Base Ball Players' Opinions
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THADEMARKED BY THE SPORTING LIFE PTJB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 26, NO. 14. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 28, 1895. PRICE, TEN CENTS. DES MOINES DOINGS. OMAHA'S FINAL PLACE. AFTER A COMBINE. Manager Traffley Will Have His '96 The City Will After All be in the STILL ON EARTH. Team Well in Hand. Western Association. Des Moines, la., Dec. 26.-Manager William Omaha, Dec. 23. Kditor "Sporting Life:" I Traffley, after tussling with diptheria for over notice the various correspondents are very much A ONION OF MICHIGAN AND INDIANA four weeks, is again able to be "out and about." worried as to where Omaha will be found the THE SOUTHERN LEAGUE WILL REMAIN The effects of the dread disease are still dis coming season. Some say the Western League, cernible, but "Traf" is rapidly recovering his while others place us in the Western Associa IN THE FIELD. BALL TOWNS. former health and strength, and when seen by tion. It may be that a place will be provided a "Record" man Thursday was in buoyant spir for us in the "Nebraska State League." Any its. When asked about nex» year's team he how, boys, don't worry; the fate of the town said: is in the hands of my old friend, Hiekey, who A Two-Days' Meeting at Birmingham An Inter-State League Likely to be Or TEAM MAKE-UP. is president of the Association. Now. will you ''The team is virtually complete now. I have mind? When in town last week he was unable ganized With the Michigan League 20 men under contract, and out of the lot I feel to say what would be done and was more or less at Which Some Advance Was confident I can pick a club that will land the afraid of the Western League people. rag in Des Moines." Since that time, however, I have heard from as a Basis An Eight-Club Circuit ''How about Preston?" a reliable source that the Western League would Made in the Line ol Reorganization "I have reserved Preston, and it is quite likely not come here, as after looking over the ground he will wear a Des Moines uniform next sea it was decided that the outlook was not as fav That Could be Formed, son. I have received numerous letters from orable as they would like, so they gave up the For Next Season, him and in each he emphatically declares that idea, and left the field to the Association. he has quit drinking, and quit for good! If he Tom McVHtie, who holds the Western Associa Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 22. The South Detroit, Mich., Dec. 25. Another minor demonstrates next spring that this is a fact he tion franchise, says that he already had a num league is to be organized, under the name will play in every game. You remember the ber of players who had accepted terms, and now ern League base ball clubs held a meet of the Indiana-Michigan League. Since the game he put up at third for St. Jo in '94V That's that there is some money in sight there would ing in this city last night. There were Tri-State League disbanded, base ball has what sent him into the National. Booze knocked be no difficulty in securing all the men he present J. B. Nicklin, of Chattanooga, been very dull in the Hoosier State. The him out." needed. president; B. L. Holland, R- H. Jones, Michigan League of four clubs Grand Rap BETTER DISCIPLINE! Your correspondents would like to see the re Montgomery, Ala.; George T. Stalliugs and ids, Jackson, Lausing and Kalamazoo was Tour correspondent then intimated to Traffley turn of Lohman. Ulrich, Egan and Oarrish to Dr. K. C. White, of Nashville; J. B. Alien, a paying venture, and uow they want to that among the Des Moines team last year there Omaha. Slaglc has already signed with, another of Atlanta, and Henry Powers, of New- club,, so we can't get him.. Sorry for this Orleans. Evansvllle was represented by take four Indiana clubs into the fold. The was a little more lushing than was essential I consider this boy a comer, and with another cities invited to join are* Ft. Way tie, Terre to their happiness and health. proxy. The ranting, after discussion, indor.s- Haute, Muncie and AncfJM|on. The Michi "I know that," said Traf, "but it douU &.••' season's experience think he Will be the p \'.on of the last meeting in Chatta- gan end of the League is Certain, and the next season. 1 have learnt a thing or two from company. *- " wrongs" and awarded the penuant. for last season Hoosiers will join. Of the new clubs Ft. my experience. 