and fr,. hon. eseh dsy. brigadier-general sod colonel Moses Taylor. \V. M. Vanderbilt, I MettMSti hr the member* hf the Bute Commlttoo i" Hi-nation OF a th,* main drive beytuid the lake ls certainly tba penard Stewart, of ike State Committee. *"ta.-» THE WORLD LONDON. xkwtiii:o[;yoftufm;yas BACK tum iA. lacfum anil A. eb Harelay, Dr. Horseman, Nichols T ntoanfl for that pur-... guest* . ol te own, and, ss a cn*' pie " in th'.ni- thone ,,,, ttl rubium of som** authors) In eUhlatlOBV I II. I. carter and J. I. Pierson The hounds ra tPhsa lbs colored gentlemen question presented was trnpnfinn-d (o slUiw Uk ;i n ami cir* .h" door it m thal Ute IdentlAer, so to t AND <"1.1T1("ISKD BY MU. ED- ttl ORIGIN* AND PISCU8SED. two Hvei i srgentea and T. ix'tllarl*) and north, Ung hap-rn.ri to be dismissed at S t.pie. About the .¦p-^'imeni of tamed tn, i) ,. -,at which was encountered cool more than at hokbum OTIIIH gOTAELI PAfttBS Ul 'Al*. isIderablc al**, for ihe tlcie being." I- saii'.r-looklnsr Wa* mar t. s.n r-ietarte tisw SHiairsa naon-i at the start. There wei i ¦! all those Navy tiartment China fiann"! Aug. un.-tlc re-linc <*f who wero able to take obstacle were lu at tba In while du"k trinser* and marilv forms in -LORD I.VNSrxnVM-.-.-* Klttl WKb Cfeaalaaa, go(*.-*. the Pps at snr. rfICB. Hsfiiionr has encased hlmeeif In 0} IN lief". Advani. A rnsVESTI'is OR FLORISTS. Balsa CROQUET PLAT .hirts. OS-SmedSSS COME - !-.]>l...V.-> TER. tbs American Aeeoetattoa for tl"* du k Even the tt_oe_ he wean are "f comple. whit.' ttM, TA1XMFNT-SPAN1-H science was ,;s norning ¦BBliatl io lay tc nisrrss thc cnnwTn and OrFN'fNO OF TIIF NATIONAL TOURNAMENT- of white csava*" IN A !.¦ 1*. Balmoa road a paper on "The Dfeeavory af the POPULA fi OBBME VA TIOSB. .SKILFUL feUOTS. SCENES SALK OF PLANTS.A T«RaK-6AYS* _m_BBtBM, SOME TKWf* T'M'RVAMFXT NEW FLAY. 'mn of immunity from 01 The of rheir toarth Ans. 20 (Special)..Fair weatner riTAMEfOVPMII' dafeat'd tha ¦mica! 1 Society amatloaji Ptorfets in'gir. THY. KF-TUBLK-.V-N-* AND BX >E. Nor.-leb. (onn., At Newport y.*tarday fl. W l-bicum. Jr.. OT CAPIS T** Tun Ttitm-.*- Bubstrneaa Formed daring munal meeting at Misson Hail to dav at IB "V!¦.« i. the delegates to tho cpxiu-r t'iini.u<'nt this Wes'.rn ebamptea, c. A. Chase, nanam using i'.k a greeted " H. A. "Pie \ev In, \ Tri'..,,,,. HatttpUcatton." He demwwtialad tiri' Immati ty may seh- a i'; a BOLTIES A..s-Mi;i,y\i.iN. rSnrds's .'.lelira'.-d l>*.k»an" racket. Tnyl.* re ISIS Pu The meeting vs IU ColH'i, .e thpee davs, With three iDoniliig. The Cottage City trio, Phelps, bilbrough wltb tee " I ieeek- ba secured |,-,- t|,o of soluble substances Tn Ute I. tl i lor Tts Tribune. also w«u tko Narragansett toa.-iian.snt In - af London. Aug 20.-The story circulation about injeetion ilallv. On iii- foin th day the visitor- will he and (icrmond. came .-saturday, and last year'** cham¬ mas." a which reeult fi-oni the growth af pathngerslc 1,,. Mt: You say editorially in you ina of tic lSth ______Christian Roana _. aa who will Driver appeared "Princess T*-*i.h*Htl . faests of ii," New-York Ptorfets- club, pion. Wami old, and Koblnso. Craeaa tbat it seem* ll s experiments vcr- made wtth tiie virus Tbe Trtbaaa is nor in thu sui nam af di word that the FREE EXHIBITION* OK ridiculously untrue hardly worth nolle- take them on au axeunton and wad them home In a In tho afternoon. Michigan sent CK-UUBUjSfo mo-row snd when thev cholera. It ;., hoped, however, that similar results tioiiili.aMii.s office.- and i.v*n you j,roc."! to falsify and and oth*T Seantlfal Hewers to-day, Inc. yet inch rumori. go abroad, ar- larsvly Itate of complete oatt, fact lon with themselves and Adilan Club would be on hand Tuesday with Avery, Thursday, fall and seo them. Pater ______**B_M e> r#>, leena fl v !:h lbs i in's of ol au sffort to credited an.1 ultimately accepted as teat* everybody else. wrtton, by unjustly pi thrie cheers went uri for the Peninsular State. II- lb ( .rtiauill s-.. New-York. nb' noaa ; ,yla.\is. In 'aln li remind¬ tva* li of ihe st limiest of Protestants, a | Tbe society bi i ni the L"g!sUtur' of IB88 UaaB nut forth Jehasea. A yromluent feature of the m '¦ a rimenti Dr. salmon Ps lour. ing tta n i.fn-.-.l ti riolsl Rrealln. Lase Itopatconi. .1 only ons honr and adherent of Ih* National ('burch, and one ».f tte most anticipated !'¦ ii," ..I-i- come from all State, in th" Datoa ai'1 amialag was a game between bead and J .obus. Illus¬ at* offered for asp Horatia tha I I'.