旅游实务英语 English for Tourism

旅游实务英语 English for Tourism

Contents 全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材 旅游实务英语 English for Tourism 主 编 向 晓 编 者 向 晓 李 畅 企业顾问 陈 娟 对外经济贸易大学出版社 中国·北京 图书在版编目 (CIP) 数据 旅游实务英语 向晓主编 北京 对外经济贸 / . — : 易大学出版社 ꎬ 2012 全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材 ISBN 978 ̄7 ̄5663 ̄0536 ̄7 旅 向 旅游 英语 高等学校 Ⅰư ① ƺ Ⅱư ① ƺ Ⅲư ① - - 教材 - Ⅳư ①H31 中国版本图书馆 数据核字 第 号 CIP (2012) 257796 2012 年 对外经济贸易大学出版社出版发行 ⓒ 版权所有 翻印必究 旅游实务英语 English for Tourism 向 晓 主编 责任编辑 胡小平 红 梅 : 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社 北京市朝阳区惠新东街 号 邮政编码 10 : 100029 邮购电话 发行部电话 : 010 - 64492338 : 010 - 64492342 网址 : http:/ / www. uibep. com E ̄mail: uibep@ 126. com 山东省沂南县汇丰印刷有限公司印装 新华书店北京发行所发行 成品尺寸 印张 千字 : 185mm × 260mm 18ư 25 422 年 月北京第 版 年 月第 次印刷 2012 10 1 2012 10 1 ISBN 978 ̄7 ̄5663 ̄0536 ̄7 印数 册 定价 元 含光盘 : 0 001 - 3 000 : 38ư 00 ( ) Contents 出 版 说 明 教育部[2006]16 号文中提出:“要积极推行与生产劳动和社会实践相结合的学习模 式,把工学结合作为高等职业教育人才培养模式改革的重要切入点,带动专业调整与建 设,引导课程设置、教学内容和教学方法改革。”与之相对应的课程开发方式和课程内容 的改革模式是“与行业企业共同开发紧密结合生产实际的实训教材,并确保优质教材进 课堂”。“全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”正是对外经济贸易大学出版 社在高等职业教育课程建设领域的最新研究成果。 本系列教材适用于全国高职高专院校英语专业的商务/应用/外贸/旅游等英语方向以及 国际贸易、国际商务或财经类专业的学生;同时适用于全国各高等院校应用型本科英语专 业的商务英语方向和国际贸易、国际经济、国际商务及国际工商管理等商科专业的学生。 本系列教材主要呈现以下特点: 1. 体现“基于工作过程” 在我国高等职业教育新一轮课程改革中,我们学习、引进并发展了德国职业教育的 一种新的课程模式——基于工作过程的课程模式,指“为完成一件工作任务并获得工作 成果而进行的一个完整的工作程序”建立起来的课程体系。 2. 突出“校企合作” 课程体系的“校企合作”以教师和企业人员参与为主体,是“校企合作,工学结合” 的人才培养模式发展的必然产物,旨在提高学生的综合能力,尤其是实践能力和就业能 力,实现学校教学与工作实践的零距离。 “全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”的课程方案与传统的课程方案相 比,它打破了高等职业教育学科系统化的课程体系,在分析典型职业活动工作过程的前提 下,按照工作过程中的需要来设计课程,以突出工作过程在课程框架中的主线地位,整合 优化了理论知识与实践活动。教材编写过程中,教师结合自身的教学实践、调研论证和外 贸专家对工作岗位的实际要求来安排课程结构和内容,形成了具有特色的基于工作过程的 校企合作系列教材体系。 本套教材包括《致用商务英语阅读(上册)》、《致用商务英语阅读(下册)》、《外贸 函电与单证实训教程》、《商务翻译实务》、《国际市场营销实务》、《商务英语函电》、《国 际贸易实务(英)》、《商务谈判实务(英)》、《酒店实务英语》、《旅游实务英语》、《会展 实务英语》、《商务英语口译》、《外事接待实务英语》、《商务礼仪实务英语》、《涉外企业 管理实务》、《旅游英语口语》、《进出口报关实务》、《外贸跟单实务》、《国际商务单证实 务》、《国际货运代理实务》、《报检实务》、《生产物流运作实务》、《实用商务英语口语教 程》、《国际商务英语口语实训》、《中英文导游实训教程》、《中英文酒店服务实训教程》、 《集装箱运输实务》、《跨文化交际技巧——如何与西方人交往》和《商务英语听说》等教 1 旅游实务英语 材。作者都是本专业的“双师型”教师,不仅具有丰富的语言教学经验,而且具备企业 第一线的工作经历,主持或参与过多项国家或省市级相关科研项目,为本套教材的编写 质量提供了有力的保证。 值得注意的是,本系列教材不是封闭的,它随着教学模式和课程设置的变化,将不 断推出新的内容,以丰富整个体系。 同时,本套教材均配有辅导用书和 PPT 课件等立体化教学资源,供教师教学参考(下 载网址:http://www.uibep.com)。 对外经济贸易大学出版社 2012 年 8 月 2 Contents 前 言 《旅游实务英语》是“全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”之一。本教 材彻底解构了学科型知识组织模式,使教材的内容从单一的英语知识传授,改造为融旅 游业专业知识、专业技能、语言知识、文化知识、社交礼仪和旅游语境相互融合的工作 岗位知识体系,其中语言语料从旅游一线进行收集、精选和加工;结合工作过程对知识 的整合从宏观深入到微观,从表面深入到本质。首先,针对导游实际需要对教学内容进 行精选,取材主要针对全国各地世界遗产包括文化遗产、自然遗产和自然与文化遗产, 也涉及国外风景名胜,此外,导游过程中的各个环节所涉及的知识尽量融入教材,其中 社会知识和旅游文化知识以及工作技能也融入教学内容中;参观游览部分为本书重点, 强调旅游文化知识导入;其它部分强调社会知识和工作技能的导入。 教材从宏观的角度分成四大模块:迎客服务→观光服务∪生活服务→送客服务,教 材结构就是按照这个过程来组织的,此外,各个部分中的核心内容情景会话和导游词的 组织也是结合工作过程、工作任务和旅游环境进行了精选、组织和重构。下面为课时分 配计划表: 表一 课时分配计划 教材模块 课时分配 迎客服务 4×2=8 课时 观光服务 14×3=42 课时 生活服务 6×2=12 课时 送客服务 2×2=4 课时 总计 66 课时 教材也遵循传统单元学习优势。每个小单元分为六个小部分,小部分与单元主题尽量 衔接和对应,包括导入、情景对话、导游词、补充阅读、知识技能的巩固与训练等六个 部分。内容如下: 1. Introduction:建议采取课堂问题讨论的形式进入学习主题,在学生质疑过程中,不 断扩大讨论范围和渲染课堂气氛。 2. Situational Dialogue:强调学生面对面交流能力的培养,建议对学生进行结伴训练和 角色扮演。 3. Guide Speech:按照工作过程程序,针对旅游景点进行陈述并对游客动态趋势进行 预测性模拟陈述和回应。 1 旅游实务英语 4. Supplementary Reading:内容主要从宏观或微观的角度对单元主题涉及的内容进行 补充和扩展。 