© Entomologica Fennica. 15 June 2003

Contribution to the scythridid fauna of southern , with description of seven new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae)

Kari Nupponen

Nupponen, K. 2003: Contribution to the scythridid fauna of southern Buryatia, with description of seven new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae). — Entomol. Fennica 14: 25–45. A list of 26 species embracing 673 specimens of the family Scythrididae collected during 13.–29.VI.2002 from southern Buryatia is presented. Seven new species are described: Scythris erinacella sp. n., S. gorbunovi sp. n., S. hamardabanica sp. n., S. malozemovi sp. n., S. ninae sp. n., S. potatorella sp. n. and S. sinevi sp. n. Two unknown species are mentioned but not described because only females are available. In addition, S. penicillata Chrétien, 1900 is reported as new for , S. emichi (Anker, 1870) as new for the Asiatic part of Russia and seven further species as new for the Baikal region. The known distribution range of each species is given as well as further notes on some poorly known taxa. Kari Nupponen, Miniatontie 1 B 9, FIN-02360 Espoo, Finland Received 30 October 2002, accepted 21 January 2003

1. Introduction & Liòka 1996, Sinev 2001) concern occasionally collected single specimens, and no systematic in- The Republic of Buryatia is located on the southern vestigations of scythridids have been made in the and southeastern shores of . Character- region. The present article is based on material istic features of the southern part of that region are collected by the author during 13.–29.VI.2002 in mountain ranges: East Sayan Mountains in the west southern Buryatia. and Hamar Daban Mountains in the east, the latter dividing the region into a taiga forest zone in the north and a steppe zone in the south. The moun- 2. The investigated area, material and tains, up to 2000 m a.s.l., are covered by conifer methods forests, and mountain tundra is present only at the highest elevation. The steppes mainly exist in a rather The investigated area is situated between 50–52∞N and 100– restricted area in the valley of the River and 108∞E, mainly in the valley of the River Selenga and south- its subsidiaries, and very sparsely in Irkut valley in ern foothills of Hamar Daban Mountains, but also in Irkut East Sayan. The lowest elevation of the region is at valley in the East Sayan Mountains. The material, compris- ing 673 pinned specimens of Scythrididae, was collected the shore of the Lake Baikal (456 m), with the high- by sweeping and netting during daytime. In addition, hun- est one being in the Sayan Mountains (3491 m). dreds of specimens were observed but not collected, be- The scythridid fauna of southern Buryatia is cause they were easily determined in the field. Several spe- poorly known. The published reports (Bengtsson cies occurred in large numbers and it was possible to col- 26 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 1. Map of southern Buryatia with collecting localities. — 1: Gusinoe ozero, steppe slopes. — 2: Gusinoe ozero, lake. — 3: Kharamsha. — 4: Mondy, steppe. — 5: Mondy. — 6: . — 7: Solyonoye, salt lake. — 8: Turan. — 9: Gurulba. lect them without limits. Seven of the recorded species are — 5: Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞55– previously unknown, and they are described in this paper. 58´E, East Sayan Mountains, 1450 m, Mondy The collected material is generally deposited in the collec- village 2 km E. 13.–15.VI.2002. Conifer forest tion of the author. with restricted forest steppes. — 6: Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38– 3. Collecting sites 40´E, 550–600 m, Chikoy valley, Novo- selenginsk village 10 km S. 23.–25.VI.2002. A sand dune region at the river valley, The collecting sites and dates are mentioned be- gradually passing into sandy steppe and rocky low. The number given to each of the localities is slopes with plenty of Artemisia and Thymus connected to that on the map (Fig. 1). at higher elevations (Fig. 4). — 1: Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10– — 7: Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞28´N 106∞33´E, 12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, 600 m, lake Solyonoye. 26.VI.2002. A small Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km NW. salt lake, surrounded by salt marshes and dry 19.–22.VI.2002. A foothill region of Hamar Artemisia steppes. Daban Mountains. Rocky steppe slopes and — 8: Russia, SW-Buryatia, East Sayan forest steppes (Fig. 2). Mountains, 900 m, Halagun river, Turan — 2: Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞09´N 106∞16´E, village 8 km W. 16.VI.2002. Mixed forest with 550 m, lake Gusinoe ozero. 18.VI.2002, small meadows. 23.VI.2002. Dry Artemisia steppe on the shore — 9: Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, of the lake. near Gurulba village, 700 m. 29.VI.2002. — 3: Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, Forest steppes and meadows. 600 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha village 2 km W. 27.–28.VI.2002. A small, partly rocky steppe 4. List of scythridid species area at the foothills of Hamar Daban Mountains, surrounded by conifer forests (Fig. 3). The species are presented in alphabetic order as — 4: Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞52– the family Scythrididae has not been revised and 55´E, East Sayan Mountains, 1500 m, Mondy the relationships within the family are not fully village 2 km WNW. 13.VI.2002. A rocky understood. The grouping of the species inside steppe slope. the genus follows that of Bengtsson (1997a). The ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 27

Fig. 2. Foothills of Hamar Daban Mountains near Fig. 3. Foothill steppe of Hamar Daban Mountains Gusinoe Ozero. The habitat of Scythris felixi Bgts. & near Kharamsha village. The habitat of Scythris emichi Sutter, S. hamardabanica sp. n., S. lativalvella Sinev, (Ank.), S. hamardabanica sp. n., S. minorella Sinev, S. nitidella Sinev, S. potatorella sp. n., S. sibirella S. penicillata Chrét., S. potatorella sp. n. and S. sinevi Sinev and S. sinevi sp. n. sp. n. known distribution for each species is given, as well as further notes on some poorly known taxa.

Scythris braschiella (Hofmann, 1889)

Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km NW, forest steppe, 1 £ 19.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Germany, Greece, Turkey, Po- land, Russia (S Ural, Altai). Remarks. The examination of further speci- mens from the Altai Mountains (Kuraiskaja step, 5 ££ 13.VII.2001, K. Nupponen leg.) confirmed that the Altaian taxon is the true braschiella, de- spite its large size (see K. & T. Nupponen 2001). Fig. 4. Sandy steppe and rocky slopes in Chikoy The specimens from Buryatia and Altai are exter- valley near Novoselenginsk village. The habitat of S. nally alike. This record extends the known distri- erinacella sp. n., S. gorbunovi sp. n., S. bution range of S. braschiella 1400 km to the east. hamardabanica sp. n., S. malozemovi sp. n., S. New to the Baikal region. minorella Sinev, S. ninae sp. n., S. potatorella sp. n. and S. remexella K. Nupponen & Kaitila.

