


旅游实务英语 English for Tourism

主 编 向 晓 编 者 向 晓 李 畅 企业顾问 陈 娟

对外经济贸易大学出版社 中国·北京 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据

旅游实务英语 向晓主编 北京 对外经济贸 / . — : 易大学出版社 ꎬ 2012 全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材

ISBN 978 ̄7 ̄5663 ̄0536 ̄7 旅 向 旅游 英语 高等学校 Ⅰư ① ƺ Ⅱư ① ƺ Ⅲư ① - - 教材 - Ⅳư ①H31 中国版本图书馆 数据核字 第 号 CIP (2012) 257796

2012 年 对外经济贸易大学出版社出版发行 ⓒ 版权所有 翻印必究

旅游实务英语 English for Tourism 向 晓 主编

责任编辑 胡小平 红 梅 :

对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社 北京市朝阳区惠新东街 号 邮政编码 10 : 100029 邮购电话 发行部电话 : 010 - 64492338 : 010 - 64492342 网址 : http:/ / www. uibep. com E ̄mail: uibep@ 126. com

山东省沂南县汇丰印刷有限公司印装 新华书店北京发行所发行

成品尺寸 印张 千字 : 185mm × 260mm 18ư 25 422 年 月北京第 版 年 月第 次印刷 2012 10 1 2012 10 1

ISBN 978 ̄7 ̄5663 ̄0536 ̄7 印数 册 定价 元 含光盘 : 0 001 - 3 000 : 38ư 00 ( ) Contents

出 版 说 明

教育部[2006]16 号文中提出:“要积极推行与生产劳动和社会实践相结合的学习模 式,把工学结合作为高等职业教育人才培养模式改革的重要切入点,带动专业调整与建 设,引导课程设置、教学内容和教学方法改革。”与之相对应的课程开发方式和课程内容 的改革模式是“与行业企业共同开发紧密结合生产实际的实训教材,并确保优质教材进 课堂”。“全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”正是对外经济贸易大学出版 社在高等职业教育课程建设领域的最新研究成果。 本系列教材适用于全国高职高专院校英语专业的商务/应用/外贸/旅游等英语方向以及 国际贸易、国际商务或财经类专业的学生;同时适用于全国各高等院校应用型本科英语专 业的商务英语方向和国际贸易、国际经济、国际商务及国际工商管理等商科专业的学生。 本系列教材主要呈现以下特点: 1. 体现“基于工作过程” 在我国高等职业教育新一轮课程改革中,我们学习、引进并发展了德国职业教育的 一种新的课程模式——基于工作过程的课程模式,指“为完成一件工作任务并获得工作 成果而进行的一个完整的工作程序”建立起来的课程体系。 2. 突出“校企合作” 课程体系的“校企合作”以教师和企业人员参与为主体,是“校企合作,工学结合” 的人才培养模式发展的必然产物,旨在提高学生的综合能力,尤其是实践能力和就业能 力,实现学校教学与工作实践的零距离。 “全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”的课程方案与传统的课程方案相 比,它打破了高等职业教育学科系统化的课程体系,在分析典型职业活动工作过程的前提 下,按照工作过程中的需要来设计课程,以突出工作过程在课程框架中的主线地位,整合 优化了理论知识与实践活动。教材编写过程中,教师结合自身的教学实践、调研论证和外 贸专家对工作岗位的实际要求来安排课程结构和内容,形成了具有特色的基于工作过程的 校企合作系列教材体系。 本套教材包括《致用商务英语阅读(上册)》、《致用商务英语阅读(下册)》、《外贸 函电与单证实训教程》、《商务翻译实务》、《国际市场营销实务》、《商务英语函电》、《国 际贸易实务(英)》、《商务谈判实务(英)》、《酒店实务英语》、《旅游实务英语》、《会展 实务英语》、《商务英语口译》、《外事接待实务英语》、《商务礼仪实务英语》、《涉外企业 管理实务》、《旅游英语口语》、《进出口报关实务》、《外贸跟单实务》、《国际商务单证实 务》、《国际货运代理实务》、《报检实务》、《生产物流运作实务》、《实用商务英语口语教 程》、《国际商务英语口语实训》、《中英文导游实训教程》、《中英文酒店服务实训教程》、 《集装箱运输实务》、《跨文化交际技巧——如何与西方人交往》和《商务英语听说》等教 1 旅游实务英语

材。作者都是本专业的“双师型”教师,不仅具有丰富的语言教学经验,而且具备企业 第一线的工作经历,主持或参与过多项国家或省市级相关科研项目,为本套教材的编写 质量提供了有力的保证。 值得注意的是,本系列教材不是封闭的,它随着教学模式和课程设置的变化,将不 断推出新的内容,以丰富整个体系。 同时,本套教材均配有辅导用书和 PPT 课件等立体化教学资源,供教师教学参考(下 载网址:http://www.uibep.com)。


2012 年 8 月

2 Contents

前 言

《旅游实务英语》是“全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”之一。本教 材彻底解构了学科型知识组织模式,使教材的内容从单一的英语知识传授,改造为融旅 游业专业知识、专业技能、语言知识、文化知识、社交礼仪和旅游语境相互融合的工作 岗位知识体系,其中语言语料从旅游一线进行收集、精选和加工;结合工作过程对知识 的整合从宏观深入到微观,从表面深入到本质。首先,针对导游实际需要对教学内容进 行精选,取材主要针对全国各地世界遗产包括文化遗产、自然遗产和自然与文化遗产, 也涉及国外风景名胜,此外,导游过程中的各个环节所涉及的知识尽量融入教材,其中 社会知识和旅游文化知识以及工作技能也融入教学内容中;参观游览部分为本书重点, 强调旅游文化知识导入;其它部分强调社会知识和工作技能的导入。 教材从宏观的角度分成四大模块:迎客服务→观光服务∪生活服务→送客服务,教 材结构就是按照这个过程来组织的,此外,各个部分中的核心内容情景会话和导游词的 组织也是结合工作过程、工作任务和旅游环境进行了精选、组织和重构。下面为课时分 配计划表:

表一 课时分配计划

教材模块 课时分配

迎客服务 4×2=8 课时

观光服务 14×3=42 课时

生活服务 6×2=12 课时

送客服务 2×2=4 课时

总计 66 课时

教材也遵循传统单元学习优势。每个小单元分为六个小部分,小部分与单元主题尽量 衔接和对应,包括导入、情景对话、导游词、补充阅读、知识技能的巩固与训练等六个 部分。内容如下: 1. Introduction:建议采取课堂问题讨论的形式进入学习主题,在学生质疑过程中,不 断扩大讨论范围和渲染课堂气氛。 2. Situational Dialogue:强调学生面对面交流能力的培养,建议对学生进行结伴训练和 角色扮演。 3. Guide Speech:按照工作过程程序,针对旅游景点进行陈述并对游客动态趋势进行 预测性模拟陈述和回应。

1 旅游实务英语

4. Supplementary Reading:内容主要从宏观或微观的角度对单元主题涉及的内容进行 补充和扩展。 5. Abilities and Quality:强调现场经验、工作方法、操作技能和技巧的介绍;Culture: 介绍当地的民俗风情、生活习惯,为现场工作能力的提高积蓄力量,培养潜力,强调职 业能力的深层拓展。 6. Consolidation:针对知识要点进行集成化训练,包括质疑解惑、难点突破、重点巩 固、对话创新以及文本表达形式的转化等。 《旅游实务英语》由湖南生物机电职业技术学院教师编写;向晓老师主编教材和统稿, 编写了景点导游、生活服务共二十个单元。教材迎客服务、送客服务共六个单元由李畅 老师编写。全书由唐年青老师主审。编写前,编者在湖南韶山旅行社和华雅国际大酒店 等企业进行了调研,收集了许多宝贵意见。湖南财信环球国际旅行社陈娟女士为本教材 企业顾问。 本书在编著过程中会有不当和疏漏之处,欢迎广大同行和使用者批评指正。

编者 2012 年 8 月

2 Contents


Module One Meeting Service

Unit One Greeting the Guests ······························································································3 Unit Two On the Way ·········································································································13 Unit Three Hotel Accommodation ·····················································································25 Unit Four Tour Arrangement·····························································································37

Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit One Palaces·················································································································51 Unit Two Altars and Temples ·····························································································61 Unit Three Religious Buildings in ···········································································71 Unit Four Mausoleums ·······································································································83 Unit Five Military Defenses································································································91 Unit Six Classical Gardens ·······························································································103 Unit Seven Ancient Cities ·································································································115 Unit Eight Waterscape······································································································125 Unit Nine Mountain Range ······························································································135 Unit Ten Mountains and Water························································································143 Unit Eleven Forest Parks in China ··················································································155 Unit Twelve Special Administrative Region in China·····················································165 Unit Thirteen Travel Abroad I ·························································································177 Unit Fourteen Travel Abroad II·······················································································189

1 旅游实务英语

Module Three Life Service

Unit One Dating Affairs····································································································203 Unit Two Handling Emergency························································································213 Unit Three Eating Out······································································································221 Unit Four Shopping ··········································································································233 Unit Five Amusement ·······································································································241 Unit Six Apologies·············································································································251

Module Four Parting Service

Unit One Checking Out ····································································································261 Unit Two Seeing off the Tourists ······················································································271


2 Module One Meeting Service

Module One

Meeting Service

1 旅游实务英语

2 Module One Meeting Service

Unit One 1 Greeting the Guests

Proverb If there is a bond between them, the two will meet across five hundred meters. Without a bond, they will not meet though face to face.

Introduction Before a foreign tour group arrives, it’s necessary for the tour guide to familiarize with the itinerary and implement the detailed arrangements for the guests, such as making room reservations, arranging for the arrival and departure means of transportation (flight, train, ship, etc.). The tour guide should also know about scheduled arrival and departure time, and place. When the foreign guests arrive, it’s a good manner for the tour guide to meet them in person at the airport (or at the railway station and at the port) thirty minutes ahead of time. Upon arrival, the tour leader should check the number of his or her group members, and help them pick up luggage and go through the Customs. Out of the Customs, he or she should assist the local guide in handing over luggage. Foreigners usually like going to their hotel rooms right away after a long flight. So, you can get them directly to their hotel.

Discussion 1. What should a tour guide do before his or her guests arrive? 2. What’s a tour leader’s task when getting to the destination?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Greeting Guests at Customs

(G=Local Guide; L=Tour Leader; T=Tourists) At the airport, Zhang Lin, a local guide, is receiving a tour group from Australia. There comes the tour leader, Mr. White.

3 旅游实务英语

G: Excuse me, but are you Mr. White from Australia? L: Yes. Are you from China International Travel Service (CITS)? G: Yes. My name is Zhang Lin, your local guide. Glad to meet you. L: Glad to meet you too. Thank you for coming to meet us. G: My pleasure. Mr. White, did you have a pleasant trip? L: Not bad. But you know, 14 hours was quite a long flight. We just had a touchdown in Singapore. G: You must be exhausted after such a long journey. So, we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible. L: Thank you very much. G: Mr. White, is everybody in the group here? L: Yeah. There are eighteen of us. G: How many pieces of luggage do you have together? L: 18 altogether. G: I see. Now shall we go to check the luggage and get our people to the coach? L: That’s great. (To the tourists) Now, I’d like to introduce our local guide to you. This is Miss Zhang Lin from China International Travel Service. T: Hi, Miss Zhang. G: Hi, everybody. Welcome to China. I’ll be your local guide during your stay in China. I’m always at your service. T: Thank you. G: You are welcome. How are you feeling now? T: I am a little tired. I want to have a good rest after such a long flight. G: I see. Now please go to get some carts and then put your luggage on the carts. I find that some pieces of luggage are very heavy. T: OK. G: (After everyone gets ready) Now, we’ll send you to the hotel right away. I hope you will look refreshed and revitalized after a good rest. T: Thank you, Miss Zhang. G: Attention, please. Now please follow me to the coach. It’s waiting outside.

New Words and Expressions

1. China International Travel Service (CITS) 中国国际旅行社(中国国旅) 4 Module One Meeting Service

2. local guide 地陪 3. touchdown n. 着陆,降落;触地;触地得分 4. Singapore n. 新加坡 5. flight n.(尤指乘飞机的)空中航行,航程;班机;飞行 vt. 使惊飞;射击 6. exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的,疲惫的;耗尽的 7. luggage n. 行李;皮箱 8. coach n. 旅客车厢;长途公车;教练 vt. 训练;指导 9. cart n. 购物车;手推车 vi. 用运货车运送 10. refresh vt. 使……恢复;使……清新;消除……的疲劳;更新 11. revitalize vt. 使有新的活力;使复苏;使新生


1. China International Travel Service 中国国际旅行社 现名中国国际旅行社总社有限公司(China International Travel Service Limited, Head Office,英文缩写:CITS)成立于 1954 年,是目前国内规模最大、实力最强的旅行社企业 集团。国旅总社在海外 10 多个国家和地区设有 14 家分社,在全国 122 座城市拥有 20 多家控股子公司和 122 家国旅集团理事会成员社,与全球 1 400 多家旅行商建立了长期稳 定的合作关系。 2. Classification of Tour Guide 导游人员分类 导游人员是指持有中华人民共和国导游资格证书,受旅行社委派,按照接待计划, 从事陪同旅游团(者)参观、游览等工作的人 员。根据业务范围,导游人员分为海外领 队、全程陪同导游人员、地方陪同导游人员和景点景区导游人员。 海外领队(escort or tour leader):指经国家旅游行政管理部门批准可以经营出境旅游业 务的旅行社委派,全权代表该旅行社带领旅游团从事旅游活动的工作人员。 全程陪同人员(national tour):是指受组团旅行社委派,作为组团旅行社的代表,在领 队和地方陪同人员的配合下实施接待计划,为旅游团提供全程陪同服务的工作人员。 地方陪同人员(local guide):是受接待旅行社的委派,代表接待旅行社实施接待计划, 为旅游者提供当地的旅游活动安排、讲解、翻译等服务的工作人员。 景点景区导游人员(attractions guide):是指在旅游景区景点,如博物馆、自然保护区 等为游客进行导游讲解服务的工作人员。

Part Two A Guide Speech

A Welcome Speech

Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning. Welcome to China! Welcome to ! Please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Zhang Lin. I’m your local guide, coming 5 旅游实务英语 from China International Travel Service. I’m very glad to have all of you in China. I’ll be with you in the following fifteen days of the tour. Then allow me to introduce our driver, Mr. Wang. He has rich experience of driving, so you are in safe hands. We are glad to be of your service and we hope we will have a very good time together. Here are the badges of our travel service, please pin them onto your clothes, so I can recognize you easily. For most of you, I suppose this is your first trip to China, but you won’t have got jet lag. Although China encompasses a large territory that includes five different time zones, Beijing standard time is observed all over the country. We are two hours ahead of the eastern part of Australia, and the same time as the western part of Australia. Now, it is 10:00 a.m. Please reset your watches. Now, I’d like to take a few minutes to explain something important. Firstly, for the sake of safety I will keep your passports, so hand in your passports please. Secondly, if you need to exchange your dollars into RMB, please use a bank or money exchange. There is a bank near our hotel, so don’t worry. We don’t recommend exchanging your money at the hotel because you won’t get a fair rate. Some restaurants will accept American dollars, but you had better exchange your money and pay with RMB. Or, if you prefer, you can always use your credit cards. Thirdly, I’d like you to familiarize with the traffic rules in our country. In China, cars go along the right side and pedestrians walk along the left side, which is against Australia. And it is against the law to drive after getting drunk. Enjoy your vacation, but do not drink and drive. Now I’d like to explain tomorrow’s travel schedule to you. At 8:30 a.m., we’ll begin our fantastic trip in Beijing. The first scenic spot we’ll visit is the , where you can see the largest garden palace in China. Then, we shall ramble about the bustling downtown area along the old streets. In the evening, we’ll watch Beijing Opera at the theater. Tonight, you’re going to stay at the , a luxurious five-star hotel. Since it is the first time you are in Beijing, you shouldn’t go out alone. Of course, you can have a walk near the hotel with a hotel card. During your stay in China, we’ll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let me know. My mobile number is 13907498585. And our bus’ number is N 25678. Just keep them in your mind. Thank you!

New Words and Expressions

1. in safe hands 非常安全 2. badge n. 徽章;证章;标记 vt. 授给徽章 3. pin vt. 钉住;压住;将……用针别住 n. 大头针,针;栓 4. jet lag 时差反应;由不同地区的时间差所造成的身心不适 5. encompass vt. 包含;包围,环绕;完成 6 Module One Meeting Service

6. territory n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图 7. time zone n. 时区 8. for the sake of… 为了;为了……的利益 9. familiarize vt.(使)熟悉,了解,通晓 10. passport n. 护照,通行证;手段 11. exchange vt. 交换;交易;兑换 n. 交换;交流;交易所;兑换 12. pedestrian n. 行人;步行者 adj. 徒步的;缺乏想像力的 13. bustling adj. 忙乱的;熙熙攘攘的 14. downtown n. 市中心区 adj. 市中心的 adv. 往闹市区;在市区 15. hesitate vt. 踌躇,犹豫;有疑虑,不愿意


1. Beijing Time 北京时间 中国幅员辽阔,从西到东横跨东五、东六、东七、东八和东九共五个时区。中华人 民共和国成立以后,全国统一采用首都北京所在的东八区的区时作为标准时间,称为北 京时间。北京时间比格林威治时间(世界时)早 8 小时,即:北京时间=世界时+8 小时。 2. Driving along Right Side or Left Side 右行制和左行制 世界现存两种通行制度:右行制和左行制。所谓右行制,即汽车靠右行驶。采用右 行制的多是典型大陆国家,如美国、加拿大、中国、俄罗斯、德国、法国、巴西等;所 谓左行制,即汽车靠左行驶。采用左行制多是典型岛国和半岛、次大陆国家,如:英国、 日本、新加坡、印度、巴基斯坦、印尼、泰国、澳大利亚、 新西兰等,在这些国家汽车 靠左行驶。世界上 90%的国家采用右行制。 3. Welcome Speech 欢迎词 When the tour group arrives, the local guide should deliver a welcome speech to extend their thanks and welcome to the tourists on behalf of the travel service and his or her crew. The following points should be included: 1) Expressing his/her warm welcome and extend his/her greetings to the tourists; 2) Introducing himself/herself, the driver and the travel service he/she works for; 3) Expressing his/her willingness and desire to provide quality service; 4) Informing the tourists of the hotel in which they are to stay, its location and facilities; 5) Giving a brief introduction to the scenic spots that the tourists plan to visit; 6) Wishing the tourists a pleasant stay in the country or the city. 4. Useful expressions for a welcome speech 1) Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon/evening! 2) Welcome to… 3) We are heading for… 4) Let me introduce… / Allow me to introduce… 7 旅游实务英语

5) He has been driving for our travel agency for … years. 6) He has rich experience of driving. 7) So you are in the safe hands. 8) On behalf of the travel service, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of you. 9) I’ll be your guide during your stay in China. 10) You must be exhausted after such a long journey. 11) We’ve made reservation for your group at the International Hotel. 12) Don’t hesitate to tell us if you have any problems. 13) I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 14) We’ll do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant experience. 15) It will take us almost an hour to get to the hotel.

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Passport and Visa

Passport A passport is a document, issued by a national government, which certifies, for the purpose of international travel, the identity and nationality of its holder. The elements of identity are name, date of birth, sex, and place of birth. Most often, nationality and citizenship are congruent. A passport does not of itself entitle the passport holder entry into another country, nor to consular protection while abroad or any other privileges. It does, however, normally entitle the passport holder to return to the country that issued the passport. Rights to consular protection arise from international agreements, and the right to return arises from the laws of the issuing country. Sometimes a passport must have a visa (official endorsement) from the country a person desires to visit before entry into the country that is permitted. Generally, the government issues three types of passports: (1) diplomatic, for people going abroad on important government assignment; (2) official for other government employees; and 8 Module One Meeting Service

(3) regular, for people traveling overseas for personal reasons. Many countries do not require citizens of certain other countries to have passports. United States citizens, for instance, do not need passports to enter Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, and most of the West Indies. Visa Before entering a foreign country, travelers must usually obtain a visa. A visa is an endorsement that government officials place on a passport to show that the passport is valid. Officials of the country that a traveler is entering grant the visa. The visa certifies that the traveler’s passport has been examined and approved. Immigration officers then permit the bearer to enter the country. A government that does not want a person to enter the country can refuse to grant that person a visa. There are many different types of visas worldwide. The type of visa one will need is based on one’s destination and the purpose of travel. People should prepare for their trips in advance, as travel requirements vary by country. There are two main types of United States visas: non-immigrant visas and immigrant visas. Non-immigrant visas are for travel to the United States on a temporary basis; immigrant visas are for establishing permanent residence in the United States.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is a passport used for?

2. What right does a passport give its holder?

3. What type of passport should you have if you want to travel abroad?

4. Is a visa a separate document to show that the passport is valid?

5. Can you describe the functions of a visa briefly?

Part Four Abilities and Quality


At the beginning of time humans traveled, food, water, safety or acquisition of resources (trade) were the early travel motivations. But the idea of travel for pleasure or exploration soon emerged. Travel has always depended upon technology to provide the means or mode of travel. The earliest travelers walked or rode domesticated animals. The invention of the wheel and the sail provided new modes of transportation. Each improvement in technology increased 9 旅游实务英语 individuals’ opportunities to travel. As roads were improved and governments stabilized, interest in travel increased for education, sightseeing and religious purposes. Tourism is a composite of activities, services and industries that delivers a travel experience: transportation, accommodations, eating and drinking establishments, shops, entertainments, activity facilities and other hospitality services available for individuals or groups that are traveling away from home. It encompasses all providers of visitors and visitor-related services. WTO has taken the concept of tourism beyond a stereotypical image of “holiday making.” The officially accepted definition is: “Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.” The term “usual environment” is intended to exclude trips within the area of usual residence and frequent and regular trips between the domicile and the workplace and other community tripped of a routine character. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2010, there were over 940 million international tourist arrivals, with a growth of 6.6% as compared to 2009. International tourism receipts grew to US$919 billion (euro 693 billion) in 2010, corresponding to an increase in real terms of 4.7%. Tourism is vital for many countries, such as France, Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, Israel, the United States, Spain, Italy, and Thailand, and many island nations, such as the Bahamas, Fiji, Maldives, Philippines and the Seychelles, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise ships and taxicabs, hospitality services, such as accommodations, including hotels and resorts, and entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos, shopping malls, music venues and theatres. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) claims that tourism is currently the world’s largest industry with annual revenues of over $3 trillion dollars.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the earliest travel motivation?

2. What has helped individuals’ opportunities to travel?

3. What is the official definition of tourism?

4. How many tourists traveled abroad in 2010?

5. How much is the annual gaining of tourism now according to the passage? 10 Module One Meeting Service

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises A. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How long will the tour last?

2. What should the tourists wear so as to be recognized easily?

3. Do the tourists from Australia have a lot jet lag? Why or why not?

4. Where had the tourists better exchange their money into RMB?

5. What should a tourist do if he or she wants to have a walk near the hotel?

B: Ask students to turn the Guide Speech into a dialogue including the related contents.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我们共飞行了 12 个小时,只在夏威夷做了短暂停留。

2. 他们在装行李时把你的行李箱给漏掉啦。

3. 为了安全起见,请大家把护照交上来,由我统一保管。

4. 如果大家有问题或意见的话,请随时打我手机

5. 如果有人未如实上报(understate)所带物品 ,该物品就会被没收,并处以罚款。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. During your stay in our city, we’ll do everything possible to make your visit a happy experience. If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let me know. My mobile phone’s number is 13787363668. This evening we’re going to stay at the Huatian International Hotel, a luxurious, five-star hotel. The hotel is in downtown, so it is easy to get access to many places of interests in . And We’ ll be staying in our city for three days.

2. The duty-free objects include several personal belongings. Here the word “several” refers to the quantities that the travelers need. As to some small gifts, if the price is low, they are duty free. For example, the United States Customs allows the gifts that cost less than $10 11 旅游实务英语

duty-free. Fruit, vegetables, meat and meat products, live animals and addictive strong medicine, etc. are all forbidden.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Guide; T=Tourist) G: Good afternoon, Madam. Are you Miss White from Canada? T: Ah, yes, that’s right. G: Nice to meet you, Miss White. I’m ______(中青旅的导游). My name is Huang . T: Pleased to meet you too. I was just looking for you. G: ______(随时为你效劳,女士). By the way, how was your flight? T: A peasant flight except for a little tiredness. G: Well, I’ ve already ______(为你预定了房间). Shall we go to the hotel right now? T: Thank you. I can’ t wait to ______(尽快洗个澡). G: So we must go to the hotel as soon as possible. I hope you will be refreshed and revitalized after a good rest. T: I think so too. G: ______(请这边走). The car is waiting outside.

12 Module One Meeting Service

Unit Two 2 On the Way

Proverb Better to arrive late than never at all; Better to arrive five minutes late than dead on time.

Introduction: After the tourists get on the coach, it’s also of vital importance for a tour guide to make a favorable first impression on the tourists by introducing the general condition of the country or the city except a heartfelt welcome speech. Firstly, he/she should introduce the country or the city’s climate, population, administrative division, social life, cultural tradition, specialties and its history; secondly, he/she should take the opportunity to tell the tourists something about the country or the city’s developments in economy and municipal construction as well as the streets and important buildings along the way; finally, if there are any customs or matters of etiquette that you think tourists should be aware of, this is a good time to let them know. Also, tourists will appreciate any helpful advice the guide can give them, such as where to exchange their money, what types of transportation to use, and how to obey the traffic rules. Keep in mind that people will pay more attention to you and understand you more clearly if you look into their eyes as you speak. You should not ask about the guest’s age, marital status, or anything private. It’s impolite for the tour guide to smoke without asking for permission.

Discussion 1. How can a tour guide leave a good first impression on tourists? 2. Is it polite that you don’t look into the tourists’ eyes while giving a welcome speech? Why or why not?

13 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

On the Way to the Hotel

(G= Local Guide; T=Tourist; L=Tour Leader) G: Ladies and gentleman. Good afternoon, Welcome to Xi’ an. T: Good afternoon. G: Thank you. Is everybody here? L: Yes. There are 26 members here, including you and the driver. G: That’s great. Now please sit back and relax. Now we’re heading for the hotel, and it will take us almost one hour. During this time, I’d like to introduce our driver and myself to you. My name is Jenny Zhang. You can call me Jenny. And this is our driver, Zhao Long. He is an experienced driver for more than 20 years, so you are in very safe hands. And we will try our best to make your visit here comfortable and pleasant. T: Thank you. Could you tell us where the hotel is situated? G: Our hotel is situated in the city proper, so it’s accessible to the commercial streets. T: Wonderful. Tonight, I want to stroll around the streets. Could you give us some advice? G: Of course. If you want to taste the local special, you should go to the Hui People’s Street, where there are all kinds of gourmet food and snacks, such as Barbecue, Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, Steamed Dumpling Filled with Minced Meat and Gravy, Fry Rice, Huanggui Dried Persimmon, and so on. T: Ha, your description seems to make my mouth water. How about the schedule for tomorrow, then? G: Tomorrow we will start at eight sharp. So you should have your breakfast at 7:30. We will visit a lot of historic attractions. Maybe it’s the first time that you come to Xi’an. How much do you know about it? T: I’ve heard that Xi’an is one of the world’s four major ancient civilization capitals, enjoying equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome. Would you tell us some more information about it? G: It’s my pleasure. Xi’an is the capital of Province and was also well known as Chang’an in the ancient times. It is one of the seven ancient capital cities in China with a history of more than 3 000 years. Regarded as one of the birthplace of the ancient Chinese Yellow River Basin civilization, it served as the capital of 13 dynasties and kingdoms. T: Wow, it sounds attractive. Which scenic spots shall we go during our stay in Xi’an? G: Don’t worry, we’ll visit all the most important historic attractions such as Xi’an City Wall, National Heritage Park, Xi’an Great Mosque, Xi’an Dynasty Xizhou City Museum, the Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses and so on. 14 Module One Meeting Service

T: That’s great. Shall we go to the Huaqing Pool? I have heard that Yang Gui Fei, one of the four most beautiful ladies in Chinese history, took bath there. G: Ha, it seems that you have known much about Chinese history. T: Yes, I’m very interested in , and have read some history books about China. G: Well done. Oh, we’ll certainly go to visit Huaqing Pool. You know Yang Gui Fei was Emperor Xuanzong’s favorite lady, who was strangled by the emperor’s assistant officer in the end. T: Terrible! Then, how about the famous scenic spots in Xi’an? G: Around Xi’an, the Famen Temple enjoys the reputation of being the forefather of and temples in Central Shaanxi, because it holds the finger bones of Sakyamuni -- the founder of . The natural landscape around Xi’an is also marvelous. Mt. Huashan, one of the five best-known mountains in China, is famous for its breath-taking cliffs and its unique characteristics. T: Wonderful. I can’t wait to visit them. Look ! What’s the wall for? G: Oh, it’s the famous Old City Wall, which has four doors. In a minute, we will pass through the south gate into the city . T: Jenny, when are we going to visit the Old City Wall? G: Tomorrow morning. Now please look ahead! Do you see a tower? T: Yes, how majestic and glorious! Is it the Bell Tower? G: Yeah, it is the geographical center of Xi’an and the four main streets facing it are respectively Eastern Street, Western Street, Southern Street and Northern Street, all of which are also the main commercial streets in Xi’an. T: So, we have arrived at the center of Xi’an City, right? G: Yes, and we will soon get to our destination, the Bell Tower Hotel. OK, here we are. T: Wow, a splendid and magnificent hotel. G: I’m glad you like it. Please take your belongings with you and get off the coach. T: OK.

New Words and Expressions

1. enjoy equal fame with 与……享有同样声誉 2. accessible adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的 3. commercial adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的 n. 商业广告 4. gourmet n. 美食家;美食 5. barbecue n. 烤肉;吃烤肉的野宴 vt. 烧烤;烤肉 6. dried persimmon 柿饼 7. landscape n. 风景,景色;山水画 vt. 美化景观 8. Daming Palace National Heritage Park 大明宫的民族遗产公园 15 旅游实务英语

9. Xi’an Great Mosque 西安大清真寺 10. Xi’an Dynasty Xizhou City Museum 西安西周王朝城市博物馆 11. strangle vt. 把……勒死;使……窒息 vi. 窒息而死;被勒死 12. the Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑博物馆 13. breath-taking adj. 惊人的;令人惊叹的; 14. n.(东方寺院的)宝塔;佛塔 15. forefather n. 祖先;前辈 16. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁;陡岸 17. geographical adj. 地理的;地理学的 18. respectively adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地 19. destination n. 目的地,终点 20. belonging n. 所有物;行李;附属物


1. Xi’ an is one of the world’s four major ancient civilization capitals enjoying equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome. 西安与雅典、开罗和罗马齐名,被称为世界四大文明古都 之一。 2. Xi’ an City Wall 西安明城墙是中国现存最完整的一座古代城垣建筑,位于西安市 中心区,呈长方形,墙高 12 米,底宽 18 米,顶宽 15 米,东墙长 2 590 米,西墙长 2 631.2 米,南墙长 3 441.6 米,北墙长 3 241 米,总周长 11.9 公里。有城门四座:东长乐门,西 安定门,南永宁门,北安远门,每个城门都由箭楼和城楼组成。 3. The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆是国家 5A 级 景点,坐落在距西安 37 千米的临潼区东,南倚骊山,北临渭水,气势宏伟,是全国重点 的文物保护单位。秦兵马俑坑发现于 1974 年,位于秦始皇帝陵以东 1.5 公里处。经考古 工作者连续多年大规模钻探及研究考证,这里是中国第一个封建皇帝秦始皇帝之陵园中 一处大型从葬坑。 4. Huaqing Pool 华清池亦名华清宫,以 3 000 年的皇家园林史和 6 000 年的温泉利用 史而享誉海内外。华清池位于西安东约 30 公里的临潼骊山脚下北麓,是中国著名的温泉 胜地。据历史记载,这里的温泉大约发现在 3 000 年前的西周时代。汉代曾在这里建造帝 王贵族的行宫别墅。唐代建有富丽堂皇的“华清宫”。“华清池”由此得名。华清池景区 经国家旅游局正式批准为中国 5A级旅游景区。 5. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang 唐玄宗李隆基,唐朝皇帝(712 年 9 月 8 日-756 年 8 月 12 日在位);李隆基为睿宗李旦第三子,母窦德妃。庙号“玄宗”,又因其谥号为“至道 大圣大明孝皇帝”,故亦称为唐明皇。 6. Famen Temple 法门寺位于扶风县城北十公里的法门镇。始建于东汉末年,发迹于 北魏,起兴于隋,鼎盛于唐,被誉为“皇家寺庙”,因安置释迦牟尼佛指骨舍利而成为举 国仰望的佛教圣地。 16 Module One Meeting Service

7. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔始建于唐永徽三年(652 年), 距今已有 1 300 余 年。它位于中国陕西省西安市大慈恩寺内,是保存比较完好的楼阁式塔,是西安市的标 志性建筑和著名古迹。大雁塔原名“慈恩寺浮屠”或“慈恩寺塔”,始建 于 唐代永徽年间。 一千多年来,大雁塔进过多次修复。中华人民共和国成立后的 1964 年大雁塔又经过一次 整修,基本保持了原来的风貌。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

A Brief Introduction to China

Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning. On behalf of our travel service and colleagues, I’d say ‘welcome to China’. Now I’ll make a brief introduction to China. The People’s Republic of China is a large country with a long history and ancient civilization. It is situated in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. China shares common borders with 14 countries and is adjacent to 8 nations on the ocean. According to the recent population census, China’s entire population was to 1.3 billion at the end of the year of 2008. The capital of our country is Beijing where the 29th Olympics was held in 2008. Endowed with terra firma grandeur, China is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civilization in the world. It has a history of more than 5 000 years and the Yellow River is regarded as the mother river of the whole Chinese nation. Another magnificent river the Yangze River is also very important and occupies great position in the development and civilization of China. China is a multiracial country with 56 ethnic groups, including Bai, Korean, Dai, Russian, Gaoshan, Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Miao, Xibe, Yi, Yao, Tibetan, and Zhuang. The Han people account for 92 percent of the population. No matter how big or small the population is, all peoples share equal rights. In the long course of historical development, all the ethnics have joined in the effort to create and leave a rich cultural heritage to their motherland. Some traditions and customs with total Chinese flavors are unique, interesting and attractive especially to western people. Of all the traditional festivals, perhaps the most popular one are the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-autumn Festival. There are plenty of tourism resources in China, and tourism industry has been playing an important role in the economic development of China. Our government has made great efforts to exploit, utilize and protect these great resources. Lots of well-known scenic areas in China have been listed as the world natural and cultural heritage by the UNESCO, such as in , Lijiang River in and Zhangjiajie in , which are famous for their natural beauty; Mountain Tai in , the symbol of the Chinese nation, Qufu, the 17 旅游实务英语 hometown of the world’s famous philosopher Confucius, the and the Forbidden City in Beijing which are famous for their great cultural heritage; the Great wall, and Terracotta Warriors of Emperor Qinshihuang are also splendid destinations for travel, both of which have been highly praised as the world wonder by world-famous historians and architects. During your trip in China, you will also experience lots of delicious Chinese cuisines and local specialties. I’m sure you will be very fond of them. Besides, with the opening-up and reform, more and more meaningful Chinese cities have started to open their arms to welcome friends from all over the world with their hospitality. So, you will have an amazing, fresh, pleasant and comfortable journey here. At last, I do hope all of you will enjoy yourselves and have a wonderful journey in China.

New Words and Expressions

1. adjacent adj. 邻近的;毗连的 2. census n. 人口普查,人口调查 vt. 实施统计调查 3. endowed with 被赋予;天生具有 4. terra firma 陆地;大地 5. grandeur n. 壮丽;庄严;宏伟 6. repute n. 名誉;声望 vt. 名誉;认为;把称为 7. multiracial adj. 多民族的 8. ethnic adj. 种族的;人种的;不同民族的 9. Mongolian n. 蒙古语;属于蒙古人种的人 adj. 蒙古语的;蒙古人的 10. Xibe 锡伯族 11. heritage n. 遗产;传统;继承物;继承权 12. exploit n. 勋绩;功绩 vt. 开发,开拓;开采 13. utilize v. 利用;运用;使用 14. the Lantern Festival 元宵节 15. Confucius n. 孔子(中国哲学家,教育家) 16. historian n. 历史学家 17. architect n. 建筑师 18. reform n. 改革,改良;改正 vt. 改革;重新组成 vi. 重组;改过 19. hospitality n. 殷勤;好客 20. cuisine n. 烹饪,烹调法


1. 56 Ethnic Groups 五十六个民族。中国自古以来就是一个统一的多民族国家。历 史上中华民族大家庭中每一个成员,在祖国土地上劳动生息的范围及其所建立的政权的

18 Module One Meeting Service

疆域和政区,都是中国历史上疆域、政区的一部分。新中国成立后,通过识别并经中 央政府确认的民族共有 56 个。由于汉族以外的 55 个民族相对汉族人口较少,习惯上 被称为“少数民族”,如蒙古、回、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、苗、彝、壮、布依、朝鲜、 满等民族。 2. The World Natural and Cultural Heritage 世界文化和自然遗产,为了保护世界文化 和自然遗产,联合国教科文组织于 1972 年 11 月 6 日在第十七次大会上正式通过了《保 护世界文化和自然遗产公约》。1976 年,世界遗产委员会成立,并建立了《世界遗产名 录 》。 中国于 1985 年 12 月 12 日加入《公约》,1999 年 10 月 29 日当选为世界遗产委员会 成员。世界遗产包括:世界文化遗产(含文化景观)、世界自然遗产、世界文化与自然双 重遗产三类。 3. UNESCO 联合国教科文组织是 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization 的缩写。它是联合国专门机构之一。1946 年成立,总部设在法国巴黎。其宗 旨是促进教育、科学及文化方面的国际合作,以利于各国人民之间的相互了解,维护世 界和平。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

World Heritages in China

World Heritage sites are carefully selected by the United Nations via some strict procedures. According to the UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, a property is justified as world heritage if it is of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art, science, aesthetics, ethnology, anthropology, natural beauty, conservation, etc. In other words, a world heritage belongs to humankind in general rather than merely the local people of the territory. A World Heritage is a masterpiece of human ancestors or nature itself, which helps deepen our understanding of the world and human as well as the interaction between nature and human. The UNESCO seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. All the structures and sites that have been recognized by them are places of immense significance either as spectacular places, cultural establishments or for their natural beauty. As one of the four greatest ancient civilizations of the world, China is a country with a rich, long history and a vast territory. There are a large number of sites in China which fall under the category of being China’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, either cultural or natural, or both. Since its accession to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in 1985, China has constantly nominated its properties for inscription onto World Heritage List. And by June 2011, twenty-nine properties in China have been inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List, eight on the Natural Heritage List, and four on the Mixed (both cultural and natural) Heritage List, 19 旅游实务英语 ranking China as the State Party with the third most World Heritages. Besides, China has a further fifty-three properties on the Tentative List and thirty World Intangible Cultural Heritages. Properties inscribed on the World Heritage List: Cultural Ancient Building Complex in the (1994) Ancient City of Ping Yao (1997) Ancient Villages in Southern — Xidi and Hongcun (2000) Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom (2004) Classical Gardens of (1997) Dazu Rock Carvings (1999) Tulou (2008) Historic Centre of Macao (2005) Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, (1994) Historic Monuments of in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth” (2010) Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and (1987) Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (2000) Kaiping Diaolou and Villages (2007) (2000) Lushan National Park (1996) Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (1987) Mogao Caves (1987) and the Irrigation System (2000) (2009) Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, (1994) Old Town of Lijiang (1997) Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (1987) , an Imperial Garden in Beijing (1998) Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (1994) : an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing (1998) The Great Wall (1987) West Cultural Landscape of (2011) Yin Xu (2006) Yungang Grottoes (2001) Natural China Danxia (2010) Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area (1992) Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (1992) 20 Module One Meeting Service

Mount Sanqingshan National Park (2008) Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries - Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains (2006) South China Karst (2007) Three Parallel Rivers of Protected Areas (2003) Scenic and Historic Interest Area (1992) Mixed Scenic Area, including Giant Buddha Scenic Area (1996) Mount (1990) Mount Taishan (1987) Mount Wuyi (1999)

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How are world heritage sites selected?

2. Whom does a world heritage belong to once it is identified?

3. What is the definition of a world heritage?

4. What’s the duty of the UNESCO in the aspect of world heritage?

5. How many properties in China have been inscribed on the World Cultural Heritage List by June 2011?

Part Four Abilities and Qualities

How to Be a Good Tour Guide

As tourism is a comprehensive economic undertaking and plays a very important role in a country’s economic construction and in the work of foreign relations, tourism industry, therefore, bears on a country’s image abroad in terms of its political reputation and of the opportunity of earning foreign exchange for a country’s economic construction. How to become a good tour guide? First of all, we should understand what a tour guide is. Generally speaking, a tour guide’s job is to show tourists around interesting sights and guide them to have knowledge of the place, including its customs and culture. During the trip, he or she is the representative of a travel service and is often the only one that tour members will meet. His or her duty is to try his or her utmost to make foreign visitors enjoy their trip in a country and at the same time let them understand the country’s history, geography, people’s 21 旅游实务英语 customs and its cultural tradition better through their interpreting and efforts. At this case, the guide should be the spirit of mountains and rivers, envoy of friendship, disseminator of culture and civilization of the motherland and publicity agent of the new idea and morale of socialism. In fact, a tour guide acts as an attendant, publicity agent, investigator and defender during the trip. A good tourist guide is the one, who presents all the information in a simple yet exact way. Here are a few ways that will help you become a good tour guide. If you want to become a successful tour guide, make sure that you have patience and good communication skills. You have to be comfortable with different working hours. It is the most important thing if you want to be a tour guide. A good guide is knowledgeable about the area. This includes places to go, things to do, museums, local attractions and places to visit. So, do a brief research about the place you will tour. The company you are working for will provide you with the area information. However, it is always good to know a little more. Put together a collection of local attraction brochures and keep them with you. A series of web links that you can e-mail is also a good idea. If possible, get this information to your guests before they arrive. In this way, you will be confident enough, and all the people will be impressed with your extensive knowledge. It will help you in getting free publicity by your tour people. A good guide is sensitive to the needs of others. A tour guide can be gregarious and hamorous or as knowledgeable as a professor but neither talent will make for a great experience unless the guide is sensitive enough to realize when someone’s feet hurt. A good guide always tries to think about the needs of the people he/she is hosting before their own agenda. A good guide needs to have good organizing skills. You must be able to manage your time and details effectively. At times, you will also be responsible for many things like accommodations, transport, meals and many more. Make sure you are calm, especially at tricky situations like, monsoon hits, bus failure, if the hotel is full, or a client falls ill. Lastly, a good guide enjoys himself/herself and likes meeting new people. Do not take a lot of personal time out. Try to be enthusiastic and your group members will enjoy your company. You won’t like all the people you host but the good people you do meet will be the ones you will remember. Moreover, maybe next time you are in their hometown, they can show you around!

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What’s the function of tourism in a country’s economic development?

2. What’s a tourist guide’s duty?

22 Module One Meeting Service

3. What is the most important if you want to be a good guide?

4. What should a good guide do if he wants to be confident?

5. How should a good guide act when something unexpected happens?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises A: Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned.. 1. How many neighboring countries does China have?

2. Which river is regarded as the mother river of the whole Chinese nation?

3. What traditional festivals are most popular in China?

4. Which scenic areas have been highly praised as the world wonder by world-famous historians and architects?

5. What can fourists also experience during the trip besides the famous scenic areas?

B: Ask students to turn the Guide Speech learned into a dialogue including the related contents.

I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 西安与雅典、开罗、罗马齐名,是世界上四大文明古都之一。

2. 老刘驾驶经验丰富,大家会非常安全。

3. 这家宾馆位于市区,去商业街很方便。

4. 中国幅员辽阔, 是一个具有 5 000 年历史,唯一一个文明未中断的文明古国。

5. 中国许多有名的景区已经被联合国科教文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。

II. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. China is situated in eastern Asia on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, with an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. China shares common borders with 14 countries and is 23 旅游实务英语

adjacent to 8 nations on the ocean. According to the recent population census, China’s entire population was to 1.3 billion at the end of the year of 2008. The capital city of our country is Beijing where the 29 th Olympics was held in 2008.

2. When giving a tour there may be rules and safety precautions that you need to explain. It is better if you memorize a speech rather than read from a card. People will pay more attention to you and understand you more clearly if you look into their eyes as you speak. Also, tourists will appreciate any helpful advice you can give them, such as where to exchange their money, what types of transportation to use, and how to obey the traffic rules. Finally, if there are any customs or matters of etiquette that you think tourists should be aware of, this is a good time to let them know.

III. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue (G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Good morning, everybody. First, ______(我向大家表示热烈欢迎). T: Thank you. G: For your own safety, we ask that ______(别把手臂伸到 窗外). T: OK. I’ve heard that the natural scenery in Xi’an is attractive. G: Yes. Xi’an is famous for its ______(以其令人惊讶的峭 壁和独特景色而闻名). T: Great. I like climbing mountains, especially high and steep ones. G: Then, you can have a try. Now, ______(请朝前看). That’s the famous Bell Tower. T: Ha, it’s so crowded here. G: Yes, the Bell Tower is situated in the city center. The streets around it are the main commercial ones in Xi’an. T: Wonderful. I can’t wait to visit them. G: Don’t worry. Tonight you can go there to taste ______(当地的美食). I bet you’ll like them.

24 Module One Meeting Service

Unit Three 3 Hotel Accommodation

Proverb Fine liquor is born in fine surroundings.

Introduction Accommodation is a very important process in tour service. It directly influences the emotions of tourists and the completion of a trip. Once a travel itinerary is made, the local travel agency should make room reservations for tourists at local hotels. A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. Nowadays, most hotels are equipped with modern facilities, including bathrooms and air conditioning or climate control. Additional common features, found in hotel rooms, are a telephone, an alarm clock, a television, a safe, a mini-bar with snack food and drink, and facilities for making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers, a pillow menu, twin-sink vanities, and jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide additional guest facilities such as a restaurant, swimming pool, fitness center, business center, childcare, conference facilities and social function services. Hotel rooms are usually numbered to allow guests to identify their rooms. A lot of hotels offer meals as part of a room and board arrangement. In the United Kingdom, a hotel is required by law to serve food and drink to all guests within certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide a minimized amount of room space and shared facilities. In China, most of the hotels (except small and cheap hotel) also provide free breakfast and articles for washing use.

Discussion 1. What should a tour guide do when arranging for rooms? 2. What should a tour guide do if a tourist wants to go out alone?

25 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Checking in at a Hotel

(C=Clerk at a hotel; G= Guide; T=Tourist; L=Tour Leader) C: Welcome to our hotel. Can I help you? G: Yes, my name is Zhang Lin,from China International Travel Service. I’d like to check in. C: Excuse me, have you made reservations? G: Yes, I’ve made reservations at your hotel with Manager Liu on Sept.2nd。 C: Just a minute please, Miss Zhang. Yes, you have made reservations for 20 people from Sept.9th to the morning of Sept.11th, for two nights. Is that correct? G: Exactly. Which floor are the rooms on? C: Miss Zhang, you have six rooms with twin beds, three double rooms and two single rooms. All the rooms are on the eighth floor except the two single rooms. They are on the ninth floor, facing south. G: Thank you. C: Please fill in the registration forms and make a signature at the bottom on the right hand side. G: OK. (Filling out the form) Here you are. C: Would you also please show me your passports? G: Sure, here you are. C: Thank you. These are your room cards and breakfast coupons. Do you need morning calls? G: Of course. You can call us at seven a.m. We must have breakfast at 7:30 a.m. C: OK. We’ll do as you ask. G: Would you please tell me the daily service hours of the dining room? C: Certainly. From 7:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. G: When will the bar and cafe be open? C: From 3:00 p.m. till midnight. G: Does the hotel offer any other services? C: Oh, yes. We have a hairdresser, a laundry, a store, a post office, a newspaper stand, billiards, table tennis and video games. G: Very good! Thank you for your help. Can I get some tourist maps of the city? C: Sure, you may go to the lobby and buy it from the news-stand there. They sell detailed maps so you can find your way around easily. G: Thank you. C: It’s my pleasure. G: (To tourists) Attention, please! Now, you are divided in pairs according to the list order. 26 Module One Meeting Service

Then come here to take your room cards and breakfast coupons. Mr. and Mrs. William, Mr. Carter, … Have you all got your room cards and welcoming cards? T: Yes. G: OK, but you’d better put them in your handbags for safe keeping. They are your residence certificates for opening your room doors and having complimentary breakfast in the hotel. Remember not to lose them. T: Thanks for your reminding. We will bring them with us. G: If you want to go out this evening, you should get a hotel card at the front desk in case you’ll get lost. Another important thing is that tomorrow you should get up before seven o’clock, and then go to have breakfast on the first floor. We’ll start at 8 o’clock. Do you have any questions? T: Miss Wang (Tour Guide), are we going to stay here tomorrow evening? G: We are going to stay here for two nights, so just bring your valuables and passports with you tomorrow. T: OK. G: Now, please go upstairs by lift. (All the tourists follow the guide to the lift and some go into the lift.) G: Oh, the lift is almost full. Mr. Liu (Tour Leader), you go up first while I help others here, OK? L: OK. Don’t worry. (To the tourists) If you can’t find your rooms, please show your room cards to the floor attendant. She will arrange the rest for you. T: I see.

New Words and Expressions

1. registration form 登记表,注册表,报名表 2. twin beds 成对单人床 3. double room 双人房 4. king-sized bed 特大号床;特大号的双人床 5. room card 房卡 6. breakfast coupon 早餐券 7. valuables n. 贵重物品 8. lift vt. 举起;提升 vi. 消散;升起;耸立 n. 电梯;举起;搭车 9. floor attendant 楼层服务员 10. hairdresser n. 美发店;美发师 11. laundry n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨 12. safe keeping 妥善保管;存放在安全处 13. complimentary breakfast 免费早餐 27 旅游实务英语

14. tour leader 领队;组长 15. billiards n. 台球,桌球;弹子戏 16. news-stand n. 报摊,书报亭


1. Travel Service 旅行社。世界旅游组织定义旅行社为“零售代理机构向公众提供关 于可能的旅行、居住和相关服务,包括服务酬金和条件的信息。旅行社是依法设立并具 有法人资格,从事招徕、接待旅行者,组织旅行活动,实行独立核算的企业。其中组团 旅行社(domestic tour wholesaler)是接受旅行团(者)或海外旅行社预定,制定或下达 旅行计划,并可提供全程陪同导游服务的旅行社;接待旅行社(domestic land operator) 是接受组团社的委托,按照接待计划委派地方陪同导游人员,负责组织安排旅游团(者) 在当地参观游览等活动的旅行社。 2. Welcoming Card 欢迎卡。客人进酒店办理入住手续时,通常会收到酒店的欢迎卡 (Welcoming Card)或欢迎手册(Welcoming Booklet)。有的酒店称之为住房证(Residence Certificate/Guest Passport),它可以作为住店客人的“临时身份证”,持卡人用它可以从服 务台取钥匙,或在餐厅享受免费早餐,或用餐记账。 3. the types of guest room 客房种类 酒店客房种类包括: single room 单人间 double room 双人间(配备一张双人床) twin room /standard room 两张单人床的双人房 / 标准间 triple room 三人间(三张单人床) economy room 经济间 junior suite 普通套房(一间起居室,一间卧室) business suite 商务套房(一间起居室兼办公室,一间卧室) deluxe suite 豪华套房(两套间或三套间,一般为起居室、卧室、餐室或会议室。卧 室配备大号双人床) presidential suite 总统套房(五间以上的房间,布置极为考究,豪华酒店才设此类 房间)

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Hotel Introduction

Ladies and gentlemen, this evening we will stay at the Huaya Huatian International Hotel. It is a superior five-star hotel, which cooperates with the Huatian Hotel Group. Do you know Huatian Hotel Group? Yes, the first five-star hotel in Hunan province. The Huaya Huatian 28 Module One Meeting Service

International Hotel was built in 2006, located about 20 minutes away by car from the international airport and less than 20 minutes away from local attractions like the Hunan Provincial Museum, Helong Stadium, Martyr’s Park, Mount Yuelu and Hunan University. The hotel is also close to the shopping district, so a number of famous retail outlets are easily accessible. There are 866 different kinds of rooms in the hotel, with outstanding, harmonious design and reasonable distribution of space to make us feel distinguished and valued. The guest rooms include superior rooms, deluxe rooms, superior suites, deluxe suites, business suites, etc. All rooms supply high speed Internet access and 2 bottles of mineral water for free, small refrigerator, in-room safe, etc. Guests can hold various meetings and activities in different 21 conference halls, accommodating from 10 to 1 000 people. The hotel has a food street, providing a colorful mix of international cuisine, a Chinese restaurant, a Western restaurant and a Banqueting Hall-to let us enjoy and taste perfect life. Facilities for all kinds of conferences are available here in the hotel. There is also an International Multifunctional Hall, which can contain about 800 people; the total area is 1 700 sq. m, equipped with 4+1 translation system, movable stage, advanced video system, notebooks, etc. It is accompanied with meeting, negotiation and different kinds of conference rooms. The first class equipment could offer the best service for guests from all over the world. The hotel also provides luxurious and first class entertainment facilities. There is a golf club, a British style bar, show center, sauna, foot massage rooms, a swimming pool and lots of other leisure facilities. We can really enjoy our life in this magic place. Now we’ve arrived at the hotel. Please take all your things, get off the coach and then wait in the lobby. I’ll make check-in for all of you.

New Words and Expressions

1. superior adj. 上级的;优秀的;n. 上级;优胜者;长者 2. five-star hotels 五星级宾馆 3. cooperate vi. 合作,配合;协力 4. martyr n. 烈士;殉道者 vt. 牺牲;折磨;杀害 5. retail outlet 零售店 6. accessible adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的 7. harmonious adj. 和谐的;协调的;悦耳的 8. deluxe adj. 高级的;奢华的 adv. 豪华地 29 旅游实务英语

9. suite n. 套房;(一套)家具(一批)随员 10. Internet access 互联网接入,因特网接入 11. in-room safe 嵌入式保险箱 12. Multifunctional Hall 多功能厅 13. banqueting hall 宴会厅 14. 4+1 translation system 4+1 同声传译系统 15. negotiation n. 谈判;转让 16. foot massage 足部按摩;脚底按摩


1. The Huaya Huatian International Hotel 华雅华天国际大酒店是华雅集团投资兴建, 是集餐饮、客房、娱乐、商务、办公、休闲于一体且拥有城市高尔夫俱乐部的超豪华五 星级生态酒店。酒店位于长沙市万家丽路,北临机场高速,南靠劳动东路,处于市中心 与体育新城的中间节点上。该酒店是全国少有的将东方文化与西方艺术融于一体的综合 性生态酒店。 2. Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物馆创办于 20 世纪 50 年代初,位于长沙市开 福区,与风景秀丽的烈士公园毗邻,占地面积 5.1 万平方米,公用建筑面积 2.9 万平方米。 该馆馆藏文物丰富,尤以马王堆汉墓文物、商周青铜器、楚文物、历代陶瓷、书画和近 现代文物等最具特色。是湖南省最大的综合性历史艺术博物馆,也是全国优秀爱国主义 教育示范基地和湖南省 4A 级旅游景点之一。 3. Multifunctional Hall 多功能厅就是多种功能的房厅,即一个房厅有多种用途、能 干多种事情。多功能厅以其功能的多样性(如:会议厅,视频会议厅,报告厅,学术讨 论厅,培训厅等),特别适合我国国情需要,并在这几年的时间得到迅速普及应用。现在 许多宾馆、酒店、会议展览中心,及大剧院、图书馆、博览中心,甚至学校都设有多功 能厅。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

The Front Office

The front office of a hotel is perhaps the most important area of the organization. The employees that make up its department are the first and sometimes only representatives of the establishment with whom guests interact. Although the organizational structure of the hotel’s front office varies depending upon whether the facility is a small business or a large resort, certain roles are found within all organizations. Front Desk Manager The Front Office manger or Front Desk is in charge of all front office operations for the 30 Module One Meeting Service hotel. As staff manager, this individual schedules employees to ensure that there is proper coverage and all times. She also implements any policies or procedures that are administered by hotel management. When VIPs, such as celebrities or dignitaries, stay at the establishment, he/she is often responsible for giving them the personal attention they require. In most instances, the Front Desk manager reports to the hotel’s general manager. Reservations The reception and reservations employees of a hotel front office interact with guests the most. Reservation clerks communicate with the guests via the telephone and Internet, scheduling their stays and documenting any special needs they may have. For example, if a guest requests a room on a nonsmoking floor, the reservation clerk will make special note of this, so that an appropriate room will be ready when the guest arrives. Reception When guests arrive, front desk clerks check them in, inputing their names into the facilities registry, assigning them to a room and answering any basic questions or requests the guests may have throughout their stay. For example, a guest may call the front desk to report a leaky bathroom faucet. The clerk would then contact the maintenance department so that the appropriate repairs can be made. At the end of the guests’ stay, a front desk clerk checks them out. In addition, the clerk reports any concerns the guests may have to management. Porter Service A hotel bellhop or porter greets guests once they check into the establishment. This individual carries the guests’ luggage while showing them to their room. Ensuring that everything in the room is in order and properly working, the porter checks room equipment, such as lighting and ventilation. He may also instruct visitors in the operation of hotel systems, such as the television remote control and telephones. Concierge The concierge of a hotel is a front office professional who coordinates guests’ entertainments, travel and other activities. Any time guests have a question, such as directions to local attractions, she finds the answer as quickly as possible. In addition, she makes restaurant reservations, orders car service and may even arrange personal shopping for the guests. People working in the front office must have good manners since the front office is the first contact a guest makes and the first impressions are usually the most lasting. It is therefore vitally important that employees display a prompt and courteous attitude to all guests and demonstrate the excellence in service. A bright smile with a cheerful “Good afternoon” goes far in establishing the image of a hotel. They must be outgoing and not afraid to speak with strangers. Their voice must be clear and understandable, and they must convey sincerity. They must be efficient in doing everything. They must have attractive appearance and try to be neat. In a word, in order to be efficient and proficient in serving others, the staff in the front office 31 旅游实务英语 must have a neat and smart appearance, good manners, adaptability, a working knowledge of language. Moreover, they should love working with people, and have a warm desire to help them.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Who are sometimes only representatives of the hotel with whom guests make contact?

