Environ Biol (2019) 102:129–145 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-018-0810-7

Hydrodynamic and isotopic niche differentiation between juveniles of two sympatric cryptic , vulpes and Albula goreensis

Christopher R. Haak & Michael Power & Geoffrey W. Cowles & Andy J. Danylchuk

Received: 16 February 2018 /Accepted: 20 August 2018 /Published online: 4 October 2018 # Springer Nature B.V. 2018

Abstract We employed numerical wave models, GIS, utilization. Otolith δ18O did not differ significantly be- and stable isotope analyses of otolith material to identify tween , suggesting they experience comparable interspecific differences in habitat and resource use thermal regimes. However, δ13C varied substantially, among juveniles of two sympatric and morphologically with the otoliths of A. goreensis depleted in 13Crelative indistinct bonefishes, A. goreensis and A. vulpes in to A. vulpes by approximately 1‰, potentially signify- littoral zones of The Bahamas. Both species occurred ing a greater reliance on pelagic carbon sources by the in similar water temperatures; however, A. goreensis former, in agreement with observed distinctions in hab- juveniles occupied habitats characterized by greater itat use. In linear models, otolith δ13C was negatively wave-driven flow velocities and closer proximity to correlated with ambient flow velocity and positively coral reefs than A. vulpes. Likewise, A. goreensis was related to distance from coral reef habitats, and these present across a broader range of flow environments and relationships did not vary across species. After account- sampling stations than A. vulpes,whichwastypically ing for the effects of these variables, species-specific confined to sheltered, low-flow habitats. The results of differences in otolith δ13C remained, indicating that stable isotope analyses were consistent with the species’ other unknown factors contributed to the observed dis- relationships with environmental parameters, providing parities. Collectively, our findings suggest that niche support for differential habitat and/or resource partitioning between A. goreensis and A. vulpes is likely mediated by their differential abilities to com- pete across various flow environments, likely as a Electronic supplementary material The online version of this result of divergent behavioral and/or physiological article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-018-0810-7) contains adaptation. supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

C. R. Haak (*) : A. J. Danylchuk Keywords Cryptic species . Albula spp. . Stable Department of Environmental Conservation and Intercampus isotopes . Otolith . Wave exposure . Flow. Juvenile Marine Science Graduate Program, University of Massachusetts habitat . Niche partitioning . Behavior Amherst, 160 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003, USA e-mail: [email protected]

