_,r-he .00~rj;(iM;, tilYJ:in~".~ i.s P1J,b~~sh.ui~ at. JI>!iddksei moni~iy:, _atJ~nt. ~olIar p~rvo~ulllt . . Twt.7Jty-jl:veJ!e~ c?n~. qlSCO'lJ,f!t, wtll-!Je-ma¢e to th(ls~ 1chp. J1Ifjj, tn. acIt-anee, an~ til" 8~me 'W'~~~ bl) arleted to those who negler;t ~o pay at t~eJnd< oj the

.- Jili lelte~; lo th'e Jt.diio".' liMistbe p~$i paid,. unles~ containi-ii;;:' ih~ :names -oj .ubscriber.~; '._ ., .' . . 0' • · NOPflper's ~~,rll,he. dis.eontFnneclqntil ~ILa~re~.rage;: are. paid. -i!!!2!£! .______- . - . · From the Cliristi~n Pall;!.,liilm. 'lin~ ,pe9pl~ tq the anxi~.'!s ~~ts,. a~': l EXTREMES. sur-1l)g.-~h:ew that t.h¢re is salvation ~hat ~'link i~d a·re',and ever have M where.el~e, that Ilnles.s-th~Y.om~ -heen subject to 'ex~'temes, is a fa.cl ply, they must·go to hell; thus it if -that eannol be denied, alld I presume c-arr,ied- ~rJto a v.ast. extreme, 'while no will attempt to evade' this others st~l't back and say it,hi all a t'rllt~, therefore, I shall no.tenumer- -fat.ee, and conde~!l_ the_ whole: so' afe the extremes of andenw, but the,' good \\'l.\Y .has.become a re"':~ to~e d,d wl1 to modern times.;;,;;. "Ye prdach. . -. , , : ~ee at tl1e-pl'eseri~day-, the 'reli..,.iolls . ,.Some tlp.p.<;Jse tha.tbeca~se God is ~ ' ...orId divide_d and sub(livided,~6me Sald to he \ove, and because he so 10'; tonteJidjn~ for ~ne thin~ and some .ved the wor~d that- he::~ave, his :on'; fora-nofher, cryIng lo.-! here,. lind lq.! lly bC.!".Jl tten.Son, that whosoe.ver b~~ ~h~.re . e"ety; one has gClt of. to np9.s- tM-e~ .sl,.o~~ oo.t. per.lsh, bl.lt tohe grouu~. at d exerts alT h~s in~ 'I have eve~last~ng l:lfe ;' thataH· wil~ fluenee to make proselytes: tOhlS sys- ha~e evet la!>:tng hie, whet,her they ~em" aln:t~st forgetting t!'tat his ob-j belIeve on .-tum or· _'lot: This.:does ject-should he fo win souls to Christ;' not cPJ.:J_:~sP0nd v~ry 'well wit-li::'tJ:le thus the way o~:rp.th is evil spo·ken I_word of, ,G:ed ; ~oi:'straiglit is the' o~; anp the most fine gold- becomes Igate and n~r"owIS t.he way that le.a: ~llJl1, In the eyes of the world. _ It- detli.unto_ ltfe, ·and few there be that - has been tll~ -pract.ice in modern jiIH}lt..It looIcs to me more like times\ in. \'e~ivals tb invite those Wlio till! .br.o.ad. w~y th,s:t . leadeth to -de­ were inquirIng the way to Zion,:and.,StrnctJon, "and many go in thei'e~

requested the prayer-~ of G'oct's peo- at. ~'; ... , .' . < -, - • pie.,'to mlll,c it .manifest, eiUrer bv Un:conchl~onalelec£i('m runs p'aral­ ti~ing or coming to sO(r!e cdnve'nie~t leI WIth UlIlvcr!ialism~; by it :We are · lace, and th~reby let it be known taugh-t that God fro~m all. etern~ty; -,-,~;"'_--!:_.J;&.-l:t·J.,..-l!tne desired an interie'st in the decreed a small lJumber of the bu"': R:edc'emer .,.' hie11 seerned to bf1 'ntan family to Qe.sav.ed,.an~l aU .the own4Sd lind ~.of G'od. But it' rest to be left withQut any cllance for h~ sin-ce bee,n' rarried" ro~ such-- ex_$1'Ilvatjou. W.llal uqtnconsistent and' hernes by Mr. Burchard and many nnscr-iptura dodrtn. 'ft ~ g~a­ ether.)by ever persuading,and pul- ~ pIe do~\'n on the old It,oelof,do-1IOth,;­ t~ -- . -ing, 6ll.ying if.l-am-tp.be.sa:vcd, I-f,haU ~eS8 anel judgment, tor" he' tba{ is' -be. But Christ S3y!!, helha-t; com: born ~if>nod;d6th not commit sin.. <~th tmto meJ -w.ilI mao wise cast 'They even 'make ridicuJeofthe idea ---QUt. -~. . "'Oraman'sJeelingthat JfeCB5Sity isJaid , oTher'a-- is 50 O)UC1l contention a- 'upon Ii iro, and aWal:e ieproaches not '_-b9u! Triri.ity~n.d O~ty! thJrt so.me thegos.pe~; forgetting ~hat 110 man .·li.lm9st forget. the Sonslll:p,ofChnst, 't,11lieth t:lH~ ~honol1rJoJnmself but he .~.and, boltHy- RSl;~rt that the ~1f.exi~t. that~s caUe~·-ofGod,:aswas ~a-I'on. ~·,ent:Niho,;-a:hdiedon the cross .and As fOl'Mr. Pacl1ing'-s.system, 1 tnink :!:'la·y-.'tn~~'6iapn-"s -mw'tomb' aH'ee it ~'ould ratnef ten<1 to lead menii!- ­ · cl~ys, thenaroi'e fporothe dead and ·tq·enthll!!iasm, ·an-d ~o follo.w -t'he im- , . again took his.·lmman hO'dy and -as· !\ginafions ';f)f clhf'ir >Ownhea-r.ts ; /-eendeu into ·heaven. ('See NJethod- while Ml': :Ci\:mpb~ll's, Fettl-e's t11em ist discipline, -,~:r.t.2rid.) "OHler!; in down info a .cold, !c>l:mo:l, lifdcss, ·trying tQ-llvqi-cHllis gr.oss absurd-ity, spir'itless 'stlllth 'It has cc-rbinly . .;.run ns'far·the--other ,-w-ay.~ :Butsorne 'heId ~-his. e,ffect in the cil'ete:-o f myac -there lie I-tru~t,<'thatfa·ke-the middle q u~;-ntnnce -;.- (h·ose .that were once course. ..Jjfr.~Pii(;hing, once.an'IHim- hUlnMe f-oll·owers 'of Christ, _nnJl · ~le foll'Ower'o{ J~StiS', and· winir~g wilting·to nlffer t~ewoHI :of cxho,r­ '~to t~ke th~.:l!c·l'i~tures"as .h~s ruJe of. tiltion,lt'l·d e'1gage in .it fhemselv~es, "'faith and·pradriee,.n-ow conalu'des~it J:jO'W think ,that ipstead of.:eonferenr..e rayer11Ieetings,;jt shp\~lcfhe,a ,J)I'ecepts t1)crei-ncorrtained not bind­ l~ rnd '0fb-ibl-e dass,'to, r~dscript\-l·re ·jng til)on mun, but now we ·are to be 'and ·con\ler'se 0'[1 pi\r~icrjh,' flQt.ions, 1:1cd by tl)e~irit; and that i~ sti-m:- .(.fayTm: 'instance, Mr. :Camphell's ..c!ent ina:ll cases and .circumstarlCes :fhe0t:Y.) nut if t1iis i's tb-eW1fy.,to· · \\,-hl\lever'; wlii1e·.Mr. CampQell, Jiite- w-Ors1!ip in spirit, 1rmlsl confess that o'the. horse-crossing 11 brl~e, ca:sts;fi'i~ ~hntl.a stranger 10 t'he right waYfi 'of ..;eye'on ol)e:fiide,tl.n_dstart.inf-at~tlte 'Ged. . . '.' I!ight oft-he water which passes be- ~or;monismis a'~ tmlJ:Olll)cl'~l:Ue:4p -;,low, laHs::Off~on t"he<{)ther: stUe,~lld, 'into.extremity, f6r,~vh..ich.] know of~ ~'n shocking f&IHt is. -He conc)udes n~oparallel, C'Acept infidelity" It . !!-that '8. sword is sufficient without a­ scems:as -if 'nO rational being cpulU ~lY o~,t6~vield",tt·; or ,,'ouldtakehut see th.c derept1o-n of thi;; pr€ten~' it out oftbe ha'n.o·of t,he S.p-ir>it -antI ded new ·r.eyelation dug:up from be­ put it into-tIte hamlg of fillil>le lnen., .neath. Butala,S! l~any follow th~ir . ;(-not caged gf God j butsllch as ·are· pern-i~iou.s w~ys. Thus I mightun­ .' £onceited enollgh to con§ider tbem­ merllte.a catalogue ~f 'Cxt>remes, but ~erv~g.()~p!ibleof,preaching.) And wisdom 'dwells, v;·ilh p,l')Hlelloe-ami I . water baptis'm ;he ·malics the :finish~ .tJJU~t dra:w to. a c}ol1e, 1IOI)in~ t.hat .i ng touch oCthe ne'\v 'bh:-th 1 OJ \V h iGh' we shaH take the wisesl cout:s.'e, an d · ·,Christ -to}

