125 ElL,ER ST., LOS ANGELES 12, CALIF. MA 6 .. 4471 • 10 C:lilNlll'S \' e-I. S 1 No. 23 * Friday, 0«,. 2, 1960 t: LUMN LEFT: ocalello's rs PR'ESIDEN,T INVITES JACL TO WHITE HOUSE (ONFEREN(E: ~t!'W JACL membe-I"ship ~ b -ochure should score chapter e e o AGING, TO PUSH FOR LOW-COST 0 RENT HOUSIN'G On hand is the new 'I'hl' .1 .. 1'1111'''' An1t's-1rl1l1 CIl11f 'II mil kl' Ii", lot anti tif,. of th, vi.':ory Commlttpc' on l~l!jng, n')ber1 eleele '61 d r I "'IIVIIC 1111 . 1Il'(,,'pll,n· ]>1(,1I3:1nl 'Inc! pn W. Kt!an, explained the ba."ic pur• .1 1. Ill 'mb r hip leaf. of th ' Pn , .. 1\ nt :,nII Ihl" aging I ;f'i callt·,. ~ncc nn AglDI{ will provide a ti.:tributed h 1961 l'hap• WIlN "MIl,UIIII'Pt! MOllday hy 11,· by Ihl' J>nriflc SOlllhwl'. t DI:' lric:1 m,.r-ting ground lor thoughtful, for• 11,,":tI .1.11.(,'1 pi'll 10 nt Jo'l'llnk (,hu, CllIl11cil Ia t 0<'1, 2. it Wfl; fOllnd wad-looking AmcI'ican,' wht) are tl:T member-hip <.'hair• 1111111. Ihal thl'l'I' I 011 'teul!' n(',·d b\ ct)nce.-nM with the conditi()ns that .l l1pa n t!"~ I n. The taltml or "Wild ('human, who WIIS :l1'1">ll1tl'lI by Ihl' i l"nlor f'itiz"n, of Ihe confront many of /JUT L;cnior clti- (;,l\'. 1.;'-ll1IlIl1fl (: Brown IWf) wl'l'k <:nmm unity [(!S' low-I,·nl. ho,.,lnJ\, z 'ns. l ill" l\1alsullwto, natiollal 1\' > tu thl' 100 nWnlb,'r nIH"," ('hllmul1, who IU,,·!I{'llh·d thf' "Mo."'- problem:; in the lieli of I.hird ,ic -pr 'ident who lila SI"II' dl'll'!o:allnl1 In 1111' snnll' thlnklll !7.'( Ihe PSWDC group 111 laginJ( can be,t be "olved by ar.:tion happen' to b 11It tin II 11 I ,'( nft-n·tlr!.;, IIHIn"d ;\lIIkl til" (';ovr'rnu,'" Confl'''''ncp .m Ih., at the s tate and local levels. TherE; :1111 "wk' " WII hlllgl"l1 .IACI. rep", .. Agll1~ If. :);H·,'l1n1l'IIto I·VI.'roll d"lY al'e arplIS, however, where the ful in 'uranc I man, !ll'l1ta I 1\'" and \'llt'I'(,1l f\;'lli"illllnl Inll·t·, 11I t! that .lACI. will now Federal Governmf'nt can contril>• 'early c\"id nt for it III \'111 lllus 1tll'l'Iill~s of con!:. '1 tl In urgl' thl' Unitl'd Stlde. f/, >1I&:I'n- ute, A: a positive first step, the ,'1'-011 "f ,1111'/ln,'S' :&nCl (I'Y, liS tnl'nl a· well a ,Ink an'l privatI! Fecicl'al Governmenl has convened talks of di\'idend - (good •IACI;s nffil'illl p,lr\ll'iplll1\ h [l u ~ ing dev ·Iopcrs to 'l!I! k mE'an' this conlt:rence so that an oppor• l('Cepta nee of ,13p3 ne. S,"" ~,75U pi1l''ipant from :.11 of bllildlng luw-I'CJ. I or I' 'nl hou,,·, tunity can be given tn people from :\0 s(ult'S Hnd 5 "V '11.tI 'Qrt'l~n ('OUIl' 1fI J{ fur tr.,' "l'/Ilnl' ejtil."Il~, illl·lud· all parts of Ollr Nation to ex- Americans from a tatus trh-. 11' cxpE'c\e<1 (, l,th'l1ll th,' ing Iho,,, of Japanf! I: ance ' try. chang4.: idl;il,; 'and formulate p1ans of insecurit~ .. elimination Whitf' 111111 , c l·onf,'r'·Ill·l·. Whil'h \\/IS 1<:1. t'uh(J\\('r'!< (;,,11 and programs. Aceordlllg tn Pre ,'dcnt }j;i sen- "'J'he conference mu -t not be an of legal di crimination I'lIl1Cl,od by C ngn- ~ in 1!158. 1&01'o'1.'I" S ('f)ClI'Cl'l'IH:e call, "in iari\'- ,\gairu t person of Japa• I icipauls, f' 'Cl'p! rfll' t;Pl'ciall\' in. Ing 10 ;Jchicvc 11 bf'lI"I' liJe for end ,i n itself; it is but a beginning. VII -d .... pI'PS'·nl:lliv·s 01 natiolliSl 't- 1>1 1 OUI' I·... .'oplc. WI..' mU'1 give ~~~Ol ~~~~r~)U;:S; r~: g ~ e Jsa~ ~ rle e ance try, fir:l da' clnl 1'o'l'lfar~ '~I'Ranil.nlion., WP)I' p. "]><:1' l'I·gard to thc nlo't!ris 11 Ih,' IIhjcCI rhl' I~flportllnity 1.0 Bv,' • dhl'l1ified. commuml.v JO ollr country. American resulting Jl'om If IIgillj(. producllv.! allu satl f'ing life in I uaturalization pridJeg' I"t .. r ..... 1 ' illl'" I!I;;~ otd nge is thl' n. plnllJ III v f eVl'ry at!knowledilln~ £01' their Issei parent' In the hi 'h h 11101' ciliwn u 't; C;onfer- I t a h8 e 'aeuation claimant ) and SA, FFi, (I CO. - Bay \l'nlh n i" S;1I1 Fnlnci ro .thl' or· (:n,· '. on the AglI~J( !'. " :~g l1lflca.ll .ll I hfl~ ~dtl.l.'" Sa e appren Ices IP 'ooiUltioll he 11 lI"I·tll:ulorl.' '[{OJ t tu lind " It> CII- (national ret'o~ni- 1 'CI and ,I I wh wl'r,;1\ ~ Topar. WHA Relocnli,)O Ccnlel' in !.'1m '1 n. rl \\ IIh the .,pI ('illl VI b- lal'!!e OPI )rtlltlliles 101" ollr ,)ld'.1 I "t" -on a the c.:oUect i\'e central Utah dur:ng Wurld Wal' lems ,'I tilt' :I~in lS~(OI, !~lIii"lI-1 pcopl", In l':CO~~I!I('.~ .f Ihl' .b~uad- th"~1 l~ :~~il' C)q')cl~fml:C oppor unl les group voice of Japanese Ameri. II \\cr, prtJbably sUl'prl ti to Inrly without j\.mlh<'s an'l d alld It.'spon·1 I LIm thRt th~ barren nr a wa wlr] surr J' 'd Ih IIlR (If 'Ill thPiI 81blllty [01' mectlllg the chllllenges I f.. " I'n thl'" j'I'"ld r·'''r~~cn, .. t'I\· 's of PI'I'_ SAl'! FRANCISCO.-A penn'anent rans in a Democracv 86 good (r omcthlng. m'''PI. r(y In Ihl1 WilrllJl1' 1~\·lIClla· ~'.' ~!' ~~ .... t .. , . • . .' ti)J1 or 11112, vale OI"g,HlIl:atlUlls alia fJ'vm all Comm~t~e on ApP,lent,lce"hip Op- "field offices" se; ~,jng The 'lchibei Time had () UPI ·11 () on VII 1'1' leYl'ls as a. A _ tory (,,(1m \ n hing I>n, tiling of Hc (.'omml'nlt'te ml'~'. \:r ••s many other ind!vidual~, hiwe been was establslhed r:cen~y under inlTO itlcul "!HI t'nciol's,' lollowpd by dane· [n the wVl'ds of lh" H.'alth, from labol', manage-ment, state and It lists JACL's diver• ((ic~r lJod principal pcakcr at jng to John ClldlC'e's trio, Education and Welfare Sel'l'etal"Y federaJ agency consultants, mem• ,ified program - th e the St. Louis JACL inaugural ThO;' chaptl.'l· ",Iecl'd Georg" Ha· Flemming, "The While House Con, bel'S of the California Apprentice• dinncr-dance Dec :! at Garavelli's se,!!awa, Harry Hayashi, Dick Hen· lerence on lhe Aging I'epresent - ship Council, there are 12 minority "Peatitudes" as pu bl ish· Restaurant. Ini, Rose Ogino and .Ioe Tanaka a majo!' effol-t on the p lI·t 01 the groups, including the Japanese American pevple-an el'(l)rl en- Amencan Citizens League, repre• ?d in Mas Satow's column Kadowaki will be In rare [(lI'm I 2-Yc'al" term '; Mal'\' Dally, Lee as a tnvle-thrcat as he may be Durham, J ell n Eto, Tom Johnson do!'sed and assistcd by both the sented. last month - and 10 ob· called upon to headline in lhe nllu Bdt \' UchiVldma to J ·vc-ar l 'gislalive and executive bl'snche, , jectives for the coming cntertainment lJOrtion. I.·;;. This i' St. Loui;; JACI,' of the l"edel'al Government and I by all the Stale governments. decade Policy holders , Awards will be pn:oenled by th· [il' I gl'O'Jp of Officer: undeI' Ihe Judge Aiso nominates I cmard l'ly,If'I1l. .. rhis cHorl is directed 10 solv• will receiVe a weekly re------C'hl'i~tmas. ing the majur problems confronl· Mukaeda as candidate for A "hildn'n's party h3'.' 109 the NaLloll's olde people, and port, the Pacific Citizen, bl'cn tpnlatively set fol' Sunday. 1961 c1Junty grand LONG-AWAITED ISSEI Dec, 18, at SI. Augustine Cllul'cll to developing p!'ogl'ams and oClli· iury ('ies that will make life beller f)r to keep them posted on DINNER IN DENVER SET Vl'tt!I'l1ntl Day ('fot.:I·llm Katsuma Mukaeda. Li'I Tokio the company's (JACL) af• I A special Velerans Day program the oldl)!, people of the !utul·e. civic leader and of the first DENVER. - Arrani!pment I'm- was held by the chapter on Nov, "The Conference is dealing nOl to becnme naturalized under the [airs, the long-awaited Mile-Hi JACL It at St Augustine's, 10 recognize only \Yllth important prublems but 1952 Walter-McCarran Act, was Issei Appreciation Dinner have lhe manv member vetcralls. They with great OplJOl tuniLies as welL' nominated la 't week by Superior been completed Ior Sunday, Dec. were l.lsk('d to .' how up in their Chai"man of the National Ad- Court Judlle John F. Aiso to serve What the group insur• 11, 6 p.m., at tbe Cosmopoliban old uniforms bul Ihe intervening ----- on the 1961 G.r&and JlU·Y. ance costs to the prospec• Holel here, il was announced by years proved to be loo much of The legal interpreter and coun• chair~~.n DAD WINS HALLOWE'EN tive policy holder js not Henry !fl. a handic.ap, The Gis apparently 'f>l()r wa amon~ the 148 citizens TamlJI Onouye 1S dJrectl!lg the shrunk in moth bans. PRIZE GOING TO WOMAN chosen as tentative grand jurors. stated, however. This is pecial J apanese entertalDme~t Cha l>lel' president Dr. Henry Presiding Superior JlIdge Louis the job of the respective program which follows the dln' l Ema, a lieutenant-colonel in th WASH1NG1'ON.~lt was an old• H. Burke annOtlDced that 103 men ner, U.S, Ait' fi'orce Reserve. inll'O- fashioned Hallowe'en party with and 45 women were named by 85 ~o Jicitors in the 86 "fieJd Issei over 65 wil be inviled M duced Capt. (nias Paquinn, re- everyone attending ill costume, of the 102 judges in the county. J£fices" (chapters), wltich guests of the chapter. tired Coast Guard officer, and the parents and youngsters all Eveutually 19 names will remain Robe!'t McFal'land, "e-PTesen1ing bobbing (01' apples and playing on the roster to serve next year. have their own particular Mayol' TI,aymond Tucker. games like musical cha irs at the Mukaeda is Downtown L,A. JACl, premiums. Chicago Sansei vies in Capt. Paqumn I'clatcd some of D.C. Girts' Teen Club a l 1\.