M. Power Introduction Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada Bonefishes, Albula spp., are distributed throughout the G. W. Cowles world’s tropical oceans, supporting valuable recreational Department of Fisheries Oceanography, School for Marine fisheries across much of their ranges (Adams et al. 2014). Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 836 S. Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02744, USA Once thought to comprise just two species, the genus 130 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 has undergone substantial phylogenetic revision in re- and A. vulpes may occupy distinct positions along a cent decades, and is now believed to include twelve depth-related gradient (Bruger 1974; Colborn et al. distinct species, many of which share largely overlap- 2001;Crabtreeetal.2003). This pattern is similar to ping extents (Wallace 2014). This taxonomic uncertain- that described for A. virgata and A. glossodonta in the ty, however, remains due in large part to the unusually Hawaiian Islands (Donovan et al. 2015), although there high degree of conservatism in morphological traits are no known distinguishing morphological characteris- across members of the genus, among which observable tics for the Atlantic species. Nonetheless, the separation distinguishing features are typically subtle or nonexistent is not well-defined and may vary geographically (Pfeiler 1996; Colborn et al. 2001; Wallace 2014). Such (Colborn et al. 2001), leading to some degree of overlap cryptic species complexes can pose obvious difficulties in habitat utilization between adults of the two species, for management efforts, potentially leading to false con- which have been found to co-occur in back-reef habitats clusions regarding conservation status or species- (E. Wallace, pers. comm.). This apparent niche overlap specific fundamental ecological requirements (Arlettaz is more pronounced in early life stages, where the co- 1999; Sattler et al. 2007). Accordingly, the relatively occurrence of A. goreensis and A. vulpes is frequently recent discoveries of several regional sympatric cryptic observed in coastal habitats (Colborn et al. 2001; species complexes within the genus Albula (Pfeiler Crabtree et al. 2003; Adams et al. 2007; Snodgrass 1996; Colborn et al. 2001; Bowen et al. 2007; Wallace et al. 2008; Haak, unpubl. data). and Tringali 2010) has complicated efforts to conserve For a species that occupies distinct habitats through- bonefishes, which are experiencing declines throughout out ontogeny, determining the basic habitat require- much of their range (Adams et al. 2014). ments for each life stage is an essential step in the One of the more problematic Albula cryptic species process of developing a comprehensive fishery manage- complexes occurs in the tropical Northwest Atlantic ment plan (Minello 1999; Levin and Stunz 2005). In the Ocean, where some of the most developed and lucrative case of Albula spp., efforts to identify these require- recreational fisheries exist (Fedler 2010, 2013)and ments have been hindered by the aforementioned taxo- where stocks have undergone one of the most notable nomic dilemmas, and uncertainty exists regarding the declines (Frezza and Clem 2015; Santos et al. 2017). In habitats occupied by early life stages of bonefishes prior this region, molecular genetic analyses have document- to their recruitment into the recreational flats fishery. ed the co-existence of at least three sympatric species Early efforts to identify juvenile habitats of bonefishes with no distinguishing morphological characters (initially assumed to be A. vulpes) in Florida suggested (Colborn et al. 2001; Crabtree et al. 2003; Wallace and that they occupied sparsely vegetated, moderately- Tringali 2010; Wallace and Tringali 2016), with recrea- exposed windward beaches, yet subsequent genetic tional fisheries supported almost entirely by a single analyses determined that the vast majority of these indi- species, Albula vulpes (Adams et al. 2007; Wallace viduals were in fact A. goreensis (Crabtree et al. 2003; and Tringali 2016). Despite clear genetic divergence Adams et al. 2007; Snodgrass et al. 2008). More recent among the species, there is little empirical evidence of efforts in The Bahamas have revealed that juvenile ecological niche differentiation between them (Colborn A. vulpes also occupy sparsely vegetated littoral zone et al. 2001; Wallace and Tringali 2010; Wallace 2014). habitats but are limited to largely enclosed, sheltered Of the three species, Albula sp. cf. vulpes (Wallace and embayments exposed to minimal wave energy (Haak Tringali 2010) has the lowest incidence in fishery et al. 2018). Based on these observations, it appears that catches, may be the most ecologically distinct, and while juveniles of both species share preferences for appears limited primarily to more turbid, estuarine wa- similar depths and benthic microhabitats, they may ters (Wallace 2014). However, the differences in envi- exploit shorelines subject to distinct levels of wave ronmental preferences and habitat utilization between exposure and varying degrees of connectivity with Albula goreensis (Wallace and Tringali 2016)and pelagic or coral reef habitats. Interspecific variation A. vulpes are more obscure. in the ability of to negotiate wave driven flow is Mature A. goreensis are infrequently encountered on an important determinant of habitat use and assem- the shallow tidal flats where (primarily blage structure in coastal marine habitats, even for A. vulpes) are typically targeted by anglers, and limited closely related species (Bellwood and Wainwright anecdotal evidence suggests that mature A. goreensis 2001; Fulton et al. 2001). Accordingly, the preference Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 131 for habitats subject to differential wave-driven flow Methods regimes may constitute a fundamental niche differ- ence between A. vulpes and A. goreensis, providing a Fish sampling much-needed ecologically-based descriptor from which species may be inferred. Juvenile bonefishes were collected from six stations Differences in resource use or ambient environmental located along a roughly 40 km stretch of the windward parameters are often reflected in the isotopic composi- (Atlantic-facing) shoreline of Eleuthera Island, situated tion of tissues, permitting retrospective inference on the eastern margin of the Bahamas Archipelago about patterns of movement or habitat utilization (Fig. 1), between January 2012 and April 2013. This (Hobson 1999; Rubenstein and Hobson 2004; coastline was directly exposed to prevailing easterly McMahon et al. 2013). Ratios of stable carbon and trade winds, with a largely uninterrupted fetch and little oxygen isotopes in fish otoliths can provide information physical sheltering except for the adjacent fringing reef. on broad scale geographic location, ambient tempera- With the exception of two largely enclosed sounds, ture, resource utilization, and even physiology littoral zones were characterized by relatively high- (Campana 1999). Consequently, isotopic ratios in oto- energy sandy beaches subject to long-period oceanic liths are frequently employed as a tool for differentiating swells and locally generated wind-waves. Specimens betweenfishstocks(EdmondsandFletcher1997;Gao were captured using a 15.2 m × 1.2 m, 3.2 mm mesh et al. 2004; Correia et al. 2011) or elucidating patterns of bagless beach seine, with each sample encompassing migration or habitat utilization at a range of spatial approximately 210 m2 of seabed. During each haul, the scales (Hidalgo et al. 2008; McMahon et al. 2011a; composition of the seabed was monitored, and the pro- Currey et al. 2014). Assuming that A. vulpes and portion of moderately-to-densely vegetated bottom, de- A. goreensis juveniles do in fact exploit discrete habitats, fined following Harborne et al. (2008), was estimated it is probable that this will be reflected in the isotopic and recorded. Seine hauls ranged in depth from 0 to signatures recorded in otolith material, providing addi- 1.1 m. To permit subsequent estimation of wave-driven tional support for niche differentiation, and possibly water velocities at the location of each sampling event, permitting additional inference about the nature of in- geographic coordinates for the approximate centroid of terspecific differences in resource use. each seine haul were recorded using a handheld GPS In this study we compared environmental conditions, receiver, and sea surface temperature was recorded in namely: (1) wave-driven water velocity; (2) proximity the vicinity of each seine haul using a digital handheld to coral reef habitats; (3) benthic vegetation coverage, thermometer. Captured juvenile bonefish were immedi- and (4) ambient water temperature associated with the ately sacrificed and preserved on ice for transport, and occurrence of A. goreensis and A. vulpes juveniles, with then frozen at −20 °C. At a later date, specimens were the goal of elucidating consistent distinctions in habitat thawed and measured to the nearest 1 mm fork length use between the species. Additionally, we contrasted (FL). Fin clips were obtained from each fish, air-dried, species-specific ratios of carbon and oxygen isotopes and stored in acid-free filter paper for subsequent mo- in otolith material from a subset of these individuals lecular genetic analysis at the University of Minnesota to further examine differences in habitat and resource Genomics Center, following the methods outlined in utilization integrated over broader temporal scales. Seyoum et al. (2008)andWallaceandTringali(2010). We expected the species to occupy distinct wave- For selected individuals, otoliths (sagittae) were extract- driven flow regimes; expressly, that A. goreensis ed, rinsed in freshwater, air-dried, and stored in plastic would be associated with more open, exposed habitats vials until they could be prepared for stable isotope characterized by greater wave-driven water velocities analysis (SIA). (and concurrently reef proximities) than its counter- Given that larvae of both species ex- part, A. vulpes. Likewise, we expected that interspe- ploit similar pelagic environments prior to settling in cific differences in otolith isotopic composition coastal waters, their overlap during migration and set- would be correlated with gradients in wave-driven tlement into neritic habitats is probable. As such, to limit flow and/or connectivity with reef habitats, reflecting the effects of habitat-mismatch; (i.e., to ensure that disparities in flow-related habitat use between the fishes were sampled from actively-selected settlement species. habitats rather than those they were incidentally 132 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

