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PAOX fiQ nX E N iHanrt;(Bter Engnttig ljgral& Avurags Dally Net Prem Run | from th* shore where he baa * Fbr Hw Mseth *f Ita Bmanuel Lutheran church board Ray Dwyer entertained with an­ cabin cruiser. When he arrived Sb ****** mbS o f adminlatratlon wlU be boat to other showing of motion picture* Motor Stolen home he wna balled Into hla shop at th* Memorial Hospital Annex, A b o u tT o w n the **nlor and Junior choir* and for abm t 20 minutes on a bualnma Hartford road, last night under matter, and during that time he 9 ,3 3 9 ■IgM; cIssilMg seHy F M ay, i tea'’*»i"g ataff* of the church arrangements of the Y.W.C.A. ■ehool and Weat Side branch at a From Barstow left the outboard motor In the rr-irrir «f A m U t M ia q rb y Oaorg* B. BMba, M|inMi ap* aporta program and picnic aupper branch here. trunk of hi* car. When he return­ BnatkS, XnOf, aoa of Mr. and Mra. Saturday at Goodwin Park, Hart­ ed he found that the motor had Mtanthester^'A City 'of Vttiaga Charm S^SldC. Barb* of 85 Blrartiaet, ford. Membere of the famlllea of Utchfleld, the beautlftil town In Local Resident Had Left been taken. it ttrvliic on bosjrd the dwtroyeri theae group* will be welcojne. In the hills of Northwestern Connecti­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS cut, will again open a number of Mr. Barstow la offering a 835 MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 USB H*nl*T, which la at pr«**mt caae of rain the auppci will be It in His Car for 20 AiysHlalBg *■ Pag* M) Its bouses ana gardens on Satur­ reward for the return o f th* mo­ rOL, L X m , NO. STS complottnc her ooeond Medltenra^ aerved at Emanuel Lutheran M inutes tor. He said this morning that the , / •aa crulae. 8«aman Be«b* entered church. Thoiic dealring tranaporta- day, August 21, from' 11 a. m. to 5:80. The ‘oien house” day Is for person who took the n.otor would th* naral aenrtc* In September, tlon should meet at the church at An outboard motor, valued at be wiser In the long run to return 1947, and received hi*, recruit the benefit of the Connecticut 1:^45 p. m. Saturday. Junior Republic, a school for boys 875, was taken from the trunk of It as when he attempts to uae It Cargo Arrivea 198 Years Late Try to Find tralnlnt at the Great Lake* Nav^ a car belonging to John Barstow he will flhd that It doesn’t work. TralDlnf Center, prior to i^ lch needing special guidance. Sand- Security Coumnl Former Lakota Council, No. 61. Degree of 460 Main street while It was Mr. Barstow had brought the mo­ he attended Mancheater High wlhces, coffee, and milk may be of Pocahontas, will meet this eve­ parked In hi* driveway Sunday tor home to overhaul it because It Weat Coast •chooL obtained at the milk bar of the ning at 7:30 In Odd Fellow* halL school, which will also be open to evening. had been aoaked In salt water and Following the business session set­ t' Inspection by ^18ltonl. Mr. Barstow had Just returned is not in operating condition. Oil Sources Mr. and Mra Herbert C Han of back will be played about 8:30. to To Hold Meeting Oaford atiaet, and daughter, Nan­ which the public is invited. Re­ Lawyers cy, hav* retiuTied after a two freshments will be served during we*** vacation at Newport and the social period following the games. Three Companies ' Are Ood. SALE! On Truce Breach Using Man-Made Earth­ quakes to Create Appear Tomorrow Special Valv Urgent Session Called Jews Accused Sea Bottom Shocks s.‘ .‘ A ll W hite Thia Afternoon After Santa Barbara, Calif., A ug..19— Witt, Pressman and Abt ivin 0 Request Firom Count Of Despoiling VP)—Three oil companies ate en­ Sees Teacher Beyond To Be Questioned in Fringed Bemadotte for Imme­ gaged In an exciting gamble off Spy Ring Investiga­ diate Action to Pre­ Church Units the Santa Barbara coast, luing man-made earthquake* in an ef­ Control of Russians tion; Truman Lashes II vent Full Breakdown fort to find vast new sources of Out At House Commit­ " I petroleum for fuel-hungry Amer­ Latin Patriarchate’s Re­ ica. tee;-Accuses G ro u p ' Hob Nail Bedspreads Lake Success, Aug. 19—(/P) State Department Gives port Charges Crimi Dull reverberation* of n potent Dewey Pledge SILCO —The United Nations Se­ new explosive called EP-126 (nit- Formtd Ruling in Case Of Infringing Bill of curity Council decided today nal Acts Against 12 rocarbonate) create shock wave* Rights in . Its Inquiry STAINLESS FLATWARE to meet in urgent session on a* deep a* 15,000 feet below the Of Mrs. Kosenkina As Seen Answer Full and Twin Palestine this afternoon (1 :30 Catholic Institutions ocean bottom. Never before haa man sought to pump oU from rock Long As She Remains . Washington. Aug. 19--mmunlat. He now heads to* the Council for prompt action to Aecoaed of Breaking Into Oiurch For Slowing Parleys, might Involve a caisson rig with toe State department'* ruling at a cratic farm belt strategy with hla With Zipper Cloeare. Three sizes halt the renewed Arab-Jewish Carnegie Endowment for Intorna- MRPICNIC8 Earlier, Jewish soldiers were ac­ waterproof drill manipulated by conference he*e yesterday with irtion at Springfield, 111., tost tional Peace. atrlfe, declared In an Interim re­ cused by toe pastor of a Greek electronic remote control aboard a Groa*. farmers can choose in November 24 Pc. Set AND CAMPS port that the Araba have accepted These developments canm ns Favored Furs Reg. $3.49. 16 Garment size. 64” Catholic church in Jaffa of break­ Rusfiian-Cxintrolled Ger­ surface vessel. Dlckstein told reporter* the de- betwreen high prices under the President Truman laahad out at Service For 6 $2 .2 9 la principle the plan '' to disarm ing into toe church and carrying The sea exploration Job goes on parteieat’a attitude would govern Democrats or low prices under the reg^ar and Irregular troops In News Tidbits toe conunlttee. He eoeueed to* off religious objects. In a letter- to man Press Charges five day* a week, with three tiny hla decision, probably next week, Republlcana. group of Infringing .U m bill o f Jerusalem. the apostolic delegate of toe Vati­ Coned Prom (/F) Wire* fleet* in operation. ’The techniques on whether a wrrlt of habeas cor­ Gov. Bari Warren of California rights In ita Inquiry into allagad “No Readiness to Accept can and other Christian leaders in Contradictory A tti­ in use are as old as Chang Heng’a pus he lasutd against Soviet Con­ had a chance—If he chose to take communism vritotn to* govern- Reg. $2.98. 8 Garment size. 64” “But the Jews, who stated Jerusalem, toe pastor, toe Rev. G. "earthquake viewer,” Invented In sul General Jacob M. Lomakin re- $1 .9 8 tudes Hamper Talks -Glenn Cunningham, spearhead­ it—to answer hla vie* presidential nMnt. S liC O Initially they did not exclude de­ 132 A.D., and aa mysterioualy new mklna valid. opponent on th* sama Rllnota M AI FOR Rizik, said: ing “Temperance Tornado’s” drive Mr. Truman mads that state- ritADi'.MAtK militarization, have shown no “I bring to you my protestation aa “ ahoran.” toe World War II The writ directed Lomakin to State fair platform today. V s acroBs Kansas, /says he received meat at a newa confareuM aa be gVHTDAV Natural Grey rssdlnesa to accept it up till now," against this odious crime. We Berlin, Aug. 19—(iiP)—Sec­ navigational miracle roduce Mm . Koaenkina for But toe major Republican edict took issue with criticlam of Ms ad- Bemadotte adde^ worst insult of his life yesterday Surveying Water* EIrtt Month* [abeaa corpus hearing laat Thurs­ Reg. $2.79. 42” Suit s iz e ...... have always heard loud declara- tions of the Russian-con­ S on agricultural policy la expected ministration stenunlag from to* $1 .7 9 Under theae conditions it would tiona on toe part of toe Jewlah when a man carried a glass of United Geophysical Company day. This was delayed, but Dick- to ooma from Oawey on the G. O. Congreaaiooal. invasttgattaa. be necessary to have a “strong chiefs that they respect churches trolled (3erman press charged beer over to him from nearby tav­ has been surveying toe waters atein told reporter* h* “ could” P. presidential nominee’s projects A raporter had aakad tha Prea- Housewares—Basement and well-armed International and religious heads. ’These acts do todat that contradictory at­ ern. . . .Western power diplo­ from Ventura to an are* norto- nei*ertheleaa hold Lomakin In con­ ed croas-country campaign tour. Idant w'hetoar ha tbouglit toa mats in Moscow confer st Ameri­ weat o f Santa Barbara for the laat Made by Goodyear. Guaranteed odorless, moisture proof, dust tight, mildew proof, forca” to bring about demlUtariaa- not correspond with these words.’’ titudes of the western powers tempt for fullure to obey to* or­ Cxpeotod to OutOne P rsg ia a Housa baarings infrtngo en tha bUI tlon of the Holy City, the report Msgr. Verganl, on toe heals of can eaibnsay. preaumnbly on sta­ eight months. der. Unlasa he changes hla ndnd. of rigbta. Mr. Truqtfp ropllad bogged down Moscow talks tus of .negoUatltms concerning With the explosion of EP-126, Chinese tough and durable. Full zipper closure. said. DamUltariaation of Jerusa- personal obaervation, reported FoUah Up Rejection Not# Dewrey la expected to outBh* S yaa, I Ax- -Ha dM not alab^ ta on the Berlin crisis and the 'Clerman cnMS. . . .Warrants for two buoyed cable* astern the fleet on hla anawar to say wby ba CQRR Ism b— been on* of the mediator’s these acts against Roman Catho­ The ruling bar Groaa came as top program under which toe govern­ primary alma In his negotiations lic institutions: German problem. These news­ arrest of 250 students of Peiping boats pick up In geophonea or toftika ao., electronic ears, toe robot shock- department orhclala polish up O ment would continue to put a loan AUMCHiStm MM ie with Jews and Arabs, hla latest Saint Peter’s church and mon­ papers made the charges of universities on charges o f being floor under farm prices. Repanta Ftevloua Ctalai Red agents are prepared by spe­ wave Impulses and at a recording note rejecting Soviet acG|iBauon _ GREEN STAMPS attempt to bring about a cease astery, ’Tiberias — Before May 15 obstructionism along with a re- and dmeanda In toe Kooenkino Loans on moat major crops now Tha Praaidant rapeatsd bis pra- flrs-fsUed to halt th* .fighting doors of monastery repeatedly n e w e d propaganda broadside cial criminal court In Peiping. room they are changed by e gal­ vanometer Into light beams on e case. are made at 90 per cent of parity, vioua claim tost Senate and Houaa there. broken open and papal flag tom a g a in s t western occupation French Foreign Ministry says a formula aimed at keeping farm committee baaringe hav* produced Kidskin about 1.500 French men, women supersensltlve film. ’Theae wavy Michael McDermott, department Th€ JW H AI^CO R R « v e n w i t h c a s h Beraadotte’s report expressed down. policies and Berlin’s anti-Commu- pricea In line alto toe prices of no Information not alreaify In to* and children left Berlin In last lines are analj'zed by e crew at press officer, told reporteM hla \ s a l e s fear toes* clashes might bring Casa Nova pilgrima hoapice, nlst city government Monteclto onto map*, toe exposed “beat estimate” la that the note things toe grower buy*. poaeeation o f toe FBI S M pse- about new full scale warfare. Tiberias—Before May 15 Father May Issue Own Money two week*. . . .Communist In­ Congress continued toe present aeated to a Federal grand Jury. MAM4MISTBR COHM« surgents bum do.wn police station film eventually pieced together “will probaoly be completed and “It should be borne in mind that Superior Philip “saw Haganah The city government haa Just like strips of aerial photographic delivered to toe Soviet ambassa­ price support program for a yaar, He also aaeerted tost to* gov- HALE'S SELF SERVE further deterioration’’ of toe eltua- soldiers taking and stealing goods made known it may issue ita own in Singapore—while the police are but voted to. put Into effect on Jan. enunent’s loyelty review program out looking for Insurgents. . . . dor by this evening.” The Orifinal In New England uOO of Casa Nova .... Police apolo­ currency In an attem pt. to un­ (Uontinned am Pag* Fttur) McDermott added that he doe* 1, 1950, a long range proposal un­ la a coraptet* euccesa (OonUnned on Paga Eight) gized and assured him no more ravel the divided city’s east-west Roger Lapham, American Aid der which loan floora would be Reprosmtative Ntzon (R.. chief In China, says agreement not plan to rtlease the text of toe CaUf.), a committee monber, I'J: robberies would take place. Jime monetary snarl. note tonight. He said a “reaaon- slightly lower on field eropa but a and HEALTH MARKET reached with Premier Wong Wen- promptly accused Mr. Truman nad iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 5 It was fotmd opened and all The Moscow talks among repre­ able time” will be given toe So­ little higher on livestock and dairy rooms searched; a holy chalice sentatives of the four big powjers Hao to allocate 870,000.000 for toe axecutivs agenciea of toa gov­ Oiarge HiirlecI viet embassy here to transmit toe products. ernment of attempting to obstruct Summer Drive and several sacred objects, house­ are reported nearing an end. The Industrial recoMtructlon. I document tt> Moscow. Dewey la expected to Indicate hold goods and provisions stolen.’’ western diplomats there were con­ Eight hundred residents of tola Invastigatlon. 'Apparently be President Tntman indicated to­ any changes be may have in mind referred to Mr. Truman’s refusal THURSDAY SPECIALS “All External Doors Brokea ferring agMn today on toe statu* Goeschenen, . Switzerland, return B a ck at R eds for the long-range program, A pearlytoned supple fur with definitely young ideas, unusually smart F r a n c is c a n missionaries of of their negotiations with Prime to homes as explosions in muni-, day other Soviet cltisens will be to mkka availabla to toa commit­ Nearly End^d given asylum in this country If labor Cost Not ConsMeted tee confidential file* on govern­ Egypt sisters school and convent, Minister Stalin and Foreign Minis­ tlons depot grow weaker. . . .In­ Ita parity formula doewi’t take Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales is this coat with its wide fiaring back and Peter Pan collar. L e t t Tiberias—“On July 22 I found all dications' that rich Soviet grain they want to follow the example ment employes whoea narnaa bava *r - a * . ter Molotov. of the Russian school teachers In into account the cost of hired come up In the Inquiry. external doors broken, the chapel The Intensity of toe attacks by harvest will exceed even abundant United States Sees So New York and aeek refuge here. farm labor, a point that Dewrey Nixon told a reporter be shares American Officer As­ profaned, toe altar overturned and the Ck>mmunist press here on the returns of last year. . . High YCMICB MAID COOKED viet ^Imperialism’ in The President was asked at hla said In Cori'alUs, Qre., last May to* president's conoarn for dvil statues of toe Blessed Virgin, city government and the western PaklsUn offldals talk with U.N. serts Greek Offensive must be given “consideration.’' rights. He added that “Because I Saint Francis and Saint Anthony powers seemed to Indicate that the representatives about cease fire D anube River Pact Cans F u r s , (Ooettnned on Pag* Bight) Experts said the labor cost faetq;r do, 1 think It la esaantlat to con­ SPAGHETTI 2 25c Second Floor. Take the Elevator To End in 10 Days deadlock is continuing on major is­ in Kashmir state. . . '.Air Force would raise the price support level n tM (('AotlBueil on Page Four) sergeant who threatened two news duct an absolutely thorough Inves- sues in Moscow. A t the start of the Washington, Aug. 19e—(4^— in moat years. 'To Kozane, Greece, Aug. 19.—VP)— Moscow talks, the Communist photographers seeking picture of During hi* Oregon campaign, aouass crashed fighter plane in Wells. The United States bonropred one (Ueetleeed os Cngo BIgat) High Greek officials expressed be-, press of Germany had soft-ped­ of Rusala’a favorite charge*—“ Im- Teacher Seen Dewey outlined hla ideas on gen­ Hef today that the summer offen­ alled such attacks. Me., acted "contrary to regula­ eral farm ' legislation. W H E A T GERM i Lb box 33c Slaying Seen tions,” says Defense Secretary periallam” —and threw It right 1 sive against Communist-led guer- Charge Sadden Reversal back In the Kremlln’a teeth to­ He said essential points Include One Conununlst newspaper James Forrestal. riUas is “nearly over;’’ day. Better Todav soil consenatlon. irrigation to MO. 2 CAN v - « The J W . COM CoL James F. BritUngham of charged toe western diplomats bad Longmeadow, Mas.-., police say boost productive acreage, develop­ As ‘Murder’ they will bring back for trial there The occasion waa toe State de­ MANCHISTUi COMIH Baltimore, chief of toe Joint Unit­ expressed agreement with propo­ partment’s 'official comment on ment of ant.-nal agriculture' and Its ed States mllltory advisory plan­ sals of Stalin at toe start of the a California relief recipient who by-products, a strong parity price Flashes! VEGETABLE JUICE cn 15c described hljcself as son of million­ the new Soviet-dictated Danube 31rs. Kosenkina’s G>ndi> ning group njjached to Second Moscow talks, then suddenly re­ river agreement. support program, better handling Army corps, supported this view. Rador Accuses Tito and versed themselves when they took aire and I* charged with as-ault western resources and stabilization (Late BaUctlaa ol the UPi Wtea) with Intent to rob his half-sister, Refuse to Elga tiou Improves After He said the offensive will end vic­ the matter up with Molotov. The That document waa signed at O ther ' Y ugoslavs i a wealthy Lr>ng;meadow matron. (Cootianml nn Pag* Eight) toriously within 10 days. Berliner Zeltung and The National Belgrade by Russia and toe So- Sinking During Night HOLIDAY ’The Greek officials reported, President ’Truman i-ays the U. Boat Eagtao Explodaa . Death of. Jovanovic S. does not Intend to send troops \iet sateflltea. It reserve* full con­ however, that 5,000 rebela still are (Conttnued on Page Eight) New York. Aug. 19-;-(/P)—Im­ Bloch Islaad, R. L. Aug. to Palestine or anywhere else ex­ trol of the waterway to the Dan- —Tbe eaglao of tba S4-f0ot Hebtag MACAROON MIX 45c holding out In the northern Gram- ubtan atatea. The wesem powers provement waa reported' today In , Aug. 19.—(yP)—Rador, cept as part of U. N. force under Walkout Seen boat. Edfle U, oxploded to OM Btokes 60 macerooBS moa area. U. N. decision Federal Reserve —repeatedly rebuffed In their ef­ the condition of the Russian school (In Athens, a general staff toe official Romanian new's agen ... harbor hero today, aayoraly bota- cy, accused Premier Marshal ’Tito board puts finishing touches on forts to open the river to vessels teacher wh6 a week ago leaped spokesman said the guerrillas still CUilia Adopts from the third floor o f toe Soviet lag Edward Csalay. 27,' aad .*•■*■ FRESH and other members of the -Yugo­ new regulations curtailing Install­ of all nations—refused to sign. tag tbe ieratt te atak. Conley, an 13 Blends for held about 100 square miles of consulate. Grave Threat slav government today of treason ment buylag.. .Substantial pro- Lashing out at "Soviet manlpu- ______Islaad nshermaa; Jansen Mott. 14, Grammos territory, and tkpt stub­ During the night she had been i and “hoi^ble murder” in the Gold Standard duction operations resumed at latipn of the alx vote* of Its pup: 'o f Provideboe, R. I., and two a a- TOMATOES 3 29c 3-Way Beauty PrdtoctloaT born resistance was indicated by Morrell Co. packing i»Iant' in Ot­ pet state.*.” the State department'reported sinking at Rooaevelt hoa- . the fact that government force* death of Gen. Arso Jovanovic, for­ EllPrsV Uom -' Identified men dived overboard itod mer chief of staff of the Yugoslav tumwa, la... .Security traders declared: “The unhappy aubserv-j pital. ; AIOH 1IC gained only about 30 square miles issued at 10 a. m. | ' , i wore aided ashore a s the axpM oa FRESH Army. yawn their way through another ience of the Danubian peoples to A bulletin -Asks Green! opened the aeanm *f tha tiehing In the past few days. The spokes­ Orders All Banks Clct ed •low stock . rrarket session while Soviet Imperialism waa never (e.s.t.) said: m ission man said indications were that the The Yugoslav government an­ nounced yesterday that Jovanovic price* barelv stir from previous more clearlv manifest than at this “Mrs. (Oksana Stepanovna) T o ' A ct in Stoppage • • • CUCUMBERS 3 v^29c rebel forces were ordered to hold For 2 Days to Permit conference." Koseft)iina'* condition shows Im­ was killed by a border guard Aug. closing level*. .. I'. N. .Security Hog Price* Set Now High a 22-mile perimeter a t all costa.) council expects to begin month- One, of Moscow’s loudest com ­ provement this morning. Her tem­ Greek and American military 12, while attempting to flee,across Orderly Conversion Washington, Aug. 19 -i*« ■«!■* Jovanovic was war-time chief But official toi'rcea said the rates consultation purpotea only. this walk out so detrimental to the Ftctnre Frsmlags Thev further asserted that Alba­ Guardsman Still Haa Moat - Sl.000,900.009 todaj-. Tha defiett SANITONE CLEANED .Patait nian- b*1onqin«? to soarlal Com- of ataff and Intimately associated would be one gold yuan for 3,000.- A bulletin iMueil at Roosevelt defense of the American people. / with Tito In the days of partisan hospital at 5 a. m. te s t ) report­ had exceeded tbe bUMeu level eueh Fresh Seafood BUrrof* I hiimist brigades are “ fighting ()00 Chinese oo,Iars of the national Accordingly we urge that you ex­ day since nUd-Jnly. The fieeul V uolah warfare against the Nazi.-. currency now In use; four gold ed the teacher’s condition aa criti­ ' Delivery Service or Cash and Carry with Creek giieiTlUas on the Alba­ O / Teeth aa 15 Extracted ercise your Influence to return y e u began tr U j Fletofes > Asserts Slaytiig “ Murder” yuana for each U. S. dollar and cal and unchanged after a restless these union members to work." PiUiitefs’ nia n-Oreek border.” " night of sleep. Her tem­ deficit dropped to 8887,74K 8^ Sword Fish, Halibut, Haddock, BrRleh and Americen officers ’The Rador speech, broadcast by two gold yuan* for eaih C!hinese Irregular ’tote te «S4M9Efifi8 belew tto da«- mcGiLL-conuEPSE me Artlsto* Meteflalj toe Bucharest radio, said Jovano­ perature remained at IM . H « Non-Ualoa Istoer Hlied Sopfriles fm-hesleed that the • «re*ks have silver dollar. Camp Edwarda. Maas., Aug. 19. »> Using only field equipment, toe The union workers, employed by cit en,the comsposdlBg date • vic’* slaving was “murder carried On this l•dsis is w’as estimated pulse was 100. a drop from IM Mockorel, Butterfish, Scallops, Oraftliig been eereful not to violate the Al­ —(J«)—______A Connecticut .1_^ National deiital . ... surgeons______aa.^.. then sliced toe five project contrectore, left their year ago. WaOpaper out bv ’Tito and his accomplices that the government must Issue rocorded at midnight, and b«r r*4- banian frontier and not to create Guardsman still has most of his V • who sink deeper into the mire of St least ha!( a billion gold yuana youth's gums beneath toe right niratlon waa 32, down from 36 at Jobe beesuse a aixto contractor Whiting, Cod, Clams, Fillets of fVtadeer Ofaus lastnuneat*' *n’* border incident.” own teeth—despite having 15 tak­ hired npn-ualon labor. Crewd t tosre Cre-k military intelligence re- treason. to cover the ISO trillions In na­ I lower bicuspids' midnight. The midnight buUeUn Barita, Aug. 19.—VP)—Aa “The number of Yugoslav Com­ tional currency outstanding. en ouh said ahe had slept for long Inter­ Pike advised Green tost more Haddock, Flounder, Perch, Etc. rorted that from 8.000 to 4,000 Pvt; Daniel A. Aiksnoras. In TTiey extracted 15 tecto, addeh then 3.000 A FL workers war* Idle . V _ ’’■oiinded cuerrillas have been munists who reject the erimlnal President Chlang K a i-8 h » flew they said wefe toa slse o f “ a vals in the late evening. poliev of 'nto. (Vic* Premier Ed­ back here last night from KuUng training with the Guard’s 102nd fader Oxyge* Teat yesterday In what union merobera Our sMifood offerings are always fresh delivered, t-ansferred Into Albania since- the Infantry here, reported to the grain of rice." . ■right twa vard) Kardeli, (Minlater Without with toe new money plan. He out­ Mra Kosenkina, 52. who suffer­ hUve described aa a "vacatloo." dressed as you wish and guaranteed satisfactory. See Telephone 6887 Cismmos offensive began June 21. Connecticut dispensary yesterday Pvt. Aiksnoras. a student at Pike estimated to* numbar of non­ OEAHEK& LAUMDEREKS 645 Main Street Surrendered guerrillas said some Portfolio Mllovan) D.111a* and lined it immediately to to* Cen­ Post Junior college, Waterbury. ed mulUplf fracture* and other lato the our large selection and use more seafood for economy Rankovlc grows dally,” Rador tral Politibal CTounclI of the Kuo- complaining of a "toothache.” Injuries In'her leap * week ^ . t o ­ union workeM' i t “not more then HARRISON STREET „ ‘ TEL. 2-60M of the wouiif'ed wer# sent' on to Lt. Col. Robert J. Springer of Conn., wiio*e parents live at 149 115” and said toe contractor who aari Brittah said. It warned: ihintang party. The Council ap­ day, has been given aaveral blood and variety. f i n hliiimiMnniiiiiMuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllim^^^^^^ Ei'’gaiia and Yugoslavia. i Weat Hartford. Conn., and (^apt. Vernon street, Worcester, MHaa., aalri eas pan Brittinghair said the rebels ktUI “Their resistance will not be bro- proved it and sent the plan to an i returned to acUve training duty i I Gordon S. Young of Hartford, f (UosttjiiMd *a Pe|t* ■ ‘ ght). (CoattaiMfi oa Pag* Bights * C!onn., took X-rays. ' —still with , hi* own teeth. J' am FDge BDurJi' (Oeattaaed oa Pag* PMr) ’ CoatlBued oa 'Pago FourJt

\, ^ ■ 'v • I '■ .A •V. ' i . \ •J'’^ V V/'- 1^' ••• ' ^ >■■ *.

