Callidus Software Inc. Corporate Headquarters Asia-Pacifi c Headquarters European Headquarters 160 West Santa Clara Street Callidus Software Asia Pacifi c Pty Ltd Callidus Software Ltd Level 7, 91 Phillip Street 1 Quality Court 15th Floor Suite 13 Chancery Lane San Jose, CA 95113 Parramatta, Sydney, NSW 2150 London WC2A 1HR USA Australia United Kingdom Phone: +61 (0) 2 9891 0027 Phone: +44 207 061 6301 Tel 408.808.6400 Fax: +61 (0) 2 9891 1771 Fax: +44 207 061 6302 Fax 408.271.2662
[email protected] © 1998-2008 Callidus Software Inc. All rights reserved. Callidus Software, the Callidus Software logo, Callidus TrueAnalytics, TrueComp, TrueComp Grid, TrueComp Manager, TrueConnection, TrueFoundation, TrueInformation, TruePerformance, TruePerformance Index, TruePerformance Indicator, TrueMBO, TrueAllocation, TrueProducer, TrueQuota, TrueReferral, TrueResolution, and TrueService+ are trademarks, servicemarks, or registered trademarks of Callidus Software Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other brand, service or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or owners. 4/08 To Our Shareholders, Customers, Partners and Employees: Our many accomplishments in 2007 have laid the business units to standardize on a single instance of our Callidus Software Inc. Directors Executive Offi cers groundwork for our on-demand business in 2008. solution. We also extended our TrueProducerTM product, Copies of the Callidus Software Inc. report Charles M. Boesenberg Leslie J. Stretch The growth of customers and subscribers of the integrating it closely with TrueComp for a seamless on Form 10-K for 2007 as fi led with the Executive Chairman of the Board President and Chief Executive Offi cer Callidus On-Demand Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution.