93rd Official Gazette. 93/2007 dated 12/10/2007 Print 4603rd Law on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products (official consolidated text) (ZOUTI-UPB3) 12483rd Page ______At the 153rd Article of the Rules of the National Assembly, the Slovenian National Assembly meeting of 27 September 2007 confirmed officially consolidated text of the restriction of the use of tobacco products, which includes: - Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96 of 19 10th 1996) - Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette RS, no. 119/02 of 30 12th 2002) - Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-B (Official Gazette RS, no. 101/05 of 11 11th 2005) and - Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-C (Official Gazette RS, no. 60/07 of 6 7th 2007). NO. 543-03/92-3/41 , 27 September 2007 EPA 1551-IV President National Assembly Republic of France Cukjati, MD. between., L.R. A to Z O N The restriction of the use of tobacco products officially consolidated text (ZOUTI-UPB3) I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1st Article This law is in accordance with Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 June 2001 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products (OJ L no. 194 of 18 7th 2001, p. 26). and Directive 2003/33/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 . May 2003 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products (OJ No L No. 152 of 20 sixth 2003, pp. 16) sets out measures for limiting the use of tobacco products and measures to prevent their adverse effects on health . 2nd Article Specific terms used in this Act shall have the following meanings: 1st Tobacco products are products containing tobacco, which may be genetically modified, and are intended to be smoked, sniffed, sucked or chewed. 2nd Tar is a dry, raw condensate breznikotinski smoke in smoke. 3rd Nicotine alkaloids nicotine means. 4th Carbon monoxide is an integral part of the gas phase smoke and smoking are created by incomplete combustion of tobacco and other organic ingredients of tobacco products. 5th Tobacco for oral use of all tobacco products for oral use, except for smoking and chewing tobacco, partly or wholly made of tobacco powder or fragments, or any combination of dust and fragments that may be packaged in bags or in any other packaging or similar food product. 6th The ingredient is any substance or component that is used in the manufacture or preparation of a tobacco product, except for tobacco leaf and other natural or unprocessed tobacco plant parts and the finished product is still present, albeit in modified form, including paper, filter, inks and adhesives. 7th Advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco products has any direct or indirect commercial communication, recommendation or action with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use. 8th Sponsoring an event, activity or individual has any direct or indirect form of contribution to any event, activity or individual with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use. 9th Information society services means services within the meaning of the 35th point 3 Article of the Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette RS, no. 43/04). 10th Smoking means that an enclosed space that is physically separated from other enclosed spaces and specially arranged exclusively for smoking. 3rd Article The public spaces of this Act are rooms dedicated to the activities in the field of health, childcare, education, social welfare, transport, public transport, shops, catering and tourism, sport and recreation and culture. Public spaces in the previous paragraph, in particular, the lobby, meeting rooms, cinemas, theaters, health, education protection, education, social welfare institutions, restaurants and shops, sports halls, public transport, lifts, cable cars, public toilets and other facilities, where non-smokers according to his will may be exposed to cigarette smoke. 4th Article Working space under this Act, every enclosed space, which is controlled by the employer and where he carried out works and services. 5th Article In order to achieve comprehensive social care to protect the population against the harmful effects of tobacco products for health care Council with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which has in this area in particular: - Monitor the impact of tobacco on the health of the population and propose appropriate measures that require inter-departmental dispute, - Propose measures to limit the use of tobacco products - Monitor the implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention of tobacco use and measures to prevent adverse effects - Performs other tasks related to the restriction of the use of tobacco products and avoid harmful consequences of tobacco use. The Ministry responsible for Health, in collaboration with relevant ministries, institutions, NGOs, experts and prepare a two-year programs, limiting the use of tobacco products and reduce the harmful effects of tobacco products (hereinafter referred to as software), including measures of 5.a hereof . Programs of the previous paragraph in the proposal of the Ministry of Health, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 5.a The measures taken to prevent harmful effects of tobacco use are considered: - Monitoring the use of tobacco products and the extent of adverse effects of their use of health; - To inform, educate and raise public awareness and individual groups of the population about the harmful effects of tobacco use; - Coordination of activities to participate in smoking cessation programs and use of tobacco products; - Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of preventive programs for specific population groups; - Preparing and implementing programs to promote healthy lifestyles among different age and social groups of the population and their evaluation; - Providing technical advice and support institutions associations, NGOs, local communities and individuals in implementing prevention programs in limiting smoking. To implement this article in particular measures, authorized the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, together with regional health care institutions, in accordance with this Article and the national health policy of the Republic of Slovenia directly perform tasks related to those measures. II. Permitted level of harmful substances 6th Article From 1 January 1997, prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 15 mg tar per cigarette. Since 1 1998, July banned the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 12 mg tar per cigarette. From 1 January 2004 for Slovenia and the EU Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries banned the production and sale of cigarettes containing more than: - 10 mg of tar per cigarette; - 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette; - 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette. Minister for Health shall specify the conditions which must meet the health tobacco products. 7th Article Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes is determined by a method that meets the following standards: - ISO 4387 for tar; - ISO 10315 for nicotine; - ISO 8454 for carbon monoxide. The accuracy of printed information on tar and nicotine in a single box or other packaging (hereinafter referred to as packaging) is determined by the method of ISO 8243rd III. MEASURES FOR REDUCTION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS 8th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes that have printed on the packaging of data on how many milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette. Data from the previous paragraph must contain at least 10% of the surface side of the package. 9th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that do not have the packaging and the packaging used in retail sales of products (hereinafter referred to as the outer packaging), printed one of the following warnings: "Smoking kills. Giving up smoking: tel. No. xxxxxxxxx. " "Smoking seriously harms you and others around you are. Giving up smoking: tel. No. xxxxxxxxx. " Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. Caution must be at least 30% outside of the front of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from first paragraph must be rotated in such a way that each warning appears on the same quantity produced or sold tobacco products in the current year. Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that in addition to warnings in the first paragraph of this article are not printed in one of the following warnings: 1st "Smokers die younger." 2nd "Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attack and stroke." 3rd "Smoking causes fatal lung cancer." 4th "Smoking when pregnant harms your baby." 5th "Protect your children from smoke inhalation." 6th "Your doctor or pharmacist can help you stop smoking." 7th "Smoking is highly addictive, do not start smoking." 8th "Stopping smoking reduces the risk of death from heart and lung diseases." 9th "Smoking can cause a slow and painful death." 10th "Find help in giving up smoking: talk to your doctor." 11th "Smoking may reduce blood flow and causes impotence." 12th "Smoking causes aging of the skin." 13th "Smoking can damage sperm and reduce fertility." 14th "Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide." Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. The warning must cover at least 40% of the area outside of the back of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from the fourth paragraph of this Article shall be periodically rotated so that each warning appears on the same volume of goods and selling tobacco products in the current year. The minister responsible for health, the telephone number of the first paragraph of this Article and the conditions for the operation of the service on that number. Article 9a The sale of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell products to retailers, said the following warning: "This tobacco product can damage your health and addictive. " Note from the preceding paragraph must be at least 30% of the corresponding outer surface of the packaging and outer packaging, on which a warning is printed. Article 9.b The packaging of tobacco products other than cigarettes and chewing tobacco and snuff for which the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, should be a warning in the first and fourth paragraphs of 9th of this Act, at least 22,5 cm2 to 22.5 cm2 front and back of pack. Article 9c The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act shall be: - Printed in bold black on white, in Helvetica and the size that occupies the largest possible part of the area set aside for the warning and information; - Printed in small letters, except the first letter and, where required by the grammatical rules; - Printed centered in the area in which the text must be printed in parallel with the upper edge of the package; - Surrounded by a black border not less than 3 mm and up to 4 mm, which should not interfere with text warnings, or information, other than warnings referred to in paragraph 9a of this Act; - Printed in the Slovenian language; - Printed so that they can not be removed or destroyed, and should not be obscure, obscured or interrupted by other written or pictorial, or opening packaging. Data from the first paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may not be on the tobacco trade mark attached to a tobacco product packaging. The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may, except in the packaging and the packaging of cigarettes affixed with a label, provided that this label can be removed. The packaging of a tobacco product must bear a serial number or equivalent, which allows the place and date of manufacture of a tobacco product. The packaging and the packaging of tobacco products is prohibited from using text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful, using terms such as: light, mild, low-nicotine and tar, super lightweight, ultra-light and the like. 10th Article It is prohibited to any sponsor of the event, activity or individual, and any direct and indirect advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco products, including information society services. For indirect advertising of tobacco and tobacco products in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to display logos and other signs to indicate tobacco and tobacco products on subjects under this Act shall not tobacco products. For indirect advertising is also considered offering free tobacco products in a public place and in public places. The advertising of products that do not belong to the tobacco and tobacco products, but with its appearance and purpose of directly encourage the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products. Publishing information on quality and other characteristics of tobacco and tobacco products in professional books and journals and publications aim to inform manufacturers and sellers of these items should not be considered advertising under the provisions of this Article. 11th Article Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the advertising of tobacco and tobacco products may be in the form and image of trademarks: - The smoking accessories; - In and the business premises of the companies involved in the production, distribution and sale of tobacco products to wholesalers in the total area of 7 m2 - The external and internal signs of shops selling tobacco products in the total area of 7 m2. Advertising of tobacco products in the preceding paragraph is allowed only in the form of a mark to be protected and that no reference and does not display a tobacco product, its packaging or its use. 12th Article (Deleted) 13th Article (Deleted)

14th Article It is prohibited to sell tobacco products to persons younger than 18 years. Tobacco products not be sold to persons under the age of 18 years. The sale of tobacco products from automatic equipment. The sale of individual cigarettes or other tobacco products outside the original packaging. The sale of tobacco for oral use. Ban the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 years must be in the store tobacco products published in a visible place. 15th Article The seller may ask any person who purchases tobacco products and which appears to not yet 18 years old, required to prove their age with a public document. Where a person it declines, it may not tobacco product to sell. 16th Article Prohibited smoking in all enclosed public and work places. For enclosed public or work place is considered a place that has a roof and a completely closed for more than half of the associated walls. Smoking is prohibited in premises under this Act shall not be considered confined spaces where the functional part of the land belonging to areas where the service educational activity. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, smoking is permitted: - Especially for smokers in certain areas of accommodation establishments and other providers of accommodation, - In nursing homes and prisons in places not intended for common use, when occupied only smokers - Especially for smokers in certain rooms in psychiatric hospitals and special rooms for smokers set for other contractors, medical treatment of mental patients - In smoking rooms. Smoking rooms are not permitted on the premises where the service medical and educational activity. Compliance with smoking bans are required to provide the owner, lessee or manager of premises where smoking is prohibited. 17th Article Smoking must meet the following conditions: - The room must be arranged so that it is not possible from the flow of tobacco smoke- polluted air in each room - Space should not be placed on the transition to other premises and must not exceed more than 20 percent of the total area of public and / or work space - The space should be devoted exclusively to smoking, serving in a room is not allowed - The room should not consume food and beverages. More detailed conditions to be met by smoking, the minister responsible for health. 18th Article (Deleted) III.A INFORMATION ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS Article 18a For all the cigarettes on the market in the Republic of Slovenia, the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes at least once a year to carry out measurements of material from the 7 of this Act. Measurements of the preceding paragraph be performed by laboratories that meet the conditions of the staff, professional and technical training and are authorized by the Minister for Health. Terms of the staff, professional and technical competence to be met by a laboratory in the preceding paragraph, the Minister responsible for health. The cost of measurement in the first paragraph of this Article shall bear the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes. Laboratory in the second paragraph of this Article shall also perform the measurements at the request of the health inspectorate. The results of laboratory measurements in the second paragraph of this Article shall notify: - The manufacturer or importer of cigarettes in the case of measurement under the first paragraph of this article; - Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 18.b Individual producers and importers of tobacco products are required once a year public institution the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia to provide the following documentation: - List of ingredients and quantities of ingredients used in the manufacture of tobacco products, namely by brand and type, which must be established according to the weight of individual components in the tobacco product, starting with the heaviest; - A statement of the reasons for the inclusion of ingredients with an indication of their operations and series; - Toxicological information held by producers and importers regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form as appropriate, in particular, relate to their effects on health, taking account, inter alia, any effects of addiction. Article 18.c Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia shall regularly inform the annual Ministry of Health, the public and the date of accession to the European Union to the European Commission on: - The results of measurements for all cigarettes in the manufacture and sale in the Republic of Slovenia; - Infringements relating to the third paragraph 6 of this Act; - Data obtained on the basis of the documentation referred to in the preceding article, taking into account the protection of information relating to a specific formula of a tobacco product to a business secret. Hands and how information from the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the minister responsible for health. For information concerning the specific formula in the third indent of the first paragraph of this Article shall not be considered as data on levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. IV. RESOURCES 19th Article For the accomplishment of the tasks of the Health Council from the 5th of this Act and for the accomplishment of the tasks of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia under Article 18.c gives the state budget. For the implementation of programs from the 5th and measures referred to in Article 5.a of this Act gives the state budget. The amount of resources is determined by an annual budget in proportion to the expected volume requirements and revenues from excise duties on tobacco products. V. CONTROL 20th Article Monitoring the implementation of the Act provided the Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for work, Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia and the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. Health Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia shall supervise: - Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes (Article 6); - Ensuring compliance with the prohibition on smoking in public places from 16th of this Act; - Individuals who do not respect the ban on smoking in public places from 16th of this Act; - Conditions to be met by the smoking rooms in indoor public places (Article 17). If the Health Inspectorate of Republic of Slovenia has established that tobacco products manufactured and sold in contravention of 6 of this Act, a decision prohibiting the manufacture and sale of tobacco products and to order the removal from the production and sales. Appeal against a decision does not suspend its execution. Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia shall supervise the work: - Ensuring compliance with smoking ban in workplaces in the 16th of this Act; - Of individuals who do not respect the ban on smoking in workplaces in the 16th of this Act; - Conditions to be met by the smoking rooms in workplaces (Article 17). Market Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia shall supervise: - Conditions to be met by tobacco and tobacco products (8, 9, 9a, and 9c 9.b Article); - Ban on sponsorship and advertising of tobacco and tobacco products (Article 10); - Advertising of tobacco and tobacco products in the form and image trademarks (Article 11); - Ban the sale of tobacco products to persons younger than 18 years, and a ban on people under 18 years of selling tobacco products (first paragraph of Article 14); - The publication ban on the sale of tobacco products to persons under 18 (second paragraph of Article 14). If the competent inspection body establishes that tobacco products are sold and manufactured in contravention of Articles 8, 9, 9a, and 9c 9.b of this Act, a decision prohibiting the sale and manufacture of tobacco products and to order the removal from production and sales. An appeal against the decision does not suspend its execution. If the competent inspection body establishes that tobacco and tobacco sponsorship and advertising in contravention of 10 of this Act, such sponsorship or advertisement prohibited by a decision. The execution of the decision by the competent inspection authority shall order the immediate removal of advertising material at the expense of legal persons or individual who commits an offense in connection with 10 of this Act. An appeal against the decision does not suspend its execution. If the competent inspection body establishes that smoking does not qualify in the 17th hereof, the decision to prohibit smoking rooms redress. An appeal against the decision does not suspend its execution. Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia shall supervise the conditions to be met by tobacco and tobacco products (8 and 9). VI. PENALTY PROVISIONS 21st Article A fine from 2,000 to EUR 33,000 shall be imposed on a legal person: 1st when producing or selling cigarettes that contain more than 12 mg tar per cigarette (second paragraph of Article 6); 2nd if the first January 2004, produces or sells cigarettes in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries, containing more than 10 mg tar per cigarette, 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette and 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette (third paragraph of Article 6); 3rd when producing or selling cigarettes that do not have the lateral side of the packaging of printed information about how much milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette (Article 8), in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act, or have printed false information; 4th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9 of this Act in a way, as the second and third paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph 9c of this Act; 5th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the fourth paragraph 9 of this Act in the manner as provided for in the fifth and sixth paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph of Article 9c of Law; 6th If sales of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used for retail sale, printed warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9a of this Act, the manner in the second paragraph of Article 9a of this Act and paragraph 9c of this Act; 7th If sales of tobacco products other than cigarettes and tobacco chewing and snuff, in containers, the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, and not on the front and back of the package of not less than 22.5 cm2 of printed warnings in the first and fourth paragraph 9 . of this Act in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act; 8th If sales of tobacco products that have information from the first paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act printed on the tobacco trade mark attached to the package (the second paragraph of Article 9c); 9th If sales of tobacco products contrary to the third paragraph 9c of this Act; 10th If sales of tobacco products without designation of the serial number or equivalent (fourth paragraph 9c of this Act); 11th If sales of tobacco products have on the packaging and the packaging used in the text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful (fifth paragraph 9c of this Act); 12th if the sponsor or advertise tobacco and tobacco products (first paragraph of Article 10); 13th it advertises products that do not fall between tobacco and tobacco products, but with its appearance and purpose of directly encourage the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products (third paragraph of Article 10); 14th it advertises tobacco and tobacco products in contravention of 11 of this Act; 15th If sales of tobacco products to persons younger than 18 years, prohibiting the sale or if not published in a prominent place, or if sales of tobacco products a person younger than 18 years (Article 14); 16th If sales of tobacco products in automated devices (the second paragraph of Article 14);

17th If sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products outside the original packaging (the third paragraph of Article 14); 18th If sales of tobacco for oral use (fourth paragraph of Article 14); 19th if it does not ensure compliance with the prohibition of smoking in public places or work (Article 16); 20th if the smoking rooms do not correspond to the 17th of this Act; 21st if it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18a and the provision of Article 18.b of the Act; 22nd if it does not follow the decision of the 20th of this Act. A fine from 400 to 1,000 euros shall be imposed on responsible person who commits an offense under the preceding paragraph. A fine of 800 to 4,000 shall be imposed on a sole trader who commits an offense under the first paragraph of this article. For the offenses of first to 12, 17 and 18 first paragraph of this Article shall also impose a fine security measure of compulsory removal of tobacco products, which are the subject of the offense for violation of the 16th first paragraph of this Article, the withdrawal of automatic devices. 22nd Article A fine of 125 euros is imposed on an individual: - If offered free tobacco products in a public place and in public places (the second paragraph of Article 10); - Where smoking in public or work area where smoking is prohibited (Article 16). Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96) contains the following transitional and final provisions: VII. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS 23rd Article Print data from the 8th Article and warning of the 9th of this Act manufacturers and importers of tobacco products provide no more than six months after the enactment of this Act. 24th Article On the day this Act enters into force on 45th Rule of Law on Safety at Work (Official Gazette, no. 32/74, 16/80, 25/86 and 47/86). 25th Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette RS, no. 119/02) contains the following transitional and final provisions: 19th Article The provision in the fifth paragraph of Article 9c of Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products shall apply from 1 January 2004. Cigarettes are not marked in accordance with the provisions of the Act may be manufactured, imported and sold by 1 January 2004. All other tobacco products not marked in accordance with the provisions of this Act may be sold by 30 September 2004. Prohibition of sale of tobacco for oral use enter into force 30 June 2003. 20th Article The Minister responsible for Health, shall issue the regulations referred to in paragraph 18a of the Act, a test laboratory in the second paragraph of Article 18a of the Act and the terms and means of communication referred to in paragraph 18.c of the Act within three months of enactment of this Act. 21st Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-B (Official Gazette RS, no. 101/05) contains the following final provision: 11th Article This Act shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-C (Official Gazette RS, no. 60/07) contains the following transitional and final provisions: 12th Article The Minister responsible for Health, shall issue regulations under the seventh paragraph 9 of the Act within 30 days of enactment of this Act. Print data from the first paragraph of Article 9 of the Act manufacturers and importers of tobacco products provide no later than eight months after the enactment of this Act. Since the expiry of the second paragraph of this article is not permitted manufacture or import of tobacco products without printed data from the first paragraph of Article 9 of the Act, but allows the disposal of tobacco products by that date already on the market, and the allowable disposal limit shall not exceed one year from the expiry of the second paragraph of this article. 13th Article The Minister responsible for Health, shall issue the regulations referred to in paragraph 17th of the Act within 30 days of its deployment. 14th Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Top 628th Law on the Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products (official consolidated text) (ZOUTI-UPB2), Page 1522nd ______At the 153rd Article of the Rules of the National Assembly, the National Assembly of Slovenia at its meeting on 20 in December 2005 the official consolidated text of the restriction of the use of tobacco products, comprising: - Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96 of 19 10th 1996) - Law amending the Law on Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette of RS, no. 119/02 of 30 12th 2002) - Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-B (Official Gazette RS, no. 101/05 of 11 11th 2005). NO. 543-03/92-3/35 Ljubljana, 20 December 2005 EPA 549-IV President National Assembly Republic of Slovenia France Cukjati, MD. between., L.R. A to Z O N The restriction of the use of tobacco products official consolidated text (ZOUTI-UPB2) I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1st Article This law is in accordance with Directive 2001/37/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 5 June 2001 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products (OJ L no. 194 of 18 7th 2001, p. 26). and Directive 2003/33/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 26 . May 2003 on the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of Member States relating to advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products (OJ No L No. 152 of 20 sixth 2003, pp. 16) sets out measures for limiting the use of tobacco products and measures to prevent their adverse effects on health . 2nd Article Specific terms used in this Act shall have the following meanings: 1st Tobacco products are products containing tobacco, which may be genetically modified, and are intended to be smoked, sniffed, sucked or chewed. 2nd Tar is a dry, raw condensate breznikotinski smoke in smoke. 3rd Nicotine alkaloids nicotine means. 4th Carbon monoxide is an integral part of the gas phase smoke and smoking are created by incomplete combustion of tobacco and other organic ingredients of tobacco products. 5th Tobacco for oral use of all tobacco products for oral use, except for smoking and chewing tobacco, partly or wholly made of tobacco powder or fragments, or any combination of dust and fragments that may be packaged in bags or in any other packaging or similar food product. 