- th" iii af hair Irom this ntr Liberal rewards .ernest and MBA Msaia Kona of aai Etoyal fam¬ Raia af Canada, enUgbmned from canada. part of Un sountry win be asafetoa of tbe party ferae High Uai trating the ppjint.s of the Kn^llsh -dead boundary liri"" tuosqu.loa* captured there. non on "Ttl" origin and Character ai Every .Now ts to them baaed upon their re¬ ily ls {001- interos'.-d In all wart i and there ls probably not a flower grow- your opposltloo play. The Committee of Arrangements beean drawing , van From ttme rr- fusal to a.s I If do SO Tin* Pre .-rt> ,e |s radical and zealous |n Buen*- tba whan ii Wont act a party eaaeua dictated so, why a- 4 o'cl)-k. All fhe are divided Into three j teelstaiiee ' this broad continent that some member player, eve. nf cashmere itsatlaatssB 'his race was it wss tai nut tbs af that but is "vee ea** innin.. ~aet F.ti.i ol Lond a, and la alwayi haawa as know something about The president of tie SOCfety, you ran Ituenta of bumer divisions, not as last year, with divisions eiual. other inlet son.--. Refresh.-* io hot woatber. ¦ ,_. nut;; Ls p -nv. \ t,, when i,.Ma- Her frequent public la Arda, K G. Hill, of richmond. Ind.. will make an ad bill. Mr. ,.f io- apoatt pur. caucus, in ac.-ordanee with tho excellence of ulayr-*. The the nr Hale '.'.'. -. ... wOCCfl'-iri Of ceriniolllal, wiien »i,p. ciM-s to open advanead theory af European origin, m.ll f.illow tba af various ron,:- he lrfu-cil to aMda tberebj al 1808111 '-tra flrit division, a. at present arranged, has tb** follow¬ in i. npoitl Pr Betlsw. e*A aa) work tn wind, ibi takes premise laid doun t!i" with of of the Leglsl. io his cons there ing, who. by common consent, an- reckoned the finest BKI.PKN-Oa Mondar, Atimt 88L I8NI E. B. ..san toaugmato mon.lng session concluding a dla R> i .-s ant fr.en ls are larded to atteo.! tha fua«-.. "ltlal addles; __ i-,-.',, that tho must are who can them interest, math, hat appearance fimltlat to tho language fr the otter- other worthy Republlcm' represent players entering the lists thl* year: Germond. bryant. serrices al p. .. on Th'irMlar. ABgsst _:!. from hts la.) ___ tba president", address. Tl"- programme pf eblldraa left without to use words can *»'. resilience. No. Ul Esst 'ilst ti. peant elatwe, m \\blteehapel ar.d Bethaal t.i-.-. I Incliub-s two essays-" The Klevatluu faithfully, and thea your you say -. Jacobus, Warubold. Join en, Bea I. BMhBS ** - -At Connecticut, et th* house e ,s best known and parents ard thrown upon th-lr own If Mr. hud bad party would have second division ha. Spauldln;. BrRMNnA-iK 'irsoswirh. bus slo* beloved ls af Loft. Of - C. I>. I all. of Penn The evening pulley could Davenport. Dana! at Mount Anbnm. Cam fin rf. e. Vaa*. themselves. Sash a could bari larvtved la Etomesburg views d'. I not rolncldp- with The The latter litre and g country, ..Tlie answering all Tribune as to rh" fustfee ami practicability of Mr. won In 4-1 minutes. Head and Wambo1*! were drawn IStl 1888, Raw. -wari II. -tau, san sr the late ..haJ. .iff**-f t-pendontly praetleal help Question Bbs." It conslsu tn ani Sar iB lt. ''arno. -v* pan of furn.she.. Bal wa bari infBclent rather nus "f theta1 fuiure t*> for tho second same and Dicker and Johnson | .!: UP the fortun.'s of U10-.O who on Europe ¦pf ppi7/|.*«, conundrums and problems Involved Crosby*! bin. than ba -s and fr:«uli are !n»:'e i Matseal the funeral sar* data Asia . - ne.-d ta eWnlnata purl of also from of act against theta bnl Judgm-ut at the behest of a Dickey won after a most exciting coute_t. get- ? rcs, v.. 1 pi.) brans at., on Wednesday, le** -;,!tal MatBtaac* in tn- Bortst's bu.sln.__. P.obert I. Halliday, at 4 o'clock p. in. proUen ard minc,, the l'mltj within which must Now |f m ur- to nail mt of tho Uni tbe balls by a field length shot aime tho middle Aa.sst'_-, f. *iaV-tt UMI EMFEBOB BBS mi:i* k's widow. Baltimore, for Instance, undertakes to answer the party caucus? CAVIV-un r-un'.ay. Aagun Ml ItSSt Henry Carin, aced tba original habitat ro the ] ail wm. the hill, will t'md V. imbold and Read Mffhaanoa balls aeveral ~..-.i - William bas _!i«oluf,- n'l T'ru- .ti "What i. tbe beal way fe propagate Acacia opposed Crosby you I irs. disposal of ami bactria; and m this the arhleh ii! time, and .-adi r-sc'i-i himself from perilous eositloos Belstl'es sr.d friends sre rc«r "-t'llly mn' tr, ttttttt* the region loeattty our ranks seriously depleted, .'..