*rr^ir» v '' ■ imiNESDAT, AVOC8T M, U4t PAOX fiQ nX E N iHanrt;(Bter Engnttig ljgral& Avurags Dally Net Prem Run | from th* shore where he baa * Fbr Hw Mseth *f Ita Bmanuel Lutheran church board Ray Dwyer entertained with an­ cabin cruiser. When he arrived Sb ****** mbS o f adminlatratlon wlU be boat to other showing of motion picture* Motor Stolen home he wna balled Into hla shop at th* Memorial Hospital Annex, A b o u tT o w n the **nlor and Junior choir* and for abm t 20 minutes on a bualnma Hartford road, last night under matter, and during that time he 9 ,3 3 9 ■IgM; cIssilMg seHy F M ay, i tea'’*»i"g ataff* of the church arrangements of the Y.W.C.A. ■ehool and Weat Side branch at a From Barstow left the outboard motor In the rr-irrir «f A m U t M ia q rb y Oaorg* B. BMba, M|inMi ap* aporta program and picnic aupper branch here. trunk of hi* car. When he return­ BnatkS, XnOf, aoa of Mr. and Mra. Saturday at Goodwin Park, Hart­ ed he found that the motor had Mtanthester^'A City 'of Vttiaga Charm S^SldC. Barb* of 85 Blrartiaet, ford. Membere of the famlllea of Utchfleld, the beautlftil town In Local Resident Had Left been taken. it ttrvliic on bosjrd the dwtroyeri theae group* will be welcojne. In the hills of Northwestern Connecti­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS cut, will again open a number of Mr. Barstow la offering a 835 MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 USB H*nl*T, which la at pr«**mt caae of rain the auppci will be It in His Car for 20 AiysHlalBg *■ Pag* M) Its bouses ana gardens on Satur­ reward for the return o f th* mo­ rOL, L X m , NO. STS complottnc her ooeond Medltenra^ aerved at Emanuel Lutheran M inutes tor. He said this morning that the , / •aa crulae. 8«aman Be«b* entered church. Thoiic dealring tranaporta- day, August 21, from' 11 a. m. to 5:80. The ‘oien house” day Is for person who took the n.otor would th* naral aenrtc* In September, tlon should meet at the church at An outboard motor, valued at be wiser In the long run to return 1947, and received hi*, recruit the benefit of the Connecticut 1:^45 p. m. Saturday. Junior Republic, a school for boys 875, was taken from the trunk of It as when he attempts to uae It Cargo Arrivea 198 Years Late Try to Find tralnlnt at the Great Lake* Nav^ a car belonging to John Barstow he will flhd that It doesn’t work. TralDlnf Center, prior to i^ lch needing special guidance. Sand- Security Coumnl Former Lakota Council, No. 61. Degree of 460 Main street while It was Mr. Barstow had brought the mo­ he attended Mancheater High wlhces, coffee, and milk may be of Pocahontas, will meet this eve­ parked In hi* driveway Sunday tor home to overhaul it because It Weat Coast •chooL obtained at the milk bar of the ning at 7:30 In Odd Fellow* halL school, which will also be open to evening. had been aoaked In salt water and Following the business session set­ t' Inspection by ^18ltonl. Mr. Barstow had Just returned is not in operating condition. Oil Sources Mr. and Mra Herbert C Han of back will be played about 8:30. to To Hold Meeting Oaford atiaet, and daughter, Nan­ which the public is invited. Re­ Lawyers cy, hav* retiuTied after a two freshments will be served during we*** vacation at Newport and the social period following the games. Three Companies ' Are Ood. SALE! On Truce Breach Using Man-Made Earth­ quakes to Create Appear Tomorrow Special Valv Urgent Session Called Jews Accused Sea Bottom Shocks s.‘ .‘ A ll W hite Thia Afternoon After Santa Barbara, Calif., A ug..19— Witt, Pressman and Abt ivin 0 Request Firom Count Of Despoiling VP)—Three oil companies ate en­ Sees Teacher Beyond To Be Questioned in Fringed Bemadotte for Imme­ gaged In an exciting gamble off Spy Ring Investiga­ diate Action to Pre­ Church Units the Santa Barbara coast, luing man-made earthquake* in an ef­ Control of Russians tion; Truman Lashes II vent Full Breakdown fort to find vast new sources of Out At House Commit­ " I petroleum for fuel-hungry Amer­ Latin Patriarchate’s Re­ ica. tee;-Accuses G ro u p ' Hob Nail Bedspreads Lake Success, Aug. 19—(/P) State Department Gives port Charges Crimi Dull reverberation* of n potent Dewey Pledge SILCO —The United Nations Se­ new explosive called EP-126 (nit- Formtd Ruling in Case Of Infringing Bill of curity Council decided today nal Acts Against 12 rocarbonate) create shock wave* Rights in . Its Inquiry STAINLESS FLATWARE to meet in urgent session on a* deep a* 15,000 feet below the Of Mrs. Kosenkina As Seen Answer Full and Twin Palestine this afternoon (1 :30 Catholic