Scythris cassiterella (Snellen, 1884) village 2 km W, forest steppe, 1 £ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞55–58´E, East Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba Sayan Mountains, 1450 m, Mondy village 2 km E, forest village, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 8 ££ 1 ¥ 29.VI.2002, K. steppe, 5 ££ 7 ¥¥ 13.VI.2002, 1 £ 14.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (Altai, Tuva, Krasnojarskij Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, kraj, Baikal region, Amur). Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- ££ ¥¥ Remarks. Scythris baikalensis Bengtsson & lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 10 12 19.VI.2002, ò 1 £ 3 ¥¥ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Li ka, 1996 is a junior synonym of S. cassiterella Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar (see Sinev 2001). The species is abundant in vari- Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha ous kinds of steppe habitats. 28 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 5. Imago (holotype) of Scythris erinacella sp. n.

Scythris emichi (Anker, 1870)

Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha village 2 km W, forest steppe, 16 ££ 27.VI.2002, 14 ££ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba Fig. 6. Male genitalia of Scythris erinacella sp. n. village, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 2 ££ 29.VI.2002, K. (paratype). Nupponen leg. Distribution. Hungary, Latvia, Russia (S Ural). malozemovi sp. n., S. gorbunovi sp. n., S. Recently recorded also in lower Volga region in terekholensis Bengtsson, 1997 and some still the vicinity of Sarepta (Volgograd obl., Volgograd undescribed taxa from Turkey. The male genita- 80 km NW, near Ilovla village, 5 exx. 02.VI.2001, lia structure resembles that of S. terekholensis (see K. Nupponen leg.). Remarks), but differs in details. The valva of S. Remarks. These records extend the known erinacella is shorter with roundish posterior half, distribution range of S. emichi 3300 km to the east. the shape of gnathos is different and the tergum New to the Baikal region and Asian part of Rus- VIII is triangular with more robust, sclerotized sia. The host plant of the taxon is Gypsophila distal processes and weak lateral extensions. patrinii Ser. in Siberia. Description. Wingspan 9.5–11.5 mm. Head and thorax dark brown mixed with pale brown scales. Antenna dark brown. Collar, tegula and Scythris erinacella sp. n. neck tuft pale brown. Labial palp: segment I whit- ish brown, segment II pale brown, segment III Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 5): Russia, S- fuscous mixed with dirty whitish scales. Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, Haustellum whitish brown, basally darker. Fore- Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, legs and midlegs dark brown with few paler scales. sand dunes/sandy steppe, 25.VI.2002, K. Hindleg: femur whitish brown, distally with nar- Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. row dark brown ring; tibia pale brown, at 0.9 Paratypes (8 ££): Same data as holotype, except moderately broad, distinct dark brown ring; tar- for dates: 3 ££ 23.VI.2002, 1 £ 24.VI.2002, 1 £ sus fuscous, outer surface and distal 1/3 darker. 25.VI.2002. 3 ££ Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞09´N Abdomen dorsally dark brown, posterior margin 106∞16´E, 550 m, lake Gusinoe ozero, steppe, of each segment paler; ventrally pale ochreous. 23.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Genitalia slide: K. Forewing pale brown with darker areas at dorsal Nupponen prep. no. 1/03.X.2002 (£). In coll. T. margin, around fold, near costal margin at 1/3 and & K. Nupponen. 3/4, and at apex; indistinct black spots in fold at Diagnosis. Externally S. erinacella sp. n. can 0.2, 0.4 and at cell end; white scales forming in- be confused with many small, brown scythridids, distinct streak in fold from base to 2/3; scattered for example S. hamardabanica sp. n., S. white scales occur also more or less frequently at ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 29

Fig. 7. Tergum VIII (left) and sternum VIII (right) of Scythris erinacella sp. n. (paratype). basal 1/3 of dorsal area and in apical 1/5. Hindwing Fig. 8. Imago of Scythris felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996 (pale form). fuscous. Male genitalia (Figs. 6–7). Uncus reduced. Gnathos thick, slightly asymmetrical, basally wide, terminally tapered with strongly sclerotized subtriangular portion at tip; tip blunt. Aedeagus thick, straight, basally enlarged. Valvae fused at base, spatular, posterior half roundish and cov- ered with slender and strongly sclerotized pegs. Sternum VIII subrectangular. Tergum VIII subtriangular; posterior margin sclerotized with two thick, blunt processes; anterior margin con- cave; lateral extensions slightly asymmetrical, weakly sclerotized. Female genitalia. Unknown. Fig. 9. Imago of Scythris felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996 (dark form). Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late June in sandy steppes. The biology is unknown. Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia). village 2 km W, forest steppe, 6 ££ 27.VI.2002, 6 ££ Etymology. The species name refers to the 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. roundish valvae covered with pegs, resembling Distribution. , Russia (Altai). back of a hedgehog (Erinaceus sp.). Remarks. S. felixi is an externally variable Remarks. S. erinacella sp. n. is a close rela- species. The ground colour of the forewings var- tive of S. terekholensis Bengtsson, 1997, a spe- ies from pale greyish to blackish and the pattern cies described from Tuva ca. 500 km WSW of from distinct to almost invisible (Figs. 8–9). The Irkutsk. Both taxa belong to the complex of spe- size of the moth varies and most of the Buryatian cies treated in Remarks of S. gorbunovi sp. n. (see specimens are larger (wingspan 11–15 mm) than below). the type specimens from Mongolia. There seems to be some variation also in the male genitalia, especially in the shape of the subapical part of Scythris felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996 valva (Figs. 10–11). New to the Baikal region.

Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- Scythris gorbunovi sp. n. lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 30 ££ 19.VI.2002, 14 ££ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 12): Russia, S- Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 Buryatia, 50 58–59´N 106 38–40´E, 550–600 m, m, Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand ∞ ∞ dunes/sandy steppe, 1 £ 24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar sand dunes/sandy steppe, 24.VI.2002, K. Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. 30 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Scythris felixi Fig. 10. Male genitalia of Bengtsson & Fig. 12. Imago (holotype) of Scythris gorbunovi sp. n. Sutter, 1996. differ by the valvae with longer basal shaft and convex inner margin, as well as by the shape of gnathos; in tergum VIII the posterior margin is without extensions and the sclerotized tip of lat- eral process is wider, shaped like a hammer. The female genitalia are close to those of S. hamatella K. & T. Nupponen, 2001, but medioposterior in- cision of sternum VII is slightly deeper and the sclerotized tip of sterigma broader. See also Re- marks. Description. Wingspan 7.5–10 mm. Head, antenna, collar, tegula and thorax fuscous. Neck tuft and haustellum pale brown with a few dirty Fig. 11. Tergum VIII (left) and sternum VIII (right) of whitish scales. Labial palp: segment I white; seg- Scythris felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996. ment II and segment III fuscous, more (segment II) or less (segment III) mixed with dirty white scales. Legs: femur dirty whitish; tibia and tarsus Paratypes (32 ££, 20 ¥¥): Same data as holotype, pale fuscous, inner surface paler; two indistinct except for dates: 1 £ 23.VI.2002, 19 ££ 18 ¥¥ pale rings in hindleg tibia at medial and apical 24.VI.2002, 10 ££ 2 ¥¥ 25.VI.2002. 1 £ Rus- spurs, former one larger. Abdomen dorsally grey, sia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, in female terminal 2/5 ochreous; ventrally dirty Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe white. Forewing fuscous; disconnected white ozero village 6 km NW, forest steppe, 19.VI.2002, streak in fold from base to cell end, cut by three K. Nupponen leg. 1 £ Buryatia, 54∞35´N moderately indistinct black spots at 0.2, 0.5 and 110∞48´E, Barguzin valley, Maisky village, 0.75; such black spot present also at cell end; white 500 m, sandy yard, 02.–03.VII.1996, Jalava & scales exist sparsely at dorsal side of basal area Kullberg leg. Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. and at apex. Hindwing pale fuscous, apically no. 2/03.X.2002 (£), 4/04.X.2002 (¥); BÅB 703X darker, paler than forewing. (£). Four further genitalia preparations preserved Male genitalia (Figs. 13–14). Uncus more or in glycerol. Paratypes in the collections of T. & less reduced, remaining portion strongly K. Nupponen, Bengt Å. Bengtsson, Zoological sclerotized, tip pointed. Gnathos asymmetrical, Institute, St. Petersburg and Finnish Museum of lateral margin strongly sclerotized. Tegumen ex- Natural History, University of Helsinki. tended left-posteriorly. Aedeagus thick and short, Diagnosis. Externally S. gorbunovi sp. n. re- terminally bent and tapered. Valvae basally fused, sembles S. malozemovi sp. n., S. erinacella sp. n. subbasally with stout narrow shaft; apical 4/5 and some other small, dark scythridids, but may spatular, elongate, setose; inner and outer margin be separated by more fuscous forewings. The male slightly convex, apex rounded. Sternum VIII genitalia are close to those of S. malozemovi, but subrectangular. Tergum VIII subtrapezoid, ante- ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 31

Fig. 14. Tergum VIII (left) and sternum VIII (right) of Scythris gorbunovi sp. n. (paratype).

Fig. 13. Male genitalia of Scythris gorbunovi sp. n. (paratype). rior margin concave; one lateral process reduced, another one hammer-like, distal extension of which strongly sclerotized. Female genitalia (Fig. 15). Sterigma triangu- lar, anterior margin widely incised; posterior part strongly sclerotized, triangular. Sternum VII subrectangular; posterior margin, medially weakly incised without sclerotization. Apophyses anteriores 0.4 length of apophyses posteriores. Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late Scythris gorbunovi June. The habitat was a sandy steppe, and the taxon Fig. 15. Female genitalia of sp. n. (paratype). occurred sympatrically with S. malozemovi sp. n. The biology is unknown. Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia). with medioposterior incision, often furnished with Etymology. I dedicate this species to my friend sclerotization at ‘bottom’ of incision, exhibit Mr. Pavel Gorbunov, a Russian lepidopterologist. specific traits. All of the species belonging to this Remarks. S. gorbunovi sp. n. belongs to a group were described recently: S. albisaxella K. group of closely related small, dark species hav- & T. Nupponen, 2000, S. arkaimensis Bengtsson, ing very similar genitalia structure. In the male 2000, S. erinacella sp. n., S. cervella K. & T. genitalia the following features are characteris- Nupponen, 2001, S. hamatella K. & T. Nupponen, tic: basally fused, more or less spatular valvae, 2001, S. gorbunovi sp. n., S. kullbergi Bengtsson, tegumen posteriorly extended to the left, strongly 1997, S. lagomorphella Junnilainen, 2002, S. sclerotized asymmetrical gnathos, and usually malozemovi sp. n., S. sinevi sp. n., S. terekholensis tergum VIII with a lateral arm being apically Bengtsson, 1997 and one still undescribed taxon sclerotized. In the female genitalia a triangular from Turkey (Bengtsson in litt.). This complex of sterigma with sclerotized tip and characters in the species might be assigned to the heterogeneous posterior margin of sternum VII being elongate laminella-group. 32 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 16. Imago (holotype) of Scythris hamardabanica sp. n.

Scythris hamardabanica sp. n.

Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 16): Russia, S- Fig. 17. Male genitalia of Scythris hamardabanica sp. n. (paratype). Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km NW, forest steppe, nation of characters in the male genitalia (shape 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. of uncus and valvae, a long gnathos with furrowed Nupponen. Paratypes (25 ££, 2 ¥¥): Same data basal plate) indicate a relationship to S. elenae K. as holotype, except for dates: 3 ££ 1 ¥ Nupponen, 2000, but valva of hamardabanica is 19.VI.2002, 6 ££ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. broader and posterior margin of sternum VIII is 6 ££ Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞09´N 106∞16´E, incised. In the female genitalia, the shape of ster- 550 m, lake Gusinoe ozero, steppe, 23.VI.2002, igma and an oval structure in sternum VII are char- K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58– acteristic. 59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, Chikoy valley, Description. Wingspan 10–11.5 mm. Head, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand dunes/ antenna and thorax dark brown. Collar and tegula sandy steppe, 5 ££ 1 ¥ 24.VI.2002, K. brown with scattered whitish scales. Neck tuft Nupponen leg. 1 £ Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞28´N pale ocreous. Labial palp: segment I, basal part 106∞33´E, 600 m, lake Solyonoye, salt marsh/ of segment II and upper surface greyish white, steppe, 26.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, otherwise dark brown. Haustellum brown mixed S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar with pale scales. Forelegs and midlegs pale Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, brown; hindlegs pale ochreous, tarsus darker. Kharamsha village 2 km W, forest steppe, 1 £ Abdomen dorsally fuscous, in most specimens 27.VI.2002, 3 £ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. with golden hue; ventrally dirty whitish. Fore- Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 4/ wing brownish with many short, indistinct, black 03.X.2002 (£), 2/07.X.2002 (¥). In coll. T. & longitudinal streaks, more frequently in dorsal K. Nupponen, Bengt Å. Bengtsson and Zoologi- and apical area; whole wing with scattered white cal Institute, St. Petersburg. scales being more numerous at black streaks and Diagnosis. Externally S. hamardabanica sp. more or less sparse elsewhere. Hindwing dark n. resembles S. potatorella sp. n., but differs from fuscous. that by more fuscous forewings without distinct Male genitalia (Figs. 17–18). Uncus roundish, black streaks. Worn specimens may be confused distally incised. Gnathos base a subtriangular, with many dark scythridids, for example S. furrowed plate; distal part long, tapered, terminal erinacella sp. n. A good diagnostic character for 1/5 bent, tip pointed. Aedeagus long and slender, hamardabanica is a golden hue of the dorsal side bent, pointed. Valva very broad, subapically of abdomen, appearing in both sexes. The combi- broader than near base; apical 1/3 setose, bent ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 33

