and fr,. hon. eseh dsy. brigadier-general sod colonel Moses Taylor. \V. M. Vanderbilt, I MettMSti hr the member* hf the Bute Commlttoo i" Hi-nation OF a th,* main drive beytuid the lake ls certainly tba penard Stewart, of ike State Committee. *"ta.-» THE WORLD LONDON. xkwtiii:o[;yoftufm;yas BACK tum iA. lacfum anil A. eb Harelay, Dr. Horseman, Nichols T ntoanfl for that pur-... guest* . ol te own, and, ss a cn*' pie " in th'.ni- thone ,,,, ttl rubium of som** authors) In eUhlatlOBV I II. I. carter and J. I. Pierson The hounds ra tPhsa lbs colored gentlemen question presented was trnpnfinn-d (o slUiw Uk ;i n ami cir* .h" door it m thal Ute IdentlAer, so to t AND <"1.1T1("ISKD BY MU. ED- ttl ORIGIN* AND PISCU8SED. two Hvei i srgentea and T. ix'tllarl*) and north, Ung hap-rn.ri to be dismissed at S t.<l.k. Th- beemery ene CHROMCLKD PKOUI.r.SS * and ¦oiitheast. passing flo- Vanderbilt farm. Hi" kill taking "peak, vhs not ou hand I)r. Hurd- n. who stood near by, Whitney and ¦plcuoua features in Prospect park, a without complied. Secretary MIWD TATES HAi.r.'s *.*i. in besot' than elie. ii the Msnche.ier farm, slior' dlstaio ww ealltJ. and tile gentlemen we. admitted -.iriii-l suits, and look cool un. not tke leas! BE, tapkr itrn mr. Tttr utaasoaa ac-soo there irrea'er profusion aid the start. la-Nd an hour, and wai of occur., Wwi white ahem in the Sta:aa The numb«T of goo*! The run about further question. The same state things wi.rrh-d. Naval sflfeSJU pi- b»b!v u_d«'.,*a»id b< w to keep ATI*). *, Halted about .even mil", "vcr a which con white EiDicry-ors rumors aboft rr.iv*r«s ennis- pftg THU AliVANdCM-NT Ol tome it ti,.' rarer conifers lu the l'aik long, country .e.eral times during the evr.ln,, th- vieira* bein* any other ela. of pe,>pie. About the .¦p-^'imeni of tamed tn, i) ,. -,at which was encountered cool more than at hokbum OTIIIH gOTAELI PAfttBS Ul 'Al*. isIderablc al**, for ihe tlcie being." I- saii'.r-looklnsr Wa* mar t. s.n r-ietarte tisw SHiairsa naon-i at the start. There wei i ¦! all those Navy tiartment China fiann"! Aug. un.-tlc re-linc <*f who wero able to take obstacle were lu at tba In while du"k trinser* and marilv forms in -LORD I.VNSrxnVM-.-.-* Klttl WKb Cfeaalaaa, go(*.-*. the Pps at snr. rfICB. Hsfiiionr has encased hlmeeif In 0} IN lief". Advani. A rnsVESTI'is OR FLORISTS. Balsa CROQUET PLAT .hirts. OS-SmedSSS COME - !-.]>l...V.-> TER. tbs American Aeeoetattoa for tl"* du k Even the tt_oe_ he wean are "f comple. whit.' ttM, TA1XMFNT-SPAN1-H science was ,;s norning ¦BBliatl io lay tc nisrrss thc cnnwTn and OrFN'fNO OF TIIF NATIONAL TOURNAMENT- of white csava*" IN A !.¦ 1*. Balmoa road a paper on "The Dfeeavory af the POPULA fi OBBME VA TIOSB. .SKILFUL feUOTS. SCENES SALK OF PLANTS.A T«RaK-6AYS* _m_BBtBM, SOME TKWf* T'M'RVAMFXT NEW FLAY. 'mn of immunity from 01 The of rheir toarth Ans. 20 (Special)..Fair weatner riTAMEfOVPMII' dafeat'd tha ¦mica! 1 Society amatloaji Ptorfets in'gir. THY. KF-TUBLK-.V-N-* AND BX >E. Nor.-leb. (onn., At Newport y.*tarday fl. W l-bicum. Jr.. OT CAPIS T** Tun Ttitm-.*- Bubstrneaa Formed daring munal meeting at Misson Hail to dav at IB "V!¦.« i. the delegates to tho cpxiu-r t'iini.u<'nt this Wes'.rn ebamptea, c. A. Chase, nanam using i'.k a greeted " H. A. "Pie \ev In, \ Tri'..,,,,. HatttpUcatton." He demwwtialad tiri' Immati ty may seh- a i'; a BOLTIES A..s-Mi;i,y\i.iN. rSnrds's .'.lelira'.-d l>*.k»an" racket. Tnyl.* re fri.hr. ISIS Pu The meeting vs IU ColH'i, .e thpee davs, With three iDoniliig. The Cottage City trio, Phelps, bilbrough wltb tee " I ieeek- ba secured |,-,- t|,o of soluble substances Tn Ute I. tl i lor Tts Tribune. also w«u tko Narragansett toa.-iian.snt In - af London. Aug 20.-The story circulation about injeetion ilallv. On iii- foin th day the visitor- will he and (icrmond. came .-saturday, and last year'** cham¬ mas." bccon.in. a which reeult fi-oni the growth af pathngerslc 1,,. Mt: You say editorially in you ina of tic lSth _______ Christian Roana _. aa who will Driver appeared "Princess T*-*i.h*Htl . faests of ii," New-York Ptorfets- club, pion. Wami old, and Koblnso. Craeaa tbat it seem* ll s experiments vcr- made wtth tiie virus Tbe Trtbaaa is nor in thu sui nam af di word that the FREE EXHIBITION* OK ridiculously untrue hardly worth nolle- take them on au axeunton and wad them home In a In tho afternoon. Michigan sent CK-UUBUjSfo mo-row snd when thev cholera. It ;., hoped, however, that similar results tioiiili.aMii.s f.pr office.