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Downloads/Europas-Vergessene-Krise-P4417.H Tml VOLUME 10, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 2017 COHESIVE EUROPE OR CORE-PERIPHERY DIVIDE IN THE EU28: THE REGIONAL CHALLENGE OF DUAL CRISIS IN THE NEW MEMBER STATES Attila AGH ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF CRISES – THEORIES AND MODELS WORTHY FOR OUR CHANGING WORLD Aleksandar DIMITROV ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... ELECTRONIC VOTING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE: STATUS QUO IN ESTONIA AND TRENDS IN CENTRAL EUROPE Markus REINERS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... PARLIAMENTARY LEADERSHIP – PROBLEMS, DILEMMAS AND OPPORTUNITIES OF LEGISLATIVE LEADERS: THE CASE OF SLOVENIA Drago ZAJC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... COMMUNAL POLITICAL MOBILIZATION: THE NEED TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN MINORITY AND MAJORITY PARTIES Agnes K. KOOS and Kenneth KEULMAN ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... BOOK REVIEW: “FROZEN CONFLICTS” IN EUROPE Jerzy J. WIATR ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS 2 EDITORIAL TEAM General Editor General Editor Miro Haček Peter Csányi ................................................................. ................................................................ University of Ljubljana Alexander Dubč ek University Trenčin Faculty of social sciences, CAAPPI Department of Political Science Kardeljeva ploščad 5 Študentská 2 1000 Ljub ljana , S lovenia 911 50 Trenčin, Slovakia [email protected] [email protected] General Editor Assistant Editor Jurij Toplak Simona Kukovič .................................................................. .................................................................. Alma Mater Europ aea University of Ljubljana European Center Maribor (AMEU -ECM) Faculty of social sciences, CAAPPI Gosposka ulica 1 Kardeljeva ploščad 5 2000 Maribor , Slovenia 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia [email protected] [email protected] ...................................................... ................................ Articles appearing in JCP, are abstracted and indexed in following bibliographical databases: EBSCO, International Political Science Abstracts, ProQuest Political Science, International Bibliography of Social Sciences (IBSS), JournalSeek, UlrichsWeb and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); Universal Impact Factor. EDITORIAL BOARD Davor BOBAN, University of Zagreb, Croatia Marjan BREZOVŠEK, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Đorđe GARDAŠEVIĆ, University of Zagreb, Croatia Victoria GRAHAM, Monash University Johannesburg, South Africa Pavol HRIVIK, Alexander Dubcek University of Trenčin, Slovakia Lars JOHANNSEN, Aarhus University, Denmark Kenneth KA-LOK CHAN, Hong Kong Baptist University, China Rudolf KUCHARČÍK, University of Economics Bratislava, Slovakia Lisa McINTOSH SUNDSTROM, University of British Columbia, Canada Meredith REDLIN, South Dakota State University, USA Andrius ŠUMINAS, Vilnius University, Lithuania Michael TKACIK, Stephen F. Austin State University, USA Taro TSUKIMURA, Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan Nebojša VLADISLAVLJEVIĆ, University of Belgrade, Serbia Reuben WONG, National University of Singapore, Singapore CO-PUBLISHERS Department of Political Science Alexander Dubček University Trenčin Študentská 2, 911 50 Trenčin, Slovakia Centre for analysis of administrative-political processes and institutions (CAAPPI) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of social sciences Kardeljeva ploščad 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Alma Mater Europaea - European Center Maribor (AMEU-ECM) Gosposka ulica 1, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia DESIGN CAAPPI, Ljubljana. Journal of Comparative Politics is published twice a year, in January and July. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 COHESIVE EUROPE OR CORE-PERIPHERY DIVIDE IN THE EU28: THE REGIONAL CHALLENGE OF DUAL CRISIS IN THE NEW MEMBER STATES Attila AGH ............................................................................................................................................................................ 25 POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF CRISES – THEORIES AND MODELS WORTHY FOR OUR CHANGING WORLD Aleksandar DIMITROV ............................................................................................................................................................................ 40 ELECTRONIC VOTING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE: STATUS QUO IN ESTONIA AND TRENDS IN CENTRAL EUROPE Markus REINERS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 57 PARLIAMENTARY LEADERSHIP – PROBLEMS, DILEMMAS AND OPPORTUNITIES OF LEGISLATIVE LEADERS: THE CASE OF SLOVENIA Drago ZAJC ............................................................................................................................................................................ 