2. What roles does a hotel usually consist of?

3. What should the front desk manager do when VIPs stay at the hotel?

4. What’s the duty of the concierge of a hotel?

5. How can employees establish good images of a hotel?

Part Four Abilities and Qualities

The Key to the Success of a Hotel

The hotel industry today has been recognized as a global industry, with producers and customers spreading around the world. The use of hotel facilities such as room, restaurant, bar, night club or health club, is no longer considered as a luxury. For many people, these services have become an integral component of lifestyle. Moreover, in the last two decades, demand for and supply of hospitality services beyond that of the traditional services intended for travelers have escalated the growth of the hospitality industry globally, leading to intense competition in the marketing place. One of the greatest challenges facing hotel organizations today is the ever-growing volume and pace of competition. Thus it has become imperative for hotel organizations to gain a competitive advantage. How can a hotel survive the increasing competitions? There are several strategies mostly used by hotel managers in order to gain competitive advantages. 1. Customer Service Customer service is a linchpin of the hospitality industry. This aspect begins long before the customer walks into the lobby with her suitcase: How she is treated during the reservation process and the general impressions she receives from reviewing the hotel’s website are 32 Module One Meeting Service examples of critical components of customer service. Dana Tesone, author of “Principles of Management for the Hospitality Industry,” explains that customer service is the formation of a good relationship with the client through a series of interactions and transactions. A component of success, then, is ensuring quality interactions every time. In some cases, this includes creating a positive experience arising from a negative circumstance. For instance, if a guest is checked into a dirty room, quality customer service means remedying the problem in a way that satisfies him/her (by moving her into a new room) or ideally leaves him/her better off (by upgrading her to a suite). 2. Pricing Strategy Hotels experience high and low seasons that depend on a number of factors, such as weather, holidays and festivals. One-time events like concerts and athletic events may also cause spikes in demand. A critical factor for success is identifying peaks in supply and demand and pricing rooms accordingly. Tim Smith, author of “Pricing Strategy,” explains that hotels use probability and statistics to determine capacity at various dates in the week and for the subsequent months. Some hotels use software to project costs for the hotel based on past sales data and statistical equations. Hotels also use competing prices as a gauge: If the neighboring hotel is sold out, for instance, raising rates is expected. 3. Product Differentiation Hotels must convey to customers how their product is different from a competitor’s. Customizing menus, room décor and supplemental trip excursions to fit the hotel’s region are obvious examples of personalization. Product differentiation does not have to be elaborate either; small traits passed word of mouth can make all the difference in increasing demand. For instance, offering snacks upon check-in, stocking books in the lounge are ways of attracting customers by providing exclusive services. 4. Economic Adaptation The hotel industry is highly sensitive to downswings in the economy. Thus, a critical success factor is cutting costs effectively during recessions and saving wisely during boom times. Effective cost-cutting entails to recognizing how to eliminate waste without negatively affecting the customer. For instance, laying off a front desk worker might reduce salary expenses, but this action can also create longer wait times and make customers unhappy. The goal is to lower costs in areas that do not impact consumers. 5. Innovation Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress. Innovation is also the key to the success of a hotel in getting a bigger slice of the market and standing out from its competitors. Therefore, a successful hotel organization should also have his innovative, looking forward team members. Without innovation, human civilization wouldn’t have been moving forward, nor can a business stay competitive for long.

33 旅游实务英语

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What service has become an integral component of lifestyle to modern tourists?

2. What does the word “linchpin” mean in the first strategy?

3. What are strategies mostly used by hotel managers?

4. Which one is the most important among the strategies used commonly?

5. How can a hotel organization succeed in the ever-growing competition?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises. A: Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How long does it take tourists to go to the Hunan Provincial Museum by car from the Huaya Huatian International Hotel?

2. How will tourists feel living in the Huaya Huatian International Hotel?

3. What are supplied in each room?

4. Are tourists accessible to western food in the Huaya Huatian International Hotel?

5. Where should the tourists wait when the guide makes check-in for them?

B: Ask students to turn the Guide Speech learned into a dialogue including therelated contents.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我叫谢芳,已在你们酒店预定了 16 个人的用房,其中六间标间,两间双人间。

2. 我们早上的用餐时间是上午 7:00 — 10:30。如果需要叫早,请通知我们。

3. 如果今晚想外出的话,请务必去服务台拿张宾馆的卡片,以防迷路。

4. 今晚我们入住的酒店是一家四星级宾馆,离市区只有 10 分钟的车程。

34 Module One Meeting Service

4. 所有的房间都配有网线,小冰箱,并备有两瓶免费的矿泉水。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Huaya International Hotel is a deluxe ecological garden hotel with South China Garden and a modern golf course. The hotel was officially titled Five-Star Hotel by National Tourism Administration on March 12th, 2007. Located at Wanjiali Middle Road, Changsha, it is only 20 minutes’ drive to Huanghua Airport, 10 minutes’ to the train station and 5 minutes’ to the Beijing-Zhuhai expressway from our hotel, so you can see we have pretty convenient transportation. With an area of about 120 thousand square meters, we boast a 19-story building (No.1 Building) and a deluxe villa, including 560 split-level rooms and perfect dinning and entertainment facilities.

2. Facilities for all kinds of conferences are available here in the hotel. There is also an International Multifunctional Hall, which can contain about 800 people; the total area is 1 700 sqm, equipped with 4+1 translation system, movable stage, advanced video system, notebooks, etc. It is accompanied with meeting, negotiation and different kinds of conference rooms. The first class equipment could offer the best service for guests from all over the world.

I V. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) T: Miss Xie, I want to go to the ______(商业区)of the city. Is it far from here? G: Not too far. ______(走路去只要十几分钟), and you can also take a taxi. T: Thank you. ______(这里有些什么特色小吃?) G: There is a food street there, ______(有各种色彩的美食, 特别是鲜辣的食品。) T: Hot food? I like it. G: You can try tasty shrimp or tasty snake, strong-smelling fermented bean curd, ______(这些都是闻名遐迩的当地小吃。) T: Thank you again. G: ______.(别客气。)

35 旅游实务英语

36 Module One Meeting Service

Unit Four 4 Tour Arrangement

Proverb The first step is the hardest.

Introduction An itinerary is a complete travel schedule that a travel service makes for tourists. Readers of the itineraries are usually tourists or potential tourists. A good itinerary will help tourists understand the content of the tour, permitting him/her to make the necessary preparations emotionally and practically. So, it is essential for both the travel service and the tourists to discuss the detailed arrangements for a trip so as to satisfy the tourists’ needs and avoid any confusion during the travel. After the preliminary proposal has been accepted by the tourists, the travel service should send the copy of the itinerary to the local travel agency. Prior to the arrival of the tour group, the local guide should reconfirm the preliminary itinerary arranged for the tour group. If there is any change, he or she can makes amendments in advance. If there is no change, the local guide should perform the itinerary strictly.

Discussion 1. Why should the local guide reconfirm the itinerary with the tour leader? 2. What do you think are the elements of an itinerary required to determine the choice of a travel product?

37 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Talking about the Itinerary

(L=Tour leader; G=Local Guide) The tour group has checked in at a hotel. The local guide, Nancy , wants to reconfirm the itinerary with the tour leader, Albert White. L: Hello, this is Albert White. Who is that speaking? G: This is Nancy Wu from China International Travel Service. Sorry to disturb you. L: My pleasure, Nancy. Is there anything I can do for you? G: Yes, Mr. White. I want to reconfirm the itinerary with you. Are you free now? L: Of course. This is exactly what I want to talk about with you. I will go to your room right now. G: OK. My room number is 8019. See you. L: See you. (A few minutes later, Mr. White knocks on the Nancy’s room) G: Come in, please. L: Thank you. I’d like to know whether the itinerary is the ultimate travel arrangement. G: Hardly any changes. But shall we reconfirm it to make sure that everything is perfect? L: Please go ahead. G: OK. Let’s go it over again. You’ll stay five days in Beijing. During your trip in Beijing, you will tour around the city, visiting the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, Yonghe Temple, the Square, Bird’s Nest and China National Swimming Center, watching peking opera and going shopping in Street. Then you will leave Beijing for Xi’an by air on September 16th. In Xi’an you will stay three days. L: Yes. In Xi’an we’ll visit Huaqing Pool, Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang, Huashan Mountain and Xi’an Old City Wall, right? G: Yes. Then you will fly to . From Wuhan you will go to by boat. L: Yes. Could you tell me how long the cruise will take us? G: Two days. I’m sure you will enjoy the beautiful scenery along the River. L: I’m sure the tourists will look forward to it. G: After spending two days in Chongqing, you will visit where a lot more excitements are waiting for you. L: Exactly. How long will we stay in Nanjing? G: Only two days. And then you’ll stay in for four days. In Shanghai, you will visit Shanghai World Exposition, the Yu Garden and roam freely along the Bund. At last 38 Module One Meeting Service

you will leave Shanghai for America by air on September 28th. The whole trip will last eighteen days. Is that right? L: Yes. But most of the tourists also want to spend some time going shopping during their stay in Shanghai. What’s your opinion? G: No problem. I think they will have several hours for shopping before they go aboard. L: Good. Thanks for your thoughtful arrangement. G: It’s my pleasure. I hope your group is well prepared for this long trip. If the tourists have any questions or personal plans, please let me know in advance. L : No problem. We’ll try to carry out the itinerary. G: Thank you very much for your cooperation. L: It’s my honor. I’d also appreciate your thoughtfulness. G: I’m glad to work with you. L: Me too. I’m sure it will be a pleasant experience. G: It is kind of you to say so. Would you like something to drink? L: No, thank you. It’s too late, I’m afraid I have to go. G: Hum, you must be tired after such a long flight. You need a good sleep. L: See you tomorrow. G: See you.

New Words and Expressions

1. itinerary n. 路线,旅程, 行程表;旅行指南 adj. 旅程的;巡回的 2. tour leader 领队 3. reconfirm vt. 再确认;再证实 4. disturb vt. 打扰;使不安;弄乱 vi. 打扰;妨碍 5. arrangement n. 布置;安排;整理;准备 6. ultimate adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的 n. 终极;根本;基本原则 7. Peking Opera 京剧 8. mausoleum n. 陵墓, 陵寝; 阴森森的大厦 9. Yangtze n. 长江,扬子江 10. cruise n. 乘船游览;巡航 v. 巡航,巡游 11. excitement n. 刺激;兴奋;令人兴奋的事物 12. roam n. 漫步,漫游;流浪 v. 闲逛, 漫游;流浪 13. exposition n. 博览会;展览会;阐述

Shanghai World Exposition 上海世博会 14. aboard adv. 在飞机上;在船上;在火车上 15. thoughtful adj. 深思的;体贴的;关切的 16. health certificate 健康证明书 39 旅游实务英语

17. teenager n. 十几岁的青少年;十三岁到十九岁的少年 18. cooperation n. 合作,协作;协力


1. The Summer Palace 颐和园是中国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家园林,中国 四大名园(另三座为承德避暑山庄、苏州拙政园、苏州留园)之一。位于北京市西北近 郊海淀区,前身清漪园,始建于 1750 年,1764 年建成,面积 290 公顷,水面约占四分之 三,距北京城区十五公里。利用昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州西湖风景为蓝本,汲取 江南园林的某些设计手法和意境而建成的一座大型天然山水园,也是保存得最完整的一 座皇家行宫御苑,被誉为皇家园林博物馆。 2. the Palace Museum 故宫位于北京市中心,也称“紫禁城”。这里曾居住过 24 位 皇帝,是明清两代(公元 1368~1911 年)的皇宫,现辟为“故宫博物院”。故宫被誉为 世界五大宫之一(北京故宫、法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、美国白宫、俄罗斯克里姆 林宫),并被联合国科教文组织列为“世界文化遗产”。紫禁城是中国五个多世纪以来的 最高权力中心,它以园林景观和容纳了家具及工艺品的 9 000 个房间的庞大建筑群,成为 明清时代中国文明无价的历史见证。 2. The Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇陵位于陕西省西安市以东 30 公 里的骊山北麓,是中国历史上第一个皇帝陵园也是中国最大的皇帝陵。其巨大的规模、 丰富的陪葬物居历代帝王陵之首,是也是世界上最大的地下皇陵。陵园按照秦始皇死后 照样享受荣华富贵的原则,仿照秦国都城咸阳的布局建造,大体呈回字形,陵墓周围筑 有内外两重城垣。1987 年,联合国教育、科学文化组织,把秦始皇帝陵列入世界文化遗 产保护目录,成为全人类共同的财富。2002 年秦始皇帝陵荣膺国家 AAAA 级旅游景区。 3. the Yu Garden 豫园是上海市区唯一留存完好的江南古典园林,全国重点文物保护 单位。豫园始建于明嘉靖 38 年(1559 年),万历 5 年(1577 年)又加扩充,规模宏伟, 被誉为“东南名园冠”。园主潘允端曾任四川布政使,建造此园是为“愉悦老亲”,故名 豫园。现占地 30 余亩,全园擅江南园林之胜,有萃秀堂、仰山堂、三穗堂、玉华堂、点 春堂、万花楼、会景楼、快楼、鱼乐榭、大假山等 40 多处胜景。 4. the Bund 外滩位于上海市中心区的黄浦江畔,它是上海的风景线,是到上海观光 的游客必到之地。外滩又名中山东一路,全长约 1.5 公里。东面西临黄浦江,西面为哥 特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等 52 幢风格各异的大楼,被称为“万国建筑博 览群”。

Part Two Guide Speech to Tourists

Travel Itinerary

Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! Now we are leaving for the hotel, and it will be 40 Module One Meeting Service more than a one-hour drive. Maybe it’s the first time that you come to Beijing, so you must be eager to know the detailed arrangements. During your stay in Beijing, you will live in Beijing International Hotel, a five-star hotel. Situated in the city center, it’s accessible to commercial streets. So, after supper, you can have a walk nearby. Tomorrow, we will start at 8:30 a.m., so you should get up at 7:00 a.m. and the American buffet breakfast is between 7:00 to 8:00. We’ll ask for morning call, so you can sleep with comfort. Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China, and has been an historic center of power, culture and wealth that continues to today. The tour starts at the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum needs at least half-one-day to visit. After the visit, we will have lunch at Fangshan Restaurant. At 1:30, go to , the largest square in the world. You will tour the grounds and see the array of halls and monuments. From there we walk to the Forbidden City, also known as the Imperial Palace Museum. With over 180 acres and collection of great halls, you will see antiques and treasures representing all of China’s history. At 6:30 p.m., we have dinner at Kao Rou Ji Restaurant at about 6:00 p.m. In addition, has another charming atmosphere at night, you can enjoy different bars along riverside. On the third day, we’ll leave for the Great Wall at 8:30 in the morning after a good sleep and breakfast. The Great Wall will take more than half a day to visit, so we only recommend one attraction for you. After eating in , you will wander in Wangfujing Street. As you will be very tired after climbing the Great Wall, we make no arrangements at night. The fourth day is another meaningful trip. In the morning, we will visit Yonghe Lama Temple, which is a famous Buddhist temple in Beijing, where visitors can enjoy routine rituals performance on the mornings of the 1st, 10th, 15th, and 30th of each lunar month. After lunch at Moscow Restaurant, we go to the Summer Palace, a masterpiece of Chinese landscape garden design. At 6:30 p.m., we will go to have supper at Jindingxuan Restaurant. On the fifth day, leave your checked-out luggage out of your room at 7:30, finish your breakfast and check out of the hotel before 8:30. The last day’s itinerary covers the visit to the outside of National Grand Theater, National Stadium (Bird’s nest), National Swimming Center (Water Cube). The places are either newly constructed or renovated, representative of Beijing’s modernity. Then we’ll fly to Xi’an City at 6:30 p.m. The five days will present you a panorama view of Beijing, a fast developing metropolitan city with a blend of old and modern. Now, you have arrived at the city proper. Relax yourselves and enjoy the scenery of Beijing. About 15 minutes’ later, we will get to the hotel.

New Words and Expressions

1. situate vt. 使位于;使处于 adj. 位于……的 adj. 位于……的 41 旅游实务英语

2. accessible adj. 易接近的;可进入的;可理解的 3. commercial adj. 商业的;营利的;靠广告收入的 n. 商业广告 4. buffet breakfast 自助 5. morning call 叫醒服务,叫床服务 6. historic adj. 有历史意义的;历史上著名的;历史性的 7. overview n. 概观;纵览 8. influence n. 影响;势力;有影响的人或事 vt. 影响;改变 9. array n. 数组;大批,一系列;衣服 vt. 排列,部署;打扮 10. monument n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品 11. acre n. 英亩;土地,地产 12. represent vt. 表现;代表;回忆 vi. 提出异议;代表 13. wander vi. 徘徊;漫步;离题 vt. 游荡,漫游 14. Buddhist Temple 佛寺;佛庙;观音寺 15. routine n. 日常工作;例行公事;[计]程序 adj. 日常的;例行的 16. ritual n. 典礼;宗教仪式;固定程序 17. lunar month 农历月;太阴月 18. masterpiece n. 杰作;绝无仅有的人 19. landscape n. 风景,景色 vt. 美化……景观 20. modernity n. 现代性;现代的东西;新式 21. metropolitan adj. 大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的 n. 大城市人;大主教 22. blend n. 混合;掺合物 v. 混合;协调


1. Yonghe Lama Temple 雍和宫是全国规格最高的一座佛教寺院。它位于北京市区东 北角,清康熙三十三年(1694 年 ), 康熙帝在此建造府邸、赐予四子雍亲王,称 雍亲王府。 雍正三年(1725 年),改王府为行宫,称雍和宫。雍正十三年(1735 年 ), 雍正 驾崩,曾 于此停放灵柩,雍和宫主要殿堂原绿色琉璃瓦改为黄色琉璃瓦。又因 乾隆皇帝诞生于此, 雍和宫出了两位皇帝,成了 “龙潜福地”,所以殿宇为黄瓦红墙,与紫禁城皇宫一样规格。 乾隆九年(1744 年),雍和宫改为喇嘛庙。 2. National Grand Theater 国家大剧院工程于 2001 年 12 月 1 3 日开工,于 2007 年 9 月建成。作为新北京十六景之一的地标性建筑,国家大剧院外部为钢结构壳体呈半椭球形, 平面投影东西方向长轴长度为 212.20 米,南北方向短轴长度为 143.64 米,建筑物高度为 46.285 米。国家大剧院壳体由 18 000 多块钛金属板拼接而成,面积超过 30 000 平方米。 中部为渐开式玻璃幕墙,由 1 200 多块超白玻璃巧妙拼接而成。椭球壳体外环绕人工湖, 湖面面积达 3.55 万平方米,各种通道和入口都设在水面下。行人需从一条 80 米长的水下 通道进入演出大厅。国家大剧院是国家兴建的重要文化设施,也是一处别具特色的景观 胜地。 42 Module One Meeting Service

3. National Stadium (Bird’s nest) 国家体育场(鸟巢)位于北京奥林匹克公园中心区 南部,为 2008 年第 29 届奥林匹克运动会的主体育场。工程总占地面积 21 公顷,建筑面 积 258 000m2。场内观众坐席约为 91 000 个,其中临时坐席约 11 000 个。举行奥运会、 残奥会开闭幕式、田径比赛及足球比赛决赛。奥运会后将成为北京市民广泛参与体育活 动及享受体育娱乐的大型专业场所,并成为具有地标性的体育建筑和奥运遗产。 4. National Swimming Center (Water Cube) 国家游泳中心又被称为“水立方”(Water Cube),位于北京奥林匹克公园内,是北京为 2008 年夏季奥运会修建的主游泳馆,也是 2008 年北京奥运会标志性建筑物之一。它的设计方案,是经全球设计竞赛产生的“水的 3 立方”([H2O] )方案。2003 年 12 月 24 日开工,在 2008 年 1 月 28 日竣工。其与国家 体育场(俗称鸟巢)分列于北京城市中轴线北端的两侧,共同形成相对完整的北京历史 文化名城形象。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Chinese Hospitality — Overdone

Chinese people are well known for their hospitality. If you are interested in Chinese culture, you should experience the full range of customary Chinese hospitality. Guest and Host In the West the guest tries to respect the ways of the host. However, in China the guest is treated with great kindness and respect by the host and guests are encouraged to do what they like! For example it is rude to smoke in a Westerner’s home without asking and it is usually not allowed if the hosts are non-smokers. In China it would be considered rude to refuse someone to smoke in your house or hotel room or train compartment. Fortunately there are regulations restricting smoking in some places like trains and some buses. Keeping the Guest Occupied Chinese hospitality consists of keeping the guest occupied. Visitors are usually shown a lot of sites, taken out to a lot of meals and offered a lot of food and drinks. The Western sense of independence is a foreign thing here and the host will feel obliged to give the guest a full program of activities. Seeing the Guest Off It is customary in China to see guests off. This goes far beyond the front door! Guests will often not only be accompanied to the street, but also have the host hanging around with them until a taxi or other transport arrives. If the guest leaves by train, the host will not only see the 43 旅游实务英语 visitor to the station, but also wait on the platform until the train leaves. It is not seen as a waste of time, but a duty of the host. This may be awkward for Western visitors, who are accustomed to saying “goodbye” at the door or parting company when minimal inconvenience is caused to the host. Refusing Is Only a Politeness In China, refusing something, whether it is being accompanied to the bus stop, a seat or another dish of food, is merely considered a politeness — a sign of not being greedy or not wanting to put the host to any trouble. Whether what is offered is wanted or not, the guest would still be expected to refuse once or twice at least. Whatever is being offered will be usually be made available at least two or three times before a refusal is considered serious. Giving Gifts In China, either the host or the guest or both may give gifts, and the value of a gift is often governed by the price. In the West people don’t want to advertise how much a gift costs. The value is in the thought, the time or the sentimental quality of the gift. However, in China, leaving the price tag on is not carelessness, but a deliberate act in many cases to demonstrate the value of the gift. A repeated refusal may be a relief to the host sometimes, but acceptance of a generous gift on the other hand an honor, and a symbol of a good relationship. It is difficult for western people to adapt themselves to all of the above Chinese hospitality. In most western people’s opinion, it is indeed overdone and difficult to understand. They prefer being treated friendly and sincerely, not too hospitably. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of differences between Chinese hospitality and western hospitality. But we should learn to respect each other’s culture. There is a good saying: “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Is it considered polite or not if a guest smokes while the host in a Westerner’s home is a non-smoker?

2. What does a host in a Chinese home often do if his guest wants to leave?

3. What is considered appropriate in China if the host sends you a generous gift?

4. Do most of the western people understand Chinese hospitality? If not, why not?

5. What’s your opinion about Chinese hospitality?

44 Module One Meeting Service

Part Four Abilities and Qualities

Directions on Tour Itinerary

Tour itinerary is not only a very important element of tour product, but also the critical factor in improving the competitiveness of a travel agency. It is planned by travel service to provide tourists with all tourism project content and service during the tourism, according to the market need, travel resources and the actual situation of the reception tasks. A complete itinerary is composed of tourism transportation, tourism accommodation, catering, sightseeing, entertainment, shopping, guide services and travel insurance. So travel itinerary planning is often a time-consuming task for a travel agency. When planning a tour itinerary, the expanding personnel in a travel agency should have one-up concept so as to discover their own distinctive attractions. At the same time, tourists’ request, middlemen’s suggestions and its business opportunities are also the important factors in developing a tour itinerary. Generally speaking, an itinerary often consists of distinguishing scenic spots as repetition will weaken the satisfaction of tourists in terms of the laws of diminishing marginal returns unless there is a special case. For example, if you are traveling in Beijing, a travel agency will arrange the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City in the same day, although the two scenic spots are similar in properties. This is because these scenic spots have distinct Chinese cultural characteristics, which is the goal of the tourists visiting Beijing. Xi’an is also an exception. Also, an itinerary should be devised according to the cultural background and demands of the different tourists. For example, tourism in Hunan can be divided into red tourist route, natural scenery tour, and historical interest trip. If tourists admire great men, you can offer a tourist route including Changsha, Shaoshan and HuamingLou, etc.; if tourists want to enjoy beautiful natural sceneries, you can arrange an itinerary of Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interests for them; if tourists are interested in history and culture, an itinerary including Hunan Province Museum and Yuelu Academy is their preference. There are some provisions when a travel agency decides on the number of the scenic spots. Usually, a schedule includes two sites in the morning, lunch and another two sites in the afternoon. On this basis, an itinerary is devised according to the actual situation of tourists. If most of the group members in a tour group are old men, and even all group members are old persons, a travel agency will appropriately reduce tourist attractions, or arrange more comfortable spots. Instead, if young and middle-aged tourists are the majority, then a travel agency should accordingly arrange some tourist attractions suitable for young people or increase tourist attractions. In terms of scenic spots’ composition and distribution, it is inadvisable that the distance between two scenic spots in the same itinerary be too far lest much time and money should be 45 旅游实务英语 spend on the road. Generally speaking, the time spent on the road can’t exceed one-third of the whole journey time, but, in fact, limited by traffic condition, the time spent on transportation often occupies a half, and even two-thirds of the journey time. Under this circumstance, tour guides should try to introduce the cultural background of the natural landscape and humanistic landscape to the tourists on the way, which will make them relieved. A successful tour itinerary depends on the meticulous design of the personnel of a travel agency, which is a very important positive result of a travel agency. If a travel agency tends to gain notable economic benefits, he must concentrate on designing tour itineraries.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is a complete itinerary made up of?

2. Why should a tour itinerary usually include distinguishing scenic spots?

3. What should a tour itinerary be based on except the scenic spots with different features?

4. Why is it inadvisable that the distance between two scenic spots be too far?

5. What is a positive result of a travel agency?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises A: Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. When and what kind of breakfast will the tourists have on the second day?

2. Which scenic spot will the tourists visit first?

3. Where will the tourists go at the second night?

4. Where will the tourists eat after climbing the Great Wall?

5. On which day will the tourists fly to Xi’an?

B. Ask students to turn the Guide Speech into a dialogue including the related contents.

46 Module One Meeting Service

II. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 旅行社和游客商量好行程对于满足游客的要求、避免旅途中的误解来说是至关重 要的。

2. 我想确认一下 10 月 8 号由北京来湖南的 24 人团的旅游行程安排。

3. 如果行程有变的话,请提前通知我们。

4. 我相信游客们一定会被长江沿途的风光迷住。

5. 今天要参观的许多景点都是新近建造或改造的,是北京现代化的代表之作。

II. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Beijing is a fast developing metropolitan city with a blend of old and modern. To know Beijing better, you are kindly requested not only to know its past, but also its present and future development. So today we have designed a special itinerary for you. Today’s itinerary covers the visit to the outside of National Grand Theater, Xidan Commercial Street, CCTV Tower, National Stadium (Bird’s nest), National Swimming Center (Water Cube), and Wangfujing Commercial Street.

2. Leave at 8:30 in the morning after a good sleep and breakfast, on the way to the Great Wall (one — hour drive) to drop in the cloisonné factory, and go to appreciate one of the most famous Chinese crafts. Then go to visit the wellknown Tombs. Lunch at Shanglin Restaurant, then to the Great Wall. Back to hotel about at 17:30, have a break, leave again at 18:30 for the Peking Roasted Duck banquet. Back to hotel, pack your luggage, and then enjoy your last night in Beijing.

III. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G= Tour Guide; T= Tourist) G: Good afternoon, China International Travel Service. May I help you? T: Yes. I want to visit Japan this summer vacation. Do you ______(有去那儿的旅行团 吗?) G : Yes, we have. You want to go there during the summer vocation. Is that right? T: Yehh, before August 10th. G: Then, ______(计划旅行几天呢?) T: About a week. G: OK. We have groups to Japan every week, and ______(整个旅程正好 需要八天时间。) Would you like to join us? 47 旅游实务英语

T: How is the schedule? G: Well, ______(该日程涵盖了日本所有的重要景点。) T: Thank you. How much is it? G: ¥6 800, ______(包括交通、食宿及景点门票。) T: It sounds good. Hum... I decide to join this group.

48 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Module Two

Sightseeing Service

49 旅游实务英语

50 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit One 1 Palaces

Proverb Princess doesn’t worry about finding her marriage partner.

Introduction Palaces are the centers of feudal politics, which embody both the common features of ancient and the royalty. The first thing that an emperor concerned when beginning a new dynasty was the building of a luxurious and glorious to show off his power. The Imperial Palace in Beijing is the most representative of them all. The complex of palaces, indeed, is huge, symmetrical, defensive, and majestic. Individually, each part is solemn and luxurious, everywhere implicating the imperial power and determent. Its formation and development is symbolic of the rites and mystic culture of ancient China with a strong sense of social ranks and good luck. In such palaces were the politics, economy and culture of all dynasties. No other any building could tell more of history.

Discussion 1. What are palaces used for? 2. Why did emperors build luxurious and glorious palaces?

Part One Situational Dialogue

A City Tour in Beijing

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: (To all the tourists) Welcome to Beijing! I want to introduce my Chinese colleagues to you. This is Mr. Yang, our driver. Please remember his bus number. Let me introduce myself to you, my name is Wang Hong. I am from Beijing International Travel Service. I will be your guide during your stay in Beijing. I’m very glad to be of your service and I hope we will have a very good time together. Here are the badges and the caps of our travel services for

51 旅游实务英语

everybody, please put them on so I can recognize you quickly. Today we are going to visit some main scenic spots around Tian’an men. We hope you’ll have a good time there. T: That’s great. What’s main scenic spots are there around Tian’an men? G: Tian’anmen Square, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Monument to the People’s Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the Museum of the Chinese Revolution, Working People’s Palace of Culture, , etc. Now we have come to the Tian’anmen. This is Tian’anmen Square. T: My God, what a huge place! How many acres does it cover? G: Yes, it is the biggest square in the world that covers 98 acres. It is a good place for kite flying in the spring. T: Oh, is that so? G: Look at the building over there? What do you think of the building? T: It’s magnificent! I suppose that must be the Great Hall of the People. G: Right. It took less than a year to construct the whole building. Construction of the Great Hall of the People started in October 1958 and was completed by the end of August 1959, taking ten months altogether. T: Really! That’s amazing! G: On the east side of the Tian’anmen Square and the south side of the Tian’anmen Street is . It is the comprehensive museum that shows culture and history of Chinese nation. T: Oh. It’s directly opposite the Great Hall of the People. G: Ladies and gentlemen! Now you may visit them freely for two hours. I’ll be right here waiting for you. Do come back on time! Have a good time!

New Words and Expressions

1. colleague n. 同事,同僚 2. recognize vt. 认出,识别;承认 vi. 确认,承认;具结 3. kite n. 风筝 vi. 使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动 vt. 骗钱;涂改(支票) 4. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 5. construction n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句 6. amazing adj. 令人惊异的 v. 使吃惊(amaze 的 ing 形式) 7. comprehensive n. 综合学校;专业综合测验 adj. 综合的;广泛的;有理解力的 8. opposite n. 对立面;反义词 prep. 在……的对面 adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的 adv. 在对面 52 Module Two Sightseeing Service

9. Tian’an men 天安门 10. Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 毛泽东纪念堂 11. Monument to the People’s Heroes 人民英雄纪念碑 12. the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂 13. the Museum of the Chinese Revolution 中国革命博物馆 14. Working People’s Palace of Culture 劳动文化宫 15. Zhongshan Park 中山公园 16. International Travel Service 国际旅行社


1. City Tour 城市游包括的语言知识非常宽广,涉及到的旅游点情景包括公园、动 物园、剧场、游乐场以及胡同等。导游要为游客提供独特的文化和历史氛围。在带队过 程中,应提醒游客不要超过规定的参观时间,记住地点、车号。参观完毕清点人数。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

The Palace Museum

Ladies and Gentlemen: I am glad to serve as your guide today. This is the Palace Museum, also known as the “Forbidden City”. The Imperial Palace looks golden and majestic which is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in the world. The Palace seats in the heart of Beijing. In front of it is the gate of Tian’anmen. At the back is the Scenery Hill. To the east is St. Wangfujing, and to the west is . The construction of the Palace Museum started in 1 406 and was completed in 1 420. During the following 500 years, the palace was renovated several times. The Forbidden City, extending 753 meters from east to west, and 961 meters from north to south, makes a rectangular shape and covers a total area of 720 000 square meters. The compound is surrounded by a 50 meter-wide moat and 10 meter-hig wall, and is linked with the rest of the city via four gates. Within the area is a cow of magnificent palaces, characterized by red pillars and yellow tiles. The Forbidden City consists of 2 parts: the Outer Court and the Inner Court. The Outer Court includes three main halls: the , the Hall of Complete Harmony, and the Hall of Preserving Harmony. The Hall of Literary Glory and the Hall of Military Prowess stand beside them. The Inner Court includes the Palace of Heavenly 53 旅游实务英语

Purity, the , the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, the East and West 6 Halls and the Imperial Garden. Let us visit them one by one from the South to the North. To get in to the Forbidden City requires a ticket(or comprehensive ticket), remember to keep your ticket handy for inspection, as you will need to show it upon entering certain different parts of the museum. If you lose the original ticket you will have to buy a new one at each separate section. Now we arrived at the main gate of the Purple Forbidden City, with its east, west and north hugging a square in front. The gate was also nicknamed the “Five Phoenix Tower”. When the emperor went to the Temple of Heaven, bells were struck to celebrate this important occasion. When he went to the Ancestral Temple, it was made known to the public by beating drums. Now we approach the Five Marble Bridges on Golden Water River, called Inner Golden Water River Bridges finely carved with dragons amid clouds. Inner Golden Water runs in from the northwest of Forbidden City, over 2 000m in length. Now we are at the , which is the primary gate of the Outer Court and the largest of all in Forbidden City. The courtyard beyond the Gate of Supreme Harmony is a spacious square. Danbi is a magnificent platform with 3 tiers at the north of the square. Hall of Supreme Harmony, the tallest of all in Forbidden City stands right on the Danbi. Let’s go to visit it. This is Hall of Supreme Harmony. “Supreme Harmony” means that the relations between various things in universe are in perfect harmony. Popularly known as Jinluan Dian, it is the symbol of imperial power. Only the most important ceremonies were held here. Further is Hall of Complete Harmony, a hip roofed square pavilion building of 580m2, 3-room in width and depth. Here the emperor would rest before attending business in Hall of Supreme Harmony. Now we come to Hall of Preserving Harmony. It was where the emperor gave his New Year banquet to the ministers and lords, was also where the emperor interviewed the final winners of the imperial examination. This is the Gate of Heavenly Purity, which is the main gate to the inner three halls. Here the emperor of dealt with the state affairs. Now we come to Hall of Union and Peace. This hall links Palace of Heavenly Purity and Palace of Earthly Tranquility. Its name carries the implication of the union of heaven and earth, hence peace and perfection. Here the empresses of Ming and Qing Dynasties had their birthday celebrations. Let’s go to Palace of Earthly Tranquility. This was the residence of the empresses in Ming Dynasty, also called Middle Palace. Now we will visit Imperial Garden together. The garden is constructed in Ming Dynasty, 12 000m2 in area. In the garden, the tall ancient cypresses reach towards the sky. The environment is very elegant. Let’s go forward. Now we come to the back door of Forbidden City, God Meridian Gate. On the gate tower are a bell and a drum for reporting the dawn and dusk respectively. Everybody! You can have a rest for one hour in the Palaces. You may visit the inner other scenic spots or go around.

54 Module Two Sightseeing Service

New Words and Expressions

1. majestic adj. 庄严的;宏伟的 2. imperial n. 纸张尺寸;特等品 adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的;威严的 3. residence n. 住宅,住处;居住 4. rectangular adj. 矩形的;成直角的 5. moat n. 护城河;壕沟 vt. 将……围以壕沟 via 6. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 7. characterized adj. 以……为特点的 8. pillar n. 柱子,柱形物;栋梁;墩 vt. 用柱支持 9. tile n. 瓷砖,瓦片 vt. 铺以瓦;铺以瓷砖 10. spacious adj. 宽敞的,广阔的;无边无际的 11. tier n. 层,排;行,列;等级 vt. 使层叠 vi. 成递升徘列 12. hip n. 臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁 adj. 熟悉内情的;非常时尚的 13. roofed adj. 有屋顶的 v. 给……覆以屋顶 14. empress n. 皇后;女皇 15. cypress n.[林]柏树,柏木属植物 16. drum n. 鼓;鼓声 vi. 击鼓;大力争取 vt. 击鼓;大力争取 17. respectively adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地 18. the Scenery Hill 景山 19. St.Wangfujing 王府井大街 20. Zhongnanhai 中南海 21. The Palace Museum 故宫博物馆 22. Outer Court 前朝部分 23. Inner Court 后寝部分 24. Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 25. Hall of Complete Harmony 中和殿 26. Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿 27. Hall of Literary Glory 文华殿 28. Hall of Military Prowess 武英殿 29. Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫和御花园 30. Hall of Union 交泰殿 31. Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫 32. Hall of Union and Peace 保和殿 33. Imperial Garden. 御花园 34. Meridian Gate 午门 35. Five Phoenix Tower 五凤楼 55 旅游实务英语

36. Gate of Supreme Harmony 太和门 37. Palace of Heavenly Purity 乾清宫 38. Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫;坤宁殿 39. God Meridian Gate 神午门


1. Imperial Palace (北京)故宫,旧称紫禁城(Forbidden City),位于北京中轴线的中 心,是明清两个朝代二十四位皇帝的皇宫,占地面积 72 万平方米,建筑面积约 15 万平 方米。明成祖朱棣永乐四年(1406 年)开始营建,永乐十八年(1420 年)落成。故宫文化, 是以皇帝、皇宫、皇权为核心的帝王文华、皇家文化,或者说是宫廷文化,而代表皇权的 莫过于宝玺。故宫文化从一定意义上说是经典文化,经典具有权威性、不朽性、传统性。 2. Hallo of Supreme Harmony, the tallest of all in Forbidden City stands right on the Danbi. 紫禁城最大的宫殿太和殿坐落在丹壁之上。 3. This is Hall of Supreme Harmony. “Supreme Harmony” means that the relations between various things in universe are in perfect harmony. Popularly known as Jinluan Dian, it is the symbol of imperial power. 眼前的是太和殿。“太和”二字是宇宙间的一切关系都得 到协调的意思。太和殿俗称“金銮殿”,是紫禁城内集中体现帝制权利的象征。 4. Now we come to Hall of Union and Peace. This hall links Palace of Heavenly Purity and Palace of Earthly Tranquility. Its name carries the implication of the union of heaven and earth, hence peace and perfection. 现在我们来到了交泰殿,位于乾清、坤宁两宫之间,含 有天地交合、安康美满之意。 5. On the gate tower are a bell and a drum for reporting the dawn and dusk respectively. 神午门上设钟、鼓,起晨钟暮鼓的报时作用。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

A Brief Introduction of Beijing

Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China. It is the political, economical and cultural center, and also one of the international communication hubs of the country. Located at 39°56’ N and 116°20’ E, on the northwest edge of the Plain, and its terrain is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. Beijing adjoins to its east and to its north, west and south. Beijing has 16 districts and two counties 56 Module Two Sightseeing Service under its jurisdiction, covering an area of 16 807.8 sq km, including 87.1 sq km of urban area. Bejing is a typical temperate continental monsoon climate with four distinct seasons, moreover spring and autumn is shorter. The recorded as a city can date back to more than 3 000 years ago. Beijing served as a national capital for more than 700 years, being one of China’s seven great ancient capitals. In this famed historical and cultural city, cultural heritage sites and scenic spots are found everywhere. Ancient palace groups, temples, parks, ancient pagodas with rock carvings, imperial gardens and tombs, former residences of historic personages throng the city side by side with modern buildings of museums and memorial halls. Beijing has a total of 7 309 cultural heritage sites, including 42 under state protection and 222 under municipal protection. The Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan Park), the Summer Palace and the (Shisanling) are on the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Beijing has over 200 scenic spots open to visitors, such as the Forbidden City, the , the Ming Tombs, the Great Wall, Yonghegong Lama Temple, , , the Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan, Longqing Gorge, Shihua Cave and etc.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What do you think of status on Beijing?

2. Where is Beijing located?

3. What do you think of geomorphic feature?

4. How do you like climatic feature?

5. Which scenic spots are on the list of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites?

Part Four Culture

Cultural Criteria

The criteria for inclusion of cultural properties on the World Heritage List should always be seen in relations to one another and should be considered in the context of the definition set out in Articles 1 of the Convention. A monument, group of buildings or site which is nominated for inclusion on the World Heritage List will be considered to be of outstanding universal value for the purposes of the 57 旅游实务英语

Convention when the Committee finds that it meets one or more of the following criteria and the test of authenticity. These criteria are defined by the Committee in its Operational Guidelines. Each property nominated should: i represent a masterpiece of human creative genius; ii exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design; iii bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or a civilization which is living or which has disappeared; iv be an outstanding example of a type of building or architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrate (a)significant stage(s) in human history; v be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement or land-use which is representative of a culture(or cutures), especiallly when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change; vi be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance(the Committee considers that this criterion should justify inclusion in the List only in exceptional circumstances and in conjunction with other criteria or natural).

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How do you understand the criteria for inclusion of cultural properties on the World Heritage List?

2. How do you judge the World Cultural Heritage?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. What are the features of Chinese palaces?

2. What are the main scenic spots around Tian’an men?

3. Where is the Forbidden City located?

4. Which part in the Forbidden City is the symbol of imperial power?

5. What are China’s seven great ancient capitals? 58 Module Two Sightseeing Service

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 请 11 点钟在大门口集合。

2. 这是你们的票,请保存好。

3. 从这上面,我们可以鸟瞰这个城市。

4. 恐怕四个小时的时间不够我们游览这个公园所有的地方。

5. 我们想坐游船可以欣赏河岸美丽的景色。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. During the three days, we have been to the Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall, which are all of the World Natural and Cultural Heritages by the UNESCO.

2. I believe that everyone is joyful, because of our driver’s hard-working, the tour escort’s perfect organizing skill, and also everyone’s cooperation and understanding, here.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (T=Tourist;G=Tour Guide) T: It is a new park, isn’t? G: Yes, (它去年才开业) T: ?(为什么它叫世界之窗?) G: Well, (总体来说), the park is a window on the world history, a window on the world civilization and a window on the world’s tourist attractions as well. T: Oh, how wonderful! G: It is a place of (世界奇观), natural landscapes, folklore and social customs as well as ethnic songs and dances. It is an absolutely fantastic world (游客能够找到许多乐趣的美妙世界)。 T: Oh, that’s great! G: This is the World Square. That is the Area of Asia. This is the Area of Europe. That is the Area of America.

59 旅游实务英语

60 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Two 2 Altars and Temples

Proverb Studying without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying leads to laziness.

Introduction Altars and temples were used for worship or memorial purposes in ancient China. In Chinese ancient society, some requirements on rites restricted their structure and types, so they were also called “ritual architectures”. Unlike those of religions, they were for worship and thanksgivings to Heaven and Land or the ancestors. Ancient Chinese regarded these holly and mystic sites as telepathic, where the gods and the human talk and exchange messages. This nature makes them highly valuable in the fields of history, science, art and culture.

Discussion 1. What were altars and temples used for in ancient China? 2. Why were altars and temples called “ritual architectures”?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Shangdong

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Good afternoon! Welcome to Shangdong. Welcome to . My name is Li Hong. I am

61 旅游实务英语

pleased to become your tour guide. T: Good afternoon, Miss Li! Can you give me a brief introduction to Jinan? G: OK, Jinan is the capital of Shangdong province at the junction of the Beijing-Shanghai and the -Jinan railways. T: Why is called Jinan? G: It was named Jinan, meaning south of the Ji River. The name has kept even though that river dried up centuries ago. T: What is it famous for? G: It has been famous primarily for its springs and Buddhist temples, so it is called the city of springs. T: Confucius was the greatest thinker in China and educationist, wasn’t he? G: Right. It is near Qufu, the hometown and grave of Confucius. T: Mountain Tai is one of China’s Five Sacred Mountains, isn’t it? G: Yes, in ancient times, emperors came here to offer sacrifices to Earth and to Heaven. T: Could you introduce its concrete location? G: Mountain Tai is located in central Shandong, north of the provincial capital of Jinan, south of the “holy city” of Qufu. T: How high is it? G: The summit is 1 545 meters above sea level. T: I was told that ascending on foot is a satisfying way to climb it, right? G: Yes, because the mountain has 30 old temples and 66 well-documented scenic spots. T: I want to go the hometown of Confucius and Mountain Tai. Can you arrange a trip for us? G: OK, there is a two-day package tour to the two places. T: What is the price of the tour? G: 760 Yuan each person. T: What does it include? G: It includes your bus fare and meals. T: That sounds good. Could we have you make tour reservations? G: Yes, we could do that for you.

New Words and Expressions

1. tour guide 导游 2. Jinan 济南 3. junction n. 连接,接合;交叉点;接合点 4. primarily adv. 首先;主要地,根本上 62 Module Two Sightseeing Service

5. Buddhist n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的 6. Confucius n. 孔子(中国哲学家,教育家) 7. educationist n. 教育家;教育理论家 8. Qufu 曲阜 9. dried up adj. 干缩的,干枯的 10. sacrifice to 牺牲,献出;献祭,供奉 11. Mountain Tai 泰山 12. the city of springs 泉城


1. Five Sacred Mountains 五岳圣山:东岳泰山(1 532 米),位于山东泰安市;西岳 华山(1 997 米),位于陕西华阴市;南岳衡山(1 512 米),位于湖南长沙以南的衡山县; 中岳嵩山(1 440 米),位于河南登封市。 2. Jinan is the capital of Shangdong province at the junction of the Beijing-Shanghai and the Qingdao-Jinan railways. 济南是山东省的省会,位于京沪铁路线和青济线的交汇处。 3. It was named Jinan, meaning south of the Ji River. The name has kept even though that river dried up centuries ago. 济南意思是济河之南。济河早在几百年前就干凅了,但名字却 流传下来了。 4. Mountain Tai is located in central Shandong, north of the provincial capital of Jinan, south of the “holy city” of Qufu. 泰山是中国五大圣山之一,是吧? 5. package tour 包办旅行指路线、地点、时间和费用等均作统一规定和安排的旅游。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Temple of Confucius

Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to Qufu. As your guide, I feel extremely happy. This is the good opportunity we enjoy the study together. Let me introduce Qufu briefly to everybody, the history, the cultural relic survey and Confucius outstanding achievements. Qufu is a city with a history of 5 000 years. It is located in the southwest of the province. Qufu, admired by all rulers and intellectuals in history, has numerous cultural sites, among which the most famed are the “Three Kongs”, namely Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion. There is a popular saying in China that “South China raises talents while North China creates Saints”. Qufu was the capital of the State of Lu during the 11th century B.C. And also the hometown of Confucius, the founder of the Confucian School, which is the ideological root of all varieties of Chinese culture. Its 63 旅游实务英语 position in the making of Chinese nationality and culture is never surpassed for 2 000 years. As the originator of Confucianism, Confucius defined his philosophy of humanism. He thought it was very necessary to have the sense of mission to bear in mind the world; Moreover, to undertake the mission lies in personal moral. All these thoughts have left a profound influence on later generations. The Confucianism he established was adopted as the orthodox philosophy in all the dynasties, thus became the main stream of Chinese culture. First of all, we go to visit the Confucian Temple, located in the center of Qufu city. The temple was the place to worship Confucius in all feudal dynasties. The grand complex is typical of ancient oriental architecture, with a size comparable with the imperial palaces of emperors. The temple was continuously enlarged in all dynasties after its construction. The present temple is that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The complex is so huge, majestic, classic, and intact, that it is regarded as the only model of its kind in world architecture. Here we are on the first stone archway in front of the temple, called the archway of Striking Golden Bell and Beating Jade. Formal ancient Chinese music began with the toll of bell and ended by sounding jade, thus they symbolized the completeness of Confucius’ achievement and contribution to Chinese culture. Behind Archway of Striking Golden Bell and Beating Jade is the single arch stone bridge. Let’s look at it. Oh, a stands at both sides of the bridge, with the text of “Officials or any passers-by dismount here”, which was carefully observed in ancient times for dignity of Confucius and his temple. We have arrived at the first gate for entering the temple, Lingxing Gate. It was said that the star was in charge of education and literature. The gate was so named to show respect for the thoughts and scholarships of Confucius, implicating that he was equal to heaven. This is the second gate of the Temple-Gate of Sage Time, built in 1 415. It is recorded that Menci once noted that Confucius topped all sages in keeping with the time. The gate was open only on emperors’ visit for worship or at the birth of a new Duke of Giving Birth to Sage. This is the 3rd gate of the Temple-Gate of Enhancing Morals, constructed in 1 377. The name came from the teaching “Humans are capable of enhancing morals” in the analects to praise Confucius’ interpreting and developing ancient ethics. This is Great Mean Gate, the entrance to the 4th courtyard. The gate was first named as Gate of Mean Harmony, in relation with Confucius doctrine of the mean. Facing Great Mean Gate is Tongwen Gate. Beyond it to the north is Kuiwen Pavilion. It was built firstly in 1 018. It was the library of the temple, with a rich collection of books and a unique style of architecture. Behind Kuiwen Pavilion is the 6th courtyard with 8 stele pavilions on the south and 5 on the north. They are also called Pavilions of Imperial since they were exclusive for those set up by emperors. This is Apricot Altar. This pavilion was where Confucius once delivered lectures to his disciples. In the altar there is a stele of ode to apricot written by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty. Now, we come to Hall of Great Achievement. It was the main place for worshipping Confucius. It is one of the “three biggest halls in the east” together with the Heaven Bless Hall 64 Module Two Sightseeing Service in Dai Temple on Mt Tai and Hall of Supreme Harmony in Forbidden City of Beijing. It is 32m high, 54m wide, and 34m in depth, neatly structured and very majestic. There are 28 stone columns with dragon carvings around the hallways, 5.98m high and 0.8m in diameter. Each facet of the 18 side and back columns is carved with 9 dragons, altogether 72 on one column. The 10 under the front eave are carved with 2 dragons on each, playing with a pearl among patterns of clouds and flames, and at the bottom are painted rocks and waves. The 10 dragon columns are symmetrically positioned, yet their vivid carvings all differ from each other. This is the stone carving only found in Qufu, and it is said that the columns would be wrapped up with yellow silk so as to shame the emperor whose palace pillars were no match of such grandeur. In the hall are statues of sages and 12 sagely followers. The statue of Confucius, 3.35m high, was in the middle in imperial uniform like that of an emperor. The hall stands on a 2-tier platform of 2m hight, 4.5 m wide and 35m long from south to north. The part in front of the hall serves as a balcony for procedures and dances of the worship ceremony. Behind Hall of Great Achievement is Residence Hall to worship Confucius wife Qiguan, who, born in A tate of Song, married Confucius at 19 and died 7 years before him. It is one of the three primary halls of the temple. The wood shrine was delicately carved with playing dragons and phoenixes, and placed in it is the tablet “Madam of Ultimate Sage and First Teacher”. This is the Sage Exhibition Hall—the 9th courtyard, separately built behind Residence Hall, to keep Pictures of the Sage, the serial stone carvings of Confucius’ life. The west route leads to the sites to commemorate Confucius’ father and mother. Ladies and gentlemen! Confucian temple resembles the school on historical knowledge. Because the time is limited, we only looked mainly. I gave you a brief introduction. Confucius is not only a sage but also a great tourist. He travels around the row country for 14 years, collecting lots of valuable materials. Thanks everybody the cooperation. Welcome you again.

New Words and Expressions

1. Confucius n. 孔子(中国哲学家、教育家,儒家学术的创始人) 2. feudal adj. 封建制度的 3. acclaim v. 欢呼,称赞 4. benevolent adj. 慈善的 5. humanitarian n. 人道主义 6. orthodox adj. 正统的,传统的 7. worship n. 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬 vt. 崇拜;尊敬;爱慕 vi. 拜神;做礼拜 8. complex n. 复合体;综合设施 adj. 复杂的;合成的 9. comparable adj. 可比较的;比得上的 10. continuously adv. 连续不断地 11. intact adj. 完整的;原封 65 旅游实务英语

12. dignity n. 尊严;高贵 13. scholarship n. 奖学金;学识,学问 14. implicate n. 包含的东西 vt. 暗示;使牵连其中;含有……的意思 15. Menci n. 孟子(中国战国时代哲学家,政治家,教育家) 16. enhancing n. 优化,增强;暖色加重效果 v. 增强(enhance 的现在分词) 17. morals n. 道德;文选;论集 18. analects n. 文选;论集 19. ode n. 赋;颂诗;颂歌 20. apricot n. 杏,杏子;[园艺]杏树;杏黄色 adj. 杏黄色的 21. Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 22. Forbidden City 紫禁城 23. hallway n. 走廊;门厅;玄关 24. symmetrically adv. 对称地;平衡地;匀称地 25. grandeur n. 壮丽;庄严;宏伟 26. worship n. 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬 vt. 崇拜;尊敬;爱慕 vi. 拜神;做礼拜 27. phoenix n. 凤凰;死而复生的人 28. commemorate vt. 庆祝,纪念;成为……的纪念


1. Confucius Temple 孔庙,又称夫子庙,通常称为文庙,本是中国纪念孔子、供后 人祭祀孔子的庙宇式建筑,自汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术后成为借以宣传儒家思想的庙 宇。孔庙位于曲阜城中央。它是一组具有东方建筑特色、规模宏大、气势雄伟的古代建 筑群。 2. Qufu 曲阜位于山东省西南部,隶属于济宁市,古称鲁县,是鲁国国都,更是儒 家学派创始人孔子的故乡。 3. Three Kongs 三孔是山东省曲阜市关于孔子的建筑物曲阜孔庙(Confucius Temple)、孔府(Confucius Family Mansion)、孔林(Confucius Cemetery)的并称。1994 年曲阜孔庙、孔府登录世界文化遗产,1997 年孔林登录世界文化遗产。 4. South China raises talents while North China creates Saints 江南出才子,江北出圣人。 5. The archway of Striking Golden Bell and Beating Jade 金声玉振坊 孔庙门前的第一座石坊叫“金声玉振坊”。“金声”、“玉振”表示奏乐的全过程,以 击钟(金声)开始,以击磬(玉振)告终,以此象征孔子思想集古圣先贤之大成,颂扬 孔子对汉文化的巨大贡献。 6. Officials or any passers-by dismount here. 官员人等至此下马。 7. Lingxing Gate 棂星门,棂(灵)星是主管教育和文学之星。门的命名意为尊孔如 同尊天。 8. Gate of Sage Time 圣时门,这是孔庙的第二道门始建于明永乐十三年(1415)。 66 Module Two Sightseeing Service

根据《孟子》记载“孟子曰:孔子,圣之时者也”。意思就是在圣人中间孔子是最适合时 代的。圣时门只有在皇帝来祭祀或历代“衍圣公”出生时才打开此门。 9. Gate of Enhancing Morals 弘道门是孔庙的第三道大门,建于明洪武十年(1377)。 该名取自《论语》“人能弘道”,即能指挥创造一切;赞颂孔子总结了先贤先圣的经验, 尤其弘扬了尧舜禹汤,文武周公之道。 10. Kuiwen Pavilion 闺文阁藏书丰富、建筑独特的孔庙藏书楼 11. Imperial Steles 御碑亭专为保存皇帝的御制石碑而建。 12. Aprict Altar 杏坛,是传说中孔子聚徒讲学的地方,也泛指聚众讲学的场所。乾 隆皇帝书杏坛赞,刻碑立于其内。 13. Hall of Great Achievement 大成殿是孔庙的主殿,它和故宫太和殿、岱庙宋天贶 殿并称为东方三大殿。 14. Madam of Ultimate Sage and First Teacher 至圣先师夫人神位 15. The Sage Exhibition Hall 圣迹殿,保存记载孔子一生事迹的石刻连环画圣迹图而 得名的大殿。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Temple of Heaven

The temple lies at the east of Inside Street Gate, originally a place to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. Constructed in 1420, it was the largest of imperial altars. The complex is the typical architectural art of both Ming and Qing Dynasties, an indispensable part of Beijing as a historical and cultural capital. Temple of Heaven is unique in architectural achievement. The total area of the temple is 273 hectares, three times larger than Forbidden City. Two walls separate the temple into an outer court and an inner court. The north wall is taller and semicircular, while the south wall is lower and rectangular, in accordance with the belief of “round heaven above square earth” and “lofty heaven and humble earth”. The main buildings of the temple are in the inner part, which is again separated by a wall. In the north of this part is Altar of for Grain for spring ceremony, with Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest as the center. In the south is the huge Circular Munnd Altar for worshipping. Heaven on winter solstice. Linking the two parts is Danbi Bridge, also referred to as Haiman Avenue, the axis of the complex sided with large woods of cypress. The temple is now a favorite scenery spot of Beijing as well part of the greens of the city, attracting over 10 million visitors each year. It is among the first key cultural sites under state protection, and in December 1988, the UNESCO inscribed it on the World Heritages List.

