Public Defender of Georgia

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Public Defender of Georgia 2018 The Public Defender of Georgia 1 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA, 2018 This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 2 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN GEORGIA 2018 2018 3 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA, 2018 OFFICE OF PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA 6, Ramishvili str, 0179, Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 2913814; +995 32 2913815 Fax: +995 32 2913841 E-mail: [email protected] 4 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................13 1. FULFILMENT OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA IN THE 2017 PARLIAMENTARY REPORT ......................................................................19 2. RIGHT TO LIFE .....................................................................................................................................28 2.1. CASE OF TEMIRLAN MACHALIKASHVILI .............................................................................21 2.2. MURDER OF JUVENILES ON KHORAVA STREET ...............................................................29 2.3. OUTCOMES OF THE STUDY OF THE CASE-FILES OF THE INVESTIGATION CONDUCTED ON THE ALLEGED MURDER OF ZVIAD GAMSAKHURDIA, THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA .............................................................................................30 2.4. PROPORTIONALITY OF SENTENCES IMPOSED ON THE OFFENDERS CONVICTED FOR THE DEPRIVATION OF LEVAN KORTAVA’S LIFE IN A PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENT ........................................................................................31 2.5. NECESSITY OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER HAVING ACCESS TO THE CASE-FILES OF INVESTIGATIONS OF ILL-TREATMENT AND/OR DEPRIVATION OF LIFE ..........32 3. PREVENTION OF TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT ......................................................................................................34 THE PENITENTIARY SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................34 3.1. PROCEDURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL SAFEGUARDS AGAINST ILL-TREATMENT ......35 3.2. LARGE PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENTS ........................................................................37 2018 3.3. ORDER AND SECURITY .............................................................................................................37 3.4. RISK ASSESSMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF CONVICTED PERSONS .........................38 3.5. ABSENCE OF APPROACH CONDUCIVE TO CONVICTED PERSONS’ RISK REDUCTION .......................................................................................................................40 3.6. PRISONERS’ REHABILITATION AND RESOCIALISATION ................................................40 3.7. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................41 3.8. MEDICAL CARE ...........................................................................................................................42 3.9. CONTACT WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD ..............................................................................43 5 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER OF GEORGIA, 2018 3.10. EQUALITY .....................................................................................................................................44 3.11. PERSONNEL OF PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENTS .......................................................44 SYSTEM OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS ..................................................................48 3.12. ILL-TREATMENT BY POLICE OFFICERS ..............................................................................49 3.13. SAFEGUARDS AGAINST TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT ...............................51 3.14. TEMPORARY DETENTION ISOLATORS ................................................................................57 PSYCHIATRIC FACILITIES ..................................................................................................................59 3.15. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL RESTRAINT ..............................................................................60 3.16. FORCED MEDICAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS FORMALLY PLACED VOLUNTARILY IN INPATIENT FACILITIES AND THE USE OF PHYSICAL RESTRAINT ...................................................................................................................................61 3.17. VIOLENCE AMONG PRISONERS .............................................................................................61 3.18. SOMATIC (PHYSICAL) HEALTH...............................................................................................61 3.19. LEGAL SAFEGUARDS ..................................................................................................................62 3.20. PROBLEM OF LENGTHY HOSPITALISATION ......................................................................63 3.21. PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION ........................................................................................64 4. INVESTIGATION OF TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL, INHUMAN AND DEGRADING TREATMENT..........................................................................................................................................67 4.1. POSTPONING THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW OF GEORGIA ON THE OFFICE OF THE STATE INSPECTOR .....................................................................................................67 4.2. REFORM OF THE PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE ..........................................................................68 4.3. EFFECTIVE INVESTIGATION OF TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT .............70 5. RIGHT TO LIBERTY AND SECURITY ...............................................................................................74 5.1. ARREST OF CITIZENS IN BREACH OF STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS .........................74 5.2. SHORTCOMINGS IDENTIFIED IN POLICE OFFICERS’ ACTIONS ...................................75 5.3. UNJUSTIFIED RESTRICTION OF THE FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT ..............................76 5.4. CASE OF IVANE MERABISHVILI ..............................................................................................76 6. RIGHT TO A FAIR TRIAL .....................................................................................................................78 6.1. INSTITUTIONAL PROBLEMS IN THE JUDICIARY ..............................................................78 6.2. ELECTING SUPREME COURT JUDGES ..................................................................................79 6 CONTENTS 6.3. EXAMINING CASES WITHIN A REASONABLE TIME ..........................................................83 6.4. PERMANENCE OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE BENCH ................................................85 6.5. PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE ............................................................................................85 6.6. PRINCIPLE OF LEGAL CERTAINTY ........................................................................................86 6.7. IMPORTANCE OF A PUBLIC AND ORAL HEARING ............................................................86 6.8. USE OF INADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE ........................................................................................87 6.9. INVESTIGATION OF EXERTING INFLUENCE ON A JURY ...............................................87 6.10. RIGHT TO KEEP A DOCUMENT IN PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENTS .....................88 6.11. SHORTCOMINGS OF THE CODE OF ADMINISTRATIVE VIOLATIONS .........................88 6.12. ENFORCEMENT OF A COURT DECISION .............................................................................91 7. RIGHT TO RESPECT FOR PRIVATE LIFE ........................................................................................94 7.1. INVESTIGATION OF THE CRIME AND PUBLISHING STATISTICAL DATA ...................94 7.2. THE PUBLIC DEFENDER’S CONSTITUTIONAL CLAIM CONCERNING THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE PROCEDURE FOR CARRYING OUT COVERT SURVEILLANCE ...........................................................................................................................95 7.3. USE OF PUBLIC DEFENDER’S HOTLINE IN PENITENTIARY ESTABLISHMENTS .... 96 8. RIGHT TO EQUALITY ..........................................................................................................................98 8.1. EQUALITY OF WOMEN ..............................................................................................................98 8.2. DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DISABILITY...........................................................................100 8.3. DISCRIMINATION OF MINORS ...............................................................................................100 8.4. DISCRIMINATION BASED ON NATIONALITY .....................................................................101 8.5. EQUALITY OF LGBT+ PERSONS ..............................................................................................101 2018 8.6. DISCRIMINATION IN LABOUR RELATIONS ........................................................................102 8.7. DISCRIMINATION IN RECEIVING SOCIAL BENEFITS ......................................................103 8.8. DISCRIMINATION
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