TEMPLE of MUSIC, R Kcroktbbiml «T Iiit O « C F, Or by Mail

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TEMPLE of MUSIC, R Kcroktbbiml «T Iiit O « C F, Or by Mail :.i THE SUNDAY HERALD. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL. 2 . No. 6 0 . WATERBURY, CONN., SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 1889. FARMER ^LATT S^NEXT BATTLE | HE-UP A TAXGLE. BASE BALL CHAMPIONS CHEE'^ED . .. naMvoi.t'ii.vRiJS" MAD-CAP WHITE CAPS. They Attend Palmer’s Theatre an.l are ’ He ik to Fieht Jimmy Nrlkon X»»r Here j - m m S i J FLAMES. Reeelved with an <»iratiaa. ^ Ta-m ..rro»’ X ie h t. | ROCHESTER THE SCENE OF A RAILROAD I A CLOC< HAND 5UWMOHEO BY * P»i? OF A PARCEL OF GIRLS AMUSE THEM- New Y o rk . April 6.—Tlie newly ar- j A prize fight for a purse of $500 is to take ; BLUE eyes SELVES WITH THREATENING LETTERS Churches, Stores and Dwell­ rived world-traveletl base ball teams, place near Waterbury to-morrow ni^ht. i ___ were present at Palmer’s theatre to-! - The contestants are Jack McClellan and sheriiri»»ue» » PrwriBmmtiou Caiiins ings Vanish in Smoke. ' Wn. Ih« i Tb«y Take Exr«*ption to a Meacly Yoitoi; nigbt, occupying the gaily decoratctl! ' * ' Jimmy Nelson. Fifteen rounds are to' „„ ^uuen. to A«ut in M»in- stage boxes. The pluy wat*, “The May ‘ He Came all the V»»y rram M r and Tbrtratrn be««ral Other be fought with two ounce gloves. O rder.-A CoUUIon Que<>n,” and when Dewolf Hopi»“r, iu iden. A Prrlty Wi.lww Her People With Tar aud Trather FIRE STILL RAGING. McClellan is better known as “Farm er; his topic-.ll song, ‘-D<> you Catcti the Eni;a«emelir In HIm . Sult».—A Lanyer’ii Couum*1. b> a MI»plac<Hl Sw itch. Idea ?” alludeil to “ Olol)o tn>tter*" aud Platt-’ of Torrington. He it was that j A MILLION AND A HALF WORTH OF a transparency w<s s-howu with the -i — madesucha splendid battle with Gus : RocnESTEn.X.Y.. April 6. - I t lias been p r o p e r t y a lr e ad y DESTROYED. EVEKAL W axer- woriks “Welcome Home,” the densely i ' t u ■ Zilis of Bridgeport Uiree weeks ago .it ^,emonstrated since the begin- packed »udie.iee rose f,. and jelled The word, were utter^l b, a III KY i)€<'i)le Lave Terr>ville, gaining first blood and first | cardrivcrs’strike th.it It started From a Gas Jet in a Show themselves hoarse. ! constable, as a w.irnui: >f uTKnt &i«r- rt«iv«il tbrtaleii" knock down, and only losing the fight entirely Wiuduwand Destroyed Next Odd Fcl- i.-<tied before th<= even of (,'tiartr?< mg Jetlers i>nr' l o s t ITS FIRST GAME C.^iiirles Works in the clock m<i at last on a fonl. He came out of tlie too small for such emergencies as .irose lu » k ' B all C o iitaiu ln e th e T. M. C. l>oilii)g 10 I e sigi-- contest unscathed, and would certainly A. Koom»—No Live* Lo>t. The W aterbury Nine €;<»es to ^tanif«»rd Friday, when this ioi Ideiit ia to-day. It is generally consideretl little and U IJefrated. t-J l)v W hite Cai*,bave won but for an unfortunate blow i* miraculous---------1 — — that the rioting ofrkf the room. h< w;i-« -fn- i.-yno'*iirp «f ax>r« (Speciil Diijiaiclx lo Uie SanJ»j Herald.' the jiuj-t wet k. But ue struck when Zills slipped to his i,^^ay did not result in bloodslied. There I S.-.VA>SAii, April 6.—Flames are than forty p;i;r.-i )f .-^e!*. knees. were''bntrfew'poiic« officers available at j raging ;n this l ity and spreading in STAxroRi>, .\pril t!.—The Waterbury f When he gfl aopiainted wi ii f i J C ^ ^ ■ I in tho casa Nelson is a New Ix>ndon [maii. He ; •■*** place of the trouble^and it i every d'a-ection. At this w riting there lK>ys come down here to-day to • ilo up ’ cau.te of the ^ ' > of Jauics Murray, has figured successfully in several fifihu ; !^^d IT l.l!)ks .“ *if s^rN Itellmg where Uie conflagraUon the Gorhams, but they got Uft. The quietly lai.l d-.wn r. ^ r. r. ko«#J n,5^ {•fiW • \thoBC nccusera wt and claims the title of ch.nmpion light ous results would follow. may stop. The streets are filled with Brass City was maile up as foll.i»>. his work .mi! wen: out hu.! aawwl The not occurred ouE ist Maiu street panic-stricken people carrying away, in forth th at they were ni«nil>ws of a fe- w eight of the State of Connecticut. McAlleaey c, Jim Fitzgerald p, M. Fitz- come vi-itor. * at uoon. LiTge crowds of tactory •■Farmer Platt" is .in unknown and wagons aid in their arms, whatever ,„M lb. J . 