1 realize now that J have been to Nashville. Atlanta kicked to the last, but too lenient in the past, but you know I've played HAPPY HAZLETON, was not upheld in the kick. Wayne has been semi-professional, and the under all kinds of managers myself and I don't It was practically decided that Evansville ! fans are anxious to get a professional team. like to be too hard on the* boys. But there will to be counted as dropped out for next season. Andersen and Muncie have always patron be no lushing on the Des Moines team next year Sharsig Has a Small Army of Players However, the League is to consist of eight clubs, ized the game liberally, and have had not while I am manager and can by any pos Under Contract. with the three additions that are expected. Ap teams for several years. Anderson defeat sible means prevent it." plications for franchises were received from, ed several Western Iveague clubs last sum Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 24.-Manager Billy Sharsig Little Hock, Knoxville, Macon, Savannah, Chat- mer, and were defeated for the champion was in town for a day last week and gave tauoga and Birmingham. Chattanooga, Birming ship by Elwood. Terre Haute is not ca FRANKLIN ON SHANNON DEAL. the cranks subject for talk. Manager bharsig ham and Knoxville will probably come into the pable of supporting a Western League stated that the arrangements for the use of League. Gives His Reasons For Voting as He the National League grounds in Philadelphia team, but a club in the new league will be were completed and everything was m readi This will make the roster of clubs as follows: a paying venture. It is said that the Ft. Did at the League Meeting. ness for launching the League. The meeting New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Atlanta, Wayue team has been selected as a "farm" Buffalo. Dec. 23. President Franklin, of the will be held in Philadelphia January 15. Chattanooga, Nashville, Birmingham and Knox by the Cleveland club. Some excellent ma Biffalo Base Ball Club was seen yesterday e- Twenty men have now been signed by the ville, terial will be obtained, and several Ft. paiding ihe claim thit be bad voted »giiist Hazletou management for '96. It is the inten Wayne boys will play on the team. Rochester and in favor of Wihsesbarre on the tion to launch a League that will stick to SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. ———————— ,-i Shaj'iion deal at the annual meeting of the gether. If the smallest towns desire to come Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 23. The meeting of Fiistern League. Mr. franklin said that tie in or speculative sports apply for admission the Southern League of Base Ball Clubs came TO OFFSET ANSON. had simply done bis duty to tin league an.l tbey can secure a franchise only by posting a to a close yesterday afternoon. did it despite the fact that Shai non was a good substantial guarantee of their sincerity. From The question of filling the vacancies which are An Offer to the Cleveland Players to friend. this basis there will be no wavering, and if now open in the League came up first. The. Go on the Stage. "Shannon set up the claim," said Mr. Frank the circuit must be started with four clubs on claims of the cities anxious to get into the fold lin, "that Wilkesbarre slill owed him $50 more this order it will be done. It is believed, how were looked over and it was finally decided to Cleveland, O., Dec. 23. The Cleveland for the season of 1894, and the sair.e amount ever, that six clubs at least will come in at leave the matter to a committee of two. JVlessrs. Base Ball team has received an offer from for the season lust past. E. W. Bogi.'t, presi the start. Henry Powers, of New Orleans, and GeK'ge T. an enterprising theatrical manager to go dent of the Wilkesbarres and also proprietor of With the exception of two men all of last Stallings, of Nashville, were appointed. on the stage. This manager probably n'g- the Wilkesbarre Leader, bad facts and figures year's players have been retained by Sharsig. The guarantee fund was the next matter. It ures that if some is good more is better to show that Shannon had been paid in full These he will take to Philadelphia with him. was decided to place the guarantee necessary and that if Anson, Lathain and other stars with the exception of $41, and there had "been They won the State League pennant last year, from each city at $1000 and each place must; have been drawing- cards he will start out a check far that amount in the office for som? and with a few additions he is confident of have the money up on or before March 1.