~ir. chapter president and res;ides in hi s experif'nces or the Japanese Jack Hirose won the men's Pasadena. He is also chairman of National Merit finals I'ommunity near Seattle hefore and costume prize and Don Komai the cultural division of the Japa• The leaflets, we feel, CmCAGO. - D ian e Yamada. during evaouation, deploring the won the womeu's costume prize nese Cllamber of Commerce. ~h ould spark any mem• laughler of Mr. and Mrs. Richard ovcmight uprooting of the entire I-not a misprint, a ' sures the Yamada, was among semi-finalists community to an inland camp, D ,C. News Note club cones pond• ------*------bership drive into high )f the Chicago high school syst.em McFarland, who is ('oJl)missionel' ent Carolynn Akagi I. Michael DAlES gear. Comments on how who qualified for the National for the Soldier's Memorial Bldg., Akagi won the boy's pl'ize and Merit Scholarship final examina• 1" ""ed the record of the 442ltd Laura KOJnai (Don's daughter) ------*------they are received by tions being held this week. RCT, the liittle girl's prize. Dec. lS-New memberships due at Nat'l Headquarters if chapters want prospects will be interest• A senior at Senn High School, lfle evening was concluded with Jack and Don are both past members on PC mailing list as of she plans to continue her education a film on the lJiI,test acUvities of D.C. chaptel' presidents. Jan. I, 19tH. ing reading in the PC, aL Northwestern University. Her the Ail' Defense Command, through I Knowing both well, we're in• Dec. 3l-Reports on first series of assignments on JACL History Pro• Old-timers around our of• faLhel' II> an active Chicago JACL- courtesy of ScoU AFB, and MGM's terested in I'l' snapshot of this !ject due at Midwest JACL Office, 21 er, "Go For B)·oke". prize-winning pair.- Editor.) , W . Elm st., Chicago, Ill, nee figure jt to be a "shot 1n the arm" to sign up at least 20,000 members in 1961-H.H. Sign up fo, '" JACL Membership lIow \

-PACIFIC CITIZEN Friday, Dec. 2, 1960

, II .) ~ CI 0 U , u CI c. Nisei Interest n OFFICIAL PUBLICATION: JAPAHl$E AM£IJICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE '? ' l'\ ~' " , • a , Q , , 4, '" . . '6 . . - PACII=IC ~ I. ann RD Ir \ , . r. , . • 125 WELLER ST., RM, 302. LOS ANGELES 12, CALIF .• MA 6-4471 . . /' JAC I. H~"dqIlMIN~: M. 'no W S,\l\lw. N.lIlon, I Dlreclor 0 ,, I I perked by selection .. (\ It,JoI P~~l St., S,111 f'Mel co 15, c"m .• WE t l· bb~4 .. I ~ SANTA . WNICA. - In keeping WII,h!nglofl Olflc,': Ql') . 1 lh l. NW, Wn\hlnllton b. DC, ' .. , Nith the thl;mc of ~.ln 19fH Pasa· E etpt lor the- Olrrctor' .. RrJ'olt, oplnlon~ txprf~\fd by tolul1H1lsu (" .. .. ~ . h~nI' T()urn;\Inf'nl r,f Ro (01 Parade, do lIot IIl'Cf ,oily I II I JACL Poltcy, "Ballads and mOg 'om ," San t a• V' 0 - O~Stription pcr )'eM lp,ly"bll' In ~d~MC~): MClllb .. $) ~O; Non.mel11b. $4 \I 0 I U \I1oni r.n' float Will Oe entitled ~ ~ v 0 V Co ~ "P oor Butterfly," th· popular HARRY 1\ HONDA ...... [dltcr FRED TAKATA ...... BII~ Mor, .: I> • 6 0) ... llInd. () tl . , (j Announcement of th~ IrJca I flc;,a1 • ~ _...... "...... I theine was mach: I:, t w{'ck by I " , Ben Eiler, ehait·m.m .)C the Santa 0 . ~ i • ~ :vronicrt Chamber of Commerce flout commille('. ~ Mrs, Eil r III (J ·.nn') 'nccd thaI Ye Editor's Desk r) ;:--0-••••••'. ·•••• roo ...... , ...... I ...... , ~ ...... I ...... California-born Shirl.:), Ni h,mura, 17, vlar·()~d (j w loml of the Sergea• PROSPECTUS FOR JACl. INC, 0 n"tte~ I Santa t<)nlca High. I' Schoc,) ha b{'('n cho n tr) portray the title rol(' (Jf. tho f:itJmaledI Pl'obag) at lllan~' a galh 'rin t. hut tht' first Shirle", daugh'r ,)i ~Ir. andl lim~ I ill'art! it \\,:\' ill b 't' 'no oSL'\' 'l'al .'ears ago \I hl'll l\Irs. Frank Ni 11mun "r Santa. :\Ionlc:;, has a S!3t.r, Alice, 10, a, tht: t'hapt r \\.1-' ('l'l bl'~ltill ;.., TOKYO TOPICS: by Tamotsu Murayama pre;ident, Arthur .-\lIhouse. "JA L seek to maintain the quality of tlllS pro. "The Tournamer.t wisbes to hon- . uct through program' of good citizenship, by en• or our newest state by ha\'ing its governor lead o'Jr 720d parade," ouraging the maximum olltribulions of its mem• Artists by Tradition Althou:w S'3id. bers to their respecth'e ommunilie, and by pro. • • • • • iding youth with opportunitie - to engage in COIl• TOKYO.-Prol. Chiur(l Obnta H" Icmln ..:nce with his work at the Nisei for Kennedy plan - rUl!th'e acth·itie . .cn. IIY conduct d nnothel" ~UCCl'SS' St, Louis ~h'port and Record Bld~. ftll autumn sca on IOUI- of Japan Wh n thIS ("orI"c-spondent was In victory celebration "JACL also function 10 'liminate inlluenccs which \\.. it.h some 40 Aml'ricans. ~h"s'l St, Loui , many Americans praised Campaigners 0: .he Kennedv lor rna. spoil the product, such as prejudice and sanction• Dbata a sists as guidc for teo Gyo very much. They are very Pl'csident forces will hold a :'vlC• ('eremonie lind flow'r IIrrangc- proud of this Cormer San Fran- tory celebration" a: San Kwo Low. ed dL crimination. It seek' to stem the eHorts of mis. ments. ciocan. His older brother, Kimio. 228 E. 1st St., nex~ Friday. Dec. guided individuals who mi. repre ellt the product. and Unlike atht"r tour group coming whr) a~ an nutstanding fencer. a 9, 7p.m ., it wa3 announced by tv Japan. the Obatas toke' their Unl\'. of California, is doing very lieorge'Maruya ar..d Shigemori Ta• issuade those who would mislahel the product in de• tuurists into the norlhern paMs 01 well as II commt!l'cial arti~ II'. mak.i, co-chairmen of the Japanese . ogatory fashion. Japan, where the traditional Ce'I' 51. Louis . American Citizen; for Kennedy tures of the country ttre still \'cry It Is wO:1derful to receive ne\\'f Committee. "Our product is a relati\'ely Ilew one on the Ameri· evident. The Japanese in the north- that the ~i'ei are doing so wei ·'Although Kenr.edy did not carry can scene. This has necessitated a vigorous public re• west appear more ".Iapanese" in America. California, we a~~ rolllrinced that thnn the "spoiled citi;ltn~" of Kan· Prof'ssar Ob'lta comes from our modest effort.; contributed lations campaign. There are encouraging evidences sui and Kyushu. Sendai, who:e fumily were tradi- towards winning Vice President today lhat this campaign i proving effecliv , but con• Professor Obato tells us that his tionally artists. His ancestors were Nixon's home CO!.:.ntv of Los An• serond .on, Gyo is busily engaged painter. for gcneraVions for the geles by a 21.000 ·margin." the tinuing efforts must be made to make the product in al'chitecture at 51. Louis. He lords of Sendai. Hence, it seems two leaders dec!;red. even more familiar. i currently construrt:ng a model nlll ..lI·al that artiSls like Gyo and • "This requires a strong national organizalion and prison in Illinois, which will even- Kimio are out.standing in their - Greater Los Angeles tuaUy replace Alcatraz in San fields. The artistic sense was cUl• a large sales Corce. JACL invites shaleholders iI. its Fl'ancLco Bay. The 35-year-old th'ated through many generations. Business-Professional Guide campaign to sell its line and participate in the divi• Nls!:l i:; also working on n new "Ollr family t!'ee has pro:luced _ Civil Service Bldg., understood to many artist· and fencing eXperts," • dends of Security Through nity." Financial Industrial Fund be one of tile large:>t !'truclures Professol' Obata said. "We lire A Mutual Fund in America, I'lOd the new 2,400-acre \i\'ing up t the genuine spirit 01 George J . 1Ilag ~"1-)'Ialao UW3\e Illinu,g University campus. the old Samurai. We are proud Co-Distrlc~ Managers We shall beg the indulgellce of ollr regular readers Gyo has also I\'on the contract of our heritage. And we shall have 110 N. San Ped~o (l:!1 :\IA 8-4688 as we shaU carry some more matl'rial thi~ week to help Lo con. Lruet the new U.S. embassy to continue to work hard in the Flowers Lor AnJ' OeC3:HOn ~hapter3 memhpr~ at San Sal\·ador. ric also gained future." ~ IV\\ t:J' vlew trarU~w, sign up new We need their support ~Iembe:- FTD Art Ito Illtn Yr 1I)00er) plus all those who were in ./:\CL this past year , ...A., 5149 Los Feliz 3. d. ,'0 3-3146 Bill :'IJatsumoto of SacramEnto, our genial national memo Oldest Japanese Christian church in Fuji Rexall Drugs bership committee chairman. has said-· ... \'. re shooting Prescriptio'l Speciah,ts Cor 20.000 members." STEPHEN H. OKAYA:'oIA .. America celebrates 15th anniversary 300 L rllst !;,. - ~(A tl-5197 SAN FIV\NCISCO.-T'he San Fran· ordained ruling elders. Rev. James NEW JAPANESE AMERJCAN HEWS THE NEW NC-WNOC CHAIRr/,AN 'isco ,Japanese Church of Chrisl Carrington was requested to ha ve English·Japa-ne5e 323 E. 2nd St., L'>3 ,-\1 gele3 I~. Calif. ~elebl'ated its 75th :1nniversary genC'ral oversight over the church," Saburo Kldo-P=~->. ,md Publisher New chairman of the hustling No. Calif.