6th The ingredient is any substance or component that is used in the manufacture or preparation of a tobacco product, except for tobacco leaf and other natural or unprocessed tobacco plant parts and the finished product is still present, albeit in modified form, including paper, filter, inks and adhesives. 7th Advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco products has any direct or indirect commercial communication, recommendation or action with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use. 8th Sponsoring an event, activity or individual has any direct or indirect form of contribution to any event, activity or individual with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting a tobacco product or tobacco use. 9th Information society services means services within the meaning of the 35th point 3 Article of the Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette RS, no. 43/04). 3rd Article The public spaces of this Act are spaces for joint use or operations of health care, childcare, education, transport, trade and tourism, sport and recreation and culture. Public spaces in the previous paragraph, in particular, the lobby, meeting rooms, cinemas, theaters, health, education protection, education, social welfare institutions, restaurants and shops, sports halls, public transport, lifts, cable cars, public toilets and other facilities, where non-smokers according to his will may be exposed to cigarette smoke. 4th Article Working space under this Act, every enclosed space, which is controlled by the employer and where he carried out works and services. 5th Article In order to achieve comprehensive social care to protect the population against the harmful effects of tobacco products for health care Council with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which has in this area in particular: - Monitor the impact of tobacco on the health of the population and propose appropriate measures that require inter-departmental dispute, - Propose measures to limit the use of tobacco products - Monitor the implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention of tobacco use and measures to prevent adverse effects - Performs other tasks related to the restriction of the use of tobacco products and avoid harmful consequences of tobacco use. The Ministry responsible for Health, in collaboration with relevant ministries, institutions, NGOs, experts and prepare a two-year programs, limiting the use of tobacco products and reduce the harmful effects of tobacco products (hereinafter referred to as software), including measures of 5.a hereof . Programs of the previous paragraph in the proposal of the Ministry of Health, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 5.a The measures taken to prevent harmful effects of tobacco use are considered: - Monitoring the use of tobacco products and the extent of adverse effects of their use of health; - To inform, educate and raise public awareness and individual groups of the population about the harmful effects of tobacco use; - Coordination of activities to participate in smoking cessation programs and use of tobacco products; - Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of preventive programs for specific population groups; - Preparing and implementing programs to promote healthy lifestyles among different age and social groups of the population and their evaluation; - Providing technical advice and support institutions associations, NGOs, local communities and individuals in implementing prevention programs in limiting smoking. To implement this article in particular measures, authorized the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, together with regional health care institutions, in accordance with this Article and the national health policy of the Republic of Slovenia directly perform tasks related to those measures. II. Permitted level of harmful substances 6th Article From 1 January 1997, prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 15 mg tar per cigarette. From 1 1998, July banned the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 12 mg tar per cigarette. From 1 January 2004 for Slovenia and the EU Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries banned the production and sale of cigarettes containing more than: - 10 mg of tar per cigarette; - 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette; - 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette. Minister for Health shall specify the conditions which must meet the health tobacco products. 7th Article Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes is determined by a method that meets the following standards: - ISO 4387 for tar; - ISO 10315 for nicotine; - ISO 8454 for carbon monoxide. The accuracy of printed information on tar and nicotine in a single box or other packaging (hereinafter referred to as packaging) is determined by the method of ISO 8243rd III. MEASURES FOR REDUCTION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS 8th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes that have printed on the packaging of data on how many milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette. Data from the previous paragraph must contain at least 10% of the surface side of the package. 9th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that do not have the packaging and the packaging used in retail sales of products (hereinafter referred to as the outer packaging), printed one of the following warnings: "Smoking kills." "Smoking seriously harms you and others around you." Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. Caution must be at least 30% outside of the front of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from first paragraph must be rotated in such a way that each warning appears on the same quantity produced or sold tobacco products in the current year. Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that in addition to warnings in the first paragraph of this article are not printed in one of the following warnings: 1st "Smokers die younger." 2nd "Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attack and stroke." 3rd "Smoking causes fatal lung cancer."

4th "Smoking when pregnant harms your baby." 5th "Protect children from breathe your smoke." 6th "Your doctor or pharmacist can help you stop smoking." 7th "Smoking is highly addictive, do not start smoking." 8th "Stopping smoking reduces the risk of death from heart and lung diseases." 9th "Smoking can cause a slow and painful death." 10th "Get help to stop smoking: consult your doctor." 11th 'Smoking may reduce blood flow and causes impotence. " 12th "Smoking causes aging of the skin." 13th "Smoking can damage sperm and reduce fertility." 14th "Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide." Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. The warning must cover at least 40% of the area outside of the back of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from the fourth paragraph of this Article shall be periodically rotated so that each warning appears on the same volume of goods and selling tobacco products in the current year. Article 9a The sale of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell products to retailers, said the following warning: "This tobacco product can damage your health and addictive. " Note from the preceding paragraph must be at least 30% of the corresponding outer surface of the packaging and outer packaging, on which a warning is printed. Article 9.b The packaging of tobacco products other than cigarettes and chewing tobacco and snuff for which the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, should be a warning in the first and fourth paragraphs of 9th of this Act, at least 22,5 cm2 to 22.5 cm2 front and back of pack. Article 9c The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act shall be: - Printed in bold black on white, in Helvetica and the size that occupies the largest possible part of the area set aside for the warning and information; - Printed in small letters, except the first letter and, where required by the grammatical rules; - Printed centered in the area in which the text must be printed in parallel with the upper edge of the package; - Surrounded by a black border not less than 3 mm and up to 4 mm, which should not interfere with text warnings, or information, other than warnings referred to in paragraph 9a of this Act; - Printed in the Slovenian language; - Printed so that they can not be removed or destroyed, and should not be obscure, obscured or interrupted by other written or pictorial, or opening packaging. The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may not be on the tobacco trade mark attached to a tobacco product packaging. The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may, except in the packaging and the packaging of cigarettes affixed with a label, provided that this label can be removed. The packaging of a tobacco product must bear a serial number or equivalent, which allows the place and date of manufacture of a tobacco product. The packaging and the packaging of tobacco products is prohibited from using text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful, using terms such as: light, mild, low-nicotine and tar, super lightweight, ultra-light and the like. 10th Article It is prohibited to any sponsor of the event, activity or individual, and any direct and indirect advertising and promotion of tobacco and tobacco products, including information society services. For indirect advertising of tobacco and tobacco products in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to display logos and other signs to indicate tobacco and tobacco products on subjects under this Act shall not tobacco products. For indirect advertising is also considered offering free tobacco products in a public place and in public places. The advertising of products that do not belong to the tobacco and tobacco products, but with its appearance and purpose of directly encourage the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products. Publishing information on quality and other characteristics of tobacco and tobacco products in professional books and journals and publications aim to inform manufacturers and sellers of these items should not be considered advertising under the provisions of this Article. 