?V' '. *» MANCHESTER EVTOINQ HERALD. HANCRE8TBR. OONN-. ’THURSDAT. AUGUST TO, IM S 4- P“ MANCiJESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1»48 PAGB.TWO Lieutenant Governor, John D. cut Aviation Trades Associatioa’s at a luncheon at Air Holiday Rak Two Parked Jeeps I Carlaon; secretary of the eUte, first annual award for outstand­ Trumbull Airport, Groton, next renreasatattvas are sapectsd. Voters Made Seeks Place PraiUc Stngewalkd; tix-asurer, ing effoita in the cause of the ed- Tuesday at 1 m. Robert Halpin, CARA preaidan< mils, nus Is axpected to total Problem for O0icer\ vancement of aviation in Connecti­ Governor James C Shannon, will make the presentation. A1 about 9t,000 k day. Sprayed Potatoes Charle* Woodln; comptroller, Al­ Getting Ready ta p p in g Hartford Road fred Johnson and attorney gea- cut, it was announced today. msmbera M hla staff, state and Winiaraa, noted speed pilot, wiU t«gieiatlvt Oommlssionar Bl- _ By Selectmen Upon Ballot eral. Cart Blomberg. The presentation will be made Federal commimioners of aviation be the guest speakst. AapbAlt And- mer W. Ryan has been busy put­ Haul of Thieves n n n n Newark, N. J., Aug. IS— ting the proposed bills in the The atorm Friday caused a lot ■a* JHSNBniuBISHi^V —Giving out Uckats Isn’t al- For Assembly finest legal language. Pol^s Changed C A L L of damage to tobacco In South NOW Bn4a BATUb DAV Of ,58 Here, 29 Register ' ways ao easy Patrolman Hugh Socialist Labor Party 5141 The Connecticut Law Journal, HamdVn, Aug. 19.—(A5—Thieves rttet Maeaiweiw Showtaig MeAlUstmr has dlacovarad. Miller to Receive JO N iS Windsor. Ths hail in tha south-' —FOR— is also being readied to give In- who labored for naught sneaked Wood Is Replacing Iron MMiie Republican, 15 Demo* Ha found tiro Jaeps parked First Group to F ile . Legislative 3Iachinery formaUon on the billa to be west part of the town riddled over in one metered paridng qw M PitraHnrt Ai^ fl thrown In the legislative hopper. Into the grounds of tha Connecti­ Necessary Petitions • Aviation Award 100 acres o f broadleaf. The dam­ cut Agricultural Experiment sta­ ■•Kxm era!, 14 Independent jresterday, Ixrth within the le­ Being Reconditioned In the meantime, the lawmakers Standards in U*e, for ^ ------S--- - ^ age to shade grown was very light tion here, dug up several packs of gal confines of tha white lines, R^'wVrUm themselves are finishing up their C I T Y C A B For Special Session as a large share of that Is already potatoes and made off with them Safety qnd the nickel parking fee in­ Hartford Aug. 19—(ff)—^Iha So­ Hartford, Aug. IS— — Con- The Selectmen and the Town Half Price Sale! personal buslnesa matters for harvested. serted In the meter. gressmaa WUUam J. Miner (R„ M-98 Oak St. TeL f-lt their Capitol hill aesslon. A num­ What the thitves didn't know Ulerk lest night held e aesslon for cialist Labor party haa become the. SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS A large bam owned by George One of the two pint-sized Hartford, Aug. 19-- i/O ■— The ber will be cutting short vacations was that the purloined spuds had A change la being made in the — M.US first group to file petitions w l^ Oonn.) win receive the Connecti­ Stumpf of Long Hill Road, was sUndards carrying the ppwer on the making of voters. During the vehicles waa Ulegal, but which OPEN AIX NIGHT state's leciaiative machinery la to return to their seats in the two been Sprayed with benzine hexa- James Oraig In one McAlUater ponil^ed. the eecretary of the state’! oCtl^' Hartford road. The oast troh poles period from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. 58 Dorothy Gray being reconditioned this week for legislative branches. struck by ligbtring and burned^ cbloride as a peat control experi­ "The Man From Texas” Finally, ticket pad In hand, M B i are , being replaced by wooden tdr a place on the balloC in the- the special housing sen.^ion next The two majority leaders whose He estimated his loss at 18.500, ment. new voters Wbre rdmde. They he decided: Monday. job it is to guide the admlnUtra- partially covared by insuranca. Btasine hexachlorlde, said Sta­ poles. While the new poles are less were given an opportunity to regis­ ‘•It’s Illegal to put two vehi­ fall election. AU TO GLASS While Governor Shannon and tion’s bills through the Legis­ Monday, Aug. 23, the annual tion Director James C. Horsfall, ornamental than the ones being re­ ter in the two major pa^es; Of cles in one piece end the one The move waa necessary as tha DEODORANT CREAM meeting o f the Public Health Is hot a poison, but its taats Is placed they are safer. The iron $6 ESUtfltHBUOrfllUfflnil the number of voters made, 29 party did not poU tha raquired TO SELL Installed Republican leaders are working lature and conferring with party ferthest from the meter geta $ 1 OO siEe for with the steering wheel which will members. Final get-together be­ Nursing Association will he held such that not even a goat would poles have been In use ilnee the t. 81 lO lb V H registered in the Republican par­ the UckeL" onehalf of one per cent of the votas 4, €, 7 room sinfflcs in Prompt Service at tha Community House. care to eat potatoes which had first electric power was Installed ty, 15 In the Detnocratlc party, at the last state electloa which direct the course, the comptrol­ fore Monday's noontime opening better residential seetkma ler’s office la fitting together a lot will be at It a.m. for the Re­ The Town Hall will be open been sprayed with IL on Hartford road. The poles when DRIVE IN THEATRE and 14 did not register at all. would have enabled them to re- CALL 3822 of little pieces—without which the publican caucus. from 8 a. m. to S p. m. from The theft, disclosed during the torn out will be used in the stats There are three aessiona sched­ Slayer of Chaplain nnain. It’s gubernatorial candidate’ of town. We also have eaah RA V F (pins tax) machine would not work. August SO to Saptember 18 to experiment station’s annual flsld i scrap Iron drlvs. uled for the making o f votcra next polled 3,403 votes In 1948. cQstoniers. Yon may have TIRE VALUES! reglstar about 200 local men for day yssterday, waa reportsd to j The poles now being replaced in month. An all-day aesslon from The petlLon oontataa S.7SS the honae. If interested in White Gloss Co. Speclflcally* this means prepar­ Hamden police about two weeks turn replaced the atandaid which 9 a. m. until 8 p. m. will be held LIMITED TIME ONLY ing tha Senate and House cham- aelecUvt service. Town Clerk Given Life Term names, of wi/.ch 4,432 were from sellinf, contact 24 Birch SL Manchester Hebron Charles Enea saya the registration ago. 1carried the gas light method of on September 11 and September Bridgeport and 8,861 from New bera, calling in the necessary help, Dr. Horafall said he would like street illumination o f over 50 years 18. and a three-hour session from Open OaUy 8 A. 8L Ta • P. M. arranging for printing, putting up is for all young men born after Haven. Forty-three were from Enchsatingly iragraat, this definitely Ineiadlng Satweny 6 .0 0 x1 6 6 .0 0 x 1 6 Aug. 22 1922 and before 1930. ^ to get tha potatOM back because ago. Chenty Brothsra at that 5 p. m. until 8 p. m. will be held Yokohama. Aug. 10—(JP)— Pvt. West Haven, 385 from Norwalk, public address system mlcro- One of the most impressive fun­ spraying them was a lot of work, September 15. George Ambulot dainty preparatioa quickly checks $ 9 * 9 5 Tha following schedule is for time owned the gas company and William C. M STALUON“ speak on "Propoeed Changes in FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW PRIALATORI Frankel, Edward Pomprowlca, Monday night the Building com­ roof will be on in two weeks. ney ordered hit crew to clean up confident thcie would be more. Good progress is being made on Federal Tax Administration.” the Senate and House chambers. Frank IKulynyck, Andrew and mittee of Community hall met at "Tony haa lots of friends here ENJOY THE MOVIES’ IN Our new sanitary process gives yon a deUcions, crisp, G. Richard Ives. All were In uni- the hall and discusRed plans for the conetructlon of the building COMPORT. ALL MOSQUITOS The 47 Houee public address sys­ and is well liked.” she said. and It no.w lobka as If the- school State Positions Open golden brown food — Seals in the flavorl Come in and tem microphones were being in­ j form. operating the building for the AND INSECTS CX1NTROI.I.ED Cpl. Griffin, who escorted the coming year. They inspected the will be ready to occupy after the RT ARROPLANB DDT SPRAT try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED ./.IN OUR HANDS stalled today. None are used in 'hiankegiving vacation. Hartford, Aug. 19—(85—Glen the emaller Senate chamber. body home from New York, and work being done in.side and out­ Treason Charge don A. Scoboria, state personnel TO TAKE HOME. CALL 3803. State Police Commissioner Ed­ I remained with It on its JOurney side the building, also the grading director, today announced that ex* ward J. Hickey was notified to i throughout, presented the flag and landscaping which it is ex­ amlnaUons are open until Sept, i YOUR.CARIS have eeveral extra offleera pres­ I with which the casket was draped pected will be completed this week Claimed Frame for chief airport traffic cmitrbller, COMMUNitY RESTAURANT j to Pfc. Keefe's mother, Mrs. Owen by Anthony Dzen, contractor. The ent to control parking on the nursing education co-ordinator 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Capitol grounds for the law­ I Donahue who In turn asked that It auditorium floor has .been sanded (tuberculosis) and public health 19—i/P) Teng makers. (. i be given to hls father. and reflnished and basketball nets Shanghai. Aug. dental hj^enlst; IN GOOD HANDS The State library was asked to ' Itie body was met In Manches­ are to be installed. Chung-Ho, Chinese cotton king u - OAK GRILL make preparations for printing ter by a delegation from the Jones- At the Republican caucus held cused of collaboration with the at the To\ra hall Monday evening, Japanese, charged In newspaper the bllla, and hire any necessary Keefe PosL S • FEA.TURING extra help. There were many beautiful flow- Harry F. Farnham and Lloyd advertisements today that he was The eomptroller'e office ie now era with which the casket was cov­ Grant were chosen delegates to being framed. ______Teng maintained that hla re- preparing to handle the various ered and which were reverently the State Convention. Tht aIter-_ nates are Mrs. Harold Dellert andT /fusal to contribute some $200,000 expense Items. One Includes the laid on the grave following the cer­ ★ FRANKIE V ALL ★ Robert Blanchard U. S. currency to the Shanghai I O f emony. biggest Item transportation. Delegates named to other con­ "soak the rich” campaign waa the S And Hig petrM ”^ Le^slators are paid 10 cents a It wjll be many years before the ventions were: Congressional, reason for the charges. deep grief felt-by the townspeople Daniel Cavanaugh and Mrs. Har­ Mayor K. C. Wu told newsmen will ^ overcome, occasioned by old Dellert; Senatorial, John A. today that there waa no connec­ U)s death of thla promising young I ★ ORCHESTRA ★ io Collins and F. Lee, Magee: Pro­ tion between the treason charge BACR SSCHOOL I inan. It is understood that the bate, John Kearney. William Wat- against Teng and the "soak the S Polkki and Moderns For All Occaaions I bodies of four other local aervice rous, Mrs. Myron Burr and Mrs. rich” campaign. FOR BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS Qualify A sth m aiic? ! men who fell in the war will not Florence Beaupre. I be brought home, their - last restr The bowling season w-ill open I ing places being permanently cared about the middle of September and Life Is Probably SANSON'S > for overseas. They are Marshall H the alleys are being reflnished S A Special Fealure For Friday ^'ight - Porter, of the air force, whose preparatory to that time. No natter what make of ear you body was not recovered; Carlton Saved by Arrest ASTHMA I P. Jones, Raymond Jones and G. SWEATERS ARE TOPS drive . . . no matter what tsrpe of re« I , VARIED SHORT SUBJECTS ' Elarhart. pairs it may need . . . drive it in here Elks to Sponsor Des Moines, Is., Aug. 19—fjPl—A OUR NEW FALL STYLES ARE N OW ON SALE AT OUR RETAIL REMEDY Plana for Old Homs Day, Aug. S COME DOWN AND SEE YOURSELf IN THE and you’ll drive it out properly re­ ' 21, are gding on finely. Cards have drunken driring charge probably SALESROOM paired by expert mechanics. From Has brouRht relief to ! been sent out to practically all lo­ A Copiitiy Fair saved the life of Dale W. Flora, M MttVIES TAKEN IN VARIOUS PARTS OF MAN- many by removing the cal rsaldents and to many outside 41. minor adjustments to overhauls . . • Flora was arrested and so S CHESTER AND SHOWN BY F. VICHI. we handto them alL symptoms of asthma. ! people. Clarkson F. Bailey, general The thirtieth annual Country charged following a minor acci­ dent yesterday. A routine blood : chairman, has announced that the Fair of the WlUlmantlc Lodge of AIR CONDITIONED test at the hosnital proved he was Try It Today 1 I Amaton Silver Company has prom- Elk’s will bt* held during the La­ bor Day wo»liend with many new not intoxicated. for Boys i Ised to give first and second prizes But when police returned him S 30 OAK STREET TEL. 3894 ! for winners in the baby show, and features. A huge garden display MORIARTY For tale at the followliig will be held in a new exhibition to Municipal court to reduce the Manchenter Dnit Stores: j flrat price for the doll carriage pa- charge to one of reckless driving, rade winner. Ira C. Turshen will building and handicraft, flmver, I and domestic articles will also be the hospital called. "Give Flora a III? COAT SWEATERS CARDIGAN SWEATERS QUINN’S PHARMACY donate bicycle equipment for the candy bar or soft drink before he BROTHERS Tel. 4I.H6 exhibited. REINDEER AND 2 TONE 100% ALL WOOL winner of the bicycle parade. On each of the evenings and ma- dies,” the officers were advised. On The Level At Center And Broad The block dance which will wind 100% ALI, WOOL NORTH END PHARMACY I tlnees five big profes-sional vaude­ Doctors explained that Flora ATTRACTIVE SHADES Tel. 634S up the day'a program, will be spon­ ville acta Will be presented free, suffered from an acute lack- of SIZES 4 TO 10 SIZES 8 TO 16 TELEPHONE 5135 CE.NTER PHAR.MACY sored by the PTA. these direct from New York end sugar in the blood, a condition Tel. 47.1S The Rev. Ralph Reed, secretary I the Rlngling Bros., circus. For the much like Insulin shock sustained l ^ i t e S o ­ WELDON DRUG o f the diocese, preached at St. enjoyment of visito-s, games, by diabetic patients. The symp­ SHAKER SWEATERS TeL 5331 Peter’s Episcopal churcli Sunday, rides, eats and other features will toms are similsr to those of Intoxi­ GIRLS' SKIRTS on "The Fear of the Lord.” A good be available. The program will cation, and the condition frequent­ p o r DINNER THIS EVENING HEAVY KNIT 100% ALL WOOL Featuring Free Delivery sized congregation attended, with open Thursday and continue on ly la fataL 100% VIRGIN WOOL GAY PLAIDS.. several,visitors from Andover. It Friday, Sptuiday and Labor Day SIZES 30 'TO 36 SIZES 7 TO 14 / IT ALL ta expected that the Rev. H. R. i with matinees on the last two. Keen will return from his vacation 66 99 8TARTKO at Lake Wlnnepesaukee in time to HBRE! officiate next Sunday. 'Dinty Moore Special REINDEER SWEATERS SLIP-ON SWEATERS It was good news for the Hebron Some 13,500,000 100% ALL WOOL 100% ALL WOOL / 17 yeara ago, the Flyiag baseball team when its game at Red Horae itood foT Colchester Sunday resulted, in a (Corned Beef—Cabbage) SLIP-ON STYLE NEW FALL SHADES ^ Families Dissevers NOW PLAYING “ socoNY"—Standard OU victory for Hebron over Its old SIZES 3 TO 6 SIZES 8 TO 16 Company of New York— JAMES GIVES YOU rival, the Colchester Town team by /SN- and New York and New a score of 8-2. Colchester had Mark Stevens Washington, Aug. 19 — (JP)— England arete kaoara m ipreviously won almost every game j Some 13,500.000 families—or about In the Tri-County League series, Richard Widmark In Corduroy OVERALLS REINDEER SWEATERS ’’SOCONYLANl)” . one out of every .four—were "dla- AT THE CENTER while Hebron has had quite a num­ savers” last ^ear. says the Fed­ F a r r ’s COLORS GALORE 100% ALL WOOL Then aocONT merged ber of reverses. THE eral Reserve Board. FINE PINWALE ASSORTED COLORS with vacw m and the . \ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paquln and A “disaaver” Is a person who THE STREET family have moved from the Tea ' The Dining Room of Distinction . SIZES 2 TO 10 SIZES 36 TO 40 Flying Red Horae grew to spends more than he takes in, the apan the nation. Room at the Green to Simsbury, board noted In a report last night. where Mr. Paquln will be employ- WITHFiOMME "PERFECT CUT" However, it did not manifest any PLUS: “WINNER’S CIRCLE” I ed. alarm over the trend not to save FLANNEL SHIRTS ALL WOOL JERSEYS Miss Evelyn Griffin >V* p. m.; September 11, from 9 a. m. FULLY LINED COAT, HAT. LEGGINGS The Federal Reser\*e Board, Red Skelton Janet Blair skillful hairshaping. Whether ' to 6 p, m.; September 18, from 9 however. Is preparing to tighten Bolton Lake House WATER REPELLENT 2 AND 3 YEAR OLD SIZE \ Socony-Vacuum is an independent company not affiliated you have a home permanent a. m. to 8 p. m.; and October 2, up on credits that help to make Alao: "Crlmd Doctor’s Gamble" SIZES 4 'TO 16 RED, BLUE from 1 to 4 p. m., for those only “dissaving” possible. It plans to- or a professional permanent whose rights shall have matured i night to isaue the new regulations Feature—2:05, 8:30, 9:15 THE MOST SENSA'nONAL with any Standard Oil Company operating in the U. S. A., and is ^ —get the “Perfect Cut” at after the 18th. : for curtailing installment buying BAND THAT HA8 HIT THESE There are still quite a, number of I ordered by Congress. The curbs PARTS IN YEARS CORDUROY TOPPERS in direct and vigorous competition with them! ^ James’s Beauty Salon. Laat Show Nightly—8:06 JODHPUR SUITS books which have been sorted out I will *become effective In 30 days. TWO PIECE. TWILL FINE PINWALE from the shelves at the Hebron The main point is this: Today the Flying Library in the reorganization TAN AND TEAL RED, GREY. GREEN Seventeen years ago, we were the Standard Oil ARTIE CUSTER Red Horse has outgrown its “ Native Socony- '■■■ ■■■■'■ " . ' K work, which are for sale. A good SIZES 4 TO 8 SIZES 12 TO 18 Company of New York (Socony) and the Vac­ , many books have already been A n d h i s o r c h ^ t r a uum Oil Company. The trade name “ sNN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 194S »a c e f o u r at tha Orange haU. Mrs. Walter tha church auditorium and wa* on / ' U n . m A s H t a V r k t n B. Haven and the Orange Com­ ComediaiL Pulls 'Tolland tha Navajo and Pusblo Indiana. Engagement State Control Near-Mutiny Manchester Exact Words South Coveotry munity Sendee committee'will be This wlU be Um school missionary I'he Doctor Says: in charge of the party next Tues-1 project for three months. On Taxing Papers Jiispect Held Mrs. PauUne Uttle Gag on License Friends of Tolland Association Rev. WUllsm Moe choee for hla, Date Book WIHImaatle Ex. Pbrae 8885-W1 day evening, there. Tale Revealed Seen Needed Mrs. Gilbert Storrs. Mrs. J. M. wUl hold annual "Home Coming sermon text Sunday, August 15: | — - McCormack-Preston Seen As Best Foblle Health Ne Play ImporB-a may taka part In health programa. “The Test o t Rsllglon.” | Mtotni. Fto.. Aug. 19. •Je The After Chase They help teachers with health Vlsny, Mrs. Kenneth Sims, Mrs. Los Angeles. Aug. — Day," Sunday, August 22. at the Mr. and Mrs. M. A. McCormack ant Bole la Madidne BnaAay. Aug. 88 Wedaeaday to the tost day for Edward F. Kelleher, Mrs. Leslie Film Actress Dorothy Ryqn proba­ The Young People s service was c ity commission yesterday the way yiNi want problema, confer with parents, and Tolland Federated church, with a heldlid Sunday evening st 7:30 . . ______- of Ellington avenue, Rockville, an­ Thrilling Retcue of Mas* Combined outine of Mancheater Shaw Comet Up Widi free ewimmlng inatructioiu thte Richardson. Mrs. A. Harry Olson, bly will be wondering clear through voted a 1 per cent gross receipts TIUsnif.tlieYESMAN pUo moat canTsalist far Shannon Opposes Ef­ aid In the Inspection of children, and program of fellowship and. enter­ o’clock. Old Home Day. Sunday. IFett H*ven Man to Face nounce the engagement and com­ Improvament AssociationAlsodi ■eaeon under the auspices of the Mrs. Wlnthrop Merrism. Mrs. the marriage ceremony today tax on daily newspapers published A ■ays “y**” to 4 out of 8 r o t m esah loaa phoM or vMl ing marriage of their daughter. ^ ’rlttm for N B A Service helping them and their parents to ter of Tanker Dis* Flraman at Garden Orova. Snggestioii for Scotch* Rockville Chapter of the American Mary Griffith, Mrs. Walter L. whether her fianen. Comedian tainment. August 22, Young People’s Sun­ fort to Federalize Na­ know when medical aid is neces­ qaicglp. You aalact tho kwa IWsHais YES MAN SodsN Miss Elizabeth Ann McCormack to It Is far better to maintain good MonduffMhir- 88 Red cross of which South Coven­ Thorp will ^ be the committee In Jimmy ConU.n. will pull any gags. Buses from Hartford will be day, August 29. / here and rescinded the action 6ve ■ Charge of Attempted sary. Because of their training, closed During Probe ing Present War Jitters met at the town farm in Rock­ The Sixth A n : ^ l HoniMomIng' j j „ „ „ later when a commissioner lOANS 88* »• 8*00 sad* *a ilgsrawi Ms m WllUam Francis Preston, son of tional Guard health than’ to try to treat dis­ Carnival, Kniilita of Columbus, try to a branch. Local Water charge of the supper during the W’hen they went to the license they are of invaluable assistance • ■ on grounds. Main strset, opposite Safety Council Chairman Mre. Ed­ ville, at 9:15 and 10:15 a. m., so simnaored by the Friends of Tolland I ^ ______Robbery William H. Preston of Avondale ease after It has once started. For 17th annual 4-H Town Fair. Aug­ bureau yesterday Conlon. 63, or­ Association, will be held Sunday,; changed hla vote. *jX -rat caaeaarOraar oats r* tar r' » e to physicians In immunizing Jacksonvllls, Fla., Aug. 19—(P) Cambridge atreet. London. -Au*. 18—(F)—Georg* ward F. Kelleher announced Mon­ ust 26. The menu is to consist of that friends may arirve in time road and the late Mrs. Preston. Camp Edwards, Mass., Aug. IB. dered Mias Ryan, 41, to kick in wRh August 22. at the Tolland Fed. The commission voted S to 2 fo r : The wedding will take place Sat­ this reason many of tha afforts of against contagious diseases and in —A tala of near-mutlny and tha Wednesday, flept. 1 Bernard Shaw came up today with day certificates are to be awarded ham, corn fritters, corn on the cob. half the 82 fee. for the 'church service st eleven /StoOnoC nSANCE c a WaU«n*ford. Aug. 1« — A —(ip)—Gov. James C. Shannon of modem medicine have been aimed testing for Immunity or resistance erated church. final passage of an onlinance I urday, September 11 In St. Ber­ (Jheney Brothers A. A. outing a auggeatkm for aootching war jlt- during the regular clou hours. tosB^ salad, rolls, coffee, home she fished 81' o’clock s. ro. worship hour. Rev. 753 Main S»ra*8 (Sacoiid FIomt) iCe«t Haven man with a police at disease prevention and public to such diseases. thrilling rescue of a 26-ysar-old ara: Produce a brand new political Flabbergasted, sne nsnea q h . Moe will presch. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Groner of levying the tax on dally new.spa-1 nard’s church, Rockville. Ckmnectlcut today declared he Is at Maple Grove, Rockville. Parents, friends and other Interest­ made apple pie. Due to illness In from her purse while Jimmy Dial 3430 Maachaatar, Caaa. eeotd back to 1027 wa* arrested health. In addition to giving Immediate sblp’a master from turbulent seas Sept. 80 to 88 dictionary of common, axact words ed persons are Invited to see the both families it has been impossi­ Asron P. l^stt, Jr., will be at the Washington. D. C.^ have purchased peril and other dally publicatlona more ‘ convinced than ever that chuckled; "Equal rights for wo­ the former Overman home in Tol­ printed in Miami. atoms N« t^M cmH tTO 40 who*# refid In iftcr a police chase here last night In the program of preventive help In the care acute Illness or unfolded when the American tank­ North End Flremen’a Carnival "to clear our beads." accompltohmente of these classes. ble for Mrs. Pred Miller or Mrs. organ. 12:30 p. ni. box luncheon on U MHO)If oormestne hMfBUsiQsiB at IIO.OS —th the present system of state con­ medicine, the public health nurse other emergencies, visiting nurses men, you know.” land Center, and are making ex­ Commisslonera R. C. Gardnef, •n a charge of attempted robbery. er Halcyon 111 reached this Atlan­ at Jarvia L o t "Tha matter la extramaly ur- Pupils will be called for at the reg John Kingsbury to act as chairman church town. Coffee will be served trol of the National Guard is both plays an important part, fihe visits give advic* on nutrition and dis­ Wedaeaday, G et ular time Friday where transpor They met 20 years ago in Seat­ tensive repairs, ttoth outside and William W. (Varices and H Les­ China Adopts tic port yesterday. 8 M nt," the ancient bard aaserted, , -1 and assistant chairman, rcipcc- by the Ladies Aid Society of the police Identified the man a-i homes and helps control Infectious ease and general counsel in health Fashion ShriB at Whlton hall by ‘^ r tha preaent confusion of tion has been supplied. - I lively, as originally planned. Any tle when-Miss Ryan substituted on inside the proj)erty. lie Quigg voted for the tax. May­ proper and necessary." church. 2:00 p. m. business meet­ Mrs. Nettie Darling of New Brit­ Cdward Donnelly, 88. Presented In diseases by explaining the Im­ problems. To every call the ntirse Federal InvesUgatora heard the CJheney Brothers A. A. tontuea U heading straight for Coventry Junior Homemakers persons able to furnish fresh cern a vaudeville bill for Crnlon's first ing. Harvey B. Clough, president or Robert L. Floyd and Commis­ Gold Standard The governor, pausing during tale when they boarded the tanker wife and partner, Ddrothy Glaw, ain, Conn:, is a guest at the home lorough court, Donnelly had hts an inspection of the 43rd National portance of Isolation and quaran­ responds. In remote communities Saturday, O ct 8 war, wplch non* o t the powers can 4-H Club met Wednesday at 2 p. on the cob for the supper are re­ of the asaociatlon in charge. There sioner Perrine Palmer, Jr., voted tine and by carrying out the dis­ her work Is perhaps the most dra­ to check several reports of ill- Fisld Day of Silhouette Bugle quested to call Mrs. Visney, Willi- . who had beocnie ill. Th* first Mrs. of 'her daughter. Mrs. Emery M. "no." laee continued to Thursday and Guard diviaion which Includea afford and nobody deaires." m. at the home of Leader Mrs. ^gviU be words of welcome by the Clough, and son-ln-tow. (Continued from Page One) infection which Is so often neces­ matic of all. Their work Is Inval­ feeling and fighting among mem- and Drum Corpa of Vernon at Shaw set forth bis views In a Ralph C. Hoffman. The group will r.mntic ?43 J5, or Mrs. Sims, Man-; Conlon died several ye.ira ago, Aa the commission waa about to : I. as released when hla attorney units from Connecticut, Vermont, ' pastor. Old business. New busi­ Sally Ann Smith returned Satur­ sary if others are to avoid illness. uable. ' bera of the crew. Center Park here at I p. m. letter two-thirds of a column long work on an exhibition booth for the cliester 8697. ------ness. Election of officers. Greet­ adjourn late in the day, Gardner! W e would be glad to help those in this vicin* •roduc^ |1,d0C In bail. and Rhode Island, said: Flghtiag AoMng Crewmen Awarding of prlzea at State day, from two weeks si>ent at emergency meeting of the EJxecu- "These men are, It Is granted, Health problenvs such as diet to The Times of London. It Is a Annual Town Fair to be held Aug­ ings from absent friends. Singing Camp' Woodstock. announced: DonneUy, already la at liberty tlve Yuan (Legislature). The and the prevention of disease are Note; Dr. Jordan Is unable to The Halcyon tailed from New Armory In evening. ust 26 at the Church Community ity in the purchase or building of a home, inder 810.000 ball pendh g Superior part-time soldiers. They are citi­ way he frequently chooses for ex­ Mrs. Helen Upson and Mrs. Sarah Zoc Beckley of "Cubby House.” "1 am withdrawing my vote on ' offlrinl announcement followed now more Important than ever be­ answer Individual questions York March'81 with nine replace- Monday, O ct 11 pressing pubUcly unsolicited opin­ House. Marlborough the newspaper tax to ’no.’ I think Knjrt trail ir. connection with the zens first, learning to bear arms U. S. Marine Corps band con­ West will lead the music and play Tolland, was the guest si>eaker ] and have mortgage money available, and that meeting. fore and in this the trained public from readers. However, each menta for ten men who fa lM to ions on vital current problems. The Board of Electors are to be Andover the organ and accordion. Harvey it to a mistake.” heft of mon. than 81,000 from a not because they desire to, but be­ return to the crew list. Fighting cert at Bushnell, sponsored by 'hiursday, August 12. at the meet- I .VImeil At Halting - Flow cause they feel it Is their respon­ health nurse takes an Important day be will answer one of the The playwright’s appeal—that’s In session Saturday from 2 p. m. A t the Republican caucus which B. Clough, president; Rev. Wil­ Ing of the Rockville Rotary Club at wrill assi.at in arranging a mortgage suitable (Vest Hav’en liquor store messen­ part by explaining the best meth­ most frequently asked questions broke out among the crewmen Marine Corps League. until 6 p. m. St the Town hall In ger outside the West Haven bank Chinese sources said the new sibility, their duty to return for whst ha called it—was addressed There will be a Carnival, Includ­ was held Monday night in the liam C. H. Moe, vice president; Crystal Lake. ods to follow. in this column. when the ship berthed at Liverpool North Coventry to examine the to vour needs. Our interest rates are low, and sat May. (wrrcncy would he aimed at halt­ the advantages which this nstlon specifically to the British govern­ ing entertainment and a food sale, Richmond Memorial Library build, Mrs. William E. Anderson, secre­ The Seventh Annual Meacham i ing the flow of Chinese wealth out Invaluable Workers early In May, and at Port of Spain, ment It asked for the appoint­ qualifications of the applicants and Family Reunion was held Sunday, The West Haven man was ar- gives to them. at the Red Bam, Andover Lake, on tary; Eleanor Bowers Burpee, I of^ the country, particularly to Some people do not know how to The Doctor Answers Trinidad, an Investigation showed, August Continues ment of a parliamentary commit­ to administer the elector’s oath to ing the following delegates were August 15. at Sweetheart Lake,! wre assure prompt service. Stop in and re­ ■ested last night by patrolman "But they have the spirit to the disordera reached such a stage those found qualified. Applicants treasurer. REAL Hofig Kong. The Chlang plan, learn to be good soldiers which obtain the medical care Which By Edwin P. Jordan, M. D. tee "to settle our political nomen*. Saturday, August 21. A t this time elected to attend the different con- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheaffar northeast 'iPoIland. The meeting ' adoph Wolisheskl, who was check­ of unrulineaa that four men were of foreign birth muet present their ceive full information. they said, was aimed at “ total makes such a team a.s the 43rd is necessary for them or for mem­ Question: What Is meant by clature.” ' will terminate the Popularity Con­ ventlons; Senatorial convention, of New York City have returned was railed at 11 a. m. A basket! ing rear doors of central business discharged. Normal Weather citizenship papers. mobilization” of the nation’s division one that would be hard bers of their families. In this blue baby? But, In true Shavian manner. It test which has been In progress, to ipind'iioit.0 tlm. tt their Tol-'hinrh tv«, rol1otv,d by K«n'e"- Mtablishments. Answer: The term is used to re­ None of the crew’s Ul-temper A mystery ride to scheduled for Howard B. Lord, Mrs. Agnes Rob­ ESTATE wealth for a w tr both on Inflation to boat. The officers and non-com­ way, too, the visiting nurse guides had a global aim. Patently he sponsored by the Andover Lake lanri Summer home swimming, social, and re(plnisclng Onr office is o|>en each Thursday eve­ Atteatton Attracted by Noise was directed against the ehip’i Coventry Orange members tonight, erts: State convention, Paul Rob­ and Communism. missioned officers of the 43rd di­ people to find the best sources of fer to ^n Infant who Is bom with (Chicago, Aug. 18—(/P)—August meant that all nations might prof­ Association. The winner will re­ a defective heart or bkiod vessels young master, Capt. Charles E. starting from tha halt In North Tuesday, August 17, the Tolland, Vi"^*!