67 旅游实务英语

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Where does the Temple of Heaven lie?

2. What was the Temple of Heaven used for in Ming and Qing Dynasties?

3. How big is the total area of Temple of Heaven?

4. How is the Temple of Heaven made up of?

5. When was the Temple of Heaven inscribed on the World Heritages List?

Part Four Culture

Confucius’ Ideas about Education

Confucius was born in 551B.C. in the State of Lu, today’s Qufu in Shandong Province. He died of illness at the age of 73. His name was KongQiu. After he died, his idea was highly respected by the emperors of Chinese feudal society. He was acclaimed as Saint Kong, or the Most Holy and Foremost Perfect Teacher. He was both the philosopher and the teacher. As a matter of fact, he was the father of a private schooling in China who accepted students regardless of their wealth. It is said that he had 3 000 students, among whom 72 were very outstanding. Confucius proposed a complete set of principles concerning study. The Analects of Confucius provides a vivid record of his teachings. He said, “Studying without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying leads to laziness”. Confucius stuck to righteousness. He was always ready to help others and treated others with tolerance and honesty. He said, “Do not give others what you do not want yourself”, similar to the Bible teaching of “All those things which you would have men do to you, even so do you do them: because this is the law and the prophets”. He thought people were born with only a little difference, but the environment and education of one’s growth created people’s personality and behavior. So it’s a waste of time to debate whether human is born evil or divine. He thought that one should love one’s parents, respect elders, be kind to brothers, and generous and understanding to others. So people thought he was a humanitarian. The Confucianism was regarded as the orthdox ideas during the long periods of feudalism in China. His thought had the most enduring and profound effect over Chinese culture.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why was his education successful?

68 Module Two Sightseeing Service

2. How do you understand the saying “Do not give others what you do not want yourself”?

3. Do you think people are born with no difference?

4. How do you understand Confucius is a humanitarian?

5. Why was Confucianism regarded as the orthodox ideas?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Can you introduce Qufu briefly?

2. Who is the originator of Confucianism?

3. What left a profound influence on later generations in Confucius’s life?

4. Why have Confucius’s thoughts left a profound influence on later generations?

5. What is the Sage Exhibition Hall famous for?

II. Translate the following into English. 1. 灵岩寺是中国四大名寺之一。

2. 每年 9 月 6 日至 8 日,泰安举行登山节。

3. 曲阜五分之一的人姓孔。

4. 孔夫子生活在公元前 551 年至 479 年之间的春秋战国时期。

5. 潍坊每年举行的风筝节很有名。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese Criteria by World Heritage Committee 1. The Temple of Heaven is a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design which simply and graphically illustrate a cosmogony of great importance for the evolution of one of the world’s great civilizations. 69 旅游实务英语

2. The symbolic layout and design of Temple of Heaven had a profound influence on architecture and planning in the Far East over many centuries. 3. For more than two thousand years China was ruled by a series of feudal dynasties, the legitimacy of which is symbolized by the design and layout of Temple of Heaven.

I V. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: (我们已经到达目的地), Pingwu Bao’en Temple. That’s the entrance of the temple. T: What a beautiful gate! Look at the board. (这些龙刻得活灵活现,好像要腾飞了。) G: Yes, the dragon is one of the three wonders in the temple. (当你进入寺庙,你就会到处看到龙). So the Temple is “dragon palace”. T: Amazing! Can you introduce Chinese culture on dragons? G: The dragon is an auspicious figure in China. It is the Chinese totem. (中国人称呼自己是龙的传人). Let me pass through the gate. T: Who are they on both sides of the gate. (他们使人感到太恐 怖了). G: Don’t worry about them. They are statues of Heng and Ha, guardians of the temple, guardians of tourists as well.

70 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Three 3 Religious Buildings in China

Proverb The master teaches the trade, but the apprentices’ skill depends on their own efforts.

Introduction Various religions in China left profound influences on the development of ancient Chinese culture. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three major religions in China. Taoism is a native religion, Lao Zi was the creator of Taoism. “Tao”, originally, meant “road” and then implied to “rule” and “principle”. With a strong realistic color, Taoism stood firm with Buddhism and Confucianism so it took a vital place in the development of Chinese culture. The ancient Taoism buildings on Wudang Mountain not only look majestic but also they are very popular among the folks. Grotto art is a significant relic of Buddhism, usually a complex of architecture, mural, and painted sculpture, mostly carved in cliffs. Although originated from India, caves and cliff graves were on the basis of Chinese cultural tradition. Its three cave-temples, namely Mogao Grottoes, Yungang Grottos, and Longmen Grottoes, are the representatives of Buddhism grotto art in China, whereas Dazu rock carvings in Chongqing City represents the later grotto art Lamaism is the in China, and the Potala Palace, the lamaism building in , became a model of Tibetan architecture, the collection of the wisdom of as well as Han, Mongolian, and Manchurian people.

Discussion 1. What are the three major religions in China? 2. Why did Taoism take a vital place in the development of Chinese culture?

71 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Tibet

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: Good Morning, everyone! Welcome to Tibet. Welcome to Lhasa. My name is Li Ying. I am pleased to serve you as your tour guide. At first, let me introduce Tibet briefly. It is one of the most exotic places in the world. It covers 2 300 000 square kilometers. Tibet is an important touring place because of its unique culture, its celebrated , and its stark, spectacular scenery. Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is the main point of entry to the roof of the world. T: Good Morning, Miss Li! Thank you for your introduction. What do you think of the Tibetan people? G: The Tibetan people are brave, strong and forthright, very kind and hospitable! T: Why do the Tibetan people like silver? G: Because they regard silver as the symbol of purity, luckiness and nobility. T: I’ve heard that Lhasa is famous for its monasteries. What should we see first? G: We can see the temples and palaces of Lhasa in two days if in good shape. T: What are the most important ones? G: We think the most important buildings to see in Lhasa are the Temple, Potala Palace, Sera , and . T: What does Potala mean? G: It means “Buddha’s Mountain.” T: I see. How about its height? G: It has 13 stories and rises 110 meters in height, measuring 360 meters in length from east to west. T: Let’s go there first, OK? G: Sure.

New Words and Expressions

1. Tibet n. 西藏(中国一自治区) 2. Lhasa n. 拉萨(中国西藏藏族自治区首府) 3. forthright adj. 直率的;直截了当的 adv. 直率地;马上;立即 n. 直路 4. hospitable adj. 热情友好的;(环境)舒适的 5. purity n.[化学]纯度;纯洁;纯净;纯粹 6. nobility n. 贵族;高贵;高尚 72 Module Two Sightseeing Service

7. monastery n. 修道院;僧侣 8. stark adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;朴实的 adv. 完全;明显地;突出 地;质朴地 9. spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 10. Buddha n. 佛陀;佛像


1. Potala Palace 布达拉宫又称“第二普陀山”,屹立在西藏首府拉萨市区西北的红 山上,是一座规模宏大的宫堡式建筑群,堪称是一座艺术的殿堂。最初是松赞干布为迎 娶文成公主而兴建的,17 世纪重建后,布达拉宫成为历代达赖喇嘛的冬宫居所,也是西 藏政教合一的统治中心。整座宫殿具有鲜明的藏式风格,依山而建,气势雄伟。1961 年, 布达拉宫被中华人民共和国国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位之一。1994 年, 布达拉宫被列为世界文化遗产。 2. Drepung 哲蚌寺,藏语意为“堆米寺”或“积米寺”,藏传佛教格鲁派寺院,全 名吉祥米聚十方尊胜洲。1416 年(永乐十四年)由宗喀巴弟子绛央却杰主持修建,位于 拉萨西郊 5 公里更丕乌孜山下。与甘丹寺、色拉寺合称拉萨三大寺,乃格鲁派寺院中地 位最高的寺院之一。1962 年哲蚌寺列为西藏自治区重点文物保护单位,1982 年列为全国 重点文物保护单位。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Potala Palace

Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to Chinese Tibet! Welcome to Lhasa. You will enjoy the unique scenery and culture of Tibet. Today I will accompany you to visit the Potala Palace to be known to all the world. Now let me introduce it briefly. Potala Palace is not only the symbol of the creativity of Tibetan people, but also the unique cultural heritage of human beings on the high and snowy plateau. Potala Palace stands aloft of Red Hill in Lhasa. “Potala” is a transliteration from the Sanskrit for Mt Potala. Tibetan Buddhists are said to think their Red Hill is comparable to Mt Potala of Avalookitesvara, so regard the hill as a second Potala. Potala Palace is the masterpiece of Tibetan buildings and the gem of ancient Chinese architecture. The palace integrates with the hill, standing aloft with grandeur and majesty. The walls alternating in red and white, the golden roofs shining with brilliance, it demonstrates in full the appealing charm of ancient Tibetan buildings. Potala Palace is an evidence of the solidarity of all nationalities and the unity of the nation. In the 7th century, Songtsan Gampo unified the Tibet. King Songtsan Gampo built this 73 旅游实务英语 nine-story palace of 1 000 rooms particularly for his new wife , and called it “Potala Palace”. After construction, the palace was renovated and expanded several times. The palace is 3 700m above the sea level, covering an area of over 360 000m2 with an interior space of more than 130 000m2, about 360m long from east to west, and the 13-story main tower is 117m high. It is comprehensive with halls, tupas, Buddhist chambers, chapels, monk dormitories, and courtyards. The whole complex consists of the White and Red Palaces with their ancillary buildings. Apart from the building complex on the hill, Potala Palace as a whole also includes the south and north squares as well as the Dragon Pool in front of it. It is a palace complex largest and highest in the world reputed as “pearl on the world roof”. Potala Palace is an exceptional Buddhist religious complex, also the governing center of the former rulers of Tibet, both political and religious. Statues or sculptures of Buddha in various sizes are simply beyond counting, made of painted clay, wood, or stone, but the dominant majority are of gold, silver, bronze, iron or other metals. In the palace are the wooden statue of Sakyamuni carved in Sui and Tang Dynasties gold statues of Ming Dynasty, and large numbers of statues of Buddha or Buddhist masters made of gold, silver bronze, jade, clay, or rhinoceros horns. All of them are exquisitely modeled. The largest is as big as over 10m, while the smallest are only a few centimeters high. Buddhism is one of the three major religions of the world. In the 7-8th centuries, Buddhism entered Tibet from India and the neighbor areas of Han people, which developed into Tibetan Buddhism by the mid 10th century. Tibetan Buddhism, sometimes also referred to as Buddhism in Tibet, is an indispensable part of . Some call it “Lamaism”, or “Tibet Buddhism”, “Buddhism of Tibet”. “Lama” is the pronunciation of Tibetan, meaning “superior master” or “superior man”. Tibetan Buddhism has a long history. In its development it has formed features of its own and spread over a vast area. Potala Palace is the winter palace of the Dalai of all times. Since the 5 th , all important religious and political ceremonies were held here. Potala Palace is a treasure house of culture. During the period of over 300 years, it has collected murals of about 2 500m2, near a thousand stupas, as well as numerous artifacts of gold, silver, bronze, iron, enamel, lacquer, bamboo, ivory, jade, jewelry, brocade, stone inscription, seal, coin, written archives, and religious instruments. The very precious Pattara Leaf Scriptures alone numbers over 500 volumes. Kept in the palace are also the saria of Sakyamuni, as well as the gold album. jade album, and gold seals issued by the central government from Ming and Qing Dynasties to authorize the Dalai Lama, and the Golden Bumpa Urn bestowed by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty for identifying the reincarnation of the decased Dalai Lama. Potala Palace was inscribed in World Heritage List as cultural heritage in 1994 by UNESCO, and extended to include Jokhang temple, the existent wooden building of the most prosperous Tubo period of Tibet in November of 2000, and extended to include , the famous ancient Tibetan garden and the summer palace of the 7th to 14th Dalai Lamas in 74 Module Two Sightseeing Service

November of 2001. We will visit main scenic spots one by one. I will divide them into different attractions to you to explain in detail. Attention, everyone! Please follow me into the scenic areas.

New Words and Expressions

1. unique adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的,独一无二的 n. 独一无二的人或物 2. creativity n. 创造力;创造性 3. Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的 n. 西藏人;藏语 4. plateau adj. 西藏的;藏族的 n. 西藏人;藏语 5. aloft adv. 在空中;在高处;在上面 prep. 在……之上;在……顶上 adj. 在空中 的;在高处的;在上面的 6. transliteration n. 音译;直译 7. Sanskrit n. 梵文,梵语 8. Buddhist n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的 9. comparable adj. 可比较的;比得上的 10. masterpiece n. 杰作;绝无仅有的人 11. integrate n. 一体化;集成体 adj. 整合的;完全的 vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为 一体 vt. 使……完整;使……成整体;求……的积分 12. grandeur n. 壮丽;庄严;宏伟 13. majesty n. 威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威 14. alternating adj. 交替的;交互的 v. 使交替;依次(alternate 的 ing 形式 15. brilliance n. 光辉;才华;宏伟 16. demonstrate vt. 证明;展示;论证 vi. 示威 17. evidence n. 证据,证明;迹象;明显 vt. 证明 18. solidarity n. 团结,团结一致 19. nationality n. 国籍,国家;民族;部落 20. unity n. 团结;一致;联合;个体 21. unite vi. 团结;联合;混合 vt. 使……混合;使……联合;使……团结 22. evidence n. 证据,证明;迹象;明显 vt. 证明 23. solidarity n. 团结,团结一致 24. particularly adv. 特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地 25. renovate vt. 更新;修复;革新;刷新 26. chamber n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛;房间;会所 adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的 vt. 把……关在室内;装填(弹药等) 27. chapel n. 小礼拜堂,小教堂;礼拜 adj. 非国教的 28. dormitory n. 宿舍,学生宿舍 adj. 住宅区的 29. repute n. 名誉;声望 vt. 名誉;认为;把……称为 75 旅游实务英语

30. interior n. 内部;本质 adj. 内部的;国内的;本质的 31. pearl n. 珍珠;珍珠色;杰出者;珍品 adj. 镶珍珠的;珍珠状的 vt. 使成珠状; 用珍珠装饰;使呈珍珠色 vi. 采珍珠;成珍珠状 32. exceptional adj. 异常的,例外的 n. 超常的学生 33. Sakyamuni n. 释迦牟尼 34. exquisitely adv. 精致地;精巧地;敏锐地 35. centimeter n.[计量]厘米;[计量]公分;厘米 | 公分 | 公制长度单位 36. indispensable n. 不可缺少之物;必不可少的人 adj. 不可缺少的;绝对必要的;责 无旁贷的 37. Lamaism n. 喇嘛教(藏、蒙等地区信奉的佛教) 38. superior n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者 adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高 傲的 39. mural n. 壁画;(美)壁饰 adj. 墙壁的 40. stupas n. 舍利塔;浮屠塔 41. artifact n. 人工制品;手工艺品 42. enamel n. 搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;指甲油 vt. 彩饰;涂以瓷釉 43. lacquer n. 漆;漆器 vt. 涂漆;使表面光泽 44. ivory n. 象牙;乳白色;长牙 adj. 乳白色的;象牙制的 45. jade n. 翡翠;碧玉;老马 adj. 玉制的;绿玉色的 vi. 疲倦 vt. 使疲倦 46. brocade n.[纺]织锦;锦缎 vt. 把图案或凸花纹织入;在……上织出图案 47. inscription n. 题词;铭文;刻印 48. seal n. 密封;印章;海豹;封条;标志 vt. 密封;盖章 vi. 猎海豹 49. archive n. 档案馆;档案文件 vt. 把……存档 50. precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的 51. scripture n.(大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句 52. album n. 相簿;唱片集;集邮簿;签名纪念册 53. Seal n. 密封;印章;海豹;封条;标志 vt. 密封;盖章 vi. 猎海豹 54. authorize vt. 批准,认可;授权给;委托代替 55. identify vi. 确定;认同;一致 vt. 确定;识别;使参与;把……看成一样 56. reincarnation n. 再生;化身 57. existent n. 生存者;存在的事物 adj. 存在的;生存的 58. prosperous adj. 繁荣的;兴旺的 n. 生存者;存在的事物 adj. 存在的;生存的


1. Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼是宗教领袖,佛教的创始人及佛教的佛祖。古印度释迦族人 (生于尼泊尔南部。成佛后的释迦牟尼,尊称为佛陀,意思是大彻大悟的人;民间信仰佛 教的人也常称呼佛祖、如来佛祖。在佛教中记载着农历的四月初八是佛教鼻祖释迦牟尼

76 Module Two Sightseeing Service

诞辰日。 2. Lhasa 拉萨这座具有 1 300 年历史高原古城,是西藏自治区的首府。拉萨位于西 藏自治区东南部,雅鲁藏布江支流拉萨河北岸。拉萨东邻林芝地区,西连日喀则地区, 北接那曲地区,南与山南地区交界,是前往西藏旅游的枢纽,是世界上海拔最高的城市 之一。 3. Tibet 西藏自治区平均海拔 4 000 米以上,是青藏高原的主体部分,被称为“世界 屋脊”。 藏族(Tibetan)主要分布在西藏自治区以及青海、甘肃、四川、云南等邻近省。主 要从事畜牧业,兼营农业。 4. Potala Palace 历代达赖喇嘛的寝宫 5. Red Palace 历代达赖喇嘛的灵塔殿和各类佛堂

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Yunggang Grottoes

Yunggang Grottoes is located in the north cliff of Wuzhoushan Mountain in west suburb of city. The grotto was excavated by depending on the mountain and stretches for 1 000m from east to west. Preserved to the present in the Grottoes are 53 caves and more than 1 100 big and small statues of Buddha, 252 big and small cavity niches and more than 51 000 stone carved statues. The biggest statue of Buddha is up to 17m high and the smallest statue is only 2 millimeters high. It is one of the ancient grotto groups of largest scale and one of the 3 main grotto groups in our country. The whole grotto group is divided into 3 parts, i.e. east part, middle part and west part. In the grottoes of the east part are mainly Buddha pagodas, also called pagoda cave. The Tanyao five grottoes are the grotto group excavated earliest and of largest grandeur among Yunggang grottoes and was excavated in the period of Northern Wei. The age of grotto group of west part was slightly later and most of the grottoes were the work after the capital of Northern Wei was moved to . Yunggang Grottoes are well-known all over the world for their grand momentum, rich contents and exquisite carving. The fifth and sixth grottoes and Wuhua cave are colorful in contents, majestic and magnificent. It is the essence of Yunggang art and also the artistic treasury well-known in the world. In the year of 2001, Yunggang grotto was listed in the world culture heritage by UNESCO.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Where is Yunggang Grottoes located?

2. How many caves and statues of Buddha are preserved to the present in the Grottoes?

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3. How high is the biggest statue of Buddha? How high is the smallest statue?

4. Why are Yunggang Grottoe well-known all over the world?

5. When was Yunggang Grotto listed in the world culture heritage by UNESCO?

Part Four Culture

Tibetan Culture

Tibetan Catering Culture Tibetan food: Tibetan people have their own unique food structure and catering customs. Zanba (roasted highland barley flour), butter, tea and beef & mutton are known as the four treasures of the Tibet diet. Tibetan food has a long history and is rich in variety. It is grouped into three major kinds, namely, staple food, dish and soup. Tibetan food pays close attention to a light taste. Peppery seasoning is normally not used, only salt and garlic. Zanba is the staple food of the Tibetan people and is simple. Mill the parched highland barley grains into flour, which is Zanba. When eating, put the Zanba into a bowl, add a little tea, butter and milk dregs to it, and mix and knead into a dumpling. Air-dried meat is a unique food in Tibet. When the temperature falls below zero at the end of the year, slit the quality beef and then hang it in a windy place to dry. It can be eaten in the following February or March, the crisp meat having a unique taste. There are innumerable ways of cooking the food at a Tibetan-style feast, along with means of holding a feast. In traditional society, the social status of guests was a determinant of the style of feast. There are both vegetable and meat-based feasts in Tibet. Wine Culture: Tibetan barley wine is brewed from fermented barley grown in the highlands, with lower alcohol content. Men and women of all ages like to drink it and it is indispensable during happy events and festivals. There is a rich etiquette and many social customs associated with drinking wine. Every time new wine is brewed, it is first offered to the gods and then to toast the oldest members of the family according to the ancient precept that “the old and young should observe order”. At last, the family members can drink their fill. During a festival, marriage feast, or gathering of many people, the first toast is offered to the sainted elder present and then passes around clockwise. The toaster should raise the wine cup to about the height of his head with both hands in offering it to the person accepting the toast. The other person then takes over the cup with both hands, dips his or her right ring finger into the wine while holding the cup in the other hand and flicks the wine drops on the finger into the air. The movement is repeated three times to show respect to heaven, earth and deities respectively. Sometimes, the person will make a congratulatory speech in a light tone before 78 Module Two Sightseeing Service drinking. When drinking at a gathering, singing is absolutely necessary. Tibetan toast songs are melodious and fair-sounding and express blessings and admiration. At a general feast, the host and hostess will sing the toast song. On very grand occasions, there are girls especially in charge of toasting others. The beautifully-dressed girl, singing the enhancing toast songs, will persuade each of the guests to drink in turn until all are drunk. Tibetan Tea Culture: Butter tea is an indispensable drink in Tibetan life. The butter is the cream extracted usually from cow or sheep’s milk, but the golden yellow butter extracted from yak milk in summer is the best; that extracted from sheep’s milk is white. When drinking tea, the Tibetan people pay attention to rank according to age, and the order of master and guest. Guest cannot drink too fast. Generally speaking, drinking three bowls is the most propitious. Tibetan folklore Tibetan Festivals: Tibetans celebrate a lot of traditional religious festivals and activities. Tibet New year is the greatest festival of Tibetans, when the folks will enjoy themselves as much as they can and wish each other an auspicious new year. A series of activities are held, such as wrestling, throwing, tug-of-war, and horse racing. Shoton Festival is another great event for Tibetans, established in mid 17th century as a set festival, when religious and recreational activities would hold around temples. In Lhasa, for example, the center was drepung Monastery. From early 18th century, the center moved to Norbulingkha, and gradually formed a set of celebrating activities. Other important festivals include Incense Festivals, Festival of the Ritual Walk Around Holy Mountains, Lantern Festival and Ghost Expelling Festival. These festivals show their enthusiasm for their tradition and religion. Tibetan Opera and Dance: Tibetan opera is called “ache Lhamo” in Tibetan, a unique form in China’s various theatrical arts. “ache” means elder sister or a females, and “Lhamo” means a fairy. Tibetan opera is an all-round performing art that tells the story by the form of folk dances and songs. Folk troupes of Tibetan opera are easily encountered any time and anywhere. Tibetans are born dancers and singers. On festivals, everywhere they are dancing in groups, hand in hand and kicking and swirling. On the threshing ground in autumn harvesting, they make the labor a ring dance with happy singing. In a pasturing area, they like to have interesting parties overnight without an end. In towns on sunny days, the whole family will go to a beautiful wood, drinking their chang (a highland barley wine), singing and dancing from morning to the evening, and will go back home only after a full and satisfactory enjoyment. In Tibet, dance and singing has become a hobby and amusement of the common people. Rituals: In the regions of Tibetan Buddhism, Piety Prostration is a way to show the piety of the pilgrims. There are three main forms, prostrating in the pilgrimage, in the temple or at a certain place. On the main roads to Lhasa, it is easy to encounter dusty pilgrims wearing hand gloves, kneepads, and a fur protector for the chest, prostrating every three steps from their remote home all the way to Lhasa. Custom Taboos: Tibetan people have many taboos. Generally, they eat only beef and 79 旅游实务英语 mutton, and never consume horse, donkey, mule and dog meat. While people in the cities and towns consume fish, shrimp, eel and other seafood, but the people in the farming and pasturing areas never touch them. When eating, avoid mouthful takings and any biting or drinking noise. When drinking the Tibetan buttered tea, wait and take until the host serves the cup to the front of you. Do not spit or clap at the back of anyone. If a temple or other religious building is on your way, pass around it from the left. Never cross over any religious tools or a brazier. Do not turn the sutra wheels in the` wrong direction. And it is offensive to touch one’s head top with a hand.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Please talk about differences on Tibetan Catering Culture.

2. Please say something about Tibetan folklore briefly.

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. What are the main religions in China now?

2. Where’s the Potala Palace located?

3. What parts does the Potala Palace mainly contain?

4. What are the Four Grottoes in China?

5. How does the World Cultural Heritage Committee comment on the Yunggang Grottoes?

II. Translate the following into English. 1. 中国公民的宗教信仰自由权受到宪法和法律的保护。

2. 中国各种宗教地位平等,和谐共处;信教与不信教的公民之间彼此尊重。

3. 张道陵被认为是道教的创始人,老子被尊为教主,其著作《道德经》被奉为道教经典。

4. 释迦牟尼是佛教的创始人。

5. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。《古兰经》是伊斯兰教的经典。 80 Module Two Sightseeing Service

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains Inscribed:1994 Criteria: C(ⅰ)(ⅱ )(ⅲ ) The palaces and temples which form the nucleus of this group of secular and religious buildings exemplify the architectural and artistic achievements of China’s Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Situated in the scenic valleys and on the slopes of the Wudang mountains in province, the site, which was built as an organized complex during the Ming dynasty Hubei Province, the site, which was built as an organized complex during the Ming dynasty(14 th-17 th centuries), contains Taoist buildings from as early as the 7th century. It represents the highest standards of Chinese art and architecture over a period of nearly 1 000 years. ——WHC, HNESCO

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide; T=tourist) G: Look! Before us is (雅鲁藏布大峡谷)。 (是世界上最大的峡谷) T: How long is it? G: (有 496.3 公里长),56.3 kilometers longer than the Colorado Grand Canyon. T: (有多深?) G: It’s 5 382 meters deep. T: (真是奇迹)

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82 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Four 4 Mausoleums

Proverb Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

Introduction The mausoleums condense the ancient Chinese belief in spirit, including their politics, morality and aesthetics, moreover represent the level of economy, science and technology as well as architecture of their times. In ancient China the tomb of an emperor or a king was heaped up like a hill to symbolize the imperial powerfulness. All feudal dynasties advocated luxury burial in China as an expression of filial piety. If an emperor or a king died, lots of labor and money would be spent on building his tomb. The structure of emperors’ tombs is more complex, but includes two parts in general: the upper and the underground. The main section underground is the coffin chamber, usually filled with a large number of burial objects. The upper section was often a building complex to create the memorial solemnity. Sun yat-sen mausoleum was built for Sun yat-sen who was Chinese modern great statesman and revolutionary forerunner. The main building includes memorial archway, path leading to a grave, mausoleum doors, stone steps, a pavillion built over stone tablets, mourning hall and coffin chamber which reflect a traditional Chinese architectural style.

Discussion 1. Why was the tomb of an emperor or a king was heaped up like a hill? 2. How did the author describe the structure of emperors’ tombs?

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Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Xi’an

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: Good Morning, everyone! Welcome to Xi’an. My name is Liu Ying. I am honored to serve you as your tour guide. At first, let me introduce Xi’an briefly. Xi’an, the historical city, was called Chang’an in ancient times, and is now the capital of Shaanxi province. Xi’an is situated in the center of Weihe Plain with the towering and verdant Mt. Qinling in the south. All together 12 dynasties had their capitals in Xi’an, which lasted for more than 1 120 years. T: Good Morning, Miss Liu! Thank you for your introduction. I have been longing for visiting Xi’an since I was a child because Xi’an is well known across the world. G: You’re absolutely right. I have to say Xi’an is really worth visiting, especially if one is interested in ancient Chinese history, traditional culture, and architecture. Xi’an is one of the most famous ancient capitals in China. It was the starting point of the well-known “Silk Road”. Terra Cotta Warriors have been made one of the 20th century’s greatest archaeological discoveries. T: Could you give us some suggestions to tour Xi’an in two days? G: My pleasure. Because you haven’t visited Xi’an before, I suggest you should choose the east route to sightsee on the first day, and the west route in the second day. T: What are they specifically? G: Joining the east route, you can visit Huaqing Hot Spring, Qinhihuang’s Tomb and , and Bronze Chariots. T: Good, I like it. G: If you can come back to downtown early, you can visit Wild Goose Pogodas and Provincial History Museum in the southern part of the city, or you can visit City Wall, Xi’an Stele Museum and Bell Tower. T: That’s great. G: Joining the west route, Qianling Mausoleum and Famen Temple are most worth sightseeing. But it will take you a whole day.

84 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Part Two Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Terra-cotta Army Museum

Ladies and Gentlemen: Today we are going to visit Terra-cotta Army Museum. The museum is located in the east of Xi’an city, 35 miles from the hotel. To get there by bus, it takes about fifty minutes. Since Terra-cotta Army of Qin Museum opening to the outside world on October 1, 1979, the heads of many countries for the parties and governments administrations visited the museum, millions of Chinese and foreign tourists visit the miracle of mankind. Do you know who discovered these terra-cotta warriors and horses? Local peasants discovered the huge and amazing pit 1 500m east of the mausoleum, in March of 1974 while digging a well against the drought. Archaeologists then unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2 000 years. This great discovery caused an immediate stir among Chinese archaeologists and soon attracted the attention of the world. People have called these discoveries one of “Wonders of the World” and one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century. We come to Terra-cotta Army Museum, I will show you visit three pits of terra-cotta warriors. The life-sized pottery army, thousands in number, we deployed in practical battlement formation, hidden 5 to 7 meters underground in the three pits of varied sizes and shapes. This is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide. Let’s visit it one by one. We are standing before PitⅠ. There are over 500 pottery, 6 chariots, 24 horses, as well as bronze swords, spears, bows and other weapons of iron. East of the pit are 210 life sized warriors. Look carefully, everyone! They are varied in countenance, dress, and hair style. The army array is neat, complete, awe-inspiring, full of power and grandeur, a reproduction of Emperor Qin’s great army with a strong artistic impact. Now let us go to visit PitⅡ . It covers 6 000m2, consisting of four separated yet related parts as one L shaped battle array of chariot warriors, cavalry and infantry, over 1 000 soldiers, and at the south is an array of 64 chariots, 8 in each of the 8 rows. In the middle are 19 chariots and their warriors. The cavalry array is at the north, consisting of 6 chariots and 124 horses and cavalrymen. Please look at them carefully and then compare PitⅡ w ith P itⅠ. What are the similar points and different points? In fact, all of them face the east. Indeed, but Pit Ⅱis m o re interesting and varied than PitⅠin its d e p lo y m e n t, array, modeling, and the posturing of the pottery. 85 旅游实务英语

Pit Ⅲ is 25m w est of PitⅡ. Now Let’s go there. Attention, everyone! This is PitⅢ . Please look at it. What do you think what shape it shows? It is just like “U” shape, covers 520m2. There are 1 chariot and 64 warriors here facing each other in pairs with weapons as honor guards. Most archaeologists believe that it should be the headquarters of the whole army according to its deployment weapons, and position relative to the emperor’s mausoleum. Ladies and Gentlemen! This discovery of the pit of Terra-cotta Warriors is a major achievement of the world’s archaeology. Praised as world’s 8th wonder, it well matches the pyramids in Egypt and the Greek sculptures as the precious wealth of human culture. If you still want to visit, we pass the Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang again on the way to come back our hotel. I may show you to go around it. Please prepare for it. If you don’t want to go, you can walk around freely or stay in the bus for 30 minutes.

New Words and Expressions

1. Terra-cotta n. 赤土陶器;赤陶土;棕橙色 2. miracle n. 奇迹,奇迹般的人或物;惊人的事例 3. terra-cotta warriors and horses 兵马俑 4. mausoleum n. 陵墓;阴森森的大厦 5. archaeologist n. 考古学家 6. life-sized adj. 原物大小的;与原物一样大小的 7. deploy n. 部署 vt. 配置;展开;使疏开 vi. 部署;展开 8. pit n. 矿井;深坑;陷阱 9. chariot n. 二轮战车 10. warrior n. 战士,勇士;鼓吹战争的人 11. cavalry n. 骑兵;装甲兵;装甲部队 12. infantry n. 步兵;步兵团 13. array n. 数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服 vt. 排列,部署;打扮 14. deployment n. 调度,部署 15. modeling n.[自]建模,造型;立体感 adj. 制造模型的 16. posturing n. 故作姿态;摆姿势;并非由衷的言行 v. 摆姿势(posture 的 ing 形式) 17. headquarters n. 总部;指挥部;司令部 18. precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的 19. the Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 秦始皇帝陵


1. There are over 500 pottery, 6 chariots, 24 horses, as well as bronze swords, spears, bows and other weapons of iron. East of the pit are 210 life sized warriors.发掘出武士俑五百 86 Module Two Sightseeing Service

余件,车六乘,驾车马 24 匹,还有青铜剑、吴钩、矛、箭、弩机等实战用的青铜兵器和 铁器。佣坑东端有 210 个与人等高的陶武士佣。 2. They are varied in countenance, dress, and hair style. The army array is neat, complete, awe-inspiring, full of power and grandeur.大家仔细看!他们的面部神态、服装样式、发型 各不相同,个个栩栩如生、形态逼真。这支队伍阵容整齐、装备完备、威风凛凛、气壮 山河。 3. It covers 6 000m2, consisting of four separated yet related parts as one L shaped battle array of chariot warriors, cavalry and infantry, over 1 000 soldiers, and at the south is an array of 64 chariots, 8 in each of the 8 rows. In the middle are 19 chariots and their warriors. The cavalry array is at the north, consisting of 6 chariots and 124 horses and cavalrymen.二号坑占 地六千平方米,被分隔成个自独立又互相联系的四个部分,由车兵、骑兵和步兵构成曲 尺形方阵。估计士兵佣一千多件,车马和鞍马五百多批。它南面突出的部分为一个小方 阵有 64 辆战车,每排有八辆战车,共八排;中部有 19 辆战车和随车徒手的兵佣;北部 有战车六乘、鞍马和骑兵 124 件组成的骑兵阵。 4. Most archaeologists believe that it should be the headquarters of the whole army according to its deployment, weapons, and position relative to the emperor’s mausoleum.大多 数考古学家认为,根据武士的排列方式、手中的兵器以及该坑与秦陵的位置判断,这是 整个军队的指挥部。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Emperor Qin

The family name of Emperor Qin is Ying, and Zheng is the given name. He was born in 259 B.C., and died in 210 B.C. as the founder of the first centralized feudal empire with many nationalities in China. He was born at time of continuous wars between the seven powerful lords. His father is Zichu. After Zichu assumed the throne as King Zhuangxiang, he entitled Ying Zheng as his successor prince. In 247 B.C. the king died, and 13-year-old prince took over as king of Qin. Since his crowning in 238 at 22, the young ruler tolerated no more arrogation of his power, but quickly cracked down the rebellions, imprisoned his mother empress ousted his premier the next year. After the 10 years bloodshed from 230 to 221 B.C., he defeated all the six lord states of Han, Zhao, Yan, Wei, Chu, and Qi, thus ended the warring period of separating regimes of hundreds years and founded the first centralized empire of many nationalities. Having achieved the unity, King of Qin declared himself to be “Qin-Shi-Huang-Di”, the first emperor of Qin. To consolidate his rule, he instituted a series of new policies. At the top he appointed 3 lords and 9 ministers as his help directly responsible to himself, and the leading officials of central and local governments were also nominated or removed by the emperor himself, so he established an extremely centralized political system. 87 旅游实务英语

This reform of Emperor Qin left behind it a long lasting effect on the later feudal system of over 2 000 years. Later generations often viewed his historical achievements with his ruthless reigning, yet there should be no blinking at his contribution to the unity and development of Chinese nation. He enjoyed showing off his greatness, and carved praises of his achievements on steles wherever on his inspection tours around the country. In 210 B.C. he died of disease. Soon a riot broke up and very quickly Qin empire was no longer there.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What period was he born in?

2. How did Ying Zheng become the king of Qin?

3. How did he find the first centralized empire of many nationalities?

4. How did he consolidate his rule?

5. How did he enjoy showing off his greatness?

Part Four Culture

The Art of Sculpture in Qin Dynasty

The art of ancient Chinese sculptures have different features in different historical periods. The terra-cotta warriors of Emperor Qin are typical works of the art of sculpture in Qin Dynasty. If you observe them from the macroscopic angle, such a majestic battle array of so many exquisitely made warriors facing the east does manifest the undaunted army and the superior strategy and tactics of State of Qin. It is indeed a true to life depicting with a strong impact of Emperor Qin’s ambition of conquering and unifying the whole China of that time. If you observe them from the microscopic angle, by details of the brows, eyes, nose wings, and beard, the craftsmen emphasized the warriors’ wit, calm, fortitude, and courage. Though over 7 000 in number, they look not only true to life but vary in postures and none resembles any other. The colors were still bright and vivid on excavation, and they weight 100 kg at least while the heaviest is over 300 kg, varied in height from 1.7m to 1.9m. Moreover, their looks, hair and beard styles tell much about where they were from. The pottery horses are typically of that from , big, strong, and fast. Carved with harness in the mouth and neck hair standing up, they look full of strength and beauty. The warriors’ weapons are made of bronze, coated with chromium oxide against rusting, a technique about 2 000 years earlier than 88 Module Two Sightseeing Service in the west. In a word, The art of sculptures in Qin Dynasty tend to be reality-oriented, unsophisticated and precise in the workmanship, whose creation was meticulous. Workmanship was at the leading position in the world during these period, there were lots of masterpieces of realism.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How do you construct warriors’ character of Terra-cotta warriors of Emperor Qin by sculpture?

2. Please describe main features of the art of sculpture in Qin Dynasty.

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Can you introduce three pits of Terra-cotta Army Museum briefly?

2. Can you tell me some of China’s famous imperial mausoleums?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 秦始皇在位期间统一了文字、货币和度量衡,建立了郡县制度,并组织在中国北部修 建了世界文明的长城。

2. 唐代陵墓的一个显著特点就是整个陵墓区都是模仿国都建造的。渗透了严格的礼仪制 度逻辑,旨在突出对皇权的尊敬。明孝陵的埋葬制度是承上启下的纽带,它继承了汉、 唐、宋时期陵寝制度的精华,并且进行了创新,开创了明清陵寝制度的先河。

3. 永陵占地面积 1.2 万平方米,四周山水环绕,创造出一幅郁郁葱葱的景象。

4. 从秦汉到明清,中国的帝王陵寝通常都覆盖着巨大的土堆。

5. 陵寝必须有坟丘式的“陵”和绕以恒墙的“陵园”,还要有与之相配合的“寝”、“庙” 等建筑。

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 1. Located in Giza about 10 kilometers southwest of Cairo, the Great Pyramid is the mausoleum of an ancient pharaoh. In ancient Egypt, a pharah began construction of his mausoleum as soon as he was enthroned, so that his soul would be released into heaven and 89 旅游实务英语

become immortal. The mausoleum is called Jin Zi Ta in Chinese, because the shape of the pyramid looks like the Chinese character “Jin” (金), which means “gold.”

2. The Taj Mahal is a famous ancient tomb in India. It is a masterpiece of the Islamic architecture. The tomb was built by the emperor, Sahjahan for his beloved wife Taj Mahal. The construction of the tomb began in 1631, and lasted for 22 years. The entire tomb covers an area of 170 000 square meters.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide, T=Tourist) G: Now we come to Big Wild Goose Pagoda.(大雁塔). T: When was it built? G: , 625 A.D.(这个塔建于唐朝) T: Why? G: (玄奘去印度带回佛经),so he built the pagoda to house them. T: But why is it called Big Wild Goose Pagoda? G: There are two legends. One is that it was called , on a goose-shaped hill.(为了纪念玄奘住过的寺院) T: Yeah. G: The other is that it could have acquired its name because some monks were starving and Buddha, in the form of a wild goose, (坠落在他们中间). The monks, , refused to eat it.(是素 食者). T: How interesting!

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Unit Five 5 Military Defenses

Proverb If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through.

Introduction Historically, it was generally true that defenders had an advantage over attackers. Battles commonly focused on sieges of important cities, allowing defenders to strengthen their position. They had the ability to make preparations for the battle to protect themselves from the enemy while making the enemy vulnerable, e.g. preparing positions such as trenches and fortifications or laying obstacles such as land mines and tank traps. However, in encounters larger than the small scale, the attacker may often have the advantage, since they get to choose the time and place of battle. An attacker may concentrate their entire force on a small part of the defended area, while the defender is forced to spread their forces over the possible area of attack. In the long ancient times and middle ages, quite a few enormous military projects were built in many regions of the world, but the tops them all in the duration of building, maintenance, and use, in the grandeur of design and scale, in the vastness of coverage, and in the far-reaching influence. In the modern era, the defenders’ advantage has been gradually reduced, due to factors like increased mobility of modern forces, better communication technologies, and increased protection of troops and equipment.

Discussion 1. Why was it generally true that defenders had an advantage over attackers historically? 2. Why may the attacker often have the advantage in encounters larger than the small scale?

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Part One Situational Dialogue

A Trip to the Great Wall

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: Ladies and gentlemen! Today we are going to visit the Great Wall. Are you ready? T: Yes. I’ve heard of the Great Wall. I’m a little bit excited. G: Do you remember a famous proverb on the Great Wall? T: Yes. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man! G: That’s right. Now we’re approaching and you’ll see the Great Wall in a short time. T: Why do you take us to Badaling? G: Because Badaling section of the Great Wall is one of “the Nine Forts on Earth”. High, dominant, and almost inaccessible, Badaling section was regarded as strategically important and heavily guarded in ancient times. T: What does “Badaling” mean? G: “Badaling” means “leading to all directions” in Chinese. Now we have arrived at Badaling. T: It’s better to see once than hearing a hundred times. G: The Great Wall runs along Badaling’s ridge. Now we are standing at the foot of the wall. T: Oh, what a spectacular sight — just like a giant dragon winding its way over the mountains! I wonder how high the wall is and how long it is. G: The average height of the wall is about 7.5 meters. It runs all the way with a length of 6 350 kilometers, or 12 700 Chinese li. That’s why we Chinese call it Ten Thousand Li long wall. Let’s go up to the top. T: Oh. We come to the top. What a magnificent view! What are those towers on the wall spaced at regular distance from one another? G: These are beacon-fire towers. In ancient times, when any guard found enemy troops approaching, they would send smoke signals in the daytime and bonfire at night from the tower as an alarm. When the guards in the neighboring tower saw the signals, they would do the same. In this manner, the signals would be relayed to the capital. T: What a striking idea!

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New Words and Expressions

1. approach n. 方法;途径;接近 vt. 接近;着手处理 vi. 靠近 2. dominant n. 显性 adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的 3. inaccessible adj. 难达到的;难接近的;难见到的 4. ridge n. 山脊;山脉;屋脊;使成脊状;作垄 vi. 成脊状 5. spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 6. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 7. regular adj. 定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的 adv. 定期地;经常地 8. alarm n. 警报,警告器;惊慌 vt. 警告;使惊恐 9. relay n.[电]继电器;接替,接替人员;驿马 vt. 转播;使接替;分程传递 vi. 转 播;接替 10. capital n. 首都,省会;资金;大写字母;资本家 adj. 首都的;重要的;大写的 11. signal n. 信号;暗号;导火线 adj. 显著的;作为信号的 vt. 标志;用信号通知; vi. 发信号 12. The Great Wall 万里长城 13. the Nine Forts on Earth 天下九塞 14. Badaling 八达岭 15. leading to all directions 四通八达


1. Badaling 八达岭位于北京西北 60 公里处,东经 116°65′,北纬 40°25′,是 峰峦叠 嶂的军都山中的一个山口。八达岭景区以八达岭长城为主,兴建了八达岭饭店、全周影 院和由江泽民主席亲笔题名的中国长城博物馆等功能齐全的现代化旅游服务设施,被评 为中国旅游胜地四十佳之首和北京旅游的“世界之最”。作为“世界文化遗产”,八达岭 景区以其宏伟的景观、完善的设施和深厚的文化历史内涵而著称于世。 2. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Scenes of the Great Wall

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to Beijing. My name is Wang Ling. I am from Beijing Great Wall International Travel Agent. If you are interested in the Great Wall, I will introduce main sections of the Great Wall briefly for you. 93 旅游实务英语

The Great Wall winds through seven provinces, two autonomous regions and one municipality. Its construction began at 7th or 8th centuries B.C.. and continued now and then for over 2 000 years. The wall stretches across the vast area of north and central China with a total length of over 6 000 km. It is also the only human work that can be seen from the moon. It was originally built as the fortification for the ancient empires. Thanks to the thoughtful restoration and maintenance, quite a few sections of the wall near Beijing are world favored tourists’ resorts, such as Badaling, , , etc. Let me introduce them one by one. Badaling Section Badaling is the best-preserved section of the Great Wall. It is the essence, and the top of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty. The section is north of , 80 km from Beijing. The name means leading to all directions in Chinese, because of its important location as a gateway. This section ranks one of the “the Nine Forts on Earth”, occupying a commanding and strategic position. Being high and dominant, the position is difficult to attack. The section was always heavily guarded in all times. On a rock below, the ancient inscription “Natural Barrier” is still clear to see. At the valley’s entrance is the little pass city built in the 18th year of the Ming Hongzhi reign (1505AD), with an opening in both the east and the west. Above the east gate is inscribed “Outpost of Juyong Pass”, and above the west gate “Lock of North”. The wall is 7.8 meters high on average, and some even reaches 8.4 meters. The wall is wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast and ten people to advance shoulder by shoulder. The outside of the wall is called rampart wall. For the purpose of defense, there are holes on the top of the wall called watch-hole. Inside the wall, there are low walls with about one meter high, called parapets, in case of the soldiers’ falling over. The wall is narrow on the top and broad on the bottom. This makes the wall stand firmly. If you look up into the distance, the Great Wall runs on from both sides like a large dragon over mountains and valleys, linking up the forts after forts, section after section along the way, until out of sight. The sight looks very spectacular. Mutianyu Section Mutianyu serves as the northern barrier defending the capital and the imperial tombs. This section was built on mountain ridges 20 km northwest of Huairou County, Beijing. It took advantage of Mt. Jundu, the natural barrier as a vital safeguard for the north of the capital city. Together with Juyong Pass and City of Guarding Frontiers, they formed an integrated defense system. The wall of this section is 5-7m high, and the horse way on top is about 4 m wide. The outside was laid up with long stone blocks, then stones and earth were filled in. The battlement walls on top were crenellated for shooting. Since it is fairly flat around Mutianyu area, watchtowers were set up close to each other, some within 50m. The hollow watchtowers are often 12m high and wide, with two levels: the upper for watching, and the bottom as a room. As a tourist resort, it is surrounded in mountain peaks with streams and creeks. The Lotus 94 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Spring and Pearl Spring are always vigorous. Green pines and cypresses covers 90 percent of the area. It is where the most beautiful scenes are found along Great Wall. Gubeikou Section The Gubeikou Great Wall has long been an important pass of great military significance on the route to the capital city of Beijing. It was built along a mountain range, rising and falling along its way. This section is located in Gubeikou Township, Miyun County, Beijing. It is very dangerous in geological sense, which controls the important passage from Beijing to frontier plateaus. Its wall links up Mt. Dragon and Mt. Tiger into a powerful defense. The earliest construction began in 555 during the Dynasty (550-557). After about 800 years, in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Gubeikou Great Wall was extended and enhanced with more beacon towers and pass gates. This section was the wall of State of Yan in Warring States Period, and many well known battles fought here. On the south slope of Gubeikou is a shrine for the well respected General Yang Ye of . In 1379, General Xu Da of Ming Dynasty rebuilt the section and named it Ying City, but only some remains of it are still there now. The last reconstruction took place in 1567. No rebuilding or renovation was done since then. The Great Wall at Gubeikou has kept its original appearance. Gubeikou also has some historical sites like temples and temporary imperial palaces. The section is suitable for hiking and photography. The Great Wall in China is the crystallization of the industry and the wisdom of Chinese people and a symbol of the ancient Chinese culture. The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world with a high value in tourism and in culture. Today tourists home and abroad encourage themselves with the line “He is not a true man who hasn’t been to the Great Wall.” to fulfill their longing for the Great Wall and enjoy the culture and landscape of China. Welcome you to visit the Great Wall at any time. Thank you for your attention. If you need my help, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We will try to do our very best to give your convenience. I hope you will enjoy your stay in Beijing!

New Words and Expressions

1. wind vt. 缠绕;上发条;使弯曲 vi. 缠绕;上发条 n. 风;呼吸;气味;卷绕 2. autonomous adj. 自治的;自主的;自发的 3. municipality n. 市民;市政当局;自治市或区 4. originally adv. 最初,起初;本来 5. restoration n. 恢复;复位;王政复辟;归还 6. maintenance n. 维护,维修;保持;生活费用 7. essence n. 本质,实质;精华;香精 8. fortification n. 设防;防御工事;加强;配方 9. resort n. 凭借,手段;度假胜地;常去之地 vi. 求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段方法 95 旅游实务英语

10. gateway n. 门;网关;方法;通道;途径 11. fort n. 堡垒;要塞;(美)边界贸易站 vt. 设要塞保卫 vi. 构筑要塞 12. occupy vt. 占据,占领;居住;使忙碌 13. strategic adj. 战略上的,战略的 14. reign n. 统治;统治时期;支配 vi. 统治;支配;盛行;君临 15. defense n. 防卫,防护;防御措施;防守 vt. 谋划抵御 16. parapet n. 栏杆;扶手;矮护墙 17. firmly adv. 坚定地,坚决地;坚固地,稳固地 18. link up 连接;联系 19. fort n. 堡垒;要塞;(美)边界贸易站 vt. 设要塞保卫 vi. 构筑要塞 20. spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 21. imperial adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上的;威严的 ;n. 纸张尺寸;特等品 22. tomb n. 坟墓;死亡 vt. 埋葬 23. barrier n. 障碍物,屏障;界线 vt. 把……关入栅栏 24. fairly adv. 相当地;公平地;简直 25. watchtower n. 岗楼,了望塔 26. safeguard n.[安全]保护;保卫;保护措施 ;vt.[安全]保护,护卫 27. battlement n. 防卫墙;[建]城垛 28. crenellate vt. 在(墙)上修筑垛口(或炮眼、抢眼);设炮门 29. vigorous adj. 有力的;精力充沛的 30. cypress n.[林]柏树,柏木属植物;柏树枝 31. military adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的 n. 军队;军人 32. significance n. 意义;重要性;意思 33. township n. 镇区;小镇 34. geological adj. 地质的,地质学的 35. frontier n. 前沿;边界;国境 adj. 边界的;开拓的 36. plateaus n. 高原;台地;停滞时期 37. temporary adj. 暂时的,临时的 n. 临时工,临时雇员


1. Juyong Pass 居庸关是京北长城沿线上的著名古关城,国家级文物保护单位。关 城所在的峡谷,属太行余脉军都山地,地形极为险要。与紫荆关、倒马关、固关并称明 朝京西四大名关。其中居庸关、紫荆关、倒马关又称内三关。 2. Gubeikou 古北口长城是中国长城史上最完整的长城体系。由北齐长城和明长城 共同组成,包括卧虎山、蟠龙山、金山岭和司马台 4 个城段。古北口是山海关、居庸关 两关之间的长城要塞,为辽东平原和内蒙古通往中原地区的咽喉,历来是兵家必争之地, 尤其是在辽、金、元、明、清这五朝,大大小小争夺古北口的战役从未停止过,因此长

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Part Three Supplementary Readings

A Brief Introduction on Eight Wonders in the World

The Great Wall in China The Great Wall was built during the Warring States period (476-221B.C.) to prevent invasions of nomadic people from the north. It was completed by the first emperor Qin, who united China into one country. He mobilized several hundred thousand builders to link sections of the wall, thus completing what is known today as the Great Wall of China. The Wall is 6 700 kilometers long from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province. The average height of the wall is 7.8 meters, and its width averages 6.5 meters at the base and 5.8 meters at the top. The history of the Great Wall spans more than 2 000 years, and it is now considered to be one of the greatest wonders on earth. Emperor Qin’s Terra-cotta Army The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses are the most significant archeological excavations of the 20th century. In March 1974, local peasants discovered broken pieces of terra-cotta figures while digging a well. They unearthed 1 000 pieces of pottery figures, a few bronze chariots, horses and weapons that would have been used during that era. The Army of Terra-cotta Warriors depicts a very clear picture. In 221 B.C. during the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang was the emperor in reign. The Terra-cotta Army was built as a way of creating an illusion of strength and manpower. It was believed that as enemies approached, they would be overwhelmed with the powerful army supporting Emperor Qin and turn away. It took more than one million workers to create the army. The great discovery caused an immediate stir among Chinese archaeologists and soon attracted the attention of the world. People called it the 8th wonder of the world. The Pyramids of Egypt The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt. There are 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt till 2008. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The Egyptian pyramids were built from 2 000 to 1 000 B.C., which served as royal tombs. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep, and are generally considered to be the world’s oldest monumental structures constructed of dressed masonry. He estimate of the number of workers it took to build the pyramids have a wide range from a few thousand, twenty thousand, and up to 100 000. The outstanding group is at Giza near Cairo. The area, with its pyramids and Sphinx, dazzles the visitors who are interested in Ancient Egypt. The largest pyramid is Pharaoh. Khufu, which stands 147 m high and 230 m wide on each side. 97 旅游实务英语

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek sculptor Phidias, circa 432 B.C. on the site where it was erected in the Temple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The most celebrated temple was dedicated to Zeus, the God. It was a towering structure of ivory and gold, 40 feet high, majestic and beautiful. The date of the statue, in the third quarter of the 5th century B.C., long a subject of debate, was confirmed archaeologically by the rediscovery and excavation of Phidias’ workshop. After about 10 centuries of existence, the Statue was destroyed. The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria The Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharos of Alexandria (in Ancient Greek), was a tower built between 280 and 247 B.C. on the island of Pharos at Alexandria, Egypt. Its purpose was to guide sailors into the harbour at night time. The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria in Egypt is the forerunner of modern lighthouses. Alexander the Great, founded Alexandria, the major seaport of Egypt, in 332 B.C. On the eastern point of the island, his successors erected a great lighthouse of white marble. This structure, said to be 400 feet high, has come to be known as the Pharos of Alexandri. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered to be one of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. They were built in the ancient city-state of Babylon, near present-day Al Hillah, Babil, in Iraq. They are sometimes called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis (in reference to the legendary Queen Semiramis). The gardens were supposedly built by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II around 600 B.C.. He is reported to have constructed the gardens to please his homesick wife, Amytis of Media, who longed for the trees and fragrant plants of her homeland. Nebuchadnezzar and his queen could sit in the shade and look down upon the beauties of the city. The gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes after the 2nd century B.C.. The Temple of Artemis (Diana) at Ephesus Artemis is a hunting goddess. In ancient Greece, people venerated her. Greek colonists at ephesus built the famous temple for Artemis. It is said to have been built by contributions from all the great cities of Asia and to have taken 120 years to complete. The Temple of Artemis, also known less precisely as the Temple of Diana, was a Greek temple dedicated to a goddess Greeks identified as Artemis and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It was situated at Ephesus (near the modern town of Selçuk in present-day Turkey), and was completely rebuilt three times before its eventual destruction in 401. Only foundations and sculptural fragments of the latest of the temples at the site remain. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus or Tomb of Mausolus was a tomb built between 353 and 98 Module Two Sightseeing Service

350 B.C. at Halicarnassus (present Bodrum, Turkey) for Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire, and Artemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. The structure was designed by the Greek architects Satyros and Pythis. It stood approximately 45 m (148ft) in height, and each of the four sides was adorned with sculptural reliefs created by each one of four Greek sculptors — Leochares, Bryaxis, Scopas of Paros and Timotheus. The finished structure was considered to be such an aesthetic triumph that Antipater of Sidon identified it as one of his Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Asia Minor derived its name from King Mausolus of Caria. After his death in the middle of the 4th century B.C., his queen, Artemisia, employed Greek architects to construct a suoerb monument over his remains. Some relics of the original Mausoluum are preserved in the British Museum now.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why did people build the Great Wall in China?