¦arl-, mm b s royal isldeneei and I bea rita tbat he Im st ts by magulficeni ihota nnttl Wambold aot bo*h rovers. fua.ra! from his lats resldeae* 108 V»ro.>n are , fulfill tba hypothetical condition, Deepttatan the member* of th.. i'lo la. t !«o ar an Im- on A"--ust t% at _->>l.i -, m at his mother's disposal the j E. J., where lt may be presumed everyhodv learns Leglal the arches one*, leaving Brooklrn. WadaaoSny, jplsced 've wara of very mi .ic t.p th- bill. li a ii virtu- .. took (rom the "Jaws <. -.'.-. Wat tn A. Long Aryans virtue win answer this Query, "Cati and Bead lt, llt-rally ll A BJ.- IPfe. B r den Linden In which BnipWtfU an*l Empress of patience, ¦( i ^ ore S" fir as the eOUUt! of death.* 9 Conrad, of I'uilae.eiphl* la tbs "3d year of endowments, both Boral and intellectual, all] ' Kranch. Harry - be crown a f. - the fin **i|.*rick lived while they were Crown IT:: ie Ix.iras and other flowering .tove plants A., minimum license . me of est aarllbe Primeval Europa seemi have Wm ashed. In P I mum ever w ri amenta Fuesrsi se.;'-"s st Hf. Paul s Chareb, i'blladi lph* on tb** ar I-otsds il Bowen en be ld at a Altogether croquet flaying * Maasee, flmrtottei boi I'copleu by three rac. la ths southeast, th" profit*1 fee. The New Tort tee wa* a prohll Itory one I rae 3'.'.'., at p. m. last reminds ur- e|,-ven Question, in the box. Conn.. Ancust I'".or. ar Homburg, Whleh always aad eentral ami i ¦_ .- tat it we noed prohibl- DUBAI* lari. lg UH. bcmltlo; southwest, tba Iberian; Pennsylvi " PROCTOR KNOTT sot FOP SAIL a..-- c Borrow the officers fp>r the ensuing are «.. mulei them no rd wife ol w. c. Dors loysara ce if a Banish north, tiie Iranian. The Aryans overran and toe -Barning laws ample, isi.ii. r,ie*pf There ts n. fe the v. ¦' *0 laasea plaee, Broektym Ipolnt" In the affe-noipr T'.dward Le08dal8i one of Herman of br,,,.!, liberal ¦aranga, Aag _o iS.rciai,.. mta FiaeiBBs, st in the r- i,s, which be joli;* Lady Ba form a weil balanced man.speaking, how* ward Funeral sstiless rharadaf, A a cn 'IS. at a p. m.. . heafn ii lliil. 'llseuss ib':m feoa views, Mon nt the Gi report feat AaguM buueht or ls aagntsttag .arl in ar*. i-ar villa, u i| Peen., will .-illa at Pupa, Dieppe, whleh by tba va-,, guagi Rte Bt _? *M cement mav be counteracted. If such a candidate tba purabasi ot Proctor Kn-u, winner of thc feater waikeri of tho m* fraternitr and grower's Queettaa .¦ tarlta* has been In tbe market fm past. They imperative philology " Sij lb* Champloa Btahss al Mon: *-,m" bryant, aiifr'.pis issie*Itally it ti," the evening, "n Thursday 'tuber fvin this district 1» con¬ attar a Hn»*rin« riness. Mary, ki next month *... settle at Hatfield ar.,i !)>. phy-icai characteristics, l- admixture ld a Tribune ir lei .>. LM.Os Beads*, ' England l'"r;t!!:Z''is- win by J- IL Tavlor. of cerned, Hon. Mar' fal -Bight >l marias K. '.raham. tn the Slat year Sar ae*. tat imo and ba Jlllllisaod the bep-n to * ne. tbs House fer e winter. iiupopean . Threei that the youngster had nen r [irked any Bs .ro IDTited lo SttSfid funeral N. v. J. H. of BfearaKfe, OL, no effort 1 at i la le, Rayno-fls, ina tn- "j* ones ir i- , Lar: til-it., Wedna*, iy, thu SSdlBSk. I'Ui.i.. nuT cnowm-.n. ' named »< the Ut p asked ¦OMSTJBM lt ii kl and th'-u I: . m. our Asian.- I sss ol eonquering -Modi | crea.ed each year, am! even Brae the nomlnatli phatically and laswemfl n .¦ Ti. junior II. -burg 11 dull this year. Although full to over- and Hr wish ptotaNsgnsJy Please amt Ile wers. Arians waa twp ,n-p-, their worship of nstruetion and Operation." Blade against bia Champteu.te name If aol In fa.t-i- worth as much io lo reit l Bal .-ii-', i ¦.:¦' '¦', t.ere j,(,t & bed to lie had In tlie secured by -¦ been earn*-- ot all th" leading men OBIFrlNO Kn Do.H,2. \_ hotels, at the -- will bc turned !' a- M A nt, th" Iiwtcts or 1 il -. ac-! SA yean al'houth many a beredltary Then "The '."ie tlon Box" of our partv. Under hi rhe 1,200 majority .-¦ io itten.i tea tsasral ssrvtess at the and scarcely any lodgtag vacant, .- - Assisted ti.j', ii" srauld win the and their erne! y to thc wh for 'I. .ng I*'*-* each year dy Brynn! a . r,.r:a:i Chore* !.*»av»Tt.- i»e., house stiil bp-ars In front the il".epilv. an- conquered, nf the tarli". win stake and he Hit Ile maintains lodging revolt ai Its --:.i be no discussion u;.d !. i- confidently expected tbat Harrison 820.-09 at Monmouth, cor Oxford-st, Brooklyn, Taaaday cvsuiug, lbs insu, t«. .¦ * erin'tit ta which I. '* -.viii mak'* the those Bo far na Sullivan Coun¬ with ihe that, the .