Fig. 18. Tergum VIII (left) and sternum VIII (right) of Scythris hamardabanica sp. n. (paratype). inwards and strongly tapered, tip pointed. Ster- num VIII subtriangular; posterior margin deeply incised; anterior margin slightly concave, ante- rior corners extended outwards. Tergum VIII rec- tangular, moderately membranous. Female genitalia (Fig. 19). Sterigma stout, U- shaped, shanks extended posterolaterally. Ostium Fig. 19. Female genitalia of Scythris hamardabanica well marked, situated at anterior margin of ster- sp. n. (paratype). igma. Sternum VII rectangular; posterior margin medially concave and with sclerotized oval struc- Scythris karinupponeni Bengtsson, 2000 ture. Apophyses anteriores 0.6 length of apophy- ses posteriores. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha ££ ¥ June. The species occurs in dry steppe habitats. village 2 km W, forest steppe, 4 1 27.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. The biology is unknown. Distribution. Russia (S Ural, Altai, Trans- Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia). baikalia, Magadan region, Primoriye). Etymology. The name of the species refers to Remarks. See Remarks of S. mikkolai below. its geographical origin, foothills of the Hamar Daban Mountains. Remarks. S. hamardabanica sp. n. is a close Scythris lativalvella Sinev, 2001 relative to S. elenae K. Nupponen, 2000 and be- longs obviously to a specific species-group (see Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, K. Nupponen et. al. 2000). However, both taxa Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- share features of the closely related knochella and lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 2 ££ 19.VI.2002, 1 £ cicadella species-groups and possibly these three 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. groups will be fused in the future. Distribution. Russia (Primoriye). Remarks. These records extend the known distribution range of S. lativalvella 2000 km to Scythris hamatella K. & T. Nupponen, 2001 the west. New to the Baikal region.

Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞52–55´E, East Sayan Mountains, 1500 m, Mondy village 2 km WNW, Scythris macrourella Sinev, 2001 steppe, 20 ££ 13.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (Altai). Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞55–58´E, East Remarks. Previously known only from the type Sayan Mountains, 1450 m, Mondy village 2 km E, forest locality. New to the Baikal region. steppe, 3 ££ 1 ¥ 13.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. 34 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 20. Imago (holotype) of Scythris malozemovi sp. n.

Russia, SW-Buryatia, East Sayan Mountains, 900 m, Halagun river, Turan village 8 km W, mixed forest, 4 ££ 2 ¥¥ 16.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 1 £ 19.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (Primoriye, Sahalin, Kamtsatka, Amur, Jakutia, Baikal region, Altai, Tuva), Mongolia, North Korea.

Fig. 21. Male genitalia of Scythris malozemovi sp. n. Scythris malozemovi sp. n. (paratype).

Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 20): Russia, S- female genitalia are close to those of S. sinevi sp. Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, n., but sclerotization at the tip of sterigma is less Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, extended and medioposterior incision of sternum sand dunes/sandy steppe, 24.VI.2002, K. VII shows a narrow sclerotized belt at ‘bottom’. Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. See also Remarks of S. gorbunovi sp. n. above. Paratypes (37 ££, 15 ¥¥): Same data as holotype, Description. Wingspan 9–10.5 mm. Head, except for dates: 2 ££ 2 ¥¥ 23.VI.2002, 24 ££ antenna and thorax brown with a few paler scales. 11 ¥¥ 24.VI.2002, 10 ££ 2 ¥¥ 25.VI.2002. 1 £ Collar and tegula pale brown. Neck tuft whitish. Russia, Tuva, Saryg-Sep, 17.VI.1976, Rezhnik Labial palp: segment I and II whitish, segment III leg. Genitalia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 5/ brown with a few pale scales. Haustellum brown 03.X.2002 (£), 5/04.X.2002 (¥). Two further mixed with paler scales. Forelegs and midlegs dark genitalia preparations preserved in glycerol. brown with scattered pale scales. Hindlegs whit- Paratypes in the collections of T. & K. Nupponen, ish ochreous with following moderately distinct Bengt Å. Bengtsson, Zoological Institute, St. dark brown rings: narrow ring at apex of femur; Petersburg and Finnish Museum of Natural His- two large rings in tibia at 0.2 and 0.8; large rings tory, University of Helsinki. in tarsus at base, 0.5 and at apex. Abdomen: dor- Diagnosis. Externally S. malozemovi sp. n. sal side fuscous in male; in female basal 1/3 fus- may be mixed with several small scythridids, for cous, medial half pale ochreous, terminal 1/6 dark example S. erinacella sp. n. and S. gorbunovi sp. brown with pale ochreous lateral sides; ventrally n.. The male genitalia are similar to those of S. whitish ochreous. Forewing pale brown; indistinct gorbunovi, but differ in certain details: the valva white streak in fold from base to 3/4, cut by three is shorter with straight inner margin and the shape small, black spots at 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6; black scales of gnathos is different; in tergum VIII there are are more or less frequently present also near dor- two digitate processes at posterior margin and the sal margin and at apex; a few white scales at apex. sclerotized tip of lateral process is bifurcate. The Hindwing fuscous. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 35

Fig. 22. Tergum VIII (right) and sternum VIII (left) of Scythris malozemovi sp. n. (paratype).