2. Why was the Terra-cotta Army built?

3. Why were the pyramids built?

4. What do you think of the structure on Statue of Zeus at Olympia?

5. For whom was the Hanging Garden built?

Part Four Culture

Cultural Treasure and Historical Memorial

The Great Wall is a physical milestone of history, shining with the brilliance of Chinese culture and art developed in 2 000 or more years of feudal societies. The Great Wall witnessed numbers of heroic scenes. Fierce battles were fought here. The famous battles around The Great Wall produced a lot of brilliant figures, military or political, which greatly enriched the cultural value of this ancient architecture. In addition to the architectural art of its layout, design, carving, and painting of its own walls, passes, townships, beckon towers, etc., there are also the related poems, songs, folktales, local operas, and various forms of art. Poems of this frontier genre occupied an important part in classic literature, and familiar lines by such poets are recited in all times, such as “And the wind, that has come a thousand miles, Beats at Yumen Pass battlements” by Li Bai, “The moon goes back to the time of Qin, the Wall to the time of Han, and the road our troops are 99 旅游实务英语 traveling goes back three hundred miles” by Wang Chang-ling, “I urge you to drink another cup of wine, west of Yang Pass are no old friends” by Wang Wei, and “Is like a spring gale, come up in the night, blowing open the petals of ten thousand pear trees.” by Cen Shen. Folktales such as Girl Mengjiang brought warm clothes to her husband requisitioned to build the wall are still popular even today. The Great Wall enjoys a high value in tourism and in culture. Tourists home and abroad encourage themselves with the line “He is not a true man who hasn’t been to the Great wall”. Richard Nixon, former president of the United States, remarked on his visiting. “This is the Great Wall and only a great people with a great past could have a great wall and such a great people with a great wall surely have a great future.”

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What does the author think of the Great Wall?

2. What is the familiar lines of poems written by Li Bai?

3. What is the familiar lines of poems written by Wang Wei?

4. What is the familiar lines of poems written by Cen Shen?

5. How did Richard Nixon, former president of the United States, remark the Great Wall on his visiting?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How many provinces does the Great Wall wind through?

2. Why are quite a few sections of the wall near Beijing world favored tourists’ resorts?

3. Which section is the best-preserved one of the Great Wall?

4. What does Badaling mean?

5. What is Gubeikou Section suitable for doing?

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II. Translate the following into English. 1. 世界上最长的防御城墙是万里长城。

2. 长城好似一条盘旋的长龙,蜿蜒与沙漠、草原和高山之间。

3. 故宫四面围有高墙,城外有护城河,里面则有许多宫殿和庭院所构成。

4. 敌进我退,敌驻我忧。

5. 敌疲我打,敌退我追。

III. Translate the followings passage into Chinese. 1. The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was constructed in 1960, and was completed in 1968. It was constructed by the Chinese people without outside engineering assistance. The bridge is double-decked, the upper part being a road bridge with 4 500 meters in length, and the lower part being a railway bridge with 6 000 meters in length. It is one of the longest bridges in China.

2. The Grand , more than 1 700 kilometers in length, is the world’s longest man-made waterway. It was built to transport grain and other necessities from Changjiang and Huaihe River valleys to send the ruling center of the feudal dynasties continuously.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. T: Could you make a brief introduction about the World Heritages in China? G: Yes, with along and rich history, China has many world heritages, such as

(秦陵兵马俑、长城、紫禁城、颐和园、天坛、周口店“北京人”遗址、平遥古城、 不达拉宫等等)。 T: Good. But could you say more about each of them? G: OK. Let me tell you something about the Great Wall.

(万里长城全长 6 350 公里,从东到西横跨五省)The history spans more than 2 000 years, and it is now considered to be of the greatest wonders on earth. T: Do you know something about the “Peking Man” Site at Zhoukoudian? G: It is a cultural site, located about 50 km south west of Beijing and in the contiguous area between taihang Mountains and North China Plain. So far,

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(“ 北京人”遗址是材料最丰富、最系统的一个古人类遗址,在古人类学和第四纪地质 学研究中占有重要位置). G: As we know, Confucius is a household name in China. Speaking of him, we should know a place of sacrificing to him. T: Where is it located? G: It is located in Qufu, Shandong Province.

(它是孔庙、孔林、孔府,是历代祭祀孔子的地方,孔子及后代家族墓地和孔子嫡长 孙府邸). T: I have never heard Ancient City of Pingyao. Can you introduce it briefly? G: Yes, it is not as famous as others. But it is located in Pingyao, Shanxi Province.

(建于明洪武三年即 1370 年,是山西现存历史较早、规模最大的县城城墙). T: Thank you for the information about them.

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Unit Six 6 Classical Gardens

Proverb In Heaven, there is paradise; on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Introduction Chinese classical gardens have developed into two systems: the imperial and the private. Imperial gardens are grand, formal, majestic, and luxury, while private gardens are modest, casual, exquisite and plain. The gardens in North China were mostly imperial property such as the Beihai Park, the Summers Palace in Beijing, and the Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde. The gardens in the South usually belonged to high officials and wealthy merchants. Many of them spent their years of retirement there in leisure. Most imperial gardens include three sections: the administrative section, residential section and recreational section. In large imperial gardens, the main buildings are connected by some imaginary lines in the middle of the garden on a south-north axis. Other buildings scattered among hills and waters are linked by subordinate lines, forming a well-designed symmetry and adding more beauty to the chief architectural complex. Most private gardens are found in the South, especially in cities south of Chang Jiang river. Private gardens were mostly built at one side or at the back of residential houses. In private gardens, there is a large space in the garden set in a landscape of artistically arranged rockeries, ponds, pavilions, bridges, trees and flowers. Buildings in the garden are open on all sides and are often situated near the water so as to enjoy the whole scene.

Discussion 1. What differences are there between imperial gardens and private gardens? 2. What do most imperial gardens include?

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Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourists) G: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Jiangsu. There are lots of famous scenic spots in Jiangsu. T: Could you introduce some main scenic spots to us? G: Yes, of course. The most important spots in Nanjing are Sun Yat-sen cemetery and Soul Valley Temple. is a little charming city on the . In , history and culture are so well blended with nature. T: Why is Suzhou called another Venice? G: Suzhou gardens bring together the beauties of nature, architecture and painting. Marco visited Suzhou in the latter half of the 13 th century and proclaimed it another Venice. T: We are interested in Suzhou gardens. What’s the difference between private gardens and the loyal gardens? G: The private garden is small and charming, some unique, but the loyal garden is magnificent, usually hills and rivers or being functioned. T: Would you please introduce some famous gardens in Suzhou? G: OK. Lion Forest Garden is a famous garden in Suzhou. It was built in . It was a private garden. T: Why is called such a name? G: Lion Grave Garden means the Forest of Lions. There are Tai Hu stones in the garden, which are shaped like lions. The Humble Administrators’ Garden is a masterpiece among Chinese gardens. Here we are in the Humble Administrator’s Garden. T: It’s quiet. Well, it seems larger than other gardens we have visited before. G: It is the largest of Suzhou’s old gardens, covering four hectares. Water is its chief feature, with ponds occupying three-fifths the garden area. T: We really enjoy the pools of clear water. G: The Humble Administrator’s Garden consists of three sections, east, west and central. The central part is the most picturesque. We are in the western part now. T: We are struck by the gardens’ ingenious architecture and their exotic layout in Suzhou. What are specialties in Suzhou? G: Suzhou is famous for its fans. Suzhou embroidery is famous for its delicate workmanship, beautiful designs and tasteful colors.

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New Words and Expressions

1. charming adj. 迷人的;可爱的 v. 使陶醉(charm的现在分词) 2. architecture n. 建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样 3. painting n. 绘画;油画;着色 v. 绘画(paint的ing形式);涂色于 4. cemetery n. 墓地;公墓 5. valley n. 山谷;流域;溪谷 6. blend n. 山谷;流域;溪谷 7. venice n. 威尼斯(意大利港市) 8. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 9. function n. 功能;[数]函数;职责;盛大的集会 vi. 运行;活动;行使职责 10. masterpiece n. 杰作;绝无仅有的人 11. humble adj. 谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的;低下的;粗劣的,粗陋的;微末的 vt. 使谦恭,使谦卑; 12. administrator n. 管理人;行政官


1. Sun yat-sen cemetery 中山陵是我国伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生的陵墓,它 坐落在江苏省南京市东郊钟山东峰小茅山的南麓,西邻明孝陵,东毗灵谷寺,整个建筑 群依山势而层层上升,气势宏伟。1925 年 3 月 12 日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安 葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内,并决定在南京钟山修建他的陵墓。 2. Soul Valley Temple 灵谷寺是南京市著名佛教寺院之一。1983 年,被国务院列为 汉族地区全国重点佛教寺院,并移交给佛教界管理使用,现今已成为国内外有影响的名 刹。灵谷寺位于南京市东部钟山东侧,与明孝陵、中山陵毗邻。这里古树参天,曲径通 幽,“灵谷深松”被誉为金陵四十八景之一。 3. Grand Canal 大运河(Grand Canal,亦作 Ta Yun-ho 或 Da Yunhe)又名京杭大运 河,是中国东部平原上的古代伟大工程,北起北京,南到浙江杭州,全长 1 747 公里。大 运河途经北京、天津、河北、山东、江苏、浙江 4 省 2 市,沟通海河、黄河、淮河、长 江、钱塘江 5 大水系(元代以前通钱塘江,现仅通至杭州)。 4. Lion Grave Garden 狮子林为苏州四大名园之一,至今已有 650 多年的历史。位于 苏州市市城东北园林路。元至正二年(公元 1342 年)僧天如禅师为纪念其师中峰禅师建 菩提正宗寺。成为佛家讲经说法和文人赋诗作画之胜地。 5. Tai Hu 太湖以优美的湖光山色和灿烂的人文景观著称,位于中国江苏和浙江两省 的交界处,长江三角洲的南部,流域面积 3.69 万平方公里,水面面积 2 338 平方公里, 整个太湖水系共有大小湖泊 180 多个,它是中国东部近海区域最大的湖泊,也是中国的 第三大淡水湖。 105 旅游实务英语

6. Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园是中国一座著名的园林,位于苏州市东北 街,始建于明朝正德年间。是江南园林的代表,也是苏州园林中面积最大的古典山水园 林,被誉为“中国园林之母”,中国四大名园之一,全国重点文物保护单位,国家 5A 级 旅游景区,1997 年被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界文化遗产。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Classical Gardens in Suzhou

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to our beautiful Suzhou! Suzhou, also called “Gusu”, is a city with a history of more than 2 500 years and locates near the east shore of the Lake Tai. People often say, “In heaven there is a paradise; on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou”. Suzhou is abundant in its natural resources, historical heritage, and farming product. Suzhou displays the most and the best Chinese traditional private gardens. Today we will go to visit some classical gardens in Suzhou. Before we have not yet reached the destination, I want to introduce its history. Suzhou was first established in 514 B.C. It was once the capital city of the State of Wu. Since then Suzhou has been regarded as the political, economic and cultural center of the region. Because of the convenient transportation either by land or by water, in ancient times, Suzhou was a place where both literati and businessmen liked to stay. In any one of the gardens in Suzhou, though covering a small area, there is a pond, a stream, rockeries, all sorts of plants, pavilions, and many other decorations. Those things are combined together by using the technique of contrast, such as the contrast between small and large, and thin and dense, to create an ideal living environment. When you travel around in one of the gardens, you shall have a strong sense of harmony between you and nature. The top of Suzhou gardens, such as Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, Garden of the Master-of-the-Nets, the Mountain Villa of Secluded Beauty, are works in the prime of the private landscape architecture, characterized as the model in their profound mood, delicate composition elegant art, and cultural connotation. In December of 1997 World Heritage List Committee of UNESCO registered them in World 106 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Heritage List with the conclusion that “the four classical gardens of Suzhou are masterpieces of Chinese landscape garden in which art, nature, and ideas are integrated perfectly to create ensembles of great beauty and peaceful harmony, and four gardens are integral to the entire historic urban plan.” Then in 2001 the committee approved the extension to include Surging Waves Pavilion, Lion Forest Garden, Garden Of Cultivation, Couple Garden Retreat, and Retreat and Reflection Garden. Now, we are on the way to the Humble Administrator’s Garden. We’ll arrive there 30 minutes later. Let me introduce it briefly. The Humble Administrator’s Garden is located at Northeast Street inside Lou Gate of Suzhou city and covering about 5 hectares, this is the largest, the most famous and representative of all classical gardens in Suzhou. The garden was first constructed in 1509. Regarded as the top of all gardens in southern China, it is in heavy debt to the meticulous plan and design by Wen Zheng-ming, a great painter of Wu school of fine arts in Ming Dynasty. The garden is featured with a waterscape that takes up about one third of the garden, with the major building set up by the waterside. The garden is divided into three parts: the eastern, the middle and the western. The garden consists of three sections: east, west, and central. The garden in the center is the most picturesque with the buildings elegantly arranged along side the water. The bank of the lotus pond is lined with willows thus creating an atmosphere of tranquility and seclusion. The main hall, Hall of Drifting Fragrance is also known as the “Four-sided” Pavilion, standing among trees south of the lake. The main hall is open on all sides to the garden and its many other pavilions, rockeries and winding bridges. If you look into the distance here, you can the famed North Temple Pagoda of Suzhou veiled behind the tree crowns. The western part of the garden is separated from the middle part by a wall with several latticed windows. The buildings in this part are also arranged along the lake. The main hall faces the lake, twin-hall in structure. The northern is Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks and the southern is Hall of 18 camellias. The eastern part of the garden is an expansion on the site of the former Pastoral House. Now, we are standing at the gate of Humble Administrator’s Garden. We are going to visit Hall of Drifting Fragrance, Mountain View Tower, Fragrant Isle, Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks and the southern is Hall of 18 camellias, Stay-and-listen Pavilion, and Lake Reflection Tower. These beautiful scenic spots are waiting for us. Let’s go inside quickly!

New Words and Expressions

1. classical n. 古典音乐 adj. 古典的;经典的;传统的;第一流的 2. destination n. 目的地,终点 3. establish vi. 植物定植 vt. 建立;创办;安置 4. convenient adj. 方便的 5. transportation n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放 107 旅游实务英语

6. literati n. 文人(literatus 的复数);文学界 7. rockery n. 假山,假山庭园 8. decoration n. 装饰,装潢;装饰品;奖章 9. combine n. 联合收割机;联合企业 vt. 使化合;使联合,使结合 vi. 联合,结合; 化合 10. dense adj. 稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的 11. technique n. 技巧,技术;手法 12. contrast n. 对比;差别;对照物 vt. 使对比;使与……对照 vi. 对比;形成对照 13. harmony n. 协调;和睦;融洽;调和 14. linger vt. 消磨;缓慢度过 vi. 徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭 15. villa n. 别墅;郊区住宅 16. profound adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的 17. delicate adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的 18. composition n. 作文,作曲;[材]构成;合成物 19. elegant adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的 20. masterpiece n. 杰作;绝无仅有的人 21. characterized adj. 以……为特点的 22. connotation n. 内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词、语等) 23. integral n. 积分;部分;完整 adj. 积分的;完整的,整体的 24. cultivation n. 培养;耕作;耕种;教化;文雅 25. extension n. 延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机 26. retreat n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退 vt. 退(棋); 使后退 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 27. humble adj. 谦卑的,谦虚的,谦恭的,恭顺的;(等级、身份、重要性等)低下的; 粗劣的,粗陋的;微末的 vt. 使谦恭,使谦卑;使温顺:;压下……的锐气,使威风 扫地 28. administrator n. 管理人;行政官 29. representative n. 代表;典型;众议员 adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的 30. meticulous adj. 一丝不苟的;小心翼翼的;拘泥小节的;细致的;过细的;缜密的 31. willow n.[林]柳树;[木]柳木制品 adj. 柳木制的 32. picturesque adj. 独特的;生动的;别致的;图画般的 33. elegantly adv. 优美地 34. drift n. 漂流,漂移;趋势;漂流物 vi. 漂流,漂移;漂泊 vt. 使……漂流 ;使 …… 受风吹积 35. tranquility n. 宁静;平静 36. seclusion n. 隔离;隐退;隐蔽的地方 37. fragrance n. 香味,芬芳 38. pagoda n.(东方寺院的)宝塔;印度的旧金币 39. pastoral n. 牧歌;田园诗;田园景色 adj. 牧师的;牧人的;田园生活的;乡村的 108 Module Two Sightseeing Service

40. camellias n. 山茶花 41. Mandarin n. 国语;官话;满清官吏 adj. 紧身马褂的 42. Mountain View Tower, Fragrant Isle 见山楼 43. Fragrant Isle 香洲 44. Hall of 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks 三十六鸳鸯馆 45. Hall of 18 camellias 十八曼陀罗花馆 46. Stay-and-listen Pavilion 留听阁


1. Humble Administrator’s Garden 拙政园,暗喻自己把浇园种菜作为自己的“政” 事。拙政园,是中国一座著名的园林,位于苏州市东北街 178 号,始建于明朝正德年间。 它是江南园林的代表,也是苏州园林中面积最大的古典山水园林,被誉为“中国园林之 母”,中国四大名园之一,全国重点文物保护单位,国家 5A 级旅游景区,全国特殊旅游 参观点,1997 年被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列为世界文化遗产。今拙政园辖地面 积约 83.5 亩,其中开放面积约 73 亩。 2. Lingering Garden 留园坐落在苏州市阊(音:chāng)门外,始建于明嘉靖年间(公 元 1522~1566 年),另一资料:留园修建于明天顺四年(公元 1460 年)。原为明代徐时 泰的东园,清代归刘蓉峰所有,改称寒碧山庄,俗称“刘园”。清光绪二年又为盛旭人所 据,始称留园。留园占地约 30 亩,留园内建筑的数量在苏州诸园中居冠,厅堂、走廊、 粉墙、洞门等建筑与假山、水池、花木等组合成数十个大小不等的庭园小品。其在空间 上的突出处理,充分体现了古代造园家的高超技艺、卓越智慧和江南园林建筑的艺术风 格和特色。 3. Garden of the Master-of-the-Nets 网师园是苏州园林中极具艺术特色和文化价值 的代表作品。网师园始建于宋淳熙初年(公元 1174 年)始称“渔隐”,几经沧桑变更, 至清乾隆年间(公元 1765 年前后),定名为“网师园”,并形成现状布局。网师园为典型 的宅园合一的私家园林。住宅部分共三进,自大门至轿厅、万卷堂、撷秀楼,沿中轴线 依次展开,主厅“万卷堂”屋宇高敞,装饰雅致。位于堂前的砖工门楼雕刻精致,做工 考究,为江南一绝,具有极高的文物艺术价值。 4. The Mountain Villa of Secluded Beauty 环秀山庄位于苏州城中景德路,面积仅为 3 亩。环秀山庄占地不大,但其内湖石假山为中国之最。据载,此山为清代叠山大师戈裕 良,虽由人作,有如天开,尽得造化之妙,堪称 假山之珍。环秀山庄亦因此而驰名。此 园本是五代吴越钱氏“金谷园”旧址。其后屡有兴废。清代乾隆(1736-1795)以来,蒋 (楫)、华(沅)、孙(士毅)三家先后居于此处,掘地为池,叠石为山,造屋筑亭于其间。 道光 29 年(1847)成为汪氏宗祠“耕耘山庄”的一部分,更名“环秀山庄”,又称“颐 园”。 5. Surging Waves Pavilion 苍浪亭位于苏州市人民路三元坊,是苏州现存最古老的园 林,五代时为吴越广陵王钱元的花园。苍浪亭占地一公顷多,外无高墙,其布局和风格

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在苏州园林中独具一格。 6. Garden Of Cultivation 艺圃位于江苏苏州古城西北阊门内文衙弄,为明代宅邸园 林。全园占地仅为五亩,以池水为中心,池岸低平。池北以建筑为主,池南以假山景观 为主,园景开朗,风格质朴,较多地保存了明末清初建园时格局。 7. Couple Garden Retreat 耦园是具有苏州地域特色的一个古典园林,处于平江古城 保护区的腹地,座北朝南,三面环水,面积为 0.8 公顷。2000 年被列为世界文化遗产。 耦园包括东花园、西花园和中部住宅三个部分,黄石假山作为全园主题,堆叠自然,位 置恰当,陡峭峻拔,气象雄浑,为苏州园林黄石假山中较为成功的一座。 8. Lion Forest Garden 狮子林位于江苏省苏州市,是中国江南著名园林之一,占地 1.1 公顷,开放面积 0.88 公顷。是苏州四大名园之一。 9. Retreat and Reflection Garden 退思园位于江苏吴江同里镇,是中国江南著名园林 之一,建于清朝光绪 11 至 13 年年间,取意自《左传》“进思尽忠,退思补过”。退思园 的设计者袁龙巧妙利用不到四亩面积,设计了坐春望月书楼、琴房、退思草堂、闹红一 舸、眠云亭等建筑。亭阁、长廊环水而建。2001 年被列为世界文化遗产。 10. Hall of Drifting Fragrance (Distant Fragrance Pavilion or Four-sided Pavilion) 远香 堂为四面厅,是拙政园中部的主体建筑,建于原若墅堂的旧址上,为清乾隆时所建,青 石屋基是当时的原物。它面水而筑,面阔三间。堂北平台宽敞,池水旷朗清澈。堂名因 荷而得。夏日池中荷叶田田,荷风扑面,清香远送,是赏荷的佳处。 11. North Temple Pagoda 北寺塔是报恩寺塔的俗称,位于江苏苏州市南北主干道人 民路上的北塔公园,是楼阁式塔,砖木结构。有“吴中第一古刹”的称号。北寺塔最早 建于三国东吴赤乌年间,据说是孙权为报答母亲吴太夫人的养育之恩所建,是苏州城主 要大街的重要对景。 12. In heaven there is a paradise; on earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou 上有天堂, 下有苏杭。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Summer Palace

Summer Palace is at the northwest suburb of Beijing, about 15km from the capital proper. Originally it was built in 1750. The palace occupies about 293 hectares, made up of mainly Longevity Hill and Lake, with the lake taking up about three fourths of the whole garden. The primary buildings of the palace center on Tower of Buddhist Incense, with over 3 000 towers, pavilions, halls, or houses. The general design follows the tradition of Chinese landscape construction, and the buildings are arranged in harmony with the natural landform. It also borrowed the poetic and other techniques of garden construction in southern China, therefore the palace is not only imperial and grand but also elegant and rich with variation. It is a perfect combination of the natural landscape and human features full of artistic impact. The 110 Module Two Sightseeing Service palace is highly valued not only in the sense of its landscape art but also its role in science and history, which ranks it among the most world famous resorts of tourists. In 1998 World Heritage Committee of UNESCO inscribed it in World Heritage List.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Where is the Summer Palace located?

2. How large an area does the palace cover?

3. How is Summer Palace highly valued?

4. When is Summer Palace listed into the World Cultural Heritage List?

5. Can you describe the general design of the Summer Palace?

Part Four Culture

Chinese Gardens Arts

The art of Chinese classical gardens is part of China’s traditional culture. It has a history of more than 3 000 years. Chinese gardens are made to resemble natural landscapes on a smaller scale. The art of Chinese gardening is a way of reconstructing nature. This is achieved by recreating landscape. In classical Chinese gardens, the flowers, grass, tress, rocks and ponds reflect natural scenes. Halls, verandas, pavilions and bridges blend well with the natural scenery of mountains and rivers. Classical Chinese gardens were influenced by landscape painting and pastoral poetry. Horticulturists chose the most impressive natural scenery in paintings and recreated it in their gardens with the way a painter captures the natural scenery of mountains and rivers in a small picture. The creations of classical Chinese gardens depended on mountains, rivers, buildings, plants, animals and even the weather. In these gardens usually the ground is like that of a mountain area. This kind of garden layout imitates real terrain. The hill and water in classical gardens provide natural surroundings for visitors. In the classical gardens that still exist today, one finds a harmonious interplay between nature and architecture. Decorative structure unites with cliffs, trees, flowers and hills to create artistic scenery. The most important element of a 111 旅游实务英语 garden is water, in any form, such as ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and waterfalls. The flowing water gives pulsating life to the garden’s cliffs, stones, trees, bushes and flowers. Trees and flowers, especially in private gardens, are carefully selected for the overall layout of the gardens because of the limited space. Plants and flower reflecting the beauty of the four seasons are planted. Among the most important structures of gardens grounds are walkways, pavilions and bridges. Timber frame construction plays a decisive role here. Walkways traverse the complex, subdivide it, connect the different groups of buildings and lead the visitor to the most important points. Long corridors in the gardens are not only the passageways but also serve as resting places for people. The winding corridors are like belts linking everything together. Pavilions were built in especially imposing places, such as on top of a hill or on a small island in the middle of a lake. Open on all side, they offer a good view and invite the visitors to take a short rest. Various types of bridges can be found on the grounds; flat stone slab bridges from which one can comfortably watch the fish in the water, high arched bridges and swinging bridges can ornament the grounds. Garden landscape architecture is the realization of both the material and spiritual civilization, which visually reveals the national temperament. The birth of garden architecture in China is a natural materialization of this philosophy, literature, fine arts, architecture, and craftsmanship, composing, mountain, water, buildings, and plants as the main elements full of traditional Chinese culture. It aims at the recreation of more natural beauty in a limited space and wins for itself the fame as the quintessence of Chinese civilization.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What relationships are there between the art of Chinese classical gardens and China’s traditional culture?

2. How long is the art of Chinese classical gardens?

3. How does the art of Chinese gardening reconstruct nature?

4. How does the art of Chinese gardening reflect natural scenes?

5. Why is the birth of garden architecture in China a natural materialization?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. What are the four most famous gardens in China?

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2. What are the four great essential factors of the traditional Chinese gardens?

3. Where is the Humble Administrator’s Garden located?

4. What is the largest, the most famous and representative of all classical gardens in Suzhou?

5. When was the Humble Administrator’s Garden first constructed?

II. Translate the following into English. 1. 中国古典园林的分类至少有四类方法。

2. 廊作为建筑间的联系,还可以划分空间。

3. 园林是诗人和艺术家进行思考和产生灵感的地方。

4. 园林是封闭的和私人化的空间,所以经常光顾园林的是女性家庭成员。

5. 避暑山庄可分为宫殿区和公园区。宫殿区是皇帝处理公务、举行庆祝活动和休息的地 方;公园区则可分为湖州区、平原区和山区。

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 1. Chinese pavilions may be used to decorate the gardens. Some pavilions are built on top of mountains, some to decorate parks, and some, in the middle of the lake, make an integrated mass with the scenery around them. The pavilions have also practical value. In ancient times, pavilions were built along the road to provide shelters for passersby to rest their feet. Well pavilions were built to cover the wells from which people fetched their drinking water, stele pavilions built to protect stone steles. There are also bell and drum pavilions, rain-pavilions, etc.

2. Classical design, which seeks to recreate natural landscapes in miniature, is nowhere better illustrated than in the nine gardens in the historic city of Suzhou. They are generally acknowledged to be masterpieces of the genre. Dating from the 11th-19th century, the gardens reflect the profound metaphysical importance of natural beauty in Chinese culture in their meticulous design.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide;T=Tourists) T: Can you tell me something about the Chinese gardens? G: Yes, of course. Chinese gardens have a long history. It began during the Shang and Zhou 113 旅游实务英语

Dynasties and reached its height during the Ming Dynasty.

(它们可以分为皇家园林和私家园林). T: Oh, I see. G: (中国园林特别讲究天人合一). The layout was based on the principles of Feng Shui and the arrangement of the elements was more important than the elements themselves, such as the garden plants. The choice of plants is also well-done, and has their own implication. T: What is their own implication? G: (松树代表智慧,竹子代表正直品德,牡丹代表财富和权利,莲花代表纯洁等等). T: I don’t know that Chinese gardens have so many stresses. G: In 1997, Zhouzheng Garden, Liu Yuan, Wangshi Yuan and Huanxiu Shanzhuang Garden which represent the classical gardens of Suzhou, were listen in the World Cultural Heritage.

(2000 年仓浪亭、狮子林、藕园、艺圃和退思园作为苏州古典园林的扩展项目也被列 为世界文化遗产). T: It’s really fascinating, and I am eager to go there. G: Welcome to Suzhou, and (我将带你 去体验独特的中国园林文化).

114 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Seven 7 Ancient Cities

Proverb The fragrance of the flowers growing in the garden smells sweeter to people outside the wall than to those inside.

Introduction China leads the world in its number of towns and cities, and has a system of its own in their design and construction. The planning of towns is a precious heritage itself. Let alone the numerous architectural and cultural sites well preserved in them. As the physical evidence of the local economy and culture of their times, they are indispensable of Chinese civilization, most of which were centers of various levels, political, economical, military, transportation or culture. Towns or cities symbolize human civilization, a necessary result of social economic development. Meanwhile, their development is also the cultural accumulation, integration, and continuation.

Discussion 1. Why do Ancient Cities have a system of its own in their design and construction? 2. What are author’s opinions on the development of towns or cities?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Sightseeing in Yunnan

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Yunnan. At first allow me to introduce myself to you.

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My name is Li Ying, I’m your national guide in Yunnan. I’ll be with you in the following six days. We hope you’ll have a good time there. T: Would you introduce Yunnan briefly? G: Yunnan is a multi-national border province of China. Yunnan, called “Dian” or “Yun” for short, is situated in the southwest frontier region of China, and is an important passageway to the outside world. Yunnan is a land of mystery. It has not only a variety of magnificent highland scene, but also charming frontier landscapes. T: What main scenic areas are there in Yunnan? G: Dali is a world-renowned tourist attraction. It is widely acclaimed as “the Oriental Switzerland”, “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yungui Plateau”. Xishuangbanna is rightfully called “Kingdom of Animals” and “Kingdom of Plants”. T: Would you please tell us what animals and plants we can see in Xishuangbanna? G: Of course. Xishuangbanna rain forest and monsoon jungle provide a habitat for 359 species of terrestrial vertebrates, 118 species of amphibians, 439 species of birds and more than 60 species of snakes. T: A friend of mine told me that the Stone Forest is very beautiful and suggested I go there. Could you tell me where it is, please? G: It is located about 86 kilometers away from Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province. It’s among the greatest stone forests in the world. T: How many square kilometers does the Stone Forest cover? G: It covers 350 square kilometers. The magical nature has created “No.1 Marvelous Spectacle under Heaven” in China. T: Standing at the Stone Forest, I’m sure that I’ll be confronted with a wonderful view. G: The Stone Forest in Yunnan is among the greatest stone forests in the world. Every year over one million people, both from abroad and home, come here to visit it. It’s really worth seeing.

New Words and Expressions

1. national guide 全陪 2. frontier n. 前沿;边界;国境 adj. 边界的;开拓的 3. passageway n. 通道;走廊 4. mystery n. 神秘,秘密;奥秘;神秘的事物 5. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 6. highland n. 高地;丘陵地带 adj. 高原的;高地的 7. attraction n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物 8. acclaim n. 欢呼,喝彩;称赞 vt. 称赞;为……喝采,向……欢呼 vi. 欢呼,喝采 9. Yungui Plateau 云贵高原 10. rightfully adv. 正当地;正直地 116 Module Two Sightseeing Service

11. Kingdom of Animals 动物王国 12. Kingdom of Plants 植物王国 13. monsoon n. 季风;(印度等地的)雨季;季候风 14. jungle n. 丛林,密林;危险地带 adj. 丛林的;蛮荒的 15. habitat n.[生态]栖息地,产地 16. terrestrial n. 陆地生物;地球上的人 adj. 地球的;陆地的,[生物]陆生的;人 间的 17. vertebrate adj. 脊椎动物的;有脊椎的 n. 脊椎动物 18. amphibian n.[脊椎]两栖动物;水陆两用飞机;具有双重性格的人 adj. 两栖类的; [车辆]水陆两用的;具有双重性格的 19. Stone Forest 石林 20. magical adj. 魔术的;有魔力的 21. confront vt. 面对;遭遇;比较


1. Yunnan, called “Dian” or “Yun” for short, is situated in the southwest frontier region of China, and is an important passageway to the outside world. Yunnan is a land of mystery. 云南简称滇或云,是祖国西南边疆的重要门户。 2. It has not only a variety of magnificent highland scene, but also charming frontier landscapes. 云南既有雄伟壮丽的高原景观,又有妩媚迷人的边塞风光。 3. Xishuangbanna rain forest and monsoon jungle provide a habitat for 359 species of terrestrial vertebrates, 118 species of amphibians, 439 species of birds and more than 60 species of snakes. 在西双版纳热带雨林和季风丛林里生长着陆栖脊椎动物 359 种,两栖爬行动物 118 种,鸟类 439 种,蛇类 60 多种。 4. The magical nature has created “No.1 Marvelous Spectacle under Heaven” in China. 大自然以其神奇的力量造就了中国的“天下第一奇观”。 5. The Stone Forest in Yunnan is among the greatest stone forests in the world. 云南的石林是世界上最壮观的石林之一。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

The Ancient City of Lijiang

Ladies and Gentlemen! Please wake up! Now we may see the ancient city of Lijiang. Look at the peak ahead! It is 117 旅游实务英语 located between the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Jinsha(Gold Sand) on the center of Lijiang valley, 2 410m above sea level, with about 25 000 residents on an area of 3.8 km2. It is the gateway to northwest Yunnan region, and No.214 national road runs through the city to Tibet in the north or to Dali City in the south with convenient traffic. The inhabitants of Lijiang are mainly of Naxi minority, and the city is the only autonomous city of the nationality. It has long been known world wide for its grandiose snow clad mountain, the steep gorge, the elegant Mt Laojun, the clean , and the colorful and various customs of the minorities. In December of 1997, World Heritage Committee registered it on World Heritage List. Let us go to Jade Dragon Bridge(Yulong Bridage) first, for it is the best starting point right between the old and the new towns. Buildings on its left and right contrast in styles and times, which offers a better appreciation of the value of the ancient city. From the bridge you may choose any of the three routes: East Street, St Xinyi and St Xinhua. Now we’re going to East Street right in front. Look! It is wide and straight with buildings in ancient styles, traditional and modern as well. If you go St Xinyi which is also paved with slabs, but with little bridges across bubbling waters in the shade of willows, very typical of ancient towns. You can also choose the third route St Xinhua. It is located to the west of the bridge and east of Mt Lion, up at the other end of a short ramping slab path, to have a true taste of the tradition from the little shops and the candid Naxi folks. At first we will visit Park of Jade Spring. It is at the foot of Mt Elephant, 1 km north of the city, where lies the most famous Black Dragon Pool of the ancient city. The pool is vast with water green like jade, thus also called Jade Spring. Its source is the joint of that seeping out of the rocks or bushes of the mountain, therefore the water is clear and clean and tastes fresh and sweet. Its reflection of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is the most charming. It is also the best point to enjoy the ice capped mountain. Standing at the southern bank of the pool, you may enjoy the clean water, the white mountain, the twitter of birds, the bubbling of streams from the woods, — together they make a paradise on earth. Now we will go to visit Mt Lion. Its name comes from its resemblance of a lion playing a ball. Originally it was the property of chieftain Mu, and at its foot are his family shrine, Heaven worship court, the family school, library Tower, and Tower of Heavenly Scent. The mountain is best known for its vast green of pines and cypresses, planted mostly in Ming Dynasty, over 500 or 600 years old as the witness of the history of Lijiang city. Tower of Eternity on the mountain is the best to have a bird’s view of the ancient city. Please look down, you may see rising and falling houses, lanes, and streets. Look far around. In the north, you can see Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. In the south, you may see Mt Writing Brush. In the west, you may see Lashi Lake. Standing here, the whole valley of Lijiang is brought into one picturesque scene. Well, Let us visit Dragon Pool of White Horse. It is the pool at the south foot of Mt Lion. The source is the joint water of clean mountain springs. By the pool are three wells, the daily water supply of the city dwellers. Side by side, they are clearly distinguished for different 118 Module Two Sightseeing Service purposes: the first for drinking, the other two for rinsing vegetables and laundry and absolutely no confusion is allowed. Dwellers of the ancient city worship water as god and they built a temple of Avalokiteshvara by the pool. Let me visit one by one. Now let us go to visit Military and Family Mansion. The complex lies at the east foot of Mt Lion, first built in 1 368 both as the government office and the family mansion of chieftain Mu, who was the hereditary supreme ruler of the region, a family so powerful and matchless that the government office was united with the family mansion. After enlargements in the following dynasties, the mansion had swollen larger and larger to an imperial palace in the frontier. The complex now covers about 6.67 hectares, consisting of three parts: the government office at west, the family mansion in the middle, and the imperial garden at east. Let us enter the Military and Family Mansion.

New Words and Expressions

1. gateway n. 门;网关;方法;通道;途径 2. resident n. 居民 adj. 居住的;住院医师;定居 3. autonomous adj. 自治的;自主的;自发的 4. prefecture n. 县;管区,辖区;地方官的任期 5. inhabitant n. 居民;居住者 6. minority n. 少数民族;少数派;未成年 adj. 少数的;属于少数派的 7. steep n. 峭壁;浸渍 adj. 陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的 vt. 泡;浸; 使……充满 vi. 泡;沉浸 8. grandiose adj. 宏伟的;堂皇的;浮夸的;宏大的 9. bubbling n. 冒泡,[化工]鼓泡;气泡形成 10. appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢 11. willow n.[林]柳树;[木]柳木制品 adj. 柳木制的 12. ramp n. 斜坡,坡道;敲诈 vt. 敲诈;使有斜面 vi. 蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈 13. slab n. 厚板,平板;混凝土路面;厚片 vt. 把……分成厚片;用石板铺 14. candid adj. 公正的;坦白的;率直的;偷拍的 15. twitter n. 微博客,鸟叫声 vt. 吱吱叫;嘁嘁喳喳地讲 16. paradise n. 天堂 17. resemblance n. 相似;相似之处;相似物;肖像 18. property n. 性质,性能;财产;所有权 19. chieftain n. 酋长;首领 20. worship n. 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬 vt. 崇拜;尊敬;爱慕 vi. 拜神;做礼拜 21. pine n.[林]松树;凤梨,菠萝 adj. 松木的;似松的 vt. 为……悲哀;哀悼 vi. 渴望,痛苦;憔悴 22. cypress n.[林]柏树,柏木属植物(原产北美、欧、亚);柏树枝 119 旅游实务英语

23. witness n. 证人;目击者;证据 vt. 目击;证明;为……作证 vi. 作证人 24. brush n. 刷子;画笔;毛笔;争吵 vt. 刷;画 vi. 刷;擦过;掠 25. picturesque adj. 独特的;生动的;别致的;图画般的 26. dweller n. 居民,居住者 27. absolutely adv. 绝对地;完全地 28. confusion n. 混淆,混乱;困惑 29. Avalokiteshvara n. 观世音菩萨 30. complex n. 复合体;综合设施 adj. 复杂的;合成的 31. hereditary n. 遗传类 adj. 遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的 32. supreme n. 至高;霸权 adj. 最高的;至高的;最重要的 33. mansion n. 大厦;宅邸 34. swollen adj. 肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的 35. imperial n. 纸张尺寸;特等品 adj. 帝国的;皇帝的;至高无上;威严的 36. frontier n. 前沿;边界;国境 adj. 边界的;开拓的 37. hectare n. 公顷 38. enlargement n. 放大;放大的照片;增补物 39. autonomous adj. 自治的;自主的;自发的 40. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 41. Jinsha(Gold Sand) 金沙江 42. Lijiang valley 丽江坝子 43. World Heritage List 世界遗产名录 44. Jade Dragon Bridge(Yulong Bridage) 玉龙桥 45. East Street 东大街 46. St Xinyi 新义街 47. St Xinhua 新华街 48. snow clad mountain 大雪山 49. Black Dragon Pool 黑龙谭 50. Dragon Pool of White Horse 白马龙谭 51. Mt Lion 狮子山 52. Military and Family Mansion 军民府 53. imperial garden 御花园 54. temple of Avalokiteshvara 观音寺


1. It has long been known world wide for its grandiose snow clad mountain, the steep gorge, the elegant Mt Laojun, the clean Lugu Lake, and the colorful and various customs of the minorities. 丽江就以它巍峨壮丽的大雪山、碧波荡漾的泸沽湖和多姿多彩少数民族风情而 120 Module Two Sightseeing Service

闻名于世。 2. Standing at southern bank of the pool, you may enjoy the clean water, the white mountain, the twitter of birds, the bubbling of streams from the woods, — together they make a paradise on earth. 站在潭南岸,眺望远处光芒万丈的玉龙雪山,碧水、雪山互为映衬,山 林间不时传来鸟鸣声和淙淙泉水,让人恍若置身于人间仙境。 3. The complex now covers about 6.67 hectares, consisting of three parts: the government office at west, the family mansion in the middle, and the imperial garden at east. 军民府衙署 占地百多亩,分三个部分,西边为府署,中间是土司家院,东面为御花园。公顷与亩的 换算关系:1 公顷=15 亩;1 亩=0.066 666 666 666 667 公顷。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

The Ancient City of Pingyao

The Ancient City of Pingyao with a history of over 2 700 years is located in middle of Shanxi Province, 90 km from City, the provincial capital. Its origin says that this place was awarded to Emperor Yao, namely the Tao family, thus it was called “ancient Tao’s land”. The city first appeared in 827-782B.C.. Despite so many events or incidents, it survived practically as it was in the 600 years or more since Ming and Qing Dynasties. Preserved in the ancient city are near 4 000 traditional quadrangle residences of common people, over 400 of which are fairly intact, in addition to the few even more cherished houses of Ming Dynasty and those rare prototypes of Yuan Dynasty. It ranks as the only intact ancient city of Ming and Qing Dynasties well preserved in China.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Where is the Ancient City of Pingyao located?

2. When did the city first appeare?

3. How many traditional quadrangle residences of common people are there in the Ancient City of Pingyao?

4. How many traditional quadrangle residences which are fairly intact are there in the Ancient City of Pingyao?

5. Which does Ancient City rank as the only intact ancient city of Ming and Qing Dynasties well preserved in China?

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Part Four Culture

The Yunnan Culture

Yunna boasts a long history and a diversity of brilliant cultures. Dongba culture is fairly independent and mystic as compared to those of other minorities in China. Previous archaeological discoveries have proved Yunnan to be one of the birthplace of humankind. Because Yunnan is situated in the margin area and at the confluence of the Han culture, the Qinghai- and Hinayana Buddhist culture of South and South-east Asia, some unique world cultural heritages like “Shangrila”, and “Naxi classic music” have survived here. Under the influence of unique living conditions and as the means of transferring inherited culture, the ethnic groups in Yunnan have created and developed their own languages, writing systems, music, paintings, architecture styles, costumes, religious beliefs and life styles, each forming a folk culture of its own. The Confucius Temple in the ancient town of Jianshui, a former “famous literary town”, is second only to the Confucius Temple in Shandong Province. Literary celebrities of the past, such as Marco Polo, Xu Xiake and Yang Shen have left a great number of historical records, travel notes, poems and painting scrolls, which have made important contributions to the development and understanding of Yunnan. Besides the Han people, the 25 minorities live all over the land in the inhabiting forms of “scattered when big and compact if small”. Each group has retained its rich and unique culture, such as festivals, language, costume, customs, proprieties, working and living style. Dongba religion is the origin of Dongba culture. Out of their pantheism and totem, Naxi ancestors formed their own natural and primitive religion. Its birthplace is Baidi(present Diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Yunnan Province) at the foot of Haba Snow Mountain by Jinsha River. Dongba religion worshipped many gods and believed that everything was animate. In its development the religion was influenced by Tibetan , Buddhism and Taoism. It didn’t have a unified organization of temples, but an ample stock of written scripture and complicated ceremonies, which exerted manifold effects on the life of Naxi people. The minority peoples of Yunnan practice religions like Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Roman Catholicism; some tribes even worshipped in primitive religious ways not long ago. The Dongba Scriptures of the Naxi nationality are the only existing pictographs still in use today, and they are tunnels leading us back into history. Mosuo people in Lake Lugu do not establish any formal marriage relationship between their men and women. This beautiful and miraculous plateau reveals the emergence of nature; its immortality and extensiveness have molded the soul of this land.

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Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How do you like Dongba culture as compared to those of other minorities in China?

2. Why are there some unique world cultural heritages like “Shangrila”, and “Naxi classic music” which have survived here?

3. What do you think of the culture of each group? Please give some examples.

4. What is the origin of Dongba culture?

5. How do Mosuo people in Lake Lugu establish the marriage relationship between their men and women?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Where is the ancient city of Lijiang located?

2. How large an area does the ancient city of Lijiang cover?

3. What is the ancient city of Lijiang famous for?

4. When is the ancient city of Lijiang listed into the World Cultural Heritage List?

5. Please describe Military and Family Mansion simply?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 6. 这银行家一定是一个爆发户。

7. 我想看更多的中国传统建筑。

8. 同兴公镖局博物馆(Tongxinggong Armed Escort Company Museum)是明清风格建筑群。

9. 我将带你们去参观乔家大院(Qiao’s Compound)。

10. 平遥曾经是中国的财政中心。

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III. Translate the following passages into Chinese. Inscribed: 1997 Criteria:C(ⅱ) (ⅳ ) (ⅴ ) The ancient city of Lijiang, which is perfectly adapted to the uneven topography of this key commercial and strategic site, has retained a historic townscape of high quality and authenticity. Its architecture is noteworthy for the blending of elements from several cultures that have come together over many centuries. Lijiang also possesses an ancient water supply system of great complexity and ingenuity that still functions effectively today. — WHC, UNESCO

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) T: (我想对平遥古城了解得更多). G: Very good. Now, we are walking along Nandajie Street. (这是你探索古城文化最好的地方之一). T: Marvelous! I love these traditional Chinese buildings. Look! (沿街一排排的店子用来干什么)? G: (我们正站在一个集市的前面). Here are over 700 stores and shops. T: It seems to me they are all curiosity shops. What is available in the shops? G: There is a dazzling array of art wares: antiques, furniture, ancient coins, Chinese paintings, jade ware, lacquer ware and traditional folk clothing, etc. You can buy some souvenirs here if you like. T: The traditional buildings here are really attractive. Look over there! (那是多么豪华的店子啊?) G: This is a bank — Rishengchang Exchange Shop(日升昌票号). There were twenty-two banks in Pingyao out of the total fifty-one in China during Qing Dynasty. Of these many banks, Rishengchang at No.105 in Nandajie is the most famous.

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Unit Eight 8 Waterscape

Proverb It is more difficult to get to Sichuan than to reach the blue sky.

Introduction Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area is admired for its amazing waters. The magnificence of the Three Parallel Rivers is the work of the mountain making by the Himalayas 60 million years ago, involving an area as vast as 1.7 million hectares. In Hengduan Mountains of southern China, the three rivers among the largest in Asia, namely Lancang, Nujiang, and Jinsha, run along side by side like the Roman numeral “Ⅲ” at a narrow interval of only a dozen or so kilometers, following not the general trend from west to east but that in line with the mountain gullies from north to south for over 400 km, before daparting for their own estuarine to the ocean very remote from each other, thus offer an amazing spectacle by the miraculous creation of the nature.

Discussion 1. What is Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area admired for? 2. How was Three Parallel Rivers formed?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Sichuan

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) T: Can you introduce Sichuan? G: Sichuan is a homeland of pandas. There’s a panda museum in Wolong Nature Preserve.

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T: What’s specialties are there in Sichuan? G: Sichuan grows rice, wheat, chilies and sweet potatoes. T: Can you introduce some main scenic spots in Sichuan? G: was the capital of Shu during the Three Kingdoms. It is an educational and industrial center. Mt. Emei is one of China’s four great Buddhist Mountains. Eco-tourists should aim for Jiuzhaigou. T: I have one day for touring in Chengdu. Where should I visit? G: Dujiangyan, the Temple of Zhuge Liang, Green City Mountain and Dufu Thatched Cottage. T: Please introduce them in detail. G: Dujiangyan is an ancient irrigation system, and the Temple of Marquis Wu is a temple in memory of Zhuge Liang. T: Oh, I know Zhuge Liang. He was a famous strategist in China, wasn’t he? G: Right. And Dufu’s cottage is a residence of the famous Tang poet, Dufu. T: Yes, Dufu lived in this cottage for four years and wrote 240 poems.

New Words and Expressions

1. panda n. 熊猫;猫熊 2. Wolong Nature Preserve 卧龙自然保护区 3. speciality n. 专业,专长;特性 4. chilly n. 辣椒 5. sweet potato 甘薯 6. industrial n. 工业股票;工业工人 adj. 工业的,产业的;从事工业的;供工业用的; 来自勤劳的 7. Buddhist n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的 8. Dujiangyan 都江堰 9. Eco-tourists 生态旅游者 10. the Temple of Zhuge Liang 武侯祠 11. Dufu Thatched Cottage 杜甫草堂 12. ancient irrigation system 古代灌溉工程 13. the Temple of Marquis Wu 武侯祠

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Jiuzhaigou Valley

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to Jiuzhaigou Valley. I am glad to serve as your guide today. Now we are on the 126 Module Two Sightseeing Service way to visit Jiuzhaigou. At first, let me introduce Jiuzhaigou. It is located in the south-center of Jiuzhaigou County that is within the border of Aba Autonomous Prefecture of Tibet and Qiang minorities Sichuan Province, China. It has got its name for that there are nine Tibetan villages in the scenery area. It was listed in the “Catalog of World Nature Heritage” in 1992 and brought in to the World Biosphere Preservation Zone in the year of 1997. It became the world organization member of “21st Century Green the World Wide” in 2001. In 2004, it was honored the National Geographical Garden. Water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou and there is a saying, “after returning back from Jiuzhaigou, one would not enjoy other sightseeings of water any more”. The jade green sea, repeated water falls, snow covered peaks, the color forest, and the passion of Tibet are called “Five Miracles of Jiuzhaigou”. Jiuzhaigou is bright and beautiful in spring, effulgence in summer, gorgeous in autumn and sanctity in winter. One can enjoy the miracle mountain, wonderful sceneries assembled together, thousands of dreamlands and fairy tales in the four seasons in Jiuzhaigou. The nature beauty and rich Tibetan climate and favor of Jiuzhaigou are full of dreams and poetic flavor that is the most beautiful paradise created by nature and given to the mankind and the soul home of our returning back to nature. Now there are four tour routes in the gully: Shuzhen, Rize, Zechawa, and Zharu, altogether over 60 km long. Attractions scatter in six scenic areas of Shuzheng, Nuorilang Sword Cliff, Long Lake, Zhrau, and with the 108 lakes in the three gullies as the representatives, in addition to 5 shoals, 17 waterfalls, 10 water flows and scores of springs. Now, we are going to visit Jiuzhaigou Gully along Shuzheng Gully. This is a primary tour route of the scenic area, about 14 km long from the gully entrance up to Nuorilang lakes. We have arrived at Gully entrance. It is also the gateway of the gully. You may pay the admission and the fare for the tour bus. Now let us go to Reed Lake, next to Shoal. Look! This is Reed Lake. It is 2.2 km long, fairly shallow and actually semi-marsh, where reeds abound and the crystal clean water run through among the reed clusters. In spring and summer it is all green with the water and the reeds both in the same color, whereas in autumn and winter the water presents a striking contrast to the golden spread of the plant. Let’s go upward. This is Twin Dragons Lake between Reed Lake and Sparkling Lake. Stretching under the transparent water are two biological calcium dykes just like two lurking dragons ready to fly up at any moment. Let us continue upward to see Sparking Lake. This is Sparkling Lake. It lies between Twin Dragons Lake and Sleeping Dragon Lake. The blue color of the water is flat as a mirror. The lake is surrounded by a dense forest. When the first morning sunlight sheds on the water, its ripples glitter to offer a spectacular view of the sparkling reflections upon the blue surface. Now we come to Lying Dragon Lake. This little and enchanting lake is the representative of the blue lakes. It looks exactly like a sapphire. Down under the clean and limpid water is a yellowish milky dyke of calcium like a huge dragon sleeping in peace through the clear water. Now let us visit Shuzheng Lakes. Look! These stepped lakes are just Shuzheng Lakes, which stretch out for kilometers with 127 旅游实务英语 a height difference of about 100 m. The lakes run over one dyke-after another among the trees and bushes to form wide and foaming waterfalls. These cascading falls of gushing waters link up the lakes of Shuzheng, adding to their beauty the alternating static and dynamic impact. We are now on the way to Shuzheng Village. Shuzheng Waterfall is right beside the highway in front of the tourists crowded Shuzheng Village, about 62 m wide and 15m high. It is the first waterfall from the entrance of the gully, also the smallest of the four primary waterfalls of Jiuzhaigou Gully. Now we come to Shuzheng Village. It is the accommodation center of Jiuzhaigou Gully. Standing here, the view of the valley down below is the successive Shuzheng lakes one after the other like threaded gems. If you wander about the village, you can see some typical Tibetan hotels or inns. In front of the village is a Buddhist pagoda, where the Tibetans chant the sutra. Everywhere in the village is the flapping sutra banners. Let’s go to the upper of the gully. Now we can see Rhino Lake. It is the largest lake in Shuzheng gully, about 2 km long and 18 m deep, 2 400 m above sea level. It is said that a very sick and dying old Tibetan Lama came to the lake on the back of his rhino. His illness was miraculously gone after he drank the water of the lake. He was reluctant to leave but stayed and drank the water day after day. Finally he choose to ride on his rhino into the lake. So it is called Rhino Lake. Let’s go further on upward. Now we come to the end of Shuzheng Gukky, where lies Nuorilang Guesthouse, the largest lodging place of Jiuzhaigou Gully. We will live here. Tomorrow we are going to visit Rize Gully.

New Words and Expressions

1. Tibetan n. 藏语;西藏人 adj. 西藏的;藏族的 2. effulgence n. 灿烂;光辉 3. gorgeous adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的 4. sanctity n. 圣洁;尊严;神圣不可侵犯性 5. assembled v. 装配(assemble 的过去分词);集合 adj. 组合的;安装的 6. gully n. 冲沟;水沟 vt. 在上开沟 vi. 形成沟 7. admission n. 承认;入场费;进入许可;坦白;录用 8. marsh n. 沼泽;湿地 adj. 沼泽的;生长在沼泽地的 9. crystal n. 结晶,晶体;水晶;水晶饰品 adj. 水晶的;透明的,清澈的 10. transparent adj. 透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的 11. calcium dyke 钙华礁堤 12. lurk n. 潜伏;埋伏 vi. 潜伏;潜藏;埋伏 13. shed n. 小屋,棚;分水岭 vt. 流出;摆脱;散发;倾吐 vi. 流出;脱落;散布 14. ripple n. 波纹;涟漪;[物]涟波 vt. 在上形成波痕 vi. 起潺潺声 15. glitter vi. 闪光;闪烁 n. 闪光;灿烂 16. spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 128 Module Two Sightseeing Service

17. sparkling adj. 闪闪发光的,闪烁的;起泡沫的 v. 闪耀;发出火花;起泡沫 18. reflection n. 反射;沉思;映象 19. Lying Dragon Lake 卧龙湖 20. enchanting adj. 迷人的;妩媚的 v. 使迷惑 21. sapphire n. 蓝宝石;[宝]青玉;天蓝色 adj. 天蓝色的 22. limpid adj. 透明的;平静的,无忧虑的 23. yellowish adj. 微黄色的,淡黄色的 24. milky adj. 乳白色的;牛奶的;乳状的;柔和的;混浊不清的 25. dyke n. 堤;女子同性恋者 26. calcium n.[化学]钙 27. lurking dragons 蛟龙 28. ripple n. 波纹;涟漪;[物]涟波 vi. 起潺潺声 vt. 在……上形成波痕 29. glitter vi. 闪光;闪烁 n. 闪光;灿烂 30. enchant vt. 使迷惑;施魔法 31. sapphire n. 蓝宝石;[宝]青玉;天蓝色;adj. 天蓝色的 32. foaming n. 发泡,泡沫形成 v. 起泡沫(foam 的 ing 形式) 33. waterfall n. 瀑布;瀑布似的东西 34. foam n. 泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫 vt. 使起泡沫;使成泡沫状物 vi. 起泡沫;吐白沫 35. gush n. 涌出;迸发 v. 涌出;迸出 36. alternate n. 替换物 adj. 交替的;轮流的 vt. 使交替;使轮流 vi. 交替;轮流 37. static n. 静电;静电干扰 adj. 静态的;静电的;静力的 38. dynamic n. 动态;动力 adj. 动态的;动力的;动力学的;有活力的 39. impact n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力 vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧 vi. 冲击;产生 40. threaded adj. 有线状图案装饰的 v. 穿过;穿线于(thread 的过去分词) 41. gems n. 宝石(gem 的复数形式) 42. Tibetans n. 藏族 adj. 藏族的 43. chant n. 圣歌;赞美诗 vt. 唱;诵扬 vi. 唱歌;反覆地唱歌 44. sutra n. 佛经(等于 sutta);箴言 45. flap n. 拍打,拍打声;[航] 副翼 vt. 拍打;扔;拉下帽边;飘动 vi. 拍动;鼓翼 而飞;(帽边等)垂下 46. Tibetan Lama 藏族老喇嘛 47. rhino n. 犀牛(等于 rhinoceros);钱;现金 48. miraculously adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地 49. reluctant adj. 不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的 50. jade green sea 翠海 51. repeated water falls 叠瀑 52. snow cover peaks 雪峰 53. the color forest 彩林 129 旅游实务英语

54. the passion of Tibet 藏情 55. Reed Lake 芦苇海 56. Bonsai Shoal 盆景滩 57. Rhino Lake 犀牛海 58. Rize 日则 59. Zechawa 则查洼 60. and Zharu 扎如 61. Shuzheng 树正 62. Nuorilang 诺日朗 63. Sword Cliff 剑岩 64. Long Lake 长海 65. Zhrau 扎如 66. Heaven Lake 天海 67. Huangshi Village 黄石寨 68. the National Geographical Garden. 国家地质公园 69. 21st Century Green the World Wide 21 世纪绿色世界 70. World Biosphere Preservation Zone 世界人与生物圈保护区 71. Aba Autonomous Prefecture of Tibet and Qiang minorities Sichuan Province 四川省阿 坝藏族羌族自治州 72. Five Miracles of Jiuzhaigou 九寨五绝 73. Rize Gully 日则沟风景线

Part Three Supplementary Readings

The Three Gorges

The Three Gorges on the Yangtze River Valley comprise the Qutang Gorge, the Wu Gorge and the Xiling Gorge. The Three Gorges area starts from Baidicheng (the White Emperor Town), Fengjie in western Sichuan Province and ends at the Nanjin Pass, Yichang in eastern Hubei Province. The Three Gorges extends over 193 kilometers and has become one of the famous tourist attractions at home and abroad. Each of the Three Gorges has its own unique scenery. There is a popular saying: “The Qutang Gorge is the most majestic, the Wuxia Gorge is pretty, and the Xiling Gorege is very dangerous.” The Qutang Gorge is the first section of the Three Gorges from Baidicheng to Daxi Town of the County of Wushan. It is about 8 kilometers long. High cliffs and steep precipices with sharp edges rise one after another on either side of the narrow gorge. Travelers have to look upwards to a narrow line of the sky and clouds. Within the area of the gorge is Baidicheng, 130 Module Two Sightseeing Service which has a history of 2 000 years and a wealth of historic sites of the Shu Han period. The Town was mentioned by Li Bai, a famous poet in the , in one of his poems. The poem reads: “We leave Baidicheng in the morning amidst the scene of many beautiful clouds. We return from a thousand-li trip to Jiangling in one day.” The graceful Wu Gorge is 44 kilometers long. It looks like a winding corridor of paintings. The 12 Peaks of the Wu Mountains are the most splendid sights within the area of the Wu Gorge. The most famous sight of them is the Fairy Peak. It resembles a standing lady. Legend has it that the lady was one of the daughters of the Queen Mother. In order to help Da Yu, a legendary hero, control floods, the lady descended from heaven and settled down with mortal people. What she did was to make boats pass through the Three Gorges safely. Standing out from clouds and fog, the Fairy Peak looks beautiful and mysterious. Xiling Gorge is the treacherous section which is 76 kilometers long. The waterway in this section doubles and turbulent currents and dangerous shoals can be seen here and there. In history, the Xiling gorge was important for its strategic position. The world-known has been built in Sandouping, Yichang, Hubei province. The construction project on the three gorges hydropower station was approved in 1992 by China’s National People’s Congress. In 1994, It started building officially. In 2003, it began to store water for power generation. In 2009, the project were completed. The dam is not only the largest hydropower station in the world but China’s most large-scale construction project.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What do the Three Gorges comprise?