- a il Ttoot Let," .in T ¦ meeting popular carry sun irs!Hasses yungan .ii foil' wed arith eecoui of o i*»ue. we against stricture nit newera. of tbe actual state of af! lin wttblB. li Prince of that nwmantons ty i. eoaeemed, j-,,rest your Uta the Futurity a I Mound ai. -." giving a rei"i-t the future Tb Tribune win lend un Saterdav. the lath las*, at BtteaviBa ¦ v. on and was ni him weil for that prise. Il ls Y. ( 71 Waifs a"ivt*d Ifilliiiisdsj of the of this mound, a helping band rather than endeavor U) create dtt- gran rey. ot Morruaiiia. N ,ty, ag*>t yean b\ Ma- kenno of kiitali l-l the Part HoteL Ills gran exploration 8CRRES IA TIlL WHITE MO LSI'AIR'S. fully, M. then, (cur a ta meat 'lia' the ion et Luke Bteskbum and a- .: '1 'lavs. whieh lea from HUI v., la?a. ».-.n (hi richest Maka ot tha year at his Intenni'iit ni Onana >i1. liighiie-.s is Uvtng *.: s fin' In (be outer prom- TUT. (,ei.E- ,eiio. \ Ang IS, I-Hapo.."- at Tat- East .... "f lm- ri.KTTY *,! ILA AM* OAT VKIIIC'irS IN U" uf lo* p>«u*t,. will b- sflnafl 'o IN vt AN--'in I ran loth, Spring bv thc lion. II. enae (.nr cites Is fnr from Mrey (In opinion Tensest it. luman, or New York City, is tbe enade, an..-:.d-d Tyrwhltt-WUson. ' eorreapondent to Anl, rertlng the niSC, PARADE. anybody for a price tiist anybody w.n_.d "are pay. i if N* ne -*> or An.'ri¬ bi in In our lodgment ol his nrnal eatouragp, Into a Aug. s Navet before were there if ennui Importaaee it n.ust be lemsmberefl thai a websm without bopo pjf! Notip'sof funeral hereafter. There is a growing park. Esj Boston, Hut an tha 2')fh inst. Ann can, ha* yet arrived. native I . nt to tho Whin thur upon whieh wal -r Investment In th- JABDINF.At Bakwar. N. J., i - 89 fear that his do..' In no ... lum m.lice Ins If ir, I'r.,'"ppr Kii'.f'-. ro.-lue _. Mir., wi'- atna, aged yeera ,i i red part of ass let point. world. VTken days M -. at 2:30 ¦' ls from their io tio* m ai ma r,.\>-. »i_ht of sass. Mr. B way edd ty the monument, bj piling u] !. ui'- Kala day. id! tbe region about is nither at Mr. t pense, thal bia affair pease Hem lbs .nee on (.ra' M * ths the ia sstMad irita the "... August H, K.lwtna au neonatal | In plaee. Among ...... and uiiii,m.-..-illy entt-Sly yurts gEAMBBT.At Bbl to garrty and m. re than fl - tbs cure ..-" I tu-fmen I,' ileye thal h" ls fe A veil bi ag . .'t. . .!.. nnd nil *>ra wirX SS,' throw! At D O'Clock evr, »i-i, -.-Miiii-*) ai ¦Faner.l s.-rvines Amalia < ws I :_*) a'. 1 BataOvaa aad trtendi sn laetadte ¦ mamie Hon bi At ll the pryeessjon Started, . mi- vi. ¦:: TOO lat** v as regarded sverywhsrs as a "take" uf tb* ita lenc* Tuesday, Angu-t J'., on cremation bj iv iffalo. !r!veway. paut the at m. most ; . Te the Sdi tar o f Pbs rr ibu as. first magul!. Nsw and on "Tho Internmia il I t by n lbs street, tho first coach being that Il Al Sha CUV nona* t aaa isor Harhnem gave an account of the lustra- the Sinclair Hon. coach, drawn !.*. paper formerly ot si hauy. ey have rented foi by I came to this counr.-y Bve years ago mon! SPOUT AND PABT TIME BY WEUrEHOWH Pnnen set « neat u Pougbkaepala Notice ea employed by the I horses and bede. ft fabrics of white and BEEAft »ilt»r. the an".11. Und Bandolpfa, a told I '.r.r.-. I ranslt of Venns Coi .oise n. Aloft wiro some fourteen TRRICHBIe-At ni dnie'it. on TUSSlay. Jnlr ol. 1**9, at rmi I wa* old the day I m Laka George I .» " ' Dtii^r ..i. ihsrlea been rl-itlni fr* ¦:; place with the Mme did need to. nineteen yean Henry, "i a«a lao ro t: m lad!.*; In wblto in.* ¦ trimmed -. parallax w!ll ol>H_"-. ../o from tha Ii Si s ate an. werlnc yon greatly . . borne aimost banted! 18S- i By - late a ober, ba "1' THL TKIIiC3_, tip open th-- i ri*.'-* I i, Cathan and Lansdowne .have been paying A LO". EB -tiling 1 ana Cith_nuo of lViiIaaal* Lord Lady of the dis- decorated of all lu the pa N*. J I 1 I)a»enport Trelcbel, vi-.- n .- In Kerry 1 am kally Aug phis Doreen, plaee Hill coach lr, red and white, the 'rawford c ene too late. m isl i lusa maa i.o". ,-s i.'iiurch. *.*rman- .¦ .Iv*'. : came more than pear lo hear 'hat .'."rd Lanidowna'i :. 1 IT.', Mllon. vch In white and in tba Upwh. l'.iu.. w;.. po ^-.Tsn lat-tr. pl OtOgri evergreen, the Hl( rou her- before were eighteen for tills i.o c. The twp ¦'..>! Mr. O'lirlen'i mission - If had arrived you waite Lek*. N.T.. anaamaa. t him a ini'si eo reception tauts f' h race heroaftei kl Meadar. lo Lord Lan-! ld 1 righi i: -, an 11 'lontt.. "iamago America Ni w-Zealand, ai a fine nr Minx, M. V. Brokil o-r of \lr. sad Mr* A I >* .. ! tl 8 a;-*.!., conting - great,-i fa.