Fig. 1 Map of the study area on the east coast of Eleuthera, The Bahamas, depicting locations of sampling stations numbered 1–6

Bpassing through^), we limited our analysis to fully- fishes (Fulton and Bellwood 2005; Gabel et al. 2011; metamorphosed individuals >30 mm in fork length Anton et al. 2014). Velocities were estimated using (FL). Likewise, to minimize the potential of including Bresponse surface^ or Bsurrogate^ models (Box and fish from subsequent ontogenetic stages that may utilize Draper 1987) discretely relating local (wind) or remote distinct habitats, individuals larger than 150 mm FL (swell) forcing with hydrodynamic conditions experi- were also excluded from consideration. enced at each location of interest, based on a set of high- fidelity simulated wave fields produced using the nu- Environmental variables merical wave model SWAN (Booij et al. 1999). In SWAN, simulated surface gravity waves corresponding Wave-associated hydrodynamic stress at the location of to forcing conditions are propagated through the model juvenile bonefish collections was quantified in terms of domain, where they are dynamically affected by ba- estimated maximum bottom orbital velocity (the peak thymetry and coastal morphology based on physical near-bed wave-induced water velocity parallel to the principles and empirically-derived relationships, seabed in the direction of dominant flow). Wave bottom allowing the estimation of hydrodynamic parameters orbital velocity provides a physically relevant measure as waves travel to the shore. This approach permitted of flow and has been employed extensively to represent the high spatial resolution, large model domain, and the wave-related stresses experienced by demersal physical accuracy necessary to resolve shallow-water Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 133 wave processes in complex coastal habitats while keep- based on the 30 m spatial resolution United Nations ing computational demands feasible. Wind and swell- Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitor- driven bottom orbital velocities at seine haul locations ing Centre global distribution of warm-water coral reefs were estimated independently, by interrogating the ap- database (UNEP-WCMC 2010). The estimated percent propriate response surface model with the mean forcing coverage of benthic vegetation characterizing the area (wind or swell) conditions corresponding to the time sampled by each seine haul was obtained as described period of interest. For local (wind) forcing, these inputs above under Fish Sampling. comprised wind speed and direction recorded at NOAA station SPGF1 at Settlement Point on Grand Bahama Stable isotopes Island, located 300 km NW of the study area. Remote (swell) forcing, inputs included swell direction, signifi- Stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) incorporated in ani- cant wave height, and dominant period recorded at mal structures are commonly used to determine the NOAA NDBC 41047 located 500 km NE of Eleuthera. sources of organic carbon in food webs, based on the The greater of wind and swell-driven orbital velocities contrasting isotopic fractionations exhibited by different was then taken to reflect the most adverse conditions. primary producers (Peterson and Fry 1987; Fry and Further information on the development and validation Sherr 1989;Post2002). Because the dominant primary of these models can be found in Haak et al. (2018). producers at the base of marine food webs tend to vary To examine the effects of both spatial and temporal among discrete habitats or microhabitats, δ13C can func- variability in flow, we related the abundance of tion as a naturally-occurring intrinsic marker, linking bonefishes to bottom orbital velocities at capture loca- fishes to distinct habitats through dietary intake and tions measured on two discrete temporal scales. To trophic transfer (Hobson 1999;Kieckbuschetal.2004; reflect incident wave stress on fine timescales, corre- Nagelkerken and van der Velde 2004; Lugendo et al. sponding roughly to the moment of each sampling 2006). Although dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from event, we estimated the mean wind or swell conditions ambient seawater generally comprises the dominant corresponding to the 24-h period preceding each seine proportion of carbon in otolith aragonite, the remaining haul (U24). This was deemed an appropriate temporal fraction is composed of metabolically-derived carbon window, given not only the hourly to daily timescales at (Solomon et al. 2006). Accordingly, bulk otolith δ13C 13 which wave conditions develop and subside in coastal (δ Coto) can be reflective of dietary intake (Radtke et al. habitats, but also the observations of others which sug- 1996) and thus may provide information about habitat gest that temporal variability in the abundance of fishes use akin to that of muscle δ13C (Jamieson et al. 2004; is more closely correlated with sea state measured over McMahon et al. 2011b). the preceding hours to days than with instantaneous However, the large DIC fraction of carbon in otolith conditions (Lasiak 1984; Friedlander and Parrish aragonite results in a Bdilution^ effect, partially obscur- 1998). To approximate spatial gradients in wave- ing the dietary signal and making it difficult to draw driven flow integrated over broader temporal scales, conclusions about habitat or resource use from bulk likely to be more representative of the average condi- otolith δ13C values (McMahon et al. 2011b). In the case tions encountered at a location on a diel basis, long-term of the species considered here, isotopic data from an mean near-bed velocity (Umean) at each capture location expanded collection of juvenile bonefishes taken from 13 was determined by interrogating the surrogate models the study area demonstrates that δ Coto correlates close- with hourly histories of forcing parameters recorded at ly with muscle δ13C within individuals (see their respective NOAA stations for a 4-year timespan Online Resource 1). Furthermore, in relatively stable encompassing the study period, (January 1, 2010 to oceanic environments such as the study area, the isoto- January 1, 2014), and then calculating the mean of the pic composition of DIC in seawater tends to vary little at resulting distribution. Spatial variation in Umean across the small scales encompassed by the present study (Hu the study area is depicted in Fig. 2. and Burdige 2007). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume 13 The minimum swimming distance from each seine that variation in δ Coto among the fishes examined here haul location to the nearest coral reef habitat (heretofore is largely attributable to dietary intake (Elsdon et al. referred to as Reef distance) was estimated to the nearest 2010;Nelsonetal.2011), permitting insights into dif- 100 m using a cost-distance function, with reef locations ferential habitat or resource use via the sources of carbon 134 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