2. Where does the Three Gorges start?

3. What are the main differences between the three gorges?

4. What is the most splendid sight in the area of the Wu Gorge?

5. Where was the Three Gorges Dam built?

Part Four Culture

The Ba and Shu Cultures

The Ba and Shu cultures are important components of Chinese culture. Ba and Shu refer 131 旅游实务英语 presently to Chongqing Municipality and Sichuan Province respectively. The formation and development of Ba-shu cultural community underwent a long process of contact, exchange and mingling. Ba culture and Shu culture have the same origin. The mutual cultural identification is the foundation for the formation of Ba-shu cultural communication. The structure of mutual complement and the development with differences are the impetus for the development. The integrating the characteristics of Ba and Shu cultures is the future development direction of cooperation of Chongqing culture and Sichuan culture. Chongqing is located on the east side of Sichuan. It used to be a part of Sichuan historically. It was not separated from Sichuan until Chongqing was established as a municipality in 1997. In ancient times, there were two clans, the Ba and the Shu, who established their own countries. The earliest account of Ba was found in an inscription on bones and tortoise shells from the Yin ruins. The early Ba people, living on hunting and fishing, made stone caves their homes. At first, their ancestor led the clan to settle down in the eastern part of Sichuan. In 316 B.C., under the rule of the Qin State, the Ba people were scattered into the mountains in the western part of Hunan and the southwestern part of Hubei. The Wuling Range of west Hunan and Hubei provinces is believed to be the last home of the ancient Ba people. It is evident that the present Tujia people still share many customs from their Ba ancestors. In the persistent wars between the clans of China, the Ba people were defeated by the other clans so that they had to immigrate into Chonging, from west Hunan and Hubei by means of canoes. In the 1950s, archaeologists found dozens of boat-shaped coffins in both Baxian County and Chongqing. It is amazing that the ancient Ba people made boat coffins in the same way they built canoes. The boat coffins were to be their homes after death. On the cliffs on both sides of the river, many hanging coffins and boat coffins can be found. The Ba people were a typical riverside people. These boats were to compose an important part of the history of the ancient Ba people. About 4 500 years ago, a Late New Stone Age Culture, the Baodun Culture, the origin of the culture of Shu, came into being. The excavations at the Sanxingdui ruins and at the Jinsha site show that long before the Western of China, there existed a culture in the southwest — the culture of the Shu, with a marked local color different from the culture of the Central Plain of China. The Baodun site is typical of the oldest city sites in the chengdu Plain. The discovery of the Sanxingdui ruins in Guanghan and of the Jinsha site in Chengdu confirmed the existence of the mystical civilization of ancient Shu as recorded in history books. Among the historical remains, the big stone relics of the ancient state of Shu and the hanging coffins of the Ba people are the most spectacular. The ancient Shu people had a cultural tradition of making tablets or epitaphs with big stones, which is called the “Big Stone Culture”. The ancestors of the Ba and the Shu created a brilliant civilization. The culture of the Sanxingdui ruins is a representative of the prime of the Ba and Shu cultures. The Dujiangyan 132 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Irrigation System, built over 2 000 years ago, a world cultural heritage, still plays an important role in irrigating the Chengdu Plain. Taoism is the only native religion in China originating from Mt. Qingcheng in Sichuan. The colorful and bright brocades and embroidery of Sichuan, various Sichuan dishes and tea culture are the images of the Ba and the Shu cultures.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How did Ba-shu cultural community form?

2. What do you think is the future development direction of cooperation of Chongqing culture and Sichuan culture?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Where is Jiuzhaigou located?

2. What is Jiuzhaigou’s social reputation?

3. What are main tour routes in Jiuzhaigou?

4. What do you think of Shuzheng Gully?

5. Can you describe Shuzheng Lakes?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 四川是大熊猫的故乡。

2. 都江堰是古代灌溉工程。

3. 洞庭湖是中国最大的湖泊。

4. 成都是三国时期蜀国的首都。

5. 成都是教育和工业中心。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Jiuzhaigou was listed in the “Catalog of World Nature Heritage” in 1992 and brought in to 133 旅游实务英语

the World Biosphere Preservation Zone in the year of 1997. It became the world organization member of “21st century Green the World Wide” in 2001. In 2004, it was honored the National Geographical Garden.

2. Water is the soul of Jiuzhaigou and there is a saying “after returning back from Jiuzhaigou, one would not enjoy other sight seeing of water any more”. The jade green sea, repeated water falls, snow cover peaks, the color forest, and the passion of Tibet are called “Five Miracles of Jiuzhaigou”.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue Mt. Emei G: Look at the archway! It is inscribed with four Chinese characters: (天下 名山). It means a Famous Mountain under the Heaven. On its back side are inscribed another four Chinese characters: Fo Jiao Sheng Di. (它的 意思就是佛教胜地) T: That’s great! (我们听说峨 眉山是中国的四大佛教名山). UNESCO put it on the list of the World Natural and Cultural Heritages in 1996. Can you take us around the Wannian Temple? G: OK. (现在我们正站在万年寺的前面). The temple was built in the . It was originally called Puxian Temple. Later in the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Shenzong renamed it Wannian Temple. T: (那就是为什么被命名为万年寺)?Does it mean the temple can survive ten thousand years? G: Not exactly! For many years Shenzong’s mother was not pregnant, for the emperor had many concubines. (她担心她可能被皇 帝抛弃). So she traveled all the way from Beijing to Mt. Emei and arrived at the temple. She piously prayed to Puxian for a baby. After she came back to Beijing she got a son. Later her son became an emperor. He was the Emperor Shenzong. T: It is really a miracle! G: Shenzong was grateful to his mother, so he renamed it Wannian Temple, just to show his gratitude and to wish his mother to have a long life.

134 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Nine 9 Mountain Range

Proverb May your age be like the southern mountain and your happiness like the eastern sea.

Introduction Inscribed: 1990 Criteria: C(ii); N(iii)(iv) Huangshan, known as the loveliest mountain of China, was acclaimed through art and literature during a good part of Chinese history (e.g. the Shanshui ‘mountain and water’ style of the mid-16 th century). Today it holds the same fascination for visitors, poets, painters and photographers who come on pilgrimage to the site, which is renowned for its magnificent scenery made up of many granite peaks and rocks emerging out of a sea of clouds. ______WHC, UNESCO

Discussion 1. What was Huangshan known as? 2. Why does Huangshan hold the same fascination for visitors, poets, painters and photographers who come on pilgrimage to the site?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Anhui

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Anhui, , capital of Anhui province, stands at the confluence of the north and south Fei rivers, hence its name.

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T: It’s my first time to Anhui. What’s the most famous scenery? G: Huangshan Mountain is a major national scenic spot. T: What is it famous for? G: Huangshan is known throughout the world for its pines, stones, clouds and hot springs, which are popularly known as the “Four Wonders”. T: I’m interested in temples. Can you introduce some? G: Jiuhuashan, one of the Four Buddhist Mountains, has 78 Ming and Qing temples, 6 800 buddhas, and 99 peaks. T: That’s great. Tomorrow I am going to visit it. Today I’ve a little time to see around the city. What’s your suggestion? G: Hefei’s tourist attractions can be squeezed into one day. Hefei’s main tourist attractions are Memorial Temple of Bao Zheng, Xiaoyaojin Park and Lecturing Rostrum. T: Hefei is an ideal place for vacationers. How can I tour? G: You can first go to Xiaoyaojin Park, near the center of the city. During the Three Kingdoms period 1 700 years ago, General ZhangLiao of the state of Wei fought against General Sun Quan of the State of Wu. The site is now a park with three islets, on one of which is the tomb and statue of General Zhang. T: Which scenic spot is near Xiaoyaojin Park? G: The Lecturing Rostrum is near Xiaoyaojin Park about 2 km south of Xiaoyaojin. T: That’s great! G: Besides you can go to the Memorial Temple of Bao Zheng, in the center of the city, which was built in honor of this honest and outstanding magistrate. T: Thank you very much for telling me so much. G: My pleasure.

New Words and Expressions

1. confluence n. (河流的)汇合、汇流点;(人或物的)聚集 2. hence adv. 因此;今后 3. popularly adv. 流行地;通俗地;普及地;大众地 4. Buddha n. 佛陀;佛像 5. squeeze vt. 挤;紧握;勒索 vi. 压榨 n. 压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金 6. vacationer n. 休假者;度假者 7. islet n. 小岛 8. Rostrum n. 讲坛;演讲者;[医]嘴;喙 9. magistrate n. 地方法官;文职官员;治安推事 10. Xiaoyaojin Park 逍遥津公园 11. the Memorial Temple of Bao Zheng 包拯的专祠 136 Module Two Sightseeing Service

12. Jiuhuashan 九华山

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Mt. Huangshan

Ladies and Gentlemen! Now we have arrived at the town with hot springs flowing out (Tangkou Town)at the foot of Southern Mount Huangshan. At first let me introduce the scenic area briefly. Mt. Huangshan is called “the most spectacular mountain in the world”. The Mt. Huangshan possesses many other famous mountains’ distinguishing features, ’s magnificence, ’s cataracts, ’s grotesquerie rocks and Mount Emei’s refreshingness. In China there is a saying: “No mountain is worth seeing after a trip to the Five Sacred Mountains, But none of the five ones is worth seeing after a trip to Mt. Huangshan”. Mt. Huangshan or Yellow Mountain towers to the height of 1 680 meters in the southern part of Anhui Province. People called it Mt. Yishan in the Qin Dynasty and got its present name in 747 A.D. since it is believed that Huang Di once made pills of immortality here, and, in ancient China, yellow was the color for royal families only. The total area amounts to 1 200 km2, and the central scenic zones cover 154 km2. The mountain has 72 strangely shaped peaks, of which the Celestial Capital Peak, the Lotus Peak, and the Brightness Apex are over 1 800 m above sea level. Everyone looks at that peak. It is the Celestial Capital Peak, the most precipitous peak of Mt. Huangshan. Let us read the description by a scholar in ancient China of the peak: “Birds find it difficult to set their feet on it, and monkeys are scared to climb up to it.” Its most dangerous point is called the Back of a Carp. Do you know why it is called the name? It is a rectangle protruding stone hillock in the shape of a carp back. The hillock is about 20 meters long and about one meter wide. Now let’s go upward. On the top of the peak, we will see some big Chinese characters carved in a stone, which read: “You have reached the peak of perfection”. Lotus Peak is the highest peak of Mt. Huangshan. look! It is just like a real lotus flower, with blossoms bursting towards the sky. Now we come to watch the Brightness Apex. It is described as: “The Brightness Apex is shaped like an upturned bowl which is clear of any company and from the top of which you can see a stream of silver and appreciate the charm of 137 旅游实务英语 the fall as well as the farthest horizon blending with the sky”. No wonder there goes the saying: “The true beauty of Mt. Huangshan unfolds only at Brightness Apex”. Mt. Huangshan is famous for its four wonders, that is, strange pines, grotesque rocks, sea of clouds, and hot springs. Mt Huangshan boasts of 2 lakes, 3 waterfalls, 16 springs, and 24 streams. You can feel as if you had been in a different world. They add charm to one another. Besides, Mt. Huangshan is abundant with all sorts of wild plants and animals and water resources. This is also why Mt. Huangshan is so amazing. Let’s have a little rest and look at the view. Everything looks different here. I hope you really enjoy the tour very much.

New Words and Expressions

1. tower n. 塔;高楼;堡垒 vi. 高耸;超越 2. possess vt. 控制;使掌握;持有;迷住 3. distinguish vi. 区别,区分;辨别 vt. 区分;辨别;使杰出,使表现突出 4. spectacular adj. 蔚为壮观的;惊人的,突出的 5. magnificent adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的;豪华的 6. refreshing adj. 凉爽的,清凉的;宜人的 7. misty adj. 多雾的,朦胧不清的 8. pour v. 注,倒;倾泻 9. waterfall n. 瀑布 10. pill n. 药丸 11. immortality n. 不朽,永存 12. zone n. 地带,地区,区域 13. celestial adj. 天上的,天空的 14. lotus n. 莲花 15. apex n. 顶点,顶峰 16. precipitous adj. 险峻的,陡峭的 17. scribe n. 抄写员 18. perfection n. 完美,完善;完美的人或物 19. protruding v. 突出(protrude 的现在分词);伸出 adj. 突出的;伸出的 20. unfold vi. 展开;显露;打开;呈现 21. rectangle n. 矩形;长方形 22. blossom n. 花,花簇;开花 23. blend v. 混合,掺合 24. grotesque adj. 古怪的;奇形怪状的 25. abundant adj. 大量的;丰裕的,丰富的 26. resource n. 资源,物力,财力 138 Module Two Sightseeing Service

27. potential adj. 可能的,潜在的 28. additional adj. 增加的,补充的 29. amaze v. 使……大为吃惊的 30. the Five Sacred Mountains 五岳 31. the Back of a Carp 鲫鱼背 32. Mt. Yishan 黟山 33. the Celestial Capital Peak 天都峰 34. the Lotus Peak 莲花峰 35. the Brightness Apex 光明顶


1. the town with hot springs flowing out (Tangkou Town) 汤口镇是镇名。黄山温泉景区 2.5 公里,为黄山南大门。因汤泉而得名,是黄山汤泉 水出山之口。背倚黄山,面临逍遥溪。 2. Mt. Huangshan is called “the most spectacular mountain in the world”: magnificent as Mt. Taishan, refreshing as Mt. Emei, and misty and cloudy as Mt. Hengshan. In addition, Mt. Huangshan has the waterfalls, which can be compared to that of Mt. Lushan.具有泰山之雄伟、 峨眉之清凉、庐山之飞瀑、衡山之烟云。 3. No mountain is worth seeing after a trip to the Five Sacred Mountains, But none of the five ones is worth seeing after a trip to Mt. Huangshan“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳” 4. “The Brightness Apex is shaped like a upturned bowl which is clear of any company, and from the top of which you can see a stream of silver and appreciate the charm of the fall as well as the farthest horizon blending with the sky”. 状若覆钵,旁无依附,秋水银河,长空 一色。” 5. The true beauty of Mt. Huangshan unfolds only at Brightness Apex. 不到光明顶,不见 黄山景。 Similar saying about touring Mt Huangshan: (1) Mt. Huangshan is never seen without going to Manjusri Temple(Jade Screen Tower). 不到文书院(即玉屏楼不见黄山面。) (2) The tour is worth nothing without climbing up the Celestial Capital Peak 不到天都 峰,白跑一场空。 (3) The first glumpse of Mt. Huangshan is not caught until at Lion Peak.不到狮子峰,不 见黄山踪。 (4) Without going to convincing Peak there wouldn’t be any real enjoyment of Mt. Huangshan pines.不到始信峰,不见黄山松。 6. Strange pines, grotesque rocks, sea of clouds, and hot springs 奇松、怪石、云海、温泉 7. Mt. Huangshan boasts of 2 lakes, 3 waterfalls, 16 springs, and 24 streams. 黄山拥有二 139 旅游实务英语

湖、三瀑、十六泉、二十四溪相映成趣。 8. It is a rectangle protruding stone hillock in the shape of a carp back. The hillock is about 20 meters long and about one meter wide. 它是一狭长石岗,中央隆起,形如鱼背,长 约 20 米,宽约 1 米。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Five Sacred Mountains

“Five sacred mountains (or Wu Yue)” refers to the five famous mountains in China. They are named after the location where they stand: the east, the south, the west, the north and the middle of China. There is a saying in China: “You don’t want to see any other mountain if you just came back from (the) five sacred mountains”. Tai Mountain refers to the Eastern Sacred Mountain (or Dong Yue) in the center of Shangdong Province. Dong Yue covers an area of 250 km2 and its summit called the Jade Emperor Peak (玉皇顶) rises 1 545 m above sea level. Since the ancient times Dong Yue has been honored as “the first” of the five sacred mountains in China. Confucius (孔子) once said: “From the top of Tai Mountain, you shall find out how dwarfed the whole world becomes”. Hua Mountain, also known as the western mountain (or Xi Yue), is the most precipitous (险峻的) of the five mountains. Along the 12 km path leading from the foot to the five peaks of the mountain, you will see some impressive scenes, such as the strangely shaped granite peaks and the twisted pines. Heng Mountain, (or Nan Yue), is located about 120 km south of Changsha. Nan Yue is one of the five sacred Buddhist Mountains in China. The mountain extends as far as 80 kilometers and there are 72 peaks along its ridge. The highest one of the 72 peaks, the Wishing-for-Harmony Peak (or Zhurong Feng), rises 1 298 meters above sea level. The mountain is also famous for all sorts of wild plants and animals. There is another mountain which sounds the same as the above-mentioned Heng Mountain, yet this mountain, also called Bei Yue, is located northeast of Shanxi province. Bei Yue rises 2 037m above sea level and is the highest one of the five sacred mountains. Bei Yue extends as far as 250km and is famous for its bare rocks and ancient temples of Buddhism (佛 教) and Taoism (道教) built along. Song Mountain (or Song Shan) is located 85 km southwest of Zhengzhou, 70 km northwest of Luoyang, and extends over 60 km from the east to the west. Song Shan is the 140 Module Two Sightseeing Service watershed between the Yellow River and the . Each of the five sacred mountains has its own unique features, which represent five different geographic regions in China.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Which mountain is one of the five sacred Buddhist Mountains in China?

2. What are the five scared mountains?

3. Which mountain has been honored as “the first of the five sacred mountains in China”?

4. Which of the five sacred mountains is the most precipitous?

5. Which mountain is located 85 km southwest of Zhengzhou?

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142 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Ten 10 Mountains and Water

Proverb Guilin’s scenes are the finest under Heaven, but Yangshuo’s scenes are still better.

Introduction China is situated in the eastern part of Asia, on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. China is a very mountainous regions with spectacular mountains, and mountain range, plateaus and hills account for about 65 percent of the country’s landmass. Mount Qomolangma, 8 848.13 meters above sea level, is the highest known mountain in the world. Mountainous areas are covered by 90 percent of China’s forests, 77 percent of its pastures, 76 percent of its lakes and 98 percent of its hydropower resources. The Bohai Sea, Sea, and South China Sea embrace the east and southeast coast of China. China boasts 50 000 rivers, each has a drainage area of over 100 square kilometers or 38.6 square miles. The Grand Canal is a great water project in ancient China. China has more than 370 large lakes including the five major freshwater lakes. is the largest freshwater one. Tongting Lake is second largest freshwater one.

Discussion 1. Why do people say China is a very mountainous region? 2. How did the author describe Chinese water region?

143 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Travel in Guangxi

(G=Tour Guide;T=Tourist) G: Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Guangxi! People in Guangxi enjoy a rich variety of cultural activities. The traditional customs here are a magnet for both Chinese and foreign tourists. T: Why? G: Because its traditional customs have been maintained by Guangxi’s many ethnic communities. T: Can you introduce some famous scenery in Guangxi? G: Guilin’s scenes are the finest under Heaven, but Yangshuo’s are still better. Guilin is also famous for its meandering Lijiang River and Peach Blossom River. T: We ‘d like to tour Lijiang River tomorrow. Could you give us some advice? G: The Lijiang River cruise is the main reason tourists flock here. You had better tour Guilin down the Lijiang River to Yangshuo, enjoying 83 kilometers down stream. T: Sounds good. G: Only by traveling down can one come to know the four features of Guilin’s scenery-green hills, graceful water, fantastic caves and imposing rocks. The section of the river is considered to be a natural fine arts gallery as natural scenic wonders. T: Marvelous. I’d like to go. In addition to Guilin, what are the other spots to visit in Guangxi? G: Well, its white sand, calm seas, clear water and gentle waves characterize Beihai’s silver beach. T: I see. Anything else? G: Guangxi is also distinguished for its Sino-Vietnamese border towns, including Pingxiang and Dongxing. I hope you have a good time in Guangxi. T: Guangxi really is an ideal place for vacationers. How can I tour? G: Now you can make a reservation here.

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New Words and Expressions

1. variety n. 多样;种类 2. magnet n. 磁铁;[电磁]磁体;磁石 3. ethnic adj. 种族的;人种的 4. meander n. 漫步;曲流(常用复数) vt. 漫步;蜿蜒缓慢流动 vi. 漫步;漫谈 5. peach n. 桃子;桃树;桃红色;受人喜欢的人(或物)adj. 桃色的;用桃子制成的 6. blossom n. 花;开花期;兴旺期;花开的状态 vi. 开花;兴旺;发展成 7. cruise n. 巡航,巡游;乘船游览 vt. 巡航,巡游;漫游 vi. 巡航,巡游;漫游 8. distinguished adj. 著名的;卓著的;高贵的 9. gallery n. 画廊;走廊;旁听席;地道 vt. 在……修建走廊;在……挖地道 vi. 挖地道 10. graceful adj. 优雅的;优美的 11. fantastic n. 古怪的人 adj. 奇异的;空想的;极好的;不可思议的 12. imposing adj.(建筑物等)壮观的;威风的;(仪表)堂堂的;给人深刻印象的 13. marvelous adj. 了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的 14. characterize vt. 描绘……的特性;具有……的特征 vi. 塑造人物 15. ethnic communities 民族聚集区域 16. Lijiang River 漓江 17. Peach Blossom River 桃花江 18. Pingxiang 凭祥 19. Dongxing 东兴 20. Sino-Vietnamese border towns 中越边关城镇


1. Guilin’s scenery-green hills, graceful water, fantastic caves and imposing rocks. 山青、 水秀、洞奇、石美 2. Its white sand, calm seas, clear water and gentle waves characterize Beihai’s silver beach. 北海银滩具有沙白、海静、水青、浪软的特点。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Sightseeing of Guilin

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to Guilin! At first, let me introduce Guilin briefly. Guilin is a famous cultural city with a long history. There is a famous saying: Guilin’s scenes are the finest under Heaven. 145 旅游实务英语

Many famous people and writers of all ages have admired it. They had been left footprints and many poems for Guilin scenery since the Tang dynasty and Song dynasty. In Guilin, the river is like a green ribbon, while the hills are emerald hairpins. The blue peaks are emitting full of clear sighted colors with its reflections in the fine days. There are wreathing clouds and fogs over the smoke-covered water as it rains. The numerous peaks show their reflections with numerous hills floated on the water, no charmed with no hills or no water. It is said the beauty of the Guilin Scenery is about green hills, graceful water, fantastic caves and imposing rocks. The saying visually summarizes the basic character of Guilin landscape. The Guilin’ s scenery area which as Li River as the axis is located at the southeast of the Hunan — Guangxi passage with good location and the unique landscape. The weather here is temperate and abundant precipitation rain fall. There are mountains and abrupt hills and rivers are netlike. In addition to the advantaged natural conditions, there are deep cultural accumulations and long historical sources with multi-fock custom that make up colorful tourism wealth and make Guilin an international tourism city. The god’s shape, the fairy’s form are the hills in Guilin. The dream of emotion is the water in Li River. Guilin is a mountain city with the typical karst lime stones. Through billions of years, the hills have been evolved from the islands and reefs. The Guilin karst has become the most typical and the most perfect developed landscape view and the most perfect developed landscape view. All the variety of landform views have shaped Guilin’s beautiful landscape with different shapes of pinnacles. Here, there are the Seven Star Cave which had become a tourist spot since Shu dynasty and Tang dynasty, the Reed Flute Cave which has been called “the art palace of the nature” and the newly-exploited “The Silver Cave”. Some of the caves have several layers like mazes and gardens. Some of the Karst caves connect with the subterranean river are all the amazing. All the stalactites, stalagmites, rock pillars, rock drapes and rock flowers in the caves are shaped vividly in diverse postures and different characters. As in the misty rain with reflections in the water, the astonishing peaks are appear-and-hide. Some of them look like an old man. Others of them look like camels. Look ahead! This hill looks like a big elephants drinking water. It is the famous Elephant Trunk Hill with a big hole in it. In ancient times, local people built a pagoda on the elephant’s back so as to form a harmonious group of scenery. Guilin’s elegant water is famous for Li River. The hundred-kilometer Li River show the hundred-kilometer gallery. There are abrupt hills beside the river banks waving the blue peaks and emeral bamboos setting off one another with farm houses around. The Li River penetrating in mountains and hills 146 Module Two Sightseeing Service zigzags passing by the Guilin city district. The spectacular scenes along the riverside like a chain of pearls and have become a world-famous-tourism golden waterway. As entering the new century, the city has been greatly rebuilding and constructing the city in Guilin that the outlooks of the city have been brand-new. New thoughts and ideas create new manners of tour. A few old scenic spots are coruscating with new energies after remaking-up and a batch of new scenic areas have been successfully exploited and opened up. The manners of tour have been developed from the simplistic sightseeing into the characteristic natural ecological sightseeing tour, touching the history tours, leisured holiday tours and the national feature collecting tours. Guilin was evaluated as “the best of the charming cities in China” in 2004. A brand-new Guilin is presenting in front of people in the world. Guilin as a bright pearl will be getting more and more sparkling. Let us go close to it together into the always-spring new Guilin.

New Words and Expressions

1. emit vt. 散发,放射;发出 2. wreathe vt. 用花环装饰;将……做成花环;包围;覆盖 vi. 缭绕;成圈状;扭曲 3. reflection n. 反射,影子 4. ribbon n. 带;缎带;(勋章等的)绶带;带状物;勋表 vt. 把……撕成条带;用缎 带装饰 vi. 形成带状 5. emerald n. 绿宝石,翡翠;[宝]祖母绿;翠绿色 adj. 翡翠的;翠绿色的 6. fantastic n. 古怪的人 adj. 奇异的;空想的;极好的;不可思议的 7. visually adv. 形象化地;外表上;看得见地 8. summarize vt. 总结;概述 vi. 作总结;作概括 9. landscape n. 风景,景色;山水画 vt. 美化……景观 10. axis n. 轴;轴线;轴心国 11. temperate adj. 温和的;适度的;有节制的 12. abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产 13. precipitation n.[化学]沉淀,[化学]沉淀物;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽 14. abrupt adj. 生硬的;突然的;唐突的;陡峭的 15. hairpin n. 簪;束发夹;夹发针 16. accumulation n. 积聚,累积;堆积物 17. karst n. 喀斯特地形(石灰岩地区常见的地形) 18. lime n. 石灰;酸橙;绿黄色 adj. 绿黄色的 19. evolve vi. 发展,进展;进化;逐步形成 vt. 发展,进化;进化;使逐步形成;推 断出 20. reef n. 暗礁;[地质]矿脉;收帆 vt. 收帆;缩帆 vi. 缩帆;收帆 21. abrupt adj. 生硬的;突然的;唐突的;陡峭的 147 旅游实务英语

22. netlike adj. 网状的 23. exploit n. 勋绩;功绩 vt. 开发,开拓;剥削;开采 24. maze n. 迷宫;迷惑;糊涂 vt. 迷失;使混乱;使困惑 25. subterranean n. 地下工作者 adj. 地下的;秘密的;隐蔽的 26. pinnacle n. 小尖塔;尖顶;山顶,山峰 27. reed n. 芦苇;芦杆;茅草 28. stalactite n. 钟乳石;钟乳石状 29. stalagmite n. 石笋 30. pillar n. 柱,柱子,柱状物 31. drape n. 帘(尤指窗帘), 幔 32. layer n. 层,阶层;地层 vt. 用压条法培植;把……堆积成层 vi. 借助压条法生根 繁殖 33. numerous adj. 许多的,为数众多的 34. bran-new adj. 全新的


1. the Seven Star Cave 七星岩如今是桂林最著名的游览胜地之一。七星岩以雄伟、 深邃著称,是石灰岩发育较完全,景物较丰富,保护较完好的地下宫殿。洞内石乳、石 笋、石柱、石幔、石花,变幻莫测,玄妙无穷,有像人,像物,像兽;有如海外奇谈、 历史故事、童话世界般的意境,形神皆备,栩栩如生,被誉为“神仙洞府”。 2. the Reed Flute Cave 芦笛岩位于桂林市西北郊,距市中心 5 公里,是一个以游览 岩洞为主、观赏山水田园风光为辅的风景名胜区。芦笛岩洞深 240 米,游程 500 米。洞 内有大量奇麓多姿、玲珑剔透的石笋、石乳、石柱、石幔、石花,琳琅满目,组成了狮 岭朝霞、红罗宝帐、盘龙宝塔、原始森林、水晶宫、花果山等景观,令游客目不暇接, 如同仙境,被誉为“大自然的艺术之宫”。从唐代起,历代都有游人踪迹,现洞内存历代 壁画 77 则。自 1959 年发现并开发后,如今已建有餐厅、茶室、水榭、湖池、曲桥,并 设游船,广植花木,成为中外游客游览桂林时必至的旅游热点。 3. The Silver Cave 银子岩旅游景区位于桂林市荔浦县马岭镇,321 国道旁,距桂林 市中心 85 公里。银子岩景区四周群山环抱,俊秀的小青山、朝寨山拔地而起,耸立于碧 波荡漾的青湖之滨。景区内花香、果香、稻香四处溢香,湖光山色交相辉映,牛悠马闲, 鸡犬相闻,呈现一派迷人的田园风光。山青、水秀、洞奇、石美,享有“桂林山水代表” 之美誉。银子岩以雄、奇、幽、美独领风骚,被誉为“世界岩溶艺术宝库”。银子岩旅游 景区于 2001 年 12 月,荣获“桂林市文明旅游风景区示范点”称号。 4. …the blue peaks are emitting full of clear sighted colors with its reflections in the fine days. There are wreathing clouds and fogs over the smoke-covered water as it rains.晴则青峰 倒映,明媚溢彩;雨则云雾缭绕,烟波渺茫。 5. All the variety of landform views have shaped Guilin’s beautiful landscape with 148 Module Two Sightseeing Service different shapes of pinnacles. 这些多样性的景观地貌构成了桂林群峰林立千姿百态的美 景。 6. New thought and idea create new manner of tour. 新的思维和观念创造出新的旅游方 式。 7. A few old scenic spots are coruscating with new energies after remaking-up and a batch of new scenic areas have been successfully exploited and opened up. 一些原有的景区景点经 过重新包装后焕发出新的活力,一些新的景区景点被成功开发和推出。 8. The manners of tour have been developed from the simplistic sightseeing into the characteristic natural ecological sightseeing tour, touching-the-history tour, leisured holiday tour and the national feature collecting tour. 而旅游方式也从单纯的观光旅游发展到极富特 色的自然山水生态观光旅游、历史文化体验游、休闲度假游和民族风情采风游。 9. A brand-new Guilin is presenting in front of people in the world. 一个崭新的桂林呈 现在世人面前。 10. Guilin as a bright pearl will be getting more and more sparkling. 桂林这颗璀璨的明 珠将变得更加耀眼夺目。 11. Let us go close to it together into the always-spring new Guilin. 让我们一同走近它 走进永远是春天的新桂林。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Sightseeing of Yangshuo

South of China, there is a most beautiful place in the world — Yangshuo county, Guilin, Guangxi. Over there, “the water looks like a green gauze belt and the hills like jade hairpins.” There is another saying in China: “Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in China, and Yangshuo is the most beautiful part of Guilin.” There are lots of famous scenic areas in Yangshuo. LongJing River Resort Long Jing River resort is famous for its driftage, catering, lodging, and walking tour. Driftage is a surprise, exciting and interesting. Dayuan forestry center driftage area is in Dayuan forestry centre, Xingpin town of Yangshuo county, and it is just about 28 kilometers from Yangshuo county or 5 kilometers from the famous Li River. It is very confirmed here with mountains, forest and clear waterfall. Drift water area is 6 kilometers long. The drift fall reaches to 220 meters. Floating in coat and falling into swag, the boat files and spoondrift rises, 149 旅游实务英语 and no danger will happen to you too. Butterfly Spring Butterfly Spring is located on the way to the famous Moon Hill and has the unique hanging bridge in Yangshuo. Butterfly Spring area also has natural waterfalls, good melodies eching among mountains. You can view the beautiful Yulong River and Yang Jiao hills there. It has China’s biggest Butterfly View garden. In the area, you can experience rock-climbing, and enjoy downhill race and other outdoors sports. It is really a place for you to feel the nature, overcome yourself and be relaxed. The Big Banyan Tree The big banyan tree has stood there for 1 400 years. It is said that under the tree, Liu Sanjie or the third sister in a Liu’s family, a legendary folk song singer from the Zhuang ethnic group China, promised to become the wife of a young man named Arniu. Most well-known pictures of the film called “Liu Sanjie” were filmed over there. Dr. Karl from Harvard University regarded the place where the Yulong River and the Jinbao River meet as the most beautiful in China. On the side of a hill about 1 km away from the Big Banyan Tree (big banyan tree), there is a hole. The shape of the hole, when looked at from different angles, will change the way that of the moon does. That is why the hill with the hole is called “the moon hill”.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is Longjing River resort famous for?

2. Where Butterfly Spring is located?

3. Describe the scenic spot with the big banyan tree in detail.

4. How old is the big banyan tree?

5. Who regarded the place where the Yu Long River and the Jinbao River meet as the most beautiful in the world?

Part Four Culture

Rivers and Lakes

China abounds in rivers. According to regional differences between the south and north, geographers have divided China’s rivers into two types, southern and northern, taking the 150 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River as the line of demarcation. The Yangtze, 6 300 km long, is the largest river in China, and the third largest in the world, next only to the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. Known as the “golden waterway”, the Yangtze is a transportation artery linking west and east with its excellent navigation channel The famous “Three Gorges” of 209 km long is just located in the upper stream of the River. The middle and lower Yangtze River areas have a warm and humid climate, plentiful rainy and fertile soil, making them important agricultural regions. The Yellow River valley was one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization. It has lush pasturelands along its banks, flourishing agriculture and abundant mineral deposits. Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake, located on the southern bank of the Yangtze River in Province. Poyang Lake is rich in aquatic plants, which create a hospitable environment for many rare species of freshwater fish. In addition, many kinds of rare birds are attracted to the lake, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers. Poyang Lake is a resplendent pearl on the vast Chinese territory. Hangzhou is famous for its , an area of striking beauty. Covering 5.66 square kilometers, the West Lake is about 1.5 meters deep on an average. Tourists are most interested in the Three Ponds Reflecting the Moon. Three stone pagodas are graceful in rippling the lake. Each pagoda has five round openings. At the Mid-Autumn moonlight night, if lamp candles are lighted in each tower and the mouth of the hole is coverd by tissue, lamplight sends out through the tissue, just like the round moon. Wait until bright moon passes overhead, the moonlight, lighting and silver lake enhance each other’s beauty. Moonlight shadow, tower shadow and cloudy shadow show up their advantages mutually. The reflection on the lake gives the illusion that many moons are dancing on the surface of water.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How have geographers divided China’s rivers into two types?

2. How is the largest river in China? How long is it?

3. What was one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization?

4. What is the largest freshwater lake? Where is it located?

151 旅游实务英语

5. How is the Three Ponds Reflecting the Moon formed?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Why is Guilin a famous cultural city with a long history?

2. What differences are there about Gulin’s sightseeing between fine day and rainy day?

3. What are the basic characters of Guilin landscape?

4. What are features of Guilin’s city?

5. Why is the hundred-kilometer Li River called the hundred-kilometer gallery?

II. Translate the following passage into English. 一起飞吧!飞跃蓝天,纵情山水间 阳朔风光以秀美闻名天下,清江绕成过,碧峰环城立,然而只身处其中而不能尽揽 其貌的感叹也实为一种遗憾!桂林阳朔飞翔热气球俱乐部为此特意推出了搭乘热气球高 空观览风光的飞行活动,乘上热气球,周边风光尽收眼下,尽情欣赏阳朔风光。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Safety Regulations Though hot balloon is known as one of the safest sport in the world. Please note that the tourists in followings condition are not recommend to take part in: (a) Heart disease; (b) Epileptic; (c) Pregnant more than 4 months; (d) Alcohol or drunken one; (e) Bad physical and spiritual condition.

2. Others (a) The flight of hot Balloon is subject to the weather condition, during the flight, the pilot has the right to stop the flight if the weather condition is not proper to fly or the guest is not adapted to it. (b) If the weather condition is out of the safe range of flying, all advance payment will be refund. 152 Module Two Sightseeing Service

(c) The payment is not refundable if the guest cancels the fight without any acceptable reason. (d) For the sake of safety, please in casual clothes when taking balloon.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Guide, T=Tourists) G: Look, .(这就是象鼻山) T: Fantastic, .(它真的象一头大象呢。) G: Yes, Elephant Trunk Hill is a rock hill by the river, but it naturally has a big hole in it, (这就使山的外观酷似一头用鼻吸水的 大象). T: Yes. .(真神奇) G: Sure, it’s interesting (当地人建了一个塔)on the elephant’s back in ancient times. T: They are (它们是很和谐的景色).

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154 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Eleven 11 Forest Parks in China

Proverb As long as the green hills last, there will always be wood to burn.

Introduction At present, there are more than 800 forest parks all over the country, covering the total area of 720 hectares. There are lots of famous State Forest Parks in China. One of them is Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. It was opened to the public in 1982. It is China’s first State Forest Park listed into the World Cultural & Natural Heritages by UNESCO. It has well-preserved natural ecological environment and strangely-shaped mountains. Mount Emei is also a famous forest park in China. According to the legend, it is the place where Samantabhadra lived. Mt Emei is one of the four sacred mountains of Buddhism in China, and a world famous site of tourism, with miraculous view for each of its hills and a surprise every few steps. Mount Emei is rich in plant resources and completes in types of vegetation, where it preserves the most intact virgin vegetation of the subtropical alpine area. There are about 3 500 species of plant. Mount-Taibai National Forest Park in Shanxi province, is the highest peak of Qinling Mountain Range, and the highest forest park in China. It is known as “a natural geology museum” for its intact geo-tectonics and varied rocks. It is estimated that these forest parks in China host more than 10 million tourists every year. These parks have achieved great benefit both socially and economically for our country.

Discussion 1. What do you think of forest areas all over the country? 2. Why is Mount-Taibai National Forest Park in Shanxi Province known as “a natural geology museum”?

155 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

A Trip to Shaoshan in Hunan

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Ladies and gentlemen! Good morning. On behalf of Shaoshan Travel Service, welcome to Shaoshan, Mao Zedong’s Former Residence. My name is Li Ming and I shall be your local guide. I will do my best to make your stay in Shaoshan pleasant and enjoyable. T: Good Morning, Mr. Li! Can you introduce Mao Zedong’s life briefly? G: Of course. Mao Zedong was the great leader of the Chinese people. Under his leadership, the Chinese people drove out the Japanese imperialists, overthrew the government of Kuomintang, established the new China, the People’s Republic of China. Since then, the Chinese people have become their own masters. T: Shaoshan is famous because of Chairman Mao, isn’t it? G: Yes. Shaoshan is the birthplace of our leader Chairman Mao, listed as one of the four sacred cradles of the Chinese revolution. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, millions of visitors came from the mainland, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan of China, and leaders of dozens of countries. People come all the way from every corner of the world to recall the eventful life of Chairman Mao as well as to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Shaoshan as a holy place. T: What can I visit here? G: First of all, you can visit Chairman Mao’s former residence. T: Can you introduce his residence? G: OK. At the foot of a vivid hill stands Chairman Mao’s former residence. It is a common cottage of South China, simple structure with a single-eave roof that is covered with small black tiles. The residence is a sure sign of Chairman Mao’s humble birth. T: What kinds of exhibits are on display? G: All exhibits are depicting Chairman Mao’s life in those years. 156 Module Two Sightseeing Service

T: Can I see anything more? G: You can also visit Shanshan Square and Water-Dropping Cave. T: Where are they? G: Half a kilometer from the cottage is the central square of the whole tourist destination. In its south-west towers is the copper statue of Mao in his fifties. To the east of the statue stands the Ancestral Hall of the Mao Family. Beside the hall is Mao Zedong Museum. About 3.5 kilometers west of the square is Water-Dropping Cave. T: Water-Dropping Cave? Is it said that it is a mysterious place where Chairman Mao stayed for 10 days in 1966? G: Yes. In fact, it is a long cavernous valley sharply narrowed by green hills and leisurely drained by a babbling stream. It is a tranquil summer resort.

New Words and Expressions

1. enjoyable adj. 快乐的;令人愉快的 2. holy adj. 圣洁的,神圣的;至善的 ;n. 神圣的东西 ;(俚)太棒了 3. cradle n. 摇篮;发源地;发祥地;支船架 ;vt. 抚育;把……搁在支架上;把……放 在摇篮内 4. eventful adj. 多事的;重要的;多变故的;重大的 5. leadership n. 领导能力;领导阶层 6. residence n. 住宅,住处;居住 7. drive out 驱赶;开车外出 8. imperialism n. 帝国主义 9. overthrow n. 推翻;倾覆;瓦解 ;vt. 推翻;打倒;倾覆 10. establish vt. 建立;创办;安置 ;vi. 植物定植 11. On behalf of 代表 12. mysterious adj. 神秘的;不可思议的;难解的 13. cavernous adj. 似巨穴的;洞穴状的;凹状的;瓮声的 14. narrow adj. 狭窄的,有限的;勉强的;精密的;度量小的 ;n. 海峡;狭窄部分, 隘路 ;vt. 使变狭窄 ;vi. 变窄 15. destination n. 目的地,终点 16. drain vi. 排水;流干;vt. 喝光,耗尽;使流出;排掉水;n. 排水;下水道,排水 管;消耗 17. babble vi. 喋喋不休;呀呀学语;作潺潺声;vt. 含糊不清地说;泄露;n. 含糊不清 的话;胡言乱语;潺潺声 18. tranquil adj. 安静的,平静的;安宁的;稳定的 19. leisurely adj. 悠闲的;从容的 ;adv. 悠闲地;从容不迫地 20. eave n. 屋檐 157 旅游实务英语

21. ancestral adj. 祖先的;祖传的 22. ancestral hall 宗祠;祠堂 23. Shaoshan Travel Service 韶山旅行社 24. People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国 25. Mao Zedong’s Former Residence 毛泽东故居 26. Water-Dropping Cave 滴水洞 27. the government of Kuomintang 国民党政府

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

Huangshi Village

Ladies and Gentlemen: Now, we’ve arrived at the middle of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. This is the Huangshi Village, whose original name is Huangsi village. It is also called Yellow Lion Village. The village is the largest viewing terrace for most of the scenes. Walking along the Huangshi Village, you will feel the mountain peaks are below your feet, and all the peculiar landscapes are within your eyes. Therefore, there is a saying: “If you went to Zhangjiajie but didn’t climb the Huangshi Village, then all the scenic spots you visited will be meaningless”. Two walkways lead up to the village from the south and the north. Let’s walk along the south walkway where there are lots of wonders. Now, please look at the facing mountain on the right. On the top of a west facing cliff rises up a round pillar of about 20m high, precipitous on the sides but flat at its top, where five green pines surround a cubic rock about 3 m long, 1.5 m wide and 0.8 m. thick, over lapped again by a stone cover, half on the cubic rock, half overhang. The legends say that hidden in the box are the three volumes magic books by Huangshi, Zhang Liang’s master. Folks say Emperor Xiang deserted these; therefore they are called Treasure Box of Celestial Books. Everyone look ahead. A peak soars up for hundreds of meters. In rainy days the valley mist and fog rolls like a tough sea, while the peak stands firm right in the gushes. About 100 m west of it, another peak resembles a monkey head at the top, which seems to be peering into the sea. Together the two peaks complete the familiar story of Monkey King obtaining the magic sea needle as his weapon stick. So the peak is named Magic Sea Needle. Now let us go to look at the lonely peak named South Heaven Pillar because of its location about 120 m up South Heaven Gate. On its top are a few bushes, its middle section is bare craggy and at the bottom it is covered in trees. The round 158 Module Two Sightseeing Service peak seems to be propping up the sky in the above while rooting deep in the ground at the other end. This is really a miraculous work of nature. Now, we arrived at the easternmost of Yellow Lion Village. Look at the ridge projects out for about 100 m, and the two sandstone rocks at the end overlap each other into a perfect viewing platform. In the night of bright moonlight, the platform seems so close to the sky that it is easy to pick the stars. So it was named Star Picking Stand. Please follow me. Now Let’s look at the man-made scenic spot, called Six Wonders Pavilion. This three-storey pavilion is at the summit of Yellow Lion Village mountain, so named in honor of the six wonders of Zhangjiajie, namely the wonders of the mountains, the waters, the clouds, the rocks, the trees, and the variety of rare animals. It is the best viewing spot in Yellow Lion Village. It is time to say goodbye. I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide again.

New Words and Expressions

1. meaningless adj. 没有意义的;没有价值的 2. terrace n. 平台;梯田;阳台;adj.(女服)叠层式的;vt. 使成梯田,使成阶地;使 有平台屋顶;vi. 成阶地;成梯田;筑成坛 3. terraced adj. 成排的;成行的 4. peculiar adj. 奇怪的;不寻常的 5. pillar n. 柱子;栋梁 6. precipitous adj. 险峻的;陡峭的 7. cubic adj. 立方形的,立方体的 8. lap v. 舔食 9. desert v. 抛弃;擅离 10. gush n. 涌流 11. celestial adj. 天的;天空的;天堂的 12. resemble v. 象;类似 13. miraculous adj. 奇迹般的 14. ridge n. 脊;狭长的隆起部分 15. a mountain ridge 山脊 16. crag n. 岩石,峭壁 17. Namely. adv. 也就是说 18. Huangshi Village 黄石寨 Huangsi village 黄丝寨 Yellow Lion Village 黄狮寨 19. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park 张家界国家森林公园 20. Treasure Box of Celestial Books 天书宝匣 21. Magic Sea Needle 定海神针 159 旅游实务英语

22. South Heaven Pillar 南天一柱 23. Star Picking Stand. 摘星台 24. Six Wonders Pavilion 六奇阁


1. If you went to Zhangjiajie but didn’t climb the Huangshi Village, then all the scenic spots you visited will be meaningless”. 不到黄石寨,枉到张家界。 2. On the top of a west facing rises up a round pillar of about 20m high, precipitous on the sides but flat at its top, where five green pines surround a cubic rock about 3m long, 1.5m wide and 0.8m. thick, over lapped again by a stone cover, half on the cubic rock, half overhang. 在 一座西向而立的石壁之上,兀立一座高约 20 多米的圆形主柱,四周陡峭,顶端有一平台, 其上有五棵青松,一块长约 3 米,宽 1.5 米,厚约 80 厘米的匣型石块,上面覆盖一石盖, 一半盖于其上,一半悬空。 3. In rainy days the valley mist and fog rolls like a tough sea, while the peak stands firm right in the gushes. 阴雨时谷内云翻雾涌,似波涛汹涌的大海,而此峰岿然屹立在云海中。 4. In the night of bright moonlight, the platform seems so close to the sky that it is easy to pick the stars. 每当浩月当空时,立于平台上,满天星斗似伸手可摘。 5. The six wonders of Zhangjiajie, namely the wonders of the mountains, the waters, the clouds, the rocks, the trees, and the variety of rare animals. 张家界有六大奇迹:山奇、水奇、 云奇、石奇、树奇及珍禽异兽之奇。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Natural Criteria

A natural heritage property as defined in Article 2 of the Convention which is submitted for inclusion in the World Heritage List will be considered to be of outstanding universal value for the purposes of the Convention when the Committee finds that it meets one or more of the following criteria specified by Operational Guidelines and fulfilling the conditions of integrity set out below. Sites nominated should: i. Be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth’s history, including the record of life, significant on-going geological processes in the development of landforms, or significant geomorphic or physiographic features; or ii. Be outstanding examples representing significant on-going ecological and biological 160 Module Two Sightseeing Service processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, , coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of plants and animals; or iii. Contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance; or iv. Contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in site conservation of biological diversity, including those containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation.

Exercises: 1. When will a natural heritage property be considered to be of outstanding universal value?

2. How do people evaluate universal value containing the most important and significant natural habitats for in site conservation of biological diversity?

Part Four Culture

A Holy Place of Buddhism and Daoism in Hunan

South Sacred Mountain, people think it “The best beautiful mountain of five famous sacred mountains” and “Chinese Life Mountain”. From distance, clouds involved the mountains with the jagged peaks. Near, all kinds of flowers and trees grow luxuriantly. People often say, “There are different views in five miles. There are different worlds in ten miles”. A myriad of scenic spots is fantastic here. Main scenic spots are the four wonders of Heng Mountain: The beauty of the Sutra Palace, the depth of the Fangguang Temple, the height of Zhurong Peak and the wonder of Water Curtain Cave. People often say, “There are more monks on famous mountains”. Heng Mountain is not only the famous mountain of scenic spots. Buddhist and Taoist deities are often honored together in the same mountain. According to the record, there are lots of famous persons secluding in Hunan. Wei Huacun, a noted woman Taoist in the Eastern Jin dynasty, practiced Taoist doctrines here for 16 years in the Yellow Courtyard Taoist Monastery as “the first lady of the south sacred mountain”. The Sacred Mountain, a major cradle of a branch of the Zen Sect, also occupies an important position in the long history of Chinese Buddhism. Scattered all over the Mountain are magnificent Buddhist temples. The Grand Temple, consists of nine rows four courtyards, eight Taoist monasteries and eight Buddhist temples. Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism coexist peacefully, which is indeed a wonder in the history of religion. The first row is called the Ling Constellation Gate, implying that the memorial ceremonies have always been presided over by great knowledgeable men in the past dynasties. In the middle of the second-level courtyard is 161 旅游实务英语

Imperial Stele Pavilion, the fourth-row building on the central axis of the Great Temple. Inside, there is a green stone stele with several characters “A Record of Rebuilding South Great Temple”. Passing through the pavilion, we come to the fifth-row building, Jiaying Gate, which is the place where local magistrates and monks welcomed high-ranking officials here from the capital. The third-level courtyard behind the Jiaying gate is the main one, which consists of the Building of Imperial Study, Main Palace, Sleeping Quarters and Long Corridor including 58 rooms. Passing by the Building of Imperial Study, we come to the center of the Great Temple-Main Palace, full of scenic spots and wonders. This is Martyr’s Memorial temple, which was built to commemorate the sacrificed in the war against Japan. The temple is just like the constructive style of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing. The temple is divided into five parts: Memorial Archway, Memorial Monument, Memorial Hall, Saluting Stele and Honor Hall. There are five Chinese golden characters, “Nanyue Martyr’s Memorial Temple”. If you are standing in the center of the square, you must be attracted by the sculpture, called “July 7th Memorial Tower”. It consists of 5 shells, representing 5 nationalities: Han, Manchu, Mongols, Huis and Tibetan nationalities. After the Lugouqiao Incident on July 71 937 broke out, Chinese people shared bitter hatred of the enemy and fought dauntlessly and unflinchingly against Japanese aggression to win the victory. Now, what we can see is Memorial Hall, in the middle of which is standing a white Marble Stele, engraved “A Record of Nanyue Memorial Hall” introducing historical backgrounds and experiences. If you go upward step by step, you can see the main building here—Honor Hall. Over its gate hangs a horizontal tablet inscribed with the golden words, “Martyrs’ Memorial Temple” written in Jiang Jieshi’s handwriting. Now we come to the highest one of 72 peaks-Zhurong Peak, 1 290 meters above sea level. Standing here to watch the views, you can relax yourself and feel happy. I hope everything here gives your beautiful memories.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What are main proverbs?

2. What are main scenic spots in the scenic area?

3. What are the four wonders of Heng Mountain?

4. What does the Grand Temple consist of?

5. What do 5 shells on July 7 th Memorial Tower represent?

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Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. What is the proverb on Huangshi village?

2. Where is the largest viewing terrace located for the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park?

3. What legends are there on Treasure Box of Celestial Books?

4. Why do the people call two peaks Magic Sea Needle?

5. Why was a viewing platform named Star Picking Stand?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 长春素有“森林之城”的美称?

2. 长白山区最著名的火山口湖是美丽的天池。

3. 天山和天池是最好的观赏地。

4. 今天的西双版纳不仅是一个闻名遐迩的自然动物园,而且还享有“植物王国皇冠上的 一颗明珠”的美称。

5. 湖北省的神农架原始森林吸引着生态旅游者。

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 1. Wudalianchi Geopark in is situated in ’s Heilongjiang Province, the geopark has best-preserved volcanic scenery in China in addition to abundant mineral water springs. The Wudalianchi National Forest Park has the most complete preservation, the most typical, the latest volcanic group, and were known as “the volcano museum.

2. Going to the forest for holiday has already become a favorite activity of people. People in big cities for long time can not only enjoy the beauty of the nature, but also build their body and nourish their mind. Going back to the nature and back to the forest is a trend of the travel in the world today. Primitive forest is one of the best attractions. The air in forest is fresh, moreover the aroma of the woods and flowers is fascinating. Walking around in forest 163 旅游实务英语

can make you feel very comfortable.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. G: Now we are standing before Yueyang Tower. What do you think of the tower? T: (真宏伟呀!) G: It is titled one of the top three towers in the South China. T: When was it built? G: It was first built in 716 in Tang Dynasty and .(在 1867 年按唐代风格重建) T: It is three stories. ?(它有多高呢?) G: It is 19.72 meters high,17.24 meters wide and .(深 14.54 米) T: What was it used for? G: (据说是用来训练水军的,but now it’s a good place to bird-watch . T: Now let’s climb up to watch the lake.

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Unit Twelve 12 Special Administrative Region in China

Proverb On festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones far away.

Introduction Special administrative region is established within the scope of the People’s Republic of China according to the constitution. Citizens in the areas enjoy special legal status, the capitalist system and its way of life within the local administrative region. Special administrative region of China is used for solving problems left over by history in China including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The establishment of special local administrative region formed one of the features of the unitary system of China. It is a Marxist theory that was applied creatively under concrete environment in China. The establishment of special administrative region is helpful for Hong Kong and Macao to maintain the prosperity and stability. The provision to establish special administrative regions appeared in the constitution in 1982. It was envisioned as the model for the eventual reunification with Taiwan and other islands. Special administrative regions should not be confused with special economic zones, which are the application of special economic laws to promote the development of trade and investments.

Discussion 1. Why did Chinese people establish special administrative region?

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2. What differences are there between special administrative region and special economic zones?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Touring Macao

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Welcome to Macao! Can I help you? T: Can you introduce Macao briefly? G: Macao is called as “an oriental gem”. It is also called the Las Vegas or Monte Carlo of the east. T: What language do they speak? G: Portuguese and Chinese are the two official languages in Macao. T: I want to visit Macao. Could you tell me where the most attractive places are in Macao? G: Well, two spots are for you to tour mostly. T: What are they? G: Ruin of St. Paulo Church and A-Ma Temple. T: Where are they located? G: The ruin of St. Paulo Church is located on top of St. Paul’s Hill. A-Ma Temple is situated on the southwest tip of the Macau Peninsula. T: Why are they worth visiting? G: The ruin of St. Paulo Church is not only the largest Catholic Church in the Far East, but also the first Western University, and many Western missionaries come to study Catholicism. Moreover, it is Macao’s most famous landmark. T: What about A-Ma Temple? G: A-Ma Temple is one of the oldest and most famous Taoist temples in Macau. T: When was the temple built? G: It was built in 1488. T: Why is the temple built? G: It is dedicated to Matsu, the goddess of seafarers and fishermen. T: I must go to visit them. Thank you very much.