-\\'eslern )Il Nov. 20 1L is the oldest Japa• the Prebytery's microrilm records 'lese Christian church in America of a Sept. 8, 1885 meeting revealed. DR. ROY M. NISHIKAWA Fevada District Council is Henry Y. Kato of the Fremont The new Japanese church was Specializing in Contact U h;es According to lhe 1885 records 234 S. Oxford (4) DU 4-7400 Chapter. Late in 1958, the city of Fremont honored him of the San Francisco Presbytery. offjcially accepted as a member of the P resbytery on that date, .. by having a street named aft~r him--Kato Ave., \\hlch hel'e was a Japanc:;e Gospel So· 'iety which was organized in 1878 the ml;nutes also disclosed. Sacramento is adjacent to Warren Ave. hy the Nimitz Highway to IOd rented quarters at that time Business-Professional (nJide San Jose. It 118 Golden Gate Ave. Contra Costa board all The naming of the street was proposed by tile fire In April c.f tha t yea r about 1:' • If thc young men of this society ho~t Nisei Owned ~hief and accepted by the Cit.v l'l~nning Commission Christmas party City Center i\[otel igned a pelltion askin g for the RICHMOND.-The annual Contra without opposition. Henry was a volunteer fireman for Jl'ganizalion of a separate Japo• Costa JACL Chl'istmas party will 12th & D Sts. - GI 3-7478 lesc Pr-esbyLel'ion church a nd aftel be held on Saturday, Dec. 10 from many years and fire commissioner of the now defunct ;everal mec-to,ngs with l'epl'esenta• Swimming Pool-Room Phones 6:30 to 9;45 p.m~ at the Harry Refrigerated Air-Condil'lnlng ives of the local Pl'esbyteQ' Fremont Fire Department. Ells Hip;h School cafeteria, 33rd Tele ~i;o on •1 . . . And Fremont-the Pathfinder- was the first 'ol'm"d the IlL''''' church on May, and McDonald Ave . 16, 1885. Marvin Uratsu, ch'lirman, will "Flowers for All OccasIons" presidential candidate in 1856 of the present Republi• These records disclosed that 18 be assiSled by cUl'rent board memo East Sacramemo can party, preceding the successfully elected Lincoln. persons joined the new church bel'S, refreshments; Masako Oishi, Nursery and Florist thl"Ouj:th letters from other church· Tomi Umemolo, Fumi Su~ihara , 58th & Folsom Bl\'d. GL 5-8298 Fremont was the man who mapped the Oregon Trail, es and 16 others accepted on ex• purchasing; Santa Chus, Sumio played a prominent part in conquering California during amination. Yoshii ; Masako Oishi and Hannah ilie Mexican Warr and was apPointed civil governor. "Messrs. Koichiro Mitani and Ju· Yasuda, telephone; Shy Nakano, . Royal Florist sabul'o Morita were elected and song leadEn': Yuki Iwall'lara, talent "Flowers for AU Occasions" Quite a colorful man he was, too, arrested for mutiny program: George, p~bli. 2221·10th St., GI 3-3i6f-Roy Higashino md court-martialed in Washington in 1848. He resigned city : Steve Niino land LIly Nlmo. Radio li'l Tokyo reception. Trutime \! atch Shop from the service, worked for the railroads locating pas. Hiro Hirano will act as emcee. Guaranteed Repair Work 3es between the upper Rio Grande and California, and Matao Uwale's "Radio Li') To• The program for the evening will DIAMOND SPECIALIST kyo" stages its sixth a nnual Festj• be similar to that of last year 'rak l'akeLlcllJ elected one of two senators from California upon state. la l of J <1pa ncse Music cl nd D,lIlce with gifts for the children, com· 1128 - 7th St. , GI 2-6781 hood in 1850. With the civil war, he was apoointed a hi s Sunday. Dec. 4, 6 p.m., at munity singing, refreshments, and .. Koyasan Hall. The active Down• a talent program. WAKANQ-URA major general commanding the Department of the West town L.A. J ACLer has been broad• Joe Oishi, Sam Sakai, Bill Akagi Sukiyakl - Chop Suey casting Japanese radio programs and members of the youth group Open 11 - 11, Closed Monday (Continued on Page 7) for seven years. will also assist in the program, 2217 - 10th St. - GI 8-62:i 1 3-PACIFIC elTiZE Friday, Dec. 2, 1960 l"l, r MONTANA SENATOR Calif. attorney general 10 flaht pollc, AGAINST U.S.·JAPAN t I TR~ATY CHANGE NOW of 'whites only' In golf pro association 1'OK YO ,n,'(~all~l' or tJ1I' "c1nn· ~Ith .. Inthe lIl"'PIl lind ((n~I'ltI('d" !lillln ll11n In AttOf/W,Y (il'nl'ral StanTey MO'lk 1 511'1> awa"kedlng and respoBo l'"pr{!II~f'(1 dl~' ~,lb le tltt' 1"111' l';/ls l, ~I'nl1lol' Mil\(' In llt WPI'k "hlt!t'C If'aderllhlp in the tatal Amerl• u.s, P/'Or\ls!~lol\uJ M~tl rl,·.lf\ ( Il., Monl 1 hl'If('vl'~ Ill!' IlPlluln! tnlml" lhnt thl' CRn community and cxpOSe It to (loIfN's As~orilltlon r"jl'eled n rt'· the indignity of Jc:gt,lI compulsion lJ S,-J .\))(111 SI'I'II('l!y t.·{'aly shOllld Fryi'ngPa lwlll!lul1 tn (·llmlllflle Ihl' "whitt II) nrwn those donI's . •. this State ll'vl"prl II Ill'''';.,! nol Ill' t I h.. II~ 11mI', Ihl' /\~/lhl Shtl11hllll rl'purtl'd I1nl,l''' l'IulI. t· [mrn nutiunal CUll' will not permit Its ('itiz(ms to be I,,· t wI'I,lt. Iltlltion. barrkoded from I'mploymcnt and 't'lll' rnlllml'nt~ WI'I'I' mndl' in The lIntlolllll ('I)nv(lnllnn of Ih.. the opportunlty 10 l"n• II is being presented by Norman Thomas on Dec. 8 at the New e1u iVL'II', \\ c n .... t:d the sa me kind $1,000 DOWN • of le'tl1 tu comb .. I diSCrimination York Commulllty Church. on tht! ba is ol'l';Ice. "0101'. cl'eed The aWRrd i:; Cor di tinguhhed No Payments til March 1 E.NO _= AN ERA NOTE- Man named John Elliott lid ,Inee try in olher (i('lds." sl:'Tvice to democracy and human rights . Brid ll'ibuh!S are to bl: Rankin . d last wet'k. He was a former congressman As n coordinating houy. the Ja• made by representatives oC variou:: panese Aml'l'iC<'ln Cltil.en LeagUt! from ~f~ ·ssippi. He W:lS co-sponsor of the bill which human rights organization. Mike 3 & famlly rm 21,* bas. bit-in kitch• i. n particlp:lting membt'r oC the Masaoka witl speak lor the Japa. en &: dishwasher, etc .. raised heartbt ' committee. !irepl. sprinklers. landscaped. created' to T nnessee Vallev Authority, a great and iab· nese American Citi;t.ens League. I ulously , ~sfu] e.'periment in federal development of IBaldwin became a nstiona: LOCATED lN GRANADA HILLS J ACL sponsor during World War (San Fe~ando Valley) , a region· t resources. He was al 0 an unabashed II and is probably among the fev. Call Today: EM 3-7900 'acist, a dt Hlut heliever in the sanctity of white ;uprc· Nisei promoted by , who helped JACL and the Japanese macy. so much during and atter the war ___ ~ He also founded the Japan Civil". -======-.... In large part because he opposed the breakdown of Bank of Tokyo Union.) 'racial 5 c, ' Galion, he was a loud and i?cllicose foe of Robert It NlIg:,[a, a Nisei officer Japanese Americans during the war years, lIe joined of the Bank oC Tokyo of California, SEA TTLE DAILY BLAMES forces witil a number of other members of Congress• has b('en promOll.-d from the Lof Angeles branch to the head officI:' SJR 4 LOSS ON WORDING - mostly southerners or on the House un-American Act• in San Francisco. it was an• SEATTLE. - The Post-lntelli• nounc('d here recenUy. ivities Ccmm':tee-to engage in the un-American act· gencer. which editorially sup• According to Takeo Okuto. bank ported SJR 4 to eliminate the Ivity of adgering the War Relocation Authority and vice·pre,' ident and Los Angeles Japan e~e Washington Ahen Land Law. last Am Ficans, branch m a nager, Nagata assumed /' week again took to the editorial hi ~ new duties a.t the main office Rraru m dropped jnto obscurity when he was dC'· this past week. column to comment on SJR 4. which was defeated. {eated in :9 ~ after serving 32 years in the HOllse. Most Nngata. who IS one of several Ask Us Now N i!;!'( assis tllnt cashiers with the "It is possible that the word• ing of Ihe Alien Land Law Free Information of his conLmporaries of nearly two decades ago are ei• banking firm. was born in Berke• ther dead, 0 far remO\'ed from the national scene. An ley and graduated from thl.! Univ. measure sadly contributed to its I defeat in an area where Wash- " era is ot California in 1949. IJDmtEdft cnrung. He started hls banking cllreer ington State must soon assume a more tolerant attitude along with the Bank of Amt:rica in 1950 and joined the Tokyo bnnk when with other coast states." Sumitomo Bank it began operations in 1953. (CALIFORNIA) SHO::: ON THE OTHER FOOT-News dispatches He was promoted to assistllnl Look for this brand say a T J\Yc manufacturer is suing some U.S. doll· cashicr in 1955 and hclped JI1 the ------for Japanese Noodle. I' ·tablishcmnl oC the bonk's Gar· 440 Montgomery St. makers, chlUging the Americans are producing ';lnd :;ell• dena branch San Francisco EX 2-1960 ing "im!'Jli a.:on" Japanese dolls "of inferior quality, Sincc last Februarv he has been at thc Los Angeles 'branch again character and workmanship." 101 S. San Pedro in charge of eank operations. A Los Angeles .MA 4-4911 veteran of World War II, Nagata has been residing in Gardena with 1400 • Fourth his wife and two children. St. HO't :t..N WE HELP- lmost every week, The Sacramento Gr 3-4611 Denver PC!; _eceives a_ lellcr or two from a Japanese Maryknoll Scout troop student a . J!' g for help so he or she can study in the Nulea Seimen to invest 13 Eagle Scouts Los Angele. KADO'S United $' £1' t . The letters have a pathetic similiarity: Complete Line of Oriental FoodII The writ ~1' 1::. a young student. sometimes a boy, some· Maryknol] Boy Scout Troop 145 Tofu, Age. Maguro & Sea aa.. and Explorer Post 145-X will hold FREE DELIVERY IN CITY times a boIJ. The student is studying English. He or its eourt of bonor Dec. 11 at ------1318 FenkeU Ave, - UN S-GIII .