*^** "P** ning until 8 o^clock. Wolsheskl said his attention was The question of how deeply vision, combat-trained and confi­ treatment for such conditions aa it by the kind of dictionary he has ceive a valuable prize and be ac­ erts, Mrs. Florence Radell; Con­ re Co. was called to a fire m *"6 3Irs. Etole LudIow% who Is Our Greatest continued Its monotonously season­ Coventry. Fire have spent several weeks at Mead- Utyacted by a noise in the rear of f^iang would dip into the emer­ dent In the strife-learned ability tuberculosis, heart diseases or which allow the blue blood of the Roll, Investigators said. in mind. claimed Queen for the Day. gressional convention, Frank Ful­ spent veliu to become mixed with the It was while probing the trou­ able weather today. Mrs. Emma Hoffman of Everett, A t the annual meeting of the North Tolland on the former Basic I’atae! MuShlnsky's tailor shop and the gency powers, granted him by the to do their Job, are imparting that crippling deformities. Until we clear up our political ow Oest. Tolland village, have re­ red blood of the arteries. Blueness ble among the crew that investiga­ to a house guest for two Tolland and Windham Counties ler, Benjamin Lord. Bachaus farm. The bam was turned to their home In Needham, | raya of Ms flashlight spotlighted National As.sembly, to control the knowledge to the youngsters un­ In schools, particularly rural Generally normal was the re­ nomenclature," Shaw wrote, "our The ]^laiichester Building & Loan .4ssn, 1* caused by lack of oxygen. tors came upon the account of w M u at the home of her son and Fire Association in Wauregan. The alternates to attend the burned to the ground with con­ Ma.ss. When you buy H. aell. It two men running through the al- country's sagging finances was not der their wing. I know that those schools, the public health nurse port from most sections of the political oratory and JoumaUsm daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Captain Roll’s remarkable rescue. Monday night. Chief Nelson of the conventions in case the others arc tents of hay, two horses and farm- Mra. Bertha R. Kidney, of Man- I lej-way. discarding tools as they Immediately evident. officers, who have seen combat, country. U. 8. forecasters said can come to nothing but the pot R slp h ^ Hoffman and family. The or trade it you want maxi­ 963 Main St. The ship’s log and crew gave Andover Volunteer Department not able to attend are; State, ing tools. There was no water Chester, and Mrs. Martha S. Hall, fled. They separated when they There was no indication that the are hoping and prajrlng like my­ calling the kettle black, without latter M ^ Hoffman recently spent mum value for your money. these details. Mountainous there were local showers and thun­ waa elected president, having Samu# Dancause, Mrs. Gladys available to aid the firemen. of East Hartford, were Sunday reached the atrcct and Donnel'y economic plan would include com­ self that that knowledge will nev­ Striking Drivers either of them knowing what they about four^eeks in Everett visit­ Jews Accused swept the master overboard when derstorms In the lower lakes area, served as vice president during the Dancause; Congressional. Benja­ The Plantation Singers under callers at the home of Mr. and When You Kngage The a-aa arreatad about a block away. plete rule by decree although one er have to be put to use." are talking about. ing with relMlves. Police Chief Clarence Lane said the Halcyon was o ff Rio de Jan­ some parts of the Ohio valley, the past year. min Prout, Mrs. Lucy Slack; Seu the direction of Levington Smith j Mrs. John H. Steele, informed source said “his new Said Governor Shannon; "W e all lack a common and ex­ Mr. and M ^ W illia m a s rk of s pinch bar, screw driver and T o Run Jitneys eiro In mid-July. A cry was raised, mid-Atlantic states and Florida Committees for the Rainbow atorlal. Mrs. Anthony Oliver, Roy 1 of Conaectlcut__ _ Council of ^ Mr. and Mrs. '• EiigeneEq McCarthy Jarvis plan is worthless unless It is car­ but that the trend was "drying" act dictionary,” he said, "and are Newport, R. I.,Nrnent Sunday at three gloves were found near the "Producing Reliable Arm” Of Despoiling and the master’s father, C?barles E. Fair to be held on Wednesday, {Tuiier, 1 Churches and Rellgiout Education spent the week-end with relatives ried out with force and vigor. today. A few widely scattered at dangerous cross purposes over the home of Mr. iu)d Mrs. John August 25, are a.aud Mrs. J. Rus-; Fitchbunj, Mass., Aug. 18— iJP^ of the church and a mortar gim In keep all they collect in fares—set Qutmby eeld charges have been Referring to the present differ­ and the following were made:, both adults and children will be; —------——— Moon bay to Newport. Mould Be "Grave Mistake" Electrical Workers last night call­ i Marllngcn, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. sell Thompson; white Elephants, i young gunman. Indicted on front. Some soldiers entered the at the same ratc.s the buses brought against one crewman for ences between Russia and the Mra. Mary Schadtle, Mrs. Irene | given by Fitch the Magician, at ■ Some experts estimate that Gov. Ernest W. Gibson of Ver­ alleged misdemeanor aboard ship— ed for an offensive against Com­ western powers, Shaw Insisted that George Dudley of Litchfield, Mr. Mrs. John Shepperdv Mrs. Harry | more than two billion barrels of charge of murder In the slaying of church by a window, forced loose charged. By the end of the day i and Mrs. Winfield Messenger of Gleason, Mrs. Thelma Belyea. the 'Tolland Town hall on Wednes-| mont said today federalization of the Image from the cross. The Henry J. Lauwers. a steward and munists and the union’s present "negotiation is impossible unless Erickson has chargeNpf the sale | ell are locked beneth southern a Protestant Episcopal bishop’s Dearborn expected to have 160 ; SliMbuty, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur the hand crocheted Ernest Belyea, Francis Slack, I day evening, August 25 at 8; National Guard units would be “a sisters protested and the criminal Belgian national. A hearing was national letdershlp. the parties use the same words for ■ ledspread! CaUfomla's offshore land. Ameri- chore boy during a robbery two grave mistake." Jitney drive: s on the Job. Holbrook of Stockton, N. J., and Maude Schleding, Mrs. Florence | o’clock. Tickets may be obtained punished but the image until now set for today. The group also voted to exclude the same things and understand for which special tickets being | M\“ „ 7 y . uicy E*’John^ Law- j trommo^ZTot the sponsoring ta's daily requirement of oU, in the weeks ago, was ordered committed The governor gave hla views Lincoln Park, another of the I Mr. and Mra. Herbert Schofield of has not been returned.” nine suburban cities affected by national representatives of the what the words'mean. The pres­ sold. \ rence Johnson, Alvin Kreiger, committee: Mra. I. Tilden Jewett,, event of war,-would top 8,000,000 to a state mental hospital for 35 during an Inspection of the 43rd \ Goshen. Following a picnic lunch The Supper committee is Cpm- j Special I the strike, planned to put the union from local meetings. ent babel threatens a war that Marion Lindstrom, Mrs. Mary jdrs. Furlong Flynn. Mra. Wllfrtd j batrela. That la 8,000,000 barrels days’ observation. National Guard division. Hospice of Custody of Holy I there waa a tour of the university posed of Mrs. Arthur Lockwi same system into effect. Mrs. Mildred Turner, president nobody wants countered by a flood Frink and George Frink. Mrs. I Young, Mra. * Hodglns. more than the nation now turns Frederick S. Pike, IB, of Bos­ ‘To faderalla* an outfit such as Land, Carphamaum — “ Many Qiarge Hurled of conscientious objection from ' campus. Mr. and Mra. Thorp were Mrs. Lawrence Jillson, Mrs. Ra; Corduroy’s oat. ton, was indicted yesterday In The 420 striking drivers and of Local 608, United Electrical unice Wathen and Mrs. Dorothy i Mrs. Howard Metcalf, Mra. L. | tbs 17?nd combat team, a NaUonal things stolen.” those who think their rulers are I diiuier guests of the group at the mond Parrish. Mrs. David Mitchell, Ju. • In the mammoth hunt for the connection with the shooting and maintenance men, members of Radio and Machine Workers, said By Popular Demand Guard unit from a atate which had Benedictine Shrine of Multipli- backing the wrong horse---- " ' Old Colony Restaurant In Hart- Mrs. W’alter Parks and Mrs. How­ Nally were re-inatalled. ! Ernest Hall, Mra. Roy Peck and new source will be Shell, Hancock, hacking to e'eath of Paul Zayka, A FL Street Car and Bus Opera- Back at Reds delegates to a national convention , ford. Mr. and Mrs. William Legg. Jr., i Mrs. William E. Anderson. Pro­ the second highest rata of enlist­ cation of loaves, with hospice and ^ "Even liars need a language that ard Spear. The menu: Baked Continental, Oeneral Petroleum, 17, in the Bolton "Chrietmaa have been instructed to vote 1 First District delegates to con- « ment In World war Two,” he said, farm Tabgha near the Sea of Gal- tors union Dlvieion 1265. are de- will enable them to lie unambigu­ ham, mashed potatoes, string of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., have been; ceeda will go toward the purchase Uhion, Humble, Standard of Cali­ farm” summer home of Suffragan manding a pay boost of 15 cents against re-election of Albert Fltz- ' ventlons elected by a Republican on the "would be a grave mistake. ilee— farm robbed. Holy chalice (Continued from Page One) ously. To the truthful, the pres­ beans, cole slaw, sliced tomatoes. recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. T . ' of a new kitchen range for the Nationally Advertised fornia, Richfield, Tidewater, Hon­ Bishop Raymond A. Heron. an hour. The company made and Jullus Emspak, national secre­ I caucus Monday night are; State, "It U a basic error in national and all grain hairvest provisions, ent Impossibility of wording their rolls, coffee and pie. Tickets fo r'W . Doberrentz and family. Tolland Federated church, olulu, Signal, Ohio and Texaa com­ Pike also was Indicted on charg­ animals and Implements stolen. then withdrew an offer to raise tary-treasurer, and also "to vote C Setectman George G. Jacobson and the supper may be procured by I Mr. and Mrs. Royal Goff of East: diaries Rlx of Newark, N. J., panies. security policy. In my opinion, to that It "of course” will refuse to messages without being misunder-' es of assault with intent to mur­ "On July 2? I found the chapel wages 10 cents hourly. It said any recognize the new river controls- against anything that would bene- stood is an agony. Judge Eugene W. Latimer; alter­ telephoning Mra.James Hendry, | Hampton, have been recent callers ^ ancl Burt Rlx of Chester, Mass., For years, oil companies have der Bishop Heron and robbery of bven conMder such a move." more would force a fare increase, nates, Mrs. Edward F. Kiefer tmd profaned, statutes In pieces, the and so will those parts of Austria fit Communists In the union." "A dictionary will not cure our Wllllmantlc 1068 Jl. here. 1 former ToUandites were guest* Creme-Oil tapped the trlnge of the aubter- 82 from Zayka and a watch, an The Vermont executive said fed­ the second this year. ^ ' ! Mrs. John S. Bissell; Senatorial, Curricuhun chalice stolen and crosses broken, and Germany under American She said other locals were ask habit of mistaking the asaociatlon’ Mrs. Montague White will have Mr. and Mrs. Milton Singer o f ! Tuesday, Aug. 17 of Mr. and Mrs. ranean fields with what- Is called automobile and 825 from the eralization would be "a serious Mrs. Lawrence K. Allen and Mrs. charge of the dining room arrange- inconvenience to states when A Jewish guard lived in the house control. ed to Join in the action. of Ideas for logic, but It will do all Hartford, were guests of Mr. and' j. H. Steele. tidelands dnlling. This Involves clergyman. of the fathers, who all were kept The national convention begins that can be done at short notice Wlnthrop Merrism; (Congressional, I ments. Mrs. Jerome F. Weir and family The Church school program ('ampas dolags call i beach front operatlona chiefly— Guardsmen were needed In emer­ The actions of the Soviet dele­ Mrs. Bissell and Thomas W. Gra­ j Police Chief Charles A. Higgins as internees and not allowed to Sept. 6 in New York. to clear our heads.” I Mra. John Hutchinson and i the first of the week. I Sunday, August 15, was held In Permanent either slanting seaward from the of Providence, R. I., said Pike gencies.” Hiccupilig Patient gation to the conference, the State ham, Sr. Those elected by a like double duty corduroy rala- see the hospice or farm." department asserted, "have made i daughter, Judith, have returned shore iU elf or from piers extend­ aimed a statement admitting he He said that, should the merger caucus in the Second District are; after spending several days in ing as far a.s a quarter mile Into killed Zayka after the chore boy of national guard units into the “ Convent Damaged” Regains 7 Pounds evident the determination of the State, Mrs. Philip I. Holway and Canton, w'here they visited M rs.' coat that takes t# saasUa* tha ocean. Although expensive. It federal forces be effected, every Poor sisters or Saint Anne Con­ Soviet union to perpetuate its > Charles E. Helmold; alternates. surprised him robbing the bishop’s Hutchinson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs., a* well as bhoweni! FtoB Sara has been a rich source of oil. home and later fired two wild Guardsman should be given an op­ vent—Haifa — "We presented economic and political enslave­ Walter S. Haven and Richard Tor- George Segar. NOW $ 8 - 5 0 Shota at the prelate. portunity to be discharged June 6 a claim for compensation Waynesburg, Pa., Aug. 19—(/P)— ment of the Danubian peoples. genson; Senatorial. Mr. Haven and Pauline Lucaa, 31, has regained hark, rloae-flttteg hood. A Inspects Honor Ounrdn for sisters whose convent had been "Its, refusal to accept provisions Mrs. Joseph Motycka; alternates, To Inspect Connecticut Units I A seven of the 51 pounds she lost in assuring genuine freedom of com­ Mrs. J. (Gordon Hamilton and Miss Slaying Seen A 19-gun salute welcomed Gov­ damaged by Jews but until now L. T. WOOD Now is the time to take advantage of this popular well-tailorrd mver-*p eeat. her six-month seige of hlccup- ernor Snannon after hla plane we’ve received no answei." merce and non-dlscrlmlnatlon Julie Webber; Congressional. Phil- Unable to Loosen Ing. beauty offer. In glea plaid, pin check ar I landed at Otis field. Governor Hospital cf Saint Charles Sis­ show that it Intends to maintain Ip I. Hotapy ppd O. DavU;; '«y ' Wa?” '?, Her nurses at Green County Me­ As ‘Murder’ Htaannon Inspected a company hon­ ters, Carmelite convent. Catholic vested Interests which It has es­ Vl‘™S“ iS " a ? * S “ V.'‘lK lca«p Eda-arda. M .„, to Id.p.c. solid colors red, dark greoa Grip of Suicide or guard of tne 102d Intantry of Saint Joseph Club, Carmelite morial hospital reported yesterday tablished for lU own benefit John E. Kingsbury, Sr. At the Connecticut units of the 43d divi­ HAIR SHAPINd—SHAMPOO AM ) kindergarten, all sit Haifa—"we that Miss Lucas now tips the scales through extortion from govern­ First District caucus Edgar W .: er brown. Size* 18 to 18 m the 43rd division and then went to Looker Plant\ sion, now’ in training there. He (Ooattaoed tram Pag* O ) at 85 pounds, thanks to careful D}mes made a resolution seconded : lunch with dlviaton officers. prraented, memorandum June 24 ment Imposed by force against the will Join Gov. Ernest Gibson of STYLE WAVE INCLUDED San Mateo, Calif., Aug. IB— ((P)— about the occupation by Haganah dieting. Last week, her weight win of the peoples of its- satel- MANCHESTER by Robert H. Wilcox that dele- \ 828.90. ksn by tarror. Yugoslav Oommu- I A man so determined to die that He was scheduled for varied In­ was down from her normal 129 to 31 BISSELL STREET gates to the State Convention re­ Vermont and Go\. James O. Pas- spection tours later, a conference of these Institutions. It remained lltei.” tore of Rhode Islahd in "Gover- nlata art leading the struggle tor he resisted efforts to pry him without answer” 78. quest the Resolution committee to i with Governor Gibson and the The 11-natlon Belgrade confer­ consider the question of a direct j nor’* day exercises at the Na- the aalvation of the Yugoslav pub- loose from a rail was killed un- Since she began hiccuping 178 ence was called to put into effect llo from the terrorist regime which der a fsst fn-ight train last night camp commandant and a full re­ Italian hospital managed by days ago, Miss Lucas has received primary in the state. I tional Guard encampment. Charmore Beauty Shoppe Closed Moadays. Opca Tuesday through Satarw view at 6 p. m. (e.d.t.) Franciscan sisters of Egypt, Hai­ a big four declaration written Into endangers Yugoalavia’s freedom George McLeod of San Mateo thousands of letters and telegrams MEAT During a Twilight League game day from 8:80 A. M. to S:.V> P. M. and independence and threatens told police he saw the man take fa—Hospital was releaced by —8,000 of theni In the last 10 days. the Satellite' peace treaties pledg­ Monday at Recreation Park in 241 NO. M AIN STREET T E I.. .5043 British occupants June 28 and ing freedom of navigation on the tha peace of the people." his i^ltion across the rail and The :&B8ages, which necessi­ AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wllllmantlc, the (Coventry Baseball OaOed *nenocratlc News’* tried to pull him clear but couldn' Airlines Undergo Father Podagroii, the Chaplain, tated the use of an ofllce girl to vital waterway. The Soviet blbc (^ub won the championship of the An editorial in The ‘nmes of loosen his grip. with sisters took possession the answer Miss Lucas' mail at the held a 7 to 4 edge, however, over City League, Senior loop. The London aaid the "attempted escape Persons living nearby said they same date. Haganah men ordered hospital, offer all sorts of sugges­ the United States, Britain, France victory was their second In a se­ WANTED o t Jovanovlc and two other senior had seen the man, tentatively Exailiination Now them to ev.vuate the building tions for a cure. ad Austria. ries of three games with the score Yugoslav officer* was "dramatic identified by police as Peter Zan within 10 mirutes. The father pro­ being 5-2 over the Pulaski Amer­ news.'* non, 5B, San Mateo, standing at the tested twice In the name of the SPECIALS ican team. Mycher pitcher for Fruit and P. Bsllsntine ft Sons, Washington, Aug. 18—(JV-The Vatican but \/as forced to leave... the opponents with Chirran their **niat they ehoae to escape Into crossing on several evenings, ap- airlines, suffering from critical Good Morning Young Man, I Have Newark, N. J. Romanla. not Into Greece, Austria patently making up hla mind to Later many things were found to catcher. For the locals, Jackie Vegetable Man contraction of bank balances, un­ have been itolen.” FOR THURS., FRI. and SAT. May, pitcher, and Herman Wlerz- or Italy la enough to show where I die dergo an exploraatory examination A U tile Problem For You! their sympathies lay," The Times Msgr. Vergani concluded hla im­ blcki aa catcher. This champion­ Some words fool you: today by the Civil Aeronautics port by quot.ng Jewish authorities A G A IN we were able to obtain a good supply of the' ship is the first that has come to aaid. " It la not Communism they board. Manchester regretted, but 'Hto's rule." as saying that lrresik>nsible ele­ /r/f the local team in the league. Wal­ Presidents of the trunk lines famous And you’ ve come to the right place, we reply, for (here’a Headquarters ot the Ck>minform We, The Women ments had committed the a:ts r ter L. Thorp la manager and Louis (those operating more than local Haddad, assistant manager. Due Public Market " have been at Bucharest since Rus­ which prompted his complaint. no auto problem too big or small for us. We’ve the ex­ services) have been called In for a to other pressing duties Mr. Thorp sia and her aatellltes broke with "We dare ray now {hat It seems Groie and Weigel Products 805-807 Main SI. By Ruth MlUett conference on what must be done is resigning as manager at the perience, the “ know-how” to keep ’em rolling. Tito about two months ago. Before these irresi” iislble elements. If f NEA Staff Writer to bring costs and Income Into bet­ ulo.se of the season. they were located at Belgrade. they are im sponsible, seem to be The mothers of one or two were ter balance. FRANKS A special meeting of the Coven­ 'Hmea went on: appointed for these purposes." marveling at how the mother The major topic,will be wheth­ try Fire Department No. 1 will be "There la nothing yet to suggest of five managed when It took all /rs held Friday at 8 p. m. at the Fire- Body and Fender er to increase fares by 10 per cent, V EA L LOAF BOND that a reoalleltrant minority is of their time to care' for one or BON as the three largest transcontinen­ hoiise. The local Board'of Educa­ strong enough to make Itself felt. fhoso for two children. . . tal lines propose. Siiiiiiiier Drive tion has requested the use of the What can be foreseen la the envel­ " It ’s ready not so hard,” the BOLOGNA But the airline head seemed OLD MONASTERY upstairs room for the housing of Work Done That Will means opment .of Yugoslavia In a new mother of five explained. "I Just LB. the pupils of the second grade for means daapotlsm aimed no longer at en­ certain to raise a number of other Nearly Ended MINCED HAM cut out all the non-essentials. questions; The problem of non*^, the coming year. Action will be emies of Communism, but alsoiat Actually I don’t suppose I work taken on this request at the spe­ disloyalties within the ranks of many more hours a day than you scheduled operators cutting into Moke Your Car Look their business; the "dilution" of (Continued from Page Ooe) cial session. Other po.ssibilities those who brought the Yugoslav do. But everything I do is Some­ COOKED SALAMI traffic due to the fact that as considered by the local board for OommunUt regime into being. thing that has to be dntie.” the pupils 'arc the basement of the many as five airlines are in com­ appear to have substantl.al amounts New Again! "Having'once aet out upon this That’s the secret, of course, of of arm.s and ah'munition. He add­ BRAUNSCHWEIGER Bnnth-Dimock Memorial Library | how one woman can manage to petition between some-points;, the and the auditorium of the Nathan ' path the present leaders in Bel­ threat of addltionaL state gasoline ed: ■ grade will find it difficult to stop. bring up five children while an­ Hale Community Center. taxes; higher mall pay rates. . "It Is apparent* they are getting POLISH RINGS /BURKE@ ( If a soldier as distinguished and other woman thinks she Is doing ••hhwm' ; WINE The local Chibs ba.seball team { all she can to bring up one or two. .The airlines lost about 822,000,- supplies from Alb.ania because was defeated 3-0 by the Andover orthodox aa Jovanovlc could hide Markoa. (Vatiadea) is n6t captur­ BONELESS ■ran cfsTusT w )(0((W8U)m td* feelings until he was able to It’s a matter of getting back to 000 last year. They are losing ICE team in the game Tuesday evening the essentials in child care and money almost as fast this year, al­ ing arms from the Nationals as he in the latter town. In the seven­ escape, there la no knowing where claims," dissatisfaction may appear. Those cutting out the frille. It’a being though two ten per cent fare In­ and POT ROAST Lb. 69c inning game Richy Lee pitched tof grouped around Tito will have to satisfied to give children the ne­ creases have been made In the past SODA H. L. HANDY’S SLICED the Cubs, Earl Galipo for the op-, watch find suspect all whose loyal­ cessities of lift- without bothering 12 months. Cpneriil Staff Reports ikinents. The next scheduled game la with Baltic, there, Saturday at ty la nM declared tnd the Yugo- because they don’t have every so- Lb. eiav peoples will not n e t < imder called "advantage." Slow Progress .iVoic BACON 69c 2 p. m. Mra. Leila M. Rogers of Man­ the tightening yoke.” Possible Molutlon Strikers Moved Athens, .\ug. 19—OP)—The gen­ DEERFOOT EXTRA LEAN SMOKED But sitnp.c as it sounds, it is a- eral staff reported slow progress chester, Mrs. Violet Yerkshot of ■ Manchester, Mrs. Gertie Brown, . . . but BALLANTINE aolution a great many women today in the .campaign to oust Lb. Chirlstdpher Weigold. B. L. Gore don’t realize is possible. Because From Film Studios Markos Vafiades’ guerrillas from SHOULDERS 63c Merchant Fleet they keep busy catering to every of Stafford Springs, Richard Neft, I their Grammot mountain strong­ Miss June Loomis and Walter Pom-, demand of one child, they figure Tokyo, Aug. 19—(/f^Amerlcan hold. Agoin We Offer To Add 3 Liners five would be Just five tlrhes as eroy were Tuesday evening Setback much work. soldiers and Japanese police today Rebel reislhtance stiffened In ®lona|[c|!l prize receivers during the games, always means: PU moved 1.500 Commuiilst-alded sit- TENDER KNIT But it doesn’t work that way. the last two days, a general staff fiSASD Wsghington, Aug. 19—of)—The down strikers peacefully from a spokesman said, but the Greeks With each additional child a wom­ Mancheater> Piano natloa’s globe-girdling merchant an learns that she has to keep movie studio they had held since are punching, away the rebels’ STEAKS Lb. 75 c If the motor in your car is not running right Tbtra’i the bond that ties folks tight; the fleet today added three new pos- cutting out unr.eceasary fuss and March 31. last defenses around and in the. EXTRA LEAN AND FRESH GROUND Distributor for bond that makra the future bright—a U. S. "W e are leaving only tempor­ barren range. head off trouble by letting us give it a thor­ ^ aenger^drgo Unari to its future bother. She muet trim her dally WANTED Security Bond, that ti. Brighten your future roate^. schedule down to where evel-y- arily," one strike leader said. The apokceman said National •SOHMEK ahlpo will ba built by the thlng she doea Is something that Seven hundred armed Japanese troops captured Pefkos, a town HAMBURG Lb. 69c ough overhaul. by buying Security Bonds regularly. New York Shipbuilding corpora­ has to be done. police promptly ogcupled the south of the Aliakon river early K.\|*erieueed Sewing •r.IJLBR.ANSEN OR studio, operated by tne 'Toho com­ We‘ll grind valve.s, replace wdrn parts and tune your The word “ bond” with its two different tion of Camdan. N, J., at a cost of If more mothers of one and today, climaxing bitter fighting ORDER A FEW POUNDS FOR YOUR •WURUTZER 8EI,o6o,000, the Maritime commis- two realized that, there might be pany. along the whole northeastern !\lachine Operators car to keep it rolling for many more trouble-free miles. meanings is a good example o f a word that sten announced yesterday. more famlliee today of three, four, Four Sherman tanks, four battlefront. Press reports sa.d the LOCKER A t THESE PRICES •HARDMAN foola you. “ Ballantina,” on the other hand, or five or more children. armored cars, 50 armed soldiers Army launched, a new offensive P o r t ♦ Apply ' When eompleted in about two never fooled anybody; it always meana years, tbs vsssels will go Into the and a small observation plane 'against YannotiOri west of Alevitsa Thanks A Million For Your Generous R#* raund-th*-world Mrvlos of tbs Meeting Place were sent to the studio by the V. on the ‘•xtifeme northweetern PURITY, BODY, FLAVOR. Look for the Anerlcaa President Unas. S. First Cavalry diylolon. front. sponse to Our Ads, lnd«p«ndanf 3 rings; (udl for Ballantina. DaMgaed to carry 888 pusen- The nahie Toronto, of Indian The cavaliYmen’a commander, A communique said Mount Bar­ MTMMJi KEMP'S Manchester Motor Sales, Inc. gers and * crew of 168 each, the origin, mean "a Jila9e ot meeting." MaJ. Gen. William C. Chase, said: bour! was taken on the, Nestorion Cloak Co. ‘ ISC. America*s finest since The site was an established Indian My troops will back up Japsntse front. The Aim y captured another Charles B(iglou) and Hamer Lsaabee 512 WEST CENTER STREET T W ‘. 4154 18,600 ton liners wlU have a speed Pint Street Furniture and .Music a: o f 88 knots and contain new de- rendezvous long before the corn- police If necessary In enforcement j important' height on the southern O I O MONA siitii' win: COi Niw 8m m ftaturta. lag of the wl^te man. of tha law.”^ I front. I .ft.

/ 1 ■'•'A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 194* PAGESVYitf' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST IJ). 1948 P A G E S IX ed yesterday to the Republican hU seven-year housing program, for families with from $3,000 to $3,500 a year; and 26.000 for fam­ Urges Banning Payments H it Butchers Suppo^ng Bowles Slaps chief executli^ which he had previously submitted MARYCONSOU to alt on a board of control for Court Order NEW RANCH TYPE HOUSE Governor Shannon, expected to to Shannon’s predecessor, the late ilies earning from $3,600 to $4,500 Local Man Is $25 Richer , ww • Weal Strike Effort be Bowlea* rival In the November Governor Jamea L. McConaughy, annually. ** Student Tours ^onrtirBtrr the Panama Canal and the Mis- (jonneciicui would result in the building of Bc«idy for iRterior deeoratiRg to anlt tiw b«yer. Or b t e e h ^ r elections, hae called the General slaslppi. then they will have full Highest Point Housing Plans 56.000 homes. In contrast he said To Lecture at Police Academy Closes Home mod RCRT Hebron Aveane, between Olnstoabary M m - Assembly to meet In special ses­ Eornin0 IjrraUi moral right to Insist upon a voice Because He Reads Herald PhlUfielphia, Aug. 19—(XV- sion next week to act on housing the Republican administration’s Hartford, Aug. 19.—UP)— The ehester. Let 1 I-$ Rcrei. Heoee le 8$ ft »»• The butcher has joined ths program would result In only about State Interracial Commleelon Ckn Sticet. Bnei in control o f the Danube. In tak­ Yankee fit ft. seath sMe. Hae S large bedroefna, den, oving rooim kitchen legIslatloB. He has proposed to Hartford, Aug. 19— Police rbeae Daitfetfl housewife In a fight to bring 3.000 housing imlts. says that it will ask the State ing such control to herself and and bath all on oOo floor. Plrepbioo with hoatolalor, ploto gtesn ^bout 2,500 Needy Vet­ Says Shannon Program Increase the state’s $15,000,000 Chief Michael J. Godfrey will at­ U BlMcll Street By A H. U. John Barstow, of 460 Malnetraoe of the missing motor was 42 Children Homeless down the price of meat. housing bond guarantee fund to "The Legislature must face tend the 39th National Police Board of Education to recommend lleneheeter. Conn. her satelUtea Russia U merely ptoturo wtadewn on west aide fOclag panoramle view of Hartford. About 15 Weet Phllsdelphla THOUAS rEROOSON street, haa kls outboard motor . found. erans and Families Ai^- *Does Little More Than $30,000,000. squarely the fact” Bowles told the academy, sponsored by the FBI, that Connecticut echools ban stu­ Destined by noted New York nrehitect. Fnll attle and eencrote shops have signs in their win- pree., TreM.. Oen'l lltnatter playing the same old game other Just when our game of Demo­ back, and John McAllister of 49 .After reading last night’s Her­ WUle Attorneys Battle baaemAit, with garage. Ample area for recreation room nod Bowles, who advocates state sub­ governor, "that If we are to pro­ which opens In Washington, D. C„ dent tours to' Washington, D. C „ m l. ed by State Fund ‘dowB announcing their coop­ Nibble at Our Needs' rounded October 1. nations have played with such cratic gubernatorial nomination Wadsworth street la $25 richer be­ ald Mr. McAllister notified Mr. workshop. York air eomUtion h ea t Bollder must aaertflee, allow- sidies to encourage home building, vide housing at rentals which peo­ today. Chief Godfrey waa invited while "Jim Crow rules continue to Barstow that he had the motor in Over Their Fate eration with a housewlv^ ple w ith incomes below $3,000 can be applied there.” PnblUhed Every E «n ln g Except _ waterways of international im­ giveaway got down to Its last cause he reads The Herald. anoe haa been made for tendscnplng, low priee $17,800, cash told Shannon: to lecture on disaster, catastrophe his poasosion. He told Mr. Barstow Hartford, Aug. 19.— — Pay­ three-day buyer strike start­ Hartford, Aug. 19— (JP)— Chester pay, the state must ‘assume parti The commission asserted yester­ F I L M S ^ Sunday and Holfdaye. Entered at the few crucial plays, everything went Sunday night Mr. Barstow re­ 88,000. Make appointment to Inspect at your earliest convenience, i/f) "You r recommendations do not and crowd control. portance as they could control. that the motor was found at the Chicago, Aug. 19—(^)— Forty- ing today. o f the burden.” i | day that segregation in Washing­ PMt office at Mancheeter, Conn.. ,aa suddenly haywire. turned from Ihe shore with an out­ this modem maeh home ennnot be dnpttcatrd under $25,000. ’TeL ments from the state Soldiers, Bowles emtends that Governor seem to point toward an adequate Printed and Drytlneed g«eond CTaia Mall Matter.______W'hen we crlticlae Russia for comer of Wadsworth and Hunting- two children were homelesa today The signs read: Former Chilean'Justice INea ton' hotels anfi restaurants "has It waa true that Democratic board motor in the trunk of his Mr. Almorth $171 Olsatonbory. Tailors and Marines fund reached James C. Shannon’s housing pro­ program. Obviously, your pro­ The Bowles’ program was dlvid-1 RATES doing this, and doing it very car. He parked bU ear beaide his i ton atreeta Sunday evening where while attorneys battled over their "This store will sell no meat ed Into three parts, depending on' oftert been a problem” , with school Ceats SUBSCRIPTION State Chairman John Bailey was the highest point in history in the on Thursday, Friday and Sat­ gram ’’does iittle more than nib­ gram is better than nothing. But ...... gllllW brusquely, we are merely follow­ shop and residence on Main stre e t*.! had bee*i abandoned by the fate. Excinsive With the income of three family groups Santiago, (Hille, Aug. 19--iJ’r— tours and some schools already One Tear by Mall ...... $5.00 a shrewd and meddling kibitzer, ble at our needs.” it does little more than nibble at BIX *ontha by Mall .. leaving the n ttor In the trunk. He tlilef. Mr. McAllister took the mo­ ’The children, ranging from year which ended June 30, urday in support of a meat it waa Intended to aid. Romillo Burgos Melo, 79, former have cancelled tours because of it...... -» i w ing the headlines o f the day which, with his proposal that the official Capt. Eugene -P. Armstrong, ■trike against high prices.” Bowles, Democratic candidate our needs. I believe that we can One month by Mall .. was called-into the shop on bus­ tor home and watched the columns three to 13. are charges of the It called for the building of justice o f the Supreme court, died ...... $ .04 to put it mildly, are not dis- title of the game be changed from RICHARD B. MOORE, Realtor fund administrator, reported to Cooperation of the butchers for governor, called for an ’’all out and must attack the crisis on s far Single Copy ...... $ .J4 iness and wh’ le he waa gone some­ of ’The Herald for notification of Illinois Proteatant children’s home. 14,000 homes for families earning j c*rly today. He retired from the The luminous moss appears to Weekly, by te rro r ...... giveaway to a better sounding Ciovemor Shannon yesterday that was obtained by more than attack on Connecticut’s housing bolder basis.’ ...... $12.00 tli\guished by their sense of his­ one removfo the motor from the the loss of a almllaf-niotor. They returned last night from a The Democratic candidate said less than $3,000 a year; 21,0001 bench last year after 20 years. glow with an Iridescent light. Buba delivered. One Tear "mutual cooperation in a losing 5,000 housewives who can­ crisia” in a memorandum address­ Weet of Mlaa.. Poreign ■■...... $1100 torical fairness or perspective. car and earned it away. Mr. Barstow said that be be­ Wisconsin, camp to find their ili8bursem,'nts to about 2,500 cause.” lieved that th«- theft whs the work Southside hume closed to them. ■ needy veterans and their depend­ vassed the neighborhood and These hcadUnes are in full cry ’The story was told in The Herald m e m b e r o f But even his proposal left the last night, and the thief was noti­ of a boy who found that the motor The Superior court, while they ents totaled $307,339.26. The pre­ circulated petitions. THE a s s o c ia t e d PBESw basic altuation unchanged. All it The Aaaoclated Preaa la exclualvely after the perfect villain. And. by fied that he had absconded with an waa too heavy to carry far and were awayi had kept in force an vious record total waa $292,000 In cn*^itled to the uae of reputiHoatlon of taking the superficial' case against did waa help determine the fact inoperative motor. Mr. Barstow left it when it became to heavy Injunction forbidding them to use the depression year, 1932-33. that the winner of the giveaway .ii'newa diapatchaa credited to it. or that rillain, they miss the real had been bringing tbe motor, for him to manage. the house. ’The injunction was ob­ Fartora Causing Increaso Lee Is Honored otherwiae credited game would be Thomas J. Dodd, which had been soaked In salt Mr. Barstow paid a $25 reward tained by a group of 17 neighbors and alao the local rtewa publiahed l«re case. *‘AND HE SHALL STAND The fund administrator attrib­ and the loaer, and nominee. Chea­ water, home for an overhauling. fot the return of the motor to Mr. Mho said the maintenance o f the uted the increase in demands on All righia of reoublicatlon of sp^ial Russia's real crime at Belgrade By Testimonial ditpatehea herein are alao reeerved. ter Bowles. Tbo police were ndtlfled but no McAllister. home \iolated zoning' ordinances. tlic fund to these factors: The is not that Russia is staking out It waa at this stage that every­ Sees “Nefariooa Conspiracy BEFORE KINGS” general rise in the cost of living, rnll aerrice client of N. E. A.^Serv- thing went curiously haywire. her claim to one of the world’s a two weeks’ visit In Ohio at the William J. Lynch, attorney for .the great Increase In the number Waterbury, Aug. 19.—UP)— Con­ le » t n c . ______The first curious thing was that great waterways. It would be home o f Mrs. Duktig’s sister, Mrs. the home, told the c<'Xirt. "This of eligible veterans, instances of necticut civic and industrial lead­ Publlihera RepreaenUtlvea; The Mr. Dodd refused to take the ad North Coventry W’alter Lowe. Mrs. Lowe returned suit is brought by a group o f small labor unrest and difficulties of ers, led by Gov. James C. Shan­ t h e s e Jullua Mathewa Special quite possible for Russia to make vantage offered him. Instead of to Ohio with them after spending men engaged in a nefarious con­ veterans In adjusting themselves non, yesterday honored Frank E. Torfc. Chicago. Detroit and good that claim, and then proceed becoming the discreet and modest ’The Republican Town Oaucus month here. spiracy to deprive ua c f the home, to post-war jobs. Lee, Jr., Danbury hat manufac­ cash IN OH b ur eau o r to administer the Danube as the winner in the game of giveaway m e m b e r a u d it Monday night elected the following Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schell and have the area rezoned for apart­ Captain Armstrong predict^ turer, with a day-long testimonial OHtCULATtONS.______and cordially aaaistlng Mr. Bowles • Few thooghtt ever reeorded ar* that demands on the fund during United States manages the Pan­ daughters o f Chnton were Sunday ments, and transform it to an at the Country club of Water­ to his Impending defeat, and thus delegates and alternates from the the current year would be cveji bury. The Herald Printing Company, Inc., ama Canal or Britain adminsters guests at the home o f Mr. and Mra. apartment building.” more inspiring than the familiar ■ilw iea no Hnanclal reeponelbill^ ^ r furbishing his Own chances for second district: State convention, He, said a master-in-chancery bigger. He said he foresaw the Occasioned by Lee's refusal to the Suez Canal. Trade Is the Arthur J. Vinton. Scriptural truth “Seett thou a man typographical errora appearing ^i M- 1950, Mr. Dodd suddenly and in­ Mrs. Philip I. Holway and Charles plans to recommend dismissal of pos.sibillty that dlsburae''ments seek a seventh term as president ^rtlaemenU and other " • ‘•''Jf goal, and it would have been quite explicably began to consider him­ Mr. and Mrs. F. Newton Whltte- in The Mancheeter Evening Herald. Helmold; altematea, Walter 8. the suit. diligent in hia business and he shall may one day exceed $1,000,000 a of the Connecticut Chamber of possible for Russia to take the self the loser, and, furthermore, to more of New Hartford were recent Manly K. Hunt, attorney for year, and. if a depression should Commerce, the program included Haven and Richard Tosgeton; Sen­ guests at the home of Mr. and stand before kings." It applies to Thursday, August 19 Danube and open it wide. act as If he considered himself in­ the plaintiffs, replied, ”W e are not rome, perhaps two or three mil­ an afternoon of g^>If and a dinner jured by the outcome of the game. atorial, Walter S. Haven, Mrs. Jo­ Mcs. Walter S. Haven. fighting these children. W e are a business no less than to a man. lions snniially. in the evening. The deeper criticism of Russia NATIVE 1 us 17* It been In the rules of tbe seph Motycka; altematea, Mra. J. The Registrars will meet at the trying to protect property rights In the operation of our pharmacy Other state officials connected Principal speaker at the dinner, A Proposed Code The Issue at Belgrade is that the Russian game from the atart that, at Gordon Hamllaon and Mlaa Julie basement o f the Second Congrega­ and the law.” with the fund said in some cases at which Lee was presented with Eggplant tional church on Saturday after­ we accept a sincere moral respon­ f ANCY EATING « plan for control of the Danube la tills point, the player who failed Webber; Congreaaional, Philip I. ’The children were piA up In a too much installm^ent buying was a sterling silver punch bowl and 2 3 5 < green • NATIVE 1 us 19 Ws sr« quite sure that the laeue noon from 2 o’clock until 6 o’c'oek responsible for veterans over-ex­ "~|not In Itself a good or hopeful to gala the aoraiaatlon would Holway, Edison O. Davis; alter­ downtqwn hotel by a newspaper sibility to both the medical profession and the cups. Governor Shannon asserted SEEDLESS lor the purpose of making voters. tending themselves. They said Grapes Peppers Involved In the crltldsm by strike the pose of the good and nates, Mrs. Philip Holway and John (Her aid-American.) that ’’the greatest tribute we can U S plan. Under It, the Danube la cut public. W e are not qualified by either education they knew of cases in which vet­ 2 us 1 3 c n ative 1 '15* Board of Dlrectore of the servlcea genial loser, time endearing E. Kingsbury. A miscellaneous shower was ten­ pay him is to be present here and CAlff into nationalistic segments, as one or experience to diagnose disease or prescribe erans asked for aid becatise they himself to the future heart of ’The .Young People of the Second dered Miss Anna Giesecke on F ri­ to wish him well and thank him Cantaloupes Tomatoes of Mr. Hayden Griawold on the eel might be cut among seven had bought houses, furniture or hla party. This rale Mr. Dodd Congregational church had charge day evening a t the Church Com­ treatment. But we are thoroughly qualified to fill for the fine job he has done.” ' Town Plan Commleelon la not e ears on installment plans and then 1 M>S 1 5 < yellow 5 19* diners. I f all seven should choose now violated, tints, from all of the morning worship service on munity House with Mrs. L. Henry MANCHESTER STUDIO Willard B. Rogers of Hartford, ll, peraonal laeue In any aense. We your prescriptions just as they should be filled. found that their income was in­ to reunite their pieces, one might present Indteations, depriving Sunday morning during the ab­ Reed, Mrs. John Kingsbury and chairman of the State Develop­ Lettuce Onions are not sure that it is a legal hlmseM o f the future natural M is. Richard Roehm as hostesses. INSPIRES NEW IDEA When you feel "out of sorts” consult a physician. sufficient to keep up the payments ment Commission, was toastmas­ 1 HOS 1 9 « see the whole eel again. But if sence of the pastor. Rev. Alien H. along With family expenses Issue, although It may be. The benellta of hla position. Gates, who 1# on vacation. Miss Miss Giesecke, who received many IN EXHIBITS B e sure that he is a licensed M .D . Then bring hia ter. ■ merely one refuses, or has designs W hite Mr. Dodd wss thus vio­ brought by steadily rising prices. Lettuce displacement of Mr. Griswold, or Thelma Wright gave the sermon beautiful gifts, will be married on and conditions o f its own, the lating the rules of the game, by lUturday, Augiut 21 at the Second prescription to us to be filled. There is no bettcff The fund now totals $5,631,989, Narcotics Hearing Neheduled 4 us 4 5 < ^ .....