New Words and Expressions

1. Portuguese n. 葡萄牙语;葡萄牙人;adj. 葡萄牙的;葡萄牙人的;葡萄牙语的 2. missionary n. 传教士;adj. 传教的,传教士的 3. Catholic n. 天主教徒,罗马天主教;adj. 天主教的 166 Module Two Sightseeing Service

4. Catholicism n. 天主教;天主教义 5. Taoist temple 道观 6. seafarer n. 船员,航海家 7. dedicated adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的;v. 以……奉献;把……用于(dedicate 的过 去式和过去分词) 8. Peninsula n.半岛 9. missionary n. 传教士;adj. 传教的;传教士的 10. landmark n. 陆标,地标;里程碑;地界标;划时代的事


1. Macao 澳门是中华人民共和国两个特别行政区之一,位于中国东南沿海的珠江三 角洲西侧,由澳门半岛、氹仔岛、路环岛和路氹城四部分组成,在总面积共 23.8 平方公 里,在那里生活了 50 余万人,这也使澳门成为全球人口密度最高的地区。澳门北与广 东省的珠海市拱北连接;西与同属珠海市的湾仔和横琴对望。东面则与另一个特别行政 区——香港相距 60 公里。澳门是“世界四大赌城”之一。从明朝开始被葡萄牙人逐渐侵 占。直至 1999 年 12 月 20 日中华人民共和国政府恢复对澳门行使主权,成立澳门特别行 政区。 2. Las Vegas 拉斯维加斯是美国内华达州最大的城市,有着以赌博业为中心庞大的旅 游、购物、度假产业,是世界知名的度假地之一。2005 年人口普查局的官方数字为 59 万 1 536 人。自 1909 年起,拉斯维加斯就是克拉克县的县行政中心。此城的都会区人口 为 191 万 2 654 人。 3. Monte Carlo 蒙特卡洛是摩纳哥大公国的一个地区 Monte-Carlo 一词来源于意大利 语,是为了纪念王子摩纳哥查理三世,此称呼最早始于 1866 年。蒙地卡罗是个赌城,占有 摩纳哥大半国土。 4. A-Ma 妈阁庙为澳门最著名的名胜古迹之一,初建于明弘治元年(1488 年)。原称 妈祖阁,俗称天后庙,位于澳门的东南方。主要建筑有大殿、弘仁殿、观音阁等殿堂。 庙内主要供奉道教女仙妈祖,又称天后娘娘、天妃娘娘,人称其能预言吉凶,常于海上 帮助商人和渔人化险为夷,于是福建人与当地人商议在现址立庙祀奉。2005 年 7 月 15 日,妈阁庙前地在内的澳门历史城区被列入《世界遗产名录》 5. Ruin of St.Paulo’s church 圣保禄大教堂遗址,一般称为大三巴牌坊,是澳门天主之 母教堂。1602 年奠基,1637 年竣工。圣保禄教堂建筑糅合了欧洲文艺复兴时期与东方建 筑的风格而成,教堂前宽阔的 68 级长石阶梯,更突出了卓尔不群的气势和显赫的地位。 圣宝禄教堂建成后,在远东享有盛名,它不仅是远东最大的天主教堂,也是远东第一所 西方大学,许多西方传教士都到此研修天主教义。 6. Matsu n. 马祖岛位于台湾海峡正北方,面临闽江口、连江口和罗源湾,与中国大 陆只有一水之隔,为海运要冲。原分别隶属于福建省连江县、长乐县与罗源县,主要由 南竿岛、北竿岛、高登岛、亮岛、大坵岛、小坵岛、东莒岛、西莒岛、东引岛、西引岛

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Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

A Brief Introduction to Hong Kong Tourism

Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of our travel service, I would like to welcome you, our distinguished guests, to our beautiful Hong Kong. My name is Ma Liang. I will be your guide over the next few days. We will do our very best to make your stay in Hong Kong pleasant and enjoyable. Hong Kong, known as the “Oriental pearl” attracts worldwide attention with the beautiful harbor city. Hongkong means “fragrant seaport”. It is said that in the Ming Dynasty, People in Dongguan, Shemhan and Hong Kong produced a kind of perfume that was on sale in Jiangsu and provinces. At that time, most perfume merchants started off from Hongkong, so people called this seaport “Hongkong” meaning “fragrant port”. Hongkong used to be the name of an island off the eastern port of the Zhujiang River in Province, China. The present Hongkong refers to the district including Hongkong Island, Kowloon, New Territories. It is located at 22°09’N to 22°34’N and 113°50’E to 114°26’E.with a total area of 1 070.12 square kilometers. Today Hong Kong’s population is 6.5 million. Kongkong Island and nearby small islands occupying 79.45 square kilometers were ceded to Britain according to “the Sino-British Nanjing Treaty” signed in 1842. China resumed the sovereignty over Hong Kong at zero hour, July 1, 1997. Hongkong Island is small in the west and large in the east. The land slopes down from north to south. The highest point of the island is Taiping Mountain with an elevation of 554 meters above sea level. Along the north shore, there is a narrow strip of low land, with busy streets including Sheung Wan, Central, Wanchai and North Point. Hongkong Island faces Kowloon Peninsula, and between them is Victoria Harbor. Victoria harbor, with its winding coastline, occupies 6 000 ha.and can berth 150 large ships at the same time. At its narrowest point it is only 1.2 kilometers wide and at its widest 9.6 kilometers. Large oceangoing ships can enter and exit the seaport freely. The harbor has three entrances and within it has 3 bays and 2 havens. Kowloon provides a natural barrier allowing Victoria Harbor to be unruffled and ice-free all year round. Victoria Harbor, with such favorable conditions, is a world-famous deep water port. Victoria Harbor is an important hub of 168 Module Two Sightseeing Service sea transportation in the far East. Hongkong is the only entire pot and the gateway for shipping between south China and Europe, America, Japan, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Kowloon, lying opposite Hongkong Island, has nine mountains. The mountains rise and fall just like nine flying dragons, hence named Kowloon. The transportation between Hongkong Island and Kowloon depended on the ferry in the past, but now a submarine channel and subway have opened. New Territories, formerly North Kowloon, is north of Boundary Street and south of the Shenzhen River. In June, 1898, Britain forced the Qing Dynasty government to sign a special treaty to lease North Kowloon for 99 years. From then on this area was called the New Territories. It occupies 740.6 square kilometers, making up 70 percent of the total area of Hongkong. Hongkong’s 7 new towns, main factories, the main part of the Kowloon- Railway, four passages connecting with the mainland, a container terminal and Hongkong University are all here. Sixty percent of Hongkong’s people are living here. Hong Kong is reputed as an international financial, trading, shipping, tourism and free port. Tourism has been a pillar of Hong Kong’s economy for decades. I hope that your visit to Hong Kong will be an memorable experience. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. See you at lunch time.

New Words and Expressions

1. distinguished adj. 尊敬的,著名的;卓著的;高贵的 2. perfume n. 香水;香味 3. fragrant adj. 芳香的;愉快的 4. cede v. 割让 5. elevation n. 高度;海拔 6. haven n. 港口;船舶抛锚处 7. unruffled adj. 平静的 8. hub n. 中心 9. entrepot n. 贸易中心;仓库,货物集散地 10. ferry n. 摆渡,渡船 11. submarine adj. 水下的,海底的 12. Boundary Street 中英街 13. lease v. 出租 14. container n. 集装箱 15. terminal n. 终点;总站

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1. Hongkong Island 香港岛简称港岛或香港,面积约 78.40 平方公里,是香港的主要 岛屿,也是香港第二大岛屿。香港岛是香港开埠最早发展的地区,岛上有香港的商业和 政治中心。香港岛上最高的山峰是太平山,海拔 554 米。而广义上的香港岛地区,亦包 括鸭脷洲、大小青洲、熨波洲、银洲等附属岛屿。 2. Kowloon 九龙(英语:Kowloon),地理上称为九龙半岛,为香港的三大区域之一, 是除了香港岛以外市区的主要组成部份。九龙半岛东南西三面被维多利亚港包围。过去 由于英国与中国的租约问题,曾一度分为“九龙”(即界限街以南)与“新九龙”(即 界限街以北、狮子山以南)两部份。但自从中英谈判使香港的前途明朗化,“新九龙” 这种划分已经不再有意义,所以现时两地都一并称为“九龙”。不过,现时部分位于新九 龙的物业跟新界物业一样,须向香港特区政府缴交地租。 3. New Territories 新界,是香港四大地理分区之一,香港地区面积最大的部分,新界 丘陵起伏,是全区地势最高的地方,海拔 957 米的大雾山为最高峰。1898 年 6 月 9 日, 清政府将新界租借给英国。根据 2001 年香港人口普查,新界人口总数为 3 343 046,占全 港人口 49.8%。 4. Nanjing Treat 南京条约是近代西方资本主义国家强加在中国人民身上的第一个不平 等条约。英国以武力侵略的方式迫使中国接受其侵略要求,这就使中国主权国家的独立地 位遭到了破坏。强占香港通商口岸成为西方资本主义对中国进行殖民掠夺和不等价交换的 中心。巨额赔偿加重了清政府的财政负担,同时转嫁到劳动人民的身上。条约签订后,相 继强迫清政府签订了一系列不平等条约。从此,中国逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会。 5. Sheung Wan 上环位于香港港岛中西区的北部,东起鸭巴甸街,西至威利麻街、南 至坚道。上环是香港的商业区,不少中资企业的办事处设在该区。上环也是香港的海味 及中药的集散地。中药店有“南北行”之称;海味店则集中在德辅道西一带,老一辈称 呼该区为“三角码头”。 6. Central 中环是香港中西区的一个地名,又称中区(Central)。是香港的政治及商业 中心。香港的政府总部、立法会大楼、终审法院,以及前港督府(现称礼宾府)都位于 中环,中环和上环一样是通往赤鱲角、元朗、屯门和边界之主要社区。 7. Wanchai 湾仔(香港地区)位于香港岛北岸中央位置,是一个新旧并存的独特社区, 揉合旧传统与新发展的精粹,亦是香港历史最悠久和最富传统文化特色的地区之一。 8. North Point 北角位于香港东区,也是香港岛最北的地区,在未填海时曾为一个海 角。区内主要为住宅区,然而近年亦有不少大型商业大厦落成。由于为数不少的福建人 聚居于此,故有“小福建”的称号。 9. Victoria Harbor 维多利亚港位于维多利亚海峡近岸,港区海底多为岩石星底,泥沙 少,航道无淤积。水域总面积达 59 平方千米,可以停泊远洋巨轮。维多利亚港湾地处香 港岛与九龙半岛之间,维多利亚港湾这里港阔水深,自然条件得天独厚。

170 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Part Three Supplementary Readings


Macao is one of the two special administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China, located in the west of the Pearl River Delta on the southeast coast in China. It is made up of four parts: Macao peninsula, islands of taipa and Coloane and road taipa island city, covering 23.8 square kilometers. More than 500 thousand people lived there, which makes Macao become one of the areas with the highest density in global population. The north of Macao is connected with Zhuhai City in Guangdong province. The West faces Wan Chai and Hengqin. The east is 60 kilometers from a special administrative region—Hong Kong. Macao is “one of the world’s four big Las Vegas”. The famous textile, toys, tourism, hotels and casinos are made in Macao. Therefore, Macao is one of the world’s richest cities. Macao city history or Macao history ancient city (old say the buildings), is the history of the Macao peninsula, 22 seat of the buildings and the adjacent eight of the dancers, to old up as the core of the historical block. The city in the history of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization of the world heritage committee on July 15, 2005, a meeting on 21 members unanimously through formal, was listed on the world cultural heritage list”, for the Chinese 31 world heritage sites Apart from being a renowned tourist spot, Macao also boasts a relatively new deep-water port. President of Portugal appointed Macao’s governor before December 20, 1999. However, the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration, signed in 1987, stipulated the creation of the Macao Special Administrative Region in 1999 under Chinese control, in line with the principle of: “One country, two systems”. As with Hong Kong, Macao as an autonomous region will keep intact its current social and economic systems and way of life. The Basic Law stipulates that “the Macao Special Administrative Region will be granted a high level of autonomy and independent executive, legislative and judicial powers, including that of final adjudication.” Macao’s population is estimated at approximately 450 000, about 95 percent of whom are Chinese, the rest being Portuguese and and people from other parts of the world. Portuguese and Chinese are the two official languages, with the Cantonese dialect its most widely spoken form. English is Macao’s third language and is widely used in trade, tourism and commerce. This sculpture in front of the ruins of Sain Paul Church in Macao illustrates the friendship between the Portuguese and Chinese. The lotus represents Macao. Macao is a free harbor with low tax systems and it has the advantage of neighboring Pearl River Delta, the richest part of Guangdong Province. Many people call Macao “an oriental gem”. Construction of “Lotus Flower Bridge” after the symbol on the flag of Macao Special Administrative Region connecting Macao’s Taipa Island and Zhuhai’s Hengqin Island began on 171 旅游实务英语

June 29, 1998 and was completed about 15 months. The bridge helps improve Macao’s outward land transportation conditions and facilitate the development of Macao’s inlands and Zhuhai’s Hengqin Island.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What are the two special administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China?

2. What is Macao made up of?

3. What language do Macanese speak?

4. When did China recover its sovereignty over Macao?

5. What advantage is there on Lotus Flower Bridge?

Part Four Culture


When you enter some cultural scenic areas in China, you often see some figures of dragons. Some are carved, some are painted or inlaid, while others are cast or molded. The dragons figures appear on the beams, tiles, ridges steles and in the yard, on bells, altars especially in imperial palace. The dragon is an auspicious figure in China. It was the Chinese totem. Chinese call themselves the offspring of dragons. Dragons are particularly popular in China and the five-clawed dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors, while the mythical bird was the symbol of the Chinese empress. Shape on dragon Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern. Following discovery of how pterosaurs walked on the ground, some dragons have been portrayed without front legs and using the wings as front legs pterosaur-fashion when on the ground. European dragons are more often winged, while 172 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Chinese dragons resemble large snakes. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more. As depicted in the Nine Dragon Screen in Beijing’s Behai Park, it is 5 meters high, 27 meters long and 1.2 meters thick. The Chinese character for dragon can be found in the oracle-bone inscriptions unearthed from the Yin ruins in . It has four forms—the original complex form and three simplified ones. Both its original complex and simplified forms look like a wriggling animal with horns, a big mouth and body veins. The book Classic of Mountains and Rivers describes it as having a snake-like body and a human face, living at the foot of Zhongshan Mountain. In Shen Nong’s Materia Media, a lizard is described as a stone dragon and a dead snake’s outer skin as a dragon robe. It can thus be seen that the imaginary dragon was like a snake or a lizard. Species on dragon There are lots of records in ancient Chinese books. One says, “The dragon is at the head of the four supernatural creatures(dragon, tortoise, phoenix and fish). It can become small or large, short or long, ascends to heaven after the spring equinox (the fourth solar term) and dives into the water after the autumn equinox(the sixteenth solar term).As the dragon was a divine creature, so another record says, legendary immortals (神仙)and emperors always rode a dragon when traveling or during an inspection tour. Still another says, “A dragon with scales is called Jiao-dragon, one with wings is Ying-dragon, one with horns is Qiu-dragon, and one without horns is Chi-dragon.” There were 185 Dragon Kings in the dragon world that could create wind and rain. The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas are the four Dragon Kings depicted in the classical novel Journey to the West. In another classical novel, said: “A dragon can be large or small; a large dragon can soar to the clouds while a small dragon can disappear into the water”. Connotation on Dragon There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries. The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. In many Asian cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some legends, they could speak human speech.

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Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. How are the figures on dragons made in China?

2. What was the symbol of the Chinese empress?

3. Can you describe the dragon in the Nine Dragon Screen in Beijing’s Behai Park?

4. How did the European dragon derive?

5. What relations are there between the European dragon and the Chinese dragon?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Why did people call this seaport “Hong Kong”?

2. When was “the Sino-British Nanjing Treaty” signed?

3. When did China resume the sovereignty over Hong Kong?

4. Why did people call the island Kowloon?

5. What is Hong Kong reputed as?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 中葡联合申明于 1987 年签署。

2. 中国从 1997 年 7 月 1 日零时起对香港恢复行使主权。

3. 香港有世界上最高的露天铜佛。

4. 紫荆花是香港的象征。

5.《澳门基本法》保证澳门娱乐业在 1999 年以后不会改变。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Travel and tourism, as a social phenomena, has existed since ancient times. According to 174 Module Two Sightseeing Service

historians on internationalized tourism the act originated in ancient Egypt more than 3 500 years ago. At that time, the Egyptian Queen visited the region of today’s Somalia in high spirits.

2. Since 1950s, the annual growth rate of tourism has been 7 percent, exceeding 3 percent of the world economic growth of the same period. In the beginning of 1990s, the world tourism revenue surpassed that of petroleum and automobile industries, ranking Number One industry in the World.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Guide; T=Tourists) G: Welcome to Hong Kong! ?(你认为香港怎 么样?) T: I think that .(香港是世界上最现代、最具有动感的 城市) G: I think so too. .(香港以金融、贸易、运 输和旅游而著名) T: It is said that (香港是四大黄金市场之 一). Is it right? G: It is right. It is just like London, New York and Zurich. T: How often does the plane take off at Kai Tak International Airport of Hong Kong. G: .(每三分钟一次) T: It is very convenient.

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176 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Thirteen 13 Travel Abroad I

Proverb It is in life as in a journey.

Introduction Travel is very exciting to visit different places and communicate with different culture and meet people with different colors and races. More and more people are tempted to leave their homes to see more of the world. People travel for many reasons. Perhaps the most common one is traveling for pleasure. It is an effective way to get your mind off your work. When you return, you are fresh and energetic and ready to work harder. Travel is also one of the best means for learning. One may have heard or read about something, but the knowledge obtained from actual experience is more valuable than that obtained from books.

Discussion 1. Why is travel very exciting? 2. Why are more and more people tempted to leave their homes to see more of the world?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Discussing Travel Plan in Houston

(T=Tourist; G=Guide) G: Ladies and Gentlemen! We will arrive in Houston soon. Houston is the fourth largest city in

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the country. It is located in the southeast Texas gulf of Mexico, the upper portion of the plain here, 80 miles (kilometers) from the gulf of Mexico, in 49 feet (14.94 meters). T: What do you think of main economy? G: The city is the industrial center of the southwest and it is among the fastest growing major cities in the USA. It is also the center of the petrochemical industry and an important refinery center in the country. T: Is Houston a difficult city to find your way around in? G: That’s true. It was built with no master plan, and most of its streets are jumbled together with little continuities. But for the visitor, things aren’t so bad. Most of the main attractions are not far off the freeways or other main arteries. T: Can you introduce the layout of Houston’s freeways? G: Of course. To understand the layout of Houston’s freeways, it’s best to picture a spider web with several lines radiating out from the center, which are connected to each other by two concentric circles. T: Thank you very much. With these basic knowledge, we can keep our bearings and get from one place to another. Can you arrange a trip for us? G: Yes, of course. A tour of southeast Houston will take you to the Orange Show; the boat trip on the Ship Channel; a visit to the Battleship Texas; and the wonders of Space Center Houston. After that there’s a visit to shopping center for amusement in Kemah or a trip to the beach or to Moody Gardens in Galveston. T: That sounds good. But I want to visit some museums. G: A tour of south of downtown will take you to visit the Museum District, which includes the Children’s Museum, the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and the Museum of Health & Medical Science. And, of course, there’s Houston Zoological Gardens, which has a special children’s zoo that explores the different ecological zones of Texas. To the north is a water park, and to the southwest is the George Ranch Historical Park, a pasture you can enjoy cowboy culture. T: Oh, that’s great. Thank you for your information. G: You are welcome. I will meet you at the lobby on the ground floor at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.

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New Words and Expressions

1. portion n. 部分;一份;命运;vt. 分配;给……嫁妆 2. plain adj. 平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的;n. 平原;朴实无华的东西;adv. 清楚地; 平易地 3. industrial adj. 工业的,产业的;从事工业的;供工业用的;来自勤劳的;n. 工业股 票;工业工人 4. petrochemical adj. 石化的;n. 石油化学产品 5. refinery n. 精炼厂;提炼厂;冶炼厂 6. continuity n. 连续性;一连串;分镜头剧本 7. attraction n. 吸引,吸引力;引力;吸引人的事物 8. freeway n. 高速公路 9. arteries n. 动脉(artery 的复数);v. 给……提供动脉(artery 的单数第三人称) 10. radiating adj. [物]辐射的;v. 辐射(radiate 的 ing 形式) 11. concentric circles 同心圆 12. bear vi. 承受;结果实;vt. 忍受;具有;支撑;n. 熊 13. layout n. 布局;设计;安排;陈列 14. Ship Channel 航道 15. Battleship n. (美)战舰 16. Kemah n. 凯尔德 17. Galveston n. 加尔维斯顿(港口城市名,位于美国得克萨斯州东南部) 18. downtown adv. 往闹市区;在市区;adj. 市中心的;n. 市中心区;[篮球]三分线以外 19. Children’s Museum 儿童博物馆 20. the Museum of Natural Science 自然科学博物馆 21. the Museum of Health and Medical Science. 健康与医学科学博物馆 22. Zoological Gardens 动物园 23. ecological adj. 生态的,生态学的 24. zone n. 地带;地区;[体]联防;vi. 分成区;vt. 使分成地带;环绕 25. the George Ranch Historical Park 乔治牧场历史公园 26. pasture n. 草地;牧场;牧草;vt. 放牧;吃草 27. cowboy n. 牛仔;牧童;莽撞的人


1. Houston n. 休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市)美国南方第一大城。全国最大的石油 工业中心和第三大港。位于得克萨斯州东南沿海,加尔维斯顿湾西北岸平原上,通过长 80 公里的通海运河与墨西哥湾相连。市区面积 1 440 平方公里,人口 163 万(1990);大 179 旅游实务英语

市区包括哈里斯等 6 县和附近中小城镇,面积 16 278 平方公里。1836 年创建。1914 年因 通往墨西哥湾的休斯敦运河完成以及大规模油田的开发,工业发展迅速。石油炼制和石 油化学工业发展水平很高。 2. gulf of Mexico 墨西哥湾位于北美洲大陆东南沿海水域,部分为陆地环绕。透过佛 罗里达半岛和古巴岛之间的佛罗里达海峡与大西洋相连,并经由犹加敦半岛和古巴之间 的犹加敦海峡与加勒比海相通。这两个海峡均宽约 160 公里(100 里)。 3. Texa 德克萨斯州位于美国南部,为美国第二大州,是一个美国共和党州。 4. Space Center Houston 休斯敦太空中心位于市中心东南,是美国最大的航天研究、 生产及控制中心,担负着设计和制造航天器、选拔和训练宇航员、策划和指挥载人太空 飞行、进行太空科学实验等任务。1969 年“阿波罗”登月就是在这里指挥控制的。 5. Moody Gardens 穆迪花园位于加尔维斯顿(Galveston),是一个集植物园,动物园, 水族馆,科学馆的综合公园,里面还有一个大的全景立体电影放映厅。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

The Yellowstone National Park

Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to the Yellowstone National in the USA, there are many well-known natural scenes and tourist attractions. Yellowstone National Park is the world’s most original national park in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, with most of its area in the northwestern part of Wyoming. The park is one of the oldest national parks in the world and contains the largest

USA wildlife preserve in the United States. It covers an area of about 3 472 square miles, comprising lakes, canyons, rivers and mountain ranges. Moreover, the park is known for its many geothermal wonders. Especially Old Faithful Geyser is one of the most popular areas in the park. The Yellowstone National Park has thousands of hot springs and over 200 geysers. For most visitors, what they are interested in the park are the geysers and hot springs. These are related to the geologically recent volcanic action in the region. After water from the surface encounters unusually hot rock within a few hundred feet of the surface, it is heated and finally turned into steam. This steam returns to the surface, causing the unusual thermal phenomena. Hot springs and geysers may appear. Many of the hot springs have some sort of color. Maybe temperature has also an effect on the color. The Old Faithful is the most famous geyser in the park, erupting more than 100 feet in the air about every 73 minutes. A wide variety of wildlife live in the park including bison, mule deers, bears, mooses, coyotes, pelicans, elks, buffalos, etc. Many people said it was a lifetime experience seeing a wolf in the wild in Yellowstone. Wolves are now the marquee animal in Yellowstone. The buffalo is a famous animal for the Yellowstone Park. In the early 1900s the buffalo became 180 Module Two Sightseeing Service nearly extinct due to the hunters of capture. The Yellowstone Park was the only place where the buffalo could roam and be protected from the hunters. In spring many birds migrate to live and breed here. The vast forests and grasslands also include unique species of plants. In the Yellowstone national Forest Park there is another landscape —Yellowstone River, it is surging out from the Yellow Canyon, runs through the entire Yellowstone National Park and finally arrived in Montana territory. Yellow River passes through mountains and has created the Mysterious Grand Canyon. In the sun, the color of two gorge wall is from yellow to orange as if it were two zigzag ribbons. Because the park is higher, the Yellowstone River and its tributaries have cut deeply into the canyon, forming many falls. It is very spectacular. In the Yellowstone Park there are numerous recreational opportunities, including hiking, camping, boating, fishing and sightseeing. Paved roads provide close access to the major geothermal areas as well as some of the lakes and waterfalls. During the winter, visitors often access the park by way of guided tours that use either snow coaches or snowmobiles.The Yellowstone Lake is a fisherman’s paradise. Fishing is very popular. Trouts are often taken most. Sometimes graylings are also caught. But hunting is not permitted. Yellowstone National Park is the first National Park in the United States. The tourism peak of the park is from May to September every year. Now it is just rush hour. I sincerely wish you a pleasant and comfortable stay and a wonderful vacation here. I will do my best to make everything easy for you.

New Words and Expressions

1. Wyoming n. 怀俄明州 2. Montana n. 蒙达拿州 3. Idaho n. 爱达荷州 4. wildlife n. 野生动植物 5. preserve n. 禁猎地,动植物保护区 6. geyser n. 间隙喷泉 7. geologically adv. 地质学地 8. volcanic adj. 火山的;火山作用的 9. encounter v. 遭遇;遇到;交战 10. thermal adj. 热能的,热量的;温热的 11. phenomena n. 现象 12. erupt v. 喷发 13. trout n. 鳟鱼 14. grayling n. 河鳟 15. bison n. 野牛,欧洲野牛 16. elk n. 糜鹿,角鹿 181 旅游实务英语

17. mule n. 骡子 18. moose n. 糜,驼鹿 19. coyote n. 郊狼,丛林狼 20. pelican n. 塘鹅,鹈鹕 21. buffalo n. 水牛;野牛 22. extinct adj. 绝种的,灭种的;消亡的,消失了的 23. roam v. 漫步,漫游 24. migrate v. 迁移 25. breed v. 繁殖 26. variety n. 多样;种类;杂耍 27. marquee n. 选取框;大天幕;华盖 28. capture n. 捕获;战利品,俘虏;vt. 俘获;夺得 29. roam vt. 在漫步,漫游;在流浪;n. 漫步,漫游;流浪;vi. 漫游,漫步;流浪 30. vast n. 浩瀚;广阔无垠的空间;adj. 广阔的;巨大的;大量的;巨额的 31. unique n. 独一无二的人或物;adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的,独一无二的 32. species n.[生物]物种;种类;adj. 物种上的 33. landscape n. 风景,景色;山水画;vt. 美化……景观;vi. 从事景观美化工作 34. surge n. 大浪;汹涌澎湃;巨涌;vt. 使颠簸;vi. 激增;汹涌 35. canyon n. 峡谷 36. Territory n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图 37. mysterious adj. 神秘的;不可思议的;难解的 38. grand Canyon n.(美)大峡谷 39. gorge n. 峡谷;胃;暴食;咽喉;障碍物;vt. 使吃饱;吞下;vi. 拚命吃 40. zigzag n. 之字形;Z 字形;vt or. vi. 使成之字形;使曲折行进;adj. 曲折的;锯齿 形的;之字形的 41. ribbon n. 带;缎带;绶带;带状物;勋表;vt. 把……撕成条带;用缎带装饰;vi. 形 成带状 42. tributary n. 支流;进贡国;附属国;adj. 纳贡的;附属的;辅助的 43. canyon n. 峡谷 44. spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的;公开展示的 45. Numerous adj. 许多的,很多的 46. recreational adj. 娱乐的,消遣的;休养的 47. hiking n. 徒步旅行 48. camping n. 露营;野营;v. 露营;扎营 49. snowmobile n. 雪上汽车;机动雪橇 50. rush n. 冲进;匆促;急流;灯心草;adj. 急需的;vt. 使冲;突袭;匆忙地做;飞 跃;vi. 冲;奔;闯;赶紧;涌现

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1. The Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家森林公园是世界上最原始最古老的国家公 园。位于西部落基山脉的北部和中部的山间熔岩高原上。公园里有瀑布、温泉和间隙喷 泉。也是自然保护区,具有多种野生动植物,供游人观赏。根据 1872 年 3 月 1 日的美国 国会法案,黄石国家森林公园“为了人民的利益被批准成为公众的公园及娱乐场所”, 同时也是“为了使她所有的树木,矿石的沉积物,自然奇观和风景,以及其他景物都保 持现有的自然状态而免于破坏”。 2. The Old Faithful 老忠实是这个公园里最著名的间歇泉,因为它喷发的时间间歇比 较稳定而得名。老忠实喷发的高度在空中超过 100 英尺,每 73 分钟喷发一次。 3. Yellowstone River 黄石河是美国西北部河流。源出怀俄明州北部落基山区阿布萨罗 卡岭,北流经黄石公园至蒙大拿州南部,折向东北到北达科他州西部汇入密苏里河。长 约 1 080 公里,流域面积 18.2 万平方公里。在黄石公园地区形成黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake), 湖北面峡谷景色极佳。

Part Three Supplementary Readings

Chinese Outbound Market

China is one of the fastest growing outbound travel markets in the world. Thanks to the rising disposable incomes (可支配收入) and relaxations (放宽) of restrictions on foreign travel, outbound trips has grown by an annual average of 22% since 2000. In 2002 it overtook (超过) Japan as Asia’s leading source. In 2004 the total departure were 28.5million, reaching almost 35 million in 2006. China ranks 5th worldwide in terms of spending on travel abroad with US$ 30 billion spent in 2007. In 1995, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predicted that China would generate 100 million arrivals worldwide by 2020, making it the fourth largest market in the world. In view of recent trends, it is going to reach that target well before 2020. Hong Kong offers some memorable tourist attractions including Victoria Harbor and the Giant Buddha among the most awe-inspiring. For sheer variety of products and brands in all price ranges, Hong Kong is a unique shopping experience. From glitzy malls to funky street markets, and trendy boutiques to traditional Chinese product stores and themed shopping districts, you can find everything from the latest designer fashions and electronic gadgets to best-value antiques and collectibles. According to the data collected by the Hong Kong 183 旅游实务英语

Tourism Board(HKTB), these individual tourists are not just visiting friends and relations, or travelling on shoe-strings budget. In fact, the Chinese are Hong Kong’s highest spending visitors. And over half the expenditure goes on shopping, a trend apparent in other destinations visited. Australians are very friendly and helpful people, with a great sense of humour and a natural ability to tell jokes and play with words. Going to the beach on weekends in Australia is a very popular exercise, just as much as going to the shopping centre or doing any sport. Australians live by the sea, and the beach complements the house creating an extended backyard in which to play. With the exception of some places that can get some winter weather, most of Australia is sunny throughout the year. This provides an excellent alternative of relaxation all year round, Australia is seen as the most desirable holiday destination, especially for travellers from Beijing and Shanghai, according to a survey conducted by Tourism Australia. In Beijing 32% of potential travellers said they were considering a trip to Australia—more than for France (27%) and the USA(21%). In Shanghai, especially, Australia improved substantial from being the fifth most considered destination in 2002 (19%) to be the equal(with France) favourite destination in 2003 (28%). Canada was the most shining star on China outbound market. The Memorandum of Understanding on Facilitation of Chinese Outbound Tourist Groups to Canada between China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada was signed on June 24. In order to strengthen the achievements and push the ordered implementation of Chinese citizen travelling to Canada, the National Tourism Administration organized the first tour group with a total of 380 Chinese tourists from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong and visited Canada, and the departure day was on August 18, 2010. Canada is emerging as a global destination for eco-tourism and adventure travel. The country is a natural draw for international visitors seeking authentic wilderness, adventure and cultural experiences. Canada has a reputation for its abundant and pristine wilderness resources, an image as an un-crowded and unspoiled holiday destination and a wide diversity of wildlife.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why have outbound trips grown by an annual average of 22% since 2000?

2. When will China become the fourth largest market in the world?

3. Why are Chinese Hong Kong’s highest spending visitors?

4. Why is Australia seen as the most desirable holiday destination?

5. Why was Canada the most shining star on China outbound market? 184 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Part Four Culture

Melting Pot in America

During the 18th and19th century, the metaphor of “melting pot” was used to describe the fusion of different nationalities, ethnicities and cultures. The melting pot means that the different elements “melting together” into a harmonious whole forming a common culture. The American is a new nation, who acts upon new principles, so they think they should entertain new ideas and form new opinions. So “Melting Pot” is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants in the United States. People thought that the United States should serve as a melting pot and produce a homogeneous population, which was looked upon as the hope of the nation. That is to say, Americans of various backgrounds should abandon the customs and the languages of the “old country” and be absorbed into American life. In its earlier years the United States was quite a successful “melting pot”. The original settlers were of similar background, coming largely from northern Europe. Later the western pioneers, lonely in the vast wilderness and together facing great hardships and dangers, were drawn to their neighbors of whatever origin; differences tended to diminish. However, this ideal became difficult to attain in the latter part of the nineteenth century, when very large numbers of immigrants began to arrive, mainly from eastern and southern Europe. For these newcomers, assimilation was much harder because of the great differences between their cultures and languages, and those of the established Americans. So these new immigrants sought out others from their homelands, clustering together in close-knit communities. Soon many cities had ethnic neighborhoods known as “Little Italy”, “Little Poland”, “Chinatown”, and so on. The children of these immigrants learned American ways quickly by imitating their American schoolmates. They avoided the customs and languages of their parents and grandparents, even feeling ashamed of their non-American ways and their “broken” English. This, of course, led to unpleasant family relationships and to feelings of inferiority. Now this attitude toward one’s old-world background has changed markedly. People of various origins have become interested in their “foreign” past and proud of their cultural heritages. Courses are organized for the study of the native language and life, which they or their parents once tried to forget. Children’s books are published to acquaint the young with their ethnic past. Holidays and folk festivals of the lands of their ancestors are celebrated in public. The Chinese New Year, 185 旅游实务英语 the Spring Festival is often celebrated in New York and San Francisco. Many of today’s descendants of immigrants respect the cultures they had once rejected. Furthermore, they believe that the United States, a land of immigrants, would benefit by retaining aspects of its man cultural backgrounds.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the metaphor of “melting pot” used for during the 18th and 19th century?

2. What does the “melting pot” mean?

3. Why did people put forward “melting pot” in America?

4. How should we understand the “melting pot” in America?

5. What changes are there about “melting pot” in American people?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How many hot springs and geysers does the Yellowstone National Park have?

2. What are most visitors interested in?

3. Why is the most famous geyser in the park called the Old Faithful?

4. What animals are there in the Yellowstone National Park?

5. Why have the Yellowstone River and its tributaries cut deeply into the canyon, forming many falls?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我想游览日内瓦所有的名胜。.

2. 如果我们坐船旅行,我们可以欣赏塞纳河沿岸的动人景色。

3. 我下个月将到开罗作一次旅行。

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4. 我的方向感很差,我就跟你走吧

5. 你出国是带现金还是旅行支票?

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Yellowstone National Park is the oldest and one of the largest national parks in the United States. It is named after the Yellowstone River that flows through the area. It is known for its geysers and hot springs among other natural wonders.

2. The Grand Vanyon National Park is America’s most famous scenic wonder. It is a huge gorge slowly carved away for nearly 6 million years by the waters of the Colorado River. The canyon is so deep that there are 4 distinctive zones of climate from top to bottom. Located in Arizona, it attracts over millions of visitors from all over the world each year. The national Park was established in 1908.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue (G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) T: (除了圣诞节和感恩节). Can you tell us the names of the other principal holidays celebrated in the United States, Helen? G: The other principal holidays are New Year’s Day, Presidents’Day, Labour Day and the Fourth of July and etc. T: New Year’s Day is also celebrated universally as a national holiday. ? (总统诞生纪念日是哪一天,为什么你们庆贺?) G: In February there are birthday celebrations for two former presidents, Abraham Lincoln on the 12th and George Washington on the 22nd. .(政府确定总统诞生纪念日是为了表示对前任 美国总统的敬意。) T: Oh, I see. Can you tell something about Labor Day? G: .(美国劳动节在 9 月的第一个星期一庆贺。) T: Why do you celebrate the Fourth of July? G: The Fourth of July is Independence Day (独立宣言是在 1776 年 7 月 4 日 签订的), proclaiming the independence from England of the thirteen original colonies which later became the United States of America.

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188 Module Two Sightseeing Service

Unit Fourteen 13 Travel Abroad II

Proverb When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Introduction Travel can enlarge a person’s perspective. Once you have had the pleasure of meeting people of other countries, your thoughts and decisions in the future will be affected, in some way, by them and the impressions of the people and nations you have visited. No matter how well educated you may be, you will learn a lot during your travels. There are many ways to travel in a less costly fashion. You may take buses, small boats, or even ride a bicycle, which will cost less money but a longer time. You may fly by plane, which is quite expensive, but fast. Most commonly, people travel by train. Whichever mode of transportation you may choose, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Discussion 1. How can travel enlarge a person’s perspective? 2. What way are there to travel in a less costly fashion?

Part One Situational Dialogue

A Traveling Plan on the Museum

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Good Morning! Can I help you? T: Good Morning! I’d like to have a tour to cultural sites. I know London is one of the oldest

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cultural cities in the world. Can you give me some suggestions? G: Of course. We’re proud of the splendid culture here too. If you are interested in history, you’d better visit the museum first. The museum always has most of the cultural attractions. You’d better go to the British Museum. T: I know a little about the museum, but it’s difficult for me to understand the exhibits in the museum. G: Don’t worry about that! But the commentators in the museum can help you. T: What can I learn from the museum? G: You’ll see the works of man from prehistoric to modern times with collections drawn from all around the world. Famous objects include the Rosetta Stone, sculptures from the Parthenon and the Portland Vase. T: It sounds good! Any more? G: If you want to understand the evolution of the wildlife and our history, I suggest you should visit the Natural History Museum. T: I am afraid I can’t understand your suggestion. How could I watch animals in the history museum? G: In fact, it is a natural history museum, a part of the British Museum. It has a collections of the biggest, tallest and rarest animals in the world. T: What is the most important in the museum? G: Don’t miss the life size model of the blue whale and the 40 million-year-old spider. T: That’s great! Thank you very much! G: You’re welcome.

New Words and Expressions

1. commentator n. 评论员,讲解员 2. prehistoric adj. 史前的,陈旧的 3. evolution n. 演变、进化、进展 4. whale n. 鲸 5. Rosetta n. 罗塞塔(城市名) 6. sculpture n. 雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀 ;vt. 雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀 ;vi. 从事雕刻 7. Parthenon n. 帕台农神殿(希腊用以祭祀雅典娜女神的神庙) 8. Portland n. 波特兰(美国奥勒冈州最大的城市) 9. vase n. 瓶;花瓶 10. spider n. 蜘蛛;设圈套者;三脚架

190 Module Two Sightseeing Service


1. British Museum 大英博物馆又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的大 罗素广场,成立于 1753 年,1759 年 1 月 15 日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、 规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一。博物馆收藏 了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。 目前博物馆拥有藏品 600 多万件。由于空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。 2. Rosetta Stone 罗塞塔石碑(也译作罗塞达碑),高 1.14 米,宽 0.73 米,制作于公 元前 196 年,刻有埃及国王托勒密五世诏书。石碑上用希腊文字、古埃及文字和当时的 通俗体文字刻了同样的内容,这使得近代的考古学家得以有机会对照各语言版本的内容 后,解读出已经失传千余年的埃及象形文之意义与结构,而成为今日研究古埃及历史的 重要里程碑。罗塞塔石碑自 1802 年起保存于大英博物馆中并公开展示。 3. Parthenon 帕台农神庙也译为“帕特农神庙”。是希腊女神雅典娜的神庙。它是被 保留下来的古典希腊最重要的建筑。古典希腊一般被认为是多利克柱发展的鼎盛时期。 它的装饰性雕刻被认为是希腊艺术的重点之一。帕台农神庙被看作是古代希腊和雅典民 主的永久象征,并且是世界上最大的文化纪念碑之一。 4. Portland Vase 波特兰花瓶,罗马宝石玻璃制品;现藏大英博物馆。制作时期:罗 马帝国时期在深蓝色玻璃上饰以白色图案的古罗马花瓶(1 世纪),是现存最精美的古罗马 宝石玻璃制品(cameo glass)。18 世纪时属波特兰公爵所有。 5. Natural history Museum 英国自然历史博物馆位于伦敦市中心西南部、海德公园旁 边的南肯辛顿区。博物馆总建筑面积为 4 万多平方米,馆内大约藏有世界各地的 7 000 万件标本,其中昆虫标本有 2 800 万件。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourist Site

A Travel in London

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to London! London is the capital of the United Kingdom, located in the southeastern plains of England, across the River Thames, 88 km from the River Thames estuary. London is divided into administrative regions and 32 urban areas, 12 urban areas outside London known as inner London, the other 20 urban known as outside London. The City of London, inner London, outer London constitutes the Greater London. The Greater London can be divided into the City of London, West London, East London, South and ports. City of London is the financial capital and trade center. West London is a place for British palace, the Prime Minister’s official residence, seat of residence and government ministries. East London is workers’ residential and industrial areas, South is a mixing zone of Industria and residential area. Port refers to the 191 旅游实务英语

Tower Bridge and Thames, the area between the river mouth. Today, we will visit some most landmarks, important royal sites, political sites, etc. Tomorrow, we are going to visit the ancient heart of the city, the financial district and some famous landmarks in the city. Now, let’s go to the Waterloo station because it is closer to the sights. Now we have arrived the Waterloo station. We will go out from the station, follow the directions to the river. Now what we can see is the Royal Festival Hall. Please head left, and then look forward. This is the London Eye. Do you know what the London Eye is used for? The London Eye is the largest and the highest observation wheel in the world, taking about 30 minutes to revolve. Today, It is lucky that the queues aren’t too heavy. It is well worth the wait . Attention, please. A quick stroll past the London Aquarium will take us onto Westminster Bridge. This boasts one of the best views in the city. Look! This is Big Ben across the river, it looks very spectacular. Let’s go on forward! Westminster Abbey is not far. A stroll past the clock tower will take us to Parliament Square and the Houses of Parliament. Please follow me and walk across the square to Westminster Abbey. Do you know why Westminster Abbey is very famous? It is London’s most prestigious religious building, state funerals, and the burial place of many celebrated kings and queens. Now, Let’s go along north east direction. We’ll go to St. James’s Park. A stroll up the right-hand side will lead to the backend of Downing Street. Then skirt the south side of the lake and cross the bridge in the middle. Here will be one of the most celebrated views. Look! Can you guess this is an art gallery or a museum? In fact, it is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum. This is Buckingham Palace. It has served as the official London residence of Britain’s sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Generally speaking, tickets should be booked ahead. More than 50 000 people visit the Palace each year as guests to banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and the Royal Garden Parties. It is very lucky today. I have bought tickets for everyone. Now, I show you around the Palace. If you want to take photos, Walk down the Mall past St. James’s Palace. You can take some photos of the guards there. Let us head across Green Park to Piccadilly, where you can do a spot of shopping. Walk east towards Piccadilly Circus and take your photo in front of Eros. Before heading east across Hungerford Bridge to Waterloo, I heartily recommend that you spend some time exploring the National Gallery, the greatest collections of European paintings in the world. With painting ranging from 1 250 to 1 900, the collection includes works by Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Gainsborough, Turner, Gezanne and Van Gogh. If you want to visit it, I will wait for you 40 minutes here. Now it is time to leave here. Tomorrow we are going to visit the ancient heart of the city, the financial district and some of the city’s greatest landmarks. Please prepare for it. Thank you for your cooperation today. See you tomorrow!

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New Words and Expressions

1. administrative adj. 管理的,行政的 2. estuary n. 河口,江口 3. inner adj. 内部的;内心的;精神的;n. 内部 4. constitute vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命 5. residence vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命 6. landmark n. 路标,地标 7. Waterloo n. 滑铁卢(比利时城镇) 8. prestigious adj. 有名望的,享有声誉的 9. headquarter n. 总部,指挥部,司令部 10. Monarch n. 君主,帝王,最高统治者 11. reservation n. 预约,预订;保留 12. banquet n. 宴会 13. Piccadilly n. 皮卡迪利大街(伦敦的繁华街道) 14. Hungerford 亨格福德(人名) 15. heartily adv. 衷心地;热忱地;痛快地 16. recommend vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付 ;vi. 推荐;建议 17. cooperation n. 合作,协作;[劳经]协力 18. National Gallery 国家美术博物馆


1. The River Thames 泰晤士河位于英格兰东南,源自科茨科尔德山,大致向东流, 流经伦敦,在诺尔注入北海。全长约 338 公里,为英格兰最长之河流,也是全世界水面 交通最繁忙的都市河流和伦敦地标之一。 2. Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆 士公园的西边,1703 年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋。1761 年由英王乔治 三世购得,作为王后的住宅,称为女王宫。1825 年,英王乔治四世加以重建,作为王宫。 维多利亚女王是居住在这里的第一位君主。宫内有宴会厅、典礼厅、音乐厅、画廊、图 书室等六百多个厅室。西侧为御花园。 3. The Houses of Parliament 议会大厦其本来的名字为 Westminster Palace,即威斯敏 斯特宫。在 1834 年的一场大火中,这座宫殿几乎被毁,只留下了唯一的瓦顶的威斯敏斯 特大厅。此后,又花费了几年时间重建。 4. Big Ben 大本钟英国伦敦著名古钟即威斯敏斯特宫报时钟。英国议会会议厅附属的 钟楼,建于 1859 年。安装在西敏寺桥北议会大厦东侧高 95 米的钟楼上,钟楼四面的圆 形钟盘,直径为 6.7 米,是伦敦的传统地标。 193 旅游实务英语

5. Royal Opera House 英国皇家歌剧院座落于科文特花园(Covent Garden),是伦敦最 负盛名的老牌剧院,科文特花园还有皇家芭蕾舞歌剧院及皇家管弦乐歌剧院。而皇家歌 剧院最早建于 1732 年,目前是第三座,前两座分别于 1808 年及 1856 年遭遇火灾。 6. St. Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂是伦敦最大最著名的教堂。建造在伦敦城西部漫 坡小山上,它以悠久的历史和壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名于世,具有典型文艺复兴时期建 筑艺术。 7. Royal Exchange 皇家交易所 1565 年创立,是伊丽莎白时代(1558-1603)的商人兼 大臣葛雷贤爵士(Sir Thomas Gresham)所开设的,目的是作为商业的交易中心,伊丽莎 白女王一世并御赐以皇家的头衔。交易所和其对面的英格兰银行,形成伦敦主要的商业 金融区。 8. Tower of London 伦敦塔的官方名称是女王陛下的宫殿与城堡,伦敦塔始建于 1078 年。它在历史上既作过王宫,也作过法院,后来又是一所监狱。伦敦塔现在已经成了对 外开放的博物馆 9. Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥是泰晤士河上最著名,也是最壮观的桥梁。它面朝泰晤士河 出海口,凡是从海上回来进入伦敦的船只,都会首先看到塔桥的雄姿。 10. London Eye 伦敦眼,又称“千年轮”、“摩天轮”,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是世 界第三大摩天轮,是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点之一。伦敦眼于 1999 年年底开幕,总高度 135 米(443 英尺)。伦敦眼共有 32 个乘坐舱,每个乘坐舱可载客约 15 名,回转速度约为每秒 0.26 米,即一圈需时 30 分钟。 11. Botticelli 波提切利尼是意大利画家,佛罗伦萨画派的重要代表,生于佛罗伦萨, 卒于同地,原名亚里山德罗·迪·马里亚诺·菲力佩皮,“波提切利”是绰号,原意为“小 桶”。1485 年,他又创作了一幅精美绝伦的巨作,《维纳斯的诞生》。 12. Leonardo da Vinci 达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452-1519)意大利文艺复新时 期最负盛名的艺术大师,科学家。他生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬奇镇,卒于法国。《岩间圣母》 是他创作的最有名的代表作。他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究;另一方面也研究自然 科学。 13. Rembrandt 伦勃朗是荷兰 17 世纪最伟大的画家之一,也是世界美術史上最伟大 的画家之一。代表作之一《杜尔博士的解剖学课》,创作了许多反映大自然的素描和版画, 风格质朴。 14. Gainsborough (Thomas Gainsborough) 庚斯博罗英国画家(1727—1788),1727 年 生于英国萨福克郡的一个羊毛商家庭,他的母亲是一个静物画家,因此他早期接受了良 好的艺术教育,1768 年他被选为皇家艺术学院院士。他的作品强调光和奔放的笔触,加 之精致的色彩,是他成为皇家宠爱的画家。 15. Turner 特纳(1775-1851)被公认为是最伟大的英国画家之一,他 27 岁就成为皇 家美术学院的正式院士,18 世纪末将风景画推上了前所未有的高度。特纳是一个非常注 重“营销”自己的人,他希望大家能很快地记住自己。这一点从他把生日改为 4 月 23 日 就可以证明,因为这一天恰好是他非常崇拜的作家莎士比亚的生日。 16. Gezanne 塞尚后期印象画派代表人物,是印象派到立体主义派之间的重要画家。 194 Module Two Sightseeing Service

塞尚由毕沙罗介绍加入印象派,并参加了第一届印象派画展。有人依他的风格也归於后 印象派。 17. Van Gogh 凡·高是荷兰伟大的画家,被称为现代绘画艺术的先驱,后期印象派的 代表人物。在他的作品里,人们可能感受到细腻的光线变化与强烈的色彩表达方式。他 的画笔总是沾着炫目的油彩,用浓烈的色彩来表达不同的美好情绪《森林中的少女》, 忧郁如《耕作》、《悲哀》、平静如《田里的家妇》。

Part Three Supplementary Readings


Westminster is one of the most beautiful parts of London. Westminster Palace is the seat of the British Houses of Parliament, where there is the largest Gothic edifice in England, covering eight acres and located in the center of London. Parliament Square at the end of Whitehall is bounded by Westminster Palace on the east and Westminster Abbey on the south. Sebert, an English king, built the first abbey and palace at Westminster near the Thames in the 7th century. William the Conqueror made many additions to them. His son built a new hall. The new hall was the biggest and most beautiful hall in Europe. Since the 11th century, all the kings of England have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Since William the Conqueror in 1066, all the kings of England lived in the palace until the 16th century. When Henry Ⅷ m oved to a new palace in Whitehall, the House of Lords and the House of Commons met in Westminster Palace. In 1834, the whole palace was burned to the ground except for Westminster Hall. Now Westminster New Palace is very beautiful. With its doorways and narrow windows it looks like a 16th century palace, right on the Thames itself. Inside the palace, there are 1 000 rooms, and 4 kilometers of halls. The two most important rooms are the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The palace has hundreds of small towers. At the southern end, there is the 102 m 336 ft high Victoria Tower, considered the highest and largest in the world at the time it was built. At the northern end rises the Clock Tower, a great symbol of London with the famous clock “Big Ben” which has a 13-ton bell. It is named after Sir Benjamin Hall who was in charge of its building in 1859. Outside the Parliament stands the statue of Sir Winston Churchill, Britain’s great Prime Minister during the Second World War. Westminster Abbey is a veritable national shrine. Many of the country’s greatest literary and scientific figures are buried in the abbey. Many of England’s monarchs are also buried there. Therefore the abbey enshrines many of the traditions and commemorates many achievements that the British people have accomplished.

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Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Where is the largest gothic edifice located in England?

2. What is Westminster Palace bounded by on the east?

3. How many rooms and kilometers of halls are there in Westminster Palace?

4. Which tower in Westminster was considered the highest and largest in the world?

5. Where were many of the country’s greatest literary and scientific figures buried?

Part Four Culture

Culture on Europe and America

The European countries and America are a rich blend of the historical and cultural resources. Ancient and neoclassical architecture, paintings, sculptures, musical works and literary images all reflect their profound Greco-Roman and Christian traditions. European and American culture has two sources: one is the ancient Greco-Roman culture and the other is the Christian culture. The Greeks had accomplished the supreme achievement in almost every field: philosophy, science, literature, recorded history, architecture and sculpture. The most notable achievement in literature is the Epics of Homer. Their methods of scientific inquiry have laid the foundation for modern scientific research just like the Aristotelian method of reasoning and deduction. After the Roman Empire conquered Ancient Greece, the Romans adopted the Greek cultural structures and developed their achievements. The two cultures merged so completely that later generations named them the Ancient Greco-Roman culture. For many centuries the culture and art of the Ancient Greco-Roman time had accumulated mainly in the old buildings and ruins, sculptures and paintings, literature and some science books. Later, imitation and adaptation often occur in Western history. Christianity was born in the first century but flourish in the Middle Ages (5th century— 13th Century). At tat time, everything followed the sake of religion, human needs were 196 Module Two Sightseeing Service restricted to very basic levels. But some scientific studies abide by the great achievements, which ancient Greeks had achieved. The Enlightenment of the Renaissance (14th century— 16th century) broke through the religious restriction of the Medieval Period. Since the Renaissance, the countries of Europe have become highly developed and each reveals their unique personalities, creating their individual art and culture reflecting their citizens’ characteristics and temperament. Ner-classicism is currently in fashion all over the world. It tries to adapt traditional elements to fashion, decoration and design, film and even lifestyles. All these old and new cultural factors including city designs and countless architectural styles, the techniques of sculpture and painting, the delicate nuances and grandeur of music the elegance and profound depth of literature; the seriousness, practicality and innovation of science seem to have the same creative spirit driving them—the spirit seeking truth and beauty. This shows the enchantment of the traditional cultures fully.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What did European and American culture inherit from?

2. How did Greek culture merge with Roman culture?

3. When was Christianity born? When was Christianity flourish?

4. How did religion influence culture?

5. What shows the enchantment of the traditional cultures fully?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Where is London located?

2. What is the Greater London made up of?

3. Why are they going to the Waterloo station at first?

4. What is the London Eye used for?

5. What has Buckingham Palace served as?

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B. Ask students to turn the Guide Speech into a dialogue including the related contents.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 你曾经去过国外吗?

2. 如果你去海外旅游,你参加保价旅行还是单独去?

3. 我打算带你参观这个国家所有名胜。

4. 你给我推荐一些可以供游览的风景区好吗?

5. 恐怕两天时间不够游览伦敦所有的名胜古迹。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. London is the country’s political center. The British royal family, government, parliament and political parties headquarters are located here. Palace of Westminster, also known as the Assembly Hall is the administrative area of the UK Parliament, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The South of Parliament Square is Westminster Abbey, built in 1065, and British king or queen has been crowned the and the wedding of royal family members was held here. There are the cemeteries of more than 20 King of England, the famous statesman, strategist, and Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Hardy and other scientists, writers and artists.

2. The Greater London area of 1580 square kilometers. London and the west by the North Atlantic warm current influence, is a temperate maritime climate. Seasonal temperature difference is small, cool summers and mild winters, humid air, more rain and fog, winter is even worse. Average temperature in January is 4.5 ℃, 7 month 18 ℃, annual precipitation of 1 100 mm.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) T: We’re lucky today. G: Yes, there aren’t any clouds in the sky and we’ve got such a beautiful view here. Look! This is St. James Park. And .(那是白金汉宫) T: Where’s Hyde Park? G: . (在白金汉宫的那一边) T: That’s the . (人们星期日演说的地方) G: Yes, you’re right. Politicians of all kinds, religious people, and one or two madmen. 198 Module Two Sightseeing Service

T: Well, are we going there today? I want to take some photos there. G: Sure. I can see . (看的出来今天你玩得很 开心) T: Of course. . (一切都那么突出,令人神 往)

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200 Module Three Life Service

Module Three

Life Service

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202 Module Three Life Service

Unit One 1 Dating Affairs

Proverb Warm and friendly, make guests above everything else.

Introduction Tour guides should have both political integrity and ability. The qualified tour guide should be like a bee collecting honey to enrich himself/herself. The qualified tour guide should be a pioneer of tourism industry, intimate friend of mountains and rivers, envoy of friendship, disseminator of preserving and promoting morals and fine human traditions, and publicity agent of Chinese culture. The tour guide should do everything possible to ensure that tour members obtain the maximum enjoyment and satisfaction from the tour, but tour guides can not abandon personal and national dignity when involved in overseas contacts. The tour guide should pay particular attention to the health and safety of the tour members.

Discussion 1. What should the qualified tour guide do? 2. Why can tour guides not abandon personal and national dignity when involved in overseas contacts?