&IIck, and Bond. o. she wan's ic, : ind a sponsor who can offer a job and Crenshaw Youth Center and induct Detroit, Mich. 13 Sansci Eagle Scouts. UL EXCHANGE. shelter VlJ:dL 'he student goes to school in America. The court will also recognize two These Y Jngsters are obviously sincere if some• other Eagle Scouts who were in• vested earlier this veal'-Ihe 50th Ask for ••• tvhat nai 'le. ?erhaps they still think this is a land of Year of Scouting in the Uni,ted Fred Funakoshi ' I milk and .honey with strcets paved of gold, a neverJ Sbates. The troJp's 25 Eagle Scouts Report and Studt.,. 'Cherry Brand' will handle the investiture of the nev Sakagut-hi. v.c,; HtdilJEnd,), WII I 1\ nnounCt'{! U ~ the prlncipa I s: 15 p.m.~fill~int' SI!' ion, Fred trcas.; Chlyo Yamamoto, fcc. lIec.; Hlt·aqull~. it ca 1\0\' fonvm'd. It c' n mo e ba kW:lI'd. Or it • !,cnk,'\' chairmlln, pre ·Idlng. Re• Llly Ikuta, cor. Sf·C. and .pub.; c~n )l1E'r~t, -;tand stitl. l"r~rl Hit '1. \lI\n. ('cnc Chlli l'm.ln. pOt1 fl'om fit'adqt.arter . Mag Sa• Frt'd ;\, 1000 CI'llb; Sue 0J{i• will pro. 1(1' 'It till' b\J~inl' ~ eR, tow. nt!port of r ei ~'tory Project. mal.'hl. hbt.' and t:ditor. Other . t t't> b t National COt\H'tltion in June, the ddt'• sinn t'hc(hlll'c! tnmorlYlw from (, Ol'QI'gl' Kltahlll'll I)f Parll!!r, CODC members of the boord incilu:ie Tom ~ \:.; 0 d 0 t'l'\vhelmingl) to move forwal'd. p.m. lit th,' 1'l'l\il~ ROllllc!UP, 25-1 \ Is tel Stol'Y Projtlct chairman. Endow, Tom lmai, .Iohn Kanek/), W. Whitt' bl'ictl4" ltd .. W.. ,t l"n'sno The:l!~ '1011 wHI re-Cl'SS until 1 Dr. Tom Nnl{atani, Micki Nak'aglri, \.m otht'!' tltings, folll' majOl' cloci 'ions wer' Til" 1'111111 toul'lll'. to the two-day p.m. Sunday. meeting at Elk's Henry O"imaehi, Harry ~SUkf, U:'.Il t : ( ) \ new and increased budg·t, (2) Launching ,'ollVl'ntion W"l'l' dl.,cll~ !l cd In!!! [,odge. 5030 E. KinlCS C:myon Rd., George Shibuya. Kingo ThJ!Jasugl ~\lndw "t Hel'\:licy with /(I·nl.' 1':1 I whl'n Report from the National t he .to ~ f the .Jnllal1t',e in merica. (3) Furth r de· and Sam Uyehara. dlall'1IlIIn M i k i 0 Uchlyamu of Pre Ident will be made by Frank The chapter is prepaJliJ;Jg :. "ehJl.1me It of th yonth program. nd (4) Pacific Citiz II ~'()Wll'r prt':lldtu.:. Chumun. Christma!! party for the family on A l:ul(1 n Ill-l'noon or lovel.v modt'l The fa ,hlon ~how i~ scheduled WIll' tnt> ~ ' ~l 'hip. Wednesday. Dec. 21. 6:30 p.m., at Hnd f.lshion in tht· th('m' 01 !'Tom 3-4 p.m. the Pacoima community ccnter. Th ~ t e. in all of the' progl'ams i' memo "Slcbth Ride" will bt' hl'ld 011 Sun• Th' ceoc convention DJn(luet. Louise Nakae and Micld Nakagir! ber~ ip 'up rt and vigorous leldership. d y tit tht' Elk" Lod~ '. with Statt! Attorn.'y G~neral Stan• tire co-chalrmen. Thl' conv'IHion fl'c. wl'rt' .an· le.v Mo~k I1S prinCipal 'l>eaker, will nly h -)' wUl t 11 how sl1cces'ful these 1ll:l.iOl' pro• noullcl'tl lI~ f<>UI)W M: ~l) pack II"" tart at 6:JO p.m. d~ ' ill grs ., ill (>l'O\'e to be, To often we enthusia tically to c VI'I' rrlf,1. tralilln. h hlon Banquet PmlTam ,' how nnd bunqlll't. .3 bill1QIlc1 finly T T be mes J.PI 0\ )foject :md programs at the National Comen• William \Iinamlo[ R!!..:Jlev. who • oyama co for .1r .•1 ACLt;I'; 1.50 (,,!ohton ,how htdll'' B l! d d h ~ s I the first vice-pre~ider:rt Oecome3 \nd )u t 'J ut all of the major and minor pOlicies plus Church WLIl dellver the JCWl>C'atlon. the head the iollOWUlg year. Thorn· rin-in" :l'\Q publication problems have now been ten• ~Iayor Arthur SeUand will iP'eet as Toyama will be top JUlJIl of Chaplain to speak th .. ddegate and gut!~t", to be the Fowler chapter of ine lath ly: ttled. follov.·t." JACL Board of Director, ut tl.! ceoc Installnllon dinner and dance to Cha tt!l' I> Lh,! Ye:1I award will \ m€!'ic.ln pU blication in the continental United tates. be held at ~bn Jt!n Low. D..:c. be conferred b.\' Kay N J kag:ri. Double feature Japanese UI dr wa ion i expected to more than double, And 10, 7:30 p.m. The incoming mem• PS\VDC chalrmltn, bel s of tb) 1961-62 board will be The finale wIll be the speech movies, cloor prizes, f_ ad', ~:ti-il\ revenue looks very favorable under thes by he main l;peaker, Att.>rney Inll'l.ldUCed by 'mcet! Eric Kawui, ~i e' ~ circu stances for" will ha\e a sele t readership ,'ell'ran toa 'tma·;tcr. General :-'fvsk. ail free for West LA. The Issei of West Los Angele3 III p." !, -txt)' thouloand individuals throughout the peakeI' of the evenln . Cbapi:1in GUnll'r, liponwred by th.. L(>n are cordially in\'ited to attend the Uni ~e J ~ ~ te s . Correspondents will be appointed in every :Rench CouncU of Churches ant! CCOC FASHION SHOW West L.A. JACL Issei Appreciation Night at th~ Japanese Institute, rn a: r a.cC>3 of the country and JACL member and serving at the Memorial lIo, :pit.1 o( Lun~ Beach. has had u gJ'l'at OPENED TO PUBLIC 2110 Corinth Ave., tomotTOW from frie .•cs ' IL b~ urged to support our advertisers. d, al of s peaklng e peri nce before FRES-:-':O.-T'ne ouhltc s invited 7 o·clock. ' - .-\ ae~ · emphasis upon JACL and JACL problem ":tried groups, and is in MPular to tbe 11 th ':lnnual CCOC Conven• The chapter will show two full· dem(1nd beca use of hi delightful tion fa!' MA 6-5681 (Continued on Page S) c Fashion show caption tel' president Kaz Adachi. The picture of the fashion show , -- committee preparing f01' the CHICKIE'S BEAUTY SALON CCDC convention In last week's Fugetsu-Do Fukui orluary Paclfic Citizen on page 5 was 730 E. 1ST ST., LONG BEACH, CALIF. Confecd~ reversed by the engTavers and • raree Generatioru of Experlence" HE. 6-0724 ~ ; .&BpIee:D . .Ol'(ll'lY (l'U ~tJ£ lAMES N_UL'G.'WA did not eome to our attention US E. First St., ,1ft TtlmM' iiH... J..oe Anplefl MA fl.S8:!5 until the press run was com~ BElONGS "Sf '114-1-" pleted.-Editor• -· a"..,. ' '-PACIFIC CITI' I: Frlct.y, Dec. 2, 19aW) for th Pro pec--~ The National Dijrector's Report 'They expect JACL fo be everything' JACL's goals for (1\ IW""Tal M'f"IJf~If""llml ()f JAr!, ('/1I~pt"" IJIn!f ul"fInpd /'ram tIll" Q1(I'.~tlml"a/r,"~ pr"jlllrl'Cl 11/1 IIu' 1960-70 Nntimlill JACt.., Plan• r 60-'10 decade BV Mosao Satow Ilill(7 Cn"""13lri,,,., Tit,· QIlI'lIl!olllllllrl'lI W,''''· nrlnlll~I'd aTld a Tl"plJrt iliad,' tl> dI'/N1U/"1I at 0", SaCTrlntr'nto Naarma~ ('rnulI'lI/lnn, ArlOin. WI', ar., indl'l,/r'd /0 Ill" D,C. Nows Nnt/'s Jf,r ltll p.rrp/IPTlt J71'f'III'11- recommended tilt/rill.. nl/I/,i.~ repuTt lor illduaicm £n tlu' Dl!c{'lIIbn "i.ntTod.uctO'rIl b,I/('. -Elhtltr.) Ten major recommendaUoa1 I'\UR rnACTI(,K'l • • • • • I were made by the 1960-10 National A ~ lImmar.v of tht' rtll('~\lonnnlr(ls "Many o( those fllIc~tlonnalrcs JACL Planning Commission at the ,"h" v(lrio\ls humull r ,hUon 01' Uw 1000-1971) Nutloll,,1 JACL ,Ire subject to quc~tion, 1 think 1960 Sacramento Convention: M~.nnlf.ntlon~ In till' Stat" wIll P 1'IlI)ing COlllmL'Islon l'l'tUl'rlt' accommooationq. Tht' particular community relations. man, NC·WNDC U'I!I'o\ntlvl" port soml' of thl! lhinlt' We hnve item mo!i't ch!'ckcd was cemetery 3. J ACL should launch an edu- I\!gl\\ CommUtel' Ch;lirman Hl· bl','n r!1.('u~ . IOI!. Also, how chulJU'r discrimination. cation program to helo youth and rlln 1 'hlmarn, Sl'cret;tr\' III thc lead"r~ (c\." lind think about th ..~se "EdlJcntlnn-Th spec.Ulc area members understand their heritage • nHonal Board ,I 'l'ry Enomot.). i.SUl'~, wall di scrlrninlltlon in sororities and tradition. '\I1d Ute N~Uol\ll\ "In th ... nrt-II or ,r.\cr.. nllrpo~e ami fTah'.-niti..... 4. JACL should organize yout~ [unctton ln~ , Th.. , joint Il'nt1k dheus!{lnn· '.Ind l'i1ur>t"f IH J;WT "!\.lO,it tlt Ih .. C'hamer!'! recom. or junior JACL grOUTJg in order Cl'nt of lhoSI' who llilrtklpatl.' lin· mendecl thr[t ch; ' l'1tc~ visitatlon~ be to develop future leaders. b"t\\cCl\ repr 'scntutlv~s the or dt'r··tood the fundaml'ntnl purpO!l1' contilll,,·d And "cMnd. workshops 5, JACL should expand the Na• J:\p.lnl"~" Negr nnd communi· und aim oC J CL :md tn <' Dnd clinic type or programs be ttonal Scholarship Program to .give lie., In San FronC'hco'" W~ i1prn 'en'c rt"lffirml'n It I.w thdr rl" .. l1"n now to fiw sponse. Wht!thl!r lhl' dlllJllcr con· "On scholarships. ~2 out of 46 hlgh caliber. ~c :sions. Plans :Il'c unde('Y," ,y to ttnuc~ tl> scl'V\' liS ;t n " ...1 I'll' pur· ('haplpr lat;orcd e."' lhe upporlin~ pa.g~ I ·'read 1(00 01 rolt in Iheir communi· r On the last we ask your programs. purpose; and objeatlve.J the ConS"l.·:~". We e pr.:s ~ Youth Group. ties M ('o-~pon 'ors or many pro- !!nctlon to. SIJeCI!IC budget and through the use of displays, visuaJ o:..~er kcts and 1.. in addition plny<.'