eugene. burn.Secretary, Verna Keppinger, '20, Secretary, Mrs. N. W. Bond (nee Miri- Gervais. California Colorado Garden of the Sun Club-President, Fay DenverSecretary-RalphE.Reynolds, Gillette,'21,ChamberofCommerce '08, Home 987 S. Williams St. Office, Bldg., Fresno. Secretary, Malcolm Hinman Silo Co., Union Stock Yards. Crawford, '22, 1202 Olive Ave., Fresno. Golden Gate Club-President, T. W. Espy, Idaho '04, 425 Mason St., San Francisco. Sec- Boise Club-President, Ross Cady, ex-'09. retary, Mrs. H. W. Fish (nee Carolyn Idaho Laundry, Boise.Secretary, Pearl Wright, ex-'22), 3739 Telegraph Ave., Madison. ex-'24. 518 N. 6th St., Boise. Oakland. Moscow Club - Harry. I.Nettleton,'21, Hemet Club-President, H.L.Wilson, Forestry Dept., Univ.of Idaho, Mos- '21, Hemet. cow. Secretary, Chas. C.Prouty,'23, Long Beach Club-Secretary, 'Lydia Doo- Bact. Dept., Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. little, '15, 225 Grand Ave., Long Beach. Illinois Los AngelesClub-Secretary,Charlotte Champaign-UrbanaSecretary-OscarM. Moody, '18, 845 S. Plymouth Blvd., Los Helmer, '22, 404 S. 5th St., Champaign. Angeles. Chicago Club-President, E. R. Shepard, Redwood Club-President--S.J. Damon, '01, 1726 Illinois Merchants Bank Bldg., '14, Ferndale.Secretary, R. Moy Mil- Chicago.Secretary, Alton L. Peterson, ligan, '24, Fortuna. '22, 1350 N. La Salle, Chicago. [ 2 I Iowa New York Ames ClubPresident, Harvey L. Lantz, New York SecretaryRobert J.Wilson, '16, Hort. Dept., I. S. C., or 2225 Don- '86, 111 East 10th St., New York City, aldSt.,Ames. Secretary,MerrillR. Good, '24, Engr. Dept., or Sta. A, Box Washington 161, Ames. Seattle ClubPresident. Philip Gearhart, Louisiana '06, 802-3 Securities Bldg., Seattle.Sec. Baton Rouge SecretaryErnest V.Ab- retary, Roscoe Doane, ex-'08, Jamis9n- bott,'22, Agri. Exper. Sta., Louisiana Doane Drug Co., E. 50th and University State Univ., Baton Rouge. Way, Seattle. Spokane ClubPresident, Reno P. Banks, Missouri ex-'20, Penn. Mutual, Spokane.Secre- tary, J.C. McCaustland, '00, Big Bend St. Louis SecretaryJayGreen, '12, Ves- Land Co., Spokane. per-BuickAutoCo.,GrandAve.at LindellBlvd.,St. Louis. Hawaii, T. H. Hawaii ClubPresident, Otto Klum, ex- Montana '16, Coach, University of Hawaii, Hono- Montana ClubPresident,Frank. Harring- lulu.Secretary, Mrs. H. R. Carter (nee ton,'13,Hort.Dept.,Montana State - Ora Weaver, '11), No. 4, Dewey Court, Co lg., Bozeman. Honolulu. [3] The following pages contain the names of some 9000 graduates and ex-students who have attended the Oregon Agricultural College.The names of all the 5000 degree hold- ers are recorded herein but ex-students are listed only if addresses are known. This Directory is divided into three main divisions: alphabetical list, class lists, and geographical lists.The alphabetical list contains the name, year in which degree was conferred (in case of ex-students the standing and year last in college), course, present occupation, present mailing address. All degrees are bachelor of science unless otherwise designated.Degrees received at other institutions are not listed. The class lists contain the flames of degree holders of the specified year. The geographical lists contain the entire 9000 names listed by states and by towns within the states. Graduates and ex-students are urged to notify the. General