203 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Asking about Touring Information in Shanghai

(G=Tour Guide; T = Tourist) G: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? T: Good morning. My wife and I want to visit Shanghai. Can you introduce Shanghai briefly? G: Yes, of course. Shanghai is the first largest city in Chinese mainland, one of four municipalities directly under the central government; Shanghai is often listed as the Western visitors’ favorite Chinese city. Many projects in Shanghai create and break the top of the world. Shanghai is located at the estuary of Yangtze River in China’s mainland central coast with China’s largest foreign trade port and the largest industrial base. It is also China’s financial capital. More than 20 million people live in Shanghai region. Shanghai is a newly emerging tourist destination with deep modern urban culture and numerous historical sites. Mr. Obama began his trip in Shanghai. T: Could you tell us some main tourist attractions here? G: OK. Main tourist attractions include Pudong, the Bund, Yuyuan Garden, , Children’s Palace, Arts & Crafts Research Institute, Cruise on the Huangpu River, Shanghai Museum, Lu Xun Memorial Hall, Song Qingling’s Former Residence, Qingpu Scenic Area, Grand View Garden and etc. T: Today we would like to visit the famous spots in Shanghai. Could you give us some suggestions? G: All right. I suggest that you first go to Pudong. It is between the Huangpu River and the mouth of the Yangtze River. T: Pudong means “east of the Huangpu River, right”? G: Yes. It is the most active area in China. T: Then? G: Then you can visit the Jade Buddha Temple. It is famous for its two Buddhist statues. Each of them was carved out of a single piece of Burmese jade.They were brought back by the Chinese monks from Burma in 1890, eight years after the construction of the temple. T: Sounds meaningful. It would be a quiet place. G: I’m afraid it’s crowded. Then you can go to Yuyuan Garden. 204 Module Three Life Service

T: What’s it famous for? G: A high official had it designed in Suzhou styles as a private garden. You can not only enjoy its old architecture, but also select souvenirs and antiques, and watch Jiaozi and other Chinese dumplings being made. T: Great. We’ll do as you’ve said. Thank you very much.

New Words and Expressions

1. mainland n. 大陆;本土;adj. 大陆的;本土的 2. municipality n. 市民;市政当局;自治市或区 3. the central government 中央政府 4. estuary n. 河口;江口 5. industrial base 工业基地 6. emerging adj. 新兴的;出现的;形成的;v. 形成;浮现; 显露(emerge 的 ing 形式); 由……中脱出 7. destination n. 目的地,终点 8. numerous adj. 许多的,很多的 9. Buddhist n. 佛教徒;adj. 佛教的 10. Pudong 浦东 11. Children’s Palace 少年宫 12. Arts & Crafts Research Institute 工艺美术研究所 13. Cruise on Huangpu River 游黄浦江 14. Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 15. Lu Xun Memorial Hall 鲁迅纪念馆 16. Song Qingling’s Former Residence 宋庆龄故居 17. Qingpu Scenic Area 青浦风景区 18. the Yangtze River 长江,扬子江 19. Burmese n. 缅甸语;缅甸人;adj. 缅甸的;缅甸人的;缅甸语的 20. Burma n. 缅甸(东南亚国家) 21. jade n. 翡翠;[宝] 碧玉;老马;adj. 玉制的;绿玉色的; 22. meaningful adj. 意味深长的;有意义的;富有意义的;有目的的;有意图的 23. crowded adj. 拥挤的;塞满的;v. 拥挤(crowd 的过去分词) 24. architecture n. 建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样 25. souvenir n. 纪念品;礼物;vt. 把……留作纪念 26. antique n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格;adj. 古老的,年代久远的; 过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的;vi. 觅购古玩 27. dumplings n. 饺子(dumpling 的复数)

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1. Obama n. 奥巴马是美国第 44 任总统,出生于美国夏威夷州火奴鲁鲁,祖籍肯尼 亚(The Republic of Kenya)。奥巴马是首位拥有黑人血统,并且童年在亚洲成长的美国 总统。2008 年 11 月 5 日,奥巴马当选美国第 56 届总统。2011 年 4 月 4 日,奥巴马宣布 竞选 2012 年美国总统。 2. The Bund 外滩全长约 1.5 公里。东面西临黄浦江,西面为哥特式、罗马式、巴洛 克式、中西合壁式等 52 幢风格各异的大楼,被称为“万国建筑博览群”。它是上海地理 位置的标志点;也是上海的历史标本和文化坐标。 3. Yuyuan Garden 豫园位于上海老城厢东北部,北靠福佑路,东临安仁街,西南与老 城隍庙、豫园商城相连。它是老城厢仅存的明代园林。园内楼阁参差,山石峥嵘,湖光 潋滟,素有“奇秀甲江南”之誉。豫园始建于一五五九年,距今已有四百余年历史。 4. Jade Buddha Temple 上海玉佛寺位于上海安远路的玉佛禅寺,不仅是沪上名刹,也 是闻名于海内外的佛教寺院。是上海旅游的十大景点之一。 5. Grand View Garden 上海大观园是上海五星级公园,座落于淀山湖西侧,距离上海 市区 65 公里,占地 135 亩,建筑面积约 8 000 平方米。原称淀山湖风景游览区,1991 年 改称上海大观园,占地也扩大到 1 500 亩,是上海市精神文明建设的重点单位。2000 年 被国家旅游局评为国家 AAAA 级旅游景区。

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

Handling Routine Affairs

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to China! Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hong, I’m your national guide from China International Travel Service. I come to meet you. How was your trip? You have a group of 28, right? How many pieces of luggage do you have altogether? I see. When you pick up your baggage, please put it on these carts. I’ll ask the baggageman to take care of it. Now everybody is here now. Our bus is outside the airport. Attention, please. Now please follow me to the bus. Today we will go directly to Hunan by train. Ladies and gentlemen! I am very glad to have all of you here when you stay in China. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions and to be your guide. During your stay in China, I will try to do my best to warm your heart, let you have a good time. Compared with other cities, Beijing offers a more splendid microcosm of both modern and traditional China. It contains so many sights within its vicinity. When you come back Beijing, we will show you around some main scenic spots in Beijing. This night we will sleep in the train from Beijing to Changsha, Hunan. Please your 206 Module Three Life Service tour leader assigns roommates to the soft-berth compartments. There are four people to a compartment. Arrange the tour members of their room numbers before boarding the train. Once on board, find out meal times and location of rest rooms and dining car and inform each of the compartments. Attention, please! Now we have arrived at the . We will get on the train from Platform Two. Please take your luggage, let’s go into the station together. Ladies and gentlemen! Now we have arrived at Changsha Railway Station. Please get off the train. There is a bus waiting for us outside the station. Look! This is the bus for us. Let’s get on it one by one. At first I would like to introduce Mrs. Wu, who is your local guide from Hunan Caixin International Travel Service and will travel with you throughout your trip in Hunan. I would like to introduce our driver, Mr. Zhang. He has worked for Hunan Tour Bus Company. His bus number is XY12345. Now I would like to invite Mrs. Wu to say a few words. Mrs. Wu, Please. Thank you, Mrs. Li. Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Welcome to Hunan! We will do our best to make your stay in Hunan pleasant and enjoyable. I expect after such a long trip from the United States to China, from Beijing to Hunan you’d like to have a good rest. So we are driving straight to the hotel, Huaya International Hotel. The hotel is situated near the railway station. It is one of the best hotels in the city. The hotel is a deluxe ecological garden hotel with South China Garden and a modern golf course. The hotel, located at No.81, Section 2, Wanjiali Middle Road, Changsha, was officially titled Five-Star Hotel by National Tourism Administration. With an open view and perfect facilities, they are looking forward to your honorable presence! When we arrive at the hotel we will go directly to its foyer where you will be given the keys to your room. Porters will deliver your luggage as quickly as possible. Dinner this evening will be at the dinning room on the second floor starting at 20:30. Dress is casual. Breakfast tomorrow starts at 07:30 and is available until 08:45. As for the visit to Hunan Provincial Museum and the Yulu Academy, the bus will depart at 9:00 from the gate of the hotel. Money and travelers checks exchange are available at the hotel. Remember to keep your receipt. All the major stores have money-changing facilities. It can be quite easy to exchange money back into a usable currency on departure. If you have any inquiries or questions, please feel free to ask us. Thank you for your cooperation. See you tomorrow!

New Words and Expressions

1. routine adj. 日常的;例行的 2. cart n. 运货车 3. welfare n. 福利 4. microcosm n. 缩图;微观世界 207 旅游实务英语

5. vicinity n. 邻近,附近;近处 6. assign v. 分配 7. soft-berth adj. 软卧 8. compartment n. 隔间;卧车上的小客房 9. platform n. 平台;站台;讲台 10. baggageman n. 行李员 11. deluxe adj. 高级的;豪华的;奢侈的 12. ecological adj. 生态的;生态学的 13. honorable adj. 荣誉的;值得尊敬的 14. foyer n. 门厅,休息室;大厅 15. porter n. 服务员;行李搬运工;守门员 16. casual adj. 随便的;非正式的 17. available adj. 可利用的 18. immediate adj. 立即的;直接的;最接近的 19. facility n. 设施;设备;容易;灵巧 20. usable adj. 可用的;合用的 21. query n. 疑问,质问 22. China International Travel Service 中国国际旅行社 23. national guide 国导;全陪 24. local guide 地陪 25. rest room n.(公共建筑物内的)公用厕所,洗手间,休息室 26. Hunan Caixin International Travel Service 湖南财信国际旅行社 27. Hunan Tour Bus Company 湖南旅游公共汽车公司 28. Huaya International Hotel 华雅国际大酒店 29. Five-Star Hotel 五星级酒店


1. smooth one’s way 铺平道路;促进 e.g. Goodwill and cooperation can go a long way towards smoothing your way to the top. 友善和合作有利于你铺平飞黄腾达之路 2. on board 在火车(或轮船、飞机上) e.g. We almost felt we were on board the spacecraft. 我们几乎觉得我们是在宇宙飞 船上了。 3. National Tourism Administration 国家旅游局是中华人民共和国国家旅游局(简称 “国家旅游局”),是国务院主管旅游工作的直属机构。旅游业是世界上发展最快的新兴产 业之一,具有综合性强、关联度大、对其他相关产业和行业促进作用明显的特点。拥有 需求潜力大、发展前景好的优势,被誉为“永远的朝阳产业”。 208 Module Three Life Service

4. Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物馆创办成立于 20 世纪 50 年代初,位于长沙 市开福区,与风景秀丽的烈士公园毗邻,占地面积 5.1 万平方米,公用建筑面积 2.9 万平 方米。该馆馆藏文物丰富,尤以马王堆汉墓文物(The Relics of Han Tombs at the Mawangdui)、商周青铜器、楚文物、历代陶瓷、书画和近现代文物等最具特色。是湖南 省最大的综合性历史艺术博物馆,也是全国优秀爱国主义教育示范基地和湖南省 4A 级旅 游景点之一。 5. The Yulu Academy. 岳麓书院位于湖南省长沙市岳麓山东侧,紧邻湘江,1988 年 1 月 13 日被国务院批准为第三批国家重点文物保护单位,是中国古代四大书院之一;享有 “千年学府”美誉。书院始建于北宋开宝九年(976 年),历经宋、元、明、清各个朝代, 晚清(1903 年)的湖南高等学堂也自认为岳麓书院为其前身。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

The Privacy of Photographs

One day Nancy showed Liu Ying a few pictures of her boyfriend in a photo album. Liu Ying casually turned to other pages after that. Nancy stopped Liu Ying, “I’d rather you not look at other pictures.” Liu Ying was embarrassed, and apologized, “I’m sorry.” North Americans think a picture album is private and not something that one may leaf through casually. In the case of Liu, however, it depends on how the album was presented—whether Liu Ying was allowed to leaf through the whole album. Liu Ying might have avoided the embarrassing situation simply by asking, “Oh, these pictures are lovely. May I look at the others?” Sometimes North Americans can be overly sensitive about their privacy and looking at some pictures without asking for permission can be considered as an unwelcome invasion of their privacy. They think that their pictures are part of their privacy, which others should respect.

Discussion 1. Why was Liu Ying embarrassed? 2. How might Liu Ying have avoided the embarrassing situation?

Part Four Working Skills

A. Photograph-Taking Skills The qualified tour guide must know the best place to take pictures. He/She must give tourists some guidance or help to select best places and scenery to pose for pictures. And the qualified tour guide should also keep tourists out of those places where no pictures are permitted. 209 旅游实务英语

B. Communicating Case on Taking Photos

Taking Photos

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) T: I’ve got a twin-lens reflex camera. G: With a TLR you can see through a mirror exactly what you’re going to record. T: I’ve got no film in my camera. Do you know how to use the camera? G: Slot the cassette in one side, and then thread the film leader the other side. When this is done, close the camera back and wind on. The film is spooled for use. T: How to take photos? G: A photo’s taken each time when that button is pushed. Steady your camera when you press the button. Hold the camera steady not to put your hand in front of the lens. If you want to bring out the cloud in the sky, you’d better use a filter. You should frame the subject within the lines. You should hold the viewfinder close to the eye. Understand? T: How about taking a picture? G: OK. Don’t move, and say cheese. I’ll take a photo of you on the rock. You can photograph well.

Exercise: Answer the following questions: 1. What must the qualified tour guide know when tourists want to take photos?

2. What should the qualified tour guide warn when tourists want to take photos?

3. What advantage is there with twin-lens reflex camera?

4. Do you know how to use the camera without film?

210 Module Three Life Service

5. Do you know how to take photos?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. If you are Li Ming, national guide from Hunan International Travel Service, please introduce yourself.

2. How do you make tourists understand your duty?

3. Please assign roommates to the soft-berth compartments orally.

4. How do you provide convenience for tourists once on board as a tour guide?

5. How will you tell tourists to get on the train orally when you have arrived at the Railway Station?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 所有关于房间、食品和日常用品等请直接和地陪联系。

2. 当首次到达一个新地方和遇见地陪时,全陪和旅游团陪同先下车。

3. 日程安排很紧,请大家准时。

4. 如果你们抽烟,熄掉烟蒂,再把烟纸和过滤嘴分离。

5. 建议海外游客不要喝任何自来水。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. At boarding, you should be the last one to leave. Count the tour members and be sure nothing has been left behind. Carry-on luggage should be limited to what each person can carry himself or herself.

2. In most cases, they’ll find your luggage. But you must not forget one thing when you’re at the check-in counter. Make sure you get a baggage check stub (存根).Without it, the airline will have great difficulty helping you. 211 旅游实务英语

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

At the Lost and Found Office

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: ?(我能为你做点什么吗?) T: I found my handbag was lost in the office. (我可以做一个登记 吗)? G: Sure. Could you fill out the lost property form (你填一 下失物单好吗)? T: OK. G: Make sure you’ve written everything clearly (一定把每一 项都写清楚). Could you describe it a little bit more? T: It’s a brown leather one with black belt (那是一只带 黑色带子的棕色皮包). There’s a novel in it. G: The name of the novel, please? T: Gone with the Wind.

212 Module Three Life Service

Unit Two 2 Handling Emergency

Proverb While we fear no ordinary eventually, we must guard against the exceptional case.

Introduction When a tourist falls ill, the tour guide should advise him/her to consult a doctor in no time. the tour guide should supervise the transporting of the toursts’ luggage. Coordinate all arrangements in co-operation with the hotels and local tour guide. Be calm and resourceful in an emergency. In case of the death, a tour guide should call your Travel Service immediately. Contact the embassy if possible for details on sending remains of the deceased back to the country concerned.

Discussion 1. What should the tour guide do when a tour member falls ill? 2. What should the tour guide do in an emergency?

Part One Situational Dialogue

I Lost My Way

(G =Tour Guide; T = Tourist) T: Excuse me. Would you tell me where the People’s Park is? G: The People’s Park is located on Nanjing Road, near Xizang Road, just on the opposite side of the Park Hotel. T: How long will it take me to get there?

213 旅游实务英语

G: Only about thirty minutes. T: I’m not going in the wrong direction, am I? G: No, you aren’t. Go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street. Walk three blocks to Second Avenue and turn right. Walk two more blocks and you’ll see the People’s Park on the left. T: I’m sorry. I didn’t follow you. Could you please repeat that? G: Okay. First, go to the next corner and turn left onto Center Street. T: Uh-huh. Walk three blocks to Second Avenue and turn right. G: Then, walk three blocks to Second Avenue and turn right. Are you with me so far? T: Yes, I’m following you. G: Then, walk two more blocks and you’ll see the People’s Park on the left. Have you got all that? T: Yes. Now I’ve got it. May I take a bus to get there? G: You can take the No.20 trolley bus to get there. T: OK. Thank you very much. G: Not at all.

New Words and Expressions

1. opposite n. 对立面;反义词,prep. 在的对面;adj. 相反的;对面的;对立的 2. Avenue n. 大街;林荫大道 3. block n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物;adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的;vt. 阻止; 阻塞 4. the People’s Park 人民公园 5. Nanjing Road 南京路 6. Xizang Road 西藏路 7. Center Street 中央街 8. trolley bus 无轨电车

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

Warning Affairs on the Plane

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. United Airlines Flight 36 now boarding at gate 16 for Chicago. May I see your boarding pass? This way, please. Go straight to the back. Stewardess will help you. All passengers should be on board. All carry-on luggage must be placed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead compartment. Now you can’t use the lavatory. You could wait until after we take off. 214 Module Three Life Service

Ladies and Gentlemen! On behalf of United Airlines Captain Massey and his crew, I welcome you on board the Flight for Chicago. Our flight time will be approximately forty-five minutes and we shall be climbing to an altitude of eight thousand feet and cruising at a speed of two hundred and fifty miles and we shall be climbing to an altitude of eight thousand feet and cruising at a speed of two hundred and fifty miles per hour. May I draw your attention to the “Safety in flight” leaflet that you’ll find in the pocket of the seat in front of you and we do ask that you read this. You’ll also find a “flight path” magazine that you may find of interest. For those of you not familiar with this type of aircraft, smoking is permitted on the right hand side of the passenger cabin once the signs at the front of the cabin have been switched off, and at no time in the toilet which is situated at the rear of the aircraft. We have a duty-free bar on board; cigarettes, spirits, beer and minerals will be for sale during the flight .If you have any queries during the flight please do not hesitate to ask your two hostesses. Would you now please ensure that your seat belts are securely fastened and your tables are in the upright position in preparation for take-off. Chew gum during takeoffs and landings to avoid ear discomfort caused by the altitude change. May we wish you a pleasant flight. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen! Keep muscles from cramping by stretching during the trip. Walk up and down the aisles and rotate your neck, shoulders and wrists. Avoid eating salty foods like airline peanuts, which can cause you to retain water. Eat fruit instead. Drink double the amount of water you normally would apply lotion to your hands and face to avoid excessive dryness from the circulated air. Keep you blood moving while you sit in your seat by raising your feet and rotating your ankles avoid alcoholic beverages during flight. Alcohol contributes to jet lag and dehydration. Here are diapers, bottles, formula milk, and baby food. If you need anything during the flight, please let me know. The service cart will be down the aisle in a moment. But there’s a charge for alcoholic beverages in economy class. Would you refer to this price list, please? And then give me your order. Dinner will be served soon. I ordered chicken for you. Please open your tray table. It’s coming. Ladies and gentlemen! The time has really flown by! The plane is preparing to land. Everyone must fasten your seat belt. Thank you for your attention!

New Words and Expressions

1. board n. 董事会;木板;甲板;膳食;vt. 上(飞机、车、船等);用板盖上;给提供 膳宿;vi. 寄宿 2. Chicago n. 芝加哥(美国中西部城市) 3. underneath prep. 在的下面;在的形式下;在的支配下;n. 下面;底部;adj. 下面的; 底层的;adv. 在下面;在底下 4. overhead n. 天花板;[会计]经常费用;adj. 高架的;在头上的;在头顶上的;adv. 在 头顶上;在空中;在高处 215 旅游实务英语

5. compartment n.[建]隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房;vt. 分隔;划分 6. captain n. 队长,首领;机长;船长;上尉;海军上校;vt. 指挥;率领 7. crew n. 队,组;全体人员,全体船员;vt. 使当船员;vi. 一起工作 8. approximately adv. 大约,近似地;近于 9. altitude n. 高地;高度;[数]顶垂线;(等级和地位等的)高级 10. cruising n. 巡航;adj. 巡航的 11. aircraft n. 飞机,航空器 12. cabin n. 小屋;客舱;船舱;vt. 把关在小屋里;vi. 住在小屋里 13. switch off(用开关)关掉;切断(电源) 14. hostesses n. 女主人,空姐,女老板;女服务员;舞女;女房东 15. upright n. 垂直;竖立,adj. 正直的,诚实的;垂直的,直立的;笔直的;合乎正道 的 16. cramp n. 痉挛,绞痛;[五金]铁夹钳;adj. 狭窄的;难解的;受限制的;vt. 束缚, 限制;使抽筋;以铁箍扣紧 17. aisle n. 通道,走道;侧廊 18. rotate vt. 使旋转;使转动;使轮流;adj.[植]辐状的;vi. 旋转;循环 19. wrist n. 手腕;腕关节;vt. 用腕力移动 20. peanut n. 花生 21. retain vt. 保持;雇;记住 22. excessive adj. 过多的,极度的;过分的 23. dryness n. 干燥;冷淡;干燥无味 24. rotating adj.[机]旋转的;v. 旋转;轮流(rotate 的 ing 形式) 25. ankle n. 踝关节,踝 26. circulated air 循环空气 27. alcohol n. 酒精,乙醇 28. jet lag 时差感,飞行时差反应 29. dehydration n. 脱水 30. diaper n. 尿布;vt. 给孩子换尿布 31. formula n.[数]公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品 32. alcoholic beverage[食品]酒精饮料 33. economy class 经济舱 34. chew gum 嚼口香糖 35. flight path 飞行路线 36. United Airline 联合航空公司

216 Module Three Life Service

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Hints on Traveling by Land

Bus: The most inexpensive way to travel is by bus. Buses provides cheap transportation. Some of the highway buses are air-conditioned and luxurious and can give the passengers every comfort. If people want to see more places without spending much money, they can travel by bus. They can buy special tickets that allow them unlimited travel for a certain period of time. In this way people can stop along the way to visit the places that interest them most. Subway: You pay your ticket by putting money into slot machines. You must select the amount of the ticket depending on the distance you will ride. The ticket will then eject from the machine. You will use the ticket for entering and exiting subway station platforms, so do not throw the ticket away. There is no person to take your ticket, only the machine. Taxi: For many travelers, taxi may be an expensive means of transportation in almost every city and town. Here are some suggestions if you have to take a taxi. At first be sure the driver puts down the flag on the meter when you get in. Be sure that there is nothing on the meter before the taxi driver puts down the flag. Remember the license number of the taxi in case you meet a driver who offers poor service or is dishonest.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why is the most inexpensive way to travel by bus?

2. What can allow you unlimited travel for a certain period of time?

3. What suggestions would you like to make if you have to take a taxi?

4. How will you pay by subway?

5. Why can you not throw the ticket away when you travel by Subway?

217 旅游实务英语

Part Four Working Skills

Protecting Ways

The key to effective crime prevention is to remove the opportunities and prevent crime. Be prepared to react calmly at any times if you are threatened by a criminal or confronted by an actual crime. Here are some basic tips. 1. Plan ahead You should know where you are walking. Study the streets you often use and learn which stores are open late at night in case an emergency arises. When returning to your place, take a good look around you. If you see something or someone who makes you uneasy, don’t go inside. go to a neighborhood store instead. If you are already in the building and see a stranger walking toward your place, don’t go in. Got to a nearby place. Act as though you are a visitor until the person goes away. Protect your pocketbook. Carry a pocketbook with a short loop and hold it close to your body, tucked in the bend of your elbow. Never carry a bag without a zipper or good closing device. 2. Walk carefully You should keep on the lookout to see who is standing near you or walking toward you. You walk where it is well lighted. Stay away from darkened building entrances, doorways, alleyways and high shrubbery. Travel and shop with companions whenever possible during the daytime, and especially at night. If you are on an unfamiliar or lonely street, quicken your pace and act as if you are going to meet someone who is waiting for you. 3. Be sensible You should carry only as much cash as you need for the day. If you need to carry more than usual for some reason, do not put it all in the same place. You should, however, carry some money with you at all times. Sometimes robbers beat people up if they find no money at all. Don’t fight back. A number of people have been seriously injured or worse while fighting with purse-snatchers. It is not worth getting permanently injured to protect a few things or a few dollars. 4. Use you head If you go to the movies or stop for a sandwich, keep your pocketbook in your lap. Don’t put it on the floor, on another seat or on the back of a chair. The same applies when using public bathrooms and when shopping. Never carry your handbag or shopping bag with the loop wrapped around your wrist. If someone tries to pull it away from you, the loop will handcuff you, and you may be pulled to the ground and injured. Carry a pocketbook with a short loop and hold it close to your body, tucked in the bend of your elbow. Never carry a bag without a zipper or good closing device. 218 Module Three Life Service

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What should you study when you are walking?

2. What should you do when returning to your place if you see something or someone who makes you uneasy?

3. When should you walk carefully?

4. Why don’t fight back while fighting with purse-snatchers?

5. Why can not you carry your handbag or shopping bag with the loop wrapped around your wrist?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How must carry-on luggage be placed?

2. When can passengers use the lavatory by plane?

3. When is smoking permitted?

4. What should you do in preparation for take-off?

5. How can you keep you blood moving while you sit in your seat?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 一个人抢走了一位女士的包,逃跑了。

2. 那个年轻人长得怎么样?

3. 他很高,穿着绿色夹克,褐色裤子。

4. 我只是一个来旅行的学生,我没有太多的现金。

5. 我的手提包丢了,我可以做一下登记吗?

219 旅游实务英语

III. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 1. Paying the fare is not so simple as it may seem because a driver has the right to charge you for any tolls he must pay to go over bridges, and he may also charge you a small fee for each piece of baggage. Remember the following when you pay the fare. Try to find out beforehand approximately what the taxi fare will be. If the charge is ten or more dollars higher than the expected price, refuse to pay the fare. If you have difficulty, try to find a policeman. Tip the cab driver about 15% of your base fare excluding the bridge tolls or luggage fees.

2. As for being caught in the rain in the sun, we feel deeply sympathetic for the tourists. However, the climate is beyond our control. Accordingly, there is no compensation for inclement weather.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue (G=Tour Guide; P=Policeman) G: Hello, I’ m a Chinese tourist and .(我想报一 起入室行窃案) P: .(请问您的姓名和护照号码) G: Liu Ying and 903635916 P: OK. ?(发生什么了?) G: . (我回来发现我的房间被盗了) G: Tell me your Hotel and room number. T: Room 326, .(好莱坞旅馆)

220 Module Three Life Service

Unit Three 3 Eating Out

Proverb People regard food as their prime want, and food safety should be given the top priority.

Introduction If you welcome guests at hotel as a tour guide, you greet them in a friendly way and seat the quests when they arrive, and arrange reservations in restaurants. In many cases, if the restaurant does not have a wine waiter, the hostess also takes drink orders from the guests generally after they have been seated. You also thank her when she leaves.

Discussion 1. What should you do if you welcome guests? 2. What should you do if the restaurant does not have a wine waiter, the hostess also takes drink orders from the guests after they have been seated?

Part One Situational Dialogue

At a Restaurant

(W=Waiter; T=Tourist ) W: Good evening, madams. T: Good evening. W: Here’s the menu. Which do you prefer? T: We’d like Beijing Food. Would you recommend us some dishes? W: All right. I recommend you Beijing Roast Duck. T: It looks nice and smells good. Could you please show us how to eat this dish?

221 旅游实务英语

W: Sure, sir. First, hold a pancake in your left hand and use a section of scallion as a brush to paint a little splashes of bean sauce on the pancake, and with chopsticks add a few pieces of duck meat. Finally, roll the pancake up and enjoy! T: Let us have a try. Is this right? W: Yes. Very Good! T: So tender and crispy! I’ve never tasted any roast duck like this. It’s difficult to make, isn’t it? W: The preparation is a bit complicated. T: How long does it take to roast the ducks? W: About 50 minutes. When the skin turns crisp and golden brown, the duck is done. T: How interesting it is! Let’s come to taste the dish again before we leave this city, ok? W: Of course.

New Words and Expressions

1. pancake n. 薄烤饼;粉饼;平降;vt. 使平坠著陆;使平展;vi. 平坠着陆;平展 2. roll n. 卷,卷形物;名单;摇晃;vt. 卷;滚动,转动;辗;vi. 卷;滚动;转动;起 伏,摇晃 3. tender n. 偿付,清偿;看管人;小船;adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的;幼稚的;难 对付的;vt. 提供,偿还;使变嫩;是变柔软;vi. 投标;变柔软 4. crispy adj. 酥脆的;易碎的;干净利落的;生气勃勃的 5. complicated adj. 难懂的,复杂的 6. brown n. 褐色,棕色;adj. 棕色的,褐色的;太阳晒黑的;使变成褐色;vi. 变成褐色

Part Two Guide Speech

Chinese Cuisine

Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to China. Chinese food is both interesting and attractive. A lot of friends come to China just to taste the food here. Chinese culinary arts are famous all over the world. 3 000years ago, the Chinese people already knew how to “deliciously” blend the five flavors—pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Today Chinese cuisine is ranked among the world’s best and Chinese restaurants can be found 222 Module Three Life Service in many countries and regions throughout the world. A Chinese dishes stress on the color, fragrance, taste, shape, and nutrition of the food and is very particular about cutting and temperature control. According to the rough estimate, there are more than 5 000 different local cooking styles in China. The most popular cooking styles in China are those of Beijing (jing), Hunan (xiang), Guangdong (Yue), Huaiyang (Jiangsu), Shanghai (hu), Sichuan (chuan), Shandong (Lu), Zhejiang (zhe), Fujian (min), and Anhui (Hui). There are ten different cooking styles in China. Beijing Food: Based on imperial court cuisine and Shandong Cuisine, Beijing food tends to be strongly spiced with coriander, peppers and garlic, and has enjoyed a century-old reputation. The main methods of cooking employed are deep-frying, sautéing, stir-frying, and roasting. The famous dishes include: Beijing Roast Duck, Sliced mutton rinsed in chafing dish, sea cucumber with shrimp roe and steamed shad. Hunan Cuisine: Hunan cuisine consists of local dishes of Xiangjiang River area, Dongting Lake area and Western Hunan areas. It is characterized by thick and pungent flavors. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessities in Hunan dishes. Hunan Cuisine takes curing, simmering, steaming and stewing as the main cooking methods. It is fragrant and fresh, sour and peppery(spicy), yet soft and tender. Specialties include: Dong’ an Fledgling Chicken, Hot-spiced and Peppered Fledgling Chicken, and Steamed Pickled Meat. Guangdong Cuisine(Cantonese Cuisine) :It consists of Cantonese, and Dongjiang cuisine. Cantonese cuisine is renowned for its fresh materials and great tenderness. Seafood, fresh water fish and fowl are usually cooked as main ingredients in Cantonese dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Steaming and stir-frying are most frequently used to preserve the ingredients’ natural flavor. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of their dishes. Representative dishes: Shark Fin Soup, Cantonese Fried Pigeon, and Beef Slices with Oyster Sauce. : Jiangsu Cuisine or Huaiyang Cuisine mainly consists of Yangzhou, , and Huaian cuisine. Jiangsu Cuisine is lightly flavored. It is nutritious and preserves the food’s original flavoring whether they combine sweet-and-sour or sweet-and-salty tastes. Jiangsu Cuisine is renowned not only for its material selection but for the fine workmanship in cutting, matching, cooking, and arranging. The cooking techniques include stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Huaiyang cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant. Typical dishes: Squirrel with Mandarin Fish, Crystal Meat, and Crisp Eel. Shanghai Cuisine: The former Shanghai Cuisine was with braise in soy sauce, stir-fry before stewing, and then it learns from , Suzhou, , and the characteristics of the local cuisine, unity of western food. Now, it has the unique flavor, taste and the characteristic of diversity. The main methods of cooking are stir-fried, baked, fried, steamed, simmered, roasted, 223 旅游实务英语 baked and stewed. Shanghai food distinguishes itself with a heavy sauce, a thick stock, a sweet taste and natural flavor. Shanghai food is rather oily, and Beijing food is salty and spicy. Shanghai food tends to be heavier than Cantonese food and tends to be sweet. The famous dishes include: Braised shark’s fins, Bird’s nest shaped as butterfly, chicken with rice flour wrapped in lotus leaf. Sichuan Style: Originated in Sichuan, Sichuan dishes are one of the most famous dishes in China, which is world-famous for its diverse hot and spicy flavors. One hundred Sichuan dishes many have one hundred distinctly different tastes. Chongqing, with hemp, hot, fresh, fragrant for features. Sichuan dishes emphasize the use of chili and pepper power. Garlic, ginger and fomented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild edible herbs and the meat of domestic animals and birds are often chosen as ingredients. The cooking techniques include sauting, quick frying, dry frying, pickling and so on. Typical dishes: Gongbao Diced Chicken, Twice Cooked Pork and Mapo Beancurd. Shangdong cuisine: Shangdong cuisine consists of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong. Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Fistulous onion and garlic are frequently used as seasonings in Shandong dishes. The main cooking techniques include quick frying, quick frying with corn flour, stew braising, roasting, boiling and crystallizing with honey. Typical menu items are fried Sea Cucumber with Fistulous onion, Yellow River Carp in sweet and Sour sauce, Braised Abalone with Shells. Zhejiang Food: Zhejiang Food is represented by Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing styles. It is tender, mild, and fresh. It is noted for its special flavor and taste, but they are all characterized by the careful selection of ingredients, emphasizing minute preparation. Zhejiang cuisine specializes in quick-frying, stir-frying, deep-frying, simmering and steaming, obtaining the natural flavor and taste. Special care is taken in the cooking process to make the food fresh and tender. Hangzhou cuisine is the most famous one among them. Typical dishes: West Lake Vinegar Fish, Longjing Shelled Shrimp, and Beggar’s Chicken. Fujian Cuisine: Fujian Cuisine consists of cuisine, cuisine and cuisine. It is noted for its light touch and sweet and sour flavor. The cooking puts great attention in choosing the choicest ingredients, and is thus particularly apt in preparing seafood dishes. The dishes mostly marinated in wine, are sourly sweet, specializing in all kinds of seafood cuisine, stir-fired, quick-fried and shallow oil-fried, simmered, sweet, sour, and salty, with stress on flavor soup. Special dishes include: Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, and Prawn with Dragon’s Body and Phoenix’s tail. Anhui Cuisine: Anhui Cuisine focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and Anhui chefs are good at braising and stewing. It comprises the specialties of Southern Anhui, Yanjiang and Huaibei. The highly distinctive characteristic of Anhui cuisine lies not only in the elaborate choices of cooking materials but also in the strict control of cooking 224 Module Three Life Service process. Most ingredients in Anhui cuisine, such as pangolin, stone frog, mushroom, bayberry, tea leaves, bamboo shoot, dates, come from mountain area. Huangshan Mountain has abundant raw materials for cooking. The white and tender bamboo shoots grown on Huangshan Mountain can be made into very delicious food. And Xianggu, a kind of top-grade mushroom growing on old trees, is also very tasty. Representative dishes: Smoked Chicken with Tea and Huangshan stewed pigeon. Every year millions of people go to our countries to see beautiful scenery, historical sites, local customs, and at the same time, to eat exotic food has become an important motivation for traveling abroad. Different foods are grown and eaten in different areas of China. So, different regions in China developed different cooking styles. It needs a very long time to taste all different kinds of Chinese food. I hope you not to miss any opportunity enjoying local exotic food in China.

New Words and Expressions

1. culinary arts 烹饪艺术,厨艺 2. flavor n. 香味;滋味;vt. 给调味;给增添风趣 3. pungent adj. 辛辣的;刺激性的;苦痛的;尖刻的 4. sour n. 酸味;苦事;adj. 酸的;发酵的;酸臭的;vt. 使变酸;使失望; 5. bitter vt. 使变苦;n. 苦味;苦啤酒;adj. 苦的;痛苦的;尖刻的;充满仇恨的 6. salty adj. 咸的;含盐的 7. fragrance n. 香味,芬芳 8. nutrition n. 营养,营养学;营养品 9. entree n.(美)主菜;( 法)入场许可 10. strives for 争取;奋斗 11. spiced adj. 五香的;调过味的;含香料的 12. coriander n. 香菜 13. peppers n. 胡椒;胡椒粉(pepper 的复数);v. 加胡椒粉于;连续打击; 14. deep-frying 炸 15. sautéing 涮 16. stir-frying 爆 17. roasting 烤 18. coteau n. 丘陵地,高地 19. rinse vt. 漱;冲洗掉;漂净;n. 冲洗;漂洗;染发剂;染发;vi. 冲洗掉;漂净 20. shrimp n. 虾;小虾;矮小的人;vi. 捕虾;adj. 有虾的;虾制的 21. roe n. 鱼卵,鱼子;牝鹿,獐 22. shad n. 美洲西鲱(等于 Alosa sapidissima) 23. fledgling n. 无经验的人;刚会飞的幼鸟 225 旅游实务英语

24. pickle n. 泡菜;盐卤;腌制食品;vt. 泡;腌制 25. Cantonese n. 广东话;广东人;adj. 广州的,广州人的 26. ingredient n. 原料;要素;组成部分;adj. 构成组成部分的 27. stew v. 以文火煮、炖、烩 28. stir-fry n. 用旺火炒的菜;vt. 用旺火炒 29. oyster n. 牡蛎,蚝;沉默寡言的人 30. Saucen. n. 酱油;沙司;调味汁;vt. 使增加趣味;给……调味 31. workmanship n. 手艺,工艺;技巧 32. braising n. 炖;烧;v. (用文火)炖(braise 的 ing 形式) 33. simmering n. 气体漏泄时发出的叫声;激化状态,即将爆发的状态;vt. 慢煮 ( simmer 的现在分词);vi. 煨(simmer 的现在分词);(争吵或暴力)即将爆发 34. delicately adv. 微妙地;精致地;优美地 35. delicately adv. 优美地;精巧地;优美的 36. elegant adj. 高雅的,优雅的;讲究的 37. squirrel n. 松鼠 38. mandarin Fish 鳜鱼 39. eel n. 鳗鱼;鳝鱼 40. braise in soy sauce 红烧 41. simmer vt. 炖;vi. 炖;内心充满;即将爆发;n. 炖;即将沸腾的状态;即将发作 42. butterfly n. 蝴蝶;蝶泳;举止轻浮的人;追求享乐的人 43. spicy adj. 辛辣的;香的,多香料的;下流的 44. hemp n. 大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷;adj. 大麻类植物的 45. beancurd n. 豆腐 46. greasy adj. 油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的 47. fistulous adj. 管状的;瘘管的 48. aroma n. 芳香 49. onion n. 洋葱;洋葱头 50. carp n. 鲤鱼 51. abalone n.[无脊椎]鲍鱼 52. shelled adj. 带壳的;去壳的;. 使去壳(shell 的过去分词) 53. prawn n. 对虾,明虾;vi. 捕虾 54. phoenix n. 凤凰;死而复生的人 55. comprise vt. 包含;由……组成 56. mushroom n. 蘑菇,伞菌;蘑菇形物体;暴发户;adj. 蘑菇的;蘑菇形的;迅速生 长的;vi. 迅速增加;采蘑菇;迅速生长 57. pangolin 穿山甲 58. stone frog 石青蛙 59. bayberry 杨梅 226 Module Three Life Service

60. bamboo shoot 竹笋 61. date 枣子 62. delicate adj. 微妙的;精美的,雅致的;柔和的;易碎的;纤弱的;清淡可口的 63. variety n. 多样;种类;杂耍 64. agreeable adj. 令人愉快的;适合的;和蔼可亲的 65. sustainable adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的 66. imperial court 宫廷菜 67. Western Hunan coteau area 湘西地区 68. chafing dish 火锅;保暖锅


1. Beijing Roast Duck, Sliced mutton rinsed in chafing dish, Sea cucumber with shrimp roe and Steamed shad. 北京烤鸭、涮羊肉、虾子海鲜和清蒸鲥鱼 2. Dong’an Fledgling Chicken, Hot-spiced and Peppered Fledgling Chicken, and Steamed Peckled Meat. 东安子鸡、麻辣童子鸡和蒸腊肉 3. Shark Fin Soup, Cantonese Fried Pigeon, and Beef Slices with Oyster Sauce. 鱼翅汤、 脆皮乳鸽和牦油牛肉。 4. Squirrel with Mandarin Fish, Crystal Meat, and Crisp Eel. 松鼠鳜鱼、水晶肉、脆皮鳝 鱼 5. Braised shark’s fins, Bird’s nest shaped as butterfly, chicken with rice flour wrapped in lotus leaf. 红烧排翅、蝴蝶燕窝、葱油荷叶粉蒸鸡 6. Gongbao Diced Chicken, Twice Cooked Pork and Mapo Beancurd. 宫保鸡丁、回锅 肉、麻婆豆腐。 7. Sea Cucumber with Fistulous onion, Yellow River Carp in sweet and Sour sauce, Braised Abalone with Shells. 葱烧海参、糖醋黄河鲤鱼、生焖鲍鱼 8. West Lake Vinegar Fish, Longjing Shelled Shrimp, and Beggar’s Chicken. 西湖醋鱼、 龙井虾仁、叫花鸡 9. Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, and Prawn with Dragon’s Body and Phoenix’s tail. 佛 跳墙和龙身凤尾虾 10. Smoked Chicken with Tea and Huangshan stewed pigeon. 茶叶熏鸡和黄山炖鸽

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Imperial Court Cuisine

Imperial Court Cuisine (or Imitation Imperial), as the name suggests, consists of dishes once prepared exclusively for the imperial family. Every dynasty in Chinese history had an 227 旅游实务英语

“imperial kitchen” to prepare meals for the emperor and his consorts. The dishes were not only meticulously prepared, but also included rare and expensive foodstuffs, such as bear’s paws, birds’ nests, shark’s fins, venison, sea cucumbers, duck webs and other delicacies of land and sea. The imperial cuisine today is based on the dishes prepared by the Qing imperial kitchens but further developed ever since. The imperial refreshments are especially palatable and unique in flavor such as pea flour cake, kidney bean roll, small steamed corn bread and sesame seed cake with meat fillings.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Who did Imperial Court Cuisine prepare for?

2. How did people cook Imperial Court Cuisine?

3. What kinds of food were there in Imperial Court Cuisine?

4. How do people cook Imperial Court Cuisine today?

5. Can you give some examples of Imperial Court Cuisine today?

Part Four Working Skills

Table Manners between Chinese and Westerners

The table manners have a long history. It is a symbol of country. It can deepen the friendship between host and guests. In China we have many chances of having a dinner in a Western restaurant or eating with foreigners. Therefore it is helpful for us to know different table manners between Chinese and Westerners. In most Western restaurants and homes, dinner is enjoyed with hushed voices. And it is bad manner to speak with one’s mouth full of food. Therefore one should eat with mouth closed. “Slurping” soup, coffee, or wine is also forbidden. If any sound is created by one’s intake of food or beverage, it is considered as a bad manner. Chinese people shared this rule. Knife is used only for cutting. In North America, the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right hand while food is being 228 Module Three Life Service cut, and then the knife is put down and the fork is transferred to the right hand for eating. In Europe, the fork is kept in the left hand and knife in the right all the time. However, food should not be cut into small pieces before one eats it. The proper way is to cut one small piece at a time, and then eat it. In western manners, one should sit at the table in an upright position, while the dominant hand holds the fork or spoon. The only time the both hands allowed to be put on the table is when one is using a knife to cut food. One should not try to take any food across the table but ask for it, “Would you please pass the sugar?” In China there are many different manners. We often ask guest to sit first, the senior and beloved person first. Chopsticks are the main tools for eating. They are made either from wood, bamboo or from plastic and held in the right hand. It is not mannered to play chopsticks during meals. Don’t touch the chopsticks when you have sitted. Don’t use your own chopsticks to take dish for the senior and other guest. If you really want to take dish for them to show your enthusiasm and hospitablity, you can use serving chopsticks. In Chinese manners, both hands are used for eating with the left holding the bowl and the right holding the chopsticks. And it is widely accepted that when one offers other people food to show his or her friendship and politeness, it is a good manner to use public chopsticks. You should ask the host and hostess to your home after the dinner. If you are the host, you should ask your guest early. The guest should be late about five to ten minutes. The host cannot force guest to drink and we cannot forbid the guest drinking either. The guest cannot choose dishes from a menu, he or she should eat what the host chooses. Don’t forget to speak highly of the dish that the hostess has done.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why do people need to study the table manners? . 2. Why do Chinese people need to understand different table manners between Chinese and Westerners?

3. What is considered as the bad manner which Chinese and Westerners both recognize? Please give an example.

4. What differences are there among Chinese, American and European using knife or fork?

5. What is the bad manner when Chinese use their chopsticks?

229 旅游实务英语

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer some questions according to the guide speech. 1. What are five flavors on Chinese cuisine?

2. How many cooking styles are there in China?

3. What are the most popular cooking styles in China?

4. What does Jiangsu Cuisine mainly consist of?

5. What are the features of Shanghai food?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 烹饪在中国是一种真正高度发展的艺术。

2. 中国菜以五味为主,这五味是酸、甜、苦、甜、咸。

3. 中国烹饪有很多不同的配料。

4. 粤菜清淡、川菜辛辣、沪菜重油、京菜咸香。

5. 烹制西餐时,严格按书上的说明依次加料,而中国菜的烹调则允许制造,允许艺术 加工。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. If you eat with visitors at the same table, don’t make a long arm; don’t stretch for something, especially across the table. It is not correct to speak while one’s mouth is full.

2. 8 Chinese dishes which foreigners are favorite includes: ◆ Sweet and Sour Pork ◆ Gong Bao Chicken ◆ Mapo Beancurd ◆ Wonton Soup ◆ Dumplings ◆ Spring Rolls ◆ Chow Mein 230 Module Three Life Service

◆ Peking Duck

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue

At a Restaurant

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist; W=Waiter) G: Let’s go and have something to eat. T: Good. I’m really hungry. G: Have you tried Chinese food? T: No, but I’d like to try. G: Can we see the menu, please? W: Sure. Here you are. G: Thanks. Let’s see the menu first. (你先点) T: .(行,我也点同样的) W: .(一切都准备好了)Please help yourself. G: To your health! T: Cheers! G: I hope you like the food here. T: Oh, it’s delicious. G: Try some of this fish, please. T: Thank you. Mm, it’ s very good fish. G: ?(再来一片北京烤鸭好吗?) T: I’m afraid I can’t have any more. G: Waiter! May I have the bill, please T: No, no. .(这次我请客)

231 旅游实务英语

232 Module Three Life Service

Unit Four 4 Shopping

Proverb Cheaper by the dozen; light gain makes a heavy purse.

Introduction Shopping is an indispensable activity while traveling. Shopping can play an important role in helping the tourists remember the traveling experience forever. That is why most of the tourists around the world would like to buy souvenirs during traveling life.

Discussion 1. Why is shopping an indispensable activity while traveling? 2. Why would most of the tourists around the world like to buy souvenirs during traveling life?

Part One Situational Dialogue

At an Arts and Crafts Store

(A=Assistant; T=Tourist) A: Welcome. What can I do for you, Miss? T: I want to buy some handicrafts as souvenirs for my family and relatives. A: We have quite a wide variety of handicrafts here. What do you have in mind? T: I’ve been told that Chinese arts and crafts are famous for their excellent workmanship. I’d like something typical Chinese. What would you recommend? A: There are over a thousand kinds of articles in our shop. For example there is tri-colored pottery originating in the Tang Dynasty, embroidery, cloisonne, batik, jade carving, just to name a few. What do you have in mind?

233 旅游实务英语

T: No, not really. But I think it should be something distinctively Chinese. And easy to carry. A: Tri-colored pottery is very wonderful, but it is fragile. Cloisonne is heavier and can also be damaged easily. I would suggest you buy papercuts, embroidery and batik. They are very easy to carry. T: So, we’d like to see some embroidery. A: There are four famous embroideries in China: Xiang embroidery, specializing in tigers, and lions. Chuan embroidery is famous for lotus, carp and giant panda. Su embroidery, celebrated for its cats and goldfish. Yue embroidery distinguishes for mountains, water, flowers and birds. T: It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I’ve been dreaming of.

New Words and Expressions

1. handicraft n. 手工艺;手工艺品 2. souvenir vt. 把留作纪念;n. 纪念品;礼物 3. variety n. 多样;种类;杂耍 4. arts and crafts 工艺品 5. workmanship n. 手艺,工艺;技巧 6. recommend vt. 推荐,介绍;劝告;使受欢迎;托付;vi. 推荐;建议 7. tri-colored pottery 唐三彩 8. originate vi. 发源;发生;起航;vt. 引起;创作 9. Tang Dynasty 唐朝 10. embroidery n. 刺绣;刺绣品;粉饰 11. cloisonne n.(法)景泰蓝瓷器;adj.(法)景泰蓝制的 12. batik n. 蜡染色法;用蜡染色的布;[纺]蜡防印花法;adj. 蜡染的;似蜡防印花的; 蜡染花布的;vt. 用蜡防法印染 13. jade carving 玉雕 14. distinctively adv. 特殊地;区别地 15. papercut n. 剪纸,刻纸 16. batik n. 蜡染色法;用蜡染色的布;[纺]蜡防印花法;adj. 蜡染的;似蜡防印花的; 蜡染花布的;vt. 用蜡防法印染 17. embroidery n. 刺绣;刺绣品;粉饰 18. specializing n. 专攻;v. 使专门化(specialize 的现在分词) 19. carp n. 鲤鱼 20. celebrated adj. 著名的;有名望的;v. 庆祝(celebrate 的过去式和过去分词) 21. goldfish n. 金鱼 22. distinguished adj. 著名的,卓越的

234 Module Three Life Service

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

A Brief Introduction to Chinese Arts and Crafts

Ladies and Gentlemen: Now we have arrived at the souvenir shop designated by Tourism Bureau. It’s time for shopping. Please take your time to buy what you like in this shop. First of all, I’d like to briefly introduce the Chinese Arts and Crafts. China has a wonderful variety of raw materials due to its vast territory and various climates. The tumultuous history of Chinese civilization has left behind a rich cultural heritage, which can be found in traditional arts and crafts. Shopping is a major activity for tourists who come to China. Traditional handicrafts may show you an important aspect of Chinese culture. Most of the foreign tourists coming to China would buy some gifts as souvenirs. The three national treasures of Chinese arts and grafts are Cloisonne in Beijing, Porcelain in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province and Bodiless Lacquer in Fuzhou, Fujian. There are over a thousand kinds of articles in this shop. Here are the biggest dealers in Cloisonnes. Everyday, they get hundreds of tourists coming in for different sizes. I would tell you how to choose the cloisonne articles. Cloisonne is one of the best traditional Chinese handicrafts. Beijing is the birthplace of cloisonnes. The making of cloisonne integrates bronze and porcelain-working skills, traditional painting and etching. Do you know why it is called Jingtailan? Because the Cloisonnes became popular in the Jingtai period of Ming Dynasty. The handicraftsmen found that a dark-blue enamel could give cloisonne a gorgeous, solemn look. The blue color was mostly used. The production of Chinese cloisonne has existed for about one thousand years, but they are not antiques, otherwise the price is much higher than you could expect. Recently, our Chinese handicraftsmen have developed a muti-colored technique to make the cloisonne articles more refined and gorgeous. Here are all kinds of cloisonne articles as big as sacrificial utensils, tables and chairs, and as small as chopsticks, earrings, candy boxes, toothpicks and smoking tools. Please have a look at these ceramics. Ceramics is one of the many traditional Chinese handicrafts. They are fine quality. You’ve made a good choice. China’s three porcelain capitals are Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province, Liling in Hunan Province and Dehua in Fujian Province. Look at this china tea set made in Jingdezhen. It is unusual. Do you know what this is? This is called egg-shell china. It is the best quality porcelain. It is not for use, but for show. Now let’s introduce Tri-colored Glazed Pottery which is world famous. It represents the high level of Chinese traditional handicrafts. It 235 旅游实务英语 contains mainly three colors, yellow, green and brown, so it is called Tri-colored Glazed Pottery. Tri-colored Glazed Pottery is one of Chinese art treasures for over 1 000 years, which was used as furnishings for the palaces. Xi’an is the hometown of the tri-cloured glazed pottery, for a large number of this pottery articles were unearthed from around the city. Did you see the man sitting in the chair with a feather fan? He is Zhuge Liang, the Prime Minister of Shu Kingdom. In ancient China, the fans were also the scholars’ favorites. To show their talents, they began to write poems or paint on surfaces of fans. Fans soon had the social significance and became a part of the standard summer costume among the elite. In traditional Chinese operas, fans are always important props. Waving their fans in different ways, the actors or actresses can reveal their inner character in different situations. Chinese fans are popular souvenirs for foreign tourists. They come in a large variety and are of good quality. The most famous fan-producing regions are Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Guangdong Provinces. And this one is from Zhejiang Province. The sandalwood fans are not only for ornamental purpose but also for practical use. Ladies and gentlemen. You can look at them carefully. It is up to you to buy them or not. If you don’t like them, you won’t pay for them.

New Words and Expressions

1. designate vt. 指定;指派;标出;把定名为;adj. 指定的;选定的 2. Tourism Bureau 旅游局 3. raw n. 擦伤处;adj. 生的;未加工的;阴冷的;刺痛的;擦掉皮的;无经验的;(在 艺术等方面)不成熟的,vt. 擦伤 4. tumultuous adj. 吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的 5. vast n. 浩瀚;广阔无垠的空间;adj. 广阔的;巨大的;大量的;巨额的 6. territory n. 领土,领域;范围;地域;版图 7. heritage n. 遗产;传统;继承物;继承权 8. integrate n. 一体化;集成体;adj. 整合的;完全的;vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为 一体;vt. 使完整;使成整体;求的积分;表示的总和 9. bronze n. 青铜;古铜色;青铜制品;adj. 青铜色的;青铜制的;vt. 镀青铜于;vi. 变 成青铜色,被晒黑 10. painting n. 绘画;油画;着色;v. 绘画(paint 的 ing 形式);涂色于 11. etching n. 蚀刻术;蚀刻版画;adj. 蚀刻的;v. 蚀刻;刻画(etch 的 ing 形式) 12. article n. 文章;物品;条款 13. significance n. 意义;重要性;意思 14. costume n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装,vt. 给穿上服装 15. paint n. 油漆;颜料;绘画作品;vt. 油漆;绘画;装饰;描绘;vi. 油漆;绘画 16. elite n. 精英;精华;中坚分子 236 Module Three Life Service

17. ceramic n. 陶瓷;陶瓷制品;adj. 陶瓷的;陶器的;制陶艺术的 18. handicraftsmen n. 手艺人;工匠 19. technique n. 技巧,技术;手法 20. refined adj. 精致的,幽雅的 21. gorgeous adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的 22. enamel n. 搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;指甲油;vt. 彩饰;涂以瓷釉 23. antique n. 古董,古玩;古风,古希腊和古罗马艺术风格;adj. 古老的,年代久远的; 过时的,古董的;古风的,古式的 24. Tri-colored Glazed Pottery 唐三彩 25. furnish vt. 提供;供应;装备 26. porcelain n. 瓷;瓷器;adj. 瓷制的;精美的 27. furnishing n. 供给;装备;服饰;家俱;v. 供给;装备;陈设(furnish 的 ing 形式) 28. Bodiless Lacquer 脱胎漆器 29. Cloisonne n.(法)景泰蓝瓷器;adj.(法)景泰蓝制的 30. sacrificial adj. 牺牲的;献祭的 31. utensil n. 用具,器皿 32. chopstick n. 筷子 33. earing n. 耳环 34. candy n. 糖果(等于 sweets);冰糖 35. toothpick n. 牙签 36. ornamental n. 观赏植物;装饰品;adj. 装饰的,装饰性的


1. Hangzhou is the most famous city in China for silk products in great variety, including silk, satin, damask, and brocades. 杭州是中国著名的丝绸产品种类最为丰富的城市,包括 稠、缎、锦缎和织锦等 2. China’s three porcelain capitals is Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province, Liling in Hunan Province and Dehua in Fujian Province. 中国的三大瓷都:江西省景德镇、湖南省醴陵、 福建省德化。 3. The three national treasures of Chinese arts and grafts are Cloisonne in Beijing, Pocelain in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province and Bodiless Lacquer in Fuzhou, Fujian. 中国工艺 品的“三大国宝”是北京的景泰蓝、江西省景德镇的瓷器和福建省福州的脱胎漆器。 4. The sandalwood fans are not only for ornamental purpose but also for practical use. 檀 香扇不仅有装饰作用,还有实用价值。

237 旅游实务英语

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Prices of Goods

In the United States, there is no “state price”. If you are looking for an expensive item, it is advisable to check in more than one store to compare their prices. When you make a purchase in the United States, you should be aware that in most cases, the price on the label is not the price you pay. You will have to pay tax. Usually the tax is between five and ten percent of the price on the label. Americans do not usually bargain over prices. What they do instead is to shop around to find the store, which offers the item and quality they want at the lowest price. Almost everything sold in the United States varies in price according to the store and often the time of year. Just before Christmas the prices are often highest; lowest just after Christmas or during August when many stores have sales. Moreover, smart shoppers often look for “sales”, a time you can get the same thing with the same quality at a much lower price. Sometimes the price varies according to state or local taxes. Many people cross state lines to buy liquor, cigarettes, or automobiles, etc., because there is wide fluctuation in taxes in such items from state to state.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the outstanding characteristic of prices of goods?