11th Article Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the advertising of tobacco and tobacco products may be in the form and image of trademarks: - The smoking accessories; - In and the business premises of the companies involved in the production, distribution and sale of tobacco products to wholesalers in the total area of 7 m2 - The external and internal signs of shops selling tobacco products in the total area of 7 m2. Advertising of tobacco products in the preceding paragraph is allowed only in the form of a mark to be protected and that no reference and does not display a tobacco product, its packaging or its use. 12th Article (Deleted) 13th Article (Deleted) 14th Article It is prohibited to sell tobacco products to persons younger than 15 years. The sale of tobacco products from automatic equipment. The sale of individual cigarettes or other tobacco products outside the original packaging. The sale of tobacco for oral use. 15th Article Prohibited smoking in public places, except for those parts which are specifically identified and separated from the rooms as smoking. Rooms designed for smokers should not exceed 50% of the total area of each public space, as the owner of public space, the operator or tenant provided no later than six months of enactment of this law. Overall, smoking is prohibited on the premises of educational and health facilities. The owner of public space, the operator or lessee must ban smoking and nonsmoking rooms indication published in a prominent place. 16th Article In hotels and restaurants, where guests are served food (restaurants, pubs, cafes, bars and pubs) is the space for smokers. Notwithstanding the provisions of the 15th of this Act, the smoking room the size of the owner, lessee or user of the facility. The space is clearly marked as a place for smokers and is separated from the non-smoking area to be adequately ventilated or physical separation to prevent inversion. The non-smoking rooms smoking is prohibited. Compliance with the prohibition in the preceding paragraph is to ensure the owner, tenant or user of the facility. Prohibited smoking in restaurants, pastry and milk. 17th Article In workplaces smoking is permitted only in areas designated by the employer and who are physically separated from other workplaces. Smoking is prohibited on the premises of state bodies, which are designed to contact with clients. 18th Article Each employee has the right to require the employer to allow him to work in places where air is not polluted by tobacco smoke. If an employer in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph can not be accommodated employee's request to transfer to another work area, due to the employee work area smoking ban. III.A INFORMATION ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS Article 18a For all the cigarettes on the market in the Republic of Slovenia, the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes at least once a year to carry out measurements of material from the 7 of this Act. Measurements of the preceding paragraph be performed by laboratories that meet the conditions of the staff, professional and technical training and are authorized by the Minister for Health. Terms of the staff, professional and technical competence to be met by a laboratory in the preceding paragraph, the Minister responsible for health. The cost of measurement in the first paragraph of this Article shall bear the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes. Laboratory in the second paragraph of this Article shall also perform the measurements at the request of the health inspectorate. The results of laboratory measurements in the second paragraph of this Article shall notify: - The manufacturer or importer of cigarettes in the case of measurement under the first paragraph of this article; - Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 18.b Individual producers and importers of tobacco products are required once a year public institution the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia to provide the following documentation: - List of ingredients and quantities of ingredients used in the manufacture of tobacco products, namely by brand and type, which must be established according to the weight of individual components in the tobacco product, starting with the heaviest; - A statement of the reasons for the inclusion of ingredients with an indication of their operations and series; - Toxicological information held by producers and importers regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form as appropriate, in particular, relate to their effects on health, taking account, inter alia, any effects of addiction. Article 18.c Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia shall regularly inform the annual Ministry of Health, the public and the date of accession to the European Union to the European Commission on: - The results of measurements for all cigarettes in the manufacture and sale in the Republic of Slovenia; - Infringements relating to the third paragraph 6 of this Act; - Data obtained on the basis of the documentation referred to in the preceding article, taking into account the protection of information relating to a specific formula of a tobacco product to a business secret. Hands and how information from the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the minister responsible for health. For information concerning the specific formula in the third indent of the first paragraph of this Article shall not be considered as data on levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. IV. RESOURCES 19th Article For the accomplishment of the tasks of the Health Council from the 5th of this Act and for the accomplishment of the tasks of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia under Article 18.c gives the state budget. For the implementation of programs from the 5th and measures referred to in Article 5.a of this Act gives the state budget. The amount of resources is determined by an annual budget in proportion to the expected volume requirements and revenues from excise duties on tobacco products. V. CONTROL 20th Article Monitoring the implementation of the Act provided the Ministry of Health, monitoring the implementation of 6, 15 and 16 of this Act carries a health inspection, supervision over the implementation of Articles 8, 9, 9a, 9.b, 9c, 10, 11 and 14 Article marketing inspection, supervision over the implementation of the 17th and 18 Articles and inspection work. Monitoring the performance of eighth and 9 of this Act, the importation of tobacco products carries the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. If the competent inspection body establishes that tobacco products manufactured and sold as opposed to 6, 8, 9, 9a, and 9c 9.b of this Act, a decision prohibiting the manufacture and sale of tobacco products and to order their removal from the production or sale. If the competent inspection body establishes that advertise tobacco products in contravention of 10 of this Act, a decision prohibiting the advertisement. An appeal against the decision does not suspend its execution. The execution of the decision in the fourth paragraph of this Article, the competent inspection authority shall order the immediate removal of advertising material at the expense of the legal person or individual who commits an infringement in respect of 10 of this Act. VI. PENALTY PROVISIONS 21st Article A fine of 500,000 SIT to 8,000.000 SIT shall be imposed on a legal person: 1st when producing or selling cigarettes that contain more than 12 mg tar per cigarette (second paragraph of Article 6); 2nd if the first January 2004, produces or sells cigarettes in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries, containing more than 10 mg tar per cigarette, 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette and 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette (third paragraph of Article 6); 3rd when producing or selling cigarettes that do not have the lateral side of the packaging of printed information about how much milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette (Article 8), in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act, or have printed false information; 4th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9 of this Act in a way, as the second and third paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph of Article 9c of Law; 5th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the fourth paragraph 9 of this Act in the manner as provided for in the fifth and sixth paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph of Article 9c of Law; 6th If sales of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used for retail sale, printed warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9a of this Act, the manner in the second paragraph of Article 9a of this Act and paragraph 9c of this Act; 7th If sales of tobacco products other than cigarettes and tobacco chewing and snuff, in containers, the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, and not on the front and back of the package of not less than 22.5 cm2 of printed warnings in the first and fourth paragraph 9 . of this Act in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act; 8th If sales of tobacco products that have information from the first paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act printed on the tobacco trade mark attached to the package (the second paragraph of Article 9c); 9th If sales of tobacco products contrary to the third paragraph 9c of this Act; 10th If sales of tobacco products without designation of the serial number or equivalent (fourth paragraph 9c of this Act); 11th If sales of tobacco products have on the packaging and the packaging used in the text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful (fifth paragraph 9c of this Act); 12th if the sponsor or advertise tobacco and tobacco products (first paragraph of Article 10); 13th it advertises products that do not fall between tobacco and tobacco products, but with its appearance and purpose of directly encourage the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products (third paragraph of Article 10); 14th it advertises tobacco and tobacco products in contravention of 11 of this Act; 15th If sales of tobacco products to persons under the age of 15 years (the first paragraph of Article 14); 16th If sales of tobacco products in automated devices (the second paragraph of Article 14); 17th If sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products outside the original packaging (the third paragraph of Article 14); 18th If sales of tobacco for oral use (fourth paragraph of Article 14); 19th when in public places does not publish non-smoking and nonsmoking rooms markings in a visible place (fourth paragraph of Article 15); 20th without the space for smokers in restaurants, where guests are served food (restaurants, pubs, cafes, bars and cafes) in the first paragraph 16 of this Act or it is not marked and does not provide separation of spaces for non-smokers in the manner referred to in paragraph 16th Article and does not ensure that the prohibition of smoking in no smoking premises (the fourth paragraph of Article 16); 21st if not set the premises in which smoking is permitted (first paragraph of Article 17); 22nd if it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18a and the provision of Article 18.b of the Act; 23rd if it does not follow the decision of the 20th of this Act. A fine of 100,000 SIT to 250,000 SIT shall be imposed on responsible person who commits an offense under the preceding paragraph. A fine of 200,000 to 1,000,000 SIT shall be imposed on a sole trader who commits an offense under the first paragraph of this article. For the offenses of first to 12, 17 and 18 first paragraph of this Article shall also impose a fine security measure of compulsory removal of tobacco products, which are the subject of the offense for violation of the 16th first paragraph of this Article, the withdrawal of automatic devices. 22nd Article A fine of 30,000 SIT to be recovered immediately at the scene of the offense, the individual shall be punished: 1st if offered free tobacco products in a public place and in public places (second paragraph of Article 10); 2nd If smoking in a public place where smoking is prohibited (Article 15 and the third paragraph of Article 16); 3rd where smoking in restaurants, pastry and milk (the fifth paragraph of Article 16); 4th when smoking in workplaces, where it is not allowed (the first paragraph of Article 17);