Fig. 2 Map illustrating the distribution of long-term mean wave-induced bottom orbital −1 velocity (Umean[cm s ]) across the study area as estimated by the numerical wave model SWAN. To highlight variability at sampling stations, the maximum value depicted by the color gradient ramp has been truncated to 50 cm s−1

at the base of food webs they occupy. Likewise, the environment experienced by fishes, reflecting the isoto- relative proportions of DIC (exogenous) and pic composition of ambient seawater and environmental metabolically-derived (endogenous) carbon incorporat- temperature at the time of deposition (Thorrold et al. ed into otolith material is a function of metabolic rate, 1997;Høieetal.2004). While temperature histories can with a greater fraction of metabolic carbon included be approximated from δ18O, this cannot be accom- during periods of increased metabolism (Jamieson plished without knowledge of the relationship between et al. 2004; Dufour et al. 2007; Tohse and Mugiya temperature and isotopic fractionation, which must be 2008). Because carbon in ambient DIC is isotopically experimentally determined, can be non-linear, and may heavy compared to metabolically-derived carbon, bulk vary substantially even among related species (Storm- otolith δ13C is inversely related to metabolic rate (Kalish suke et al. 2007;Godiksenetal.2010). Nonetheless, 1991;Schwarczetal.1998;Høieetal.2003). Accord- assuming interspecific differences in temperature- 13 ingly, variation in δ Coto may also be indicative of dependent fractionation do not exist between A. vulpes inter-or-intra-specific discrepancies in metabolism, po- and A. goreensis, otolith δ18O may indicate relative tentially providing insights into physiological differ- differences in the thermal regime of habitats occupied ences among A. goreensis and A. vulpes. by the two species. Oxygen stable isotope ratios (δ18O) in otolith mate- The subset of individuals selected for SIA were rial also provide valuable information about the constrained to similar size classes, both within and Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 135 across species, to limit the potential for any size-related classified six individuals as potential hybrids, and these or ontogenetic effects. Otoliths from selected individ- were excluded from subsequent analyses. Of the remain- uals were scrubbed, sonicated, rinsed in deionized ultra- ing 100 specimens, 77 individuals from 26 seine hauls at pure water, dried under a laminar flow hood, and stored three different stations (1, 2, and 4, as depicted in Fig. 1) in 1.5 ml plastic vials until analysis. Bulk SIA of otolith were identified as A. vulpes, and 23 specimens, δ13Candδ18O was conducted at the University of representing 13 distinct hauls at five different stations Waterloo, following the methods described by Guiguer (1,2,3,5,and6)wereclassifiedasA. goreensis.The et al. (2003) and Storm-suke et al. (2007). Carbon and species co-occurred in three seine haul samples; twice at Oxygen isotope ratios are expressed in delta notation (δ) station 1, and once at station 2, comprising 23 and 13% of with concentrations measured in permil (‰), relative to A. vulpes and A. goreensis specimens, respectively. While Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. the lengths of A. vulpes (60 ± 34 mm) were more variable than those of A. goreensis (53 ± 9 mm), size did not differ Statistical analyses substantively between species (Mann-Whitney U test, U = 1088.5, Z =1.66,p = 0.097). Water temperatures as- When observed data conformed to parametric assump- sociated with the occurrence of A. vulpes (27.5 ± 2.4 °C) tions, interspecific comparisons of fish size (FL), envi- were marginally lower than those corresponding to ronmental variables at the time and place of capture, and A. goreensis collections (28.9 ± 2.5 °C) (Table 1), how- otolith isotopic composition were conducted using ever this difference was not statistically significant Welch’s unequal variances t-test for independent sam- (Welch’s t-test, t = 1.589, df = 22.81, p = 0.1257). Like- ples. If parametric distributional assumptions were not wise, there was no significant difference in the coverage satisfied, as was the case for many environmental pa- of benthic vegetation associated with the presence of each rameters, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was species (Mann-Whitney U test, U =147.5,Z = −0.99, p = instead employed for comparisons. To examine the re- 0.319), with both occurring primarily in unvegetated or lationship between otolith δ13C and environmental fac- sparsely-vegetated habitats (Table 1). tors, we employed a linear mixed model (LMM), ap- Wave-driven flow regime at capture locations varied 13 proximating δ Coto as a function of the continuous markedly and consistently between species (Table 2). fixed variables Umean and Reef distance, as well as of Twenty-four-hour mean bottom orbital velocities, U24, the fixed factor variables Station and Species. To eval- preceding the occurrence of A. goreensis (22.1 ± uate the potential for interspecific differences in the 11.5 cm s−1) were on average more than three times 13 relationship between δ Coto and Umean, an interaction those of corresponding A. vulpes collections (6.8 ± −1 term was included between Umean and Species. Further- 6.5 cm s ), constituting a significant interspecific dis- more, to account for any potential interdependency in parity (Mann-Whitney U test, U =293.5,Z =3.69,p = response among fishes co-occurring in the same seine 0.0002). A similar degree of asymmetry was apparent in haul (i.e., cluster sampling bias; Nelson 2014), seine the long-term mean bottom velocities experienced at haul was modeled as a random intercept. Model selec- capture locations, Umean (Mann-Whitney U test, U = tion was performed using backward elimination of fixed 301, Z = 3.92, p = <0.0001), with A. goreensis taken effects via likelihood ratio tests. Statistical analyses were from sites characterized by markedly greater mean ve- performed using RStudio (Version 1.0.143) and the locities (21.6 ± 8.4 cm s−1) than those associated with lme4, car, and MASS packages. Unless otherwise noted, the presence of A. vulpes (7.5 ± 6.3 cm s−1)(Fig.3a). values displayed in the text are presented as mean ± SD, While typically occupying comparatively higher-flow and fish sizes are given as fork length (FL). habitats than A. vulpes, A. goreensis was also present in a notably broader range of water velocities, which spanned from near 0 up to a maximum of 46.7 cm s−1, Results nearly twice that of A. vulpes (0–24.2 cm s−1). Distance from coral reef habitats (Fig. 3b) also differed signifi- Fish collection and environmental variables cantly between species (Mann-Whitney U test, U =57, Z = −3.37, p =0.0007),withA. goreensis (400 ± 600 m) A total of 106 juvenile bonefishes were collected across regularly occurring in closer proximity than A. vulpes 37 distinct seine hauls. Molecular genetic analyses (1900 ± 900 m). 136 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

