JACL Membership Liow \

JACL Membership Liow \

OffICIAL PU8lleArlON: JAPANESE AMERICAN CITIZENS LEAGUE 125 ElL,ER ST., LOS ANGELES 12, CALIF. MA 6 .. 4471 • 10 C:lilNlll'S \' e-I. S 1 No. 23 * Friday, 0«,. 2, 1960 t: LUMN LEFT: ocalello's rs PR'ESIDEN,T INVITES JACL TO WHITE HOUSE (ONFEREN(E: ~t!'W JACL membe-I"ship ~ b -ochure should score chapter e e o AGING, TO PUSH FOR LOW-COST 0 RENT HOUSIN'G On hand is the new 'I'hl' .1 .. 1'1111'''' An1t's-1rl1l1 CIl11f 'II mil kl' Ii", lot anti tif,. of th, vi.':ory Commlttpc' on l~l!jng, n')ber1 eleele '61 d r I "'IIVIIC 1111 . 1Il'(,,'pll,<I Ih,' I II\' I t.utl111 li(l!1~ hit" en.>n· ]>1(,1I3:1nl 'Inc! pn W. Kt!an, explained the ba."ic pur­ .1 1. Ill 'mb r hip leaf. of th ' Pn , .. 1\ nt :,n<l Ih, ~f'('ll'Iilr~ dunlbll', 111l'llIdlnJ( IIbl'l'lIliz;l1inn_ 11' m.'ps of the cOllfen·nee. "rn ae­ l ~. "G rOll P IIf Ill'alth, J;;dllcatinll :tlld Wf·H.m .~ .. l'i111 St'('lInlv ,Inc! olrl f1j(t' pen, .:ordance with the provisions 01 t r 'ecllrity In 11 IrtidJl~ltl' In till' Whit" If ,." , ,11m b,·nI.'JIl. the law passpd by the Congress ("')11 fl "\'l'l II' WI th! AgllI/!: III WII /! h 1\ II 1'1'. \lIt nf II ·\.Jl'cial onf'-<lay In 1958, the White Hou:e COIIJ~cr­ Llnit, ," which t ' being 111 l/ln. n C • •!:tn 2· 1 ~, I!lBI , 11 ,','nf"""JI(T >II Ihl" aging I ;f'i callt·,. ~ncc nn AglDI{ will provide a ti.:tributed h 1961 l'hap­ WIlN "MIl,UIIII'Pt! MOllday hy 11,· by Ihl' J>nriflc SOlllhwl'. t DI:' lric:1 m,.r-ting ground lor thoughtful, for­ 11,,":tI .1.11.(,'1 pi'll 10 nt Jo'l'llnk (,hu, CllIl11cil Ia t 0<'1, 2. it Wfl; fOllnd wad-looking AmcI'ican,' wht) are tl:T member-hip <.'hair­ 1111111. Ihal thl'l'I' I 011 'teul!' n(',·d b\ ct)nce.-nM with the conditi()ns that .l l1pa n t!"~ I n. The taltml or "Wild ('human, who WIIS :l1'1">ll1tl'lI by Ihl' i l"nlor f'itiz"n, of Ihe confront many of /JUT L;cnior clti- (;,l\'. 1.;'-ll1IlIl1fl (: Brown IWf) wl'l'k <:nmm unity [(!S' low-I,·nl. ho,.,lnJ\, z 'ns. l ill" l\1alsullwto, natiollal 1\' > tu thl' 100 nWnlb,'r nIH"," ('hllmul1, who IU,,·!I{'llh·d thf' "Mo."'- problem:; in the lieli of I.hird ,ic -pr 'ident who lila SI"II' dl'll'!o:allnl1 In 1111' snnll' thlnklll !7.'( Ihe PSWDC group 111 laginJ( can be,t be "olved by ar.:tion happen' to b 11It tin II 11 I ,'( nft-n·tlr!.;, IIHIn"d ;\lIIkl til" (';ovr'rnu,'" Confl'''''ncp .m Ih., at the s tate and local levels. TherE; :1111 "wk' " WII hlllgl"l1 .IACI. rep", .. Agll1~ If. :);H·,'l1n1l'IIto I·VI.'roll d"lY al'e arplIS, however, where the ful in 'uranc I man, !ll'l1ta I 1\'" and \'llt'I'(,1l f\;'lli"illllnl Inll·t·, 11I t! that .lACI. will now Federal Governmf'nt can contril>­ 'early c\"id nt for it III \'111 lllus 