-lu iC T tftS » o m o 4 S c for the morning. The other day. In one of Man- VIRGINIA EL8ERTA his retention of hie place, are falling to make the proper final Congregational church. Coventry, snd win eventually be built up to whole eel never reappears. Not cbester’a portrait atudlos, I no­ health insurance. ^ .xA ^ . Sttawbenies relatively unimportant, except In gesture. Chaster Bowles waa also The Coventry Fragment Society $25,000,000. Hartford, Aug. 19— U. S. Peaches one control of the Danube,, but to W arren Howe. Jr., at 11 o'clock. ticed a niunber of outstanding 1601 W(G engaged In an even more glaring will sponsor a band concert on Coventry Grange, No. 75 will Commissioner William J. Wholean 3 7 « that the decision of his case may phatographers’ pictures of Man­ FIRM RIW 2 u s2 9 ‘ W * Raspberries many separate controls of the offense against the whole spirit of Tuesday evening, Aug. 24 at the hold a Mystery Ride on Thursday Oarho Returning to Screen has scheduled for tomorrow a be a symbol. We are sure that Mr. Church Community “house at 7:30 chester babies, teen-agers, debu­ Bananas Danube, is the key to the Russian the thing. evening, Aug. 19. All Interested in hearing in the case of Miss Helen Griswold is himself without guile o’clock. ’The WllUmantic City Band tantes, professors and business T bchs1 D « plan. Not progress toward the He, the nominee, and therefore going should be at the Grange hall Hollywood Aug. 19— (JPl — A c­ Lazarsky, 32, 110 Broad street. NATIVf or guilt In the eituatlon. He ac­ directed by Edward D. Gerry will tress Greta Garbo Is tetuming to Now Britain, arrested on a Fed­ concept of the Danube as one the loser In the game of giveaway, not later than 7 o’clock. Carrots cepted a town position while he began acting aa If he had really give tbe prognun for the evening. It made me ( m d a r i i , the screen alter a seven-year ab­ eral narcotics charge. Edward river, vital and serviceable to all sence. Producer W alter W anger taken a worth while prise, as if Coventry Fragment Society will wish I oonM Preaorlptlon Pharmacy Murphy. Federal narcotics agent, waa engaged in a certain private said she had signed a contract to arrested the woman yesterday. He the world, but retrogrdaslon, in he thought the nomination were hold their I6tb annual summer display sam­ 901 Main Street TeL 5821 enterprise eyetem of earning his star in a picture he w ill make in said she obtained a proscription style of organization a^ leaat, to­ worth something. festival on Wednesday, Aug. 18 at ples of my own living, and he has, quite Europe next spring, the principal for a synthetic drug by falsely ward feudallstlc anarchy. In which Whether this wss a patriotic the grounds of the Second Congre­ BACKACHE, work—by lin­ naturally, continued that personal gational church where booths fea ing my office scenes to bo filmed in Paris and telling a New Britain doctor her each individual caatle aought to act, or an unusual display o f self- Rome. mother needed the drug. enterprise. In the course of which hypnotism, or the reflection of turing fancy work, aprons, baby walls tvlth life dominate Ita own section of the articles, plants, ice cream and seda LEG PAINS MAY i’. A Insoianoe he haa been preparing plans af­ campaign analyses beyond the river. Is the characteristic of tbs ledi Imaginative press experts, will be stationed. There will be plana 1 hi fecting the future of Manchester, plan the Ruaslana have offered there waa no doubt that It provid­ ponies on the grounds for the chit BE DANGER SIGN helped to cre­ plana which coma for approval ed a aurpriae ending to the game. dren and others may have rides on ate. •• and are pressing toward adoption. O f Hrad KidiMjs before the town board of which he ' W ith Dodd acting M If he had ‘The Surrey with the fringe on Richard S. Fd ahow one It can be said, of. course, that top.” Rides for all will start at WIm s dbordtr ef kU atr fSBCtlaa haiaMs plan which Is la a member. If that' la a crime, fMdly lost aometiUng, and peii pna w nsM ta la m a i a in janr Mood. Carpenter k V Russian dominance over satellite o’clock. ’There will also be a wheel K m ar aaoM niwsliw feaekocho, riwnmatla bringing $125 be should have been told that It Bowlea aettng as If be had BARSTOW SAYS countries offers some guarantee really won aomethlng, the poor, barrow parade with three prises of poliii,I«SPoliii. loMof ptpoBdoacrgT, sot- month to the mother of two would be such before he was currency offered. From 5 o’clock tins up nishte, ow«Uins, poiBntu undar tho young children and which win WONDER benigtited ordinary delegutee, t m , noaaoBhoo and diiitntoo. FrowoBt at that there will. In practice, be one contlnne to bring her that In­ aaked to accept hie public position. the lowlr pieces In the game, to 7 o’clock there will be a supper •euitjr paansoa oritii unaitiax and burnlns unified code for the Danube, and and an entertainment will con ■amatlmaa ahoora tbaio U •omatUns w n o s come for many years to come. H e was not, and yet now he Is were puzzled and bewildered, WtUvnorUdnaroarblnddoT. . * i T S T H E t r u t h :* not the many nationalistic codea^ Fd exhibit an educational told that there le an Issue In his hardly kaowlng whether to elude the festival. The entertain permitted on the formid paper, weep or cheer, or Just chuckle. ment will include • one-act Comev plan, pnrehased by a dad and service. dv, ’"The Shock of his L ife” bv the he i^lloiui for ooor lO roan. DosWs siva mother who readoned: *Tt wiU But that Russian domlnaUon IS in Only one thln^ was clear. It Mppr rolltf 1^ will htlp Um 1$ ntlaa ed Everyone is Crazy About Their New 1948 MARKET W het la that issue? Just wouldn’t be sporting of Mr. Christian Endeavor group. ’There Uonor tnbM ei German and Ita l­ TODAY'S OUTSTANDING MEAT VALUE celled upon to occupy a position ian war effoits. DORSET i ^ SEA FOOD VALUES Perhaps It Does Matter His widow, Nadia, and five In which he has the responsibility DEVON R o a stin g V e a l I children, survive. \Pkene for deciding a potential or even a What does it matter, some hard- SHEERLINE i FRESH suggested conflict between his boiled editorialists have aaked, if for low priced economy F R E S H M A D E U U U FOREQUARIERS ^own personal interests and those the conduct of the House Commit­ ^ SICHASO 1 aAMN 6 A t of the town and Ita cltlsens. tee on Un-American ActlvUles in­ i ^ a r ^ t n i e r slaon (^^uCheese«'G 37* S w o rd fis h u 65< SPRING - SOFT MIATID JR Alice Cofran Ths Sign of a S4. Such an ideal state o f affairs is jures a few Innocent men, so long P & A S A L E S & S E R V IC E Sausage Meat ib. BONED and ROUED LB < PHOEN1.X MUTUAL UFE going to be difficult to achieve as the national safety la preserved 198 Churrh St. Htfd. 2-0416 WORTHY SERVICP , ,1 IF DESIRED T T ^ Readings Daily Berlin Tpke.. Berlin S-62S1 INSURANCE CO. i Fresh .Mackerel u 15* and to maintain. It will not be ob­ by throwing the spotUght on 142 E ast Center St. ARMOUR’S STAR MACHINE SLICED 169 Church St. Hartford Berlin open evanlng and 118 East Center St. m i u b b o o k tained by headline controversies, those who arc undeniably guilty? Manchester TeL 4718, Manchester, Conn. The boneless forequarters makes on Telephone 6-2024 Sunday or maintained by compulsion o f What it matters is shown in the i Fancy Re<|fish Fillet • 29* excellent oven roost ond the trknsssd any kind. I t cannot be enforced, heart-attack death of Harry Boiled Ham i>b. pieces of the forequarter con be used later for then is not always any ques­ White, former Treasury Depart­ Fancy Haddock Fillet 16 45« a l l f a v o r i t e f l a v o r in the week for o eery good lomk stew ment official. White may hax'e .W ^ d n ^ o u s e tion of legality Involved. It can F R E S H M A D E 1*- O automatic wasmis >S*»»»»S»S»SSSS»S*»»4S*S*SSSSSS»S%SiSSS%»SSSSS%SSSSSS%»S»%S%i only be obtained, we think, been innocent. He may, in spite of 28-OIBTLS^R^ through a tacit spread and ac­ his own fervent denials, have been BOLOGNA Your coolants d O U OH ceptance o f an informal code, in guilty. ’The world may never Saua Nom oit iUa Rgcanilif PLedaicad SUtml know’, now, which la the case. WATER $AVER MINCED HAM 3 which those who are, serving the with Ixtlusive Choice town now and those who enter But, In either case, Harry White /Udmn NORE NONEF FkANKFURTS LB. the service of the town in the fu­ is dead, and the medical reason O o n ' f Oymss • • • Buy On \Proofl b r o o k sid e KKarVO .yfenMlTsHORTINING 3 -U T „L 1 G UTI n 3 9 - * ture will automsUcfUly honor the seems clearly that the strain of, Phone us and make arrangements to have a ^ ! principle Involved. sustaining the charges of the com-' at ' load of your clothes washed in the Laundromat I i fresh eggs Crisco or Spry 3utin1.17- utin41* We, for our part, have no desire mlttee and then appearing before frse. You set tor yourself how the Laundromat...] Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to list those officials who may be it were too much for what had • a t * . P in tranagresslon of this not yet i>een, for some time, a weak heart Sovfls up to 10 Gallons of Wolor o OOI F in a s t M a y o n n a is e »»»>»'» i>tMi>45< Received F^aiiy ■ Size W H m recognised code. I f we had retro- condition. So perhaps the unseen L i ^ . Exclusive W ater Saver measures O FIRM, RIPE NATIVE NO. 1 Bolted Beans cal ,ea'w^*d kidney 3, TINS 45* sucm-maiamo acUve power, we would take the judgment o f such things decrees IlARRISONIf^ water to the size of the load. Just set the diall name of Mr. Griswold out of It that the ’Thomas Committee haa d u t c h m a i d .14-01 BTl 1 7 c too. What we do hope is that all taken, an Innocept life, and we W o sh fls G loonor. Exclusive, gentle but 1 9 c Finast Ketchup tomato those involved wlU quietly and must ask ourselves whether that borough washing action drains soiled water Tom atoes 3 <> O Oatmed Cookies i gradually adjust themselves to the matters. aiMV from the clothes . . . not through them. iOBICATOa 12 OZ TIN 4 5 * BREAD i; LB PKG 2 9 c T reet - Prem or Mor suggested code. W e thliUc that The answer is that it doea not IndshWoshdoy Work. Washes, triple N A T I V E p u r p l e T O P C r M 18-OZ ^ ^ code - - that no town official matter as much as aomethlng lb jar 2 elM. It It, once again, not a quea- m rinses, damp-dries, cleans itself, shuts^ off ' CloVermaid Honey u mil 29* LOAVES f should be called upon to act for p^HSin (iMkwt «’“ 27* tion of what America, acting . auUmatteally. Slanting front— easy loading.' lbs. the town on a problem In which Cfoyo*** T u rn ip s M ir a b e l R a s p b e rry *««•«»■ iujAE.29*LLI JAR P M O M a r hla personal Interests, aside from through the ’Thomas Committee, iishon’*"* the Routine pereonal intereats o f may have done to H arry White. P e n c Pwike Flosr n cG C w a SWEET CALIFORNIA DUARTE b ' 17* any taxpayer, are involved • • - The question still la one o f what V W « 9 * ‘ " * * ' * S t t » INtfRUS aNVWMOIII Mirabel Strawberry ueak3 5 c ROLLS la an Integral part of the spirit Am erica haa done and, is doing to NO SOinNfll Tgfcertike Symp If not the letter of the new town W e are cheapening and doz. P lu m s * .< .*v V V a ' 1 Cloverdale Margarine upko3 3 c , j o O H Q q A o I charter. brutalixing ourselves. W e atand NO visianoNi . 0 U . 3 1 * to lose much more than the life onraous w « « L o b s te r tahcy . :^ * of perhaps one innocent citizen. GOOD SIZE, SWEET SUNKIST 0 4 9 DOUGHNUTS Roflsia And The Danabc We Mand to lose the' principleh Bmco • PLAIN - SUGAMD or | Thars is • rouUns erlUdsm of which have given life to America Finast Granulated Soap ic(Ke29< Itaelf. doz. CINNAM O N Russi* fit tbs Deaube OonfMsnce, BARSTOW*S O ranges tUOABm whl4b ccBOSBtiwtas upon ths fact A a The New York ’Tlmea eayt, Haadqnarten tbah Ritaita h w latiiited that ahe writing of the Thomas Committee For School Toolo JUST NORTH OF P. O. ' P H O N E NATIVE end htr setalUtae Mudl be tht only and tbq White death: PKG'CJf •' 1 5 < 8234 anas te.saalnNbs rules for iatsr- "This procedure- la not the EaUbliahcd J922 ' N E W ENCLANDS LARGEST RETAILER OF FINE FOODS Bartlett Pears 21^^. aoao8K» » ’«L%%mBa»ew w m w n( Bsttbfisl uss of ths Dfmubs. Ts$ American way of doing thi»igv it r this In ttelf is no mhjor crime. la the u n -^ e ric a n way. W a be­ arrison s \- Your ff'estinghouse De^er When B^tnln invltni^Russla to lieve that unless it is corrected BniSTOI—.MA.VCBC$TCR—HARTFORD help her mske nilee for the Suez it places in jeopardy a funda­ CiwsI and An^erics invites Rlusis mental concept of American Ufa.” \ ■J ■■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, AUGUST^ 19, 1948 PAGE BIGHT woi'ked with a Communist under- war than a ytar ago. Dr. Holt louder. It la not yet too late, but acbooi bueea throughout Connecti­ ended, all sobool bases in Oonneett- tinea pre-war. Initial Three Former ground In Washington. Security Council Dewey Pledge World System first said. “I don’t know;” and It cannot be much later." School Buses cut. cut must now comply wdtb a regu­ were scheduled for Andover, with FENDER Court Decision The Justice department has de­ Obituary then, “I doubt It. Maybe.” Dr. Holt ptauwd no special cele­ “W* want to make certain, be­ lation that they be painted "na­ ■ubsequent Inspectloiu to b* nuide He said he would advocate no bration of Ha birthday today, but fore school opens, that all school tional school Ink chrome.” a shade In Oonnectlcut’a 18$ other towns In Directors’ Vote Illegal clined to comment on thla In any To Hold Meeting alphabetical otder, Lawyers Told way, repeating that It will not dis- .Seen Answer chan|e in the preoant United alumni and faculty of Rollins col­ Are Inspected buses in the state ere safe for Con­ of yellow adjudged to make tbc WOtB Of Rule Urged SUUs poUcy toward Russia ba- lege. the Wmter Park, Fla., iiwtl^ necticut* children going to school vehiclea easily discernible under Watson sUtod. Protest Seen cusa proceedings still In progress this year,” the state official said. most travel conditions. Commis­ Stories Wanted before a grand Jury. On Tmee Breach caua* "fiminesa la the only thing titlon of which he becan.* president In 1925, will gather here Satur­ Twelve Inspectors, directed by sioner Watson said. MUk U caDod tlM Says Attorney LaBelle Mr. Truman said he could aay Funerals To Challenge Holt, Noted Peace Advo­ the Russians understand, but you State Department In­ perfect food. 220 ResoiuUona to Be categorically that the govern- ■ i - 1 - — mustn’t talk tough without mean­ day at his home, a pre-Revolutlon- Supervisor WIlHem J. HllUard, will The Inspections will be the first (Continued from Pngs Une) ment’a loyalty program haa been (Continued from Page One) Pvt. Raymond O. LaGace ing what you say.” ary war tavern well stocked with conduct the inspections et ths large-scale, complete check of all (CentIniMM from Fag* Oaa) cate, Still Carrying antiques. Such a reunion has been spectors to Qieck AU homes or business places of opera­ Connecticut • reglatered school Considered by K. of C. a succeae. tlo% in The funeral of Pvt. Raymond G. Ukening the world oitusUon to Board’s Action in Gris- Bluilie Western ligation of Communism in the He added that the Justice de­ Jerusalem may lead to LaGace, who was killed on the Torch for Program the situation confronting the held here for the past several Vehicles This Week tors luted with the department aa buses and tbslr safety equipment Supreme Council United States and In the govern­ general resumption of hostilities. of the wool and sugar beet mar­ yeara. carriera of school children In buses. N (‘ V! r f o ! ,' ■ t partment baa been at work for Anzlo beachhead in ApriL 1944, kets In favor of “substantial" pro­ colonics in 1778, Dr. Holt said in The Inspections also will Include wold Case Attacked oil Parleys ment. some time on a proposed new loy­ The United Nations > mediator was held today In his native town his statement: A sk^ how he was feeling as "There would be no surer way to had asked Arabs and Jews to ac­ duction. , Woodstock. Aug. 19—rid")— Dr. Hartford, Aug. 19—(Special)— other types of vehicles, such as pas- As “High-Handed;” ___ Houston, Tex., Aug.. IB- IjO — alty statute. of Danielson. LaGace was a Resents “Unfair Attaeka” "When our for4fathera met at another birthtoy rolled around, The InapecUon of all school buses aenger cars or station wagons, used lose these rights than for the Com­ He said It was ,a very difficult cept a new cease fire effective last Manchester resident for some Hamilton Holt noted peace advo­ Independence hall more than a Di. Holt replied with rome asperi­ (ty>ntlnued from Pag* Uae) The supreme advocate of the munists to acsompllsh Uielr pur­ Friday morning. But the bitterest Dewey criticised the administra­ cate celebrating hla 76thbjrthday In CkinnccUcut was begun yestor- for transporting school children, Announces Candidacy thing to get a statute that does years, ahd he Is one of three men century and a half ago they took ty, “Well, I don't feel like a dod­ Oommlsaloner Watson explained. Johnson's Knights of Columbus predicted pose. I should think he would co­ not infringe on the bi|l of rights fighting since the second Palestine for whom the _ local______r chapter — of Co- tion for “aliUting from expedient today, still is firmly carrying the no counsel o, cowardice, but dering imbecile with cne foot in I day by the State Department of . . k. tnrfav I Zeitung gave thla version a big the order would take these offi­ operate” in the Inquiry, Nixon said. truce began raged throughout last | lumblan Squire* 1* named. to expedient" in dealing with strong yptrld government. the grave—not Just yet" I Motor Vehicles. Particular attention will be giv­ Poultry Form Hitting out at a hat he today I » "attributing It to "truat- which la a cornerstone' of Ameri­ mutually pledged their lives, their en to a new state regulation re­ cial stands today at the final ses­ Closed Doors SeMlon can freedom. Friday night. funeral was held at St. farmers. He said he resented "un­ The beet way “actually to abol­ fortunes and their sacred honor to Dr. Holt icihed as Rollins presi­ State Motor Vehiclea Commis­ " fla ^ o rT i termed the “hlBh-handed Illegal Paris sources.” Witt, Pressman and Abt will be James's church, Danielson, with fair attacks” on farm cooperatives. quiring each such bus to dUplay sion of Its 66th annual convention: He said sharply that he does Could Take Form of Warnings ish war,” oaid the retired Rollins the document they framed. And dent last FcLniary, but the trus­ sioner Elmer S. Watson sold that a clearl}' legible sign bqaring the Frtsh dressed broilers, action** of the Board of Director* ■ Their account said: The west heard by the committee behind not want any Gestapo law that Bemadotte's sides said Security burial in Holy Crbss cemetery in Barkley nad accused the Re- college president in a birthday what happened? The United tees asked him to continue to 1. Protest a Supreme court de­ closed doors. All three served as that town. There was a guard of publ|)eanB of trying to scuttle the the department has suspended the 'vords "Sciiool Bus” aa a warning flyers, roasting and fowls. in bringing "ao-called charges" . agreed w ith SUlln that only So- does Infringe on the bill of rights. Council action could take the statement on world conditlona, States of America happened. ser\'e until a successor was ap­ to approaching motorista, the com­ th in g " . „ . T . vlct-sponsored currency should cision banning religious Instruc­ lawyers for the old Argicultural honor and the burial was accom­ cooperatives by cutting off their would be for the United States spot-checks of automobiles on the Friday night and Saturday. against Hayden U Oriawold. a I “Do you consider that the form of warnings or sanctions tax exemptions. He credited presi­ "So now let us Uke no counsel pointed. None has been chosen yeL highways in order to inspert the missioner stated. lli^ that east and tion In public schools Adjustment administration In the House hearings have Infringed on against the side found to be*vio- panied by military honors with "to nelp esUblish world, govern­ F r ^ qaick frozen poul­ member .of the Town Planning shouldd lift restrictions early days,,of the New Dead members of the Knights of Colum­ dent Truman with stopping this of cowardluv. but mutually pledge safety equipment of some 700 With wartime paint shortages 2. Urge a "liberal and immedi­ the bill of rights ?” a reporter lating the truce ordered by the ment with an international police our Uvea, our fortunes, our sacred try anytime. Plain or io4isa«l commission, Attorney John D. on traffic betweeftv.^rlin and Pressman (s former counsel for asked. Security Council in a July IS bus as pallbearers. move. force which will bring any culprit. ______£ ______western Germany:y: tha/fr-;thal-'.represen­ ate” enforcement of the displaced the CIO. Abtr once held a similar The Kentucky senator’s talk Isp- honor to the establishment Of a Accident Cancels LaBelle asserted that "the pres­ persons act, which opens Amer­ The President replied yes, that resolution. . Individual or nation, before a re­ world govenittent. We may have 847 West Middle Turnpike tatives of the west agrted to a po.sition for the CIO Political Ac­ he does parently was only the first of an vised and strengthened United Na­ ent Board of Directors could evi­ conference to consider the problem ica's Immigration gates to thou­ tion committee. Both now are as­ "Under prevailing conditions It intensive drive the Democrats to set it up at first without Rus­ Near Hodmnum River Or sands of homeless Europeans. The congressional spy Investl Is difficult to assess responsibility plan in the taim beit, which went tions." sia and her satellites, as thp Uni­ Vacation Plans IVORY SALT dently stand a course of Instruc­ of all Germany after Stalin de­ sociated with Henry Wallace’s new gators are going ahead with their About Town Dr. Holt, recognised as on* of Love Lane tion In the plain wording of the manded that the estabUahment of 3. Condemn Communism. Progressive political party. and idle to try to ascerWn which Republican m a big way In the ted States was set up before New Luke E. Hart of St. Louis, su­ search for new evidence. They of the parties is more to blame,” 1946 congressional elections. the leading American exponents York, Virginia. South CaroUna Newington, Aug. 19—OP)—Ken­ Cools As It SatisHos town charter.” a .separate western government be Witt was at one time counsel said thpy had lined iip three new Mrs. Selma Olson of Stone of ths League of Nations after and Rhode Island joined but aoon- LaBelle said that the vote of put off. preme advocate and chairman of and then secretary of the Nation­ Bemadotte said, adding:. Dewey’s strategists evidently neth T. Redlck and his wife. Sec­ the Committee of Law and witnesses for secret testimony be­ "They both have come deliber­ street Is enjoying two weeks at are counting on heavy support for World war I, conceded that “1 er or later all the outsMe nations retary of the State Frances Burke — the Board to oust Griswold, de- "However,” the account went on, al Labor Relations board. fore the House committee. Wildemere beach, Milford. .don’t see much progress" toward fc. dared by Mayor Cecil England to "when they went to negotiate with Resolutions, said these would be All three have been described In ately to Ignore the authority of him in the rural areas to offset will come In. Redlck, have had to cancel a Ver­ among some 220 resolutions to be What they are after primarily the United Nations.” the bid President Triman hah qatabUahment of his dream of “Greatest Practical Isaoe” mont vacation becauae Redlck ac­ jlhave canrled by a vote of 4 to 2, Molotov, the western representa­ committee testimony as having at this, point Is not direct testl A son was bom Tuesday at wbrld - government, but he added 6 ^ "was entirely Illegal.” tives changed their stpnds and pre­ considered by the order’s Supreme once been leaders of a cell In the (In Haifa, It was learned yes­ made for labor support with hla “la all this theory? No, it la tbe cidentally stepped Into a post hole mony about the operations of a Hartford hospital to Mr. and Mrs. call for repeal of tha Taft-Harte that Increasing Intereat In the greatest practical issue before the on hla Barbour road property. He pointed out that Chapter 3, sented tew proposils. including council In s closed session. Rod iindergroimd in Washington. CommunlkL.;underground in Waab- terday that the chief of staff of World Federalist organisation was section 7 of the charter provides one for four-power control of So­ Their names were given the the U. N. Truce Commission, Gen. Philip Dupont of Olcott street ley a c t human race, for we now live In an The heel bone fracture which Advertising Approved ington befoi^^and during the war. The baby weighed seven pounds, hopeful. atomic age. If we only prepare for Redlck suffered sent him to .the that “the presence of live mem- viet-sponsored currency In Berlin. The council. In a closed meeting committee by Whittaker Chambers They are ooheentrating iristead A. Lundatroem, considers the re­ Will Rhare Platform With Green Though preparedness never pre- ber* shall constitute a quorum, Molotov could not agree te thla, avowed former member of the cent shooting in the Holy City nine ounces. Mrs. Dupont is the In this connection, the Demo­ another war, and not for peace, Veterans’ hospital here, and rb- yesterday, approved spending on what Reprssentatlve Nixon violations of the truce by both former (Tlalre Murphy of Hart­ cratic National committee an­ vented war and never will. Or. when that war cornea Ito dntruc- ports were that the injury was of but no ordinance, resolution or asserting the western powers had 3876,000 during the next year for Communist jspparatus, who has (R,. Calif.) calls ’^adew ork” dO' Holt said, the United SUtes m u u r vote, except a vote to adjourn or no claim to control of Soviet tone been a key witness in the Investi­ Jews and Arabs). ford. The local couple also have nounced today that Maurice J, tivencaa may be oo terrible as auch a nature that complete re­ national advertising to explain signed to help dig up "the truth another aon, Philip, Jr„ aged five. Tobin, Mr. Truman’s new accio- should "prepare to wage war If virtually to destroy civilisation covery may take as long as three First Food to fix the time and place of the currency any more than the So­ gation. Chambers, who skid he or the falsity” of the controversy "Should the present action of Catholic church doctrines. the Security Council take the tary of labor, will share the sper’:« war comes before world govern­ itself. So away with doubt,, delay months. next meeting, shall be adopted by viet union could ask to share In A.special Committee told tbc was a Communist from 1924 to involving Alger Hiss and Whitta­ ment can be established.’’ and heaitation. Away with the selfr The Redicks had plaimed to go leas than five affirmative votes.” the control of the deutschemark In 1987, now Is a senior editor for form of a warning.” Bemadotte Mrs.. CTharles Lsshinske of 112 er’s platform at a Labor day rally council that by spending $100,000 ker Chambers. In Akron wi( h AFL President Will Asked if he thought the United delusion that makes excuses for to Vermont yesterday, the day D T E A The vote Tuesday night on the the western occupation zones. This said, “I suggest'that it should be West Center street, and Mrs. during the last year, the order Time magazine. This is a prelude to public hsar- 11am Green. SUtes and Russia were nearer non-action when the bomb ticka mtter. the accident occurred. resolution to oust Griswold was change of attitude by the U. S., Chambers also brought Hiss’ Ings, set for' next Wednesday, at clearly pointed out to the par­ Henry Frehelt of 14 Westwood * drew more than 100,000 inquiries ties: ' street, while motoring through Mr. Truman will launch hla divided with Directors Bowers, British and French representa­ about the church. name before the committee. He which Hiss and Chambers will b^, Martin, Russell and Lappen m tives created difficulties In the ne­ said Hiss once was a member of heard. “1. That responsibility will be Vermont on their way to Grand own campaign that day with a favor, Hagedom and Turklngton gotiations which hinder their pro­ an "elite” Communist underground sasesaed whether violations are Isle,, stopped at Manchester in the major address In Detroit and five opposed, and Director* Bgiley and gress and continuation.” organized among government offi­ due to members of the opposing Green Mountain stite and mailed other speeches In Michigan.* ~~ cials. Hiss since has acknowledged Armies or to dissident elements back a postal to The Herald of a Democratic National Chairman Store England not voting. Director Hul- The Russians stend on their de­ Walkout Seen Teaclier Beyond or irregulars. colorful atreet scene. We fully ap­ J. Howard McGrath said after a ^ tine was absent. mand for a single currency for knowing Chambers In the winter conference with the President yes- OF MANCHESTER, INC. ^ fltes No Effect Berlin — the Russian - sponsored of 1934-35 under the name of "2. That each party has a duty preciate their thoughtfulness and Grave Threat to bring to Justice its own dissi­ wish more people would do this. terday that Mr, Truman will set K The vote, LaBelle hold* was of mark—under Russian control, the George Crosley., Russian Control dent elements and Irregulars when out shortly thereafter on other no effect under the charter provl- press said. The Russians insist on The committee Is focusing now We have been hi Manchester, Ver- speaking tours. 846 CENTER STREET AMPLE FREE PARKING TEL. 8059 (Conttnosd from Pngn One) on trying to fine out whether they violate the truce. mont, and found It most attrac­ ^ slons. unilateral control over the com­ ''3. Th6t reprisals and retalia­ He will be on the road moat of “Moreover,” LaBelle asserted, merce of all Berlin’s Industries and Chambers is telling the truth In (Continued from Page One) tive, as a numbe. from this town the time after mid-September, Mc­ employed them had no' contract tions are not permitted. who have apent vacations there grMANCHESTER r ' “I am taking steps to atudy previ- that all trade between Berlin and including Hiss among the under- Grath said, adding that while Mr. ous votes of the Board of Dlrec- western zones must be handled with the AFL. The telegram add­ gronud leaders, or whether Hiss la news conference what he thought '4. That no party will be al­ will agree. Truman will not visit every state ed: right In denying that he was. about the actions of the teachers. lowed to gain by any vldlation.” FRESHLY GROUND, LEAN BEEF Ifl tors to see how many other Illegal through the economic agencies of He raid he thought they Indicated he will go Into every section of the ^ actions have been sanctioned the Soviet zone. It added. This “To our knowledge no union of­ To Appear At Public Hearing* Blame “Dissident Elements” The annual field day of the country, including the South. ficials have even attempted to util­ there au« a lot of people who be­ The Je'ws have blamed "Irre­ Grand Lodge of C^mnectlcut. F through Ignorance of basic pro- would greeze out the Anglo-Amer Both Jllss and Chambers _ are lieve in the freedom of the Individ­ Still Blocking Out Plane lean joint export-import agency ize the orderly procedures provid­ schedu« te appear at public hear­ sponsible dissident elements” and Order of Sons of Italy In America cedure on thevk*^ Dlrec- ual just as people in the United the Arabs "uncontrollable irregu­ Dewey, still blocking out his ^ tor*. One would suppose tluA they and give the Rusaians a strong- ed by law to assist these 116 em­ ings set for next Wednesday. States do. * will be held Sunday, August 22, at campaign plans, talked again yes­ bold on Berlin which could lead ployes in gaining union recogni­ Hiss has tesOfled that he knew lars” for some truce violations. the North Italian Home Club. *7 would at least learn the voting Mr. Trurqan was then asked Bemadotte said the problem of terday with House Speaker Joseph PUBLIC MARKET Thorpe Avenue, Meriden. There HAMBURG eventually to its incorporation In tion. Witt, Pressman and Abt when he sfi function of their office.” whether the same right of asylum ■maintaining the Jerusalem cease W. Martin, Jr., of Massachusetts. n Gtoing stlU further, LaBelle said to the Soviet tone. 'The workers whq walked out served with them as lawyers for as this government has promised will be plenty of shelter In case of At a news conference aftegwards. IN THE HEART OF THE SHOPPING DISTRICT-805-807 MAIN STREET have been employed on mainten­ the New Deal AAA. fire is complicated - by "mutual rain. All who wish to attend and V? that he cannot llnd authority for The anti-Oommunist city admin­ to the teachers would apply to distruct of the parties'.’ and lack pf Martin replied to a question as to £ ousting Griswold without setting a ance and aendee operations at the Nixon said a proposed He want transportation should call whether he would defend the rec­ SPERRY and BARNES istration announced last night it atomic weapons center and also other Soviet citizens in similar cir­ a “sufficient number of observers G| apeclflc date for a hearing for is debating two plans as s solution detector test for Hiss and Cham­ cumstances. Robert Genovesl, 595G or 7898. or ord of the 80th Congress during V on construction of new and ex­ bers would be dropped for the and transportation.” Frank Scudierl 8402. The Field l;‘ him, and he stated “for the Infor- to the currency mix-up, resulting Right Always Has Applied Despite the efforts of himself the campaign: Bakery Specials ^ " matlon of the directors, the proper panding facilities for the nation's time being In the light of Hiss’ He answered emphatically that Day will be an aU day affair “The 80th Cong^ress doesn't need Free from circulation ■ here of rival atomic defenses. They arc organ­ refusal to Uke It at thla time. and observers, he added, “not only t ' procedure is set forth In Chapter eastern and western marks. this right always has applied in firing haa practically never ceased starting at 1 p: m. defending. We are going to brag l a r g e ASStmTBD ised under the building trades Nixon said Chambers would not such cases. about the 80th Congrress.” I" 1, aacUon 8 of the charter," 1. To Issue an emergency cuf'- council of the AFL. in Jemsalem but the situation is Parking r This s ^ o o provides that an rency for the city. be called upon to take the teat Gross, in his ruling, noted that gradually getting out of hand.” Mrs. Myrtle Wamock Ktrpena of One of Martin’s top aides, Rep­ LAYER CAKES BACON “ThU walk-out situation cannot ■ unless Hiss did so. : employee or official subject to ous- 2. To make the western mark the State Department already haa Bemadotte said his reports 67 Arnold street, Hartford, has resentative Halleck of Indiana, 1 ting “Shall have been served with conUnue for long without causing 1 committee haa suggested advised Soviet Ambassador Alex­ returned home from the Hartford the Republican leader of the House, exclusive currency in western Ber­ serious damage to the nation's the test be made by Dr. from the holy city declared “gen­ hospital, where she has been un­ drew Democratic fire last night. In Purnell • j- a written notice of the Intention lin in order to overcome the 8if- ander S. Fanyushkin that It recog­ eral tenseness is locally mount­ - of the Board of Directors to re­ atomte weapons program.” ; l.,eonarde Keeler of Chicago, who nizee Russia's right to extend dergoing treatment for a frac­ Representative Kirway of Ohio flculties caused by the Soviet i has developed a "polygraph” ing.” tured back, sustained In a fall In said In a statement distributed M osfiv move him, containing a clear blocking of eastern mark accounts through Its officials abroad "all The situation la at present of a Parking Lot statement of the grounds for re- ! machine. proper assistance and protection her home. She will be confined to through the National committee: In the city's -western sectors. Employes Planning local chasacter,” he said, “the one her home for some time and would CHUCK ROAST »* 69* - • moral and of the time and place, I In his letter. Hiss told the com- to Soviet nationals.” “It Is unfortunate that Congress­ In western Berlin both the east­ ; mittee "I do not at present feel But, he concluded, "this, right party firing against the other be pleased to hear from her friends man Halleck Is acting with In­ 1 L a BAG, MAXWELL HOUSE Cut From Heavy Steer . not lea* than ten days after serv- ern and western German curren­ Another Mass Meeting Ice of such notice, at which .he Los Alamos, N. M., Aug. 19—UTi in position to make up a final de- does not Include authority to take without any alteration of posi­ in this town, where she formerly creasing frequency as the Repub­ LEAN, TENDER RIB CUTS, FRESH shall be given an importunity to cies now are legal. In the Soviet —Union construction and main­ cision with respMt to the commit­ charge of Soviet citizens in thla tions.” lived. lican spokesman in the field of our i be heard thereon.” sector only the eastern mark Is tenance employes at this atomic tee’s suggestion.’’ country Irrespective of their Bemado.tte'iB aides said the bl-partiaan foreign policy. vslid. Hiss said he believes the pro­ wishes.” tfledlator addressed the message "No one would dispute Halltok’a COFFEE No Hearing Date energy project planned another Russia's blocking of these mark posed lie detector test ”1* un­ Officials privately have expresa- to the Security Council after authority as spokesman for ths do- Free ROAST PORK :9 « , The resolution to notify Qrl*. mass meeting today to protest a Ruth’s Funeral * . 5 wold of his rending discharge did accounts has made it virtually contractor’s employment of non­ precedented In congressional pro­ ed sharp displeasure with Loma­ learning It was to adjourn Sept. nothing faction of the Republican impossible frfr the city govem- cedure.” He promised to look Into kin’s role In the bizarre case of party on domestic issues, but when not include a date for a hearing. union labor. I for 20 days and then reconvene Before 75z000 he enters Into foreign affairs he Armour’# EVAPORATED LAMB PA T T IE S >*49* LaBelle further maintained that meht and western sector firms to About 1,500 workers left their the matter further. He said It Is Mrs. Kosenkina. In Paris. LEAN, FRESHLY GROUND Press Officer McDermott was brings up the shade of the Republi­ the reason given for- Griswold's pay wages, because the west had jobs to attend a similar meeting h*® Information that no Federal (The* (Council Is meeting today can isolationists who struggled so Made From Lean Pieces Of Lamb pending oUster la “no charge, but directed that three-fourths of all yesterday, and another 1,000 did court or agency. Including the asked whether the U. S. will ask at Lake Success. It hopes to finish Federal Bureau of Investigation, Moscow to recall him but replied New ,Tork, Aug. 19 — OP) — A hard to make America weak—not Cabbage ^ an Incomplete statement of policy salaries were to be paid In eastern not report for work. its work by tomorrow and start crowd of 75,000 persons jammed strong—In the years before Pearl M ILK 3°" cans HAMBURG lie detector ma- that he had nothing to say on this - which seems applicable to only marks. The men, most of them mem­ relies upon the month-long recess before recon the area of towering St. Patrick's Harbor.” - 5 9* The second plan already has chine. matter. B on* man.” bers of the building trades unions Marshall himself laid the basis vening In Paris.) Cathedral today In a final tribute With purchase of NATIVE YELLO^^ ‘ NATIVE GREEN, HARD HEADS r ”If there Is to be a policy laid been proposed to the western com (AFL), are employed by five con- C7i ambers has told the commit­ Two Positiors Emeuated to Babe Ruth, king of baseball. NEW PACK GREEN GIANT SUGAR CURED, RINDLESS & down,” LaBelle said, "it should ap- monders by three antl-Communlst 1 tractors. They have threatened to tee under oath that at the time for a sweeping, rejection and In a cable to Moshe Shertok At a requiem mass In the Roman any piece of our ply first and foremost right political parties in Berlin and the take a "vacation,” charging a he know the Communist under­ probably a stern rebuke to the Israeli foreign minister, Berha Catholic Cathedral, 6,000 persons CIO Top Leaders amongst the mtmbers of the Board antl-0>mmunist Trade federation sixth firm—Brown and Root Con- ground in Washington Witt was Soviets when he said yesterday dotte assured him that two Arab knelt with bowed heads as Francis famous sugar* ONIONS CABBAGE 5 e ^ of DteKtors, members of which in On the other aide, -the Soviet- trectlng Co. of 'Houston, Tes.-r head of it and Abt later became that evidence now available to the , in No-Man's-Land in Cardinal Spellman prayed that To Surv ey Races PEAS SLICED BACON ^ 5 soma. Instances might have a pe- sponsored Socialist Unity party j rvith refusing to negotiate witjj the leader. He listed Pressman State department does not bear j Jerusalem have been evacuated the divine spirit “that inspired coated, tender cunlary Interest in Insurance mat­ (SED) has demanded “Immediate the luiions and importing non- and Hiss as members of the group. out their charges against the Babe Ruth to overcome hardships To Ask About Crosley American government and some i The presence of Arabs in these t ters affecting the town.” and unconditional” removal of the | union labor from Texas, positions was one' of the points at and win the crucial game of life )i\’ashlngton. Aug. 19—(/P)—The Corned Beef — at HANDY, BRIGHTWOOD FIRM RED RIPE HOME GROWN western mark, the reestablish D>ecIlno to Comment Robert E. Stripling, the com­ of its officials. may animate many generations of CIO’s top leaders assembled here -1 mittee's chief Investigator, said Charges Viewed Seriously issue In the Jemsalem cease fire. ' La Belle eaid that be spoke as ment of political, administrative- Brown and Root officials have Bemadotte also received from American youth.” today to survey the national po­ RONDAT BEEF regular prices. LJAkAC Whole Or Ih'eaaman, Abt and Witt certainly Marshall went on to say that The Babe's widow, Mrs. CHalre litical races and—maybe—to re­ n / V i V I J Shank Cut V a private citlsen, interested In and economic unity throughout all; declined to comment.- will be asked whether they knew Abdel Rahman Azzam Pasha, sec­ * . 6 9' good government, Berlin and the “tying of Berlin to ! The unions have asked for a the United States \lews these retary general of the Arab league, Ruth, and their adopted daughters, sume their right wing vs. left • 9 « a George Crosley, the name under charges with serious concern. Not Mrs. Richard Flanders and Mrs. wing quarrels. TOMATOES 2^19 f. Aanonirfmmunist party 11 for a "special Investigation of Across the aisle In another pew 1 LB. JAR, MRS. OLCOrrS PURE fresh fruits and Vegetables ^ of Director and Repreaentatl\|e in Union leaders said every Los Mrs. Oksana Stepanovna Kosen- the destruction and depredations” CIO Executive board can do that. BUTTER lr 79c the General Assembly. . an official spokesman described ss Alamos' organized labor group name of Carl. kins, one of the teachers Involved. were Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Today’s meetlhg was to include CALBPOKNIA DUART “the strongest language yet used For the third time in three of Arab property by Jewish New York’s Mayor William President Philip Murray, Secre­ “The Eggs we sell tomorrow a n on tbo each ^ Claiming that the Directors was represented at yesterday’s forces. Bemadotte told Azzum ^ “have embarked on an action of toward the Russians," a unilateral meeting, weeks the committee has de- O’Dwyer, their heads bowed and tary James Carey, the nine CIO RASPBERRY PLUMS D os. 15c farm todi^!” LETTUCE Pasha the question should be rale, critical fm|M>irtenca to the repute- Soviet order dismissing the direc­ The workers say th'c work stop- pianded that the Immigration eyes closed in silent tribute to the vice presidents, and Director Jack STRICTLY tlon of a valuable public servant”, tor of the Berlin Central Coal or­ age Is not a strike. A carpenter's commission produce a man Iden­ Public Records ed with the Security Council as he man who roae from a Baltimore KroU of the (HO Political Action CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS ?.'* LaBelle said that he is “amazed ganization. union representative called It a tified as J. Peters by Wednesday had not the jJersonnel to imder- orphanage to undisputed monarch committee. PRESERVES FRESH EGGS 63c LONG ISLAND. 3WALY COBBLERS The British denounced the move "vacation — until this thing is or toll the committee where it can take it. of the national aport. There were reports that the " that on an Issue auch as this, two Warrantee Deeds Thousands stood outside the GRAPES u. 21c From Titna Homestead Farma In Waab* members of the Board of Directors08 "one of the long series of settled." reach Peters to serve him with a Farm Lanclr, Exchange corpora­ T private session would be heated BRUSH CREEK i n Ington, Conn. Farm fresh—direct to yon. orders deliberately designed to un­ subpoena. cathedral In rain as the Babe’s up by a discussion of recent mi­ SWEET. LUSCIOUS CALIFORNIA. LARGE SIZE veiled their decisions in this mat­ tion to Alexander Jarvis, proper­ body was borne from the cathedral S i^ l size. ter by neglecting to vote. I think dermine the authority of the city The committee has been seek­ ty a t Center and Adams streets. Greenback Shower grations of members from the POTATOES 10>*49 government for political motives." ing Peters to testify for months. between lines of honorary pall­ CIO’s left wing (anti-Marshall Treamo both Mayor England, and certain­ Alexander Jan-ls to Greenbrooke bearers headed by (Jovemor Dew FREESTONE ^ CANTALOUPES 33c ly Director Bailey, should have The body was .set up by tbe Teacher Seeu Deportation charges are pending Homes Incorporated, property at plan, pro-Henry Wallace) unions >I.\RGARINE...... lb. carton 35c Allies under a four-power ndnilnls- against him and he is under $5,- For Miss Moriarty ey. to such right-wing unions as the NEW NATIVE had enough ol a conviction in this Jensen and Parker streets. His funeral cortege moved slow­ round Carton matter to have been cuunted,” La tration. The Russian move ap­ Better Today 000 bail. (jreenbrooke Homes Incorporat­ Auto Workers. peared to parallel their action in Chambers has testified tliat to ly away for Interment of his body PEACHES 49*' Lbe. PURE LARD ...... 23c Bello said. ed, to William S. Wendllng et al, Miss Helen M. Moriarty of Coop­ in a receiving vault in Gate of ONIONS 3 10c Attacks Policy forcing a split recently In the the, best of his knowledge Peters East Haddam Widow Dies (Continued from Page One) headed the pre-war Communist property .at .lenscn and Parker er Hlli atrcf.t, whose engagement Heaven cemetery, Mount Pleasant, VEGEMATO am NEW NATIVE Glass Jar. Phoenix Brand • He also sharply attacked "the city's Central'food administration streets. to' Elden E. Marks was announced CHEESE SPREADS...... 19c continuance of the policy of the by moving their own Communist underground for the entire United Quitclaim Deeds N* ’«■. - ^ . East Haddam, Aug. 19 — — OPEN FRIDAY AMPLE FREE transfusions She was placed un- i States. this month, was honored with a Acting Police Commissioner Mrs. Hattie C. Emmons, 01, wid­ CABBAGE u. 3c Kraft’s VeU-eeta Board of Directors to Uet George .'•tpff Into the offices which are lo- Manchester corporation to Farm greenback shiwer at the home of Thomas F. Mulligan said that do It.’ ” l In the Ru.s.")lan sector of the der the oxygen tent yesterday. The president flatly accused the Lands Exchange corporation, prop­ ow- of a former postmaster here, VEGETABLE CHEESE ...... 2 lb. loaf 99c Her physician. Dr. Grant Pen- House UnAmerican Activities her aunt, M*-s Lawrencp Freihelt 75,000 persons were crowded in the died today at Middlesex hospital, U. 8. N a 1 EVENING PARKING The general manager, by resoiu- i city. erty at Center and Adams streets. of 29 Weatv.ood street. area between 46th and 56th streets Fresh Shipment, Philadelphia * tlon of the Board, was empowered .le coal director, a Herr Mueck- noycr, telephoned to Soviet Con­ comnuttee of infringing the bill Muriel I. Palmer and Leona P. Middletown, from injuries she re- enberger, was charged with "Inac­ sul General ')Takov M. Lomakin of rights in Its inquiry into al­ The party was held In the recre-, and Madison avenue and Avenue COCKTAIL POTATOES 10 u. 35c CREAM CHEESE . . . .3 oz. pkf. 18e to advise Griswold of the Board’s : Nevers to Eleanor T. Kuetan, prop­ atlon room which was tastefully of the Americas »t the time of the cefired August 10 in a fall her TIIX 9 P. M. ACCOMMODATIONS if Intention to fl-.e him.- tivity and disorganization tactics" last night and offered to have him leged Communism within the gov­ home. by *he Russians and' ordered to name a surgeon for consultation ernment. erty on Oakland street. decorated '^•lth 'pink, yellow and service. C “I believe,” LaBelle stUd, "that Eleanor T. Kuehn to Muriel I. blue. Mies Moriarty was seated turn his post over to a Herr Neii- with Pennoyer and other hospital He' said the only two people Palmer and Leona P. Nevers New Fancy, 8 ^ oz. Tin 2 under the clear provisions of the berger within 24 hours. doctors^ whose names have been brought under Is pink umbrella. About thir­ 8 charter, the signature of the gen- propetry on Oakland street. ty guest* attended from Manches­ The British said the order was Lomakin received the sugges­ into the inquiry as suspected Com­ BUI of Sale Cj eral manager on a notice of thla “pemlcloui” and without legal munists already were under In- ter, Rockvt'-le and Hanford. They LOBSTER nature Is df no effect, and that it tion courteously. Dr. Pennoyer Ernest Kenney as Dun-Rite enjoyed a mock wedding ceremony I basis and added they could not said, declared he was anxious to deiinite leave before the hearing Coat Apron and Towel Supply to ^ SWAN hf § must be signed by the secretary "recognize this order nor any simi­ started.* and a dellclnus buffet lunch served AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Ig. pkg* 2< of the Board of Directors,” confer personally with Dr. Pen­ George Willai^d as Manchester by the hostess. The centerpiece 59c GRAPENUT FLAKES 1 9 - lar order which violate.s the consti­ noyer and agreed “to a . meeting Win Not Get Confidential Files Coat Apron arid Towel Supply, POWER ROLLED ^ White Floating Soap ^ "This Board of Directors has tutional rights qt the people of today. Mr. Truman said there-Is a dlf- was a wedcl.ng cake surmounted % not been function! n*r,” LaBelle Berlin.” I routes in Glaetonliury. East Hamp­ by a mlnlatqre bride and bride* Orders taken now! SpeclsIizlnR In parking ireas snd Sweet Life p e t e r PAN ^ claime2 2 9 i tlgatlve functions far too much. It tire city with food and fuel and congressional. committees. elsct; Mre- V’l'liam Gee and Mrs. Pt. Jar 4 5 c The consul general, who con­ Hospital ^iotes Edward Strauzs, all of Manches­ B has saddled the general manager warning ol the “Inter catsatrophe” tends'Mrs. Kosenklna’i leap was "nie president's reference was to DeMbio Brothers H with '‘ohs which are no part of his facing the city. a suicide sttempt, had complained efforts of Senator Ferguson (R., ter. Beechnut Strained j | exs-Mtlve Dosition. It is time that - The Amerlcanrllcensed news­ Mich.) and other O. O. P. lesders Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Clara ' Paving Contractors Since 1921 that the police guarding her nt Bileu. 208 ' Woodbridge street r ^ - SWIFT’S the Board, as a whole, received paper Der Abend declared that the hospital had hr d consulate to obtain confidential flies of gov­ Call Manchester 7691 Anytime some Instruction In Its duties and Berliners "will not sell their free- officials from seeing her. ernment employes suspected or un­ Dorothy Watrous. 79 Keeney | P i f e i n e i l U e C l d e BABY > , It- ne-otatives,” LaB-lIe conclud- d.m for coal.” der investigation for alleged dis- strest; Donald Murray, 683 Ver­ tSALE certo ■ The police have quoted the 1 rogulor sizo only i- ed. Matshal 'Vassily D. Sokolovsky. Invaltv. Mr. Truman haa dli’ect^d non street: Mrs. Ruth Britton, 15 Russian commander In Germahy. teacher a.s saying she jumped to Laurel street; Mrs. Catherine To Hold Carnival escape from the consulate, and executive departments to withhold FOOD Veterans Group ’ offered yesterday to supply 60,000 such records from the committees. Louff, 9 Avon street. with largo of 3 5 c tons of coal to western Berliners that she was afraid to see Soviet Mr.' Truman made his comment Admitted tod.-«y: Mrs. Mary as "their first winter installment.” representatives. ' The member* of the Manchester CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS usuol prico Jars To Offer Bill \' hen ' a reporter asked whether i Slemienski. Center street: Fire Department, In order to raise 3 28c V^e carry a complete lipe of canning supplies CoL Frank L. Howley, American there has been any change In his , Jacob Rogowski. 3 6 -Adams street; money for additional equipment ebnunander in Berlin, branded the Greek Strike EnUx disnute with Fernison. chairman John Janlclw. ” street: John POWER CLEANED offer a “propaganda distribution.” Fogarty. 123 Pine street; Mr*. for the men of the department, has Hartfoi-d, Aus. 19 — Ut) The Athens, Aug. 19— (4M — The of a Senate investigatloA'commit­ decided to hold a dimlval. After moderately priced "r’>'''ans Hounng Ommcil, flght- tee. Mary Conlln. 19 Welcome place. In Mum In-stcr •mti i u tmt> SPRY Rita Hayworth In Rpain Greek communications strike end­ Discharged yesterday: Miss checking with the PoUc* Depart­ b 'Jslnf relief for former ed today. Postal^ telegraph and The ro^essarv records. Mr. Tni- ment, thev were able to secure the ,1. will Introduce Its own m"*! sstd, e>'v'” *s have been svatl- Frances Green. 191 McKee street: services of a carnival w’hlch will l)in \\ 1 1.1.S A M ) Sl I’ I K' 1' VNh" IN"! M 1 I I' for... 40e . for solution of tha shortage Ixmdon, AUg. 19— OP) — The telephone., eervlce had been para- hbl". Helen Greenwood. RFD Manches­ 1 Lb. Tin 41c Iyt<^ two and a half days by the ter; Ghry Newman, 57 Turnbull conform with police regulations In O IT YOURS WHILI irin.q the epeclal seeeion of me Madrid radio said today Film Star It was learred from another Manchester. . - - -glslsture Monday. Rita Hayworth has ^ n 1. Spain walkout for higher wage*. Only .source that Whittaker Chambers road; Mrs. Frances Holton and The carnival has been booked for McKinney b r o s . WHILE SUPPLY USTS 3 Lb. Tin $117 THI SUPPLY LASTS! This wu disclosed today by for I. two-day visit, in* broadcast military, diplomatic and press has not been S witness before s son. 468 Main street. a week’s show'tng from August 20 C arnation M ilk cans - said she was accompanied on her messages had been handled. The Discharged today: M'-*- Nettle si;\s u.i; i'isi‘' > > *“ 2 2 2 Harry 8. Hovroyd, apokssman for ' ’•'deral grand jurv In New. York through August 25. -The only lot union decided to end the strike (tmes. 91 T.*nox street: Robert the OouncU, which has-been in arrival by handsome Aly Khan 37- '•It” Ir.vestlgat'ng esoinnsTe. Chem- nva,ilahle was the Jiirvla lot on ■ i:!!*) i*rarl St. T«’l* Main lu-lt r tlM forefront of the summer-long year-old sportsman aon of the when the government promised ’'"is ■ has acknowledred to the Ellison. 107 Hemlock street; Center street and this haa been agiutlon for a special session call­ Aga Khan. She left- today for Lis* Immediate action 6n their wage Houfe committee that he Was a Charles Lvnn. Summit street: secured. ed by Govesneir Sbaanoa. ben, the hreadeaat said. demands. Communist from. 1934-1937 and Truman Hills. Wannins. ■A

V* 1 J- 1 !

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 194S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1948 ?AGE TEM ed. "with the DemocreUc' party tract with the company expires pointment of Gilbert B. Stevene eg Sept. 1. Wilton as manager of the Melton ceiving letters from people who those which do not meet the spoct- to read it no matter what he might Warning Is Given at tha balm. Royal Workers < / mated at about $2500.. Harlow wa.s ficationa laid down by law. have been told by the solicitor.” WTIU—KMS "If we wage a eoiutnictive cam­ The ,UAW said that if elected, museum, where half of Jamas Antco, arrested early Wednesday. claim they signed, petitions for the paign, not ona of ▼iUlflcation.... it would seek a new cantract. with Melton’s collectloa ot anttqne eo- Advises Look Wallace party without knowing "The b«it ! hing for people to Uo ..... ^ WORO-.t$60 Today's Radio On Complacency To Vote Sept. 2 R o c k ^ e To Oo To seal Harbor In this and every other case where Of about 205 apeclit, and varie­ we can unify thia nation aa it has "Bubatantial wags lacreaaea.” tomebGes Is now ea display, waa Dr. George S. Brookes of Rock­ what were tliey doing. She says she not been unified In many years.” f.iiir.t.i t has 300 such letters to date, some of their signature Is solicited," says ties of snakes in the United States Baatara DaylIgM Ttnw annonnead today. Meltoit opars' ville will go to Seal Harbor. Maine At Petitions Mrs. RMick, "Is to read and ;m- less than 15 per cent can be con­ Springfleld, ni.. Aug. 19—OP)— Hartford, Aug. 19— Production Named Mueeum Manager and radio singer, said Steveoa will in September where he will parti­ the signers c. aiming they were told they were endorsing petitions deratand what the petition is for sidered dangerous to man. American (.oal Company Is lUlnois RepubUcens poured Into workers at the ROyal Typewriter Norwalk, Aug. 18—(F)—The ap­ be tn charge of tbs staff. Judging cipate in a celebration at a former for such tilings as world peace, ■ "K the peiltion circulated con­ 4:00— < 16:00— the nilnois 8Ute Fair grandstand LoUypop Leads factory here win decide on Sept. m m pastorate there. ' ’The Columbia public swimming pools and the tains the prit.ted heading approved WDRC—Hint Hunt; Nawa. WDRC—James HUton. today to hear Governor Eerl WaT- Congregational church where Dr. 300 Inform Mr«. Re«l- 4 ren of California and their state 2 whether they want to be repre­ by this offic4 then the responsi­ w a x ; —Hartford Polloe Speak; WONS—Family Theater. School Is Held Brookes is Interim pastor, will be like. ticket leaders spur them on. In To Stuck Head sented In coUective bargaining by ick Wallmr Papers Must Carry Names on Each Page bility for signing it rests on the 1290 Club. WTHT—SporU Show. Attention MerchmOt! PiekVp and Sate BROIL6RS AMD closed September 12 and 19 during kignee and he cannot successfully FOR BABY NEEDS WONS—Juke Box. WTIC—Bob Hawk Show. their campaign for November vie* ^the CIO United Automobile Work- Dr. Brookes' absence. Signed Gtrelessly The secreUvry of the state eaid claim misrepresentation if he falls tory. Coarse Conducted in that Wallac.2 party petitions, like WTHT—Ljaten to Thle. 10:80— BerUfr in Chicago, Governor BostoBf Aug. 19.—(S’)—For a era. Hie date for a NLRB cerU- WTIO—BackeUg* Wife. WDRC—Doorway to Life. Warren said "through complacency wbUe Ufe looked sweeter on the flcatlon alection was set at a con­ Manchester ROASTBRS Hartford, Aug. - f/D-Look those for other parties seeking Rockville to Prepare 19 places on the ballot, must carry 4:15— WONS—Ray Henrya Orcheatra and over>confldence’‘ Republicana other aide ot the fence to rix'-year- ference here yesterday. The 8.000 before you sign! WKNB — Newa; 840 Requeat WTHT—American Sports P«c«. Divorce Lcgali|y the name of the party and the can loae the November elecUona. oM Genevieve Dominic. workers wiU vote either for or ISor Contests That, In a nutshell, is Secretary names of trie candidates clearly Matinee. w n C —Fred Waring. The governor said that av'en the against the UAW, Tobacco and Candy Co. of the State Frances B. Redick’s WTIO—SteUa Dallaa. . 1 1 :00— campel^ In his home state "is not So she stuck her head between Before Court printed .at the top of each page. INSURE the iron bars of e playground The CIO United Electrical Rockville, Aug. 19—(Special)— advice tp voters being, asked these 4:80— WDRC—Newa on aU sUtions. a foregone'tonclusion as many peo­ days to^liign petitions. She said she intended to check tVItti WDRC—Music off tha Record. fence yeeUrday to get a lollipop Workers union, which now repre- Whofesafe A County-wide 4-H Judging and petition filed with her, and reject 11:15— ple think." Tie sp^e at a dinner kenta the workers, waa excluded Miami. Fla., Aug. 19.—(/Pi- Right now, Mrs. Rrdlek is re­ MrKINNEY RROI'HERS WCCC—Newa; 1290 Club. WDRC—Dance Orchestra. given for him by the RepubUcan offered bar by an admirer on the Demonstration school was held at Nancy Oakes dc Marigny, helrc.aa WTHT—Bandatand; Newa and atixen’s Finance committee of outside. from the ballot because Its officers Real Batalc aad Inaiirance WONS— Musical Scoreboard; have refuied to sign the nou-Com- 22 Bitch St; . Tel. 5813 the Vernon 4-H Alumni Club last to one ot the world's largest for­ Weather. Newa. Bllnoie. Genevieve got her loIUpop—and H. A BRINK 905 MAIN ST. TBL COSO munist affidavits raqulred for Patronize Year Local Merciuuite evening to prepare 4-H Club mem­ tunes, wants the courts to deter­ WTIC—Lorenzo Jones. WTHT—Blue Room. V unity, he stresaed, la the need keked it. too—while two .firemen mem Am «e p | l pried the pickets apart with a NLRB certification under the Cloeod Satardoys Daring Joly and Aogost bers for the Judging and demon­ mine If her husband, Alfred de 4:46- W n c —Songs by Morton Dox(- of America today. "Tlicre can be V 8 P.II. unity in this country,” he assert­ crowbar to aet her free. Taft-Hartley acC The UEa con­ stration contests to be held Satur­ Marigny, wa.a legally divorced WON8 —Two-Ton Baker. ney. from his first wife. WTI(>-Young Widder Brown. 11:80— day, September 4, at the Tolland Mrs. de Marigny, daughter of 5:00— a WDRC—Symphony Hell'. County 4-H Fair. , the late Sir Harry Oakes of Nas­ WANTED WDRC—Treasury Bandatand. WTIC—Dance Orchestra. The following specialists and ex­ sau. Bahamas, yesterday hied suit WCCC—Junior Dlac Jockey. 18:00— tension agents were present last asking the Dade (Miami) county CARRA'S Secretary for our office. WKNB — Newa; 540 Requeat WONS—Dane# Orcheatra. evening to give assistance: Cloth­ Circuit court to decide If de Knowledge of typing, short­ Matinee. w n c —News; Muaicana. ing. Miss Katherine Tingley; Can­ Mnrlgnv’s divorce from Lucie hand, bmkkeeping neces­ Try Weldon‘6 First WON8—Sports. Frequency Modnlattea ning. Miss Janina Csajkowski; Alice C'ahcn of Paris, France, was sary. Thirty-eight hour WTHT—Bandstand. WDRC—FM 46Aj 88.7 MC. Long Is. LB Foods. Miss Cora Webb; Vegeta­ legal. Super Market WTK3—When a Olrl Marries. WKNB—FM 108.7 MC. bles. Randolph Whaplcs. Henry Sir Harry was murdered In 194.’) week. 5:15— WTHT—FM 106.7: MC. U.S.No.1 I bag! Sefton, Harrison Hamilton. The in Nas.saii and the ca.se waa never OPEN AIJ- DAY WEDNESDAY WCCC—Music Loft. POTATOES McKINNEY WTIO—FM 454 MC; 864 MC. program opened with a number of solved. De Marigny, a British sub­ WONS—Superman. hbmetnaking and agricultural 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPEN THURSDAY BROTHERS. loc. (X M d orC b WDRC—FM. ject and now a resident of the W n C —PorUa Faces Ufe. Seme as WDRC. LB demonstrations following which Dominican republic, wa-s tried and NIGHTS UNTIL 9. PHONE 6920. AMPLE PARKING INQUIRE Prescription Pharmacy 5:80— the group separated into four de­ REAI.TOR8 INSI'RORH WKNB—FM. NATIVE YELLOW I BAG I acquitted on a charge of slaying IN REAR OF STORE FOR CUSTOMERS. A PAVED WDRC—Old Retard Shop. 5:00—Evening Centinel. ONIONS partments for Judging work in the wealthy Britisher. Tel. 5280 Or 7482 901 Main St. Tel. 5.T2I WCCC—Headllnea; Tunes for clothing, canning, foods and vege­ PARKING YARD WITH ACCESS FROM SOUTH MAIN 505 Main St., Manchester, Conn. 7:00—News; Muaic as You LJke In her s>iit, Mrs. de Marigny ToU. It. CALIF. ILGE. table selection. Following the in­ said she had reason to believe that ST. AND CHARTER OAK ST. struction. there were short trial WONS—Adventure Parade. 7:80—AU Star Dance Parade. neither de Marigny nor hl.s first WTHT—Sky King. 7:45—Battle of the Baritones. ICEBERG iHDSi Judging contests for practice in th wife were U. S. citlsens nor legal LEHUCE 'WnO-Juat PUin BiU. 8:00—News; Jen Gerber. four separate divisions. The Ver­ residents of Dade county when NA’nVK non Alumni Club members furnish­ 5:45— 8:30—Rendesvoua with Music. ed samples of canning, foods and the decree was granted In 1937. ROASTING CHICKENS 69c WDKC—Lum and Abner. 9:00—Newa; Concert Hour. clothing; the vegetables were fur­ Decision of the local court WONS—Tom Mix. - ^ WTHT—FM would have bearing on annulment NA’nV E CALIFORNIA nished from the Experimental WTIC—Front Page Farrell. Same as WTHT except 6:40 ORANGES proceedings pending against de Farm in Coventry and supplement­ M ILK FED FOWL 6 :00— 7:80 p. m., Concert Hour, ed by vegetables from the Vernon Marigny In the New York Su­ QUALITY FOODSTUFFS WDR(3—Newa. ELBERTA preme court, her suit said. w n c —FM. 4-H Club gardens . a WeXX;—Sports. Seme aa w m c. BROILERS AND FRYERS WKNB—Newa; Sports. FREESTONE LBS laspectlon Tonight TENDER Televlalox PEACHES All roasters to be entered in the WTHT—Songs at Six; Ball WNHO—TV. Coaster Derby on Saturday, must AT SAVING PRICES! Scores. P. M. V E A L R O A S T w n C —News. be at the Recreation Field this COMBINATION 6:00—Teletunee; Program Raau evening at 6:30 o’clock for inspec­ 6:15— ms. NATIVE LBS tion. Each car will be inspected WDRC—HeadUnere Club. 8:00—SmaU Fry Club. CABBAGE for mechanical defects and those M E A T L O A F CHECK THESE VALVES! . WCCC—News. nVOAR CVRED 8:80—Rues Hodges’ Scoreboard. Weetem GroveMtain cars that are in good condition will WKNB—Show Tunes. 6:45—Film Shorts. be locked up until the Derby on WONS—Let’s Go to the Games; LK 7:00—Birthday Party. Ap^ot 2 te> S3* Saturday. In case mechanical re­ D A IS Y H A M Joe McCarthy. Snow Crop pairs can be made Thursday night FANCT SLICED FOR FINE T:S0—Camera Headllnea. Native _ WTIC—Strictly Sports; Weath­ 7:45—Jack Eigen Show. ** w 458 they will be carried out, otherwise er. RftU ~2BeHs1S* Strawtarrltt res the Judges will Instruct the boys BACON SQUARES Lb. 59c 8:00—Champafne and Orchids. 6:80— 8:15—Film Shorts. Suntweet Birdseye Ceneentrated on the changes to be made and FOODS WDRC—Record Album. time will be allowed to make re- 8:30—Charade Quix. P im e t O m f i J i l e t •cSi 2V WCCC—Concert Hour. 9:00—Wrestling, Jamaica Arena, pain. Judges will select the three Special WKNB—Melodies for Evtning. Wrapped Peppermint Stick best coasters, mechanically and FOSTER’S 84 OAKLAND STREET DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 7386 WONS—Answer Man. Old also for the most attractive coast­ WTHT—Sereno Gammell; Camp Mixed F rift ^.L*o33« lo i C r t a a riNT PRO ers. Tonight the boys will also re- Edwards Newa. catve instructions in regard to the SH O RT A N D W n C —Emil Cote Glee Oub. LIQUOR trip to Stafford Springs Friday r i A f V I d COOKED, LEAN, SHANK ENDS LB. 6:45— n i^ t when the boys will be guests SIRLOIN STEAKS is 95c WDRC—Lowell Tkomae. STORfS WONS— Ranbow Rendezvous. of Clarence Benton at the Midget "NT Auto races. 'WTHT—Caatlea In the Air. • ANN PAM VMUtt Q Nate Of Appreciation j BACO N SLICED. LEAN, RINDLESS LB. W n C —Three Star Extra. WINE aed LIQUOR VALUES AT The Rockville Copter of the Full Assortment Of Choice Steaks, 1 :00— Ass Page OardBe ReHtli w m j AAPPEAS •a.’ 2 3 * American Red Cross wishes to WDRC;—Robert Q. Lewis. YOUR NEARIY AAR STORE Asa Ps|6 CMar VhMfsr m is * M u i publicly expreas its appreclaUon Roasts and Chops Cut To Order WKNB — Newa; Man About Ase Pees Ortead MeBtsrd etzuelO* RELIABLE PEAS 2 ^ ’S f SMOKED. LEAN LB. Town. to Jack’s at Crystal Lake lor the SHOULDERS Nectar 0 raa| 8 Psfcaa Tee w is m iSI* N a 2 « K e many courteslea shown during the WONS—Fulton LewU, Jr. FOR A COOLING REFRESHIN6 Ann Page—Tart-SwestI Creomy-Smoelhl IONA PEAS 3CAMS 0 8 ^ six weeks that the Red Cross righuy don’t WTHT—News. laaa haHatiaa Vaallla Extract • « eei 12* th»M** own •‘W* w n C —Supper Club. DRINK TRY^A TQM COlUNS... SALAD DRESSING ’JS 35> swimming Instructions were held S U G A R 5 Lbs. 41 at the lake. During this period the FRANKFURTS FINE QUALITY LB. -Mb— - - ^ 2 3 * entire swimming faciUties were SOUTHERN SEAS WONS—Tello-Tast. Whltehouie Choice of: Lunchaen Maot MoearoiU end rheaat. ORANGE JUICE WTHT—ChUdren’s Hour. S lfO L furnished free of charge to the GRATED TUNA 37 Evop. M ilk Pidcla crad Pimanto, Pappar Loof, Luxury Lecd, Hoxa* mamberp of the swimming classes, WTIC—News. 3LT,45‘ burg Loaf. SWEET MIXED PICKLES”;^ 25* and the employes were moat coun- HUNT’S COLDCUTS FINE ASSORTED LB. 7*S0**» * POLO CLUB eiN taoua at all times not only to the BARTLETT PEARS 39 WDRC—aub Fifteen. S9PR(XX E O E STH A M{k members of the classes but also to WCXX3—Newa Sundown Sere HALFGAL. O .e fO B01 Crisyt Seaar Wafers COLO CUTS ASSORTED SLICED LB i STUFFED OLIVES MANZANKLA ^ JmS * 27^ all others connected with the class­ SKIPPY nade. 4«PKtf(* er tliNCCD es. The Rockville Chapter regrets BOILED H A M LEAN Vt LB. WONS—News. CrIsM BrUha CaaklsB > IS w net SO* Livorwirtt ruoKto IB 63^ B ilogM ham is 09^ that due to the recommendation of PEANUT BUTTER WTHT—Music by Maupln. Iriflit Sail Saag Oraias Mwm lO* wx MAReARINEswEET^.^N'^^^o^P^^^ LADY LUCIA FANCY WTKJ-Muslc. ROBIN HOOD GIN Saaayflsld Wheat Pvfft Health Officer Dr. John E. Flah­ 901200 E c m -4«ciClinu7* JofL " TUsutU.! erty of the town of Ellington, it 7:85— halfcal O . o V Saeayflald Rica Path • ez eiLie ms It* TOMATO PASTE juicy sweet FOR WKNB—Itllsn Hour. ^7 2.59 A&P APPLESAUCE 2 ^ ^ 2 T was necessary to move the classes tto e e 2 DOZ, ORANGES , Saaayflsld Rka Peffs 4',Y « Clue m 10 * Fancy Milk-Fad— S to 6 Iba. from the lake for the final three PREMIER 7:45— alAsrae PURE VEGETABLE LI 4 A b 3 Li 4 4 A > weeks, due to circumstances aris­ WDRC—Edward R. Murrow. Wsrniwira Oeie Drags uewtS* 3 CROWN BIN Wsrthmere Sglcs D r ^ 0 6 X 0 SHORTENING CAN 0 9 CAN la lU ing in another section of the lake {or you- TOMATO KETCHUP WONS—Inside of Sporta. It eex 25* LARGE FOWL udS* front. The Chapter is most grate­ BLUEBERRIES FANCY QT. FOR WTIC—(Chester Bowles. 90F2OO( WsrHnaare Baked Bent It net 20* HALFGAL 5.00 2.50 Heavy Com-Fad Staar Beef ful to Jack’s for their cooperation W (XX?—Troplcans. SP A G H E H I mPAMD^ 2 'cAPfi^ 25* at idl times. ’ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 6 :(M^ BSy Questioned PECK WDRC—Dr. StandlBh, Medical SEAGRAM ANCIENT STEAKS POITM M eUSI er SilLOIN LB 9 9 ’ Lawrence Harlow, 18, son of POTATOES NO. 1 QUALITY Examiner. A GOLDEN MELLOW STH A WA 'V U ffi. PREM & TREET NEW LOW PRia ' can 45* Walter Harlow of Tolland con­ A P P L E S 2 t... 23c WCCC—Music Box; Headlines. CIN-90P2OOE lOT w .w e l Boned and Rolled If Desired fessed to setting fire to his father’s WONS—Talent Jackpot. "DATED" DAILY bam near C r y i^ Springs on the POTATOES 10 u,. 47c WTHT—Front Page. p JuuL Q ualtii^ dkuMif. ^Hodk. Crystal Lake road on Tuesday. He LBS. FANCY YELLOW PEACHES WTIC—Armed Services Review, P o t l d a i l A . m PLAIN, SUGARED LAM B FORES was committed to Norwich for ob­ 8:80— o» COMBINATION Lean Sugar Cured servation, it was reported at the DAIRY DEPT. OFFERS IN CHEESES—SWISS, WDRC—Mr. Keen, TYacer of WAYNE SMOKEY ROLL I^AO* Stafford Springs barracks df the CAMEMBERT. LIEDERKRANTZ. GORGONZOLA, Lost Persons. AUSTIN-NICHOLS QTS. FANCY L IM A BEANS MARTIN) LB I State Police. ’Two horses, valued at rum> nobiim coiFoiAnoN SNAPPY AND ALL DOMESTIC CHEESES. • WONS—Better Half. MANHAHAN .^^T 2.75 SMOKED PICNICS SWISS CHEESE 75e about $450 and a quantity of hay Wsw li'samlili, N. J. j______WTHT—Criminal Casebook. DOZ Heavy Steer Beef—Block Style were destroyed with the loss esti­ WTK?—New Faces. LARGE JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 8:55— , d i h a n /i u . MUENSTER CHEESE 1 . 6 3 ' WONS—Billy Rose; Pitching Jaae Parker Saldea leaf— u « c4n 2 S* CHUCK ROAST Horseshoea. Jaae Parker Petate Ckigt tezi m 2 S* DAISY-WHITE Sunnyfield:—Sugar Cured 8 :00— COAST TO COAST Markle Peaad Coke i* n cA«e 3 5 * MILO CHEESE ANDCCXOREO .6 5 * LARGE SUNKIST LEMONS WDRC—Suspense. CAUFORNU MtANDY Diaaer Bells Kterrie* i CNEESE-WHITE WONS—Gabriel Heatter. 6 YEARSOIO STH A A A Casklaa ASMNTn YARiniu m oru 2 9 * SLICED BACON . WTHT—Child’s World. 84 PROOF BOT 0 . 0 9 HELD CHEDDAR AND CaOREO uGT* WTIC—Music Hall. Freshly Ground Patterson's MarketYOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER! NATIVE 8:15— 101 CENTER STREET CUCUMBERS GNATEAO IMPfRIAL SARDO CHEESE ARGENTINE u 5 4 ‘ WONS—News. TTaver-Teited LB I LEAN FRESHLY GROUND’ IMPORTED MANOY ^ LEAN HAMBURG LEAN, SHORT SHANK, 4-6 LB. AVO., SMOKED 9:80— Oer Ow n Ton lo g s FK3DFII 40° WDRC—Crime Photographer, SYEAR^OLO STH A J A Heavy Steer Mildly Cured—Boneless MEL-O-BIT SLICED COL PIAAENTO LI. LBS. NATIVE TOMATOES WONS—Revere AU-Star Re 84 PROOF 801 0 . 4 9 SHOULDERS u 55c HAMBURG Lh. 69c view; News. FANCY BONELESS CHUCK FANCY 6 '/j AVO. . WTHT—Guy Lombardo. • CAMurn slipnm % FANCY BRISKET LB WTIC—Ray Noble. Huntd. Skinless J a m d u A . JifL y ie u M ^ f ' Lb. 5 5 c DOZ. LARGE SWEET PLUMS Meal Jars mtet73* msezIS* CORNED BEEF tb 89c FOWL 1 RtasaaJars meats* meerTT* SPERRY and BARNES SLICED LAND^’O-LAKES ZONGA RUM WHIlEoiCaD STH A fiA FRANKFORTS LB< 86 PRO(DF BOT 0 . 4 9 • A-PfNN PtODKri • LR SWEET SEEDLESS BACON u65c BUTTER Lb. 85c 1 GRAPES IMPORnO FROM WEST INDIES A-Psee Mater Oil isimwuta 1JZ3 m m Sensational New A-Paaa Fleer Wax p^ eee 27* ir e*a 40* i FANCY D«P SEA mm Grocery Department Produce Department WRIGHT'S RUM A-Paaa FaniHere Pelisb ciDAteeuaoe a«21* ^ fitdutsd.1 LBS. FANCY ONIONS A-Psaa Ply Sgray evMTcu2W HtMoefcFilletoi.3l« Radio Quiz Show PROOF 2.69 FRESH CAPE NATIVE TOMATOES 2 Mmi. SU NNYFltLO CUDAHY'S TANG Tin 4 3 c Maxwell House YOU NEVER TASTED ANYTHING BETTER Maekerel LM1S« -4 .' CAUFORKIA ICEBBBO 3 Lb. C an s (OhisJuiiiL, FRESH SLICED GRAPENUT FLAKES I.get. Kox 1 9 c LETTUCE ^7 Ilrade * Swtrifish uB9* u 40« COFFEE C A N T A LO U PES Eacb39c STRATHMORE rCTKR PAN SEEDI.ESS W’BIYE CRISCO Largest size we ever sold— ^Weigh 5 to 7 lbs. each CwlFHIeU PAHCV mma PEANUT BUTTER Jnr ' 2 9 c GRAPES Ml CLUB sKtNLCf« LM III lA 49c Franco-American Spaghetti HitTnb BLENDED WHISKEY 6IH A A A u 3 l* lAC A4P com x Bottle 2 T C ^ LEMONS 6 For $1.15 86 PROOF lOT Z . U 9 AA* CERTP OB VYhiSim . *li>i araduei a>. 6 v..ti eoz. Every Toes. 9:30 P. Hd. WDRC GREEN VALLEY NEW ENGLAND STYLE lih y Feeds ceeme 2 ^ 2 1 * SUNSHINE D A IS Y H A M RED KIDNEY o« PE* 2 15.S'45' We Win Have . Lg. Box 33c BOURBON .VHI6KEY 8TH A 4 A KRISPY CRACKERS Lb. Bakery Treats irs FUNI 90 4 PROOF BOT 0 . 1 9 Lb. A BLEND OF STRAIGHT WHIjRIU SWAN SOAP , 3 Med. Bars f r y e r s 89c ALL OUR 29e—33c—39c IT’S IXCITINOI NA110N WIDE. OlOUND TO ORDER GERMAN RYE ...... loaf 18c , iT'SJNTIRTAININGI KE COLD lEEK AND ALE laroi uwuiUB Mwmif* OLIVER T W IS T ...... 3 for 20c Oar Reg. 19e 1 Lb. Jars AU-Purpete, Granuloted Seap Lathers Freely'and laraas Mwuma sw cm H* BeeWee COFFEE Lb. JA M S 4 89c ■ROUOH7 TO YOU 8T With Fees Cloth FOWL ON HAND AT A U TIMES Feciel Ttnee HUNT’S HALVRS OR SLICED, HEAVY SYRUP LAYER CAKE ...... each 150c . . i . * Rinse uM im 34* SUver'Dett u k ip «i 3S lex Teilet Seee J C4M1 M i Cleanser PEAS ' Roasting BEECHNUT STRAINED * oidDeteb ceill* CUPCAKES ...... , . dozen .SOc ■ .A PEACHES Lgst. Tin ROY MOTORS, INC 72S Mfdn St, -i. SILVER LANE APPLE SQUARES...... ,6 ifor .3.'5c (Fnrmerlv Depot Square Garage) ; \ CHICKENS No. 2 Cans 49c B A B Y FOODS DOZ^ $ 1 a 0 0 Manchester SWEET RELISH POPPY SEED ROLLS...... dozen* 2.'5c MSOrartH4MOIin^^ Pt. Jar _W. AU erisee euBJeet te tnerket «haaeM end. effeeUve et eU AAP e.twwqetw.e Be * 4 . < ; i 't ■ • 'l-J - > > • .