Table 1 Summary information on juvenile bonefishes (A. vulpes ambient water temperature (Temp) and the coverage of moderate- and A. goreensis) captured in seine hauls and corresponding envi- to-densely vegetated seabed (Veg cover) within the sweep area. ronmental variables recorded at the time of collection, including Lengths are reported as fork length

Species n n Length ± SD Length min/max Temp ± SD Temp min/max Veg cover ± SD Veg cover min/max indivs hauls (mm) (mm) (°C) (°C) (%) (%)

A. goreensis 23 13 53 ± 9 39/77 28.9 ± 2.5 24/32.1 0 ± 1.4 0/5 A. vulpes 77 26 60 ± 34 30/149 27.5 ± 2.4 21/32 9 ± 25 0/100

Stable isotopes Otolith δ 18O spanned a similar range of values for A. vulpes and A. goreensis and did not vary substantive- To control for any size-related or ontogenetic effects on ly between species (Welch’s t test, t = 0.783, df = isotope ratios, a reduced set of individuals ranging in 34.274, p = 0.438), suggesting they inhabited compara- length from 39 to 88 mm was selected for comparison ble thermal environments. 13 of otolith isotopic composition (Table 3). This subset In linear models relating δ Coto to environmental comprised twenty-three A. vulpes juveniles collected in variables (Tables 4 and 5), the fixed effect of sampling 12 distinct seine hauls, and eighteen A. goreensis juve- station did not contribute to explaining observed patterns 13 niles representing 12 discrete hauls. Within this group, the in otolith δ C. The high collinearity between Umean and mean size of A. vulpes (55 ± 13 mm) corresponded close- Reef distance (r = 0.77) and consequent variance inflation ly to that of A. goreensis (54 ± 9 mm), with no significant precluded the simultaneous inclusion of both continuous difference in size between the two species (Welch’s t test, fixed predictors; however, in discrete reduced models, 13 t = −0.403, df = 39.398, p = 0.688). Examination of the δ Coto was negatively correlated with Umean (F = data revealed no observable correlation between otolith 3.027, df = 38, p = 0.089) (Fig. 5a), and significantly δ13Corδ18O and fish length over the range of sizes positively correlated with distance from coral reef habi- considered, therefore no correction was applied to ac- tats (F = 8.017, df = 38, p = 0.0073) (Fig. 5b). The ab- count for size effects on isotopic composition. sence of an interaction between either Umean or Reef 13 Mean δ Coto values recorded for A. vulpes (−1.15 ± distance with Species indicated that these relationships 0.53 ‰)wereenrichedin13Cbyapproximately1‰ did not differ substantively between A. goreensis and compared to those of A. goreensis (−2.04 ± 0.51‰) A. vulpes. Nonetheless, after accounting for these effects, (Fig. 4). This difference was highly significant (Welch’s there was still a significant effect of Species in the pres- t test, t = −5.428, df = 37.232, p < 0.0001), signaling that ence of both Umean (F = 6.9992, df = 38, p =0.01179)and the species exploited isotopically distinct environments Reef distance (F = 8.2412, df = 38, p = 0.0066), indicat- 13 and/or resources, or experienced contrasting metabolic ing that interspecific differences in δ Coto could not be 13 demands. Although intraspecific variability in δ Coto explained entirely by variation in ambient flow velocities was similar between the species, A. goreensis displayed or coral reef proximity, and therefore that interspecific a slightly broader range of values overall, evidencing the discrepancies in other, unmeasured factors likely contrib- utilization of a greater variety of habitats or resources. uted to observed differences in otolith δ13C.