tH:IUSl'IAN LUMINARY. t~r A, ,"-' iJ' from the riglit way, 'ana sp. get ~.eJlt!l, a,ndc,,1I:e1ess!y pushed int.. motion..bllt -eair.rht i"n an-evil net. -I 'hope the. ,a(Lermords ta,ketl nn 11I.t~test npr concern in. "­ <=!. . • -' ' h' ILs government O'PCflition· t . ... . "Christian society are gett'1n a tClr II 'I h"" ,or entll.n.allqnj • ".' ., ' '" ,,'., ..1l1. n,t lilt e 18 no lielllg ot' all. '·An elernhl ~ye,s open'as It respects CampbelhsI)1, IIllcl'ligen.t Deil.~ who'ls acknowledO'ed to be and wil} make no'delay 'incheeklng ,infinllc~\1 ,.B'toc.ieuil, tholJgh ab!oIUl~Jy inde­ a delusIOn \\i·hich seems to threaten, pe~den.lln h.1lJ)seJf,.w·h~hescreatedscnsiliv& _ their fU~l\re" prosperitv. ' ~ . ueln~~, suscept'ibleofp:in and pIOOs\lre, ot' . , ", - -"'1' 0 .' happiness and mIsery, must l;ecessllnJy .be. ." . f';'(: BSE~VE.a.. bound by on i'mniuta'ble rinci~le of his nR.' , ,_"""=.e:::~_...;Ge'f!,esce,,Jlt. H~$~... h~ppille88. Y. Se.pt.. 2:IJ, tore, ,to feel Intereeled,iii lheir :,al~d ,to be 50 far conc~rneil in the g6vernOle'Ilt ?I hill, creatures, ss l!llil their p~in a,nd pleas-, A DISQ.L'ISITION ,O~IN~IDELlTY. ,.ure, hapPlnesl>~ndO)JaerY'shan lie prQportion­ By)lJlder 1. N. Wnlter, New York, ed corr~,~~JY WIVt the rules of tli·qt govern:' ' ..N()IJ. 1834. ' . - _lIlent, ond ~ot~n caosequen,ce,of'hili 'ne~I~~t 'Pure Deisl~' pr.ofpssp.s, a, firll) bel·icf -·in the, .8!1,d.p-ollre Indlffereue-e,to them.- Alt,h:ug~' eXisl ence ofon'e God. but deIties all supernat- dils llE'lng.canno.t_ be made more- cOinplelely ural revl!lnti,)IJ a,\

Vertri.ont Historical Sccicty.~· -. ".

and one n~ture. lind th~ dll1l nature -PY:ldu. I tlln~B in thistcountrj.,:did their lVCIork"-a~most .CR .w;1.hil' itselfbYlln imrtlam,nt act, all those entlr~)y by 1l.r'lach Jn~. So it wall wllb which we eall1:reatnree, alld that Ihis BeingWhitt'field's associate!! in EnglnnCl••. 'ill at the nme time both Aaen-t 'and Patient Is th.t'r e not reason to fear that Iheineffi. f'ffieiElnt cause and 8ub'ject~but that He pro~, cacy o.~ the otdinor>,. ministrations of the --ducea notbing but modi'!ieationa pf' hims~lf. Gospel,In our limes, I.S OWing to the want of .)i'·r~l1n all th'eae aystems. il is evident thsttheir .AITH In the power of divine UUlli,' sin.p}y. llpeu 9,rs believe.that matter wss eternoI, self· esrnestlyand Rersefereingly urge'd on the . eJtis~t and was its own creator. but as they a ,Itent19Jl Qf t.h~ ttnpen/,tertt?' .Do minislere '.con<;eiv.e of a thinking ·principle, they were and peopl~ ac~~n the fall h Ihat snch trl!th; so 'jed to call it'God, yel it wall 01 !tself various­ ?eclared,•. ls 'llJ!I~hly through God? and ill 'Jy. morllfied In slL cog-itll'live substancetl, It not because at unbelieft,hat they ere cold which doctrine still remains to III1V, thete 15 amI hellrtlells, carel~ss sn,l fitful, in theIr la­ 'liD God bufmaller. We IIhall no·w lay dowo 'bollrll! 'What_would be the-r'esult, were a !l f~w plain pl'0pollitions in refutlltion of this m!~ like :Brainerd. filll.offait.h,lind of'the He­ doctrine. There ne thinking and unthink­ Iy GhOllt, to come IImon:;t Ull preaching ChriBt . ing, or cogiUltive and uncogitative lIubl!tau. ~nd ·hlln crucIfied? • , " , . ',ces in nature, that is, ther.e 'is eomething in - Who WIll copy. from the life of ltowlllnd' tha universe whIch we ceII matter 'lind mind HiII. two or three pesRa'!rc6 to show the dred "lind t~e8e lire evidently different lind distinct of 8\1ch prea.ching itl E"glllnd, 70 or 8"0 yellr. .. 'from each other. For allhough 'matter lind ago. , 'rnind may be uniled in aome Ilubstances, in II .MIl. lh:JI"ltlGl:. "The cn'unties of ORril­ "manner 'which we canilOt explain. yet minll brIdge, ·Etiscx. liartrord, Bedford, anu Hltn­ ·no mltr.e partiei'eates ofthe nalure ofma-tter~ tll"ton. wer.e the prtncip!llscel1eil of hie la, "'lOd matter no nlOre t~\e nalure of mind than boure, sod in this circuit he preoched;upoN irlhey !J.arl n~ u.nion. J. have sonlethintr in an lLVersge, from t~n to twelve eerm'one l!l ,me thllt think~. which 'I can mind. I beve \/leek. sud·not ullfrt'qu.elltly rode on horseback '.Iso Bomelhing'lI:bout me that .-couo·ot think, Il 'hundred mIles', ~e. rented h"useB and - :,tbiB I call matter. 'Turn my:hand er'my foot .borns,.~aintainedlBY preacher!, 1I11t! trave'!­ 'w?ich way I win, they will :not, the)' 'cannot led at h)~ own, l'XpeIl8ll-:chBrge8 -which. hili 'thlRk nor recollect lire mot10ne they. hIVe ta. fortunll, mhe:lled from hUi father, anti !tIs, ill­ ;ken. That in ~e which I call mind, can ny, come from hl~ prefe:)n~nt. en~bled hil~ to '·.oar and trnel over the regions-ortbe globe, bear. Mr. HIcks, 8~.lergym,an In 1118 neIgh­ ~call IlWYe 0llwnde .Imd do·wnw.uds. to tbe borhoad, who had been converted by II ser" right lind lefl.at plea8ure.. Thal'ofme wliich mo~ he heard from him, \VaB" biB chief ,com­ 1 call matter independent orm.ind, C8n move paUlOn; an~ It hal! !leen computed. that thlf '::nowlly.b~tby.. thearbitrar1 lawe imprellsed resultoflh~lrpr~achlng in o~e, y~ar. W8~ 'On It·, whIch. always contine it within tbe Ihe·awa1.:enmg ota sell5e,ofreJIgJDn In llbont Qialit8'Of ill OWU e·lement. .. fou.; ~ho.uslllld 8,oni~. The· mOBI violent 0P" Cltriliian.Pallad-i\Im. POSitIon W,ll3 Talsed a~nUlst him, which,eeetn­ 'To'oe continued.. _ed only to atir up his elre":!lh ,and enkindlo nl'W .zea110 his aool; nor dId be r<'ge-rd a.lf 0PlIrobTlouB nsmee with which he was assaif· 'From tbe 'Vermont Chroniol.,. ed by hill enemiell fOrlnore than twenty )'ear§'. PREAC,HING.· Thus in.tho ea,rly culturll ofeetlain POrliOn,1f •. ;Biehep M'llvaine, of.Ohio, bas lately Pllb' -of that soil,.which is now-ondt'r a more order!f Ilehed a Charl!'fl to the,clergy of his Dio'cese Iy lill'8ge, IIrid exhihjls ,;.ymp1ome I)f en abun­ on,preaching_Christ crucified, in.which he as· ·dant harveat, Gud p~rrnitted the seed lown 8erLs th~ power ofl.lQch preachin.g tf) arre-~t by t he first apirilUlIl husbandmen, 10 be ir. attention and atr'ect the heart, and points out It:guial'ly ~cattered on its tiurface f aod it th.e dllngerofrelying on expedicnlll and con­ coutd (only be. a sincere desire lo mltke it l·rlV8.nCe8 in suc'h'8 way as at 8n to distract lruilfuf, thnt stimulsted the inbours of tt,£'sO' /' tl)e atlen'tion-either of 5pea.k~r or hearer from unonublPdly piolle and iu/lefallgti ble lOon." • the divinely!l'Jipointed mesnsof brin'ging IIlen MJI. HrLJ;" ." til Ihe sommer,of 1his :s'eert to know and obey the UQth.. Our attenliou 1';1 r. Row llllltl Hill wae I he mee oS o( r.eviving­ htls JUAl ~ean caIJed to the' 8ame ~ubtect by. M,r. Whitefield's catlse in London, lind looking over the IiJe.of RQwlUld HilL The ~rencQe~ Lo ilnmellse congregAtions 8t t.he rClIdfJf of Chriawan: bio~llhy will at once ·Tohernacle end, TOl!4'mharn' 'Court chaper, C81l10 mind a mult.itude ot illustrative CUIO' Hill resirlence wall the T"b(~rl1ncle h1l06e in 1)1~~a," Whitefield, Davies, the Tenants, Brai-l ~oor.fieldil. from. which he mede Ilreedl.ic.1 .Ji.lll:d, Edward" alld o~bCri 01 (.Id relfivaj· Ul:u-rIllO~lj ill tbo nel~h,l>od\Ood of LQu