2. Why is the price on the label not the price you pay in most cases?

3. How do Americans get the right prices of goods?

4. When is the price of good the highest?

5. Why do many people cross state lines to buy liquor, cigarettes or automobiles, etc.?

238 Module Three Life Service

Part Four Working Skills

Shopping Guide

As a tour guide, he/she should know the great responsibilities for guiding the tourists to do shopping. Firstly, the tour guide is expected to give a brief introduction about the specialties and souvenirs in the local place, so that the tourists will have a general idea about what to buy. Secondly, the tour guide should give assistance to the tourists when they are confused about the features, qualities, prices of the commodities. And what the tour guide suggests should be accurate and reliable. To protect the tourists’ benefit is the stand for a tour guide. Thirdly, the tour guide is requested to make arrangements for the packaging or shipping of the goods selected and bought by any guest in your group.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What should the tour guide do when tourists want to go shopping?

2. What is the tour guide expected to give a brief introduction about?

3. Why is tour guide expected to give a brief introduction about the specialties and souvenirs in the local place?

4. How should the tour guide give assistance to the tourists when they are confused about the features, qualities, prices of the commodities?

5. What is the tour guide requested to make arrangements for?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. Why is Luoyang’s Tri-colored Glazed Pottery world famous?

2. Where are China’s three porcelain capitals?

3. What are the three national treasures of Chinese arts and grafts?

4. Where are the most famous fan-producing regions? 239 旅游实务英语

5. Do you know why it is called Jingtailan?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 中国书法、绘画是中国传统文化的典型代表。

2. 中国四大名绣是苏绣、湘绣、粤绣和蜀绣。

3. 中国三大著名特产为茶叶、丝绸和瓷器。

4. 江西景德镇被誉为中国瓷都。

5. 文房四宝是湖笔、徽墨、宣纸、端砚著称。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang dynasty is mainly in three colored glazed as yellow, green and brown, hence the name. Xi’an is the hometown of the tri-colored glazed pottery, for a large number of this pottery articles were unearthed from around the city.

2. The working of cloisonne involves a very elaborate and complicated process. We are the biggest dealers in cloisonne and the sole product works in this area. Everyday, we get hundreds of tourists coming in for different sizes.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

Buying Presents

(A=Assistant; T=Tourist) A: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? T: I’m trying to find a couple of suitable carpets. A: You have a couple of carpets of the right size to choose from, don’t you? T: Yes, but .(很难决定合适的图案。) A: ?(你认为什么样的图案你妻子会喜欢?) T: (. 那就是我考虑的问题) But personally, I like the simple design of flowers very much. A: .(确实很特别) I bet your wife will like it. T: .(谢谢你提醒我) My wife should like it.

240 Module Three Life Service

Unit Five 5 Amusement

Proverb May those who love each other get married!

Introduction The recreation center organizes a variety of recreational activities for guests. Main activities are focused on arts, fitness and sports. The night club, the disco, the Karaoke bar, the ball are ready for guests to sing, to dance, to enjoy music and show in a pleasant mood.

Discussion 1. What is the recreation center used for? 2. What kinds of activities do tourists often take part in?

Part One Situational Dialogue

At a Theatre

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) T: We’re just in time. What is our seat number? G: Row 9, number 6 and 7. T: That’ll be a bit further towards the front then. Follow me, please. G: Oh, here we are. What do you think of the characters in the opera? T: All of them are very human. Whether emperor, scholar, or beauty, all share happiness and sorrow with me. I am moved. G: It expresses the traditional Chinese moral values. The heroes are predominant filial piety,

241 旅游实务英语

love of the country, fidelity of friends in this play. T: Very interesting. But what impresses me most are the magnificent embroideries and combinations of color of the costumes. G: As a matter of fact, by seeing the costumes the character wears, the regular viewer will immediately identify his age, family background, education, profession and his social position. T: It seems moustaches and beards also have special significance, right. G: Yes. The beard divided into three bunches. A short moustache shows that the wearer is somewhat crude and rough, and those, which sweep upwards belong to the tricky and slippery fellows. T: The colorful face is very fantastic, too. There must be some knowledge, right? G: Yes, red face indicates courage, loyalty, straight forwardness; black face denotes impulsiveness. T: Marvelous. Tonight, Beijing opera really widened my open eyes. It’s our good fortune to be able to watch this show. I’d like to buy a laser disc of Beijing opera. Could you come with me tomorrow? G: Sure, that’s my pleasure.

New Words and Expressions

1. scholar n. 学者;奖学金获得者;adj. 主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的 2. filial adj. 孝顺的;子女的,当做子女的 3. piety n. 虔诚;孝敬;虔诚的行为或语言 4. fidelity n. 保真度;忠诚;精确;尽责 5. magnificent adj. 高尚的;壮丽的;华丽的;宏伟的 6. combination n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合 7. costume n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装;vt. 给穿上服装 8. character n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计]字符;vt. 印,刻;使具有特征 9. regular n. 常客;正式队员;中坚分子;adj. 定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的; adv. 定期地;经常地 10. viewer n. 观察者;观看者;电视观众;[仪]指示器 11. identify vi. 确定;认同;一致;vt. 确定;识别;使参与;把看成一样 12. profession n. 职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白 13. moustache n. 小胡子;髭;触须 14. beard n. 胡须;颌毛;vt. 公然反对;抓的胡须;. 充当掩护;充当男随员 15. significance n. 意义;重要性;意思 16. bunches n. 群;串;突出物;vt. 使成一串;使打褶;vi. 隆起;打褶;形成一串 17. wearer n. 佩带者;穿用者 242 Module Three Life Service

18. crude n. 原油;天然的物质;adj. 粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的 19. rough vt. 使粗糙;粗暴对待;草拟;n. 艰苦;高低不平的地面;未经加工的材料; 粗糙的部分;adv. 粗糙地;粗略地;粗暴地;adj. 粗糙的;粗略的;粗野的;艰苦的; 未经加工的;vi. 举止粗野 20. tricky adj. 狡猾的;机警的 21. slippery adj. 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的 22. loyalty n. 忠诚;忠心;忠实 23. straightforwardness n. 直率,坦白,诚实 24. denote vt. 表示,指示 25. impulsiveness n. 冲动 26. fortune n. 财富;命运;运气;vt. 给予财富;vi. 偶然发生 27. laser disc 唱片

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

A Brief Introduction to Chinese Performance

Ladies and Gentlemen: Entertainment is an important part of your trip. We will introduce, select, and arrange various recreational activities according to your interests and personal requirement, such as watching the acrobatic performances, going to the theatre and Art Troupe. Before the performances, let’s introduce time, location and program. Tonight we will go to see programs by Chinese Acrobatic Circus. The programs are marvelous, some of them won gold medals in various well-known international acrobatic contests such as in France, Hungary, Russia and Italy. There are all kinds of programs such as magic shows, flying trapeze arts, tightrope walking and even the clowns. It is a combination of Chinese acrobatic art, Chinese gongfu, Chinese dance and Chinese music. It is on in Poly Plaza International Theater at 7 o’clock. Now it is already 6:30 now. Let’s go. Look at the flying trapeze acts. They are scary! But don’t worry about them. They are skillful acrobats, and what is more, they have safety ropes fastened on them. Look at the clown! He is doing tightrope walking. He is making faces to the audience. Now look at the girl who is building a pagoda of bowls. This program won a gold medal in the international acrobatic contest in Italy. How do you think of the programs tonight? Everyone thinks the programs are typically Chinese. The dance, the music, the costume, the art are so wonderful. This circus gave you a touch of the 243 旅游实务英语

Chinese culture. Tomorrow we’ll go to a theater. I want to introduce China’s traditional theatrical arts briefly for everyone to understand its content, background and culture. China’s traditional theatrical arts include regional opera, circus arts, folk entertainments and puppet shows, of which Beijing Opera is main trend. Beijing opera is an integrated performing art on the Chinese stage. Beijing opera is an old and noble art form. Beijing opera seems to be a colorful and diverse art. Beijing opera is a performing art including opera performance, singing, music, dance and martial art. In the traditional Peking Opera Theater, the mask color also reflects the rich cultural connotations. Beijing opera is a popular theatric form, combining acting, singing, speech and acrobatics. Facial makeup of Beijing Opera is based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors. The performance of Beijing Opera includes songs, monologue, dances and pantomime. Main music instrument belongs to wind and string instruments including drums, gongs and urheen. The chief musical instruments for Beijing opera are jinghu, yueqin, suona and drum, etc. Singing styles of Beijing Opera are divided into xi pi and er huang. Xi pi is melodious and full of power and grandeur, while er huang is lowering and sorrowing. Stylized forms of performance is the main characteristic of the Beijing Opera. The modern Beijing opera is a far less rigid form than the classical. Beijing Opera appreciation should focus on the skills and charm of the performers. Sheng(male), dan(female), jing(painted-face) and chou(clown) are the four main types of roles in Beijing opera. Mei Lanfang is a famous performing artist of Beijing opera. Mei Lanfang is one of the four famous dans in Beijing opera. Beijing Opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture! Now Beijing opera has become more and more popular all over the world. When Beijing Opera was first put on in Washington, it simply took the theatre-goers by storm. Paintings, calligraphy, classical poetry and Beijing Opera were four nameplates of Chinese culture.

New Words and Expressions

1. entertainment n. 娱乐;消遣;款待 2. requirement n. 要求;必要条件;必需品 3. acrobatic adj. 杂技的;特技的 4. marvelous adj. 了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的 5. Hungary n. 匈牙利(国名) 6. trapeze n. 秋千;吊架 7. tightrope n. 拉紧的绳索 8. combination n. 结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合 9. Poly Plaza (北京)保利大厦 10. pagoda n.(东方寺院的)宝塔;印度的旧金币 244 Module Three Life Service

11. costume n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装;vt. 给……穿上服装 12. theatrical adj. 戏剧性的;剧场的,戏剧的;夸张的;做作的 13. circus n. 马戏;马戏团 14. puppet n. 木偶;傀儡;受他人操纵的人 15. monologue n. 独白 16. skillful adj. 熟练的;巧妙的 17. string n. 线,细绳;一串,一行;vt. 扎,缚;使排成一列,串起;伸展,拉直;vi. 连成一串;排成一列 18. melodious adj. 悦耳的;旋律优美的 19. grandeur n. 壮丽;庄严;宏伟 20. lowering adj. 使低劣的;昏暗的;减少体力的 21. magic show 魔术表演 22. Art Troupe 艺术团 23. circus arts 杂技 24. folk entertainments 民族歌舞 25. puppet shows 木偶戏 26. Chinese Acrobatic Circus 中国杂技艺术 27. Poly Plaza International Theater 保利大厦国际戏剧 28. songs n. 唱工 29. dances n. 身段 30. pantomime n. 做手 31. drum n. 鼓 32. gong n. 锣 33. Chinese violin 胡琴 34. urheen n. 二胡 35. wind and string instruments 中式管弦乐器 36. singing styles 京剧的唱腔 37. xi pi 西皮 38. er Huang 二黄 39. dan/female 旦 40. jing /painted face 净 41. chou /clown 丑 42. integrate n. 一体化;集成体;adj. 整合的;完全的;vi. 求积分;取消隔离;成为 一体;vt. 使……完整;使……成整体;求……的积分;表示……的总和 43. facial makeup 京剧脸谱 44. personality n. 个性;品格;名人 45. temperament n. 气质,性情,性格,急躁 46. appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢 245 旅游实务英语

47. quintessence n. 精华;典范 48. theatre-goer n. 爱看戏的人 49. paintings n. 图画;印刷品(painting 的复数);涂漆 50. calligraphy n. 书法;笔迹 51. nameplates n. 铭牌;标示牌


1. China’s traditional theatrical arts include regional opera, circus arts, folk entertainments and puppet shows, of which Beijing Opera is main trend. 中国的传统剧艺,包括各种地区性 戏曲、杂技和木偶戏等、种类繁多,而京剧则是中国传统剧的主流。 2. Singing styles of Beijing Opera are divided into xi pi and er huang. Xi pi is melodious and full of power and grandeur, while er huang is lowering and sorrowing. 京剧的唱腔可以分 为“西皮”和“二黄”。西皮清脆雄壮,二黄低沉郁哀。 3. Beijing opera is a performing art including opera performance, singing, music, dance and martial art. 京剧是一种集歌剧,歌唱,音乐,舞蹈,武术于一体的表演艺术。 4. Facial makeup of Beijing Opera is based on certain personality, temperament or some special types of figures for the use of certain colors 京剧脸谱是根据某种性格、性情或采用某 些色彩的人物特殊类型为基础的。 5. The performance of Beijing Opera includes songs, monologue, dances and pantomime. Main music instrument belongs to wind and string instruments including drums, gongs and urheen. 京剧的表演包括唱工、独白、身段和做手、演奏的乐器有鼓、锣、及二胡等中式 关弦乐器。 6. Paintings, calligraphy, classical poetry and Beijing Opera were four nameplates of Chinese culture. 文人画、书法、古典诗词和京剧,成为精神文化的四大名牌。

Part Three Supplementary Reading Comprehension

Beijing Opera

There are numerous regional branches of , of which the Beijing opera is one of the most notable. Beijing opera is the quintessence of China. As the largest Chinese opera form, it is extolled as “Oriental Opera”. Beijing opera is developed from absorbing many other dramatic forms, mostly from the local drama. Beijing Opera is developed from absorbing many other dramatic forms, mostly from the local drama “Huangmei opera” which was popular in south China during the 18 th century. It presents dramatic plays and figures mainly by infusing four artistic methods: sing, dialogue, dancing and martial art. Main roles in Beijing opera performances include: Sheng, Dan and Jing. 246 Module Three Life Service

Sheng: It is a common name of male characters. It is composed of Laosheng and Xiaosheng. Lao Sheng refers to the middle-aged man with a beard who acts as the decency figure; for example, Zhuge Liang in Empty City Scheme. Xiao Sheng means young man without a beard. Zhang Sheng in the Story of the West Room is a representative of Xiao Sheng. Dan: The general name for female characters in Beijing opera can be divided into Zhengdan, Huadan, laodan, Wudan. Zhengdan is also called “Qingyi” who mainly plays the part of the strong-minded middle-aged woman who behaves elegantly. Huadan refers to little girls who often live in the bottom of society. Laodan refers to the senior woman and Wudan indicates the female who is good at fighting. Jing: Painted face often refers to male characters with unique appearance or personality, such as Bao Zheng and Cao Cao. Besides, Chou is a comic role or villainous Character or righteous person. the actor’ s nose is painted by a piece of white powder, making him or her easily recognizable.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What roles in Beijing opera performances include?

2. How does it present dramatic plays and figures?

3. What role is Zhengdan?

4. What role is Chou?

5. What does painted face often refer to? Please give some examples.

Part Four Working Skills

Arrangements of Tourist Activities

Although the sightseeing is the main part for a tourist, entertainment is a good way to make the traveling more interesting. It can not only make the tourists feel relaxed after the whole day’s travel, but also give a chance to experience Chinese culture and people’s real life. The tour guide should arrange proper entertainments according to the tourists’ interests 247 旅游实务英语 and the characteristics of the local place. What’s more, the tour guide is asked to get a deep understanding of the entertainments so that he/she can introduce them effectively to the tourists. If the tourists propose activity, the tour guide should try the best to get the tickets and arrange the time. And the tour guide should accompany the group if it is necessary.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the main part for a tourist?

2. Why is entertainment a good way to make the traveling more interesting?

3. How should the tour guide arrange proper entertainments?

4. Why is the tour guide asked to get a deep understanding of the entertainments?

5. What should the tour guide try the best to do if the tourists propose the entertainment?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How should tour guides introduce, select, arrange various recreational activities?

2. What are the main programs of Chinese acrobatic troupe there?

3. What does the performance of Beijing Opera include?

4. What are singing styles of Beijing Opera divided into?

5. What were four nameplates of Chinese culture?

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. He’s always acting the experienced man who has seen everything.

2. The plot’s quite simple, but the theme’s great

3. Now it’s time for a break. What do you think of the last song?

248 Module Three Life Service

4. The costumes of the dancers are so gorgeous!

5. The next one is dance called “Dance of the Peacock”.

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. As far back as the Yuan Dynasty, specialized roles like Dan (female), Sheng (male), Jing (painted- face) and Chou (clown) were introduced into the opera. In Beijing opera, traditional Chinese string and percussion instruments provide a strong rhythmic accompaniment to the acting.

2. The ancient acrobatics stemmed from the people’s life and had a close link with their life and productive labor. Traditional acrobatic acts include Lion Dance, Cycling Feats and Tight-Wire Feats and so forth.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

Talking about Play

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: ?(你欣赏这出戏吗?) T: I haven’t seen a better play for quite a long time. G: ?(你觉得舞台布景怎么样?) T: (布景不断变化), and the variety is interesting . G: ?(你看他和那女主角的爱情场面怎样?) T: The leading actor is expert at conveying his role’s fine feeling. .(这位女主角似乎有点呆板。)

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250 Module Three Life Service

Unit Six 6 Apologies

Proverb We should give up the sword for the pen.

Introduction As an old Chinese saying goes: “Men are not saints, how can they be free from faults.” The best tour guide will make some mistakes in the work no matter how careful he/she is, as there are so many things to deal with in the trip. Once the tour guide has made a mistake, he/she has to have the spirit of self-criticism, admitting his/her wrongdoing and trying to make up for it. Once tour guides can not meet tourists, they express their apologies for not being able to do something or bringing some trouble. If possible, they may offer a suggestion. Finally they may again show their regrets at the end. A past experience, if not forgotten, can serve as guide for the future. The cleverest and most intelligent tour guide is to learn a lesson from his/her mistake and get his/her work improved next time.

Discussion 1. What will the best tour guide do once he/she has made a mistake? 2. What should the tour guides do once they can not meet tourists?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Handling Complaints

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: Is everything to your satisfaction? T: No. The steak you recommended is not fresh. G: Sorry to hear that. This is quite unusual as we have fresh steak from the market every day! I will look into the matter.

251 旅游实务英语

T: It is absolutely not fresh. G: I do beg your pardon. Do you wish to try something else? T: No, I don’t want to try anything else. This is very annoying. G: Please be assured that we will look into the matter. Our chef is very particular. I’m sure everything will meet your expectations next time. T: Don’t be so sure next time yet. G: I have confidence in our chef. Just give us another chance again, you’ll find our restaurant really lives up to its fame. T: All right. Don’t think any more about it. I’ll come again. G: Thank you very much. See you later.

New Words and Expressions

1. complaint n. 抱怨,诉苦 2. satisfaction n. 满意,满足 3. steak n. 牛排,肉排,鱼排 4. recommend vt. 推荐,介绍 5. absolutely adv. 绝对地,完全地 6. annoying adj. 讨厌的,烦人的 7. assure v.t 保证,担保,使确信 8. expectation n. 期待,预期,指望 9. chef n. 厨师,大师傅 10. confidence n. 信心,信任 11. fame n. 名声,名望


1. look into 调查 e.g. In 2010, a working party was set up to look into the problem. 在 2010 年,建立了工 作组调,查此问题。 2. live up to 达到,符合(预期要求);不辜负(期望) e.g. The film didn’t live up to my expectations. 这部电影没有达到我期望的要求。

252 Module Three Life Service

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

Some Basic Requirements for Tourists

Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome to Wuhan. My name is Li Bing. I’m your guide from China International Travel Service. I’m very glad to have all of you in China. I’ be with you in the following 8 days of the tour. I’m glad to be of your service and I hope we will have a very good time together. Here are the badges of our travel service for everybody, please pin them on and here are the caps of our travel service, please put them on. I expect after such a long trip from the United States to China, you’d like to have a good rest. So we are driving straight to Wuhan Lijiang hotel. You may take a brief look at the outskirts and the city along the way. Please look straight ahead, we can see famous Yellow Crane Tower. Here is the busy railway station. Now we are in the culture center of the city, Wuchang district. There are many famous universities in this area. Wuhan Lijiang hotel is located in Baiyun cranes Town—Wuchang City, covers an area of about twenty thousand square meters. It takes 5 minutes by car to arrive at the Yellow Crane Tower. It is only 4 kilometers from the Provincial Museum—Zeng Hou Yue chime during the Warring States period known as the miracle of the World is now in the possession of the museum. Here we are at the Hotel. There are 126 guest rooms equipped with beautiful, health equipment, and equipped with central air-conditioning, satellite TV network, international and domestic direct dial telephone. There are also a number of recreational facilities. Here are the keys to your rooms. Your rooms are on the 3rd floor. The bellboy will take you to your rooms. I guess you must be tired. If there’s nothing else you want, I will be leaving. I will meet you at the lobby on the ground floor at seven o’clock tomorrow morning for your breakfast. You can take a good rest tonight. We hope you’ll have a good time here.

New Words and Expressions

1. badge n. 徽章;证章;标记;vt. 授给徽章 2. pin vt. 钉住;压住;将用针别住;n. 大头针,针;栓;琐碎物 3. outskirt n. 郊区,市郊 4. possession n. 拥有;财产;领地;自制;着迷 in the possession of 被某人占有;属于;为所有 5. crane n. 吊车,起重机;鹤;vt. 用起重机起吊;伸长脖子;vi. 伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇 6. chime n. 钟声;一套发谐音的钟;和谐;vi. 鸣响;和谐;vt. 打钟报时;敲出和谐的 声音 253 旅游实务英语

7. provincial n. 粗野的人;乡下人;外地人;adj. 省的;地方性的;偏狭的 8. China International Travel Service. 中国国际旅行社 9. Wuhan Lijiang hotel 武汉丽江饭店 10. Wuchang district 武昌区 11. Baiyun cranes Town 白云黄鹤之乡 12. the Warring States period 战国时期


1. Yellow Crane Tower. 黄鹤楼是古典与现代熔铸、诗化与美意构筑的精品。黄鹤楼 始建于三国时期吴黄武二年(公元 223 年),传说是为了军事目的而建,孙权为实现“以 武治国而昌”(“武昌”的名称由来于此),筑城为守,建楼以了望。登黄鹤楼,不仅仅获 得愉快,更能使心灵与宇宙意象互渗互融,从而使心灵净化。 2. Zeng Hou Yue chime 曾侯乙编钟为战国早期文物,1978 年在湖北随县(今随州市) 成功发掘。出土后的编钟是由六十五件青铜编钟组成的庞大乐器,其音域跨五个半八度, 十二个半音齐备。它高超的铸造技术和良好的音乐性能,改写了世界音乐史,被中外专 家、学者称之为“稀世珍宝”。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Good Service and Bad Service

Rich knowledge is indispensable for interpretation in guiding activities. A quality tour guide must be imbued with a lively disposition that can arouse a tour group’s vigor and confidence. To be a successful tour guide, one must possess the superior skills and techniques of guiding and the ability to handle urgent problems but also an excellent mastery of all phases and levels of professional work. Knowledge originates in practice. Excellent skills and techniques must be continually and constantly practiced in guide work and in actual experience. Let’s compare good service and bad service from actual lives: Good Service 1. When interpreting, the tour guide should face tourists. Information should be reliable. The contents the tour guide explains should coincide with the subjects viewed by tourists. The language which tour guide speaks should be clear, precise and fluent. Speech should be interesting and humorous. 2. The tour guide should greet tourists with a warm welcome and wish our departing tourists a warm goodbye and invite them back. Smiling service is very important. It can create an amiable and harmonious environment for tourists. 3. The service should be performed in an excellent way. When taking a count of tourists on the 254 Module Three Life Service

coach, do not use your fingers; it is not considered polite. Take personal responsibility to get the answers to the tourist’s questions. Notify their superior immediately of assistance when they meet the emergency situation. Create an atmosphere of teamwork both within and outside their travel agency. Bad Service 1. Inefficiency: The inefficiency result is because the tour guide is short of adequate training or practicing experiences. 2. Aloofness: An aloof guide wears an expression of studied indifference, serving tourists with an expression of injured dignity. Their aloofness makes tourists feel unwelcome and lose interest in tourism. 3. Over-attentiveness: Over-attentiveness tourists with effusive greeting, effusive talk about the specialties of the house and the distinguished spirits, eagerness to make recommendations, and frequent appearances are really annoying. In general, a tour guide should adopt the attitude of holding himself accountable for tourists, acting in their interests, sharing their feelings, working for their benefit and accepting their supervision.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is indispensable for tour guide?

2. How do they become a successful tour guide?

3. How do they get the superior skills and techniques?

4. Why is aloofness unsuccessful for tour guide?

5. What should a successful tour guide do for tourists?

Part Four Working Skills

Tips on Dealing with Complaints

Every tour guide must learn to deal with complaints on his/her own. Below are some tips. ● Avoid being defensive, irritate, or angry, even though these reactions are natural. ● Listen carefully, without comment. ● Use sympathy and empathy—try to put yourself into the place of the visitor.(don’t only look at things from your point of view.) 255 旅游实务英语

Note: You do not have to admit any fault at this moment. ● Don’t make excuses or blame others. ● Get the facts. If you don’t understand, you may ask open-ended questions, so that the visitors has a chance to explain. ● Apologize, even if you think you are right. At least you can be sorry or the visitor feel upset. ● Show sincerity and try to retain goodwill—say: “Thank you for bringing the matter to our attention.” ● Action—always report to your superior, especially if an adjustment(refund, etc), is made, but do not fall back on him/her to deal with the visitor. You are responsible, and you should handle the matter. There is nothing worse than an employee avoiding his responsibility and turning into his supervisor to deal with the visitor. Remember: Win a battle with a visitor, and lose a customer.

Exercises: 1. How should you deal with complaints even though these reactions are natural?

2. How should you deal with it if you don’t understand tourists’ opinions?

3. Why should you say I am sorry at least, even if you think you are right?

4. How should you deal with it if tourists ask you to change the plan?

5. What tips are very important when you deal with Complaints?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Answer questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. How will you get along well with your tourists according to the guide speech? Give some examples.

2. What measures would you take in order to identify your tourists easily according to the guide speech? Give some examples.

3. How will you introduce on the way in order to make tourists understand the city according to the guide speech?

256 Module Three Life Service

4. How will you introduce some main scenic spots on the way?

5. Please introduce Wuhan Lijiang Hotel briefly.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 在紧急时刻,要沉着冷静。

2. 不能在有禁止标志的地方拍照。

3. 时间安排很紧请准时。

4. 注意请不要乱丢垃圾。

5. 当你离开房间时请把钥匙交给服务员,因为他们要为你们整理房间。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. Some tour members will ask for special arrangements like visiting another city not scheduled or visiting a particular facility. Be polite, but firm about your inability to handle those special requests.

2. When arriving at a new place and meeting a local guide for the first time, the national guide should be first off the coach along with the overseas tour escort.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

Asking for Help

(G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: , sir?(能为您效劳吗?) T: (我想了解一些情况)about touring the windmills town. G: (乘公共汽车要两小时,开车要一个小时)and one hour by car. T: (为了省时,我还是开车吧。) G: .(我建议您最好同旅行社联系一下具 体情况。)Here is the phone number.

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258 Module Four Parting Service

Module Four

Parting Service

259 旅游实务英语

260 Module Four Parting Service

Unit One 1 Checking Out

Proverb There’s no such thing as a free lunch.

Introduction Before the tour is coming to an end, the local guide and the tour leader should get everything ready for departure. Firstly, they should confirm the departure date, departure time, flight number and affirm the tickets. Secondly, they are supposed to tell the tourists when and where to check out the luggage and remind them not to put the passports and valuables in their check-in luggage. Thirdly, discuss about the time of departure, morning call and breakfast, and assembling place as well. Sufficient time should be left for going to the airport or train station, for example, two hours’ arrival in advance for international flights; one and a half hours’ arrival in advance for domestic flights, while one hour in advance for trains. Fourthly, remind the tourists to pay their personal bills, including service charge, long distance call and other miscellaneous before they leave the hotel. Lastly, they should return the credentials to the tourists. In this way, the group members will know the schedule and get ready for their departure.

Discussion 1. What should a local guide do the night before the tour group is leaving for their own country? 2. What should a tourist do if he/she has drunk the orange juice in the refrigerator of his room?

261 旅游实务英语

Part One Situational Dialogue

Checking out of a Hotel

(R=Receptionist; G=Local Guide; T=Tourist ) R: Good morning, sir. May I help you? G: Yes. I’d like to check out. R: May I have your name and room number? G: I’m Zhang Lin, from China International Travel Service. R: A moment please, Miss Zhang. I will draw up the bill for you. G: OK. (After a while ) R: Sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Zhang. You, 24 persons, checked in three days ago on the afternoon of Oct. 16 th, didn’t you? G: Yes. Please show me the personal bills that the tourists in my group signed in your hotel. R: OK. Here you are. (A minute later) G: Sorry, one bill hasn’t been settled. I’ll have it done immediately. (Just now, a tourist comes up) T: Excuse me, are there any bills I have to pay? G: Yes, you made an international trunk call, but the package tour is exclusive of your personal bills at the hotel. T: Sorry, but I’ll handle the bill right away. G: Don’t hurry. We have enough time. T: (To the receptionist) How much should I pay? R: It’s $ 3.50 in all. Here is the bill. Please have a check. T: OK. It looks all right. R: Do you pay in cash or by credit card? T: In cash. R: OK. Here is the receipt. Thank you. T: Not at all. Bye! R: Bye. (Turns to the guide) Miss Zhang, would you like to settle the bill now? G: Sure. R: How would you like to make the payment, Miss Zhang? G: On the company account, please. 262 Module Four Parting Service

R: Is it China International Service, Shanghai Branch? G: Yes. Here is my company card. R: I see. Wait a second, for it takes time for the cashier to check the bill before we issue your bill. (A moment later) Sorry to have kept you waiting, Miss Zhang. Can I have your signature down there, please? G: OK. Here it is. R: Here is your card and your receipt. Is your luggage packed? G: Yes. We’ll start at 8:30 a.m. R: I’ll call some porters for you. G: Thank you. R: Thank you for staying with us. Have a nice day ! Goodbye, Miss Zhang. G: Goodbye.

New Words and Expressions

1. draw up (the bill) 列出(账单) 2. sign vt. 签署;示意;vi. 签署;签名;n. 迹象;符号;手势 3. settle vi. 解决;定居;沉淀;vt. 解决;使……定居;n. 有背长椅 4. exclusive adj. 独有的;排外的;n. 独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者 exclusive of 不包括;除外 5. trunk call 长途电话;长途呼叫 6. receipt n. 收据;收入 7. account n. 账户;账目;解释;vt. 认为;把视为 8. branch n. 分公司;分支 9. company account 公司账户 10. cashier n. 出纳员;司库 vt. 解雇;抛弃 11. issue one’s bill 给……结账 12. pack vt. 包装;压紧;捆扎;vi. 挤;包装货物;n. 包装;包裹 13. porter n. 门房;服务员;行李搬运工


1. How to Make an International Trunk Call 如何拨打国际长途电话。在酒店拨打国际 长途电话,一般在自己房间即可,离店时一并结算。旅客在市内参观点、商店、娱乐场 所活动时,可在附近邮电局、公共电话亭打国际长途电话。通话后结算费用。拨国际长 途电话,先拨国际冠字\"00\",再拨国家编号,再拨区域号码(有些国家的城市或地区的 区号第一位是\"0\",拨时应将\"0\"去掉),最后拨对方用户号码。 2. Package Tour 包价旅游是指旅游者在旅游活动中开始前即将全部或部分旅游费用 263 旅游实务英语

预付给旅行社,由旅行社根据同旅游者签订的合同,相应地为旅游者安排旅游途中的吃、 住、行、游、购、娱等活动。包价旅游可分为团体包价旅游、半包价旅游、小包价旅游 和零包价旅游。 3. Company Card 公司信用卡都有一个信贷限额,收银员要检查客人的信贷限额能否 足以支付其在酒店可能产生的费用。对于用公司账户付款的客人,酒店一般要求客人出 示银行资信证明或商业资信证明。

Part Two A Guide Speech to Tourists

How to Check Out

Ladies and gentlemen, after half a month’s sightseeing, we have visited all the scenic spots on schedule and tomorrow you will leave for home. I’m very thankful for your understanding and cooperation in the past days, which has made our trip smooth and pleasant. Now, there is a questionnaire about our guiding service for you to fill out. If you have any complaints or suggestions on the whole reception job, you can also write them down on the back side of the paper. (After ten minutes) Now please hand in the questionnaires to me. I’m grateful for your cooperation and support. In a few minutes we will arrive at the hotel. As you will leave our country tomorrow morning, there are something important for us to do. Firstly, tonight, you should prepare for tomorrow’s trip. I know most of you have bought a lot of gifts, so you’d better put them in the luggage to be registered. Secondly, if you made any long distance call, drunk the beverage in the mini-bar or signed for other service, you’d better settle the bill before 7:40 a.m. tomorrow. Thirdly, our morning call for tomorrow is 7:00 a.m., and you had better finish your breakfast before 7:40 a.m. and return the key to the reception desk before 7:50 tomorrow morning. Lastly, you should have your certificates within easy reach and take along your valuables with you. We will put a signal board of our group in the lounge of the hotel, so you can carry your baggage round it. I bet you are very tired and want to have a good rest after such a long journey. But if some of you want to go around the hotel and buy some souvenirs and regional specialties for your friends, you’d better come back early this evening. Keep in mind that your plane takes off at 11:00 tomorrow morning, so we have to start at 8:00 sharp. Ladies and gentlemen, now we’ve arrived at the hotel. Please take all your things with you, for we have to take another coach to the airport tomorrow. If you have any other problems or complaints, don’t hesitate to tell me. May your last night be pleasant and memorable.

New Words and Expressions

1. on schedule adv. 按时;按照预定时间 264 Module Four Parting Service

2. questionnaire n. 问卷;调查表 3. reception n. 接待;接收;招待会;反应 4. register vt. 登记;注册;记录;n. 登记;注册;登记簿 5. beverage n. 饮料 6. mini-bar 小冰箱;酒店客房里的小冰柜 7. morning call 叫醒服务,叫床服务 8. certificate n. 身份证明资料;证书;执照,文凭 9. signal board 标识牌 10. souvenir n. 纪念品;礼物;vt. 把留作纪念 11. regional adj. 地方的;区域的 12. speciality n. 特制品;特性; 专业,专长 13. complaint n. 抱怨;诉苦;疾病;委屈 14. hesitate vt. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿意;vi. 踌躇,犹豫;不愿 15. memorable adj. 显著的,难忘的;值得纪念的


1. Mini-bar小冰柜。一些酒店的客房配有小冰柜,一般多用于冷藏红酒、饮料等。冰 箱里的矿泉水一般免费,但其他饮料要付费。客人也可用于冷藏化妆品等。 2. 如何办理随团旅游手续? (1)欲出国旅游者首先要选择信誉良好,服务优质,价格优惠的旅行社作为出国旅 游的组织和接待者; (2)要选择好适合自己要求的旅游线路; (3)凭本人身份证、户口本和工作证等到有关旅行社领取出国旅游申请表格; (4)认真填写申请表格并经所在单位或派出所、人才交流中心等组织盖章和领导签 字(注明“同意自费出国旅游”字样); (5)将表格及一定数量的照片递交给公安机关出入境管理部门; (6)公安机关出入境管理部门办妥护照手续后交付本人; (7)本人将护照交给旅行社办理出国签证手续后即可按着旅行社的安排随团出国旅 游。

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Banks in the West

A bank is a financial institution that serves as a financial intermediary. The term “bank” may refer to one of several related types of entities. A central bank circulates money on behalf of a government and acts as its monetary 265 旅游实务英语 authority by implementing monetary policy, which regulates the money supply. A commercial bank accepts deposits and pools those funds to provide credit, either directly by lending, or indirectly by investing through the capital markets. Within the global financial markets, these institutions connect market participants with capital deficits (borrowers) to market participants with capital surpluses (investors and lenders) by transferring funds from those parties who have surplus funds to invest financial asset to those parties who borrow funds to invest in real assets. A savings bank (known as a “building society” in the United Kingdom) is similar to a savings and loan association. They can either be stockholder owned or mutually owned, in which case they are permitted to only borrow from members of the financial cooperative. The asset structure of savings banks and savings and loan associations is similar, with residential mortgage loans providing the principal assets of the institution’s portfolio. Because of the important role depository institutions play in the financial system, the banking industry is generally regulated with government restrictions on financial activities. Current global bank capital requirements are referred to as Basel II. In some countries, such as Germany, banks have historically owned major stakes in industrial companies, while in other countries, such as the United States, banks have traditionally been prohibited from owning non-financial companies. In Japan, banks are usually the nexus of a cross-share holding entity known as the “keiretsu”. In Iceland, banks followed international standards of regulation prior to the recent global financial crisis that began in 2007. A bank’s main source of income is interest paid on loans. A bank pays out at a lower interest rate on deposits and receives a higher interest rate on loans. The difference between these rates represents the bank’s net income. Banks also generate non-interest income from service fees for Retail and Business banking products, transactional fees, or other non-traditional services such as Trust and Wealth Management Consulting, Insurance, Cash Management Services, Mortgage Loan Closing Costs and Points.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What is the definition of bank?

2. What related types of entities does bank mean?

3. What plays a very important role in the financial system?

4. How about the United States in terms of government restrictions on financial activities?

5. Where does the main income of a bank come from?

266 Module Four Parting Service

Part Four Background Knowledge

Paying the Bill

Nowadays it is very usual and convenient for tourists to travel overseas. But before leaving for your trip abroad, you should take a moment to get down to the details. Otherwise, you won’t have a smooth and pleasant trip. If you can’t decide whether to bring along cash, a debit card, or a credit card, you should consider the pros and cons of the different ways to pay for your travel expenses and listen to the experts. When you are traveling overseas, you should know it is neither safe nor convenient to bring a large amount of cash with you. Therefore, financial experts proposed that while traveling abroad, consumers should pay by card as far as possible, but they also need to pay attention to the following respects. First of all, when traveling to Europe and America, etc, consumers had better use dual-currency credit card as far as possible. Consumers can take a small amount of foreign currency with them for taking a taxi, buying snacks and other small consumption . But they had better use dual-currency credit card when they carry on the large amount of consumption . Its biggest advantage is that consumers can use credit card’s overdraft function, enjoying interest free period. Financial experts say, now domestic dual-currency credit card mostly belongs to RMB and USD card. When consumers settle the bill abroad by this kind of credit card, the local prices for the commodities will be converted into US dollars, and then US dollars will be converted into RMB. Every time consumers must pay the currencies fee twice. Accordingly, consumers had better choose corresponding currency credit cards according to their destination, such as a trip to Europe, consumer should bring along RMB and EURO credit cards. Secondly, tourists had better choose Union Pay Card if they plan to go to Hong Kong and Macao. At present Union Pay Card has been popular in more than 90% areas of Hong Kong, and generally the money the consumers have spent will be converted into RMB directly according to that very day’s RMB exchange rate in Hong Kong dollars, and with no currency conversion fee. If tourists shopping in Hong Kong and Macao use VISA and Master Card, etc, they must pay around 1.5% of the currency conversion fee. Lastly, there are many methods for consumers to choose after they come back to repay. They can take one from the following reimbursement methods: one is to repay in dollars 267 旅游实务英语 directly; the second is to pay in RMB according to the credit card vouchers, credit card payments and the ID card; the third method is to call the bank credit card service hotline to pay in RMB on phone.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. Why should tourists learn about the ways of payment before the trip?

2. What’s the best way of making the payment abroad according to the experts?

3. What kind of credit card should tourists bring with them when traveling to the United States and European countries?

4. What kind of card had tourists better choose if they go to Hong Kong?

5. Can you describe the proper reimbursement methods after tourists come back?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises A. Answer the following questions according to the guide speech learned. 1. What were tourists asked to do after the guide expressed his or her thanks?

2. What should the tourists do if they signed for other service at the hotel?

3. Where can tourists put their baggage after they have returned the keys to the reception desk?

4. What time will the group start for the airport?

5. Will the tourists take the same coach to the airport the next morning?

B. Ask students to turn learned Guide Speech into a dialogue including related contents.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 王小姐,对不起让你久等啦。请在此签个名好吗?

2. 请问,我所带的团的个人账单都结了吗?

268 Module Four Parting Service

3. 请大家把所买的礼品装好,以方便安检托运。

4. 最好把护照放在方便拿取的地方,并随身携带贵重物品。

5. 去欧美旅游最好选择双币卡。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. After more than ten days’ sightseeing, you have visited all the scenic spots on schedule and tomorrow you will leave for home. I’m very grateful for your understanding and cooperation during these days. Now, there is a questionnaire about our guiding service for you to fill out. If you have any complaints or suggestions on the whole reception job, you can also write them down on the back side of the paper.

2. A Bank’s main source of income is interest paid on loans. A bank pays out at a lower interest rate on deposits and receives a higher interest rate on loans. The difference between these rates represents the bank’s net income. Banks also generate non-interest income from service fees for Retail and Business banking products, transactional fees, or other non-traditional services such as Trust and Wealth Management Consulting, Insurance, Cash Management Services, Mortgage Loan Closing Costs and Points.

I V. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (R= Receptionist; G=Tour Guide) R: Good morning, madam .What can I do for you? G: Yes.______(我想结账。) R: May I have your name and room number? G: I’m Wang Li from China International Travel Service. R: A moment please, Miss Wang. ______(我把你的账单准备好。) G: OK. R: Sorry to have kept you waiting, you, 12 persons in your group, ______? (10 月 2 号上午入住的,是吗?) G: Yes. Please show me the bill ______.(游客在你 们酒店签的单。) R: OK. Here you are. Do you pay in cash or by credit card? G: By credit card. R: Ok. ______.(这是你的收据)Thank you. G: Not at all. Bye!

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270 Module Four Parting Service

Unit Two 2 Seeing off the Tourists

Proverb Good friends are good friends no matter how far away they are from each other.

Introduction Seeing off the visitors is the last and also very important step for a satisfying tour service. A tour guide should learn about some send-off skills to make the tour complete and perfect. When the group is about to leave for the airport, the local guide and the tour leader must collect all the heavy bags of the tourists for consignment if they have any. Under normal conditions, he or she should go through the check-out formalities before 12:00 a.m. Before the group leaves, he or she should remind the tourists to pay their personal bills and return the keys to the reception desk again in case they should forget. When the tourists are all seated in the bus, should carefully he or she count the number of people and remind the tourists to recheck and make sure that they have nothing left behind in the hotel. If the flight is an international one, the group must get to the airport two hours before departure time. On the way to the airport, the tour guide should make a farewell speech to the tourists. An appropriate speech can not only dissolve some unhappiness during the trip and leave the tourists a good impression, which helps to enhance the friendship between tour guides and tourists.

Discussion 1. What should a tour guide do before the group leaves the hotel? 2. What should a tour guide do when the tour group is on the bus?

Part One Situational Dialogue

Seeing off the Tourists

(G=Tour Guide; T= Tourists; L=Tour Leader) The tour group is assembling at the lobby of the hotel.

271 旅游实务英语

G: Is everybody here? Now, I’ll call the roll…, ok, all is here. Now just check in case something is left in the hotel room, especially your valuables and passports. T: Ah, where is my watch? Maybe I have left it in the room. G: Easy. Just go upstairs to look for it. We’ll wait for you here. (A few minutes later, the tourist ran to them.) T: Thank goodness, I’ve found it under the pillow. G: Good. Attention, please. Our coach has arrived, please follow me to get on the coach. The bellboys will put your luggage on the bus, and they will make sure that your luggage is placed well. (On the bus, to the tourists) G: Now, please recheck your valuables and passports and we will set off to the airport right now. It will take us almost one hour. Now please sit back and have a short rest. T: How time flies! We have been in China for more than 15 days. G: Yes, it seems as if it were only yesterday when I went to meet you at the airport. And now you are leaving. I hope you enjoy your stay in China. T: Yeah, it is a wonderful and unforgettable journey for us. G: I’ve also enjoyed all these days that you have spent with me, and I’ll remember it. And I’ve learned a lot from you. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. T: You have done a good job. We’ ll miss you too. G: Thank you. China is a big country with rich natural and tour resources. I look forward to meeting you next time. T: So do we. China is indeed a great country with ancient civilization and we are sure to come here again. G: It’s very kind of you to say so. Attention, everybody! We will arrive at the airport in a few minutes. On arrival at the airport please remember to come with Mr. White. I’ll do the check-in procedure for you. T: Thank you! G: Here we are. Please get off with your personal belongings. L: Everybody, please follow me to the 3rd Terminal of Capital Airport and don’t wander off. (About 10 minutes later ) G: Madams and sirs, everything is OK. Here are your tickets, passports and boarding passes. Now please follow me to consign for shipment if you have any. Others just sit here for a 272 Module Four Parting Service

short rest with Mr. White. Please remember our flight takes off at 11 a.m. and our boarding gate is 26th. (Twenty minutes later, all the members have finished consigning.) L: Attention, please! Please follow me to queue for security check. (While waiting, turning to the tour guide) L: Miss Zhang, now it’s time to say goodbye to you and thank you for your hard work and consideration, which are really impressive. G: I have also learned a lot from you. Your cooperation and support make the tour smooth and pleasant. Thank you very much. L: Looking forward to meeting you soon. G: Meet you again some day. Goodbye, everybody. Wish you a pleasant flight! And welcome to China again. T: Thank you for all that you have done. Goodbye.

New Words and Expressions

1. assemble vt. 集合;装配;收集;vi. 集合,聚集 2 valuables n. 贵重物品 3. upstairs adv. 在楼上,向楼上;上楼;adj. 楼上的;n. 楼上 4. pillow n. 枕头;vt. 垫;枕于;使靠在 5. cooperation n. 合作,协作 6. civilization n. 文明;文化 7. check-in procedure n. 登机手续,验票并领取登机卡;签到;投宿登记手续 8. belonging n. 所有物;行李;附属物 9. the 3rd Terminal of Capital Airport 首都机场三号航站楼 10. wander vi. 徘徊;漫步;离题;vt. 游荡,漫游 11. boarding pass 登机牌;登机证 12. consign vt. 托运;寄存;交付;把……委托给 13. shipment n. 装货;装载的货物;转运 14. boarding gate n. 登机门;登机口 15. security n. 安全;保证;证券;抵押品;adj. 安全的;保安的 16. impressive adj. 给人以深刻印象的;感人的


1. 预订机票 旅行结束前,为国外旅客预订机票是必不可少的。旅行社应该知道最便宜的旅行路 线,为旅客免费提供建议和服务。订机票时,应该弄清楚客人的离开日期、时间、目的

273 旅游实务英语

地和他们名字的正确拼写。 2. 办理登机 到达机场后一般按以下程序办理: ① 办登机手续(也就是换登机牌):找到相应柜台,将机票、身份证交给机场值机人 员。如果你有大件行李,就在这里托运,经济舱 20 公斤以内的行李是免费的。 ② 安全检查:过安全检查时请出示身份证件、机票和登机牌。 ③ 候机:通过安检后,看看你登机牌上面会标明你的航班在哪个登机口登机,找到 与登机口对应的候机厅候机。 此时可以把身份证件、机票放置保管好,只留登机牌登机。 ④ 登机:登机时间一般在起飞前的 20-30 分钟。 ⑤ 找机上位置。登机牌上标明有你的位置,找到你的位置坐下,扣上安全带,起飞 前关掉手机。

Part Two A Guide Speech to a Tourism Site

A Farewell Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m very sorry that your visit to China is coming to an end. On behalf of my travel service and myself, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks and bid farewell to our dear friends. Firstly, I’d like to express my thanks to our tour leader Mr. White and to everyone in our group for the kindness and helpfulness you have showed to me during the past fifteen days in China. I also appreciate your cooperation and your understanding, which has made my work easier and our tour smooth and pleasant. And I have also learned a lot about your culture and your country. To my much delight, my English is much better by talking with you. I’d like to thank you for all this, which benefits me a lot. During these days, we have climbed the Great Wall, one of the eight wonders of the world; we have visited the Forbidden City and Thirteen Tombs of the Ming Emperors; we have also visited the Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses in Xi’an, which dates back over 2000 years; we have feasted our eyes on the beautiful Karst scenery in Guilin, and we have tasted the best food in China—Cantonese cuisine. Anyway, you have got an idea of what China looks like. But, China is a great country with a recorded history of nearly 5 000 years, and a vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, so there are a lot of world natural and cultural heritage sites in China. A 15-day visit to China, as a Chinese idiom goes, is just like a hurried journey of dragonflies, skimming the surface of the water looking for food. Therefore, you should come again if you want to get a better understanding of the country. I look forward to seeing you again in China in the near future. However, I know it is time you went home and rejoined your family. On the occasion of your immediate departure, I should say I’ve got a very nice group of very nice people and it’s 274 Module Four Parting Service been my pleasure staying with you in the past 15 days . Tourism is a young and growing industry in China. We have been making great efforts to improve our travel service. Things will be much better next time you come here. We look forward to seeing you again. I wish you have a pleasant journey home. Thank you.

New Words and Expressions

1. on behalf of 代表;为了 2. extend v. 给予;延伸;扩大;伸出 3. heartfelt adj. 衷心的;真诚的 4. bid vt. 表示;投标;出价;vi. 投标;吩咐;n. 出价 5. benefit vt. 有益于,对有益;n. 利益;救济金 6. wonder n. 惊奇;奇迹;惊愕;vi. 怀疑;想知道 7. territory n. 领土,领域;版图 8. date back 追溯到;回溯至 9. feast vt. 享受;款待,宴请;n. 筵席;节日 10. Karst n. 喀斯特地形(石灰岩地区常见的地形) 11. heritage n. 遗产;传统;继承权 12. Cantonese cuisine 广东菜,粤菜 13. dragonfly n. 蜻蜓 14. skim vt. 从表面飞掠而过;略读;撇去的浮物;vi. 浏览;掠过 skim the surface 走马观花 15. departure n. 离开;出发;违背


1. Farewell speech 送别词 When the trip has come to an end and bus is arriving at the airport, the tour guide should make a farewell speech to extend thanks to the tourists for their cooperation and understanding and express his expectation for their return. A farewell speech should include the following points: 1) Reviewing the trip of the group and giving thanks to the tourists for their cooperation. 2) Expressing his/her compliments to the tourists and reluctance and regret to part with them. 3) Inviting suggestions and opinions from the tourists. 4) Offering apologies to the tourists if things on the tour were not going smoothly or if the tourists are not satisfied with the service they have received. 275 旅游实务英语

5) Expressing good wishes to the tourists. 2. Useful expressions for a farewell speech: 1) Time goes so quickly and your visit to… is drawing to a close. 2) During these days, we have visited… 3) Our bus is approaching the airport. 4) We have had a very happy and successful journey these days. 5) The time has come for you to leave for your country. 6) I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks and bid farewell to our dear friends. 7) I appreciate your understanding, which has made the trip peasant and smooth. 8) I’m thankful for your cooperation and support in the past seven days. 9) I want to express my most deeply thanks to all of you. 10) Parting is such sweet sorrow. 11) A Chinese saying goes, “A good friend from afar brings a distant land closer.” 12) I hope to see you again in the future and to be your guide. 13) I wish you have a pleasant journey home. 14) Have a sound trip back home. 15) Now we have arrived at the parking of the airport. 16) Please take the luggage with you and get off the bus carefully.

Part Three Supplementary Reading

Customs Inspection

The customs inspection is a national administrative management activity used to supervise, inspect and tariff inbound and outbound goods such as postal articles, luggage, currency, gold and silver. It is to safeguard national sovereignty and interests. It is also a measure to protect the economic development of a country, to ban smuggling and illegal cases and to prevent the entry of the goods having been infected with virus. There are four main situations used by all countries to inspect foreign tourists or non-native : (1) Exempt from examination. Such as at the airports of some Western Europe countries, the “Nothing to Declare ” can been seen at the Customs, or nobody is on duty at the Customs. 276 Module Four Parting Service

(2) Oral declaration. It means passengers do not need to fill in the customs declaration form. At the Customs, the Customs officers just ask what things you have brought with you orally. (3) Filling in the Customs declaration forms, but when people are at the Customs, the Customs officers also just verbally ask if you have carried the limit items. Few have to open their cases for inspection. (4) Filling in the Customs declaration forms. Then passengers have to accept the open-case inspection at the Customs. At the Customs in China, there are two channels, i.e. “channel of declaration” and “channel of non-declaration”. Passengers entering or leaving the country without articles to be declared to the Customs are not required to fill in the Declaration Form, and he or she shall go through the Customs formalities through the “channel of non-declaration” (commonly known as “Green Channel”). Passengers entering or leaving the country (except those who are exempt from customs inspection and passengers below 16 who are traveling with adults) with articles required to be declared shall fill in the Declaration and choose the “channel of declaration” (commonly known as “Red Channel”) to go through the customs formalities. Those still uncertain about the regulations should voluntarily choose the “Declaration Channel” and make a written declaration at the Declaration Counter. When going through the Customs, outgoing and incoming passengers holding diplomatic courtesy visa issued by administrative departments of China should voluntarily show the valid certificates to the Customs, so that they may be exempt from inspection. The articles carried by outgoing and incoming passengers should be limited within a reasonable amount and be intended only for personal use; any excess should be declared faithfully to the Customs.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What do you think of the function of Customs inspection?

2. What are the four situations used by all countries to inspect foreign tourists or non-native?

3. Do you know the two channels at the Customs of China? What are they?

4. Which channel should you choose when you are uncertain about the regulations?

5.Who can be exempt from inspection?

277 旅游实务英语

Part Four Skills and Requirement

Working Summary

When a tour has come to an end, the tour guide should make a working summary to review the whole tour service. It is an indispensable successor to the tour. Firstly, a tour working summary, which is advocated by the relevant tourism laws and regulations, is a necessary part of the guide’s job. According to the Travel Regulations and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Travel Regulations of China, a tour working summary is viewed as important content of business files. Secondly, how the tour product is implemented can be reflected in a working summary. To the manager of travel agency, a good tour summary can become the basis for the decision-making. Through the working summary, the administrator can see how the tour group are satisfied with the tour service and products, whether the line is popular and has the value of being recommendation. Lastly, a tour guide can learn lessons and get more experience by writing the working summary in time, so as to enhance the tour guide’s performance. A good tour summary includes two parts: tour guiding process and personal summary. A tour guiding process often consists of time, scenic spots, tourists, traffic tools, and main events, which should be described objectively. And a personal summary is the summative statement of the tour. Specifically, firstly it should be authentic, which means that the summary should be objective and true; secondly, it should be highly generalized, which means that while recording overall, the tour guide should highlight the core, narrate the significant things simply, concisely and comprehensively; thirdly, there are different key points if describing different products. For example, the summary of guiding red tour group differs that of guiding sightseeing tour group. The former should focus on the significance, tourists’ feeling and the guide’s own viewpoints while the latter should prominent in the characteristics of the beautiful scenery, the differential appreciation value of each scenic spot, the tourists’ preference and evaluation, etc. The goal of writing a working summary of a tour is to offer as authentically and objectively as possible the comprehensive generalization of the whole tour, but in a more condensed form. The process of summarizing enables you to better know the strong points to be encouraged and the weakness to be improved in the future.

Exercises: Answer the following questions: 1. What should a tour guide do when a tour has come to an end?

2. Why should a tour guide write a working summary?

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3. What does a good working summary include?

4. How should the tour process be written?

5. What do you think of a working summary?

Part Five Consolidation

I. Oral Exercises A. Answer the following question according to the speech learned. 1. What should a guide express when a tour is coming to an end?

2. What made the guide’s work easier and the tour smoother in the guide’s view?

3. What cities have the tourists been to during the fifteen days according to the guide speech?

4. Which cuisine is the best in China according to the guide?

5. Is a 15-day tour enough if you want to get a better understanding of China? Why or why not?

B. Ask students to turn the learned Guide Speech into a dialogue including relating contents.

II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 请仔细检查以防东西遗漏在房间,特别是贵重物品和护照。

2. 到达机场后请跟着我。王先生会帮我们去办理登记手续。

3. 要托运行李的现在请随我一起去托运行李。

4. 我们一直在尽力提高我们的服务质量。

5. 我在此要衷心感谢各位在这些日子里对我们工作的支持和配合。

III. Translate the following passage into Chinese. 1. As our coach is approaching the airport, I want to say something finally. In the past ten days, we have visited a lot of famous scenic spots in China, which are all of the World Natural and 279 旅游实务英语

Cultural Heritages by the UNESCO. And I believe that all of you have had a joyful trip because of our driver’s hardworking and your understanding and cooperation. On behalf of my travel service and myself, I’d like to take this opportunity to appreciate and bid farewell to all of you.

2. The customs inspection is a national administrative management activity used to supervise, inspect and tariff inbound and outbound goods such as postal articles, luggage, currency, gold and silver. It is to safeguard national sovereignty and interests. It is also a measure to protect the economic development of a country, to ban smuggling and illegal cases and to prevent the entry of the goods having been infected with virus.

IV. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. (G=Tour Guide; T=Tourist) G: How time flies! You ______.(在中国已经带了十天了) T: Yeah, it has been ______.(一段非常精彩的经历) G: I’m glad that you enjoy your stay in Chian. But now it’s time ______.(我们互相道别的时候了) T: You have been a great help to us along the way. We’d like to ______. (表示我们诚挚的谢意) G: Thanks for your understanding and cooperation during these days. I wish you ______.(旅途愉快、一切顺利)

280 参考文献


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