IMPERIAL VIRTUES in SUETONIUS' CAESARES the Johns Hopkins University (Annona, Felicitas, Liberalitas, Providentia, Clementia, Co
r ( - ( r ~s IMPERIAL VIRTUES IN SUETONIUS' CAESARES ,. K. R. BRADLEY ~··. The Johns Hopkins University An argument has been made that Suetonius' use of virtue-terms reflects criticism of the emperor Hadrian; this article argues the reverse; it suggests instead that the use of virtue-terms should be attributed to the development in the ideology of the principate of imperial virtues, on which Sue toni us could draw as one means of assessing his biographi cal subjects. A noticeable feature of Suetonius' Caesares is the frequent use and mustration of virtue-terms to demonstrate aspects of ( character. This is not altogether surprising given that virtue } terms were deeply connected with the traditionally moralistic nature of Roman historiography and that, in an increasingly ( political sense, even under the Republic associations had begun to develop between powerful individuals and certain isolated virtues: Sulla and felicitas, Caesar and clementia provide two I well known instances of this. It is worthwhile, however, to ( examine some of these usages in Suetoniu-s, not least because ) the possibility of con temporary allusiveness is thereby intra duced; any historical work is naturally subject to the influence of developments or tastes prevalent at the time of writing, and when Hadrianic allusions have been detected in Tacitus' Annales m (1) the same might be anticipated for the Caesares. An ap ·.; proach of this kind must of necessity be subjective especially ,j. since the literary tradition for Hadrian is not above reproach. (2) Nonetheless, the minimal appearance in the Caesares of words which served as predominant Hadrianic coin legends (annona, felicitas, liberalitas, providentia, clementia, concordia, iustitia, pietas, sal us A ugusti, securitas,) and their association in the main with malipn·ncipes has formed part of an argument that Suetonius and Hadrian felt a mutual, deep antipathy; (1) R.
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