Institutions ocean bottom. Never before haa man sought to pump oU from rock Long As She Remains . Washington. Aug. 19--<A^ $5*98 p.m. e. 8. t.). The decision cavities underlying the open *e* — The House UnAmerican look what Siko "Bmplt* Psasta” Bed Size§ Jerusalem, Aug. 19—(ff)—The To Challenge was taken after the council itself. Wsshington, Aug. 19—(A*)' Activities committee today giva* yoa . at tmei lew cost! It’s received a request from Latin patriarchate released today Coetlng 82J100 Dally SOLID, shiaiag staialsM stsel of a report by toe vicar general tor The venture I* costing Shell, — ^TTie State department ruled . ordered three former New Another shipment of the ever popular hob-nail spread with fringe. All white in full and Count Bemadotte, U. N. formally today that Mrs. j Deal lawyers to appear for Assay w e i ^ — cant weat thtou^. mediator, for immediate action to Galilee accusing Jews of criminal Union and Continental Oil compa­ Barkley Reveals Farm tatalsh, siaia, ratt oc coRoda — never ■i acta againat 12 Roman Catholic nies 82,500 a day. On Oct. 1, IS Oksana S. Kosenkina. refugee j uestioning tomorrow in its twin bed sizes. prevent a breakdown of the Holy Belt Strategy of Dem* Beads poUthins. It tasisis attaRfa**. Land truce. Institutions In northern Palestine. concerns will pool their resource* Russian teacher, is beyond ommunist spy ring investi­ for a risky survey of to* sub­ J keep* its bright Burroc-finish far ’The report, by Monsignor An­ control of the Soviet govern- j ocrats by Asserting gation. They are: Nathan thony Verganl, an Italian citizen, JES merged lands from Point Concep­ looger. sad it is prectkally inde- I iFTarna Situation tion to Point Eatero. ment ” so long as she remains Fanners Have Choice Witt, Lee Pressman and John (ttBCtibl*. Yat 'Ympira*’ is ecoaooa- * has been toriwuded by toe pa­ Isabel O'Leary of the District Army Engineem offlee examines pewter Abt. triarchate to toe Vatican secre­ If toe anaylsis of complicated in this country.” The ruling ical aaoa^ for yoa to gat plentr for lONan Getting Out of Hand spoons, locks, cups and other items recovered from the Delaware river geophysical profile and contour Refnaes U e Detecter Test tary of state. was given by Ernest A. Washington, Aug. 19.— VP)— A The committee also said that stf yoar Bssdi . baaotifnl a ooo^ tAtTIN« Extra Special! Stockholm, Aug. 19 — VP)—The at Philadelphia, by a dredging crew. ’They were pnrt o f cargo on British charts nhows that oil does exist Gross, Secretary Marshall's legiU It alleged that seven churches, Democratic farm vote challenge Alger Hiss, former State depart­ United Nations Palestine mediator ship sank b^ore Its arrival there In 1750. (A P wtrephoto)._________ under toe floor of the Pqclflc, an advisor, in a letter to Justice for any ecrasion. Gat your ’’Sospita'* convents and hospices have been ment official accused of being warned the Security OouncU to­ even tougher problem Ilea ahead, Samuel Dlckstein, of the New appeared likely today to be SOco Stslnlest todayl day that the situation In Jeruaa- looted by Jews and others seized part of a pre-war Red under­ M m NO by force. It expressed concern that of extracUng the fuel. York SUte Supreme CourL swered by a campaign pledge Goodyear Plastic lem la “gradually getting out of ground In Washington, haa re­ tost toe Jews might “start a con­ The process of extracting possi­ M m . Koaenkina leaped from 'toe from Gov. Thomas E. Dewey to peUtMNO hand.” He said It Is doubtful fused to submit at'tols tone to a tinued expropriation of ecclesias­ bly would entell the creation of third story of the Soviet consulate back a strong price support pro­ whether the Holy City can be de­ Blame Western Allies Ue detector test. tical properties which may have an artificial island offshore from In New York a week ago and is gram. militarised In the near future. Hiss has,denied ton* and again NON-ceneMNS no small repercussion In the which drills could whipstock Into now In a critical condition in a Senator Barkley of Kentucky One Of Our August Fur Event Garment Bags Count Folke Bemadotte, asking the oily treaaure troves, or It imder oath that he ever 4 1 = Christian world.’* hosoital there. Dlckatcln sought put up toe algn poets for Demo­ <^>mmunlat. He now heads to* the Council for prompt action to Aecoaed of Breaking Into Oiurch For Slowing Parleys, might Involve a caisson rig with toe State department'* ruling at a cratic farm belt strategy with hla With Zipper Cloeare.
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