- and i.v*n you j,roc."! to falsify and and oth*T Seantlfal Hewers to-day, Inc. yet inch rumori. go abroad, ar- larsvly Itate of complete oatt, fact lon with themselves and Adilan Club would be on hand Tuesday with Avery, Thursday, fall and seo them. Pater _______**B_M e> r#>, leena fl v !:h lbs i in's of ol au sffort to credited an.1 ultimately accepted as teat* everybody else. wrtton, by unjustly pi thrie cheers went uri for the Peninsular State. II- lb ( .rtiauill s-.. New-York. nb' noaa ; ,yla.\is. In 'aln li remind¬ tva* li one of ihe st limiest of Protestants, a | Tbe society bi i ni the L"g!sUtur' of IB88 UaaB nut forth Jehasea. A yromluent feature of the m '¦ a rimenti Dr. salmon Ps lour. ing tta n i.fn-.-.l ti riolsl Rrealln. Lase Itopatconi. .1 only ons honr and adherent of Ih* National ('burch, and one ».f tte most anticipated !'¦ ii," ..I-i- come from all State, in th" Datoa ai'1 amialag was a game between bead and J .obus. Illus¬ at* offered for asp Horatia tha I I'.- th" iii af hair Irom this ntr Liberal rewards .ernest and MBA Msaia Kona of aai Etoyal fam¬ Raia af Canada, enUgbmned from canada. part of Un sountry win be asafetoa of tbe party ferae High Uai trating the ppjint.s of the Kn^llsh -dead boundary liri"" tuosqu.loa* captured there. non on "Ttl" origin and Character ai Every .Now ts to them baaed upon their re¬ ily ls {001- interos'.-d In all wart i and there ls probably not a flower grow- your opposltloo play. The Committee of Arrangements beean drawing , van From ttme rr- fusal to a.s I If do SO Tin* Pre .-rt> ,e |s radical and zealous |n Buen*- tba whan ii Wont act a party eaaeua dictated so, why a- 4 o'cl)-k. All fhe are divided Into three j teelstaiiee ' this broad continent that some member player, eve. nf cashmere itsatlaatssB 'his race was it wss tai nut tbs af that but is "vee ea** innin.. ~aet F.ti.i ol Lond a, and la alwayi haawa as know something about The president of tie SOCfety, you ran Ituenta of bumer divisions, not as last year, with divisions eiual. other inlet son.--. Refresh.-* io hot woatber. ¦ ,_. nut;; Ls p -nv. \ t,, when i,.Ma- Her frequent public la Arda, K G. Hill, of richmond. Ind.. will make an ad bill. Mr. ,.f io- apoatt pur. caucus, in ac.-ordanee with tho excellence of ulayr-*. The the nr Hale '.'.'. -. ... wOCCfl'-iri Of ceriniolllal, wiien »i,p. ciM-s to open advanead theory af European origin, m.ll f.illow tba af various ron,:- he lrfu-cil to aMda tberebj al 1808111 '-tra flrit division, a. at present arranged, has tb** follow¬ in i. npoitl Pr Betlsw. e*A aa) work tn wind, ibi takes premise laid doun t!i" with of of the Leglsl. io his cons there ing, who. by common consent, an- reckoned the finest BKI.PKN-Oa Mondar, Atimt 88L I8NI E. B. ..san toaugmato mon.lng session concluding a dla R> i .-s ant fr.en ls are larded to atteo.! tha fua«-.. "ltlal addles; __ i-,-.',, that tho must are who can them interest, math, hat appearance fimltlat to tho language fr the otter- other worthy Republlcm' represent players entering the lists thl* year: Germond. bryant. serrices al p. .. on Th'irMlar. ABgsst _:!. from hts la.) ___ tba president", address. Tl"- programme pf eblldraa left without to use words can *»'. resilience. No. Ul Esst 'ilst ti. peant elatwe, m \\blteehapel ar.d Bethaal t.i-.-. I Incliub-s two essays-" The Klevatluu faithfully, and thea your you say -. Jacobus, Warubold. Join en, Bea I. BMhBS ** - -At Connecticut, et th* house e ,s best known and parents ard thrown upon th-lr own rem.um If Mr. hud bad party would have second division ha. Spauldln;. BrRMNnA-iK 'irsoswirh. bus slo* beloved ls af Loft. Of <Mir Hilliness."' by tl If. T:att|eS. of Philadelphia. Craeby Dickey. Tho of h*r son. on Sa'"1i». A-'irnst le, .rans ti P.e»l,nr.ne, to devise 'heir own means of eommunleatlon, of and _tm U^llpttal. where she gneS regularly when in En* palled Bad Fems, I"_ms and oiher Decorative Pfeftl I.n placed tn the humilla'In.
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