
Edited by Peter Symes Beyond the Muck Text and photos by Mike Bartick evolved elaborate and eccentric life In the shallows, fringing beds of sea- styles to survive on the substrate and grass supports a mix of critters like ornate Muck diving is a term used are unlike the ocean roving pelagic fish and common pipefish, flatfish, frogfish, quite frequently these days that above them in many ways. urchins, crustaceans, opisthobranches, Pelagic fish hunt long range, tend to vertebrate and sea life. can be applied to either a dive be bi-colored, are fast and are more In addition the , sea squirts, site, a type of diving or even an adept to following the fluctuating cur- tunicates, sea fans and soft corals that entire region like Lembeh Strait rent and food source. Benthic critters, on also thrive here provide both food and in Indonesia or Anilao in the the other hand, are forced to adapt to protection, creating a unique habitat for their environs on the bottom with limited an abundance of unique sea life on the Philippines. These areas of the movement and hunt close range. These bottom. Indo-Pacific have consistently critters use a combination of “Lie and Like the big Holy Grail, there ranked amongst the highest wait” hunting and “ambush attacks”, also exists the small animal Holy Grail in terms of high coral counts, relying heavily on aggressive camou- that survives in this intertidal benthic flage that mimics or matches their sur- realm with names that are almost as reef fish and of course the high roundings. The same current lines that dazzling as their appearance. , impact Holy Grail of critters. feed the higher chain (food grade fish) hairy frogfish, stargazers all sound like also brings food and organisms for the they belong in a superhero comic book, The intertidal and estuary zones typically lower chain that are sought out and some even have the abilities to associated with muck dives provide to photograph. match. The evolutionary process has much more overall for the eco-system The more productive dive sights that been both rigid and creative with these than what meets the eye. Nutrients flow- support an overall abundance of biota compelling creatures forcing them to ing into the ocean current mix to cre- are intertidal sand flats, fringing reefs adapt or pay the ultimate price. ate an amazing bio-mass of diversity and tidal sand banks formed in-part by The solitaire juvenile pinnate spadefish that ranges from bull rush sea grass to fluctuating current lines. These currents (Platax pinnatus) survives by its color and bull sharks. However, the critters most carve and shape the substrate that rapid movements. Living between rocks encountered while muck diving are typi- often mix within the intertidal zones and and small crevices, it mimics the colors cally benthic bottom dwelling organ- create an underwater oasis for encrust- of a venomous flatworm. Found exclu- isms. These critters as we call them have ing sea life. sively in the Indo-Pacific, its midnight

Juvenile pinnate spadefish side view (above) and front view (inset) mimics a venomous flatworm

49 X-RAY MAG : 56 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO In the photo at left, the smaller male (left) and the larger female (right) hairy frogfish meet in courtship Muck ecology to mate; A stargazer lies in wait to ambush passing prey (right)

third and final step, as it ambushes its prey with its lightning fast gape strike, often consuming them in one gulp. When frogfish are found together, it is generally a strong indication that mat- ing will occur soon. The female is almost always the larger of the two, as she needs to be a bit larg- er than the male in order to produce the mass of eggs. The smaller A. stria- tus (male) pictured above was attracted to this love- ly female a day earlier by an irresistible pheromone.

black and vibrant orange colors will fade The female A. straitus actually as they burry themselves under the sand to a drab silvery coloration, as it enters selects the right male in a nat- to hunt. When another benthic fish or into the second phase of its lifecycle. ural process that could involve smaller unsuspecting fish swims closely The Antenarius striatus, or hairy frogfish, either eating or just ignoring overhead, the stargazer springs from its are a highly sought after Holy Grail critter the rejected suitor. burrow and engulfs the fish in a flash, due in-part to their photogenic behav- then quickly buries itself again. In addi- iors and for their unusual appearance. Nocturnal critters tion to being venomous, the stargazer The A. striatus is a bit more sophisticat- Muck dive sites can get even can produce an electrical charge and ed than many other fish for using a spe- more interesting at night with conceals a lure in its mouth—talk about cial method to hunt. Impossible to swim the cast of nocturnal critters. equipped! and hunt the A. striatus is able to do so The exact same dive site will with very little movement on their part yield a whole new team of The bobbit and is achieved by exciting their prey. characters after the sun sets No write up on muck diving would be First the hairy frogfish will release a and provides for some better complete without something about the scent, which alerts nearby fish or shrimp then sci-fi photo ops. elusive bobbit worms (Eunice aphro- down current that food is near. This The white margined stargaz- ditois). These carnivorous polychaete excites their prey, and as they follow the er (Uranoscopus sulphereus) worms are the things that nightmares are scent closer, the frogfish switches to its is perhaps the most maca- made of. Growing up to six feet in length second strategy, visual stimulation using bre looking of all the critters. and a diameter of three inches, these its lure. Its name is derived from its creepy critters play for keeps. The frogfish now relying on its lure appearance, as its eyes are The bobbit’s calcified jawbone, ten- drops it out and waves it around. This situated on the top of their tacle feelers and chemical receptors excites the victim even more, not know- heads appearing as if casting all work in unison to attract and kill their ing that the algae or soft coral it sees a never-ending gaze upon the prey. Often seen bobbing up and down is actually a hairy frogfish, cunning and night sky above. A venomous in the sand on night dives, bobbit worms powerful. As the fish moves in for its ambush predator, the position- are highly sensitive to light. Lunging and meal, the hairy frogfish unleashes the ing of its eyes are very useful, snapping at unsuspecting prey seems

