_,r-he .00~rj;(iM;, tilYJ:in~".~ i.s P1J,b~~sh.ui~ at. JI>!iddksei moni~iy:, _atJ~nt. ~olIar p~rvo~ulllt . Twt.7Jty-jl:veJ!e~ c?n~. qlSCO'lJ,f!t, wtll-!Je-ma¢e to th(ls~ 1chp. J1Ifjj, tn. acIt-anee, an~ til" 8~me 'W'~~~ bl) arleted to those who negler;t ~o pay at t~eJnd< oj the .- Jili lelte~; lo th'e Jt.diio".' liMistbe p~$i paid,. unles~ containi-ii;;:' ih~ :names -oj .ubscriber.~; '._ ., .' . 0' • · NOPflper's ~~,rll,he. dis.eontFnneclqntil ~ILa~re~.rage;: are. paid. -i!!!2!£! .________ _ - . - . · From the Cliristi~n Pall;!.,liilm. 'lin~ ,pe9pl~ tq the anxi~.'!s ~~ts,. a~': l EXTREMES. sur-1l)g.-~h:ew that t.h¢re is salvation ~hat ~'link i~d a·re',and ever have M where.el~e, that -heen subject to 'ex~'temes, is a ply, they must·go to hell; thus it if -that eannol be denied, alld I presume c-arr,ied- ~rJto a v.ast. extreme, 'while no one will attempt to evade' this others st~l't back and say it,hi all a t'rllt~, therefore, I shall no.tenumer-, and conde~!l_ the_ whole: so' afe the extremes of andenw, but the,' good \\'l.\Y .has.become a re"':~ to~e d,d wl1 to modern times.;;,;;. "Ye prdach. -. , , : ~ee at tl1e-pl'eseri~day-, the 'reli..,.iolls . ,.Some tlp.p.<;Jse tha.tbeca~se God is ~ ' ...orId divide_d and sub(livided,~6me Sald to he \ove, and because he so 10'; tonteJidjn~ for ~ne thin~ and some .ved the wor~d that- he::~ave, his :on'; fora-nofher, cryIng lo.-! here,.
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