1tll'l'Iill~s of con!:. '1 tl In urgl' thl' Unitl'd Stlde. f/, >1I&:I'n- ute, A: a positive first step, the ,'1'-011 "f ,1111'/ln,'S' :&nCl (I'Y, liS tnl'nl a· well a ,Ink an'l privatI! Fecicl'al Governmenl has convened talks of di\'idend - (good •IACI;s nffil'illl p,lr\ll'iplll1\ h [l u ~ ing dev ·Iopcrs to 'l!I! k mE'an' this conlt:rence so that an oppor• l('Cepta nee of ,13p3 ne. S,"" ~,75U pi1l'1.lt'ipant from :.11 of bllildlng luw-I'CJ. I or I' 'nl hou,,·, tunity can be given tn people from :\0 s(ult'S Hnd 5 "V '11.tI 'Qrt'l~n ('OUIl' 1fI J{ fur tr.,' "l'/Ilnl' ejtil."Il~, illl·lud· all parts of Ollr Nation to ex- Americans from a tatus trh-. 11' cxpE'c\e<1 (, l,th'l1ll th,' ing Iho,,, of Japanf! I: ance ' try. chang4.: idl;il,; 'and formulate p1ans of insecurit~ .. elimination Whitf' 111111 , c l·onf,'r'·Ill·l·. Whil'h \\/IS 1<:1. t'uh(J\\('r'!< (;,,11 and programs. Aceordlllg tn Pre ,'dcnt }j;i sen- "'J'he conference mu -t not be an of legal di crimination I'lIl1Cl,od by C ngn- ~ in 1!158. 1&01'o'1.'I" S ('f)ClI'Cl'l'IH:e call, "in iari\'- ,\gairu t person of Japa­ I icipauls, f' 'Cl'p! rfll' t;Pl'ciall\' in. Ing 10 ;Jchicvc 11 bf'lI"I' liJe for end ,i n itself; it is but a beginning. VII -d .... pI'PS'·nl:lliv·s 01 natiolliSl 't- 1>1 1 OUI' I·... .'oplc. WI..' mU'1 give ~~~Ol ~~~~r~)U;:S; r~: g ~ e Jsa~ ~ rle e ance try, fir:l da' clnl 1'o'l'lfar~ '~I'Ranil.nlion., WP)I' p. "]><:1' l'I·gard to thc nlo't!ris <lod dtizen~. a('hievl.!~ent . ;!rtizen hip for ,Iapane'c Ilillnl'd foil )will • II) aI, t;I I(' nnd thl; abilities oj "111' old.:I' in every Sta.t,e and !"t"i/m;1l m"l;lings \>11 Ih,' IIhjcCI rhl' I~flportllnity 1.0 Bv,' • dhl'l1ified. commuml.v JO ollr country. American resulting Jl'om If IIgillj(. producllv.! allu satl f'ing life in I uaturalization pridJeg' I"t .. r ..... 1 ' illl'" I!I;;~ otd nge is thl' n. plnllJ III v f eVl'ry at!knowledilln~ £01' their Issei parent' In the hi 'h h 11101' ciliwn <lOci .111 imporWlI1. goal ,,! TOPAZ MOUNTAIN SITE ')del~, JACL represented in occordl,u,J ..\CL, Cit JIIIMI lIutC'd Ullfl uur AIll,:l'icun illd ca'h payment: for I OF RARE ORE DEPOSIT e 'PI' sinCl' the 19:;2 Nil lI<ln II I Con· " Thl! ill'st W~ile. HI>u 't; C;onfer- I t a h8 e 'aeuation claimant ) and SA, FFi, (I CO. - Bay \l'nlh n i" S;1I1 Fnlnci ro .thl' or· (:n,· '. on the AglI~J( !'. " :~g l1lflca.ll .ll I hfl~ ~dtl.l.'" Sa e appren Ices IP 'ooiUltioll he 11 lI"I·tll:ulorl.' '[{OJ t tu lind " It> CII- fiS.et (national ret'o~ni- 1 'CI and ,I I wh wl'r,;1\ ~ Topar. WHA Relocnli,)O Ccnlel' in !.'1m '1 n. rl \\ IIh the .,pI ('illl VI b- lal'!!e OPI )rtlltlliles 101" ollr ,)ld'.1 I "t" -on a the c.:oUect i\'e central Utah dur:ng Wurld Wal' lems ,'I tilt' :I~in lS~(OI, !