" . :ftii. ------~_..:-_-~- . , olldlli(.o to hi.. Ill'b<'UTs il) lhe metror,,,I;,, it· te~jzed oy tIll-' ..nme spi:it and thll san.e ad • .. ~lf; Th~ "/fec.l of hi.; ntldresses to Iile peo he,reBllce lu CiJril!t aull him crucified. pie OR these occBsions. wete eXlra"rdioBry ill Ilta (>xtr"me. O"e IndividuaL wrote him w"ru 'fM h~ encl)urog;elnJ:'ul, t,h~l I tie Lord THE FUTUR.E STATE. ha·d.lJl;JSiled the tl'utbs he had' deli"'''l'ed to Too pretenl·\ife. is·a sflort one; we' e01l'l8­ "'hundreds," \lilY. h<: mighll!Bfely suy ··thou. forth as a flow"r, bloolll a while and then fad ..· ~I\nlls," Bud eBlhf!slly entreats IJim to relurn away" '1:rue.the youth flusheel with enre-plu­ M soon.ns pllssib Ie, "OJultilU06ij lnnged lor ring hope, looks forward \vilh pleasing antioi. the lillie when Ihey should I:rear him .allain." patio.n.8 of a IOD~ life, aud'much pleasure. Hop ­ 1,< ~hny .~' he ()ontinues" .. L~na¥e viaiL"d on' lead~ hiru on from Olle Ohj8~( to another, aOtt, Uwir ~ick. beds,';' lJ rC'ssiiJg G.,j'li ti,r the time the time glide, iUlperc~p'ihl.1 ulon!1; uDtil. til..· t hey h~ard you. Notell ul'thullk-s were put chili ~ew..of Qutu,uB,begiu.. ta.: plber around" lip from,whule fUI'l)jliell st·jrred up to Iiee,k tile his silvered loclu ~ the gay pastimes of youl'-, and the bU9.V caree of manhaon Are rH,,~ed, .. nd· r,"rtllly yoilf minielfJ."-Aj!'lIill: he approaches t.he end of hie flllrthly, car"er .. From N orlh amlem jUl'. Jtyland. junior. ere he is awar.e; he looka. ~~ck wi.th .urpriu 8ent' t,im. in .along !eLLer. a llat or' p"rsonb upon..h.ialleeting e1i'slenCe lind the eeen"o "f;' c\lnverted.nncler his ministry i(l that plnce. cl!ilpelcsd depifis of' ig'ili)rance and sill.' Mr. fondest hope.s, where .tl,e bOll41 of "ailOti",,,,, Ry!unil c'ohcludel! by (rb~e.rvi)}!l, "upon 'the 'He never severe.d, w\lere sin.aud ite ~tti:n(lall ~ J'v.lJole, my dearest Bir, I thinl. you and we evils will R~t interrup~ onr· peace, but wliere:­ h"v.e vas. reason, to he thankful tl,at Goo we hope to f1ouri.h iu immortal youth. 1-10,...· blessed,you/sl) glo.r,ionsly among tiD: and I glorious is tbe Christian" pJospect, and hi,...:' hopf! I he bord w·1l1l1laile it a mOl'!n of lindenI" drE;ary bis whooe millet i. darkened by tb. ~ iug NOf'tlill!n'(lton to you, Bnd ufindueincr :luu .sh~~es of infidelity!..~Irange that bein/:, ~o.-. to VIsit Ud the.ufl"ner." . ~ . ,,,,~n~ such uob}e a.plTlng.p.owers, ehonld,hm-­ \."fere theae.extraorc!inary"fiecI9alrogeth. It their e:s.isteu,cc by the prenDt-lrane.lorp . de (it d 1 . I . I see.ne. e~ OW.IOg',. Ul~ r· b ,t~ I leo f}or-e rij or th". ·'i'hp. l!.il!.eng~~ ~.( our (.tture being are tnG. p' "aching.or Chrst cruclfi"li '111 lh"se '.\llleS t Cami'liar to nee epe titian. 'But wliat will b8, -" Have tbe Impellitent 8D101lg, U8 becom.e sfJ.~a. the 'matwer,of om foture life, or il\ what cir­ IllJlrar with the truth., th8t stich prcllchlOg cumolauoe••hall .we .be placed in )'onder-­ ~fJU Id .nol affect them.! y! nen we 53'1 sUch hri~bt. worJd'~ The sp.e.culatiolll on,thls' sub-. preachIC.g. we roc.an, ollly,. preu,d~lltl'''chlirll,l)· ject hanheen Dumerous., a f~w> of-which,"t nill"" -~ not be impl'''pu~ tc,~enlioo... The Scriptures.­ .Many. instances ofthis kmrl occurred, BS _have, r.e\·ealed to.wan his immortality, and the·· tbe.r-es\llt of his preaching: olle m,'st· unex· always eXflanding. ai'·N'.yS ~earclling. ex.telld•. pr.cledldillppened-ofJ ntyrielf. III ;l~fl year it~ inquiries be.yond the'confinesof tire tOUlB•. 18il!, !vJ r. Rowland Hill preac.jH~a ,at Nor: Some ha\<6colljecfured that tt,e 80ul will'8Iee~ .. _ wrch. and,abnut fl)U:I' yeir; aften~8rdi an old' with lha burly mitt\' the resurrection. 'l'hi." woman wa~ brolJ~ht from tllat ql:Y ",10 ·the sup.position however is incoosistent wit.iJ, th." workllOu~e of Acle. She wus takcll i1~. ~nr,l nature, of .the ~i{ld., ev~,.ar.t.iye~ e.ver,gi&5)\i~g'· J' visited her. 8.nd fouml that- she was ~C'. at ue~.obJe~h. II, willie th~ body·,. r'!"llo'IIl!'; quaintell with Iheway Of'dul-vatioll Milt is il) .aml&th,e :Jlhll!~ss_of lI~(ure, 18,:Whol'~y, lIlM>lUI;': Jesos. 1: IIJqtl,red of her i>y what meanS' she. ble, (hll Dlll\.d I~; U1 full e'UTl)ls~ lIl10l uon~ e,,, Was brought to 6 IlOowledae el' ,tJle' way ut lIs powers are 5us\,~lld~c1 eN"n ,for·8,fe~<.holln .. !lIe. She renhed "three !:r lour eu l' ,0 0·' s!lnl! We ,sllRPo.e It Will. he unrwaat.,1&.' tlll' ... ~ . Y ,a g,. !!:rave for thousaoos 0 y.ears?' h Will 1101_· _ 1 sa": a.cro'~d g.Olllg 8 h'ng 8 01 r"e~ 10, ',:rs O)·~ cannot be so. -Inspiration a)50 forhid. the. j...... w,lCh. l Il~kea, where tl~ey were gOll'/:!. ,alld dea.::. the apostle <.iesited to depart'ann be ""lito, the.y 1.~ld,~nc, to iiear.u ,"mou~ preacber cal Cbn"t ;.hut whysu,lfhe co-uld not ascend D.­ led ~owlllnd HJIl, 1 fo,llowed them and., fore the tes~lI'Tection, for ifthi9 be true. 8S\)l'e- . oonla acsrcelJ sque?z"e 10;' \m1.,1 heard 1>:10, 1dy-deat"'would- Rot b tel) Ilia r"c"p,ion tGo'" ~lld tile Lor~ llles~P? thaI 5erulo,1 to ,DIY sotll. IH':8vellly (eliclly ?. "estls I'rolJ,iied th lH,nl~' J kne:>ll llothlllg: of €hrl~~ .bef!l. He empIOY~·a'f,Kur~" o"f vegetalion~ aiu] connecter! therewith can at _ple.ent -be. only I remarlu, 'ITh". which Ihon HlWe.t ia trot q'i\ck­ o"jects 0I'ima::f,wli9,i, the~e will be. l\ pel;'-") "/led except it a:e" anll. til,>! 'w'hieh thou-sow­ when thid ~eil.hall he wlthdrawll, when ely"­ est; thou s'i'Wt81 t>.nlllll.l' b;.dy i!i.".l shall be ... inn klory will.b';nm ul,on the deli!(ht~d"'\'hiol\ J hut God giveth' II body a:- iOlat.nplease·d· him, (Of Ihe fure' 8& fh.,y IHld lereslrial bodies, he conliYutp.., "So al~o i, c8.t.their ero.w... bdore the throne ._Jdo.ming. 1~e ~ewrr"clion of Ille_ deild. Il is sown ill $tar.~_- - ' (;orrnpfioll, it i. t·.. ised ,ill incorruption. It i' roc::a FOWll in di.horlollr,i1 i. raised in pDWer; It i.i' .BEA'UTY" a"F EA''RLY P.:.IE1·3Y··. FOWIJ a natural-body, il i. r~i.ed· If spiritual ho" .. dy."· Henoe we ,lIf"r that, ae. the .ted "hkl, . One' of '.Ile -mnst" beaufiful ail-d. falll into the ellrth peh.he.; anti a lIew germ a' L U ,ris!'.; fO we shall he raiSed with glorio·.is boo fendiir represe.tlt3!ions given- .in dies not J'0~se'fmg-lhe ('s,ehllal pro,ieitics or '. C I . d' th.e former'one~, h.e Christ"de"lared lhose wl;o the scnptu-res, 01, t la.t 'm_e late. lire acco·pnted worll,y to oblain til-I" re8li'rrec­ Lii'lion which.' su:bsists • het ween tion will be a~-I:be ati-gEoIs or God in heaven. h .l -h·' ) . k The qlle~y arises, ifin the·fulllr..e' .laleL we C orist 8ntJ- IS peop e. IS taen _shathot J>G_the"--'o"me"liodie'g wl,ieh Wfo from the sbeph~HI and hi& flock .... .had·on foNrth, will n",t tlriB..,ircumatance rend"r . hId" . ll. incapable .of distiragllilhing each olhj:r? When wr_apt III 0 yme Ita11011, The words of Christ,.thc.y neitbep marty no~ Isaiah contemplates afai' _ off the are g.iven in'marriage, IJ:c. are supposed bJ . f" 1 ]\." .) d I' lom.e to COlHllenance Ibe idea, but we-clo nor coming·o t le lVJ.eSSla J. ,an lore· conceive this to be the case; since a·lthough· It;:lls the vq~gellnce which he p.orthl)- rellltion, are not to he repeated O'"S'UB·' sh.o.llld exercise towards his foes. tained, Ihe e'"enfa ·of life will never. he' obliler- , stedfromtheme'!fory. Ase.verywof.l,action he beautifullv contrasts 'with" it lind incidentofollr probationary course must the-~endeari(~g .r.elution which,' paE! ineolemn review lI"t the jlidgment, imd as our knuwledge will.be 10 increased and the Christ-sustains to his people. "He' undentan-cling enla!g~d, that enry myster-y' sh'all reed h'ls flock li·ke a -shet'):­ Win be unfolded, and we shall iell as let nand J' ,... know as k.nown I it is reasonable to &llppose­ herd, he shall gath~r _the lambs that we ~hall rec0s-nize eoeh'olh·er. "nd lr·u· 'I I' d tl· b gl~rious)atbe Bu!i",ipation, Ibat though the wlt l liS nJ'ms, an carry' "lem in drollgeat tie~ of nature are oftLn unexpectedly h:is bosolJl." ­ burst aSllnder by Ihe cruel stroke of de~tb, we In simil ar language, tbe proph" shall enloy Ihe .sociely of· th08e we .loved ao­ , well,. ~hell tho'ewho'Fha·re mOft lariel;, in et Ez.ekiel.mOl'e fully .poin-ts, out ourafr!lctJon are called 10 bid III adieu, how ~tb' e (jffice flno characl.er of the ellceuive would be our al'ogni,h did we belle've our ,eparotion elernal., hl,t if we have -8follre- . sh~pher~. of Israel ; -"l'hu:~ sail b ancl! tha~ after a (ew f1eetjng day·s· we .hail L d G d b l. 1.1 J I ..jom tll'em ilta'rtallD of uDchllngi.ng· ftlii:itJ'. the o'r .0 I 'e.J·IO U I eV~D I