; ? >:!■. I V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1948 PAGE THTRTBlMfi^t;:)^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 ^AGE tWELVE threa Philadelphia P»te whip the A’e, 10-2. •»<> WlUUme Red Gavello th'KS'tt” »■ Aviation Day Dem Dodgers and BlnUa Tebbetts paced the Red Mayhcw Again THE Sox stuck with three hlU apiece. BA’s Blank Nassiffs, 8-0; Italians Nip Indies, 3-M By Vic Raschi earned hie eaeieet Tops Hitter Tu».! Little Known Team to Beat victory of the seaaon when the Seeking Seat dav morning to drive to Bar Har . * Earl W, New York Yankees defeated the -1 HERALD Waahington Senators, 4-1, in a hor. Me., where ehe will visit her | Italian Fielder Boasts Flood Allows Four Hits Ed Mdradd Ptedrat U’ b niece, Mrs. Herman Woodw^or^ B i r i l , o f Yo$t New Pitching^ Strength game called at the end of the fifth Firemen Blame PoUce Ruth Funeral because of rein. It was Raachi’a Big Ed Walsh Guest Steady Practice Diet Back Into Second Spot Socialists Select Candi- Mrs. Woodworth, the former Beii> Sports Bditor .485 Average; Fraitny At Oval; May Homers For Recent False Alarm Fallor, is well known here through First ANGLE Makes Brooks'Tough; 16th triumph. ^ Orville ^ right, The Chicago White Sox-Detroit PhUlips Second, .410 In Third ; Olbert Wild, This Morning In Standings; Indieor date for Fourth Con­ h ff \1sits during her days at Con- Trail Bv One G^lne Tigers game waa postponed be­ South End firemen were necUcut Colletre. She is now con­ Man to Flv * ♦ called to an alarm turned In Of Police, Firemen North Enib * Tonif^ gressional District Spirit Keynote te A ’s Snetess 4916 rest of the way. outfielder, waa the guest of Rec to watch him etrtke-out aa to hit the camp of the smoke-eatera. Hunley htt a urlld atraak hi tha publican convention which starU returned to her home in New Hits—Boudreau, ae'veland 144; at a requiem high mass. in Hartford SepL 13. anniversary of the first flight at "Pitcher Bill McCahan’a trouble Coyle, well-known basketball and what appeared to be a double play business. aecond got on, but German rolled Olbert suffered the defeat, al­ Director Sam Massey at the base­ a home-run.’’ (jhlef A l Foy has Issued stsrn fourth and it coot him the gama. York. Kill Devil hill, near Kittyhawk, ball school. Mitchell, Caeveluid 135. Only a small aection of the warnings to hla charges that dis­ is that he aaya hla arm is all right football official from Wallingford, baU. but Red Stallcup threw wild into a double play around the though he only lasted one third of Doubles—Henridi, New York church wax reserved for members Dorn Oentllcora opened with a ala- A t a small caucus Monday night N. C. but he tightens up and is not as South Coventry won the Wllll- ciplinary action will be taken In gls and went to second, aa th» supervises the summer recreation past first trying to get the last horn. Flood escaped the only dan­ an Ipnlng. Nassiffs are now tied 30; Priddy, S t LouU 27. of Ruth’s immediate family, the Clowns Win Again in Yeoman's Hall, Horace S. Holt, Celebmtea Dec. 17 loose as he should be”, the tall program In that town . . . Walt out, and Schoendienst scored the mantlc Twl-League championship gerous threat all night. Dick Cobb with Morlarty’s for third place. the event of a setback. That's how throw to second waa lost la tha town representative to the general Triples— Stewart Washington honorary pallbearers and the 'The Aero club o f Washington, tactician said. MaCahan won ten Dropo had an eight game hitting winning run. Monday night when they defeated reached on an infield bounder in These two teams will meet Friday serious the aituqtlon la betwsaa the dirt Johnny Klelnschmtdt waft­ Columbia assembly and Selectman Henry B. 12; Dl Magglo, New York 11. Yankee baseball team. d ow n s (8) oldest group o f its kind, celebrates and lost five last year including a Eight-hit pitching by Sheldon the Pulaski-Amerlcana. 4-2. Lefty the third, and Lefty May uncork­ night. The wjnner will still have two teams. ed and then OenUlcore stola third. Hutchins were named aa delegates streak snapped but bounded back Standings Home Runs—Di Magglo, New Ruth’a family aald the Babe AB. R. H. PO. A.S. Dec. 17 each year with n dinner no hit, no run game against the with two home runs in his next Jones and home runs by Johnny May went the distance. The aeries ed hia booming founnaater into chance to tie the Aircraft for aec­ Never before have tha flrsmen A wild pitch aent Ocntlloeta ta tho Columbia Congregational chiu-ch to the State Convention In Hart­ DO York 26; Keltner, Cleveland 24. would have wanted most of the Hatten, Sb ... . 4 2 2 1 0 0 battled the copa. The flame-fight­ attended by several hundred lead­ Waahington Senators. This season two starts. He was an unanimous Mize (No. 29) and Sid Gordon (No. went three games and May won left center for the fourth and fifth ond place. church left open to the general plate and Kleinachmldt to aoeond will eloM for vacation September ford, as alternates, Francla Lyman VMterday’s RMuIta Stolen Bases — DlUinger, S t Gardner, is .. . 8 1 2 4 2 1 ers won the right to meet the flat- and the acors uras tied at 8-alL ers in military and civil flying. the former Duke flipper was of choice on the Southern Associa­ 24) were the high lights of the both of their wins. Other local runs. Picking up another in the Britlah Americana (8) Louis 20; Coan, Washington 17, public—the l ^ d o f people who 12 and 19, by vote of the members and James Phelan were appointed, Aero clubs in other parts of the little value to Mr. Mack until the Giants’ victory over the Braves. It players with South Coventry were Eaatcra BelUnghlrl, c . . 8 0 1 8 1 0 foots by virtue of a well-earned Paul (jorrentl walked and Benny tion All Star team . . . "Monk fourth, the BA’s proceeded to run A E Strikeouts — Brissie, Philadel­ filled the bleachers when he atUl at a meeting held in the chapel Hubert P. Collins and ’Theodore j country also celebrate the day. past month. was Jones' 12th triumph. Vern Cliff Keeney and Mike Saverlck AB R H PO Hartford 1-0, Williamsport 0-7. Panders, lb ..4 1 1 2 0 0 triumph over the North End fire­ Paganl, attempting to aacrlfles Dubiel Day" will be observed at away with the contest. Ford walk­ 1 0 4 2 0 phia 109; Feller, (Heveland 106. was wearing hla big No. 3. Tueaday night. Dr. George S. Lyman were named as delegates to TTie Air Force used to observe Brissie No. 1 Reliefer Bickford, first of four Boston from the BA’s, A1 Surowiec and Y O U Murray, 2b .. .. 3 Albany 3, Elmira 2. Alemany, p .. ..a 0 0 0 2 0 men three weeks ago. both runners, mt a fiy to Bddto the Polo Grounds, Sunday, August ed and stole aecond, and Keeney 1 1 0 0 0 Pitching — Bearden, (Cleveland With thousands expected to Jam Brookea, pastor, WIU be on vaca­ the Congressional convention: Aug. 1 as its special day. It was "Lou Brissie, the Purple Heart pitchers, was the loser. Eddie Wlerzbickl from the PA’s. Ford, I f ...... 2 Scranton 5, Utica 2. Fuller, rf .... . 8 0 1 0 0 0 Proceeds from ths gams will sn 2Sapatka on first and Eddie donhiod 22 when the Phillies meet the laced a hit with two down for the 1 0 3 3 1 12-3 .800; Kramer, Boston 18-4 the streets around the cathedral, tion during the two weeks at that Clayton Hunt and Miss Marion Aug. 1, 1907, that the Aeronaut!- winner who un^ienvent 26 opera- The Pittabutgh Pirates rallied Surowiec got the hit that won the Saverlck, 3b . .. 8 Other game postponed. Lautaback, rf ..0 0 0 0 0 0 ter the Junior Athletic Fund. This the runner off second baae. Oor- Giants In a twin bill. Monk’s run. 1 1 2 2 0 .765. police assigned a special SOO-man tiaM, participating on the 19th in McCorkell to the senatorial con­ cal division was established in the tions on hia leg, will be a great for six runs in the top of the game with the bases loaded. Sav- Keeney, ss . . . . . 3 National O'Cbin, I f ----- . 3 0 0 1 0 0 fund will be maintained for the ad­ rentl then stole second, took third friends In Hartford and vicinity Just before the start of the fifth 1 1 0 1 0 detail to patrol the area diplng apedal celebration at one of hia vention and H. S. Holt and Mrs. office of the chief officer of the pitcher with experience,” the lead­ eighth to come from behind and erlck had two for two, and each of WANT Cobb, c f ...... 8 Brooklyn 1, Philadelphia 0. Kibble, cf .... . 3 1 1 0 0 0 vancement of sports In Manchester and scored on two mom wdd will honor him before the games. Inning, ball players and fans alike 2 3 6 0 2 National League the day. pitches by Hunley and the Italiana former churches in Seal Harbor, Elizabeth Hutchins to the probate. Army. What wa.V to become the er of the A’s said. "I thought Bris­ defeat the Cubs in Oiicago. 7-4. the others got one hit apiece. J. May. lb . . . .. 4 New lork 8, Boston 2. Spellman, 2b . . 3 0 1 1 0 0 for the youth. The flrat project of . . . A record total of $11,000 In rose and observed a moment’s 1 2 2 0 0 Batting—Muslal, St. Louis .384; After the services a police took over, .8 to 2. Another ladleff ICaine. United States Air Force 40 years sie was great In spring training Bob CTheines. the w inning pitcher, (Charlie Varrlck also played with i Greene, rf . . . . . 4 Pittsburgh 7, Chicago 4. the group will be a trip to Boston sterling trophies and $1,200 in contributed to the victory with a Silence In memory of the late 0 1 0 0 0 Pafko, (Chicago .332. motorcycle detail will escort the double play In the sixth got Run- ’Tueaday’a meeting discussed the later then had a staff of one and my feeling is the same," he the winner and got one hit. 2 4 Months Flood, p ...... 4 St. Louis 4, (Cincinnati 3. TotaU ...... 28 5 9 18 5 1 for 100 yoimgstsra ’The group will cash will be awarded at the N a. pair of singles. The victory moved Babe Ruth, whose passing has 0 1 4 0 0 Runs Batted In — Muslal. S t cortege to the gate of Heaven ley out of a hole. With Anlollo Church School, which is soon to officer and two enlisted men. added. Berube, c . . . .. 3 American cemetery. Ashley A. A. see the Red Sox-Cjhlcago W’hite la-oeen after a summer vacation. Land Distribution tlonal Skect Championships at the fourth place Buca to within touched the smallest and leaat Boston 10, Philadelphia 2. Louis 95; Mize, New York 91. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. on second and one ont, Rtepa Oor- To Change Date “You know, Brissie probably To Pay For Runs — Muslal, S t Louis 100; The Babe’s widow, Claire, has Sox game, Friday. August 27. Dr. wookes suggested that a sur­ Las Vagas, Nevada, September five games of the Braves. known sandlot In the country. His Totals ----- ..29 8 10 21 8 3 Cleveland 3, St. Ix>uls 0. 1 0 0 2 0 rentl hit a grounder to Felix Tnu^ But this year and henceforth, shouldn't pitch any more than five Lockman, New York 86. aaked that the public be admitted Sullivan, e . . . . 2 vey of the Protestant children In Seen Big Problem Air Force day will be observed on 16-25, . . . Sport magazine cele­ The Cleveland Indians extended performances on and off the field New York 4, Washington 1 . 3 0 0 0 2 0 gia at short, Felix tagged Anleiie innings due to his bad leg. I sin­ Nassiffs (0) Hits—Muslal, St. Louis 17(); to the cemetery for committal Isobel, 2b .... town be made, since during the Sept. 18, anniversary of the day brates its third birthday in Sept­ their first place margin in the In -Aiifiover Village were an Inspiration to the entire (called at end of five innings, 1 1 1 0 2 on the way to third and threw to cerely believe that 1 am making AB R H PO A E Waitkus, Chicago 140. services for Ruth, who died Mon­ L Lottore, 3b ..3 Last Night's Fights past year or two many changes of ember. This writer casta his vote American League to three full world, and hla name will go down rain). 1 1 0 flrat to catch the batter fOr a doa­ it achieved independent status I a mistake In letting him go over Murphy, rf .. .. 3 0 0 3 1 0 Doubles—Muslal, St. Louis S3; day night of cancer. McDermott, ta 3 2 3 realdance have occurred. Through New Haven. Aug. 19— iP) — within the national defense es­ to the monthly publication aa tops games over the Boston Red Sox In history alongside of the great- Other game postponed. 0 8 1 0 ble play. I seven innings. He tells me he can House of 5 large rooms. 1st A Dpnnack, 2b . .. 3 0 0 6 1 0 Ennis, Philadelphia 30. (3ov. Thomas E. Dewey heads Chappel, c . . . . 8 0 Both pltchars hurlad good bidl tl^ survey an invitation might be Agricultural science has progress­ tablishment last year. I go the distance but right now I for followers of all sports. . . . and Philadelphia Athletics by de­ .est men In the world. Standinga Barile, cf .... . 3 0 0 0 0 0 Chicago—Bernle Docnaen, 148; feating the St. Louis Browns, 3-0. floor, modern kitchen, bedroonn Flood, who pitched to the Babe Olekslnskl, ss . . 3 0 0 2 4 0 Triples—Muslal, S t Louis IS; the honorary pallbearers. except for one bad Innmg aach. extended to all who wish to join. ed to the point where the peoples The event will be celebrated ' am convinced that he will be our There are 10,000 teams in the Eastern Hataway, lb . . 1 0 0 4 0 S New Orleans, and Gene Burton, Sammy Zoldak, former Brownie, large living room, up to date In Buckley Stadium three yeara Plecan, 3b . . . .. 3 0 1 0 2 0 Hopp, Pittsburgh 11. Others are Mayor James M. (jur' Mikuokl startad off the first trams, New teachers are also needed for with a large dinner in Washington | No. 1 reliefer,” Mr. Mack said. American Legion Junior baseball 1 0 W. L. P.C. GBU ley, of Bost(>n, where the Babe be­ J. Lattore, rf . 2 0 0 2 0 0 144. New York, Drew (10). o f the world could be well fed and program . . . Every time Sammy was found for nine hits by Ids bath, 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor, ago, and whose esteem and inter­ Htkln, U ... . . 3 o i l Horae Runs— Klner, Pittsburgh unable to find the plata, but ast- the achooL Any who wish to help under the sponsorship of the Air Up to last Sunday, the blue-eyed 1 0 Utica .. .*...... 73 39 .652 gan his big-league career with the DeNeszo, If . . 3 0 1 2 0 ,0 Pittsburgh—George Henry, 180, clothed If only agreements could Red- ex-mates, but was tough in the est In the Bambino waa very high, WlUlama, lb . . . 3 0 1 6 0 31; Muslal. S t Louis 30. tied down to get the Indlea In or­ and feel qualified might contact Force association and the Aero A ’s leader did not use a single Baugh of the Washington all Improvements, 2 car garage, - 0 0 2 0 0 Scranton ...... 70 42 .625 3 Red Sox, and Mqyor Thomas D’Ale- Cleveland, outpointed Oaeie Harria, be made for proper land use, Dr. clutch. 46 47-48 seemed to find new stuff, and toll­ German, c . . . .. 3 Stolch Bases—Ashburn, Phila­ 160. Pittsburgh (8). der for the six remaining fYamaS. Silas Barrett, church school super­ club. ’The dinner will be held starting pitcher in a relief role. skins gain a yard through the air good work shop, hen house, ' 'j 0 0 Albany ...... 68 43 .613 4H Sandro, of Baltimore, where Ruth Totals ...... 22 4 5 18 6 5 E. C. SUkman, of the University Allie Clark got three hits, and | ed very deliberately through the Bolduc, cf . . . .. 1 0 0 1 delphia 27; Torgeson, Boston 17. Hunley got his bumps In the Mg intendent. Sept. 17 so that many of the Last Sunday against the Yanks or scores a touchdown via the air 0 0 Hartford ...... 57 67 .500 17 grew up as an orphan and first got Innings: New York—Don Mogard, 181, fourth, also on his own wUdnsss. of Minnesota, asserted here yes­ scored all the Indians’ runs. E d , acre of good land. Right nedr remaining three innings, and gave August, cf .. .. 2 o i l Strikeouts— Blackwell, Cincin­ Patterson, N. J„ outpointed George Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein of generals and industry leaders may waa the first with Brissie, Carl route, he sets an all-time Nation­ 0 0 0 0 0 Williamsport ..57 58 .496 17 H the feel of a baseball mitt. Clowns ...... s • 6 a a• • 210 101—5 ToalgliFs Oanw terday. Robinson drove him In twice with j bus, stores and school all in the Olbert, p ...... 0 nati 105; Branca, Brooklyn 100. Haywood, 1R4, New York (6). Pine street announce the engage­ appear as speakers at dinners Scheib and Dick F ow l^ all seeing al League record . . . The Red­ up only one hit. Two errors behind 0 1 Binghamton .. 46 66 .411 27 Also among the honorary bear- • • • • .100 102— 4 ■nis Ihdisa face ths North Rada Dr. Stakman, president-elect of a double and single, and Larry | Blow, p ...... 1 0 0 0 Pitching — Brecheen, St. Louis Ashley A.A. . Miami, Fla.—Chuck Taylor, 144, ment of their daughter, Ruth, to elsewhere on the actual aAniver- service. "I fvel that J^nis is a big skin passing ace holds all of the best of repair. Priced dropped to him didn’t bother him, and he was 0 0 0 0 0 Wilkes-Barre . 41 71 .366 32 era are New York's Mayor William In their final appcaranca in toagaa the American Association for the sary. Doby sent him home once with a CAR Brown, a ...... 1 .IT i; (Chesnes, Pittsburg 9-3 Coalport, Pa., outpointed Ernie terrific in the clutch. Elmira ...... 38 74 .339 35 Bernard Levine, son of Max Levine reason In the suce'ess of the Ath­ all-time records In these depart­ single. Joe Ostrowski, southpaw- $7,800, with $1,500 cash. Taggart, p .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 760. O'Dwyer and a long list of friends lay. If the Indies win. they wm of New York dty. Miss Epstein, Advancement of Science, said that letics," he added. i ments . . . The .All-America foot­ May opened the fifth with a'hit, National ordinary fans and ball players. Junior Beeeball League Pelaia, 130, Beaver Falls, Pa. (10). e tied with the Italiana (or aao> until the problem of land distri­ acquired a month ago from Toledo, Better Hurry, new govern­ S a graduate of Windham High "After taking two beatings' at ball Conference starts its third was the Browmle loser. Totals ...... 26 0 4 21 9 1 Boston ...... 63 48 .568 — While Ruth’s candle-llt casket ond place and they will agate school la now employed as a sec­ bution is solved, conflicts Were season on August 27 with games Herbert L. Fortune ment restrictions on credit I Brooklyn ...... 60 47 ’ .561 1 Junior Baseball League lay at Yankee Stadium—from late North End Midgets (17) pteet. In a post seaaon gama for a the stadium (by the Yankees) I The Red Sox climbed over the B. A ’s ...... 3 0 2 1 2 0 0—8 Junior BasebaU League retary at the University of Con­ likely between the “have-not" and Ellington startd to wonder although I had at (Chicago and Brooklyn. The Na­ St. John Street will no doubt limit time St. L o u is ...... 60 50 .545 2 Tueaday until midnight and AB R H PO A playoff spoL If the North Ends Athletics into second place by two so Runs’ batted in: May 4, Flood necticut. On vacation this week, "have” nations. a feeling they (the A’s) would tional Football League opens its percentage points when they un­ Manchester 'Tel. 8402 payments on all cars up to | Pittsburgh .... 55 50 .524 5 North End Midgets (15) throughout the day yesterday— a H. Brainard, as 6 0 1 0 1 W« It Side (7) can come up with a win, tha Ital­ He spoke before more than 2, Cobb, Keeney; Two base hits: New York ___ 55 53 .509 6 Vi 3 3 2 4 0 she as her guest, her fiance, Simon Cohen and Clemence Rau come back. And they did,” Connie 29,th campaign on September 17 leashed a 17-hlt attack against 18 months. Manchester AB R H PO A E steady stremp of mourners filed Seeley, cf .... AB R H PO A E ians will have the aecond place spot M r .'X a ^ e . 1,000 guests at the Connecticut said. Philadelphia after dropping with the Green Bay Packers at Greene; Home runs: May; Stolen Philadelphia .. 52 58 .473 10 Vi H. Brainard, ss. 4 1 0 0 1 0 through the rotunda at the rate Vittner, 3b .... 3 2 2 0 0 Johnson, ss .. .. 3 2 0 1 1 nailed down. In the othar remain­ Africultural Experiment station’s w'erc the delegates chosen at the i 0 Mr. and Mrs. D)—State The third and final swimming Michfcels, p . . . 3 1 2 0 1 tied for fourth place and they win bile trip. They visited Mr. Wood­ four teams finishing at home. chandise was awarded 99 golfers Friday At Pinehurst We are now open every eve­ Blow 1: Strikeouts: Blow 2, Flood Philadelphia ..67 46 .593 3 Zatkeowski, 2b. 1 1 1 0 2 0 here In 1926. Bolduc, c ...... 4 0 0 5 0 Selective Service Director Vernon class sponsored by th«T Red Ooss 4: Hits off: Olbert 0 for 3 runs in have to play a sudden death aarlsa ward’s sister, Mrs. George Rlch- However, our club has played win­ In recent All America Golf Tour­ ning at 7. Lanes are In perfect New Y o r k __ 63 46 .578 5 J. Brainard, c f.. 3 2 0 0 1 0 Many o f t’.ose who moved past Schulz, rf . . . .. 1 1 0 0 1 S. Morehouse has been recalled to Rockville Red O oss Chapter, CAR TODAY ToUIs: ...... 26 17 13 21 7 for a playoff apot Much dspsnds ning ball on the road. All four naments at the Tam O’Shanter •1 condllton. Come In for no eve­ 1-3 inning: Blow 9 for 5 runs in Detroit ...... 53 65 .491 14 Vi Selble, r f ...... 3 2 1 1 0 0 the coffin—some of them crying Caaacla, p . . . .. 1 1 0 1 0 active duty as an Army colonel, started Monday. Due to the two Charter 0 *k MJdgeta (0) on the two remaining gamss, with teams have a wonderful chance Country CJlub in Chicago. The top ning o f pleasure. 4 2-3 innings: Taggart 1 for 0 runs Washington .. . 44 67 .398 25 Michaels, p ___4 1 3 1 1 1 openly, others moving their lips . . 3 2 0 1 4 Oolonel Morehouse said hla return cases of scarlet fever at O ystal FRESH BLOCK ISLAND, BONELESS AB R'H PO A Llnnelt, p . . . six of the seven leagua teams In­ to win," he said when queried. money man was Lloyd Mangrum *48 Hudson Sedan in 2 innings; Losing pitcher: Ol­ St. Louis ...... 43 66 .394 25 In prayer—were fans who had seen Mcfjurry, cf . .. 1 0 0 0 0 For Active Tots to Army duty will not affect his Lake recently the town health of­ JABVIS BUU.D1NO bert; Umpires: Mlleski- Kerr; CTlicago ____..36 74 .327 32 Totals ...... 34 15 16 21 6 3 the Babe in Ms hey-day as a ball­ T. Reed,lb . 3 0 0 4 0 volved. ficer Dr. John E. Flaherty, has Mr. Mack referred to the Indians, who pocketed $23,000. DlBattisto, rf .. 0 0 0 1 0 (8) duties as selective service director, *41 Plymouth Coach CENTER STREET Time: 1:45. Today’s Games Charter. Oak Midgets (5) player. Cuneo, p, Sb 3 0 0 2 0 recommended that the swimming Eastern Othera were youngsters who nev­ Carlin, c. ss , 2 0 0 5 0 AB R H P O A 0 1 0 a—Brown bated for Blow In 5th. AB R H PO A E Totals ----- ..29 7 4 21 12 0 0 8 1 classes be conducted at Shady Shaw, If ...... 3 3 0 SWORDFISH *46 Buick .Sedan Hartford at Utica (2). 2 er had seen Ruth in action but knev\’ Alemanv, p, c . 3 0 0 2 1 Aniello, 2b 0 0 0 Lake, Somers, instead of Crystal St. James Defeat Hodge, 2b .. .. 2 0 0 2 0 0 Reed, If. l b ___ 3 0 0 D. Krlnjack. Cf 3 0 1 1 1 Memorial Field (8) Richters, m . . . 2 Albany at Binghamton (2). D. .Krlnjack. c f . 2 1 1 2 0 0 his storied fame. Many of the boys AB R H PO A Smart Lake. Osgood, lb .. .. 2 0 0 5 0 1 *41 Ford Coach Elmira at Scranton (2). In the line of admirers wore base)- McCaw, If . . . 2 0 0 0 0 M. CMrrentl, lb . 8 Cuneo, ss ...... 4 0 1 1 2 2 Silver, 2b, p .. 4 2 3 5 1 s The.bus to.collect the Ellington Weir, X ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Williamsport at Wilkes-Barre. ball uniforms. R. Krlnjack. 2b 2 0 0 2 2 GentUcore. cf , • 8 /Vets, 2 to 1 Alemany, c ..... 3 1 2 4 u u Bogll, rf ...... 4 1 2 0 0 0 Handmades I children will leave Elsa Mueller's Gothberg, p .. 3 0 0 0 1 0 *46 Pontiac Sedan Amerloaa Baseball Commlastoner A. B. Eagleson. tt •'2 0 0 0 0 Kftincabmldt, rf 2 Lautenback, 3b. 3 0 1 3 0 1 Griswold, c .. 4 0 2 4 1 1 store on Ellington avenue at 10 Bjorkman, cf .. 3 0 0 3 0 0 Philadelphia (Fowler 11-4) at Chandler led a group o f sports J. Reed, rf . • . • 1 0 0 0 0 P. Correnti, M . 2 Puzzo, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Morlanos, Sb . 2 1 1 2 1 4 a. m. A Echabert, rf .. 2 0 0 3 0 0 *39 Packard Sedan Boston (Dobson 13-6). notables to visit the stadium. Fhizzo, 3b, p , 2 0 1 2 1 B. Pagani, Sb . 3 . 4 ■ . c HALLEPON Carlin, rf ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 Buckl^, ss . 2 0 ' 1 1 2 0 The following are the beach Oak Grill New York (Lopat 11-7) at Weeping, ''jliandler stood beaide Pagani, 3b . • • ■ 0 0 0 0 0 Boutbllet, c ... 1 die great C n Eagleson, p,-lf.. 3 1 0 0 2. 1 Ritchie, cf ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 mothers for the EUlington groups: St. James Totals ...... 23 I 2 21 3 1 *46 Packard Super Washington (Scarborough 11-6). Ruth’s coffin with an arm about Deauy, p . •• 1 0 0 0 0 Mlkuckl, p . . 2 „ fits t ^ McCaw, I f ...... 0 0 0 0 0 1 Massey, If, 2b 3 0 0 1 0 1 Mrs. Gordon H. Dimock, Mrs. Red Men St. Janies (2) (Only games scheduled). 1 2 2 1 the shoulders of his 14-year-old- - *46 Packard 8 Coupe R. Krlnjack, 2b."3 1 0 2 10 5 Shea, cf, ss .. 4 1 2 0 1 0 Wesley Charter, Mrs. Nathan Ed­ Indigo's . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. NaUanal Pagani, cf .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 son, Daniel. Totals: .... 24 Totals ...... 18 8 4 81 4 1 Innings Stone, lb .... 4 0 0 4 0 2 wards, Mrs. Henry C. Sandberg, Leftv's .. .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Boston (Sain 15-4) at New Kotchen, p .... 1 0 0 0 0 0 "I wante.1 my son to aes the Indlea (8) Ginofli, 2b .. ASSORTED *47 Lincoln Sedan 1938 600227 X— KopUn, p . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 M, rs. Edward Satterthw-aite and V. F. W. . 0 2 0 2 0 S e p t. 7 . York (Jansen 15-8). Day, l b ...... -.. 3 1 1 6 1 0 Babe,” Chancier said later. “He North End . • • M. Pringle, c Zboray, 2b . .. 3 Kucxynakl, If 3 0 0 1- 1 0 Mrs. F. H. Bird. There are 60 chil­ Puzzo, rf, c .. 4 0 1 3 2 0 *40 Chevrolet Coach Pittsburgh (Sewell 7-3) at (Chi­ waa a great inspiration to our Sleurpa, Sb .. In a closely fought ttissfe ' last Totals ...... 28 5 8 21 7 6 kids." The name "Hong Kong" derives J. Pringle, rf dren from Ellington in the class. E. Pagani, 3b .. 3 0 0 2 1 0 59c cago (Borowy 8-4). 32 5 11 l8 5 11 COLD CUTS Score by Innbigs: Others joining Chandler in paying from two Chinese characters j Totals .. Bolduc. If, .. Cpl. Dale Aborn, son of Mr. and night the St. James nosed out the Galli, p ...... 4 1 1 1 4 0 ’46^bodge Convertible Cincinnati k(Wehmeler 8-7) at .3 0 9 0 0 1 1—5 Mrs. Empson Aborn of Maple St. Louis (Brecheen 14-4). North End ... 2 6 0 0 4 2 1—15 tribute to Ruth at the Stadium meaning "sweet stream" and | Memorial . Hunley, p . . . Vets 2 to 1. In beating the Vets Bucclno. c, rf .. 2 0 0 4 0 0 From Grote arid Weigel .0 4 2-0 1 0 X--7 street who has received his honor­ (Only games scheduled). (jh. O a k ...... 0 1 3. 0 0 1 0— 5 Included Will Harridge. president "frasrsnt port.” West Sides Tomco, (ff . . . the St. James clinched second Aceto, ss ...... 1 0 1 0 1 0 ’41 Dodge Coach able discharge from the Army e a ,3 0 1 2 0 0 Zapatka. lb . place. Cafro, If . . • • Selavka, 2b .. Medical Corps at Fort Dlx, N. J., j Ruflnl, lb .. .. 3 0 0 9 0 0 ’39 Graham Sedan DUBUQUE Traygis. sx .. where he has been stationed the (iothberg handled the pitching B, Pagani, cf .. 3 1 1 0 0 0 entire 22 months that he has been for the .Vots giving up seven- hits ’48 Packard Custom No, 2—From Pitcher to Outfielder Meek, cf .... in service has arrived home and and two riina in a well played . 27 2 7 21 10 0 Totals ...... LIVERWURST The Bambino: Totals. ...88 8 f It • • now plans to continue his inter-1 game. Gothberg’s teammatea just Innings: rupted studies at the University | GOTTA T A K t «O O 0 C A R f OP WHATXL IT BE, Italians . . . 0 0 1 8 0 0 X—8 didn’t have it in the clutch, al- St. Janies ...... , 000 100 1-—2 ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0—3 of Connecticut. THIS ARM FOR NOXT V IA ff. BABS.Prrr Indies thongh they thrcatenejl in the V. F. W...... 100 000 Ov-1 WEEKEND VALl'E AT PINEHURST G. 1. Mechanic.s Special YOU JU fT PINISHEO 2 9 OR HIT 1 Runs'batted Id: M. (TorrenU. J. James Coulson, of Morris Plain, seventh Innuig. The first two men Runa batted in. Gleason 1, Cafro j «TRA I«HT ffCORBLESS N. J., is spending two weeks with ; Pringle, Hunley; Stolen basax: reached base via a two-base hit 1, Puzzo 1; two-base hits. Shaw; INNIN 0 9 O P W O R LD Gentilcore, P. Correnti: Sacrlfl^:. his uncle and aunt Mr. and M rs.' and a hit batsman, but the next left on bases, V.F.W. 3-, St. James' ’37 Chevrolet,—$160 9 B R IB E I------Empson- Aborn, of Maple street. . LAMB SHOULDERS » 49c RlchterX; Double pU y»: **P**)“ 5816 three batters wore retired in order 9, bases on balls, Galli 3, G oth-; to Solavka. Traygia to Sa^tka: Harvesting tobacco la going at ’40 Dodge Coupe— $490 _ _ to halt a threatened uprising. berg 4; strikeouts. Galli 7. Goth- They slice belter if you let them settle 15 minutes Left on bate*: ItaUans 8, InKernes, c, cf . 0 0 2 1 ft Daring the next two campaigns Ruth won 28 games Barrow advised Bulb te pitch cleee te blaaa te back Sand 25 cents today for your postage. Your name, address and him away from the plate. ihcn. ril play the outfield.’ " i Many Annrctic IcebcTga aurviv* ■ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Shultz, rf 2 0 0 a 0 •ft 1 0 each season on the mound end played several games in NtX hGUlO 1 -) copy of the Spring and Summer the pattern number to Anne ’(jabot. 0 0 2 MAIN <)T. . DIAL 4151 • tMM M dTfai 1919 tea Rtmox again won Iba i&erican Bath agreed with the strategy, la tba lis t tealag the AF NBWEFUITUKES The Manchester Evening Herald, for 10 yeara while the life span ol ■Vogel, 3b ___ 2 1 0 .2 SGANSETT Faabirm. M P 6 g « brimful »f sew­ Pierce,- c .'. 0 ' 0 1 ..21 O' 2 18 9 3 \ ing 'Infansation. Free, gift pat­ 1150 Avenue of the Americas, New Arctic Icebergs runs (o about two . . . . 2 I Totals . \ 0 1 2 ;...5 0 1 2.0 3 X—111 V' Tv te n printed ig iMOk. ]Torkl9, N, T. ytara. Glsason, ss .'. .. 3 •North End V. I.; MANCHESTER EVE.NING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONS.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, t94§ P A 0 S PAOB fXnJBTEEIt T Hoaeee fer Sal* 71 :.-An open Dtter to a driver w h o' having r0bb*4 them '*f their dear- New ahoea hurt most when you TUONERVILLE I'OLKS BY FON-I Atl Aotomoblka For Sal* 4} Motorcyclefi— Hicydea II Khiriwta— Nur>*vriea 15 Help V5nnird--'Male 86 HouM-hitkl •1 Mvahheea I.aeafi*f9 fer apecds through our stieeta. 