Secretary of the Asso- ciation, Corvallis, Oregon, of any changes in occupations or addresses at any time. Key to Course Abbreviations AAgriculture CCommerce Chem EChemical Engineering CECivil Engineering DSADomestic Science and Art EEElectrical Engineering FForestry HEHome Economics High EHighway Engineering IAIndustrial Arts LELogging Engineering MAMechanic Arts MEMechanical Engineering Mil SciMilitary Science and Tactics MMining PPharmacy Phar CertPharmacy Certificate PhGGraduate in Pharmacy PhCPharmaceutical Chemist VEVocational Education Key to Year or Degree Abbreviations ABBachelor of Arts AMMaster of Arts BSBachelor of Science BLBachelor of Literature MSMaster of Science FrFreshman SophSophomore Jr Junior SrSenior SpecSpecial OptOptional SSSummer School Between the years of 1870 and 1887 the College offered the two degrees of BS and AB.The BS degree implied the completion of the general collegiate course without special work in languages.The AB degree implied a specializing for four years in Latin and Greek.The honorary degree of AM, granted by a vote of the faculty and approved by the. Board of Regents, implied advanced literary work with additional specialization in the languages mentioned above. In 1888 emphasis was laid upon a greater degree of specialization, but it was not until 1892 that the degrees were regularly conferred in the various schools.After that year the school from which the degree was granted has been indicated in each case. [ 4 ] ALPHABETICAL LIST Married names of women are for reference only.Detailed information on each person appears under name as recordedwhen in College. A Ackerman, J. H., 1906 Honorary PhD Deceased, 1920. Aalvik, Roy, 1924 ME Ackerman, Isabella, 1912 DSA Unknown. (Now Mrs. A. G. Lunn) Abadie, Valentine, Soph 1921-22 VE Rt. No. 2, Corvallis, Ore. Farmer, Hillsboro, Ore. Ackley, Kenneth Justice, 1925 A Abbe, Mabel, 1903 DSA Editor, Tillamook Headlight, Tillamook, (Now Mrs. R. R. Howard) Ore. Rt. No. 1, Oregon City, Ore. Acree, Louis Carlton, 1917 A Abbett, Gilbert Wesley, 1925 EE Unknown. 4221 Stanton St., Portland, Ore. Adams, Etta M., 1914 BS DSA, 1917 MS Abbott, Christine Gordon, 1919 HE HE (SS) Home Dem. Agt., Court House, Sacra- (Now Mrs. E. W. Rau) mento, Calif. Rt. No. 3, Box 58, Tacoma, Wash. Abbott, Ernest Victor, 1922 A Adams, Floyd Nelson, Jr 1919-20 A Agric. Expt. Sta., LSU, 952 West St., Hardman, Ore. Baton Rouge, La. Adams, Fred, 1906 P Abbott, Gurnsey Harlan, 1920 A Physician, Eugene, Ore. Farmer, RFD, Parma, Idaho. Adams, Mrs. George (nee Paulson). Abbott, Mrs. G. H. (nee Fletcher) Adams, George W., Jr 1899-00 ME Abegg, Fred Anton, 1920 A (SS) Baker, Ore. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Adams, Mrs. H. A. (nee Dobell). Abell, Tracy H., 1917 MS A Adams, Mrs. H. M. (nee Loughary). Horticulturist, U. Ag. Col., Logan, Utah Adams, Harold Richard, Fr 1910-11 CE Abendroth, Albert George Emil, 1910 M Logger, Powers, Ore. Mining promotion, Selling Bldg., Port- Adams, Herbert Ernest, Fr 1921-22 F land, Ore.Res. 208 Floral Ave. Carlotta, Calif. Abendroth, Mrs. A. G. E. (nee Connell) Adams, James Quincy, 1911 A, 1917 A Aberg, John August, Soph 1921-22 A 295 Grant St., Ashland, Ore. Rt. No. 2, Bellingham, Wash. Adams, Kate, 1908 C Abernethy, Carrie, Fr 1892-93 DSA (Now Mrs. H. L. Beard) (Now Mrs.