Table 2 Summary information on environmental parameters cor- locations averaged over a 4-year timeframe encompassing the responding to locations where juvenile bonefishes (A. vulpes and study period (Umean) and the 24-h period preceding a given seine A. goreensis) were captured in seine hauls, as estimated by numer- haul (U24). Reef distance reflects the minimum swimming distance ical wave models and GIS. Flow-related metrics (Umean and U24) from a given capture location to the nearest coral reef habitat reflect estimated wave-bottom orbital velocities at capture

Species n Umean ±SD Umean min/max U24 ±SD U24 min/max Reef distance ± Reef distance min/ hauls (cm s−1) (cm s−1) (cm s−1) (cm s−1) SD (m) max (m)

A. goreensis 13 21.7 ± 8.4 6.2/33.8 22.1 ± 11.5 1.4/46.7 400 ± 600 100/2300 A. vulpes 26 7.5 ± 6.3 1.9/25.1 6.8 ± 6.5 0.0/24.2 1900 ± 900 100/2500 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 137

Fig. 3 Boxplots depicting the distribution of: a long-term (4- year) mean wave bottom orbital −1 velocities (Umean [cm s ]), and b swimming distance to coral reef habitats (to the nearest 100 m), at the locations of seine hauls capturing A. goreensis (n =13) and A. vulpes (n = 26) juveniles. Solid grey dots represent individual observations, and diamonds denote the mean

Discussion lack thereof) in otolith isotopic composition between the species were consistent with variation in the environ- Albula goreensis juveniles were present in habitats sub- mental conditions in which they occurred. The absence ject to substantially greater bottom orbital velocities of interspecific differences in otolith δ18Oiscon- than those of A. vulpes, supporting the notion that the gruent with the comparable ambient water tempera- two species occupy distinct positions along a gradient in tures that A. goreensis and A. vulpes were collected the strength of wave-driven flow. Flow intensity was in, suggesting that both species share similar closely correlated with proximity to coral reef habitats, temperature-dependent fractionation relationships which likewise differed greatly between locations where and that water temperature is not among the factors the species occurred, further underpinning interspecific that differentiate their respective niches. Moreover, 13 divergence in habitat use. The broader range of locations the clear disparity in δ Coto between A. goreensis and water velocities inhabited by A. goreensis suggests and A. vulpes juveniles suggests distinctions in hab- that this species may display a greater degree of adapt- itat and/or resource utilization linked to gradients in ability to variation in incident flow. Contrasts (or the flow velocity and/or reef proximity. 138 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

Table 3 Summary of sizes and bulk-otolith stable isotope ratios (δ13Candδ18O) for a subset of juvenile bonefishes (A. goreensis and A. vulpes) collected from six stations along the Atlantic coast of Eleuthera, The Bahamas. Lengths are reported as fork length (FL)

Species nn Length ± SD Length min/max δ13C±SD δ13Cmin/max δ18O±SD δ18Omin/max hauls (mm) (mm) (‰) (‰) (‰) (‰)

A. goreensis 18 12 54 ± 9 39/77 −2.04 ± 0.51 −3.10/−1.08 −0.29 ± 0.57 −1.33/0.77 A. vulpes 23 12 55 ± 13 40/88 −1.14 ± 0.53 −2.03/−0.15 −0.38 ± 0.54 −1.52/0.65

The differential resource use revealed here implies may thus be related to differences in behavior and/or the existence of niche partitioning and habitat segrega- internal physiology. tion between A. goreensis and A. vulpes with respect Examples of niche partitioning or habitat segregation to the intensity of wave-driven water movement. Differ- with respect to ambient flow can be found among sev- ences in flow-related habitat use among fishes are most eral other sympatric, closely related fishes (Hyndes et al. commonly attributed to interspecific discrepancies in 1997;Clarkeetal.2005; Davis and Wing 2012). For locomotor performance, typically associated with phy- example, distinctions in feeding behavior and metabolic logenetic variation in morphological characteristics, rate between congeneric blennies (Acanthemblemaria such as body form or fin shape, that influence the ability spp.) have been linked with fine-scale habitat of fishes to negotiate fast, unsteady or turbulent flows partitioning along a vertical gradient in wave-driven (Bellwood and Wainwright 2001;Fultonetal.2001; water velocity (Clarke et al. 2009; Finelli et al. 2009). Fulton and Bellwood 2005). However, the adaptive Such seemingly small differences in foraging microhab- distinctions that accompany niche partitioning are not itat use can also give rise to segregation at much broader necessarily reflected in outward anatomical form. Be- spatial scales (Hixon 1980; Holbrook and Schmitt 1989; havioral differences, commonly paired with divergent Hyndes et al. 1997). For example, Hyndes et al. (1997) physiological adaptations, can also have implications determined that trophic niche differentiation and for resource use, constituting important niche determi- landscape-scale habitat partitioning among juveniles of nants among morphologically and functionally-similar several sympatric, morphologically-similar members of organisms (Schmitt and Coyer 1982; Hartney 1989; the genus Sillago was attributable to relatively fine-scale Clarke et al. 2009). The conspicuous absence of any differences in the use of foraging microhabitats, with defining morphological characters between the species S. baseensis, a species associated with exposed high- studied here seems to suggest that the disparate flow energy environments, exploiting invertebrate epifauna environments exploited by A. goreensis and A. vulpes from detached macrophytes (drift algae), while its

