The Rise Andfall Ofa Proper Negro
the Rise andFall ofa Proper Negro an autobiography by Leslie Alexander Lacy PUBLISHED BY POCKET BOOKS NEW YORK Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to reprint the following: lines from "New York," "You Held the Black Face," and "Be Not Amazed," by L6opold Senghor, from Modern Poetry - from Africa, edited by Gerald Moore and Ulli Beier, Penguin Books, . Inc., Baltimore, copyright © 1963 by Gerald Moore and Ulli Beier; lines from "The Black Glassmaker," by Jean-Joseph Rab6arivelo, originally in 1'Anthologie de la nouvelle poesie nPgre et malgache, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris (translation from Modern Poetry from Africa); and lines from "Your Pres- ence," by David Diop, originally in Coups de piton, Pr6sence . Africaine, Paris (translation from Modern Poetry from Africa). THE RISE AND FALL OF A PROPER NEGRO Macmillan edition published May, 1970 POCKET BOOK edition published December, 1971 0 This POCKET BOOK edition includes every word contained in the original, higher-priced edition. It is printed from brand-new plates made from completely reset, clear, easy-tc-read type. POCKET BOOK editions are published by POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y . 10020. Trademarks registered in the United States and other countries. L Standard Book Number : 671-78105-7. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : 71-95302 . Copyright, ©, 1970, by Leslie Alexander Lacy. All rights reserved . This POCKET BOOK edition is published by arrangement with The Macmillan Company. Printed in the U.S .A. For my father. Now only a memory. But what a man! A special brand of humanity: A good and honest soul And such strong hands- Yet gentle like the touch of children.
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