Identification and Characterization of Swiss Grapevine Cultivars Using Microsatellite Markers

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Identification and Characterization of Swiss Grapevine Cultivars Using Microsatellite Markers Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 56 (2006): 147-156 Identification and characterization of Swiss grapevine cultivars using microsatellite markers ANDREA FREI, NAOMI A. PORRET, JUÈ RG E. FREY and JUÈ RG GAFNER Agroscope ACWChangins-Wa Èdenswil Forschungsanstalt fuÈ r Obst-, Wein- und Gartenbau CH-8820 WaÈdenswil, Postfach 185 E-mail: [email protected] Microsatellite analysis with up to 12 markers was performed on 463 grapevine samples mostly collected from Swiss cultivar collections, viticulturists, winegrowers and private collectors, using an optimized and fast method based on quick DNA extraction, six-plex PCR and automated fragment analysis. Several already published genetic profiles were confirmed, misnamed plants were identified, and additional new profiles are presented in this study. Some of the misnamed plants could be named correctly, while cultivar allocation of others needs confirmation. We found that 'Briegler' seems to be a synonym for 'Bondola nera', possibly the German name for a cultivar grown in Sou- thern Switzerland. In the case of 'Erlenbacher Schwarz' we found types with two different profiles. The ones from Eastern Switzerland are identical to 'Hitzkircher', while the type collected in Western Switzerland is different. Fur- ther data collection is necessary to elucidate which type is the true-to-type cultivar. Also an old and rare cultivar na- med 'MoÈrchel' was shown to be identical to 'Trollinger' (syn. 'Schiava Grossa', 'Gross-Vernatsch' or 'Frankenthal Noir'). Several 'Chasselas' and 'Muscat' types were allocated into synonymous groups with identical profiles. Key words: Vitis vinifera, grape, microsatellites, Swiss cultivars, genetic profile. Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Schweizer Rebsorten mittels Mikrosatellitenanalyse. 463 Proben von Weinreben aus Schweizer Sortensammlungen, von Weinbauinstituten, Weinbauern und privaten Sammlern wurden mittels Mikrosatellitenanalyse an bis zu 12 Markern untersucht, wobei eine optimierte und schnelle Methode, die aufrascher DNA-Extraktion basierte, sechsfachePCR und automatisierte Fragmentanalyse angewandt wurden. Ei- nige bereits veroÈffentlichte genetische Profile wurden bestaÈtigt, falsch bezeichnete Sorten wurden identifiziert und zusaÈtzliche neue Profile erstellt. Einige der falsch bezeichneten Sorten konnten richtig benannt werden, waÈhrend ei- nige andere Sortenzuweisungen noch einer BestaÈtigung beduÈ rfen. 'Briegler' scheint ein Synonym fuÈ r 'Bondola nera' zu sein, wahrscheinlich der deutsche Name fuÈ r eine Sorte aus der SuÈ dschweiz. Bei 'Erlenbacher Schwarz' wurden Typen mit zwei unterschiedlichen Profilen gefunden. Die aus der Ostschweiz entsprechen 'Hitzkircher', waÈhrend die Typen aus der Westschweiz unterschiedlich sind. Weitere Daten muÈ ssen erhoben werden, um zu klaÈren, welcher Typ der sortentypische ist. Die alte und seltene Sorte 'MoÈrchel' erwies sich als identisch mit 'Trollinger' (syn. 'Schiava Grossa', 'Gross-Vernatsch' oder 'Frankenthal Noir'). Einige Chasselas- und Muscat-Typen wurden synonymen Gruppen mit identischen Profilen zugeordnet. Key words: Vitis vinifera, Rebe, Mikrosatelliten, Schweiz, Sorten, genetisches Profil Identification et caracteÂrisation de varieÂteÂs de vignes suisses au moyen de l'analyse de microsatellites. 463 eÂchantil- lons de vignes en provenance des collections de varieÂteÂs de vignes suisses, d'instituts d'únologie, de viticulteurs et de collectionneurs priveÂs ont eÂte examineÂs au moyen de l'analyse de microsatellites en tenant compte de jusqu'aÁ 12 mar- queurs. AÁ cette fin, on a utilise une meÂthode optimiseÂe et rapide baseÂe sur l'extraction rapide de l'ADN, la PCR sex- tuple et l'analyse de fragments automatiseÂe. Quelques profils geÂneÂtiques deÂjaÁ publieÂs ont eÂte confirmeÂs, des varieÂteÂs mal deÂsigneÂes ont eÂte identifieÂes et de nouveaux profils suppleÂmentaires ont eÂteÂeÂtablis. Il a eÂte possible de deÂsigner correctement quelques varieÂteÂs mal deÂsigneÂes, tandis que d'autres attributions de varieÂteÂs doivent encore eÃtre confir- meÂes. Il semble que 'Briegler' soit synonyme de 'Bondola nera', probablement le nom allemand d'une varieÂte du sud 147 Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 56 (2006): 147-156 Frei et al. de la Suisse. Des types avec deux profils diffeÂrents ont eÂte trouveÂs pour 'Erlenbacher Schwarz'. Ceux provenant de l'est de la Suisse correspondent aÁ 'Hitzkircher', tandis que les types provenant de l'ouest de la Suisse sont diffeÂrents. Il est neÂcessaire de saisir encore plus de donneÂes afin de deÂterminer quel type est celui typique pour la varieÂteÂ. La va- rieÂte ancienne et rare 'MoÈrchel' s'est reÂveÂleÂe eÃtre identique au 'Trollinger' (syn. 'Schiava Grossa', 'Gross-Vernatsch' ou 'Frankenthal Noir'). Quelques types de Chasselas et de Muscat ont eÂte attribueÂs aux groupes synonymes preÂsen- tant des profils identiques. Mots cleÂs : Vitis vinifera, vigne, microsatellites, Suisse, varieÂteÂs, profil geÂneÂtique Despite the relatively small size of the country, many but related cultivars (VOUILLAMOZ et al., 2004). Other different grapevine cultivars are grown in Switzerland, mentioned synonyms are, e.g. 