Fig. 4 Boxplots depicting the distribution of δ13Cvalues(‰)of bulk otolith material from A. goreensis (n =18)and A. vulpes (n = 23) juveniles. Solid grey dots represent individual observations, and diamonds denote the mean Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 139

Table 4 Summary of reduced Linear Model Results for fixed Nagelkerken and van der Velde 2004), potentially con- predictors Umean +Species tributing to the observed interspecific disparity. Parameter Estimate SE t-value p value Furthermore, variation in the strength of ambient flow can influence carbon uptake for primary producers, Intercept −1.601 0.277 −5.779 <0.001 leading to 13C depletion of plant tissues in high-flow − − Umean 1.803 1.036 1.740 0.090 environments (Trudeau and Rasmussen 2003; Species 0.605 0.228 2.646 0.011 Cornelisen et al. 2007; McPherson et al. 2015), which in turn can be reflected in the isotopic composition of organisms at higher trophic levels (Finlay et al. 1999; counterparts in more sheltered low-energy habitats for- Rasmussen and Trudeau 2010). Accordingly, the higher aged primarily on invertebrate prey from benthic sedi- water velocities in habitats where A. goreensis occurred ments. Accordingly, if broad-scale environmental gra- should be correlated with 13C depletion in algae or dients in flow intensity are correlated with similar shifts seagrasses relative to their analogs in the low-energy in the abundance of distinct microhabitats or prey taxa habitats occupied by A. vulpes, in agreement with ob- upon which A. goreensis and A. vulpes differentially served trends. Whether a result of broad-scale changes rely, one might expect to observe interspecific contrasts in community structure and shifts in the dominance of in habitat utilization (spatial segregation) analogous to distinct primary producers along a wave-energy gradi- those observed here. ent, or of flow-related intraspecific variation in δ13C Wave energy is among the most fundamental factors within similar communities of primary producers, the structuring littoral zones (Brind'Amour et al. 2005), comparatively low δ13C values observed in the otoliths shaping the distributions of benthic sediments and pri- of A. goreensis are consistent with the utilization of mary producers (Keddy 1982; Fonseca et al. 1983), as more open, pelagically-connected habitats exposed to well as the structure of invertebrate communities which greater wave energy. inhabit them (Fenwick 1976; Snelgrove and Butman Alternatively, the observed differences in δ13Cmay 1994; Boström et al. 2006). It is thus logical that gradi- be related to distinctions in resource exploitation occur- ents in wave-driven flow should be associated with ring at much finer scales. In habitats akin to those shifts in the structure of plant and animal communities, surveyed in the present study, the isotopic composition and consequently the isotopic composition of the fishes of both producers and consumers can vary markedly which forage within them (Davis and Wing 2012). The over very small distances (Higgs et al. 2016; Tue et al. higher energy habitats typically occupied by 2017). As such, species-specific discrepancies in prey A. goreensis exhibited closer proximity and greater con- selection and foraging microhabitat utilization (e.g., nectivity to pelagic and coral-reef environments, which consumption of pelagic vs. epibenthic vs. infaunal in- are characterized by isotopically-lighter carbon sources prey), may give rise to contrasts in the isoto- such as phytoplankton (De la Morinière et al. 2003; pic makeup of A. goreensis and A. vulpes even despite Crawley et al. 2009; McMahon et al. 2016). In contrast, their functional similarity and broad-scale overlap in the more sheltered and enclosed flats habitats utilized by habitat use. In this event, variation in isotopic signatures A. vulpes likely received greater inputs from isotopically between the species may reflect greater inputs from heavier, neritic sources of carbon such as seagrasses pelagic carbon sources in the diet of A. goreensis,pos- (Fry et al. 1982; De la Morinière et al. 2003; sibly indicating increased utilization of prey from the water column or from detached macrophytes (Robertson and Lenanton 1984; Crawley et al. 2006), Table 5 Summary of reduced Linear Model Results for fixed which can be the primary source of organic carbon for predictors Reef distance + Species consumers in surf-zone habitats (Crawley et al. 2009). Interspecific differences in metabolism may also Parameter Estimate SE t-value p value have contributed to observed interspecific contrasts in 13 Intercept −3.295 0.470 −7.075 <0.001 otolith δ C. Assuming the species display equivalent 13 log(Reef distance) 0.526 0.186 2.832 0.007 δ C fractionation and have analogous dietary inputs, 13 Species 0.552 0.192 2.871 0.006 the isotopically-lighter otolith δ Cvaluesof A. goreensis may be interpreted to suggest that this 140 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