- I the Plan luced. l»ut it, will now be n you to rt w. 11:87; D S Y. a tali- ind white, and bearing is, Bailey, Pittsburg. rii->-ra -r- Kerr" ... arneb N il h pa:gi. In whit,- ur Lookoff jQ_ r 11:86; i'."\. P Jones, to-do tenants, who were able fur- Buder, i_;0i; perfectly tween aad the sun. With a probable error of and then came tho eau . -i shoal I ut Vesper, I"' ' In similar colon followed, vob w. a. but who allowed -hem-elves ta univ niiies. These haw* been -. Dawn, Le] Notice*. li 193,000 eompotattotu '..-. from Inti ther delay -E Y Special their tern>r of the National League, would rejoice ami ..- .ai..- lm ll I.. Quick, lu progit. bee I lata wen oollaeted, .¦ lo excellent 1 l. Howard Bon U'TTAT TIIF, HATCH'S DUTT1 W. a. muster, M ta, 1 tontent* ot they could ger lack 'bell ;.: ai; amount of labor equivalent lo I and escorted .mall IS 12:10, ChlngachffooK, nlabed wltb by To tho Editor of Tht Trihmne. H. Barney, -. J. If. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TBZBCEI liberally BMiiagod property twent;. year, This ls the flrsl an- I as tlie firs' '¦. IV to Halfour. the -Somber of the Government 12 n Guana, W. Next Mr. nouneement yet nia.1.- -,f ;.'." result, and Ti;-* Twin HountUin Eir-¦.p. Bun Powii i* tbe Sollcltor* !¦ af.rt- lo ti that rernor, who has rai -il himself must, popular letter which he testifies be ¦ ¦. uable, all what I ' coach lu white, blue and and the i ind. who can..- over to In al for Mr. Robertson. Be deliver"! gay fallow, as ami addressed to mu a., [Till i-vslla Scotland, i ri bv by himself Hayer, can." In thlruca i W one u. blue and white. Ther. ca. ii. for the international Cop, Bl ¦everal admtrabbi ipldly becomlngone - .¦.i In c,,py -.'¦wart i. .Under Ishe* Hall, on oi .rood gore ! and Whit! i'i 1 cpp.ich, IjiiIpIi*' document, relatta quakes, willi Approximate adulations of th" Enerar I baker' dozen of the >I aplewood's pr lom rs. * ¦ of Commons. Og J ..ii. . bay. :¦ s. h. V, Eruptive H white and all the of girls, all dreaeed In recipients . unsotM 1 In - Ea a EXCELLS. Bl -INO IN SCOTLAND, sn .. tip those md was rul'-d out, t ri md they rod-) along the line. The Oak cannot nat a ii Scotland on .-..ll, on ..i. and policy, lt M Tba heaviest bag gol li li .-'oii pent u coach in red and -ucl. and ¦¦ e of the ted In ..iud fallen, the al day of rin* u . thal -a'. Mr. Barclay Field iraoul wa. the commltb Lei having N .. I irs actor."; bi 1. I..-:*. mer, ';;i "The (leologli Age "t .ss .-ii..-, aall hl« party of s!I ilUne Itoek transformed '"* a* wer a ha-k-; and II. T.,.u: :. ikville, *. dlstii ."' 3ia Into huge Mr. ri ithbraan -i House bad i eoe solan! with EL li. Bte, et of on this. It brace gr "Hil,io ink II. Morgs yellow I snd W. a. Leys, ol "¦ " In tbe trtci of ... c , ty. I the Dalbot 1 ti , Dr. Tli- I Thirr»-_:.:u Pac trt Loni Ji icknowledged ] Portan .-, .:. I**;. in¬ . '- - Protea i nato) i fourteenth laeladed L 1. CHOSES'. tact) straightaway, lo party COSTEXTIOS HEI.EGATES ti. thl- p i am Ir,!'.---v. Monday and Taesdi iv ll. li. gave a ;;. Pi .¦ a, el Grant as the era lar b second; no pi'her en'rles. Ti.- known ¦ s-r-, tn, ph TUT", r 'i.ITI AL I" TS BOILING IN THE COUNTBT ' IWburg, be ha_ in marl¬ M* .:. tba 1 a mil*. I Flail isa ..ari-., straightaway, eight . tari that, within very fen ¦* mea area ursa, L.000 ; -sch._ . oi, of sion. .¦- -day, elecred hird. Th" fourth : I.i. .") The Watch of the Future. anya bara - "lt will not )>. Iowa ls ,- ntrlsa, m. V, Brokaw won la gaeaBl thar day i '."*'¦** rif'N graph at r.TTi-:.' prudi.,p' lt J W ¦Dis ,i ;,p a M ir: ay li'-nham. HA. Leys, of Torouno, ¦ long beror" svsepbody will want tlie Non-magnetic atek." ration Bai- Hr. Bdbwn'i -at home" a* Introduced M ** i- IL fifth .in'. ten .¦-. tea ''ooisansatioo of Hopewell; t- Bpeitttgru, ut Qenava: ram' .;. icpr :u- several xeopie m Ti ieda* to ali 8tra rdlnary Inven- Ag ly ni-, meaaafl Ealraprteg betag swdeof s Palladiam altey ncultural Science n bohntt, of Haaaboetor; ]__ H. Loggot, of X, «i. s*it/.ar: ti. J. and * Presidenl I !.. md Il was won by EL TorrsMS In 7 -j. ll. Teiite! hr Mr. C. t. I'iiila-r hy I .. -.. I.arden, Sf SraLley. Jo-l M. Ano rican anl forelcn patents tii.s f.'U.i'.id, partner of t sa I I v W .1 al. v.. i; i -.. by, Ii. I». Ha- v ly two thoroughly protscto.1 hy E. L. Honey. ol .: John H. Cob-, of ailor haing nie only knows I'on-ssagne'uaole', th s ai'ode on the slop. gtui I. EMSPSS. eu trie*. Thanaa Eldridge, of Canadlce; Edward Cot- AS ACCID1. A r TB ROUOH CA BI mu. the pates ia msAssetew 'ii it li nsw u« mora to bar R. POrGI-KEEPSJl . .Y. witch than lt .leeson* not thesa iajprorsmeau...... : Psmlagtoa, and Homer Webb, of Weir, AND this COSDVCT1SG A SALE OF ltAlii: BOt o.E li',(-\awaV TRAIX r.r ai DCTO -JtOTBSR :. iver l"'1 teen w* UloonBald. T., Ang 20 'pedal)..