Surnames &Amp
. A' A'^A^; : A;<" mm 2385 AA y. »A,a>,^^s ^ ; ,,'H 'ftr.^i if '. 1 1 .. y « iftft r ^/a «#* w ' ... V,a£ '"' "a A #v" I - . r A',-, Ua ft' V , r '/ ' i i su " . s ,•: , W r *, -A' "''' l AAA ,VV: '";','• V '_ "K, ' --.-; ' A'?'- "'. ' i .' \Hfli' r»„!- AA. ,. « A,£j/ *A* *'f* : "' '/"' "• u i '-.^ .f>'*L """a - '..-''- ; -. ... ,-, tolMjWftSI* -J. z\ « -, t, . 3»'Si ^ ,!-,•' 1 •'•#•- '. < W .'X. r ». ' '? .' .... ? :- * -*s' *fc -* -V j<M^*S.' elf.*- "> 4 <-A. * ," - " - r A *1 ' » A > ,' ' S/. ' ip' r"". ^ A «v * < WW r '-'- ' r .<•";'-,>.: - - '. " - ,-^, ' ' • - ; ..', .>' ,-,: cJv^i-v*. -SV , ,-, 'A*vAA V\A'>A^- ^A'-A' MW v.. '" - ' '. .•; ,. • A.%,^.A . ,. -,.; , ^# V ^W^W' V; . ; '" '' " i'../'A -,'-.'1"'"", " -: ,^. > ^'"^vl^'iWKlAi^ ^ ,-,'->r; ,Ar\/'- - ; a!/ ! V a -" A - - . ,* iwn/ BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henrg W. Sage 1S91 fi.ziitf*! Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. : : STTKIAIES & SIKENAMES. THE OKIGIN AND HISTOEY OP CERTAIN FAMILY & HISTORICAL MIES faiib iUmarJts on tft^ %n(iexii light xrf ity (Stymm to £an$im and $4*0 tf»| Jtssnmpttrrn njf $mt$s. AND AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE NAMES BUGGEY AND BUGG. BY JAMES FINLAYSON. " I, THE LORD, HAVE EVEN CALLED THEE BY THT NAME : I HAVE 8URNAMED THEE." IsaiuJl xlv. 4. "there are three crowns—the crown of the law, the crown of the priesthood, and the Crown of Royalty; but the Crown of a good name is m superior to them all.
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