© Ornithologische Gesellschaft Bayern, download unter www.zobodat.at ORNITHOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER Zeitschrift bayerischer und baden-württembergischer Ornithologen Band 54 – Heft 2/3 April 2016 Ornithol. Anz., 54: 121–276 Der Landkreis Kronach: ein avifaunistisches Profil von 2007 bis Herbst 2015 Jonathan Guest The administrative district of Kronach: an avifaunistic profile, 2007–autumn 2015. This work summarises the status of all 183 bird species encountered in the Kronach district (651 km²) since 2007. Between 2010 and 2014 breeding birds were mapped using a grid of 1/16 of a 1:25.000 map sheet, giving 108 grid squares (or part squares) of just over 8 km². The population of each breeding species was estimated using data from the breeding bird survey and from two monitoring plots, where all territories were mapped annually between 2008 and 2013. From 2011, daily species lists were com- pleted in ‚Excel’ files. These provided data, from which the seasonal occurrence and breeding behav- iour of each species could be defined. On many days in autumn, timed counts were made of visibly migrating birds. Data from these counts are presented in tabular form. In addition casual records were also used in the preparation of the species accounts. In 2015, additional records were requested from local birdwatchers. Key words: avifaunistic profile, Kronach, Bavaria, grid maps, phenology Jonathan Guest, Parkstr. 7, 96317 Kronach, Deutschland E-Mail:
[email protected] Hintergrund „Atlas Deutscher Brutvogelarten“ (Ge deon et al. 2014) sowohl in Kronach als auch in den angren- Als ich 2007 in den Landkreis Kronach zog, fand zenden Landkreisen teil. Erst nach Ende der ich nur sehr wenig Literatur über die hiesige Kartierung erfuhr ich, dass mehrere Kronacher Vogelwelt.