5th where smoking in places of public authorities, which are designed to contact with customers (second paragraph of Article 17). A fine of 1, 2 and 3 preceding paragraph shall recover medical officer, a fine from the 4th and 5 of the preceding paragraph, the inspector work. Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96) contains the following transitional and final provisions: VII. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS 23rd Article Print data from the 8th Article and warning of the 9th of this Act manufacturers and importers of tobacco products provide no more than six months after the enactment of this Act. 24th Article On the day this Act enters into force on 45th Rule of Law on Safety at Work (Official Gazette, no. 32/74, 16/80, 25/86 and 47/86). 25th Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette RS, no. 119/02) contains the following transitional and final provisions: 19th Article The provision in the fifth paragraph of Article 9c of Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products shall apply from 1 January 2004. Cigarettes are not marked in accordance with the provisions of the Act may be manufactured, imported and sold by 1 January 2004. All other tobacco products not marked in accordance with the provisions of this Act may be sold by 30 September 2004. Prohibition of sale of tobacco for oral use enter into force 30 June 2003. 20th Article The Minister responsible for Health, shall issue the regulations referred to in paragraph 18a of the Act, a test laboratory in the second paragraph of Article 18a of the Act and the terms and means of communication referred to in paragraph 18.c of the Act within three months of enactment of this Act. 21st Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-B (Official Gazette RS, no. 101/05) contains the following final provision: 11th Article This Act shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Top 984th Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-UPB1 (official consolidated text), 3210th Page ______At the 153rd Articles Rules of the National Assembly, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia at the meeting of 26 February 2003 formally endorsed the Consolidation Act on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products, which includes: - Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96 of 19 10th 1996) and - Law Amending the Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette RS, no. 119/2002 of 30 12th 2002). NO. 543-03/92-3/30 Ljubljana, 26 February 2003. President National Assembly Republic of Slovenia , L. r. A to Z O N The restriction of the use of tobacco products officially consolidated text (ZOUTI-UPB1) I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1st Article This Act provides for measures to restrict the use of tobacco products and measures to prevent their adverse effects on health. 2nd Article Specific terms used in this Act shall have the following meanings: 1st Tobacco products are products containing tobacco, which may be genetically modified, and are intended to be smoked, sniffed, sucked or chewed. 2nd Tar is a dry, raw condensate breznikotinski smoke in smoke. 3rd Nicotine alkaloids nicotine means. 4th Carbon monoxide is an integral part of the gas phase smoke and smoking are created by incomplete combustion of tobacco and other organic ingredients of tobacco products. 5th Tobacco for oral use of all tobacco products for oral use, except for smoking and chewing tobacco, partly or wholly made of tobacco powder or fragments, or any combination of dust and fragments that may be packaged in bags or in any other packaging or similar food product. 6th The ingredient is any substance or component that is used in the manufacture or preparation of a tobacco product, except for tobacco leaf and other natural or unprocessed tobacco plant parts and the finished product is still present, albeit in modified form, including paper, filter, inks and adhesives. 3rd Article The public spaces of this Act are spaces for joint use or operations of health care, childcare, education, transport, trade and tourism, sport and recreation and culture. Public spaces in the previous paragraph, in particular, the lobby, meeting rooms, cinemas, theaters, health, educational and protection, education, social welfare institutions, restaurants and shops, sports halls, public transport, lifts, cable cars, public toilets and other facilities where non-smokers against their will or may be exposed to cigarette smoke. 4th Article Working space under this Act, every enclosed space, which is controlled by the employer and where he carried out works and services. 5th Article In order to achieve comprehensive social care to protect the population against the harmful effects of tobacco products for health care Council with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which has in this area in particular: - Monitor the impact of tobacco on the health of the population and propose appropriate measures that require inter-departmental dispute, - Propose measures to limit the use of tobacco products - Monitor the implementation of a comprehensive program of prevention of tobacco use and measures to prevent adverse effects - Performs other tasks related to the restriction of the use of tobacco products and avoid harmful consequences of tobacco use. The Ministry responsible for Health, in collaboration with relevant ministries, institutions, NGOs, experts and prepare a two-year programs, limiting the use of tobacco products and reduce the harmful effects of tobacco products (hereinafter referred to as software), including measures of 5.a hereof . Programs of the previous paragraph in the proposal of the Ministry of Health, adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 5.a The measures taken to prevent harmful effects of tobacco use are considered: - Monitoring the use of tobacco products and the extent of adverse effects of their use of health; - To inform, educate and raise public awareness and individual groups of the population about the harmful effects of tobacco use; - Coordination of activities to participate in smoking cessation programs and use of tobacco products; - Coordination, monitoring and evaluation of preventive programs for specific population groups; - Preparing and implementing programs to promote healthy lifestyles among different age and social groups of the population and their evaluation; - Providing technical advice and support institutions associations, NGOs, local communities and individuals in implementing prevention programs in limiting smoking. To implement this article in particular measures, authorized the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, together with regional health care institutions, in accordance with this Article and the national health policy of the Republic of Slovenia directly perform tasks related to those measures. II. Permitted level of harmful substances 6th Article From 1 January 1997, prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 15 mg tar per cigarette. From 1 1998, July banned the manufacture and sale of cigarettes containing more than 12 mg tar per cigarette. From 1 January 2004 for Slovenia and the EU Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries banned the production and sale of cigarettes containing more than: - 10 mg of tar per cigarette; - 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette; - 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette. Minister for Health shall specify the conditions which must meet the health tobacco products. 7th Article Tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarettes is determined by a method that meets the following standards: - ISO 4387 for tar; - ISO 10315 for nicotine; - ISO 8454 for carbon monoxide. The accuracy of printed information on tar and nicotine in a single box or other packaging (hereinafter referred to as packaging) is determined by the method of ISO 8243rd III. MEASURES FOR REDUCTION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS 8th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of cigarettes that have printed on the packaging of data on how many milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette. Data from the previous paragraph must contain at least 10% of the surface side of the package. 9th Article Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that do not have the packaging and the packaging used in retail sales of products (hereinafter referred to as the outer packaging), printed one of the following warnings: "Smoking kills." "Smoking seriously harms you and others around you." Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. Caution must be at least 30% outside of the front of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from first paragraph must be rotated in such a way that each warning appears on the same quantity produced or sold tobacco products in the current year. Prohibited the manufacture and sale of tobacco products other than chewing tobacco and snuff for that in addition to warnings in the first paragraph of this article are not printed in one of the following warnings: 1st "Smokers die younger." 2nd "Smoking clogs the arteries and causes heart attack and stroke." 3rd "Smoking causes fatal lung cancer." 