Iianrlieatpr Leumttm Urralh Discharged Monday: An 159 Avery St.; Catherine Black, for Parker St, Culvert Toinette Regina, 342 E
N ...1 PAGE THIRTY-SIX - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Sept. 4, 1974 Cost Put At $50,000 MANCHESTER HOSPITAL NOTES iianrlieatpr lEumttm Urralh Discharged Monday: An 159 Avery St.; Catherine Black, For Parker St, Culvert toinette Regina, 342 E. Middle 98 Spruce St.; Elizabeth Tpke,; Beryl Hunt, 4 Tyler Cir \ McNaughton, Marlborough; MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPT. 5, 1974- VOL. XCIII, No. 286 Manchester—A City of Village Charm .fr cle; Vivian Banas, East Hart Sebastian Pitruzzello, 195 TWENTY PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS When the Manchester Board request for sidewalks on the Thomas Toomey, spokesman ford; Betty O’Connor, 24 Maple St.; James Pastula, 905 of Directors allocated $60,000 south side of E. Center St., for the petitioners, said the Ellington Ave,, Rockville; Pleasant Valley Rd., South r- on Aug. 26 for a new culvert on from Plymouth Lane to Pitkin Pamela Sardi, Marlborough; Windsor. sidewalks are needed for Woodbridge St. over Bigelow St. children walking to a grocery Arthur Viterito, 20 Northfield Brook, it asked town officials Weiss is recommending twin store on the corner of E. Center St.; Joann Sadosky, 61 Bolton for a report on a possible entry and exit opposite Spruce and Pitkin Sts. Center Rd., Bolton. St. into Charter Oak Field at an h replacement culvert on Parker Giles suggested an alternate Discharged Tuesday: Sally St. ^ estimated cost of about $80,000. for concrete sidewalks, as a Wood, 82 Center Rd., Vernon; Ames to Head The board received the report The existing road at that point People Demand Cures, temporary solution.
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