Dr. Karin Schestokat 102 G Gundersen Professor of German
[email protected] Department of Languages & Literatures office hours: MWF 9:30 - 10:20 am Oklahoma State University and by appointment SYLLABUS GRMN 4543 – CONTEMPORARY GERMAN LITERATURE MWF 10:30 – 11:20 (GU 307) Spring 2020 Required Texts: Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Die Physiker. Thomas Brussig. Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee. Bernhard Schlink. Der Vorleser Juli Zeh. Corpus Delicti. Wolfgang Herrndorf. Tschick. Handouts (short stories, poems, and texts on literary eras) Course Objectives: 1) Give students an overview of the major literary movements of 20th-Century German literature and their main exponents. 2) Expose and familiarize students of German with a selection of 20th – 21st century German literature through various text genres. 3) Introduce, read, and analyze different genres of literature, such as poems, short stories, and plays, thus strengthening reading skills and broadening technical vocabulary. 4) Further development of writing skills through essay composition. 5) Further the ability to speak in German more comfortably in front of a group of people by delivering two brief presentations and leading two class discussions. 6) Further listening comprehension and speaking skills through participation in class discussions. Composition of the Grade: Attendance, text preparation, participation (44 mtgs @ 5 pts.) 220 pts. Discussion questions (4x) @ 50 pts. 200 pts. Two brief presentations (10 min. each) @ 50 pts. 100 pts. Draft of paper 50 pts. Paper 200 pts. Midterm 100 pts. Final 100 pts. Total: 950 pts. 2 Grading scale: 100 – 90% A 89 – 80% B 79 – 70% C 69 – 60% D ATTENDANCE: You are allowed three unexcused absences.