* mletakM la maaaTactanag witcii^ ree the 1 am, ikvkral pi loxa aaa nwcaan, -- n.aeh'.iie.., tue most skTtul **wlss ex of boob I rare 'io the .tare Convention: Edwin Bela, of Canan- lummer meetli at the Th.. ;.u-st AaMTlCaa .- M . resu.t:»a 1 it -l nepeetf h Tw.i Driving I'ark. whleh begins to-morrow. Tin. perts,aadtbsi nlisst rataai .«'t and tua of Geneva; FT-dcrlck Baler, . ' SI Peter ai.d an American 1 II, J), Wayburn, watch thal *-aa I -T any road Wera In ci are ti 2:30 Cll trod in ion at tiona of English el natl Tb lue Danube" walt. Ol I'hrlr**: Ml ". of Seneca; A J. Ph ..Mureil. a;, au or I alt tpieos rapid 7 741 1 i bur fortunateU leu ; which th.*r- utr of telecnsk wins ead Ms nn'l a suggestion ta Hi Clad .han; W. a . lon, ot victor, oed .no¬ ead ths .ip.s Meetnaafpllaatse* i'd. and, Indeed, lt l< In who!; there aro six euirie., and tha 29 phonaa nsssity "os wan sonorously |.; rap.*! s lan II. Berry, of Fanni-gron. maka i- wy il.' to attract a larg'* numb were In I :e winch theee are twelve entries. The track !'..*-¦¦¦ so int* satisfeetefy ' waick PreL ot Mi , vt*:;: am h. s-ith. of t.euu o»e of of t!.» pbaoegiapb' .** photograpb To tba Jud The n fine ind every race ol rue mee,aug layi ,-s carrying yo«- th*. book tb it the yea of a_,u from a lei wat.-'.es IB mr p,., s-t and g,.mg around limiJ*ii)i and othor tetentni to the fir. t phonogram of 10th aaandalgua; Tanti EL Bobtoae^, ¦¦ h «». na»sr l.*-n able to * sr. i early Ne acadei.r w^> th" resull ol crli I app! ;sno»s. w.wre 1 w i« very in-en-sting. Toa . John V.. H.rlier, of Manchester. (_, r '.i. '/ut.iioor .'p.'« tee T'nVi Pan.'. . ll _.,. pnrefl an agoattev ot tlcni printed In ol an i " the great Invention 1* bow almo-t perfected. Tba Stan delegates are for Warner Miller for Gor- part tl(r.eksp»|(-r ip- of rh.* train, which left Far Boeknway for IV PP. i a.. .ii an 1 eaamiae tlioso watcha* Vllir.ISTlNE VIEWS OP MARRIAGE. nttng ernor hut are BlllialiaOtad The Congressional del¬ TUE LATH REPORT ¦. on various ar 4:30 o'clock, consisted ot aa s gi td .*. Raines, ard rhe Ju¬ the Beach ii. 9 I V H R, The aittelc auntage, egate! ar* controlled by Senator ¦-. HOt'P.S. THEODOKK * ll ll'Ii'-S l mk * GOVKR-rt-KTr WDtOATtO!*-*.POR 2*1 puk roi *r isej, watchba publish-" In the current number of "The We ill ara for John M. Davy, of rochester. PDra rawBLsr, on i (I delegafa i Btai about fl :43 and Wa'HIs iTov.Anit 20. -10 p. BL.FM Northern Nsw-Eng- bbwai has enabled once number of booka r Review," for Conn Judge. Tho Congressional . a Supreme Lu;'1, feta -i-i itara. r. -ave madison mere to dl-play Ita unrivalled (kill anl proBdency In logy, local history, ian loraell and counecticnt. I -ac, ph squabs), in Tatt '.'¦**.' PsrMaass basalts, Bbods Island, ... B .: ,-ay. as well - is book* A few books of lt froa the art of tapplni th« wellspring! of contemporary trials, abonl >'r no bonds are lo< il rains; nearly stationary tem- occur al any u_.e. trienrtohip remain, neeoaaary to 1 -' Holli istera Florida, Laticrs for'.ga rountrtes need not ba specially as- ? ii. -. -¦ Il o' Aug adc. to..Tba BapubBaaa Convention dre,..; rot t>y any psrucu'.ar steamer. people togetticr Ufa apart will be ampi: ittuntsh ' I Slsbaiaa ;;ii, warmer, a to ltla ¦ '..snking and cou». rolorlcM, but wben.ver thees n^a-e tji* tie Pot Western Florida s- -.ii. addruasad balun . a. the ehai il clamatlon Milo M. A ¦¦ : dp.a .teats, letters not »y false and No one t>. th- l ¦ the Bapld cioiiruij: wssthsr. sam tea tastast vosais available. hnqultoua ought baas I patt ty I power to satorce it. On tue whole "1 plana I at lng bee r i'.It wanner, al Bxed a sta ia extreme southern '9.on.pily In ail eases, at this oS rc as f Hows: . i-n*. that be a- bould go rank il B iblnson ai.d ii clean the Poriiastsrn lair, imjili.'s everybody ihould regarded married ¦'. ll" » 111 '" >." TLt. -ll Al -At 2 p. Bl. for Iratead, per SUSms'lip Al- '.- statteaary ¦ itt ev*- |n Toledo L 1. W md 1.1s loealrama nearly tampaantarn vu uteri Cor 1 a ol of ibe raaf crowd of oom other true;: soa* Qusenitewa " in eastern run. - r the 1 .', - t\*r POlititai ITfri tee Third _.