_,r-he .00~rj;(iM;, tilYJ:in~".~ i.s P1J,b~~sh.ui~ at. JI>!iddksei moni~iy:, _atJ~nt. ~olIar p~rvo~ulllt . Twt.7Jty-jl:veJ!e~ c?n~. qlSCO'lJ,f!t, wtll-!Je-ma¢e to th(ls~ 1chp. J1Ifjj, tn. acIt-anee, an~ til" 8~me 'W'~~~ bl) arleted to those who negler;t ~o pay at t~eJnd< oj the .- Jili lelte~; lo th'e Jt.diio".' liMistbe p~$i paid,. unles~ containi-ii;;:' ih~ :names -oj .ubscriber.~; '._ ., .' . 0' • · NOPflper's ~~,rll,he. dis.eontFnneclqntil ~ILa~re~.rage;: are. paid. -i!!!2!£! .________ _ - . - . · From the Cliristi~n Pall;!.,liilm. 'lin~ ,pe9pl~ tq the anxi~.'!s ~~ts,. a~': l EXTREMES. sur-1l)g.-~h:ew that t.h¢re is salvation ~hat ~'link i~d a·re',and ever have M where.el~e, that Ilnles.s-th~Y.om~ -heen subject to 'ex~'temes, is a fa.cl ply, they must·go to hell; thus it if -that eannol be denied, alld I presume c-arr,ied- ~rJto a v.ast. extreme, 'while no one will attempt to evade' this others st~l't back and say it,hi all a t'rllt~, therefore, I shall no.tenumer- -fat.ee, and conde~!l_ the_ whole: so' afe the extremes of andenw, but the,' good \\'l.\Y .has.become a re"':~ to~e d,d wl1 to modern times.;;,;;. "Ye prdach. -. , , : ~ee at tl1e-pl'eseri~day-, the 'reli..,.iolls . ,.Some tlp.p.<;Jse tha.tbeca~se God is ~ ' ...orId divide_d and sub(livided,~6me Sald to he \ove, and because he so 10'; tonteJidjn~ for ~ne thin~ and some .ved the wor~d that- he::~ave, his :on'; fora-nofher, cryIng lo.-! here,. lind lq.! lly bC.!".Jl tten.Son, that whosoe.ver b~~ ~h~.re . e"ety; one has gClt of. to np9.s- tM-e~ .sl,.o~~ oo.t. per.lsh, bl.lt tohe grouu~. at d exerts alT h~s in~ 'I have eve~last~ng l:lfe ;' thataH· wil~ fluenee to make proselytes: tOhlS sys- ha~e evet la!>:tng hie, whet,her they ~em" aln:t~st forgetting t!'tat his ob-j belIeve on .-tum or· _'lot: This.:does ject-should he fo win souls to Christ;' not cPJ.:J_:~sP0nd v~ry 'well wit-li::'tJ:le thus the way o~:rp.th is evil spo·ken I_word of, ,G:ed ; ~oi:'straiglit is the' o~; anp the most fine gold- becomes Igate and n~r"owIS t.he way that le.a: ~llJl1, In the eyes of the world. _ It- detli.unto_ ltfe, ·and few there be that - has been tll~ -pract.ice in modern jiIH}lt..It looIcs to me more like times\ in. \'e~ivals tb invite those Wlio till! .br.o.ad. w~y th,s:t . leadeth to -de­ were inquirIng the way to Zion,:and.,StrnctJon, "and many go in thei'e~ requested the prayer-~ of G'oct's peo- at. ~'; ... , .' . < -, - • pie.,'to mlll,c it .manifest, eiUrer bv Un:conchl~onalelec£i('m runs p'aral­ ti~ing or coming to sO(r!e cdnve'nie~t leI WIth UlIlvcr!ialism~; by it :We are · lace, and th~reby let it be known taugh-t that God fro~m all. etern~ty; -,-,~;"'_--!:_.J;&.