() finance con<;lderatlon . • We a ked aids, pamphlets. etc. concern ibnt b:e: us well ~.\TIONAL CO!'JVESTfO:'l( M ,\ct\\'e rule in mo,t of these, whether you thoultbt about adjust. . as othu ~Ollt. :ime al ellS re• 14 $iJid JACI. wns the onh' organi· ing sbaff salaries. Seventy per cent cen ly natw- . td ml~~ bdl" The Sac ram nto ( )Ov ntion 7' !Jon and therefore the community indlcated that we should immedi- F lor I of terred m'm 'l:v;ing in iuture Bo.ud has rcmittl.'d any slJeci'll them urged immediate cODsidera· JACL ted , ~106 ask the S1at~ Legj 13:ur", 1 With an additional from program for the t ei or ,ludent:; tion, and .the other ha.lf recom· repor 0 cJariiy !.h =atter, nd e.' youttl registration, this pLact!s or newcomers from Japan And mended thJS for actlon 111 the de- pressed his ;>:ruon that nCt; the official 16th Bienntal Con• it was ioteresting that haIr of them cadet N,. I C .1 did and the other hali did not. "In the area of establishing a a voter II c:l duly registered vention regis tration at G7J. The mo~"t a lona ounel largest official convention reg- What did chapters do? Many speCial service fund to assist our he should be allowoo to vote ('hapters sponsored community Ptc· National statI, about 60 per cent unmoleslt"1!. 1. lrotion was San Franclsco'ti ni('~ for the community. Relation· favored immediate consideration, According to its executive secre• 1.010 A copy 01 :tbe tacts in writing in 1956. ship of JACL chapters to oUter 5 recommended for later laction. tary, Abe Hagiwara, the National be• has also bE ~ansmitted to the Japanese ol'ganizatlons is very fav· "On establishing a regional office JACL Pl'anning Commission 19til ME.'\mERSHIPS lieves that within the next ten Californ ., Adv.50ry Board of the orable because 48 out of si that in key cities, 32 recommended that answered saId that Ute I!xperience this should not be an immediate years, we may have a budget of US. Co., _on on C i v i I The 1961 memb£:rship" now $125,000. Two additional full~time total 267 with Philadelphia re• has been genel'ally cooperative consideration, only 6 thought we Rights. • iillt :!lis Commission and the other three IdendJy, but should give immediate attention to staff members would be bired-a ""'a~ set up tc. collect develo!>' porting 21 members and Contra uncooperative. this" program secretary and a directoc ments!_ling denial 01 Costa remitting 73. 144 PC's are 01 information. equal prvitoCtic.:! of the laws, it.; involved in Ute total number oi , Four items were listed as im. first duty wa~ outlined as in· memberships. mediate goals by the Commi~sion: Vestil'(atioo (A allegations that The national membership leaf· 'Well, why JACL at all 1. We should start immediately • • • a documentfltion program begin· eltizens 'W re te'.ng denied the lets have been de-layed at the "mel1lber-'~lti.p ning with the Issei Story, with eight 'to 'V-idellt Mike Watanabe str(!ssed the value of J ACL as a since the Convention.) chapters this week. "fen-lit of'-UTalJ.Ce" il~ his monthly news/etteT column.-EditoT.) 2. To organize or develoo an • education program for the JACL• Natiooal JJ.CL will seek to Meanwhile, National 1000 Club • • • • • internal program-$2,500. remove from the Idaho statutes Chairman F ran k Hattori is BY J\ollKE WATANABE tbe old Jaw now being Ignored happens to make it more miser· 3. Create a $5,000 program servo wracking his brains over a na• able. A natural inclination for any· ice fund for senmng our quaHfied prohibiting nauralized Orientals Omaha tional 1000 Club brochurc. Presently. I'm traveling on the body is to eliminate the causes. representatives to assist the Na~ highways of the south·central part ODly trouble is that most of th( tional Director in serving the local of the United States selling car· time, I can never foresee events chapters. - tr..c!pter NaW5 Deadlines Each Tuesday- nival merchandise. that may make life a little or 4. To set aside a sum of 52,500 The slln is shining now. but it quite a bit tougher. I'd like some to make some salary adjustments might as well not be, for here insurance and, of course, I want in our staff and some benefits. George Shimada and r stand out the best insurance. I consider the "Putting all this together, it , : in the middle of nowhere with JACL a form of insurance. I won· would come to 515,000. The Com• the bearing burned out on our der about people like Mike Masa· mission's suggestion for raising £ 'AGLE:.. PRODUCE car. George just left for lown to oka, Mas Salow, 01' Min Yasui. this amount was increasing your Bonde-) Cllmmusloll MerehUl.Ia get a tow truck and here I am They are very humble, very in· quota to the budget across the WhoafC ... ~J." Frul~ lad Vece&able!t alone sitting I3nd thinking. I'd like telligent and very dedicated people board and raising the national dues to talk to the crickets but then, -much more so than the average $1 not including PC membershi.p. ~',943 S. $..1111 P~~IrO St. MA7~ that seems rather senseless. Doops! person. But why so dedicated to and to organize a special project H.ere comes the tow truck. this form of insurance? I'm sure to raise that money." L. Angel.. 15 To get back to the mainline of they would easily find other means (National dues were subsequently thought, I wonder about the JACL. of occupying their time. They ra,ised $1 to include PC with I mean about a cause Cor its somehow have the ability to stand membership, effective 1961.) existence. Well, why have a J ACL by worldly and non-materialitic After summarizing and discuss• at all. Here 1 am putting a few values-a trait little existent now· ing ideas for the immediate goals. bucks in my pocket, busily work· adays. I've mentioned just three the Commission expressed their ing each day making lit living, people, but they are limited to feeling that "We have got to put .Attkawaga minding my own business, tending how much you and J believe in more emphasis on the learning as• '-2"l, '!'ODO CD:N'!'~ !TOR :JAPANESE CONl"ECTlOND'l' to my own personal problems, and this seemingl.\' worthless bit of in· pects of these meetings as weU saying "hello" to and meeting new surance. This insurance isn't worth as the decision-making. In fact, 2aM I!. 1st S,•. ] - Lot Angel .. - MA ....935 , h·lends. To me, this ls the gist much unless the people perpetuat• decision-making would come eJlsier ==------______.:. of living. And so, what conclusion ing it are well-organized. We in if we learn and become better in· can I come to other than that Omaha' are pl'etty well organized, formed " the JAOL has nothing to do wtiltlh however, improvement s h 0 u 1 d mp~ · r; · a' my way of living. More likely, the never be halted. The socIal events, tion, : . ., Gardens ' JiACL will never have anything to ~lIkiyaki dirmers, and oth~r pro- I'm not a preacher. I prefer to R~staurant do with my way of living. Jects do serve a purpose m that believe that I may be giving a i" If Nothing Happens people get to know each other hot tip and tips come from people 8225 Sunse't BD'lfd" HoJJywood -:- OL 6-) 750 So here I am again sitting, con· better and know what to expect II admire and respect. tent with 1i!e as Ia,nyone else. lJ.fe of ea'ch other. Thls criteria is one Now I must return 'tQ ' the l~nd WELCOME JACLatS '-.- YOUR HOST; G£OIUiE fURUTA" " OOOU is all right so long as nothing ot the basis of a good organiza- of teddy bears and ferris wheels. 6-PAC11FIC CITIZEN Fdd y, Dec. 2, 1960 Gardena retains CE NT ~ R ~A ME D YO S.F. Kansas ClIy Sansei ALL·CITY FIRST TEAM, d'lI ' f. BY THi BOARD: L.B. inYlt~tional . FIRST NISEI SINC E WW2 gri star I cl I \)lI\il\\ll'ti (1\'\\\ f' I ~l ~ I , I\N ;"HANC1SCO, - flurirll'Y Ro· KANSAS CITY. Mo, 11~ :\las;\\lk:l and (' h ail'l\Wll Kay Nal'a~iri, f&,ml distrid 1111')'fI, !ltul'lllIj!, l'I.'nt l' fflr Georg( Ilt'H of this viclnlt,y wtrI'e tiMed lllli .. r 1111' 'Illdall\.'!' Ill' t ll\'st' l~'adl'rs, We' look for· cage title for Jati me Wm.hhlMlon Hllo(h, Wl' pir'k .. d h.v 10 11'1I1'n Bon Mlrlkltanl W!l8 eeleeR. I.llN(: 1I1'!I\ ( 'II . I"hl' tilt' third ron. ~I'fll'tq "Iafr~ II rll'1lt ll'jll/( rl'l1!r'1 pd to the Kansas City Sbn firl' lUll" I'onfidt ntly to a SlIl'l'l'NSt'1I1 It'am;!t lOll of "PC wit h 1'!XllIl1ill"1' t "I'uliv,' .VI'III, (; 1\1'<1"1111 .IAC'\, wlln holh th .. /llId Chl'oni('11' ,~tl'ln/i( . All-.:f C'lt In erSf: b IJ Ias tl c t eom ('rh'l1c'l'cI <:nl·dt'l1ltn. recur to Win up In 1 Nlwl to 1ll"I'it til"ql- u fOG t ,N ,ru\'l.d lOll 111\lI'h tor 11ll' C'r:qlpy. .trin'" AII·Cit.v 0 .. 1 -t('urn .$rea '!1' K iI.1ns's Cl't.~J ktlllil (f Ilw 11\(,l1lbl'l'sliip drive is a must 1I11dl'1' h(Jl\C)r~ ·.IIIC'l' W.. rld W,II' II. Hi. I Th I" more 'In Illrl'(\ '1\11111"1, rrotn Wl'~1 I,ll NlgUl'. I' se cc .Ion \\II'IS lp;\Il1mnle nOli Onl nne! Hiroshi I (I '- Soulhwu " 'w program, \1t'llt'l' Wt' strongly lIr1-!