8 mi.U 21.. D„. rh.l,.. ib. it "..f” niala liaiul c.f vigiliiutop ami iiromiseil hands who were taking their nocuiug. local !-r>orts will watch his rise or fall portable property they c.in lay their him a dow* of tar aud foathtre if he fiathereil at the comer of St. Paul aud D iley ss, Lawlor If, George LaChauee Charlie........... to ri't-p fch er ta.- with considerable interest. bands on. A liieU wind is blowing >he *»nre did not leave town. Maiu streets aud indulged iu disorderly If, George Harriugton extra mau. .•sp.irks and bl.izin^ brands from one Tliat ;■* the <>f hi» if.f -st. This boats the rtcord iu White C:ii> actions. Mud and stones were thrtiwu This wa.s the score by innings : WILL THEY TRIP THE RACERS j and a numl>er of car-- windows were block x> another and the firemen seem He WurLed in .'feruKu lae’^irr ho» Stsniford 0 i) ii 2 •) I 3 ' came here, .iml »»-pt ■ m u ; ”.r.v wiiis lijj-? litoratur*-. • broken. Aliout one o’ckiok som« oue helpless. Aid has been asketl by tele­ Walerbnrj s o S >* 0 2 u -J A I>i»»atUtied Element A»k Tom Hardy | y , ^ . ‘scab’* driver ou the head with a yotin: laily. who i> now i':. 5«m" aijussi Murray i« a mtlier good-looking graph frcm Charleston, .\ugusta and three ye:u *. He i-:ime W tirrttiry a Few Pertinent OHe»tious. brick, cutting him severely. The mau young boclirlor « m|iloTtd iu the pross Macon. BASh. BALL IN MANY TOWNS la.«: year aU«it the titm- o t :l:r hit.-rani. Waterbury runners are in a quandary. drvw H reviilver, fired into tho roadway, gtit work in th* > l.^'k >;u* room of MalUiewn A- Willard'niirafs fac-' ShorOy before seven o'clock to-night Brookltn, N. Y., April 6.—The New T iiey are all interested in the announce- aud then jumped from his car and ran, witli Mrs. Camp on North M;ub tory. He Ixmrds at 210 Ea.>-t Main Yorks a>:d Brooklyns playel to-il:iy at m ent first publislied in Sunday s pursued by about 200 men aud boys. a fire vas first discovered i» the large •\t this huardiBg huu'r allM> Btreot with the Lawlor family, and by ° j He escip ei from them. The police li- \ btarded a i-harminL; yoiin:; watew W H EK A LD ofa twelve-hour, go-.v«-you- oilipersed the mob after ^ t i o g all accuuutK, a more inoffeusiTe and ! EXCHANGE PLACE AFTER AN APRIL SHOWER twenty-three summer*. a:taHnl Mt*. please race, to take place in the rmk on aUmt 25 men. William Toner, who; , Frank Fhillips. ^>he haa pluaip r>>^ thoroughly popular young man could Fast day. Tom Hardy is getting up the came here from New York to take a cheeks, dark blue e>»!> u?.l » waaa hardly have been pitched upon. Here race, the entrance money to which is 92 car, was srrested here this evening wavy b.'ack liair. It ih •rii.l w kra ^ is the White Cap letter written in a from each contestant. while__________ flouriehing a revolver in the Ceu- heard o f hi'* arrest atie •:rte<i. h«( ^ was tieniefl. Onee a week rv^hir neat girlish hand upon a sheet of tinted Entries have been rather backward, j tiii'aUtion" Ijite this aflemoon the street railway Cliarlie piaid hi'* .Uerltlen i.>«v » brown paper: where the hitch come#.| It w.is signed ' company formally applied to Sheriff ' during the remainder <>f lh« wreit ^ - Hodgson for the oounty't protection of . attentii^n wa.s :k(tr:ictetl tu itM fiair (rU HEAj»<.!rAitTERs o r THE L asizs Bkanch o fI the comp,iny’« property. The sheriff low boarder, and it ut riim< •rMl W hite Cai-s, Drvisioji or WATERBrKT. - thereupon issued a proclamation calling , were encaged. tMit Mr'*. Phtliipa A iuil 2, lSi?9. \ upon the citizens to aid in maintaining that nolhini( more than Irtetufcilkiy r r r r J 'itnc# Wu'raji : peace. No cars aro running to-night ! existe<I bet\'«een them- You are iu dargtr! For two years we have known and Uie company has decided that no Slie is tbe wuiow of frank Ftn.ipak attempt will be made to run any cars to­ who werked in the borni'liin^ room you to lie kt epiiit.' oou pany with m anied and single . Mattliews ft IViUard. She ,t,ws women. N«’W go ! morrow. At 5 p. m. to-day at tlie comer of I making at 113 Nortli Main •;tr rt aid We give you three wttkstoget oat of town.
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