5. Abilities and Quality:强调现场经验、工作方法、操作技能和技巧的介绍;Culture: 介绍当地的民俗风情、生活习惯,为现场工作能力的提高积蓄力量,培养潜力,强调职 业能力的深层拓展。 6. Consolidation:针对知识要点进行集成化训练,包括质疑解惑、难点突破、重点巩 固、对话创新以及文本表达形式的转化等。 《旅游实务英语》由湖南生物机电职业技术学院教师编写;向晓老师主编教材和统稿, 编写了景点导游、生活服务共二十个单元。教材迎客服务、送客服务共六个单元由李畅 老师编写。全书由唐年青老师主审。编写前,编者在湖南韶山旅行社和华雅国际大酒店 等企业进行了调研,收集了许多宝贵意见。湖南财信环球国际旅行社陈娟女士为本教材 企业顾问。 本书在编著过程中会有不当和疏漏之处,欢迎广大同行和使用者批评指正。 编者 2012 年 8 月 2 Contents Contents Module One Meeting Service Unit One Greeting the Guests ······························································································3 Unit Two On the Way ·········································································································13 Unit Three Hotel Accommodation ·····················································································25 Unit Four Tour Arrangement·····························································································37 Module Two Sightseeing Service Unit One Palaces·················································································································51 Unit Two Altars and Temples ·····························································································61 Unit Three Religious Buildings in China···········································································71 Unit Four Mausoleums ·······································································································83 Unit Five Military Defenses································································································91 Unit Six Classical Gardens ·······························································································103 Unit Seven Ancient Cities ·································································································115 Unit Eight Waterscape······································································································125 Unit Nine Mountain Range ······························································································135 Unit Ten Mountains and Water························································································143 Unit Eleven Forest Parks in China ··················································································155 Unit Twelve Special Administrative Region in China·····················································165 Unit Thirteen Travel Abroad I ·························································································177 Unit Fourteen Travel Abroad II·······················································································189 1 旅游实务英语 Module Three Life Service Unit One Dating Affairs····································································································203 Unit Two Handling Emergency························································································213 Unit Three Eating Out······································································································221 Unit Four Shopping ··········································································································233 Unit Five Amusement ·······································································································241 Unit Six