(' Ihal .JAt'Lrr<; "n~l'Il'. II IIWl'v!'r, Ihl' pillY IIr Willi " m('un ng u ,,('rallse ~ .... Katllni,n, llw dln"nllilvi' cll'lnPII Shlll1lZl1 of 1',,1)' Il1l(h rt'celvl'd he.n· lfigh has the large .. ! f'nrollmenl \ \\'lll'l'l' \\'tlt"k towards thIs t'tld. The slakes al'l' high: I III it,d 1>1' lion K.t1nt', wnll Ihl' IIritbl" me'ntinl1 by th.! Examiller hl'n·. flit \lImO :trl'ugth :ll\d gro\\ th (I! the .lAC\, ilSl'lf is ill' Iwarh (;f tht' fal" , "1,,y,'I'. nnd Hon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. I' ~(l nffldlll~, Ill' wa. 1111 Irtlll\llU· I.v f I d d I·'runk Mirkltanl, of 605 W. 14';;b a\\ilrdl'" lilt' Hichurd NI' hlmolo Biggest ish an e in St.. i" n l ~o a rf!gular var$ity mem- Me'morlnl Trllphy fill' \til' "MII.'lt FI • JACl d b I ber on the uasketball learn. He: t1 In. pilotlon'll !'!.IY!'!''' "I Iht, lwo, orin er y anna s iI ,;('nior this yeaT, His (atber clav IUIIl'lllltnl'nl in which Ill' 'I'MI'd I'LOBIN.-n. Nllkal'am:1 or Sacrn'l rrank was ' ~: II "IlA;ll 01 81 pnillt., a IH'W in· ml!lltn wO!: dl'cl"red winner or tht the ollbtandmg semi-pro bascba STOCKS BONDS tllvlrllllli n'ellrll, [, lorln .1 ACt. n hing derby with hb pli1y~r!\ i~ years gone _b'y ..... "':I 37I,~·lb. Inv('stmt'nt 't' Utit i S III IIddltlon til Ihe I1bovl' nlllnl·d striped bass c'lught Nov. he lived In Stockton. Calif. Ililiver , ()11lC'1'~ nW,lrll\tlon title j(.lm". Oth .. r prj/l'-\\'innlng p;Hliciplvledgmenl fOI' prizes to A an spo esman sal e M b. N N .. w "orle lock "h nile f SW(~:\ I, I.iIl~Y ~im ('\I~LA I, W~!- locul ",erch nlS were made by Ihe 34-year~ld Nisei demanded the and 0 ' ~r L...- ldJn· Se<'urlly nd tlmmodUy E: . Seattle Nisei wins state Oflici:lling ngain were C'o,ll'h(" 01 Ihe (.4.lng Bench Unili ..d S( ho... 1 singles bowling tourney Di Iril't whllSl' time W', o(fl'red Victor" Dance helt.! ut the Com· SEATTLE.-Aklo YanaglhaTa won gratis, Thank;; to Charh!s )\COSl.1 munitv Ct:nter where team and the sin£(les title in the Washington - L er (ost Aulo Financing tBt'llllowl'r H.S', Bill CI'ulchCil'ld indi\'idu:ll nwards ",ere presented State Bowling Assn. tournament nd Arm. nd Curt: (.Jordan 11.5. 1, by lovely Kdko Sait" and Jo n held al Tacoma. at 'lour (red;' union Snm Dim". Willard Focr Il'r, Takenouchi. Attired in COJts and He rolled a 767, ""ith only aI John Herbold 'Poly H.S.I. How. rd lics, the youths enjoyed one of the I pins handicap. ' $.)ving on a NEW and USED CARS Ly ns I~lillikrln II.S.1, Don lall.)y c3,on's best social. Ch'lperons I Placing fourth was Stan Ts~~­ nd W".vn~ Skill (L.B.C.C.I, who also finished n t.~~ -See Us Now- Following th~ fin! ""hi.lIc, the I. erl. lind Dr. John E. Ka hiwa- same spot in all events with 2IJI1.1 tournament upponcl's enJc>yed lhe b t',t, 11561. PACI C SOUTHWEST JACl CREDIT UNION • 12 S W~I~ St. Rm 302, Los Angel&s-MA 6-4471


I. NOW NEW LOWER FARES TO JAPAN JJ!.. S new Jet Economy Fares go into effect Dec. 1. subject to Sovemment approval. Plan your next Pacific trip by JAL r -;0' save! See your travel agent or JAL otrice In major U. S. ci ' .. 5, and fly amid ... -- This Christmas . the gIve• cabo· heauty of Jap~n -, A I·nO·IdOTO ~ 'at almost .' Christmas Gift the speed .', of soun~ Packages AJI- NO-MOTO. the super-seasoning, brings out all the hidden, delicate f1avor~ of many foods. TWO DIFFERENT SIZES OF * 28- 0:1. ~ n and shaker ./ CHRISTMAS GIFT PACKAGES 1 4·oz. can and shake,. .1 * > cJAPAN AIR LINES DC-BC J£T COUR/£R EXTRA! An attractIve shal<,er In ever) AJI- NO -M OTO G ift P ackage

This year's Gift Packages have colorful ill ustration of ~ M ikoshi-a p ortable sh rine...... , ' {hen i Elko :. +op at tile Friendly Stockmen's CAFE - BAR - CASINO Stockmen#s, Elko, Nev. J

- Ca~ , ..V;t a· Produce Co., Inc.- Bonded Com1ljtsslpn M6~Cba~tII Frulq. - V ~eetabl. 'l7. 3. Cent£"ll Ave. - Wholesale T erminal Market , LGe A,.1Iw MA 2-8595, MA 7-7038, MA 3~504 AVAILABLE "'111 " '-PACIFIC CITIZEN f:riday, D.c. '2, 1960 VITAL STATISTICS Christmas (heer • • • OIlHWII , Mrs. J<.lml. 74' SAlt Laks City. BIRTIm Nuv, Z. " contributions lag', ~fI('''WAN OkllWllrn. Ja('k, 40: NI)1I"kn, 01'1. 17, UnUnl1li. Olwrwl, Shllll'TU. ?:l: Loll Anlleles. Nvv. Cnl1lll'd 'I' Iii, ,tlllllt'~ IIhcl l()y ~ 2. RI(~hm"nd. Lo~A110" \]'1 lU'I'inlll llJ.: I" ,,1\1- lip III Ihl' WEDDINGS Obukn. ·/'okuo. 112 Oct 24. SullfJ, M"8, ~ urnl. 6:1' filln Yral!,Ol "". s Chl'i tmll,' (,hl'I' 1' nrrll'l~ i!HIlTW II' J!:""I1I1,IIl<'hlk", 1I .. ",lIcy. ('h~Jl", N.Y, 0,·1. 17, wn~ I( ,,(lynnll" Y'lIIhldu S"f1I.!l, '!,t,m, It'm· Sill", SUllllm, 70; San f'/"un('lsc '. 'H·t. Thl.' JIll: I WI,(,k annlht'r st·19 I'o"n_ (II Culn.; alluJltit, Denver . 20, By Henry Morl 1'I'('IIvl'" I" I1IHkp 1111' ('!UTI'nl 1,,(1 II Mnlwllltl',,"IIh·,jIIilYIIBhl Nov 5, Rny R"rudu. Ma~al"111 Sun f·riln<.:l.e '. (jd'. 1<, NlIl'lh 1"1'('on,,; IAIIU· I,r -1 .. 11'/2 50 not qllitl' thl' flO j)1'1 nuby Jl, 22 11)1, .'I'nt mnrk Ill' Iht' '. a.ouo I'XIWcll'd Mly"'"wl~ShJl1lon" ~·I'cd SII/wlll, ·'·lIdIlRhh{c. 71: RcdwIJ,,1 r.:lty. S/'pl, lB. ... • Ol'l, 15 Illl" ~ ,';II' ('hl1ll"1'l1<111 ,Jim 1I1j.( licit Y illlti Iltlhv F _ 11"lh J)''nVt'r ~;lIllr(), An~lllc., The December Hustle SIIIf dOIlOl,1 [01' thl' wct'k n". ..I' "Iu\, . ·'I·U; [olhws. Ar.", Shlgl'/lI, 76 : Sun Lt' .. nd,u, Nov 6 And the 1 alif.1 \ r. hend 1'1 _ l'I)Il .•' \\,11 ',,'rwhlllllitlg" ('IlftlS1'I\I \Ii \'Ul;mt J)ON \ '(,IONS A,,,kuw,,. Mi l. 'I'ukll, 67 ; Slln I)j"<1I,. 'IU n r" in the n~\\' '5\111 Build. lind II cit-vel"!,, d thnt Ih\., L'hdsl· NO\""lht'r '~ 1 .·!6 JnPl. Or· 1.. 22 ~25-U"'lon f'hll\,,,h "r 1.011 AnHI!t'.. ('u"~I\I', Mn 'I'fl(lko tJd".:uwn! 1.1> 5 in • ,~n \\"cJl~.. t, I: no \', '('l'P' IlI:1S C h ~'\'1' \\'0 nbl (, ell· I~ S,'.,.lhIt, Y 1\ 11 ,1\ AnI/ill .... , Od 22 . • n. The ~·el.W t, nd 11.1- Ue [01 (riUlltl' IllUrly . ·~,OOO in mom" I /-If It I II fl\'rl .-"y 1\ I,WHVS (''''II I CI"'lI1tJ1 L (;,mshh <>. 77 : 1.0.. Angl'\c ~. ltlr~' 11'."U'" K.ILI\'iI1I1Hh M.'. und r\h", \Vtu. el,'t, 1!l nt'\\''' C'OlW and display ods fUI gilt, In :IOti r mort' ,1 111'1\' '~'I"" Jlllu1u~ Mr ~. Anfl(tle~, K TI'yU f't'IIIU.,.' Ch' l Suillf 'llll»UC.-hl: Mnlo, AI Lt) th Paclfk' 'illl 1\'S hl'llilll~ n~ "l Am. ril'an Ilf )I'SS m 'uns, n'l,ll,~-':~ 1 t·n. tllI,n" Chlll<'l, VuJlnkal Nnv I , • numb)' is qUitl' Ilb\'lol1~. A simil{lr g III hn \wt'n. t'l ':_11 ... " II,,' .. 1,,"'"1, '1'.11111111 1I1"IHTII', '11mgram which Ih Tlwrl' ;11'\' IIl1nllol IlIlea lUll (,'011, -\I'fI1I\1' (0' ll"rllh 0,'1. 21. ~.~ Anl!cle \'olunte<:>r: from va dOlls nrl'US tl'ibutlll's wh"l ',n: Ihlnk, ~holllitch in tl'l b\' dll·d 10." th.:lr haritllblc l'IlI, ••t ""Old 111'(' 1,11111I.Onl1 J hlkHw", honk: Ckvelllnd, Oct. 1:1. ~(1 celh'eJ' "little m ..ll'e happlncs~" gt'lit.11' -110\ Ih i ony or thcm T"t,1 " .... vl.,u· h ill'P'" t(·tI I:I.J:\ (W) rio',c, 1.1 Juhn, (d) )'oIl'S. Jean Tot,1 '1 hI. W£'l'~ 14n flll Ih.5"kawlI. 0 t .,.' {o le~ fortunate Pt'l'~on~ or Ja· ~k it. Kill,,,,,. Ka 'l'h 11'0, 88 ; Oliklonc.l, (' ..:-" anese ancl.':try thi,: Yule ~C'l' They r,)ll w the n('\\'5 In Ih(• Out 1ll'1.'· 36 {! old age tl istance Illi!>I;(I1 \' MlISilYl.l!t; clay. D\!c, 7, 8 p.m. !lnn~ fo:ll' retirt'mcnt, "Th.: Inst year. The In nnC~l', known ws with Tom 'I'~J! P~·nt 'y n The Dreyfus fund is a mutua in• time ,,;11 come when all or u; [or thdr ovcr2:caJoll prirl(', hll\'';• of at n dO\lble·rinf! \\ ddit\j( ceremony sulemnized Nov. vestment fund in which the r.3R• 'iIoiIl ha\'e to lake life I'D$ier," been Quiet about the-ll' ncl.'crator SA~ P'RANCISCO.-The San Fran• li\'e'rat!e I:sci hn'e nre ebbing, Our no'Iona1 .T,'\CL pre Ident, oC the Lincoln Thlnh:r, and UII: cisco Ji\CL will hold a general it considers sens 'ble risks I.'ro:tm j<; the ,;nn of Mrs_ Tum J:.nd wi h i come: the problem attorney Frank F, Chulnao, IRS meeting on Monday. Dec. 5, at in that Girection. (.I! the caring ior thc aged Our been im'itl'd I .. ~tend a con· Yl'gO ;wd the late Tom Yego, Sr., the Hal Cox StJdio, 3325 Fillmore 'oneer p-art:ots have nil h,ld it (erl.'nee on IIg ..l1~ In W8::;hington, n • (,(,.founder of J ACL St., from 7:30 pm. The program t.a;;~·. ~e :'>Iorc thnn SOO lllll'sts were pre"· will feature Hal COll on stereo• compared to th of us D.C. us a memo r of eamor' ent at a reception held in the ttday. nl:l'S lOO·mon ddegatic:l in Jan· Governor Hall on the State Fair· phonic. Marshall Sumida to;, The J:lpanese Chamber of uary. NomilYJtions will be accepted prollnds, Bill Matsumoto was mas· (rom the Hoor for the corn·:ng 2135 CALlFOMtA ST. (!ammerc:e laWlche' its "lkctlJ ·0 ,,,ro.sur. i/I~ltrol.cI ccokl.l ' ?I ~Ias30 ~r per.:on hardly covers the We'd like to sec a campnlmJ and Salow, N'.Itionu) JACL LOS ANCELES JAPANESE CASUALTY )of,;,'11 t' n~oy lK1d;Pg. ..., il1::reas:"'g need of the ailing of sort started on a Joc31 chap• direclOl', INSURANCE ASSOCIATION -Complete Insurance ProtfCtiOn- r------i'1.... unil It .. Drey'", f~nd onlomra:iJ!!. hse: who are confined in old tel' level which can take carl' . II f"'plk.;; homes or county institu· of the first generation Indig~nts, New play opening at Nlm~ <-:.s, it need b , AlHARA INS, AeV. Aihara-Omatsu-KakiU P: ..... ""nt I 114 S. San Pedro ...... MA 8·904' Beverly Hills Playhouse Add, ... I liu.,band of the ~:l:,mer Chinu',1 ANSON T, FUJIOI(A, Room 206 I: e. WASHtNGTON NEWSLEnER: by Mike Masaoko tilt' 5Itt'______. I ~l\kajj of Lon~ Rellch, S'ImUl'1 A. 312 E. lst St.MA 6-4393. AN 3·110< rContinued t.rom Ba ~ k Pagel • B-'yea, i the Rulhor of II new FUNAKOSHI INS. AeY. Funakoshi·Manaka u.e lo:al of all "otcs cast l!1 Garfield, Gro\'cr C!e\'e'aod. an, pla\', ".'