'Briegler' - 'Hitzkircher' as a result of historically strong influences of surroun- (as formerly named in cultivar collection in Au, Swit- ding regions. Samples of these grapevine cultivars were zerland), 'Hitzkircher' - 'Grosser blauer MoÈ rsch' (AE- collected in order to identify and genetically characte- BERHARD, 2005), 'Schwarzer Erlenbacher' - 'GaÈnsfuÈ sser' rize them, and to arrange the results in a database. The - 'Argant' (AMBROSI et al., 1994). It is of great import- basis for the construction of any database is the reliabi- ance that cultivars are clearly characterized and possible lity of the data included. This means that the analyzed synonyms and naming errors are found. Genetic me- plants must be true-to-type representatives of a cultivar. thods such as microsatellite analysis enable clarification That might sound obvious, but misnamed grapevine if two plants are identical or related. plants are found even in cultivar collections. Misnamed In the present study, special emphasis was placed on old cultivars have a negative impact on research, grapevine Swiss cultivars focusing on those cultivated in the ¹hi- breeding and the organization of grapevine collections storical vineyardª at the wine production museum in (THIS and DETTWEILER, 2003). Errors in nomenclature Au, Switzerland. These vines were originally planted are then propagated worldwide through material ex- by W. EGGENBERGER of the University of Applied Sci- change. It is known that about 5% of the types in the ences of WaÈdenswil in 1978. Several old varieties can world grapevine collections are misnamed and hence be found there, such as 'Elbling weiss', 'Elbling rot', not true-to-type (DETTWEILER, 1992). Therefore, identi- 'MoÈ rchel', 'Completer', 'Erlenbacher Schwarz', 'Brieg- fication and true-to-type assignment of cultivars in a ler', 'Thuner blau', 'RaÈuschling rot', and 'RaÈuschling database is a prerequisite for any parental analysis or weiss'. Many of these cultivars are very rare. For exam- other studies. ple, it is supposed to be the only planting of 'MoÈ rchel' When analyzing typical and historical Swiss grapevine in Switzerland (AEBERHARD, 2005). cultivars, we faced the above mentioned difficulties. The central geographical situation and the intensive tra- Many cultivars were introduced to different areas over ding connections of Switzerland over hundreds of years a long period of time and were given either similar or led to a melting pot of different and rare grape varieties totally different names. Also, due to limited travelling from all over Europe. In order to safeguard the genetic possibilities in ancient times, ampelographers were diversity in grapevine, Pro Specie Rara and SKEK forced to rely on descriptions, and so errors were pas- (Schweizerische Kommission zur Erhaltung von Kul- sed on from one report to another. There is not much turpflanzen) are running several programs. One mea- information in ampelographic books about historical sure is a so-called positive-list of all (historical) grapevi- Swiss cultivars. Several diploma theses were conducted nes in Switzerland that are worth safeguarding. These at our institute on the subject (BALMER, 2000; GREUTER cultivars will be planted in collections in different areas and WUNDERLIN, 1998). Recently, a book about the hi- of Switzerland. An inventory of all existing cultivar col- story of old grapevine cultivars has been published lections is under way. that includes many Swiss grapevine cultivars (AEBER- Especially for rare cultivars it is therefore very impor- HARD, 2005). Several names of historical Swiss cultivars tant to try to find many different, but originally inde- are mentioned as synonyms in literature, but errors re- pendent types of the same cultivar and so to find the garding synonyms can be found. For instance, 'Lafnet- true-to-type cultivar and their corresponding genetic scha' and 'Completer' often are mentioned as or su- profiles. spected to be synonyms (AMBROSI et al., 1994; EGGEN- The present study describes the current situation of the BERGER and LENNERT, 1996; HILLEBRAND et al., 1998), efforts to name, characterize and identify Swiss culti- but this was proven incorrect; they are two different vars. The results of this study contribute to the charac- 148 Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg 56 (2006): 147-156 Frei et al. terization of true-to-type grape cultivars. They will Tab. 1: Collection
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    bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 7, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-ND 4.0 International license. 1 Genetic structure and molecular diversity of Brazilian grapevine 2 germplasm: management and use in the breeding programs 3 4 Geovani Luciano de Oliveira1, Anete Pereira de Souza2,3, Fernanda Ancelmo de 5 Oliveira2, Maria Imaculada Zucchi4, Lívia Moura de Souza2, Mara Fernandes 6 Moura1* 7 8 1 Advanced Fruit Research Center, Agronomic Institute (IAC), Jundiaí, SP, Brazil 9 2 Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering Center (CBMEG), University of 10 Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil 11 3 Department of Plant Biology, Biology Institute, University of Campinas (UNICAMP) 12 UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brazil 13 4 Laboratory of Conservation Genetics and Genomics, Agribusiness Technological 14 Development of São Paulo (APTA), Piracicaba, SP, Brazil 15 16 * Corresponding author 17 E-mail: [email protected] (MFM) 18 1 bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted May 7, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-ND 4.0 International license. 19 20 Abstract 21 The management of germplasm banks is complex, especially when many accessions are 22 involved.
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