Male genitalia (Figs. 21–22). Uncus reduced. Gnathos asymmetrical; lateral extension strongly sclerotized, sclerotized belt extended up to tip. Tegumen extended left-posteriorly. Aedeagus short and thick, basally extended, tip bent and ta- pered. Valvae basally fused, spatular, elongate; inner margin straight, outer convex, apex rounded. Sternum VIII subrectangular. Tergum VIII sub- triangular; posterior margin sclerotized with two thin digitate processes; anterior margin slightly concave; one lateral process reduced, another one Fig. 23. Female genitalia of Scythris malozemovi sp. robust, distally bifurcate and sclerotized. n. (paratype). Female genitalia (Fig. 23). Sterigma triangu- lar, anterior margin concave; posterior portion sand dunes/sandy steppe, 2 ££ 23.VI.2002, 6 ££ 1 ¥ strongly sclerotized, trapezoid, tip blunt. Sternum 24.VI.2002, 6 ££ 25.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. VII subrectangular; posterior margin widely in- Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞28´N 106∞33´E, 600 m, lake Solyonoye, salt marsh/steppe, 2 ££ 26.VI.2002, K. cised; weak sclerotization at ‘bottom’ of incision. Nupponen leg. Apophyses anteriores 0.3 length of apophyses Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar posteriores. Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late village 2 km W, forest steppe, 11 ££ 11 ¥¥ 27.VI.2002, 1 June. The species was common in sandy steppe £ 2 ¥¥ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. with Artemisia spp. and Thymus as dominant Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba village, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 3 ££ 2 ¥¥ 29.VI.2002, K. plants. The biology is unknown. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia, Tuva). Distribution. Russia (Primoriye, S Siberia, S Etymology. I dedicate this species to my friend Ural, Samara region). Mr. Alexander Malozemov, a Russian entomolo- Remarks. The species is abundant in various gist. kinds of steppe habitats. The female of S. mikkolai Remarks. S. malozemovi sp. n. belongs to the is much smaller in size (wingspan 9–11.5 mm) complex of species treated in Remarks of S. than the male (wingspan 12.5–14.5 mm) and prob- gorbunovi sp. n. (see above). ably it does not fly much. The whitish streak in fold of the forewing is varying from distinct to almost invisible and the moth is easily confused Scythris mikkolai Sinev, 1993 with S. karinupponeni Bengtsson, 2000. The fe- male genitalia of S. mikkolai are illustrated for Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, the first time (Fig. 24); they are very close to those Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- of S. karinupponeni (Fig. 25), but can be sepa- lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 3 ££ 1 ¥ 19.VI.2002, 2 ££ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. rated from those by the broader, triangular ster- Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550– igma and posterior margin of sternum VII being 600 m, Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, straight with only a shallow medial incision, while 36 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 24. Female genitalia of Scythris mikkolai Sinev, 1993.

Fig. 25. Female genitalia of Scythris karinupponeni in S. karinupponeni the sterigma is posteriorly Bengtsson, 2000. elongate with very sharp tip and the whole poste- rior margin of sternum VII is incurved. In the origi- nal description of S. lativalvella (Sinev 2001; see Scythris ninae sp. n. also Sinev 2001a) the drawing of the female geni- £ talia is very similar to that of S. mikkolai and pos- Type material. Holotype: (Fig. 26): Russia, S- sibly represents the latter species. However, the Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, short description does not allow this assumption Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, to be confirmed. sand dunes/sandy steppe, 24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. Paratype (1 £): Same data as holotype. Genitalia Scythris minorella Sinev, 2001 slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 3/04.X.2002. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. Diagnosis. Externally S. ninae sp. n. may be Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand dunes/ confused with several other dark scythridids, for sandy steppe, 6 ££ 4 ¥¥ 24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. example S. eversmanni K. & T. Nupponen, 2000 Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar and S. sublaminella K. & T. Nupponen, 2000. The Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha male genitalia of S. ninae indicate a close rela- ££ ¥¥ village 2 km W, forest steppe, 10 6 27.VI.2002, 6 tionship to S. eversmanni (see Remarks) but dif- ££ 6 ¥¥ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba fer from that by the rectangular terminal process village, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 1 ¥ 29.VI.2002, K. and thin posterolateral processes of tergum VIII, Nupponen leg. as well as by the shape of distal part of sternum Distribution. Russia (Magadan region, VIII and uncus. Tshukotka, Altai), Mongolia. Description. Wingspan 10–10.5 mm. Head, Remarks. New to the Baikal region. antenna and thorax dark brown. Collar brown, ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 37

Fig. 26. Imago (holotype) of Scythris ninae sp. n.

Fig. 28. Tergum VIII (up) and sternum VIII (down) of Scythris ninae sp. n. (paratype).

indistinct black spot at cell end. Hindwing fus- cous. Male genitalia (Figs. 27–28). Uncus elongate, distally deeply incised; basal part laterally ex- tended and terminally with two thick digitate proc- esses. Gnathos base a pentagonal band; posterior part long, bent at 2/3, tip hooked. Tegumen ex- tended posterolaterally. Aedeagus straight and thick, basally enlarged and roundish. Valva setose, short, cup-shaped. Sternum VIII subpentagonal; posterior margin medially with small U-shaped incision; posterior corners subtriangularly ex- tended with pointed tip; anterior margin with deep, U-shaped incision surrounded by two triangular extensions having semicircular bulge medially. Tergum VIII subrectangular with following ex- Fig. 27. Male genitalia of Scythris ninae sp. n. tensions: terminal process rectangular, straight, (paratype). posterior margin slightly concave; posterolateral processes moderately thin, curved outwards at 1/4, neck tuft and tegula pale brown. Haustellum ba- apically tapered, tip pointed; laterally near ante- sally dark brown, distal half whitish grey. Labial rior corners short, thick, digitate processes. palp: segment I pale brown; upper surface and Female genitalia. Unknown. basal part of segment II pale brown, otherwise Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late dark brown. Forelegs and midlegs: femur pale June. The habitat was a sandy steppe. The biol- brown, tibia and tarsus dark brown mixed with ogy is unknown. paler scales. Hindlegs pale brown, tibia with long Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia). Only known hairscales. Abdomen dorsally dark brown, slightly from the type locality. glossy; ventral side basally black, distal 2/3 pale Etymology. I dedicate this species to my brown, terminal scales whitish. Forewing dark daughter Nina. brown; in fold beige scales forming streak from Remarks. S. ninae sp. n. is a close relative to base to tornus; such pale scales occur very sparsely S. eversmanni, K. & T. Nupponen, 2000, a spe- at basal area but frequently at apical half; small, cies recorded from the foothills of the southern 38 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 29. Male genitalia of Scythris penicillata Chrétien, 1900 (S. Buryatia).

Fig. 31. Female genitalia of Scythris penicillata Fig. 30. Male genitalia of Scythris penicillata Chrétien, Chrétien, 1900 (S. Buryatia). 1900 (Estonia, Saaremaa).