'eat potamion? More imperuat, have to ^uy them for the whole Kent 64 SUMMIT STREET—Now vacant 1 saw you barely miaa a little' what excuse could you possible of- family at th* same time. FOR SALE—Tomatoes 3 lbs. 25c. ABLE Woodworkers and wood O, P . A. 1930 HARLEY-Davldson motor­ Sense and Nonsense boy on a tribycia thia afternoon f M*m w o m ttngdom la made J^ULL-HEAPED C/TY F O L K S flntahers. Several men needed by OUR PRICE ADJUSTER FOR R E N T - Store near Mam Lovely 7-room slngls in excellent cycle. Good condition. Phone 57 Florence street, comer of condition. Two-car garage, price of little children Evefi if beef ever fets cheaper Qasafied eetabllahed local manufacturer of atreet (Now .Vard Farm Storei. and 1 heard jrou yell: "Get the DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES S20«. HoU s t ^ L TES SIR—Our price adjuster spe-- reduced to $13,800 for quick sale. doing anything tomorrow night?" out «C the wayl D n't you knew CXUMien, my hasty friend, were wa ll probably ttill have pork to fine furniture. V'rlte for Inter­ ciallat went to worlron an outfit 16U0 Square feet Apply Mar­ Terms. Goodchlld Realty Oo., 15 The question from a friend, If you anatver yes. you may any better than td rid* la the here long before you or your auto­ beef abouL S A Y S : If you’re thinking o f I g i r l ’s T wo wheel bicycle, alight view stating age and axperlence. of furniture that had been aban- low’s, 867 M.Ja lU eet mobile were thought of. All the au X Roofing— Siding 16 Forest street ^ o n e 7928 - 2- "WIU you do mt a favor?” may mlaa something good. It you ■vavwfciatreet?” H* UiOHididn’t ^ tnawer beoaus*vwaataw ------— AdrertiienienU ..ui ly uaed. 38 Grandview street P. O. Box 808, Hartford. doiied by a young couple that da- anawar no, you may find youraell he haan’t learned to talk very well tomoWles on earth ^ not worth driving a late model car this after 4:80. dded to get a divorce. Fumltura 9894. * imply the gift of a match, the loan If we all eould do juat aa we ROOFING — SpedallxlBg la ra- Of a dollar, an Introduction to a helping a neighbor paint hU yet, to I’ll answer for him. life who would make the beds AMBmoUB Toung man for gen­ waa used for only 8 montha and Sumnet Heaiee for Rent 67 SIX ROOM house, wired for elec­ tiw. knmv what that little boy may be pieaee, winter, NOW is the time to paliing roofs of all kinds, also eral office work. East Hartford blond*, or help In sstabUshing an kitcbeif. NO, the Uttle boy doetrt t k n o w ______. . . . ^ and do the diehea? looks almost brand new. Outfit tric stove. 8H acres land, two- go >*ou might ba juatified in re­ Lad u d Pooid Bnaineaa Services Offered IS new roofs Gutter work. Chim­ area. Ability to answer phone In- f o u r • ROOM cottage, Bolton alibi to hide a heinous crime. any better than to rtdo hit tricy conMete of car garage and barn, two chick­ plying. "I have a tentaUva date, -ro buy it, federal regulation “W” neys cleaned and repaired. No quliiea intelligently, type, handle Lake, with fireplace. Rrata for Christopher Billopp, in his col­ ele in the etrtet. He haa bein ANTIQUES Refinishad. Rapalrlnl 1. Complete modem bedroom en­ en coops and electric brooder, my friend. What’s on your It won’t be long unUt Junior can Job too small or larga. Good office detail essentlsL Opportun­ 835 per oionth. year 'round. umn in tha Baiutnon Evening warned not to, but litti* boy» don't X^OVP—Oold MdwttUleatlMi brrne*- dona On any furniture. Damann, semble. fruit trees. Inquire 466 Woodland mind 7 Let’s see your hand." — A Dad. blame clgtrett* ttaln* on black will make terms far less lib­ work, fair price. Free estimates. ity with good future. State age, Stuart J. Wasley. 755,Main. TeL Sun, solves tbs dUsmiM this way: alwaye bead waminga. Some aauitt walnuta. 189 South Main street. Phono 3. Complete modem living room street or 2-3237 between 6:80 and lat CUS738. Call Howlay, Manebastar 5361. experience, availability, refer­ 6648, or 7146. "My food friend, from child­ don’t either, e t ^ a i i y traffic if p L S E eral than those enjoyed today. 6848. ensemble. 8 p. m. Price 89,000. Usually your Idea of an agree­ warnings, and thoae itmiung the Office Manegeri "Miss chew, in r f o u n d —On Liocurt Wed- ROOFING and siding our special­ ences. Address, Employment hood up I have been teught not to Pricep have caused ao much 3. Complete kitchen outfit includ­ COTTAGE — Andover Lake. able person is one who agrees with apeed ^ automobiles. the matter Of dress. won’t you B«sday nfUrnoon, pair of eya* HURRY. HURRY to see these SM A IX AdverUslng signs attraC' ty. New callings and carpentry. Manager, P. O. Box 2261, Hart­ SI ROOM cape Cod, buUt 1942, sign a paper until I have read It. talk about meat it'eja shame we ing 1948 Wesilnghouee electric re­ August 21 to August 28. Phone you. I am going to tell you something please ehow e little more disc re claaaM ta case. Owner may havt ' tlvely painted. Reasonable Highest quality materlala. Work- ford. , attached garage. All rooma com­ When I cross a railroad track 1 can't eat our word*. frigerator. 3-1561 between 4 and 7. about that Uttle boy. Me has a tion?" ‘ ■ame by calUnf at 91 CAestnut unbeatable beauties. prices. Helen Upton. 2-0572 ba- manahlp guaranteed. A. A. Dion, pletely finished, hardsjpM floors stop, look and listen. When I WANTED—Laborer for driveway 1488 ■ 1 PIDlYTCARe. ■ f CAUSB I'M ^ KIPPING YOURSiLF? IMEANIHATBUNK^ OH/SO THAT’S IT.' YOU parte end repaint Keys made. age tank, used one year, $10. GERARD S'TREET- -Lovaly new 1 WOULDN'T 88 THII0U6H KIDOM* WHAT 0 0 1 ’^AfOUTME BEIN'A EXfECTED TO MIT A Heater, Def. (Model, special de­ ROOFING and Repairing of all unfinished. Capitol Grinding Co^ 38 Main TROPICAL Fish, goldfsh, ca­ 18’xT wall tent $20. Phone 2- FINAL BLOW—Being put on the ■even room brick. 2 H ERCf I WANTTD MVSeLF-'THATt MIAN? BIG LEAGUER/ IF 1 HOMER EVERY TIME YOU ^tcHBtmtlcs lot Sale luxe, In special deluxe condltloij). kinds Chimney work, gutter 1696, xor 66 Middle Turnpike Choose your own decorations street Phone 7958. naries, Hendryx cages. Geisler atreet after 31 years of renting. SEE ¥DU MAKE Yimv/ COULPN'T HIT THAT CAME Uf,EH? WELL, work. Ehipert repairs Honest bird foods. Ebco Pet Shop, 403 West. The victims. L. A. Thrall and now. 30-day occupancy, $14,500, FOR THE FINEST used car buys SOMETHING Of YOURSELF GUY THAT WASPITCHIN’ . rM60IH6TDTEU.Y0U 1947 CHEVROLET CONV. R A inO — Electrical Appliance workmanship Satisfaction guar­ Center street, comer Orlawold. family. Phone 2-1643. terms. Goodchlld Realty Co.. 15 In town see Barlow Motor Sales. Service, repairs picked up and AGAINST US. A FAT. SOMBTHINO ABOUT CLUB anteed. Call Coughlin, Manches­ Open 9 s m. - 7 p. m Phone 3338. Fl/JREWCK <;ombinatlon range: Forest street. Phone 7925 or 2- BECAUSE 1 KNOW YOU BxceUent selection today. 1946 deUvared promptly 20 years' Ivory with black and chrome ter 7707. "A t the Tropical Fish Sign.’’ BEING EVICTED—Need 3 or 4 9394. c a n ! C'MON'WHY ^ CHANCE I'D HAVE/ THAT riTCMER/ f t % Chevrolet aero fleetline sedan; Equipped and then some. (This experience. John Maloney Phone trim, 4 and 4. Bhccellent condi­ rooms unfurnished. 3 adults. ARf YOUQUITTIN*? r 1942 Chevrolet tudor master de­ maroon model Is like new). 2-1046. 1 Walnut street CHIMNETS Rebuilt repaired and tion. To be had reaaonable. Phone Telephone 3365. cleaned. Bird and Johns-Man- luxe; 1941 Chevrolet four-door MIXED Springer Spaniel pui^tes 8858. I,4itn for S mIc 73 EXPERIBINCED Linoleum me­ vlUe roofing Is our apeclalty. WANTED— 5-room house, tene­ sedan; 1941 Oldsmoblla four-door 1946 CHEVROLET Call 6796. chanic. WIU InMaU all types of Rose Broe Oo. Phone 2-0768. WASHING Machines Uberal sedan model 76; 1941 PonUac BEACHWAGON ment or. flat. Excellent refer­ LOTS OF LOTS In all sections of tudor sedan. 84,000 actual miles. floor and waU covering—Immedi­ trade-in allowances towards new ences. Tel. H. Larson 2-9728. town. One at Lake Amston. Just like new; 1941 Plymouth A clean number. (This dual pur­ ate eervlee, reasonable rates. Live Stock-Vehkiea 42 Speed Queen wtahere All makes Madeline Smith. Realtor. 3-1642. Phone John Krlnjali 6166. Moving—’Trucking- WANTED—Desirable 8 or 4 room four-door special deluxe sedan; pose car Is topsy. dependably repaired Pickup 1941 Hudson four-door sedan: S to ra g e 20 servtcs 2-1675 ABC. 31 Maple fumiahed apartment. Liberal re­ TWO Large level lots on Porter / LAWN Mowers, hand and power, ward. (CaU Waterbury 5-8063 col­ 1940 Dodge four-door sedan; 1941 OLDSMOBILE GOOD Family cow for sale. Rea­ street street 80’ X 150.’ All uttliUes In. 1940 Studebaker four-door sedan. aharpened, repaired. Saws filed, THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Oo., sonable. Call 8752. lect $2,000. Phone 7925 or 3-9694. / V ■ Thla la a honey; 1940 Plymouth SEDANETTE oU etoves cleaned. Installed wash­ local or long distance moving. 6 CU FT. Hot Point refrigemtor. S«MImi*, 1m, ing macblnsa. vacuums repaired, Moving, packing and storags Easy washing machine, white CAN’T Someone help ut? Veter­ 8 /1 ___ tudor. Must be seen to be appre­ Radio, Htr., Def. (This youll J pickup and delivery. Friendly Phone Manchester 5187 or Hart­ Poultry iind Supplies 4S enameled, kitchen gas and on an, wife and year old baby des­ Kenort Properly for Sale 74 ciated. Like new; 1940 Ford Uke). perately need 3 or 4 room reason­ FUNNY RtlHINEHK PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER BOOTS AND HER RIIDDtES The Morning After BY EDGAR MARliN tudor sedan. One owner car. Flxlt Shop. Tel 4777. ford 6-1428. range. Phone 4723. FRICASSEE chicken, 30c per able rent. Phone 6026. FOUR-ROOM shore front cottage Kay.&vffuL’.LOCM Vary clean; 1987 Ford converti­ 1941 BUICK TORPEDO FLOOR WAXING. Professional LIGHT TRUCKING. Half-ton pound, live weight. 24 Strong FLOOR omblemt solved with toVJW MX doY ble coupe; 1937 Ford coup*. Very at Bolton’s Second lake. Fine SEDANETTE floor washing and waxing, fea­ pick-up truck No aahes ao street Phone 4426. 'Inoleiim. aaphaP tUe counter place with heatolater. There is a *OR you TO coo elsan; 1984 Ford coupe. New turing Staples hot wax process rubbish Phone 2-1275 or 8298. Expert workmenahlp. free estl* RaaineaB Property for Sale 70 Ton MktAWVMR motor. Most have radios and boat and dock which go with Radio, Htr., Def. (" A " number I carry a complete line of Staples uuitea Open evenings Joiw;.' this cottage. Price $5,500. Sttiart haatais. This la a partial aeleo- Articles for Rale 45 BUSINESS Offices to rent one throughout). products. For free eatlmate call ASHES AND RUBBISH removed. FUraitiire. Oak etieet Phone J. Wasley, 755 Main street TeL tlon of our largo selection of fin* Sand, gravel, fill and loam. Gen­ ground floor. Near ’ the (Center H. V. 0>rdy, 2-2967 or 2-2367. 3-1041 6648, or 7146. nutomobllas. Wa maintain a eral trucking. Rai.ge and fuel oU. SIEBERT Baby carriage. Good post office. Tel. 3782. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. condition, $12. (^U 4767 after 6 U im aelection of clean cars at SEDAN WINDOWS Washed, walla wash James Macrl. ’’ mne 4528. WE BUY and *e11 good used an If yo*i e '* interasted ed and odd Jobs done. Call H A p. m. ^ furniture, combination ranges Suhurhan for Snie 76 tn lining a good car at a fair Radio, Htr., Def. (They come H. 2-4403. MOVING. Houstnold goods and gsa rsngee and heatera Jones' Honace for Sale 72 price and a sqtiara deal see us to­ pianos movad anywhere In the ATTENTION. Don't mlaa thle Phimlture Store 36 Oak. Phone no cleaner than this one). wonderful buy. An exceptions! JUSl Completing 6-room modem WAREHOUSE POINT—7 rooms, day. Where you can always do CESSPOOLS AND sUte. Also general trucklns and 3-1041. used Victor sixteen m.m. sound house on Overlook Drive. Hot bath, full cabinet kitchen; land­ Barlow Motor Sales, 1940 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEPTIC TANKS rubbish removed. Pianos our scaped, outdoor fireplace, out­ specialty Fryelngei and Madl- and silent movie projector for water beat garage, shade trees, 696 Vein street, Manchester. SHOVEL-A-DAT water heater. buildings to house 5,000 chick­ SEDAN Power Cleaned In MancUbater gan. Phone 3847. sale. Call 7369. lot 76’x300’. Set Wm. o’anehL Open 9-9. Phone 5Sl04 • 3-1709. Price $8. Phone 8184. 777E ens; 3 acres o f land. Only $12,- Radio, Htr„ Def. (Perfect low] and Vldnlty . SIEBERT Baby carriage. good 000. Ebcclusive with Associate 1947 BUICK SUPER CONV, cost ’transportation). condition. Excellent wet-proof THIS Charming new house may Realty, 1010 Main, East Hart­ W. a . McKINNET Paintinir— Papering 21 ELECTRIC Stove. Electromaster. bed mattress. Shoo-fly rocker, be yours for $2,500 cash and ap­ ford. 8-4613. Evenings 8-4479, t i ; 1947 CHEVROLET CONV. Inquire 187 Spring street. 1940 OLDSMOBILE Phqpe Manchester 6308 INTERIOR and exterior painting, two maternity dresses, also 12. proximately $35 a month. It has 5-1354. ALLEY OOP In Oop’g Own Style BY V. T. B AMLIN Low mileage, like new. Low BEACHWAGON paperhanging, celling reflntah- Bargain. Tel. 3-0362. HOSPITAL BEDS or wheel-chalre 4 finished rooms, an open stair­ ALL APPLIANCES eerviced and ANDOVER — 5-room dwelling down payment, balance 24 ed. Men inaured and property for rent or sale. Rates reason­ way and exceptional apace for repaired, burners, refrlgeratora, with oonveniences, garags, ap­ Radio, Htr., Def. (Priced so low damage^ Expert work. Edward R THREE FLOOR showcases, 5’ able. Phone Keltb'a Fum lturs expansion on second floor. Made­ montha. ranges, waahera, e tc T TRANSPORTATION and* paperhanging Free estl maple bedroom set. All like new. Suburban Realty Co., Realtors, “ I prosumo you uitd a herring for a modal?" i CH*^«iOT ik-rtv* *NC* ing 2-1642 • 4 6 7 9 .^ ______IN a SNMtL OP ruiN^lNa 1941 HUDSON, overhauled. Bx- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. matea. Prompt aervlce. Reason FOR SALE — Royal porUble 34 Princeton street Phoiie 1-2564 49 Perkins street. Tel. Manches­ (9 SPECIAL BE<<4T« UMO BIC7MKN \nMESL4 eonditlon throug^uL F. M. Broderick, Rublnow Bldg. able prices Phone 7630. O. E. typewriters. . Used typewriters ter 8216. HAVING REAL CeUte problemsT SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH i F or tafanuatlon caU 4897. Phone 3-1643. Frechetts ■old or rented. Repairs on all 30-GALLON Hot water tank, Uke (hty and fan* property bought 1936 CHEVROLET 2-DR. new, together with stand and SEVEN ROOM SINGLE on and sold by mUlng R T. Meuann. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER: FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS BY MERRILL C. BLOSStiB makes. New and used adding Porter street. Two-car n ra ge, Get Gping, Gun CIXARANCE Sale! 1943 Ply­ SEDAN RADIO need fixing T Have It re­ PAINTING and paperhanging, machines. Marlow’s. 867 Main kerosene oil burner, attached Realtor Phone Manubeeter 77(KL mouth, radio and heater; 1936 first class work, at reaaonable ready for use. 14 Beech street. amesite drive. Immediate occu­ , Vou'RE IM CHABte o r PiacLss You tend "D TOUff, ' In good shape. (Low dollar value paired by experts Pick-up serv­ street 1 CAM Get IT T . Bv Plymouth, radio and heater ice. guaranteed work. Seta cbeck- rates. Free estimates. Raymond Phone 8183. pancy. T J. O o ck e tt Broker. Your Real Estate Problema I AVO POTATO iALAD FOR A PiCNC, FOR. TOU WHOU-I MAMA66Mair PICKUS. HILOA, AMO 1989 radio and heater In this one but good). Flake. Telephone 2-9237. Phone 5416. Are Ours ' HILDA ! WHO'LL PaOMOTE THF SAUe ! AS A V SUWDSe LEAVE 1V1& BkAIN ed In the home Oar radios a FORMCk EMPLOYCe \ YOU pSTUFF Tt> me / 1986 Ford plek-np; 8 rotary lawn V apeclalty. Mancbeater Radio Bottled Ga»— 45A I MOVING TO smaller rent must We Buy aud Sell for Cash sell a white tabletop (Quality oil A TTR A C nV E 2>/i-story colonial Arrange Mortgages OF Tue hole- in- ome, J meam mowers. Town Motors, Inc., 46 These values and many more Service. 78 Blrcb street Phone type home. Six large rooms and AND A FRIEND op THe / ’ftlAT West Center street Tel. 8667 2-0840. Private Inetrurtions 28 BO'TTLEU Gas appliances. Bot­ and gas range, tn A-1 condition, Before vou sell call na. MANAGEMENT, I ----^ MAN-EAI* tled gas not wstat heatera. bot­ with oil drum, $165 complete. A sun zoom. Dining room with, cor­ No Obligation MYWLEP Kalser-Frsser dealer. await your critical inspection. AUTO DRIVING, dual control. ner cupboard. First flpor lava­ VENETIAN dilnde All typM tled gas ranges bottled gas com white kitchen cabinet In -good BRAE-BURN REALTY Up. AAA certified instructor. Bal­ tory, basement garage, oil heat, FOR SALE — %-ion Chevrolet made to ordei alao recondlUon- bination stoves, bottled gas heat­ condition, $20, two oil drums and 118 East Pente? Street ■ You’ll be pleased, we know. lard's Driving school. Call 2-2245. large attic. Well landscaped yard. iK’ truck. CaU 3-2698, or inquire 10 Ing Beat quality Ftndell Manu ers Manchester Pipe and Supply, fauceU. $12. Can 8387 or 3-2538 Realtors Phone 6373 Or 8829 98’xl40’. Excellent neighborhood, Cottage street facturlng Oo., 485 Middle Tura- Inc. TeL 6265. anytime. near Hollister school. Immediate WE WILL handle your real estate plkt East Cfill 4865. MuRlral— Dmmatlc 29 1940 PLYMOUTH flve-paisenger 24 MAPLE STREET RURAL gas sales and service. I m - ______^ occupancy, $15,500. Manchester and Insurance problems prompt­ coupe. Good condition. 86 Fair- FURNACES Tailored to fit our mediato installation. Manchasler | BRYANT Gas iteam boiler, Per- 7548. ly. rail Suburban Realty Oo., PIANO, and accordion In­ Realtors, 49 Perkins etreet TeL held street 5 to 7 p. m. MANCHES’TER home. Van (Camp Broa Phone structions. Private lessons. In­ and surrounding towns, Capitol I feet condition. Call 4959. Grinding Co., 38 Main. Phone MANCHESTER — Five, • room 8216. ______5244. struments provided. Phone 2- ROCK Maple bed, full sise .Rein- 7958. ' bungalow. All conveniences. 1988 CHEVROLET' coupe. Phone -TEL. 8854 . 1042. forced coll spriiig. Good, clean Large porch, one-car garage. WANTED—4, 5 or 6 room Cape 4070 after 4:80 p. m. mattress optional; maple hall Cod, Manchester or vicinity. '• J 1- HI HouM-nnld Sem cee PIANO TUNING, repairs. recoB- Centrally located. Sale price, Open Till 9:00 P. M. Thurs.l Hoasehold Goode rack with seat, beveled plate mir­ $10,800. Alice Clampet 4993 or Urgent. Large down payment Bad Medicine BY FRED HARMAN 1940 PONTIAC SEDAN Offered ’ IS A ditloning. etc. John Cockerham, available. Frank P. Andie, 358 RED RYDER 38 Bigelow street Phone 4219. ror. Phone 7805. 2-0880, or Mr. MitUn 6930. A POSITIVE FACT Adams street. Phone 6658. WHOOPEE.' > 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAP FLA’S FINISH Hollah(l window I RADIOS—Several old chassis. In FOUR ROOM single, all Improve­ C0L0*5 Good clean cars. Priced 1937 DODGE sedan.R. and H. Two ■hades mads to .nesaurs. Keys Help Wanted— Female 35 NOBODY ' working condition. 2 electric ments. Immediate occupancy. No MSOICitOE made while you waiL Marlow's. turntables with pickups, $5 agmta. J^all 6255. right. Easy terms. new tlrea. Reasonable. Phone UNDERSELLS ALBERT’S 16 4066. each. 48 Cambridge street • WEAVING 09 buma. motb boles WAITRESS Wanted, days. Apply tOURfWS COLE MOTORS WE GIVE YOU IMMEDIATE OCCUPAN(CT — 6- THE ano tom clothing; ladles boetsry Cavey’s Grill. STEAM Radiator. 7 ^ l o n 9” rodm single. Steam heat, fire­ WANTED 4164 1937 FORD four-door sedan. Ex- VJE6T-' ceUent condition. .Austin A. runs repaired; her.ubag repatrq: NOTHINO FOR NOTHING wide. 17 ” kmg, 38" high. $10. 48 place, combination ecreen. storm Chambers (3o., 501 Middle 'Turn­ sippei replacement; glove re­ LADIES—-Start an apparel shop Cambridge street sash plus very large stprage 1941 STUDEBAKER pickup from the home. Write for Inter­ Male H. S. Graduate pike East. pairs 'and cleaning; umbrella < BUT room, insulated, newly painted, truck. Can be seen at Manchea- pairing; men'a ahlrt collar and view to Mrs. Lois 8. Berry, RFD Interested In General Of­ tar Lumber and Fuel Co., 255 We do sell our new quality furni­ Mnchtnerr end Toole 52 7 years old. A real better built cuff reversal and replacement. 3. Rockville, Conn. home o f beat materials and fix­ Center street ______1934 CHEVROLET pick-up truck. ture at the lowest possible prices fice Work. Excellent Op- Marlow’s Little Mending Sbop. tures. N ear. Brookfield and Dur. CaU 8676. YOUNG LADY for our new decor­ and you cqp buy with confidence | GAR,DEN TRA( .’PORS. ^ **-^*^y, portlinity For Advance­ HAVE TWO cars. WIU aeU one. HAVE You a household problem T ating and drapery shop. Some from a concern doing business for Garden ' “ King. Gravely, Beamr 4-' kin streets. Call 8808. owner. , 1937 LaSalle rnach, $450. 1941 ment. 1936 OLDSMOBILE, haa not been Let Strick solve It E:ipert Uno­ selling find typing experience 37 yean. wheel riding tracton. with at­ TWO-TAMILY on Center street Cadillac “Ol” sedanette, $1,650. tachments. Hand and power driven since complete motor leum laying. Service o f range necessary. Decorating experience New oil beating system. Six 86 Foxcroft Drive. Phone Man­ AUGUST SPECIALS mowera Lawn sdgara Grass overhaul. Inquire 195 McKee burners. All kinds o f cleaning an advantajSe. Watkins Bros. rooms down four up. Oown- chester 4507. eatchen. Capitol Grindln* Co. Write Box U - street’ between 4 and 6. and odd Jobs. Phone 2-9087. pr 2- 8 ROOM OUTFIT COMPLETE ■talra apartment available to WANTED—Woman to care for 2 89 Maui street. CaU 7958. FOR SALE by private party, 1946 1148.' . $247 purchaaer. Approximately $3,600 ejo ’The Herald tW« BY M« IIPVICI. me, t, M. asq i). a par, VIC FLINT Stopped Cold BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY AND RAl-PH LANB 1937 GRAHAM 2-door sedah. Good ' • '■ • II w ■ year old child In^ hts own home. BEDROOM OUTFIT com. i*M SY HU uswet me t. m. mo. u. s. pot. opp. Oldamobile club sedan. Like new. car for transportatlonr Radi< and .Week days only, atarting Sept SIMPLICITY, Page and Garden cash required. T. J. Crockettr 8-19 Phone 'Rockville 1368J2. * . Modem fuU sise 4-drawer Broker. Phone 5416. heater. Needs minor repairs. Clif­ ' Building— Contracting 14 7. Hom$ nights or live In. If pre­ dreaaer and mirror, 5-drawer King tracton with lawn mowen, VThen you tim'pily «t*p on th* starter while ehe’e in first! ford Ulm. 403 Center street ferred. Good wages.' References tillage tools, sickle ban, riding . "Oliver, you’re behaving just like a child 1” It'a hard on th* gear* but it sure gets them to 1937 BUICK Special 2-door aedan, GENERAL Orpentry and repair cheat comfortable mattrees, U K E ONE Larger? Need one * , M . radio and heater. In very good required. Write Box FP. Herald. epring, t rugs. carts, sulkies. Dublin Tractor ■mailer? Have 4. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 \ th* rear of th* but!" 1936 PLYMOUTH sedan. Good work done by experta. Also spec­ Oo., North Windhafii Road, Wll- condition, $575. .Call 4430. running condition, $200. Phone ialise In overhead, swing up WANTED — Woman companion room homes, and even a 30-room, OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILi.i.VMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE LIVINO ROOM OUTFIT Itmantie Phone 3058. with 4 apiartmente. which can be 2-0045. doors. CaU 3-4256. ~ for a convalescent young wom­ Modem sofa and 3 matching WANTED USED CARS FOR SALE an. Live In. Some time to self. SEVERAL Used power mowen bought by two persons. Madeline ’,3lSr tHlMK.' — glLLV T H E^ eU T HEV/ ^Bumble BEE; chain. 2 table lamps, 2 lamp ^mlth. Realtor, 3-1642. Going out of Business, 1940 CHEVROLET tudor, black. VANCOUR Construction Oo. New Call 2-9220 or 6134. tables, cocktail table. for sale. Oipitol Grinding Co., 88 K-lO'S PlTCHfig. ON A, ^ G O T T A . WHY X GOT H lM ^ A clean economical car, $800. In­ homes planned and bultt to your Girl experienced in short­ SIDESHOW Po s t e r ,vNiTH KEEP IT No t moving to sunny California. Main street. MORSE Road—Immaculate Cape' No Reasonable Offers Refused quire 8 Hackmatack street. ■pecifleauona AlteraUoaa, roof­ EXPERIENCED woman cook, k i t c h e n o u t f i t hand and typing for pro­ THEM. CAMMOiU'6 BARKIN' / s e c r e t / SAME ing. Time payments, arranged. one who understuids all types o f Porcelain table and 4 sturdy Cod, four rooms down, two un­ 'Tt ‘5 a d e a l '. finished up. Aluminum screens fessional office. — F 6LLER, VlE'LU H WE YOU Hide .SOME PARO — BUT 1948 PONTIAC (8), sedan coupe, Phone 4836. ______cooking. Sheridan Restaurant (haln. 9 piece canister set Wearinff Appsret—^Fqre 57 TH’ GOLD IM FORT KMOlt, h ere till MODEL A Ford. Inquire 49 Dem- and storm windows, fireplace, 1 O ' • , YOU b e t t e r driven 48 miles. Hydramatlc, llm^eum rug. _ AM' UNCLE SAM CAM LEASE X COMB TO 'THAT Ing street CARPENTER Work ol all kinds. FUR PIECE. Squirrel dyed, five very well landscaped. T. J. SL\P me- ‘ fuUy equipped. W.OMAN Wanted from 2.80 to For Interview THE CELLAR. TAKE VOO lE A O / Roofs, sidings, additions ano al­ skins. Excellent condition. Pkone Crockett Broker. 5416. T q l R » FiFTV B'UCKS 1941 DOTOE four door sedan. Very 1937 LINCXILN Zephyr sedan, ex­ 7.30 week days to prepare dinner P^IEE TO GROVO eACiTcAVT/ good * mechanically. Original terations Alao oaw construction. for two. Permanent position. 7305. OR SO TO , cellent condition. New .paint and MANCnEC^R GREEN .^Nine- « Write Box DD black finish, new white wall tires. Sleffert Phone 3-0258.______Phone 3908, 9 to 5 only. ClMCH \^• ■eat covers. 1940 'Ford, rebuilt SERVICE WARRANTY j room stiigM. Largs lo t Occupan­ 1939 FDRD deluxe four door se- engine recently Installed, reaaon- Wanted—To Boy 58 ejo The Herald tnvtdT’ ac r m. i V a MT M* d u . RebuUt motor, new clutch RESIDENTIAL and eoBunercial cy anytime. T. J. Crockett Brok­ ably priced. See at 64 Pitkin cabinet work, variety woodwork, er. Phone 5416. BY LBSLIE TURNER end brakes. AU original tread Help Wanted— Male 36 ^-^^B-E-R-T-S I CALL OSTRTN8KY 5879 for fuiy WASH TUBBS Yeah—W’here la It? street after 6 p. m. any evening. portable tools for rent Shipshape . — — -—A tires. Radio, gas and hot water nace removal, rags, scrap metaia VOHLV' LET’S « 0. MN . X CAN’T NASH. YOU KNOW MfUatNCtWASQUITe heaters. Good Interior, original WtxKlworklng Oo. «t hone 2-0963 WANTED —TOBACCO Spearer, 43 Allyn S t m t Phone 6-0358 OH. MY flOUL ^ 8UT WE 3U6’ h e * M ltiV SM’ TRvin ’ 1 Andrew Kamm, Wapphig. Phone Budget Tormp—Free Delivery Top prices. ANO iOOV! OiJNT lIT OUT...YHEM aODIM' HllNMER0»0F YOUOTOID •EAR TO Sie A aR O W N MR.IEIKCR-Hrs I MfiiSTfNT THAT R U M i flnigh. Auto Accessories—Tires 6 ME THIW MAN SUFftR UKE THAT! JUST AAAlUflD DOWNAiMMrosCE 1989 PLYMOUTH two door sedan. CiOmiRETE Contractor. Retain­ 3180.’ WE BUY Iron, scrap metals ahd TEU ME YOU CAN’ ITHIN6S TUI IT FINALLV WORK'D'... ing walls, landscape and grading TWO-PIECE Uylng room ReMEMSER HOW BOTTLE WAS EflOM TIN M«K., SI ROOM FOR gentieman. Pboaa 8- EEALTCMUl INSURORS \ dkJE G S Rea, SKrtW* Rk v * Garages Sem e* Storage lOi Place. Phone 5761.______^ 0666. AUTO Mechanic or good helper. 866 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER. CONN. HE'S A , im XEB MOTORS Town Motors, 45 Wept Center FOR SALE—on e bed spring, met-'' Phone 6M6 Or 7482 . \ ‘ - HtSHVMAVVlAtJ Rpuft Aflv*. Pleasant room, twin fSS CRpfett^Rtnet street, Manchester Kalser-Frsj(er trrss; a vanity*, and ice box, (?all BOBM THigTV VgARG tPO SOOtsl ALU R1*HT I# GARAGE For rent at 7 Florence | On bus Una. FheBs tfOiw u W aam aa ^kom S-1400 stfM t Can 2-1940. ' dealer. ’ ' 2-2648. / i- V \- \ f^ARY ^W£yV£V roURSDAT, AUGUST 19, 194S' 'mm Fetseert ■h wRMMR p a o b u x i x e n Aremge DaQy Nat Preen Run m V. iUanrlfpatrr lEtt^nfug i|gral& re v m Meath af 4aly 1*48 CeasMeraMe that axlsU in this sactlon afU r Highway sent In a eonfer- few scattosed Andereon-Shea AuxllUry mem­ each heavy rain storm. There Is a enca held this week. 9 ^ 3 9 naea; toir tea bers, Instead of going out of town ew Are Filing Real Big One That Town Accepts storm water sewer in that locality About Town for an outing, will dine at the Sher­ Going T o with Httle Did Not Get Away now that carries waUr to the idan, Tuesday, August 24, at 6:16, State’s Offer north aide of Center street to a Manche$ter—^A City of ViUatte Charm Bmanuel LutlMnn church m «n- and afterward leave for a social Petitions Here small pond in the rear of SL Refinith oars who pUa to •ttoiul the f a ^ at the Post Home, Manchester James cemetery. The new addition Tall Cedars Green. Reservations will close •W (FOURTEEN PAGES) pucBroum cB9|sl well re c k o n for Bev. Kart MatN will also carry the water from the U) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1948 son at camp Iwtherwood, WeD- Monday and should be made lany Candidates to Be To Furnish Pipes for south side. Your Floors? yOL. LXYIL, NO. 274 a— ■■WQMtoSPtoFV' - ' ■tar, ICaM^ Sunday at 4 o’clock, through Mrs. Gertrude Buchanan, The SUte Is to fumiah the pipe chairman, or the president, Mrs. Storm Water Sewer on aM aakad to provide their own pic- Nom inated at Com ing and manhole materials and the Rant our new, henry Dorothy Miller. The members Sliiflfo nle aopper. O ^ee, Ice win have the privilege of order Prim aries Center Street Town will furnish the labor. This doty Sander nnd edger. On Hi« Own for First Time ciMra and aoda wlU be available at agreement was reached between pollAer the camp. All are Invited to at­ Ing thelr.own main dish. , Also a heavy doty The town has accepted the offer Town Engineer James Bheekey Asks Orange Hall and n regular Johaaon United States tend this reception. Claire Janssen, Paty Ann Jones, A long list of candidates are to and a repreaenUtlve of the BUte New Dealers of the Bute Highway Departmant Former nominated In the local pri­ polisher. Attorney WUllam Ferguson of representing the Pilgrim Fellow­ ship of Center church, will attend maries on September 14, but up to fumiah the piping for the lay­ Tom orrow Brooklyn. N. T.. and Mrs. F e y i- to date only a few have filed the eon, were visiting In town yester­ the Yln-Chlng conference at Derry, ing of BIO feet of storm water N. H., this week-end. Ivy Thrall necessary petition. day and called on Mr. Ferguson's This year nine candidates for sewer on Center street In the vi­ Surveyor N igh t a t O uncle, Thomas Ferguson, who has will represent the CYP Club at Russians Call Home Directors are to be named, two cinity of Victoria road, through 23 REGULAR GAMES 25c Larsen's Silent About been a patient In Manchester Me­ the conference at Camp Wood­ Remain candidates for Selectman, a Judge Victoria road to the private right I^ED AND HARDWARE morial hospital since July 20. stock. A total of 31 young people Civil Engineer 7 SPECIAL GAMES from Center church have attended of Probate, a Town Clerk, a Town of way storm water sewer that SWEEPSTAKES Treasurer, registrar of Voters, flows west from Victoria road. Robert H. Chambers, C.E. 34 Depot Sqnnre, TeL 5406 Marcel J. Donae, chairman of the various summer conferences this summer. two Representatives, four con­ The new sewer line is expected RockYille 104-W3 WEEKLY PRi;CE the American Legion sign draw­ stables and seven Justices of the to solve the storm water problem ing, wishes tc^remlnd members of ^ ----- Red Codgul General Peace to be nominated In both Any Communist Ties Miss Susie Doane of New York the Post that stubs should be parties. turned In to him before August 25. City, diughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Doane, former Man­ Guy Anderson, one of the pres­ ent Republican Selectmen, said Stripping Lomakin of CoUn V. Davies of Cheney chester residents. Is visiting Mrs. Charles B. Loomis at her Bolton this morning that he doubts pressman, Abt and Witt Official Poffition Be­ Brothers personnel office 1s on whether he will be a candidate Pravda Sees Lying one-week vacation. lake cottage, and other friends In Refuse to Tell Con­ Truman Tells Clark town. again this year. Under the new cause of His Condnet Town Charter the duties of the Andrew Fergnaoa Selectmen are limited to the mak­ gressional Committee In Kosenkina Affair; The church bell of the South In Yankee Versio ing of voters. For this work they Ever hook Into a four-pound Whether They Were To Head Off Strike Methodist church will be rung are paid $100 a year. Has Demanded Ruo- . Cars Wanted! each hour on Sunday, from 9:00 bass and then discover that you’ve Mr. Anderson feels that his Memben of Pre-War lia Get Him Out of We boy all makes and a. m. to 6:00 p. m., calling all work which Involves much travel left irour landing net at horns? communUt Party Orgm Ponder Making Christian people to prayer on the makes It Inconvenient for him to Andrew Ferguson, of 19 Brook­ Communist Under- President Directs Auor~ Charges by models— 1936 to 1949. occasion of the drst assembly of Credit Rules Asserts Tale on Dreher i return for sessions for the making field street, did—but ho Anally ground; Decline to ney General to Seek the World Council of Churches of voters. Case Is *Complete Con-1 Flatly Rejected Instant Cash which opens Sunday in. Amster­ landed the lunker, thanks to many Injunction to Delay Some Changes dam, Holland. years of fishing experience. Answer Accusations Buying Service Given Brake tradiction of the Facts* | Washinf^cm, Aug. 20— Permits Granted Monday afternoon at about live WalkotUs in Ports o’clock, Ferguson was fishing Washington, Aug. 20—-(/P) bi Labor Law — The United States is strip­ Moscow, Aug. 20 — (fP)— I BARLOW from a boat on Bolton lake. When ..—Three former New Deal Next M onth ping the Soviet (xmsul gen* For New Homes Washinffton. Aug. 20— (A*) Pravda gave the lie today to something took the crawfish he l a w yera — Lee Pressman,* eral in New Yqrk of his offi­ MOTOR SALES PRESCRIPTIONS was using for bait, *T knew It waa — ^President Truman today a spokesman for the United John Abt and Nathan Witt— Republicans May Pro* cial position biBcause of his 695 Main Street Building Inspector David Cham­ a big one from the way It hit,” Stiffen ‘Easy Payment' directed Attorney General States State department. The C A L L E D FO R said Ferguson. It was then he dis­ refused today to tell a con- pose Alterations As conduct in the Ko6enkina af- . Tel 5404 O r 2-1709 bers this morning granted a per CHark to seek an 80-day in paper, organ of the Commu­ fair and has donkllded that AND mit to Stanley Nowak for a one covered that he had neglected to When Ton Shop At HALE'S Igreaaional committee wheth­ Loans and Purchases junction to forestall a tlureat- Democrats Again De­ nist party, said State De­ and a half story dwelling to be bring his landing net. Undaunted, er they were members of a Russia get him ouit of this Covering Consnmer ened strike' of 45,000 east partment' Press Officer Mi­ DELIVERED erected on the north side of Hart­ he played the flah until it was ex­ pre-war Communist under- mand Repeal of Act c 0 u n try. This seimtional ford road at an estimated cost of h au st^ a period of about fifteen coast dock workers. T h e chael McDermott’s version of turn in toe Soviet-Amerlcan row minutes. Maneuvering the big fel­ jground. Representative Nix­ Goods From $50 Up Paralysed firom Mrth, Mx-year-old Jimmy Wallaoe gleefully takes $12,000. Mr. Nowak will do his president acted immediately tho case of Naval Lt. Robert Washlngton, Aug. 30— (A)— New over the refugee acboed taachera low close to the side of the boat, on (R-Calif) Bsid the three de­ few faltering steps without the aid of his cane as his father, Joe. in New York waa discloaad today PINE own building. Self Serve and Health Market clined behind closed dooiv to after receiving a renort from Dreher last Sunday w*aa “In com­ Washington, Aug. 20—(Jf)— The stands by. A woman worker from Chicago's Spaulding School tor Democratic demands for repeal of Yesterday afternoon a permit Ferguson leaned over, hooked a a fact-finding board telling of the plete controdiction of toe facts.” with pubUcaUon of aa American finger into the fish's mouth and •newer questions concerning ao- government today pulled a brake Crippled CMldren holds out her arma to the youngster. (NE A tole- the Taft-Hartley act brought spec­ note handed to the Sorlat ambaaay PHARMACY waa granted to Charles G. Plrle cuMtiona* made against them In failure of management and the Reported Hustled Oat.of Russia lifted it Into the boat. phdto). last night. to make alterations and additions the congressional spy investiga­ on free-wheeling credit. AFL’s Longshoreman’s union to Earlier that day, Pravda had ulation today that RepubUcana 664 Center St. The note tiatly rcjectad Bovlat Ronge and Fuel to a house at 62 Horton road at an The bass, a small mouth, weigh­ tions. New rules to stiffen "easy pay­ read) an agreement. declared that Dreher, an assistant may propose some changes In tot TeL 2-9814 HEALTH MARKET chargsa that tha teachara, Mrs. estimated coat of $1,100. Mr. Pirie ed four pounds, 12 ounces, and was Whittaker Ohamtwrs has told ment” loans and purchases cover­ StrikeTime Set U. S. Naval attach^ had been labor law. was granted permission to do this 21 Inches In length. A short time We take pride In talking about the high quality of ing most consumer goods edging nabbed receiving secret informa­ Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, toe O. Oksana Kosenkina and Mr. and the House Un-American Activities A strike had been set for mid­ Mrs. Milcbaa L Baroarina, wera OIL work at a meeting of the Zoning later, Ferguson also caught a our merchandise and this week's feature la no exception: •ommittee the three lawyers were from $50 to $6,000, were pOsted night Saturday. tion from a Sorict official smd O. P. presidential nominee, has not Board o f Appeals held Monday three and one-half pound small, officially by the Federal Reserve American Sector bustled out of Russia by demand ruled out such a course. abducted by toe anU-Boviat Tol­ snembers of a Red apparatus The president wrote the at­ stoy foundation with toe conniv­ night. mouth that measured about 19 FRESH DRESSED ROASTING Whose objective was to place Com- Board. They take effect Septem­ torney general: of toe Soviet government. But he and RepubUcaa campaign (McDermott, at a news confer­ ance of American otflciala. Tha inches In length. Both baas were . Inunists In Federal Jobs In the ber 20. • “I therefore direct you, pur­ planners evidently must, decide ence in Washingtm, pfter the three, toe note said, wanted to L. T. WOOD CO. taken on crawfish with a bait Boslnesemen Divided suant to the provisions of Section first whether any such proposals . narly 19S0s. Dreher atory was first published stay in this country. casting rod. CHICKENS 69c Cfiiambers haa acknowledged he Most consumers shrugged— 208 of the labor-management re­ Berlin Police Held can be made appealing to organ­ James to Stock Ferguson has been fishing the they’ll go along If it will help fight Sunday, said Russian autoorltiee While racognizlng tba rights of 51 Btotn 8L T«L 44H omcuissPEanAYaKus ’ was a Oonununlst from 1934 to lations ^ t , 1947, to petition In ised labor without aUenating other Bolton and surrounding lakes for Inflation. Businessmen were dir had framed the espionage charge Soviet offlciala to protect Its na­ PLUMP, BRIGHT NATIVE [ 19&7. He now la a senior editor of the name of the United States any citlsens who want too act kept 50 years and has caught many SMS |M to to to to* totob vided. Some thought it ’’fair and against toe Naval Ueutenant He pretty much as It la. tionals in this country, tha note Home Kits Also I nm e magaxlne. * District courts of the United good-sized fish in that time. A l­ reasonable." One furnittire exec­ said toe evidence had been planted Coounenta Few Lately said they alsi> are entitled to tha aw m SOS rsii osois h a n k j Nbcon said he and committee States having Jurisdiction of the though these are not the biggest utive denounced It as “ rationing By Russian Army by toe Russians after Dreher had Dewreys Taft-Hartley comments protection of toe "applleabla laws FOWL 59c • Investigators questioned Prese- parties, to enjoin euch threatened When Minute$ Although most beauty ahopa bass he has caught, they are the the poor. •pplled for a visa to leave toe So­ have bron few recently. But he of toe United Statca.” man, Abt and W itt separately be­ strikes or lockouts and for such have attempted to Ignore the wide largest he has taken at Bolton These are the terms—backed up viet union.) said In Salt Lake caty In May that Declaring tola government win Count hind closed doors for a halt hour other relief as may In your Judg­ popularity of home permanent lake this year. Lux Flakes 34c Lux Soap I Y O U N G , T E N D E R by criminal penalties and the pow­ Asked about the Pravda article he never bad eeen a “perfect law, not tura Mn. Kosenkina over to FOR RENT waves, James Beauty Salon at 74 ; MkCh this morning. Nixon told re- ment be necessary or appropri­ Five Seixed During In* Russian autooritiea against her ■ i(m jraar Ooetor telw er of the Federal Reserve BoaoJ to today. McDermott reaffirmed in “I hope that my party will be East Center streot has decided to portoTSS mt 'a violator out of the ate.” News Tidbits will, tha note said: CmBbinatlon pnfcMionRi pboM his praseriptloa 2 19c CHICKENS Lb. 59c vasion of Area on W ad ^ gton his previous account more ready to make correctioas face the issue and haa stocked up ” Each wltneea refused to testi­ mslness: Court Decision Involved of toe Dreher case. than the Dem6hratlc party haff "The government of ths United offiec Md liviiig qwrtcn. to WsMoo’s aver aor pil- on nationally known deluxe home Lifebuoy III I Broiling or Frying l y on rite ground of self-lncrlmin- One-third down on autmnobUes. Colled From (/P) Wires States cannot permit tha axerchw Ccntimily located. For par­ A major issue In the dispute in­ Black Market Raid; “ I made my statement last Sun­ been,” he added. veto professIona) wire for permanent kiU and reflllai Grovel Or Fill •tlon and on other constitutional Twenty per cent down on stoves, day. I stand on that,” McDermott within tha United States o f tftt po­ For volves a Supreme court decision Later the RepubUcan platform lice power of any foralga govem- ticulars call tamedlato nenvery to A home permanent or a profes­ 2 For 19c Swan 2 21c WELL TRIMMED SMOKED grounds.” dishwashers, ironers, refrigerators, Second Raid Backed Uniform milk price of $6.23 per ptedpsd “continuoua atudy to Itil- hing machines, air condition­ calling for payment of what the told • reporter. menL” sional permanent usually requires Any amount. Haul it Othar Ref usals Given hundred weight estimated for Ottee Ambsaeader Smith prova labor-management leglslm' year hoiaa. ers, raAos, phonographs, television employers term "over time on By Rusaians Near Zou a haircut flrat and James will sup­ Nixon said they also refused to dairy farmers for August dsQV' On support of Its new accusa­ tion In the light of experience and Done by Tnaaaa (M a n ply that service. Then the patron yourself. 50c per yard. sets, sewing machines, vacuum over time.” JARVIS 34c Silver Dust 34c I SHOULDERS 55c gay:: The board aald that a summary al B orders D u rin s D av erles' to pool-approved' {flints in tion today, Pravda cited U. 8. Am changing oondttlona.” Praeldhntta* Preaa, Baanta iy Rinso Lg. cleaners, furniture and rugs. can have a professional ^rm a- Tel. Manchester 8215 Whether they had belonged to ® " , six-state New York milkahed.. . . bassador Walter B. Smith. Pravda Thua Dewey goeo Into the hettve Charles CL Resa told reportan "tha WELDON'S nent right in the shop or buy a the Red underground as Cham- A 15-month tlma limit to com of the facta presented to it indi­ R E A LTY CO. SPECIAL! FRESH cated the following: //nv I N. L. R. B. erdera hearing in bit- declared that Smith, in a talk with phase of the campaign next month whole thing was dona nadar tba N I MAIN STREET home kit. James Beauty Salon Is hers haa testified; whether they Diets payment if the article costs Berlin, Aug. 20 (ir) — ; ter dispute over union representa- preaMent'a orders.” $1,000 or less. •'1. The parties ^avo met in Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Y. with the way <^>en for him to pro- the only beauty shop In Manches­ knew Cl^ambers and half a dosen Russian miliary police and | tion at the Univls Lena Company, Vlshinsky absut toe Dreher case, poae poaelble changes In the law RdM first aald Mr. Truman Phono 4112 Or 7271 ter offering this complete service. An 18-month limit on credit over collective bargaining sessions and MAZOLAI PORK LIVER 39c other men named by Chambers as German police they control i Dayton, O...... Israeli magistrate “admitted that Dreher at toe mo­ without being tied dowm in ad­ would sign toe rev-oeation of tha leaders in the ”underground,” and $1,000, but with a minimum $70 have been unable to arrive at an orders tSvo Britons tried on espio­ monthly payment agreement. ment he was apprehended was re­ vance to any specific revisions. coneul’s credentials sborthr. Later, Whether they were members of the invaded the American sector nage charge. ...U . S. Army rules however, he said tha slgaiag would SPECIAL! END SLICES Charge Aeooanto Not Affected “ 2. The major stumbling block of blockaded Berlin today on ceiving military information.” W ill Defeiiff'Oetiand Prtacipica on. Communist party at the time that problem of feeding Germans Dreher, 32. who comes from Oil There seems little doube but tost be delayed several d a ^ In order HALEYS Prdlniuy charge accounts— to an agreement Is the question of more Important than combat prac­ CSiambera claimed they were. a black market raid and a ty . Pa., left Moscow W May 1. be wUl defend the general prlncl- to give Lomakin time cloaa out 3 L b Pressman formerly was counsel usually payable in me, two or 'overtime on overtime.’ tice along Danube river... .Condi his official ddtica. BACON 39c “ 3. Because of the failure to seized five German police be­ His tour of duty there began In plee of tba acL to three months—are not affected. Headquarters Can Gal. for the CIO and Abt waa former- tion of “ Patient X” remains un­ Tho State department toM So­ Personal loans, of the type repay­ arrive at an agreement a cessation longing to U. S. sector forces. changed as he enters his 2,022nd November, 1947. He bad been the DentocraUc National Charman J. » A .« 9 • ly counsel for the CIO Political Naval represesentative In Odessa Howard McGrath forecast such viet Ambassador A laxaadtr 8. FOR WEEK END SPECIAL! HIGH QUALITY Action committee. W itt once was able In monthly installments, are of work in this industry Is Immin­ An Americah military g o v ­ day in total coma at Cincinnati Panyuahkln aad hla govarament subject to the time limits. Single- ent as of midnight Aug. 21, 1948.” for more than a year before that. stand In a staUmant last night counsel and then secretary of the ernment official spid toe action hospital^.. .Illinois state fire mar­ that the Russlaa ch aigw taclud- payment loans and housing loans The board completed a hearing Smith. Pravda said today, told commenting on toe visit of House National Labor Relations board. clearly violated U. S. jurisdiction. shal, himting cause of mysterious ing some oy Soviet Forrign Mlida- Last C a ll. « • • BEECHNUT LEAN BACON 65c are exempt Wednesday In‘the dispute between It was toe second Riussian- fires at Charles Willey farm, three Vlshinsky: Speaker Joseph W. Martin Jr., to A ll three served as lawyers for The order is the first fruit of the trfe A F L Internationsl Longstore- backed raid aear toe city zonal of them last night, says radio, “ In the future he would request Dewey In Albany. thb New Deal Agricultural Ad (Onattaovd aa Page Taa) STILL A FEW OP THESE GOOD BUYS LEFT. A GOOD SELEC­ new Republican anti-inflation law, men’s association and the New .borders during toe day. activity may be the answer. toe State department to send to McGrath said Martin’s assertion SMALL. PLUMP ' Juatment administration. TION OF COLORS BUT NOT ALL SIZES. COME IN TONIGHT Strained Baby Food signed by President Truman Mon­ York Shipping aaaociation. repre­ Earlier Russian M.P..S and Ratlnay stocka move ahead easi­ Moscow more Intelligent and care­ that the Republicans will brag Seek Aliasing Witness day. He said the act is only a ful persons able to keep their about the record of toe O. O. P.- FOR YO U R S ! senting employers. Communist-controlled German po­ ly in today's market following news HEN TURKEYS 72c A s this trio was being question- “ tiny fraction of what we need” to lice raided dowmtown Potsdaraer tongues behind their teeth. controlled 80to Congreea hangs •d, Nixon said it has become ‘1m‘ Work in Atlantle Ports of boosted dividend by one of na­ defeat rising prices. platz, where toe American, Rus­ tion’s biggest transp^ation sys­ Pravda brought Smith's name “ albatross” around Dewey's neck. peratlve” that the immigration Named “ Regulation W” after The 46,000 longshoremen in­ Into toe case after McDermott’e -• Dewey previously, McGrath said, CUSTOMER APPROVED. FRESH GROUND volved In the dispute work in At- sian and British zones meet, and tem s... .Disabled- B-47 Fortress J jars 2 9 * ■ervice quickly produce a missing the" war and post-war controls arrested about 600 German.s with­ carrying Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg. "appeared to be running for the Flashes! which expired last November 1, Air Force chief of staff, lands safe­ ((^ontlBoed on Page Eight) residency under toe pretense that RIVERBREEZE TROUSERS AND (Continued on Page Ten) out violence. This contrasted to an l c (OonUnoed on Page Tea) the order puts an end to a big operation last evening when Ger­ ly 4h Washington___ Army warns Sle Congress during the past two (in to BaUUlaa af the UW W ire) HAMBURG .5 9 chunk of ttie “ tiwo dollars down mans stoned toe Communllt po­ business and industry to be wary years h ^ been controlled by Hot­ BROWN WASHABLE GABARDINES CHASE and SANBORN and two years to pay” tjq>e of mer­ of requests for l^ormatlon coming tentots or gremlins, rather than by GOLD M E D A L PICNTCERS DELIGHT! OUR GOOD chandising—at least until next lice, who responded with gunfire which wounded four civilians. from overseas, ^especially from Order Tells. Republicans.” Fuel OU Outlook Battar NATURAL RETAIL VALUE $3.98 AND $4.98 Greeks Start Jime 30. That's whm the anti- Balkan States Russian-dominated areas---- Ethi­ But now. toe Democratic chair­ Waahiagtea, Aug. Ranges, Refrigerators a inflation law axplTM. Ray Ashworth, y, S. pubiic safety chief, aald toe Russians en­ opia objects vigorously to Gov. man added, it seems that Dewey geaenU outlook tor tha FRANKFURTS 59c <)aeattoB Ralaed Quickly aupply lor next wlatar h Washers, and All Oth­ tered toe American zone in toe Thomas Dewey’s proposal to give Draft Rules will soon abandon his attitude of Flour Another Drive One question raised quickly aft­ Face Charges Italy opportunity to develop re- ^ ______provad ooasMeiahly la being too noble to concern him­ MORE FRESH SEAFOOD WII.L ARRIVE TOMORROW er last night’s announcement was borough of Kreuzberg, where a laoathe, the Interior er Appliances city street divides the sectors. A sources of her former African colo- j self with such mundane problems MORNING. OUR NICE FRESH FISH DISPLAY OF- this: W ill the order drive the low- n les...T h ree books by Enkine | reported today. But, tt aMad la 5 Lb. simitar invasion occurred there | Directs Mailing high prices and howsliyt aad lb. FERS YOU A VARIETY FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. Open New Offensive income consumer out of the mar­ Communist Neighbors Caldwell banned from book stores run as s Republican on toe Re- a letter to Senator McMahan (It . Bag ket for things he needs? last week which required inter-' and news stands in Poitlaivd, Me. | Of Questionnaires to Coua.) that there may be traipet SERVE SEAFOOD FOR SAVINGS. vention by American military po-; publican record.” ».JilKlbUAeMi Against Guerrillas in A spokesman for the New York Of Greece Accused in U. S. Gen. Lucius Clay denies McGrath said the “ failures’ ' of ary loeal ahertagea la ax ti ease Consumers Council charged that lice. report that he had demanded toe Single Non Jr Veterans weather. Report by UNSCOB Cerral 300 Germans • • • Grammos Mountains French stop removing economic (Onatinned oa Page Eight) HURT’S Ashworth said about 20 Rus­ (Continued on Page Tea) resources from their zone of Ger­ Washington. Aug. 20 — (Jfi— Fanaer Shoota Two PaBBsaita Athens, Aug. 20— (JT)— Greek Lake Success, Aug. 20 — (J’>— sians and 60 Soviet sector German many .... Canadian Agriculture President Truman told Selective Harrlaea, Aik., Aug. SB-— • TOMATO SAUCE c. 6c|DOG FOOD '3 c .25c Arm y forces opened • new often' Qreecs'a ttire* Communist neigh­ police corraled some 200 Germans Department says 2,835 beef cattle Service boards today to start mail­ A eB-yaar-ald laraaar aJ)ot hra etve against laat-dttch guerrilla bors were accused by a United Ns-, on black market charges and pull­ shippied into U. S. since embaffio ing claMiflcatlon questionnaires to Trade Hurdles state poBoe affteers yaaMMay aad N. B. O. strongholds in the Grammos Council Sends tlons agency today of threatening ed them over into Soviet territory, was lifted Monday. ...In three single non-veteran draft regls continued ta haM off aa anaad years since end of war, U. 8. has posae seaklag ta taka him troas • mountoina today, a general staff peace in the Bslkiana by siding to arrest them. An alarm went tranta by September 7. out for western sector German po­ given reconstruction graats to rest densely wooded area today. State spokesman aald. Greek gnerrtllss. The order was In a 80-page set Political Bars SHREDDED MOTOR OIL Qt. 21c Both Warning The accused countries sre A l­ lice, four of whom drove up In a of world totalling more than of regulations laying down the de­ poUee saM there RM bee The Athens government had bania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia $16,000,000,000, exclusive of E. R. guafira as state police been bailing the Grammos cam tailed provisions tor putting thou­ 2 Tailors Free Pkga. They ware warned by the U. N. (Oofattaued on Page Ten) P. sands of young man IV through UTa afficars eaatiaaad am sNga WHEAT 35c paign as already won, but the General Assembly last year against Brisk Commerce Going ol tha fa n s hoM# aa tha BaffMa All Kinds Of Jars, Jar Rings, staff spokesman told of stiffening United Nations Telk 25 into yinlfbrm under toe new ★ Nh Waiting Alterations assisting dissident forces in peacetime draft act. On Between North rivar aear Haaty. Sought to Hey- NO. $ CAN BLUEBIRD guerilla resistance ih an aiva of Arabs and Jews to Greece. To Be Given Deferments waad Brewn. who Sheriff Rusarll 'aoxofi 100 square miles atlU held The Spedial Committee On the . Under toe order, ss provided by And South Korea Now Bttidlae said shot Lt. ABaa Tma- GRAPEFRUIT I Caps and Lids by the forces under Communist Quit Violating Tr|ice Balkans (UNSCOB) reported to Sanity of Mental Patient the act. deferments will be given pietoa and Sgt. Daasoa C. WUeea. RAY-O-KOOL, RIVERCOOLS Markos Vaflades. the Assembly, after a year pf on to men with dependents, to almost They are expected to reeover. Over The Army used artillery and Lake Success, Aug. 20— (Jf)— the-scene inquiry, that the three all veterans, to men in necessary Seoul, Aug. . 20— vF'—Politic*! • « • ' Fresh'Fruits and Vegetables 47 planes converted to bomber The United Nations warned both Soviet satelUtes were continuing Restqred by Composition jobs, including farm work, qon- barriers between Sovlvt-occupied Admits 35 Houeebreaks AND RAYON TROPICALS SECTIONS 2 Cans 35c | use In the new drive. Press re­ Arabs and Jewa today to avoid their actlvltiea against t)ie Athens solentlous objectors and soma north Korea and American-occu­ Boatoa, Aug. 38.—> The trade at first operated with Marlaa read aftor a report af a APPLES night. with the tempestuous music, short, That led Dr. Altshuler to use a be called for induction or deferred. NO. t CAN M'HOLSUM horai heights in the central sec­ emment-controiled radio stations. Informal approval. The south K w - prowler. Barns saM. FRESH Adjourns for Recess stocky BrnMt Salisbury .stood in treatment which had already The questlonnslres. which must Design tor. and Skertsa peak on, the “ This aasistance has been on w'orked wondere with other mental be returoed in 10 days. Will go out ea Military government legalised southwestern front, the spokes­ It was almost the last item of toe wings of toe outdoor bandstand Bmtolts Get 31BJ88 Leal such a scale,” the report said, at t o ^ t a t o falrgrounoa while toe patients. The medicine waa music. In the order of birth dates—with it on Aug. 3. GRAPEFRUIT CUCUMBERS^___^Lbs 19c man said. business before the council ad­ “ that the Special committee haa 184 Export Parmlts Issued New Tark. Aug***-', , journed for what it hopes «iU be Detroit Symphony played the Day after day, the patient 11st- toe oldest first. . .w Ure reportod that two men wstotod The'"aookeiman said large quan- concluded that it. has been given Beginning September 30. the Oh Chung Soo, director of com­ Workmanship a month-long recess prior to re­ first movemeait of his work. ' ened to tunes from Tschalkowaky. tho buraario atftoa at Teathrra FRESH , tltiea of munitions were captured with the knowledge of toe govern­ ' After a wbils, as Salisbury’s con- boards are ;o start mailing ques- merce under toe M iliUry govern­ Cans 27c convening in Paris. “ It sounded terrific.” toe 25- college, Cohmihto aatverelty, to­ JUICE in the Skertsa area. He said the ments of Albania, Bulgsria and year-old coioposer said afterwards. ; dition improved, he and his doctor ' tlonnaires to other registrants in ment. said toat 134 export per­ Armv-Jound that flexing guerril­ The warning was given in a res­ Yugoslavia.’’ i mits have been issued under toe day, heM ap 38 perstiaa la the *f- M aterial TOKtATOES_ 3 Lbs. 25c Receives Thnmleroiiv Ovation . began to write music together. the same fashion. Thereafter, W H ITE ROSE las had left behind them 500 chil­ olution advanced jointly by the- •The report added: toe questionnaires will be mailed new order. .Applicants are per­ llce aad eaeaped with "asara ttoto United States, Britain, France and But as Salisbury received a So the "Elolse Symphony,” the 810.600.” Tha holdup o e m trd i| I FRESH NO. 1 ^ _ dren, some of them babies, who “ So long ar events, along the 1 work of many months, waa creat- to each registrant as soon Ss he mitted to I’nov# specified goods Canada. No delegate voted against northern boraets of Greece ahow thunderous ovatibn from the audi- north if equally specified Koods Just after aa araMied ear had ds- BoxOf48 4 5 C | p , Lb. had been abducted. I ed. reaches the age of 19. ' MANCHESTER TEA BAGS 25c While the Arm v pushed for the the proposal but Russia, the Soviet that support is being given to toe e»;ce o< 14,000. his desperate strug­ RegUtratlon logins Aug. 30 for from the Soviet rone are moved iveted tha payreU. Bath aiaa w s n Ukraine, Syria and Colombia ab­ gle back to respectability from the Crowds of friends forced toeir naod. PoliM uaatod Mto# R if* final decision In the Grammos re­ Greek guerr:llas from Albania, way backstage to congratulate the men born after^ug. 80, IV22, and eoilto. MEMORIAL PUSS w BOOTS stained on Botns aectinna in a point- Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia, toa Spe­ squalor of “sVld row” vas vivid in Rahorn. gion. high American arid Greek I bespectacled young musician after continues through Sept. 17 for The People# committee which larsar officials began mapping the next by-polnt vote. cial committee is convinced that big nUnd- gdverna north Korea under toe So­ Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales the Detroit Symphony plgyed his younger men COMPANY Cans phase of the eampaign—agslnst *ne council to)d the Jews ssd a threat to toe political Indepen- That stniggle—to* battle be­ / WlU Be First laduetod viet# apptara to liave a similar 3 27c Arsbs they sre responsible and dsnee and territorial integrity of tween samty and insanity—was work. A. Almattl. Prop. * CA T FOOD rebels in ths Peloponnesus. Th# Salisbury addrassed the aiMjiaBcc The 35-year-olds will be the first arrangemant# to get needed goods told them to see tlu t their own of­ Greece will exlit, and inUrnatiom toe theme of his composition. TrofORfy conference was at Patral. briefly and asked tor “ confidenM inducted. The Army acro#a the pelttical barrier# of tha OOa PBAKL AMD HABIUSON • United States Gen. James van fenders sre punlidied and to re­ al paace and security In toe Bal­ 'Sajislni^ was taken to a menul make iU first call for about 15,000 38th parallel. hospital more than a year ago af­ In mental hospitals,” witleh had STREETS Fleet: American A m b a a s ador frain from undertaking reprisals kans will be endangered.” men next week and hqve them In Oh said ha tad sean tradeia with Washlagtea. Aug. 30— RE^/IL ter what he avid was a four-year done so much for him. CERTO or retaliations. The findinffa of toe committee toeir goods etacked on aach aid# poeitton of tba Tteasunr A A -, Opposite Bast Ucmrtcry - 2 3 c i J W . H A L 4 Henry iSrmdy and Lt. Gen. De- He will be ready to leave the uniform sometime- In November. TELEPHONE 77S7 OR 6207 , Metrios Yadzis. chief of the Greek Soviet Deputy Foreign were backed by nine-niembere of debauch on “ekid row." I'r.der the regulations Issued to- of toe Uae. Police of both sonee nRacalpto. » $ 0.5$4.0* J i r j MEN'S SHOPS The J.W .n ^ i:n COM “ He had been drinking mixtures hospital in two weeks ” Dr. Alt­ ipendltnrea. $107,003.78741: 907 MAIN STREET WEI.DON BLDG. general staff diacussed plans for Minister 'Jacob f . Malik. the 11 nation body, although Aue- Open Simdavs of rubbing alcohol, pwlfsh'and as­ shuler said. “ He wants his story i. (CoBtiaaad aa Page Batoa> lanao, $ l30i.l30j0844S. ' 2 Pkp,. 2 5 c I MAHCHISTia COHH- told to encourage othera.” (Goettanad oa Pag# Rlgktt SURE JELL (Oeatlaoed on Pag* Sevea) (Ceattaued ea Page Tea) pirins,” said Dr. Ira Altshuler. Roy DIrfvt aad Save Money I .^c'oattoMd M rage ElgbtJ X

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