PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., May 28, 1975 Talcottville Couple Heads YFW Post and Auxiliary lEumng Mpralh Installing officers for the Mr. and Mrs. Vytau A. Mrs. Raymond Raddatz, junior MANCHESTER, CONN., .’, 1975 - VOL. XCIV, No. 201 Manchester—A City of Village Charm Chemerka of 39 Hartl Dr., vice president; Mrs. 'ITiomas auxiliary were Mrs. Dorothy TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Talcottville, have been in­ Alberte, chaplain; Miss Heidi Kleinschmidt, past president of stalled as commander and Jurovaty, secretary; Mrs. the unit; Mrs. Varney, state president, respectively, of Theresa Varney, treasurer; conductress; and Mrs. Manchester’s VFW Post and Mrs. Edward Zikus, conduc­ Stickney, state assistant con­ Auxiliary in joint ceremonies at tress; Mrs. Joseph Theriault, ductress, both past presidents the Post Home. They succeed guard. of the unit. Edward M. Stickeny and Mrs. Also, Mrs. Edward Stickney, After the ceremonies, a Ford Explores Issues Thomas Heneghan. Mrs. Edward Dupree and Mrs. buffet supper was served by Other officers of the Post in­ Heneghan, trustees; Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Lewie and stalled are Raymond Raddatz, William Marceau, patriotic in­ members of her committee. senior vice commander; structor; Miss Jurovaty, Guests included Mayor and Wesley Rhuda, junior vice com- historian; Mrs. Stella Bowers, Mrs. John Thompson; Pete With Leaders of NATO mander; Richard Dion, flag bearer; Mrs. Elizabeth Walker,, national senior vice quartermaster; Francis Lewie, banner bearer; and Mrs. commander; Mrs. Frances BRUSSELS (UPI) — In a nonstop round bringing yet another NATO government issue by involving the United States too Wohlgemuth, chaplain; and Richard Parson, Mrs. Margaret Duniap, state auxiliary presi­ of revolving-door diplomacy. President chief and another set of bodyguards to deeply in it. Demirel also complained Thomas Henneghan, Eidward Mulvey and Mrs. Wesley dent; Mrs. Edward Edwin Ford explored major NATO problems meet the President. about the U.S. embargo on arms sales to Dupre and Stickney, trustees. Rhuda, color bearers. Edwards, ’Third District presi­ with one allied leader after another today Two security men in green fatigue un­ Turkey and Ford outlined his efforts to Other Auxiliary officers in­ Edward Dupre and Cary dent; and Mrs. Laura Freeman, and said he hopes to have “some success” iforms watched the residence through have Congress lift the ban. stalled are Mrs. Margaret Crane, past post commanders, state patriotic instructor and at breaking the Middle East stalemate binoculars from a neighboring rooftop. Greek officials described Caramanlis as Zikus, senior vice president; served as installing officers for president of the American before his European trip is over. Secret servicemen and Belgian poiice “extremely satisfied” with his chat with the post. Legion Auxiliary. Ford offered no quick solutions — and patrolled the walks outside. Ford. He will confer directly with Demirel A Manchester native, the got a hint from the Turks not to meddle too Making his first visit to Europe as Presi­ in Brussels on Saturday, but that session newly installed commander is a much in the Cyprus affair — when he dent, Ford stepped right into the roie of had been scheduled before either man met graduate of Howell Cheney opened his NATO summit visit with a pemaker and troubleshooter by holding with Ford. Technical School, He is Watching in Wide-Eyed Wonder round of one-on-one talks with leaders of back-to-back meetings with Prime Caramanlis met Ford first and was employed as a senior weapons the troubled Western alliance. Ministers Constantine Caramanlis of hardly out the door before Demirel drove technician at Colt Firearms, Ford conferred successively with the Greece and Suleyman Demirel of Turkey, up, accompanied by a new team of strap­ Taking flying leaps through the air, Lee Aceto performs with ease nastic School for Girls. She and others from her school put on a 2 Hartford. A life member of the government heads of Luxembourg, whose nations have been on the brink of ping six-foot bodyguards he acquired VFW, he belongs to its honor the seemingly impossible as students of Green School watch in wide- demonstration of gymnastics at Green School. (Herald photo by Greece, and Turkey, iunched for two hours war since iast summer’s Cyprus fighting. earlier this month after a young man guard and Silk Worm Pup Tent, eyed wonder. Ms. Aceto is an instructor at the Manchester Gym­ Dunn) with West German Chancelior Helmut Ford offered America’s good offices as an punched him in the nose. Military Order of Cooties. He Schmidt and came out of the lunch to find intermediary and quickly found out how During a get-acquainted chat, also is a member of Manchester Denmark’s Premier Anker Joergensen tough the Cyprus problem can be. Caramanlis told Ford he would be seeing Lodge of Elks and the Coast waiting on the sidewalk for his scheduled “You cannot say