Hairy frogfish hunting with lure

50 X-RAY MAG : 56 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO The tiny commen- sal pandalid shrimp, Miropandalus ecology hardingi Muck to be its technique of choice, often snatching Cephalopods fish right from the water The docile blue- column, slicing them ringed octopus in half or pulling them and flamboyant down, below the sand. cuttlefish are both highly sought after Super macro Holy Grail finds that Super macro techniques can turn any dive have gained popularity into a free-for-all in the last several years, very quickly. Each giving us a closer look at of these amazing some of the very small cephalapods has yet decorative shrimp, enough bacterial and other interesting crit- neurotoxin to kill doz- ters. Sometimes called ens of fully grown the insects of the ocean, men. Tetrodotoxin they all seem to bind (TTX) is a powerful dives together and keep digestive byproduct a photographer’s shut- transmitted through ter snapping. The bazaar saliva from a blue-

horned shrimp is a prime example of the incredible tiny crea- tures to be found, but can pose many chal- lenges when trying to photograph them. A commensal or partner shrimp (Miropandalus hard- ingi) is associated with brown or green gorgonians and are easily overlooked. The very small hairy shrimp are part of the broken back complex (Phycocaris sp.). They can be extremely compelling and difficult to photo- graph. They are nor- mally associated with algae growth of the same coloration but can also be found on small rocky outcrops, near the algae. Babbit worm bobs up and down, snatching fish right out of the water column Red hairy shrimp Algae shrimp, Phycocaris simulans

51 X-RAY MAG : 56 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Blue-ringed octo- pus (far left) and flamboyant cut- tlefish (left) eat- Muck ecology ing. Both carry poisonous neu- rotoxins; Veined octopus or coco- nut octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus, on eggs (center)

Nudibranchs The frontal view of the Nembrotha kubaryana nudi- branch reveals its intricate tex- tures and details, Its favorite food source is tuni- cates and are considered com- mon. A special class ringed (Hapalochlaena maculosa) octo- is reserved for pus’ bite. The flamboyant cuttlefish, on the ever colorful the other hand, (Metassepia pfefferi) is and slow mov- also docile yet deadly and can inadver- ing nudibranch. tently transmit the TTX just by touching its These special skin tissue. Although not as effective as little gems are a the bite, scientists still limit contact and dynamic bunch exposure to them, keeping it to a mini- made for under- mum. water photogra- phers. The color Scorpionfish patterns and A member of the scorpionfish family, textures, shapes the Rhinopias frondosa can create very and details large ripple effect topside, wherever can be show- one turns up, especially in small commu- stopping. But nities like Anilao. It’s nearly the equiva- it’s not just their lent of a gold rush, as guests flood in looks but the from all over the world for a chance to science behind photograph one of these amazing crit- them, too, that ters. An ambush gape strike predator, tunity of an easy meal below them, is appealing. Terry Gosliner from the they will drag themselves along the bot- they swoop down to investigate. The California Academy of Science calls tom toppling forward then rolling back Rhinopias unleashes its bucket mouth them “the most diverse fauna on planet mimicking an injured fish. When a pred- gape strike, inhaling the fish with haste, earth”. I would have to conclude he’s atory fish from above sees the oppor- then trundling forward, it moves on. 100% spot on with that statement. Rhinopias frondosa is a member of th scorpionfish family


Fish allows us to see. I am often sur- The estuary batfish (Haleutia sp.) is prised at what is found while muck truly a rare find amongst finds. The diving and quickly refer to the natural data on this fish just doesn’t identification books afterwards. exist, unlike many of the other crit- The sheer amount of opportunities ters out there. It is believed to be of seeing something new or undis- a deep sea anglerfish. This one covered is part of the main draw in (shown above) was found in the muck diving. shallows by my trusted assistant, Remember, research, hiring a Gladys, and later positively identi- professional guide and persistence fied using the Reef Creature ID pays off when hunting for that spe- book. It was so cryptic and blended cial critter. Communicate with your so well with the substrate that when guide and the resort before your I glanced away for a second, it was arrival and let them know what it is lost forever. that you would like to see. The spotted xenia pipefish Now get out there and have an (Siokunichthys herrei) is just one adventure! ■ more amazing critter find from Anilao. Reliance on sharp guides A special thanks from the author nearly always pays off, time and goes to Crystal Blue Resort (www. time again. Experience has taught California native me not to be complacent and to Mike Bartick is a widely published always come when my guide waves underwater photographer based in me over. One of the advantages of Anilao, Philippines. A small animal working in the Indo-Pacific region is expert, he leads groups of photog- the opportunity to find and docu- raphers into Asia to seek out that ment rare creatures like these. special critter. For more information, Beyond the Holy Grail are the visit: oddities that only Mother Nature CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Estuary batfish, Haleutia sp.; Nembrotha kubaryana nudibranch; Spotted xenia pipefish; Hipseledoris sp. nudibranch