Scythris orientella Sinev, 2001 Ural Mountains. To date these two species are the only ones known belonging to this species-group Russia, SW-Buryatia, 51∞47–48´N 100∞55–58´E, East (see Nupponen et al. 2000). Sayan Mountains, 1450 m, Mondy village 2 km E, forest steppe, 2 ££ 13.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, ò Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- Scythris nitidella Bengtsson & Li ka, 1996 lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 11 ££ 1 ¥ 19.VI.2002, 1 ¥ 21.VI.2002, 7 ££ 4 ¥¥ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand dunes/ lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 1 £ 19.VI.2002, K. Nupponen sandy steppe, 1 £ 23.VI.2002, 1 £ 24.VI.2002, K. leg. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (Tuva, Jakutia, Magadan Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar region), Mongolia, North Korea. Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha Remarks. New to the Baikal region. village 2 km W, forest steppe, 1 £ 2 ¥¥ 27.VI.2002, 1 £ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Distribution. Russia (Primoriye, Amur, Buryatia, Krasnojarskij kraj, S Siberia), Mongolia. Scythris obscurella (Scopoli, 1763)

Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- Scythris penicillata Chrétien, 1900 lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 2 ££ 19.VI.2002, 2 ££ 20.VI.2002, 1 £ 21.VI.2002, 1 £ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar leg. Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba village 2 km W, forest steppe, 9 ££ 6 ¥¥ 27.VI.2002, 24 village, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 2 ££ 29.VI.2002, K. ££ 24 ¥¥ 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Genitalia slides: Nupponen leg. K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/04.X.2002 (£), 7/04.X.2002 (¥). Distribution. Transpalaearctic. Distribution. France, Estonia. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 39

Fig. 33. Imago (holotype) of Scythris potatorella sp. n.

penicillata species-group including two taxa, S. penicillata and S. spinella K. & T. Nupponen, 2001. Especially the genitalia mounted on a slide are problematic and easily lead to misunderstand- Fig. 32. Female genitalia of Scythris penicillata ings, because some details become hidden under Chrétien, 1900 (Estonia, Saaremaa). a strongly sclerotized gnathos. The left valva of both taxa is a small protrusion that often becomes Remarks. All specimens were collected by overlooked, and the large, elongate formation at sweeping on Cerastium arvense L. (P. Kulikov left side is a lateral extension of tegumen (Figs. det.), evidently the host plant of S. penicillata in 29–30; c.f. K. & T. Nupponen 2001, Bengtsson Buryatia. However, Chrétien (1900) reports Alsine 1997a). Uncus of both taxa is reduced, although mucronata L. as a host plant. Probably the larva there exist some indefinite, more or less membra- feeds on several plants belonging to the family nous formations connected to gnathos/tegumen Caryophyllaceae. This surprising record extends (invisible in Figs. 29–30; c.f. K. & T. Nupponen the known distribution range of penicillata 2001). However, the status of the narrow, 5500 km to the east. New to Russia and eastern sclerotized lateral extensions of tegumen remains Palaearctic region. still unclear. The abdominal segment VIII is Buryatian specimens are on average larger in twisted in such a way that the sternal and tergal size (wingspan 8.5–11 mm) than those from west- segments lie almost on lateral sides of the genita- ern Europe. Compared with Estonian specimens, lia. Both sternum VIII and tergum VIII are mem- there are also minor differences in the genitalia: branous and do not include any diagnostic char- the right valva is a little bit broader as well as acters. lateral extension of tegumen; in gnathos the basal extension is short and thick with stronger teeth at apex, and medial part is more extended (Figs. 29– Scythris potatorella sp. n. 30). The ventral plate of segment VIII in the fe- male genitalia is longer with rounded posterior Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 33): Russia, S- corners (Figs. 31–32). Although the shape of these Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar organs is rather constant inside the populations, Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, the differences are insufficient for separating the Kharamsha village 2 km W, forest steppe, taxa at species level. For the moment it is consid- 28.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. ered to be a ‘normal’ variation between allopatric Nupponen. Paratypes (9 ££, 2 ¥¥): Same data as populations living far from each other. The ex- holotype, except for dates: 3 ££ 27.VI.2002, 1 £ amination of further material from new localities 1 ¥ 28.VI.2002. 1 £ Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11– in Siberia may help to solve the problem. 13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Moun- The male genitalia are rather complex and tains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km difficult to interpret in certain details in the NW, forest steppe, 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. 40 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 35. Tergum VIII (right) and sternum VIII (left) of Scythris potatorella sp. n. (paratype).

brown, inner surface paler; apical 1/5 of tarsus dark brown. Abdomen dorsally fuscous; ventral side pale ochreous, in male basally greyish. Forewing brown with scattered greyish white scales; several short, thick, more or less distinct, black longitudinal streaks occur around fold and Fig. 34. Male genitalia of Scythris potatorella sp. n. at dorsal area from base to apex, most distinct one (paratype). at 1/10 close to dorsal margin. Hindwing fuscous, cilia brownish at apical half of wing. 4 ££ 1 ¥ Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N Male genitalia (Figs. 34–36). Uncus robust, 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, Chikoy valley, subtriangular; distal process bent, tip pointed. Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand dunes/ Gnathos base wide, attached to tegumen, dorsally sandy steppe, 24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Geni- with elongate, furrowed, terminally pointed talia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 2/04.X.2002 bulge; distal portion robust, vertically flattened, (£), 6/04.X.2002 (¥). One further genitalia prepa- asymmetrical: at middle on both sides lateral ex- ration preserved in glycerol. In coll. T. & K. tension of different size and subapically semi- Nupponen. circular ridge; tip a widened, bent plate. Tegumen Diagnosis. Externally S. potatorella sp. n. re- cup-shaped. Aedeagus long, curved 50∞ at 1/5; sembles S. hamardabanica sp. n., but differs from distal 4/5 straight, slightly tapered, tip pointed. that by brown ground colour and a characteristic, Valva short, very broad, basal 1/5 broadest; in- distinct black streak near base at dorsal margin of ner margin straight; outer margin strongly con- the forewing. The male genitalia are easy to sepa- vex, setose; tip pointed at ventral margin. Ster- rate from all known scythridids by the unique num VIII semicircular. Tergum VIII square, shape of gnathos and short, thick valvae. In the anteriorly with deep excavation almost reaching female genitalia the square tip of sterigma and a posterior margin. sclerotized structure of segment VII are charac- Female genitalia (Fig. 37). Sterigma triangu- teristic. lar, basally wide; tip strongly sclerotized, square, Description. Wingspan 10.5–12 mm. Head, posterior margin uneven; anterior margin widely antenna, collar, tegula, neck tuft and thorax brown, incised. Sternum VII rectangular, posterior mar- thorax with a few white scales. Haustellum cream- gin medially incised; segment VII medially fur- coloured, basally mixed with brown scales. La- nished with sclerotized formation shaped like a bial palp: segment I pale ochreous; segment II and champagne glass: a longish portion with straight III dark brown, basal part of segment II and upper posterior margin and an elongate anterior part surface mixed with whitish ochreous scales. Legs: connected perpendicularly to a roundish basal femur cream-coloured; tarsus and tibia pale portion. Apophyses posteriores long and slender. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 41

Fig. 36. Schematic drawing of the uncus–gnathos- complex of Scythris potatorella sp. n.