progress was made in Sadat in Athens and Ford casually passed Guard Auxiliary of Manchester. meeting. these meetings,” Arthur Hartman, assis­ along an informal message for the Egyp­ 'The newly installed president Refugees Begin Arriving at the Gap Portugai’s Premier Vasco Dos Santos tant secretary of state for European af­ tian leader, with whom he will be con­ is a native of New Britain. She Goncalves came next to discuss what role fairs, told newsmen after Ford met for 80 ferring in Salzburg, Austria, Sunday and lived in Manchester before his extreme left-ieaning military govern­ minutes each with Caramanlis and Monday. ment expects to play in NATO. In all. Ford moving to Talcottville and is FT. INDIANTOWN GAP, Pa. Gen. James Cannon and things might not be so bad after have, if there are any drug are good people,” Friedman Demirel. “Be sure to tell him we're looking conferred some 11 hours with the six “The President expressed our desire to employed at Millers Falls Co. (DPI) — Federal officials Richard Friedman, the Army all. pushers and addicts among said. “By far, they are decent, forward to serious talks and achieving ■leaders before addressing the formal be as heipful as we can to move (Greece in Manchester. building an instant refugee city and federal government of­ “The people around here them, and how long they will be law abiding people who want some success in the stalemate” in the afternoon opening of the two-day NATO and Turkey) toward a peacefui soiution” Mr. and Mrs. Chemerka have promised local governrnent of­ ficials in charge of setting up were afraid that the Army was here. nothing more than to settle in Middle East, Ford said, summit. to the Cyprus crisis, Hartman said, but he two sons, Allen W. Chemerka, ficials Tuesday night that an in­ the refugee camp, told nearly going to come here and dump Friedman said he could not the United States and lead a “We hope we can be helpful in achieving The black limousines rolied up to the offered no solution of his own. at home, and Walter R. flux of Vietnamese refugees 100 local government officials 15,000 refugees on our laps and answer those questions. peaceful life.” some success there. We feel very strongly weil-guarded doors of Ford’s U.S. Em­ Turkish sources said Demirel felt that Chemerka, a student at will not disrupt the way of life they had nothing to worry say that’s that,” said David In response to other about the stalemate.” bassy residence all through the day. Ford would only complicate the Cyprus Rockville High School. in this central Pennsylvania about. Heilman, mayor of a rural questions, he repeatediy Egypt and Israel have reached a stalemate over approaches to a more farm valley. borough about seven miles assured the officials the disrup­ He said the refugees will be lasting Middle East peace arrangement The 519 Vietnamese arriving Whiie iocal residents may not from the post. tion to ideal lifestyles would be confined to certain areas of the and Secretary of State Henry A. today at the Gap — as this fort welcome the refugees with “But now we know that’s not minimal. fort and wili not be permitted to open arms, many of the local going to happen.” Kissinger, at Ford’s side for the Brussels is known locally — are the first “Our experience has been roam freely in the rural com­ Tots Take Traffic Training Garbage Truck officials who had been anxious The iocai officials wanted to talks, abandoned his personal Middle East of 15,000 refugees expected that the people who are coming munities surrounding the Gap. Beirut Fighting Ends Death Ruled within 10 days. apparentiy were convinced know what skills the refugees shuttle diplomacy two months ago. Ford If there’s any place to observe correct traffic signals when Robert D. Lannan, and Lt. Joseph Sartor watch their will confer in June with Israel’s Prime Accidental driving, it’s in front of the police station with police officers progress. The young drivers are learning practical Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Washington NORWALK (UPD -Tim othy watching. Kindergartners from Buckley School are giving pedestrian and road safety in a pilot program at the school. Under New Government June 11-12 in a personal effort to get peace Black, 25, a retarded resident of the signal for a right hand turn at the stop sign as, left to See story and additional pictures on page 20. (Herald photo talks moving again. Karami, Lebanon’s most popular Martin House whose body was right. Officer Russell Holyfield, Manchester Police Chief by Pinto) But the problems of faction-ridden BEIRUT (UPI) — Premier-designate Moslem leader, must go before Franjieh found crushed to death in a gar­ NATO came first and Ford, making his Rashid Karami began work today to clear for confirmation after forming a new bage truck May 20, died ac­ first trip to Europe as President, went the “atmosphere of violence” left by a government to replace the military cidentally, according to police.
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