The Independent JU141 3. 197 a Florida Alligator VOL. 67, NO. 155 a on, o Gon. *F do a Cy 0 ~ Fodo -9 The Information Machine. UF's public relations center speaks for itself By JUDY MOORE AIllgatsr Staff Write As one UF infbmiation speciahit put it. One nans junk is another 'nets treasure.' and perhaps that is the best way to describe campus information saves. While some might scoff at "cream puff public relations' in adnuinistratloi, mali. releases and newilettus, UP information specialists insist that their functions go beyond public relations aiid a. vital to UPs Cl It CU CC UF SPENDS almost S4(fl~ annually in its four major information agencies - University Infoonatlo. and Publications. Health Center Information Services. Institute of Food and Apicultural Scienccs. Editorial Department and Coflep of Engineering. With a combined staff of 50. they issue publications daily ranging from research findings to announcements of coming events. using any media imaginabLe. Eadi agency is separately funded and operated, but Hug~, Cunningflain, director of University Infomatscsi and Commnnactioos and assistant to the President. oversee all ,nfomasion distributed by UP. ALThOUGH CUNNINGHAM is not involved with IFAS, Health Center or Engiiueennj information services, he works closely with University Information and Pu hi canons. The university service produces a television show, a radio series. * hi-weekly LiP Nets Digesi in the Alligator, UP catalogs and announcements, press release concerning UF ha~p.rniigs and pasoewlltls as well - a nrlsy of other UF related publicatims. Cunningham, a newupepuruta. for more than 20 yeas sad a bymer tacher am UPs Coflqe dIIOUmMIhin. saM A. - k~.C - a jotndkt in mMee. ma a pMic relations man for UF. (See page 13) g.pNca by Kn a.-1 Housing Code Violations * seoontsdont Comploinboccum they hove nowhere elm to live. (S. misted uto$e. pages stand meflfl) P.2. Th. lndrud.uu, Ao,~d. AJllg*r, Thundey. July 3, I9~S Regents to consider FRESHMEN AND PARENTS - bonding issues Monday I- Welcome to Dy KEVIN BLOOM suni funding to the E4ucational and Alilgatn Staff Wdtsr General budget. GATOR COUNTRY!! If approved. Chandler said, the Board The Board of Regents will convene in more than likely' will set guidelines and Jacksonville Monday to consider a limitAtions kit the allocations. proposal requesting additional bonding UF's portion of the $250 million While you are here for orientation you should plan a trip to the CA4Pus issues for non-academic buildings In the Will be approilinately $64.2 million, SKOP and BOOKSTORE.IO~ted in the Hub. (see C-3 on campus map.) We State Unavettity System. Chandler said. are the official U or F bookstore and the most conveniently located for you, The regents facilities committee will ThE BOARD must formally approve the student. propose a resolution to the board allocations from the legislature up- requesting state agencies to issue ad* propulated last spring. ditiond university system Improvement 'Higj upon the regent" list of priorities Bonds. will be the allocation of $1.8 million to the TUE REVENUE bonds if approved will 5115 for financial aid," Chandler said. raise approximately $29 million according The purpose of the additional aid, to Hendrix Chandler, regents corporate according to Chandler, will be to meet the secretary. states commitment to equal sight to Thesaleof bonds to the public will provide education its the face of rising tuition and additional funding for the university to assist mandatory Metal guidelines for system to build mass seeing facilities. racial balance." The bonds an~ s6ldto the public INHERENT lii the measure will be new as a fonn of investment, stipulating how criteria for t~nancl.J asuistatct. he said. much per year will be repaid and how Tenure recommendations for in- much interest will be accrued. structors at IJF. the University of North CHANDLER said the regerns will also Florida and Florida A & M also will be be asked o approve $250 million in lump- considered for approval. Committee allocates funds: requires Senate approval Dy SANDRA COMES give the Corner Drug Store the 5lt.6SOtht it - Align., Staff Wdbr requested because it is not a campus organization. They voted to let the Student A wrestling mat is out and a squash court Senate decide. * IEO~KS - NEW & lEE]) * ARUEIWRJItE & FmNFFJU ThC * GYM OIJThTIS EIMftffff & StMUES Is In. THE SENATE has to provee all * ARTS The Activity and Servict Fee Advisory allocations made by ASFAC. * SWA UIRTS & CR APIS SINUSES Committee (ASFAC) voted not to fund a Other recommendations were: * tRILl & StNRIFS * a - 14,762 wrestling mat for the Athletic e $13,S00for Student NlglittimeAuriiiary * ~4'LETE LINE 4k C~4ERAL * sum' LAI S Association but voted for a pair of Stl.