- • r ·will bai h· search tny 8fJeep,n,ngle"he-ep by nam.~,~and.lc.adet}j ihetn;:' _ seek thc.nl out r as;' a sIH~i}l1erd; out;:: unclei' h15: gmaance,.. there.. . lSccketb Ol'Ithis flock. u.J't'he d1lyJ sh·alJ no ev·il hea~t o'ev-our (hem~, t h~J he iScam ong. his shee JY thit; ft)l".llqne is a-bl.e to ~ucle t:h~m out. (\11e 6c~ttei'e.d;- so will ~ seeK:' out ofhi9 band, nei-thel"shaH any dan:' my .sheep, and \v.-j.j,t deJiv,cr them' g~l' appro8CQ the plll'ce' oJ: .their,_"'~~~~ tlU't'of"illl'the pfaces'- wnel'!J' the)' rest~ With·the most tender' SYUI--­ have ·been 5caU~vetl in· the' dou,:, rathy,.the Shepherd of·f-sra-el car--­ . cfyaay. And f. wjJ!-"hri~Jg ,them', ri~s' .the lambsjo his arms . w/rep",

{Hlt frQ;$ t·he· peoplcf and gather-'weat'],' lfnd leads gently along.>'_ theQ)' f~romlhe countries, and'wilt: lhose.tbat are feeble in· his fold,,_ , bring themJ0: theirpwo land, and W'hen aboufl'o',I.eave this worlJ~~. feet! thelllll·pof.d'he· ID0u!.llains- ~f and' ascend, t~ I)i~ f.;tth~r, he man-' ~ Istiael,. by the.rivers~·and all the 'ifeste<¥the affeeriOnate feelings Ccs"o~tbe ceuntt'y.his heart for 'their :presel·vation"... 1 Vi 1lIle'eiF tl'lent in'a good·pasture,. in charging Kis apostleS" fiJ's:t of !lll.... ~ and upQn lhe high mountall:lS of to ""reed hiS' latp.bs!'~ ... Israel shalLtbetl' f~ld be; they lie - 17hel'e is not,: Qildet ·heaveI! a:' in a- good· {old" lfQd-in a "Cat pas't ure' sight so ioexpl'essibty pl'easing, 1I~ snfi'H t hey feed, 'lJm~ty'; 'catcb:es.3:'~ a.nd will \51nd'o:r~ihatwhi€h ,va-s a glimpse _oftbe'unseen~glorleso~­ hrokcn,a nd strengthen that wh.iGh the 'Paradise ahove;.,~nd his" ~Oll~~

was sic&.' , .. ,',r is· fiJle,d w.ilh at holy ardoor ·tO~7 lnconformiry'whh the- annun- seize upon;:t; erown of. unfading:"'" ciat-ioElsof ancient prophecy". the, glory;: he' hears: the'voice ofhea-.:· Redeemel', when he came into v.enly wisaom"8a:y'tng;~ "Th:i~ is-not?' the world, assulffcd the char-acte.r the place ef v-o.u£ rest-here yow of th.e good Shepherd;.. ,v.ho- so hav.e 09' c,ontinuiDg.c~ly"and he lov.ed his she'ep', as· to give his, turn~ his: ere from' the glit.teTing: life a ransom for·,thefrs. Wbe1i· lL'iffes- which ,surround. him,.··tO" ,thirsty be .guides his flock by the ;behold: "toot". aity whidY hath.. still.waters ~ and when weltry, be foooda pious when looktog at disregarded 'j while evcpy system th~_ s;tarry- he.av.eos, and co~tern·, that. even promises to. hi<;1e th~ plating the handy and w'ondl?rful- lashes of, congcience, ana ,the 1'1-01 k8 of GQd~ Can suc-h a, gtreat wrat~l or Go~, 'rs ~elIibrated' by lind glorious, and povverfur~eiDg multltu,d.es~Wlth. avidity.' . . condescend to supply . th.~ ,wants , Ifwe walk, the drunkard, th~, . of creatureSn:iO, ~aef and iq51g~in· swearer, the .Sambath bl'e~kel\ -­ ~&nt il: ' 8uGh .C0osider.atiollS 'are, tlw tial\ a~d the scotTer meet us ­ calculated to hui:qble Lis~ asi~ the !~ ~VQry ~hfe~ti6'n, whil~ our puh.. 3ust., But'wllen I laok arqund hck Journals ar.efil!ed' with lac... among th~ compapiop§ Qf. wY·co~-v* o-[lIlJ~stice.aM fra,uq)'h-:\l\-r,~' , "- . , ~,

.­ t .. Z J2 /

,f' " , '(fer a ' heft and'abominations of" -"row Hi,; Ct;'rietian '~"llii.diuut, :'. PRIVATE 8RETHRENCJ\N pO '~HJCBo~ . ' • _ • "l. lIe is ever rolling sin as a sweet BR~TJJER BAD~E~,-,-1 ': for t~;::l morseluodel' his tongue, and de first ,t~me presum~ to spea~ tq th'l'''-'' I .. ' 'I t ' j' publlck throu~b medIUm of " ev,~ry' ~pecles the­ IIg h ,Ill a mos 0 , •• '-J l' I', ' '" 0 I . }. bl' h) OUt vrlluable paper, _le~ IIlg 1l ,,,' llHOUI(l'. lOW lum mgt't ed' C', I·clab'}')'t\· t. ' '_ ,-, J ',' , _ eep sen,8e~o ~Y' . I J ," 1 tllought.,..'V,hel e, I~ the~boasled indict my abst.ract ide'as, I alql09l . and fancied, p'erfectlOn o,t h.um-an stu'ink frem the tasK, But view­ . )l~ture ~., '~'hey' al'e turn~lJg eve­ mp; tl:e pr'o/~ssir~g commQ[~it1 ~!!~:, ry one to' IllS own, wan' and all emotfons ot SO,ITOW, seemg tti~. ' with one 'consent reject the gos..- fahaticism of tbe day passing, foi r " pel. - :'-:'.­ "', , .' truei-etigioll! alJ~ behold,ing_,th~:: But agam; where grace has p~rty zeal ~t ha(, IS ufi~d to mak•...., pl"ollelyl~s triUm(lbcd, and tl1e soul has been 'and, :build up huma!-,! ,4 brought fo' trust iv toe merits of creeds,. and the r~'a~ineii8 there is: Christ, olten ,are tb:ey (aurid bar-' in,mankin,

cu." . '. . . . C. 5 J .~ ...... tll.Icnce of Christians uoi.ttJ-l1 i,n 1~he had !lQsooner -u1tererl ,these ,­ one body or act illg in unison; pre- words~ than the court;- "'hic], ~:u _ sentilJO' a cement too strooO' to be crowoe'o with ~ome hun,dr~ds of.stu-· ­ . 0 0 b dents, mil" with n I).eal of loud ,re~ls~~d and hj>o v,aluable to e tau'gl~tel': "The juc1g~ leaked rou,nd prrzed. the court astonished, and 'nth Could we see a Conferenc'~ of a decent solemnity laid hi~ Jl!lrids lay members assemble ft>-r the upon the bench as if he ~a. goin~ ~D­ purpose of rern-edying 'th:e exist- l'ise, and no small eino.l-lon ofsIHnl•. _ tog evits tt)~n we should thitjk spoke to. tl~e fQllowl~g ~ffeft:--,.·' . " _. "Uood Goa! where am t'? Am I _ so~eth~ would .be,aol1~ rlg~t. . in the place of one or" the univ.ersi- Lest I shoul,1 swell thls eplslieties of this IdoO'dom where it IS tD foo large, a?d l~linkillg 9f the fa. be sl1ppose(~ t.h;t ydu~g- ,gentlefn~!i ble uf ,lh'e hog anu tbe 04t I close a,re. ed.u~atecl 10 tebe pnnclples o! re;_ by SQJlng.-y hglOP, as well as use~~l l~arnmg "__ Tlliflk,~oh brel!lre,n" thinlt; _ and for such to laugh 1~ so mdece.nt . 'flJa~ ,,,lJile you covet ~ood. a manner, on,hearing an aged Chrt~-_ ­ Th",,~-,s it IIwumnd,Mtatvlllg .OU.!I, t:ian tell thaL she. retired .iuto her-' Who 'pant fot gO!Jlel foo.d. . ) '. ''-', I­ E E closet on a Loft's day evelllo\( ,or • MDI. prayer _and medit'ation !' Btu'shand ---'---'-. be ashamed, all- of voU, if:,. you_ Itr-e , IMP~ETY REPROV~D, capable, of it, ~s well you may,; Bnd . Some t~m~ ago a man was'tr,led irany Of~v~ollr tutors a;o here,t,. let at Cambridge, England, for a roh-, , them blush also to see In how tr_re,' !,cry cotn~itte<1 on an ag~d wOllia[), ligioU's a l'i'l-arin~r their, Fupils and_ ]n her own house, The Judge was student;; behave." And then tor'o- , Baron Smith~a}lIanofamiable char- iog to 'the lady, ,be said, "Don't, acter fo reh~IO!l: 1-~e-ask~u the ,he_.di:s~ge41.. ,~" b~ -this ­ gentlewoman if..the pruoner.at the -pieceo! rude 'and 'Unmannerly, aa .• -bft was thepel'son who robbed her f well as irreliaiolls usaae ; you have' "T.ruly, my lord,': sailt ~he, "I ca~- no reason to_be asham;d of what YOQ n.ot positively say It was he, for I' have o-n this 6Ccasion~ and in this was III &il evening, nollDn-g AiJlE:e, in c0ra.-, 'd ' b "'- '1- d ~ ,I. 'h' palty with the 'celebrated 'Dr.--.., who wnl- '! Ila -rou een _emp oye ' . \\ lJen e lhe llI~dicaJ attendant of )ol1n lbndnl;ph, 01 robbed YOll?" :"My lord, I am, a Roanoke, nt tlie {hill' of hi.