4th "Smoking when pregnant harms your baby." 5th "Protect children from breathe your smoke." 6th "Your doctor or pharmacist can help you stop smoking." 7th "Smoking is highly addictive, do not start smoking." 8th "Stopping smoking reduces the risk of death from heart and lung diseases." 9th "Smoking can cause a slow and painful death." 10th "Get help to stop smoking: consult your doctor." 11th "Smoking may reduce blood flow and causes impotence." 12th "Smoking causes aging of the skin." 13th "Smoking can damage sperm and reduce fertility." 14th "Cigarette smoke contains benzene, nitrosamine, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide." Note from the preceding paragraph shall be printed on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell product to retailers. The warning must cover at least 40% of the area outside of the back of the packaging and outer packaging, on which this warning is printed. Warnings from the fourth paragraph of this Article shall be periodically rotated so that each warning appears on the same volume of goods and selling tobacco products in the current year. Article 9a The sale of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and the outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used to sell products at retail, said the following warning: "This tobacco product can damage your health and addictive. " Note from the preceding paragraph must be at least 30% of the corresponding outer surface of the packaging and outer packaging, on which a warning is printed. Article 9.b The packaging of tobacco products other than cigarettes and chewing tobacco and snuff for which the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, should be a warning in the first and fourth paragraphs of 9th of this Act, at least 22,5 cm2 to 22.5 cm2 front and back of pack. Article 9c The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act shall be: - Printed in bold black on white, in Helvetica and the size that occupies the largest possible part of the area set aside for the warning and information; - Printed in small letters, except the first letter and, where required by the grammatical rules; - Printed centered in the area in which the text must be printed in parallel with the upper edge of the package; - Surrounded by a black border not less than 3 mm and up to 4 mm, which should not interfere with text warnings, or information, other than warnings referred to in paragraph 9a of this Act; - Printed in the Slovenian language; - Printed so that they can not be removed or destroyed, and should not be obscure, obscured or interrupted by other written or pictorial, or opening packaging. The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may not be on the tobacco trade mark attached to a tobacco product packaging. The information referred to in paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act may, except in the packaging and the packaging of cigarettes affixed with a label, provided that this label can be removed. The packaging of a tobacco product must bear a serial number or equivalent, which allows the place and date of manufacture of tobacco product. The packaging and the packaging of tobacco products is prohibited from using text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful, using terms such as: light, mild, low-nicotine and tar, super lightweight, ultra-light and the like. 10th Article Prohibited direct and indirect advertising of tobacco and tobacco products, including sponsorship of sporting, cultural and other public events by the tobacco industry and supermarkets, with the exception of a limited number of provisions explicitly stated in the 11th and 12 of this Act. For indirect advertising of tobacco and tobacco products in the preceding paragraph shall be deemed to display logos and other signs to indicate tobacco and tobacco products on subjects under this Act shall not tobacco products. For indirect advertising is also considered offering free tobacco products in a public place and in public places. It is prohibited to advertise products that do not fall between tobacco and tobacco products, but with its appearance and purpose of nesporedno encourage the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products. Publishing information on quality and other characteristics of tobacco and tobacco products in professional books and journals and publications aim to inform manufacturers and sellers of these items should not be considered as advertising under the provisions of this Article. 11th Article Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding Article, the advertising of tobacco and tobacco products may be in the form and image of trademarks: - The smoking accessories; - In and the business premises of the companies involved in the production, distribution and sale of tobacco products to wholesalers in the total area of 7 m2 - The external and internal signs of shops selling tobacco products in the total area of 7 m2. Promotion of tobacco products in the preceding paragraph is allowed only in the form of a mark to be protected and that no reference and does not display a tobacco product, its packaging or its application. 12th Article Notwithstanding the provisions of the 10th of this Act, manufacturers and wholesalers of tobacco products by one-off campaigns in public media to inform consumers of new tobacco products. For new tobacco products, tobacco products are considered to have reduced tar and nicotine content by 10 percent or more of the same type of products already on sale and have the lowest content of tar and nicotine. 13th Article Consumer information campaign under the preceding Article may take up to 15 days continuously, with the start of the campaign considered the publication date of the first public notice to consumers. Newsletter informing consumers must meet the following conditions: - Notice may not contain elements which could be related to young people or in any way promote the use of tobacco products - Notice may not be published on television and radio, and in the periodical press, - Notice may not appear on billboards, signboards, lighted signs nalepnicah or who are from kindergartens and schools situated less than 300 meters and within the sports areas - Notice not show young people or people who, because of their work or achievements in sports, music, art, economy or policy model for young people - Notice not show a causal link between tobacco use and success in life - Notice may not be published in youth cinema, while in others only after 20 hours, while it may take up to 20 seconds notice, - The notification should not be used texts, brand names, symbols or other characters that suggest it is less harmful tobacco product, using terms such as: Light, mild, low tar and nicotine content, super lightweight, ultra- light and the like. All written or printed notice in the consumer information campaign must convey the information referred to in paragraph 8 hereof and from the warnings from the first paragraph of Article 9 of this Act to the extent of at least 25% of the notice. Notices appearing on the big screen, at the end of at least 10 seconds to show one of the warnings in paragraph 9 of the first of this Act. Notice of the harmfulness of tobacco products must be printed on the bottom middle of the poster, so that took half left and half right-quarters of the poster. The characters warning signs must be readable from a distance of 10 meters. 14th Article It is prohibited to sell tobacco products to persons younger than 15 years. The sale of tobacco products from automatic equipment. The sale of individual cigarettes or other tobacco products outside the original packaging. The sale of tobacco for oral use. 15th Article Prohibited smoking in public places, except for those parts which are specifically identified and separated from the rooms as smoking. Rooms designed for smokers should not exceed 50% of the total area of each public space, as the owner of public space, the operator or tenant provided no later than six months of enactment of this law. Overall, smoking is prohibited on the premises of the educational and health facilities. The owner of public space, the operator or lessee must ban smoking and nonsmoking rooms indication published in a prominent place. 16th Article In hotels and restaurants, where guests are served food (restaurants, pubs, cafes, bars and pubs) is the space for smokers. Notwithstanding the provisions of the 15th of this Act, the smoking room the size of the owner, lessee or user of the facility. The space is clearly marked as a place for smokers and is separated from the non-smoking area to be adequately ventilated or physical separation to prevent inversion. The non-smoking rooms smoking is prohibited. Compliance with the prohibition in the preceding paragraph is to ensure the owner, tenant or user of the facility. Prohibited smoking in restaurants, pastry and milk. 17th Article In workplaces smoking is permitted only in areas designated by the employer and who are physically separated from other workplaces. Smoking is prohibited on the premises of state bodies, which are designed to contact with clients. 18th Article Each employee has the right to require the employer to allow him to work in places where air is not polluted by tobacco smoke. If an employer in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph can not be accommodated employee's request to transfer to another work area, due to the employee work area smoking ban. III.A INFORMATION ON TOBACCO PRODUCTS Article 18a For all the cigarettes on the market in the Republic of Slovenia, the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes at least once a year to carry out measurements of material from the 7 of this Act. Measurements of the preceding paragraph carries a laboratory designated by the minister of health of the facility, where capacity has been established for measurement. Terms of the staff, professional and technical competence to be met by a laboratory in the preceding paragraph, the Minister responsible for health. The cost of measurement in the first paragraph of this Article shall bear the manufacturer or importer of cigarettes. Laboratory in the second paragraph of this Article shall also perform the measurements at the request of the health inspectorate. The results of laboratory measurements in the second paragraph of this Article shall notify: - The manufacturer or importer of cigarettes in the case of measurement under the first paragraph of this article; - Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Article 18.b Individual producers and importers of tobacco products are required once a year public institution the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia to provide the following documentation: - List