69 COMMUNAL POLITICAL MOBILIZATION: THE NEED TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN MINORITY AND MAJORITY PARTIES Agnes K. KOOS and Kenneth KEULMAN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 88 BOOK REVIEW: “FROZEN CONFLICTS” IN EUROPE Jerzy J. WIATR ............................................................................................................................................................................ PARTICIPATE For further information on submissions, please consult the guidelines at JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS 4 COHESIVE EUROPE OR CORE-PERIPHERY DIVIDE IN THE EU28: THE REGIONAL CHALLENGE OF DUAL CRISIS IN THE NEW MEMBER STATES Attila AGH1 ……………………………………………………………….…………………………………………… After the global crisis, in the 2010s the Cohesive Europe has recently been challenged by the dual crisis: the Ukrainian security crisis and the refugee crisis. This paper tries to outline the impact of this dual crisis on the New Member States (NMS) with special regard to the “securitization” of Europe and the “return of geopolitics”. It concentrates on the regional political challenge of this dual crisis, and it takes into account its socio-economic dimension as well, including the impact of the Eurozone on NMS. The point of departure is that the geopolitical crisis intensified the Core- Periphery Divide in the EU and it produced a new regional form of negative divergence in NMS region with its alienation from the Core Europe. After the global crisis, in the ensuing transformation crisis, the EU has concentrated even more on the main problems of the Core in the Eurozone, which has also involved saving of the Southern Periphery. These efforts have resulted in marginalising the problems of the Eastern Periphery, although it has also been deeply shaken by the global crisis that has created its own specific crisis features in NMS. Therefore, when unexpectedly these two new geopolitical crisis waves have appeared the EU has been taken by surprise, especially in the V4 case. Not only by the particular nature of these crisis waves, but also by the negative reactions of NMS to these challenges because the EU has not been aware of the post- global crisis situation in NMS that has produced these reactions. In the mid-2010s there is a growing danger of an increasing regional divergence from the European mainstream towards the “illiberal states” in general and with an “Unholy Alliance” in the Visegrád Four (V4) in particular. This paper issues a warning that the NMS have not been successful in the catching up process under the 1 Attila AGH is a Full Professor in the Political Science Department at the Budapest Corvinus University. He was a visiting professor at many universities from Aarhus to Vienna, and from New Delhi to Los Angeles. His major research interest is comparative politics with special regard to the EU developments, focusing the Europeanization and Democratization in the New Member States. In the 2000s and 2010s he has prepared several country reports on Hungary for international comparative democracy projects. He has published altogether more than twenty books and more than hundred papers in several languages, mostly in English. JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLITICS 5 favourable condition of the Old World Order, and nowadays they have to face the challenges of Re-democratization and Re- Europeanization under the less favourable conditions of the New World Order with the “return of geopolitics”. Key words: Core-Periphery Divide; Old World Order; New World Order; desecuritization; redemocratization. 1 INTRODUCTION: THE WAKE-UP CALL FOR THE CREATIVE CRISIS IN THE EU “Crises are opportunities. (…) Europe will be forged in crises, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises.” (Jean Monnet 1976) - “You are in panic because of the crisis, but out of crisis something better will emerge.” (The remark of Jean Monnet to his colleagues that has been quoted by Jacques Delors 2012). In the last years there have been many references to the original idea of Jean Monnet about the creative crisis as the main driver of the EU towards an integrated Federative Europe. Under the pressure of global crisis, it has become common sense that the EU is in “crisis” or even in some extreme views, in its “final crisis”. Thus, the word “crisis” has been so much inflated that there is now a fashionable saying: “crisis is just a period between two other crises”. In fact, the EU has always been in “crisis”, it comes from its “sui generis” nature of being always “in the making”, therefore the EU needs both the
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