in perfect ailenc-e wlien he cloself his eyes;and ment which God has. su up in the earth. whic:li. for ,a (e... lIjoinents ~eemed, by his hard breath. was preached by Chri~t a~il the apostlei. inK, to be .osle~p. But,as the. seq,uel 'pro\'e.d, it wall the mtense \Vorkmg of IllS mind. Open. This consists of three thing~, viz. l~:(ght~OI"­ log his keen. eyes '~pon .tile Doctor, he laId nel8. power aD,1 joy in the Holy Gh08t. For .hat ply. 'remoTu,-'--SOon afterward more em· the kingdom ofGod is not meat alld drink, btl.t phaticapy, 'R£.MoRuc:,·;presently at Che top of lJi~ Itrengtb, he oried out. 'REMORSI~.' ~{e righteousneS8" pea!,e and joy. in 'the Hord. ~holOme it in/l'duti~nary"- ~d. All tbat leads to peaoe w'ith God, in o~r­ Th-e l)'oct?r'looked ro:mdlan~ t~ld him the~e J~I"es, and with 'others, as faras it c!'o De !lone Was none m the room. I Wnte It then.' Bald Randolph. The Dr. perceived one' of Ran­ in righteousne!s. 3~. All which gives joy in dolph'. engrand cards Iyinll: on the tRble. 8S­ tbe things of lhe spirit of God, which is the ked if he Ihould write it OD that. :Notl,ing ,pirit of holines.: ,The,llingdoms of the worTd', more proper,' wai the an8wer. The Dr. then - , h wlote the word in pencil under the printed' set up by'man, are founded upon. unrig tedlu' name, and banded-It to Randolph. He·.~ei7,ed principle., and they cause war and sonaw, in- • jf and .bolding' it. up to his eyes wi~b great rar~ ite'ad of joy and p~ace. The kingdom of G"od nesinpu, seemed mllcn,agitated,. ~fter a few l!ppeared small at, first. 'but it M., greatly in­ .ec!5nds; be handed back the card; paying, 'Wrlte it Oil the other aide." The Dr. Ilid so, cre....ed. and will coutinue to increale until it ig large letters.- .He took it again, llod' after overcome, all other kingdom., and the king,. ga~ing earnestly upon it a (e" S~CO!l~s, ·retur· dom o(this world become tbe I(ingdolfl.of OUf' ned it, and said, 'I.e'nd Johh your ptohcil, Rnd Cord and of his ·Chrift. r' let him put a stroke under it.' The,black man . tMk the pcncil. ami aid ,so, lea.ving if on the 2d. This gospel of. tlie Kingdom. As 'th, table. 'Ah!' said tbe dying man, 'Rell~oTl~, kingd6m ofGod ditrers frOlD, all oth,er king­ you don't know,what it milan•.', But added dome,:'sb tbe g,osre1 of it differs frOID e"err preeentiy, '1 cad myself on the' LOrd Jesus thing c~lJed. "osn,eJ. _tl ie called good tidi"lIg-,. Chri.t for meroy,' , "J: • Dr.---tiJen8ho~ed . me tbe identical so tbat it, Dleao. !lot ·o.nly thai ~bic.h G\)iJ' hili card. On one eide ",as wrillen 'John Ran­ said. b'ut tbat "'bioh is:liood, al1a,calculaletl ('a doleh 'of R.oa9.0k.~, R~mo...e,! ~nd O? the nth­ .''e J' oJ to' all who receive it. This gospel '" er erde, 'Remorse,' You DIaY 'mal;"1Il8 the va­ g'\ , . '1 . ried,thoughts,that .fuRlred through my mind. at call~d b.r d,/ferentllamlls, because there Ii no beh~ldil\g this SlI'd-evidenoe of.the dreadflllnesF. .one word iufficient fo describe ~t.· 1s~. It is f'f postroning to'a d!ing hour, the busineu of called'the &,ospel of lbe 'New' Teatamen,t; be. Il hfe I1me; , . , "I . k II ' . ,'. . " cause It contams new t lings; ma es, a new: .CHRISTl-AN LUMINARY. who recei"e it; givee them a new naolli- and,.~, _=::;:;.======:::;======...... :::. Dew song•. and pl\:uni~es tbe_m the new' Jem,a- MiDDLESEX. DECE.MBER. 1834. leln, and it ~s a tes,timony ofG-od's Jo,·e.'a,nd, gQoc:,w;i1J t,e-ubedient a promise of all td, the gospel, which belongs to thfikingdom, that cal) b,eneut tbem here and.hereaft.Jr, pt\r. l,t1 Ike lfinci'dom, Thi. meaaa' the (o,Y~rD'1 lic\l1arlr an eltpe.;talioll of the re.urrcction of' CHRISTIAN LUMINA-a,..