Apophyses anteriores short and bent, 1/6 length of apophyses posteriores. Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late June. The species occurs in dry steppe habitats, preferably on rocky or gravelly spots. The biol- ogy is unknown. Fig. 37. Female genitalia of Scythris potatorella sp. n. (paratype). Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia). Etymology. Lat. potator = drinker. The spe- cies name is connected to the sclerotized struc- Scythris sibirella Sinev, 2001 ture of segment VII in the female genitalia, giv- ing an impression of an empty champagne glass. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero vil- Remarks. S. potatorella sp. n. is provisionally lage 6 km NW, forest steppe, 1 ¥ 19.VI.2002, K. Nupponen placed in the heterogeneous laminella species- leg. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 2/08.X.2002. group. Distribution. Russia (Jakutia, Baikal region, Krasnojarskij kraj).

Scythris productella (Zeller, 1839) Scythris sinevi sp. n. Russia, S-Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba vil- £ lage, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 1 29.VI.2002, K. Nupponen Type material. Holotype: £ (Fig. 38): Russia, S- leg. Distribution. Europe, S Ural, S Siberia, Trans- Buryatia, 51∞37´N 106∞46´E, 600 m, Hamar baikalia. Daban Mountains, bolshoi Sanzheevka river, Kharamsha village 2 km W, forest steppe, 27.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. In coll. T. & K. Nupponen. Paratypes (71 ££, 64 ¥¥): Same data Scythris remexella K. Nupponen & Kaitila, as holotype, except for dates: 43 ££ 44 ¥¥ 2000 27.VI.2002, 10 ££ 15 ¥¥ 28.VI.2002. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51 11–13´N 106 10–12´E, 700 m, Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38–40´E, 550–600 m, ∞ ∞ Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk village 10 km S, sand dunes/ Hamar Daban Mountains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe sandy steppe, 1 £ 24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. ozero village 6 km NW, forest steppe, 13 ££ 3 Distribution. Russia (S Ural, Altai). ¥¥ 19.VI.2002, 2 ££ 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen Remarks. This record extends the known dis- leg. 1 £ Russia, S-Buryatia, 50∞58–59´N 106∞38– tribution range of S. remexella 1400 km to the 40´E, 550–600 m, Chikoy valley, Novoselenginsk east. New to the Baikal region. village 10 km S, sand dunes/sandy steppe, 42 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 38. Imago (holotype) of Scythris sinevi sp. n.

24.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. 1 £ 1 ¥ Russia, S- Buryatia, Ulan-Ude 10 km W, near Gurulba vil- lage, meadow/steppe, 700 m, 29.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. 1 £ Mongolia, Southern Gobi aimak, 8 km NNE Khan-Bogdo, 17.VI.1971, Kerzhner & Chogsomzhav leg. 1 ¥ Mongolia, Central aimak, northern slope of Bogdo-Ula Mt. Fig. 39. Male genitalia of Scythris sinevi sp. n. Near Ulan Bator, 22.VI.1967, Kerzhner leg. Geni- (paratype). talia slides: K. Nupponen prep. no. 3/03.X.2002 (£), 8/04.X.2002 (¥). Five further genitalia prepa- rations preserved in glycerol. Paratypes in the erally dirty whitish. Forelegs and midlegs dark collections of T. & K. Nupponen, Bengt Å. brown, more (femur) or less (tibia and tarsus) Bengtsson, Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg and mixed with dirty whitish scales; hindlegs pale Finnish Museum of Natural History, University ochreous, tarsus darker. Abdomen dorsally dark of Helsinki. fuscous, ventrally dirty whitish with a few pale Diagnosis. S. sinevi sp. n. may be confused brown and ochreous scales. Forewing dark brown with many small, dark scythridids. Examination with slight purplish hue; a few paler scales in fold of the genitalia is necessary for safe determina- and at apex. Hindwing dark fuscous. tion. The male genitalia are similar to those of S. Male genitalia (Figs. 39–40). Uncus reduced. hamatella K. & T. Nupponen, 2001, but can be Gnathos asymmetrical, long and sclerotized; ba- separated from that by the following characters: sal part moderately wide, evenly tapered up to 0.9; longer and more slender, distally widened gnathos, distal 0.1 bent and widened, tip blunt; sclerotized valvae of constant width, and tergum VIII with part shallowly furrowed. Tegumen extended left- slightly incised posterior margin and lateral proc- posteriorly. Aedeagus short and thick, distally bent ess widened apically. The female genitalia are and tapered. Valvae basally fused, long, of con- similar to those of S. malozemovi sp. n., but stant width, apex cut-off. Sternum VIII rectangu- sclerotized tip of sterigma is broader and larger, lar, twice as wide as high; posterior margin weakly and medioposterior incision of sternum VII is sclerotized. Tergum VIII subtriangular; distally without sclerotization at ‘bottom’. sclerotized, asymmetrical, posterior margin Description. Wingspan 8–9.5 mm. Head, an- slightly concave; lateral margins medially with tenna, collar, tegula and thorax dark brown, roundish extension; one lateral process reduced, slightly glossy. Neck tuft brown with a few dirty another one robust, sclerotized, apex cut-off. whitish and pale ochreous scales. Labial palp: Female genitalia (Fig. 41). Sterigma triangu- segment I whitish; segment II and III dark brown, lar, anterior corners slightly elongate; posterior more (segment II) or less (segment III) mixed with part strongly sclerotized, triangular, tip semi- dirty whitish scales. Haustellum dark brown, lat- transparent and blunt. Sternum VII quadrangu- ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 43

Fig. 40. Tergum VIII (right) and sternum VIII (left) of Scythris sinevi sp. n. (paratype). lar; posterior margin with wide U-shaped medial incision; ‘bottom’ of incision without sclerotization. Apophyses anteriores 0.4 length of apophyses posteriores. Bionomy. The specimens were collected in late Scythris sinevi Artemisia Fig. 41. Female genitalia of sp. n. June. The species is common in dry (paratype). steppes. The biology is unknown. Distribution. Russia (S Buryatia), Mongolia. Etymology. This species is dedicated to Dr. 11 mm, and forewings are dark brown with a few Sergey Sinev, the author of several important ar- white scales in fold. Although this taxon is prob- ticles on Siberian Scythrididae. ably undescribed, I refrain from describing a new Remarks. S. sinevi sp. n. belongs to the com- species for the present until more material includ- plex of species treated in Remarks of S. gorbunovi ing males is available for study. sp. n. (see above).