of ingredients and quantities of ingredients used in the manufacture of tobacco products, namely by brand and type, which must be established according to the weight of individual components in the tobacco product, starting with the heaviest; - A statement of the reasons for the inclusion of ingredients with an indication of their operations and series; - Toxicological information held by producers and importers regarding the ingredients in burnt or unburnt form as appropriate, in particular, relate to their effects on health, taking account, inter alia, any effects of addiction. Article 18.c Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia shall regularly inform the annual Ministry of Health, the public and the date of accession to the European Union to the European Commission on: - The results of measurements for all cigarettes in the manufacture and sale in the Republic of Slovenia; - Infringements relating to the third paragraph 6 of this Act; - Data obtained on the basis of the documentation referred to in the preceding article, taking into account the protection of information relating to a specific formula of a tobacco product to a business secret. Hands and how information from the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the minister responsible for health. For information concerning the specific formula in the third indent of the first paragraph of this Article shall not be considered as data on levels of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide. IV. RESOURCES 19th Article For the accomplishment of the tasks of the Health Council from the 5th of this Act and for the accomplishment of the tasks of the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia under Article 18.c gives the state budget. For the implementation of programs from the 5th and measures referred to in Article 5.a of this Act gives the state budget. The amount of resources is determined by an annual budget in proportion to the expected volume requirements and revenues from excise duties on tobacco products. V. CONTROL 20th Article Monitoring the implementation of the Act provided the Ministry of Health, monitoring the implementation of 6, 15 and 16 of this Act carries a health inspection, supervision over the implementation of Articles 8, 9, 9a, 9.b, 9c, 10, 11, 13 and 14 Article marketing inspection, supervision over the implementation of the 17th and 18 Articles and inspection work. Monitoring the performance of eighth and 9 of this Act, the importation of tobacco products carries the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. If the competent inspection body establishes that tobacco products manufactured and sold as opposed to 6, 8, 9, 9a, and 9c 9.b of this Act, a decision prohibiting the manufacture and sale of tobacco products and to order their removal from the production or sale. If the competent inspection body establishes that advertise tobacco products in contravention of 10 and 12 and 13 of this Act, a decision prohibiting the advertisement. An appeal against the decision does not suspend its execution. The execution of the decision in the fourth paragraph of this Article, the competent inspection authority shall order the immediate removal of advertising material at the expense of the legal person or individual who commits an offense relating to the 10th and 12 and 13 of this Act. VI. PENALTY PROVISIONS 21st Article A fine of 500,000 SIT to 8,000.000 SIT shall be imposed on a legal person: 1st when producing or selling cigarettes that contain more than 12 mg tar per cigarette (second paragraph of Article 6); 2nd if the first January 2004, produces or sells cigarettes in the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union Member States from 1 January 2007 for export to other countries, containing more than 10 mg tar per cigarette, 1 mg of nicotine per cigarette and 10 mg carbon monoxide per cigarette (third paragraph of Article 6); 3rd when producing or selling cigarettes that do not have the lateral side of the packaging of printed information about how much milligrams of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in each cigarette (Article 8), in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act, or have printed false information; 4th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the front of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9 of this Act in a way, as the second and third paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph of Article 9c of Law; 5th if they produce or sell tobacco products not on the back of the packaging and outer packaging, printed one of the warnings in the fourth paragraph 9 of this Act in the manner as provided for in the fifth and sixth paragraph 9 of this Act and the first paragraph of Article 9c of Law; 6th If sales of tobacco products for chewing and for snuff, which have the most visible surface of the packaging and outer packaging, with the exception of additional transparent wrappers, used for retail sale, printed warnings in the first paragraph of Article 9a of this Act, the manner in the second paragraph of Article 9a of this Act and paragraph 9c of this Act; 7th If sales of tobacco products other than cigarettes and tobacco chewing and snuff, in containers, the most visible area of more than 75 cm2, and not on the front and back of the package of not less than 22.5 cm2 of printed warnings in the first and fourth paragraph 9 . of this Act in the manner set out in the first paragraph 9c of this Act; 8th If sales of tobacco products that have information from the first paragraph 8 of this Act and the warnings of the first and fourth paragraph 9 of this Act and paragraph 9a of this Act printed on the tobacco trade mark attached to the package (the second paragraph of Article 9c); 9th If sales of tobacco products contrary to the third paragraph 9c of this Act; 10th If sales of tobacco products without designation of the serial number or equivalent (fourth paragraph 9c of this Act); 11th If sales of tobacco products have on the packaging and the packaging used in the text, names, trademarks, symbols or other signs which suggest that a particular tobacco product is less harmful (fifth paragraph 9c of this Act); 12th if they advertise tobacco and tobacco products in contravention of 10 of this Act; 13th if they advertise tobacco and tobacco products in contravention of 11 of this Act; 14th if it implements the consumer information campaign as opposed to 13th of this Act; 15th If sales of tobacco products to persons under the age of 15 years (the first paragraph of Article 14); 16th If sales of tobacco products in automated devices (the second paragraph of Article 14); 17th If sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products outside the original packaging (the third paragraph of Article 14); 18th If sales of tobacco for oral use (fourth paragraph of Article 14); 19th when in public places does not publish non-smoking and nonsmoking rooms markings in a visible place (fourth paragraph of Article 15); 20th without the space for smokers in restaurants, where guests are served food (restaurants, pubs, cafes, bars and cafes) in the first paragraph 16 of this Act or it is not marked and does not provide separation of spaces for non-smokers in the manner referred to in paragraph 16th Article and does not ensure that the prohibition of smoking in no smoking premises (the fourth paragraph of Article 16); 21st if not set the premises in which smoking is permitted (first paragraph of Article 17); 22nd if it does not comply with the provisions of Article 18a and the provision of Article 18.b of the Act; 23rd if it does not follow the decision of the 20th of this Act. A fine of 100,000 SIT to 250,000 SIT shall be imposed on responsible person who commits an offense under the preceding paragraph. A fine of 200,000 to 3,000,000 SIT shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offense under the first paragraph of this Article with respect to independent activity. For the offenses of first to 12, 17 and 18 of the first paragraph of this Article shall also impose a fine security measure of compulsory removal of tobacco products subject to the offense, the offense from the 16 first paragraph of this Article, the withdrawal of automatic devices. 22nd Article A fine of 30,000 SIT to be recovered immediately at the scene of the offense, the individual shall be punished: 1st if offered free tobacco products in a public place and in public places (second paragraph of Article 10); 2nd If smoking in a public place where smoking is prohibited (Article 15 and the third paragraph of Article 16); 3rd where smoking in restaurants, pastry and milk (the fifth paragraph of Article 16); 4th when smoking in workplaces, where it is not allowed (the first paragraph of Article 17); 5th where smoking in places of public authorities, which are designed to contact with customers (second paragraph of Article 17). Penalty of 1, 2 and 3 preceding paragraph shall recover medical officer, a fine from the 4th and 5 of the preceding paragraph, the inspector work. Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products - ZOUTI (Official Gazette RS, no. 57/96) contains the following transitional and final provisions: VII. TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS 23rd Article Print data from the 8th Article and warning of the 9th of this Act manufacturers and importers of tobacco products provide no more than six months after the enactment of this Act. 24th Article On the day this Act enters into force on 45th Rule of Law on Safety at Work (Official Gazette, no. 32/74, 16/80, 25/86 and 47/86). 25th Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Law amending the Law on Restriction of use of tobacco products - ZOUTI-A (Official Gazette of RS, no. 119/2002) contains the following transitional and final provisions: 19th Article

The provision in the fifth paragraph of Article 9c of Law on the Restriction of the use of tobacco products shall apply from 1 January 2004. Cigarettes are not marked in accordance with the provisions of the Act may be manufactured, imported and sold by 1 January 2004. All other tobacco products not marked in accordance with the provisions of this Act may be sold by 30 September 2004. Prohibition of sale of tobacco for oral use enter into force 30 June 2003. 20th Article The Minister responsible for Health, shall issue the regulations referred to in paragraph 18a of the Act, a test laboratory in the second paragraph of Article 18a of the Act and the terms and means of communication referred to in paragraph 18.c of the Act within three months of enactment of this Act. 21st Article This Act shall enter into force thirty days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia. Top