tbe just. end eternal life, called "tbat blessed aoni)udgment, the opost.lesofl/Je Lllml;l;~efe go~peJ hope." 5th. It is called tbe of p. eace.' carrYlDg. t h e goape 1 0 f Cbrist t.oallnost ever,. beoause il teaches us bow we m~y ba"e peace lVilh God; in ourselves and with others;. It pert of th~ e8jth, ilecording.fo the commlnd .contains Ihings which make for peace. lllb. d their Msslpr. "Go ye into all the world 'lIs called the "~bspel of ~lIJ\'ation." because and preal}h the gospel to every creature." ­ it sh·ow8 how men CRil be.sated (rom sin h~re "But yP. shoji receive power .fler tbat tbe Ilhel from tbe grav41 hereil-fler. Epistle, I. 13. Holy Ghost·ja eome upon you, ui ye IShan '7th. It is laid to consist of th ing~. lst. Word, ,be witne@spa tmto me &o~ in-JerueeletrJf'lful hecause IClmethlnl; is Jaid to men. 2il. POfl)· in alI1udea." &c. 'that go·..pel w·hich w•• u, because it come.s with authority from God thete preached, haa been preached ~ore ot and mnnifesls hill power to Jlardon tlie reni• il'l!ll (rom that day 10 the prf&ellt, as.a WitDIl" tilnt instl'.ad of destroying the febel. 3d. to thll inhohilante ofllJe earlh· of thIS trut~ or.Y GHOST. hecou'se no Olle can prr~ch with(lll ' I. ~SSURANCE, because all thill Go!! hos no p)P8Sllrf: in the death of Irian who obey it nne sn ~tidelJce of itl!. cf\lltein. Ihst diE'lh. but that he turn Rnd Jive. He de­ ing all thp.y need f~f.eYer. eth. It is colied elotes Ihat whosoever cslleth upon the nlme . ~ ofthe..!"ord ~h8JI be lolled ~ and o,ll who-dlao­ . ~V.ERi'.Al;TrI'lG, becnus'e ell p'rotnised there is tl~re'ble, snd tnoy' b'e Itepe~ded on forever. bey th~.gOl'peJ shall he :punillhed fef their .., disob$!d Lenee: ; The (lutpourin- oCthe anitit lIlh. I.ife .end immorta lily. lire so id to be, 6- .­ broll~httl'1 Shi thr~ugh the·Gospel : because at (he pTPllehl and the t.hoD88nds con·· 1i do·y, H lslhrough tbe GOllpeJ thsf we have elnn'st .er·trd. to .God,:whii.e'~en~ art>· .preacbing .life\ With whet propriety·mighl PauJ lIay th is gospel, provulhc truth of Ibis decllr. "lIo.w beoutiflil lire Ihe feel of thelD thaI lion, that the go~.pel is I w.itnells· to III n.: prl'Ol:h th~ tJoll?e!'ofp£>8CO," tions_of th'e wiliiilgnl'88 of God to bJell lilt . ~d. We are t'll sh'o· ho.w this G08pel is to wlu~iIAlL: Ibgir ~ruBt in h,is , o~'"O. • _,,-,_...!!b.!LP·reached in all the ...orld fur a wilnen to 3d. We ,nO/let ihe t~d m.n/iOfle4• • il Dltio'os.·' . Christ sp.eiiking. oHlle wlrs: h~. Sly.; "Bu( it is t~ be. oheerved t~Bt in thie chaplet• .'t.he ind is not yet,i·· 'lIe d~es not mean the· Jesll'! Christ told· his diEtiples oflbl' ·disl.resll ,!lnd ofl~e world~ut the ~'nd OfW.8111. tumult. "'hich should he on esrtb among 111-1 natioos, an~ c~nte:ntions am'oJlIr natiqns and l(ingrlOinll' before ,hia appearing the lI<'cond time. "And PrlDclples ~J1 ove~eome. a.]). t~e com," kingdom against kingdom," &.C. 'Chriat In- mrlptlmehta an'~ d.oct,ri~es ·of. mep.' ~beft r?;·~ed his discipll's thaI in th~ time· of tl;is thjs,~!l.JlP:~1 is getle!toI1Y re~.ftlved. ot.lni.r Iking:a • distress,. lh~: ggapel of lhe grace' of tiod contrary to jt.\hll be r~jecte'd.. Th-is'go89~1, _~OlJld be prrached extensively, ~8 0' p;o{ltof wh!!n received ·by tbl! world .:wHI .drec~ tile hl~ )oveand good will -to men at ttle tilDe they etl;d ~etitl'one~. in the (e'tt;·Yiz: 9te.;a7 distrl:B~' wt're SUffering for ,their, l~,quit~es;:and by ~B and lumu1t~•.'rbi~ w'i1J be t!J' 'time W,91m· thIs hr would ·pruve "that in jl1c.gm·enl hl:! reo tfie w~l~hme·n ~ha,Jl·~/le, fiji! 10;eJe,~~nd wli~ nl~mlicl'"d ·~erey. ;,-'-A WlhEAS· mea;18 the {here 6h.all be..qne Lord, ana: bis tI~tne, Olle 'in te~titnon, of lhe ttuth' of "!Illy ~ltlllC.;. At all (~~. aa rl..h" ~·he· }I.ell,~e~ ,ancJ e.l~h ~r.e the tfme,OAI~o;ln'tKe'irw. were .vilJted ;'ifh i l}9;~,lhflkl.f\g~ a~d .1\0., t:hillltJ wllic-h ~Q ~ "-"=-=-...... :;;....;o ~ . ~ .... dabn will bit ',,,moYdd, thlLl those ~1;io-g8 der strong,convicHon (ot sin ;ftnd ".- .bjc·!scannot liemnved may ~em.in. "Where­ the_wicked begjn toconsidel·., May .. ,tor.,.~ we're.ceivin; II kingdoJn whieb calln,lt the ann of the tonl be made bare t-ll~ir . -b. romovcd, let·us. hll'f'e grrlce, wherf)'by We J'I1 deliverance from sIn 'and sa·, .may .~rYe G<>iaecllplably. \yill. reverence tan. The p~eserft pl'osl5ect appear~ encotlragiop: for the revival of reli.. andgoillyfeor. Ir -I L... G '} iJion.. Lee tnat o~l i~ .~vtt 1 me lu I/i~ ~.rtlies., thing", we m"y r.l'j"ice in lnmy labours, bless.ed be hl'S Name; . hope ofl'utu,,, redt'ltlptipn,.lllld·waulIlItil J,t!, anetli;s camf01'ts'leliglH my he"l\r,t. ­ " ~8lI' come-510 PUI JIJ wn all rule', authQrity anU. .0 what am [ that he thus favours - power;ilolilrl1rylo bi8,ki~lg