\ Ue Is a Century [.;mg" , Masunaka, 218 S. San Pedro UJe national elec~:ons of N'ovem· Benjamin HarrlEon Only Wil. 0 I t:nin~ Dct'. 9 at Beverly HiU s MA 6--5215. HO 2·1401 rcw Thing.! ]c;fj4ne,. t~! 8. (aili.'d to ~ain mo~: ·,f t 1C P.l\v!l:lUSC. HIROHATA INS. ACY. 354 E, 1st St .• Presidents Woodrow Wi!. 'm popular \'ot~;; ca~t in ooth 01 I P:J)' im'ol\'es a West 1nrlian MA 8-1215. AT 7·889: Gifts • Magazines • Record1 ~(!;:r, ;1Il0 Harry Truman. both Demo- his electiom, .10',\('\ I r, I . fam ily in .'ew York. whc;e 7h~ HIROTO INS. AGV, 3IB¥! E. 1st St. eTa,s like Senat:>r KcnneJ\' ThJs means 'hal nc,\1 ';('re I"; iI cliltural (,nof let udween RI 7-2396. MA 4-015: THE YOROZU JackE:d ;he majOrity of aU \'oles President \\ III no~ h:n'c a "cI"ar t:)e ['csc\,ved dignity c" the,'s Wholesale and RetaU (:;5t in the respective cam. mandate" [rom th:> p. IjJle, ,,~. Bdli h LJ~l:kgJ'J und an·, thc Jazz- INOUVE INS. AGY., Norwalk- .. .)ol'n I'c'lhty of Harkm. Rex In- 15029 Sylvanwood Ave., .. UN 4·577' 322 "a" St" Sacramento 14 j:c..gns 10 which they were elect, cordmgly, queslil)!lS are now bl'- "I'am ann' Pauline Mvcl's oul. TOM T. ITO, pasadena-6b9 Oel Monu Promp' .Moil Service sa to the WhJle House, ing asked as 1[1 whct'lcr su'h ':anjin!1; '1egro stars. \.':iU c;"'stal'. SV 4·1189, MU 1-441 O:.ber American Presidenl~ a chief executive c ~n povi de B"\'I':"I. who was born in .Bl'itish EUGENE & R.'\ROLD OK.-\O.\. F:-es.:dents who wel'c "minur· positive leadersh!:) to Ihe na, Guianl'l, i,; a d esce nd~l1t of the MINORU 'NIX' NAGATA, Monle'ev Pa,rk- it::-' executives were J 0 h n lion. and espe.::iltlly in his '·lla. lIl.I,f, E hi <:1 nouse of Representatives when lhulgh predominantlv Oem(]. 'f five chHdrell ran~ing from. ? MA 9·1425, NO 5·619; iour candidate. divided the elec· cralic, is still dominated by a to 13 year" c' see, y; "'."lW with ...... eo.. "' •• • eO e. eO .... toral vote.; and he himself gar· coalition of wuthern f)cmocrab :~ . ~ .~~. ~ ..~,:~.:~ .• ,~~~!.I.~.:::~:·~.::'~. rere

!FAR EAST IJIRAVEL SERVICE ROYAL HOLIDAY IN JAPAN East Los Angeles JACL Chapter Personally Conducted Tour By Together 'Goodwill Tour to Japan' JI( EIJI E.TANABE ,I with , ~fft± / wUh ~ Departs March 3D, 1961 ROV VAMADERA AND MABEL YOSHIZAKI J -PACIFIC CITIZEN Friday, Dec. 2, 1960 ---...... _...... " ...... _- NISEI WITHOUT SPECIAL S ILLS, pi n Close's ~ealh .",' ..... 0.'_ TECHNICAL TRAININ,GHIT BY BIAS recans WW2 stand

SI\N 1"lIAN(,IS('O A III"t\1l'1' Willi 'T'lll!i rI >uhlr',"nrrl'lt'C1 Iv"'!' or ('om· W(l l1illgton nl'uwn lilt' IInlll wl·,'k of 01'1"\)('1 plnln!' lIC'corrllng tn the rl'pol" for sel fal piay or II .Q pl11l'wlll> I ll'!is toll I':1111 San PI'l'puJ'('d by the Nlmml~lIloll~' ell• ' rad~ I' I'lIlH't HC'1l thlln had hl'I'H HIIK&I', 1,l'd I'i'utlv,' !'l'rclsl'y, Jnhn Hlol'cllln, Yo r m (. r commentator bv II divl'l'lIl' 1I1111\!"II\>. an u!lo,'nl'Y, "1c>ueheR ",X>11 till' U,J1on Close, wh() hOI be('n in lJvin~ ~?~ Ne lett r 'An"r thr"I' VI'II I ~ (If l ' 1'1'111'11('1 witll'ly IIIl1·d dl!l('I'lmlnlltory devie'J' rf'\irt'mf'nt and In Mexko 011 .' with IIlI'lnl nllli n·lI~dOlu, dllll' rlmi or n 'vklO1IR "'1'1'11" In whlC'h Ihl' and on the ,",Jst ix year/:, wa. ~. nlltlon In Joh hlllltlll,l(. tl1l' Sun r'mplnYI·ro.. tn l. 1. thot Ihl..' Jllb liP• killed whc'n his autO' rollt.ded wltb a: t BY MIKE MASAOllCA 1'l'lIl1ds('o COJ11mi ssiun 011 J':qlll1l plll'llnt Ill' n IIl1lon llH'mhC'r and n triJin N()v 13 In GWidaln;nra, ml'mhl'rJ; of h[~ family in Holly...... ,...... Eml'ln\'ll1l'lIt Opptll'llInlb' "C'llI)l'ftoti tl1I' 11111011, In 1111'11, insIsts thot Ih. _ Ihnl til ('rlndnnllC>1l h, '"" "IIII1.V hI' lI!lplil'I"11 [or nwmlll'r .. htrl 111rr'nd, wood wen' informed, Hc' was 65. II' II n\"d 111' II' rl ~rl d 111'11 in Iwv.' H in" h .. lon' admil,Hol( him Hight. a fI('r Pearl HarOOr was President ial Appointments .111wl' iln'a, , bill it ,,"I._h, llllndlw 10 til! IIntOll ," oomb<'d, Clo.. e visitl'd NOt tiona) lp~ < .. Th .. (,oJT>ml'l~lilJJ Wil!\ n,,1 ~ lIr' ,I ACL HC.;Jdltuart(,r in San j·'ran· " nn~ i,. \\riltt"n, it "Plll·or. lw lt1:101' "tl Ih~' hnsi. or ,Ihi lil\' " III ('onll'll, t wilh 1111' 111'1""· j'll'lsl'd by tltl' ah~"l1cf' "r com, ri. c" .1Or! '·"pre!' 'cd hi ...ympilthl~s .h Pn':ld"lll-l'Il'd Kl'nlll' 1"111'1'. ,'1"I'I'ct , \\ 1ll'1'l' 11111'110(1''''1' lI'n,;'lon ' :\1" I>ill' ploilltf; "rpm Or"'nllli Alnl'l"i('nn ~ for th" Ni~ci. ThnUr.(h ofJIX);,c·d to 1\~'1i t"n t> \0 hl' nil 'c I'\'\':ltknt 1I'\lill11nl uri In, <: I'X, ""l'llol> tll 1il'lIlnl'lv ,IIOll j{," It Hid, "SIIII II l1olt'n thnl Oril'lItHl S:HI D'l'an· ,Japan':; uggrcHsion in th,' Pa c.i fie, , l t IlH ' I '~ 'with l"sl' I rsolln1 t'onl,1('ts ,w('upatlnt! .. Shl!'\' Ih,;1 \ thl1\', Ill' Il'lillll'i:('O's C'11'1'1I111 111 II v c'IRI'alll< hnrl livN! n!."r1y II Ct'I1111r,I ht, WH, one of few nationally J"('cog• with his pl'htl'ipnl nd\'l~H'" 11 hll, IIIrlli'uh'l11: 1' ~,' I ,v jll~tice ~iilej {: undll':1 od thnt h' is 'liml' hI C'all l'UI1ll' nhlt J'l'publil'rlll I'0lltli"" I , I'. , n ('ulln" ,I:tn I'nnlm1111 i!.I', rllndl1ml'l' ralr p\:J'y an'l lor the ~1. tin Iht! "chil'! sl;Jfr" C('>I\· I,> Ih,' l'uhli SPI"\"iC'1' th"1"\ by malh'r '>f (,I1nll'nl " lully 111 l'elllt·, ,lIrvivil1/( lhrTJlIgh ovr:l' hi radio new:; prrJgram. tllldl'I'~III~I'n \', pi ~lI\b )(iied In f'rl'sidl'nt 1'.i• ,Hldil1 "politillll lIffilialfon " til 'I'll k ,lIllol'dill"l!' l1CC'nlTlIJ1orlnlinn tC) th, A mj ~!ji ()nvry in China before 1'111' ~P\'I' J! Ill"I1Ill1'l' l"OInl1li !l il)[l ,~nh(lwtr'~ IL':i I;ml pre, 1\"11 nl h~t I~(,""' WilY!> of thnl community," Wo,'ld War II aM consider(·(j an his I,r nOlH"l'lIllal 'IHrll'(\ wo,k nil Au . 12, 11l:'>7. HIli" A " ,.., '11 It , th,· commissinr 'nuthority of the Oricnt, he achieved sy km md t, n'(!III'C til mH\)' ill Ill, nppomlml'lIt Ilr (,:lII:,hll' Ihl · dly had 1M, ,'d Ihl' rirl1t o(Ii('IIII~ hi~ n ·II .. O/wrl, "Ihpr.. Wit' " d'!,i(I'tl' 01 prnmin,'nce vm .. nl fln>I" IInt'Pl'tlljnty "monl-( Ihl'm ;>s to Ihl in thc' HJ20' and 30,. [n 19:;2 he nnd • d\''~, H i~ '."\l('ch')1101"",<1 hv rlyhl ," 1"'I"'nlly c. \I ••bli!lhl!d b) Commllnj,,; Uc and that a "mad :-Inrf III \'(' III rly the 1:'> thaI th~ I t~ t1ilnntla Dhvlon 'll Fall' l';m, :lIPI wt I:h'l'n him by lHI('h low" milil.s l y clique (was) ridin~ the fl,~ 1l10l~ J!1l ' 111 I'rn\'lJC'I>, which lll!jf., 11I {:lnncr Pn','id('nl Truman hnd l'n<'l1\1 minoriti'!l Ih... NI Th,· ... ·pnrl. howI'vf'r, j"liciurcr' lovely land of ,Tapan to ruin", than the !'il flmC'ti !ling IUldel' grn,'s. J l'\\'S, MI','i(ollll!', IInrl >1"'hlll"n nil ~I'pl II. I !I !)!) , Sin['(' 111'11 1111' <'il\' ('om llli Ion h ilS \l"en (,hln,"'" :\m"l"ir'lIII. " hllving beer Close al:o had urged boycott of PI' sicil'nt Ei~cnhvw r. ,'\','n A~lnlls, ns wdl n by In tll~ ;1 , "cHly moving in \'l'cI'nl V"III', ' 1" illllny lip th,' ""lllpin luis Jiled .lal)HOPJ;1! goods ali a moons of A cOl'dill1i: t J'l,'\\',sIltlTll r \Ie• "lIl1ii('nnlily" gl'OllP~. Wi' lw\'( 0111 III Ih .. lr IlarlllwllHI 1c('u/Jlllionf 1t1l'1Il(( It, lil" ( Iwu ).'ar!l. 'nil' halting aggn'ssion in Manchuria. t(lunt~. Iw Il1U-t ", .. 11'('1 immt.'di' 11 right t \cx>k f,'rwllrd 10 hi ami hili' tht' 1:!1'l1er,d hOOr f"rl'l! He said that Japan would ultimate• (ld .1"'1' 1'\'1.101"1 ~ 1\ /I finnl Unl', "'l'hiR nppl'''''' 10 I'pply partie-II' hi' :101(' 0 bigh-ll'\'e\ "polk." appuilltml'lIls of qllnlifh I ('Iii, Ell\hty 1"(11'111111 I·{.mpl.dlll!i w,'1"I' ly atll'mpl to conquer' Asia ludy," II Said, "I" vOlin worn('1 blli t1H11 "no one intimately ac• mskl'r'" in ,)rdl'r 1hot nn en:' zen: fwm l:x,lh or Ihc':l' vitol h.ll1dl, d, '1'\'1 nly-Ih'" I!ild 1"1(', ' liS in "' .. I'i.·111 l"ill).JC"ilh· aJIII tn VIJlIl1I' quainted wilh Jlolpan believcs she if n -n.iol\ clln bp mad" \ltIl till' ba i r JI' thl' allpg,'rl di. t'llIni, In('11 In I"r'hnic-ul !Ind j"lrorl' . l'lIla l PO"SCSSC!l the reSOUT~S or the .lanoary :''0. \\ hl'n th~ new Ad· 1I:ltiol1 In ; 1 in.lnIlCl'S thl' ('Olll' ft.-Id , JI.lII,·h ful'thl!J' pl'o/.!rr·.' re ,kill to sl1(,(,l'ed in this adventute". roin' tra take_' office, from pi Int!lllts Wl r(' N 'gnl{'S. in ()nl', i<.lII m,,11I5 to be al'hievi d bl (ore Iht Uptl)n Clo:e wa~ the pen name til Indonl' 11111, 011' 1'<'1' nil hi> I'll the pre' nt Republican Adm in· hiRtol'it' hal dcI'. tHe rully ,'UI·· of Joocf Wa. hington Hall, a gradu• hl~ (0ll1pl:IIJ!1 on an,'c, tJ' ' lInlwt, d ' all' of Walla Walla College in his on reli inn. ill mlP l'll ", cOllnll!(J • me bOO more ":econdnry" ~I. nalive . tate of Wa hingtcn, Among twit'·, tlH' Ult I \411 both I',tce J .. h Pi,·tur., lor ,.j p~ in.mcnts which he the book- be authored was "Chal• mllst ;\ lor "o\'l'r. Ince J'isl'l Am, 1'1· und n·li~u,)U. Aml·rican wI're pie .' "pall'· .,' lcnge-Bphind the Face of Japan makc. 