JACL Membership Liow \
OffICIAL PU8lleArlON: JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE 125 ElL,ER ST., LOS ANGELES 12, CALIF. MA 6 .. 4471 • 10 C:lilNlll'S \' e-I. S 1 No. 23 * Friday, 0«,. 2, 1960 t: LUMN LEFT: ocalello's rs PR'ESIDEN,T INVITES JACL TO WHITE HOUSE (ONFEREN(E: ~t!'W JACL membe-I"ship ~ b -ochure should score chapter e e o AGING, TO PUSH FOR LOW-COST 0 RENT HOUSIN'G On hand is the new 'I'hl' .1 .. 1'1111'''' An1t's-1rl1l1 CIl11f 'II mil kl' Ii", lot anti tif,. of th, vi.':ory Commlttpc' on l~l!jng, n')ber1 eleele '61 d r I "'IIVIIC 1111 . 1Il'(,,'pll,<I Ih,' I II\' I t.utl111 li(l!1~ hit" en.>n· ]>1(,1I3:1nl 'Inc! pn W. Kt!an, explained the ba."ic pur .1 1. Ill 'mb r hip leaf. of th ' Pn , .. 1\ nt :,n<l Ih, ~f'('ll'Iilr~ dunlbll', 111l'llIdlnJ( IIbl'l'lIliz;l1inn_ 11' m.'ps of the cOllfen·nee. "rn ae l ~. "G rOll P IIf Ill'alth, J;;dllcatinll :tlld Wf·H.m .~ .. l'i111 St'('lInlv ,Inc! olrl f1j(t' pen, .:ordance with the provisions 01 t r 'ecllrity In 11 IrtidJl~ltl' In till' Whit" If ,." , ,11m b,·nI.'JIl. the law passpd by the Congress ("')11 fl "\'l'l II' WI th! AgllI/!: III WII /! h 1\ II 1'1'. \lIt nf II ·\.Jl'cial onf'-<lay In 1958, the White Hou:e COIIJ~cr Llnit, ," which t ' being 111 l/ln. n C • •!:tn 2· 1 ~, I!lBI , 11 ,','nf"""JI(T >II Ihl" aging I ;f'i callt·,.
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