4 (Chr.istJ w,bicll w... cut 0111 or "lie mountain responsibility is great: but in atldi .----­ wilh'lUl hn'nd. ill rollin...­ il"d wlU contlll~e to tion to the power ,of divine grace, f .'. ~.. Ihave these for the kinda!!sistllrlCe.ot toU unltllbelm-oges of Baal ere ground to b h" d f' 't' J:: ,h-' . . 'tn',· ret ren an rleo( Si uO . 1]1, JC.,wder"s.n,l! the kJngd~1II9 of tli18 world_ be" t J I d 'tr'tlJal tl 'I'ngs' an (1. . :d of' r. d 0' h' Ch ," '. empora an sp 1. I • r : C.-lwelh" ktDg OED oUI"..."r all" III • rl9~., do 'not -douht .their continuance. May the Lord ~Iess them with the rich, nnd abund~nt consolations of 'fl' D~B t", 'fHsholvspirit,untiltllcystltndcoIll'" L mer rom • .' "'.!fait. -.­ plete iii all his will. Several'onlia • Dea.r Br~t.her Hen'. Ma)' the ,'I'evi val of !.eligipn has recently ­ -Lord send forth more faIthful serv­ commencetlm Dunham at a Metfi­ ·anlsintohiS"mOralvi.ney.areL "There1odlst meeting, and abol1tseventy (iC . -:.is a general atlentioo to the preach- 'I ,JIave heen ct:irrectl.y infor-med,) ed word amo':Jg the (rifferent deltom-~ have .been hopefully' converted to~ inati<1ns, an4- a.considerable_ degree God. May tlie work _of the Lord or ullion and good Jeeling. I have pro!;per among th-em. The Wesley­ visited and ,preached with the chlJr- 'an Metho<1ist brethren in this place, ches which. compose my disLI'iet. are mostly con~endit1g for the spirit. , The congregations g.{lnerayly listen and power of godliness, amI are ,-fa,:, with inter~st and apparent anxiety V'oureil ,""it-h the blessing of heaven: toth$! Go!pel. .A conviction for a Thot1gh distapt from illY friends and deeper work of,grace among some brethl'en~in Verqlonl, my thought!!. ~! \h.e churehest Ilppear-s t? be~ s~at- and pra~ers oCtet! mingle' with theirs ~ll. ,Among, others, thiS anxIety around toe altar of mercy; rnd 1 seems less, thongh ap,par-enly in- ,earoe,!S.tly desire their prospeJ'ity aoel ~reasing. I~divi(Iuals have 'groan- happiness. While .. the north, I - ed and stru.gtl~d it,tto liberty, ~nu tJ'ust, is ,giving l~ll, may the s~.l}th ate now reJOIcing mfull salvatlOn. keep not back, t1 I Goel- shall -brmg "lier. ar&eeverupersoJl.now un­ hi Ions from .afar, and his daughter. 1 C'It,R.leTIA.N LUM{NAIlY; ,~----- ...... ----:--"----~~-----'"~--_':""-=-:':": from the ~ntls Qf the earth. -las! he left hig house and famlIy' to . Hal1eluJ~h, the- i!'rd GO,d Om- return to them" again no more fore",­ mpotent reJgneth~-D. B. WYATT. er. ~is death was occasioned by a Stukel!!, L. C.•Nov. 14th, 1834. fall from a buildio/!. He was taken, and earrlht to his 'boarding house, . For l~e-Chri8~fall Lllminory. and physicians visited him immcdi· . Ext,.aet ofa letter from G. H. ately. But they could not helpJrim. Su:eet. __' He fell the same day that be left' Brother lltudee:-J now set down home" and ".he-same-evening I was to inform )'011 that r ara well, a1 s'ent for. J went and staid with him -, IHesent, though since) ldt Pomfret, till he expired. He died Sat\lrd~y my' health h:as been poor. Artel: I morning, Nov. 22d, between.1ive,and left ,Pomfret 1 journeyt\c! in compa:­ sh· O>c1?c~. •• ~vith__B!:.~ Call. two Jllmtlred' It was IllS o~m!on that !Ie- slJou~d . 'nji J.e~l11yis a I\pi-ritual Jo- get well. He saul he w~s .not h~rl seph. f1 is hnT~-i.b..lll.J' hOUle. Two very bad,'fo'r he was not In any paJn. oJ .~ti~ dlt~lgh,fers bayc f:xl!ci'ieT,ced But-th~ llQOr man was deeejved.~He reil/Z-lDn 'since I clime to t-ll-i::;; rccrjon, was not E~nsibIe how, bad he W;al. God i~ gl:~cjow,I,~' ,carl'yir.g «(~ Jli~ IHlJ"t:, nor r.ow nctlr he wa e,grave. w(}l'k In tillS C(}lr~ltrv. 1118.ve' aUen- The _m()rning before be d ,lie,was tlecUwo -Ger.t:l'ul MeetTngs iJl tLis informed Ihttt he could not live but Stale. NllIT.hers wt-'\'e convei'led in l\ short time. He replied, ''All I a we-ele. I u the town of Pobdllfi1. have 10 do, then, is to prepare to God is re:vivwg gloriollsLy h)s \\01'1.: d~e:" II:J~Iievc.Tle.thengave up n!l Ahootthlrty in these l'cfTians have hopesofrecovcnng, Hnd !'pent hIS found _Chri~t siilce i, caine to this ,lime, when awake: in prayer. The Slnte. In ~e.lJ1i s!J:esto?