~0 Patrol. 5M J~ R3R YOlk PUt9Y4AL * ax. LBI SEAL l~#'4ANfl AM) squash courts, .110.895 for florida Players ~mE IN2 A U ASFAC HAS approximately 3l2l,~ in .19,970 for Florida Quarterly, the UP student fees remaining to disperse among literary magazine. -- S organizations and for programs. 55,000 for Student Government - ----- The largest allocation, $l6,~.weat to the Produdions. Athletic Association for a women's tennis . $4,500 for a "Student Survival Hand- dressing room. The sniallest.5600.was for an book,' a student orientation booklet. I ~;'9 Alcohol Abuse Pi-ognm at Student Health . $948 for extended pool hours. Services. ASFAC distributed 584,093 of the total POPULAR READING BOOKS ~EFE The committee was divided on whether to 1l2l,~ to be later approved by the Se,,ate. I * Possible early bond retirement I -g rn? investigated by FSU committee K, I' I, '-4 C K sWPUES Student government officials measure to use a bonding Visko. said he had been tc -J at Florida State University surplus generated by greater- the state bond chancellor's FSU) are investigating the than*eKpected tuition office in Tallahassee Tuesday Freshman ~ possibility of repaying payments to non-acadeitije ic obtain documents per- comprehensive count books student-financed building buildings for state univer- linent to legal restrictions on bonds early to reduce tuition. sities. retirement of the bonds. Chancellor ET. York according to PSU Student SUS sJidmsh.~. books and supplic 'lh I Body President Apolo Visko. said Sunday a Regents We're trying to determine A Council of Presidents committee has been formed to if the bonds can be retired ______-I meeting in Tallahassee last investigate the possibility of early to reduce tuition rates.'' m Texibook~ [inc the will C crIn~ctcr week unanimously approved a retiring the bonds early. Visko said. by course n~nw. beLiTiriiIw w'iii Adverlisin" * eiidii ~ STUtENT SERVICES * Free Notary Public * Check Cashing * Film Developing * Student Rate Msgatzne Subscription Orders am. - *au.i.aePUMF WISED SAT-SUN I SG committee approves extra funds I,. Ind.p.nd.nt FIoSdo AJIIgo'or Thuridoy, July 1. "5, Pog. 3 Browa rd pool may get longer hours B, MARILYN HUNSHERGER $ Alilgatot SIdTWdtn hF %tiidents n,,v bt able to etiiov late-night dipping liii' %uninler I he Siij~ltnr (nw rrnnient \tsi t~ md Sen ice itt (tin millet' soled [ iiesd,~ to .illotate funds to e~Iend Bro~. ant ~oh)l operating hours 1%II iii, -t I 301)111 ~LiiI~ itid II Li in At) liii On Fruits and Satur~ias [he p~ui is currently open troTh tOOTh itt p iii THE ALLOCATION ~. itch ni u~ hr apflro' ed h~ lit St udent Senate at its ncn meeting s~ ill ii SINS. ,mccor~i it to Gary Gunter. senate secretary of housing r the proposal as a result ol the elton s o H'! H' tee'. *I Broward area night 'ecur't~ guard. Barcev ~ as obligtitcd to enforce the rule against si. imnhrng in I he pool itter hours Barcey said the short operating hours were unfair. special' L r to those students Irving in Yoke and Broward [LiIl~. neither I of which is air-conditioned. Aher several neidents of pulling people out il the pool it night, Barcey decided that something should be done, he siul I BARCEY SAID he contacted Joe Ball. assisiaiI to K director ol housing. [he short hours, he found. Were tatiscil by a lack offends to pay lilt guards Ball e~plaincd that although I-lotting rIot~ ttilI~ siibsuhlc\ he operation and niaintancnce of on -can' Pu' nil. 1w original' plan h~d been or SC to toot halt oft he bill "FIVE YEARS AGO, hen the ~,tcl~ ts cit built I " '~ agree~i that H ousitig ~M1ti Id pa~ lot toti st r itt oil lit 1)0411 an ~f SC ould subsi~1i 'e m a nt en ante and ii pk ct-p H ill st id 'I he agreement ~as only verbally agreed to intl ~tttci, K oucret e had alrcad~ leen poti red, the st ii dent gi 5cr n ii ciii I, ad hinged hands at, d den ted the greem tnt he al Ihe full tost' of staffing and upkeep thin tell solds iv Housing. although SC has allocated money lot hort I err tundin~ three time' since. Ball said SPlASH pIioo by Ic. sidpp.r THE LONGER HOURS ~ould e~tentl through students attempt to boot summer heot remainder ii summer quarter and until (hit IS ii hr nnrr~fl (~~JWiu A C . *i*' SILt YtAOI RIt~IR 466-3340 - The Independent FIo~ do 0!: iQolo o publicohion o~ Corrpus 0"'- mvn,~oIlflrI ncopo'oted a p.~o.e non pol,? rorporotiorl ii is pub' shed V ye tmss weekly .*C*~t during hAy ond August when I, ~ubhi*e0 N iSrm weekly, and durng shuderi I hoi.doys and swam period, Opinion. ~4( * g~r.s.d .
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