|..> Kor A:kansas, fair, jiroceded portion by Kuiopcau couuirio' mas; b« a.rented per Ari- '.nts whoso lette-, bane be./n appearing for the ia,t Paled BSSMflb wo do i ..1 and npoi tide of rh- track lortnigtii, not abaerve a al bo has He l landing il For Tennessee an,'. KsataCkV, elsarlaa Tuesday afternoon UrXONBHDAT.Al '-' ». ai. tor Irs'.anl. per st«sss CROWDS WATCH TUE FOX HUSTERS. . '.sttsr* f,.r uc»a» .xpreae-d io ae ol ' na ilaescatowa mneh (-uaUfl* d approval thies W. a crash was terrill -ri aud Tassflap ulKbt tn tau eautsru in* es aa win be by Tlc* tracks were portious Untaiu and other taro^ean L-nuutr asast itrauge. alihouni; far d*H".i accompanied . a m. t»- from novel, ; bis ia-.v and l -CLOUDS OP dirac;*! partner, * POI LAB -. which time .'.¦, . ria Uoa . ..; >n a 11 Ur-ara ROTBL FKAT'.m.s op A HEW PLAT. Mrs. Mi I* bb.kai'.,-d for over fivi : ,,r Wastsra STsw-Yeih aili!. Western I'ei.r.s 'vania, ru;u rope. p.T ¦enan ai - ¦il-TACLE. Oilers !*r .iel*.', "per -.aaie at Mr. Augustus Harri's n.-w play, which l< ter. He will remain oi ari ie ul-- Sttttoaary temperature *. i for tn** -fatberl mis. th A~ai-rta_i. i^p n t a toa bound* to B '¦"? ;»n we pm i missie Mil wwi rate nearly . :«ainaui;) tiers mast BS Ittantsd "par railed -Ti.e M'-arts of ani! not "The and Ho-land . m. for Cir*-.¦; Oak." B] ,-«- Bssratura, Helgiaai Arni" la," will be predated at Dhu-. am popuJ tteammip Wasstea* via Antwsrp eit»r» mast o_ Tl. B0PELES8L. I! I .pf rr..' Town "f tba Lower Miehi/ao, riln: slurht'.y eeo Maes.aa.'. at i'la, ni lorOaCad lt" T,r, er The various «.,,f. E POLLOCS maning a b^iiv teared "tort tor rtlr«ci»l "pai tt will at __. tm cam. act.t ra/.»*, the tennis towna "i Into Knots. V' r '|»| er Michigan, Wisconsin aul Io*s, local rains 1 .teamsiiiu Amieitla; Mount wrecked loeomotls np -. per steamship >arat,p,-a Mgaaaasba i 1 ' ituro. tpaa, home, . || remained n tiieir nearly sun poary tsiuyr ,,. :_¦ lu,, . sa v;n:u .irw: anl :.- p'la-- itui'iisition. the ante is fe, u ls almost a that int s.-.ntiiwostern Dakota, feu- via oiast ha darecicl "p_e Ills naiad) ¦ ¦ For Mmuneoia, gaston Mi a.caa isuts", wn an in . i« t.. the former that calais tn which tue Armada ¦. tire moru- f_:r i..arlr stationary Bantoga1 -bine and a ed :n Jeopardy. He fl. eni.y UM maw Benn* par steamship \V;e- sini.. and the trtamphal praeasstoa ogq i. I ui*..< md ttsbraska. fa.r. ir*, tho esstern TM CBCOAT Whew the meet tm li nub- yreoeaad t.» Flymoath, < ,rr>,_rg sou Hamburg Jeltcrs ) *t. Paul'i. ii. cum ... m thar, but lot Ulled half ai!lcs from town, pince. Ignals, rttm hy i.j;!it local ralus nearly suti-u.irv tem .er a ano mast !>o (Unclad mr 'i ;*>;a « anil u. li' *Toe a ... be faii. i Harris intends Mgaatatag __. .,: exhibition of tun-. FRII'AY-At lu a ni lm mm Etea ier ..'-.amshlp ('ama- i ... Beac! Cos ... Kli-aiothaii ptotatas, mus and nllei Immi road for a long distance, erk and Rocka* Fer Colanda, fair, with nearly st.vioaarr toaiporatnro. .'.uams.i,) ol tbe (a*-ai.a tattara .-. ¦> .. Msxieaa** muat _+ flating fe the Armada, w;.. pushed .1 victorias, family carryalls ilirrcte.1 "pe: _l -a .-«.-.. '. on the grund laloon of JJtttry Lane . kind -conned raiacxa local oaaanvATiosfg KATI a 8* 'i. r,.r ( Kriiam. Irelsol, bel¬ 0 an t niu.uu.h *-.» '.0. sir Liuncan ( MapbeU is shairmao the summer residents, fanne. and built In l 89 Mathorlaad* per y Aaraai* a-, *.__.__. BAR ijaeenstow tnstru on which s*veial Ht rr-,' carts, backs with j The wheeo plaee looks if ^"lllOC'k-. mun t* direcie.t mittee, tliariiliiliiili ot __. wagons, pim spot 'inn: »»'-'?! "Mill?* titoi Inabsa mih.'u, >,rw,v. Kassia and iurs.-y ,u_. IO..Tbe newly appointed Min-I a I u to [i ma al ; .-. um for (irruaan). Ausirt* of 15*8 hav* eaaaeatad i" ; ., . ".' I buggil and every style tornado !¦ al 30.5 ,i guest i rw»r. Kitsaia an.l Iur*.-?. r_,r of tl. tbe ri*-h and arma i wen twisted r.» in iecwred the loai. of many ,f vehicle loaded arith pan jHilHBR*T*3jiJ^''/-.._. .. stoaiuship Kalil* Hr*. latten roc othai . > . e r 1. .!. in.- ,. ii - be (olios ¦Ma roi:,:- , ithamietaa recently at Rymeotb. *¦ hard. Braid Ki f i| on -.¦ .¦. mingle . .>. .ii lor rr»u<.. awltSori-M, Bern st., .l ». . MEMOIE Of OHEHVXLLE HIBtEAT. .¦:-" 1 ami mani IBO," hut their *.r,-etr.c- ri Ita Igal. nar steamship La iain n Ve. j Bur. Eda . .. ibout the ha -S ')¦._ 4 30.1' 1 n* ir I hear that the m-nioir af lbs la:,- !¦;. : al tn the nias of rh- i lirooklyn, pa.*-.-, via Usvr* at *) a t. Hr. (.renville , ii aud the .'