~l b~ twenty -mourner,s have ''eome for" Ji I§ oetrnrtEf, askFtr JiiOl Jf~(hd not --"-'''-':v''''a'''"r<1 at a lime, and cry to God far '!'Ieep som,e. «Yes," he replied, m,crcy" . TJie nellIs are all ripe;"r,ea- ."~'n.d.w~~n ~ am not-3s1eep, "'amatl dy to,b'arYest. - . the,11me In prayer to G!ld-." In the I.ca.nnot write any more. I am' alter, 1100~ h~ _~old me he felt' betl~r no.w to'start on -It sh91't journey of !hal~ lie., cd last Satllnlay Inornwg. Monday, and to he hur,jed at the centre of the ~ov. 10lh,~tl left h~rne ,vuy ead')' 'town.. ill ~a.:"dolph. Hi r­..emai~,s' ,]n the tr~orlllllg fOI" tIle purpo!'e of ',,:ere brought the next day a(tci- hIS ...... ' '. performing two 0" tit I'ee ~lays labour rdeath, to t-h.e meeting-house III West r III the tOW!l of B~thel, .Vt., and to Ran.dolph, and Eld. Jrnight prea~.r xetUf.ll ,agaIn 10 hllJamlly. ,·Eut, a.. ed the l!ermon' (tOm the {ol~iB( , /' . "':,," _-~~r:~I~.. :vi7.~ .. "Let.~edi~t~edeath~ _: STA~Z\S;:' .- .' : . of-~lie.,I'~hteQt1s·, arid Jet m'y)~l't ,end1!Rli~·T.• · .: • . • 'be; like .his.'~ y ou ~e R)y ·son, t.hat .rjnl~ Ti'im uiho 1J;al.h iOll(d ~r.aTId.. g4~ {lim,,-rlf ~ ~'I:eat Jorm.d.nd.WQ.3ht~ s.i!~, wijhin a short t1mi past" a wJrum. ourc ··m.N' ... eQ~~e .bas taken place·i~·ou., fami'. olDn _Iilood.-H:~v. ~ .Iy: ".[have buriea l\ dear. husband, 'HOlD ff&1h.-b.e loved ,u ?-A!k the .tllr ~ljd .~i c~ih:lr~II,ar~.«epn-ved ·o,.f a Th~t -onft 'rwJlo-has tlromised to be a Father to· At midni8ht's pr!!yerfl.ll \'iJ,("iI8o,,~ht':' . ,ji.. 'Ltherle"", and .the wldo·",'8 Hod And. Cedron" brook, whose rippling "aTe y 'P P" frequent Iris we~ry feet (lid la.... .ana Judg~.: In ~im,we may' s~fely • l1'llll;.t:.: .' i . • .' How ho.lh -he l'ot>ed U4 ,.-A~k fh~ hand , . W'.. all enJ'ov a c.ommon <1e';'l'~e of . That Md hi. ~oe. WIth ~rea'hle .. haste • , . 1 . ,iJ • . . t;t '.' A..k the weak frH:lld;s· denial 10"", ,~(tl\lt~l t th~ ;present hm~.. But .. Scarce i;y hi. bitt~re.t teat!eff"c;d­ :ilbtWlt and'mg, we may WIth pro-. A.k of the Iraitc>r's kiss-ancl eee rri~ty say. ' , 'Wha-tJEe.V8 hatltelldure~ for thee. "0!l,,~ertl ftand tbick·thrt)l1ghiill the ground, ·hk ofGOlheemane, who~e clews . T.tI pUih .III' ti> the tomb; r- Shrank fwrn Ihat Ploiol"r. 9~rall!tely rlld; AillH'ierce di.ea.e. wait aroonrl, Which in that' IIllwatch'd hour of liain, . To burry morta-Is ·ho.me.-W AT'!'S. HIs agoni"Zinl\" tempIe .tled i :. . from vdur' aft'ectionate mot.her. 1'11l~ scourge,- thp. thorn, wlIlJ.$e.ailltllihla 'Qr-e; .,' '. 1. : HOPE HEND;E$. Like the,?n:,"s\te~~Ig:lalllb,.He bore.. • .A_~ ~. 2'ttth 1-88 . .ftow'!fath Be ovc"d' JlS r-A,k the c:ro~l; ~ :;.; 7 '.). • Tne RO~Ilil' .pe~r; the Ehroucl~d .ky­ ,...._~~._~_~• ...,...""":"...,,:lo'i· A..k of,tbe 8ltejll~d dead, ~ho hllr&t 111... ." . '. Tl'ieir cerement. at his fearful crl-" -tlili'{fJte~, of- the t;':o-ij'erence 'condtt- 0, a.k DO- mere-but bow thy pricle~ And li~ld tby heart to him,who died. . .< • decl• ­ . ~ . ~~ Location of \- N". of \ Sums" . • Iteceipll far., rol. 3d ,liMe SPJ't. i.t; . ~horch. ~ ~p.ll1bp.~.:. • don~~ S. Whita",;~illS}Vn,,~~~p"auJrlil}g, AJ Calais, VI. I .. 16 I"'2.4,98. Gould H. ihffburt; $l,n/'R~j!.; E. Snow~ ~:tint, J~. MarE,afield,' , 30 36,00. !\. Perkin;, A. Kneeland, S. J. Pratt, ~. I Colbey, $1; 50, J .. Kenl, Jr., J. Clay, -L.. Cabot,. 24 .13. 15. o Soutll »anville, 34 43, 90. Greenleaf, I. Kimball. . "Da~vitfp & Barnet" :m I 16, t!. R~ceijill JOT VoJ.iIJJ... . .tiOrlh Dam/ille, 17 .72, 13. F.. Carpenter, P. Hadle~nda Child'" 'Len,:ofl . " .. 15 . .} , j" 1 r Wm. Made, T. Kenworthy, S. Monroe,. S.IIy: lIardwIck , I!~ Gifi'in, J. Chapin J. Perram, Mary Har vey, r.. LlllJloUle...V:. do. . unlmow'n t Cr«ne, Eliza kilJlball,.B. bhaw, A.s Hnb~ard, • \Volcolt, 17 S. Norton, N. Bean, J. Clay, F. Rlo!la!'1e'ou, Mo.rristown·, / I 39 l . 65, 4~·,· J. Rohbins, t. Till~ham. ~ Johnson, 26 I Wlltervllle, \. 59 - I 23,66. . NOTICE. . . ~ Stow.. . unknlJwn . A Gene-raJ Meeting is.8ppoinred lo.be tiM• .Pub~AeIt 631 orier (If CO'llferenee. dell at Lyndon, Vt., to commerice FrIday. at . J on~~ fiB,,'\l, Cl,,,,,. 1 ()'cloclcP. M.,. pleceauing the lsL Sn-Ql;.41.la' ,In h~llary uext..· P_Jttt,:8r,'t. CI~·HI!'.·

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