Apologies·············································································································251 Module Four Parting Service Unit One Checking Out ····································································································261 Unit Two Seeing off the Tourists ······················································································271 参考文献·······························································································································281 2 Module One Meeting Service Module One Meeting Service 1 旅游实务英语 2 Module One Meeting Service Unit One 1 Greeting the Guests Proverb If there is a bond between them, the two will meet across five hundred meters. Without a bond, they will not meet though face to face. Introduction Before a foreign tour group arrives, it’s necessary for the tour guide to familiarize with the itinerary and implement the detailed arrangements for the guests, such as making room reservations, arranging for the arrival and departure means of transportation (flight, train, ship, etc.). The tour guide should also know about scheduled arrival and departure time, and place. When the foreign guests arrive, it’s a good manner for the tour guide to meet them in person at the airport (or at the railway station and at the port) thirty minutes ahead of time. Upon arrival, the tour leader should check the number of his or her group members, and help them pick up luggage and go through the Customs. Out of the Customs, he or she should assist the local guide in handing over luggage. Foreigners usually like going to their hotel rooms right away after a long flight. So, you can get them directly to their hotel. Discussion 1. What should a tour guide do before his or her guests arrive? 2. What’s a tour leader’s task when getting to the destination? Part One Situational Dialogue Greeting Guests at Customs (G=Local Guide; L=Tour Leader; T=Tourists) At the airport, Zhang Lin, a local guide, is receiving a tour group from Australia. There comes the tour leader, Mr. White. 3 旅游实务英语 G: Excuse me, but are you Mr. White from Australia? L: Yes. Are you from China International Travel Service (CITS)? G: Yes. My name is Zhang Lin, your local guide. Glad to meet you. L: Glad to meet you too. Thank you for coming to meet us. G: My pleasure. Mr. White, did you have a pleasant trip? L: Not bad. But you know, 14 hours was quite a long flight. We just had a touchdown in Singapore. G: You must be exhausted after such a long journey. So, we must get you to the hotel as soon as possible. L: Thank you very much. G: Mr. White, is everybody in the group here? L: Yeah. There are eighteen of us. G: How many pieces of luggage do you have together? L: 18 altogether. G: I see. Now shall we go to check the luggage and get our people to the coach? L: That’s great. (To the tourists) Now, I’d like to introduce our local guide to you. This is Miss Zhang Lin from China International Travel Service. T: Hi, Miss Zhang. G: Hi, everybody. Welcome to China. I’ll be your local guide during your stay in China. I’m always at your service. T: Thank you. G: You are welcome. How are you feeling now? T: I am a little tired. I want to have a good rest after such

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