−1 Fig. 5 Scatterplots depicting observed values and the predictions orbital velocity (Umean [cm s ]) at capture locations, and b swim- of linear regression models relating bulk otolith δ13CforA. vulpes ming distance to coral reef habitats (to the nearest 100 m) from and A. goreensis juveniles to: a long-term mean wave bottom capture locations species maintains a higher metabolic rate (Kalish 1991; Schwalbe and Webb 2014), perhaps indicating that this Høie et al. 2003), consistent with the greater energetic species exploits alternative or more diverse sensory demands required by the comparatively high-flow or mechanisms than its counterpart, facilitating the detec- turbulent habitats it occupies (Enders et al. 2003; tion of prey in a wider variety of habitats or sensory Roche et al. 2014). Similar discrepancies in species- environments (Deary et al. 2016). specific metabolism or activity level have been linked Collectively, our observations suggest that with differential microhabitat and resource use among A. goreensis and A. vulpes exhibit divergent behavioral other sympatric congeners, and may represent adapta- and/or physiological adaptations, likely linked to forag- tions that help to balance habitat-specific energetic costs ing and microhabitat use, that influence their relative and resource availability (Hartney 1989;Clarkeetal. abilities to compete over a range of flow conditions 2005, 2009). leading to differential distributions with respect to inci- 13 The more widely ranging δ Coto values observed for dent wave energy (Pekcan-Hekim et al. 2016). The A. goreensis suggest that this species exploits a greater much more constrained range of flow environments assortment of resources or microhabitats, in accordance inhabited by A. vulpes, and consequently its more lim- with its broader distribution among sampling stations ited spatial distribution, indicate that this species may be and the notably more heterogenous hydrodynamic re- more of a habitat specialist compared to A. goreensis,a gimes it occurred in. The seemingly more generalist supposition that appears compatible with the dietary nature of A. goreensis may reflect interspecific distinc- habits of the two species (Griffin et al. this issue). As tions in sensory capability, which often accompany such, A. vulpes may out-compete A. goreensis in hydro- differences in resource use between closely related fish- dynamically stable low-flow habitats, possibly es (Lombarte et al. 2000; Cummings and J 2001; explaining the relative absence of A. goreensis from Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145 141 the more sheltered stations (2 & 4) where A. vulpes those occupied by A. goreensis (Robertson and predominated. Concurrently, however, the greater spe- Lenanton 1984; Crawley et al. 2006; Crawley et al. cialization of A. vulpes may come at the cost of reduced 2009), future studies should consider including this as adaptability, limiting the species’ capacity to compete in an environmental predictor. more variable flow environments (Poff and Allan 1995) While divergence in habitat and resource utilization such as those occupied by A. goreensis,forwhich was clearly discernable between the species, the under- greater plasticity in foraging mode or microhabitat uti- lying mechanisms giving rise to these differences were lization may permit the exploitation of more diverse less transparent. Although disparities in the resource use flow and resource regimes. of A. goreensis and A. vulpes were correlated with While this work focuses on the role of wave- gradients in ambient flow and connectivity to coral reef driven flow in shaping differential habitat use, it is habitats, it is unclear whether these contrasts arose due possible that unmeasured environmental factors that to distinctions in fine-scale microhabitat utilization and/ covaried with wave exposure also contributed to or prey selection, or as a result of exploiting similar producing the observed distributional patterns. Al- microhabitats or prey taxa but from distinct locations though salinity and turbidity are important drivers of within broader-scale isotopic gradients (i.e., isoscapes). habitat use in estuarine waters (Blaber and Blaber More detailed dietary analyses, optimally from the same 1980; Cyrus and Blaber 1992;Akinetal.2005), region and with greater taxonomic resolution, may help background levels of these parameters vary compar- resolve these questions by identifying the habitat asso- atively little across the habitats surveyed here due to ciations of prey taxa (e.g., benthic or pelagic). Likewise, negligible freshwater inputs and the generally oligo- more comprehensive stable isotope studies, employing trophic nature of the study area (Buchan 2000). muscle tissue and including the analysis of δ34Smay Nonetheless, wave forcing can precipitate sediment help reveal the relative importance of benthic vs. pelagic resuspension in shallow coastal zones (Arfi et al. food webs between species, and emerging methods, 1993;Lawsonetal.2007), and the greater suscep- such as compound-specific SIA of amino acids tibility of more exposed sites to fluctuations in flow- (McMahon et al. 2016) may provide even greater ability related turbidity may have influenced habitat use. to distinguish between carbon sources. Measurements Likewise, benthic microhabitat features that are af- of species-specific metabolic rates, exercise capacity, fected by wave exposure may have acted, perhaps and swimming performance may help to identify wheth- more directly than wave-driven flow itself, to shape er differential physiological adaptation plays a role in species distributions (Santin and Willis 2007). We generating the observed contrasts, as may comparative did not detect interspecific differences with respect anatomical studies of the species’ sensory systems. to benthic vegetation cover; nevertheless, the com- This work was the first to quantitively examine in- position of benthic flora communities may have terspecific distinctions in the habitat and resource utili- varied at scales finer than were assessed here. Sim- zation patterns of sympatric bonefishes of any ontoge- ilarly, whilst there were no obvious differences in netic stage in the Atlantic region. In doing so, we re- substrate composition across sampling stations (all vealed fundamental differences in the basic ecological of which were dominated by fine sand), subtle dif- requirements of A. vulpes and A. goreensis during a ferences in the characteristics of benthic sediments critical and poorly understood life stage. From the per- mayalsohaveexisted. spective of conservation this information should prove Our study did not explicitly evaluate variation in the particularly valuable, offering guidance for habitat pres- presence or relative density of allochthonous algae or ervation efforts, while also providing a practical, field- detached macrophytes across seine haul locations; yet applicable method for discriminating between species the more exposed windward habitats where A. goreensis basedonobservableassociations with the physical occurred certainly received greater inputs of drifting environment. sargassum spp. than the more sheltered habitats used by A. vulpes. Given the interspecific differences eluci- Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Lucas Griffin, dated here, and the observations of others with regard to Justin Lewis, and Brittany Sims for their assistance with field and laboratory work. Special thanks are due to Liz Wallace for her help the importance of drift algae as a source of invertebrate with genetic species identifications. We are likewise grateful to prey and organic carbon in surf-zone habitats similar to Aaron Shultz, Karen Murchie, and David Philipp for their support. 142 Environ Biol Fish (2019) 102:129–145

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