'wdl a' some 1.:!OO {'tIn' look n mllrl ndi\'c 1',1\'1 1\1"1"1' thall 80 1'>('1' l'('nt or thl' lured HS Ie, s pgregi1t'd in I'm· ;,hel' appoiniment to carry out In Ihis (Ja"! (,Iunpni n Ihnll "\<.'1 C<">lllpbint were (H,·t! agHili, I ,m• ploymenl than frlrm'>llv but neilher 119351" the ordinary operntivl~s of this b.'Jnre, WI' arc hOlleiul Ih,lt cum· plnyt.!!'l1 "nll 75 !-lel' ('1'111 Hgnin t Ihl' il\"'~lg,· ,Young m un /If .Jilp." Oov'ernmcnt, pctcnt Aml'rk'nn, of .I,ll Ill" both II lai)Ol' vJ'C IJ1i~ali .. n trill 1111 nl'_l nl}r Iht! "ltl' ,Jf Chine~t' u n rigid a" in communities where a During the recent camp,"ligll, ance try II"Qm both Un\\ .111 find t'~. try, without ~)ll:chd skill 01 disadvantaged Negro population eDat(>r Kennedy made II Pt'r· Lhe l'Onlinl'ntnl nl inlund will ll< I '('hJlicnl ,)1 1)I'O(cssional lalli, has eXlSled for manv generations, the (" 10mi ion J"t·ported, "enjoys • nal commitment Ihnt " hould ppoinloo to Ih ' "Hi('\!' 1<)1 but. nonetheless. it has worked to th( Illne e L)f·t'l'lons of job ppor· 1 be 'lec1ed President. it would \\ hie-h the.\' arc as qualiClt't1 ," JACLers guests of theater limit Negro employment to the less 11Initv us hi. CauC,isiiln Co ntp.l'- desin'bJe job,:," te my inle-otion to ask the better qunlitied th n llwr f or 'Ho Ii day in Japan' 1':11'1:" ble~t mt'n in the countr~· t" 1('n5 ('ekillg to 5 r\'e thi DE'! ROI r Sh:v,' Pal kt'r' "II ,Ii- Efto,'t or the growIng Ne~ro ----* Ynnke whalen:r sacrifice L r Anminl trolion. doy in ,I 1'11"" 'hoI\' oppnl..'d here pupulnlir.ll OJr Ih,· city t.o utlain CALENDAR uired to bring to 1he Gowrn· lith unprecedented appoint .' v, 22 with D troil ,J /\CI. c;lbinet rull il1lt~gr;1tion in II! ~ bt)(.r field ent a mini-rtr}" of the be t mputs would not only Sl'l'V mcrnbcl' nlHl "rit'nds I'S pecial nn :1 rnU'il haSI drl'w lhL com n!: / p"". J ("*aturd&y) ,llmo~ph"n lI~dn, eeoc . - Buslne-s meet,ng, Tr.uls C-.()\·ernmen! ;s better than the bul al.o prov most. aluillry Lr'nding [fir tht.: lit'Rl I ".Job di:l'l'iJlliulItil/ll t lhl.· Fl'nnci "~) Round-up. We, t Fresno, 6 p,m. /Den who compose it-and J 10 our international n~lation " two ('v"ning pel'(IlJ'mnnC{'S wf·1"t'i N",gro III San m,,'y not .... e~t I.... " Ang<:l"s-Bsel Night, \\7LA NJsci-S"n ('I ushl'rcltes in kimono' rl'pl'e~cnl 8 )Ja\lcrn 1' a: f~akUt,n. 7 p ,rn. want thl' be't , .. AU appoint• anoUlcr field of greal c: JIlCl.'f"J} Florm - IObl"lI"uon dinner, Waka• Jrll:lIls. both high lInd low, will 1..) our nex1 Pre -id('nt. l1uura. ~al.'ramento. 0 p.m. Chll'ago- - llith annu"l Inaugu.ral Ban. fooor!h Park HOlel. &' Luui - Inaugural dinner-dance, Issei pioneer who retouched photographs ,':lra\ ,,11i's Restaur"nt, 6:30 p.m,' Joe * '"'nduwakl. :ipkr. • Recounting the Ballots I Oec, ~ (-undan of every President since Wilson succumbs CCDC-Conventlon, Elk's Lodge, Fre90 .~LT'HO no, 'GH the Democrats in ate dclegations nnd th Il, ~,""terey Penmsula-Aux.iliary Christ• ~a\l; aii have demanded a re• publicllns in only 17, \4 ilh Jour WA.II1NnT '.',-C• .'lliehir .'Ill hio'ill the Unks CVt'O' chance hl' could I ",us luncheun, Biles Ualian Restau· t unt in last No\'ember 8's re• 711 who h d rt:tlJuchcd 1'\'1'1''' Prt" until \,,';11" (I' 1\\0 'lIZ!) r.iIlI, ::'easlde, '\'enly divided, Ten of the fible ,', • J, .' < . ' I)"., 5 ([\tonday) "ults which placed the Aloha "hicb went (or the Vice Prl'. I, Idenl s pt.,nl'nlt smc.... Woodrow \VII· Favurile PI'(',idt'nt Sun Francisco-Nominations meeting. ~tate in the GOP electoral col, ,(In. died after an illnl " No\', 22 N' h' Ih' t. f . Hoi C(}x Sr.udlo, 3;125 Ftllmol-e, 7'30 dent on Nov'mbel' 8, includinl!" h h 58S') E • IS 10 caml' I" I~ ('OllD I V rom I I m lege tCltal by some 141 votes, California. Hawaii, Idaho. and n b ome III • - • a tern J'lve. his Il;ltive J flp;l n in 1905, H '" Dec, 7 (Wednesday) NE. ' photogl'aphy in '[\wlIe-ssee East r.os Angeles-Election meeting, and although there are sugges, Utah wb~re JACL chapters lire lJuring his 42 YI'I.l1'S with H;J1"i . . ., lnternntlonal Insutute. 8 p,m, tions In some quarters that the pI'om'nent, have more Demo• Clnd art HI N.!w Yi>rk. and 10 Dec. 9 (Friday) Republicans mig h L demand & Ewing, the l :!sd pione{'r master 1912 won the Corcoran Gold Meda l \\atwmil1,.- lns!allatlon dinner-d,ln<:e crats elected to Congress than craftsman erasL'e ~aid S' . h"f M' I Chll tme" dance. Park-PreSIdIO Y, He once not'd in an inIL'rvic\\ urVl\'lng are IS WI (', "IYO, 9::10 T",n, leturns, there i;; little likelihood erat , Thc, e include the mor€ and Ihree dllughters, S"iko Waka- Sonoma Coullly-Awciliary Chtistmaa that in tht' more than 2;;0,000 artv that reoounts will put Vice Pres, p<>pulous ~t·ate5 of Pennsylvania. negati\'cs he had retouched no IJaya,'hi, Avondal~. Md" Mrs. Ha- dng Beach-Installation dinner-dance ident Nixon into the White House New Jersey, Michigan. MinnC'• nako Inadll of Sc\' rna Park. Md lJec. JO-U woman cver comphil1l'd bec'au,\, a nd Sachie. PNWDC-Quarterly meeting.. at Moses instead of Senator Kennedy, the :nta, and Wisconsin, HlI 01 :;hp Was made to appeal' too yo,lng I Lake, Wash .. Elmer's Restam'ant and currenOy acknowledged Presi, which, by Ihe way, also ha\l "I t's diff,'renl with thl' uwn in Lounge. den.t-elect, JACL chapters, Mississippi ha bl Ii! " h 'd .... ' Dec. 11 (Sunday) PII IC e, > Sill at Ute lime I Mile-a>-Issei AplJrecjation dinner, ~'Ighl EX.CONGRESSMAN RANKIN Jiu~el And. even if the recounts de• unplt>oged electors and "Big mN1 don't want you 10 lake COSlIlopoUtatl, Alabama six. Georgia's techni the lines oul of theil' Ihat DIES, WAS BITTER FOE Philadelphia-Christmas party. lnter- manded by both RepubJjC'an~ give them chal'aetel' and :11E!.lh I nauonal Jnstltule. 3-7 p,m, and DemOterey Peninsula-Auxiliary meet- Rl,move PhlmlJlIC'lluln(Jn>ss 26, One of the most tul'bulcnl Sequola-Bndge Club, Okamura Hall. torate college to assure election, toral votes have also been ('Olmt cd lor the Democrats until the out oC hi.; llll'e, Fra nklln D. Roose- j)()litical figures, inee he was eleet- Dec" 17 (Saturday) the odds still favor Senaoor It wa~t(' d t.o 1 k Id h ' , ChicagO-<::lulstmasD~c, partv, 5ch;)()1 integration pro b I em ve 00 0 l'r on IS ed to CAlngress m 1920. he ""as 18 (Sunday) l{ennedy. setcllld ma ugurallOn porlr:lI/" 50 a flct'y crusadel' fol' white supre, St, Loul_Chrlstmas party, st, Augus. bloke out in New Orleans, I Under the Constitution, when NiC·;hhio·S dCJIt hl~nd sCa hdd ~ I ' d, lJ~"s, _ rnacy, , V;~~~~c<;'I~~;;!:chrlstmas party. Ga. But, with the Speaker of the J C f , us Ice al ~s 4.van ~ ISce BIll J1(\ ~ okawa's personal iluen. 7 p,Ol, Qn election is :;hift.ed to the House Sam Rayburn and mosl Hughel< , NIShlO relalNI :o;o me ycars C'omments in column on Page Delano-Cht'istmas party. American House of Representatives be• Q[ the standing committee chair· ago had wanted to look more 3) Legion Hall. cause no candidaLe has tbe re• · "'I d "B t h d' T d ' LOD.1il Beacll-Christmas party. Harbor men from t.he South, it is ex• d19OI,' C, U e was IgOi Ie, I During World War 1I and Ihere· I Community Center, 7 p,m, quisite number of ekc.toral votes pected Ihal most of the states so therc was nol mlll'h J could after, he was one or the most DEi'c. 19 (Mondar) _ to gain the presidency, each do, He was all bea I'd and Ilol anti-J apanese racists in Congress \I est Los Angeles--fA RUXiyltarr'dC'a hrlst of Ihe old Confederacy will vote pa~ty. ~tate ' " , • , mas home 0 , OS,u , has a single vote to be for their traditional party stand· much f ate s howmg, , , , and probably ob)ecled to more prj, , Ol'e, 21 (Wednesday) Some of Ihe Pl:e s ldent~, NJshlo vate bills fo!' ben~fit or individu.!Il San Fernando Valley-Christmas p~r­ determined by the majority oj ard bearer to be the next Presi, l had found out, liked their blemish· Ja"anese immigration and claims' "(y. JapapIleseimAmeSrl3cOanp mCOllllnllOlty tnat Etate's delegation, dent of the United Stales in h th ,.,. , I Center. aco a., " es, F "', D R J'C f use d L0 ave e than any other member,) Dec. 28 (Wednesday) In the new House which con- order to assure unity in govern• mole on hIS Mce retouched, and Rankin who was I'e,elected 15 Sequoia-Bridge Club. Okamura Hall venes January 3, 1961, Demo· ment and (:ontl'Ol over patron· h~ S w~s ~j~·st~lafl~~daJi~er-dant'e. l Calvin Coolidge didn't want times, finally defeall'd in 19521 Pocatello (:rats b"ld a majority ill 29 age, if nothing eIRe, freckles removed, John L, LeWIS aEter his district was combined GrEen Triangle Inn, liked hi ~ bushy eyebrows, with another when Mississippi\ Dec, 31 (S~turday) Ter- ,I ~is :hobbies-b,esides golf, ill congressional delegation wa re' sar~c!O~~~~i\\~:fi:n ~~r~~~l.' Which he won severa I amateur duccd by the 1950 census. l'vlllc-rli-Rl't'ogllition dinner and New * tournament cup!;-lncJuded a l' t ~ ear's Eve bali, Grand. I1allrncm. 'Minority' President work with charcoal oils