- a "i. I,. air.i, via Ula*g«w ^._. ¦-, wa* psr sietiusaip Davaai* Murray, by .s widow, io I..- published In Clouds Whenever a w:,-..| w a* cut about t i-i n.usl b.- l,re,:tMi p-r li-voi..a'' at A.l i. m tor th* v., ii.,ier um. I,e^r- several t A i ... mad- iio lion p>f Wes! Kethsriaaia, ear steama.p montli*, ls ta lr,elude ch_pi"i sp I lifted, diatlai Pwenty-flftJ ilau iQ'isl hm il.rert_.t I eel tam '. I I fer .;,,. p.,, All w-.-re attended tn It. VS tlilam ll. Phill .r*»' IteWin "per Mr. Murray left behind, ab-', ai, aul procured All were treafp-d a -vl'.xlY suf- * u. ror i* eta Ul Luau. Wbfeh . idi.-r !. ft foi the r hon .!»..*) hil career. I i-..-,..i thal Mr. of th" la. also U lu.lward iian ls .iir.'t. per swains; sketch of .Murray (li.- a connnunus imo shows the b«.ni.'.t ll m. !.>i \i-ar- - In liagnm ; at a. p.-r remains will provo to be very -nial, and "qnaat BOSLA TABBA WOBXB slush. with lt all e\e, and l States .i-amship I'aracas letters fol C * .' CiSdmkU. ATIf.MFT ro rSSJVBU I OOLOSSB FOTI i ,'i ar this city Th" Sashes ind mts tho vi* eura, must ti. dtreou-1 "pur «.'aracaa"). "THE SATURDAY EEVXEW*1 EOT i 'J.- 1 rom won rilled io an anbearable as '.In Broadway. oa, Hame. U ilulnut't puaiiu.i.'y. )i t, r itu vhs steass- .. tiH'.'t tte crowd of From Tn.- Bm 14 aUNDAV-Ati'i lu.-a, I.u.gB. per Np-.- hour- tor - There li no foundation whatever '.¦ t the report to Tort tl a* tbs toa approached -he isa mci stup Ko*. :»ll. fr*m .New 'Mains ibould make a pi a iint.l at 5 o'llork P, i.rav Qi! Taiiil.ii Omox. Aus. ai..1 a. m..Partly cloap'.y weather which baa been assiduously aHOUlatad thal illa a. .,f colored Thn t.imt>er»ia. rau»«l tietwcen gg Mali* to (hut sud lao m. pur "tearasuip 1 h'p.o.-i. ream for his din- Taara wa.* aa specs I>reT;nl«S yesterday. nev itnm aaa Fraas-saa), cum* ner* August *'.'*at Kt-view" li In the mark«'t ¦¦lui iCliiii.- had scarcely Iliad thaa on . >*atenlay i" th.- averaxe .7.1 V' txins IV, hlgbST the a A" t- Mails tori .eirislauda pei>i no lnt'-iitl"ii Pa i eats -e. ond dear for the throw "if. and Mr Griswold wa* obb»;'-'I nan tere a*aa ttroiu Mau Kr. \fr.r ion king In vain for an he |*rr steaaisbip and tn which he took a bet opening . Ia md near this c.ty to-day there will probably bs ia. ui. c use bara Beet 'Xi, at « ...'u. in ,,ir .>» foundlng, Ibe two mos.* |n.( tish .¦tarted Mm crowd and entering '... wa* l. MCON .iu exe iitl..n In w.Ui . ai Now- York si *le*(us_ip Aurania, with Kn Statis I. down to the last mouth of his lit ¦ the ly through lenatiad slightly cooler weather, AaMra.iai ti.dir cana hr rsi, to I* id* Fla., an! .k, In (he I' i .-'ai. a field io Hi" WBM Bl the road started via i> us_ otu** al __.i death of Mr. Ixj'.i.a*- rk at Ihsaes by staau.*r. kay Pl*, iiit__a eel 1'aik. too, In I be visited. "f a Inch wall on a clim witu M r. M .rr taut nnw_ m. baa regularly te.r, announced lo-- iv. lc Utan of thai tba ehasa fe Baal /- is hm it UT WAtRtSSTOR. lt v_. a hinti a ye-:. Contrlbut*)n havo one ->ut -unitiai raasoa !.¦ hank, bsasatb two overtanatol trees, " Tim asivr'. | |S StM Ihe Arny and Navy J'lurnal. -I-iiescha,*of closlncof Trans-i'aciflc raatls Isarraaral a co'ii'l take it wi* umt a start. of meir n ii ll ami only few the In -tli.p.. ... r,.u Snppw. th. r- .i-r- lO.OOu .* u Di partment officials .Bia* pre.,imensa iterruot*! *v«rt»ni craatu l-plorlng Mie lose of Mr. Den- Me* Ipi tor ihe hunt, bul nlgi.t nu Mau '.Bo Caal li p Hom ar.- awar at a ureat. rate N-caus.. wou't to ifraiicianu. .tail* from srrlvio^ aa us at Gargantuan Review w. .» able to take the .li the msSM ai Bfawtou*, r.ngreaa .sa* r'rsui'i*.:,.** '.a*ua; af asl "Saturday UsukSS, rultuitsta v.,ii nod |n |* ma, rare and intereattng only one. Miss Kellie Whipple. sud iiiigept ip> make a The Uilrd. f'urih and 8f'.h Boors of Ih" jr ra* a iiimii«*r of gentlemen nAert protect ourselves gm Bd|aata ...ese IU* . . .» iar ref'ilariy arery ai tr-- baan d '. nen i ¦ .aall. Ther-- 'jillie .. July Oaaaawfeb, of thc groan leaved Foxhall i Ha h»u-l save WS SBd N. comfortsole HBNRY n. e«ARao.t. l-oatiaaatae.-*-><¦** Unued. near i, lois who started. Including Keens, lt «M always a aumptu"*is f«-a-t. wlio rivers (Acer, t, lr.. LciiJ--uiu Weaver, Ll*- thc gucsis aul Ui.w gcauqiimi -~j niijuld ft-.- iitipuurir place* ikiii hoi aaalbKa Alter swvluirum for thn.. or rest Offlc* Msw- Ysri, Augait 17. usg. t* lao verjr oest winei. UiMIM* Ia'.i. no equal, perbau- In iud LuiUal Stales, lu sue. uu I. A Uatenern.