Scythris sp. 2 Scythris sp. 1 Material (Fig. 43). Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11– Material. Russia, S-Buryatia, 51∞11–13´N 13´N 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Moun- 106∞10–12´E, 700 m, Hamar Daban Mountains, tains, Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km Murtoy river, Gusinoe ozero village 6 km NW, NW, forest steppe, 5 ¥¥ 19.VI.2002, 1 ¥ forest steppe, 1 ¥ 19.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. 22.VI.2002, K. Nupponen leg. Genitalia slide: K. Genitalia slide: K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/08.X.2002. Nupponen prep. no. 1/07.X.2002. Female genitalia (Fig. 42). Sterigma basically Female genitalia (Fig. 44). Sterigma bowl- U-shaped, anterior corners extended; shanks like, laterally with few setae. Sternum VII rectan- apically with extension having ragged edge. Ster- gular, posterior margin medially concave. Apo- num VII quadrangular; posterior margin medially physes anteriores 0.7 length of apophyses incised and with narrow membranous extension. posteriores. Apophyses anteriores 0.5 length of apophyses Remarks. Wingspan 10–12.5 mm. Externally the posteriores. moth resembles S. hamardabanica sp. n., but can be Remarks. A single female that is impossible separated from that by several characters: ground to assign to any known species, neither by the colour of the forewing is fuscous (more brown in external appearance nor by the characters in the hamardabanica), abdomen dorsally fuscous with- female genitalia. Wingspan of the specimen is out golden hue and hindleg tibia fuscous mixed with 44 Nupponen • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14

Fig. 44. Female genitalia of Scythris sp. 2.

Fig. 42. Female genitalia of Scythris sp. 1. 5. Discussion

In addition to the 26 species reported from south- ern Buryatia in the present article, I was able to find in the available literature only one further scythridid species recorded from the region: S. inconspicuella Sinev, 2001 was found in Ulan- Ude in mid-July, 1956 (Sinev 2001). Several ad- ditional species are known from adjacent regions in northern Buryatia, Jakutia, Tuva, Chita and northern Mongolia (Bengtsson 1997b, Bengtsson & Liòka 1996, Bengtsson & Sutter 1996, Sachkov Fig. 43. Imago (female) of Scythris sp. 2. & Sinev 2001, Sinev 2001a, 2001b). As I collected in Buryatia for only two weeks and in a few lo- calities, it is expected that many new species will paler scales (pale ochreous in hamardabanica). All be discovered there in the future. Of the 26 taxa, six specimens were collected in a small spot where only 5 have been recorded in Europe, and 3 addi- males of S. felixi Bengtsson & Sutter, 1996 were tional species have the western border of their dis- abundant (see above). The external appearance of tribution range in the Ural Mountains. Thus, the the females coincide well with that of felixi (see eastern Palaearctic fauna dominates in southern Fig. 8), but the genitalia are very different from those Buryatia. It may be that the high mountain ranges illustrated in the original description (see Bengtsson mainly covered by taiga forests (Altai, Sayan, & Sutter 1996). At the moment it is impossible to Hamar Daban) and the Lake Baikal form a bar- assign this taxon to any known species. rier for western Palaearctic species, effectively ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 14 • Scythirids of southern Buryatia 45 preventing the scythridids from extending their References distribution range to the east. Good habitats for scythridids — primary Bengtsson, B. Å. 1997a: Scythrididae. — In: Huemer, P., steppes and rocky slopes — are scarce in the re- Karsholt, O. & Lyneborg, L. (eds.), Microlepidoptera gion studied. Steppes are restricted to river val- of Europe 2: 1–301. leys while slopes at higher elevations are covered Bengtsson, B. Å. 1997b: Notes on interesting scythridids in the Zoological Museum, Helsinki, Finland (Lepidop- by forests. Large areas have been destroyed by tera, Scythrididae). — Entomol. Fennica 8: 89–102. agricultural influence and foothill steppes are of- Bengtsson, B. Å. & Liòka, J. 1996: Notes on Asian ten used for pasturage. I managed to find only three scythridids with description of four new species (Lepi- localities in good condition, each of them having doptera, Scythrididae). — Phegea 24: 33–39. a very rich fauna of Scythrididae. One of them is Bengtsson, B. Å. & Sutter, R. 1996: Scythris felixi sp. n. located close to a sacred place and the local peo- (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Scythrididae) aus der Mongolei. — Reichenbachia Mus. Tierk. Dresden 31, Nr. 37: 207– ple did not keep cattle there. Further investiga- 208. tion of similar habitats will surely yield interest- Chrétien, P. 1900: Description d’une nouvelle espèce de ing results. Microlépidoptère de France. — Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1900: As a conclusion, the scythridid fauna in the 162–163. eastern Palaearctic steppe regions is very rich but Nupponen, K., Bengtsson, B. Å., Kaitila, J.-P., Nupponen, poorly known, and many unknown taxa are still T., Junnilainen, J. & Olschwang, V. 2000: The scythridid fauna of the southern Ural Mountains, with waiting to be discovered. description of fourteen new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae). — Entomol. Fennica 11: 5–34. Acknowledgements. I thank Dr. Vladimir Olschwang Nupponen, K. & Nupponen, T. 2001: Notes on the scythridid (Ekaterinburg, Russia) for organizing the expedition to fauna of the Altai Mountains, with description of four Buryatia. My thanks are also due to the following persons new species (Lepidoptera: Scythrididae). — Entomol. for guide services, assistance, company or other kind of Fennica 12: 81–93. help: Mr. Bengt Å. Bengtsson (Färjestaden, Sweden), Mr. Sachkov, S. A. & Sinev, S. Y. 2001: A new species of the Pavel Gorbunov (Ekaterinburg, Russia), Dr. Lauri Kaila genus Scythris Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Scythrididae) from (Helsinki, Finland), Mr. Yuri Karpov (Sludjanka, Russia), Transbaikalia. — Proceedings of the Zoological Insti- Dr. Pavel Kulikov (Ekaterinburg, Russia), Mr. Alexander tute, St. Petersburg, vol. 291: 27–30. [In Russian]. Malozemov (Ekaterinburg, Russia), Mrs. Elena Nupponen Sinev, S. Y. 2001a: New and little-known species of the (Espoo, Finland), Mr. Timo Nupponen (Espoo, Finland), genus Scythris Hbn. (Lepidoptera, Scythrididae) from Mr. Yuri Shevnin (Ekaterinburg, Russia), Dr. Pasi Sihvonen the Asiatic part of Russia. — Proceedings of the Zoo- (Helsinki, Finland), Dr. Sergey Sinev (St. Petersburg, Rus- logical Institute, St. Petersburg, vol. 291: 3–26. [In sia). Finally, I thank Mr. Kimmo Silvonen (Espoo, Finland) Russian]. for his help in processing the photographs of imagos as well Sinev, S. Y. 2001b: Family Scythrididae. — In: Key to the as the Lepidopterological Society of Finland for a grant that insects of Russian Far East, vol. V, Trichoptera and helped to organize the expedition. Lepidoptera 3: 473–487. [In Russian].