~lIii"lI-1 pcopl", In l':CO~~I!I('.~ .f Ihl' .b~uad- th"~1 l~ :~~il' C)q')cl~fml:C oppor unl les group voice of Japanese Ameri. II \\cr, prtJbably sUl'prl ti to Inrly without j\.mlh<'s an'l d alld It.'spon·1 I LIm thRt th~ barren nr a wa wlr] surr J' 'd Ih IIlR (If 'Ill thPiI 81blllty [01' mectlllg the chllllenges I f.. " I'n thl'" j'I'"ld r·'''r~~cn, .. t'I\· 's of PI'I'_ SAl'! FRANCISCO.-A penn'anent rans in a Democracv 86 good (r omcthlng. m'''PI. r(y In Ihl1 WilrllJl1' 1~\·lIClla· ~'.' ~!' ~~ .... t .. , . • . .' ti)J1 or 11112, vale OI"g,HlIl:atlUlls alia fJ'vm all Comm~t~e on ApP,lent,lce"hip Op- "field offices" se; ~,jng The 'lchibei Time had () UPI ·11 () on VII 1'1' leYl'ls as a. A _ tory (,,(1m \ n hing I>n, tiling of Hc (.'omml'nlt'<i tht, of government, wt'il porLUllltles ,Jor ,MlDonty Groups ~JIlerican of J apanese 19 bCr)'lIlum claims in the Topaz. OtiS n'ational anu • tl>te ml'~'. \:r ••s many other ind!vidual~, hiwe been was establslhed r:cen~y under inlTO itlcul "!HI t'nciol's,'<i lJV lAC£. called to meet In Wa shl n~l ol1 after mandate of tbe, CaliIoJ'lua Conf~r­ ;lnee tr), top Nisei com- loun!ain IIn.-:Jl \x'Ing acquired by I)\'~r the va. I dl'cadc whIch w'ould e"lcn",ive prepllI\.\lol·Y )ol'al alld ence on Appl'enhce .: ~lp held earlier m 'nity leadership help. Beryllium Inll'rnallonal Curp. slate conference'. thIS yea I', the Cahforrua Labor ing to hape the com~ "This natit}!lwide l'Vllferenl'C Will i Federation reported this past week. enable thel1l t pool thdl' knowl· The federation, through its civil ~any's policie , a strong Sf. Louis JACl inaugural dinner-dance edge and wisdom on how v. m eel right' committee, was instrumen­ oard of Directors with the need." a nd til u"e the abilitie$! tal in organizing a workshop ses· oj older poople with Ihe ultimate sion on minority problems at the IIccumulated experience set, DC chairman Kadowaki main spkr" ubjedives of salisfylng bs,;./c hu- cvnference, wllich called for the and know-how dedicated man rights and SI!I'villg tht! good eS11J.blishment of the new commit, of the na Lion" tee. to the public welfare). ST, LOUIS. - ,Midwest Distl'i(:t bowling, lluwer ",'\l;!flgernl1nt li nd Council Chait'man Joe Kadowakl [hhin.lt' clubs, S' It as iUajor Effllrt Compl'ised of representatives of Cleveland will be lhe installing Dinner will b(> lollowpd by dane· [n the wVl'ds of lh" H.'alth, from labol', manage-ment, state and It lists JACL's diver­ ((ic~r lJod principal pcakcr at jng to John ClldlC'e's trio, Education and Welfare Sel'l'etal"Y federaJ agency consultants, mem­ ,ified program - th e the St.

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