-l:t·J.,..-l!tne desired an interie'st in the decreed a small lJumber of the bu"': R:edc'emer .,.' hie11 seerned to bf1 'ntan family to Qe.sav.ed,.an~l aU .the own4Sd lind ~.of G'od. But it' rest to be left withQut any cllance for h~ sin-ce bee,n' rarried" ro~ such-- ex_$1'Ilvatjou. W.llal uqtnconsistent and' hernes by Mr. Burchard and many nnscr-iptura dodrtn. 'ft ~ g~a­ ether.)by ever persuading,and pul- ~ pIe do~\'n on the old It,oelof,do-1IOth,;­ t~ -- . -ing, 6ll.ying if.l-am-tp.be.sa:vcd, I-f,haU ~eS8 anel judgment, tor" he' tba{ is' -be. But Christ S3y!!, helha-t; com: born ~if>nod;d6th not commit sin.. <~th tmto meJ -w.ilI mao wise cast 'They even 'make ridicuJeofthe idea ---QUt. -~. "'Oraman'sJeelingthat JfeCB5Sity isJaid , oTher'a-- is 50 O)UC1l contention a- 'upon Ii iro, and aWal:e ieproaches not '_-b9u! Triri.ity~n.d O~ty! thJrt so.me thegos.pe~; forgetting ~hat 110 man .·li.lm9st forget. the Sonslll:p,ofChnst, 't,11lieth t:lH~ ~honol1rJoJnmself but he .~.and, boltHy- RSl;~rt that the ~1f.exi~t. that~s caUe~·-ofGod,:aswas ~a-I'on. ~·,ent:Niho,;-a:hdiedon the cross .and As fOl'Mr. Pacl1ing'-s.system, 1 tnink :!:'la·y-.'tn~~'6iapn-"s -mw'tomb' aH'ee it ~'ould ratnef ten<1 to lead menii!- ­ · cl~ys, thenaroi'e fporothe dead and ·tq·enthll!!iasm, ·an-d ~o follo.w -t'he im- , . again took his.·lmman hO'dy and -as· !\ginafions ';f)f clhf'ir >Ownhea-r.ts ; /-eendeu into ·heaven. ('See NJethod- while Ml': :Ci\:mpb~ll's, Fettl-e's t11em ist discipline, -,~:r.t.2rid.) "OHler!; in down info a .cold, !c>l:mo:l, lifdcss, ·trying tQ-llvqi-cHllis gr.oss absurd-ity, spir'itless 'stlllth 'It has cc-rbinly . .;.run ns'far·the--other ,-w-ay.~ :Butsorne 'heId ~-his. e,ffect in the cil'ete:-o f myac -there lie I-tru~t,<'thatfa·ke-the middle q u~;-ntnnce -;.- (h·ose .that were once course. ..Jjfr.~Pii(;hing, once.an'IHim- hUlnMe f-oll·owers 'of Christ, _nnJl · ~le foll'Ower'o{ J~StiS', and· winir~g wilting·to nlffer t~ewoHI :of cxho,r­ '~to t~ke th~.:l!c·l'i~tures"as .h~s ruJe of. tiltion,lt'l·d e'1gage in .it fhemselv~es, "'faith and·pradriee,.n-ow conalu'des~it J:jO'W think ,that ipstead of.:eonferenr..e <is. a. u~eJess bo~1{'; ,t1~-e o~cljninces und -and 1>rayer11Ieetings,;jt shp\~lcfhe,a ,J)I'ecepts t1)crei-ncorrtained not bind­ l~ rnd '0fb-ibl-e dass,'to, r~dscript\-l·re ·jng til)on mun, but now we ·are to be 'and ·con\ler'se 0'[1 pi\r~icrjh,' flQt.ions, 1:1cd by tl)e~irit; and that i~ sti-m:- .(.fayTm: 'instance, Mr. :Camphell's ..c!ent ina:ll cases and .circumstarlCes :fhe0t:Y.) nut if t1iis i's tb-eW1fy.,to· · \\,-hl\lever'; wlii1e·.Mr. CampQell, Jiite- w-Ors1!ip in spirit, 1rmlsl confess that o'the. horse-crossing 11 brl~e, ca:sts;fi'i~ ~hntl.a stranger 10 t'he right waYfi 'of ..;eye'on ol)e:fiide,tl.n_dstart.inf-at~tlte 'Ged. '.' I!ight oft-he water which passes be- ~or;monismis a'~ tmlJ:Olll)cl'~l:Ue:4p -;,low, laHs::Off~on t"he<{)ther: stUe,~lld, 'into.extremity, f6r,~vh..ich.] know of~ ~'n shocking f&IHt is. -He conc)udes n~oparallel, C'Acept infidelity" It . !!-that '8. sword is sufficient without a­ scems:as -if 'nO rational being cpulU ~lY o~,t6~vield",tt·; or ,,'ouldtakehut see th.c derept1o-n of thi;; pr€ten~' it out oftbe ha'n.o·of t,he S.p-ir>it -antI ded new ·r.eyelation dug:up from be­ put it into-tIte hamlg of fillil>le lnen., .neath. Butala,S! l~any follow th~ir . ;(-not caged gf God j butsllch as ·are· pern-i~iou.s w~ys. Thus I mightun­ .' £onceited enollgh to con§ider tbem­ merllte.a catalogue ~f 'Cxt>remes, but ~erv~g.()~p!ibleof,preaching.) And wisdom 'dwells, v;·ilh p,l')Hlelloe-ami I . water baptis'm ;he ·malics the :finish~ .tJJU~t dra:w to. a c}ol1e, 1IOI)in~ t.hat .i ng touch oCthe ne'\v 'bh:-th 1 OJ \V h iGh' we shaH take the wisesl cout:s.'e, an d · ·,Christ -to}<t.Nkou.emus, w.itbdut it a notlet extremes prejlrdicp our mInds Jnancoul<1 :in.no ,dse~ntel' l-h.e king- for 0.'" ng-ainst ariym~ans to acco.m-_ .dom o~ hea¥en j thal the ne\\r b!r~h pUsh tl1e- great object. of '\vj.nbing' llrecedesaH oper.ation oCtile Spirlt, souls to Cfli:st. Let\ls--ta.lte as·t:ralght 'So of course Christ made a mistake forward crnJrse and Ask foJ' the old -' when l~-e 'said the spi~~ ~,hould re­ Pt!~ ;vu'}--lH·heT:eiJ\. j: let lIs' be­ '~'l~.t-l. ·sm, 1 was cQn1y w,!reofthe flat.terei~ when we !;et. thow thal ,vere cho~n Otli ¢. the new t.heories !;Jli'ingipg.llp in ev~ry world to qe reprond o( righteou.·. quarter,le!t we. get our feet tUTlied .. r~ OJ ~­ tH:IUSl'IAN LUMINARY. t~r A, ,"-' iJ' from the riglit way, 'ana sp. get ~.eJlt!l, a,ndc,,1I:e1ess!y pushed int.. motion..bllt -eair.rht i"n an-evil net. -I 'hope the. ,a(Lermords ta,ketl nn 11I.t~test npr concern in. "­ <=!. • -' ' h' ILs government O'PCflition· t . ... "Christian society are gett'1n a tClr II 'I h"" ,or entll.n.allqnj • ".' ., ' '" ,,'., ..1l1. n,t lilt e 18 no lielllg ot' all. '·An elernhl ~ye,s open'as It respects CampbelhsI)1, IIllcl'ligen.t Deil.~ who'ls acknowledO'ed to be and wil} make no'delay 'incheeklng ,infinllc~\1 ,.B'toc.ieuil, tholJgh ab!oIUl~Jy inde­ a delusIOn \\i·hich seems to threaten, pe~den.lln h.1lJ)seJf,.w·h~hescreatedscnsiliv& _ their fU~l\re" prosperitv.
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